Medical abbreviations
Common Abbreviations[edit | edit source]
- -natal - vitamins.
- -op - postoperative.
- -op - preoperative.
- -section -
- /EA - energy assistance.
- 1:01 - between; equal parts; one to one solution.
- 1o - primary one.
- A&O(x3) - alert and oriented(x3=person place and time).
- A&P - anterior & posterior.
- A-C - Acromio-clavicular.
- A.D. - as directed.
- A.M. - before noon.
- A.S.H.E. - A Safe Home for Everyone.
- A/G - Albumin globulin ratio.
- A/L - anterior lateral.
- A2 - Aortic Second sound.
- AAS - Ashe Alternative School.
- AAT - ambulate as tolerated.
- AA - Acute Appendectomy.
- ABG - Arterial blood gases.
- ABG - arterial blood gases.
- ABS - antibody screen.
- ABW - adjusted body weight.
- AB - abortion.
- ACE - Angiotensin converting enzyme.
- ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme.
- ACHD - Ashe County Health Department.
- ACHS - Ashe County High School.
- ACL - Anterior Cruciate Ligament.
- ACL - Anterior cruciate ligament.
- ACMS - Ashe County Middle School.
- ACPC - Ashe County Partnership for Children.
- ACRRC - Ashe County Resource & Referral Center.
- ACS - American Cancer Society.
- ACTA - Ashe County Transportation Authority.
- ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone.
- AC - Air Contrast.
- ADA - American Diabetic Association.
- ADDS - Ashe Developmental Day School.
- ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder.
- ADHD - Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
- ADH - anti-diuretic hormone.
- ADH antidiuretic hormone.
- ADL - Activities of daily living.
- ADL - activities of daily living.
- AED automated external defibrillator.
- AFB - acid-fast bacilli.
- AFDC - Aid for Families with Dependent Children.
- AFIB - Atrial fibrillation.
- AFI - Amnitotic fluid index.
- AFI - amniotic fluid index.
- AFP - Alleghany Family Practice.
- AFP - alpha fetaprotein.
- AFV - amniotic fluid volume.
- AFib - atrial fibrillation.
- AGA - Appropriate for gestational age.
- AGA - appropriate for gestational age.
- AGE - acute gastro enteritis.
- AGUS - atypical glandular cells of undetermined significance.
- AHS - Alleghany High School.
- AIDS - Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.
- AIDS - Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
- AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
- AKA - above-knee amputation.
- AKI - acute kidney injury.
- AK - above-knee.
- ALD - alcoholic liver disease.
- ALP - Alkaline phosphatase.
- ALP alkaline phosphatase.
- ALS - Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
- ALS - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
- ALT - Alanine aminotransferase.
- ALT alanine aminotransferase old version is SGPT.
- AMAP - as much as possible.
- AMA - Against Medical Advice.
- AMA - against medical advice.
- AMB - ambulatory.
- AMD - Age-related macular degeneration.
- AMH - Ashe Memorial Hospital.
- AMI - Acute Myocardial Infarction.
- AMI - Acute myocardial infarction.
- AMU - Acute Medical Unit.
- AM - Assoc. Ashe Medical Associates.
- AODM - Adult Onset Diabetes Mellitus.
- AODM - Adult onset diabetes mellitus.
- AOM - acute otitis media.
- APCC - Ashe Pregnancy Care Center.
- APP - alternating pressure pad.
- ARC - Ashe Really Cares.
- ARDS - Adult respiratory distress syndrome.
- AROM - Artificial rupture of membranes.
- AROM - artificial ruptured membranes.
- ASAP - as soon as possible.
- ASA - Ashe Services for Aging; aspirin.
- ASA - Aspirin.
- ASA acetylsalicylic acid aspirin.
- ASCUS - atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance.
- ASCVD - Arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
- ASCVD - atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
- ASD - atrial septal defect.
- ASHD - arteriosclerotic heart disease.
- ASIS - anterior superior iliac spine.
- ASQ - Ages and Stages Questionnaire.
- AST - Aspartate aminotransferase.
- AST aspartate aminotransferase old version is SGOT.
- ASU - Acute Surgical Unit.
- ASU - Appalachian District Health Department.
- ATC - around the clock.
- ATP adenosine triphosphate.
- ATach - Atrial Tachycardia.
- AVM - Arteriovenous malformation.
- AVN - atrioventricular node.
- AVSS - afebrile vital signs stable.
- AV - atriovenous.
- A - assessment.
- Abn - abnormal.
- AgNo3 - Silver Nitrate.
- Alb - Albuterol.
- Alb - albumin AlMH Alleghany Memorial Hospital.
- Appalachian - District Health Department.
- Approved - list of Symbols.
- Appy - appendectomy.
- Apr - April.
- Apt - apartment.
- Aq - H2O; water.
- Aug - Augmentation.
- Aug - August.
- Azith - Azithromycin B.
- B.O.M. - bilateral otitis media.
- B/F - black female.
- B/M - black male.
- B1 - thiamin.
- B2 - Riboflavin.
- BAC - Braxton Hicks contractions.
- BBB - Bundle Branch Block.
- BBB - bundle branch block.
- BCCCP - breast and cervical cancer program.
- BCG bacille Calmette-Guérin.
- BCP - birth control pills.
- BC - birth control.
- BE - barium enema.
- BF - breast feeding.
- BH - Braxton Hicks.
- BIBA brought in by ambulance.
- BIBP brought in by police.
- BID - Twice a day.
- BKA - Below knee amputation.
- BK - below-knee.
- BLE - bilateral lower extremity.
- BLL - bilateral lower lobes.
- BLS basic life support.
- BMI - Body Mass Index.
- BMI - Body mass index.
- BMI - body mass index.
- BMP - Basic Metabolic Panel .
- BMR - basal metabolic rate.
- BMR basal metabolic rate.
- BM - Bowel Movement.
- BOA - born out of asepsis.
- BOM - Bilateral Otitis Media.
- BOM - bilateral otitis media.
- BOW - Bag of Water.
- BOW - bag of waters.
- BPAD bipolar affective disorder.
- BPH - Benign prostatic hypertrophy.
- BPH - benign prostate hypertrophy.
- BPH - benign prostatic hypertrophy.
- BPP - Biophysical Profile.
- BPP - biophysical profile.
- BP - Blood pressure.
- BP - blood pressure.
- BP blood pressure.
- BRAT - bananas rice applesauce & toast diet.
- BRB - bright red bleeding.
- BRB - bright red blood.
- BRCA - Breast Cancer Gene.
- BRP - Blue Ridge Pediatrics.
- BRP - bathroom privileges.
- BR - Bathroom.
- BR bedside rounds.
- BSA - body surface area.
- BSA body surface area.
- BSC - bedside commode.
- BSER - brain stem evoked response.
- BSE - breast self-exam.
- BSN - Bachelor of Science Nursing.
- BSOM - bilateral serous otitis media.
- BSO - bilateral salpingo oophorectomy.
- BSO - bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.
- BST - Breast stimulation test.
- BS - blood sugar.
- BS - bowel sounds.
- BTB - breakthrough bleeding.
- BTL - bilateral tubal ligation.
- BUE - bilateral upper extremities.
- BUE - bilateral upper extremity.
- BUN - Blood urea nitrogen.
- BUN - blood urea nitrogen.
- BUN blood urea nitrogen.
- BUQ - bilateral upper quadrant.
- BVM - bag value mask.
- BVT - bag value tube.
- BV - bacterial vaginosis.
- B - continued.
- Bact. - Bacteria.
- Bl. - bleeding.
- Br - bathroom.
- Brk - Bronkosol.
- Bx - biopsy.
- C&S - culture and sensitivity c with.
- C&S - culture and sensitivity.
- C-Section - C-Sec; c/s Cesarean Section.
- C.O. - Cardiac output.
- C.S.M. - circulation sensation and motion.
- C/S - Cesarean section.
- C/W - consistent with.
- C02 - carbon dioxide.
- C1 - first cervical spine etc.
- C2 - etc second cervical spine etc.
- CA-125 - Cancer antigen 125.
- CABG - Coronary artery bypass graft.
- CABG - coronary artery bypass graft.
- CAD - Coronary artery disease.
- CAD - coronary artery disease.
- CAMP cyclic adenosine monophosphate.
- CAN - cord around neck.
- CAP - Community Alternative Program /or Corrective Action Plans.
- CAT - Computerized Axial Tomography.
- CAT - Computerized axial tomography.
- CA - Cancer OR Calcium.
- CA - carcinoma cancer.
- CBC - Complete blood count.
- CBC - complete blood count.
- CBC complete blood count.
- CBE - child birth education or Complete Breast Exam.
- CBR - complete bed rest.
- CBS - chronic brain syndrome.
- CB - child birth.
- CCU - Coronary Care Unit.
- CCU - cardiac care unit.
- CDC - Center for Disease Control.
- CDC - Centers for Disease Control.
- CDI - clean dry intact.
- CD - communicable disease.
- CEA - carcinoembryonic antigen.
- CHB - complete heart block.
- CHD - Congenital heart disease.
- CHD - Congenital heart disease.
- CHD - coronary heart disease.
- CHF - Congestive Heart Failure.
- CHF - Congestive heart failure.
- CHF - congestive heart failure.
- CHI - closed head injury.
- CHO - carbohydrate.
- CI - coronary insufficiency.
- CK creatine kinase.
- CL - chloride.
- CMML - Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia.
- CMS - Circulation motion and sensation.
- CMV - Cytomegalovirus.
- CNA - certified nurse assistant.
- CNA - certified nurses aide.
- CNS - Central nervous system.
- CNS - central nervous system.
- CNS central nervous system.
- CO2 - carbon dioxide.
- CO2 carbon dioxide.
- COA - Council on Aging.
- COPD - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
- COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
- COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
- COR - heart; coronary.
- CPAP - continuous positive airway pressure.
- CPD - cephalopelvic disproportion.
- CPE - complete physical exam.
- CPK-MB creatine phosphokinase muscle bandisoenzyme.
- CPK - Creatine phosphokinase.
- CPK - creatinine phosphokinase.
- CPK creatine phosphokinase.
- CPM - continuous passive motion.
- CPR - Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
- CPR - Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
- CPR - cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
- CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
- CPS - Child Protective Services.
- CPT - Chest Physiotherapy.
- CRAMS - Circulation Respiration Abdomen.
- CRF - Chronic renal failure.
- CRNA - Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist.
- CRP - C-Reactive protein.
- CRP - C-reactive protein.
- CSC - Child Service Coordination.
- CSF - Cerebrospinal fluid.
- CSF - cerebrospinal fluid .
- CSF cerebrospinal fluid.
- CSHS - Children’s Special Health Services.
- CSP - Central Sterile Processing.
- CST - contraction stimulation test.
- CS - Central Supply.
- CTA - clear to auscultation.
- CTR - Carpal tunnel release.
- CT - CAT Computerized Tomography/Computerized Axial Tomography.
- CT - computerized tomography.
- CT computed tomography.
- CVA - Cerebrovascular accident.
- CVA - cerebral vascular accident.
- CVA - cerebrovascular accident.
- CVC - central venous catheter.
- CVD - cardiovascular disorder.
- CVHD - cardiovascular heart disease/disorder.
- CVP - central venous pressure.
- CVS - chorioni villi sampling.
- CV - cardiovascular.
- CXR - Chest x-ray.
- CXR - chest x ray.
- CXR - chest x-ray.
- C - centigrade.
- C Celsius; centigrade; complement.
- Ca++ - Calcium.
- Ca+ - calcium.
- Ca calcium.
- Cal - calorie.
- Caps - capsule.
- Chl - chloride; chlamydia.
- Ci curie.
- Cl. - Liq. clear liquids.
- Cl. - Time clotting time.
- Cl - clinic.
- Cl chloride; chlorine.
- - Continuous Aerosol.
- Creat. - cl creatine clearance.
- Cu - copper.
- Cu cubic.
- D&C - Dilation and curettage.
- D&C - Dilatation and curettage.
- D&C - dilatation and curettage.
- D.O.E. - dyspnea on exertion.
- D.O.S. - Day of surgery.
- D.R. - Delivery Room.
- D.T. - delirium tremens.
- D.W. - distilled water.
- D/RL - dextrose and Ringer’s Lactate.
- D/V - diarrhea/ vomiting.
- D/W - dextrose and water.
- D/W dextrose in water.
- D5LR - 5 percent dextrose Lactated Ringers.
- D5W - 5% dextrose in water.
- DAT - diet as tolerated.
- DBP - diastolic blood pressure.
- DC - discharge; discontinue.
- DDD - degenerative disk disease.
- DDI - dressing dry & intact.
- DDST/DDSTII - Denver Developmental Screening Test.
- DDS - dentist.
- DES - Diethylstilbestrol.
- DFA - diet for age.
- DHHS - Department of Health & Human Services.
- DIC - disseminated intravascular coagulopathy.
- DIP - distal interphalangeal joint.
- DISH - Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis.
- DJD - Degenerative Joint Disease.
- DJD - Degenerative joint disease.
- DJD - degenerative joint disease.
- DKA - Diabetic Ketoacidosis.
- DLCO - Diffusion capacity of lung.
- DME - Durable medical equipment.
- DM - Diabetes Mellitus.
- DM - Diabetes mellitus.
- DM - diabetes mellitus.
- DNA deoxyribonucleic acid.
- DNKA - did not keep appointment.
- DNR - Do not resuscitate.
- DNR - do not resuscitate.
- DNT - did not test.
- DOA - Dead on Arrival.
- DOA - dead on arriva.
- DOB - Date of Birth.
- DOB - date of birth.
- DOE - dyspnea on exertion.
- DO - Doctor of Osteopathy.
- DR - Doctor.
- DSD - dry sterile dressing.
- DSE - daily skills evaluation.
- DSS - Department of Social Services.
- DS - drug store.
- DTAP - Diphtheria Tetanus Acellular Pertussis.
- DTP - Diphtheri.
- DTP - Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis.
- DTP diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis(toxoids/vaccine).
- DT - Pediatric Diphtheria Tetanus.
- DT’s - delirium tremens.
- DUB - dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
- DU - duodenal ulcer.
- DVT - Deep Venous Thrombosis.
- DVT - Deep-vein thrombosis.
- DVT - deep vein thrombosis.
- DX - Diagnosis.
- DX - Diagnosis.
- Dec - December.
- Decel - decleeration.
- Depo - Depo Provera injection.
- Dept - Department.
- Dir - Director.
- Dr - doctor.
- D & C dilation and curettage.
- E-VAC - endoscopic vacuum assisted closure.
- E. Coli - Escherichia coli.
- E.S. - electrical stimulation.
- E. - Coli Escherichia coli.
- E/M - evaluation and management.
- EAC - External Auditory Canal.
- EAEC - Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli.
- EAE - esophageal acid exposure.
- EASI - Eczema Area and Severity Index.
- EATT - epicardial adipose tissue thickness.
- EA - electroacupuncture.
- EA - episodic ataxia.
- EBER - Epstein-Barr virus-encoded RNA.
- EBGS - electrical bone growth stimulation.
- EBL - Estimated blood loss.
- EBL - estimated blood loss.
- EBL - estimated surgical blood loss.
- EBRT - external beam radiation therapy.
- EBUS - endobronchial ultrasound.
- EBV-SMT - Epstein-Barr virus-associated smooth muscle tumor.
- EBV - Epstein Barr virus.
- ECA - extracellular agent.
- ECCE - Extracapsular Cataract Extraction.
- ECC - endocervical curettage.
- ECF - extracellular fluid.
- ECF - extended care facility.
- ECF extracellular fluid.
- ECG, EKG - Electrocardiogram.
- ECG - Electrocardiogram.
- ECG - electrocardiogram.
- ECG electrocardiogram.
- ECHO - Echocardiogram.
- ECHO - echocardiogram E-coli Escherichia Coli.
- ECMO - extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.
- ECM - extracellular matrix.
- ECOG-PS - Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status.
- ECOG - Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group.
- ECPR - ECMO-assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
- ECP - extracorporeal photopheresis.
- ECS - elective cesarean section.
- ECT - electroconvulsive therapy.
- ECV - External cephalic version.
- ECV - external cephalic version.
- EC - endometrial cancer.
- EC - enteric coated.
- EC - esophageal cancer.
- EDACS - Eating and Drinking Ability Classification System.
- EDA - electrodermal activity.
- EDC - Estimated date of conception.
- EDC - Estimated date of confinement.
- EDC - expected date of confinement.
- EDD - end diastolic diameter.
- EDD - expected due date.
- EDG - endothelial differentiation gene.
- EDL - Extensor Digitorum Longus.
- EDP - end diastolic pressure.
- EDR - Extreme Drug Resistance.
- EDS - Eye Dryness Score.
- EDS - excessive daytime sleepiness.
- EDV - end diastolic volume.
- ED - Emergency Department.
- ED - eating disorder.
- ED - emergency department.
- ED - erectile dysfunction.
- ED - eating disorder.
- EEG - Electroencephalogram.
- EEG - Electroencephalogram.
- EEG - electroencephalogram.
- EEG - electroencephalogram.
- EEG electroencephalogram.
- EENT - Ears eyes nose & throat.
- EENT - eyes, ears, nose, throat.
- EENT - ear eyes nose and throat.
- EES - everolimus eluting stent.
- EFLI - expiratory flow limitation index.
- EFL - expiratory flow limitation.
- EFM - electronic fetal monitoring.
- EFM - external fetal monitor.
- EF - ejection fraction.
- EGA - estimated gestational age.
- EGA - estimated gestational age.
- EGD - esophagogastroduodenoscopy.
- EGD - esophagogastroduodenoscopy.
- EGD esophagogastroduodenoscopy.
- EGFR - epidermal growth factor receptor.
- EGF - epidermal growth factor.
- EGJOO - esophagogastric junction outflow obstruction.
- EGJ - esophagogastric junction.
- EG abb EG full name Other.
- EHL - extensor halluces longus.
- EIA - External Iliac Artery.
- EIA - enzyme immunoassay.
- EI - endotracheal intubation.
- EKG - Electrocardiogram.
- EKG - electrocardiogram.
- ELAD - extracorporeal liver support device.
- ELF - Enhanced Liver Fibrosis Panel.
- ELF - endoluminal fundoplication.
- ELISA - enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays.
- ELIX - elixir.
- ELSO - Extracorporeal Life Support Organization.
- ELVO - emergent large vessel occlusion.
- EMDR - eye movement desensitization and reprocessing.
- EMGGG - electromyographic activity of the genioglossus muscle.
- EMG - Electromyography.
- EMG - electromyelogram.
- EMG - electromyogram.
- EMH - extramedullary hemopoiesis.
- EMR - electronic medical record.
- EMS - emergency medical services.
- EMUL - Emulsion.
- EM - episodic migraine.
- EM - erythema multiforme.
- ENCODE - ENCyclopedia of DNA Elements.
- ENEM - Enema.
- ENG - electronystagmography.
- ENLS - emergency neurologic life support.
- ENT - Ears nose & throat.
- ENT - Ear, nose and throat.
- ENT - ear, nose, throat/otolaryngology.
- ENT - ears nose throat.
- ENT ear nose and throat.
- ENoG - Electroneurography.
- EOA - esophageal obturator airway.
- EOB - explanation of benefits.
- EOG - electrooculogram.
- EOL - end of life.
- EOMI - extra ocular movements intact.
- EOMI - extra ocular movement intact.
- EOM - extraocular muscles (movements).
- EOM - extraocular muscles .
- EOW - every other week.
- EPA - eicosapentaenoic acid.
- EPCR - endothelial protein C receptor .
- EPEC - enteropathogenic E. coli.
- EPID - epidural.
- EPIS - episiotomy.
- EPO - erythropoietin.
- EPS - electrophysiology study.
- EPS - encapsulated peritoneal sclerosis.
- EP - electrophysiology.
- EP - etoposide and cisplatin (chemotherapy).
- ERAS - Early Recovery after Surgery.
- ERA - Enthesitis Related Arthritis.
- ERA - endothelin receptor antagonist.
- ERCP - Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography.
- ERCP - endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography.
- ERCP - endoscopic retrograde.
- ERCP endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography.
- ERK - extracellular signal-regulated kinase.
- ERP - Exposure with Response Prevention.
- ERP - event-related potential.
- ERV - endogenous retrovirus.
- ERV - expiratory reserve volume.
- ER - Employment.
- ER - emergency room.
- ER - estrogen receptor.
- ESBL - extended spectrum beta-lactamase.
- ESC - Employment Security Commission.
- ESDM - Early Start Denver Model .
- ESD - end systolic diameter.
- ESI - Emergency Severity Index.
- ESI - epidural steroid injection.
- ESLD - end stage liver disease.
- ESP - erector spinae plane.
- ESRD - End-stage renal (kidney) disease.
- ESRD - end-stage renal disease.
- ESRD - end stage renal disease.
- ESR - Erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
- ESR - Erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
- ESR - erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
- ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
- ESS - Epworth Sleepiness Scale.
- ESS - endoscopic sinus surgery.
- EST - electroshock therapy.
- ESV - end systolic volume.
- ESWL - Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy.
- ESWT - Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy.
- ES - epidural steroids.
- ETANTR - embryonal tumors with abundant neuropil and true rosettes.
- ETC - electron transport chain.
- ETEC - enterotoxigenic E. coli.
- ETMR - embryonal tumor with multilayered rosettes.
- ETOH - Ethyl alcohol.
- ETOH - alcohol.
- ETOHism - alcoholism.
- ETS - endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy.
- ETT - endotracheal tube.
- ETT - exercise tolerance test.
- ETT - endotracheal tube.
- ET - Endotracheal.
- ET - endotracheal tube.
- ET - essential thrombocythaemia.
- ET - essential tremor.
- ET - exercise tolerance.
- EUA - Exam Under Anesthesia.
- EUA - emergency use authorization.
- EUA - examination under anesthesia.
- EUGOGO - European Group on Graves' Orbitopathy.
- EUS-FNA - endoscopic ultrasound fine-needle aspiration.
- EUS - Endoscopic Ultrasound.
- EVAR - Endovascular Aneurysm Repair.
- EVAS - Endovascular Aneurysm Sealing.
- EVD - external ventricular drain.
- EVH - Endoscopic Vein Harvest.
- EVLA - endovenous laser ablation.
- EVLT - endovenous laser therapy.
- EV - extracellular vesicle.
- EWHFO - Elbow Wrist Hand Finger Orthosis.
- EWHO - elbow-wrist-hand orthosis.
- EW - every week.
- EXHA - Exhaler.
- EXHL - Exhaler Liquid.
- EXHP - Exhaler Powder.
- EXHS - Exhaler Solution.
- EXHU - Exhaler Suspension.
- EXTR - Fluid Extract.
- Echo - echocardiogram.
- EjD - ejaculatory dysfunction.
- EndoAVF - endovascular arteriovenous fistula.
- Enf - Enfamil.
- EoE - eosinophilic esophagitis.
- Ep-GBM - epithelioid glioblastoma.
- Eq - Su equipment set-up.
- EtCO2 - end-tidal carbon dioxide.
- EtG - ethyl glucuronide.
- EtOH - alcohol.
- EtS - ethyl sulfate.
- EuroQol - European Quality of Life questionnaire.
- Exp. - Expired.
- Exp. - Lap Exploratory laparotomy.
- F&C - foam & condom.
- F-BSA - facial body surface area.
- F-VASI50 - 50% improvement in the Facial Vitiligo Area Scoring Index.
- F-VASI75 - 75% improvement in the Facial Vitiligo Area Scoring Index.
- F-VASI90 - 90% improvement in the Facial Vitiligo Area Scoring Index.
- F-VASI - facial vitiligo area scoring index.
- F.F.P. - fresh frozen plasma.
- F.F. - force fluids.
- F/U - Follow-up.
- F/U - follow up.
- F/U - follow up.
- FABER - Flexion, Abduction and External Rotation.
- FACH - forceps after coming head.
- FACS - fluorescence-activated cell sorting.
- FAD - flavin adenine dinucleotide.
- FAI - Femoral-Acetabular Impingement.
- FAP - familial adenomatous polyposis.
- FASPS - familial advanced sleep phase syndrome.
- FAST - Functional Assessment Screening Tool.
- FAS - fetal alcohol syndrome.
- FA - folic acid.
- FBD - fibrocystic breast disease.
- FBSS - Failed Back Surgery Syndrome.
- FBS - fasting blood sugar.
- FBS - fetal bovine serum.
- FBS - fasting blood sugar.
- FB - foreign body.
- FB - free breathing.
- FB - foreign body.
- FCR - fludarabine, cyclophosphamide and rituximab.
- FC - fecal calprotectin.
- FC - fixed combination.
- FC - functional class.
- FDA - Food & Drug Administration.
- FDA - Food and Drug Administration.
- FDA U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
- FDG - fluorodeoxyglucose.
- FDMA - first dorsal metatarsal artery.
- FDP - flexor digitorum profundus.
- FDR - false discovery rate.
- FD - folliculitis decalvans.
- FD - fetal distress.
- FESS - functional endoscopic sinus surgery.
- FES - functional electrical stimulation.
- FET - frozen embryo transfer.
- FEV1 - forced expiratory volume 1 second.
- FE - facial electrolysis.
- FFA - frontal fibrosing alopecia.
- FFDM - freedom from widespread distant metastasis.
- FFPE - formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded .
- FFP - fresh frozen plasma.
- FFR - filtering facepiece respirator.
- FFS - facial feminization surgery.
- FF - fluticasone furoate.
- FF - follicular fluid.
- FF - force fluids.
- FGFR2 - fibroblast growth factor receptor 2.
- FGFR3 - fibroblast growth factor receptor 3.
- FGFR - fibroblast growth factor receptor.
- FGF - fibroblast growth factor.
- FG - Fournier’s gangrene.
- FHF - fulminant hepatic failure.
- FHM - familial hemiplegic migraine.
- FHM - fetal heart monitor.
- FHM - fetal heart monitor.
- FHO - Femoral Head Ostectomy.
- FHR - fetal heart rate.
- FHR - fetal heart rate.
- FHT - fetal heart tone.
- FHT - fetal heart tone.
- FHT - fetal heart tones.
- FH - Familial Hypercholesterolemia.
- FH - family history.
- FH - fundal height.
- FIM - Functional Independence Measure.
- FIP - Feline Infektiöse Peritonitis.
- FISH - fluorescence in situ hybridization.
- FITC - fluorescein isothiocyanate.
- FIT - fellow in training.
- FLAIR - fluid-attenuated inversion recovery.
- FLAK - flakes.
- FLA - focal laser ablation.
- FLIM - fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy.
- FLT3 - fms-like tyrosine kinase 3.
- FMC - Family Maternity Center.
- FMF - Familial Mediterranean Fever.
- FMH - Forsythe Memorial Hospital.
- FMN - flavin mononucleotide.
- FMS - fibromyalgia syndrome.
- FM - Fugl-Meyer.
- FM - fetal monitor.
- FM - fibromyalgia.
- FM - fetal movement.
- FNAB - fine needle aspiration biopsy.
- FNA - fine needle aspiration.
- FNP - Family Nurse Practitioner.
- FN - false negative.
- FN - femoral nerve.
- FOBT - fecal occult blood testing.
- FOB - father of baby.
- FOB - father of the baby.
- FOCUS - find organize clarify understand select.
- FOLFIRINOX - folinic acid, fluorouracil, irinotecan, oxaliplatin.
- FOM - floor of mouth.
- FOP - fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva.
- FOXF1 - forkhead box F1.
- FO - fluid overload.
- FPL - flexor pollicis longus.
- FPL - flexor pollicus longus.
- FPNS - family planning nurse screening.
- FPN - ferroportin .
- FP - Family Practice.
- FP - false positive.
- FP - femoropopliteal.
- FP - family planning.
- FRAX - fracture risk assessment.
- FRC - functional residual capacity.
- FRC - functional residual capacity.
- FRET - fluorescence resonance energy transfer.
- FRS - Family Resource Center.
- FRalpha - folate receptor-alpha.
- FSBS - fingerstick blood sugar.
- FSBS - finger stick blood sugar.
- FSE - fetal scalp electrode.
- FSFI - Female Sexual Function Index.
- FSGS - focal segmental glomerulosclerosis.
- FSG - fasting serum glucose.
- FSG - finger stick glucose.
- FSH - Follicle stimulating hormone.
- FSH - follicle stimulating hormone.
- FSH - follicle stimulating hormone.
- FSP - familial spastic paraparesis.
- FSS - Freeman-Sheldon syndrome.
- FS - food stamps.
- FTM - failure to mature.
- FTM - female-to-male.
- FTP - failure to progress.
- FTSG - Full Thickness Skin Graft.
- FTSG - full-thickness skin graft.
- FTT - failure to thrive.
- FTT - failure to thive.
- FTU - fingertip unit.
- FT - first trimester.
- FT - functional threshold.
- FT - finger tip.
- FUO - Fever of Unknown Origin.
- FUO - fever of undetermined origin.
- FUO - fever of unknown origin.
- FUO fever of unknown origin.
- FU - fluorouracil.
- FU - follow up.
- FVC - forced vital capacity.
- FVC - forced vital capacity.
- FVL - factor V Leiden.
- FV - factor V.
- FWB - full weight bearing.
- FWB - full weight bearing.
- FWW - front wheeled walker.
- F - Fahrenheit.
- F - female.
- F Fahrenheit.
- Fab - antigen-binding fragment.
- FcRn - neonatal Fc receptor.
- Fc - fragment crystallizable.
- FeNO - fractional exhaled nitric oxide.
- FeSo4 - Iron Sulfate.
- Fe - iron.
- Feb - February.
- Fi02 - oxygen percentage.
- FiO2 - fractional inspired oxygen concentration.
- Fl. - dr. fluid dram.
- Fl - flouride.
- Fr - French (catheter size).
- Freq - frequency.
- Fri - Friday.
- Ft foot; feet measure unit.
- Fx - fracture.
- Fx - fracture G G gravida.
- G, g gram(s).
- G-CSF - granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.
- G-Hgb - glycosylated hemoglobin.
- G-J - gastrostomy-jejunostomy/Gastro-Jejunal.
- G-POEM - gastric per oral endoscopic myotomy.
- G/S - glucose and saline.
- G/W - glucose and water.
- G1 - Grade 1 (mild) toxicity.
- G2 - Grade 2 (moderate) toxicity.
- G3 - Grade 3 (severe) toxicity.
- G4 - Grade 4 (potentially life-threatening) toxicity.
- G6PD - glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.
- G6PD glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.
- GABA - Gamma-Aminobutyric acid.
- GABHS - group A β-hemolytic streptococcal.
- GAD-7 - Generalised Anxiety Disorder Assessment.
- GAD65 - glutamic acid decarboxylase 65-kilodalton isoform.
- GAD - general anxiety disorder.
- GAG - glycosaminoglycan.
- GAHS - Glasgow Alcoholic Hepatitis Score.
- GAK - Cyclin G-associated kinase.
- GAS - Gender Affirmation Surgery.
- GAS - Group A Streptococcus.
- GATA2 - GATA binding protein 2.
- GATT - Gonioscopy-Assisted Transluminal Trabeculotomy.
- GA - general anesthesia.
- GA - gestational age.
- GA - gestational assessment.
- GBM-PNC - glioblastomas with primitive neuronal components.
- GBM - glioblastoma multiforme.
- GBS - Group B Strep.
- GBS - Group B strep.
- GBS - Group B streptococcal.
- GBX2 - gastrulation brain homeobox 2.
- GB - gallbladder.
- GB - gallbladder.
- GC-rich - Guanine/Cytosine-rich.
- GCSI - Gastroparesis Cardinal Symptoms Index.
- GCS - Glasgow coma scale.
- GC - Gonorrhea.
- GC - genomic classifier.
- GC - glucocorticoid.
- GC - gonorrhea culture.
- GDMT - guideline-directed medical therapy.
- GDM - GD gestational diabetes.
- GDM - gestational diabetes mellitus.
- GDNF - glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor.
- GEC - gene expression classifier.
- GED - General Education Diploma; General Equivalency Diploma.
- GEF - guanosine nucleotide exchange factor.
- GEJ - gastroesophageal junction.
- GEP-NET - gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumor.
- GEP - gene expression profiling.
- GERD - Gastroesophageal reflux disease.
- GERD - gastroesophageal reflux disease.
- GERD - gastro esophageal reflux disease.
- GER - gastroesophageal reflux.
- GES - gastric electrical stimulation.
- GES - gastric emptying scintigraphy.
- GE - gastroesophageal.
- GFMCS - Gross Motor Function Classification System.
- GFP - green fluorescent protein.
- GFR - Glomerular filtration rate.
- GFR - glomerular filtration rate.
- GFR glomerular filtration rate.
- GF - gluten-free.
- GGA - Genioglossus Advancement.
- GGO - ground-glass opacity.
- GGT - gamma-glutamyltransferase.
- GGT - gamma glutamyl transferase.
- GH1 - growth hormone 1.
- GHBP - growth hormone binding protein.
- GHD - growth hormone deficiency.
- GHRHR - growth hormone releasing hormone receptor.
- GHR - growth hormone receptor.
- GH - glenohumeral.
- GH - growth hormone.
- GIB - gastrointestinal bleeding.
- GIPP - Gastrointestinal Pathogen Panel.
- GIST - gastrointestinal stromal tumor.
- GI - Gastrointestinal.
- GI - gastroenterologist.
- GI - gastrointestinal.
- GI - gastrointestinal.
- GI gastrointestinal.
- GJ - Gastro-Jejunal.
- GLI2 - Zinc Finger Protein GLI2.
- GLP1R - glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor.
- GLP1 - glucagon-like peptide 1.
- GLT - glucose loading test.
- GLUT - glucose transport proteins.
- GLU - glucose.
- GM-CSF - granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor.
- GMFCS - Gross Motor Function Classification System.
- GNB - Gram Negative Bacilli.
- GNB - genicular nerve block.
- GNR - gram negative rod.
- GN - graduate nurse.
- GO-QOL - Graves' ophthalmopathy-specific quality-of-life.
- GOF - gain-of-function.
- GPA - granulomatosis with polyangiitis.
- GPBB - glycogen phosphorylase BB isoenzyme.
- GPB - Gram Positive Bacilli.
- GPB - glycophorin B.
- GPCR - G-protein-coupled receptor.
- GPC - gram positive coccus.
- GPE - global perceived effect.
- GPN - graduate practical nurse.
- GPP - gastrointestinal pathogen panel.
- GPR - gram positive rods.
- GPS - Genomic Prostate Score.
- GPS - gravitational platelet sequestration.
- GP - gemcitabine plus paclitaxel.
- GRAN - granules.
- GRB2 - growth factor receptor-bound protein 2.
- GRC - General Recovery Care guidelines.
- GREF - Granules Effervescent.
- GRE - gradient recalled echo.
- GRS - Gender Reassignment Surgery.
- GSD - glycogen storage disease.
- GSM - genitourinary syndrome of menopause.
- GSV - great saphenous vein.
- GSW - gunshot wound.
- GSW - gunshot wound.
- GS - general surgery.
- GS - gram stain.
- GS - glucose screen.
- GTC seizure - generalized tonic-clonic seizure.
- GTT - Glucose Tolerance Test.
- GTT - drop(s).
- GTT - glucose tolerance test.
- GTV - gross tumor volume.
- GT - genotype.
- GU - Genitourinary.
- GU - genitourinary.
- GU - genitourinary.
- GU genitourinary.
- GVHD - graft versus host disease.
- GVHD Graft-versus-host disease.
- GWAS - genome-wide association study.
- GYN - gynecology.
- GalNAc - N-acetylgalactosamine.
- Gluc - glucose.
- GnRH - gonadotropin-releasing hormone.
- GnRHa - gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist.
- Grav - Gr Gravida.
- Gy gray.
- Gyn - gynecology.
- H&H - Hemoglobin & Hematocrit.
- H&H - hemoglobin and hematocrit.
- H&L - heart and lungs.
- H&P - history and physical.
- H&P - history and physical.
- H&P - history and physicial.
- H.Sch - HS high school.
- H/H - hemoglobin/hematocrit.
- H/O - handout.
- H202 - hydrogen peroxide.
- H20 - water.
- H2O2 - hydrogen peroxide.
- H2O2 - hydrogen perxoide.
- H2O - water.
- H2 - histamine H2-receptor.
- H;Hosp - Hospice.
- HA-R - histamine receptor.
- HA-WBRT - hippocampal avoidance whole-brain radiotherapy.
- HAART - highly active antiretroviral therapy.
- HAE - human airway epithelia.
- HAE - hearing aid evaluation.
- HAGMA - High Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis.
- HAL - hexaminolevulinate.
- HAM-D - Hamilton Depression Rating Scale.
- HAM/TSP - HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis.
- HAMP - homeostasis-altering molecular process.
- HAM - HTLV-1 associated myelopathy.
- HAPE - high altitude pulmonary edema.
- HAP - hospital-acquired pneumonia.
- HAS-BLED - hypertension, abnormal renal and liver function, stroke, bleeding, labile INR, elderly, drugs or alcohol.
- HASHD - Hypertensive arteriosclerotic heart disease.
- HASTI - Heaviness, Achiness, Swelling, Throbbing, Itching.
- HAT - Hemovac Auto Transfuser.
- HAT - hypoxanthine, aminopterin, thymidine.
- HAVB - high-grade atrioventricular block.
- HAV - Hepatitis A virus.
- HAV - hepatitis A virus.
- HA - headache.
- HA - hearing aid.
- HA - hippocampal avoidance.
- HA - histamine.
- HA - hyaluronic acid.
- HA - headache.
- HA - headache .
- HB-MFO - hybrid multifield optimization.
- HBA - hepatobiliary agent.
- HBIG - Hepatitis B Immune Globulin.
- HBI - Harvey-Bradshaw Index.
- HBOT - hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
- HBO - hyperbaric oxygen.
- HBP - High Blood Pressure.
- HBV - Hepatitis B virus.
- HBV - hepatitis B virus.
- HBeAg - hepatitis B e-antigen.
- HBsAg - Hepatitis B surface antigen.
- HCAP - healthcare-associated pneumonia.
- HCC - Health Check Coordinator.
- HCC - Hepatocellular Carcinoma .
- HCFM - High Country Family Medicine.
- HCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin.
- HCG - human chorionic gonadotropin.
- HCHC - High Country Health Care.
- HCMH - Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital.
- HCMV - human cytomegalovirus.
- HCM - hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
- HCO3 - bicarbonate.
- HCO3 - bicarbonate.
- HCO3 bicarbonate.
- HCPCS - Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System.
- HCPC - Hope Crisis Pregnancy Center.
- HCP - healthcare proxy.
- HCQ - hydroxychloroquine.
- HCSS - home and community support services.
- HCTZ - hydrochlorothiazide.
- HCT - Hematocrit.
- HCT - hematopoietic cell transplantation.
- HCVD - Hypertensive Cardiovascular disease.
- HCVD - hypertensive cardiovascular disease.
- HCV - Hepatitis C virus.
- HC - Hunger Coalition; Health Check.
- HC - healthy contol.
- HC - hydroxycarbamide.
- HC - head circumference.
- HCl - hydrochloric acid.
- HCl hydrochloric acid; hydrochloride.
- HCoV-229E - human coronavirus 229E.
- HD-MTX - high-dose methotrexate.
- HDC - histidine decarboxylase.
- HDFN - hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn.
- HDLP - HDL particle concentration.
- HDL - High density lipoprotein.
- HDL - high density lipoprotein.
- HDL - high density liquid protein.
- HDM - home delivered meal.
- HDN - hemolytic disease of the newborn.
- HD - Health Department.
- HD - Hirschsprung's disease.
- HD - Huntington’s disease.
- HD - hemodialysis.
- HD - hemodynamically.
- HD - hospital day.
- HEART - History, EKG, Age, Risk factors, initial Troponin.
- HEENT - head, eyes, ears, nose, throat.
- HEENT - head eyes ears nose & throat.
- HEENT - head eyes ears nose throat.
- HELLP - hemolysis elevated liver enzymes & low.
- HEP - home exercise program.
- HER2 - human epidermal growth factor receptor 2.
- HESX1 - homeobox expressed in embryonic stem cells 1.
- HE - hemagglutinin–acetylesterase.
- HFA - hydrofluoroalkane-134a.
- HFCC - high-frequency chest clearance.
- HFCWO - high-frequency chest wall oscillation.
- HFNC - High-Flow Nasal Cannula.
- HFP - High Fowler’s position.
- HF - Heparin flush.
- HF - heart failure.
- HFpEF - heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.
- HFrEF - heart failure with reduced ejection fraction.
- HGB - Hemoglobin.
- HGB - hemoglobin.
- HGF - hepatocyte growth factor.
- HGG - High Grade Glioma.
- HGSIL - high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion.
- HHA - Home Health Agency.
- HHA - home health aide.
- HHD - Hypertensive heart disease.
- HHN - hand held nebulizer.
- HHS - Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Syndrome.
- HH - hereditary hemochromatosis.
- HH - hiatal hernia.
- HH - home health.
- HIDA - hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid scan.
- HIDA - hepato-iminodiacetic acid.
- HIE - hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy.
- HIF-1 - hypoxic inducible factor-1.
- HIFU - High Intensity Focused Ultrasound.
- HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
- HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
- HIPEC - Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy.
- HIS - histidine.
- HIT-6 - Headache Impact Test.
- HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
- HIV - Human Immunodeficiency virus.
- HIV - Human immunodeficiency virus.
- HIV - human immunodeficiency virus.
- HIV human immunodeficiency virus.
- HI - homicidal ideation.
- HJV - hemojuvelin.
- HK - Horseshoe Kidney.
- HL/S - high ligation and stripping.
- HLA-B27 - human leukocyte antigen B27.
- HLA human leukocyte antigen.
- HLD - Handicapping Labio-Lingual Deviation.
- HLD - hyperlipidemia.
- HLP - hyperlipidemia.
- HLS - high ligation and stripping.
- HL - hearing loss.
- HM3 - HeartMate 3.
- HMD - Hyaline Membrane Disease.
- HME - home medical equipment.
- HMG-CoA - hydroxymethyl glutaryl coenzyme A.
- HMG-CoA hydroxymethyl glutaryl coenzyme A.
- HMGB1 - high mobility group box 1.
- HMN - hypoglossal motor nucleus.
- HM - Heineke-Mikulicz.
- HM - Heller myotomy .
- HM - hemiplegic migraine.
- HNMT - histamine N-methyltransferase.
- HNPCC - non-polyposis colorectal cancer.
- HNP - Herniated Nucleus Pulposus.
- HNP - herniated nucleus pulposus.
- HNSCC - head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
- HNS - hypoglossal nerve stimulation.
- HOBE - head-of-bed elevation.
- HOB - head-of-bed.
- HOB - head of bed.
- HOCM - Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy.
- HOH - hard of hearing.
- HOMA-IR - homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance.
- HOMA - Homeostatic Model Assessment.
- HPA - hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal.
- HPA - hypothalamic-pituitary-axis.
- HPG - hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal.
- HPI - history of present illness.
- HPI - history of present illness.
- HPL - human placental lactogen.
- HPL - hyperlipidemia.
- HPS - Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome.
- HPTN - hypertension.
- HPV - Human papilloma virus.
- HPV - human papillomavirus.
- HPV - human papilloma virus.
- HP - Hypopharynx.
- HP - highly purified.
- HR-NB - high-risk neuroblastoma.
- HRM - high-resolution manometry.
- HRQL - health-related quality of life.
- HRR - homologous recombination repair.
- HRS - Heart Rhythm Society.
- HRT - Hormone replacement therapy.
- HRT - hormone replacement therapy.
- HR - High Risk.
- HR - hazard ratio.
- HR - heart rate.
- HR - hormone receptor.
- HR - heart rate.
- HS-CRP - high sensitivity C-reactive protein.
- HS/AI - hidradenitis suppurativa/acne inversa.
- HSAT - home sleep apnea test.
- HSCT - hematopoietic stem cell transplant.
- HSC - hematopoietic stem cells.
- HSDS - height standard deviation score.
- HSD - high school diploma.
- HSG - hysterosalpingogram .
- HSK - herpetic stromal keratitis.
- HSM - hepatosplenomegaly.
- HSPG - Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan.
- HSP - Henoch-Schönlein purpura.
- HSP - Henoch-Schönlein purpura.
- HSP - hereditary spastic paraplegia.
- HSROC - hierarchical summary receiver operating characteristic.
- HST - home sleep test.
- HSV - herpes simplex virus.
- HSV - herpes simplex viruses.
- HS - heparan sulfate.
- HS - hidradenitis suppurativa.
- HS - high-sensitivity.
- HS - hour of sleep; high school; nigh.
- HTC - humidified trach collar.
- HTG - hypertriglyceridemia.
- HTLV - human T-cell lymphotropic virus.
- HTN - Hypertension.
- HTN - Hypertension.
- HTN - hypertension.
- HTV - height velocity.
- HT - Hubbard Tank.
- HUD - Housing and Urban Development.
- HUD - Humanitarian Use Device.
- HUS - hemolytic-uremic syndrome.
- HUS - hemolytic uremic syndrome.
- HUVEC - human umbilical vein endothelial cell.
- HU - hydroxyurea.
- HV - hypertensive vasculopathy.
- HV - home visit.
- HWP - home walking program.
- HZO - herpes zoster ophthalmicus.
- HZV - [[Herpes Zoster Virus[E-Mod More information].
- HZ - Herpes Zoster.
- H , h, hr hour(s) '/24' is generally used in some regions.
- H - Ed health educator; health education.
- HbA - glycosylated hemoglobin.
- HbSAb - Hepatitis B surface antibody.
- HbSAg - Hepatitis B surface antigen.
- HbSS - sickle cell.
- Hb - hemoglobin.
- Hb hemoglobin.
- Hct - hematocrit.
- Hct - hematocrit.
- Hct hematocrit.
- HeFH - heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia.
- Hep - A Hepatitis A vaccine.
- Hep - B Hepatitis B vaccine.
- Hep - B Hepatitis B.
- Hep - LHL Heparin lock.
- Heplock - Heparin lock.
- Hg - hemoglobin.
- Hg - mercury.
- Hg - mercury.
- Hg mercury.
- Hgb - hemoglobin.
- HiSCR - Hidradenitis Suppurativa Clinical Response.
- Hib - Hemophilus influenza b conjugate vaccine.
- HoLEP - holmium laser enucleation of the prostate.
- Ht. - height.
- Ht - height.
- Hx - history.
- Hx - hx history.
- Hz - hertz.
- Hz hertz cycles/second unit.
- I&D - incision and drainage.
- I&D - irrigation and debridement.
- I&D - incision and drainage.
- I&O - intake and output.
- I&O - intake and output.
- I.V. - intravenous.
- I:E - Inspiratory time to Expiratory time ration.
- IAAR - imidazole acetic acid riboside.
- IAA - Iliac Artery Aneurysm.
- IAA - imidazole acetic acid.
- IABP - Intra-aortic Balloon Pump.
- IABP - intra-aortic balloon pump.
- IACS - intra-articular corticosteroid.
- IAC - Internal Auditory Canal.
- IAC - intra-articular corticosteroids.
- IADL - instrumental activities of daily living.
- IAD - incontinence-associated dermatitis.
- IAHA - intra-articular hyaluronic acid.
- IAH - Intra-abdominal Hypertension.
- IAPN - intra-ampullary papillary-tubular neoplasm.
- IAP - intra-abdominal pressure.
- IAT - intra-arterial thrombolysis.
- IA - imidazole acetaldehyde.
- IA - intra-articular.
- IBCLC - International Board Certified Lactation Consultant.
- IBC - invasive breast cancer.
- IBD - Inflammatory bowel disease.
- IBD - identity by descent.
- IBD - inflammatory bowel disease.
- IBE - ipsilateral breast event.
- IBM - inclusion body myositis.
- IBS-C - irritable bowel syndrome with constipation.
- IBS-D - Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea.
- IBS - Irritable bowel syndrome.
- IBS - constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome.
- IBS - irritable bowel syndrome.
- IBS - irritable bowel syndrome.
- IBTR - ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence.
- IBW - Ideal Body Weight.
- IBW - ideal body weight.
- IBW - ideal body weight.
- ICAM-1 - Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 1.
- ICAR - Infection Control Assessment and Response.
- ICAR - interventional cardiac admission and recovery.
- ICA - internal carotid artery.
- ICCA - infantile convulsions and choreoarthetosis.
- ICC - immunocytochemistry.
- ICC - intraclass correlation coefficient.
- ICD - Implantable cardioverter defibrillator.
- ICD - implantable cardioverter defibrillator.
- ICF - intermediate care facility.
- ICF - intracellular fluid.
- ICF - intermediate care facility.
- ICF intracellular fluid.
- ICH - Intracerebral Hemorrhage.
- ICH - intracranial hemorrhage.
- ICH - intracranial hypertension.
- ICL - interstrand crosslinks.
- ICMS - intensive case management service.
- ICM - ischemic cardiomyopathy.
- ICPM - intracranial pressure monitoring.
- ICPP - idiopathic central precocious puberty.
- ICP - infection prevention and control.
- ICP - intracranial pressure.
- ICP - intracranial pressure.
- ICR - insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio.
- ICR - interventional cardiology review.
- ICSD - International Classification of Sleep Disorders.
- ICSI - intracytoplasmic sperm injection.
- ICS - International Continence Society.
- ICS - inhaled corticosteroids.
- ICU - Intensive Care Unit.
- ICU - Intensive care unit.
- ICU - intensive care unit.
- ICU intensive care unit.
- ICV - ileocecal valve.
- IC - ileocecal.
- IC - interstitial cystitis.
- IC - infection control.
- IC - intracardiac.
- IDA - iron deficiency anemia.
- IDC - Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.
- IDDM - Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
- IDDM - Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
- IDDM - insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
- IDDM - insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.
- IDDS - intrathecal drug delivery system.
- IDE - Investigational Device Exemption.
- IDH1 - isocitrate dehydrogenase 1.
- IDH2R172K - isocitrate dehydrogenase 2 arginine 172.
- IDH2 - isocitrate dehydrogenase 2.
- IDH - isocitrate dehydrogenase.
- IDM - infant of diabetic mother.
- IDP - intrinsically disordered protein.
- IDSA - Infectious Diseases Society of America.
- IDT - Interdisciplinary Team.
- IDU - intravenous drug use.
- ID - infectious disease(s).
- ID - integral dose.
- ID - interface dermatitis.
- ID - intradermal injection.
- ID - identify; identification.
- IED - intermittent explosive disorder.
- IEP - Individualized Education Program.
- IF-ANA - immunofluoresent antinuclear antibody.
- IFA - immunofluorescent assay.
- IFC - interferential current.
- IFC - infant feeding.
- IFIS - Intraoperative Floppy Iris Syndrome.
- IFITM - interferon-induced transmembrane.
- IFM - internal fetal monitor.
- IFN-γ - interferon gamma.
- IFN - interferon.
- IFU - Instructions For Use.
- IFX - infliximab.
- IGA - Investigator's Global Assessment.
- IGF-1 - insulin-like growth factor 1.
- IGF-IR - insulin-like growth factor I receptor.
- IGFBP3 - insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3.
- IGHD - isolated ggrowth hormone deficiency.
- IGR-SRS - image-guided robotic stereotactic radiosurgery.
- IGR-SRS - image-guided robotic stereotactic radiosurgery .
- IGRA - interferon-gamma release assay.
- IGRT - image guided radiation therapy.
- IHA - insoluble hyaluronic acid.
- IHA - intravesical hyaluronic acid.
- IHC - immunohistochemistry.
- IHC - inner hair cell.
- IHF - intrahepatic fat.
- IHSS - Idiopathic Hypersomnia Severity Scale.
- IHSS - idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis .
- IH - Inguinal Hernia.
- IH - idiopathic hypersomnia.
- IIA - Internal Iliac Artery.
- IIH - idiopathic intracranial hypertension.
- IJ - Internal Jugular.
- IKDC - International Knee Documentation Committee.
- IL-13 - Interleukin 13.
- IL-15R - Interleukin 15 receptor.
- IL-15 - Interleukin 15.
- IL-17 - Interleukin-17.
- IL-21 - Interleukin 21.
- IL-2 - Interleukin 2.
- IL-4Ra - interleukin 4 receptor.
- IL-4 - Interleukin 4.
- IL-5 - Interleukin 5.
- IL-7 - Interleukin 7.
- IL-9 - Interleukin 9.
- ILD - interstitial lung disease.
- ILESI - interlaminar epidural steroid injections.
- ILI - influenza-like illness.
- ILK - intralesional Kenalog.
- ILR - implantable loop recorder.
- ILST - independent living skills and training services.
- IL - intralesional.
- IL interleukin.
- IMA - Internal Mammary Artery.
- IMA - inferior mesenteric artery.
- IMA - ischemia-modified albumin.
- IMH - Intramural Haematoma.
- IMI - Inferior Myocardial Infarction.
- IMM - immunomodulator.
- IMN - internal mammary node.
- IMPL - Implant.
- IMPT - Intensity-Modulated Proton Beam Therapy.
- IMRT - intensity-modulated radiation therapy.
- IMS - Intra‐Metatarsal Space.
- IMU - inertial motion unit.
- IMV - Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation.
- IM - Intramuscular.
- IM - intramuscular.
- IM - intramuscular.
- IM intramuscular(ly).
- INHA - Inhaler.
- INH - Isoniazid.
- INJ - Injectable.
- INO - Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia.
- INPH - idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus.
- INR - International Normalization Ratio.
- INR - international normalized ratio.
- INR international normalized ratio.
- INST - insert.
- INT - IV lock.
- IN - intranasal.
- IOC - Intraoperative Cholangiogram.
- IOL - Intraocular lens.
- IOL - Intraocular Lens.
- IOM - intraoperative monitoring.
- IONM - Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring.
- ION - infraorbital nerve.
- IOP - Intensive Outpatient Program.
- IOP - intraocular pressure.
- IOP - intraocular pressure.
- IORT - intraoperative radiation therapy.
- IPAA - ileal pouch-anal anastomosis.
- IPAH - idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension.
- IPA - isopropyl alcohol.
- IPC - inner pillar cell.
- IPC - intermittent pneumatic compression.
- IPE - icosapent ethyl.
- IPF - idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
- IPG - Impedence Phlebograph.
- IPG - implanted pulse generator.
- IPJ - Intra‐Phalangeal Joint.
- IPMN - intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm.
- IPM - interventional pain management .
- IPPB - intermittent positive pressure breathing.
- IPPB - intermittent positive pressure breathing.
- IPPB intermittent positive pressure breathing.
- IPSET-Thrombosis - International Prognostic Score of Thrombosis for ET.
- IPSS - International Prostate Symptom Score.
- IPV - injectable polio vaccine.
- IP - Iatrogenic Pneumothorax.
- IP - iliopsoas muscles.
- IP - interference potential.
- IP - interphalangeal.
- IP - inpatient.
- IQR - interquartile range.
- IQ - intelligence quotient.
- IRBBB - incomplete right bundle branch block.
- IRB - institutional review board.
- IRF - inpatient rehabilitation facility.
- IRMA - immunoradiometric assay.
- IRP - Integrated Relaxation Pressure.
- IRV - inspiratory reserve volume.
- IR - immediate release.
- IR - implantation rate.
- IR - internal rotation.
- IR - interventional radiology.
- ISC - Inpatient & Surgical Care guidelines.
- ISF - Insulin Sensitivity Factor.
- ISG - interferon-stimulated gene.
- ISIB - intrasphincteric injection of Botox.
- ISRT - involved site radiation therapy.
- ISR - in-stent restenosis.
- ISSNHL - idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss.
- ISS - Interspinous Spacer.
- ISS - idiopathic short stature.
- ISS - itch severity score.
- IS - infarct size.
- IS - insulin sensitivity.
- IS - incentive spirometry.
- ITB - iliotibial band.
- ITB - intrathecal baclofen.
- ITI - Inner to Inner.
- ITP - Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.
- ITP - immune thrombocytopenia.
- ITP - immune thrombocytopenic purpura.
- ITP - immune-mediated thrombocytopenia.
- ITP - intrathecal pump.
- ITR - Inferior Turbinate Reduction.
- ITT - Intent-to-Treat.
- ITT - intrathecal therapy.
- ITU - intensive therapy unit.
- IT - iliotibial.
- IT - intentional trauma.
- IT - intrathecal.
- IT - intratympanic.
- IT - time from symptom onset to coronary intervention.
- IUC - intrauterine catheter.
- IUD - Intrauterine Device.
- IUD - Intrauterine device.
- IUD - intrauterine device.
- IUD - intrauterine device.
- IUGR - intrauterine growth restriction.
- IUGR - intrauterine growth retardation.
- IUI - intrauterine insemination.
- IUPC - intrauterine pressure catheter.
- IUPC - intrauterine pressure catheter.
- IUP - intrauterine pregnancy.
- IUP - intrauterine pregnancy.
- IUUS - intrauterine ultrasound.
- IU - international units.
- IU international unit.
- IV-push - intravenous push.
- IVAC - intravenous infusion pump.
- IVCD - intraventricular conduction delay.
- IVCD - intraventricular conduction defect.
- IVC - inferior vena cava.
- IVDA - Intravenous Drug Abuse.
- IVDU - intravenous drug use.
- IVD - intervertebral disc.
- IVF - In Vitro Fertilization.
- IVF - intravenous fluids.
- IVH - Intravenous Hyperalimentation.
- IVH - iIntraventricular hemorrhage.
- IVIG - intravenous immunoglobulin.
- IVPB - intravenous piggyback.
- IVPB - intravenous piggyback.
- IVP - Intravenous pyelogram.
- IVP - intravenous push.
- IVP - intravenous pyelogram.
- IVP - intravenous pyelogram.
- IVP - intravenous pylogram J.
- IVRO - intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy.
- IVT - intravenous thrombolysis.
- IVUS - [[intravascular ultrasound[H. pylori More information].
- IVU - intravenous urography.
- IVU - intravenous urogram.
- IVU intravenous urography.
- IV - Intravenous.
- IV - intravenous.
- IV - intravenous.
- IV intravenous(ly).
- IWMI - Inferior Wall Myocardial Infarction.
- I - Iodine.
- IgAN - IgA nephropathy.
- IgA - Immunoglobulin A.
- IgA etc. immunoglobin A.
- IgD - immunoglobulin D.
- IgE - immunoglobulin E.
- IgG1 - immunoglobulin G subclass 1.
- IgG2 - immunoglobulin G subclass 2.
- IgG3 - immunoglobulin G subclass 3.
- IgG4 - immunoglobulin G subclass 4.
- IgG - immunoglobulin G.
- IgM - immunoglobulin M.
- Ig - immunoglobulin.
- Inc - incorporated.
- Ind - induction.
- InflAAA - Inflammatory Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm.
- Inventory - .
- Isol. - isolation.
- Isup - Isuprel .
- JAKi - JAK inhibitor.
- JBJS - The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery.
- JCV - John Cunningham virus.
- JDM - juvenile diabetes mellitus.
- JF - jowl fat.
- JIA - juvenile idiopathic arthritis.
- JNA - Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma.
- JP - Jackson Pratt.
- JRAAA - Juxtarenal Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm.
- JRA - juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
- JTAJ - Jet-injector (Needleless).
- JTKT - Jet-injector Kit (Needleless).
- JVD - juglar venous distention K.
- JVD - jugular vein distention.
- JVP - jugular venous pulse.
- Jan - January.
- K+ - Potassium.
- K.O. - keep open.
- K3 - Ability or potential to ambulate with variable cadence.
- KAFO - knee-ankle-foot orthosis.
- KAX - ketamine, acepromazine, and xylazine.
- KCH - King’s College Hospital.
- KCL - potassium chloride.
- KCl - potassium chloride.
- KDQOL - Kidney Disease Quality of Life.
- KI - potassium iodine.
- KJ - knee jerks.
- KLRG1 - killer cell lectin-like receptor G1.
- KLS - kidney liver spleen.
- KOA - knee osteoarthritis.
- KPM - kilopound meter.
- KPS - Karnofsky Performance Scale.
- KRAS - Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog.
- KUB - kidney, ureter, bladder (x-ray).
- KUB - kidney ureter bladder L L left; living.
- KUB - kidney ureter bladder.
- KVO - Keep Vein Open.
- KVO - keep vein open.
- K - K+ potassium.
- K - keratometry.
- K - potassium.
- K - thousand.
- K potassium.
- Kcal - kilocalorie.
- Kg - kilogram.
- Kmax - maximum simulated keratometry value.
- Kv. - kilivolts.
- L&D - labor and delivery.
- L.E. - Lupus Erythematosis.
- L.M.L. - left middle lobe.
- L/D - Labor & Delivery.
- L/D - labor /delivery.
- L/S - lumbosacral.
- L/S - ratio lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio.
- L/T/C - long thick closed.
- L1 - first lumbar spine vertebra.
- L2 - second lumbar spine vertebra.
- L3 - third lumbar spine vertebra.
- L4 - fourth lumbar spine vertebra.
- L5 - fifth lumbar spine vertebra.
- LAAC - left atrial appendage closure.
- LAAEV - left atrium appendage emptying velocity.
- LAAO - left atrial appendage occlusion.
- LAAT - left atrial appendage thrombus.
- LAA - left atrial appendage.
- LABA - long-acting b2-agonist.
- LABD - linear IgA bullous dermatosis .
- LAB - laboratory results or interpretation.
- LAC - long arm cast.
- LAD - left anterior descending artery.
- LAD - linear IgA dermatosis.
- LAD - lymphadenopathy.
- LAD - left anterior descending.
- LAER - late auditory evoked response.
- LAE - left atrial enlargement.
- LAE - left atrial enlargement.
- LAFB - left anterior fascicular block.
- LAHB - left anterior hemiblock.
- LAMA - long-acting muscarinic antagonist.
- LAP - left atrial pressure.
- LAR - left anterior colon resection.
- LAR - long-acting release.
- LAR - low anterior resection.
- LASER - light amplification by stimulated emission.
- LASIK - laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis.
- LAT - large neutral amino acid transporter.
- LAT - left anterior thigh.
- LAVH - Laparoscopic Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy.
- LAVI - left atrium volume index.
- LA - lactic acid.
- LA - left atrium.
- LA - leukoaraiosis.
- LA - left arm.
- LA - line left atrial line.
- LBBB - left bundle branch block.
- LBBB - left bundle branch block.
- LBM - lean body mass.
- LBN - latanoprostene bunod.
- LBO - large bowel obstruction.
- LBP - lower back pain.
- LBP - low blood pressure.
- LBW - low birth weight.
- LB - lower body.
- LCD - Local Coverage Determination.
- LCIS - lobular carcinoma in situ.
- LCL - lateral cruciate ligament.
- LCMV - lymphocyte choriomeningitis virus.
- LCSW - Licensed Clinical Social Worker.
- LCSW - licensed clinical social worker.
- LCX - left circumflex (coronary artery).
- LC - Langerhans cell.
- LC - local control.
- LDCT - low-dose computed tomography.
- LDH - lactate dehydrogenase.
- LDH - lumbar disc herniation.
- LDH - lactic dehydrogenase.
- LDH lactic dehydrogenase.
- LDL-C - low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
- LDLR - low-density lipoprotein receptor.
- LDLT - living donor liver transplantation.
- LDL - Low density lipoprotein.
- LDL - low density lipoprotein.
- LDL - low density liquid protein.
- LDLc low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
- LDN - licensed dietitian nutritionist.
- LDRP - Labor Delivery Recovery Postpartum.
- LDR - Labor Delivery Recovery.
- LDS - Loeyse-Dietz syndrome.
- LD - lactate dehydrogenase.
- LD - lumbar drain.
- LD - learning disability.
- LD - left deltoid.
- LEAV - Leaves.
- LECVD - Lower Extremity Chronic Venous Disease.
- LEEP - Loop electrocautery excision procedure.
- LEEP - Loop electrosurgical excision procedure.
- LEF - leflunomide.
- LELE - Leading Edge to Leading Edge.
- LEMG - laryngeal electromyography.
- LEMS - lower extremity motor score.
- LESI - lumbar epidural steroid injection.
- LES - lower esophageal sphincter.
- LE - leukocyte esterase.
- LE - lower extremity.
- LE - lupus erythematosus.
- LE - lower extremities.
- LE - lower extremity.
- LFA(RFA) - left frontoanterior (right).
- LFA-1 - lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1.
- LFA - left forearm.
- LFC - lateral femoral condyle.
- LFP - (RFP) left frontoposterior (right).
- LFT - (RFT) left frontotransverse (right).
- LFT - Liver function tests.
- LFT - liver function test.
- LF - local failure.
- LGA - large for gestational age.
- LGG - lower grade glioma.
- LGL - large granular lymphocyte.
- LGSIL - low grade squamous intrapithelial lesion.
- LG - loop gain.
- LG - left gluteus.
- LHC - left heart catheterization.
- LHM - laparoscopic Heller myotomy .
- LHRH - luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone.
- LHX3 - LIN-11, Isl-1 and MEC-3 Homeobox 3.
- LHX4 - LIN-11, Isl-1 and MEC-3 Homeobox 4.
- LH - Laparoscopic Hysterectomy.
- LH - luteinizing hormone.
- LIFT - ligation of intersphicteric fistula tract.
- LIMA - left internal mammary artery.
- LIQD - Liquid.
- LITT - Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy.
- LKP - lamellar keratoplasty.
- LKS - liver kidneys spleen.
- LKW - last known well.
- LLC - long leg cast.
- LLE - left lower extremity.
- LLE - left lower extremity.
- LLL - left lower lobe.
- LLL - low level laser.
- LLL - left lower lobe.
- LLQ - left lower quadrant.
- LLQ - left lower quadrant of abdomen.
- LLQ - left lower quadrant.
- LLSB - lower left sternal border.
- LLSM - levator labii superioris muscle.
- LL - Left lateral.
- LL - lower left.
- LL - left lateral.
- LMA - (RMA) left mentoanterior (right).
- LMCA - left main coronary artery stenosis.
- LMD - Langer mesomelic dysplasia.
- LML - left medial lateral.
- LMP - last menstrual period.
- LMP - last menstrual period.
- LMT - (RMT) left mentotransverse (right).
- LMT - left main trunk.
- LMWH - Low Molecular Weight Heparin.
- LM - laparoscopic myomectomy.
- LM - left main coronary artery.
- LND - lymph node dissection.
- LNF - laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication.
- LNMP - last normal menstrual period.
- LNP - lipid nanoparticle.
- LN - lymph node.
- LOA - Leave of Absence.
- LOA - Left Occiput Anterior.
- LOA - lysis of adhesions.
- LOCUS - Level of Care Utilization System.
- LOC - level of care.
- LOC - level of consciousness.
- LOC - loss of consciousness.
- LOC - level of consciousness.
- LOF - loss-of-function.
- LOH - loss of heterozygosity.
- LOLA - L-ornithine L-aspartate.
- LOMN - letter of medical necessity.
- LOM - left otitis media.
- LOP - left occiput posterior.
- LOS - length of stay.
- LOS - length of stay.
- LOTN - Lotion.
- LOT - left occiput transverse.
- LOZG - Lozenge.
- LP-PRP - leukocyte-poor platelet-rich plasma.
- LPD - lymphoproliferative disorder.
- LPFB - left posterior fascicular block.
- LPI - labile plasma iron.
- LPM - lateral pterygoid muscle.
- LPN - Licensed Practical Nurse.
- LPN - Licensed Practical Nurse .
- LPN - licensed practical nurse.
- LPOP - Lozenge on a Handle.
- LPP - lateral pterygoid plate.
- LPP - lichen planopilaris.
- LPR - Laryngopharyngeal Reflux.
- LP - lamina propria.
- LP - lumbar puncture.
- LP - lumbar puncture.
- LQCR - Liquid Extended- Release.
- LQPK - Liquid Therapy Pack.
- LQTS - long QT syndrome.
- LR-PRP - leukocyte-rich platelet-rich plasma.
- LRFFS - loco-regional failure-free survival.
- LRI - lower respiratory infection.
- LRR - loco-regional recurrence.
- LR - lactated ringer.
- LR - likelihood ratio.
- LR - lower right.
- LR - lactated ringers.
- LSA(RSA) - left sacrum anterior (right).
- LSB - left sternal border.
- LSD - lysergic acid diethylamide.
- LSG - Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy.
- LSOM - left serous otitis media.
- LSO - left salpingo-oophorectomy.
- LSO - left salpingo-oophorectomy.
- LSPAF - long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation.
- LSP - (RSP) left sacrum posterior (right).
- LSS - lumbar spinal stenosis.
- LST(RST) - left sacrum transverse (right).
- LSV - Long Saphenous Vein.
- LS - lumbosacral.
- LTACH - long term acute care hospital.
- LTAC - long term acute care.
- LTBI - latent tuberculosis infection.
- LTB - laryngotracheo bronchitis.
- LTCF - lateral temporal cheek fat.
- LTCS - low transverse Caesarean section.
- LTCS - low transverse Cesarean section.
- LTC - local tumor control.
- LTE - linear energy transfer.
- LTG - long term goals.
- LTM - long term memory.
- LTR - lower trunk rotation.
- LTV - long term variability.
- LT - heat-labile.
- LT - liver transplantation.
- LT - left thigh.
- LTx - lung transplant.
- LUAQ - left upper abdominal quadrant.
- LUE - left upper extremity.
- LUE - left upper extremity.
- LUL - left upper lobe.
- LUL - left upper lobe.
- LUOQ - left upper outer quadrant of gluteal area.
- LUOQ - left upper outer quadrant.
- LUQ - left upper quadrant.
- LUQ - left upper quadrant.
- LUTS - lower urinary tract symptoms.
- LVAD - left ventricular assist device.
- LVEDP - left ventricular end-diastolic pressure.
- LVEDP - left ventricle and diastolic pressure.
- LVEF - left ventricle ejection fraction.
- LVET - left ventricular ejection time.
- LVE - left ventricular enlargement.
- LVG - left ventrogluteal area.
- LVH - left ventricular hypertrophy.
- LVH - left ventricular hypertrophy.
- LVL - left vastus lateralis.
- LVN - Licensed Vocational Nurse.
- LVN - licensed vocational nurse.
- LVOTO - left ventricular outflow tract obstruction.
- LVO - Large Vessel Occlusion.
- LVO - Left Ventricular Opacification.
- LVPW - left ventricular posterior wall.
- LVSV - left ventricle stroke volume.
- LVSW - left ventricle stroke work.
- LV - left ventricle.
- LV - lentivirus.
- LV - limb volume.
- LV - left ventricle.
- LWD - Leri-Weill dyschondrosteosis.
- L - left.
- L - lt left.
- L liter(s)/litre(s).
- Li-RADS - Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System.
- Lt. - L left leg.
- Lung-RADS - Lung Imaging Reporting and Data System.
- M/H - medical history.
- M/N - midnight.
- M/R/G - murmurs, rubs, gallops.
- M1 - sphenoidal segment (stem), middle cerebral artery.
- M2 - insular segment, middle cerebral artery.
- M3 - opercular segments, middle cerebral artery.
- M4 - terminal or cortical segments, middle cerebral artery.
- MAA - Mycotic Aortic Aneurysm.
- MACE - major adverse cardiac event.
- MACI - matrix autologous chondrocyte implant .
- MACS - Manual Ability Classification System.
- MAC - Mycobacterium avium complex.
- MAC - monitored anesthesia care.
- MADRS - Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating Scale.
- MAF - mitral annular flutter.
- MAG - myelin-associated glycoprotein.
- MAI - Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare infection.
- MALS - Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome.
- MALT - mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue.
- MAMC - mid-arm muscle circumference.
- MAO-B - monoamine oxidase B.
- MAO - monoamine oxidase.
- MAPHR - maximum age-predicted heart rate.
- MAPK - mitogen-activated protein kinase.
- MAPS - medical advanced pain specialist.
- MAP - mean arterial pressure.
- MAP - mean airway pressure.
- MARS - Methionyl-TRNA Synthetase 1.
- MARS - molecular absorbents recirculation system.
- MAR - medication administration record.
- MAR - melanoma-associated retinopathy.
- MASCC - Multinational Association for Supportive Care.
- MAS - modified Ashworth scale.
- MAS - mobile arm support.
- MAT - medication-assisted treatment.
- MA - maxillary artery.
- MA - metabolic acidosis.
- MA - migraine with aura.
- MBB - medial branch block.
- MBC - metastatic breast cancer.
- MBSRQ - Multidimensional Body Self Relations Questionnaire.
- MBU - Mom/Baby Unit.
- MB - microbleed.
- MCA - middle cerebral artery.
- MCA - motorcycle accident.
- MCB - monochlorobimane.
- MCC - Maternal Care Coordinator; Maternal Care Coordination.
- MCC - Merkel cell carcinoma.
- MCFC - middle cheek fat compartment.
- MCHC - mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration.
- MCHC mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration.
- MCH - mean corpuscular hemoglobin.
- MCH - maternal and child health.
- MCH mean corpuscular hemoglobin.
- MCII - minimum clinically important improvement.
- MCL - medial collateral ligament.
- MCL - mucinous cystic lesion.
- MCL - medial collateral ligament.
- MCM - major congenital malformation.
- MCN - mucinous cystic neoplasm.
- MCOT - mobile cardiac outpatient telemetry.
- MCP - metacarpal interphalangeal joint.
- MCTD - Mixed Connective Tissue Disease.
- MCTD - mixed connective tissue disease.
- MCT - medium‐chain triglyceride.
- MCV - mean corpuscular volume.
- MCV mean corpuscular volume.
- MC - MasterCard.
- MC - Modic change.
- MC - microscopic colitis.
- MDD - major depressive disorder.
- MDD - minimally detectable difference.
- MDE - minimum detectable effect.
- MDF - Maddrey discriminant function.
- MDI - Metered dose inhaler.
- MDI - metered dose inhaler.
- MDMA - 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine.
- MDP - technetium-99m methylene diphosphonate.
- MDR - multidrug-resistant.
- MDS - myelodysplastic syndrome.
- MD - Medical Doctor.
- MD - muscular dystrophy.
- MD - medical doctor.
- MECC - Minimal Extracorporeal Circulation.
- MED - morphine equivalent dosage.
- MEF - maximal mid-expiratory flow.
- MELD - Model for End Stage Liver Disease.
- MELS - modular extracorporeal liver support system.
- MEP - magnetic evoked potential.
- MEP - motor evoked potential.
- MERRF - myoclonic epilepsy with ragged red fibers.
- MERS-CoV - Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.
- MERS - Middle East Respiratory Syndrome.
- METS - Measurement of Exercise Tolerance before Surgery.
- MET - Metabolic Equivalent.
- MET - medical emergency team.
- MET - motivational enhancement therapy.
- MFCL - Medicare Functional Classification Level.
- MFC - medial femoral condyle.
- MFO-IMPT - multifield optimization intensity-modulated proton therapy.
- MFO - multi field optimization.
- MFS - metastasis-free survival.
- MF - malar fat.
- MF - mandibular fossa.
- MF - myelofibrosis.
- MGF - maternal grandfather.
- MGMT - [[O[6]-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase]].
- MGM - maternal grandmother.
- MG - myasthenia gravis.
- MHA - Minnesota Handwriting Assessment.
- MHC - major histocompatibility complex.
- MHD - maintenance hemodialysis.
- MHD - mean heart dose.
- MHOP - mental health outpatient services.
- MHP - moist hot pack.
- MHV - Murine Hepatitis Virus.
- MHV - mouse hepatitis virus.
- MH - Maternal health; Mountain Hearts; mobile home.
- MH - medical history.
- MHz - megahertz.
- MICU - medical intensive care unit.
- MIC - minimum inhibitory concentration.
- MIC minimum inhibitory concentration.
- MID - minimal important difference.
- MILD - minimally invasive lumbar decompression.
- MIONM - multimodal intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring.
- MIP - maximal inspiratory pressure.
- MIP - molecular inversion probe.
- MIRCT - massive irreparable rotator cuff tear.
- MIS-A - multisystem inflammatory syndrome in adults.
- MIS-C - multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children.
- MI - Myocardial Infarction.
- MI - Myocardial infarction.
- MI - molecular intelligence.
- MI - myocardial infarction.
- MI - myocardial infarction.
- MI myocardial infarction.
- MIrAVR - minimally invasive reoperative aortic valve replacement.
- MJFM - Mount Jefferson Family Medicine.
- MLD - manual lymphatic drainage.
- MLF - medial longitudinal fasciculus.
- MLTC - managed long term care.
- ML - Microlaryngoscopy.
- ML - midline.
- MMA - maxillomandibular advancement .
- MMA - multimodal analgesic.
- MMC - Mitomycin C.
- MME - Morphine Milligram Equivalents.
- MMF - maxillomandibular fixation.
- MMF - mycophenolate mofetil.
- MMGM - mammogram.
- MMK - Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz.
- MMLV-RT - Moloney murine leukemia virus reverse transcriptase.
- MMLV - Moloney murine leukemia virus.
- MMMP - multimodal mental practice.
- MMN - multi-focal motor neuropathy.
- MMPI - Minnesota Multiphasic Personality.
- MMRV - Measles Mumps Rubella Varicella vaccine.
- MMR - Measles Mumps Rubella Vaccine.
- MMR - Measles, mumps, and rubella.
- MMR - mumps measles rubella.
- MMSE - mini-mental state examination.
- MMTP - Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program.
- MMT - manual muscle testing.
- MMT - manual muscle test.
- MMW - Marshall-Marchetti-Weiss.
- MM - multiple myeloma.
- MNT - medical nutrition therapy.
- MN - midnight.
- MOA - mechanism of action.
- MOA - medical office assistant.
- MOCA - mechanochemical ablation.
- MODQ - Modified Oswestry Disability Questionnaire.
- MOG - myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein.
- MOH - medication overuse headache.
- MOI - multiplicity of infection.
- MOLST - medical orders for life-sustaining treatment.
- MOM - Milk of Magnesia.
- MOM - milk of magnesia.
- MOPS - mothers of preschoolers.
- MOSF - multiple organ system failure.
- MOW - Maternal Outreach Worker.
- MO - migraine without aura.
- MO - morbid obesity.
- MP-NAAT - multiplex nucleic acid amplification test.
- MPA - medroxyprogesterone acetate.
- MPD - myofascial pain-dysfunction.
- MPD - multiple personality disorder.
- MPEC - memory precursor effector cell.
- MPFL - medial patellofemoral ligament.
- MPH - methylphenidate.
- MPH - mid-parental height.
- MPI - myocardial perfusion imaging.
- MPJ - Metatarsal Phalangeal Joint.
- MPK - microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knee.
- MPLS - multiport laparoscopic surgery.
- MPL - Medial Patella Luxation.
- MPNST - malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor.
- MPN - myeloproliferative neoplasm.
- MPQ - McGill Pain Questionnaire.
- MPW - Medicaid for Pregnant Women.
- MP - mastoid process.
- MP - mental practice.
- MP - methylprednisolone.
- MP - molecular profiling.
- MP - metabolic panel.
- MR-SWI - magnetic resonance-susceptibility weighted imaging.
- MR-proADM - mid-regional pro-adrenomedullin.
- MRADL - mobility-related activity of daily living.
- MRA - magnetic resonance angiography.
- MRA - mandibular repositioning appliance.
- MRCP - Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatogram.
- MRCP - mental retardation with cerebral palsy.
- MRC - mitochondrial respiratory chain.
- MRD - margin to reflex distance.
- MRD - minimal residual disease.
- MRE - magnetic resonance elastography .
- MRF - multiple risk factors.
- MRI - Magnetic resonance imaging.
- MRI - magnetic resonance imaging.
- MRI - magnetic resonance imaging.
- MRI magnetic resonance imaging.
- MRMI - Mental Retardation Mental Illness.
- MRM - Modified Radical Mastectomy.
- MRSA - Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
- MRSA - methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
- MRV - magnetic resonance venogram.
- MR - magnetic resonance.
- MR - mental retardation.
- MR - mitral regurgitation.
- MRgFUS - Magnetic Resonance Guided Focused Ultrasound.
- MSAFP - Maternal Serum Alpha-Fetoprotein.
- MSAFP - maternal serum alpha fetoprotein.
- MSA - magnetic sphincter augmentation.
- MSA - multiple system atrophy.
- MSC - melanoma skin cancer.
- MSC - mesenchymal stem cell.
- MSIS - multi-system inflammatory syndrome.
- MSI - microsatellite instability.
- MSKCC - Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.
- MSLT - Multiple Sleep Latency Test.
- MSSA - methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus.
- MSU - monosodium urate.
- MSW - Masters in Social Work.
- MS - Multiple Sclerosis.
- MS - Multiple sclerosis.
- MS - mental status.
- MS - mitral stenosis.
- MS - morphine sulphate.
- MS - multiple sclerosis.
- MS - musculoskeletal.
- MS - multiple sclerosis.
- MTB - Maximum Therapeutic Benefit.
- MTF - male-to-female.
- MTHFR - methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase.
- MTP - metatarsophalangeal.
- MTP - metatarsophalangeal.
- MTX - methotrexate.
- MT - mechanical thrombectomy.
- MUA - manipulation under anesthesia.
- MVA - motor vehicle accident.
- MVA - multivariable analysis.
- MVA - motor vehicle accident.
- MVC - maximal voluntary contraction.
- MVD - multi-vessel disease.
- MVIC - maximum volitional isometric contraction.
- MVI - multivitamins.
- MVO - microvascular obstruction.
- MVP - mitral valve prolapse.
- MVP - mitral valve prolapse.
- MVR - Mitral Valve Replacement.
- MVR - mitral valve regurgitation.
- MVS - mitral valve surgery.
- MVV - Mitral Valve Valvuloplasty.
- MV - mechanical ventilation.
- MV - mitral valve.
- MWS - Mowat-Wilson syndrome.
- MX - metastasis cannot be measured.
- MZ - heterozygous Z allele.
- M molar.
- Mar - March.
- Mb - myoglobin.
- MeSH - medical subject heading.
- Mg/dl - milligrams per deciliter.
- MgSO4 - Magnesium Sulfate.
- MgSO₄ - Magnesium sulfate.
- Mg - Magnesium.
- Mg - magnesium.
- Mg magnesium.
- Mon - Monday.
- Mono - mononucleosis.
- Motor - Speech.
- Mpro - main protease.
- MuSK - Muscle-Specific Kinase.
- Multi-D - multi-disciplinary.
- M’Care - Medicare.
- M’aid - Medicaid.
- N-MIAA - N-methylimidazole acetic acid.
- N-Myc - basic helix-loop-helix protein 37.
- N/A - not applicable.
- N/C - V no charge visit.
- N/C - no complaints.
- N/G - nasogastric.
- N/S - normal saline.
- N/V - nausea or vomiting.
- N/V - nausea and vomiting.
- N1 - Cancer in lymph node - Stage 1.
- N2 - Cancer in lymph node - Stage 2.
- N3 - Cancer in lymph node - Stage 3.
- NABS - normal active bowel sounds.
- NAC - N-acetylcysteine.
- NAC - neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
- NAD - no active disease.
- NAD - no acute distress.
- NAD - no acute distress.
- NAFLD - non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease.
- NAFL - non‐alcoholic fatty liver.
- NAK - numb-associated kinase.
- NAP1L2 - nucleosome assembly protein 1 like 2.
- NASAH - non-aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage.
- NASH - nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.
- NAS - NAFLD Activity Score.
- NAS - no added salt.
- NAT - non-accidental trauma.
- NAT - nucleic acid testing.
- NA - Nurses Aide.
- NA - not applicable; not assessed.
- NBCCS - nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome.
- NBNB - non-bloody, non-bilious.
- NBS - no bowel sounds.
- NBUVB - narrowband ultraviolet B.
- NB - neuroblastoma.
- NB - newborn.
- NCBH - North Carolina Baptist Hospital.
- NCCAH - non-classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
- NCCN - National Comprehensive Cancer Network.
- NCCT - noncontrast computed tomography.
- NCD - National Coverage Determination.
- NCIR - North Carolina Immunization Registry.
- NCI - National Cancer Institute.
- NCP - nursing care plan.
- NCS - nerve conduction study.
- NCT - national clinical trial.
- NCV - Nerve Conduction Velocity.
- NC - nasal cannula.
- NC - nasal cannula.
- NDR - national determination for reimbursement.
- ND - nasoduodenal.
- ND - non-distended.
- NEBU - Nebulization Solution.
- NED - no evidence of disease.
- NES - neuromuscular electrical stimulation.
- NF-κB - nuclear factor kappa B.
- NF1 - neurofibromatosis type 1.
- NF - neural foraminal .
- NGT - nasogastric tube.
- NG - Nasogastric.
- NG - nasogastric.
- NG - nasogastric.
- NG - tube nasogastric tube .
- NHEJ - non-homologous end joining.
- NHLBI - National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
- NHLOC - nursing home level of care.
- NHL - non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
- NIAAA - National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
- NIA - no irregular antibodies.
- NICM - nonischemic cardiomyopathy.
- NICU - Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
- NICU - neonatal intensive care unit.
- NICVD - National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases.
- NIDCM - non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy.
- NIDDM - Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.
- NIDDM - non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.
- NIDDM - non insulin dependent diabetes.
- NIDDM - non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.
- NIF - negative inspiratory force.
- NIHSS - National Institutes of Health stroke scale.
- NIH - National Institutes of Health.
- NIPS - noninvasive prenatal screening.
- NIPT - noninvasive prenatal testing.
- NIV - non-invasive ventilation.
- NJ - nasojejunal.
- NKA - no known allergies.
- NKA - no known allergies.
- NKDA - No known drug allergies.
- NKDA - No known drug allergies.
- NKDA - no known drug allergies.
- NKMA - no known medication allergies.
- NKX2-1 - NK2 homeobox 1.
- NK - natural killer.
- NK - neurotrophic keratitis.
- NLA - National Lipid Association.
- NLI - neurological level of injury.
- NLM - National Library of Medicine.
- NLPHL - nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma.
- NMA - network meta-analysis.
- NMCL - non-mucinous cystic lesion.
- NMDA - N-methyl-D-aspartate.
- NMD - neurosurgery for mental disorder.
- NMES - neuromuscular electrical stimulation.
- NMH - N-methylhistamine.
- NMIBC - non-muscle invasive bladder cancer.
- NMOSD - neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder.
- NMO - Neuromyelitis Optica.
- NMPK - non-microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knee.
- NMSC - non-melanoma skin cancer.
- NM - nonsense mutation.
- NM - nuclear medicine.
- NM - nanometer.
- NNIS - National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance System.
- NNP - Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.
- NNT - numbers needed to treat.
- NOAC - non-vitamin K oral anticoagulant.
- NOM - nonoperative management.
- NORSE - new-onset refractory status epilepticus.
- NOS - not otherwise specified.
- NOTCH1 - Neurogenic Locus Notch Homolog Protein 1.
- NPC - nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
- NPH - Type of Insulin (Isophane).
- NPH - Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus.
- NPH - neutral protamine Hagedorn.
- NPMD - neuropsychomotor development.
- NPN - non-protein nitrogen.
- NPN - nonprotein nitrogen.
- NPO - nothing by mouth (nils per os).
- NPO - nothing by mouth.
- NPPV - non-invasive positive pressure ventilation.
- NPSG - nocturnal polysomnography.
- NPS - nasopharyngeal swab.
- NPV - negative predictive value.
- NPWT - negative pressure wound therapy.
- NP - Neuropsychiatric.
- NP - Nurse Practitioner.
- NP - nucleus pulpous.
- NRAS - neuroblastoma Rat sarcoma virus viral oncogene homolog.
- NRBHC - New River Behavioral Health Care.
- NRB - non-rebreather mask.
- NREM - non-rapid eye movement.
- NRI - net reclassification improvement.
- NRM - non-relapse mortality.
- NRS - numeric rating scale.
- NR - do not repeat.
- NR - no reaction; non reactive.
- NS3 - nonstructural protein 3.
- NS5A - nonstructural protein 5A.
- NSAA - nonsteroidal antiandrogen.
- NSAID - Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug.
- NSAID - Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
- NSAID - nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug(s).
- NSAID - nonsteroidal antinflammatory drugs.
- NSAID nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
- NSCLC - non-small cell lung cancer.
- NSIP - nonspecific interstitial pneumonia.
- NSIVCD - Non-Specific Interventricular Conduction Delay.
- NSL - normal saline lock.
- NSML - Noonan syndrome with multiple lentigines.
- NSQIP - National Surgical Quality Improvement Program.
- NSR - normal sinus rhythm.
- NSR - normal sinus rhythm.
- NSTEMI - non-ST elevation myocardial infarction.
- NST - Non-Stress Test.
- NST - non stress test.
- NST - non-stress test.
- NSU - non-specific urethritis.
- NSVD - normal spontaneous vaginal delivery.
- NSVT - non-sustained ventricular tachycardia.
- NSY - Nursery.
- NS - Noonan Syndrome.
- NS - normal saline.
- NS - normal saline.
- NS - nurse screen.
- NT-proBNP - N-terminal pro b-type natriuretic peptide.
- NT1 - narcolepsy type 1.
- NTD - neural tube defect.
- NTG - Nitroglycerin.
- NTG - nitroglycerin.
- NTG - nitroglycerine.
- NTM - nontuberculous mycobacteria.
- NTRK - neurotrophic tyrosine receptor kinase.
- NTS - neural tube screening.
- NTX - amino-terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen.
- NT - non-tender.
- NT - normal tissue.
- NVAF - non-valvular atrial fibrillation.
- NVD - neck vein distention.
- NWB - non-weight bearing.
- NWB - non weight bearing O O objective.
- NWB - non weight bearing.
- NW - normal weight.
- NXG - Necrobiotic xanthogranuloma.
- NYD - not yet diagnosed.
- NYHA - New York Heart Association.
- N - normal.
- N nitrogen; normal unit to measure strength of solution.
- Na+ - Na sodium.
- Na+ - Sodium.
- NaCl - salt.
- NaCl - sodium chloride.
- NaCl sodium chloride.
- Na - sodium.
- Na sodium.
- Neuro - Neurology.
- Ng/ml - nanogram/milliliter.
- Nov - November.
- Npo nothing by mouth/nil by mouth.
- Nutr - Nutritionist.
- O&P - Ova & Parasites.
- O&P - ova and parasites.
- O&P - ova and parasites.
- O.D. - right eye.
- O.S. - left eye.
- O.U. - both eyes.
- O2 - Oxygen.
- O2 - oxygen.
- O2 oxygen.
- OAB - overactive bladder.
- OAC - oral anticoagulant.
- OAG - open-angle glaucoma.
- OAR - organs at risk.
- OASAS - New York Office of Addiction Services and Supports.
- OASIS - Opposing Abuse with Services Information and Shelter.
- OATP - organic anion transporting polypeptide.
- OATS - osteochondral allograft transplantation surgery .
- OAT - oral appliance therapy.
- OA - orbital atherectomy.
- OA - osteoarthritis.
- OA - occiput anterior.
- OA - osteoarthritis.
- OBCM - Obstetric Care Manager.
- OBS - Organic Brain Syndrome.
- OBS - organic bran syndrome.
- OB - Obstetrics Obstetrician.
- OB - Obstetrics.
- OB - occult blood.
- OCD - Obsessive-compulsive disorder.
- OCD - osteochondral defects.
- OCD - obsessive compulsive disorder.
- OCP - oral contraceptive pill.
- OCTA - optical coherence tomography angiography.
- OCTT - orocoecal transit time.
- OCT - optical coherence tomography.
- OCT - oxytocin challenge test.
- OC - oral contraceptive.
- OC - osteocalcin.
- OC - oral contraceptive.
- ODD - oppositional defiant disorder.
- ODG - Official Disability Guidelines.
- ODI - Oswestry Disability Index.
- ODI - oxygen desaturation index.
- ODT - orally disintegrating tablet.
- OD - overdose.
- OD - right eye (oculus dexter).
- OD - right eye.
- OFC - occipitofrontal circumference.
- OGTT - oral glucose tolerance test.
- OHCA - out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
- OHSS - ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
- OHT - ocular hypertension.
- OHT - orthotopic heart transplantation.
- OINT - Ointment.
- OJ - orange juice.
- OLE - open-label extension.
- OM1 - obtuse marginal branch 1.
- OM2 - obtuse marginal branch 2.
- OM3 - obtuse marginal branch 3.
- OMD - oligometastatic disease.
- OMFS - oral and maxillofacial surgery.
- OMM - optimized medical management.
- OMS - Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery .
- OMT - optimized medical therapy.
- OM - Otitis Media.
- OM - obtuse marginal branch.
- OM - outcome measure.
- OM - otitis media.
- ONB - occipital nerve block.
- ONH - optic nerve head.
- ONLS - Overall Neuropathy Limitation Scale.
- ON - Ortho Novum.
- OOB - out of bed.
- OOM-SC - orbicularis oculi muscle stem cell.
- OPC - oropharyngeal cancer.
- OPC - outer pillar cell.
- OPD - Outpatient Department.
- OPG - oculoplethysmography.
- OPLL - ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament.
- OPP - ocular perfusion pressure.
- OPTN - Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network.
- OPUS - Oral Passage Understanding Scale.
- OPV - oral polio vaccine.
- OP - Outpatient.
- OP - open prostatectomy.
- OP - out patient.
- ORF - open reading frame.
- ORIF - open reduction internal fixation.
- ORIF - open reduction internal fixation.
- ORR - objective response rate.
- ORS - oral rehydration solution.
- OR - Operating Room.
- OR - odds ratio.
- OR - operating room.
- OS12 - overall survival at 12 months.
- OSAS - Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome.
- OSA - Obstructed sleep apnea.
- OSA - obstructive sleep apnea.
- OSCC - oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma.
- OSC - Operative Status Criteria.
- OSD - ocular surface disease.
- OSH - outside hospital.
- OSR - Open Surgical Repair.
- OS - O’Sullivan Screen.
- OS - left eye (oculus sinister).
- OS - overall survival.
- OTC - over-the-counter.
- OTC - otc over the counter; ortho tricyclen.
- OTC over-the-counter pharmaceuticals.
- OTO - Outer to Outer.
- OTSC - over-the-scope clip.
- OTW - over-the-wire.
- OT - Occupational Therapy.
- OT - occupational therapy.
- OU - both eyes (oculus uterque).
- OU - both eyes.
- OVB - oral viscous budesonide.
- OV - office visit.
- OW - overweight.
- OX1R - orexin receptor type 1.
- OX2R - [[orexin receptor type 2[m-VEINES-QOL/Sym More information].
- Oct - October.
- Ortho - Orthopedics.
- P&A - percussion & auscultation.
- P&A - percussion & auscultation.
- P&V - prenatal vitamins.
- P.E. - physical examination.
- P.I. - present illness.
- P.R.O.M. - partial range of motion.
- P.S.P. - Phenolsulfonphthalein test.
- P.T. - physical therapy.
- P/C ratio - protein to creatinine ratio.
- P/P/D - (also) pack per day.
- PACAP - pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide.
- PACT - Parents and Teachers together.
- PACU - Post Anesthesia Care Unit.
- PACU - Post-Anesthesia Care Unit.
- PACU - post anesthesia care unit.
- PAC - premature atrial complexes.
- PAC - premature atrial contraction.
- PAD - Peripheral arterial disease.
- PAD - peripheral arterial disease.
- PAE - Prostate Artery Embolization.
- PAF - paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.
- PAH - predicted adult height.
- PAH - pulmonary arterial hypertension.
- PAI-1 - plasminogen activator inhibitor-1.
- PALB2 - Partner and Localizer of BRCA2.
- PAL - phenylalanine ammonia lyase.
- PAMG-1 - placental alpha microglobulin-1.
- PAMM - paracentral acute middle maculopathy.
- PAM - protospacer adjacent motif.
- PANS - Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome.
- PAOD - Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease.
- PAPR - Powered Air Purifying Respirator.
- PAP - Papanicolau.
- PAP - positive airway pressure.
- PAP - pulmonary arterial pressure.
- PAR-1 - protease-activated receptor-1.
- PARDS - pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome.
- PARP - poly ADP ribose polymerase.
- PAR - postanesthesia recovery.
- PASC - Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
- PASI100 - 100% reduction in Psoriasis Area and Severity Index score.
- PASI50 - 50% reduction in Psoriasis Area and Severity Index score.
- PASI75 - 75% reduction in Psoriasis Area and Severity Index score.
- PASI90 - 90% reduction in Psoriasis Area and Severity Index score.
- PASI - Psoriasis Area and Severity Index.
- PAS - periodic acid-Schiff.
- PAS - personal assistance service(s).
- PAS periodic acid-Schiff.
- PAT - Parents as Teachers.
- PAT - Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia.
- PAT - paroxysmal atrial tachycardia.
- PAU - Penetrating Aortic Ulcer.
- PAVET - Patient Assessment Validation Evaluation Test.
- PAWP - pulmonary arterial wedge pressure.
- PAWP - pulmonary artery wedge pressure.
- PAWS - post-acute-withdrawal syndrome.
- PA - Physician’s Assistant.
- PA - periapical.
- PA - prior authorization.
- PA - protease associated.
- PA - pulmonary artery.
- PA - pulmonary artery.
- PAco2 - alveolar carbon dioxide partial pressure.
- PAco2 alveolar carbon dioxide partial pressure.
- PAo2 - alveolar oxygen partial pressure.
- PAo2 alveolar oxygen partial pressure.
- PBC - primary biliary cholangitis.
- PBIS - positive behavioral interventions and supports.
- PBI - protein bound iodine.
- PBP - penicillin-binding protein.
- PBP - preoperative bowel preparation.
- PBP - peak blood pressure.
- PBRT - proton beam radiation therapy.
- PBS - phosphate-buffered saline.
- PBT - perioperative blood transfusion.
- PBT - proton beam therapy.
- PB - barometric pressure.
- PC1 - polycystin 1.
- PC2 - polycystin 2.
- PCA - Posterior Carotid Artery.
- PCA - patient controlled analgesia.
- PCA - personal care aide.
- PCA - posterior cortical atrophy.
- PCA - patient controlled analgesia.
- PCCM - Pediatric Critical Care Medicine.
- PCC - Patient Care Coordinator; Coordination.
- PCC - prothrombin complex.
- PCDAI - Pediatric Crohn's Disease Activity Index.
- PCD - pneumatic compression device.
- PCF - pancreatic cyst fluid.
- PCF - physician compounded foam.
- PCG - Patient Care Giver.
- PCI - percutaneous coronary intervention.
- PCI - prophylactic cranial irradiation.
- PCKD - polycystic kidney disease.
- PCL - posterior cruciate ligament.
- PCL - posterior cruciate ligament.
- PCMH - Primary Care Medical Home.
- PCNL - Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy.
- PCNSL - primary central nervous system lymphoma.
- PCN - penicillin.
- PCOS - polycystic ovarian syndrome.
- PCP - Primary Care Physician.
- PCP - pneumocystis pneumonia.
- PCP - primary care provider.
- PCR - pharyngeal constriction ratio.
- PCR - polymerase chain reaction.
- PCR polymerase chain reaction.
- PCSK9 - proprotein convertase subtilisin kexin 9.
- PCS - pelvic congestion syndrome.
- PCT - procalcitonin.
- PCU - progressive care unit.
- PCW - pulmonary capillary wedge.
- PCXR - portable chest x-ray.
- PC - Primary Care.
- PC - packed cells.
- PCa - prostate cancer.
- PD-L1 - programmed death-ligand 1.
- PDAC - Pricing, Data Analysis, and Coding.
- PDA - patent ductus arteriosus.
- PDA - posterior descending artery.
- PDE4 - phosphodiesterase 4.
- PDE5 - Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitor.
- PDEF - Powder Effervescent.
- PDE - phosphodiesterase.
- PDGFRA - platelet derived growth factor receptor alpha.
- PDGF - platelet derived growth factor.
- PDI - pain disability index.
- PDL - physical demand level.
- PDMS-2 - Peabody Developmental Motor Scales-Second Edition.
- PDN - private duty nursing.
- PD - Parkinson's disease.
- PD - Peritoneal Dialysis.
- PD - pneumatic dilation.
- PD - postural drainage.
- PD - progressive disease.
- PD - postural drainage.
- PEAK-DT - Promoting Emergence of Advanced Knowledge Direct Training.
- PEAK - Promoting Emergence of Advanced Knowledge.
- PEA - phosphoethanolamine .
- PEA - pulseless electrical activity.
- PECARN - Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network.
- PED - Persistent Epithelial Defect.
- PED - Pipeline Endovascular Device.
- PED - paroxysmal exercise-induced dyskinesia.
- PED - pigment epithelial detachment.
- PEEK - polyaryletherketone.
- PEEP - positive end expiratory pressure.
- PEEP - positive and expiratory pressure.
- PEFR - peak expiratory flow rate.
- PEFR - peak expiratory flow rate.
- PEF - peak expiratory flow.
- PEF - positive expiratory force .
- PEG-J - percutaneous endoscopic gastro-jejunal.
- PEG - percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy.
- PEG - polyethylene-glycol.
- PEG - percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy.
- PEMF - Pulsed Electromagnetic Field.
- PEMS - Poult Enteritis and Mortality Syndrome.
- PEM - polidocanole endovenous microfoam.
- PEN - Pen-injector.
- PEP - Positive Expiratory Pressure.
- PEP - positive expiratory pressure.
- PEQ - Prosthesis Evaluation Questionnaire.
- PERLA - pupils equal reactive to light and.
- PERRLA - pupils equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation.
- PERRL - PERRLA pupils equal react to light accommodatio.
- PERRL - pupils equal round and reactive to light.
- PERS - personal emergency response system.
- PET - Positron emission tomography.
- PET - positron emission tomography.
- PET positron emission tomography.
- PE - Pressure Equalizer.
- PE - physical examination.
- PE - pulmonary embolism.
- PE - physical exam.
- PE - pulmonary embolism.
- PErFecTED - Proximal Embolization First, Then, Embolize Distal.
- PEth - phosphatidylethanol.
- PFC - Partnership for Children.
- PFC - persistent fetal circulation.
- PFD - pediatric feeding disorder.
- PFG - patient focus group.
- PFH - plasma-free hemoglobin.
- PFO - patent foramen ovale.
- PFPT - pelvic floor physical therapy.
- PFS6 - progression-free survival at six months.
- PFS - progression-free survival.
- PFT - Pulmonary function test.
- PFT - pulmonary function test.
- PFT - pulmonary function test.
- PFU - plaque-forming unit.
- PF - peak flow.
- PF - preservative-free.
- PGA - Physician Global Assessment.
- PGCG - peripheral giant cell granuloma.
- PGD - preimplantation genetic diagnosis.
- PGE2 - prostaglandin E2.
- PGF - paternal Grandfather.
- PGM - paternal Grandmother.
- PGP - protein gene product.
- PGS - preimplantation genetic screening.
- PGT-A - Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy.
- PGT-M - preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic disorder.
- PGT - Preimplantation Genetic Testing.
- PG - pyoderma gangrenosum.
- PG - phosphatidyl glycerol.
- PHEIC - Public Health Emergency of International Concern.
- PHI - Prostate Health Index.
- PHMM - posterior horn of the medial meniscus.
- PHN - Public Health Nurse.
- PHN - postherpetic neuralgia.
- PHP - partial hospitalization program.
- PHQ - patient health questionnaire.
- PHR - peak heart rate.
- PHV - percutaneously implanted heart valve.
- PH - pulmonary hypertension.
- PH - past history.
- PI3K - phosphoinositide 3-kinase.
- PICA - posterior inferior cerebellar artery.
- PICC - Peripherally-inserted central catheter.
- PICC - peripherally inserted central catheter.
- PICOS - Population, Intervention, Control, and Outcome Study.
- PICO - population, intervention, comparator, and outcomes.
- PICU - pediatric intensive care unit.
- PIDD - primary immunodeficiency disease.
- PID - Pelvic inflammatory disease.
- PID - pelvic inflammatory disease.
- PID - primary immunodeficiency.
- PID - pelvic inflammatory disease.
- PIH - pregnancy induced hypertension.
- PIP - penile improvement protocol.
- PIP - proximal interphalangeal.
- PIRFT - percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation.
- PI - pneumatosis intestinalis.
- PI - protease inhibitor.
- PI - phosphatydinnositol.
- PJC - premature junctional contraction.
- PKD1 - polycystic kidney disease 1.
- PKD - paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia.
- PKD - polycystic kidney disease.
- PKP - penetrating keratoplasty.
- PKR - Partial Knee Replacement.
- PKU - phenylketonuria.
- PKU - phenylkentonuria.
- PKU - phenylketonuria.
- PK - pharmacokinetic.
- PLA2R - Phospholipase A2 Receptor.
- PLA - pigmented lesion assay.
- PLEX - plasma exchange.
- PLIF - Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion.
- PLLT - Pellet.
- PLN - phospholamban.
- PLOF - Prior Level of Function.
- PLP - pyridoxal phosphate.
- PLS-5 - Preschool Language Scale, Fifth edition.
- PLT - platelets.
- PLV - posterolateral ventricular.
- PMAT - plasma membrane monoamine transporter.
- PMA - pilomyxoid astrocytoma.
- PMC - polymer-matrix composites.
- PMDB - Prescription Monitoring Database.
- PMH - Pregnancy Medical Home.
- PMH - past medical history.
- PMH - past medical history.
- PMI - point of maximum impulse (of the heart).
- PMI - point of maximum impulse.
- PML - progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy.
- PMN - Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte.
- PMN polymorphonuclear leukocyte.
- PMO - phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomer.
- PMP - pyridoxamine phosphate.
- PMRT - postmastectomy radiation therapy.
- PMS - Premenstrual syndrome.
- PMS - premenstrual syndrome.
- PM - Pneumomediastinum.
- PM - polymyositis.
- PNA - pneumonia.
- PNA - pneumonia.
- PNB - prostate needle biopsy.
- PNC - pre.
- PND - Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea.
- PND - postnasal drainage.
- PNES - psychogenic non-epileptic seizure.
- PNET - primitive neuroectodermal tumor.
- PNFS - peripheral nerve field stimulation.
- PNH - Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria.
- PNI - peripheral nerve injury.
- PNKD - paroxysmal non-kinesigenic dyskinesia.
- PNKT - Pen-injector Kit.
- PNS - peripheral nerve stimulation.
- PNV - pre.
- PN - Plexiform Neurofibroma.
- POAG - primary open-angle glaucoma.
- POBA - plain old balloon angioplasty.
- POC - post-operative complications.
- POC - plan of care.
- POD - Post Op Day.
- POD - postoperative day.
- POEM - Per-Oral Endoscopic Myotomy .
- POMC - proopiomelanocortin.
- PONV - postoperative nausea and vomiting.
- POP - pelvic organ prolapsed.
- POP - persistent occipitoposterior.
- POTS - postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome.
- POT - plan of treatment.
- POU1F1 - Pituitary-Specific Positive Transcription Factor 1.
- POV - Power-Operated Vehicle.
- POWD - Powder.
- PO - by mouth/oral.
- PPBS - 2 hour post prandial blood sugar ppd pack per.
- PPBS - Post-Prandial Blood Sugar.
- PPBS - post-prandial blood sugar.
- PPD - Purified protein derivative.
- PPD - purified protein derivative.
- PPD - purified protein derivation.
- PPD - purified protein derivative.
- PPD purified protein derivative tuberculin.
- PPE - personal protective equipment.
- PPF - pterygopalatine fossa.
- PPG - pterygopalatine ganglion.
- PPH - Procedure for Prolapsed Hemorrhoids.
- PPI - protein-protein interaction.
- PPI - proton pump inhibitor.
- PPL - primary pancreatic lymphoma.
- PPM - permanent pacemaker.
- PPROM - preterm premature rupture of membranes.
- PPS - posterior probability of superiority.
- PPTL - Postpartum tubal ligation.
- PPT - partial prothrombin time.
- PPV - positive predictive value.
- PP - per protocol.
- PP - postpartum.
- PPi - inorganic pyrophosphate.
- PRBC - packed red blood cells.
- PRBC - packed red blood cells.
- PRCA - pure red cell aplasia.
- PRC - platelet-rich concentrate.
- PRCoV - porcine respiratory coronavirus.
- PRES - posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome.
- PRF - pulsed radiofrequency.
- PRGF - Platelet-Released Growth Factor.
- PRI - Patient Review Instrument.
- PRK - photorefractive keratectomy.
- PRN - As needed.
- PRN - as necessary.
- PROM - passive range of motion.
- PROM - patient-reported outcome measure.
- PROM - premature rupture of membranes.
- PROM - premature rupture of membranes.
- PRO - patient reported outcome.
- PRP - platelet-rich plasma.
- PRRT2 - Proline Rich Transmembrane Protein 2.
- PRSY - Prefilled Syringe.
- PRV - planning at-risk volume.
- PRV - pseudorabies virus.
- PR - partial response.
- PR - platelet reactivity.
- PR - posterior repair.
- PR - progesterone receptor.
- PR - prolonged release.
- PSARP - posterior sagittal anorectoplasty.
- PSA - Prostate specific antigen.
- PSA - polysubstance abuse.
- PSA - prostate specific antigen.
- PSA - prostate specific antigen.
- PSA - prostatic specific antigen.
- PSC - primary sclerosing cholangitis.
- PSF - posterior spinal fusion.
- PSG - polysomnogram.
- PSH - past surgical history.
- PSIS - posterior superior iliac spine.
- PSI - pneumonia severity index.
- PSKT - Prefilled Syringe Kit.
- PSMA - prostate-specific membrane antigen.
- PSM - positive surgical margins.
- PSPT - passive scattering proton therapy.
- PSP - progressive supranuclear palsy.
- PSQI - Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index.
- PSTE - Paste.
- PSV - peak systolic velocity.
- PSV - pressure support ventilation.
- PSW - penoscrotal webbing.
- PS - Pressure Support.
- PS - Parkinsonian syndromes.
- PS - pressure support.
- PS - propensity score.
- PT24 - Patch 24 HR.
- PT72 - Patch 72 HR.
- PTA - Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty.
- PTA - peritonsillar abscess.
- PTA - prior to admission.
- PTA - pure-tone average.
- PTA - prior to arrival.
- PTCA - Percutaneous transluminal coronary.
- PTCA - Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty.
- PTCH - Patch.
- PTCL - peripheral T-cell lymphoma.
- PTEN - phosphatase and tensin homolog.
- PTE - pulmonary thromboembolism.
- PTFC - prostaglandin/timolol fixed combination.
- PTFE - polytetrafluoroethylene.
- PTH - Parathyroid hormone.
- PTH - parathyroid hormone.
- PTHrP - parathyroid hormone-related protein.
- PTK - phototherapeutic keratectomy.
- PTLD - post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease.
- PTL - preterm labor.
- PTNS - Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimuation .
- PTP - protein tyrosine phosphatase.
- PTSD - Posttraumatic stress disorder.
- PTSD - Post-traumatic stress syndrome.
- PTSD - post traumatic stress disorder.
- PTSD - post traumatic stress disorder.
- PTS - Parsonage-Turner syndrome.
- PTS - post-thrombotic syndrome.
- PTTW - Patch Twice Weekly.
- PTT - Prothrombin time.
- PTT - Partial thromboplastin time.
- PTT - partial thromboplastin time.
- PTT - partial thromboplastin time.
- PTT partial thromboplastin time.
- PTU - propylthiouracil.
- PTV - planning target volume.
- PTWK - Patch Weekly.
- PTX - pneumothorax.
- PT - Physical Therapy.
- PT - Prothrombin time.
- PT - physical therapy.
- PT - prothrombin time.
- PT - prothrombin time.
- PT prothrombin time.
- PUDG - Pudding.
- PUD - Peptic ulcer disease.
- PUD - Peptic ulcer disease.
- PUD - peptic ulcer disease.
- PUD - peptic ulcer disease.
- PUL - prostatic urethral lift.
- PUP - previously untreated patient.
- PUVA - psoralen and ultraviolet A.
- PUW - pick up walker.
- PVC - Premature ventricular contraction.
- PVC - premature ventricular contraction.
- PVC - premature ventricular contraction.
- PVD - peripheral vascular disease.
- PVD - peripheral vascular disease.
- PVI - pulmonary vein isolation.
- PVL - Periventricular Leukomalacia.
- PVL - paravalvular leak.
- PVP-I - povidone-iodine.
- PVP - Photoselective Vaporization of the Prostate.
- PVR - postvoid residual urine volume.
- PVR - pulse volume recording.
- PVR - pulmonary vascular resistance.
- PVS - pulmonary vein stenosis.
- PV - polycythemia vera.
- PV - pressure-volume.
- PV - prostate volume.
- PV - pulmonary vein.
- PV - pulmonary valve.
- PWB - partial weight bearing.
- PWC - Power Wheelchair.
- PWS - Prader-Willi syndrome.
- PW - posterior wall.
- PYD - [[pyridinoline[N-MIA More information].
- P - ox chk pulse oximeter check.
- P - pulse.
- P phosphorus; pressure.
- Paco2 - arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure.
- Paco2 arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure.
- Pao2 - arterial oxygen partial pressure.
- Pao2 arterial oxygen partial pressure.
- Pap - Papanicolaou smear.
- Pap - Test papanicolaou test.
- Path - pathology.
- Pco2 carbon dioxide partial pressure or tension.
- PeRP - platelet-enriched plasma.
- Peds - Pediatrics.
- Ph- - Philadelphia chromosome negative.
- PiB-PET - Pittsburgh compound B-positron emission tomography .
- Pi - inorganic phosphate.
- Po2 oxygen partial pressure or tension.
- PpIX - protoporphyrin IX.
- Pro-time - prothrombin time.
- Pro. - Prosobee.
- PsA - psoriatic arthritis.
- PsO - psoriasis.
- Pt - patient.
- Pt - preterm; premature.
- Pulse - R radial pulse.
- Pulv. - powder.
- Px - prognosis Q q every.
- Q8H - every eight hours.
- QABF - Questions About Behavioral Function.
- QALY - Quality Adjusted Life Years.
- QAM - every morning.
- QD - every day/daily.
- QHP - Qualified Healthcare Professional.
- QHS - every night/nightly.
- QH - every hour/hourly.
- QIDS-SR - Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology-Self-Report.
- QID - Four times a day.
- QID - four times per day.
- QI - Quality Improvement.
- QL - quantity limits.
- QNS - quantity not sufficient.
- QN - every night/nightly.
- QOD - every other day.
- QSM - quantitative susceptibility mapping.
- QS - quantity sufficient.
- QTc - corrected QT interval.
- QXH - every X hours.
- Qmax - maximum urine flow rate.
- QoL - quality of life.
- R.O.M. - range of motion.
- R/O - rule out.
- R/O - rule out.
- R/S - reschedule.
- R0 - reproduction number.
- RA-ILD - rheumatoid arthritis-interstitial lung disease.
- RAD - reactive airway disease.
- RAF - Rapidly Accelerated Fibrosarcoma.
- RANKL - Receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-Β ligand.
- RANK - receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-Β.
- RAPID3 - Routine Assessment of Patient Index Data 3.
- RAS - Renin-Angiotensin System.
- RAS - resistance-associated substitution.
- RAT - right anterior thigh.
- RA - Rheumatoid arthritis.
- RA - rheumatoid arthritis.
- RA - right atrium.
- RA - room air.
- RA - rotational atherectomy.
- RA - rheumatoid arthritis.
- RA - room air.
- RA rheumatoid arthritis.
- RB-IMRT - robustly optimized intensity-modulated radiation therapy.
- RBAS - radiosurgery-based AVM score.
- RBBB - right bundle branch block.
- RBBB - right bundle branch block.
- RBC - Red blood cell.
- RBC - red blood cells.
- RBC - red blood count.
- RBC - red blood cells.
- RBC - red blood count.
- RBC red blood cell.
- RBD - receptor binding domain.
- RBE - relative biological effectiveness.
- RBP - resting blood pressure.
- RC1 - replication factor complex subunit 1.
- RCA - right coronary artery.
- RCC - renal cell carcinoma.
- RCG - radiocardiography.
- RCI - repository corticotropin injection.
- RCM - reflectance confocal microscopy.
- RCM - refractory chronic migraine.
- RCP - Respiratory Care Practitioner.
- RCT - randomized controlled trial.
- RCT - rotator cuff tear.
- RCU - respiratory care unit.
- RCVP - rituximab, cyclophosphamide, vincristine sulfate, prednisone.
- RCVS - reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome.
- RC - radical cystectomy.
- RC - rotator cuff.
- RDF - roof-dependent flutter.
- RDI - respiratory disturbance index.
- RDS - Respiratory Distress Syndrome.
- RDS - respiratory distress syndrome.
- RDS - respiratory distress syndrome.
- RDV - remdesivir.
- RD - Registered Dietition.
- RD - retinal detachment.
- RD - right deltoid.
- REBOC - Radioembolization Brachytherapy Oncology Consortium.
- RECIST - Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors.
- REMS - risk evaluation and mitigation strategy.
- REM - rapid eye movement.
- REM - rapid eye movement.
- REP - redness edema pain.
- RERA - respiratory-effort related arousal.
- RETU - Rapid Evaluation and Treatment Unit.
- RET - rearranged during transfection.
- RFA - radiofrequency ablation.
- RFA - right femoral artery.
- RFA - right forearm.
- RFFP - radial forearm flap phalloplasty.
- RFP - red fluorescent protein.
- RFS - Reflux Finding Score.
- RFS - recurrence-free survival.
- RFT - renal function test.
- RFVTA - radiofrequency volumetric thermal ablation.
- RF - risk factor.
- RF - refill(s).
- RF - rheumatoid arthritis factor.
- RG - right gluteus.
- RHD - rheumatic heart disease.
- RHR - resting heart rate.
- RH - ED Registered Health Educator.
- RICE - rest, ice, compression, elevation.
- RICE - rest ice compression elevation.
- RIC - radiation-induced change.
- RIMA - right internal mammary artery.
- RIPC - remote ischaemic preconditioning.
- RIPE - Rifampin, Isoniazide, Pyrazinamide, and Ethambutol.
- RIS - reflux injury score.
- RITLS - Rossetti Infant-Toddler Language Scale.
- RI - resistance index.
- RLE - right lower extremity.
- RLE - right lower extremity.
- RLF - Retrolental Fibroplasia.
- RLL - right lower lobe.
- RLL - right lower lobe.
- RLQ - right lower quadrant.
- RLQ - right lower quadrant.
- RLS - restless leg syndrome.
- RL - right lateral.
- RML - right middle lobe.
- RML - right middle lobe.
- RMS - relapsing multiple sclerosis.
- RNA - ribonucleic acid.
- RNA ribonucleic acid.
- RNFL - retinal nerve fiber layer.
- RNP - ribonucleoprotein.
- RN - Registered Nurse.
- ROA - right occiput anterior.
- ROC - receiver operating characteristic.
- ROI - release of information.
- ROM - range of motion.
- ROM - rupture of membranes.
- ROM - range of motion; right otitis media; ruptured membranes.
- ROM - rupture of membranes.
- ROPES - Repetitive Obstacle Performance Evaluation System.
- ROP - right occiput posterior.
- ROSC - return of spontaneous circulation.
- ROS - review of systems.
- ROS - review of systems.
- ROT - right occiput transverse.
- RP PCR - respiratory polymerase chain reaction.
- RPDA - right posterior descending coronary artery.
- RPE - retinal pigment epithelium.
- RPG - Retrograde Pyelogram.
- RPLV - right posterolateral ventricular branch.
- RPL - recurrent pregnancy loss.
- RPP - Respiratory Pathogen Panel.
- RPR - rapid plasma reagin.
- RPR - rapid plasma reagin.
- RPT - Rifapentine.
- RP - radiation pneumonitis.
- RP - retinitis pigmentosa .
- RP - radial pulse.
- RPh - Registered Pharmacist.
- RRR - regular rate and rhythm.
- RRR - regular rate rhythm.
- RRR - regular rhythm rate.
- RRT - renal replacement therapy.
- RRW - rales rhonchi wheezes.
- RR - Recovery Room.
- RR - recovery room.
- RR - relative risk.
- RR - respiratory rate.
- RR - response rate.
- RR - risk ratio.
- RR - red reflex.
- RSA - right sacral anterior.
- RSB - right sternal border.
- RSD - reflex sympathetic dystrophy.
- RSOM - right serous otitis media; spontaneous ruptured membranes.
- RSO - right salpingo-oophorectomy.
- RSR - regular sinus rhythm.
- RST - renal support therapy.
- RSV - Respiratory Syncytial Virus.
- RSV - Respiratory syncytial virus.
- RSV - respiratory syncytial virus.
- RT-PCR - reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction.
- RTA - renal tubular acidosis.
- RTC - replicase-transcriptase complex.
- RTC - return to clinic.
- RTK - receptor tyrosine kinase.
- RTOG - Radiation Therapy Oncology Group.
- RTO - return to office.
- RTP - repetitive task practice.
- RT - Respiratory Therapy.
- RT - radiation therapy.
- RT - resistance training.
- RT - respiration therapy.
- RUE - right upper extremity.
- RUE - right upper extremity.
- RUL - right upper lobe.
- RUL - right upper lobe.
- RUOQ - right upper outer quadrant.
- RUQ - right upper quadrant.
- RUQ - right upper quadrant.
- RVE - right ventricular enlargement.
- RVFWS - RV free wall longitudinal systolic strain.
- RVP - respiratory viral panel.
- RVR - rapid ventricular response.
- RVSP - right ventricular systolic pressure.
- RV - right ventricle.
- RWMA - regional wall motion abnormality.
- RWT - Robotic Waterjet Treatment.
- RW - rolling walker.
- RYGB - Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.
- RYR2 - [[ryanodine receptor-2[P More information].
- R - right.
- R - right.
- RasGEF - Ras guanine nucleotide exchange factor.
- RdRp - RNA-dependent RNA polymerase.
- Rh - Rhesus blood factor.
- Rh - rhesus factor.
- Rpt - repeat.
- Rt.L - right leg.
- Rx - RX prescription; drug renewal or decision S S subjective.
- Rx - Treatment.
- Rx - prescription.
- S&H - speech & hearing.
- S. aureus - Staphylococcus aureus.
- S.G. - specific gravity.
- S/E - side effects.
- S/L - speech/language.
- S/P - O2 special Oxygen.
- S/P - status post.
- S/P - status post.
- S1S2 - heart sounds.
- S1 - first sacral vertebra.
- S1 - etc sacral.
- S2 - second sacral vertebra.
- S3 - third sacral vertebra.
- S4 - fourth sacral vertebra.
- S5 - fifth sacral vertebra.
- SAAG - serum-ascites albumin gradient.
- SAA - same as above.
- SABR - spontaneous abortion rate.
- SABR - stereotactic ablative radiotherapy.
- SAB - spontaneous abortion.
- SAB - spontaneous abortion.
- SACH - solid ankle, cushioned heel.
- SAC - stent-assisted coil.
- SADBE - Squaric Acid Dibutylester.
- SAD - Seasonal affective disorder.
- SAD - seasonal affective disorder.
- SAEF - Secondary Aortoenteric Fistula.
- SAE - serious adverse event.
- SAGES - Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons.
- SAH - Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.
- SALT - Severity of Alopecia Tool.
- SAMe - S-adenosylmethionine.
- SAQ - short arc quad.
- SARA - Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia.
- SARI - Severe Acute Respiratory Infections.
- SARS-CoV-2 - Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 Virus.
- SARS-CoV - severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus.
- SARS - severe acute respiratory syndrome.
- SAR - subacute rehabilitation.
- SAVR - surgical aortic valve replacement.
- SA - sinoatrial.
- SA - sphenopalatine artery.
- SBE - subacute bacterial endocarditis.
- SBE - self breast exam.
- SBE subacute bacterial endocarditis.
- SBFT - small bowel follow through.
- SBHC - School Based Health Center.
- SBM - spontaneous bowel movement.
- SBO - small bowel obstruction.
- SBP - spontaneous bacterial peritonitis.
- SBP - systolic blood pressure.
- SBRT - Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy.
- SBR - small bowel resection.
- SB - small bowel.
- SCAR - severe cutaneous adverse reaction.
- SCATS - spinal cord assessment tool for spastic reflexes .
- SCA - spinocerebellar ataxia.
- SCA - sudden cardiac arrest.
- SCA - superior cerebellar artery.
- SCC - squamous cell carcinoma.
- SCD - sudden cardiac death.
- SCEP - spinal cord evoked potentials.
- SCFE - slipped capital femoral epiphysis.
- SCH - supracervical hysterectomy.
- SCID - Severe Combined Immune Deficiency.
- SCI - spinal cord injury.
- SCI - synthetic cartilage implant.
- SCI - spinal cord injury.
- SCIg - subcutaneous immunoglobulin.
- SCN - Special Care Nursery.
- SCN - serous cystic neoplasm.
- SCS - spinal cord stimulator.
- SCT - specialty care transport.
- SCT - stem cell transplantation.
- SCU - special care unit.
- SC - Sydenham chorea.
- SC - standard care.
- SC - subcutaneous.
- SDB - sleep disordered breathing.
- SDC - social day care.
- SDH - subdural hematoma.
- SDS - standard deviation score.
- SDVP - Single Deepest Vertical Pocket.
- SD - stable disease.
- SD - standard deviation.
- SECD - Swine Enteric Coronavirus Disease.
- SEC - spontaneous echo contrast.
- SEC - squamous epithelial cell.
- SEMLS - single-event multilevel surgery.
- SEP - somatosensory evoked potential.
- SERM - selective-estrogen receptor modulator.
- SES-CD - Simple Endoscopic Score for Crohn Disease.
- SE - spiral electrode.
- SF-36 - Short Form-36.
- SF-MPQ - Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire.
- SFA - superficial femoral artery.
- SFA - surgery-first approach.
- SFJ - saphenofemoral junction.
- SFO - single field optimization.
- SFTPB - surfactant protein B.
- SFTPC - surfactant protein C.
- SF - Semi fowlers.
- SGA - small for gestational age.
- SGA - small for gestational age.
- SGLT-2 - sodium-glucose cotransporter-2.
- SGOT - serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase.
- SGOT - serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase.
- SGOT - serumglutamic oxaloacetic transaminase.
- SGPT - serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase.
- SGPT - serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase.
- SG - Signorovitch.
- SG - sleeve gastrectomy.
- SHAM - shampoo.
- SHBG - Sex Hormone Binding Globulin.
- SHEE - sheet.
- SHF - systolic heart failure.
- SHM - sporadic hemiplegic migraine.
- SIADH - syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion.
- SIBO - small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.
- SIB - simultaneous integrated boost.
- SICU - surgical intensive care unit.
- SIDS - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
- SIDS - Sudden infant death syndrome.
- SIDS - sudden infant death syndrome.
- SIDS sudden infant death syndrome.
- SIJ - sacroiliac joint.
- SIMV - Synchronous Intermittent Mandatory.
- SIMV - synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation.
- SIRS - Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome.
- SIRT - selective internal radiation therapy.
- SI - sacroiliac.
- SI - suicidal ideation.
- SI International System of Units.
- SKB - Smith Kline Beecham.
- SLAP - superior labrum from anterior to posterior.
- SLC7A7 - solute carrier family 7 member 7.
- SLEC - short lived effector cell.
- SLE - Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
- SLE - Systemic lupus erythematosus.
- SLE - systemic lupus erythematosus.
- SLE - systemic lupus erythematosis.
- SLE systemic lupus erythematosus.
- SLNB - sentinel lymph node biopsy.
- SLO - secondary lymphoid organ.
- SLP - Speech Language Pathologist.
- SLP - speech and language pathology.
- SLRT - Straight Leg Raising Test.
- SLR - straight leg raise.
- SL - sensory level.
- SL - stool lactoferrin.
- SL - sublingual.
- SL - saline lock.
- SM grade - Spetzler-Martin grade.
- SMAC - lab profile study.
- SMART - Self-Management and Recovery Training.
- SMART - Sepsis Management Alert Response Team.
- SMART - simultaneous accelerated radiation therapy.
- SMA - Superior Mesenteric Artery.
- SMA - smooth muscle antibody.
- SMA - spinal muscular atrophy.
- SMBG - Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose.
- SMD - standardized mean difference.
- SMILE - submucosal minimally invasive lingual excision.
- SMR - Sexual Maturity Rating.
- SMX-TMP - sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim.
- SM - self massage.
- SM - superficial masseter.
- SNC1 - serum nadir creatinine level in the first year of life.
- SND - sinus node dysfunction.
- SNF - skilled nursing facility.
- SNF - skilled nursing facility.
- SNHL - sensorineural hearing loss.
- SNM - sacral neuromodulation.
- SNP - Single Nucleotide Polymorphism.
- SNRI - serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor.
- SNV - Skilled nursing visit.
- SNV - single nucleotide variant.
- SN - skilled nursing.
- SN - student nurse.
- SOAJ - Solution Auto-injector.
- SOAP - subjective, objective, assessment, plan.
- SOB - Shortness of Breath.
- SOB - shortness of breath.
- SOB - shortness of breath.
- SOCS - suppressors of cytokine signaling.
- SOCT - Solution Cartridge.
- SOC - start of care.
- SOD - sinus ostial dilation.
- SOFA - sequential organ failure assessment .
- SOLG - Gel Forming Solution.
- SOLN - Solution.
- SOLR - Solution Reconstituted.
- SOLR - solution reconstituted.
- SON - supraorbital nerve.
- SOPK - Solution Therapy Pack.
- SOPN - Solution Pen-injector.
- SOP - standard operating procedure.
- SOREMP - sleep-onset rapid eye movement period.
- SOREM - sleep onset rapid eye movement.
- SOSY - solution prefilled syringe.
- SOS - emergency.
- SOS - one dose only.
- SOTJ - Solution Jet-injector.
- SOT - solid organ transplant.
- SOX3 - Sex Determining Region Y-Box Transcription Factor 3.
- SPCCT - spectral photon-counting CT.
- SPC - single point of cane.
- SPECT - single photon emission computed tomography.
- SPGB - sphenopalatine ganglion blockade.
- SPG - sphenopalatine ganglion.
- SPLS - Single-Port Laparoscopic Surgery.
- SPM - Spontaneous Pneumomediastinum.
- SPRT - Spirit.
- SPS - stimulated parotid salivary.
- SP - Spontaneous Pneumothorax.
- SPab - status post abortion.
- SQS - subcutaneous electrical stimulation.
- SQ - subcutaneous.
- SRAAA - Suprarenal Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm.
- SRBD - sleep related breathing disorders.
- SRER - Suspension Reconstituted ER.
- SROM - spontaneous rupture of membranes.
- SROM - spontaneous rupture of membranes.
- SRP - signal recognition peptide.
- SRS - stereotactic radiosurgery.
- SRT - septal reduction therapy.
- SRT - superficial radiation therapy.
- SR - Sinus rhythm.
- SR - sinus rhythm.
- SR - survival rate.
- SR - sustained release.
- SR - systematic review.
- SSC - size shape configuration.
- SSD - splice-site disruptions.
- SSED - summary of safety and effectiveness data.
- SSEP - spinal somatosensory evoked potential.
- SSE - Soapsuds enema.
- SSE - soap suds enema.
- SSIS - Social Skills Improvement System.
- SSI - supplemental security income.
- SSI - surgical site infection.
- SSI - supplemental income.
- SSNB - suprascapular nerve block.
- SSNHL - sudden sensorineural hearing loss.
- SSN - Social security number.
- SSPT - spot-scanning proton therapy.
- SSP - Secondary Spontaneous Pneumothorax.
- SSRI - selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.
- SSRI selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.
- SSR - showed sinus rhythm.
- SSS - superior sagittal sinus.
- SSS - symptom severity score.
- SSS - sick sinus syndrome.
- SSTI - skin and soft tissue infection.
- SSV - short saphenous vein.
- SSZ - sulfasalazine.
- SS - Social Security; Smart Start.
- STAT - signal transducer and activator of transcription.
- STAT - statim (immediately).
- STCK - Stick.
- STD - Sexually transmitted disease.
- STD - sexually transmitted disease.
- STD - sexually transmitted disease.
- STD’s - sexually transmitted disease.
- STEC - Shiga toxin–producing E. coli.
- STEMI - ST elevation myocardial infarction.
- STE - self testicle exam.
- STI - sexuallty transmitted infection.
- STM - soft tissue mobilization.
- STOPAH - Steroids or Pentoxifylline for Alcoholic Hepatitis.
- STRN - Soft tissue radionecrosis.
- STRP - Strip.
- STSG - Split Thickness Skin Graft.
- STS - Society of Thoracic Surgeons.
- STS - serologic test for syphilis.
- STS - soft tissue sarcoma.
- STS serologic test(s) for syphilis.
- STV - short term variability.
- ST - Sinus tachycardia.
- ST - heat-stable.
- ST - stent thrombosis.
- SUAJ - Suspension Autoinjector.
- SUA - serum uric acid.
- SUBL - Tablet Sublingual.
- SUCT - Suspension Cartridge.
- SUDEP - sudden unexpected death in epilepsy.
- SUD - substance use disorder.
- SUER - Suspension Extended Release.
- SUFE - slipped upper femoral epiphysis.
- SUI - stress urinary incontinence.
- SUPK - Suspension Therapy Pack.
- SUPN - Suspension Peninjector.
- SUPP - Suppository.
- SUSP - Suspension.
- SUSR - Suspension Reconstituted.
- SUSY - Suspension Prefilled Syringe.
- SUTJ - Suspension Jetinjector.
- SUVmax - Maximum Standard Uptake Value.
- SVC - superior vena cava.
- SVD - single vessel disease.
- SVD - small-vessel disease.
- SVD - spontaneous vaginal delivery.
- SVD - single vaginal delivery.
- SVD - spontaneous vaginal delivery.
- SVG - saphenous vein graft.
- SVN - small volume nebulizer.
- SVR - sustained virologic response.
- SVT - supraventricular tachycardia.
- SVT - supraventricular tachycardia.
- SWI - Susceptibility Weighted Imaging.
- SWS - Sturge–Weber syndrome.
- SWS - stimulated whole salivary.
- SW - Social Worker.
- SW - social work.
- SW - stab wound.
- SYRP - [[Syrup[Q4H More information].
- S - continued.
- SaO2 - Oxygen Saturation.
- SaO2 - arterial oxygen saturation.
- Sao2 arterial oxygen saturation.
- Sat - Saturday.
- Segs - segmented neutrophils.
- Sept - September.
- Sig. - let it be labeled.
- Sim. - Similac.
- Sol - solution.
- Staph - Staphylococcus.
- Stim. - Stimulation.
- Str - strong.
- Strep - Streptococcus A test.
- Strep - Streptococcus.
- Sun - Sunday.
- Surg. - Surgery.
- SvO2 - mixed venous oxygen saturation.
- Sx - symptoms.
- Symbol - Definition page2.
- T Bili - total bilirubin.
- T#3 - Tylenol#3.
- T&A - tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy.
- T&A - tonsillectomy & adenoidectomy.
- T&A tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy.
- T&S - type and screen.
- T& - A tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy.
- T-PLL - T-Cell Prolymphocytic Leukemia.
- T-VASI50 - 50% improvement in total body Vitiligo Area Scoring Index.
- T-VASI - total body Vitiligo Area Scoring Index.
- T.O. - telephone order.
- T.P. - Total protein.
- T10 - tenth thoracic spine vertebra.
- T11 - eleventh thoracic spine vertebra.
- T12A - Tablet ER 12 Hour Abuse-Deterrent.
- T12 - twelfth thoracic spine vertebra.
- T1DM - type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.
- T1 - first thoracic spine vertebra.
- T24A - Tablet ER 24 Hour Abuse-Deterrent.
- T2DM - type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
- T2PK - Tablet ER 12 Hour Therapy Pack.
- T2 - second thoracic spine vertebra.
- T3 - Triiodothyronine.
- T3 - third thoracic spine vertebra.
- T4PK - Tablet ER 24 Hour Therapy Pack.
- T4 - Thyroxine.
- T4 - fourth thoracic spine vertebra.
- T5 - fifth thoracic spine vertebra.
- T6 - sixth thoracic spine vertebra.
- T7 - seventh thoracic spine vertebra.
- T8 - eighth thoracic spine vertebra.
- T9 - ninth thoracic spine vertebra.
- TAAA - Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysm.
- TABA - Tablet Abuse-Deterrent.
- TABS - tablet.
- TAB - Therapeutic abortion.
- TAB - therapeutic abortion.
- TAC1 - Tachykinin Precursor 1.
- TACC3 - transforming acidic coiled coil-containing protein 3.
- TACE - transarterial chemoembolization .
- TAH - Total Abdominal Hysterectomy.
- TAH - Total abdominal hysterectomy.
- TAH - total abdominal hysterectomy.
- TAH - total abdominal hysterectomy.
- TALEN - transcription activator-like effector nuclease.
- TAMP - Tampon.
- TAVI - transcatheter aortic valve implantation.
- TAVR - transcatheter aortic valve replacement.
- TA - tibialis anterior.
- TA - transverse abdominus.
- TB12 - Tablet Extended Release 12 HR.
- TB24 - Tablet Extended Release 24 HR.
- TB3D - Tablet Disintegrating Soluble.
- TB3E - Tablet Disintegrating Soluble ER.
- TBCR - Tablet Extended-Release.
- TBDD - Tablet Delayed Release Disintegrating.
- TBDP - Tablet Disintegrating.
- TBEA - Tablet Extended Release Abuse-Deterrent.
- TBEC - Tablet Delayed Release.
- TBED - Tablet Extended Release Disintegrating.
- TBEF - Tablet Effervescent.
- TBI - total body irradiation.
- TBI - traumatic brain injury.
- TBPK - Tablet Therapy Pack.
- TBSO - Tablet Soluble.
- TBS - tris buffered saline.
- TB - Tuberculosis.
- TB - Tuberculosis.
- TB - temporal bone.
- TB - tuberculosis.
- TB - tuberculosis.
- TB tuberculosis.
- TCAD - transplant coronary artery disease.
- TCAR - transcarotid artery revascularization.
- TCA - tricyclic antidepressant.
- TCC - Transitional Cell Carcinoma.
- TCHP - Taxotere + Carboplatin + Herceptin + Perjeta.
- TCI - target-controlled infusion.
- TCI - topical calcineurin inhibitor.
- TCR - T cell receptor.
- TCS - template consensus sequence.
- TCS - topical corticosteroid.
- TCT - thinnest corneal thickness.
- TC - telephone call; throat culture.
- TDM - therapeutic drug monitoring.
- TDPK - Tablet Delayed Release Therapy Pack.
- TDR - total disc replacement.
- TED - thyroid eye disease.
- TEE - transesophageal echocardiogram.
- TEM - Effector memory T.
- TEM - Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery.
- TENS - transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.
- TEN’s - transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.
- TEPK - Tablet Extended Release Therapy Pack.
- TEP - tumor educated platelet.
- TERT - telomerase reverse transcriptase.
- TE - tracheoesophageal.
- TE - too early.
- TFA - transcervical fibroid ablation.
- TFA - transfemoral amputee.
- TFCAS - transfemoral carotid artery stenting.
- TFESI - Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injection.
- TFI - transfemoral intervention.
- TFNE - transient focal neurological episode.
- TFT - Thyroid function test.
- TF - tissue factor.
- TF - transoral esophagogastric fundoplication.
- TGEV - transmissible gastroenteritis virus.
- TGF-β2 - transforming growth factor- β2.
- TGF - transforming growth factor.
- TGFβ3 - transforming growth factor β3.
- TGFβ - transforming growth factor beta.
- TGI - tracheal gas insufflation.
- TG - topographic genotyping.
- TG - trigeminal ganglion.
- TG - triglycerides.
- THA - Total Hip Arthroplasty.
- THA - total hip arthroplasty.
- THC - tetrahydrocannabinol.
- THPK - Therapy Pack.
- THR - Total Hip Replacement.
- THR - total hip replacement.
- TIA - Transient Ischemic Attack.
- TIA - Transient ischemic attack.
- TIA - transient ischemic attack.
- TIA - transient ischemic attack.
- TIBC - Total iron binding capacity.
- TIBC - Total iron binding capacity.
- TIBC - total iron-binding capacity.
- TIBC total iron-binding capacity.
- TID - Three times a day.
- TID - three times per day.
- TIF - transoral incisionless fundoplication.
- TIMI - thrombolysis in myocardial infarction.
- TINC - Tincture.
- TIPS - transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt.
- TIVA - total intravanous anesthesia.
- TIV - tumor in vein.
- TI - terminal ileitis.
- TI - terminal ileum.
- TJKI - topical Janus kinase inhibitor.
- TKA - Total knee arthroplasty.
- TKA - total knee arthroplasty.
- TKI - Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor.
- TKO - To keep open.
- TKO - to keep open.
- TKR - total knee replacement.
- TKR - total knee replacement.
- TKV - total kidney volume.
- TLC - tender loving care.
- TLH - total laparoscopic hysterectomy.
- TLIF - Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion.
- TLR - Toll‐like receptors.
- TLSO - thoracic-lumbar-sacral orthotic.
- TL - tubal ligation.
- TMA - transmetatarsal amputation.
- TMB - tumor mutational burden.
- TMEM43 - transmembrane protein 43.
- TMJ - Temporomandibular joint.
- TMJ - Temporomandibular joint.
- TMJ - temporomandibular joint.
- TMN - tuberomammillary nucleus.
- TMP-SMX - trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.
- TMR - Transmyocardial Revascularization.
- TMS - transcranial magnetic stimulation.
- TMZ - temozolomide.
- TM - tectorial membrane.
- TM - temporalis muscle.
- TM - transformed migraine.
- TM - tympanic membrane (eardrum).
- TM - tympanic membrane.
- TNAP - tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase.
- TNB - trigeminal nerve block.
- TNE - transnasal esophagoscopy.
- TNF-α - tumor necrosis factor alpha.
- TNF - tumor necrosis factor.
- TNFi - tumor necrosis factor inhibitor.
- TNM - Tumor-Node-Metastasis.
- TNSALP - tissue non-specific alkaline phosphatase.
- TNTC - too numerous to count.
- TN - trigeminal neuralgia.
- TN - true negative.
- TOA - tubo-ovarian abscess.
- TOCO - tocometer.
- TOC - test of cure.
- TOF - tetralogy of fallot.
- TONIC - treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in children.
- TOPO - topotecan.
- TORCH - Stands for a group of infections that may cause birth defects.
- TORCH - Toxoplasmosis, Other (syphilis, varicella-zoster, parvovirus B19), Rubella, Cytomegalovirus (CMV), and Herpes.
- TORCH - toxoplasmosis other rubella virus.
- TORe - transoral outlet reduction.
- TO - telephone order.
- TPA - thyroid peroxidase antibody.
- TPA - total parenteral alimentation.
- TPE - therapeutic plasma exchange.
- TPI - trigger point injection.
- TPN - Total Parenteral nutrition.
- TPN - Total Parenteral Nutrition.
- TPN total parenteral nutrition.
- TPO-RA - thrombopoietin receptor agonist.
- TPO - thrombopoietin.
- TPPK - Tablet Disintegrating Therapy Pack.
- TPR - temperature, pulse, respiration.
- TPR - temperature pulse respiration.
- TPS - treatment planning system.
- TPT - topotecan.
- TP - Traumatic Pneumothorax.
- TP - total protein.
- TP - true positive.
- TRALI - transfusion-related acute lung injury.
- TRB - T-cell receptor beta.
- TRD - tongue retaining device.
- TRD - treatment-resistant depression.
- TRESK - TWIK-related spinal cord potassium channel.
- TRG - T-cell receptor gamma.
- TRI - trans-radial intervention.
- TRM - resident memory T.
- TRM - tissue-resident memory.
- TROC - Troche.
- TRP - transient receptor potential.
- TRP - treatment-related pneumonitis.
- TRS - transcription regulatory sequence.
- TRUST - Test for Syphilis.
- TRUS - Transrectal Ultrasound.
- TR - transradial.
- TR - tricuspid regurgitation.
- TSB - total serum bilirubin.
- TSH - Thyroid stimulating hormone.
- TSH - thyroid stimulating hormone.
- TSH - thyroid stimulating hormone.
- TSP - tropical spastic paraparesis .
- TSS-NS - therapeutic staff support non-school.
- TSS-S - therapeutic staff support in school.
- TSS - therapeutic staff support.
- TST - Tuberculin Skin Test.
- TS - Turner Syndrome.
- TTB - total toxicity burden.
- TTE - Transthoracic Echocardiogram.
- TTF1 - thyroid transcription factor 1.
- TTF - tumor treating fields.
- TTLP - time to liver progression.
- TTP - Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura.
- TTP - Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura.
- TTP - tender to palpitation.
- TTP - time to tumor progression.
- TTP - tissue tolerable plasmas.
- TTS - temporary threshold shift.
- TTS - through-the-scope.
- TTVr - transcatheter tricuspid valve repair.
- TUG - Timed Up and Go.
- TUIP - Transurethral Incision of the Prostate.
- TUMT - Transurethral Microwave Therapy.
- TUNA - Transurethral Needle Ablation.
- TURBT - Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumor.
- TURP - Transurethral resection of prostate.
- TURP - Transurethral resection of prostate gland.
- TURP - transurethral resection of prostate gland.
- TURP - transurethral resection of prostate.
- TUR - Transurethral resection.
- TUVP - Transurethral Vaporization of the Prostate.
- TVC - true vocal cord.
- TVF - target vessel failure.
- TVH - Total Vaginal Hysterectomy.
- TVH - Total Vaginal Hysterectomy.
- TVP - transvenous pacemaker.
- TVR - Tricuspid Valve Replacement.
- TVTO - tension free vaginal taping obturator.
- TVTO - tension free transvaginal tape –obturator.
- TVUS - Transvaginal Ultrasound.
- TVV - Tricuspid Valve Valvuloplasty.
- TViV - transcatheter valve‐in‐valve implantation.
- TWB - tap water enema.
- TWI - T-wave inversion.
- TWOC - trial without a catheter.
- TXA - tranexamic acid.
- TX - treatment.
- TZD - [[Thiazolidinediones[S-I More information].
- T - continued.
- T - temp temperature.
- T - temperature.
- Tbsp - tablespoon .
- Td - adult tetanus diptheria.
- Tdap - Tetanus diptheria acceular pertussis.
- Tdap - tetanus, diptheria, and tetanus.
- Tet - Tetanus.
- TfR2 - transferrin receptor 2.
- Tg - Trig triglycerides.
- Th2 - T helper-2.
- ThC - Throat culture.
- ThuLEP - thulium laser enucleation of the prostate.
- Thurs - Thursday.
- Top - topically.
- Treg - regulatory T cell.
- Trich - Trichomonas.
- Tues - Tuesday.
- Tx - treatment.
- Tx - treatment U.
- U.S.P. - United States Pharmacopecia.
- U/C - urine culture; uterine contractions.
- UAC - umbilical artery catheter.
- UAE - uterine artery embolization.
- UAS7 - 7-day urticaria activity score.
- UAS - Uniform Assessment System.
- UAS - upper airway stimulation.
- UAS - urticaria activity score.
- UA - urinalysis.
- UA - urinalysis.
- UA - urinalysis: urine.
- UB - upper body.
- UCBL - University of California Berkeley Laboratories Shoe Insert.
- UCG - pregnancy test.
- UCVA - uncorrected visual acuity.
- UC - Uterine Contractions.
- UC - ulcerative colitis.
- UC - urothelial carcinoma.
- UCx - urine culture.
- UDCA - Ursodeoxycholic Acid.
- UDS - urine drug screen.
- UDVA - uncorrected distance visual acuity.
- UE - unplanned extubation.
- UE - upper extremities.
- UE - upper extremity.
- UFE - uterine fibroid embolization.
- UF - ultrafiltration.
- UGFS - ultrasound guided foam sclerotherapy.
- UGI - upper gastrointestinal.
- UGI - upper gastrointestinal.
- UHCT - unenhanced helical computed tomography.
- UHF - ultrabeige frequency.
- ULN - upper limits of normal.
- UL - upper left.
- UMEC - umeclidinium.
- UM - uveal melanoma.
- UNE - ulnar neuropathy at the elbow.
- UOP - urinary output.
- UO - urinary output.
- UO - urine output.
- UPCR - urine protein/creatinine ratio.
- UPD - uniparental disomy.
- UPF - uvulopalatal flap.
- UPJ - Ureteropelvic Junction.
- UPPP - uvulopalatopharyngoplasty.
- URAT1 - urate transporter 1.
- URI - Upper respiratory infection.
- URI - upper respiratory infection.
- URI - upper respiratory infection.
- URI upper respiratory infection.
- URR - urea reduction ratio.
- UR - upper right.
- USD - uncontrolled systemic disease.
- USH1 - Usher Syndrome Type 1.
- USH2 - Usher Syndrome Type 2.
- USH3 - Usher Syndrome Type 3.
- USN - Ultrasonic nebulizer.
- USOH - usual state of health.
- USPSTF - US Preventive Services Task Force.
- UST - ustekinumab.
- US - ultrasound.
- US - ultrasound.
- UTA - unable to access.
- UTD - up to date.
- UTI - Urinary tract infection.
- UTI - urinary tract infection.
- UTI - urinary tract infection.
- UTI urinary tract infection.
- UTM - universal transport medium.
- UVA - univariate analysis.
- UVC - umbilical vein catheter.
- UVR - ultraviolet radiation.
- UV - ultraviolet.
- UV - ultraviolet.
- U - units.
- V/Q - ventilation/perfusion.
- V10 - volume receiving 10 gray.
- V1 - ophthalmic nerve.
- V1 - prevertebral segment of vertebral artery.
- V20 - volume receiving 20 gray.
- V2 - intervertebral segment of vertebral artery.
- V2 - maxillary nerve.
- V30 - volume receiving 30 gray.
- V3 - atlas loop segment of vertebral artery.
- V3 - mandibular nerve.
- V40 - volume receiving 40 gray.
- V4 - intracranial segment of vertebral artery.
- V50 - volume receiving 50 gray.
- V5 - volume receiving 5 Gray.
- VACS - vertebral artery compression syndrome.
- VADA - vertebral artery dissecting aneurysm.
- VAD - vertebral artery dissection.
- VAH - vertebral artery hypoplasia.
- VAP - ventilator-associated pneumonia.
- VAR - Varicella.
- VAS - Visual Analogue Scale.
- VATER - vertebrae, anus, tracheoesophageal fistula, renal.
- VATS - Video Assisted Thoracoscopy.
- VA - Veteran’s Hospital.
- VA - venoarterial.
- VA - ventricular arrhythmia.
- VA - vertebral artery.
- VA - visual acuity.
- VB-MAPP - Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program.
- VBAC - vaginal birth after a previous cesarean delivery.
- VBAC - vaginal birth after Cesarean.
- VBAC - vaginal birth after c.
- VBAO - vertebrobasilar artery occlusion.
- VBA - vertebrobasilar artery.
- VBG - venous blood gas.
- VB - vaginal bleeding.
- VCD - vascular closure device.
- VCF - vaginal contraceptive film.
- VCSS - Venous Clinical Severity Score.
- VC - Vital capacity.
- VC - vital capacity.
- VC - verbal cue.
- VDRF - ventilator-dependent respiratory failure.
- VDRL - Venereal disease research laboratory.
- VDZ - vedolizumab.
- VD - vascular decompression.
- VD - vascular dementia.
- VD - venereal disease.
- VD - venereal disease.
- VED - Vascular Ehlerse-Danlos Syndrome.
- VEEG - video EEG.
- VEEV - Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus.
- VEGF - vascular endothelial growth factor.
- VEO-IBD - Very Early Onset Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
- VEP - variant effect predictor.
- VEP - vertebral body endplate.
- VE - vaginal exam.
- VF - visual field.
- VHD - valvular heart disease.
- VHL - von Hippel-Lindau syndrome.
- VHR - very high risk.
- VIDISCA - Virus-Discovery-cDNA-AFLP.
- VKA - vitamin K antagonist.
- VLCAD - very long-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase.
- VLDL - very-low-density lipoprotein.
- VMAT2 - vesicular monoamine transporter.
- VMAT - volume modulated arc therapy.
- VMI - visual motor integration.
- VM - Venturi mask.
- VM - ventriculomegaly .
- VM - voice mail.
- VNA - Visiting Nurse Association.
- VNS - Vitiligo Noticability Scale.
- VNS - vagus nerve stimulator.
- VOC - vasoocclusive crisis.
- VOGM - Vein of Galen malformation.
- VOG - Giacomini vein.
- VO - verbal order.
- VPB - ventricular premature beat.
- VPC - ventricular premature complexes.
- VPV2R - vasopressin V2 receptor.
- VP - Ventriculo-Peritoneal.
- VP - venipuncture.
- VRAS - Virginia Radiosurgery AVM Scale.
- VREP - very rare exocrine neoplasm of the pancreas.
- VRE - vancomycin-resistant enterococci.
- VSD - ventricular septal defect.
- VSS - Venous Sinus Stenting.
- VSS - vital signs stable.
- VSS - vital signs stable.
- VS - Vertiflex Superion.
- VS - vascular surgery.
- VS - viscosupplementation.
- VS - vital signs.
- VS - vital signs.
- VTE - Venous Thromboembolism.
- VTE - venous thromboembolism.
- VTM - viral transport medium.
- VTX - Vertex.
- VT - ventricular tachycardia.
- VT - vest therapy.
- VUS - variant of undetermined significance.
- VVC - vulvovaginal candidiasis.
- VV - venovenous.
- VWF:Ag - von Willebrand antigen.
- VWF:CB - von Willebrand collagen binding.
- VWF:RCo - von Willebrand factor ristocetin cofactor.
- VWF - von Willebrand factor.
- VZIG - varicella zoster immune globulin.
- VZV - Varicella-Zoster Virus.
- V - Fib Ventricular fibrillation.
- V - Tach Ventricular tachycardia.
- V - tach ventricular tachycardia.
- V - volume.
- Ventilation - .
- Vit - vitamin.
- Vt - Tidal Volume.
- W.S. - Winston.
- W/C - wheelchair.
- W/D - well developed.
- W/F - white female.
- W/M - white male.
- W/N - well nourished.
- WAFR - Wafer.
- WBAT - weight bearing as tolerated.
- WBC - White Blood Count.
- WBC - White blood cell.
- WBC - white blood cells.
- WBC - white blood count.
- WBC - white blood cells.
- WBC white blood cell.
- WBE - wastewater-based epidemiology.
- WBRT-HA - whole-brain radiation therapy - hippocampal avoidance.
- WBRT - whole-brain radiation therapy.
- WBRT - whole-breast radiation therapy.
- WBT - weight bearing tolerance.
- WB - weight bearing.
- WB - whole blood.
- WCD - wearable cardioverter defibrillator.
- WCE - wireless capsule endoscopy.
- WCHD - Watauga County Health Department.
- WC - wheelchair.
- WDS - Word Discrimination Score.
- WDWN - well-developed well-nourished.
- WD - wound dehiscence.
- WES - Whole Exome Sequencing.
- WFL - within functional limits.
- WFUBMC - Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center.
- WF - white female.
- WGS - whole genome sequencing.
- WHO - World Health Organization.
- WHO World Health Organization.
- WHS - Watauga High School.
- WIC - Women Infants & Children nutrition program.
- WIRB - Western Institutional Review Board.
- WMA - wall motion abnormality.
- WMC - Watauga Medical Center.
- WMFT - Wolf Motor Function Test.
- WMH - white matter hyperintensity.
- WM - white matter.
- WM - withdrawal management.
- WM - white male.
- WNE - West Nile encephalitis.
- WNF - West Nile fever.
- WNL - within normal limits.
- WNL - within normal limits.
- WNM - West Nile meningitis.
- WNND - West Nile neuroinvasive disease.
- WNV - Wechsler Scale of Nonverbal Ability.
- WNV - West Nile virus.
- WPH - Women’s Preventive Health.
- WPW - Wolf-Parkinson-White.
- WPW - Wolff-Parkinson-White.
- WP - whirlpool.
- WRAVMA - Wide Range Assessment of Visual Motor Abilities.
- WR ward round.
- WS - Williams Syndrome.
- WTDD - wet to dry dressings X _x except x times.
- WVTT - Water Vapor Thermal Therapy.
- WWC - Watauga Women’s Center.
- WWTP - wastewater treatment plant.
- Wass - Wasserman.
- Wed - Wednesday.
- Wt - weight.
- XDR-TB - extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis.
- XDR - extensively drug-resistant.
- XLA - X-linked agammaglobulinaemia.
- XLIF - extreme lateral interbody fusion.
- XLT - extended length tracheostomy tubes.
- XL - extended release.
- XM - cross-match.
- XRT - Radiotherapy.
- XRT - photon radiotherapy.
- XR - extended release.
- XR - x-ray.
- Y/O - years old.
- Y90 - Yttrium-90.
- YBOCS - Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale.
- YM - young mothers.
- Yd - Yard.
- ZM - zygomaticus minor muscle.
- ZZ - [[homozygous Z allele[T More information].
- Z - (none at this time).
- ZnT8 - zinc transporter 8.
- Zn - zinc.
- [[]] - without.
- a/v - atrial-ventricular.
- a - Tetanus Pertussis.
- aa - of each equal parts.
- aao - awake/alert/oriented.
- aarom - active assistive range of motion.
- ab - abortion; miscarriages.
- abbr - abbreviations.
- abd - abdomen.
- abdu - abduction.
- abx - antibiotics.
- ac - before meals.
- accel - acceleration.
- accommodation - .
- ad - lib as much as needed as desired.
- ad - lib freely.
- add - adduction.
- adm - admission.
- adm - admit.
- admin - administration.
- adv - advisory; advise; advised.
- agit. - shake or stir.
- aka - above knee amputation.
- alb. - albumin.
- alt. - alternate alternating.
- alt - alternate.
- am - morning.
- amb - ambulatory; ambulation.
- amnio - amniocentesis.
- amp - ampule.
- amt. - amount.
- amt - amount.
- angioplasty - .
- ans.mach - answering machine.
- ans - answer.
- ant. - anterior.
- ant - anterior.
- ante - before.
- ap - apical pulse.
- app - applicator; application.
- approach - .
- approx - approximately.
- appt - appointment.
- aq. - dest distilled water.
- aq - water.
- artic - articulate.
- as - tol as tolerated.
- asst - assistance.
- atb - antibiotics.
- auth - authority; authorize.
- avg - average.
- ax - axillary.
- b.i.d. - twice daily.
- b/b - bowel and bladder.
- b/c - because.
- b/s - blood sugar.
- b/w. - bet between.
- bd - board.
- bic - biceps.
- bid - twice a day.
- bid 2 times a day.
- bil. - bilateral.
- bil - bilateral.
- bili - bilirubin.
- bk - black.
- bka - below knee amputation.
- bkf - breakfast.
- bl - blood.
- bldg - bleeding or building.
- bm - bowel movement.
- brady - bradycardia.
- brp - bathroom privileges.
- bsc - bedside commode.
- bx - biopsy C.
- c&v - cupping & vibration.
- c. - cup.
- c/c - colony count.
- c/o - complaining of.
- c/o - complaints of.
- cGy centigray.
- ca - Ca cancer.
- cal - calorie.
- caps - capsule.
- cath - cathetercatheriterized.
- cath - catheterization.
- cbr - complete bedrest.
- cc - cubic centimeter; chief complaint.
- cert - certification.
- cg - caregiver.
- chemo - chemotherapy.
- chg - change.
- chol - cholesterol.
- cholangiopancreatography - .
- cig - cigarette.
- circ. - circumcision.
- circ - circumcision.
- cl - clear.
- cldy - cloudy.
- cm. - centimeter.
- cm - H20 centimeters of water pressure.
- cm - centimeter.
- cm centimeter(s)/centimetre(s).
- cnt - could not test.
- cocci - coccidioidomycosis.
- col - colony; colonies.
- colpo - colposcopy.
- comp. - compound.
- comp - complications.
- compl - complete.
- conc. - concentrated.
- cond. - condition.
- conf - conference.
- cong - congested.
- const - constipation.
- cont. - continued.
- cont - continuous; continue.
- contx - contractions.
- coord - coordinate.
- cp - chest pain; care plan.
- cryo - cryosurgery.
- csf - cerebral spinal fluid.
- ctx - cervical traction.
- cu. - mm. cubic millimeter.
- cv - clinic visit.
- cx - cervix.
- cytomegalovirus - .
- d/c-dc - discontinue.
- d/c - discharge; discontinue.
- d/t - due to.
- dL deciliter(s)/decilitre(s) 1 dL = 100 mL.
- d - day.
- da - day.
- dec - decreased.
- decr - decrease or diminish.
- decub - decubitus.
- defib - defibrillation.
- del - delivered;delivery.
- delt;D - deltoid.
- demo - demonstrate.
- dep - dependent.
- dept - department.
- dev - develop; developmental.
- dev - seq developmental sequences.
- df - dorsiflexion.
- diag - diagnosis.
- diam - diameter.
- diff - differential; different.
- dil. - dilute or dissolve.
- dil - dilation; dialation.
- dir - direction(s).
- dis - disorder.
- disc - discontinue.
- disch - discharge.
- disp - dispense.
- div - divide.
- dmg - drainage.
- dr. - dram.
- dr - drain.
- drng - drainage.
- drsg - dressing.
- dx - diagnosis.
- dz - disease.
- e.g. - for example.
- eGFR - Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate.
- eSET - Elective Single Embryo Transfer.
- ec - empty calorie.
- ed;Ed - educate; education.
- edu - educ educate; education.
- eff - effective.
- elem - elementary.
- elix - elixir.
- emer - emergency.
- enc - encouraged.
- est. - estimate.
- et. - al. and others.
- et. - and.
- etiol - etiology.
- eval - evaluation.
- ex - excision.
- ex - exer exercise.
- exam - examine; examination.
- exer. - exercise.
- expl. - exploratory.
- ext. - external.
- ext - extension.
- ext - rot external rotation.
- f.o.b. - foot of bed.
- fEVAR - fenestrated endovascular aneurysm repair.
- fFN - fetal fibronectin.
- fL - femtoliter.
- fPSA - free prostate specific antigen.
- fSRT - fractionated sterotactic radiotherapy.
- fT3 - free triiodothyronine.
- fT4 - free thyroxin.
- fam - family.
- fdg(s) - feedings.
- fdg - feeding.
- fe - female.
- ffERG - full-field electroretinography.
- fib - fibrillation.
- fl. - fluid.
- fl. - oz. fluid ounce.
- fld - fluid.
- flex - flexion.
- foley - foley catheter.
- fr/jce - fruit juice.
- frEMG - free running electromyography.
- freq - frequency.
- ft. - foot.
- ft - foot; feet.
- fx - fractions.
- fx - fracture.
- g/dl - grams per deciliter.
- gDNA - genomic DNA.
- g - gram.
- ga - gauge.
- gal - gallon.
- gastroc - gastrocnemius.
- gen - general.
- gest - gestation.
- gluc;glu - glucose.
- glut - gluteal.
- gm% - grams percent.
- gm - gram.
- gr - grain.
- gt - drop.
- gt - gait.
- gtt - drops G-tube gastrostomy tube.
- gtt - drops.
- gyn - gyncological H.
- h/o - history of.
- hDBS - hypothalamic deep brain stimulation.
- hK2 - human kallikrein 2.
- hbv - high biological value.
- hemi - half.
- hemi - hemiplegia.
- hgb - hemoglobin.
- histo - histoplasmin.
- hlth - health.
- hosp - hospital.
- hp - hot pack.
- hr - h hour.
- hr - hour.
- hs - at bedtime (hora somni).
- hs at bedtime .
- ht - height.
- hx - history.
- hyper - in excess.
- hypo - hypodermically.
- hypo - less than I.
- hyst. - hysterectomy.
- i-TIMI - initial-thrombolysis in myocardial infarction.
- i.e. - for example.
- i.e. - that is.
- iNKT - invariant natural killer T.
- iPSA - intact prostate specific antigen.
- iPSC - induced pluripotent stem cell.
- id. - the same.
- imm - immunization.
- immun - immunization.
- imp - improved.
- in - inch.
- inappr - inappropriate.
- inc. - incontinent.
- incr - increase.
- ind - induction.
- indel - insertion-deletion.
- indep - independent.
- inf - infection.
- info - information.
- init - initials.
- inj - injection.
- ins - insulin; insurance.
- ins - insurance.
- insp. - inspiratory.
- instr. - instructions.
- int. - internal.
- int - rot internal rotation.
- invol - involuntary.
- irr - irregular.
- iso - isoenzymeisol.
- isol - isolation.
- isom - isometric.
- jt. - joint.
- jt - joint J-tube Jejunostomy tube.
- kcal kilocalorie(s) mean food calorie.
- kg - kilogram.
- kg - kilogram-1000 grams).
- kg kilogram(s).
- kid - kidney.
- l&w - living and well.
- l - liter.
- lab - laboratory.
- lac - laceration.
- lang - language.
- lat - lateral.
- lax - laxative.
- lb. - pound.
- lb - pound LBP lowback pain.
- lb pound(s).
- leuk. - leukocytes.
- lg. - large.
- lg - large.
- lig - ligament.
- liq. - liquid.
- liq - liquid.
- lit - literature.
- logMAR - logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution.
- lpm - liters per minute.
- lt - length.
- lytes - electrolytes M m murmur M male.
- m.s. - morphine sulphate.
- mAbs - monoclonal antibodies.
- mCNV - myopic choroidal neovascularization.
- mCRC - metastatic colorectal cancer.
- mCRPC - metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer.
- mCi millicurie.
- mEq/L - milliequivalents per liter.
- mEq - milliequivalent.
- mEq - milliequivalent.
- mEq Milliequivalent.
- mIDH1 - mutant isocitrate dehydrogenase 1.
- mIU milli-international unit.
- mL, ml milliliter(s)/millilitre(s).
- mLAP - mean left atrial pressure.
- mOsm milliosmole(s).
- mPCR - multiplex polymerase chain reaction.
- mRNA - messenger RNA.
- mTOR - mammalian target of rapamycin.
- mUI - milli-international units.
- m - meter.
- m meter(s)/metre(s).
- ma - male.
- mane - in the morning.
- mane in the morning.
- mat - maternity.
- max - maximum.
- mcg - microgram.
- mcgm - microgram.
- mcgtts - microdrops.
- mech - mechanical.
- med - medication.
- mess - message.
- met - metastic.
- mg/dL - milligrams per deciliter.
- mg - milligram.
- mg - milligram.
- mg milligram(s).
- micro - microscopic.
- midi - midday.
- midi midday.
- min(s) minute(s) '/60' is used in some regions.
- min - minimum; minute.
- ml - milliliter.
- ml - millimeter(1/1000 of liter).
- mm1hg - millimeters of mercury.
- mm3 - millimeter cubed.
- mmHg - millimeter of mercury.
- mm - millimeter.
- mm millimeter(s)/millimetre(s).
- mmol/L - millimole per liter.
- mmol - millimole.
- mmol millimole(s).
- mo - month.
- mo month '/12' is used in some regions.
- mod - moderate.
- mol wt molecular weight.
- mono - mononucleosis.
- mph - miles per hour.
- msec - millisecond.
- mtDNA - mitochondrial DNA.
- mtg - meeting.
- mult - multiples.
- mus - muscle.
- mvt - movement N N no.
- mμ millimicron(s).
- nAMD - neovascular age-related macular degeneration.
- nCoV - Novel Coronavirus.
- ndGBM - newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme.
- neg - negative.
- neuro - neurological.
- ng - nanogram.
- ng nanogram billionth of a gram; also known as millimicrogram.
- nl - normal.
- nl - normal.
- nmCRPC - non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer.
- nm nanometer billionth of a meter; also known as millimicron.
- nmol nanomole.
- no. - number.
- noc - night.
- nocte - at night.
- nocte at night.
- npAIR - non-paraneoplastic autoimmune retinopathy.
- nr-axSpA - Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis.
- nsg - nurse.
- o.c. - open crib.
- o - hour therefore.
- obl - oblique.
- obst - obstruction.
- occ - occasional.
- of - radiation.
- ofc - office.
- office - visit.
- oint - ointment.
- os - left eye.
- oz. - ounce.
- oz - ounce P P Plan; para p pulse.
- oz ounce(s).
- p-CSI - proton craniospinal irradiation.
- p.c. - after meals.
- p.m. - afternoon.
- p53 - tumor protein P53.
- pAIR - paraneoplastic autoimmune retinopathy.
- pBNP - NT-Pro B-Type Natriuretic Peptide.
- pCO2 - partial pressure of carbon dioxide.
- pH - potential of hydrogen.
- pH - hydrogen ion concentration.
- pH hydrogen ion concentration.
- pJIA - polyarticular Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis.
- pO2 - partial pressure of oxygen.
- pPCI - primary percutaneous coronary intervention.
- pUL56 - PRV protein UL56.
- p - ox cont. pulse oximeter continuous.
- para - number of births.
- para - paraplegic.
- pass - passive.
- pbj - peanut butter and jelly.
- pc - after meals (post cibum).
- pc - after meals.
- peds - pediatrics.
- pg/mL - picograms per milliliter.
- pg - picogram.
- pg picogram(s) micromicrogram.
- ph - measure of alkalinity.
- phys - physician.
- pit - pitocin.
- pkg - package.
- pkt - packet.
- platelet - syndrome.
- pm - post meridiem.
- pm - afternoon.
- po - by mouth.
- po - by mouth; per os (per mouth).
- po orally.
- pos - positive.
- post - posterior.
- ppm - parts per million.
- ppm parts per million.
- prec - precautions.
- preg - pregnancy.
- prep - preparation; prepare.
- prep - prepare for.
- pres - prescription.
- prev - previous.
- prn - pro re nata (as needed).
- prn - whenever necessary.
- prn as needed From the Latin pro re nata.
- proBNP - prohormone brain natriuretic peptide.
- pro - T protime.
- pro - prot protein.
- prob - problem.
- prod - pro productive.
- prog - progress.
- pron - pronate.
- pros - prosthesis.
- psych - psychology.
- pt - patient.
- pud - pudendal.
- pulm - pulmonary.
- pulse - AP apical pulse.
- pwd - powder.
- q2h - every2 hours.
- qPCR - quantitative polymerase chain reaction.
- qSOFA - quick sequential organ failure assessment.
- q - am every morning.
- q - every.
- q - hs every nigh.
- q - mo every month.
- q every.
- qd - every day.
- qh - every hour.
- qid - four times a day.
- qid 4 times a day.
- qod - every other day.
- qomo - every other month.
- qowk - every other week.
- qt. - quart.
- qt - quart.
- quad - quadriplegia.
- quad - quadriplegic R R rectal R right.
- quads - quadriceps.
- qv - as much as you wish.
- r/t - related to.
- rAAA - Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm.
- rGBM - recurrent glioblastoma multiforme.
- rRT-PCR - real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction.
- rTMS - repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation.
- rUTI - recurrent urinary tract infection.
- rad - radiation.
- rbc - red blood cells.
- re - recheck.
- re - regarding.
- recd - record.
- recert - RC recertification.
- rec’d - received.
- ref - referred; referral; refill.
- ref - refused.
- reg - regular.
- rehab - pot rehabilitation potential.
- reps - repetitions.
- req - require; required.
- res - residual.
- resp - respiration.
- resp - respirations.
- resus - resuscitation .
- retic.ct - reticulocyte count.
- rhAPC - recombinant human activated protein C.
- rhGH - recombinant human growth hormone.
- rm - room.
- s/o - symptoms of.
- s/p - status post or same phone.
- s/s - signs and symptoms.
- s/s - signs symptoms.
- sAb - surface antibody.
- sAg - surface antigen.
- sCr - serum creatinine.
- sEMG - surface electromyography.
- sIBM - sporadic inclusion body myositis.
- sIMRT - simplified intensity-modulated radiation therapy.
- sat - saturation.
- sat - saturated.
- sc subcutaneous(ly).
- sch - scheduled school.
- script - prescription.
- sec - secretary.
- sed - rate sedimentation rate.
- serv - serving.
- shdr - shoulder.
- siRNA - small interfering RNA.
- sig - write let it be written.
- sl - slight.
- sm - small.
- smkg - smoking.
- sol - solution.
- soln solution.
- som - serous otitis media.
- sono - sonogram.
- sp. - gr. specific gravity.
- sp - speech.
- sp species singular.
- spec - specimen.
- spu - ind Sputum Induction.
- sq - subq subcutaneous.
- sq square.
- ss_ - with c_ after p.
- sspp species plural.
- ssp gr specific gravity.
- stat - at once immediately.
- subl - sublingual.
- sublux - subluxation.
- subq - subcutaneous.
- sup - supine.
- supin - supination; supinate.
- supp. - suppository.
- supp - suppository.
- supv - supervisor.
- surg - surgery.
- svgs - servings.
- sx - symptoms T.
- syr. - syrup.
- t-EMG - triggered EMG.
- t-MeHa - tele‐methylhistamine.
- t.i.d. - three times a day.
- tDCS - transcranial direct current stimulation.
- tMax - temperature maximum.
- tPA - tissue plasminogen activator.
- tPSA - total prostate specific antigen.
- tSSS - transformed Symptom Severity Score.
- t - at once.
- tab - tablet.
- tbsp - tablespoon.
- tcMEP - transcranial motor-evoked potential.
- tds 3 times a day tid preferred in some regions.
- temp - temperature.
- th - thigh.
- tid - three times a day.
- tid 3 times a day tds preferred in some regions.
- tinct - tincture.
- tol - tolerant.
- tr. - tincture.
- tr - trace.
- trach - trachea; tracheotomy.
- transp - transportation.
- tsp. - teaspoon.
- tsp - teaspoon; dram.
- uSAID - undifferentiated Systemic Autoinflammatory Disease.
- ul - microliter.
- ung - ointment.
- upE - region upstream of the E gene.
- vIGA - Validated Investigator Global Assessment.
- vac - vaccine.
- vag - vaginal.
- vas - vasectomy.
- veg - veggies vegtables.
- vent - ventolater.
- vit - vitamin.
- vol - volume.
- vs/vst - visit.
- vtx - vertex W.
- w/o - without.
- w/u - workup.
- wa - while awake.
- wbc - white blood cell.
- wc - wheelchair.
- wk - week.
- wrd - ward.
- wt - weight.
- wt weight.
- x - times.
- y - quarterly.
- yel - yellow.
- yo - year-old/years old.
- yr - year.
- ā - before.
- γc - common gamma chain.
- μCi microcurie.
- μL microliter(s)/microlitre(s).
- μOsm micro-osmole(s).
- μ micro-; micron.
- μg - [[microgram[JAK More information].
- μg microgram(s).
- μm micrometer(s)/micrometre(s) Also referred to as microns.
- μmol micromole(s)
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD