ICD 11 codes (S)

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ICD 11 codes (S)

ICD stands for International Classification of Diseases and ICD 11 is the 11th revision.

The International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision (ICD-11) is a global standard for health information and diagnostics. Developed by the WHO, ICD-11 provides a systematic framework for classifying diseases, disorders, injuries, and other related health conditions. This classification allows for detailed analysis of health trends and statistics worldwide, assisting in informing public health and clinical decision-making.

ICD-11 was officially adopted by the WHO in May 2019, marking a significant update from its predecessor, ICD-10. The new revision is fully electronic and has been designed to be more accessible and easier to implement, which is a significant shift from the paper-based ICD-10. Learn more...

ICD 11 Code ICD 11 Description
-Supplementary Chapter Traditional Medicine Conditions - Module I
-- Traditional medicine disorders (TM1)
-- - Organ system disorders (TM1)
-- --Liver system disorders (TM1)
SA00 - - - - Hypochondrium pain disorder (TM1)
SA01 - - - - Jaundice disorder (TM1)
SA02 - - - - Liver distension disorder (TM1)
SA03 - - - - Tympanites disorder (TM1)
SA04 - - - - Liver abscess disorder (TM1)
SA05 - - - - Gallbladder distension disorder (TM1)
SA0Y - - - - Other specified liver system disorders (TM1)
SA0Z - - - - Liver system disorders (TM1), unspecified
-- --Heart system disorders (TM1)
-- - - - Palpitation disorders (TM1)
SA10 - - - - - Inducible palpitation disorder (TM1)
SA11 - - - - - Spontaneous palpitation disorder (TM1)
SA1Y - - - - - Other specified palpitation disorders (TM1)
SA1Z - - - - - Palpitation disorders (TM1), unspecified
-- - - - Chest impediment disorders (TM1)
SA20 - - - - - True heart pain disorder (TM1)
SA2Y - - - - - Other specified chest impediment disorders (TM1)
SA2Z - - - - - Chest impediment disorders (TM1), unspecified
SA4Y - - - - Other specified heart system disorders (TM1)
SA4Z - - - - Heart system disorders (TM1), unspecified
-- --Spleen system disorders (TM1)
SA50 - - - - Dysphagia disorder (TM1)
SA51 - - - - Stomach ache disorder (TM1)
SA52 - - - - Epigastric distension disorder (TM1)
SA53 - - - - Epigastric upset disorder (TM1)
SA54 - - - - Food retention disorder (TM1)
SA55 - - - - Diarrhea disorder (TM1)
SA56 - - - - Dysentery disorder (TM1)
SA57 - - - - Constipation disorder (TM1)
SA58 - - - - Abdominal pain disorder (TM1)
SA59 - - - - Intestinal abscess disorder (TM1)
SA5Y - - - - Other specified spleen system disorders (TM1)
SA5Z - - - - Spleen system disorders (TM1), unspecified
-- --Lung system disorders (TM1)
SA60 - - - - Common cold disorder (TM1)
-- - - - Cough disorders (TM1)
SA70 - - - - - Cough with dyspnea disorder (TM1)
SA7Y - - - - - Other specified cough disorders (TM1)
SA7Z - - - - - Cough disorders (TM1), unspecified
SA80 - - - - Dyspnea disorder (TM1)
SA81 - - - - Wheezing disorder (TM1)
SA82 - - - - Lung distension disorder (TM1)
SA83 - - - - Pleural fluid retention disorder (TM1)
SA84 - - - - Lung heat disorder (TM1)
SA85 - - - - Lung withering disorder (TM1)
SA86 - - - - Chest bind disorder (TM1)
SA8Y - - - - Other specified lung system disorders (TM1)
SA8Z - - - - Lung system disorders (TM1), unspecified
-- --Kidney system disorders (TM1)
-- - - - Strangury disorders (TM1)
SA90 - - - - - Stony stranguria disorder (TM1)
SA91 - - - - - Heat stranguria disorder (TM1)
SA9Y - - - - - Other specified strangury disorders (TM1)
SA9Z - - - - - Strangury disorders (TM1), unspecified
SB00 - - - - Kidney stagnation disorder (TM1)
SB01 - - - - Flooding urine disorder (TM1)
SB02 - - - - Enuresis disorder (TM1)
SB03 - - - - Turbid urine disorder (TM1)
SB04 - - - - Dribbling urinary block disorder (TM1)
SB05 - - - - Block and repulsion disorder (TM1)
SB06 - - - - Edema disorders (TM1)
SB06.0 - - - - - Kidney edema disorder (TM1)
SB06.1 - - - - - Wind edema disorder (TM1)
SB06.Y - - - - - Other specified edema disorders (TM1)
SB06.Z - - - - - Edema disorders (TM1), unspecified
SB07 - - - - Lower abdominal colic disorder (TM1)
SB08 - - - - Premature ejaculation disorder (TM1)
SB09 - - - - Involuntary ejaculation disorder (TM1)
SB0A - - - - Persistent erection disorder (TM1)
SB0B - - - - Impotence disorder (TM1)
SB0C - - - - Male Infertility disorder (TM1)
SB0Y - - - - Other specified kidney system disorders (TM1)
SB0Z - - - - Kidney system disorders (TM1), unspecified
SB2Y - - - Other specified organ system disorders (TM1)
SB2Z - - - Organ system disorders (TM1), unspecified
-- - Other body system disorders (TM1)
-- --Skin and mucosa system disorders (TM1)
SB30 - - - - Dampness sore disorder (TM1)
SB31 - - - - Impetigo disorder (TM1)
-- - - - Furuncle disorders (TM1)
SB40 - - - - - Septicemic furunculosis disorder (TM1)
SB4Y - - - - - Other specified furuncle disorders (TM1)
SB4Z - - - - - Furuncle disorders (TM1), unspecified
SB50 - - - - Bed sore disorder (TM1)
-- - - - Abscess disorders (TM1)
SB60 - - - - - Deep multiple abscess disorder (TM1)
SB61 - - - - - Anal abscess disorder (TM1)
SB6Y - - - - - Other specified abscess disorders (TM1)
SB6Z - - - - - Abscess disorders (TM1), unspecified
SB70 - - - - Headed carbuncle disorder (TM1)
SB71 - - - - Foot dampness itch disorder (TM1)
SB72 - - - - Tinea circinate disorder (TM1)
SB73 - - - - Dry skin disorder (TM1)
SB74 - - - - Gangrene disorder (TM1)
SB75 - - - - Wart disorder (TM1)
SB76 - - - - Hand dampness itch disorder (TM1)
SB77 - - - - Erysipelas disorder (TM1)
SB78 - - - - Cellulitis disorder (TM1)
SB79 - - - - Thrush disorder (TM1)
SB7A - - - - Herpes zoster disorder (TM1)
SB7B - - - - Interior haemorroid disorder (TM1)
SB7C - - - - Fissured anus disorder (TM1)
SB7Y - - - - Other specified skin and mucosa system disorders (TM1)
SB7Z - - - - Skin and mucosa system disorders (TM1), unspecified
-- --Female reproductive system disorders (TM1) (including childbirth)
-- - - - Menstruation associated disorders (TM1)
-- - - - - Menstruation cycle disorders (TM1)
SB80 - - - - - -Advanced menstruation disorder (TM1)
SB81 - - - - - -Delayed menstruation disorder (TM1)
SB82 - - - - - -Irregular menstruation disorders (TM1)
SB8Y - - - - - -Other specified menstruation cycle disorders (TM1)
SB8Z - - - - - -Menstruation cycle disorders (TM1), unspecified
SB90 - - - - - Menorrhagia disorder (TM1)
SB91 - - - - - Decreased menstruation disorder (TM1)
SB92 - - - - - Prolonged menstruation disorder (TM1)
SB93 - - - - - Metrorrhagia disorder (TM1)
SB94 - - - - - Amenorrhea disorder (TM1)
SB95 - - - - - Menopausal disorder (TM1)
SB96 - - - - - Dysmenorrhea disorder (TM1)
SB9Y - - - - - Other specified menstruation associated disorders (TM1)
SB9Z - - - - - Menstruation associated disorders (TM1), unspecified
-- - - - Pregnancy associated disorders (TM1)
SC00 - - - - - Morning sickness disorder (TM1)
SC01 - - - - - Unstable fetus disorder (TM1)
SC02 - - - - - Bladder pressure disorder (TM1)
SC03 - - - - - Eclampsia disorder (TM1)
SC04 - - - - - Floating sensation pregnancy disorder (TM1)
SC0Y - - - - - Other specified pregnancy associated disorders (TM1)
SC0Z - - - - - Pregnancy associated disorders (TM1), unspecified
-- - - - Puerperium associated disorders (TM1)
SC10 - - - - - Puerperal abdominal pain disorder (TM1)
SC11 - - - - - Puerperal wind disorder (TM1)
SC12 - - - - - Hypogalactia disorder (TM1)
SC13 - - - - - Postpartum lochiorrhea disorder (TM1)
SC1Y - - - - - Other specified puerperium associated disorders (TM1)
SC1Z - - - - - Puerperium associated disorders (TM1), unspecified
-- - - - Other female reproductive system associated disorders (TM1)
SC20 - - - - - Leukorrhea disorder (TM1)
SC21 - - - - - Vaginal flatus disorder (TM1)
SC22 - - - - - Infertility disorder (TM1)
SC23 - - - - - Uterine mass disorder (TM1)
SC24 - - - - - Breast lump disorder (TM1)
SC2Y - - - - - Other specified other female reproductive system associated disorders (TM1)
SC2Z - - - - - Other female reproductive system associated disorders (TM1), unspecified
SC4Y - - - - Other specified female reproductive system disorders (TM1) (including childbirth)
SC4Z - - - - Female reproductive system disorders (TM1) (including childbirth), unspecified
-- --Bone, joint and muscle system disorders (TM1)
-- - - - Joint impediment disorders (TM1)
SC50 - - - - - Cold impediment disorder (TM1)
SC51 - - - - - Wind impediment disorder (TM1)
SC52 - - - - - Dampness impediment disorder (TM1)
SC5Y - - - - - Other specified joint impediment disorders (TM1)
SC5Z - - - - - Joint impediment disorders (TM1), unspecified
SC60 - - - - Muscle spasm disorder (TM1)
SC61 - - - - Lumbago disorder (TM1)
SC62 - - - - Numbness disorder (TM1)
SC63 - - - - Wilting disorder (TM1)
SC6Y - - - - Other specified bone, joint and muscle system disorders (TM1)
SC6Z - - - - Bone, joint and muscle system disorders (TM1), unspecified
-- --Eye, ear, nose and throat system disorders (TM1)
SC70 - - - - Night blindness disorder (TM1)
SC71 - - - - Wind glaucoma disorder (TM1)
SC72 - - - - Inflammatory eyelid disorder (TM1)
SC73 - - - - Non-inflammatory eyelid disorder (TM1)
SC74 - - - - Corneal opacity disorder (TM1)
SC75 - - - - Tinnitus disorder (TM1)
-- - - - Deafness disorders (TM1)
SC80 - - - - - Sudden deafness disorder (TM1)
SC81 - - - - - Gradual deafness disorder (TM1)
SC8Y - - - - - Other specified deafness disorders (TM1)
SC8Z - - - - - Deafness disorders (TM1), unspecified
SC90 - - - - Allergic rhinitis disorder (TM1)
SC91 - - - - Nasal sinusitis disorder (TM1)
SC92 - - - - Hoarseness disorder (TM1)
SC93 - - - - Tonsillitis disorder (TM1)
SC9Y - - - - Other specified eye, ear, nose and throat system disorders (TM1)
SC9Z - - - - Eye, ear, nose and throat system disorders (TM1), unspecified
-- --Brain system disorders (TM1)
SD00 - - - - Facial paralysis disorder (TM1)
-- - - - Headache disorders (TM1)
SD10 - - - - - Migraine disorder (TM1)
SD11 - - - - - Head wind disorder (TM1)
SD1Y - - - - - Other specified headache disorders (TM1)
SD1Z - - - - - Headache disorders (TM1), unspecified
SD20 - - - - Convulsion disorder (TM1)
SD21 - - - - Cerebral tinnitus disorder (TM1)
SD22 - - - - Vertigo disorder (TM1)
SD23 - - - - Forgetfulness disorder (TM1)
SD24 - - - - Frequent protrusion of tongue disorder (TM1)
-- - - - Wind stroke disorders (TM1)
SD30 - - - - - Prodrome of wind stroke disorder (TM1)
SD31 - - - - - Sequela of wind stroke disorder (TM1)
SD3Y - - - - - Other specified wind stroke disorders (TM1)
SD3Z - - - - - Wind stroke disorders (TM1), unspecified
SD40 - - - - Syncope disorder (TM1)
SD4Y - - - - Other specified brain system disorders (TM1)
SD4Z - - - - Brain system disorders (TM1), unspecified
SD6Y - - - Other specified other body system disorders (TM1)
SD6Z - - - Other body system disorders (TM1), unspecified
