
From WikiMD.com Medical Encyclopedia

  • T Visa  - Visa for nonimmigrant status granted to those who are or have been victims of human trafficking allowing them to remain in the United States to assist in an investigation or prosecution of human trafficking allows victims of human trafficking to remain in the United States for up to four years (or longer if a limited exception applies), receive work authorization, and, if certain conditions are met, apply for adjustment of status to that of an lawful permanent resident (LPR).
  • T-nonimmigrant status  - nonimmigrant status set aside for those who are or have been victims of human trafficking, protects victims of human trafficking and allows victims to remain in the United States to assist in an investigation or prosecution of human trafficking allows victims of human trafficking to remain in the United States for up to four years (or longer if a limited exception applies), receive work authorization, and, if certain conditions are met, apply for adjustment of status to that of an lawful permanent resident (LPR).
  • TAA-related election period  - with respect to a TAA-related loss of coverage, the 60-day election period under this part which is a direct consequence of such loss.
  • TAA-related loss of coverage  - with respect to an individual whose separation from employment gives rise to being an TAA-eligible individual, the loss of health benefits coverage associated with such separation.
  • TABOO frequencies  - Any friendly frequency of such importance that it must never be deliberately jammed or interfered with by friendly forces including international distress, safety, and controller frequencies. See also electronic warfare.
  • TEMPEST equipment (or TEMPEST-approved equipment)  - Equipment that has been designed or modified to suppress compromising signals. Such equipment is evaluated against National TEMPEST Standards by NSA-certified personnel and laboratories.
  • TEMPEST equipment (or TEMPEST-approved equipment)  - Equipment that has been designed or modified to suppress compromising signals. Such equipment is evaluated against National TEMPEST Standards by NSA-certified personnel and laboratories. National TEMPEST approval does not, of itself, mean a device can be used within the foreign affairs community. Separate DS approval in accordance with the Overseas Security Policy Board (OSPB) is required.
  • TEMPEST hazard  - A security anomaly that holds the potential for loss of classified information through compromising emanations.
  • TEMPEST test  - A field or laboratory examination of the electronic signal characteristics of equipment or systems for the presence of compromising emanations. FAM 091 )
  • TEMPEST  - A short code name referring to the investigation, study, and control of compromising emanations from telecommunications and automated information systems.
  • TRICARE program  - the managed health care program that is established by the Department of Defense under the authority of this chapter, and includes the competitive selection of contractors to financially underwrite the delivery of health care services under the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services.
  • Targeted Violence Information Sharing System  - U.S. Secret Service centralized database of names of subjects, allowing name checks to determine whether an individual is of protective interest to any other agency within the TAVISS network.
  • Taxpayer Identification Number  - the number required by the IRS to be used by the offeror in reporting income tax and other returns. The TIN may be either a Social Security Number or an Employer Identification Number. Also called TIN.
  • TechStat Accountability Session  - direct, evidence-based review of an Information Technology (IT ) investment with support from senior leadership and strengthens IT governance and facilitates efficient and effective Department-wide IT delivery TechStat.
  • TechStat  - a face-to-face, evidence-based accountability review of an IT investment that enables the Federal Government to intervene to turn around, halt, or terminate IT projects that are failing or are not producing results for the American people.
  • Technical Surveillance Countermeasure Program Manager  - individual appointed by the DHS Chief Intelligence Officer or designee, charged with the management of all facets of the DHS Technical Surveillance Countermeasure Program.
  • Technical Surveillance Countermeasure Technician  - individual that has successfully graduated from the Interagency Training Center’s technical surveillance countermeasure fundamentals course
  • Technical Surveillance Countermeasures Program  - mechanisms for measurements taken to detect or prevent technical penetration for information security includes: technical surveillance countermeasure (TSCM) services; TSCM investigations; technical and physical security assessments; and technical security threat briefings.
  • Telephone Security Group  - The primary technical and policy resource in the U.S. intelligence community for all aspects of technical surveillance countermeasures programs involving telephone systems. Also called TSG.
  • Terminal Equipment Replacement Program, Revision 5  - The personal computer-based configuration used by the Department to process telegraphic messages sent via the Diplomatic Telecommunications Service Network. TERP V uses an Intelligent Communications Adapter configured as a front-end processor to interface with the DTS network, asynchronous serial devices, a UNIX-based operating system, and a customized telegraphic processing application. Also called TERP V.
  • Terminal Equipment Replacement Program  - State currently uses the revision 5 version of this program (TERP V). TERP V is the personal computer-based configuration used by the Department to process telegraphic messages sent via the Diplomatic Telecommunications Service network. TERP V uses a Banyan Intelligent Communications Adapter configured as a front end processor to interface with the DTS network, asynchronous serial devices, a UNIX-based operating system, and a customized telegraphic processing application.
  • The Foreign Relations of the United States volumes  - all declassified and publicly available documents needed to provide a comprehensive record of the major foreign policy decisions and actions of the U.S. Government, including the facts that contributed to the formulation of policies and documentation providing supporting and alternative views of the policy positions ultimately adopted.
  • The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations  - The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations is an international treaty on diplomatic intercourse and the privileges and immunities of a diplomatic mission. The VCDR sets forth law and practice on diplomatic rights and privileges. Also called VCDR.
  • Third Geneva Convention  – the international convention.
  • Third party in-kind contributions  - the value of non-cash contributions provided by non-Federal third parties. Third party in-kind contributions may be in the form of real property, equipment, supplies and other expendable property, and the value of goods and services directly benefiting and specifically identifiable to the project or program.
  • Threshold Test-Ban Treaty  - The Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Limitation of Underground Nuclear Weapon Tests, also known as the TTBT, was signed on July 3, 1974. It establishes a nuclear threshold, by prohibiting tests having a yield exceeding 150 kilotons. The protocol to the TTBT limits nuclear weapon testing to specific designated tests sites to assist verification. The United States and the Soviet Union began negotiations in November 1987 to reach agreement on additional verification provisions that would make it possible for the United States to ratify the treaty. The TTBT verification protocol provides for the use of the hydrodynamic yield measurement method with respect to all tests having a planned yield measurement method with respect to all tests having a planned yield exceeding 50 kilotons, as well as seismic monitoring and, with respect to all tests having a planned yield exceeding 35 kilotons, on-site inspections. The treaty entered into force December 11, 1990. The treaty remains in force for a period of 5 years from entry into force and is automatically extended for successive 5-year periods unless either party notifies the other of its termination or the parties achieve a solution to the problem of the cessation of all underground nuclear weapon tests. Also called TTBT.
  • Time and Attendance Approving Official  - An officer of the Department who is responsible for reviewing, verifying and approving biweekly T&A records for employees in an office before the T&A data is transmitted to the appropriate payroll system. This should be the official most knowledgeable of the time worked and absence of the employees involved, normally the immediate supervisor. Also called T&A Approving Official.
  • Top Secret-cleared U.S. citizen  - A citizen of the United States who has undergone a background investigation by an authorized U.S. Government Agency and been issued a Top Secret security clearance, in accordance with Executive Orders 13526, and implementing guidelines and standards.
  • Trade Representative  - the United States Trade Representative.
  • TrafficAll messages transmitted and received  - Can be applied to data transmissions such as telegrams, or voice transmissions such as radio communications.
  • Transatlantic Economic Partnership  - the joint commitment made by the United States and the European Union to reinforce their close relationship through an initiative involving the intensification and extension of multilateral and bilateral cooperation and common actions in the areas of trade and investment.
  • Transportation Security Administration  - Department of Homeland Security Operational Component that protects the Nation’s transportation systems by ensuring the freedom of movement for people and commerce.
  • Treaty of Peace  - the Treaty of Peace between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the State of Israel signed on March 26, 1979, including the Annexes thereto.
  • Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (also known as the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT))  - The treaty that commits its 190 parties to prevent nuclear proliferation. It acknowledges five parties as nuclear-weapon states and commits them not to assist non-nuclear- weapon states parties to obtain nuclear weapons. The latter states commit not to receive such weapons and to accept IAEA safeguards on all of their nuclear activities. The treaty also commits parties to the peaceful use of nuclear energy that is consistent with its nonproliferation obligations and to negotiate effective measures on nuclear, as well as general and complete, disarmament.
  • Tributary Station  - A station electronically connected to a relay network, but normally having no relay responsibility. FAH‐2 H‐114 )
  • Trusted Internet Connections Initiative  - The TIC Initiative, as outlined in OMB Memorandum M-08- 05, is to optimize and standardize the security of individual external network connections currently in use by Federal agencies, including connections to the Internet. Also called TIC Initiative.
  • Type I  - Type I products are designed to secure classified information but may also be used to protect sensitive unclassified information.
  • table of allowance  - An equipment allowance document that prescribes basic allowances of organizational equipment, and provides the control to develop, revise, or change equipment authorization inventory data. Also called TOA.
  • tactical air command center  - The principal US Marine Corps air command and control agency from which air operations and air defense warning functions are directed. Also called Marine TACC.
  • tactical air control center  - The principal air operations installation (ship-based) from which all aircraft and air warning functions of tactical air operations are controlled. Also called Navy TACC.
  • tactical air control party  - A subordinate operational component of a tactical air control system designed to provide air liaison to land forces and for the control of aircraft. Also called TACP.
  • tactical air coordinator (airborne)  - An officer who coordinates, from an aircraft, the actions of other aircraft engaged in air support of ground or sea forces. Also called TAC(A). See also forward observer.
  • tactical air direction center  — An air operations installation under the overall control of the Navy tactical air control center or the Marine Corps tactical air command center, from which aircraft and air warning service functions of tactical air operations in support of amphibious operations are directed. Also called TADC.
  • tactical air officer  — The officer under the amphibious task force commander who, until control is passed ashore, coordinates planning of all phases of air participation of the amphibious operation and air operations of supporting forces en route to and in the objective area. Also called TAO. JP 3‐02 )
  • tactical air operations center  - The principal air control agency of the United States Marine Corps air command and control system responsible for airspace control and management. Also called TAOC.
  • tactical assembly area  - An area that is generally out of the reach of light artillery and the location where units make final preparations (pre-combat checks and inspections) and rest, prior to moving to the line of departure. See also line of departure.
  • tactical combat casualty care  - A set of trauma management guidelines customized for use on the battlefield that maintains a sharp focus on the most common causes of preventable deaths on the battlefield: external hemorrhage; tension pneumothorax; and airway obstruction.
  • tactical combat force  - A rapidly deployable, air-ground mobile combat unit, with appropriate combat support and combat service support assets assigned to and capable of defeating Level III threats including combined arms. Also called TCF.
  • tactical control  - The authority over forces that is limited to the detailed direction and control of movements or maneuvers within the operational area necessary to accomplish missions or tasks assigned. Also called TACON. See also combatant command; combatant command (command authority); operational control.
  • tactical data link  - A Joint Staff-approved, standardized communication link suitable for transmission of digital information, which interfaces two or more command and control or weapons systems via a single or multiple network architecture and multiple communication media for exchange of tactical information. Also called TDL.
  • tactical exploitation of national capabilities  - Congressionally mandated program to improve the combat effectiveness of the Services through more effective military use of national programs. Also called TENCAP.
  • tactical intelligence  — Intelligence required for the planning and conduct of tactical operations. See also intelligence.
  • tactical level of war  - The level of war at which battles and engagements are planned and executed to achieve military objectives assigned to tactical units or task forces. See also operational level of war; strategic level of war.
  • tactical level  - indication of scale of significance for actions or plans that involve deployment and use of assets to accomplish specific objectives.
  • tactical minefield  - A minefield that is employed to directly attack enemy maneuver as part of a formation obstacle plan and is laid to delay, channel, or break up an enemy advance, giving the defending element a positional advantage over the attacker.
  • tactical obstacles  - Those obstacles employed to disrupt enemy formations, to turn them into a desired area, to fix them in position under direct and indirect fires, and to block enemy penetrations.
  • tactical plan  - Based on the Department of State Information Technology Tactical Plan, and in the context of the management of the Federal information processing resources, identifies the tasks necessary to accomplish individual information resource management activities throughout the Department (typically over a one-to-two-year period).
  • tactical questioning  - The field-expedient initial questioning for information of immediate tactical value of a captured or detained person at or near the point of capture and before the individual is placed in a detention facility. Also called TQ. JP 3‐63 )
  • tactical recovery of aircraft and personnel  - A Marine Corps mission performed by an assigned and briefed aircrew for the specific purpose of the recovery of personnel, equipment, and/ or aircraft when the tactical situation precludes search and rescue assets from responding and when survivors and their location have been confirmed. Also called TRAP.
  • tactical reserve  - A part of a force held under the control of the commander as a maneuvering force to influence future action.
  • tactical-logistical group  - Representatives designated by troop commanders to assist Navy control officers aboard control ships in the ship-to-shore movement of troops, equipment, and supplies. Also called TACLOG group.
  • tactics, techniques, and procedures development  - using the lessons learned from an IED attack to refine and improve the tools and methods used during all missions in which an IED may occur (e.g., convoys, tactical suppression efforts, ISR, C-IED missions, etc. )
  • tactics, techniques, and procedures identification  - improvised explosive device (IED) incidents primarily intended to cause a reaction by forces in an effort to learn and understand employed tactics.
  • tactics  - Deploying and directing resources on an incident to accomplish the objectives designated by the strategy.
  • tactics  — The employment and ordered arrangement of forces in relation to each other. See also procedures; techniques.
  • tag  - A piece of durable material affixed to a diplomatic pouch showing origin address, channel of dispatch, weight, and destination address.
  • tailorable  - able to be adapted to the specific requirements, constraints and environment
  • tailoring  - the process by which security control baselines are modified by identifying and designating common controls; applying scoping considerations; selecting compensating controls; assigning specific values to agency-defined control parameters; supplementing baselines with additional controls or control enhancements; and providing additional specification information for control implementation. The tailoring process may also be applied to privacy controls. (See “overlay” definition. )
  • tamper switch  - switch used to detect opening of equipment or enclosures.
  • tandem couple  - A couple of which one spouse or domestic partner is a career or career candidate employee of the Foreign Service or Senior Foreign Service and the other spouse or domestic partner is also a Foreign Service employee of the Department of State or one of the agencies authorized to use the Foreign Service Personnel System.
  • tandem  - A couple of which one spouse is a career or career candidate employee of the FS or Senior FS and the other spouse is an employee of one of the agencies (Broadcasting Board of Governors, , and Department of Commerce) authorized to use the Foreign Service Personnel System.
  • tank vessel  - a vessel that is constructed or adapted to carry, or that carries, oil or hazardous material in bulk as cargo or cargo residue, and that — (A) is a vessel of the United States;(B) operates on the navigable waters of the United States; or(C) transfers oil or hazardous material in a port or place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.
  • tanker  - a self-propelled tank vessel constructed or adapted primarily to carry oil or hazardous material in bulk in the cargo spaces.
  • tanker  - commercial vessel specially designed to transport liquids in bulk.
  • target acquisition  — The detection, identification, and location of a target in sufficient detail to permit the effective employment of weapons. Also called TA. See also target analysis.
  • target actors  - Individuals, groups of individuals or specific populations that are integral to the political transition; they offer real, potential or perceived influence, leadership in the transition; they do or potentially can impact the transition; generate or sustain momentum; they have defined or evolving interests in the transition.
  • target analysis  - An examination of potential targets to determine military importance, priority of attack, and weapons required to obtain a desired level of damage or casualties. See also target acquisition.
  • target area of interest  - The geographical area where high-value targets can be acquired and engaged by friendly forces. Also called TAI. See also area of interest; high-value target; target.
  • target areas  - Communities, locations, places venues that are integral to political transition; they represent a nexus of emerging issues, critical events, target actors; often possess symbolic significance in the transition.
  • target audience  — An individual or group selected for influence. Also called TA.
  • target capabilities list  - Defines specific capabilities that all levels of government should possess in order to respond effectively to incidents.
  • target complex  — A geographically integrated series of target concentrations. See also target.
  • target component  — A set of targets within a target system performing a similar function. See also target.
  • target country  - a developing country that is selected to participate in agriculture and nutrition security programs under the Global Food Security Strategy pursuant to the selection criteria, including criteria such as the potential for agriculture-led economic growth, government commitment to agricultural investment and policy reform, opportunities for partnerships and regional synergies, the level of need, and resource availability.
  • target development  - The systematic examination of potential target systems - and their components, individual targets, and even elements of targets - to determine the necessary type and duration of the action that must be exerted on each target to create an effect that is consistent with the commander’s specific objectives.
  • target folder  - A folder, hardcopy or electronic, containing target intelligence and related materials prepared for planning and executing action against a specific target. See also target.
  • target housing  - any housing constructed prior to 1978, except housing for the elderly or persons with disabilities (unless any child who is less than 6 years of age resides or is expected to reside in such housing for the elderly or persons with disabilities) or any 0-bedroom dwelling. In the case of jurisdictions which banned the sale or use of lead-based paint prior to 1978, the Secretary, at the Secretary's discretion, may designate an earlier date.
  • target housing  - housing constructed prior to 1978, except housing for the elderly or persons with disabilities (unless any child six years of age or younger resides or is expected to reside in such housing) or any zero-bedroom dwelling.
  • target information center  - The agency or activity responsible for collecting, displaying, evaluating, and disseminating information pertaining to potential targets. Also called TIC. See also target.
  • target intelligence  — Intelligence that portrays and locates the components of a target or target complex and indicates its vulnerability and relative importance. See also target; target complex.
  • target location error  - The difference between the coordinates generated for a target and the actual location of the target. Also called TLE.
  • target materials  - Graphic, textual, tabular, digital, video, or other presentations of target intelligence, primarily designed to support operations against designated targets by one or more weapon(s) systems. See also Air Target Materials Program.
  • target nomination list  - A prioritized list of targets drawn from the joint target list and nominated by component commanders, appropriate agencies, or the joint force commander’s staff for inclusion on the joint integrated prioritized target list. Also called TNL. See also candidate target list; joint integrated prioritized target list; target.
  • target of opportunity  - 1. A target identified too late, or not selected for action in time, to be included in deliberate targeting that, when detected or located, meets criteria specific to achieving objectives and is processed using dynamic targeting. 2. A target visible to a surface or air sensor or observer, which is within range of available weapons and against which fire has not been scheduled or requested. See also dynamic targeting; target; unplanned target; unanticipated target.
  • target reference point  — A predetermined point of reference, normally a permanent structure or terrain feature that can be used when describing a target location. Also called TRP.
  • target system analysis  — An all-source examination of potential target systems to determine relevance to stated objectives, military importance, and priority of attack. Also called TSA. JP 3‐60 )
  • target system assessment  - The broad assessment of the overall impact and effectiveness of the full spectrum of military force applied against the operation of an enemy target system, significant subdivisions of the system, or total combat effectiveness relative to the operational objectives established. See also target system.
  • target system component  — A set of targets belonging to one or more groups of industries and basic utilities required to produce component parts of an end product, or one type of a series of interrelated commodities. targeted attacks and line of duty incident - an attack on a Mission; an attack on U.S. government property while the LE Staff member is on duty; an attack on the LE Staff member outside of work as a result of his or her employment with the U.S. government; or accidental injury of the LE Staff member in the line of duty.
  • target system  - 1. All the targets situated in a particular geographic area and functionally related. 2. A group of targets that are so related that their destruction will produce some particular effect desired by the attacker. See also target; target complex.
  • target  - asset, network, system or geographic area chosen by an adversary to be impacted by an attack.
  • target  — 1. An entity or object that performs a function for the adversary considered for possible engagement or other action. 2. In intelligence usage, a country, area, installation, agency, or person against which intelligence operations are directed. 3. An area designated and numbered for future firing. 4. In gunfire support usage, an impact burst that hits the target. See also objective area.
  • targeted employment area  - at the time of the investment, a rural area or an area which has experienced high unemployment (of at least 150 percent of the national average rate).
  • targeted employment area  - targeted employment area as an area that at the time of the investment was a rural area or an area that has experienced high unemployment (of at least 150 percent of the national average rate).
  • targeteer  - An individual who has completed formal targeting training in an established Service or joint school and participates in the joint targeting cycle in their current duties.
  • targeting  - The process of selecting and prioritizing targets and matching the appropriate response to them, considering operational requirements and capabilities. See also joint targeting coordination board; target.
  • targeting  - process based on intelligence of establishing various parameters to identify particular types of products, individuals, groups of people, or other entities for a specific purpose focus of identification is based upon particular intelligence and characteristics, models, or patterns.
  • tarmac delay  - the period during which passengers are on board an aircraft on the tarmac — (A) awaiting takeoff after the aircraft doors have been closed or after passengers have been boarded if the passengers have not been advised they are free to deplane; or (B) awaiting deplaning after the aircraft has landed.
  • task component  - A subdivision of a fleet, task force, task group, or task unit, organized by the respective commander or by higher authority for the accomplishment of specific tasks.
  • task element  - A component of a naval task unit organized by the commander of a task unit or higher authority.
  • task force  - A component of a fleet organized by the commander of a task fleet or higher authority for the accomplishment of a specific task or tasks. Also called TF.
  • task force  - Any combination of resources assembled to support a specific mission or operational need. All resource elements within a Task Force must have common communications and a designated leader.
  • task group  — A component of a naval task force organized by the commander of a task force or higher authority. Also called TG.
  • task manager  - The person on the project team responsible for ensuring completion of tasks in the work breakdown structure of the project plan; the individual responsible for managing a task or cost account.
  • task order  - Order for services placed against an established contract. See also civil augmentation program.
  • task organization  - An organization that assigns to responsible commanders the means with which to accomplish their assigned tasks in any planned action.
  • task performance observations  - A list of joint training audience members, objectives, observer reports, and an executive summary for the commander's review and evaluation.
  • task unit  — A component of a naval task group organized by the commander of a task group or higher authority.
  • task  - A clearly defined action or activity specifically assigned to an individual or organization that must be done as it is imposed by an appropriate authority.
  • task  - activity to be accomplished towards a desired end state.
  • tasking order  — A method used to task and to disseminate to components, subordinate units, and command and control agencies projected targets and specific missions as well as general and specific instructions for accomplishment of the mission. Also called TASKORD. See also mission; target.
  • tax expenditures budget  - an enumeration of such tax expenditures.
  • tax expenditures  - those revenue losses attributable to provisions of the Federal tax laws which allow a special exclusion, exemption, or deduction from gross income or which provide a special credit, a preferential rate of tax, or a deferral of tax liability; and the term. Congress, US Code 2, §622 )
  • tax jurisdiction  - a State or a political subdivision of a State.
  • tax  - any property, income, excess-profits, war-profits, excise, estate and employment tax, import duty, and special assessment; and also any interest, penalty, additional amount, or addition thereto not arising from any act, omission, neglect, failure, or delay on the part of the Custodian.
  • taxation  - licenses, fees, or excises imposed with respect to motor vehicles and their use, if the license, fee, or excise is paid by the servicemember in the servicemember's State of domicile or residence.
  • taxonomy  - hierarchical structure used for categorizing a body of information or knowledge facilitates understanding of how a body of knowledge can be broken down into parts, and how its various parts relate to each other.
  • taxpayer identification number  - A unique number assigned by the IRS to taxpayers (individuals, businesses, and U.S. agencies) to be used in reporting tax and other returns. In the case of individuals and sole proprietorships, the TIN of the individual or proprietorship is the Social Security Number (SSN). Also called TIN.
  • teacher  - an individual — (A) who is a citizen of the United States or, in the case of a teaching position that involves instruction in the host-nation language, a local national when a citizen of the United States is not reasonably available to provide such instruction, (B) who is a civilian, and (C) who is employed in a teaching position.  
  • teaching facilities  - areas dedicated for use by students, faculty, or administrative or maintenance personnel for clinical purposes, research activities, libraries, classrooms, offices, auditoriums, dining areas, student activities, or other related purposes necessary for, and appropriate to, the conduct of comprehensive programs of education. Such term includes interim facilities but does not include off-site improvements or living quarters.
  • teaching fellows and assistants  - These grants are for a program of study or research either of which may be combined with a teaching assistantship.
  • teaching position  - those duties and responsibilities which — (A) are performed on a school-year basis principally in a school operated by the Department of Defense in an overseas area for dependents of members of the Armed Forces and dependents of civilian employees of the Department of Defense, or are performed by an individual who carried out certain teaching activities identified in regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Defense; and (B) involve (i) classroom or other instruction or the supervision or direction of classroom or other instruction; or (ii) any activity (other than teaching) which requires academic credits in educational theory and practice equal to the academic credits in educational theory and practice required for a bachelor's degree in education from an accredited institution of higher education; or (iii) any activity in or related to the field of education notwithstanding that academic credits in educational theory and practice are not a formal requirement for the conduct of such activity.
  • tear line  - A physical line on an intelligence message or document separating categories of information that have been approved for foreign disclosure and release.
  • technical analysis  — In imagery interpretation, the precise description of details appearing on imagery.
  • technical assistance costs  - costs incurred for the use of existing personnel or the temporary employment of other qualified personnel (or both such types of personnel) necessary for providing technical assistance.
  • technical assistance grants  - funding by multilateral development banks of services from the United States in connection with projects and programs supported by such banks, including, but not limited to, engineering, design, and consulting services.
  • technical assistance program costs  - the costs of carrying out a technical assistance program.
  • technical assistance  - assistance under rules, promulgated by the Secretary, to States, units of local government and public care institutions — (A) to conduct specialized studies identifying and specifying energy savings and related cost savings that are likely to be realized as a result of (i) modification or maintenance and operating procedures in a building, (ii) the acquisition and installation of one or more specified energy conservation measures in such building or (iii) both, or (B) the planning or administration of such specialized studies.
  • technical assistance  - i) technical services provided directly to farmers, ranchers, and other eligible entities, such as conservation planning, technical consultation, and assistance with design and implementation of conservation practices; and (ii) technical infrastructure, including activities, processes, tools, and agency functions needed to support delivery of technical services, such as technical standards, resource inventories, training, data, technology, monitoring, and effects analyses.
  • technical assistance  - technical expertise, information, and tools necessary for the conservation of natural resources on land active in agricultural, forestry, or related uses.
  • technical assistance  — The providing of advice, assistance, and training pertaining to the installation, operation, and maintenance of equipment.
  • technical certification  - A formal assurance by the Undersecretary for Management to Congress that standards are met that apply to an examination, installation, test, or other process involved in providing security for equipment, systems, or facilities. Certifications may include exceptions and are issued by the office or person performing the work in which the standards apply.
  • technical data  - recorded information (regardless of the form or method of the recording) of a scientific or technical nature (including computer databases and computer software documentation). This term does not include computer software or financial, administrative, cost or pricing, or management data or other information incidental to contract administration - The term includes recorded information of a scientific or technical nature that is included in computer databases
  • technical data  - recorded information (regardless of the form or method of the recording) of a scientific or technical nature (including computer software documentation) relating to supplies procured by an agency. Such term does not include computer software or financial, administrative, cost or pricing, or management data or other information incidental to contract administration.
  • technical data  - scientific/ technical information recorded in any form or medium (such as manuals and drawings) necessary to operate and maintain a system computer programs and related software are not generally considered technical data - also excluded are financial data or other information related to contract administration.
  • technical escort  - An individual technically qualified and properly equipped to accompany designated material requiring a high degree of safety or security during shipment.
  • technical evaluation panel  - One or more technical staff members designated by the contracting officer to evaluate technical proposals, discuss the work with all offerors in the competitive range (if requested by the contracting officer), and prepare a selection recommendation. Also called TEP.
  • technical evaluation team  - A group of U.S. Government and, if needed, approved non-Government personnel representing the various functional disciplines relevant to the acquisition. Also called TET.
  • technical evaluation  - The study and investigations by a developing agency to determine the technical suitability of material, equipment, or a system for use in the Services.
  • technical excellence  - level where an individual demonstrates and applies relevant knowledge and skills to perform work, within applicable guidelines and using innovative or creative methods, as appropriate; collects relevant information to identify and assess problems or issues, analyzes and integrates information to identify variables and viable alternative solutions, draws sound conclusions, and makes timely, well-informed decisions or recommendations.
  • technical hazard information security  - technical or physical condition that exists in a secure or sensitive area which unintentionally transmits classified information, restricted data, and/ or unclassified information requiring protection outside of the area and could allow for the technical exploitation of that information.
  • technical intelligence  - Intelligence derived from the collection, processing, analysis, and exploitation of data and information pertaining to foreign equipment and materiel for the purposes of preventing technological surprise, assessing foreign scientific and technical capabilities, and developing countermeasures designed to neutralize an adversary’s technological advantages. Also called TECHINT. See also exploitation; intelligence.
  • technical management  - function responsible for management of the IT infrastructure and providing technical skills in support of IT services.
  • technical nuclear forensics  - The collection, analysis and evaluation of pre-detonation (intact) and post-detonation (exploded) radiological or nuclear materials, devices, and debris, as well as the immediate effects created by a nuclear detonation.
  • technical obsolescence risk  - risk associated with technology that becomes obsolete before the completion of the life cycle and cannot provide the planned and desired functionality.
  • technical penetration information security  - deliberate attempt to obtain classified national security information, restricted data, and/ or for official use only information from a facility through technical exploitation.
  • technical penetration  - An unauthorized or unintentional physical or electrical connection; an unauthorized or unintentional optical, acoustic, or RF hardware modification, implant, software driver or firmware modification, or the unauthorized collection of fortuitous information-bearing emanations from unmodified systems, from any of these sources designed to intercept and compromise information- (1) Known to the source; (2) Fortuitous and unknown to the source; (3) Clandestinely established; or (4) Those implemented or verified through detailed physical and instrumented technical inspections, such as technical surveillance countermeasures (TSCM) operation.
  • technical question  - Refers to any of the following- (1) Comparison question - A question used during polygraph examinations which, although not relevant to the matter under investigation, is designed to be used as a baseline against which responses relevant to the investigation may be evaluated; (2) Irrelevant or neutral question - A polygraph question about which the examinee normally would tell the truth. It does not pertain to the matter under investigation and should have no apparent emotional impact on the examinee; and (3) Symptomatic question - A polygraph question designed to indicate the possible influence of an outside issue that could be of concern to the examinee.
  • technical rectifications  - rectifications of an editorial character or minor technical or clerical changes which do not affect the substance or meaning of the text, such as — (A) errors in spelling, numbering, or punctuation; (B) errors in indentation; (C) errors (including inadvertent omissions) in cross-references to headings or subheadings or notes; and (D) other clerical or typographical errors.
  • technical regulation  - a document which lays down product characteristics or their related processes and production methods, including the applicable administrative provisions, with which compliance is mandatory. Such term may also include or deal exclusively with terminology, symbols, packaging, marking, or labeling requirements as they apply to a product, process, or production method.
  • technical requirement  - requirement in engineering terms that is an engineering interpretation of key performance parameters and operational requirements, which then serve as the technical basis for engineering development are designed into a system to provide technical functionalities that will address the shortfalls in operational (field) capabilities to meet the mission and serve as the basis for engineering development.
  • technical review authority  — The organization tasked to provide specialized technical or administrative expertise to the lead agent, primary review authority, Joint Staff doctrine sponsor, or coordinating review authority for joint publications. Also called TRA. See also coordinating review authority; joint publication; primary review authority.
  • technical risk  - risk associated with immaturity of commercially available technology and reliance on a small number of vendors.Lexicon, Terms )
  • technical security  - security measures taken to prevent the installation of technical surveillance devices and the exploitation of security vulnerabilities.
  • technical support group  - group of persons with technical expertise responsible for providing assistance and solutions.
  • technical surveillance countermeasure construction assistance  - service of providing security advice during the planning phase for the construction or modification of a secure area in coordination with accreditation authorities designed to ensure that all technical and physical security aspects are considered in planning and are included in initial construction to preclude costly modifications of security features after the area is constructed.
  • technical surveillance countermeasure inspection  - close examination and evaluation of an area to determine physical security measures required to protect against technical penetrations or unaided audio leakage.
  • technical surveillance countermeasure investigation  - highly evolved, technically sophisticated, and sensitive investigation subject to U.S. IC requirements service is conducted by qualified technical surveillance countermeasure technicians to detect the presence of technical surveillance devices or hazards; identifies technical security vulnerabilities and items of security interest, which could facilitate the technical penetration of the investigated facility.
  • technical surveillance countermeasures  - Techniques to detect, neutralize, and exploit technical surveillance technologies and hazards that permit the unauthorized access to or removal of information. Also called TSCM. See also counterintelligence.
  • technical surveillance penetration  - device installed to clandestinely monitor or record activities in a target area.
  • technical surveillance  - The act of establishing a technical penetration and intercepting information without authorization.
  • technical training  - training provided for a unique knowledge/ skill/ ability set for an assignment, position, or occupation for a specialized field of technology with goal for employee to obtain a predictable and measurable level of performance often involves information from engineering or high-tech systems.
  • technical vulnerability  - technical or physical condition that could permit the introduction of technical devices or undetected access into a secure or sensitive area.
  • techniques  — Non-prescriptive ways or methods used to perform missions, functions, or tasks. See also procedures; tactics.
  • technology and industrial base sector  - a group of public or private persons and organizations that engage in, or are capable of engaging in, similar research, development, production, integration, services, or information technology activities.
  • technology demonstrator  - working model (physical, electronic, digital, analytical, etc.) or a process- related system that may be used in either a laboratory, simulated, testing, controlled operationally relevant environment, or operational environment, depending on the type and purpose for its use generally used to demonstrate a new capability and/ or technology.
  • technology foraging  - high impact process of proactively leveraging the public and private sectors—both international and domestic—that identifies, locates, and evaluates existing or developing technologies, products, services, and emerging trends to expedite speed of execution, maximize partnership opportunities, and assemble resources to impact the development of current or future Homeland Security systems and architectures, DHS operational user needs and/ or S&T programs.
  • technology measurement area  - The area that captures key elements of performance directly relating to the IT initiative.
  • technology product  - tangible product in the form of a piece of equipment, system, or component of a system, such as an algorithm to be embedded into a piece of software.
  • technology risk  - risk associated with technical problems/ failures with applications and their ability to provide planned and desired technical functionality.
  • technology safeguards  - Defensive counterintelligence methods and techniques that are applied to equipment to counter potential hostile threats. USAID, FAH, 5 FAH‐2 H‐114 )
  • technology safeguards  - Technology safeguards include the defensive counterintelligence methods and techniques that are applied to equipment to counter potential hostile threats.
  • technology transfer  - process by which existing knowledge, facilities, or capabilities developed under federal R&D funding are shared in order to enhance innovation and fulfill public and private technology needs includes research, invention, intellectual property, licensing, and commercialization.
  • technology  - The scientific method and material used to achieve a commercial or industrial objective. Jargon for software, hardware, protocol, or something technical in nature.
  • technology  - manner, object or sequence of operations for accomplishing a task especially using technical processes, methods, or knowledge refers to the body of advanced know-how about the means and methods of producing goods and services; is increasingly science-based, but also includes methods of organization as well as physical technique.
  • technology  - the information and know-how (whether in tangible form, such as models, prototypes, drawings, sketches, diagrams, blueprints, or manuals, or in intangible form, such as training or technical services) that can be used to design, produce, manufacture, utilize, or reconstruct goods, including computer software and technical data, but not the goods themselves.
  • telecenters  - Alternative work sites in facilities to provide space for employees to work nearer to their home instead of at their traditional office. Renting telecenter space will be subject to availability of funds. Telecenters are equipped with printers, copiers, fax machines, telephones, video conferencing, and other office essentials. Telecenters also have technical support staff, if needed. For Washington, DC metropolitan area telecenters.
  • telecommunication  - Long-distance exchange of signals, signs, text, images, sounds or intelligence of any kind, via wire, radio frequency wave, visual or other electromagnetic systems.
  • telecommunications service  - a service provided by means of the transmission and reception of signals by any electromagnetic means, but does not mean the cable, broadcast, or other electromagnetic distribution of radio or television programming to the public generally.
  • telecommunications  - Any transmission, emission, or reception of signs, signals, writings, images, sounds, or information of any nature by wire, radio, visual, or other electro-magnetic, mechanical, or optical means.
  • telecommunications  - Any transmission, emission, or reception of signs, signals, writings, images, sounds, or information of any nature by wire, radio, visual, or other electromagnetic systems.
  • telecommunications  - The science and technology of communication at a distance by electronic transmission of impulses, as by telegram, telephone, radio, or television. The electronic systems used in transmitting messages, as by telegram, telephone, radio, or television.
  • telecommunications  - the preparation, transmission, or communication of information by electronic means.
  • telecommuting centers  - flexiplace work telecommuting centers.
  • teleconferencing  - Tele-Press Conferencing (TPC), sometimes referred to simply as audio conferencing, allows people in two or more locations to communicate their thoughts, ideas and concepts, despite their physical separation. A TPC is an international telephone conference call that links one or more U.S. speakers/ specialists anywhere in the world with audiences in one or more locations.
  • telegram  - In general, a written message composed in an exact format, converted by a telegraphic processor into an electronic signal and transmitted via circuitry to a receiving station. A Department of State telegram conveys official information about Department policy, program activities, posts operations, or personnel management.
  • telegram  - a written message composed in an exact format, converted by a telegraphic processor into an electronic signal and transmitted via circuitry to a receiving station. A Department of State telegram conveys official information about Department policy, program activities, posts operation or personnel management. FAH‐1 H‐114 )
  • telehealth services  - services provided through telehealth technologies.
  • telehealth technologies  - technologies relating to the use of electronic information, and telecommunications technologies, to support and promote, at a distance, health care, patient and professional health-related education, health administration, and public health.
  • telemedicine  - Rapid access to shared and remote medical expertise by means of telecommunications and information technologies to deliver health services and exchange health information for the purpose of improving patient care.
  • telemental health  - the use of electronic information and telecommunications technologies to support long-distance mental health care, patient and professional-related education, public health, and health administration.
  • telemetry switch  - switch utilizing paired radio frequency modules that transmit and receive binary data.
  • telephone service  - any communication service for the transmission or reception of voice, data, sounds, signals, pictures, writing, or signs of all kinds by wire, fiber, radio, light, or other visual or electromagnetic means, and shall include all telephone lines, facilities, or systems used in the rendition of such service; but shall not be deemed to mean message telegram service or community antenna television system services or facilities other than those intended exclusively for educational purposes, or radio broadcasting services or facilities. (b) As used in this subchapter, the term rural area shall be deemed to mean any area of the United States not included within the boundaries of any incorporated or unincorporated city, village, or borough having a population in excess of 5,000 inhabitants.
  • telephone  - A voice terminal that, regardless of what other functions it performs, is a member terminal of a telephone network and accomplishes all the incoming and outgoing signaling and voice interfacing necessary for operations in that network.
  • telephony Circuitry  - a system of electronic equipment that modulates, transmits, and receives voice and data signals via wire, wireless, or fiber optic light paths.
  • telephony  - the science and practice of switching, transmitting, and receiving voice communications. Traditional telephone service was circuit switched and tightly controlled by telephone companies and long distance carriers. It now encompasses digital and wireless technologies and is merging with (IP) networks that are independent of the telephone companies and long distance carriers.
  • telework agreement  - A mandatory document that outlines the terms and conditions of the telework arrangement, which are agreed upon between the supervisor and the employee.
  • telework agreement  - written agreement of the terms and conditions of the telework arrangement is completed and signed by the participating employee and their supervisor (and/ or designated approving official).
  • telework center  - General Services Administration (GSA) or other approved facility established by state, local, or county governments or private sector organizations for use by teleworkers.
  • telework compatible work  - work that is approved by the supervisor for telework situations.
  • telework eligible  - determination that a position is suitable for telework, based on the duties of the position.
  • telework ready employee  - employee in telework-eligible position with signed telework agreements who has the telework essentials (e.g., technology, power, internet access, etc.) that enable them to telework at their alternate location.
  • telework  - The term telework or teleworking refers to a work flexibility arrangement under which an employee performs the duties and responsibilities of such employees position, and other authorized activities, from an approved work site other than the location from which the employee would otherwise work.
  • telework  - flexible work arrangement under which employees perform the duties and responsibilities of their positions from an approved alternate worksite and maintains connectivity to the organization via telecommunications.
  • telework  - the use of telecommunications to perform work functions at a rural work center located outside the place of business of an employer.
  • template  - A timesaving pattern to shape or customize the software for a particular type of document.
  • temporary appointment  - For appointment eligible family members, a direct-hire, noncareer appointment of less than 1 year. Temporary appointments may be extended in 1 year or less increments when criteria for an FMA appointment cannot be met. Also called TEMP.
  • temporary appointment  - an appointment not to exceed one year. Such an appointment may be extended in increments of one year or less. Residents may not serve more than five years on a temporary appointment to a PIT position; EFMs may serve indefinitely in a PIT position and, except in unusual circumstances, for a maximum of two years in an FSN/ EFM position.
  • temporary detail  - Temporary duty at a place other than the employee's official duty station or post of assignment.
  • temporary duty location  - A place, away from an employee's official station, where the employee is authorized to travel. Also called TDY.
  • temporary duty  - a period of consultation, orientation, training, promotion panel service, other temporary detail, or any combination thereof, authorized in a travel order and performed while detailed to a location rather than assigned there. Temporary duty in one location interrupted by leave or temporary duty of 30 days or more in another location is treated as two separate periods of temporary duty.
  • temporary employee  - appointment of an individual within DHS that is for one year or less.
  • temporary employment  - For overseas employees, noncareer employment for a period of less than 1 year using a direct-hire temporary appointment, a PSA or PSC when authorized by the employing agency.
  • temporary interment  - A site for the purpose of: a. the interment of the remains if the circumstances permit; or b. the reburial of remains exhumed from an emergency interment. See also mortuary affairs.
  • temporary record  - Any Federal record that the Archivist of the United States has determined to have insufficient value to warrant its preservation by the National Archives.
  • temporary record  - documentary material determined by the Archivist of the United States to have insufficient value (on the basis of current standards) to warrant preservation by National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) may take the form of: 1. A series of records designated as disposable in an agency records disposition schedule approved by NARA (Standard Form 115, “Request for Records Disposition Authority”); or 2. A series of records designated as disposable in a General Records Schedule (GRS).
  • temporary storage  - The storage of household effects for a limited period of time at place of origin, destination, or en route in connection with transportation to, from, or between official duty stations. Also, see definitions of continuous storage and nontemporary storage.
  • temporary  - cannot be defined in terms of elapsed time alone. The intent of the alien, when it can be determined, will control. In the Matter of Kane, the Board of Immigration Appeals has described some of the elements to be examined - a. Reason for Absence - Traveler should have a definite reason for traveling abroad temporarily; b. Termination Date - The visit abroad should be expected to terminate within a relatively short period, fixed by some early event; and c. Place of Home or Employment - The applicant must expect to return to the United States as an actual home or place of employment. He or she must possess the requisite intent to do so at the time of their departure, and maintain it during the course of their sojourn.
  • tenant agency  - A U.S. Government department or agency operating abroad as part of the U.S. foreign affairs community under the authority of a chief of mission (COM). Excluded are military elements not under direct authority of the COM.
  • tenant programs and services  - the development and maintenance of tenant organizations which participate in the management of low-income housing projects; the training of tenants to manage and operate such projects and the utilization of their services in project management and operation; counseling on household management, housekeeping, budgeting, money management, child care, and similar matters; advice as to resources for job training and placement, education, welfare, health, and other community services; services which are directly related to meeting tenant needs and providing a wholesome living environment; and referral to appropriate agencies in the community when necessary for the provision of such services. To the maximum extent available and appropriate, existing public and private agencies in the community shall be used for the provision of such services.
  • tends  - that the misrepresentation must be of such a nature as to be reasonably expected to foreclose certain information from your knowledge. It does not mean that the misrepresentation must have been successful in foreclosing further investigation by you in order to be deemed material; it means only that the misrepresentation must reasonably have had the capacity of foreclosing further investigation.
  • tension release trigger  - victim operated trigger that, when tension is released – such as when a taut wire or cord is cut or broken – releases a spring-loaded firing pin or closes electrical contacts initiating the device.
  • tension/ pull trigger  - victim operated device that triggers an explosion when tension is applied to a firing mechanism – such as pulling a trip wire causing an action that releases a firing pin or activates an electrical or electronic switch.
  • term ocean  - any portion of the high seas beyond the contiguous zone.
  • term toxic pollutant  - those pollutants, or combinations of pollutants, including disease-causing agents, which after discharge and upon exposure, ingestion, inhalation or assimilation into any organism, either directly from the environment or indirectly by ingestion through food chains, will, on the basis of information available to the Administrator, cause death, disease, behavioral abnormalities, cancer, genetic mutations, physiological malfunctions (including malfunctions in reproduction) or physical deformations, in such organisms or their offspring.
  • terminal attack control  — The authority to control the maneuver of and grant weapons release clearance to attacking aircraft. See also joint terminal attack controller.
  • terminal control  - 1. A type of air control with the authority to direct aircraft to maneuver into a position to deliver ordnance, passengers, or cargo to a specific location or target. 2. Any electronic, mechanical, or visual control given to aircraft to facilitate target acquisition and resolution. See also terminal guidance.
  • terminal guidance operations  - Actions using electronic, mechanical, voice, or visual communications that provide approaching aircraft and/ or weapons additional information regarding a specific target location. Also called TGO.
  • terminal guidance  - 1. The guidance applied to a guided missile between midcourse guidance and arrival in the vicinity of the target. 2. Electronic, mechanical, visual, or other assistance given an aircraft pilot to facilitate arrival at, operation within or over, landing upon, or departure from an air landing or airdrop facility. See also terminal control.
  • terminal operations  - The reception, processing, and staging of passengers; the receipt, transit, storage, and marshalling of cargo; the loading and unloading of modes of transport conveyances; and the manifesting and forwarding of cargo and passengers to destination. See also operation; terminal.
  • terminal phase  - That portion of the flight of a ballistic missile that begins when the warhead or payload reenters the atmosphere and ends when the warhead or payload detonates, releases its submunitions, or impacts. See also boost phase; midcourse phase.
  • terminal  - A facility designed to transfer cargo from one means of conveyance to another. See also facility.
  • terminated portion of the contract  - the portion of a contract that the contractor is not to perform following a partial termination. For construction contracts that have been completely terminated for convenience, it means the entire contract, notwithstanding the completion of, and payment for, individual items of work before termination.
  • termination criteria  — The specified standards approved by the President and/ or the Secretary of Defense that must be met before a joint operation can be concluded.
  • termination for cause  - A termination under a commercial item contract in the event of any default by the contractor.
  • termination for convenience  - A contract clause designed to give the U.S. Government a unilateral right to terminate the contract when it is in the U.S. Governments interest to do so.
  • termination for convenience  - the exercise of the Government’s right to completely or partially terminate performance of work under a contract when it is in the Government’s interest. CH A )
  • termination for default  - the exercise of the Government’s right to completely or partially terminate a contract because of the contractor’s actual or anticipated failure to perform its contractual obligations.
  • termination inventory  - any property purchased, supplied, manufactured, furnished, or otherwise acquired for the performance of a contract subsequently terminated and properly allocable to the terminated portion of the contract. It includes Government-furnished property. It does not include any facilities, material, special test equipment, or special tooling that are subject to a separate contract or to a special contract requirement governing their use or disposition.
  • termination  - The cancellation of Federal sponsorship, in whole or in part, under an agreement at any time prior to the date of completion.
  • termination  - the cancellation of Federal sponsorship, in whole or in part, under an agreement at any time prior to the date of completion.
  • terms of reference  - 1. A mutual agreement under which a command, element, or unit exercises authority or undertakes specific missions or tasks relative to another command, element, or unit. 2. The directive providing the legitimacy and authority to undertake a mission, task, or endeavor. Also called TORs.
  • terms of trade  - with respect to the purchase of cattle for slaughter — (A) whether packer provided financing agreement or arrangement with regard to cattle; (B) whether delivery terms specified the location of the producer or the location of the packer's plant; (C) whether the producer is able to unilaterally specify the date and time during the business day of the packer that the cattle are to be delivered for slaughter; and (D) the percentage of cattle purchased by a packer as a negotiated purchase that are delivered to the plant for slaughter more than 7 days, but fewer than 14 days, after the earlier of — (i) the date on which the cattle were committed to the packer; or (ii) the date on which the cattle were purchased by the packer.
  • terrain analysis  - The collection, analysis, evaluation, and interpretation of geographic information on the natural and man-made features of the terrain, combined with other relevant factors, to predict the effect of the terrain on military operations.
  • terrain avoidance system  - A system that provides the pilot or navigator of an aircraft with a situation display of the ground or obstacles so that the pilot can maneuver the aircraft to avoid the obstruction.
  • terrain flight  - Flight close to the Earth’s surface during which airspeed, height, and/ or altitude are adapted to the contours and cover of the ground in order to avoid enemy detection and fire. Also called contour flight; low-level flight; nap-of-the-earth flight.
  • terrain following sensor  - detecting device that detects equally well on flat or irregular terrain with uniform detection throughout the detection zone.
  • terrain intelligence  - Intelligence on the military significance of natural and man-made characteristics of an area.
  • terrestrial environment  — The Earth’s land area, including its man-made and natural surface and sub- surface features, and its interfaces and interactions with the atmosphere and the oceans.
  • territorial airspace  — Airspace above land territory and internal, archipelagic, and territorial waters.
  • territorial instrumentality  - any political subdivision, public agency, instrumentality—including any instrumentality that is also a bank—or public corporation of a territory, and this term should be broadly construed to effectuate the purposes of this chapter.
  • territorial sea of the United States  - all waters extending seaward to 12 nautical miles from the baselines of the United States determined in accordance with international law.
  • territorial seas  - the belt of the seas measured from the line of ordinary low water along that portion of the coast which is in direct contact with the open sea and the line marking the seaward limit of inland waters, and extending seaward a distance of three miles.
  • territorial waters of the United States  - all waters of the territorial sea of the United States as described in Presidential Proclamation 5928 of December 27, 1988.
  • territorial waters  - A belt of ocean space adjacent to and measured from the coastal states baseline to a maximum width of 12 nautical miles.
  • territories  - Under the Stafford Act, U.S. territories are may receive federally coordinated response within the U.S. possessions, including the insular areas, and within the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) and the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI). Stafford Act assistance is available to Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, which are included in the definition of State in the Stafford Act. At present, Stafford Act assistance also is available to the FSM and the RMI under the compact of free association.
  • territory and territory of the country  - the land, waters, and airspace of the country.
  • territory outside the continental United States  - territory outside the 48 contiguous States and the District of Columbia.
  • territory  - an area over which the United States exercises sovereignty. The term is so used in the United States Constitution, which provides that Congress shall have the power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States.
  • territory  - each of American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Virgin Islands, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, and Palau.
  • terrorism information  - information relating to (1) the existence, organization, capabilities, plans, intentions, vulnerabilities, means of finance or material support, or activities of foreign or international terrorist groups or individuals, or of domestic groups or individuals involved in transnational terrorism; (2) threats posed by such groups or individuals to the United States, United States Persons, or United States interests, or to those of other nations; (3) communications of or by such groups or individuals; or (4) groups or individuals reasonably believed to be assisting or associated with such groups or individuals whether collected, produced, or distributed by intelligence, law enforcement, military, homeland security, or other activities.
  • terrorism-related information  - terrorism information, identified as terrorism-related information throughout this policy- (1) The existence, organization, capabilities, plans, intentions, vulnerabilities, means of finance or material support, or activities of foreign or international terrorist groups or individuals, or of domestic groups or individuals involved in transnational terrorism; (2) Threats posed by such groups or individuals to the United States, U.S. persons, or U.S. interests, or to those of other nations; (3) Communications of or by such groups or individuals; (4) Groups or individuals reasonably believed to be assisting or associated with such groups or individuals; and (5) Weapons of mass destruction information.
  • terrorism  - As defined under the Homeland Security Act of 2002, any activity that involves an act dangerous to human life or potentially destructive of critical infrastructure or key resources; is a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State or other subdivision of the United States in which it occurs; and is intended to intimidate or coerce the civilian population or influence or affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping.
  • terrorist activity  - any activity which is unlawful under the laws of the place where it is committed (or which, if it had been committed in the United States, would be unlawful under the laws of the United States or any State) and which involves any of the following: (I) The highjacking or sabotage of any conveyance (including an aircraft, vessel, or vehicle). (II) The seizing or detaining, and threatening to kill, injure, or continue to detain, another individual in order to compel a third person (including a governmental organization) to do or abstain from doing any act as an explicit or implicit condition for the release of the individual seized or detained. (III) A violent attack upon an internationally protected person or upon the liberty of such a person. (IV) An assassination. (V) The use of any — (a) biological agent, chemical agent, or nuclear weapon or device, or (b) explosive, firearm, or other weapon or dangerous device (other than for mere personal monetary gain), with intent to endanger, directly or indirectly, the safety of one or more individuals or to cause substantial damage to property. (VI) A threat, attempt, or conspiracy to do any of the foregoing.
  • terrorist group  - any group practicing, or which has significant subgroups which practice, international terrorism.
  • terrorist organization  - an organization — (I) designated;(II) otherwise designated, upon publication in the Federal Register, by the Secretary of State in consultation with or upon the request of the Attorney General or the Secretary of Homeland Security, as a terrorist organization, after finding that the organization engages in the activities described in subclauses (I) through (VI) of clause (iv); or (III) that is a group of two or more individuals, whether organized or not, which engages in, or has a subgroup which engages in, the activities described in subclauses (I) through (VI) of clause (iv).
  • terrorist screening database  - the terrorist screening database maintained by the Federal Government Terrorist Screening Center or its successor.
  • terrorist threat level  - A Department of Defense intelligence threat assessment of the level of terrorist threat faced by United States personnel and interests in a foreign country; the levels are expressed as LOW, MODERATE, SIGNIFICANT, and HIGH.
  • tertiary improvised explosive device  - additional improvised explosive device (IED) emplaced in the target area to attack individuals or vehicles after the initial and secondary events.
  • test and evaluation master plan  - top-level planning document for all testing and evaluation (T&E ) related to a particular project.
  • test and evaluation  - program or procedure designed to obtain, verify or provide data for the evaluation of any of the following: 1) progress in accomplishing developmental objectives; 2) the performance, operational capability and suitability of systems, subsystems, components and equipment items; and 3) the vulnerability and/ or lethality of systems, subsystems, components and equipment items.
  • test case  - documentation that specifies inputs, predicted results, and a set of execution conditions for a test item.
  • test plan  - documentation that specifies the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of intended testing activities includes a detailed formulation of the program of action that translates a test concept and statistical and/ or analytical test design into concrete resources, and procedures and responsibilities that are to be executed in achieving the objectives of the test program. Terms)
  • test readiness review  - multi-disciplined technical review conducted to ensure that the subsystem or system under review has completed all identified entrance criteria and is ready to proceed into formal testassesses test objectives; test methods and procedures, scope of testing, and safety; and confirms that required test resources have been properly identified and secured to support planned tests.
  • test  - planned formal activity conducted to collect the necessary data for analysis of performance measures used to evaluate performance against specific requirements or specifications.
  • testate  - Leaving a valid will.
  • testator  - A male decedent who dies testate.
  • testator  - A person who makes a will.
  • testatrix  - A female decedent who dies testate.
  • testimony  - The oral statements of a witness under oath or affirmation, usually in court proceedings.
  • text  - In a telegraphic message, the text is Format Line 12 and includes all the information between the BTs on FL-11 and FL-13, declassification instructions, TAGS, subject line, captions, attention indicators, and the body of the message.
  • texting/ text messaging  - Reading from or entering data into an electronic device, including for the purpose of short message service (SMS), e-mailing, instant messaging, obtaining navigational information, or engaging in any other form of electronic data retrieval or communication that requires manual entry/ retrieval.
  • the arts  - includes, but is not limited to, study and interpretation of: music (instrumental and vocal), dance, drama, folk art, creative writing, architecture and allied fields, painting, sculpture, photography, graphic and craft arts, industrial design, costume and fashion design, motion pictures, television, radio, film, video, tape and sound recording, the arts related to the presentation, performance, execution, and exhibition of such major art forms, all those traditional arts practiced by the diverse peoples of this country. 1 and the study and application of the arts to the human environment.
  • the beginning of the war  - in midnight ending the day on which Congress has declared or shall declare war or the existence of a state of war.
  • theater antisubmarine warfare commander  - A Navy commander assigned to develop plans and direct assigned and attached assets for the conduct of antisubmarine warfare within an operational area. Also called TASWC.
  • theater component commander  - an officer of any of the armed forces who (A) is commander of all forces of that armed force assigned to that combatant command, and (B) is directly subordinate to the commander of the combatant command.
  • theater detainee reporting center  — The field operating agency of the National Detainee Reporting Center responsible for maintaining information on all detainees and their personal property within a theater of operations or assigned area of operations. Also called TDRC.
  • theater distribution system  - A distribution system comprised of four independent and mutually supported networks within theater to meet the geographic combatant commander’s requirements: the physical network; the financial network; the information network; and the communications network. See also distribution; distribution plan; distribution system; theater; theater distribution.
  • theater distribution  - The flow of personnel, equipment, and materiel within theater to meet the geographic combatant commander’s missions. See also distribution; theater; theater distribution system.
  • theater event system  — Architecture for reporting ballistic missile events, composed of three independent processing and reporting elements: the joint tactical ground stations, tactical detection and reporting, and the space-based infrared system mission control station. Also called TES.
  • theater hospitalization capability  — Essential care and health service support capabilities to either return the patient to duty and/ or stabilization to ensure the patient can tolerate evacuation to a definitive care facility outside the theater, which is known as Role 3 in North Atlantic Treaty Organization doctrine.
  • theater of operations  - An operational area defined by the geographic combatant commander for the conduct or support of specific military operations. Also called TO. See also theater of war.
  • theater of war  — Defined by the President, Secretary of Defense, or the geographic combatant commander as the area of air, land, and water that is, or may become, directly involved in the conduct of major operations and campaigns involving combat. See also area of responsibility; theater of operations.
  • theater patient movement requirements center  - The activity responsible for intratheater patient movement management (medical regulating and aeromedical evacuation scheduling), the development of theater-level patient movement plans and schedules, the monitoring and execution in concert with the Global Patient Movement Requirements Center. Also called TPMRC.
  • theater special operations command  - A subordinate unified command established by a combatant commander to plan, coordinate, conduct, and support joint special operations. Also called TSOC. See also special operations.
  • theater strategy  - An overarching construct outlining a combatant commander’s vision for integrating and synchronizing military activities and operations with the other instruments of national power in order to achieve national strategic objectives. See also national military strategy; national security strategy; strategy.
  • theater support contract  - A type of contingency contract awarded by contracting officers in the operational area serving under the direct contracting authority of the Service component or designated joint head of contracting activity for the designated contingency operation. See also external support contract; systems support contract.
  • theater-assigned transportation assets  - Transportation assets that are assigned under the combatant command (command authority) of a geographic combatant commander. See also combatant command (command authority); single manager for transportation.
  • theater  - The geographical area for which a commander of a geographic combatant command has been assigned responsibility.
  • then year dollars  - dollar value in terms of prices at the time of purchase accounts for inflation, etc., to arrive at the cost of money in outlying years.
  • thermal crossover  - The natural phenomenon that normally occurs twice daily when temperature conditions are such that there is a loss of contrast between two adjacent objects on infrared imagery.
  • thermal plume  - the area of the ocean in which a significant difference in temperature, as defined in regulations by the Administrator, occurs as a result of the operation of an ocean thermal energy conversion facility or plantship.
  • thermal radiation  - 1. The heat and light produced by a nuclear explosion. 2. Electromagnetic radiations emitted from a heat or light source as a consequence of its temperature.
  • thin client  - Desktop workstations that rely upon an enterprise architecture, with applications resident only on a server. The Department supports two types of thin clients- (1) Flashless thin client, which has only random access memory (RAM) installed; and (2) Flash thin client, which has both RAM and non-volatile FLASH memory installed. The Department configures these devices to ensure the FLASH memory acts solely to enable booting of the workstation.
  • third party in-kind contributions  - the value of non-cash contributions provided by non-Federal third parties. Third party in-kind contributions may be in the form of real property, equipment, supplies and other expendable property, and the value of goods and services directly benefiting and specifically identifiable to the project or program.
  • third party managed parking  - parking included within the normal leasing arrangement space of a facility, controlled and spaces allocated by a third party such as a garage management firm, and that may be used for the parking of government, vehicles, other official vehicles, employee vehicles, or visitor vehicles. Terms )
  • third party  - any person who may institute a claim against a user for death, bodily injury, or loss of or damage to property.
  • third-country national  - A foreign national employee- (1) Compensated under the Foreign Service Act of 1980; (2) Who is neither a U.S. citizen, nor a citizen of the country in which the duty station is located; and (3) For whom the U.S. Government is obligated to pay for repatriation to his or her country of citizenship, or the country from which he or she was recruited. USAID hires TCNs under personal services contracts under its authority in the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, the FAR, and AIDAR. TCNs are compensated under the LCP unless the mission director determines that compensation under the LCP would be inappropriate in a particular instance/ s. In such instances, the proposed position description is classified under the General Schedule scale as is used for USPSCs, and compensation is paid as described in AIDAR Appendix J. Also called TCN.
  • third-line support  - third level in a hierarchy of support groups involved in the resolution of issues that due to significant technical issues provides support to the second-line support group.
  • thorough decontamination  - Decontamination carried out by a unit to reduce contamination on personnel, equipment, materiel, and/ or working areas equal to natural background or to the lowest possible levels, to permit the partial or total removal of individual protective equipment and to maintain operations with minimum degradation. See also immediate decontamination; operational decontamination.
  • threat analysis  - In antiterrorism, a continual process of compiling and examining all available information concerning potential terrorist activities by terrorist groups which could target a facility. See also antiterrorism.
  • threat and hazard identification and risk assessment  - four-step common risk assessment process that helps the whole community-including persons, businesses, faith-based organizations, non-profit groups, schools and academia, and all levels of government-understand its risks and estimate capability requirements.
  • threat and vulnerability assessment  - product of analysis performed to determine security countermeasures necessary to mitigate specific threats to personnel, facilities and/ or events.
  • threat assessment  - product or process of evaluating information based on a set of criteria for entities, actions, or occurrences, whether natural or man-made, that have or indicate the potential to harm life, information, operations and/ or property.
  • threat assessment  — In antiterrorism, examining the capabilities, intentions, and activities, past and present, of terrorist organizations as well as the security environment within which friendly forces operate to determine the level of threat. Also called TA.
  • threat warning  - The urgent communication and acknowledgement of time-critical information essential for the preservation of life and/ or vital resources.Dictionary, JP 2‐01 )
  • threat  - An indication of possible violence, harm, or danger.
  • three-year moving window  - The period of time in which the aggregate of valid (as adjudicated by DS/ IS/ APD) security infractions, or the aggregate of cybersecurity infractions will be referred to the Bureau of Human Resources (HR) for possible disciplinary action. The period starts on the date of the last infraction and extends backward for a period of 36 months.
  • threshold value  - minimum acceptable value of an acquisition program baseline parameter that is necessary to satisfy the need.
  • threshold  - value of a metric that must be exceeded to begin producing a given effect, result, or elicit a response.
  • throughput capacity  - The estimated capacity of a port or an anchorage to clear cargo and/ or passengers in 24 hours usually expressed in tons for cargo, but may be expressed in any agreed upon unit of measurement. See also clearance capacity.
  • throughput time  - measure of the time it takes for an authorized person or material to successfully pass an entry or exit point.
  • throughput  — 1. In transportation, the average quantity of cargo and passengers that can pass through a port on a daily basis from arrival at the port to loading onto a ship or plane, or from the discharge from a ship or plane to the exit (clearance) from the port complex. 2. In patient movement and care, the maximum number of patients (stable or stabilized) by category, that can be received at the airport, staged, transported, and received at the proper hospital within any 24-hour period.
  • ticket agent  - a person (except an air carrier, a foreign air carrier, or an employee of an air carrier or foreign air carrier) that as a principal or agent sells, offers for sale, negotiates for, or holds itself out as selling, providing, or arranging for, air transportation.
  • tier 1 biological select agent and toxin  - subset of biological select agents and toxins (BSAT) that present the greatest risk of deliberate misuse with significant potential for mass casualties or devastating effect to the economy, critical infrastructure, or public confidence, and pose a severe threat to public health and safety.
  • tier review  - process and procedure of addressing the eligibility of candidates nominated for special access program access.
  • tiering and tiering methodology  - the procedure by which the Secretary assigns a tier to each covered chemical facility based on the risk assessment for that covered chemical facility.
  • tiering  - system of organization utilizing ranked levels to sort information or things.
  • tilt switch  - device that allows voltage to flow to the output wires after a conductive material is moved enough (up/ down, left/ right) to flow onto the switch contacts, completing the circuit (mercury, ball bearing in a glass tube).
  • time delay  - An interruption during which services, supplies, or work are not delivered in accordance with the performance time schedule stated in the contract.
  • time fuse/ safety fuse initiator  - pyrotechnic contained in a flexible and weather-proof sheath burning at a timed and constant rate; used to transmit a flame to the detonator or a low explosive charge with a predetermined delay.
  • time mechanical switch  - time switch constructed or modified so that physical contact between two parts of the timing mechanism complete an electrical circuit.
  • time of flight  - In artillery, mortar, and naval gunfire support, the time in seconds from the instant a weapon is fired, launched, or released from the delivery vehicle or weapons system to the instant it strikes or detonates. Also called TOF.
  • time of transmission  - Also referred to as time of file, the date and time a telegram is actually transmitted from a telegraphic processor through the telegraphic circuit.
  • time on target  - The actual time at which munitions impact the target. Also called TOT.
  • time out  - a behavior management technique that is part of an approved treatment program and may involve the separation of the resident from the group, in a non-locked setting, for the purpose of calming. Time out is not seclusion.
  • time switch  - switch that functions after a set time.
  • time to target  - The number of minutes and seconds to elapse before aircraft ordnance impacts on target. Also called TTT.
  • time-and-materials contract  - A contract that provides for payment of supplies and services on the basis of incurred direct labor hours (at fixed rates) and materials (typically at cost) (48 CFR 16.601).
  • time-definite delivery  - The consistent delivery of requested logistic support at a time and destination specified by the receiving activity. See also logistic support. Also called TDD.
  • time-in-Grade  - The 52-week requirement Federal employees in competitive service GS positions at grades 5 and above must serve before they are eligible for promotion (advancement) to the next grade level.
  • time-in-class  - Time in a single salary class. Also called TIC.
  • time-in-service  - Time in a combination of salary classes, computed from date of entry into the Foreign Service. Also called TIS.
  • time-phased force and deployment data  - The time-phased force data, non-unit cargo and personnel data, and movement data for the operation plan or operation order or ongoing rotation of forces. Also called TPFDD. See also time-phased force and deployment list.
  • time-phased force and deployment list  - Appendix 1 to Annex A of the operation plan, which identifies types and/ or actual units required to support the operation plan and indicates origin and ports of debarkation or ocean area. Also called TPFDL. See also Joint Operation Planning and Execution System; time-phased force and deployment data.
  • time-sensitive target  - A joint force commander validated target or set of targets requiring immediate response because it is a highly lucrative, fleeting target of opportunity or it poses (or will soon pose) a danger to friendly forces. Also called TST.
  • timekeeper  - An employee who has been assigned the task of discharging the time and attendance as described in the Timekeepers Handbook.
  • timekeeping  - Refers to the task of recording or maintaining the hours worked by an employee or personal services contractor.
  • times  - The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff coordinates the proposed dates and times with the commanders of the appropriate unified and specified commands, as well as any recommended changes to when specified operations are to occur (C-, D-, M-days end at 2400 hours Universal Time Zulu time] and are assumed to be 24 hours long for planning).
  • tipped employee  - any employee engaged in an occupation in which he customarily and regularly receives more than $30 a month in tips.
  • title  - a fee simple, or such other estate or interest (including a leasehold on which the rental does not exceed 4 per centum of the value of the land) as the Surgeon General finds sufficient to assure for a period of not less than fifty years' undisturbed use and possession for the purposes of construction and operation of the project.
  • to distribute or sell  - to distribute, sell, offer for sale, hold for distribution, hold for sale, hold for shipment, ship, deliver for shipment, release for shipment, or receive and (having so received) deliver or offer to deliver. The term does not include the holding or application of registered pesticides or use dilutions thereof by any applicator who provides a service of controlling pests without delivering any unapplied pesticide to any person so served.
  • to incite a riot or to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot  - urging or instigating other persons to riot, but shall not be deemed to mean the mere oral or written (1) advocacy of ideas or (2) expression of belief, not involving advocacy of any act or acts of violence or assertion of the rightness of, or the right to commit, any such act or acts.
  • top guard  - anti-personnel device, usually consisting of barbed or concertina wire, installed at the tops of fences and along roof edges.
  • top secret classification  - information, the unauthorized disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security of the United States.
  • top secret  - Security classification that shall be applied to information, the unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security that the original classification authority is able to identify or describe.
  • top-level program baseline  - summary of the top level cost, schedule and performance parameters for the overall program used when the program is providing capability via a single product (e.g. capital investment, IT application, enterprise service).
  • tophandler  - A device specially designed to permit the lifting and handling of containers from the top with rough terrain container handlers. See also container.
  • topographic map  - A map that presents the vertical position of features in measurable form as well as their horizontal positions.
  • tort claim  - A claim of one person against another person alleging an injury, offense, or wrongful act, not including breach of contract, for which the claimant is entitled to compensation.
  • torture  - an act committed by a person acting under the color of law specifically intended to inflict severe physical or mental pain or suffering (other than pain or suffering incidental to lawful sanctions) upon another person within his custody or physical control.
  • total acquisition cost  - the amount equal to the total cost for development and procurement of, and system-specific construction for, a major system.
  • total actual profit  - the total profit earned by the foreign producer, exporter, and affiliated parties with respect to the sale of the same merchandise for which total expenses are determined under such subparagraph.  
  • total amount of harbor maintenance taxes received  - the aggregate of amounts appropriated, transferred, or credited to the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund for that fiscal year as set forth in the current year estimate provided in the President's budget request for the subsequent fiscal year.
  • total cost  - all product costs, period costs, and other costs for a good incurred in the territory of Colombia, the United States, or both; and (ii) does not include profits that are earned by the producer, regardless of whether they are retained by the producer or paid out to other persons as dividends, or taxes paid on those profits, including capital gains taxes.
  • total cost  - all product costs, period costs, and other costs for a good incurred in the territory of one or more of the CAFTA–DR countries.
  • total cost  - all product costs, period costs, and other costs incurred in the territory of one or more of the NAFTA countries.
  • total expenses  - all expenses in the first of the following categories which applies and which are incurred by or on behalf of the foreign producer and foreign exporter of the subject merchandise and by or on behalf of the United States seller affiliated with the producer or exporter with respect to the production and sale of such merchandise: (i) The expenses incurred with respect to the subject merchandise sold in the United States and the foreign like product sold in the exporting country if such expenses were requested by the administering authority for the purpose of establishing normal value and constructed export price. (ii) The expenses incurred with respect to the narrowest category of merchandise sold in the United States and the exporting country which includes the subject merchandise. (iii) The expenses incurred with respect to the narrowest category of merchandise sold in all countries which includes the subject merchandise.
  • total installed price  - the price of purchasing a product or material, trimming or otherwise altering some or all of that product or material, if necessary to fit with other building components, and then installing that product or material into a Federal facility.
  • total mobilization  - Expansion of the active Armed Forces resulting from action by Congress and the President to organize and/ or generate additional units or personnel beyond the existing force structure, and the resources needed for their support, to meet the total requirements of a war or other national emergency involving an external threat to the national security.
  • total separation  - the layoff or severance of an individual from employment with a firm in which adversely affected employment exists.
  • total worker health  - strategy integrating occupational safety and health protection with health promotion to prevent worker injury and illness and to advance health and wellbeing.
  • totalitarian party  - an organization which advocates the establishment in the United States of a totalitarian dictatorship or totalitarianism. The terms totalitarian dictatorship and totalitarianism mean and refer to systems of government not representative in fact, characterized by (A) the existence of a single political party, organized on a dictatorial basis, with so close an identity between such party and its policies and the governmental policies of the country in which it exists, that the party and the government constitute an indistinguishable unit, and (B) the forcible suppression of opposition to such party.
  • tour of duty  - The hours of a day and the days of an administrative workweek that make up an employees regularly scheduled basic workweek.
  • tour of duty  - hours of a day (a daily tour of duty) and the days of an administrative workweek (a weekly tour of duty) that constitute an employee's regularly scheduled administrative workweek, as determined by the employing Component.
  • tour of duty  - the hours of a day (a daily tour of duty) and the days of an administrative workweek (a weekly tour of duty) that make up an employees regularly scheduled administrative workweek. Tour of duty under this regulation is not to be confused with the tour of duty of career Foreign Service employees which refers to the total length of a particular assignment, usually two or three years.
  • towaway trailer transporter combination  - a combination of vehicles consisting of a trailer transporter towing unit and 2 trailers or semitrailers — (A) with a total weight that does not exceed 26,000 pounds; and (B) in which the trailers or semitrailers carry no property and constitute inventory property of a manufacturer, distributor, or dealer of such trailers or semitrailers.
  • towing vessel  - a commercial vessel engaged in or intending to engage in the service of pulling, pushing, or hauling along side, or any combination of pulling, pushing, or hauling along side.
  • towing vessel  - a vessel in commercial service that pushes, pulls, or tows alongside and includes what is traditionally known as a tug.
  • toxic chemical  - any chemical which through its chemical action on life processes can cause death, temporary incapacitation or permanent harm to humans or animals. The term includes all such chemicals, regardless of their origin or of their method of production, and regardless of whether they are produced in facilities, in munitions or elsewhere.
  • toxic industrial biological  - Any biological material manufactured, used, transported, or stored by industrial, medical, or commercial processes which could pose an infectious or toxic threat. Also called TIB.
  • toxic industrial biological  - biological material manufactured, used, transported, or stored by industrial, medical, or commercial processes which could pose an infectious or toxic threat.
  • toxic industrial chemical  - A chemical developed or manufactured for use in industrial operations or research by industry, government, or academia that poses a hazard. Also called TIC.
  • toxic industrial chemical  - chemical developed or manufactured for use in industrial operations or research by industry, government, or academia includes chemicals such as; pesticides, petrochemicals, fertilizers, corrosives, poisons, hydrogen cyanide, cyanogen chloride, phosgene, and chloropicrin.
  • toxic industrial material  - A generic term for toxic, chemical, biological, or radioactive substances in solid, liquid, aerosolized, or gaseous form that may be used, or stored for use, for industrial, commercial, medical, military, or domestic purposes. Also called TIM.
  • toxic industrial material  - toxic or radioactive substances in solid, liquid, aerosolized, or gaseous form that may be used, or stored for use, for industrial, commercial, medical, military, or domestic purposes Toxic industrial material may be chemical, biological, or radioactive and described as toxic industrial chemical, toxic industrial biological, or toxic industrial radiological.
  • toxic industrial radiological  - Any radiological material manufactured, used, transported, or stored by industrial, medical, or commercial processes. Also called TIR.
  • toxic industrial radiological  - radiological material manufactured, used, transported, or stored by industrial, medical, or commercial processes includes materials such as; spent fuel rods, medical sources.
  • toxin  - the toxic material or product of plants, animals, microorganisms (including, but not limited to, bacteria, viruses, fungi, rickettsiae or protozoa), or infectious substances, or a recombinant or
  • toxin  - toxic material or product of plants, animals, microorganisms, or infectious substances, or a recombinant or synthesized molecule, whatever their origin and method of production, and includes i) any poisonous substance or biological product that may be engineered as a result of biotechnology produced by a living organism; or ii) any poisonous isomer or biological product, homolog, or derivative of such a substance including, but not limited to, bacteria, viruses, fungi, rickettsiae, or protozoa.
  • trace number  - A fifteen-digit number assigned to the ACH item by Fedline. The trace number remains intact throughout the forward and return process. The first eight digits reflect the routing/ transit number assigned to the FSC. The last seven digits are assigned in ascending sequence.
  • traceability product  - ability to identify the relationship between various products of the development process ,i.e., the lineage of requirements, the relationship between a design decision and the affected requirements and design features, the assignment of requirements to design features, the relationship of test results to the original source of requirements.
  • tracer action  - Action initiated by the originator of a telegram to determine the reason for nondelivery or inordinate delay.
  • track correlation  — Correlating track information for identification purposes using all available data.
  • track management  - Defined set of procedures whereby the commander ensures accurate friendly and enemy unit and/ or platform locations, and a dissemination procedure for filtering, combining, and passing that information to higher, adjacent, and subordinate commanders.
  • track of interest  - In counterdrug operations, contacts that meet the initial identification criteria applicable in the area where the contacts are detected. Also called TOI. See also suspect.
  • track of interest  - displayed data representing an object that threatens or has the potential to threaten North America or National Security indicators may include, but are not limited to: noncompliance with traffic control instructions or regulations; extended loss of communications; unusual transmissions or unusual behavior; unauthorized intrusion into controlled space or an ADIZ; noncompliance with issued restrictions/ security procedures; or unlawful interference with crews, up to and including hijack.
  • track  - 1. A series of related contacts displayed on a data display console or other display device. 2. To display or record the successive positions of a moving object. 3. To lock onto a point of radiation and obtain guidance therefrom. 4. To keep a gun properly aimed, or to point continuously a #page locating instrument at a moving target. 5. The actual path of an aircraft above or a ship on the surface of the Earth. 6. One of the two endless belts on which a full-track or half-track vehicle runs. 7. A metal part forming a path for a moving object such as the track around the inside of a vehicle for moving a mounted machine gun.
  • track  - display or recording of the successive positions of a moving object.
  • tracking device  - an electronic or mechanical device which permits the tracking of the movement of a person or object.
  • tracking  - Precise and continuous position-finding of targets by radar, optical, or other means.
  • trade enforcement  - the enforcement of the customs and trade laws of the United States.
  • trade facilitation  - policies and activities of U.S. Customs and Border Protection with respect to facilitating the movement of merchandise into and out of the United States in a manner that complies with the customs and trade laws of the United States.
  • trade secret  - all forms and types of financial, business, scientific, technical, economic, or engineering information, including patterns, plans, compilations, program devices, formulas, designs, prototypes, methods, techniques, processes, procedures, programs, or codes, whether tangible or intangible, and whether or how stored, compiled, or memorialized physically, electronically, graphically, photographically, or in writing if — (A) the owner thereof has taken reasonable measures to keep such information secret; and (B) the information derives independent economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to, and not being readily ascertainable through proper means by, another person who can obtain economic value from the disclosure or use of the information;
  • trade study  - process of identifying the various solutions for addressing a capability gap along with an assessment of the cost/ benefit of each solution also the report that documents the results
  • trade-off acquisition  - competitive negotiation process that evaluates price and non-price factors.
  • trade-off  - decision-making actions that select from various requirements and alternative solutions on the basis of net benefit to the stakeholders.
  • tradecraft  - 1. Specialized methods and equipment used in the organization and activity of intelligence organizations, especially techniques and methods for handling communications with agents. 2. Operational practices and skills used in the performance of intelligence related duties.
  • tradecraft  - 1. Specialized methods and equipment used in the organization and activity of intelligence organizations, especially techniques and methods for handling communications with agents. 2. Operational practices and skills used in the performance of intelligence related duties.
  • trademarks  - trade names, and the goodwill of the business to which a trademark or trade name is appurtenant.
  • trading facility  - a person or group of persons that constitutes, maintains, or provides a physical or electronic facility or system in which multiple participants have the ability to execute or trade agreements, contracts, or transactions — (i) by accepting bids or offers made by other participants that are open to multiple participants in the facility or system; or (ii) through the interaction of multiple bids or multiple offers within a system with a pre-determined non-discretionary automated trade matching and execution algorithm.
  • traditional food  - food that has traditionally been prepared and consumed by an Indian tribe.
  • traditional fuel  - a liquid hydrocarbon fuel derived or refined from petroleum.
  • traffic management  - The direction, control, and supervision of all functions incident to the procurement and use of freight and passenger transportation services.
  • traffic  - All telegraphic messages transmitted and received.
  • trailer transporter towing unit  - a power unit that is not used to carry property when operating in a towaway trailer transporter combination.
  • trailer  - a nonpower, property-carrying, trailing unit that is designed for use in combination with a truck tractor.
  • train employee  - an individual engaged in or connected with the movement of a train, including a hostler.
  • trained personnel  - an individual—(i) who has been designated by the principal (or other appropriate administrative staff) of the school to administer epinephrine on a voluntary basis outside their scope of employment; (ii) who has received training in the administration of epinephrine; and(iii) whose training in the administration of epinephrine meets appropriate medical standards and has been documented by appropriate administrative staff of the school.
  • training aid  - Any item developed or procured with the primary intent that it shall assist in training and the process of learning.
  • training and readiness oversight  - The authority that combatant commanders may exercise over assigned Reserve Component forces when not on active duty or when on active duty for training. Also called TRO. See also combatant commander.
  • training and training support  - processes, procedures, techniques, training devices, and equipment used to train personnel to operate and support a materiel system includes individual and crew training; new equipment training; initial, formal, and on-the-job (OJT) training; and integrated logistics support (ILS) planning for training equipment and training device acquisitions and installations.
  • training delivery method  - method for providing training course includes: facilitated self-instruction training, Instructor led training, on-line training, on-the-job training, self-study training.
  • training objective  - A description of the training audience, the desired outcome of a training activity, and the measures used to evaluate the learning outcome.
  • training proficiency assessment  - An appraisal derived from the primary trainer's subjective assessment of an organization by comparing collective evaluations of training competence over time and against joint mission-essential tasks, conditions, and standards. Also called TPA.
  • training proficiency evaluation  - An objective assessment of an organization's achievement of training objectives, conducted during the execution phase of the joint training system. Also called TPE.
  • training-related injury  - an injury incurred by a member of the Armed Forces while performing authorized training activities in preparation for a combat mission.
  • training  - a learning experience in which an individual is taught to execute a specific information security procedure or understand the information security common body of knowledge.
  • training  - process aimed at the acquisition of defined skills relating to particular functions or activities is focused to improve individual and/ or organizational performance and assist in achieving the organization's mission and performance goals.
  • transfer of office  - the permanent or temporary transfer of the authorities and responsibilities vested in the principal officer for the management of the post and the conduct of its operations. A permanent transfer of office is effected whenever an officer relinquishes charge of a post and does not expect to resume charge of that post, or whenever directed by the Department. A temporary transfer is effected whenever an officer relinquishes charge of a post with the expectation of resuming charge of the post. The procedure required in the case of a temporary transfer is followed at the time the principal officer relinquishes charge and again at the time the officer resumes charge.
  • transfer payment  - A payment of money or goods. A pure transfer is unrelated to the provision of any goods or services in exchange. Such payments alter the distribution of income, but do not directly affect the allocation of resources on the margin.
  • transfer personnel  - movement of an employee from one organization or position to another can be competitive or non-competitive.
  • transfer  - A permanent change of station (PCS) from one post of assignment to another.
  • transfer  - A secondment to an international organization when you are separated from the Service for the duration of your secondment.
  • transferred works operating entity  - the organization which is contractually responsible for operation and maintenance of transferred works.
  • transferred works  - a project facility, the operation and maintenance of which is carried out by a non- Federal entity, under the provisions of a formal operation and maintenance transfer contract.
  • transgenic animal  - an animal whose genome contains a nucleotide sequence that has been intentionally modified in vitro, and the progeny of such an animal; Provided that the term transgenic animal does not include an animal of which the nucleotide sequence of the genome has been modified solely by selective breeding.
  • transient forces  - Forces that pass or stage through, or base temporarily within, the operational area of another command but are not under its operational control. See also force.
  • transit asset management plan  - a plan developed by a recipient of funding under this chapter that —
  • transit asset management system  - a strategic and systematic process of operating, maintaining, and improving public transportation capital assets effectively throughout the life cycle of such assets.
  • transit zone  — The path taken by either airborne or seaborne smugglers. See also arrival zone.
  • transition phase  - project execution phase that occurs once a solution has been validated by the customer and includes activities to deploy the solution to use.
  • transition risk  - potential for a given (negative) event to occur that impacts the transition of a product to a customer.
  • transition  - A shift in the political situation at a critical juncture in a nation's history. Three kinds of transition situations (these are basic conceptual frameworks for defining transitions - to show basic differences in the environments in which we might work) that OTI works in: Transition to Democracy; Post-Conflict Transition; Transitional Political Crisis (potential backsliding countries )
  • transition  - transfer of ownership and operation/ maintenance of a product or system transfer of responsibility for a product or system from a research and development organization to a receiving activity, with subsequent integration of the product or system into the receiving activity’s operations. For purposes of this definition, the term operations can include any phase of an acquisition program, capability development, or equivalent.
  • transitional military authority  — Temporary military government exercising the functions of civil administration in the absence of a legitimate civil authority.
  • transitional yield  - the maximum average production per acre or equivalent measure that is assigned to acreage for a crop year by the Corporation in accordance with the regulations of the Corporation whenever the producer fails — (A) to certify that acceptable documentation of production and acreage for the crop year is in the possession of the producer; or (B) to present the acceptable documentation on the demand of the Corporation or an insurance company reinsured by the Corporation.
  • transmission security  — The component of communications security that results from all measures designed to protect communications from interception and exploitation by means other than cryptanalysis. Also called TRANSEC. See also communications security.
  • transnational crime  - breach of rules or laws that have actual or potential effect across national borders or those breaches which are intra-State but which offend fundamental values of the international community.
  • transnational infrastructure  - public or private systems and assets, whether physical or virtual, used and maintained by more than one country or which cross international borders includes the framework of interdependent networks and systems comprising identifiable industries, institutions (including people and procedures), and distribution capabilities that provide reliable flow of products and services, including transportation, communication, banking, finance, agriculture, food, water, energy, public health, emergency services, etc., essential to the national and economic security of neighboring countries, and facilitating worldwide government operations, global commerce, trade, and international communication.
  • transnational organized crime group  - a group of persons that includes one or more citizens of a foreign country, exists for a period of time, and acts in concert with the aim of engaging in transnational organized crime.
  • transnational threat  - Any activity, individual, or group not tied to a particular country or region that operates across international boundaries and threatens United States national security or interests.
  • transport area  - In amphibious operations, an area assigned to a transport organization for the purpose of debarking troops and equipment. See also inner transport area; outer transport area.
  • transport group  - An element that directly deploys and supports the landing of the landing force, and is functionally designated as a transport group in the amphibious task force organization.
  • transport or transportation  - the carriage and related handling of any material by a vessel, or by any other vehicle, including aircraft.
  • transportation (marine)  - The Navigation Channel Framework consists of highly accurate dimensions
  • transportation closure  - The actual arrival date of a specified movement requirement at port of debarkation.
  • transportation component command  - A major command of its parent Service under United States Transportation Command, which includes Air Force Air Mobility Command, Navy Military Sealift Command, and Army Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command. Also called TCC.
  • transportation controls  - any plan, procedure, method, or arrangement, or any system of incentives, disincentives, restrictions, and requirements, which is designed to reduce the amount of energy consumed in transportation, except that the term does not include rationing of gasoline or diesel fuel.
  • transportation disruption  - any significant delay, interruption, or stoppage in the flow of trade caused by a natural disaster, heightened threat level, an act of terrorism, or any transportation security incident.
  • transportation expenses  - Includes commercial bus, air, rail, or vessel/ steamship fares. Other transportation expenses include local transit system, taxi fares, cost of commercial rental cars and other special conveyances; and mileage and other allowances to cover operating expenses for use of privately owned conveyances, including fees for parking, ferries, etc.
  • transportation feasibility  - A determination that the capability exists to move forces, equipment, and supplies from the point of origin to the final destination within the time required. See also operation plan.
  • transportation feasible  — A determination made by the supported commander that a draft operation plan can be supported with the apportioned transportation assets. transportation fuel - fuel for use in motor vehicles, motor vehicle engines, nonroad vehicles, or nonroad engines (except for ocean-going vessels).
  • transportation in the waterborne commerce of the United States  - the operation of a vessel in the fisheries, except only for sport fishing.
  • transportation line and transportation company  - the owner, charterer, consignee, or authorized agent operating any vessel or aircraft or railroad train bringing aliens to the United States, to foreign territory, or to adjacent islands.
  • transportation management  - The process by which an agency oversees the physical movement of commodities, household goods, and other freight from one location to another by a transportation- service provider.
  • transportation priorities  - Indicators assigned to eligible traffic that establish its movement precedence.
  • transportation security incident  - a security incident resulting in a significant loss of life, environmental damage, transportation system disruption, or economic disruption in a particular area. In this paragraph, the term economic disruption does not include a work stoppage or other employee- related action not related to terrorism and resulting from an employee-employer dispute. transportation security information — information relating to the risks to transportation modes, including aviation, public transportation, railroad, ferry, highway, maritime, pipeline, and over-the- road bus transportation, and may include specific and general intelligence products, as appropriate.
  • transportation system  — All the land, water, and air routes and transportation assets engaged in the movement of United States forces and their supplies during military operations, involving both mature and immature theaters and at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels of war.
  • transportation  - Transportation data are used to model the geographic locations, interconnectedness, and characteristics of the transportation system within the United States. The transportation system includes both physical and non-physical components representing all modes of travel that allow the movement of goods and people between locations.
  • transshipment point  - A location where material is transferred between vehicles.
  • transshipment  - preferential treatment for a textile or apparel article has been claimed on the basis of material false information concerning the country of origin, manufacture, processing, or assembly of the article or any of its components. For purposes of this paragraph, false information is material if disclosure of the true information would mean or would have meant that the article is or was ineligible for preferential treatment.
  • trauma care component  - a plan for a comprehensive health care system, within rural and urban areas of the State, for the prompt recognition, prehospital care, emergency medical care, acute surgical and medical care, rehabilitation, and outcome evaluation of seriously injured patients.
  • trauma  - an injury resulting from exposure to—(A) a mechanical force; or (B) another extrinsic agent, including an extrinsic agent that is thermal, electrical, chemical, or radioactive.
  • traumatic brain injury  - an acquired injury to the brain caused by an external physical force, resulting in total or partial functional disability or psychosocial impairment, or both, that adversely affects a child's educational performance. Traumatic brain injury applies to open or closed head injuries resulting in impairments in one or more areas, such as cognition; language; memory; attention; reasoning; abstract thinking; judgment; problem-solving; sensory, perceptual, and motor abilities; psychosocial behavior; physical functions; information processing; and speech. Traumatic brain injury does not apply to brain injuries that are congenital or degenerative, or to brain injuries induced by birth trauma.
  • traumatic brain injury  - an acquired injury to the brain. Such term does not include brain dysfunction caused by congenital or degenerative disorders, nor birth trauma, but may include brain injuries caused by anoxia due to trauma. The Secretary may revise the defined of such term as the Secretary determines necessary, after consultation with States and other appropriate public or nonprofit private entities.
  • travel authorization (orders)  - Written permission for an employee to travel away from his/ her official duty station on official business.
  • travel claim (voucher)  - A written request, supported by documentation and receipts where applicable, for reimbursement of expenses incurred in the performance of official travel, including permanent change of station (PCS) travel.
  • travel documentation  - identity document issued by a government or international treaty organization to facilitate the movement of individuals or small groups of persons across international boundaries includes passenger name, date of birth, gender, method of payment for ticket, photo identification (e.g., driver’s license for domestic flights, passport for international travel), visa and other required paperwork for international travel, travel itinerary, and period of time between date of ticket purchase and flight departure
  • travel management center  - A commercial travel agent under joint contract with the General Services Administration (GSA), Department of State, and other Foreign Affairs agencies. Also called TMC.
  • treasury account symbol financial  - identification code assigned to an individual appropriation, receipt, or other fund account. is assigned by Treasury, in collaboration with OMB and the owner agency.
  • treasury appropriation fund symbol financial  - separate Treasury expenditure account for appropriation titles based on the availability of the resources in the account, derived from the 12 annual appropriation bills without an agency request consists of a combination of the Federal account symbol and an availability code (e.g. annual, multi-year, or no-year), and refer only to appropriation and fund accounts, excluding receipt accounts.
  • treasury rates  - Rates of interest on marketable Treasury debt. Such debt is issued in maturities ranging from 91 days to 30 years.
  • treated conference room  - A shielded enclosure that provides acoustic and electromagnetic attenuation protection. Also called TCR.
  • treatment activities  - treatment services and authorized activities that are related to treatment services.
  • treatment facility  - an entity that provides treatment services.
  • treatment limitation  - limits on the frequency of treatment, number of visits, days of coverage, or other similar limits on the scope or duration of treatment.
  • treatment program  - a public or nonprofit private program of treatment for dependence on heroin or other morphine-like drugs.
  • treatment services  - treatment for substance abuse.
  • treatment  - any method, technique, or process, including neutralization, designed to change the physical, chemical, or biological character or composition of any hazardous waste so as to neutralize such waste or so as to render such waste nonhazardous, safer for transport, amenable for recovery, amenable for storage, or reduced in volume. Such term includes any activity or processing designed to change the physical form or chemical composition of hazardous waste so as to render it nonhazardous.
  • treatment  - primary and secondary prophylaxis.
  • trembler switch  - device that allows voltage to flow to the output wires after two metal parts make contact, completing the circuit.
  • trial  - A formal inquiry or legal examination of charges filed against a person before a judge, or court, or other equivalent legal institutions abroad.
  • tribal government  - the government of an Indian tribe or authorized tribal organization, or in Alaska a Native village or Alaska Regional Native Corporation.
  • tribal government  - the government of an Indian tribe.
  • tribal leader  - Individual responsible for the public safety and welfare of the people of that tribe.
  • tribal  - Referring to any Indian tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or community, including any Alaskan Native Village as defined in or established pursuant to the Alaskan Native Claims Settlement Act, that is recognized as eligible for the special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians.
  • tribe  - any Indian or Alaska Native tribe, band, nation, pueblo, village, or community that the Secretary of the Interior acknowledges to exist as an Indian tribe as defined in the Federally Recognized Indian] Tribe List Act of 1994.
  • triple net lease  - lease for which the occupant has responsibility for operation and maintenance, including the payment of utilities, including those associated with the building mechanical systems
  • troop space cargo  - Cargo such as sea or barracks bags, bedding rolls or hammocks, locker trunks, and office equipment, normally stowed in an accessible place, as well as normal hand-carried combat equipment and weapons to be carried ashore by the assault troops.
  • tropical disease  - Amebiasis, Blackwater fever, Cholera, Dracontiasis, Dysentery, Filiariasis, Hansen's disease, Leishmaniasis including Kala-Azar Loiasis, Malaria, Onchocerciasis, Oroya fever, Pinta Plague, Schistosomiasis, Yaws, Yellow fever, and such other tropical diseases as the Secretary may add to this list.
  • trust in which a labor organization is interested  - a trust or other fund or organization (1) which was created or established by a labor organization, or one or more of the trustees or one or more members of the governing body of which is selected or appointed by a labor organization, and (2) a primary purpose of which is to provide benefits for the members of such labor organization or their beneficiaries.
  • trusted computing base  - The totality of protection mechanisms within an AIS (including hardware, firmware and software), the combination of which is responsible for enforcing a security policy. A trusted computing base consists of one or more components that together enforce a unified security policy over a product or AIS. The ability of a trusted computing base to correctly enforce a security policy depends solely on the mechanisms within the trusted computing base and on the correct input by system administrative personnel of parameters (e.g., a users clearance) related to the security policy. Also called TCB.
  • trusted shipper  - participant in any U.S. Government program which provides expedited processing for the adoption and verification of increased security standards
  • trusteeship  - any receivership, trusteeship, or other method of supervision or control whereby a labor organization suspends the autonomy otherwise available to a subordinate body under its constitution or bylaws.
  • trustworthy information system  - an information system that is believed to be capable of operating within defined levels of risk despite the environmental disruptions, human errors, structural failures, and purposeful attacks that are expected to occur in its environment of operation.
  • tuber propagated  - propagated by a tuber or a part of a tuber.
  • tuition and fees  - the average annual cost of tuition and fees for an institution of higher education for first-time, full-time undergraduate students enrolled in the institution.
  • turnaround  - The length of time between arriving at a point and being ready to depart from that point.
  • turning movement  — A variation of the envelopment in which the attacking force passes around or over the enemy’s principal defensive positions to secure objectives deep in the enemy’s rear to force the enemy to abandon his position or divert major forces to meet the threat.
  • twenty-foot equivalent unit  - nominal unit of measure equivalent to a 20’ x 8’ x 8’ shipping container.
  • two factor authentication  - The use of two types of authentication factors from the following- (1 ) something the user KNOWS (e.g., password), and (2) something the user HAS (e.g., the one-time FOB); (3) or something the user IS (e.g., fingerprint).
  • two-person rule  - A system designed to prohibit access by an individual to nuclear weapons and certain designated components by requiring the presence at all times of at least two authorized persons, each capable of detecting incorrect or unauthorized procedures with respect to the task to be performed.
  • type of purchase  - with respect to cattle — (A) a negotiated purchase; (B) a formula market arrangement; and (C) a forward contract.
  • type of purchase  - with respect to swine — (A) a negotiated purchase; (B) other market formula purchase; (C) a swine or pork market formula purchase; (D) a negotiated formula purchase.
  • type  - a classification of resources that refers to the capability of a resource.
  • typed and typing  - having evaluated, or evaluating, respectively, a resource in accordance with standards created.
  • types of compliance requirements  - Refers to the types of compliance requirements listed in the compliance supplement. Examples include activities allowed or unallowed; allowable costs/ cost principles; cash management; eligibility; matching, level of effort, earmarking; and, reporting.
  • types of compliance requirements  - the types of compliance requirements listed in the compliance supplement. Examples include: activities allowed or unallowed; allowable costs/ cost principles; cash management; eligibility; matching, level of effort, earmarking; and, reporting.



A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD