ICD 11 Code
ICD 11 Description
-Diseases of the respiratory system
-- Upper respiratory tract disorders
CA00 |
- - Acute nasopharyngitis
CA01 |
- - Acute sinusitis
CA02 |
- - Acute pharyngitis
CA02.0 |
- - - Acute pharyngitis due to other bacteria
CA02.1 |
- - - Acute viral pharyngitis
CA02.10 |
- - - - Pharyngitis due to Adenovirus
CA02.1Y |
- - - - Other specified acute viral pharyngitis
CA02.1Z |
- - - - Acute viral pharyngitis, unspecified
CA02.Y |
- - - Other specified acute pharyngitis
CA02.Z |
- - - Acute pharyngitis, unspecified
CA03 |
- - Acute tonsillitis
CA03.0 |
- - - Streptococcal tonsillitis
CA03.Y |
- - - Other specified acute tonsillitis
CA03.Z |
- - - Acute tonsillitis, unspecified
CA04 |
- - Acute laryngopharyngitis
CA05 |
- - Acute laryngitis or tracheitis
CA05.0 |
- - - Acute laryngitis
CA05.1 |
- - - Acute tracheitis
CA05.2 |
- - - Acute laryngotracheitis
CA05.Y |
- - - Other specified acute laryngitis or tracheitis
CA05.Z |
- - - Acute laryngitis or tracheitis, unspecified
CA06 |
- - Acute obstructive laryngitis or epiglottitis
CA06.0 |
- - - Acute obstructive laryngitis
CA06.1 |
- - - Acute epiglottitis
CA06.Y |
- - - Other specified acute obstructive laryngitis or epiglottitis
CA06.Z |
- - - Acute obstructive laryngitis or epiglottitis, unspecified
CA07 |
- - Acute upper respiratory infections of multiple and unspecified sites
CA07.0 |
- - - Acute upper respiratory infection, site unspecified
CA07.1 |
- - - Acute upper respiratory infections of multiple sites
CA07.Y |
- - - Other specified acute upper respiratory infections of multiple and unspecified sites
CA07.Z |
- - - Acute upper respiratory infections of multiple and unspecified sites, unspecified
CA08 |
- - Vasomotor or allergic rhinitis
CA08.0 |
- - - Allergic rhinitis
CA08.00 |
- - - - Allergic rhinitis due to pollen
CA08.01 |
- - - - Allergic rhinitis due to other seasonal allergens
CA08.02 |
- - - - Allergic rhinitis due to house dust mite
CA08.03 |
- - - - Other allergic rhinitis
CA08.0Z |
- - - - Allergic rhinitis, unspecified
CA08.1 |
- - - Non-allergic rhinitis
CA08.10 |
- - - - Non-allergic rhinitis with eosinophils
CA08.1Y |
- - - - Other specified non-allergic rhinitis
CA08.1Z |
- - - - Non-allergic rhinitis, unspecified
CA08.2 |
- - - Mixed rhinitis
CA08.3 |
- - - Vasomotor rhinitis
CA08.Y |
- - - Mixed allergic and non-allergic rhinitis
CA08.Z |
- - - Rhinitis, unspecified whether allergic or nonallergic
CA09 |
- - Chronic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis or pharyngitis
CA09.0 |
- - - Chronic rhinitis
CA09.1 |
- - - Chronic nasopharyngitis
CA09.2 |
- - - Chronic pharyngitis
CA09.Y |
- - - Other specified chronic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis or pharyngitis
CA09.Z |
- - - Chronic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis or pharyngitis, unspecified
CA0A |
- - Chronic rhinosinusitis
CA0A.0 |
- - - Samter syndrome
CA0A.Y |
- - - Other specified chronic rhinosinusitis
CA0A.Z |
- - - Chronic rhinosinusitis, unspecified
CA0B |
- - Silent sinus syndrome
CA0C |
- - Cyst or mucocele of nose or nasal sinus
CA0D |
- - Deviated nasal septum
CA0E |
- - Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates
CA0F |
- - Chronic diseases of tonsils or adenoids
CA0F.0 |
- - - Hypertrophy of tonsils
CA0F.1 |
- - - Hypertrophy of adenoids
CA0F.Y |
- - - Other specified chronic diseases of tonsils or adenoids
CA0F.Z |
- - - Chronic diseases of tonsils or adenoids, unspecified
CA0G |
- - Chronic laryngitis or laryngotracheitis
CA0H |
- - Diseases of vocal cords or larynx, not elsewhere classified
CA0H.0 |
- - - Paralysis of vocal cords or larynx
CA0H.1 |
- - - Polyp of vocal cord or larynx
CA0H.2 |
- - - Nodules of vocal cords
CA0H.3 |
- - - Oedema of larynx
CA0H.4 |
- - - Laryngeal spasm
CA0H.5 |
- - - Stenosis of larynx
CA0H.Y |
- - - Other specified diseases of vocal cords or larynx, not elsewhere classified
CA0H.Z |
- - - Diseases of vocal cords or larynx, not elsewhere classified, unspecified
CA0J |
- - Nasal polyp
CA0J.0 |
- - - Polypoid sinus degeneration
CA0J.Y |
- - - Other specified nasal polyp
CA0J.Z |
- - - Nasal polyp, unspecified
CA0K |
- - Abscess of upper respiratory tract
CA0K.0 |
- - - Retropharyngeal or parapharyngeal abscess
CA0K.1 |
- - - Peritonsillar abscess
CA0K.Y |
- - - Other specified abscess of upper respiratory tract
CA0K.Z |
- - - Abscess of upper respiratory tract, unspecified
CA0Y |
- - Other specified upper respiratory tract disorders
CA0Z |
- - Upper respiratory tract disorders, unspecified
-- Certain lower respiratory tract diseases
CA20 |
- - Bronchitis
CA20.0 |
- - - Acute noninfectious bronchitis
CA20.1 |
- - - Chronic bronchitis
CA20.10 |
- - - - Simple chronic bronchitis
CA20.11 |
- - - - Mucopurulent chronic bronchitis
CA20.12 |
- - - - Mixed simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis
CA20.13 |
- - - - Protracted bacterial bronchitis
CA20.1Y |
- - - - Other specified chronic bronchitis
CA20.1Z |
- - - - Chronic bronchitis, unspecified
CA20.Y |
- - - Other specified bronchitis
CA20.Z |
- - - Bronchitis, unspecified
CA21 |
- - Emphysema
CA21.0 |
- - - MacLeod syndrome
CA21.1 |
- - - Panlobular emphysema
CA21.2 |
- - - Centrilobular emphysema
CA21.Y |
- - - Other specified emphysema
CA21.Z |
- - - Emphysema, unspecified
CA22 |
- - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CA22.0 |
- - - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute exacerbation, unspecified
CA22.1 |
- - - Certain specified chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CA22.Z |
- - - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, unspecified
CA23 |
- - Asthma
CA23.0 |
- - - Allergic asthma
CA23.00 |
- - - - Allergic asthma with exacerbation
CA23.01 |
- - - - Allergic asthma with status asthmaticus
CA23.02 |
- - - - Allergic asthma, uncomplicated
CA23.0Z |
- - - - Allergic asthma, unspecified
CA23.1 |
- - - Non-allergic asthma
CA23.10 |
- - - - Non-allergic asthma with exacerbation
CA23.11 |
- - - - Non-allergic asthma with status asthmaticus
CA23.12 |
- - - - Non-allergic asthma, uncomplicated
CA23.2 |
- - - Other specified forms of asthma or bronchospasm
CA23.20 |
- - - - Aspirin-induced asthma
CA23.21 |
- - - - Exercise-induced bronchospasm
CA23.22 |
- - - - Cough variant asthma
CA23.3 |
- - - Unspecified asthma
CA23.30 |
- - - - Unspecified asthma with exacerbation
CA23.31 |
- - - - Unspecified asthma with status asthmaticus
CA23.32 |
- - - - Unspecified asthma, uncomplicated
CA24 |
- - Bronchiectasis
CA25 |
- - Cystic fibrosis
CA25.0 |
- - - Classical cystic fibrosis
CA25.1 |
- - - Atypical cystic fibrosis
CA25.2 |
- - - Subclinical cystic fibrosis
CA25.Z |
- - - Cystic fibrosis, unspecified
CA26 |
- - Chronic bronchiolitis
CA26.0 |
- - - Chronic obliterative bronchiolitis
CA26.1 |
- - - Diffuse panbronchiolitis
CA26.Y |
- - - Other specified chronic bronchiolitis
CA26.Z |
- - - Chronic bronchiolitis, unspecified
CA27 |
- - Tracheobronchitis
CA27.0 |
- - - Tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica
CA27.1 |
- - - Tracheobronchomegaly
CA27.Y |
- - - Other specified tracheobronchitis
CA27.Z |
- - - Tracheobronchitis, unspecified
CA2Y |
- - Other specified lower respiratory tract disease
CA2Z |
- - Lower respiratory tract disease, unspecified
-- Lung infections
CA40 |
- - Pneumonia
CA40.0 |
- - - Bacterial pneumonia
CA40.00 |
- - - - Pneumonia due to Chlamydophila pneumoniae
CA40.01 |
- - - - Pneumonia due to Escherichia coli
CA40.02 |
- - - - Pneumonia due to Haemophilus influenzae
CA40.03 |
- - - - Pneumonia due to Klebsiella pneumoniae
CA40.04 |
- - - - Pneumonia due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae
CA40.05 |
- - - - Pneumonia due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa
CA40.06 |
- - - - Pneumonia due to Staphylococcus
CA40.07 |
- - - - Pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae
CA40.08 |
- - - - Pneumonia due to Beta-haemolytic streptococcus
CA40.0Y |
- - - - Pneumonia due to other specified bacteria
CA40.0Z |
- - - - Bacterial pneumonia, unspecified
CA40.1 |
- - - Viral pneumonia
CA40.10 |
- - - - Pneumonia due to Adenovirus
CA40.11 |
- - - - Pneumonia due to Respiratory syncytial virus
CA40.12 |
- - - - Pneumonia due to parainfluenza virus
CA40.13 |
- - - - Pneumonia due to Human metapneumovirus
CA40.1Y |
- - - - Pneumonia due to other specified virus
CA40.1Z |
- - - - Viral pneumonia, unspecified
CA40.2 |
- - - Fungal pneumonia
CA40.20 |
- - - - Pneumonia due to pneumocystis
CA40.2Y |
- - - - Other specified fungal pneumonia
CA40.2Z |
- - - - Fungal pneumonia, unspecified
CA40.Y |
- - - Other specified pneumonia
CA40.Z |
- - - Pneumonia, organism unspecified
CA41 |
- - Acute bronchiolitis
CA41.0 |
- - - Acute bronchiolitis due to respiratory syncytial virus
CA41.Y |
- - - Other specified acute bronchiolitis
CA41.Z |
- - - Acute bronchiolitis, unspecified
CA42 |
- - Acute bronchitis
CA42.0 |
- - - Acute bronchitis due to Streptococcus
CA42.1 |
- - - Acute bronchitis due to Rhinovirus
CA42.2 |
- - - Acute bronchitis due to Respiratory syncytial virus
CA42.3 |
- - - Acute bronchitis due to Parainfluenza virus
CA42.4 |
- - - Acute bronchitis due to Haemophilus influenzae
CA42.5 |
- - - Acute bronchitis due to Coxsackievirus
CA42.Y |
- - - Other specified acute bronchitis
CA42.Z |
- - - Acute bronchitis, unspecified
CA43 |
- - Abscess of lung or mediastinum
CA43.0 |
- - - Gangrene or necrosis of lung
CA43.1 |
- - - Abscess of lung with pneumonia
CA43.2 |
- - - Abscess of lung without pneumonia
CA43.3 |
- - - Abscess of mediastinum
CA43.Y |
- - - Other specified abscess of lung or mediastinum
CA43.Z |
- - - Abscess of lung or mediastinum, unspecified
CA44 |
- - Pyothorax
CA45 |
- - Respiratory infections, not elsewhere classified
CA4Y |
- - Other specified lung infections
CA4Z |
- - Lung infections, unspecified
-- Lung diseases due to external agents
CA60 |
- - Pneumoconiosis
CA60.0 |
- - - Pneumoconiosis due to dust containing silica
CA60.00 |
- - - - Pneumoconiosis due to talc dust
CA60.0Y |
- - - - Other specified pneumoconiosis due to dust containing silica
CA60.0Z |
- - - - Pneumoconiosis due to dust containing silica, unspecified
CA60.1 |
- - - Coal worker pneumoconiosis
CA60.2 |
- - - Pneumoconiosis due to mineral fibres including asbestos
CA60.3 |
- - - Pneumoconiosis associated with tuberculosis
CA60.4 |
- - - Aluminosis of lung
CA60.5 |
- - - Bauxite fibrosis of lung
CA60.6 |
- - - Berylliosis
CA60.7 |
- - - Graphite fibrosis of lung
CA60.8 |
- - - Siderosis
CA60.9 |
- - - Stannosis
CA60.Y |
- - - Other specified pneumoconiosis
-- - Pneumonitis
CA70 |
- - - Hypersensitivity pneumonitis due to organic dust
CA70.0 |
- - - - Farmer lung
CA70.1 |
- - - - Bagassosis
CA70.2 |
- - - - Bird fancier lung
CA70.3 |
- - - - Suberosis
CA70.4 |
- - - - Malt worker lung
CA70.5 |
- - - - Mushroom worker lung
CA70.6 |
- - - - Maple bark stripper lung
CA70.7 |
- - - - Air conditioner or humidifier lung
CA70.Y |
- - - - Other specified hypersensitivity pneumonitis due to organic dust
CA70.Z |
- - - - Hypersensitivity pneumonitis due to organic dust, unspecified
CA71 |
- - - Pneumonitis due to solids and liquids
CA71.0 |
- - - - Pneumonitis due to inhalation of food or vomit
CA71.1 |
- - - - Pneumonitis due to oils or essences
CA71.2 |
- - - - Pneumonitis due to aspiration of blood
CA71.3 |
- - - - Lipoid pneumonitis
CA71.Y |
- - - - Other specified pneumonitis due to solids and liquids
CA71.Z |
- - - - Pneumonitis due to solids and liquids, unspecified
CA72 |
- - - Mendelson syndrome
CA7Y |
- - - Other specified pneumonitis
CA7Z |
- - - Pneumonitis, unspecified
CA80 |
- - Airway disease due to specific organic dust
CA80.0 |
- - - Byssinosis
CA80.1 |
- - - Flax-dresser disease
CA80.2 |
- - - Cannabinosis
CA80.Y |
- - - Other specified airway disease due to specific organic dust
CA80.Z |
- - - Airway disease due to specific organic dust, unspecified
CA81 |
- - Respiratory conditions due to inhalation of chemicals, gases, fumes or vapours
CA81.0 |
- - - Bronchitis or pneumonitis due to chemicals, gases, fumes or vapours
CA81.1 |
- - - Pulmonary oedema due to chemicals, gases, fumes or vapours
CA81.2 |
- - - Upper respiratory inflammation due to chemicals, gases, fumes or vapours, not elsewhere classified
CA81.Y |
- - - Other specified respiratory conditions due to inhalation of chemicals, gases, fumes or vapours
CA81.Z |
- - - Respiratory conditions due to inhalation of chemicals, gases, fumes or vapours, unspecified
CA82 |
- - Respiratory conditions due to other external agents
CA82.0 |
- - - Acute pulmonary manifestations due to radiation
CA82.1 |
- - - Chronic or other pulmonary manifestations due to radiation
CA82.2 |
- - - Acute drug-induced interstitial lung disorders
CA82.3 |
- - - Chronic drug-induced interstitial lung disorders
CA82.4 |
- - - Aspergillus-induced allergic or hypersensitivity conditions
CA82.Y |
- - - Other specified respiratory conditions due to other external agents
CA82.Z |
- - - Respiratory conditions due to other external agents, unspecified
CA8Y |
- - Other specified lung diseases due to external agents
CA8Z |
- - Lung diseases due to external agents, unspecified
-- Respiratory diseases principally affecting the lung interstitium
CB00 |
- - Acute respiratory distress syndrome
CB01 |
- - Pulmonary oedema
CB02 |
- - Pulmonary eosinophilia
CB02.0 |
- - - Asthmatic pulmonary eosinophilia
CB02.1 |
- - - Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonitis
CB02.10 |
- - - - Idiopathic acute eosinophilic pneumonitis
CB02.11 |
- - - - Idiopathic chronic eosinophilic pneumonitis
CB02.1Y |
- - - - Other specified idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonitis
CB02.1Z |
- - - - Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonitis, unspecified
CB02.2 |
- - - Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia
CB02.Y |
- - - Other specified pulmonary eosinophilia
CB02.Z |
- - - Pulmonary eosinophilia, unspecified
CB03 |
- - Idiopathic interstitial pneumonitis
CB03.0 |
- - - Acute interstitial pneumonitis
CB03.1 |
- - - Combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema syndrome
CB03.2 |
- - - Cryptogenic organizing pneumonitis
CB03.3 |
- - - Desquamative interstitial pneumonitis
CB03.4 |
- - - Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
CB03.5 |
- - - Lymphoid interstitial pneumonia
CB03.6 |
- - - Respiratory bronchiolitis - interstitial lung disease
CB03.Y |
- - - Other specified idiopathic interstitial pneumonitis
CB03.Z |
- - - Idiopathic interstitial pneumonitis, unspecified
CB04 |
- - Primary interstitial lung diseases specific to infancy or childhood
CB04.0 |
- - - Diffuse pulmonary developmental disorders
CB04.1 |
- - - Pulmonary lymphatic dysplasia syndromes
CB04.2 |
- - - Disorders of surfactant metabolism
CB04.3 |
- - - Alveolar or peri-alveolar conditions
CB04.30 |
- - - - Idiopathic pulmonary haemosiderosis
CB04.31 |
- - - - Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
CB04.3Y |
- - - - Other specified alveolar or peri-alveolar conditions
CB04.3Z |
- - - - Alveolar or peri-alveolar conditions, unspecified
CB04.4 |
- - - Pulmonary capillaritis
CB04.5 |
- - - Brain-lung-thyroid syndrome
CB04.6 |
- - - Chronic pneumonitis of infancy
CB04.7 |
- - - Neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia of infancy
CB04.Y |
- - - Other specified primary interstitial lung diseases specific to infancy or childhood
CB04.Z |
- - - Primary interstitial lung diseases specific to infancy or childhood, unspecified
CB05 |
- - Interstitial lung diseases associated with systemic diseases
CB05.0 |
- - - Diffuse alveolar damage
CB05.1 |
- - - Interstitial lung diseases associated with connective tissue diseases
CB05.2 |
- - - Interstitial lung diseases associated with granulomatous diseases
CB05.3 |
- - - Interstitial lung diseases associated with metabolic diseases
CB05.4 |
- - - Interstitial lung diseases associated with systemic vasculitides
CB05.40 |
- - - - Respiratory disorders in Churg-Strauss syndrome
CB05.41 |
- - - - Respiratory disorders in microscopic polyangiitis
CB05.4Y |
- - - - Other specified interstitial lung diseases associated with systemic vasculitides
CB05.4Z |
- - - - Interstitial lung diseases associated with systemic vasculitides, unspecified
CB05.5 |
- - - Secondary pulmonary haemosiderosis
CB05.Y |
- - - Other specified interstitial lung diseases associated with systemic diseases
CB05.Z |
- - - Interstitial lung diseases associated with systemic diseases, unspecified
CB06 |
- - Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis
CB07 |
- - Lymphangioleiomyomatosis
CB07.0 |
- - - Lymphangioleiomyomatosis associated with tuberous sclerosis complex
CB07.1 |
- - - Sporadic lymphangioleiomyomatosis
CB07.Y |
- - - Other specified lymphangioleiomyomatosis
CB07.Z |
- - - Lymphangioleiomyomatosis, unspecified
CB0Y |
- - Other specified respiratory diseases principally affecting the lung interstitium
CB0Z |
- - Respiratory diseases principally affecting the lung interstitium, unspecified
-- Pleural, diaphragm or mediastinal disorders
CB20 |
- - Pleural plaque
CB21 |
- - Pneumothorax
CB21.0 |
- - - Spontaneous tension pneumothorax
CB21.1 |
- - - Other spontaneous pneumothorax
CB21.Y |
- - - Other specified pneumothorax
CB21.Z |
- - - Pneumothorax, unspecified
CB22 |
- - Diseases of mediastinum, not elsewhere classified
CB22.0 |
- - - Fibrosing mediastinitis
CB22.Y |
- - - Other specified diseases of mediastinum, not elsewhere classified
CB22.Z |
- - - Diseases of mediastinum, not elsewhere classified, unspecified
CB23 |
- - Disorders of diaphragm
CB24 |
- - Chylous effusion
CB25 |
- - Fibrothorax
CB26 |
- - Haemothorax
CB27 |
- - Pleural effusion
CB2Y |
- - Other specified pleural, diaphragm or mediastinal disorders
CB2Z |
- - Pleural, diaphragm or mediastinal disorders, unspecified
CB40 |
- Certain diseases of the respiratory system]]
CB40.0 |
- - Ciliary dyskinesia
CB40.1 |
- - Young syndrome
CB40.2 |
- - Pulmonary collapse
CB40.3 |
- - Interstitial emphysema
CB40.4 |
- - Compensatory emphysema
CB40.Y |
- - Other specified diseases of the respiratory system
CB41 |
- Respiratory failure]]
CB41.0 |
- - Acute respiratory failure
CB41.00 |
- - - Acute respiratory failure, Type I
CB41.01 |
- - - Acute respiratory failure, Type II
CB41.0Z |
- - - Acute respiratory failure, unspecified
CB41.1 |
- - Chronic respiratory failure
CB41.10 |
- - - Chronic respiratory failure, Type I
CB41.11 |
- - - Chronic respiratory failure, Type II
CB41.1Z |
- - - Chronic respiratory failure, unspecified
CB41.2 |
- - Respiratory failure, unspecified as acute or chronic
CB41.20 |
- - - Respiratory failure, unspecified, Type I
CB41.21 |
- - - Respiratory failure, unspecified, Type II
CB41.2Z |
- - - Respiratory failure, unspecified
-- Postprocedural disorders of the respiratory system
CB60 |
- - Tracheostomy malfunction
CB61 |
- - Chronic pulmonary insufficiency following surgery
CB62 |
- - Postprocedural subglottic stenosis
CB63 |
- - Postprocedural stenosis of the trachea
CB64 |
- - Transfusion related acute lung injury
CB7Z |
- Diseases of the respiratory system, unspecified