-- - Qi, blood and fluid disorders (TM1)
SD70 - - - Qi goiter disorder (TM1)
SD71 - - - Wasting thirst disorder (TM1)
SD72 - - - Consumptive disorder (TM1)
SD7Y - - - Other specified qi, blood and fluid disorders (TM1)
SD7Z - - - Qi, blood and fluid disorders (TM1), unspecified
-- - Mental and emotional disorders (TM1)
SD80 - - - Lily disorder (TM1)
SD81 - - - Manic disorder (TM1)
SD82 - - - Depression disorder (TM1)
SD83 - - - Uneasiness disorder (TM1)
SD84 - - - Insomnia disorder (TM1)
SD85 - - - Somnolence disorder (TM1)
SD86 - - - Dementia disorder (TM1)
SD87 - - - Repressed fire disorder (TM1)
SD8Y - - - Other specified mental and emotional disorders (TM1)
SD8Z - - - Mental and emotional disorders (TM1), unspecified
-- - External contraction disorders (TM1)
SD90 - - - Seasonal cold disorder (TM1)
SD91 - - - Fatigue consumption disorder (TM1)
SD92 - - - Severe vomiting and diarrhoea disorder (TM1)
SD93 - - - Alternating fever and chills disorder (TM1)
SD94 - - - Parasitic disorder (TM1)
SD95 - - - Flowing phlegm disorder (TM1)
-- --Warmth disorders (TM1)
SE00 - - - - Summer-heat disorder (TM1)
SE01 - - - - Spring warmth disorder (TM1)
SE02 - - - - Dampness and warmth disorder (TM1)
SE0Y - - - - Other specified warmth disorders (TM1)
SE0Z - - - - Warmth disorders (TM1), unspecified
SE2Y - - - Other specified external contraction disorders (TM1)
SE2Z - - - External contraction disorders (TM1), unspecified
-- - Childhood and adolescence associated disorders (TM1)
SE30 - - - Developmental delay disorder (TM1)
SE31 - - - Growth fever disorder (TM1)
SE32 - - - Growth pain disorder (TM1)
SE33 - - - Acute convulsion disorder (TM1)
SE34 - - - Recurrent convulsion disorder (TM1)
SE35 - - - Fright seizure disorder (TM1)
SE36 - - - Night crying disorder (TM1)
SE37 - - - Infantile malnutrition disorder (TM1)
SE38 - - - Dribbling disorder (TM1)
SE39 - - - Diaper dermatitis disorder (TM1)
SE3A - - - Infant stiffness disorder (TM1)
SE3B - - - Infant limpness disorder (TM1)
SE3Y - - - Other specified childhood and adolescence associated disorders (TM1)
SE3Z - - - Childhood and adolescence associated disorders (TM1), unspecified
SE5Y - - Other specified traditional medicine disorders (TM1)
SE5Z - - Traditional medicine disorders (TM1), unspecified
-- Traditional medicine patterns (TM1)
-- - Principle-based patterns (TM1)
SE70 - - - Yang pattern (TM1)
SE71 - - - Yin pattern (TM1)
SE72 - - - Heat pattern (TM1)
SE73 - - - Cold pattern (TM1)
SE74 - - - Excess pattern (TM1)
SE75 - - - Deficiency pattern (TM1)
SE76 - - - Exterior pattern (TM1)
SE77 - - - Interior pattern (TM1)
SE78 - - - Moderate (Heat/Cold) pattern (TM1)
SE79 - - - Medium (Excess/Deficiency) pattern (TM1)
SE7A - - - Tangled cold and heat pattern (TM1)
SE7Y - - - Other specified principle-based patterns (TM1)
SE7Z - - - Principle-based patterns (TM1), unspecified
-- - Environmental factor patterns (TM1)
SE80 - - - Wind factor pattern (TM1)
SE81 - - - Cold factor pattern (TM1)
SE82 - - - Dampness factor pattern (TM1)
SE83 - - - Dryness factor pattern (TM1)
SE84 - - - Fire-heat factor pattern (TM1)
SE85 - - - Summer-heat factor pattern (TM1)
SE86 - - - Pestilent factor pattern (TM1)
SE8Y - - - Other specified environmental factor patterns (TM1)
SE8Z - - - Environmental factor patterns (TM1), unspecified
-- - Body constituents patterns (TM1)
-- --Qi patterns (TM1)
SE90 - - - - Qi deficiency pattern (TM1)
SE91 - - - - Qi stagnation pattern (TM1)
SE92 - - - - Qi uprising pattern (TM1)
SE93 - - - - Qi sinking pattern (TM1)
SE94 - - - - Qi collapse pattern (TM1)
SE9Y - - - - Other specified qi patterns (TM1)
SE9Z - - - - Qi patterns (TM1), unspecified
-- --Blood patterns (TM1)
SF00 - - - - Blood deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF01 - - - - Blood stasis pattern (TM1)
SF02 - - - - Blood heat pattern (TM1)
SF03 - - - - Blood cold pattern (TM1)
SF04 - - - - Blood dryness pattern (TM1)
SF0Y - - - - Other specified blood patterns (TM1)
SF0Z - - - - Blood patterns (TM1), unspecified
-- --Fluid patterns (TM1)
SF10 - - - - Fluid deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF11 - - - - Fluid disturbance pattern (TM1)
SF12 - - - - Dry-phlegm pattern (TM1)
SF13 - - - - Damp phlegm pattern (TM1)
SF14 - - - - Phlegm-fire harassing the heart system pattern (TM1)
SF15 - - - - Wind-phlegm pattern (TM1)
SF1Y - - - - Other specified fluid patterns (TM1)
SF1Z - - - - Fluid patterns (TM1), unspecified
-- --Essence patterns (TM1)
SF20 - - - - Essence deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF2Y - - - - Other specified essence patterns (TM1)
SF2Z - - - - Essence patterns (TM1), unspecified
SF4Y - - - Other specified body constituents patterns (TM1)
SF4Z - - - Body constituents patterns (TM1), unspecified
-- - Organ system patterns (TM1)
-- --Liver system patterns (TM1)
SF50 - - - - Liver yin deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF51 - - - - Liver yang deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF52 - - - - Liver yang ascendant hyperactivity pattern (TM1)
SF53 - - - - Liver qi deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF54 - - - - Liver blood deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF55 - - - - Liver depression and blood stasis pattern (TM1)
SF56 - - - - Liver wind stirring the interior pattern (TM1)
SF57 - - - - Liver qi stagnation pattern (TM1)
SF58 - - - - Liver fire flaming upward pattern (TM1)
SF59 - - - - Liver heat stirring wind pattern (TM1)
SF5A - - - - Liver-gallbladder dampness-heat pattern (TM1)
SF5B - - - - Liver meridian dampness-heat pattern (TM1)
SF5C - - - - Liver meridian cold stagnation pattern (TM1)
SF5D - - - - Gallbladder qi deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF5E - - - - Gallbladder depression with phlegm harassment pattern (TM1)
SF5F - - - - Gallbladder heat pattern (TM1)
SF5G - - - - Gallbladder cold pattern (TM1)
SF5H - - - - Liver and kidney yin deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF5J - - - - Disharmony of liver and spleen systems pattern (TM1)
SF5K - - - - Disharmony of liver and stomach systems pattern (TM1)
SF5L - - - - Liver fire invading the stomach system pattern (TM1)
SF5M - - - - Liver fire invading the lung system pattern (TM1)
SF5Y - - - - Other specified liver system patterns (TM1)
SF5Z - - - - Liver system patterns (TM1), unspecified
-- --Heart system patterns (TM1)
SF60 - - - - Heart qi deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF61 - - - - Heart blood deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF62 - - - - Dual deficiency of heart qi and blood pattern (TM1)
SF63 - - - - Heart meridian obstruction pattern (TM1)
SF64 - - - - Heart yin deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF65 - - - - Deficiency of heart qi and yin pattern (TM1)
SF66 - - - - Heart yang deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF67 - - - - Heart yang collapse pattern (TM1)
SF68 - - - - Heart fire flaming upward pattern (TM1)
SF69 - - - - Fire harassing heart spirit pattern (TM1)
SF6A - - - - Water qi intimidating the heart system pattern (TM1)
SF6B - - - - Heart spirit restlessness pattern (TM1)
SF6C - - - - Anxiety damaging the spirit pattern (TM1)
SF6D - - - - Small intestine qi stagnation pattern (TM1)
SF6E - - - - Small intestine excess heat pattern (TM1)
SF6F - - - - Small intestine deficiency cold pattern (TM1)
SF6G - - - - Heart and liver blood deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF6H - - - - Heart and gallbladder qi deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF6J - - - - Heart and spleen systems deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF6K - - - - Heart and lung qi deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF6L - - - - Heart and kidney systems disharmony pattern (TM1)
SF6M - - - - Heart and kidney yang deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF6Y - - - - Other specified heart system patterns (TM1)
SF6Z - - - - Heart system patterns (TM1), unspecified
-- --Spleen system patterns (TM1)
SF70 - - - - Spleen qi deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF71 - - - - Spleen qi sinking pattern (TM1)
SF72 - - - - Spleen deficiency with qi stagnation pattern (TM1)
SF73 - - - - Spleen deficiency with food retention pattern (TM1)
SF74 - - - - Spleen failing to control the blood pattern (TM1)
SF75 - - - - Spleen deficiency and blood depletion pattern (TM1)
SF76 - - - - Spleen yin deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF77 - - - - Spleen yang deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF78 - - - - Dampness-heat encumbering the spleen system pattern (TM1)
SF79 - - - - Spleen deficiency with dampness accumulation pattern (TM1)
SF7A - - - - Spleen deficiency with water flooding pattern (TM1)
SF7B - - - - Cold-dampness encumbering the spleen system pattern (TM1)
SF7C - - - - Stomach qi deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF7D - - - - Stomach qi uprising pattern (TM1)
SF7E - - - - Stomach yin deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF7F - - - - Stomach heat pattern (TM1)
SF7G - - - - Dampness in the intestines pattern (TM1)
SF7H - - - - Cold invading the stomach system pattern (TM1)
SF7J - - - - Intestine cold stagnation pattern (TM1)
SF7K - - - - Anxiety damaging the spleen system pattern (TM1)
SF7L - - - - Lung and spleen deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF7M - - - - Spleen and kidney yang deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF7Y - - - - Other specified spleen system patterns (TM1)
SF7Z - - - - Spleen system patterns (TM1), unspecified
-- --Lung system patterns (TM1)
SF80 - - - - Lung qi deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF81 - - - - Lung yin deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF82 - - - - Lung and kidney yin deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF83 - - - - Lung qi and yin deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF84 - - - - Lung yang deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF85 - - - - Cold phlegm obstructing the lung pattern (TM1)
SF86 - - - - Turbid phlegm accumulation in the lung pattern (TM1)
SF87 - - - - Exterior cold with lung heat pattern (TM1)
SF88 - - - - Intense congestion of lung heat pattern (TM1)
SF89 - - - - Phlegm heat obstructing the lung pattern (TM1)
SF8A - - - - Wind-heat invading the lung pattern (TM1)
SF8B - - - - Lung heat transmitting into the intestine pattern (TM1)
SF8C - - - - Wind-cold fettering the lung pattern (TM1)
SF8D - - - - Dryness invading the lung pattern (TM1)
SF8E - - - - Lung dryness with intestinal obstruction pattern (TM1)
SF8F - - - - Large intestine excess heat pattern (TM1)
SF8G - - - - Large intestine dampness heat pattern (TM1)
SF8H - - - - Large intestine fluid deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF8J - - - - Large intestine deficiency cold pattern (TM1)
SF8Y - - - - Other specified lung system patterns (TM1)
SF8Z - - - - Lung system patterns (TM1), unspecified
-- --Kidney system patterns (TM1)
SF90 - - - - Kidney qi deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF91 - - - - Kidney failing to receive qi pattern (TM1)
SF92 - - - - Kidney qi deficiency with water retention pattern (TM1)
SF93 - - - - Kidney yin deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF94 - - - - Kidney yin and yang deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF95 - - - - Kidney deficiency with marrow depletion pattern (TM1)
SF96 - - - - Kidney essence deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF97 - - - - Kidney yang deficiency pattern (TM1)
SF98 - - - - Fear damaging the kidney system pattern (TM1)
SF99 - - - - Blood and heat accumulation in the uterus pattern (TM1)
SF9A - - - - Phlegm obstructing the uterus pattern (TM1)
SF9B - - - - Dampness-heat in the uterus pattern (TM1)
SF9C - - - - Cold stagnation in the uterus pattern (TM1)
SF9D - - - - Uterine deficiency cold pattern (TM1)
SF9E - - - - Blood accumulation in the bladder pattern (TM1)
SF9F - - - - Bladder heat accumulation pattern (TM1)
SF9G - - - - Bladder dampness-heat pattern (TM1)
SF9H - - - - Bladder water accumulation pattern (TM1)
SF9J - - - - Bladder deficiency cold pattern (TM1)
SF9Y - - - - Other specified kidney system patterns (TM1)
SF9Z - - - - Kidney system patterns (TM1), unspecified
SG1Y - - - Other specified organ system patterns (TM1)
SG1Z - - - Organ system patterns (TM1), unspecified
-- - Meridian and collateral patterns (TM1)
-- --Main Meridian Patterns (TM1)
SG20 - - - - Lung meridian pattern (TM1)
SG21 - - - - Large intestine meridian pattern (TM1)
SG22 - - - - Stomach meridian pattern (TM1)
SG23 - - - - Spleen meridian pattern (TM1)
SG24 - - - - Heart meridian pattern (TM1)
SG25 - - - - Small intestine meridian pattern (TM1)
SG26 - - - - Bladder meridian pattern (TM1)
SG27 - - - - Kidney meridian pattern (TM1)
SG28 - - - - Pericardium meridian pattern (TM1)
SG29 - - - - Triple energizer meridian pattern (TM1)
SG2A - - - - Gallbladder meridian pattern (TM1)
SG2B - - - - Liver meridian pattern (TM1)
SG2Y - - - - Other specified main Meridian Patterns (TM1)
SG2Z - - - - Main Meridian Patterns (TM1), unspecified
-- --Extra Meridian Patterns (TM1)
SG30 - - - - Governor vessel pattern (TM1)
SG31 - - - - Conception vessel pattern (TM1)
SG32 - - - - Yin heel vessel pattern (TM1)
SG33 - - - - Yang heel vessel pattern (TM1)
SG34 - - - - Yin link vessel pattern (TM1)
SG35 - - - - Yang link vessel pattern (TM1)
SG36 - - - - Thoroughfare vessel pattern (TM1)
SG37 - - - - Belt vessel pattern (TM1)
SG3Y - - - - Other specified extra Meridian Patterns (TM1)
SG3Z - - - - Extra Meridian Patterns (TM1), unspecified
SG5Y - - - Other specified meridian and collateral patterns (TM1)
SG5Z - - - Meridian and collateral patterns (TM1), unspecified
-- - Six stage patterns (TM1)
SG60 - - - Early yang stage pattern (TM1)
SG61 - - - Middle yang stage pattern (TM1)
SG62 - - - Late yang stage pattern (TM1)
SG63 - - - Early yin stage pattern (TM1)
SG64 - - - Middle yin stage Pattern (TM), Middle yin stage pattern (TM1)
SG65 - - - Late Yin stage Patterns (TM1)
SG6Y - - - Other specified six stage patterns (TM1)
SG6Z - - - Six stage patterns (TM1), unspecified
-- - Triple energizer stage patterns (TM1)
SG70 - - - Upper energizer stage patterns (TM1)
SG71 - - - Middle energizer stage patterns (TM1)
SG72 - - - Lower energizer stage patterns (TM1)
SG7Y - - - Other specified triple energizer stage patterns (TM1)
SG7Z - - - Triple energizer stage patterns (TM1), unspecified
-- - Four phase patterns (TM1)
-- --Defense phase patterns (TM1)
SG80 - - - - Dampness obstructing the defense yang pattern (TM1)
SG81 - - - - Heat attacking the lung defense pattern (TM1)
SG8Y - - - - Other specified defense phase patterns (TM1)
SG8Z - - - - Defense phase patterns (TM1), unspecified
-- --Qi phase patterns (TM1)
SG90 - - - - Heat entering the qi phase pattern (TM1)
SG91 - - - - Qi phase dampness and heat pattern (TM1)
SG92 - - - - Dampness obstructing the qi phase pattern (TM1)
SG9Y - - - - Other specified qi phase patterns (TM1)
SG9Z - - - - Qi phase patterns (TM1), unspecified
-- --Nutrient phase patterns (TM1)
SH00 - - - - Nutrient qi and defense qi disharmony pattern (TM1)
SH01 - - - - Heat in the nutrient phase pattern(TM1)
SH02 - - - - Heat entering the nutrient and blood phase pattern (TM1)
SH0Y - - - - Other specified nutrient phase patterns (TM1)
SH0Z - - - - Nutrient phase patterns (TM1), unspecified
-- --Blood phase patterns (TM1)
SH10 - - - - Blood phase pattern (TM1)
SH11 - - - - Heat entering the blood phase pattern(TM1)
SH1Y - - - - Other specified blood phase patterns (TM1)
SH1Z - - - - Blood phase patterns (TM1), unspecified
SH3Y - - - Other specified four phase patterns (TM1)
SH3Z - - - Four phase patterns (TM1), unspecified
-- - Four constitution medicine patterns (TM1)
-- --Large yang type patterns (TM1)
SH40 - - - - Large yang type exterior origin lower back pattern (TM1)
SH41 - - - - Large yang type interior origin small intestine pattern (TM1)
SH42 - - - - Large yang type exterior interior combined pattern (TM1)
SH4Y - - - - Other specified large yang type patterns (TM1)
SH4Z - - - - Large yang type patterns (TM1), unspecified
-- --Small yang type patterns (TM1)
SH50 - - - - Small yang type lesser yang wind damage pattern (TM1)
SH51 - - - - Small yang type yin depletion pattern (TM1)
SH52 - - - - Small yang type chest heat congested pattern (TM1)
SH53 - - - - Small yang type yin deficit pattern (TM1)
SH54 - - - - Small yang type exterior interior combined pattern (TM1)
SH5Y - - - - Other specified small yang type patterns (TM1)
SH5Z - - - - Small yang type patterns (TM1), unspecified
-- --Large yin type patterns (TM1)
SH60 - - - - Large yin type supraspinal exterior pattern (TM1)
SH61 - - - - Large yin type esophagus cold pattern (TM1)
SH62 - - - - Large yin type liver heat pattern (TM1)
SH63 - - - - Large yin type dryness heat pattern (TM1)
SH64 - - - - Large yin type exterior Interior combined pattern (TM1)
SH6Y - - - - Other specified large yin type patterns (TM1)
SH6Z - - - - Large yin type patterns (TM1), unspecified
-- --Small yin type patterns(TM1)
SH70 - - - - Small yin type congestive hyperpsychotic pattern (TM1)
SH71 - - - - Small yin type yang depletion pattern (TM1)
SH72 - - - - Small yin type greater yin pattern (TM1)
SH73 - - - - Small yin type lesser yin pattern (TM1)
SH74 - - - - Small yin type exterior interior combined pattern (TM1)
SH7Y - - - - Other specified small yin type patterns(TM1)
SH7Z - - - - Small yin type patterns(TM1), unspecified
SH9Y - - - Other specified four constitution medicine patterns (TM1)
SH9Z - - - Four constitution medicine patterns (TM1), unspecified
SJ1Y - - Other specified traditional medicine patterns (TM1)
SJ1Z - - Traditional medicine patterns (TM1), unspecified
SJ3Y - Other specified supplementary Chapter Traditional Medicine Conditions - Module I]]
SJ3Z - Supplementary Chapter Traditional Medicine Conditions - Module I, unspecified]]
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD