ICD 11 codes (K)

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ICD 11 codes (K)

ICD stands for International Classification of Diseases and ICD 11 is the 11th revision.

The International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision (ICD-11) is a global standard for health information and diagnostics. Developed by the WHO, ICD-11 provides a systematic framework for classifying diseases, disorders, injuries, and other related health conditions. This classification allows for detailed analysis of health trends and statistics worldwide, assisting in informing public health and clinical decision-making.

ICD-11 was officially adopted by the WHO in May 2019, marking a significant update from its predecessor, ICD-10. The new revision is fully electronic and has been designed to be more accessible and easier to implement, which is a significant shift from the paper-based ICD-10. Learn more...

ICD 11 Code ICD 11 Description
-Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period
-- Foetus or newborn affected by maternal factors or by complications of pregnancy, labour or delivery
KA00 - - Foetus or newborn affected by maternal conditions that may be unrelated to present pregnancy
KA00.0 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by maternal hypertensive disorders
KA00.1 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by gestational oedema or proteinuria without hypertension
KA00.2 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by maternal renal or urinary tract diseases
KA00.3 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by maternal infectious diseases
KA00.4 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by periodontal disease in mother
KA00.5 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by maternal respiratory diseases
KA00.6 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by maternal nutritional disorders
KA00.60 - - - - Foetus or newborn affected by maternal malnutrition
KA00.61 - - - - Foetus or newborn affected by maternal overweight or obesity
KA00.6Y - - - - Other specified foetus or newborn affected by maternal nutritional disorders
KA00.6Z - - - - Foetus or newborn affected by maternal nutritional disorders, unspecified
KA00.7 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by abnormal maternal chemistry
KA00.8 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by maternal injury
KA00.9 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by maternal chemotherapy
KA00.A - - - Foetus or newborn affected by surgical procedure on mother
KA00.B - - - Foetus or newborn affected by maternal anaemia
KA00.Y - - - Other specified foetus or newborn affected by maternal conditions that may be unrelated to present pregnancy
KA00.Z - - - Foetus or newborn affected by maternal conditions that may be unrelated to present pregnancy, unspecified
KA01 - - Foetus or newborn affected by maternal complications of pregnancy
KA01.0 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by incompetence of cervix uteri
KA01.1 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by premature rupture of membranes
KA01.2 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by oligohydramnios
KA01.3 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by polyhydramnios
KA01.4 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by ectopic pregnancy
KA01.5 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by multiple pregnancy
KA01.6 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by maternal death
KA01.7 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by malpresentation before labour
KA01.8 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by maternal blood loss
KA01.Y - - - Other specified foetus or newborn affected by maternal complications of pregnancy
KA01.Z - - - Foetus or newborn affected by maternal complications of pregnancy, unspecified
KA02 - - Foetus or newborn affected by complications of placenta
KA02.0 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by placenta praevia
KA02.1 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by placental oedema or large placenta
KA02.2 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by placental infarction
KA02.3 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by placental insufficiency or small placenta
KA02.4 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by placental transfusion syndromes
KA02.Y - - - Other specified foetus or newborn affected by complications of placenta
KA02.Z - - - Foetus or newborn affected by complications of placenta, unspecified
KA03 - - Foetus or newborn affected by complications of umbilical cord
KA03.0 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by prolapsed cord
KA03.1 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by other compression of umbilical cord
KA03.2 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by abnormalities of umbilical cord length
KA03.20 - - - - Foetus or newborn affected by short umbilical cord
KA03.21 - - - - Foetus or newborn affected by long umbilical cord
KA03.2Y - - - - Other specified foetus or newborn affected by abnormalities of umbilical cord length
KA03.2Z - - - - Foetus or newborn affected by abnormalities of umbilical cord length, unspecified
KA03.3 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by vasa praevia
KA03.4 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by traumatic injury of the umbilical cord
KA03.Y - - - Other specified foetus or newborn affected by complications of umbilical cord
KA03.Z - - - Foetus or newborn affected by complications of umbilical cord, unspecified
KA04 - - Foetus or newborn affected by other abnormalities of membranes
KA04.0 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by chorioamnionitis
KA04.1 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by amniotic Band Syndrome
KA04.Y - - - Other specified foetus or newborn affected by other abnormalities of membranes
KA04.Z - - - Foetus or newborn affected by other abnormalities of membranes, unspecified
KA05 - - Foetus or newborn affected by certain complications of labour or delivery
KA05.0 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by breech delivery or extraction
KA05.1 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by other malpresentation, malposition or disproportion during labour or delivery
KA05.2 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by forceps delivery
KA05.3 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by delivery by vacuum extractor
KA05.4 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by caesarean delivery
KA05.5 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by precipitate delivery
KA05.6 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by abnormal uterine contractions
KA05.7 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by abnormality in foetal intrauterine heart rate or rhythm
KA05.70 - - - - Foetus and newborn affected by abnormality in foetal intrauterine heart rate or rhythm before onset of labour
KA05.71 - - - - Foetus and newborn affected by abnormality in foetal intrauterine heart rate or rhythm during labour
KA05.7Y - - - - Other specified foetus or newborn affected by abnormality in foetal intrauterine heart rate or rhythm
KA05.7Z - - - - Foetus or newborn affected by abnormality in foetal intrauterine heart rate or rhythm, unspecified
KA05.8 - - - Meconium passage during delivery
KA05.Y - - - Fetus or newborn affected or suspected to be affected by other specified complications of labour or delivery
KA05.Z - - - Fetus or newborn affected or suspected to be affected by unspecified complications of labour or delivery
KA06 - - Foetus or newborn affected by noxious influences transmitted via placenta or breast milk
KA06.0 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by maternal anaesthesia or analgesia in pregnancy, labour or delivery
KA06.1 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by maternal use of tobacco
KA06.2 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by maternal use of alcohol
KA06.3 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by maternal use of drugs of addiction
KA06.4 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by maternal use of nutritional chemical substances
KA06.5 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by maternal exposure to environmental chemical substances
KA06.Y - - - Other specified foetus or newborn affected by noxious influences transmitted via placenta or breast milk
KA06.Z - - - Foetus or newborn affected by noxious influences transmitted via placenta or breast milk, unspecified
KA07 - - Neonatal dermatoses due to maternal antibodies
KA07.0 - - - Neonatal lupus erythematosus
KA07.1 - - - Neonatal pemphigus
KA07.Y - - - Other specified neonatal dermatoses due to maternal antibodies
KA0Z - - Fetus or newborn affected by unspecified maternal factors or by complications of pregnancy, labour or delivery
-- Disorders of newborn related to length of gestation or foetal growth
KA20 - - Disorders of newborn related to slow foetal growth or foetal malnutrition
KA20.0 - - - Small for gestational age
KA20.00 - - - - Small for gestational age, symmetrical
KA20.01 - - - - Small for gestational age, asymmetrical
KA20.0Z - - - - Small for gestational age, unspecified
KA20.1 - - - Intrauterine growth restriction
KA20.10 - - - - Asymmetrical intrauterine growth restriction
KA20.11 - - - - Symmetrical intrauterine growth restriction
KA20.12 - - - - Intrauterine growth restriction associated with small for gestational age
KA20.1Y - - - - Other specified intrauterine growth restriction
KA20.1Z - - - - Intrauterine growth restriction, unspecified
KA20.2 - - - Foetal intrauterine malnutrition without mention of small for gestational age
KA20.Y - - - Other specified disorders of newborn related to slow foetal growth or foetal malnutrition
KA20.Z - - - Disorders of newborn related to slow foetal growth or foetal malnutrition, unspecified
KA21 - - Disorders of newborn related to short gestation or low birth weight, not elsewhere classified
KA21.0 - - - Extremely low birth weight of newborn
KA21.00 - - - - Extremely low birth weight of newborn, 499g or less
KA21.01 - - - - Extremely low birth weight of newborn, 500-749g
KA21.02 - - - - Extremely low birth weight of newborn, 750-999g
KA21.0Z - - - - Extremely low birth weight of newborn, unspecified
KA21.1 - - - Very low birth weight of newborn
KA21.10 - - - - Very low birth weight of newborn, 1000-1249g
KA21.11 - - - - Very low birth weight of newborn, 1250-1499g
KA21.1Z - - - - Very low birth weight of newborn, unspecified
KA21.2 - - - Low birth weight of newborn
KA21.20 - - - - Low birth weight of newborn, 1500-1999g
KA21.21 - - - - Low birth weight of newborn, 2000-2499g
KA21.2Z - - - - Low birth weight of newborn, unspecified
KA21.3 - - - Extreme prematurity of newborn
KA21.30 - - - - Extreme prematurity of newborn, gestational age less than 22 completed weeks
KA21.31 - - - - Extreme prematurity of newborn, gestational age 22 completed weeks
KA21.32 - - - - Extreme prematurity of newborn, gestational age 23 completed weeks
KA21.33 - - - - Extreme prematurity of newborn, gestational age 24 completed weeks
KA21.34 - - - - Extreme prematurity of newborn, gestational age 25 completed weeks
KA21.35 - - - - Extreme prematurity of newborn, gestational age 26 completed weeks
KA21.36 - - - - Extreme prematurity of newborn, gestational age 27 completed weeks
KA21.3Z - - - - Extreme prematurity of newborn, unspecified
KA21.4 - - - Preterm newborn
KA21.40 - - - - Preterm newborn, gestational age 28 completed weeks
KA21.41 - - - - Preterm newborn, gestational age 29 completed weeks
KA21.42 - - - - Preterm newborn, gestational age 30 completed weeks
KA21.43 - - - - Preterm newborn, gestational age 31 completed weeks
KA21.44 - - - - Preterm newborn, gestational age 32 completed weeks
KA21.45 - - - - Preterm newborn, gestational age 33 completed weeks
KA21.46 - - - - Preterm newborn, gestational age 34 completed weeks
KA21.47 - - - - Preterm newborn, gestational age 35 completed weeks
KA21.48 - - - - Preterm newborn, gestational age 36 completed weeks
KA21.4Z - - - - Preterm newborn, unspecified
KA22 - - Disorders of newborn related to long gestation or high birth weight
KA22.0 - - - Exceptionally large newborn
KA22.1 - - - Large newborn for gestational age
KA22.2 - - - Post-term newborn
KA22.3 - - - Postmaturity syndrome
KA2Y - - Other specified disorders of newborn related to length of gestation or foetal growth
KA2Z - - Disorders of newborn related to length of gestation or foetal growth, unspecified
-- Birth injury
KA40 - - Birth injury to central nervous system
KA40.0 - - - Intracranial laceration or haemorrhage due to birth injury
KA40.00 - - - - Subdural haemorrhage due to birth injury
KA40.01 - - - - Cerebral haemorrhage due to birth injury
KA40.02 - - - - Cerebellar haemorrhage due to birth injury
KA40.03 - - - - Intraventricular haemorrhage due to birth injury
KA40.04 - - - - Subarachnoid haemorrhage due to birth injury
KA40.05 - - - - Tentorial tear due to birth injury
KA40.06 - - - - Cerebellar contusion due to birth injury
KA40.07 - - - - Cerebral contusion due to birth injury
KA40.08 - - - - Extradural or epidural haemorrhage due to birth injury
KA40.0Y - - - - Other specified intracranial laceration or haemorrhage due to birth injury
KA40.0Z - - - - Intracranial laceration or haemorrhage due to birth injury, unspecified
KA40.1 - - - Cerebral oedema due to birth injury
KA40.2 - - - Birth injury to spine or spinal cord
KA40.3 - - - Birth injury to brainstem
KA40.Y - - - Other specified birth injury to central nervous system
KA40.Z - - - Birth injury to central nervous system, unspecified
KA41 - - Birth injury to eye
KA42 - - Birth injury to scalp
KA42.0 - - - Bruising of scalp due to birth injury
KA42.1 - - - Cephalohaematoma due to birth injury
KA42.2 - - - Chignon due to birth injury
KA42.3 - - - Monitoring injury of scalp of newborn
KA42.4 - - - Subgaleal epicranial subaponeurotic haemorrhage due to birth injury
KA42.Y - - - Other specified birth injury to scalp
KA43 - - Birth injury to skin or soft tissues
KA43.0 - - - Birth injury to sternocleidomastoid
KA43.1 - - - Birth injury to external genitalia
KA43.2 - - - Subcutaneous fat necrosis due to birth injury
KA43.3 - - - Birth injury to face
KA43.Y - - - Other specified birth injury to skin or soft tissues
KA44 - - Birth injury to peripheral nervous system
KA44.0 - - - Birth injury to cranial nerves
KA44.00 - - - - Birth injury to facial nerve
KA44.0Y - - - - Birth injury to other specified cranial nerve
KA44.0Z - - - - Birth injury to cranial nerves, unspecified
KA44.1 - - - Brachial plexus palsy in newborn
KA44.10 - - - - Erb paralysis
KA44.11 - - - - Klumpke paralysis
KA44.2 - - - Phrenic nerve paralysis due to birth injury
KA44.Y - - - Other specified birth injury to peripheral nervous system
KA45 - - Birth injury to skeleton
KA45.0 - - - Fracture of skull due to birth injury
KA45.00 - - - - Linear skull fracture due to birth injury
KA45.01 - - - - Depressed skull fracture due to birth injury
KA45.0Y - - - - Other specified fracture of skull due to birth injury
KA45.0Z - - - - Fracture of skull due to birth injury, unspecified
KA45.1 - - - Occipital osteodiastasis due to birth injury
KA45.2 - - - Birth injury to facial bones
KA45.20 - - - - Mandibular bone fracture due to birth injury
KA45.21 - - - - Nasal bone fracture due to birth injury
KA45.2Y - - - - Other specified birth injury to facial bones
KA45.2Z - - - - Birth injury to facial bones, unspecified
KA45.3 - - - Birth injury of thorax
KA45.4 - - - Fracture, dislocation or subluxation of spine due to birth injury
KA45.5 - - - Fracture of clavicle due to birth injury
KA45.6 - - - Birth injury to long bones
KA45.Y - - - Other specified birth injury to skeleton
KA46 - - Birth injury to other organs
KA46.0 - - - Birth injury to liver
KA46.1 - - - Birth injury to spleen
KA46.2 - - - Adrenal haemorrhage due to birth injury
KA46.Y - - - Birth injury to other specified organ
KA4Z - - Birth injury, unspecified
-- Infections of the foetus or newborn
KA60 - - Sepsis of foetus or newborn
KA61 - - Other bacterial infections of the foetus or newborn
KA61.0 - - - Congenital tuberculosis
KA61.1 - - - Neonatal listeriosis
KA61.Z - - - Bacterial infection of the foetus or newborn, unspecified
KA62 - - Viral infection in the foetus or newborn
KA62.0 - - - Congenital Zika virus infection
KA62.1 - - - Congenital Epstein-Barr virus infection
KA62.2 - - - Congenital Varicella Zoster virus infection
KA62.3 - - - Congenital cytomegalovirus infection
KA62.4 - - - Congenital echovirus infection
KA62.5 - - - Congenital enterovirus infection
KA62.6 - - - Congenital human immunodeficiency virus infection
KA62.7 - - - Congenital parvovirus syndrome
KA62.8 - - - Congenital rubella syndrome
KA62.9 - - - Congenital viral hepatitis
KA62.A - - - Perinatal Herpes simplex infection
KA62.Y - - - Other specified viral infection in the foetus or newborn
KA62.Z - - - Viral infection in the foetus or newborn, unspecified
KA63 - - Fungal infection of foetus or newborn
KA63.0 - - - Malassezia infection in newborn
KA63.1 - - - Neonatal aspergillosis
KA63.2 - - - Neonatal candidosis
KA63.Y - - - Other specified fungal infection of foetus or newborn
KA63.Z - - - Fungal infection of foetus or newborn, unspecified
KA64 - - Parasitic diseases in the foetus or newborn
KA64.0 - - - Congenital toxoplasmosis
KA64.1 - - - Congenital falciparum malaria
KA64.Y - - - Other specified parasitic diseases in the foetus or newborn
KA64.Z - - - Parasitic diseases in the foetus or newborn, unspecified
KA65 - - Neonatal infections of certain specified sites
KA65.0 - - - Neonatal conjunctivitis or dacryocystitis
KA65.1 - - - Omphalitis of newborn
KA65.2 - - - Neonatal urinary tract infection
KA65.3 - - - Neonatal infectious mastitis
KA65.4 - - - Neonatal meningitis
KA65.Y - - - Neonatal infections of other specified sites
KA6Y - - Other specified infections of the foetus or newborn
KA6Z - - Infections of the foetus or newborn, unspecified
-- Haemorrhagic or haematological disorders of foetus or newborn
KA80 - - Foetal blood loss
KA80.0 - - - Foetal blood loss from vasa praevia
KA80.1 - - - Foetal blood loss from ruptured cord
KA80.2 - - - Foetal blood loss from placenta
KA80.3 - - - Haemorrhage into co-twin
KA80.4 - - - Haemorrhage into maternal circulation
KA80.5 - - - Foetal blood loss from cut end of co-twin cord
KA80.Y - - - Other specified foetal blood loss
KA80.Z - - - Foetal blood loss, unspecified
KA81 - - Umbilical haemorrhage of newborn
KA82 - - Intracranial nontraumatic haemorrhage of foetus or newborn
KA82.0 - - - Intraventricular nontraumatic haemorrhage, grade 1, of foetus or newborn
KA82.1 - - - Intraventricular nontraumatic haemorrhage, grade 2, of foetus or newborn
KA82.2 - - - Intraventricular nontraumatic haemorrhage, grade 3, of foetus or newborn
KA82.3 - - - Intraventricular nontraumatic haemorrhage, grade 4, of foetus or newborn
KA82.4 - - - Intracerebral nontraumatic haemorrhage of foetus or newborn
KA82.5 - - - Subarachnoid nontraumatic haemorrhage of foetus or newborn
KA82.6 - - - Cerebellar nontraumatic, hemispheres or vermis or posterior fossa haemorrhage of foetus or newborn
KA82.7 - - - Subdural nontraumatic haemorrhage of foetus or newborn
KA82.Z - - - Intracranial nontraumatic haemorrhage of foetus or newborn, unspecified
KA83 - - Certain specified neonatal haemorrhages
KA83.0 - - - Neonatal bleeding originating in the mouth, nose or pharynx
KA83.1 - - - Neonatal bleeding originating in the oesophagus, stomach, small or large intestine
KA83.2 - - - Neonatal rectal haemorrhage
KA83.3 - - - Neonatal hepatic haemorrhage
KA83.4 - - - Neonatal haemorrhage originating in adrenal gland
KA83.5 - - - Neonatal haemorrhage originating in spleen
KA83.6 - - - Neonatal haemorrhage originating in kidney or bladder
KA83.7 - - - Neonatal haemorrhage originating in trachea or pulmonary parenchyma
KA83.8 - - - Neonatal cutaneous haemorrhage
KA83.9 - - - Neonatal vaginal or uterine haemorrhage
KA83.A - - - Neonatal epistaxis
KA84 - - Haemolytic disease of foetus or newborn
KA84.0 - - - Rh isoimmunization of foetus or newborn
KA84.1 - - - Isoimmunization due to other red cell factors
KA84.2 - - - ABO isoimmunization of foetus or newborn
KA84.3 - - - Haemolytic anaemia due to other unclassified antibodies
KA84.4 - - - Haemolytic disease due to disease of other neonatal organs
KA84.5 - - - Neonatal haemolysis due to systemic bacterial infection with or without concomitant diffuse intravascular coagulation
KA84.Z - - - Haemolytic disease of foetus or newborn, unspecified
KA85 - - Hydrops fetalis due to haemolytic disease
KA85.0 - - - Hydrops fetalis due to isoimmunization
KA85.Y - - - Other specified hydrops fetalis due to haemolytic disease
KA85.Z - - - Hydrops fetalis due to haemolytic disease, unspecified
KA86 - - Neonatal kernicterus
KA87 - - Neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia
KA87.0 - - - Neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia due to swallowed maternal blood
KA87.1 - - - Neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia due to enzymatic defect in bilirubin degradation
KA87.2 - - - Neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia due to breast milk inhibitor of bilirubin conjugation
KA87.3 - - - Neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia due to total parenteral nutrition
KA87.4 - - - Neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia due to drugs or toxins transmitted from mother
KA87.5 - - - Neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia due to drugs or toxins given to newborn
KA87.6 - - - Neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia from other or unspecified hepatocellular damage
KA87.Y - - - Other specified neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia
KA87.Z - - - Neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia, unspecified
KA88 - - Disseminated intravascular coagulation of foetus or newborn
KA89 - - Transient neonatal thrombocytopaenia
KA89.0 - - - Thrombocytopaenia following systemic infection, including diffuse intravascular coagulation
KA89.Y - - - Other specified transient neonatal thrombocytopaenia
KA89.Z - - - Transient neonatal thrombocytopaenia, unspecified
KA8A - - Polycythaemia neonatorum
KA8A.0 - - - Polycythaemia neonatorum due to placental insufficiency or foetal intrauterine growth restriction
KA8A.1 - - - Polycythemia neonatorum due to twin to twin transfusion
KA8A.2 - - - Polycythemia neonatorum due to inherited disorder of erythropoietin production
KA8A.3 - - - Polycythemia neonatorum following umbilical cord transfusion or stripping at delivery
KA8A.4 - - - Polycythemia neonatorum following blood transfusion
KA8A.Y - - - Other specified polycythaemia neonatorum
KA8A.Z - - - Polycythaemia neonatorum, unspecified
KA8B - - Anaemia of prematurity
KA8C - - Congenital hypoplastic anaemia
KA8D - - Transient neonatal neutropenia
KA8E - - Alloimmune neonatal neutropenia
KA8F - - Neonatal vitamin K deficiency
KA8F.0 - - - Diffuse bleeding diathesis due to vitamin K deficient haemorrhagic disease of foetus or newborn
KA8F.Y - - - Other specified neonatal vitamin K deficiency
KA8F.Z - - - Neonatal vitamin K deficiency, unspecified
KA8Y - - Other specified haemorrhagic or haematological disorders of foetus or newborn
KA8Z - - Haemorrhagic or haematological disorders of foetus or newborn, unspecified
-- Neurological disorders specific to the perinatal or neonatal period
KB00 - - Neonatal cerebral ischaemia
KB00.0 - - - Perinatal arterial stroke
KB00.1 - - - Neonatal cerebral sinovenous thrombosis
KB00.Y - - - Other specified neonatal cerebral ischaemia
KB00.Z - - - Neonatal cerebral ischaemia, unspecified
KB01 - - Periventricular cysts of newborn
KB02 - - Neonatal cerebral leukomalacia
KB03 - - Neonatal encephalopathy
KB04 - - Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy of newborn
KB05 - - Neonatal hydrocephalus
KB05.0 - - - Neonatal obstructive hydrocephalus
KB05.Y - - - Other specified neonatal hydrocephalus
KB05.Z - - - Neonatal hydrocephalus, unspecified
KB06 - - Neonatal seizures
KB07 - - Compression of brain in neonate
KB08 - - Disorders of muscle tone of newborn
KB08.0 - - - Transient neonatal myasthenia gravis
KB08.1 - - - Congenital hypertonia
KB08.2 - - - Congenital hypotonia
KB08.Y - - - Other specified disorders of muscle tone of newborn
KB08.Z - - - Disorders of muscle tone of newborn, unspecified
KB0Y - - Other specified neurological disorders specific to the perinatal or neonatal period
KB0Z - - Neurological disorders specific to the perinatal or neonatal period, unspecified
-- Respiratory disorders specific to the perinatal or neonatal period
KB20 - - Intrauterine hypoxia
KB20.0 - - - Intrauterine hypoxia first noted before onset of labour
KB20.1 - - - Intrauterine hypoxia first noted during labour or delivery
KB20.Z - - - Intrauterine hypoxia, unspecified
KB21 - - Birth asphyxia
KB21.0 - - - Severe birth asphyxia
KB21.1 - - - Mild and moderate birth asphyxia
KB21.Y - - - Other specified birth asphyxia
KB22 - - Metabolic acidaemia in newborn
KB23 - - Respiratory distress of newborn
KB23.0 - - - Respiratory distress syndrome of newborn
KB23.00 - - - - Respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn, altered by maternal corticosteroid therapy
KB23.01 - - - - Respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn, altered by pulmonary surfactant replacement therapy
KB23.02 - - - - Respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn, altered by maternal corticosteroid therapy or pulmonary surfactant replacement therapy
KB23.0Y - - - - Other specified respiratory distress syndrome of newborn
KB23.0Z - - - - Respiratory distress syndrome of newborn, unspecified
KB23.1 - - - Transient tachypnoea of newborn
KB23.2 - - - Respiratory instability of prematurity
KB23.Y - - - Other specified respiratory distress of newborn
KB23.Z - - - Respiratory distress of newborn, unspecified
KB24 - - Congenital pneumonia
KB25 - - Neonatal tracheitis
KB26 - - Neonatal aspiration syndromes
KB26.0 - - - Neonatal aspiration of meconium
KB26.1 - - - Neonatal aspiration of amniotic fluid or mucus
KB26.2 - - - Neonatal aspiration of blood
KB26.3 - - - Neonatal aspiration of milk or regurgitated food
KB26.Y - - - Other specified neonatal aspiration syndromes
KB26.Z - - - Neonatal aspiration syndromes, unspecified
KB27 - - Pulmonary air leak or related conditions originating in the perinatal period
KB27.0 - - - Interstitial emphysema originating in the perinatal period
KB27.1 - - - Pneumothorax originating in the perinatal period
KB27.2 - - - Pneumomediastinum originating in the perinatal period
KB27.3 - - - Pneumopericardium originating in the perinatal period
KB27.4 - - - Pneumoperitoneum, originating in the perinatal period, due to primary pulmonary air leak syndromes
KB27.Y - - - Other specified pulmonary air leak or related conditions originating in the perinatal period
KB27.Z - - - Pulmonary air leak or related conditions originating in the perinatal period, unspecified
KB28 - - Pulmonary haemorrhage originating in the perinatal period
KB28.0 - - - Tracheobronchial haemorrhage originating in the perinatal period
KB28.1 - - - Traumatic pulmonary haemorrhage originating in the perinatal period
KB28.Y - - - Other specified pulmonary haemorrhage originating in the perinatal period
KB28.Z - - - Pulmonary haemorrhage originating in the perinatal period, unspecified
KB29 - - Chronic respiratory disease originating in the perinatal period
KB29.0 - - - Bronchopulmonary dysplasia originating in the perinatal period
KB29.Y - - - Other specified chronic respiratory disease originating in the perinatal period
KB29.Z - - - Chronic respiratory disease originating in the perinatal period, unspecified
KB2A - - Apnoea of newborn
KB2A.0 - - - Central neonatal apnoea
KB2A.1 - - - Obstructive neonatal apnoea
KB2A.2 - - - Mixed neonatal apnoea
KB2A.3 - - - Apnoea of newborn, due to neurologic injury
KB2A.Y - - - Other specified apnoea of newborn
KB2A.Z - - - Apnoea of newborn, unspecified
KB2B - - Primary atelectasis of newborn
KB2C - - Cyanotic attacks of newborn
KB2D - - Respiratory failure of newborn
KB2E - - Respiratory arrest of newborn
KB2F - - Congenital lung or lobar atelectasis
KB2G - - Tracheal haemorrhage of newborn due to airway trauma
KB2H - - Acquired vocal cord paralysis in newborn
KB2J - - Airway obstruction in the neonate due to airway abnormality
KB2J.0 - - - Hypotonia of hypopharynx in neonate
KB2J.1 - - - Hypopharyngeal mass in neonate
KB2J.2 - - - Tracheo-bronchial malacia in neonate
KB2J.Y - - - Other specified airway obstruction in the neonate due to airway abnormality
KB2J.Z - - - Airway obstruction in the neonate due to airway abnormality, unspecified
KB2K - - Pulmonary cysts in newborn
KB2K.0 - - - Acquired pulmonary cysts in newborn
KB2K.Z - - - Pulmonary cysts in newborn, unspecified
KB2Y - - Other specified respiratory disorders specific to the perinatal or neonatal period
KB2Z - - Respiratory disorders specific to the perinatal or neonatal period, unspecified
-- Cardiovascular disorders present in the perinatal or neonatal period
KB40 - - Neonatal cardiac failure
KB40.0 - - - Neonatal cardiac failure due to pulmonary overperfusion
KB40.1 - - - Neonatal cardiac failure due to decreased left ventricular output
KB40.Y - - - Other specified neonatal cardiac failure
KB40.Z - - - Neonatal cardiac failure, unspecified
KB41 - - Cardiac arrhythmias in the neonate
KB42 - - Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn
KB43 - - Delayed closure of ductus arteriosus
KB44 - - Transient myocardial ischaemia of newborn
KB45 - - Neonatal hypertension
KB46 - - Neonatal hypotension
KB47 - - Benign or innocent cardiac murmurs in newborn
KB4Y - - Other specified cardiovascular disorders present in the perinatal or neonatal period
KB4Z - - Cardiovascular disorders present in the perinatal or neonatal period, unspecified
-- Transitory endocrine or metabolic disorders specific to foetus or newborn
KB60 - - Transitory disorders of carbohydrate metabolism specific to foetus or newborn
KB60.0 - - - Syndrome of infant of mother with gestational diabetes
KB60.1 - - - Syndrome of infant of a diabetic mother, type I or II, nongestational, insulin dependent
KB60.2 - - - Neonatal diabetes mellitus
KB60.20 - - - - Transient neonatal diabetes mellitus
KB60.2Y - - - - Other specified neonatal diabetes mellitus
KB60.2Z - - - - Neonatal diabetes mellitus, unspecified
KB60.3 - - - Neonatal hyperglycemia
KB60.30 - - - - Neonatal hyperglycemia due to insulin deficiency
KB60.31 - - - - Neonatal hyperglycemia due to iatrogenic intravenous therapy
KB60.3Y - - - - Other specified neonatal hyperglycemia
KB60.3Z - - - - Neonatal hyperglycemia, unspecified
KB60.4 - - - Neonatal hypoglycaemia
KB60.40 - - - - Transient hyperinsulinemic neonatal hypoglycaemia
KB60.41 - - - - Transitory iatrogenic neonatal hypoglycaemia
KB60.42 - - - - Other transitory neonatal hypoglycaemia
KB60.4Y - - - - Other specified neonatal hypoglycaemia
KB60.4Z - - - - Neonatal hypoglycaemia, unspecified
KB60.Y - - - Other specified transitory disorders of carbohydrate metabolism specific to foetus or newborn
KB60.Z - - - Transitory disorders of carbohydrate metabolism specific to foetus or newborn, unspecified
KB61 - - Transitory neonatal disorders of calcium or magnesium metabolism
KB61.0 - - - Neonatal hypomagnesaemia
KB61.1 - - - Neonatal tetany without calcium or magnesium deficiency
KB61.2 - - - Neonatal hypocalcaemia
KB61.3 - - - Neonatal osteopenia
KB61.Y - - - Other specified transitory neonatal disorders of calcium or magnesium metabolism
KB61.Z - - - Transitory neonatal disorders of calcium or magnesium metabolism, unspecified
KB62 - - Transitory neonatal disorders of thyroid function
KB62.0 - - - Transitory neonatal hyperthyroidism
KB62.1 - - - Other transitory neonatal disorders of thyroid function, not elsewhere classified
KB62.2 - - - Transient hyperthyrotropinaemia
KB62.3 - - - Transient hypothyroxinaemia
KB62.Y - - - Other specified transitory neonatal disorders of thyroid function
KB62.Z - - - Transitory neonatal disorders of thyroid function, unspecified
KB63 - - Certain specified transitory neonatal electrolyte or metabolic disturbances
KB63.0 - - - Late metabolic acidosis of newborn
KB63.1 - - - Dehydration of newborn
KB63.2 - - - Disturbances of sodium balance of newborn
KB63.20 - - - - Hyponatremia of newborn
KB63.21 - - - - Hypernatremia of newborn
KB63.2Y - - - - Other specified disturbances of sodium balance of newborn
KB63.2Z - - - - Disturbances of sodium balance of newborn, unspecified
KB63.3 - - - Disturbances of potassium balance of newborn
KB63.30 - - - - Hypokalemia of newborn
KB63.31 - - - - Hyperkalemia of newborn
KB63.3Y - - - - Other specified disturbances of potassium balance of newborn
KB63.3Z - - - - Disturbances of potassium balance of newborn, unspecified
KB63.4 - - - Transitory tyrosinaemia of newborn
KB63.5 - - - Metabolic bone disease of prematurity
KB64 - - Transitory neonatal hypoparathyroidism
KB6Z - - Transitory endocrine or metabolic disorders specific to foetus or newborn, unspecified
-- Digestive system disorders of foetus or newborn
KB80 - - Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease in newborn
KB81 - - Oesophagitis in newborn
KB81.0 - - - Neonatal eosinophilic oesophagitis
KB81.Y - - - Other specified oesophagitis in newborn
KB82 - - Prenatal gastric perforation
KB83 - - Postnatal gastric perforation
KB84 - - Postnatal isolated ileal perforation
KB85 - - Prenatal intrauterine intestinal perforation
KB85.0 - - - Prenatal intrauterine intestinal perforation due to in utero volvulus
KB85.1 - - - Prenatal intrauterine intestinal perforation due to intestinal atresia or stenosis
KB85.2 - - - Prenatal intrauterine intestinal perforation due to intraluminal obstruction
KB85.Y - - - Other specified prenatal intrauterine intestinal perforation
KB85.Z - - - Prenatal intrauterine intestinal perforation, unspecified
KB86 - - Postnatal intestinal perforation
KB86.0 - - - Postnatal intestinal perforation due to drugs
KB86.1 - - - Postnatal intestinal perforation due to in utero volvulus
KB86.2 - - - Postnatal intestinal perforation due to intestinal atresia or stenosis
KB86.3 - - - Postnatal intestinal perforation due to intraluminal obstruction
KB86.Y - - - Other specified postnatal intestinal perforation
KB86.Z - - - Postnatal intestinal perforation, unspecified
KB87 - - Intestinal obstruction of newborn
KB87.0 - - - Intestinal obstruction due to inspissated milk
KB87.1 - - - Meconium plug without ileus
KB87.2 - - - Meconium ileus without perforation
KB87.4 - - - Meconium ileus with perforation
KB87.3 - - - Transitory ileus of preterm-newborn
KB87.Y - - - Other specified intestinal obstruction of newborn
KB87.Z - - - Intestinal obstruction of newborn, unspecified
KB88 - - Necrotising enterocolitis of newborn
KB88.0 - - - Necrotising enterocolitis of newborn, Stage 1A & B
KB88.1 - - - Necrotising enterocolitis of newborn, Stage 2A & B
KB88.2 - - - Necrotising enterocolitis of newborn, Stage 3A
KB88.3 - - - Necrotising enterocolitis of newborn, Stage 3B
KB88.Y - - - Other specified necrotising enterocolitis of newborn
KB88.Z - - - Necrotising enterocolitis of newborn, unspecified
KB89 - - Neonatal malabsorption syndromes
KB89.0 - - - Neonatal malabsorption due to endocrine secreting tumour
KB89.1 - - - Short bowel syndrome
KB89.Y - - - Other specified neonatal malabsorption syndromes
KB89.Z - - - Neonatal malabsorption syndromes, unspecified
KB8A - - Neonatal haematemesis or melaena due to swallowed maternal blood
KB8B - - Neonatal peritonitis
KB8C - - Noninfectious neonatal diarrhoea
KB8Y - - Other specified digestive system disorders of foetus or newborn
KB8Z - - Digestive system disorders of foetus or newborn, unspecified
-- Genitourinary system disorders specific to the perinatal or neonatal period
KC00 - - Congenital hydrocele
KC01 - - Congenital renal failure
KC0Y - - Other specified genitourinary system disorders specific to the perinatal or neonatal period
KC0Z - - Genitourinary system disorders specific to the perinatal or neonatal period, unspecified
-- Disorders involving the integument of foetus or newborn
KC20 - - Conditions involving the umbilical cord
KC20.0 - - - Delayed separation of umbilical cord
KC20.1 - - - Umbilical cutis or polyp of newborn
KC20.2 - - - Umbilical granuloma of newborn
KC20.Y - - - Other specified conditions involving the umbilical cord
KC20.Z - - - Conditions involving the umbilical cord, unspecified
KC21 - - Inflammatory dermatoses of the newborn
KC21.0 - - - Neonatal acne
KC21.1 - - - Neonatal toxic erythema
KC21.2 - - - Perianal dermatitis of the newborn
KC21.Y - - - Other specified inflammatory dermatoses of the newborn
KC22 - - Neonatal disorders of subcutaneous fat
KC22.0 - - - Subcutaneous fat necrosis of the newborn
KC22.1 - - - Cold panniculitis of the newborn
KC22.2 - - - Sclerema neonatorum
KC22.Y - - - Other specified neonatal disorders of subcutaneous fat
KC23 - - Neonatal disorders of the oral mucosa
KC24 - - Neonatal nutritional disorders affecting the skin
-- - Skin disorders associated with prematurity
KC30 - - - Skin fragility of prematurity
KC31 - - - Congenital erosive or vesicular dermatosis healing with reticulated supple scarring
KC3Y - - - Other specified skin disorders associated with prematurity
KC40 - - Miscellaneous skin disorders in the neonate
KC40.0 - - - Congenital sucking blisters
KC40.1 - - - Neonatal milia
KC40.Y - - - Other specified skin disorders in the neonate
KC41 - - Miscellaneous specified conditions of integument specific to foetus or newborn
KC41.0 - - - Breast engorgement of newborn
KC41.1 - - - Hydrops fetalis not due to haemolytic disease
KC41.Y - - - Other specified conditions of integument specific to fetus and newborn
-- - Iatrogenic injuries involving the skin of the neonate
-- --Postnatal iatrogenic skin injury
KC50 - - - - Neonatal phototherapy burn
KC5Y - - - - Other specified postnatal iatrogenic skin injury
KC5Z - - - - Postnatal iatrogenic skin injury, unspecified
KC7Y - - - Other specified iatrogenic injuries involving the skin of the neonate
KC9Z - - Disorders involving the integument of foetus or newborn, unspecified
-- Disturbances of temperature regulation of newborn
KD10 - - Environmental hyperthermia of newborn
KD11 - - Fever of newborn
KD12 - - Hypothermia of newborn
KD12.0 - - - Neonatal cold injury syndrome
KD12.Y - - - Other specified hypothermia of newborn
KD12.Z - - - Hypothermia of newborn, unspecified
KD1Y - - Other specified disturbances of temperature regulation of newborn
KD1Z - - Disturbances of temperature regulation of newborn, unspecified
-- Certain disorders originating in the perinatal period
KD30 - - Birth depression
KD30.0 - - - Birth depression with 5 minute Apgar score 0-3
KD30.1 - - - Birth depression with 5 minute Apgar score 4-6
KD30.2 - - - Birth depression with associated metabolic acidaemia of cord blood
KD30.Z - - - Birth depression, unspecified
KD31 - - Wide cranial sutures of newborn
KD32 - - Feeding problems of newborn
KD32.0 - - - Slow feeding of newborn
KD32.1 - - - Underfeeding of newborn
KD32.2 - - - Overfeeding of newborn
KD32.3 - - - Neonatal difficulty in feeding at breast
KD32.4 - - - Failure to thrive in newborn
KD32.Y - - - Other specified feeding problems of newborn
KD32.Z - - - Feeding problems of newborn, unspecified
KD33 - - Jittery baby, not elsewhere classified
KD34 - - Reactions or intoxications due to drugs administered to foetus or newborn
KD35 - - Neonatal withdrawal syndrome from maternal use of drugs of addiction
KD36 - - Withdrawal symptoms from therapeutic use of drugs in newborn
KD37 - - Exposure to tobacco smoke in the perinatal period
KD38 - - Meconium staining
KD39 - - Complications of intrauterine procedures, not elsewhere classified
KD39.0 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by amniocentesis
KD39.1 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by chorionic villous sampling
KD39.2 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by foetal blood sampling
KD39.3 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by complications of foetal surgery
KD39.4 - - - Foetus or newborn affected by complications of intrauterine foetal surgery
KD39.Y - - - Other specified complications of intrauterine procedures, not elsewhere classified
KD39.Z - - - Complications of intrauterine procedures, not elsewhere classified, unspecified
KD3A - - Termination of pregnancy, affecting surviving foetus or newborn
KD3B - - Foetal death, cause not specified
KD3B.0 - - - Antepartum foetal death
KD3B.1 - - - Intrapartum foetal death
KD3B.Z - - - Unspecified time of fetal death, cause not specified
KD3C - - Vomiting in newborn
KD3C.0 - - - Bilious vomiting of newborn
KD3C.Y - - - Other specified vomiting in newborn
KD3C.Z - - - Vomiting in newborn, unspecified
KD3Y - - Other specified disorders originating in the perinatal period
KD5Z - Conditions originating in the perinatal or neonatal period, unspecified]]
ICD 11 diagnostic codes

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD