
Communist state

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A communist state, also known as a Marxist–Leninist state, is a type of state that is governed by a single communist party that claims to follow the principles of Marxism–Leninism. These states are characterized by the centralization of political power, the nationalization of industry, and the implementation of planned economic systems.

Characteristics[edit | edit source]

Communist states are typically characterized by the following features:

History[edit | edit source]

The first communist state was established in Russia following the October Revolution of 1917, leading to the creation of the Soviet Union. This model was later adopted by other countries, particularly in Eastern Europe, Asia, and Africa, during the 20th century.

Governance[edit | edit source]

In a communist state, the communist party holds a monopoly on political power. The party's leadership is typically organized according to the principle of democratic centralism, which combines central leadership with a degree of internal democracy. The government is usually structured with a central committee and a politburo that make key decisions.

Economy[edit | edit source]

Communist states implement a planned economy, where the government controls major aspects of economic production and distribution. This often involves the nationalization of industries and the implementation of five-year plans to guide economic development.

Examples[edit | edit source]

Notable examples of communist states include:

Criticism[edit | edit source]

Communist states have faced significant criticism for their lack of political freedom, human rights abuses, and economic inefficiencies. Critics argue that the concentration of power in a single party leads to authoritarianism and corruption.

See also[edit | edit source]

Related pages[edit | edit source]

Template:Political systems


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