ICD 11 codes (F)

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ICD 11 codes (F)

ICD stands for International Classification of Diseases and ICD 11 is the 11th revision.

The International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision (ICD-11) is a global standard for health information and diagnostics. Developed by the WHO, ICD-11 provides a systematic framework for classifying diseases, disorders, injuries, and other related health conditions. This classification allows for detailed analysis of health trends and statistics worldwide, assisting in informing public health and clinical decision-making.

ICD-11 was officially adopted by the WHO in May 2019, marking a significant update from its predecessor, ICD-10. The new revision is fully electronic and has been designed to be more accessible and easier to implement, which is a significant shift from the paper-based ICD-10. Learn more...

ICD 11 Code ICD 11 Description
-Diseases of the musculoskeletal system or connective tissue
-- Arthropathies
-- - Osteoarthritis
FA00 - - - Osteoarthritis of hip
FA00.0 - - - - Primary osteoarthritis of hip
FA00.1 - - - - Post traumatic osteoarthritis of hip
FA00.2 - - - - Other secondary osteoarthritis of hip
FA00.Z - - - - Osteoarthritis of hip, unspecified
FA01 - - - Osteoarthritis of knee
FA01.0 - - - - Primary osteoarthritis of knee
FA01.1 - - - - Post traumatic osteoarthritis of knee
FA01.2 - - - - Other secondary osteoarthritis of knee
FA01.Z - - - - Osteoarthritis of knee, unspecified
FA02 - - - Osteoarthritis of wrist and hand
FA02.0 - - - - Primary osteoarthritis of wrist and hand
FA02.1 - - - - Post traumatic osteoarthritis of wrist and hand
FA02.2 - - - - Other secondary osteoarthritis of wrist and hand
FA02.Z - - - - Osteoarthritis of wrist and hand, unspecified
FA03 - - - Osteoarthritis of other specified joint
FA03.0 - - - - Primary osteoarthritis of other specified joint
FA03.1 - - - - Post traumatic osteoarthritis of other specified joint
FA03.2 - - - - Other secondary osteoarthritis of other specified joint
FA03.Z - - - - Osteoarthritis of other specified joint, unspecified
FA04 - - - Oligoosteoarthritis
FA05 - - - Polyosteoarthritis
FA0Z - - - Osteoarthritis, unspecified
-- - Infection related arthropathies
FA10 - - - Direct infections of joint
FA10.0 - - - - Bacterial infection of joint
FA10.1 - - - - Viral infection of joint
FA10.2 - - - - Fungal infection of joint
FA10.Z - - - - Direct infections of joint, unspecified
FA11 - - - Reactive arthropathies
FA11.0 - - - - Arthropathy following intestinal bypass
FA11.1 - - - - Arthropathy following vaccination
FA11.2 - - - - Arthropathy following genitourinary infection
FA11.Y - - - - Other specified reactive arthropathies
FA11.Z - - - - Reactive arthropathies, unspecified
FA12 - - - Postinfectious arthropathies
FA12.0 - - - - Bacterial postinfectious arthropathy
FA12.1 - - - - Viral postinfectious arthropathies
FA12.2 - - - - Fungal postinfectious arthropathies
FA12.3 - - - - Parasitic postinfectious arthropathies
FA12.Y - - - - Other specified postinfectious arthropathies
FA12.Z - - - - Postinfectious arthropathies, unspecified
FA13 - - - Infectious spondyloarthritis
FA1Y - - - Other specified infection related arthropathies
FA1Z - - - Infection related arthropathies, unspecified
-- - Inflammatory arthropathies
FA20 - - - Rheumatoid arthritis
FA20.0 - - - - Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis
FA20.1 - - - - Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis
FA20.Z - - - - Rheumatoid arthritis, serology unspecified
FA21 - - - Psoriatic arthritis
FA21.0 - - - - Psoriatic spondyloarthritis
FA21.Y - - - - Other specified psoriatic arthritis
FA21.Z - - - - Psoriatic arthritis, unspecified
FA22 - - - Polymyalgia rheumatica
FA23 - - - Adult-onset Still disease
FA24 - - - Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
FA24.0 - - - - Juvenile idiopathic oligoarthritis
FA24.00 - - - - - Juvenile idiopathic oligoarthritis, onset persistent
FA24.01 - - - - - Juvenile idiopathic oligoarthritis, onset extended
FA24.0Z - - - - - Juvenile idiopathic oligoarthritis, onset unspecified
FA24.1 - - - - Juvenile idiopathic polyarthritis
FA24.2 - - - - Juvenile psoriatic arthritis
FA24.3 - - - - Juvenile enthesitis related arthritis
FA24.4 - - - - Juvenile systemic arthritis
FA24.Y - - - - Other specified juvenile idiopathic arthritis
FA24.Z - - - - Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, unspecified
FA25 - - - Gout
FA25.0 - - - - Primary gout
FA25.1 - - - - Secondary gout
FA25.10 - - - - - Lead-induced gout
FA25.11 - - - - - Drug-induced gout
FA25.12 - - - - - Gouty arthropathy due to enzyme defects or other inherited disorders
FA25.1Y - - - - - Other specified secondary gout
FA25.1Z - - - - - Secondary gout, unspecified
FA25.2 - - - - Gout without specification whether primary or secondary
FA25.20 - - - - - Tophaceous gout
FA25.2Y - - - - - Other specified gout without specification whether primary or secondary
FA25.2Z - - - - - Gout, unspecified
FA26 - - - Certain specified crystal arthropathies
FA26.0 - - - - Calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate deposition disease
FA26.1 - - - - Hydroxyapatite deposition disease
FA26.2 - - - - Chondrocalcinosis
FA26.Y - - - - Other specified crystal arthropathies
FA26.Z - - - - Crystal arthropathies, unspecified
FA27 - - - Certain specified inflammatory arthropathies
FA27.0 - - - - Kashin-Beck disease
FA27.1 - - - - Pigmented villonodular synovitis
FA27.2 - - - - Palindromic rheumatism
FA27.3 - - - - Transient synovitis
FA27.4 - - - - Intermittent hydrarthrosis
FA27.Y - - - - Other specified inflammatory arthropathies
FA27.Z - - - - Inflammatory arthropathies, unspecified
FA2Z - - - Inflammatory arthropathies, unspecified
-- - Certain specified joint disorders or deformities of limbs
FA30 - - - Acquired deformities of fingers or toes
FA30.0 - - - - Acquired hallux valgus
FA30.1 - - - - Hallux rigidus
FA30.2 - - - - Acquired hammer toe
FA30.Y - - - - Other specified acquired deformities of fingers or toes
FA30.Z - - - - Acquired deformities of fingers or toes, unspecified
FA31 - - - Other acquired deformities of limbs
FA31.0 - - - - Valgus deformity, not elsewhere classified
FA31.1 - - - - Varus deformity, not elsewhere classified
FA31.2 - - - - Flexion deformity
FA31.3 - - - - Acquired wrist drop
FA31.4 - - - - Acquired foot drop
FA31.5 - - - - Acquired pes planus
FA31.6 - - - - Acquired clawhand or clubhand
FA31.7 - - - - Acquired clawfoot or clubfoot
FA31.8 - - - - Acquired unequal limb length
FA31.Y - - - - Other specified acquired deformities of limbs
FA31.Z - - - - Acquired deformities of limbs, unspecified
FA32 - - - Disorders of patella
FA32.0 - - - - Recurrent instability of patella
FA32.1 - - - - Patellofemoral disorders
FA32.Y - - - - Other specified disorders of patella
FA32.Z - - - - Disorders of patella, unspecified
FA33 - - - Internal derangement of knee
FA33.0 - - - - Cystic meniscus
FA33.1 - - - - Discoid meniscus
FA33.2 - - - - Derangement of meniscus due to old tear or injury
FA33.3 - - - - Loose body in knee
FA33.4 - - - - Chronic instability of knee
FA33.40 - - - - - Chronic instability of knee, medial collateral ligament or other and unspecified medial meniscus
FA33.4Y - - - - - Other specified chronic instability of knee
FA33.4Z - - - - - Chronic instability of knee, unspecified
FA33.Y - - - - Other specified internal derangement of knee
FA33.Z - - - - Internal derangement of knee, unspecified
FA34 - - - Certain specified joint derangements
FA34.0 - - - - Loose body in joint
FA34.1 - - - - Disorder of ligament
FA34.2 - - - - Recurrent instability of joint
FA34.3 - - - - Contracture of joint
FA34.4 - - - - Ankylosis of joint
FA34.5 - - - - Impingement syndrome of hip
FA34.Y - - - - Other joint derangements
FA35 - - - Wear of articular bearing surface of joint prosthesis
FA35.0 - - - - Wear of articular bearing surface of joint prosthesis of hip
FA35.1 - - - - Wear of articular bearing surface of joint prosthesis of knee
FA35.2 - - - - Wear of articular bearing surface of joint prosthesis of other joint
FA35.Z - - - - Wear of articular bearing surface of joint prosthesis of unspecified joint
FA36 - - - Effusion of joint
FA36.0 - - - - Effusion of joint containing blood
FA36.Y - - - - Other specified effusion of joint
FA36.Z - - - - Effusion of joint, unspecified
FA37 - - - Certain joint disorders, not elsewhere classified
FA37.0 - - - - Osteophyte
FA37.Y - - - - Other specified certain joint disorders, not elsewhere classified
FA37.Z - - - - Certain joint disorders, not elsewhere classified, unspecified
FA38 - - - Arthropathy in diseases classified elsewhere
FA38.0 - - - - Diabetic arthropathy
FA38.1 - - - - Neuropathic arthropathy
FA38.10 - - - - - Diabetic Charcot arthropathy
FA38.1Y - - - - - Other specified neuropathic arthropathy
FA38.1Z - - - - - Neuropathic arthropathy, unspecified
FA38.2 - - - - Arthropathy in hypersensitivity reactions classified elsewhere
FA38.3 - - - - Haemophilic arthropathy
FA38.Y - - - - Other specified arthropathy in diseases classified elsewhere
FA38.Z - - - - Unspecified arthropathy in diseases classifed elsewhere
FA3Z - - - Unspecified joint disorders and deformities of limbs
FA5Y - - Other specified arthropathies
FA5Z - - Arthropathies, unspecified
-- Conditions associated with the spine
-- - Structural disorders of spine
FA70 - - - Spinal deformities
FA70.0 - - - - Kyphosis
FA70.1 - - - - Scoliosis
FA70.2 - - - - Lordosis
FA70.Z - - - - Spinal deformities, unspecified
FA71 - - - Torticollis
FA72 - - - Disorders of vertebra
FA72.0 - - - - Ankylosing hyperostosis
FA72.1 - - - - Kissing spine
FA72.2 - - - - Traumatic spondylopathy
FA72.3 - - - - Fatigue fracture of vertebra
FA72.4 - - - - Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified
FA72.Y - - - - Other specified disorders of vertebra
FA7Y - - - Other specified structural disorders of spine
FA7Z - - - Structural disorders of spine, unspecified
-- - Degenerative condition of spine
FA80 - - - Intervertebral disc degeneration
FA80.0 - - - - Intervertebral disc degeneration of cervical spine without prolapsed disc
FA80.1 - - - - Intervertebral disc degeneration of cervical spine with prolapsed disc
FA80.2 - - - - Intervertebral disc degeneration of cervical spine with bony spur at the vertebra
FA80.3 - - - - Intervertebral disc degeneration of cervical spine with nervous system involvement
FA80.4 - - - - Intervertebral disc degeneration of thoracic spine without prolapsed disc
FA80.5 - - - - Intervertebral disc degeneration of thoracic spine with prolapsed disc
FA80.6 - - - - Intervertebral disc degeneration of thoracic spine with bony spur at the vertebra
FA80.7 - - - - Intervertebral disc degeneration of thoracic spine with nervous system involvement
FA80.8 - - - - Intervertebral disc degeneration of lumbar spine without prolapsed disc
FA80.9 - - - - Intervertebral disc degeneration of lumbar spine with prolapsed disc
FA80.A - - - - Intervertebral disc degeneration of lumbar spine with bony spur at the vertebra
FA80.B - - - - Intervertebral disc degeneration of lumbar spine with nervous system involvement
FA80.Y - - - - Other specified intervertebral disc degeneration
FA80.Z - - - - Intervertebral disc degeneration, unspecified
FA81 - - - Spondylolysis
FA81.0 - - - - Spondylolysis with slippage
FA81.1 - - - - Spondylolysis without slippage
FA81.Z - - - - Spondylolysis, unspecified
FA82 - - - Spinal stenosis
FA83 - - - Ossification of spinal ligaments
FA84 - - - Spondylolisthesis
FA84.0 - - - - Spondylolisthesis with pars defect
FA84.1 - - - - Spondylolisthesis without pars defect
FA84.Z - - - - Spondylolisthesis, unspecified
FA85 - - - Spinal endplate defects
FA85.0 - - - - Spinal epiphysiopathy with no determinant
FA85.1 - - - - Spinal epiphysiopathy with determinants
FA85.10 - - - - - Localised central endplate defect
FA85.11 - - - - - Multiple anterior endplate defect
FA85.12 - - - - - Separation of ring apophysis
FA85.1Y - - - - - Other specified spinal epiphysiopathy with determinants
FA85.1Z - - - - - Spinal epiphysiopathy with determinants, unspecified
FA85.Y - - - - Other specified spinal endplate defects
FA85.Z - - - - Spinal endplate defects, unspecified
FA8Y - - - Other specified degenerative condition of spine
FA8Z - - - Degenerative condition of spine, unspecified
-- - Inflammation of spine
FA90 - - - Infection of vertebra
FA90.0 - - - - Infection of vertebra with no determinant
FA90.1 - - - - Infection of vertebra with determinants
FA90.Y - - - - Other specified infection of vertebra
FA90.Z - - - - Infection of vertebra, unspecified
FA91 - - - Infection of intervertebral disc
FA92 - - - Inflammatory spondyloarthritis
FA92.0 - - - - Axial spondyloarthritis
FA92.00 - - - - - Spinal enthesitis
FA92.01 - - - - - Sacroiliitis, not elsewhere classified
FA92.0Y - - - - - Other specified axial spondyloarthritis
FA92.0Z - - - - - Axial spondyloarthritis, unspecified
FA92.1 - - - - Peripheral spondyloarthritis
FA92.Y - - - - Other specified inflammatory spondyloarthritis
FA92.Z - - - - Inflammatory spondyloarthritis, unspecified
FA9Y - - - Other specified inflammation of spine
FA9Z - - - Inflammation of spine, unspecified
-- - Spondylopathies
FB00 - - - Ankylosis of spinal joint
FB0Y - - - Other specified spondylopathies
FB0Z - - - Spondylopathies, unspecified
FB10 - - Spinal instabilities
FB1Y - - Other specified conditions associated with the spine
FB1Z - - Conditions associated with the spine, unspecified
-- Soft tissue disorders
-- - Disorders of muscles
FB30 - - - Infectious myositis
FB31 - - - Calcification or ossification of muscle
FB31.0 - - - - Progressive osseous heteroplasia
FB31.1 - - - - Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva
FB31.Y - - - - Other specified calcification or ossification of muscle
FB31.Z - - - - Calcification or ossification of muscle, unspecified
FB32 - - - Certain specified disorders of muscle
FB32.0 - - - - Diastasis of muscle
FB32.1 - - - - Spontaneous rupture of muscle
FB32.2 - - - - Ischaemic infarction of muscle
FB32.20 - - - - - Idiopathic rhabdomyolysis
FB32.2Y - - - - - Other specified ischaemic infarction of muscle
FB32.2Z - - - - - Ischaemic infarction of muscle, unspecified
FB32.3 - - - - Immobility syndrome
FB32.4 - - - - Contracture of muscle
FB32.5 - - - - Muscle strain or sprain
FB32.Y - - - - Other specified disorders of muscles
FB33 - - - Secondary disorders of muscle
FB3Z - - - Disorders of muscles, unspecified
-- - Disorders of synovium or tendon
FB40 - - - Tenosynovitis
FB40.0 - - - - Infectious tenosynovitis
FB40.1 - - - - Plantar fasciitis
FB40.2 - - - - Posterior tibial tendonitis
FB40.3 - - - - Calcific tendinitis
FB40.4 - - - - Trigger finger
FB40.5 - - - - Radial styloid tenosynovitis
FB40.Y - - - - Other specified tenosynovitis
FB40.Z - - - - Tenosynovitis, unspecified
FB41 - - - Spontaneous rupture of synovium or tendon
FB41.0 - - - - Spontaneous rupture of popliteal cyst
FB41.1 - - - - Spontaneous rupture of synovium
FB41.2 - - - - Spontaneous rupture of tendon
FB41.Y - - - - Other specified spontaneous rupture of synovium or tendon
FB41.Z - - - - Spontaneous rupture of synovium or tendon, unspecified
FB42 - - - Certain specified disorders of synovium or tendon
FB42.0 - - - - Acquired short Achilles tendon
FB42.1 - - - - Contracture of tendon sheath
FB42.2 - - - - Ganglion
FB42.3 - - - - Synovial hypertrophy, not elsewhere classified
FB43 - - - Secondary disorders of synovium or tendon
FB4Y - - - Other specified disorders of synovium or tendon
FB4Z - - - Disorders of synovium or tendon, unspecified
-- - Miscellaneous specified soft tissue disorders
FB50 - - - Bursitis
FB50.0 - - - - Infectious bursitis
FB50.1 - - - - Bursitis related to use, overuse or pressure
FB50.2 - - - - Synovial cyst of popliteal space
FB50.3 - - - - Calcium deposit in bursa
FB50.Y - - - - Other specified bursitis
FB50.Z - - - - Bursitis, unspecified
FB51 - - - Fibroblastic disorders
FB51.0 - - - - Palmar fascial fibromatosis
FB51.1 - - - - Knuckle pads
FB51.2 - - - - Pseudosarcomatous fibromatosis
FB51.3 - - - - Fibroblastic rheumatism
FB51.4 - - - - Retroperitoneal fibrosis
FB51.40 - - - - - Primary retroperitoneal fibrosis
FB51.4Y - - - - - Other specified retroperitoneal fibrosis
FB51.Y - - - - Other specified fibroblastic disorders
FB51.Z - - - - Fibroblastic disorders, unspecified
FB52 - - - Soft tissue disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
FB53 - - - Shoulder lesions
FB53.0 - - - - Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder
FB53.1 - - - - Rotator cuff syndrome
FB53.2 - - - - Impingement syndrome of shoulder
FB53.Y - - - - Other specified shoulder lesions
FB53.Z - - - - Shoulder lesions, unspecified
FB54 - - - Enthesopathies of lower limb
FB54.0 - - - - Iliac crest spur
FB54.1 - - - - Iliotibial band syndrome
FB54.2 - - - - Tibial collateral bursitis
FB54.3 - - - - Calcaneal spur
FB54.4 - - - - Metatarsalgia
FB54.Y - - - - Other specified enthesopathies of lower limb
FB54.Z - - - - Enthesopathies of lower limb, unspecified
FB55 - - - Certain specified enthesopathies
FB55.0 - - - - Medial epicondylitis of elbow
FB55.1 - - - - Lateral epicondylitis of elbow
FB55.2 - - - - Periarthritis of wrist
FB55.Z - - - - Enthesopathies, unspecified
FB56 - - - Specified soft tissue disorders, not elsewhere classified
FB56.0 - - - - Foreign body granuloma of soft tissue, not elsewhere classified
FB56.1 - - - - Residual foreign body in soft tissue
FB56.2 - - - - Myalgia
FB56.3 - - - - Hypertrophy of infrapatellar fat pad
FB56.4 - - - - Pain in limb
FB56.5 - - - - Algoneurodystrophy
FB56.6 - - - - Other specified soft tissue disorders
FB6Z - - Soft tissue disorders, unspecified
-- Osteopathies or chondropathies
FB80 - - Certain specified disorders of bone density or structure
FB80.0 - - - Fibrous dysplasia of bone
FB80.1 - - - Skeletal fluorosis
FB80.2 - - - Osteitis condensans
FB80.3 - - - Hyperostosis of skull
FB80.4 - - - Osteosclerosis
FB80.5 - - - Solitary bone cyst
FB80.6 - - - Aneurysmal bone cyst
FB80.7 - - - Malunion of fracture
FB80.8 - - - Nonunion of fracture
FB80.9 - - - Delayed union of fracture
FB80.A - - - Stress fracture, not elsewhere classified
FB80.B - - - Pathological fracture, not elsewhere classified
FB80.Y - - - Other specified disorders of bone density and structure
FB80.Z - - - Disorder of bone density and structure, unspecified
FB81 - - Osteonecrosis
FB81.0 - - - Idiopathic aseptic osteonecrosis
FB81.1 - - - Osteonecrosis due to dialysis
FB81.2 - - - Drug-induced osteonecrosis
FB81.3 - - - Osteonecrosis due to trauma
FB81.4 - - - Osteonecrosis due to haemoglobinopathy
FB81.5 - - - Osteonecrosis due to ionizing radiation
FB81.Y - - - Other specified osteonecrosis
FB81.Z - - - Osteonecrosis, unspecified
FB82 - - Chondropathies
FB82.0 - - - Chondromalacia
FB82.00 - - - - Chondromalacia patellae
FB82.0Y - - - - Other specified chondromalacia
FB82.0Z - - - - Chondromalacia, unspecified
FB82.1 - - - Osteochondrosis or osteochondritis dissecans
FB82.2 - - - Slipped upper femoral epiphysis
FB82.3 - - - Relapsing polychondritis
FB82.Y - - - Other specified chondropathies
FB82.Z - - - Chondropathies, unspecified
FB83 - - Low bone mass disorders
FB83.0 - - - Osteopenia
FB83.00 - - - - Premenopausal idiopathic osteopenia
FB83.01 - - - - Postmenopausal osteopenia
FB83.02 - - - - Senile osteopenia
FB83.03 - - - - Osteopenia of disuse
FB83.04 - - - - Drug-induced osteopenia
FB83.0Y - - - - Other specified osteopenia
FB83.0Z - - - - Osteopenia, unspecified
FB83.1 - - - Osteoporosis
FB83.10 - - - - Premenopausal idiopathic osteoporosis
FB83.11 - - - - Postmenopausal osteoporosis
FB83.12 - - - - Osteoporosis of disuse
FB83.13 - - - - Drug-induced osteoporosis
FB83.14 - - - - Osteoporosis due to malabsorption
FB83.1Y - - - - Other specified osteoporosis
FB83.1Z - - - - Osteoporosis, unspecified
FB83.2 - - - Adult osteomalacia
FB83.20 - - - - Aluminium bone disease
FB83.21 - - - - Adult osteomalacia due to malnutrition
FB83.22 - - - - Drug-induced adult osteomalacia
FB83.2Y - - - - Other specified adult osteomalacia
FB83.2Z - - - - Adult osteomalacia, unspecified
FB84 - - Osteomyelitis or osteitis
FB84.0 - - - Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis
FB84.1 - - - Other acute osteomyelitis
FB84.2 - - - Subacute osteomyelitis
FB84.3 - - - Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis
FB84.4 - - - Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus
FB84.5 - - - Other chronic haematogenous osteomyelitis
FB84.Y - - - Other specified osteomyelitis or osteitis
FB84.Z - - - Osteomyelitis or osteitis, unspecified
FB85 - - Paget disease of bone
FB85.0 - - - Juvenile Paget disease
FB85.1 - - - Paget disease of bone in neoplastic disease
FB85.Y - - - Other specified Paget disease of bone
FB85.Z - - - Paget disease of bone, unspecified
FB86 - - Disorders associated with bone growth
FB86.0 - - - Epiphyseal arrest
FB86.1 - - - Bone hyperplasias
FB86.10 - - - - Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
FB86.11 - - - - Hypertrophy of bone
FB86.1Y - - - - Other specified bone hyperplasias
FB86.1Z - - - - Bone hyperplasias, unspecified
FB86.2 - - - Osteolysis
FB86.Y - - - Other specified disorders associated with bone growth
FB86.Z - - - Disorders associated with bone growth, unspecified
FB8Y - - Other specified osteopathies or chondropathies
FB8Z - - Osteopathies or chondropathies, unspecified
FC00 - Certain specified acquired deformities of musculoskeletal system or connective tissue, not elsewhere classified]]
FC00.0 - - Acquired deformity of nose
FC00.1 - - Acquired deformity of neck
FC00.2 - - Acquired deformity of chest or rib
FC00.3 - - Acquired deformity of pelvis
FC00.4 - - Acquired deformity of trunk
FC00.Y - - Other acquired deformities of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, not classified elsewhere
FC01 - Postprocedural disorders of the musculoskeletal system]]
FC01.0 - - Pseudarthrosis after fusion or arthrodesis
FC01.1 - - Postlaminectomy syndrome, not elsewhere classified
FC01.2 - - Post radiation kyphosis
FC01.3 - - Postlaminectomy kyphosis
FC01.4 - - Postsurgical lordosis
FC01.5 - - Post radiation scoliosis
FC01.6 - - Fracture of bone following insertion of orthopaedic implant, joint prosthesis, or bone plate
FC01.7 - - Nonunion after arthrodesis
FC01.70 - - - Nonunion after spinal arthrodesis
FC01.7Y - - - Nonunion after arthrodesis of other sites
FC01.8 - - Postsurgical osteolysis
FC01.9 - - Postoophorectomy osteoporosis
FC01.A - - Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis
FC0Y - Other specified diseases of the musculoskeletal system or connective tissue]]
FC0Z - Diseases of the musculoskeletal system or connective tissue, unspecified]]
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