ICD 11 codes (L)

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ICD 11 codes (L)

ICD stands for International Classification of Diseases and ICD 11 is the 11th revision.

The International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision (ICD-11) is a global standard for health information and diagnostics. Developed by the WHO, ICD-11 provides a systematic framework for classifying diseases, disorders, injuries, and other related health conditions. This classification allows for detailed analysis of health trends and statistics worldwide, assisting in informing public health and clinical decision-making.

ICD-11 was officially adopted by the WHO in May 2019, marking a significant update from its predecessor, ICD-10. The new revision is fully electronic and has been designed to be more accessible and easier to implement, which is a significant shift from the paper-based ICD-10. Learn more...

ICD 11 Code ICD 11 Description
-Developmental anomalies
-- Structural developmental anomalies primarily affecting one body system
-- - Structural developmental anomalies of the nervous system
LA00 - - - Anencephaly or similar anomalies
LA00.0 - - - - Anencephaly
LA00.00 - - - - - Craniorachischisis
LA00.0Y - - - - - Other specified anencephaly
LA00.0Z - - - - - Anencephaly, unspecified
LA00.1 - - - - Iniencephaly
LA00.2 - - - - Acephaly
LA00.3 - - - - Amyelencephaly
LA00.Y - - - - Other specified anencephaly or similar anomalies
LA00.Z - - - - Anencephaly or similar anomalies, unspecified
LA01 - - - Cephalocele
LA02 - - - Spina bifida
LA02.0 - - - - Spina bifida cystica
LA02.00 - - - - - Myelomeningocele with hydrocephalus
LA02.01 - - - - - Myelomeningocele without hydrocephalus
LA02.02 - - - - - Myelocystocele
LA02.0Y - - - - - Other specified spina bifida cystica
LA02.0Z - - - - - Spina bifida cystica, unspecified
LA02.1 - - - - Spina bifida aperta
LA02.Y - - - - Other specified spina bifida
LA02.Z - - - - Spina bifida, unspecified
LA03 - - - Arnold-Chiari malformation type II
LA04 - - - Congenital hydrocephalus
LA04.0 - - - - Hydrocephalus with stenosis of the aqueduct of Sylvius
LA04.Y - - - - Other specified congenital hydrocephalus
LA04.Z - - - - Congenital hydrocephalus, unspecified
LA05 - - - Cerebral structural developmental anomalies
LA05.0 - - - - Microcephaly
LA05.1 - - - - Megalencephaly
LA05.2 - - - - Holoprosencephaly
LA05.3 - - - - Corpus callosum agenesis
LA05.4 - - - - Arhinencephaly
LA05.5 - - - - Abnormal neuronal migration
LA05.50 - - - - - Polymicrogyria
LA05.51 - - - - - Cortical dysplasia
LA05.5Y - - - - - Other specified abnormal neuronal migration
LA05.5Z - - - - - Abnormal neuronal migration, unspecified
LA05.6 - - - - Encephaloclastic disorders
LA05.60 - - - - - Porencephaly
LA05.61 - - - - - Schizencephaly
LA05.62 - - - - - Hydranencephaly
LA05.6Y - - - - - Other specified encephaloclastic disorders
LA05.6Z - - - - - Encephaloclastic disorders, unspecified
LA05.7 - - - - Brain cystic malformations
LA05.Y - - - - Other specified cerebral structural developmental anomalies
LA05.Z - - - - Cerebral structural developmental anomalies, unspecified
LA06 - - - Cerebellar structural developmental anomalies
LA06.0 - - - - Dandy-Walker malformation
LA06.1 - - - - Hypoplasia or agenesis of cerebellar hemispheres
LA06.2 - - - - Focal cerebellar dysplasia
LA06.Y - - - - Other specified cerebellar structural developmental anomalies
LA06.Z - - - - Cerebellar structural developmental anomalies, unspecified
LA07 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of the neurenteric canal, spinal cord or vertebral column
LA07.0 - - - - Primary tethered cord syndrome
LA07.1 - - - - Diastematomyelia
LA07.2 - - - - Amyelia
LA07.3 - - - - Primary syringomyelia or hydromyelia
LA07.4 - - - - Arnold-Chiari malformation type I
LA07.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the neurenteric canal, spinal cord or vertebral column
LA07.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of the neurenteric canal, spinal cord or vertebral column, unspecified
LA0Y - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the nervous system
LA0Z - - - Structural developmental anomalies of the nervous system, unspecified
-- - Structural developmental anomalies of the eye, eyelid or lacrimal apparatus
LA10 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of ocular globes
LA10.0 - - - - Microphthalmos
LA10.1 - - - - Clinical anophthalmos
LA10.2 - - - - Buphthalmos
LA10.3 - - - - Congenital macrophthalmos
LA10.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of ocular globes
LA10.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of ocular globes, unspecified
LA11 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of the anterior segment of eye
LA11.0 - - - - Blue sclera
LA11.1 - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of cornea
LA11.2 - - - - Anterior segment dysgenesis
LA11.3 - - - - Aniridia
LA11.4 - - - - Coloboma of iris
LA11.5 - - - - Congenital corneal opacity
LA11.6 - - - - Structural disorders of the pupil
LA11.60 - - - - - Irregular pupil of the eye
LA11.61 - - - - - Iridoschisis
LA11.62 - - - - - Anomalies of pupillary function
LA11.6Y - - - - - Other specified structural disorders of the pupil
LA11.6Z - - - - - Structural disorders of the pupil, unspecified
LA11.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the anterior segment of eye
LA11.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of the anterior segment of eye, unspecified
LA12 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of lens or zonula
LA12.0 - - - - Coloboma of lens
LA12.1 - - - - Congenital cataract
LA12.2 - - - - Congenital aphakia
LA12.3 - - - - Spherophakia
LA12.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of lens or zonula
LA12.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of lens or zonula, unspecified
LA13 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of the posterior segment of eye
LA13.0 - - - - Congenital anomalies of the vitreous
LA13.1 - - - - Coloboma of choroid or retina
LA13.2 - - - - Coloboma of macula
LA13.3 - - - - Congenital vitreoretinal dysplasia
LA13.4 - - - - Optic pit
LA13.5 - - - - Congenital retinal aneurysm
LA13.6 - - - - Congenital malformations of choroid
LA13.7 - - - - Congenital malformation of optic disc
LA13.70 - - - - - Isolated optic nerve hypoplasia
LA13.71 - - - - - Optic nerve aplasia
LA13.72 - - - - - Congenitally elevated optic disc
LA13.73 - - - - - Optic disc dysplasia
LA13.74 - - - - - Megalopapilla
LA13.75 - - - - - Optic disc pit
LA13.76 - - - - - Coloboma of optic disc
LA13.7Y - - - - - Other specified congenital malformation of optic disc
LA13.7Z - - - - - Congenital malformation of optic disc, unspecified
LA13.8 - - - - Certain congenital malformations of posterior segment of eye
LA13.80 - - - - - Anastomosis of retinal or choroidal vessels
LA13.8Y - - - - - Other specified congenital malformations of posterior segment of eye
LA13.8Z - - - - - Certain congenital malformations of posterior segment of eye, unspecified
LA13.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the posterior segment of eye
LA13.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of the posterior segment of eye, unspecified
LA14 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of eyelid, lacrimal apparatus or orbit
LA14.0 - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of eyelids
LA14.00 - - - - - Palpebral cleft or coloboma
LA14.01 - - - - - Cryptophthalmia
LA14.02 - - - - - Congenital entropion
LA14.03 - - - - - Congenital ectropion
LA14.04 - - - - - Congenital ptosis
LA14.05 - - - - - Congenital eyelid retraction
LA14.06 - - - - - Epibulbar choristoma
LA14.07 - - - - - Ankyloblepharon filiforme adnatum
LA14.0Y - - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of eyelids
LA14.1 - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of lacrimal apparatus
LA14.10 - - - - - Aplasia of lacrimal or salivary glands
LA14.11 - - - - - Agenesis of lacrimal ducts
LA14.12 - - - - - Congenital dacryocele
LA14.13 - - - - - Congenital agenesis of lacrimal punctum
LA14.14 - - - - - Congenital stenosis or stricture of lacrimal duct
LA14.1Y - - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of lacrimal apparatus
LA14.1Z - - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of lacrimal apparatus, unspecified
LA14.2 - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of orbit
LA14.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of eyelid, lacrimal apparatus or orbit
LA14.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of eyelid, lacrimal apparatus or orbit, unspecified
LA1Y - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the eye, eyelid or lacrimal apparatus
LA1Z - - - Structural developmental anomalies of the eye, eyelid or lacrimal apparatus, unspecified
-- - Structural developmental anomalies of the ear
LA20 - - - Structural anomaly of eustachian apparatus
LA21 - - - Minor anomalies of pinnae
LA21.0 - - - - Macrotia
LA21.1 - - - - Protruding ear
LA21.2 - - - - Low-set ear
LA21.3 - - - - Misshapen ear
LA21.Y - - - - Other specified minor anomalies of pinnae
LA22 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of ear causing hearing impairment
LA22.0 - - - - Microtia
LA22.1 - - - - Anotia
LA22.2 - - - - Aplasia or hypoplasia of external auditory canal
LA22.3 - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of ear ossicles
LA22.4 - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of inner ear
LA22.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of ear causing hearing impairment
LA22.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of ear causing hearing impairment, unspecified
LA23 - - - Otocephaly
LA24 - - - Accessory auricle
LA2Y - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the ear
LA2Z - - - Structural developmental anomalies of the ear, unspecified
-- - Structural developmental anomalies of the face, mouth or teeth
LA30 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of teeth and periodontal tissues
LA30.0 - - - - Anodontia
LA30.1 - - - - Hypodontia
LA30.2 - - - - Oligodontia
LA30.3 - - - - Hyperdontia
LA30.4 - - - - Abnormalities of size or form of teeth
LA30.5 - - - - Anomalies in tooth resorption or loss
LA30.50 - - - - - Early exfoliation of teeth
LA30.51 - - - - - Late exfoliation of teeth
LA30.5Y - - - - - Other specified anomalies in tooth resorption or loss
LA30.5Z - - - - - Anomalies in tooth resorption or loss, unspecified
LA30.6 - - - - Amelogenesis imperfecta
LA30.7 - - - - Dentine dysplasia
LA30.8 - - - - Dentinogenesis imperfecta
LA30.9 - - - - Odontogenesis imperfecta
LA30.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of teeth and periodontal tissues
LA30.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of teeth and periodontal tissues, unspecified
LA31 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of mouth or tongue
LA31.0 - - - - Congenital macroglossia
LA31.1 - - - - Hypoglossia or aglossia
LA31.2 - - - - Ankyloglossia
LA31.3 - - - - Macrostomia
LA31.4 - - - - Microstomia
LA31.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of mouth or tongue
-- --Clefts of lip, alveolus or palate
LA40 - - - - Cleft lip
LA40.0 - - - - - Cleft lip, unilateral
LA40.1 - - - - - Cleft lip, bilateral
LA40.2 - - - - - Cleft lip, median
LA40.Y - - - - - Other specified cleft lip
LA40.Z - - - - - Cleft lip, unspecified
LA41 - - - - Cleft lip and alveolus
LA41.0 - - - - - Cleft lip and alveolus, unilateral
LA41.1 - - - - - Cleft lip and alveolus, bilateral
LA41.Y - - - - - Other specified cleft lip and alveolus
LA41.Z - - - - - Cleft lip and alveolus, unspecified
LA42 - - - - Cleft palate
LA42.0 - - - - - Cleft hard palate
LA42.1 - - - - - Cleft soft palate
LA42.2 - - - - - Cleft uvula
LA42.Y - - - - - Other specified cleft palate
LA42.Z - - - - - Cleft palate, unspecified
LA4Y - - - - Other specified clefts of lip, alveolus or palate
LA4Z - - - - Clefts of lip, alveolus or palate, unspecified
LA50 - - - Congenital velopharyngeal incompetence
LA51 - - - Facial clefts
LA52 - - - Facial asymmetry
LA53 - - - Macrocheilia
LA54 - - - Microcheilia
LA55 - - - Compression facies
LA56 - - - Pierre Robin syndrome
LA5Y - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the face, mouth or teeth
LA5Z - - - Structural developmental anomalies of the face, mouth or teeth, unspecified
-- - Structural developmental anomalies of the neck
LA60 - - - Webbed neck
LA61 - - - Congenital sternomastoid tumour
LA62 - - - Congenital torticollis
LA6Y - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the neck
LA6Z - - - Structural developmental anomalies of the neck, unspecified
-- - Structural developmental anomalies of the respiratory system
LA70 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of the nose or cavum
LA70.0 - - - - Arrhinia
LA70.1 - - - - Bifid nose
LA70.2 - - - - Choanal atresia
LA70.3 - - - - Congenital perforated nasal septum
LA70.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the nose or cavum
LA70.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of the nose or cavum, unspecified
LA71 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of larynx
LA71.0 - - - - Congenital laryngomalacia
LA71.1 - - - - Laryngocele
LA71.2 - - - - Laryngeal hypoplasia
LA71.3 - - - - Congenital subglottic stenosis
LA71.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of larynx
LA71.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of larynx, unspecified
LA72 - - - Laryngotracheooesophageal cleft
LA73 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of trachea
LA73.0 - - - - Congenital stenosis of trachea
LA73.1 - - - - Congenital tracheomalacia
LA73.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of trachea
LA73.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of trachea, unspecified
LA74 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of bronchi
LA74.0 - - - - Congenital stenosis or atresia of bronchus
LA74.1 - - - - Congenital bronchomalacia
LA74.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of bronchi
LA74.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of bronchi, unspecified
LA75 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of lungs
LA75.0 - - - - Accessory lobe of lung
LA75.1 - - - - Agenesis of lung
LA75.2 - - - - Congenital hypoplasia of lung
LA75.3 - - - - Congenital hyperplasia of lung
LA75.4 - - - - Congenital pulmonary airway malformations
LA75.5 - - - - Congenital lobar emphysema
LA75.6 - - - - Congenital sequestration of lung
LA75.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of lungs
LA75.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of lungs, unspecified
LA76 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of pleura
LA77 - - - Congenital cyst of mediastinum
LA7Y - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the respiratory system
LA7Z - - - Structural developmental anomalies of the respiratory system, unspecified
-- - Structural developmental anomalies of the circulatory system
-- --Structural developmental anomaly of heart or great vessels
LA80 - - - - Anomalous position-orientation of heart
LA80.0 - - - - - Laevocardia
LA80.1 - - - - - Dextrocardia
LA80.2 - - - - - Mesocardia
LA80.3 - - - - - Extrathoracic heart
LA80.Y - - - - - Other specified anomalous position-orientation of heart
LA80.Z - - - - - Anomalous position-orientation of heart, unspecified
LA81 - - - - Abnormal ventricular relationships
LA82 - - - - Total mirror imagery
LA83 - - - - Right isomerism
LA84 - - - - Left isomerism
LA85 - - - - Congenital anomaly of an atrioventricular or ventriculo-arterial connection
LA85.0 - - - - - Discordant atrioventricular connections
LA85.1 - - - - - Transposition of the great arteries
LA85.2 - - - - - Double outlet right ventricle
LA85.20 - - - - - -Double outlet right ventricle with subpulmonary ventricular septal defect, transposition type
LA85.21 - - - - - -Double outlet right ventricle with non-committed ventricular septal defect
LA85.22 - - - - - -Double outlet right ventricle with subaortic or doubly committed ventricular septal defect without pulmonary stenosis, ventricular septal defect type
LA85.2Y - - - - - -Other specified double outlet right ventricle
LA85.2Z - - - - - -Double outlet right ventricle, unspecified
LA85.3 - - - - - Double outlet left ventricle
LA85.4 - - - - - Common arterial trunk
LA85.40 - - - - - -Common arterial trunk with aortic dominance
LA85.41 - - - - - -Common arterial trunk with pulmonary dominance and interrupted aortic arch
LA85.4Y - - - - - -Other specified common arterial trunk
LA85.4Z - - - - - -Common arterial trunk, unspecified
LA85.Y - - - - - Other specified congenital anomaly of an atrioventricular or ventriculo-arterial connection
LA85.Z - - - - - Congenital anomaly of an atrioventricular or ventriculo-arterial connection, unspecified
LA86 - - - - Congenital anomaly of mediastinal vein
LA86.0 - - - - - Left superior caval vein
LA86.1 - - - - - Unroofed coronary sinus
LA86.2 - - - - - Anomalous pulmonary venous connection
LA86.20 - - - - - -Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection
LA86.21 - - - - - -Partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection
LA86.22 - - - - - -Scimitar syndrome
LA86.2Y - - - - - -Other specified anomalous pulmonary venous connection
LA86.2Z - - - - - -Anomalous pulmonary venous connection, unspecified
LA86.3 - - - - - Congenital pulmonary venous stenosis or hypoplasia
LA86.Y - - - - - Other specified congenital anomaly of mediastinal vein
LA86.Z - - - - - Congenital anomaly of mediastinal vein, unspecified
LA87 - - - - Congenital anomaly of an atrioventricular valve or atrioventricular septum
LA87.0 - - - - - Congenital anomaly of tricuspid valve
LA87.00 - - - - - -Congenital tricuspid regurgitation
LA87.01 - - - - - -Congenital tricuspid valvar stenosis
LA87.02 - - - - - -Dysplasia of tricuspid valve
LA87.03 - - - - - -Ebstein malformation of tricuspid valve
LA87.0Y - - - - - -Other specified congenital anomaly of tricuspid valve
LA87.0Z - - - - - -Congenital anomaly of tricuspid valve, unspecified
LA87.1 - - - - - Congenital anomaly of mitral valve
LA87.10 - - - - - -Congenital mitral regurgitation
LA87.11 - - - - - -Congenital mitral valvar stenosis
LA87.12 - - - - - -Dysplasia of mitral valve
LA87.13 - - - - - -Congenital anomaly of mitral subvalvar apparatus
LA87.1Y - - - - - -Other specified congenital anomaly of mitral valve
LA87.1Z - - - - - -Congenital anomaly of mitral valve, unspecified
LA87.2 - - - - - Common atrioventricular junction
LA87.20 - - - - - -Atrioventricular septal defect
LA87.2Y - - - - - -Other specified common atrioventricular junction
LA87.2Z - - - - - -Common atrioventricular junction, unspecified
LA87.Y - - - - - Other specified congenital anomaly of an atrioventricular valve or atrioventricular septum
LA87.Z - - - - - Congenital anomaly of an atrioventricular valve or atrioventricular septum, unspecified
LA88 - - - - Congenital anomaly of a ventricle or the ventricular septum
LA88.0 - - - - - Congenital right ventricular outflow tract obstruction
LA88.1 - - - - - Double chambered right ventricle
LA88.2 - - - - - Tetralogy of Fallot
LA88.20 - - - - - -Tetralogy of Fallot with absent pulmonary valve syndrome
LA88.21 - - - - - -Tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary atresia
LA88.22 - - - - - -Tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary atresia and systemic-to-pulmonary collateral artery
LA88.2Y - - - - - -Other specified tetralogy of Fallot
LA88.2Z - - - - - -Tetralogy of Fallot, unspecified
LA88.3 - - - - - Congenital left ventricular outflow tract obstruction
LA88.4 - - - - - Ventricular septal defect
LA88.40 - - - - - -Trabecular muscular ventricular septal defect
LA88.41 - - - - - -Perimembranous central ventricular septal defect
LA88.42 - - - - - -Ventricular septal defect haemodynamically insignificant
LA88.4Y - - - - - -Other specified ventricular septal defect
LA88.4Z - - - - - -Ventricular septal defect, unspecified
LA88.Y - - - - - Other specified congenital anomaly of a ventricle or the ventricular septum
LA88.Z - - - - - Congenital anomaly of a ventricle or the ventricular septum, unspecified
LA89 - - - - Functionally univentricular heart
LA89.0 - - - - - Double inlet atrioventricular connection
LA89.1 - - - - - Tricuspid atresia
LA89.2 - - - - - Mitral atresia
LA89.3 - - - - - Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
LA89.Y - - - - - Other specified functionally univentricular heart
LA89.Z - - - - - Functionally univentricular heart, unspecified
LA8A - - - - Congenital anomaly of a ventriculo-arterial valve or adjacent regions
LA8A.0 - - - - - Congenital anomaly of pulmonary valve
LA8A.00 - - - - - -Congenital pulmonary valvar stenosis
LA8A.01 - - - - - -Congenital pulmonary regurgitation
LA8A.0Y - - - - - -Other specified congenital anomaly of pulmonary valve
LA8A.0Z - - - - - -Congenital anomaly of pulmonary valve, unspecified
LA8A.1 - - - - - Congenital pulmonary atresia
LA8A.10 - - - - - -Pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum
LA8A.1Y - - - - - -Other specified congenital pulmonary atresia
LA8A.1Z - - - - - -Congenital pulmonary atresia, unspecified
LA8A.2 - - - - - Congenital anomaly of aortic valve
LA8A.20 - - - - - -Congenital aortic valvar stenosis
LA8A.21 - - - - - -Congenital aortic regurgitation
LA8A.22 - - - - - -Bicuspid aortic valve
LA8A.23 - - - - - -Aortic valvar atresia
LA8A.24 - - - - - -Unicuspid aortic valve
LA8A.2Y - - - - - -Other specified congenital anomaly of aortic valve
LA8A.2Z - - - - - -Congenital anomaly of aortic valve, unspecified
LA8A.3 - - - - - Congenital supravalvar aortic stenosis
LA8A.4 - - - - - Aneurysm of aortic sinus of Valsalva
LA8A.5 - - - - - Congenital subaortic stenosis
LA8A.6 - - - - - Congenital subpulmonary stenosis
LA8A.Y - - - - - Other specified congenital anomaly of a ventriculo-arterial valve or adjacent regions
LA8A.Z - - - - - Congenital anomaly of a ventriculo-arterial valve or adjacent regions, unspecified
LA8B - - - - Congenital anomaly of great arteries including arterial duct
LA8B.0 - - - - - Congenital aortopulmonary window
LA8B.1 - - - - - Congenital anomaly of pulmonary arterial tree
LA8B.2 - - - - - Congenital anomaly of aorta or its branches
LA8B.20 - - - - - -Congenital anomaly of descending thoracic or abdominal aorta
LA8B.21 - - - - - -Coarctation of aorta
LA8B.22 - - - - - -Interrupted aortic arch
LA8B.2Y - - - - - -Other specified congenital anomaly of aorta or its branches
LA8B.2Z - - - - - -Congenital anomaly of aorta or its branches, unspecified
LA8B.3 - - - - - Tracheo-oesophageal compressive syndrome
LA8B.4 - - - - - Patent arterial duct
LA8B.Y - - - - - Other specified congenital anomaly of great arteries including arterial duct
LA8B.Z - - - - - Congenital anomaly of great arteries including arterial duct, unspecified
LA8C - - - - Congenital anomaly of coronary arteries
LA8C.0 - - - - - Anomalous origin of coronary artery from pulmonary arterial tree
LA8C.1 - - - - - Anomalous aortic origin or course of coronary artery
LA8C.2 - - - - - Congenital coronary arterial fistula
LA8C.Y - - - - - Other specified congenital anomaly of coronary arteries
LA8C.Z - - - - - Congenital anomaly of coronary arteries, unspecified
LA8D - - - - Congenital pericardial anomaly
LA8E - - - - Congenital anomaly of atrial septum
LA8E.0 - - - - - Patent oval foramen
LA8E.1 - - - - - Atrial septal defect within oval fossa
LA8E.2 - - - - - Sinus venosus defect
LA8E.3 - - - - - Interatrial communication through coronary sinus orifice
LA8E.Y - - - - - Other specified congenital anomaly of atrial septum
LA8E.Z - - - - - Congenital anomaly of atrial septum, unspecified
LA8F - - - - Congenital anomaly of right atrium
LA8G - - - - Congenital anomaly of left atrium
LA8G.0 - - - - - Divided left atrium
LA8G.Y - - - - - Other specified congenital anomaly of left atrium
LA8G.Z - - - - - Congenital anomaly of left atrium, unspecified
LA8Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomaly of heart or great vessels
LA8Z - - - - Structural developmental anomaly of heart or great vessels, unspecified
LA90 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of the peripheral vascular system
LA90.0 - - - - Capillary malformations
LA90.00 - - - - - Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia
LA90.0Y - - - - - Other specified capillary malformations
LA90.0Z - - - - - Capillary malformations, unspecified
LA90.1 - - - - Lymphatic malformations
LA90.10 - - - - - Macrocystic lymphatic malformation
LA90.11 - - - - - Microcystic lymphatic malformation
LA90.12 - - - - - Lymphatic malformations of certain specified sites
LA90.13 - - - - - Cystic hygroma in foetus
LA90.1Y - - - - - Other specified lymphatic malformations
LA90.1Z - - - - - Lymphatic malformations, unspecified
LA90.2 - - - - Peripheral venous malformations
LA90.20 - - - - - Vein of Galen aneurysm
LA90.21 - - - - - Anomalous portal venous connection
LA90.2Y - - - - - Other specified peripheral venous malformations
LA90.2Z - - - - - Peripheral venous malformations, unspecified
LA90.3 - - - - Peripheral arteriovenous malformations
LA90.30 - - - - - Portal vein-hepatic artery fistula
LA90.31 - - - - - Arteriovenous malformation of precerebral vessels
LA90.32 - - - - - Uterine arteriovenous malformations
LA90.3Y - - - - - Other specified peripheral arteriovenous malformations
LA90.3Z - - - - - Peripheral arteriovenous malformations, unspecified
LA90.4 - - - - Peripheral arterial malformations
LA90.40 - - - - - Congenital renal artery stenosis
LA90.41 - - - - - Congenital precerebral nonruptured aneurysm
LA90.42 - - - - - Congenital cerebral nonruptured aneurysm
LA90.4Y - - - - - Other specified peripheral arterial malformations
LA90.4Z - - - - - Peripheral arterial malformations, unspecified
LA90.5 - - - - Pulmonary arteriovenous fistula
LA90.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the peripheral vascular system
LA90.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of the peripheral vascular system, unspecified
LA9Y - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the circulatory system
LA9Z - - - Structural developmental anomalies of the circulatory system, unspecified
-- - Structural developmental anomalies of the diaphragm, abdominal wall or umbilical cord
LB00 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of diaphragm
LB00.0 - - - - Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
LB00.1 - - - - Absence of diaphragm
LB00.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of diaphragm
LB00.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of diaphragm, unspecified
LB01 - - - Omphalocele
LB02 - - - Gastroschisis
LB03 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of umbilical cord
LB03.0 - - - - Allantoic duct remnants or cysts
LB03.1 - - - - Single umbilical cord artery
LB03.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of umbilical cord
LB03.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of umbilical cord, unspecified
LB0Y - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the diaphragm, abdominal wall or umbilical cord
LB0Z - - - Structural developmental anomalies of the diaphragm, abdominal wall or umbilical cord, unspecified
-- - Structural developmental anomalies of the digestive tract
LB10 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of salivary glands or ducts
LB11 - - - Congenital diverticulum of pharynx
LB12 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of oesophagus
LB12.0 - - - - Congenital oesophageal web or ring
LB12.1 - - - - Atresia of oesophagus
LB12.10 - - - - - Atresia of oesophagus with oesophagobronchial fistula
LB12.1Y - - - - - Other specified atresia of oesophagus
LB12.1Z - - - - - Atresia of oesophagus, unspecified
LB12.2 - - - - Oesophageal fistula without atresia
LB12.3 - - - - Congenital stenosis or stricture of oesophagus
LB12.4 - - - - Congenital diverticulum of oesophagus
LB12.5 - - - - Congenital dilatation of oesophagus
LB12.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of oesophagus
LB12.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of oesophagus, unspecified
LB13 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of stomach
LB13.0 - - - - Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
LB13.1 - - - - Congenital hiatus hernia
LB13.2 - - - - Congenital antral web
LB13.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of stomach
LB13.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of stomach, unspecified
LB14 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of duodenum
LB15 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of small intestine
LB15.0 - - - - Meckel diverticulum
LB15.1 - - - - Atresia of small intestine
LB15.2 - - - - Congenital short bowel
LB15.3 - - - - Congenital diverticulitis of small intestine
LB15.4 - - - - Congenital diverticulosis of small intestine
LB15.5 - - - - Congenital diverticulum of small intestine
LB15.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of small intestine
LB15.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of small intestine, unspecified
LB16 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of large intestine
LB16.0 - - - - Congenital absence, atresia or stenosis of large intestine
LB16.1 - - - - Hirschsprung disease
LB16.2 - - - - Immature ganglionosis of large intestine
LB16.3 - - - - Congenital hypoganglionosis of large intestine
LB16.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of large intestine
LB16.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of large intestine, unspecified
LB17 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of anal canal
LB17.0 - - - - Anorectal malformations
LB17.1 - - - - Ectopic anus
LB17.2 - - - - Persistent cloaca
LB17.3 - - - - Cloacal exstrophy
LB17.4 - - - - Perineal groove
LB17.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of anal canal
LB17.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of anal canal, unspecified
LB18 - - - Congenital anomalies of intestinal fixation
LB1Y - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the digestive tract
LB1Z - - - Structural developmental anomalies of the digestive tract, unspecified
-- - Structural developmental anomalies of the liver, biliary tract, pancreas or spleen
LB20 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of gallbladder, bile ducts or liver
LB20.0 - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of liver
LB20.00 - - - - - Fibropolycystic liver disease
LB20.0Y - - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of liver
LB20.0Z - - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of liver, unspecified
LB20.1 - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of gallbladder
LB20.10 - - - - - Agenesis, aplasia or hypoplasia of gallbladder
LB20.1Y - - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of gallbladder
LB20.1Z - - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of gallbladder, unspecified
LB20.2 - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of bile ducts
LB20.20 - - - - - Choledochal cyst
LB20.21 - - - - - Biliary atresia
LB20.22 - - - - - Congenital stenosis or stricture of bile ducts
LB20.23 - - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of cystic duct
LB20.24 - - - - - Accessory bile duct
LB20.2Y - - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of bile ducts
LB20.2Z - - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of bile ducts, unspecified
LB20.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of gallbladder, bile ducts or liver
LB20.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of gallbladder, bile ducts or liver, unspecified
LB21 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of pancreas
LB21.0 - - - - Annular pancreas
LB21.1 - - - - Pancreas divisum
LB21.2 - - - - Accessory pancreas
LB21.3 - - - - Agenesis-aplasia of pancreas
LB21.4 - - - - Partial agenesis of pancreas
LB21.5 - - - - Hypoplasia of pancreas
LB21.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of pancreas
LB21.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of pancreas, unspecified
LB22 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of spleen
LB22.0 - - - - Congenital asplenia
LB22.1 - - - - Polysplenia
LB22.2 - - - - Ectopic spleen
LB22.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of spleen
LB22.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of spleen, unspecified
LB2Y - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the liver, biliary tract, pancreas or spleen
LB2Z - - - Structural developmental anomalies of the liver, biliary tract, pancreas or spleen, unspecified
-- - Structural developmental anomalies of the urinary system
LB30 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of kidneys
LB30.0 - - - - Renal agenesis or other reduction defects of kidney
LB30.00 - - - - - Renal agenesis
LB30.0Y - - - - - Other specified renal agenesis or other reduction defects of kidney
LB30.0Z - - - - - Renal agenesis or other reduction defects of kidney, unspecified
LB30.1 - - - - Renal dysplasia
LB30.2 - - - - Congenital single renal cyst
LB30.3 - - - - Renal tubular dysgenesis
LB30.4 - - - - Oligomeganephronia
LB30.5 - - - - Accessory kidney
LB30.6 - - - - Fusion anomaly of kidneys
LB30.60 - - - - - Lobulated kidney
LB30.61 - - - - - Fused pelvic kidney
LB30.62 - - - - - Horseshoe kidney
LB30.6Y - - - - - Other specified fusion anomaly of kidneys
LB30.6Z - - - - - Fusion anomaly of kidneys, unspecified
LB30.7 - - - - Ectopic or pelvic kidney
LB30.8 - - - - Medullary sponge kidney
LB30.9 - - - - Multicystic renal dysplasia
LB30.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of kidneys
LB30.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of kidneys, unspecified
LB31 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of urinary tract
LB31.0 - - - - Congenital hydronephrosis
LB31.1 - - - - Congenital primary megaureter
LB31.2 - - - - Foetal lower urinary tract obstruction
LB31.3 - - - - Exstrophy of urinary bladder
LB31.4 - - - - Congenital diverticulum of urinary bladder
LB31.5 - - - - Duplication of urethra
LB31.6 - - - - Congenital megalourethra
LB31.7 - - - - Megacystis-megaureter
LB31.8 - - - - Atresia or stenosis of ureter
LB31.9 - - - - Agenesis of ureter
LB31.A - - - - Duplication of ureter
LB31.B - - - - Malposition of ureter
LB31.C - - - - Congenital absence of bladder or urethra
LB31.D - - - - Congenital vesico-uretero-renal reflux
LB31.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of urinary tract
LB31.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of urinary tract, unspecified
LB3Y - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the urinary system
LB3Z - - - Structural developmental anomalies of the urinary system, unspecified
-- - Structural developmental anomalies of the female genital system
LB40 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of vulva
LB40.0 - - - - Absence of vulva
LB40.1 - - - - Embryonic cyst of vulva
LB40.2 - - - - Fusion of labia
LB40.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of vulva
LB40.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of vulva, unspecified
LB41 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of clitoris
LB41.0 - - - - Agenesis of clitoris
LB41.1 - - - - Duplication of clitoris
LB41.2 - - - - Clitoromegaly
LB41.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of clitoris
LB41.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of clitoris, unspecified
LB42 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of vagina
LB42.0 - - - - Absence of vagina
LB42.1 - - - - Septate vagina
LB42.2 - - - - Congenital rectovaginal fistula
LB42.3 - - - - Tight hymenal ring
LB42.4 - - - - Imperforate hymen
LB42.5 - - - - Stricture or atresia of vagina
LB42.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of vagina
LB42.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of vagina, unspecified
LB43 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of cervix uteri
LB43.0 - - - - Embryonic cyst of cervix
LB43.1 - - - - Agenesis or aplasia of cervix
LB43.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of cervix uteri
LB43.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of cervix uteri, unspecified
LB44 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of uterus, except cervix
LB44.0 - - - - Agenesis or aplasia of uterine body
LB44.1 - - - - Hypoplasia of uterus
LB44.2 - - - - Unicornuate uterus
LB44.3 - - - - Bicornuate uterus
LB44.4 - - - - Septate uterus
LB44.5 - - - - Congenital fistulae between uterus and digestive and urinary tracts
LB44.6 - - - - Uterovaginal malformation due to diethylstilbestrol syndrome
LB44.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of uterus, except cervix
LB44.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of uterus, except cervix, unspecified
LB45 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of ovaries, fallopian tubes or broad ligaments
LB45.0 - - - - Congenital absence of ovary
LB45.1 - - - - 46,XX gonadal dysgenesis
LB45.2 - - - - Developmental ovarian cyst
LB45.3 - - - - Congenital torsion of ovary
LB45.4 - - - - Accessory ovary
LB45.5 - - - - Congenital absence of fallopian tube
LB45.6 - - - - Atresia of fallopian tube
LB45.7 - - - - Accessory fallopian tube
LB45.8 - - - - Embryonic cyst of fallopian tube
LB45.9 - - - - Embryonic cyst of broad ligament
LB45.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of ovaries, fallopian tubes or broad ligaments
LB45.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of ovaries, fallopian tubes or broad ligaments, unspecified
LB4Y - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the female genital system
LB4Z - - - Structural developmental anomalies of the female genital system, unspecified
-- - Structural developmental anomalies of the male genital system
LB50 - - - Micropenis or penis agenesis
LB51 - - - Anorchia or microorchidia
LB52 - - - Cryptorchidism
LB52.0 - - - - Ectopic testis
LB52.1 - - - - Undescended testicle, unilateral
LB52.2 - - - - Undescended testicle, bilateral
LB52.Y - - - - Other specified cryptorchidism
LB52.Z - - - - Cryptorchidism, unspecified
LB53 - - - Hypospadias
LB53.0 - - - - Hypospadias, balanic
LB53.00 - - - - - Hypospadias, coronal
LB53.01 - - - - - Hypospadias, glandular
LB53.0Y - - - - - Other specified hypospadias, balanic
LB53.0Z - - - - - Hypospadias, balanic, unspecified
LB53.1 - - - - Hypospadias, penile
LB53.2 - - - - Hypospadias, penoscrotal
LB53.3 - - - - Hypospadias, scrotal
LB53.4 - - - - Hypospadias, perineal
LB53.Y - - - - Other specified hypospadias
LB53.Z - - - - Hypospadias, unspecified
LB54 - - - Congenital chordee
LB55 - - - Epispadias
LB56 - - - Bifid scrotum
LB57 - - - Agenesis of vas deferens
LB58 - - - Polyorchidism
LB59 - - - Hypoplasia of testis or scrotum
LB5Y - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the male genital system
LB5Z - - - Structural developmental anomalies of the male genital system, unspecified
-- - Structural developmental anomalies of the breast
LB60 - - - Breast aplasia
LB61 - - - Absent nipple
LB62 - - - Supernumerary breasts
LB63 - - - Accessory nipple
LB6Y - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the breast
LB6Z - - - Structural developmental anomalies of the breast, unspecified
-- - Structural developmental anomalies of the skeleton
LB70 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of cranium
LB70.0 - - - - Craniosynostosis
LB70.00 - - - - - Plagiocephaly
LB70.0Y - - - - - Other specified craniosynostosis
LB70.0Z - - - - - Craniosynostosis, unspecified
LB70.1 - - - - Wormian bones
LB70.2 - - - - J-shaped sella turcica
LB70.3 - - - - Macrocephaly
LB70.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of cranium
LB70.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of cranium, unspecified
LB71 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of facial bones
LB71.0 - - - - Hypotelorism
LB71.1 - - - - Hypertelorism
LB71.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of facial bones
LB71.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of facial bones, unspecified
LB72 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of shoulder girdle
LB72.0 - - - - Cervical rib
LB72.1 - - - - Sprengel deformity
LB72.2 - - - - Deformation of scapula
LB72.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of shoulder girdle
LB72.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of shoulder girdle, unspecified
LB73 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of spine or bony thorax
LB73.0 - - - - Occult spinal dysraphism
LB73.1 - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of chest wall
LB73.10 - - - - - Poland syndrome
LB73.11 - - - - - Bifid rib
LB73.12 - - - - - Accessory rib
LB73.13 - - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of sternum
LB73.1Y - - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of chest wall
LB73.1Z - - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of chest wall, unspecified
LB73.2 - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of spine
LB73.20 - - - - - Klippel-Feil anomaly
LB73.21 - - - - - Occipitalisation of atlas
LB73.22 - - - - - Atlanto-axial instability or subluxation
LB73.23 - - - - - Aplasia or hypoplasia of the odontoid process of axis
LB73.24 - - - - - Segmentation anomalies of vertebrae
LB73.25 - - - - - Congenital scoliosis due to congenital bony malformation
LB73.26 - - - - - Sacralization of the last lumbar vertebra
LB73.27 - - - - - Lumbarisation of the first sacral vertebra
LB73.28 - - - - - Sacrum agenesis or hypoplasia
LB73.29 - - - - - Caudal appendage
LB73.2A - - - - - Congenital spondylolisthesis
LB73.2Y - - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of spine
LB73.2Z - - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of spine, unspecified
LB73.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of spine or bony thorax
LB73.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of spine or bony thorax, unspecified
LB74 - - - Structural developmental anomalies of pelvic girdle
LB74.0 - - - - Developmental dysplasia of hip
LB74.1 - - - - Congenital subluxation of hip
LB74.2 - - - - Unstable hip
LB74.3 - - - - Congenital coxa vara
LB74.4 - - - - Congenital coxa valga
LB74.5 - - - - Wide symphysis pubis
LB74.Y - - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of pelvic girdle
LB74.Z - - - - Structural developmental anomalies of pelvic girdle, unspecified
LB75 - - - Brachydactyly
LB75.0 - - - - Brachydactyly of fingers
LB75.1 - - - - Brachydactyly of toes
LB75.2 - - - - Symbrachydactyly of hands or feet
LB75.Y - - - - Other specified brachydactyly
LB75.Z - - - - Brachydactyly, unspecified
LB76 - - - Triphalangeal thumb
LB77 - - - Hyperphalangy
LB78 - - - Polydactyly
LB78.0 - - - - Polydactyly of the thumb
LB78.1 - - - - Polysyndactyly
LB78.2 - - - - Postaxial polydactyly of fingers
LB78.3 - - - - Polydactyly of toes
LB78.Y - - - - Other specified polydactyly
LB78.Z - - - - Polydactyly, unspecified
LB79 - - - Syndactyly
LB79.0 - - - - Fused fingers
LB79.1 - - - - Webbed fingers
LB79.2 - - - - Fused toes
LB79.3 - - - - Webbed toes
LB79.Y - - - - Other specified syndactyly
LB79.Z - - - - Syndactyly, unspecified
-- --Congenital deformities of fingers or toes
LB80 - - - - Congenital deformities of fingers
LB80.0 - - - - - Clinodactyly of fingers
LB80.1 - - - - - Congenital club finger
LB80.2 - - - - - Radial deviation of fingers
LB80.Y - - - - - Other specified congenital deformities of fingers
LB81 - - - - Congenital deformities of toes
LB81.0 - - - - - Clinodactyly of toes
LB81.Y - - - - - Other specified congenital deformities of toes
LB8Z - - - - Congenital deformities of fingers or toes, unspecified
LB90 - - - Joint formation defects
LB90.0 - - - - Humero-radio-ulnar synostosis
LB90.1 - - - - Humero-radial synostosis
LB90.2 - - - - Humero-ulnar synostosis
LB90.3 - - - - Radio-ulnar synostosis
LB90.4 - - - - Madelung deformity
LB90.5 - - - - Congenital digital clubbing
LB90.6 - - - - Tibio-fibular synostosis
LB90.7 - - - - Cubitus valgus
LB90.8 - - - - Cubitus varus
LB90.Y - - - - Other specified joint formation defects
LB90.Z - - - - Joint formation defects, unspecified
LB91 - - - Congenital shoulder dislocation
LB92 - - - Congenital elbow dislocation
LB93 - - - Congenital knee dislocation
LB93.0 - - - - Congenital genu recurvatum
LB93.1 - - - - Congenital genu flexum
LB93.Y - - - - Other specified congenital knee dislocation
LB93.Z - - - - Congenital knee dislocation, unspecified
LB94 - - - Congenital patella dislocation
LB95 - - - Patella aplasia or hypoplasia
LB96 - - - Congenital bowing of long bones
LB96.0 - - - - Congenital bowing of femur
LB96.1 - - - - Congenital bowing of tibia
LB96.Y - - - - Other specified congenital bowing of long bones
LB96.Z - - - - Congenital bowing of long bones, unspecified
LB97 - - - Limb overgrowth
LB97.0 - - - - Macrodactyly of fingers
LB97.1 - - - - Macrodactyly of toes
LB97.2 - - - - Upper limb hypertrophy
LB97.3 - - - - Lower limb hypertrophy
LB97.Y - - - - Other specified limb overgrowth
LB97.Z - - - - Limb overgrowth, unspecified
LB98 - - - Congenital deformities of feet
LB98.0 - - - - Congenital varus deformities of feet
LB98.00 - - - - - Talipes equinovarus
LB98.01 - - - - - Talipes calcaneovarus
LB98.02 - - - - - Metatarsus varus
LB98.0Y - - - - - Other specified congenital varus deformities of feet
LB98.0Z - - - - - Congenital varus deformities of feet, unspecified
LB98.1 - - - - Congenital pes planus
LB98.2 - - - - Congenital valgus deformities of feet
LB98.20 - - - - - Congenital hallux valgus
LB98.21 - - - - - Metatarsus valgus
LB98.22 - - - - - Talipes calcaneovalgus
LB98.2Y - - - - - Other specified congenital valgus deformities of feet
LB98.2Z - - - - - Congenital valgus deformities of feet, unspecified
LB98.3 - - - - Congenital pes cavus
LB98.4 - - - - Congenital vertical talus
LB98.5 - - - - Congenital hammer toe
LB98.Y - - - - Other specified congenital deformities of feet
LB98.Z - - - - Congenital deformities of feet, unspecified
LB99 - - - Reduction defects of upper limb
LB99.0 - - - - Amelia of upper limb
LB99.1 - - - - Humeral agenesis or hypoplasia
LB99.2 - - - - Radial hemimelia
LB99.3 - - - - Ulnar hemimelia
LB99.4 - - - - Congenital absence of upper arm or forearm with hand present
LB99.5 - - - - Congenital absence of both forearm and hand
LB99.6 - - - - Acheiria
LB99.7 - - - - Adactyly of hands
LB99.8 - - - - Split hand
LB99.Y - - - - Other specified reduction defects of upper limb
LB99.Z - - - - Reduction defects of upper limb, unspecified
LB9A - - - Reduction defects of lower limb
LB9A.0 - - - - Amelia of lower limb
LB9A.1 - - - - Tibial hemimelia
LB9A.2 - - - - Fibular hemimelia
LB9A.3 - - - - Congenital absence of thigh or lower leg with foot present
LB9A.4 - - - - Apodia
LB9A.5 - - - - Adactyly of feet
LB9A.6 - - - - Split foot
LB9A.7 - - - - Congenital absence of both lower leg and foot
LB9A.8 - - - - Femoral agenesis or hypoplasia
LB9A.Y - - - - Other specified reduction defects of lower limb
LB9A.Z - - - - Reduction defects of lower limb, unspecified
LB9B - - - Reduction defects of upper or lower limbs
LB9Y - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the skeleton
LB9Z - - - Structural developmental anomalies of the skeleton, unspecified
-- - Structural developmental anomalies of the skin
-- --Developmental hamartomata of the epidermis and epidermal appendages
LC00 - - - - Keratinocytic epidermal hamartoma
LC00.0 - - - - - Epidermal naevus
LC00.Y - - - - - Other specified keratinocytic epidermal hamartoma
LC01 - - - - Pilosebaceous hamartoma
LC02 - - - - Complex epidermal hamartoma
LC0Y - - - - Other specified developmental hamartomata of the epidermis and epidermal appendages
-- --Developmental anomalies of skin pigmentation
LC10 - - - - Dermal melanocytosis
LC1Y - - - - Other specified developmental anomalies of skin pigmentation
-- --Hamartomata derived from dermal connective tissue
LC20 - - - - Connective tissue hamartoma
LC2Y - - - - Other specified hamartomata derived from dermal connective tissue
-- --Developmental defects of hair or nails
LC30 - - - - Developmental defects of hair or hair growth
LC31 - - - - Developmental defects of the nail apparatus
LC40 - - - Dermoid cyst
-- --Developmental anomalies of cutaneous vasculature
LC50 - - - - Developmental capillary vascular malformations of the skin
LC50.0 - - - - - Salmon patch
LC50.1 - - - - - Port-wine stain
LC50.Y - - - - - Other specified cutaneous capillary vascular malformation
LC51 - - - - Developmental venous malformations involving the skin
LC52 - - - - Complex or combined developmental vascular malformations involving the skin
LC5Y - - - - Other specified developmental anomalies of cutaneous vasculature
LC5Z - - - - Cutaneous vascular malformation, unspecified
-- --Congenital anomalies of skin development
LC60 - - - - Aplasia cutis congenita
LC7Y - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the skin
LC7Z - - - Structural developmental anomalies of the skin, unspecified
-- - Structural developmental anomalies of the adrenal glands
LC80 - - - Congenital adrenal hypoplasia
LC8Y - - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the adrenal glands
LC8Z - - - Structural developmental anomalies of the adrenal glands, unspecified
LD0Y - - Other specified structural developmental anomalies primarily affecting one body system
LD0Z - - Structural developmental anomalies primarily affecting one body system, unspecified
-- Multiple developmental anomalies or syndromes
LD20 - - Syndromes with central nervous system anomalies as a major feature
LD20.0 - - - Syndromes with cerebellar anomalies as a major feature
LD20.00 - - - - Joubert syndrome
LD20.01 - - - - Pontocerebellar hypoplasia
LD20.0Y - - - - Other specified syndromes with cerebellar anomalies as a major feature
LD20.0Z - - - - Syndromes with cerebellar anomalies as a major feature, unspecified
LD20.1 - - - Syndromes with lissencephaly as a major feature
LD20.2 - - - Syndromes with microcephaly as a major feature
LD20.3 - - - Syndromes with holoprosencephaly as a major feature
LD20.4 - - - Brain calcifications
LD20.Y - - - Other specified syndromes with central nervous system anomalies as a major feature
LD20.Z - - - Syndromes with central nervous system anomalies as a major feature, unspecified
LD21 - - Syndromes with eye anomalies as a major feature
LD21.0 - - - Syndromes with microphthalmia as a major feature
LD21.Y - - - Other specified syndromes with eye anomalies as a major feature
LD21.Z - - - Syndromes with eye anomalies as a major feature, unspecified
LD22 - - Syndromes with dental anomalies as a major feature
LD23 - - Syndromes with vascular anomalies as a major feature
LD24 - - Syndromes with skeletal anomalies as a major feature
LD24.0 - - - Syndromes with micromelia
LD24.00 - - - - Achondroplasia
LD24.01 - - - - Hypochondroplasia
LD24.02 - - - - Thanatophoric dysplasia
LD24.03 - - - - Diastrophic dysplasia
LD24.04 - - - - Chondrodysplasia punctata
LD24.0Y - - - - Other specified syndromes with micromelia
LD24.0Z - - - - Syndromes with micromelia, unspecified
LD24.1 - - - Bone diseases with increased bone density
LD24.10 - - - - Osteopetrosis
LD24.11 - - - - Osteopoikilosis
LD24.1Y - - - - Other specified bone diseases with increased bone density
LD24.1Z - - - - Bone diseases with increased bone density, unspecified
LD24.2 - - - Bone diseases with disorganised development of skeletal components
LD24.20 - - - - Multiple osteochondromas
LD24.21 - - - - Exostoses with anetodermia and brachydactyly type E
LD24.22 - - - - Cherubism
LD24.23 - - - - Yunis-Varon disease
LD24.2Y - - - - Other specified bone diseases with disorganised development of skeletal components
LD24.2Z - - - - Bone diseases with disorganised development of skeletal components, unspecified
LD24.3 - - - Spondyloepiphyseal or spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasias
LD24.4 - - - Spondylometaphyseal dysplasias
LD24.5 - - - Spondylodysplastic dysplasias
LD24.50 - - - - Achondrogenesis
LD24.51 - - - - Hypochondrogenesis
LD24.5Y - - - - Other specified spondylodysplastic dysplasias
LD24.5Z - - - - Spondylodysplastic dysplasias, unspecified
LD24.6 - - - Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia or pseudoachondroplasia
LD24.60 - - - - Pseudoachondroplasia
LD24.61 - - - - Multiple epiphyseal dysplasias
LD24.6Y - - - - Other specified multiple epiphyseal dysplasia or pseudoachondroplasia
LD24.6Z - - - - Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia or pseudoachondroplasia, unspecified
LD24.7 - - - Multiple metaphyseal dysplasias
LD24.8 - - - Acromelic dysplasias
LD24.80 - - - - Langer-Giedion syndrome
LD24.8Y - - - - Other specified acromelic dysplasias
LD24.8Z - - - - Acromelic dysplasias, unspecified
LD24.9 - - - Acromesomelic dysplasias
LD24.A - - - Mesomelic or rhizomesomelic dysplasias
LD24.B - - - Short rib syndromes
LD24.B0 - - - - Short rib-polydactyly syndrome
LD24.B1 - - - - Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy
LD24.BY - - - - Other specified short rib syndromes
LD24.BZ - - - - Short rib syndromes, unspecified
LD24.C - - - Bent bone dysplasias
LD24.D - - - Slender bone dysplasias
LD24.E - - - Bone dysplasias with multiple joint dislocations
LD24.F - - - Progressive ossification of skin, skeletal muscle, fascia, tendons or ligaments
LD24.G - - - Syndromic craniosynostoses
LD24.G0 - - - - Pfeiffer syndrome
LD24.G1 - - - - Crouzon disease
LD24.G2 - - - - Apert syndrome
LD24.GY - - - - Other specified syndromic craniosynostoses
LD24.GZ - - - - Syndromic craniosynostoses, unspecified
LD24.H - - - Dysostoses with predominant vertebral and costal involvement
LD24.J - - - Patellar dysostoses
LD24.J0 - - - - Nail-patella syndrome
LD24.JY - - - - Other specified patellar dysostoses
LD24.JZ - - - - Patellar dysostoses, unspecified
LD24.K - - - Genetic bone diseases with decreased bone density
LD24.K0 - - - - Osteogenesis imperfecta
LD24.KY - - - - Other specified genetic bone diseases with decreased bone density
LD24.KZ - - - - Genetic bone diseases with decreased bone density, unspecified
LD24.Y - - - Other specified syndromes with skeletal anomalies as a major feature
LD24.Z - - - Syndromes with skeletal anomalies as a major feature, unspecified
LD25 - - Syndromes with face or limb anomalies as a major feature
LD25.0 - - - Oromandibular-limb anomaly syndrome
LD25.00 - - - - Oral-facial-digital syndrome
LD25.0Y - - - - Other specified oromandibular-limb anomaly syndrome
LD25.0Z - - - - Oromandibular-limb anomaly syndrome, unspecified
LD25.1 - - - Fronto-otopalatodigital syndromes
LD25.2 - - - Acrofacial dysostoses
LD25.3 - - - Craniofacial dysostoses
LD25.Y - - - Other specified syndromes with face or limb anomalies as a major feature
LD25.Z - - - Syndromes with face or limb anomalies as a major feature, unspecified
LD26 - - Syndromes with limb anomalies as a major feature
LD26.0 - - - Combined reduction defects of upper and lower limbs
LD26.1 - - - Complex brachydactylies
LD26.2 - - - Syndromes with limb duplication, polydactyly, syndactyly or triphalangism
LD26.3 - - - Syndromes with synostoses of limbs
LD26.4 - - - Arthrogryposis syndromes
LD26.40 - - - - Multiple pterygium syndrome
LD26.41 - - - - Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita
LD26.4Y - - - - Other specified arthrogryposis syndromes
LD26.4Z - - - - Arthrogryposis syndromes, unspecified
LD26.5 - - - Constriction rings
LD26.6 - - - Congenital vascular bone syndromes
LD26.60 - - - - Angio-osteohypertrophic syndrome
LD26.6Y - - - - Other specified congenital vascular bone syndromes
LD26.6Z - - - - Congenital vascular bone syndromes, unspecified
LD26.Y - - - Other specified syndromes with limb anomalies as a major feature
LD26.Z - - - Syndromes with limb anomalies as a major feature, unspecified
LD27 - - Syndromes with skin or mucosal anomalies as a major feature
LD27.0 - - - Ectodermal dysplasia syndromes
LD27.00 - - - - Incontinentia pigmenti
LD27.01 - - - - Cronkhite-Canada syndrome
LD27.02 - - - - Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia
LD27.03 - - - - Hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, Clouston type
LD27.0Y - - - - Other specified ectodermal dysplasia syndromes
LD27.1 - - - Xeroderma pigmentosum
LD27.2 - - - Syndromic ichthyosis
LD27.3 - - - Genetic syndromes with hypertrichosis
LD27.4 - - - Genetic syndromes affecting nails
LD27.5 - - - Genetic hamartoneoplastic syndromes affecting the skin
LD27.6 - - - Genetic lipodystrophy
LD27.60 - - - - Congenital generalised lipodystrophy
LD27.6Z - - - - Genetic lipodystrophy, unspecified
LD27.Y - - - Other specified syndromes with skin or mucosal anomalies as a major feature
LD27.Z - - - Syndromes with skin or mucosal anomalies as a major feature, unspecified
LD28 - - Syndromes with connective tissue involvement as a major feature
LD28.0 - - - Marfan syndrome or Marfan-related disorders
LD28.00 - - - - Congenital contractural arachnodactyly
LD28.01 - - - - Marfan syndrome
LD28.0Y - - - - Other specified Marfan syndrome or Marfan-related disorders
LD28.0Z - - - - Marfan syndrome or Marfan-related disorders, unspecified
LD28.1 - - - Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
LD28.10 - - - - Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, classical type
LD28.1Y - - - - Other specified types of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
LD28.2 - - - Genetically-determined cutis laxa
LD28.Y - - - Other specified syndromes with connective tissue involvement as a major feature
LD28.Z - - - Syndromes with connective tissue involvement as a major feature, unspecified
LD29 - - Syndromes with obesity as a major feature
LD2A - - Malformative disorders of sex development
LD2A.0 - - - Ovotesticular disorder of sex development
LD2A.1 - - - 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis
LD2A.2 - - - Testicular agenesis
LD2A.3 - - - 46,XY disorder of sex development due to a defect in testosterone metabolism
LD2A.4 - - - 46,XY disorder of sex development due to androgen resistance
LD2A.Y - - - Other specified malformative disorders of sex development
LD2A.Z - - - Malformative disorders of sex development, unspecified
LD2B - - Syndromes with premature ageing appearance as a major feature
LD2C - - Overgrowth syndromes
LD2D - - Phakomatoses or hamartoneoplastic syndromes
LD2D.0 - - - Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
LD2D.1 - - - Neurofibromatoses
LD2D.10 - - - - Neurofibromatosis type 1
LD2D.11 - - - - Neurofibromatosis type 2
LD2D.12 - - - - Neurofibromatosis type 3
LD2D.1Y - - - - Other specified neurofibromatoses
LD2D.1Z - - - - Neurofibromatosis, unspecified
LD2D.2 - - - Tuberous sclerosis
LD2D.3 - - - Gardner syndrome
LD2D.4 - - - Gorlin syndrome
LD2D.Y - - - Other specified phakomatoses or hamartoneoplastic syndromes
LD2D.Z - - - Phakomatoses or hamartoneoplastic syndromes, unspecified
LD2E - - Syndromes with structural anomalies due to inborn errors of metabolism
LD2F - - Syndromes with multiple structural anomalies, without predominant body system involvement
LD2F.0 - - - Toxic or drug-related embryofetopathies
LD2F.00 - - - - Foetal alcohol syndrome
LD2F.01 - - - - Foetal hydantoin syndrome
LD2F.02 - - - - Embryofetopathy due to oral anticoagulant therapy
LD2F.0Y - - - - Other specified toxic or drug-related embryofetopathies
LD2F.0Z - - - - Toxic or drug-related embryofetopathies, unspecified
LD2F.1 - - - Syndromes with multiple structural anomalies, not of environmental origin
LD2F.10 - - - - Prune belly syndrome
LD2F.11 - - - - VATER association
LD2F.12 - - - - Sirenomelia
LD2F.13 - - - - Meckel-Gruber syndrome
LD2F.14 - - - - MURCS association
LD2F.15 - - - - Noonan syndrome
LD2F.16 - - - - Otomandibular dysplasia
LD2F.1Y - - - - Other specified syndromes with multiple structural anomalies, not of environmental origin
LD2F.1Z - - - - Syndromes with multiple structural anomalies, not of environmental origin, unspecified
LD2F.Y - - - Other specified syndromes with multiple structural anomalies, without predominant body system involvement
LD2F.Z - - - Syndromes with multiple structural anomalies, without predominant body system involvement, unspecified
LD2G - - Conjoined twins
LD2H - - Syndromic genetic deafness
LD2H.0 - - - Fraser syndrome
LD2H.1 - - - Neuropathy with hearing impairment
LD2H.2 - - - Progressive deafness with stapes fixation
LD2H.3 - - - Waardenburg-Shah syndrome
LD2H.4 - - - Usher syndrome
LD2H.Y - - - Other specified syndromic genetic deafness
LD2H.Z - - - Syndromic genetic deafness, unspecified
LD2Y - - Other specified multiple developmental anomalies or syndromes
LD2Z - - Multiple developmental anomalies or syndromes, unspecified
-- Chromosomal anomalies, excluding gene mutations
LD40 - - Complete trisomies of the autosomes
LD40.0 - - - Complete trisomy 21
LD40.1 - - - Complete trisomy 13
LD40.2 - - - Complete trisomy 18
LD40.Y - - - Other specified complete trisomies of the autosomes
LD40.Z - - - Complete trisomies of the autosomes, unspecified
LD41 - - Duplications of the autosomes
LD41.0 - - - Duplications of chromosome 1
LD41.00 - - - - Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 1
LD41.01 - - - - Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 1
LD41.0Y - - - - Other specified duplications of chromosome 1
LD41.0Z - - - - Duplications of chromosome 1, unspecified
LD41.1 - - - Duplications of chromosome 2
LD41.10 - - - - Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 2
LD41.11 - - - - Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 2
LD41.1Y - - - - Other specified duplications of chromosome 2
LD41.1Z - - - - Duplications of chromosome 2, unspecified
LD41.2 - - - Duplications of chromosome 3
LD41.20 - - - - Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 3
LD41.21 - - - - Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 3
LD41.2Y - - - - Other specified duplications of chromosome 3
LD41.2Z - - - - Duplications of chromosome 3, unspecified
LD41.3 - - - Duplications of chromosome 4
LD41.30 - - - - Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 4
LD41.31 - - - - Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 4
LD41.3Y - - - - Other specified duplications of chromosome 4
LD41.3Z - - - - Duplications of chromosome 4, unspecified
LD41.4 - - - Duplications of chromosome 5
LD41.40 - - - - Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 5
LD41.41 - - - - Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 5
LD41.4Y - - - - Other specified duplications of chromosome 5
LD41.4Z - - - - Duplications of chromosome 5, unspecified
LD41.5 - - - Duplications of chromosome 6
LD41.50 - - - - Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 6
LD41.51 - - - - Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 6
LD41.5Y - - - - Other specified duplications of chromosome 6
LD41.5Z - - - - Duplications of chromosome 6, unspecified
LD41.6 - - - Duplications of chromosome 7
LD41.60 - - - - Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 7
LD41.61 - - - - Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 7
LD41.6Y - - - - Other specified duplications of chromosome 7
LD41.6Z - - - - Duplications of chromosome 7, unspecified
LD41.7 - - - Duplications of chromosome 8
LD41.70 - - - - Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 8
LD41.71 - - - - Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 8
LD41.7Y - - - - Other specified duplications of chromosome 8
LD41.7Z - - - - Duplications of chromosome 8, unspecified
LD41.8 - - - Duplications of chromosome 9
LD41.80 - - - - Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 9
LD41.81 - - - - Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 9
LD41.8Y - - - - Other specified duplications of chromosome 9
LD41.8Z - - - - Duplications of chromosome 9, unspecified
LD41.9 - - - Duplications of chromosome 10
LD41.90 - - - - Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 10
LD41.91 - - - - Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 10
LD41.9Y - - - - Other specified duplications of chromosome 10
LD41.9Z - - - - Duplications of chromosome 10, unspecified
LD41.A - - - Duplications of chromosome 11
LD41.B - - - Duplications of chromosome 12
LD41.B0 - - - - Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 12
LD41.B1 - - - - Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 12
LD41.BY - - - - Other specified duplications of chromosome 12
LD41.BZ - - - - Duplications of chromosome 12, unspecified
LD41.C - - - Duplications of chromosome 13
LD41.D - - - Duplications of chromosome 14
LD41.E - - - Duplications of chromosome 15
LD41.F - - - Duplications of chromosome 16
LD41.F0 - - - - Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 16
LD41.F1 - - - - Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 16
LD41.FY - - - - Other specified duplications of chromosome 16
LD41.FZ - - - - Duplications of chromosome 16, unspecified
LD41.G - - - Duplications of chromosome 17
LD41.G0 - - - - Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 17
LD41.G1 - - - - Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 17
LD41.GY - - - - Other specified duplications of chromosome 17
LD41.GZ - - - - Duplications of chromosome 17, unspecified
LD41.H - - - Duplications of chromosome 18
LD41.H0 - - - - Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 18
LD41.H1 - - - - Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 18
LD41.HY - - - - Other specified duplications of chromosome 18
LD41.HZ - - - - Duplications of chromosome 18, unspecified
LD41.J - - - Duplications of chromosome 19
LD41.J0 - - - - Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 19
LD41.J1 - - - - Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 19
LD41.JY - - - - Other specified duplications of chromosome 19
LD41.JZ - - - - Duplications of chromosome 19, unspecified
LD41.K - - - Duplications of chromosome 20
LD41.K0 - - - - Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 20
LD41.K1 - - - - Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 20
LD41.KY - - - - Other specified duplications of chromosome 20
LD41.KZ - - - - Duplications of chromosome 20, unspecified
LD41.L - - - Duplications of chromosome 21
LD41.M - - - Duplications of chromosome 22
LD41.N - - - Extra ring or dicentric chromosomes
LD41.P - - - Duplications with other complex rearrangements
LD41.Q - - - Extra marker chromosomes
LD41.Y - - - Other specified duplications of the autosomes
LD41.Z - - - Duplications of the autosomes, unspecified
LD42 - - Polyploidies
LD42.0 - - - Triploidy
LD42.1 - - - Tetraploidy
LD42.Y - - - Other specified polyploidies
LD42.Z - - - Polyploidies, unspecified
LD43 - - Complete monosomies of the autosomes
LD43.0 - - - Complete monosomy of autosome
LD43.1 - - - Mosaic monosomy of autosome
LD43.Y - - - Other specified complete monosomies of the autosomes
LD43.Z - - - Complete monosomies of the autosomes, unspecified
LD44 - - Deletions of the autosomes
LD44.0 - - - Chromosome replaced with ring or dicentric with normal number of chromosomes
LD44.1 - - - Deletions of chromosome 1
LD44.10 - - - - Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 1
LD44.11 - - - - Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 1
LD44.1Y - - - - Other specified deletions of chromosome 1
LD44.1Z - - - - Deletions of chromosome 1, unspecified
LD44.2 - - - Deletions of chromosome 2
LD44.20 - - - - Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 2
LD44.21 - - - - Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 2
LD44.2Y - - - - Other specified deletions of chromosome 2
LD44.2Z - - - - Deletions of chromosome 2, unspecified
LD44.3 - - - Deletions of chromosome 3
LD44.30 - - - - Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 3
LD44.31 - - - - Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 3
LD44.3Y - - - - Other specified deletions of chromosome 3
LD44.3Z - - - - Deletions of chromosome 3, unspecified
LD44.4 - - - Deletions of chromosome 4
LD44.40 - - - - Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 4
LD44.41 - - - - Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 4
LD44.4Y - - - - Other specified deletions of chromosome 4
LD44.4Z - - - - Deletions of chromosome 4, unspecified
LD44.5 - - - Deletions of chromosome 5
LD44.50 - - - - Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 5
LD44.51 - - - - Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 5
LD44.5Y - - - - Other specified deletions of chromosome 5
LD44.5Z - - - - Deletions of chromosome 5, unspecified
LD44.6 - - - Deletions of chromosome 6
LD44.60 - - - - Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 6
LD44.61 - - - - Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 6
LD44.6Y - - - - Other specified deletions of chromosome 6
LD44.6Z - - - - Deletions of chromosome 6, unspecified
LD44.7 - - - Deletions of chromosome 7
LD44.70 - - - - Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 7
LD44.71 - - - - Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 7
LD44.7Y - - - - Other specified deletions of chromosome 7
LD44.7Z - - - - Deletions of chromosome 7, unspecified
LD44.8 - - - Deletions of chromosome 8
LD44.80 - - - - Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 8
LD44.81 - - - - Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 8
LD44.8Y - - - - Other specified deletions of chromosome 8
LD44.8Z - - - - Deletions of chromosome 8, unspecified
LD44.9 - - - Deletions of chromosome 9
LD44.90 - - - - Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 9
LD44.91 - - - - Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 9
LD44.9Y - - - - Other specified deletions of chromosome 9
LD44.9Z - - - - Deletions of chromosome 9, unspecified
LD44.A - - - Deletions of chromosome 10
LD44.A0 - - - - Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 10
LD44.A1 - - - - Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 10
LD44.AY - - - - Other specified deletions of chromosome 10
LD44.AZ - - - - Deletions of chromosome 10, unspecified
LD44.B - - - Deletions of chromosome 11
LD44.B0 - - - - Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 11
LD44.B1 - - - - Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 11
LD44.BY - - - - Other specified deletions of chromosome 11
LD44.BZ - - - - Deletions of chromosome 11, unspecified
LD44.C - - - Deletions of chromosome 12
LD44.C0 - - - - Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 12
LD44.C1 - - - - Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 12
LD44.CY - - - - Other specified deletions of chromosome 12
LD44.CZ - - - - Deletions of chromosome 12, unspecified
LD44.D - - - Deletions of chromosome 13
LD44.E - - - Deletions of chromosome 14
LD44.F - - - Deletions of chromosome 15
LD44.G - - - Deletions of chromosome 16
LD44.G0 - - - - Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 16
LD44.G1 - - - - Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 16
LD44.GY - - - - Other specified deletions of chromosome 16
LD44.GZ - - - - Deletions of chromosome 16, unspecified
LD44.H - - - Deletions of chromosome 17
LD44.H0 - - - - Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 17
LD44.H1 - - - - Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 17
LD44.HY - - - - Other specified deletions of chromosome 17
LD44.HZ - - - - Deletions of chromosome 17, unspecified
LD44.J - - - Deletions of chromosome 18
LD44.J0 - - - - Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 18
LD44.J1 - - - - Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 18
LD44.JY - - - - Other specified deletions of chromosome 18
LD44.JZ - - - - Deletions of chromosome 18, unspecified
LD44.K - - - Deletions of chromosome 19
LD44.K0 - - - - Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 19
LD44.K1 - - - - Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 19
LD44.KY - - - - Other specified deletions of chromosome 19
LD44.KZ - - - - Deletions of chromosome 19, unspecified
LD44.L - - - Deletions of chromosome 20
LD44.L0 - - - - Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 20
LD44.L1 - - - - Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 20
LD44.LY - - - - Other specified deletions of chromosome 20
LD44.LZ - - - - Deletions of chromosome 20, unspecified
LD44.M - - - Deletions of chromosome 21
LD44.N - - - Deletions of chromosome 22
LD44.N0 - - - - CATCH 22 phenotype
LD44.NY - - - - Other specified deletions of chromosome 22
LD44.NZ - - - - Deletions of chromosome 22, unspecified
LD44.P - - - Deletions with other complex rearrangements
LD44.Y - - - Other specified deletions of the autosomes
LD44.Z - - - Deletions of the autosomes, unspecified
LD45 - - Uniparental disomies
LD45.0 - - - Uniparental disomies of maternal origin
LD45.1 - - - Uniparental disomies of paternal origin
LD45.Y - - - Other specified uniparental disomies
LD45.Z - - - Uniparental disomies, unspecified
LD46 - - Imprinting errors
LD46.0 - - - Maternal imprinting error
LD46.1 - - - Paternal imprinting error
LD46.Y - - - Other specified imprinting errors
LD46.Z - - - Imprinting errors, unspecified
LD47 - - Balanced rearrangements or structural markers
LD47.0 - - - Balanced translocation and insertion in normal individual
LD47.1 - - - Chromosome inversion in normal individual
LD47.2 - - - Balanced autosomal rearrangement in abnormal individual
LD47.3 - - - Balanced sex or autosomal rearrangement in abnormal individual
LD47.4 - - - Autosomal fragile site
LD47.Y - - - Other specified balanced rearrangements or structural markers
LD47.Z - - - Balanced rearrangements or structural markers, unspecified
-- - Sex chromosome anomalies
LD50 - - - Number anomalies of chromosome X
LD50.0 - - - - Turner syndrome
LD50.00 - - - - - Karyotype 45, X
LD50.01 - - - - - Karyotype 46, X iso Xq
LD50.02 - - - - - Karyotype 46, X with abnormal sex chromosome, except iso Xq
LD50.03 - - - - - Mosaicism, 45, X, 46, XX or XY
LD50.04 - - - - - Mosaicism, 45, X or other cell line with abnormal sex chromosome
LD50.1 - - - - Karyotype 47,XXX
LD50.2 - - - - Mosaicism, lines with various numbers of X chromosomes
LD50.3 - - - - Klinefelter syndrome
LD50.30 - - - - - Klinefelter syndrome with karyotype 47,XXY, regular
LD50.31 - - - - - Klinefelter syndrome, male with more than two X chromosomes
LD50.3Y - - - - - Other specified Klinefelter syndrome
LD50.Y - - - - Other specified number anomalies of chromosome X
LD50.Z - - - - Number anomalies of chromosome X, unspecified
LD51 - - - Structural anomalies of chromosome X, excluding Turner syndrome
LD52 - - - Number anomalies of chromosome Y
LD52.0 - - - - Male with 46,XX karyotype
LD52.1 - - - - Male with double or multiple Y
LD52.Y - - - - Other specified number anomalies of chromosome Y
LD52.Z - - - - Number anomalies of chromosome Y, unspecified
LD53 - - - Structural anomalies of chromosome Y
LD54 - - - Male with sex chromosome mosaicism
LD55 - - - Fragile X chromosome
LD56 - - - Chimaera 46, XX, 46, XY
LD56.0 - - - - Androgenetic chimaera
LD56.1 - - - - Gynogenetic chimaera
LD56.Y - - - - Other specified chimaera 46, XX, 46, XY
LD56.Z - - - - Chimaera 46, XX, 46, XY, unspecified
LD5Y - - - Other specified sex chromosome anomalies
LD5Z - - - Sex chromosome anomalies, unspecified
LD7Y - - Other specified chromosomal anomalies, excluding gene mutations
LD7Z - - Chromosomal anomalies, excluding gene mutations, unspecified
LD90 - Conditions with disorders of intellectual development as a relevant clinical feature]]
LD90.0 - - Angelman syndrome
LD90.1 - - Early-onset parkinsonism - intellectual deficit
LD90.2 - - Pelizaeus-Merzbacher-like disease
LD90.3 - - Prader-Willi syndrome
LD90.4 - - Rett syndrome
LD90.Y - - Other specified conditions with disorders of intellectual development as a relevant clinical feature
LD90.Z - - Conditions with disorders of intellectual development as a relevant clinical feature, unspecified
LD9Y - Other specified developmental anomalies]]
LD9Z - Developmental anomalies, unspecified]]
ICD 11 diagnostic codes

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD