Raita (condiment)

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

Raita is a traditional Indian and Pakistani condiment made with yogurt (dahi), raw or cooked vegetables, and spices. It is served as a side dish to complement spicy foods and is often used to cool the palate.

Ingredients and Preparation[edit | edit source]

The primary ingredient in raita is yogurt, which is often whisked to a smooth consistency. To this, a variety of vegetables can be added, such as cucumber, onion, tomato, carrot, and beetroot. Some versions of raita also include fruits like pineapple or pomegranate.

The choice of spices in raita can vary, but commonly used ones include cumin, coriander, mint, and black pepper. Some recipes also call for the addition of chili powder or green chili for a spicy kick.

The preparation of raita is simple and straightforward. The yogurt is whisked until smooth, the vegetables or fruits are chopped and added, and then the spices are mixed in. The dish is typically served chilled.

Variations[edit | edit source]

There are many regional variations of raita in Indian and Pakistani cuisine. For example, in North India, a popular version of raita includes boondi, small fried droplets of chickpea flour. In South India, raita is often seasoned with mustard seeds, curry leaves, and red chili peppers.

Serving and Consumption[edit | edit source]

Raita is typically served as a side dish with meals, particularly with spicy dishes like biryani, pulao, and kebab. It is also commonly served with Indian breads like naan and roti. The cool, creamy texture of raita helps to balance the heat of spicy foods and enhance their flavors.

Health Benefits[edit | edit source]

Raita is not only delicious but also has several health benefits. The yogurt base provides a good source of probiotics, which can aid in digestion. The vegetables and fruits added to raita also contribute to its nutritional value, providing vitamins, minerals, and fiber.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD