ICD 11 codes page 11

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

ICD stands for international classification of diseases and ICD 11 is the 11th revision.

ICD 11 codes list - part 11[edit | edit source]

ICD 11 Code ICD 11 Description
- Substances
- - Chemicals
XM6U34 - - - Alcohol
XM9BA5 - - - - Alcohol vapor
XM51N7 - - - - Allyl Alcohol
XM6K71 - - - - Bay rum
XM3XS0 - - - - Cyclohexanol
XM8ZW3 - - - - Ethanol
XM1A61 - - - - - Alcohol beverage
XM8HG4 - - - - - Absolute alcohol
XM3094 - - - - - Denatured alcohol
XM6DN6 - - - - - - Ethanol disinfectant
XM8RP6 - - - - - Ethanol motor fuel
XM2VC0 - - - - Ethyl methylcarbinol
XM48D0 - - - - Fusel alcohol
XM88C8 - - - - - Amyl alcohol
XM5JW4 - - - - - Amylene hydrate
XM49S0 - - - - - Butyl alcohol
XM6HQ5 - - - - - Diethyl carbinol
XM5SH0 - - - - - Isoamyl alcohol
XM5RS7 - - - - - Propyl alcohol
XM5M32 - - - - - Trimethylcarbinol
XM6C11 - - - - Hexahydrocresol
XM5531 - - - - Isopropyl alcohol
XM8YA1 - - - - - Isopropyl rubbing alcohol
XM7KD9 - - - - Methanol
XM0ZA4 - - - - - Methanol motor fuel
XM5287 - - - - Alcohols, not elsewhere classified
XM7XX5 - - - - - Canned heat
XM6VD7 - - - - - Antifreeze
- - - Carbon monoxide
XM6JA7 - - - - Carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion of other domestic fuels
XM4QD5 - - - - - Carbon monoxide charcoal fumes
XM5ZU7 - - - - - Carbon monoxide coke (in domestic stoves, fireplaces)
XM29A4 - - - - - Carbon monoxide fuel (in domestic use)
XM2AC8 - - - - - Furnace, gas from (coal burning) (domestic)
XM8GS7 - - - - - Gas coal
XM3F26 - - - - - Gas from wood- or coal-burning stove or fireplace
XM2LM9 - - - - Carbon monoxide from motor vehicle exhaust
XM1RL5 - - - - - Carbon monoxide exhaust gas not in transit (motor)
XM3RB3 - - - - - Carbon monoxide exhaust gas not in transit combustion engine, any not in watercraft
XM7NK8 - - - - - Carbon monoxide exhaust gas not in transit farm tractor, not in transit
XM3QL3 - - - - - Carbon monoxide exhaust gas not in transit gas engine
XM14M2 - - - - - Carbon monoxide exhaust gas not in transit motor pump
XM2FD6 - - - - - Carbon monoxide exhaust gas not in transit motor vehicle, not in transit
XM7MC8 - - - - - Exhaust gas (engine) (motor vehicle)
XM5AQ1 - - - - - Fuel automobile exhaust gas, not in transit
XM7SP6 - - - - - Gas exhaust
XM9B13 - - - - - Gas garage
XM7R03 - - - - - Gas motor exhaust, not in transit
XM8L39 - - - - - Motor exhaust gas
XM1BH3 - - - - Carbon monoxide from other source
XM8NN2 - - - - - Blast furnace gas (carbon monoxide from)
XM0XW4 - - - - - Carbon monoxide industrial fuels or gases, any
XM9SH8 - - - - - Carbon monoxide kiln gas or vapor
XM1JF3 - - - - - Carbon monoxide producer gas
XM6T85 - - - - - Carbon monoxide specified source
XM3C35 - - - - - Charcoal fumes industrial
XM9NN7 - - - - - Coke fumes or gas industrial use
XM03N1 - - - - - Fuel industrial, incomplete combustion
XM50A3 - - - - - Furnace, gas from industrial
XM8MR4 - - - - - Gas blast furnace
XM0HW4 - - - - - Gas fuel industrial use
XM6R59 - - - - - Gas kiln
XM6993 - - - - - Gas producer
XM3PB9 - - - - Carbon monoxide from unspecified source
XM8T19 - - - - - Carbon monoxide (from incomplete combustion)
XM44E4 - - - - Carbon monoxide from utility gas
XM1MB6 - - - - - Acetylene incomplete combustion of
XM3VR3 - - - - - Butane incomplete combustion
XM45F2 - - - - - Carbon monoxide butane (distributed in mobile container)
XM5R23 - - - - - Carbon monoxide butane distributed through pipes
XM9675 - - - - - Carbon monoxide fuel gas (piped)
XM6S43 - - - - - Carbon monoxide fuel gas in mobile container
XM0Q26 - - - - - Carbon monoxide fuel piped (natural)
XM4GF4 - - - - - Carbon monoxide fuel utility in mobile container
XM5Z09 - - - - - Carbon monoxide fuel utility
XM3G34 - - - - - Carbon monoxide gas (piped)
XM0F67 - - - - - Carbon monoxide illuminating gas
XM3UB7 - - - - - Carbon monoxide propane (distributed in mobile container)
XM56D6 - - - - - Carbon monoxide propane distributed through pipes
XM3B10 - - - - - Carbon monoxide stove gas piped
XM0SB1 - - - - - Carbon monoxide stove gas
XM5WW1 - - - - - Carbon monoxide utility gas piped
XM3ES0 - - - - - Carbon monoxide utility gas
XM9ZV7 - - - - - Carbon monoxide water gas
XM3EZ1 - - - - - Gas acetylene incomplete combustion of
XM2DW8 - - - - - Gas illuminating (after combustion)
XM15E0 - - - - - Gas stove (after combustion)
XM4X82 - - - - - Gas water
XM6708 - - - - - Natural gas incomplete combustion
XM66S0 - - - - - Propane incomplete combustion
- - - Corrosive substance
XM4HP5 - - - - Acrolein
XM3GN3 - - - - Aziridine
XM6PB5 - - - - Corrosive acid
XM6HP3 - - - - - Formic acid
XM3C02 - - - - - Hydrazoic acid
XM6F61 - - - - - Hydrochloric acid
XM0VA0 - - - - - Hydrofluoric acid
XM5NZ1 - - - - - Nitric acid
XM5WU5 - - - - - Nitrohydrochloric acid
XM2WH3 - - - - - Nitrous acid
XM5JW8 - - - - - Orthotolidine
XM22A0 - - - - - Osmic acid
XM07R4 - - - - - - Osmic acid fumes
XM4AK6 - - - - - Oxalic acid
XM0270 - - - - - Phosphoric acid
XM0KV1 - - - - - Picric acid
XM8724 - - - - - Sulfuric acid
XM9SC9 - - - - - Trichloroacetic acid
XM2R89 - - - - Corrosive alkali
XM51W3 - - - - - Ammonium carbonate
XM8X28 - - - - - Borate nonmedicinal
XM4AF1 - - - - - Calcium hydroxide
XM50U9 - - - - - Calcium hypochlorite
XM87X9 - - - - - Calcium oxide
XM8586 - - - - - Caustic hydroxide
XM5N47 - - - - - - Potassium hydroxide
XM4SW1 - - - - - - Sodium hydroxide
XM8WC7 - - - - - Potassium carbonate
XM9370 - - - - - Sodium carbonate
XM0KW1 - - - - - Sodium hypochlorite
XM6KZ0 - - - - - - Sodium hypochlorite vapor
XM8F93 - - - - - Triethanolamine
XM9JC6 - - - - - Alkaline disinfectant, not elsewhere classified
XM10Z2 - - - - Fluoride nonmedicinal
XM1F39 - - - - - Sodium fluoride
XM48A5 - - - - - Sulfuryl fluoride
XM8LE5 - - - - Hydrazine
XM92T1 - - - - Phenol
XM3FK8 - - - - - Aminophenol
XM07S8 - - - - - Hydroxytoluene
XM7645 - - - - - Nitrophenol
XM0HB7 - - - - - Phenol disinfectant, not elsewhere classified
XM5YF7 - - - - - Phenol pesticide, not elsewhere classified
XM49E4 - - - - Silver nitrate nonmedicinal
XM0345 - - - - Sodium chlorate
XM85F7 - - - - Corrosive aromatics, not elsewhere classified
XM1ZR1 - - - - Corrosive cleaning product, not elsewhere classified
XM2A78 - - - - - Bleach, not elsewhere classified
XM57L3 - - - - - Corrosive cleaning product fumes, not elsewhere classified
XM6AU8 - - - - - Drain cleaner, not elsewhere classified
XM05Q8 - - - - Oxidizing agent, not elsewhere classified
- - - Halogen derivatives of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons
XM2X70 - - - - Acetyl bromide
XM7594 - - - - Acetyl chloride
XM45Q9 - - - - Amyl chloride
XM5ZE8 - - - - Amylene dichloride
XM3CP7 - - - - Carbon tetrachloride
XM77V1 - - - - Chlorex
XM1363 - - - - Chlorinated camphene
XM4XU4 - - - - Chlorinated hydrocarbons, not elsewhere classified
XM1YR6 - - - - Chlorinated naphthalene
XM0WL1 - - - - Chloroaniline
XM6LC4 - - - - Chlorobenzene
XM0KE3 - - - - Chlorobromomethane
XM6QB9 - - - - Chlorodinitrobenzene
XM8D04 - - - - Chlorodiphenyl
XM6YR0 - - - - Chloroethylene
XM2HX1 - - - - Chlorofluorocarbons
XM9813 - - - - - Freon
XM3QE2 - - - - - - Dichlorodifluoromethane
XM7FF5 - - - - - - Trichlorofluoromethane
XM7MX5 - - - - Chloroform
XM8G05 - - - - Chloronitrobenzene
XM84K8 - - - - Chlorophenol
XM3U53 - - - - Chloropicrin
XM9GK3 - - - - Dibromoethane
XM55X0 - - - - Dichlorobenzene
XM1AF0 - - - - Dichloroethane
XM8G49 - - - - Dichloroethylene
XM7JZ1 - - - - - Acetylene dichloride
XM3DX7 - - - - - Vinylidene chloride
XM73T7 - - - - Dichloromethane
XM9Y80 - - - - Dioxin
XM45K4 - - - - Ethyl chloride
XM9B31 - - - - Ethylene chlorohydrin
XM4Z80 - - - - Ethylene dichloride
XM8PE4 - - - - Hexachlorocyclohexane
XM0MD1 - - - - Methoxychlor
XM42E8 - - - - Orthodichlorobenzene
XM5JU8 - - - - Pentachloroethane
XM77J7 - - - - Polychlorinated biphenyl
XM4D89 - - - - Tetrachloroethane
XM3DA8 - - - - Tetrachloroethylene
XM9R55 - - - - Trichloroethane
XM3NB3 - - - - Trichloroethylene
XM58Q9 - - - - Trichloropropane
XM3589 - - - Metals
XM68C9 - - - - Alum nonmedicinal
XM9CV4 - - - - - Alum ammonium
XM5GN1 - - - - - Alum potassium
XM7JJ2 - - - - Aluminium nonmedicinal
XM3TB8 - - - - - Aluminium phosphide
XM5HW4 - - - - Antimony
XM2AE9 - - - - - Antimony hydride
XM1KG9 - - - - - Golden sulfide of antimony
XM81B2 - - - - - Antimony pesticide, not elsewhere classified
XM4QG7 - - - - Beryllium
XM4DZ8 - - - - Brass
XM0V73 - - - - Cadmium
XM3S39 - - - - - Cadmium carbonate
XM3YF2 - - - - - Cadmium chloride
XM4YU7 - - - - - Cadmium selenide
XM9217 - - - - - Cadmium succinate
XM0TH7 - - - - - Cadmium sulfate
XM5YV2 - - - - - Cadmium sulfide nonmedicinal
XM1TW0 - - - - - Cadmium pesticide, not elsewhere classified
XM9YJ8 - - - - Chromium
XM95L9 - - - - - Chromic acid
XM79V9 - - - - - Chromyl chloride
XM0QY9 - - - - - Potassium bichromate
XM1NV2 - - - - Cobalt
XM5KH2 - - - - Copper
XM5U84 - - - - - Copper acetate
XM0EX6 - - - - - Copper hydroxide
XM0Y98 - - - - - Copper oxide
XM48K0 - - - - - Copper oxychloride
XM6859 - - - - - Copper sulfate nonmedicinal
XM98Z3 - - - - - Oxine-copper
XM30V1 - - - - - Verdigris
XM3757 - - - - - Copper pesticide, not elsewhere classified
XM8U54 - - - - Iron nonmedicinal
XM0ZH6 - - - - Lead
XM5071 - - - - - Lead acetate nonmedicinal
XM17Q5 - - - - - Lead alkyl
XM2PV9 - - - - - Lead antimonate
XM9WK6 - - - - - Lead azide
XM3Y96 - - - - - Lead carbonate
XM91V9 - - - - - Lead chromate
XM59W8 - - - - - Lead dioxide
XM4EW1 - - - - - Lead iodide
XM7LD9 - - - - - Lead monoxide
XM2R16 - - - - - Lead oxide
XM3ZU1 - - - - - Lead sulfide
XM0891 - - - - - Lead paint
XM4AM4 - - - - Lithium
XM5TD2 - - - - Magnesium
XM1FG4 - - - - Mercury
XM8JX9 - - - - - Ethyl mercuric chloride
XM90P2 - - - - - - Methoxyethyl mercuric chloride
XM9524 - - - - - Mercuric chloride nonmedicinal
XM39J4 - - - - - Mercuric cyanide nonmedicinal
XM5X38 - - - - - Mercuric oxide nonmedicinal
XM8HV3 - - - - - Mercuric sulfate nonmedicinal
XM4WJ1 - - - - - Mercury fulminate
XM3W50 - - - - - Mercury thiocyanate
XM5DJ5 - - - - - Methyl mercury
XM2Z22 - - - - - Phenylmercury acetate
XM7UW8 - - - - - Mercury pesticide, not elsewhere classified
XM4E11 - - - - Nickel
XM9P91 - - - - - Nickel carbonyl
XM7K88 - - - - - Nickel sulphate
XM5F09 - - - - - Nickelocene
XM47M7 - - - - Selenium
XM9359 - - - - Silver nonmedicinal
XM0XQ4 - - - - Tellurium
XM63C5 - - - - Thallium
XM9YD2 - - - - - Thallium sulfate
XM1NS5 - - - - Tin
XM9KC4 - - - - - Tin chloride
XM0K92 - - - - - Tin oxide
XM7B62 - - - - Titanium
XM4WJ2 - - - - - Titanium tetrachloride
XM89Q2 - - - - - Titanocene
XM0907 - - - - Vanadium
XM1U95 - - - - Zinc
XM3E63 - - - - - Zinc chloride nonmedicinal
XM52P2 - - - - - Zinc chromate
XM93K2 - - - - - Zinc oxide nonmedicinal
XM6D77 - - - - - Zinc phosphide
XM82L3 - - - - - Zinc sulfate nonmedicinal
XM27E8 - - - - - Zinc pesticide, not elsewhere classified
- - - Organic solvent
XM50A4 - - - - Acetal
XM4LM8 - - - - Acetaldehyde
XM6QH4 - - - - Acetic acid ester
XM2KF5 - - - - - Amyl acetate
XM1JM2 - - - - - - Amyl acetate vapor
XM5AK0 - - - - - Benzyl acetate
XM3RG6 - - - - - Butyl acetate
XM3AP0 - - - - - Cyclohexyl acetate
XM00H9 - - - - - Ethyl acetate
XM3MD8 - - - - - Isobutyl acetate
XM1EQ5 - - - - - Isopropyl acetate
XM27U4 - - - - - Methyl cyclohexyl acetate
XM6XW9 - - - - Acetonitrile
XM5HX1 - - - - Amyl formate
XM0QY7 - - - - Benzene
XM3TU9 - - - - - Benzene vapor
XM9UH2 - - - - - Diphenylmethane
XM2738 - - - - Benzene homologue
XM4214 - - - - - Butyltoluene
XM01R0 - - - - - Hexylresorcinol
XM50B6 - - - - - Hydroquinone
XM1N69 - - - - - - Hydroquinone vapor
XM00E9 - - - - - Toluene
XM0D44 - - - - - Xylene
XM0M80 - - - - Butyl butyrate
XM3XT7 - - - - Butyl formate
XM59Y7 - - - - Butyl lactate
XM3NC8 - - - - Butyl propionate
XM4DT3 - - - - Decahydronaphthalene
XM8R64 - - - - Dialkyl carbonate
XM77E6 - - - - - Ethyl carbonate
XM7CR8 - - - - - Methyl carbonate
XM38Z7 - - - - Dichlorhydrin
XM1JS5 - - - - Dimethyl sulfoxide
XM7MB5 - - - - Dimethylformamide
XM2XU7 - - - - Dioxane
XM1LN6 - - - - Dipentene
XM5L21 - - - - Epichlorhydrin
XM29X5 - - - - Ethyl benzoate
XM0N40 - - - - Ethyl ether nonmedicinal
XM6FX9 - - - - Ethyl formate
XM7TN8 - - - - Ethyl hydroxyisobutyrate
XM3NZ9 - - - - Ethyl lactate
XM6FQ2 - - - - Ethyl oxybutyrate
XM7QX9 - - - - Furfural
XM88S5 - - - - Glycol
XM55M8 - - - - - Diethylene glycol
XM3834 - - - - - - Diethylene glycol monoacetate
XM1A56 - - - - - - Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether
XM8XU3 - - - - - - Diethylene glycol monoethyl ether
XM1762 - - - - - Ethylene glycol
XM0WA9 - - - - - - Ethylene glycol dinitrate
XM8BF5 - - - - - - Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether
XM4E62 - - - - - - Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether
XM0C04 - - - - - - Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether
XM4QR6 - - - - Hexahydrobenzene
XM38W0 - - - - Isopropyl ether
XM9UX0 - - - - Ketones
XM7U59 - - - - - Acetone
XM0ES5 - - - - - - Nail polish remover
XM0AM0 - - - - - Acetophenone
XM1L02 - - - - - Cyclohexanone
XM9F73 - - - - - Diacetone alcohol
XM7KB7 - - - - - Hexanone
XM5E65 - - - - - Hydroxymethylpentanone
XM12H2 - - - - - Methyl acetate
XM9LD3 - - - - - Methyl acetone
XM5H65 - - - - - Methyl isobutyl ketone
XM6UK4 - - - - Methyl benzoate
XM4513 - - - - Methyl cyclohexane
XM91A0 - - - - Methyl cyclohexanone
XM5BM9 - - - - Methyl sulfate
XM5Y11 - - - - - Methyl sulfate fumes
XM5CA9 - - - - Nitropropane
XM0TB3 - - - - Petroleum
XM7MJ9 - - - - - Petroleum product
XM27Z5 - - - - - - Automobile fuel
XM7CM2 - - - - - - - Automobile fuel vapor
XM4RN1 - - - - - - - Gas oil
XM9A95 - - - - - - - - Diesel fuel
XM8WE9 - - - - - - - Gasoline
XM52C5 - - - - - - - - Gasohol
XM0FK9 - - - - - - - - Gasoline vapor
XM81T5 - - - - - - Coal tar fumes
XM6U93 - - - - - - Coal tar naphtha
XM2Q78 - - - - - - Kerosene
XM3QU8 - - - - - - - Kerosine vapor
XM3SU8 - - - - - - Mineral oil nonmedicinal
XM4NT9 - - - - - - - Lubricating oil
XM7CX7 - - - - - - Mineral spirits
XM2E62 - - - - - - - Naphtha vapor
XM8PX9 - - - - - - Paraffin wax
XM3ZG5 - - - - - - - Petrolatum nonmedicinal
XM9WJ0 - - - - - - Solid petroleum
XM4C94 - - - - - - Tar
XM5LE8 - - - - - - - Tar fumes
XM8AA6 - - - - - - Petroleum pesticide, not elsewhere classified
XM0B41 - - - - - Petroleum vapor
XM02T2 - - - - Phosphate solvent
XM2NF0 - - - - Pyridine
XM7TE7 - - - - - Pyridine vapor
XM5XP8 - - - - Tetrahydrofuran
XM2GY2 - - - - Tetralin
XM0W28 - - - - Organic solvents, not elsewhere classified
XM3U55 - - - - - Glue
XM0R56 - - - - - Lighter fluid
XM9B14 - - - - - Paint stripper
XM0KG9 - - - - - Polishing compound
XM39J1 - - - - - - Car polish
XM1545 - - - - - - Floor polish
XM2BC0 - - - - - - Furniture polish
XM1J33 - - - - - - Metal polish
XM5J78 - - - - - - - Silver polish
XM1P52 - - - - - - Porcelain polish
XM3JF2 - - - - - Polyester resin hardener
XM3EF0 - - - - - - Polyester resin hardener fumes
- - - Pesticide
XM6PM8 - - - - Dibromochloropropane
XM61U9 - - - - Dichloropropene
XM83G4 - - - - Fungicide
XM0MT5 - - - - - Auramine nonmedicinal
XM44B4 - - - - - Benzimidazole
XM9F10 - - - - - - Carbendazim
XM2WG5 - - - - - - Benomyl
XM0ZM1 - - - - - - Fuberidazole
XM7ZN0 - - - - - - Thiabendazole
XM7E92 - - - - - - Thiophanate-methyl
XM9051 - - - - - Blasticidin-S
XM6TA8 - - - - - Bordeaux mixture
XM3F05 - - - - - Captafol
XM9BL0 - - - - - Captan
XM75T2 - - - - - Chlorothalonil
XM21E5 - - - - - Cycloheximide
XM8E94 - - - - - Dichlone
XM3365 - - - - - Difenoconazole
XM5KQ8 - - - - - Dithiocarbamate
XM3TR4 - - - - - Edifenphos
XM04K8 - - - - - Folpet
XM4AW6 - - - - - Hexachlorobenzene
XM0HQ1 - - - - - Tetramethylthiuram disulfide
XM3JA8 - - - - - Zineb
XM6J29 - - - - Herbicide
XM3FE7 - - - - - Ammonium sulfamate
XM2RT5 - - - - - Bromoxynil
XM62D4 - - - - - Chloroacetic acid
XM3KU8 - - - - - Dalapon
XM3MM5 - - - - - Dicamba
XM5DH1 - - - - - Dichlobenil
XM9CD8 - - - - - 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
XM23C2 - - - - - Dinoseb
XM60K0 - - - - - - Dinoseb acetate
XM62Q7 - - - - - Dinoterb
XM1M07 - - - - - Diquat
XM5TV1 - - - - - Diuron
XM6KX6 - - - - - Endothall
XM50V7 - - - - - Glyphosate
XM88B4 - - - - - MCPA
XM6T93 - - - - - - MCPA-thioethyl
XM0CJ6 - - - - - Mecoprop
XM0QY2 - - - - - - Mecoprop-P
XM0TQ1 - - - - - Monuron
XM4SL8 - - - - - Paraquat
XM8J05 - - - - - Propachlor
XM66Q3 - - - - - Propanil
XM48M2 - - - - - Simazine
XM7KH8 - - - - - Sodium cacodylate herbicide
XM0MH9 - - - - - Triazine derivative herbicide, not elsewhere classified
XM7ML8 - - - - - Triazole
XM9MT5 - - - - - 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid
XM4PA4 - - - - - Carbamate herbicide, not elsewhere classified
XM3K66 - - - - Insecticide
XM0231 - - - - - Carbamate insecticide
XM0HS9 - - - - - - Aldicarb
XM0ZT6 - - - - - - Butocarboxim
XM4DS5 - - - - - - Butoxycarboxim
XM9G20 - - - - - - Carbaryl
XM7A68 - - - - - - Carbofuran
XM8FU1 - - - - - - Ethiofencarb
XM9HR4 - - - - - - Furathiocarb
XM9Y05 - - - - - - Methiocarb
XM2CU6 - - - - - - Methomyl
XM0DL6 - - - - - - Oxamyl
XM79F9 - - - - - - Propoxur
XM3358 - - - - - - Thiofanox
XM7LT1 - - - - - Cryolite
XM12C2 - - - - - DEET
XM4NG6 - - - - - Diflubenzuron
XM5S01 - - - - - Naphthalene
XM41B3 - - - - - Organochlorine insecticide
XM5Y08 - - - - - - Aldrin
XM12L2 - - - - - - Chlordane
XM7JD5 - - - - - - Chlorobenzilate
XM9EL1 - - - - - - DDT
XM1UT2 - - - - - - - DDE - [dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene]
XM3XK2 - - - - - - Paradichlorobenzene
XM2CK5 - - - - - - Dicofol
XM5U23 - - - - - - Dieldrin
XM5C19 - - - - - - Endosulfan
XM6ZU9 - - - - - - Endrin
XM2JS5 - - - - - - Heptachlor
XM5642 - - - - - - Isobenzan
XM4H89 - - - - - - Kelevan
XM16G7 - - - - - - Lindane
XM5NU4 - - - - - - Mirex
XM32P2 - - - - - - Pentachlorophenol
XM4FV5 - - - - - - Strobane
XM91D0 - - - - - - Toxaphene
XM7154 - - - - - Organophosphate insecticide
XM7RX0 - - - - - - Azinphos-ethyl
XM7H46 - - - - - - Azinphos-methyl
XM2JZ1 - - - - - - Cadusafos
XM8AZ4 - - - - - - Carbophenothion
XM3DK0 - - - - - - Chlorethoxyfos
XM20D7 - - - - - - Chlorfenvinphos
XM4RG9 - - - - - - Chlormephos
XM3QX6 - - - - - - Chlorpyrifos
XM5566 - - - - - - Chlorthion
XM2MP2 - - - - - - Chlorthiophos
XM8WL8 - - - - - - Coumaphos
XM6L87 - - - - - - Demephion
XM4WK8 - - - - - - - Demephion-O
XM8KA9 - - - - - - - Demephion-S
XM5F29 - - - - - - Demeton
XM4724 - - - - - - - Demeton-O
XM8LS8 - - - - - - - - Demeton-O-methyl
XM6UD3 - - - - - - - Demeton-S
XM8ZM3 - - - - - - - - Demeton-S-methyl
XM6AY4 - - - - - - Diazinon
XM26D3 - - - - - - Dicapthon
XM03V8 - - - - - - Dichlorvos
XM5UL4 - - - - - - Dicrotophos
XM5Q52 - - - - - - Dimefox
XM58G9 - - - - - - Dimethoate
XM56E1 - - - - - - Dimetilan
XM3494 - - - - - - Dioxathion
XM9SP5 - - - - - - Disulfoton
XM5BC5 - - - - - - EPN
XM7X81 - - - - - - Ethion
XM9F71 - - - - - - Ethoprophos
XM7818 - - - - - - Famphur
XM7SU5 - - - - - - Fenthion
XM5KA2 - - - - - - Fluorophosphate insecticide
XM7TZ6 - - - - - - Heptenophos
XM5G36 - - - - - - Hexaethyl tetraphosphate
XM5JS5 - - - - - - Isoxathion
XM6A89 - - - - - - Leptophos
XM0G23 - - - - - - Malathion insecticide
XM5406 - - - - - - Mecarbam
XM9R34 - - - - - - Mephosfolan
XM56W1 - - - - - - Methamidophos
XM83J2 - - - - - - Methidathion
XM8ZT2 - - - - - - Mevinphos
XM4197 - - - - - - Mipafox
XM27J3 - - - - - - Monocrotophos
XM0US9 - - - - - - Naled
XM2D86 - - - - - - Omethoate
XM48D2 - - - - - - Oxydemeton-methyl
XM7LW0 - - - - - - Paraoxon
XM14N6 - - - - - - Parathion
XM1YY0 - - - - - - Parathion-methyl
XM20V2 - - - - - - Phorate
XM2324 - - - - - - Phosfolan
XM3QY4 - - - - - - Phosphamidon
XM6YG2 - - - - - - Propetamphos
XM7GK7 - - - - - - Prothoate
XM7UW2 - - - - - - Quinalphos
XM0TB4 - - - - - - Schradan
XM1E56 - - - - - - Sulfotep
XM7LH6 - - - - - - Tebupirimfos
XM6P90 - - - - - - TEPP
XM2QB5 - - - - - - Terbufos
XM72Q5 - - - - - - Thiometon
XM4T49 - - - - - - Thionazin
XM2AH6 - - - - - - Triazophos
XM9H59 - - - - - - Trichlorfon
XM13H5 - - - - - - Trichloronate
XM9FN4 - - - - - - Vamidothion
XM5EB8 - - - - - Phenothiazine insecticide
XM4AP8 - - - - - Pyrethroid insecticide
XM27C9 - - - - - - Allethrin insecticide
XM79U4 - - - - - - Bifenthrin
XM7YT2 - - - - - - Cyfluthrin
XM8HR7 - - - - - - Cyhalothrin
XM1MQ5 - - - - - - Cypermethrin
XM3Y88 - - - - - - Cyphenothrin
XM3BQ7 - - - - - - Deltamethrin
XM76R8 - - - - - - Esfenvalerate
XM1Z58 - - - - - - Fenpropathrin
XM9JZ0 - - - - - - Fenvalerate
XM6H26 - - - - - - Flucythrinate
XM7461 - - - - - - Permethrin
XM4AC0 - - - - - - Prallethrin
XM5QE0 - - - - - - Tefluthrin
XM1MW0 - - - - - - Tetramethrin
XM2H33 - - - - - - Tralomethrin
XM1S21 - - - - - Rotenone
XM5RR4 - - - - - Sodium selenate
XM95F1 - - - - Metaldehyde
XM0NK1 - - - - Methyl bromide
XM6FE7 - - - - Piperonyl butoxide
XM2KK3 - - - - Rodenticide
XM8UV3 - - - - - Alpha chlorhydrin
XM4X40 - - - - - Alpha naphthylthiourea
XM7138 - - - - - Brodifacoum
XM7RU0 - - - - - Bromadiolone
XM3QV7 - - - - - Bromethalin
XM1GN8 - - - - - Chloralose
XM1FD8 - - - - - Chlorophacinone
XM0DK0 - - - - - Coumatetralyl
XM3KE1 - - - - - Crimidine
XM9VL9 - - - - - Difenacoum
XM6DL4 - - - - - Difethialone
XM4J38 - - - - - Diphacinone
XM7HA0 - - - - - Flocoumafen
XM7P90 - - - - - Fluoroacetamide
XM2WD6 - - - - - Norbormide
XM4116 - - - - - Pindone
XM8QH8 - - - - - Pyriminil
XM9LE1 - - - - - Sodium fluoroacetate
XM8LJ0 - - - - - Warfarin rodenticide
XM6BS1 - - - - Tetradifon
XM6372 - - - - Acaricide, not elsewhere classified
XM8V89 - - - - Fumigant, not elsewhere classified
XM0ZQ8 - - - - Molluscicide, not elsewhere classified
XM5E09 - - - - Organochlorine pesticide, not elsewhere classified
XM8HA3 - - - - Seed disinfectant, not elsewhere classified
XM86Y5 - - - - Sulfur pesticide, not elsewhere classified
XM0J68 - - - - Thiocarbamate pesticides, not elsewhere classified
XM86L9 - - - - Wood preservative, not elsewhere classified
XM19R2 - - - Other gases, fumes and vapours
XM8XZ6 - - - - Carbon dioxide
XM57J2 - - - - - Carbon dioxide (gas)
XM1XE3 - - - - - Carbon dioxide nonmedicinal
XM12F1 - - - - - Carbonic acid gas
XM4JF3 - - - - - Choke damp
XM0GT6 - - - - Chlorine gas
XM11Y6 - - - - - Chlorine (fumes) (gas)
XM2MA5 - - - - - Chlorine compound gas
XM1LA8 - - - - - Chlorine disinfectant
XM8UV5 - - - - - Chlorine releasing agents
XM7KT8 - - - - Fluorine gas and hydrogen fluoride
XM9SB2 - - - - - Fluorine (gas)
XM34T7 - - - - - Hydrogen Fluoride vapor
XM0E33 - - - - - Hydrogen Fluoride
XM0TV9 - - - - Formaldehyde
XM7FL0 - - - - Hydrogen sulfide
XM9J47 - - - - - Hexahydrocresol sulfide (gas)
XM2QY7 - - - - - Hydrogen sulfureted
XM0TK3 - - - - - Hydrosulfuric acid (gas)
XM89G0 - - - - - Sulfur, sulfurated, sulfuric, sulfurous, sulfuryl hydrogen
XM2JX3 - - - - Lacrimogenic gas
XM9FN5 - - - - - Bromobenzylcyanide
XM2N89 - - - - - Chloroacetone
XM7J14 - - - - - Chloroacetophenone
XM41V6 - - - - - Ethyl iodoacetate
XM3RL0 - - - - - Mace
XM6RK9 - - - - - Methyl chloroformate
XM1N99 - - - - - Tear gas
XM69M3 - - - - Nitrogen oxides
XM05F4 - - - - - Fumes nitrogen dioxide
XM4HQ2 - - - - - Nitric oxide (gas)
XM3K31 - - - - - Nitrogen
XM8265 - - - - Other specified gases, fumes and vapors
XM3FZ1 - - - - - Acetylene (gas)
XM4WQ6 - - - - - Acetylene industrial
XM2QW2 - - - - - Acridine vapor
XM2MJ1 - - - - - Acrolein gas
XM8TY3 - - - - - Anticholinesterase organophosphorus nerve gas
XM5RN3 - - - - - Brake fluid vapor
XM3GS6 - - - - - Bromine vapor
XM4653 - - - - - Butane (distributed in mobile container)
XM5YY4 - - - - - Butane distributed through pipes
XM0780 - - - - - Cholinergic organophosphorus nerve gas
XM03H6 - - - - - Combustion gas prior to combustion
XM1926 - - - - - Cordite vapor
XM3KE4 - - - - - Cyanic acid
XM1ZE4 - - - - - Cyanogen
XM1293 - - - - - - Cyanogen chloride
XM8Z33 - - - - - Diazomethane (gas)
XM70H1 - - - - - Diborane (gas)
XM6UG7 - - - - - Dichloroethyl sulfide, not in war
XM4VA2 - - - - - Dichloroformoxine, not in war
XM8TX4 - - - - - Dimethyl sulfate (fumes)
XM54Q3 - - - - - Dinitrobenzene vapor
XM5E70 - - - - - Dinitrobenzol vapor
XM2D42 - - - - - Domestic gas prior to combustion
XM7Q61 - - - - - Dynamite fumes
XM0YQ4 - - - - - Ethidium chloride (vapor)
XM3NP4 - - - - - Ethyl aldehyde (vapor)
XM1947 - - - - - Ethylene (gas)
XM4G15 - - - - - Ethylene oxide (fumigant) (nonmedicinal)
XM5EU1 - - - - - Ferrovanadium (fumes)
XM1D37 - - - - - Firedamp
XM6SY2 - - - - - Formic acid vapor
XM10H0 - - - - - Fuel gas (domestic use)
XM5SJ4 - - - - - Fumes hydrocarbons petroleum (liquefied)
XM4206 - - - - - Fumes hydrocarbons petroleum distributed through pipes (pure or mixed with air)
XM9E95 - - - - - Fumes hydrocarbons
XM9UJ9 - - - - - Fumes petroleum (liquefied)
XM8RL1 - - - - - Fumes petroleum distributed through pipes (pure or mixed with air)
XM2E87 - - - - - Fumes specified source
XM7SF9 - - - - - Gas from utility prior to combustion
XM36M2 - - - - - Gas fuel prior to combustion
XM2A91 - - - - - Gas fuel utility in mobile container
XM1Y24 - - - - - Gas fuel utility piped (natural)
XM9BP0 - - - - - Gas fuel utility
XM9PG2 - - - - - Gas hydrocarbon liquefied piped
XM7NA5 - - - - - Gas illuminating prior to combustion
XM8W95 - - - - - Gas natural
XM6SU6 - - - - - Gas petroleum (liquefied) (distributed in mobile containers)
XM30B7 - - - - - Gas petroleum piped (pure or mixed with air)
XM1AB4 - - - - - Gas piped (manufactured) (natural)
XM3SK6 - - - - - Gas stove prior to combustion
XM7ZU7 - - - - - Gas utility (for cooking, heating, or lighting) (piped)
XM6AM7 - - - - - Gas utility in mobile container
XM6S02 - - - - - Gas utility piped (natural)
XM0JJ6 - - - - - Helium (nonmedicinal)
XM7PQ5 - - - - - Hexahydrocresol Fluoride vapor
XM19D2 - - - - - Hydrocarbon gas liquefied (mobile container)
XM5FR5 - - - - - Hydrocarbon gas liquefied piped (natural)
XM5LN6 - - - - - Hydrocarbon gas
XM6QZ3 - - - - - Hydrochloric acid vapor
XM01U9 - - - - - Hydrofluoric acid vapor
XM8ZY7 - - - - - Hydrogen
XM2BH5 - - - - - Industrial fumes
XM74J0 - - - - - Iodine vapor
XM8E69 - - - - - Liquefied petroleum gases piped (pure or mixed with air)
XM53K7 - - - - - Liquefied petroleum gases
XM3HC1 - - - - - Marsh gas
XM56Q2 - - - - - Methane
XM4984 - - - - - Methanethiol
XM29D2 - - - - - Methyl chloride (gas)
XM4FU5 - - - - - Methyl mercaptan
XM16X6 - - - - - Mustard gas, not in war
XM6BD0 - - - - - Natural gas (piped)
XM5CC8 - - - - - Nitric acid vapor
XM8M07 - - - - - Nitroaniline vapor
XM6QY4 - - - - - Nitrous acid fumes
XM60X6 - - - - - Oil fumes
XM54H2 - - - - - Ozone
XM1XL9 - - - - - Paint fumes
XM91W5 - - - - - Phosgene (gas)
XM3D40 - - - - - Polyester fumes
XM1663 - - - - - Polytetrafluoroethylene (inhaled)
XM76Q9 - - - - - Propane (distributed in mobile container)
XM8W69 - - - - - Propane distributed through pipes
XM8242 - - - - - Propylene
XM1418 - - - - - Refrigerant gas not chlorofluorocarbon
XM4HH9 - - - - - Selenium fumes
XM9N00 - - - - - Smoke
XM0G86 - - - - - Sternutator gas
XM2ZH0 - - - - - Sulfur, sulfurated, sulfuric, sulfurous, sulfuryl vapor
XM7S87 - - - - - Toluidine vapor
XM7UY4 - - - - - Vapor specified source
XM4TP4 - - - - - Ammonia
XM2KS4 - - - - - - Ammonia liquid
XM0Z74 - - - - Sulfur dioxide
XM9DN4 - - - - - Fumes sulfur dioxide
XM4GL5 - - - - - Sulfur, sulfurated, sulfuric, sulfurous, sulfuryl dioxide (gas)
XM6QK6 - - - - - Smog
XM2658 - - - - Unspecified gases, fumes and vapors
XM4BF3 - - - - - Fumes (from)
XM14S7 - - - - - Gas
XM77G3 - - - - - Gas air contaminants, source or type not specified
XM7VB4 - - - - - Gas specified source
XM28D3 - - - - - Lung irritant (gas)
XM61G0 - - - - - Nerve gas, not in war
XM1EM9 - - - - - Sewer gas
XM8GC9 - - - - - Vapor
XM9P39 - - - - Chlorinated naphthalene vapor
XM0386 - - - - Carbon tetrachloride vapor
XM5VH9 - - - - Chlorodinitrobenzene vapor
XM1GP5 - - - - Chloroform vapor
XM5S30 - - - - Chloronitrobenzene vapor
XM7EF6 - - - - Dichloromethane vapor
XM5HK4 - - - - Ethylene chlorohydrin vapor
XM8QX0 - - - - Ethylene dichloride vapor
XM07J5 - - - - Lindane vapor
XM4N54 - - - - Tetrachloroethane vapor
XM86D7 - - - - Tetrachloroethylene vapor
XM7YS9 - - - - Trichloroethylene vapor
XM4JN8 - - - Inorganic substance
XM2KQ2 - - - - Arsenic
XM2HS5 - - - - - Arsenic trioxide
XM00Z1 - - - - - Arsine
XM0DR1 - - - - - Cacodyl
XM6C50 - - - - - Cacodylic acid
XM1BL4 - - - - - Chlorovinyldichloroarsine
XM8SC0 - - - - - Copper arsenic complex
XM9YA9 - - - - - Diphenylchlorarsine
XM1AE2 - - - - - Ethyl dichloroarsine
XM8LC6 - - - - - Lead arsenate
XM3M96 - - - - - Lead arsenite
XM4TW8 - - - - - Potassium arsenite
XM32L9 - - - - - Realgar
XM7H00 - - - - - Sodium arsenate
XM7Y18 - - - - - Sodium arsenite
XM4GU5 - - - - - Arsenic pesticide, not elsewhere classified
XM53B3 - - - - Asbestos
XM8SU1 - - - - Barium nonmedicinal
XM3709 - - - - - Barium carbonate
XM5DL6 - - - - - Barium chloride
XM38G1 - - - - - Barium sulfite
XM8QL6 - - - - Borane complex
XM2BF4 - - - - Boron
XM3FZ9 - - - - - Boron hydride
XM5AP1 - - - - - Boron trifluoride
XM0XT5 - - - - Calcium dichromate
XM4QG2 - - - - Chloramine
XM5JW5 - - - - Decaborane
XM74T0 - - - - - Decaborane fumes
XM97M0 - - - - Hydrogen chloride
XM3FY4 - - - - Manganese
XM9ZR0 - - - - - Manganese dioxide
XM2AZ6 - - - - Phosphorus
XM3G46 - - - - - Phosphine
XM5789 - - - - Potassium dichromate
XM2SG3 - - - - Potassium Fluoride
XM2G85 - - - - Potassium nitrate
XM5XL5 - - - - Sodium bichromate
XM63D7 - - - Other noxious substances eaten as food
XM2EE6 - - - - Other specified noxious substances eaten as food
XM1GJ1 - - - - - Bitter almond oil
XM44A4 - - - - - Bone meal
XM9KW2 - - - - - Coffee
XM27P1 - - - - - Food, foodstuffs, noxious, nonbacterial, specified
XM4L77 - - - - - Meat, noxious
XM72V3 - - - - - Noxious foodstuff specified
XM3PV6 - - - - - Pyrrolizidine alkaloids
XM0MG0 - - - - Unspecified noxious substance eaten as food
XM2BC3 - - - - - Food, foodstuffs, noxious, nonbacterial, not elsewhere classified
XM43R9 - - - - - Noxious foodstuff
XM77G6 - - - - Fungi, noxious, used as food
XM00E5 - - - - Claviceps purpurea
XM1MM9 - - - Soaps and detergents
XM1R23 - - - - Other Detergents
XM0XA8 - - - - - Detergent nonmedicinal
XM0Q00 - - - - - Detergent specified
XM8B44 - - - - - Soap (powder) (product)
XM4M69 - - - - - Sodium perborate soap
XM41L6 - - - - - Soft soap
XM8VR0 - - - - - Shampoo
XM0QV0 - - - Unspecified venoms and toxins
XM7FH1 - - - - Tetradotoxin
XM0NF6 - - - Animal toxins, venoms, and poisons
XM26J2 - - - - Amphibian toxin
XM0KH6 - - - - - Frog toxin
XM0CW7 - - - - - - Bruno’s casque headed frog venom
XM8QW3 - - - - - - Greening's frog venom
XM7JP5 - - - - - - Poison dart frog poison
XM4BD8 - - - - - - - Golden poison frog poison
XM6K27 - - - - - - - Anthony's poison arrow frog poison
XM7JV0 - - - - - - - Strawberry poison dart frog poison
XM9TX1 - - - - - - - Kokoe poison frog poison
XM2698 - - - - - - - Black legged poison frog poison
XM7P83 - - - - - Salamander toxin
XM93N2 - - - - - - Newt toxin
XM7YQ1 - - - - - Toad toxin
XM8YT6 - - - - - - Colorado River toad toxin
XM54D9 - - - - - - Marine toad toxin
XM7930 - - - - Arthropod venom
XM12G1 - - - - - Arachnid venom
XM9DM8 - - - - - - Scorpion venom
XM0HC0 - - - - - - - Asian black scorpion venom
XM8F59 - - - - - - - - Black emperor scorpion venom
XM52D7 - - - - - - - - Giant forest scorpion venom
XM72V7 - - - - - - - Australian forest scorpion venom
XM10T2 - - - - - - - Australian urodacus scorpion venom
XM48S4 - - - - - - - - Australian black rock scorpion venom
XM10R0 - - - - - - - - Australian desert scorpion venom
XM0YV3 - - - - - - - - Australian marbled scorpion venom
XM3HL0 - - - - - - - Bark scorpion venom
XM2HW7 - - - - - - - Brazilian yellow scorpion venom
XM12P5 - - - - - - - Chinese scorpion venom
XM5QE7 - - - - - - - Common yellow scorpion venom
XM0E23 - - - - - - - Death stalker scorpion venom
XM95A6 - - - - - - - Fattail scorpion venom
XM91Z5 - - - - - - - Flat rock scorpion venom
XM67X5 - - - - - - - Indian red scorpion venom
XM11L8 - - - - - - - Lesser Asian scorpion venom
XM1WF9 - - - - - - - Transvaal thick tailed scorpion venom
XM8XC7 - - - - - - - Yellow creeping leg scorpion venom
XM6NN5 - - - - - - Spider venom
XM2RM6 - - - - - - - Brown recluse spider venom
XM6SD4 - - - - - - - False widow spider venom
XM3KD6 - - - - - - - Funnel web spider venom
XM57S7 - - - - - - - Hobo spider venom
XM0C68 - - - - - - - Jumping spider venom
XM1LF5 - - - - - - - Mouse spider venom
XM6QH2 - - - - - - - Six eyed sand spider venom
XM8095 - - - - - - - Tarantula spider venom
XM8FT7 - - - - - - - Wandering spider venom
XM7JS2 - - - - - - - Widow spider venom
XM7M21 - - - - - - - - Black widow spider venom
XM9Z42 - - - - - - - - Brown widow spider venom
XM1TF6 - - - - - - - - Redback spider venom
XM2JA0 - - - - - - - - Red widow spider venom
XM2WM2 - - - - - - - Wolf spider venom
XM3UW9 - - - - - - - Yellow sac spider venom
XM94S4 - - - - - - Tick venom
XM7WR0 - - - - - - - American dog tick venom
XM51Y1 - - - - - - - Australian paralysis tick venom
XM3J29 - - - - - - - Brown dog tick venom
XM77E1 - - - - - - - Deer tick venom
XM5RS1 - - - - - - - Lone star tick venom
XM8YN1 - - - - - - - Spinose ear tick venom
XM6TD6 - - - - - Centipede venom
XM5LB1 - - - - - - Amazonian giant centipede venom
XM52L4 - - - - - - Australian giant centipede venom
XM9FP1 - - - - - - Texas redheaded centipede venom
XM2WU4 - - - - - - Vietnamese centipede venom
XM50Y9 - - - - - Insect venom
XM3Y95 - - - - - - Ant venom
XM4CP1 - - - - - - - Bull ant venom
XM02L8 - - - - - - - Bullet ant venom
XM3UK8 - - - - - - - Fire ant venom
XM1547 - - - - - - - Harvester ant venom
XM5ZS2 - - - - - - - Jack jumper ant venom
XM13H7 - - - - - - Bee venom
XM1GA3 - - - - - - - Africanized honey bee venom
XM0NK4 - - - - - - - Bumblebee venom
XM42T0 - - - - - - - Honey bee venom
XM1142 - - - - - - Caterpillar venom
XM2T44 - - - - - - - Cup moth caterpillar venom
XM57P9 - - - - - - - Puss caterpillar venom
XM7D92 - - - - - - Horsefly venom
XM2YA4 - - - - - - Wasp venom
XM6D92 - - - - - - - Yellow jacket venom
XM1PF5 - - - - - - - Paper wasp venom
XM31U2 - - - - - - - Hornet venom
XM7CC3 - - - - - - - - Asian giant hornet venom
XM4C00 - - - - - Millipede toxin
XM0HS8 - - - - Bird toxin
XM5V29 - - - - - Ifrita bird toxin
XM5Y38 - - - - - Pitohui bird toxin
XM35H6 - - - - Mammal toxin
XM27R8 - - - - - Platypus venom
XM8EC2 - - - - - Shrew venom
XM9R52 - - - - - Slow loris venom
XM67Y0 - - - - - Solenodon venom
XM6NB8 - - - - - Vampire bat venom
XM2P96 - - - - Marine and freshwater animal toxins
XM99J1 - - - - - Marine and freshwater animal venom
XM2GR5 - - - - - - Blue ringed octopus venom
XM56D3 - - - - - - Brittle star venom
XM0CW4 - - - - - - Coral venom
XM65N5 - - - - - - - Fire coral venom
XM0R26 - - - - - - - Soft coral venom
XM05Z4 - - - - - - Fish venom
XM0UJ4 - - - - - - - Cobbler fish venom
XM6643 - - - - - - - Dogfish shark venom
XM3DB5 - - - - - - - Ghost shark venom
XM5FP5 - - - - - - - Goblinfish venom
XM4CL4 - - - - - - - Lionfish venom
XM17D1 - - - - - - - Rabbitfish venom
XM5V26 - - - - - - - Scorpionfish venom
XM73V9 - - - - - - - Stargazer fish venom
XM7P10 - - - - - - - Stingray venom
XM8P00 - - - - - - - Stonefish venom
XM83T2 - - - - - - - Striped blenny fish venom
XM0784 - - - - - - - Striped eel catfish venom
XM33N5 - - - - - - - Toadfish venom
XM0U57 - - - - - - - Waspfish venom
XM1VW1 - - - - - - - Weeverfish venom
XM9YA3 - - - - - - Jellyfish venom
XM4057 - - - - - - - Box jellyfish venom
XM0ZB2 - - - - - - - - Irukandji jellyfish venom
XM87R6 - - - - - - - - Sea wasp venom
XM6PY9 - - - - - - - Lion's mane jellyfish venom
XM8EA9 - - - - - - - Sea nettle venom
XM6S92 - - - - - - Portuguese man o war venom
XM41L4 - - - - - - Sea anemone venom
XM2HU5 - - - - - - Sea cucumber venom
XM2M75 - - - - - - Sea urchin venom
XM48L3 - - - - - - Snail venom
XM7A02 - - - - - - Starfish venom
XM3X53 - - - - - - - Crown of thorns starfish venom
XM3BZ7 - - - - - Seafood poison
XM1KF5 - - - - - - Crab oral poison
XM7V29 - - - - - - Fish oral poison
XM1DD9 - - - - - - - Ciguatera fish oral poison
XM7N43 - - - - - - - Greenland shark oral poison
XM33K2 - - - - - - - Puffer fish oral poison
XM74Y6 - - - - - - - Scombroid fish oral poison
XM40D3 - - - - - - - Toadfish oral poison
XM5QW5 - - - - - - Sea cucumber oral poison
XM51R6 - - - - - - Sea snail oral poison
XM7VB5 - - - - - - Shellfish oral poison
XM3XQ0 - - - - - - - Oyster oral poison
XM3S96 - - - - - - - Clam oral poison
XM3KC2 - - - - - - - Scallop oral poison
XM41B9 - - - - - - - Mussel oral poison
XM7DB8 - - - - - - Turtle oral poison
XM2YA1 - - - - - - - Box turtle oral poison
XM1C12 - - - - - - - Green sea turtle oral poison
XM0RH0 - - - - - - - Hawksbill sea turtle oral poison
XM2X61 - - - - Reptile venom
XM4RP9 - - - - - Lizard venom
XM5HY6 - - - - - - Beaded lizard venom
XM7HD4 - - - - - - Gila monster lizard venom
XM4KN1 - - - - - Snake venom
XM6UB3 - - - - - - Sea snake venom
XM8DS9 - - - - - - Terrestrial snake venom
XM6CL7 - - - - - - - American copperhead snake venom
XM3DZ2 - - - - - - - Australian black snake venom
XM1FY9 - - - - - - - Australian copperhead snake venom
XM0RN4 - - - - - - - Boomslang snake venom
XM5MD7 - - - - - - - Brown snake venom
XM2650 - - - - - - - Bushmaster snake venom
XM1R49 - - - - - - - Cobra snake venom
XM4760 - - - - - - - - Egyptian cobra snake venom
XM6052 - - - - - - - - Indian cobra snake venom
XM0W24 - - - - - - - - King cobra snake venom
XM5F28 - - - - - - - - Spitting cobra snake venom
XM7LZ0 - - - - - - - - - Black necked spitting cobra snake venom
XM69M0 - - - - - - - - - Javan spitting cobra snake venom
XM2B16 - - - - - - - - - Red spitting cobra snake venom
XM4WV8 - - - - - - - Coral snake venom
XM59V3 - - - - - - - Cottonmouth snake venom
XM8DE0 - - - - - - - Death adder snake venom
XM2RJ2 - - - - - - - Gaboon viper snake venom
XM6LU5 - - - - - - - Horned desert viper snake venom
XM7WL0 - - - - - - - Hump nosed pit viper snake venom
XM7TD0 - - - - - - - Krait snake venom
XM2RD0 - - - - - - - - Banded krait snake venom
XM5J22 - - - - - - - - Common krait snake venom
XM7JF1 - - - - - - - Lancehead snake venom
XM9Y58 - - - - - - - - Fer de lance snake venom
XM9JL4 - - - - - - - Mamba snake venom
XM2SH0 - - - - - - - - Black mamba snake venom
XM1RM0 - - - - - - - - Green mamba snake venom
XM8E53 - - - - - - - - Jameson's mamba snake venom
XM81Z8 - - - - - - - Mole viper snake venom
XM3G20 - - - - - - - Moorish viper snake venom
XM69F1 - - - - - - - Night adder snake venom
XM4R63 - - - - - - - Puff adder snake venom
XM1504 - - - - - - - Rattlesnake venom
XM3RE1 - - - - - - - - Diamondback rattlesnake venom
XM1RY2 - - - - - - - - Mojave rattlesnake venom
XM8MU5 - - - - - - - - Prairie rattlesnake venom
XM8FP0 - - - - - - - - Sidewinder rattlesnake venom
XM2P01 - - - - - - - - Timber rattlesnake venom
XM8JD0 - - - - - - - Russell viper snake venom
XM8LJ1 - - - - - - - Saw scaled viper snake venom
XM4SM0 - - - - - - - Taipan snake venom
XM7XU4 - - - - - - - - Central ranges taipan snake venom
XM5T51 - - - - - - - - Coastal taipan snake venom
XM7NG4 - - - - - - - - Inland taipan snake venom
XM23U8 - - - - - - - Tiger snake venom
XM7S46 - - - Carbon disulfide
XM71B6 - - - - Carbon bisulfide (liquid)
XM8Y10 - - - - Carbon bisulfide vapor
XM8BD9 - - - - Carbon disulfide (liquid)
XM4WF4 - - - - Carbon disulfide vapor
XM15W5 - - - - Varnish
XM3HX8 - - - Cyanide
XM9R22 - - - - Aliphatic thiocyanates
XM42L1 - - - - Calcium cyanide
XM8WA4 - - - - Hydrogen cyanide
XM0YF6 - - - - Isocyanate
XM4QN2 - - - - Methyl isothiocyanate
XM1VD7 - - - - Potassium cyanide
XM1AZ9 - - - - Sodium cyanide
XM36N4 - - - - Toluene diisocyanate
XM1HF9 - - - - Cyanides, not elswhere classified
XM77X3 - - - - Cyanide pesticide, not elsewhere classified
XM83H3 - - - Nitroderivatives and aminoderivatives of benzene and its homologues
XM76E2 - - - - Aniline (dye) (liquid)
XM0061 - - - - Aniline vapor
XM3R71 - - - - Anisidine
XM1UP9 - - - - Azobenzene
XM8WY2 - - - - Binitrobenzol
XM76A0 - - - - Dichlorobenzidine
XM1ZR2 - - - - Dinitro (-ortho-)cresol (pesticide) (spray)
XM11G0 - - - - Dinitrobenzene
XM59R7 - - - - Dinitrobenzol
XM95M5 - - - - Dinitrocyclohexylphenol
XM73Y7 - - - - Dinitrophenol
XM2732 - - - - Diphenylamine
XM9YX2 - - - - Dynamite
XM33M0 - - - - Methoxyaniline
XM9JR4 - - - - Methyl aminophenol
XM8LQ7 - - - - Nitramine
XM0179 - - - - Nitroaniline
XM2VA4 - - - - Nitrobenzene, nitrobenzol vapor
XM2W93 - - - - Nitrobenzene, nitrobenzol
XM6GM2 - - - - Nitrobiphenyl
XM1MY0 - - - - Nitrosodimethylamine
XM5F24 - - - - Nitrotoluene, nitrotoluol vapor
XM6EB1 - - - - Nitrotoluene, nitrotoluol
XM1E24 - - - - Phenylenediamine
XM9BN0 - - - - Phenylhydrazine
XM9ZV3 - - - - Tetryl
XM1X35 - - - - TNT (fumes)
XM67F1 - - - - Toluylenediamine
XM4B36 - - - - Trinitrobenzol
XM3XM3 - - - - Trinitrophenol
XM28H3 - - - - Trinitrotoluene (fumes)
XM4QP9 - - - Paints and dyes, not elsewhere classified
XM9UE9 - - - - Acridine
XM6QA5 - - - - Cochineal
XM4UG8 - - - - Disperse dyes
XM8N87 - - - - Dye
XM5C83 - - - - Lacquer
XM3XK0 - - - - Oil colors
XM3L66 - - - - Paint
XM8TB2 - - - - Stains
XM5421 - - - Strychnine and its salts
XM7134 - - - - Brucine
XM33X3 - - - - Nux vomica
XM1YV1 - - - - Strychnine nonmedicinal
XM9JS2 - - - - - Strychnine rodenticide
- - - Other substances
XM34D2 - - - - Acetic anhydride
XM5LS4 - - - - Acrylamide
XM23N0 - - - - Acrylonitrile
XM06T5 - - - - Adhesive
XM3NH9 - - - - Aerosol spray
XM1SE1 - - - - Agricultural agent
XM55V2 - - - - Air contaminant, source or type
XM9TZ4 - - - - Algae toxin
XM9RM0 - - - - Amyl propionate
XM9WX0 - - - - Benzidine
XM5W16 - - - - Bergamot oil
XM0TX8 - - - - Bismuth salts, nonmedicinal compounds
XM4FU3 - - - - Chemical substance
XM5U09 - - - - Cleaner, cleansing agent, type not specified
XM5NJ3 - - - - Cordite
XM1MN2 - - - - Diethylhexylphthalate
XM71L2 - - - - Dimethyl sulfate liquid
XM7DD6 - - - - Disinfectant
XM23X0 - - - - Epoxy resin
XM10X3 - - - - Fertilizers
XM8SN2 - - - - Fiberglass
XM40T8 - - - - Glutaral nonmedicinal
XM82T7 - - - - Grease
XM0AR7 - - - - Guano
XM41V2 - - - - Horticulture agent
XM4JN9 - - - - Ingested substance
XM6HZ8 - - - - Ink
XM2D79 - - - - Isophorone
XM80Q0 - - - - Jamaica ginger
XM1S15 - - - - Liquid specified
XM7ZP0 - - - - Liquid substance
XM9814 - - - - Liquor creosolis compositus
XM5H13 - - - - Methyl acrylate
XM0WH6 - - - - Methyl hydrazine
XM7BT1 - - - - Methyl iodide
XM34R5 - - - - Monosodium glutamate
XM31J1 - - - - Myristicin
XM1KX0 - - - - Naphthol
XM6PE4 - - - - Naphthylamine
XM4PQ8 - - - - Nitrocellulose
XM8B47 - - - - Nitrocellulose lacquer
XM7GP0 - - - - Nitronaphthalene
XM8ZH7 - - - - Oil (of)
XM59S9 - - - - Polybrominated biphenyls
XM1FQ3 - - - - Permanganate
XM5WL7 - - - - Phosphate
XM5B21 - - - - Phthalates
XM5380 - - - - Phthalic anhydride
XM19G9 - - - - Pine oil disinfectant
XM16M2 - - - - Pitch
XM3GN2 - - - - Plant food or fertilizer
XM7SK3 - - - - Poison
XM9YX3 - - - - Polish abrasive
XM7EN6 - - - - Potassium chlorate
XM2Q39 - - - - Potassium ferric hexacyanoferrate nonmedicinal
XM03N8 - - - - Potassium oxalate
XM95X4 - - - - Potassium perchlorate (nonmedicinal)
XM3VC7 - - - - Potassium Permanganate (nonmedicinal)
XM3DS3 - - - - Preservative (nonmedicinal)
XM2FV2 - - - - Prussian blue commercial
XM1MV4 - - - - Psoralen (nonmedicinal)
XM8BX8 - - - - Reducing agent, industrial
XM6ZJ9 - - - - Resorcin, resorcinol (nonmedicinal)
XM5151 - - - - Scouring powder
XM9KE6 - - - - Silicone
XM9GW2 - - - - Sodium bisulfate
XM9EQ8 - - - - Sodium chromate
XM8FM5 - - - - Sodium metasilicate
XM7FZ2 - - - - Sodium nitrate, oxidising agent
XM6CB1 - - - - Sodium oxalate
XM5M78 - - - - Sodium oxide or peroxide
XM25T4 - - - - Sodium perborate, nonmedicinal
XM6F66 - - - - Soldering fluid
XM9ET5 - - - - Solid substance specified
XM6QM4 - - - - Solid substance
XM8694 - - - - Spray cosmetic
XM5V50 - - - - Styrene
XM7EL5 - - - - Tartaric acid
XM6826 - - - - Thioglycolic acid
XM4LL8 - - - - Toilet deodorizer
XM7FG4 - - - - Toluidine
XM5NA2 - - - - Triorthocresyl phosphate
XM1986 - - - - Triphenylphosphate
XM3FJ3 - - - - Vinyl acetate
XM6A87 - - - - Vinyl bromide
XM9WW6 - - - - Whitewash
XM5FV8 - - - - Window cleaning fluid
XM7U05 - - - - Paratertiary butylphenol formaldehyde resin
XM14Q4 - - - - Ethylidene diacetate
XM74S8 - - - Poisonous mushrooms
XM0366 - - - - Agaricus xanthodermus mushroom
XM7P94 - - - - Amanita mushroom
XM82H0 - - - - - Amanita bisporigera mushroom
XM5911 - - - - - Amanita hygroscopica mushroom
XM91N3 - - - - - Amanita muscaria mushroom
XM8MF4 - - - - - Amanita ocreata mushroom
XM6HP7 - - - - - Amanita phalloides mushroom
XM4NS6 - - - - - Amanita pantherina mushroom
XM23X2 - - - - - Amanita pseudoporphyria hongo mushroom
XM2HH5 - - - - - Amanita suballiacea mushroom
XM3VN8 - - - - - Amanita smithiana mushroom
XM5039 - - - - - Amanita tenuifolia mushroom
XM0G40 - - - - - Amanita verna mushroom
XM1DV5 - - - - - Amanita virosa mushroom
XM2FU2 - - - - Clitocybe mushroom
XM2BD5 - - - - - Clitocybe rivulosa mushroom
XM9BX0 - - - - Conocybe filaris mushroom
XM4CB0 - - - - Cortinarius mushroom
XM85A8 - - - - - Cortinarius rubellus mushroom
XM9TZ1 - - - - - Cortinarius orellanus mushroom
XM2BB9 - - - - - Cortinarius speciosissimus mushroom
XM1LD8 - - - - Galerina mushroom
XM3YW3 - - - - - Galerina autumnalis mushroom
XM6W91 - - - - - Galerina fasciculata mushroom
XM7NR0 - - - - - Galerina marginata mushroom
XM24L3 - - - - - Galerina sulcipes mushroom
XM78T5 - - - - - Galerina venenata mushroom
XM0M17 - - - - Gyromita mushroom
XM0BM0 - - - - - Gyromita ambigua mushroom
XM76X5 - - - - - Gyromita esculenta mushroom
XM3LC5 - - - - - Gyromita infula mushroom
XM1PK2 - - - - Hapalopilus rutilans mushroom
XM87D0 - - - - Hebeloma crustuliniforme mushroom
XM9B73 - - - - Inocybe mushroom
XM2BC2 - - - - Lepiota mushroom
XM7K06 - - - - - Lepiota brunneoincarnata mushroom
XM4L76 - - - - - Lepiota brunneolilacea mushroom
XM0FJ0 - - - - - Lepiota chlorophyllum mushroom
XM6882 - - - - - Lepiota fulvella mushroom
XM1UJ5 - - - - - Lepiota helveola mushroom
XM8R10 - - - - - Lepiota josserandi mushroom
XM3661 - - - - - Lepiota subincarnata mushroom
XM95E9 - - - - Omphalotus mushroom
XM8VV0 - - - - - Omphalotus nidiformis mushroom
XM7RG5 - - - - - Omphalotus illudens mushroom
XM1M89 - - - - Panaeolus mushroom
XM3NJ2 - - - - - Panaeolus papilionaceus mushroom
XM0B62 - - - - - Panaeolus sphinctrinus mushroom
XM27Y3 - - - - - Panaeolus subbalteatus mushroom
XM44P3 - - - - Pleurocybella porrigens mushroom
XM3CK7 - - - - Podostroma cornu-damae mushroom
XM4321 - - - - Psilocybe semilanceata mushroom
XM36C7 - - - - Russula subnigricans mushroom
XM0QR2 - - - - Tricholoma equestre mushroom
XM5490 - - - Mycotoxin
XM7U84 - - - - Aflatoxin
XM0232 - - - - Citreoviridin
XM4UE5 - - - - Citrinin
XM3NK1 - - - - Cyclopiazonic acid
XM3G74 - - - - Fusarium toxin
XM2BE5 - - - - - Ergot alkaloid mycotoxin
XM9C09 - - - - - Fumonisin
XM9GV7 - - - - - Moniliformin
XM6X33 - - - - - Trichothecenes
XM4E53 - - - - - Zearalenone
XM5WG7 - - - - Ochratoxin
XM9C47 - - - - Patulin
XM28H1 - - - - Penitrem
XM77Q2 - - - - Satratoxin
XM6VH6 - - - - Sterigmatocystin
XM1PM8 - - - - Tenuazonic acid
XM9F85 - - - - 3-Nitropropionic acid
XM63Z6 - - - Nitroglycerin and other nitric acids and esters
XM8T02 - - - - Nitroglycerin nonmedicinal
XM5VU2 - - - - - Nitroglycerin nonmedicinal fumes
XM5R77 - - - Substance of plant origin
XM98Y1 - - - - Abrus precatorius plant
XM99Y1 - - - - Aconitum plant
XM2WR7 - - - - - Aconitine
XM3VB6 - - - - - Aconitum ferox plant
XM7BA0 - - - - Actaea plant
XM3QE1 - - - - - Actaea spicata
XM55K4 - - - - Aethusa cynapium plant
XM3AF3 - - - - Anamirta cocculus plant
XM6KR6 - - - - - Picrotoxin
XM8SE2 - - - - Antiaris toxicaria plant
XM2X16 - - - - Arum maculatum plant
XM1EY0 - - - - Atropa belladonna plant
XM17F2 - - - - Azadirachta plant
XM4BW2 - - - - Blighia sapida plant
XM2BX6 - - - - Brucea javanica plant
XM9B82 - - - - Caladium plant
XM1021 - - - - - Caladium bicolor
XM0BS2 - - - - - Caladium seguinum
XM9S25 - - - - Cannabis (natural; phytocannabinoids)
XM08L6 - - - - - Afghanistan black
XM2RC2 - - - - - Cannabis (derivatives)
XM3VL7 - - - - - Central nervous system depressants cannabis sativa
XM5WR8 - - - - - Indian hemp
XM3R78 - - - - - Lebanese red
XM16S2 - - - - - Bhang
XM1W83 - - - - - Dronabinol
XM6RA1 - - - - - Ganja
XM5TP7 - - - - - Hashish
XM8PV1 - - - - - Marijuana
XM3UF9 - - - - - Nabilone
XM7A40 - - - - - Pot
XM4HM2 - - - - - Tetrahydrocannabinol
XM0WA6 - - - - Celastrus scandens plant
XM5L03 - - - - Cerbera plant
XM2KR7 - - - - - Cerbera odollam plant
XM1FN8 - - - - - Cerbera manghas plant
XM8AZ9 - - - - - Cerbera venenifera plant
XM9DJ3 - - - - Chelidonium majus plant
XM49V0 - - - - Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium plant
XM5HR7 - - - - - Pyrethrin nonmedicinal
XM6709 - - - - Cicuta maculata plant
XM1S86 - - - - - Cicutoxin
XM6YA3 - - - - Cinnamomum camphora plant
XM5804 - - - - Clematis plant
XM5D25 - - - - - Clematis vitalba plant
XM7TP8 - - - - Colchicum plant
XM3Q99 - - - - - Colchicine
XM9Z51 - - - - Conium maculatum plant
XM3FY5 - - - - - Coniine
XM9T69 - - - - Convallaria majalis plant
XM72P9 - - - - Cyclamen plant
XM56R9 - - - - - Cyclamen europaeum plant
XM5174 - - - - - Cyclamen persicum plant
XM5ZF9 - - - - Cytisus laburnum plant
XM2YN7 - - - - Cytisus scoparius plant
XM4TF9 - - - - Daphne plant
XM8VJ2 - - - - Datura stramonium plant
XM8YH8 - - - - Delphinium plant
XM3KT4 - - - - Derris elliptica plant
XM46Y1 - - - - Digitalis purpurea plant
XM1LE7 - - - - Erythroxylum coca lam plant
XM7UN8 - - - - - Cocaine
XM0BC6 - - - - - - Cocaine topical anesthetic
XM0XS0 - - - - Equisetum plant
XM0EC2 - - - - - Equisetum diuretic
XM4TJ7 - - - - Euphorbia plant
XM91T0 - - - - Gaultheria procumbens plant
XM5P41 - - - - - Gaultheria procumbens plant oil
XM1VX3 - - - - Gelsemium sempervirens plant
XM66Z7 - - - - Gloriosa superba plant
XM5EL7 - - - - Gratiola officinalis plant
XM3QP5 - - - - Helleborus niger plant
XM0SF4 - - - - Helleborus viridis plant
XM4UC8 - - - - Hyoscyamus niger plant
XM3EA9 - - - - Ilex plant
XM7ED8 - - - - Jatropha plant
XM8QC3 - - - - - Jatropha curcas plant
XM7CZ8 - - - - - Jatropha gossypiifolia plant
XM2C70 - - - - - Jatropha hastata plant
XM4R06 - - - - - Jatropha macrorhiza plant
XM84E3 - - - - - Jatropha multifida plant
XM04B0 - - - - - Jatropha podagrica plant
XM5EH9 - - - - Lathyrus sativus plant
XM5F38 - - - - Ligustrum plant
XM1WT1 - - - - - Ligustrum lucidum plant
XM4CK0 - - - - - Ligustrum sinense plant
XM23X8 - - - - - Ligustrum vulgare plant
XM2BQ5 - - - - Lobelia plant
XM76G6 - - - - Lolium temulentum plant
XM6LL4 - - - - Manihot esculenta plant
XM1TB2 - - - - Melia azedarach plant
XM3M91 - - - - Myristica fragrans plant
XM6FE5 - - - - - Nutmeg oil
XM14Y1 - - - - Myrsine africana plant
XM3XT1 - - - - Nerium oleander plant
XM2VY1 - - - - Nicotiana plant
XM88J8 - - - - - Tobacco
XM3WV7 - - - - - - Nicotine from tobacco cigarettes
XM42M8 - - - - - - Nicotine from tobacco
XM6BN2 - - - - - - Nicotine not insecticide
XM84M1 - - - - - - Snuff
XM8WX1 - - - - - - Tobacco cigarettes
XM1JK3 - - - - - - Tobacco smoke, second-hand
XM3AD4 - - - - - Nicotine insecticide
XM7JG0 - - - - Physostigma venenosum plant
XM61M4 - - - - Phytolacca decandra plant
XM1XZ4 - - - - Piper cubeba plant
XM21J6 - - - - Poison oak plant
XM4882 - - - - Poison sumak plant
XM95D5 - - - - Primula plant
XM9HN7 - - - - - Primula obconica plant
XM4TX6 - - - - - Primula officinalis plant
XM19S7 - - - - - Primula veris plant
XM3QL7 - - - - Prunus plant
XM01R5 - - - - - Amygdalin
XM0PX4 - - - - - Apricot kernel
XM5MK6 - - - - - Cherry kernel
XM7B39 - - - - - Peach kernel
XM52C3 - - - - - Plum kernel
XM03C0 - - - - Pulsatilla plant
XM0NB5 - - - - Ranunculus plant
XM0PR3 - - - - Ricinus communis plant
XM7G77 - - - - - Castor oil
XM2VG9 - - - - - Ricin
XM4AC2 - - - - Ruta graveolens plant
XM7BE0 - - - - Sambucus plant
XM9W70 - - - - Sanguinaria canadensis plant
XM0EH6 - - - - Schoenocaulon officinale plant
XM4BY7 - - - - - Sabadilla insecticide
XM8YX9 - - - - Senecio vulgaris plant
XM4TE3 - - - - Solanum plant
XM56G1 - - - - - Solanum dulcamara plant
XM1AE1 - - - - - Solanum nigrum plant
XM0QV6 - - - - - Solanum pseudocapsicum plant
XM9588 - - - - - Solanine
XM4UE4 - - - - Spartium junceum plant
XM9834 - - - - Strophanthus gratus plant
XM9QZ9 - - - - - Strophanthin (g) (k)
XM58G8 - - - - Tanacetum plant
XM5YT6 - - - - Taxus plant
XM6WF4 - - - - Thevetia peruviana plant
XM40N4 - - - - Toxicodendron radicans plant
XM46N0 - - - - Urginea maritima plant
XM0SG7 - - - - - Scilliroside
XM84R4 - - - - Urtica plant
XM5KR7 - - - - Veratrum plant
XM86L8 - - - - - Veratrum album plant
XM9Z08 - - - - - Veratrum viride plant
XM43H5 - - - - Wisteria plant
XM29R2 - - - - - Wisteria floribunda plant
XM8ZH3 - - - - - Wisteria sinensis plant
XM6076 - - - - Zygadenus plant
XM8PU3 - - - - Plant derived pesticide, not elsewhere classified
XM98M9 - - - - Poisonous plant berries, not elsewhere classified
XM7MT6 - - - - Poisonous plant flowers, not elsewhere classified
XM6LL5 - - - - Poisonous plant fruits, not elsewhere classified
XM2BH3 - - - - Poisonous plant leaves, not elsewhere classified
XM0GB3 - - - - Poisonous plant roots, not elsewhere classified
XM2CE0 - - - - Poisonous plant sap, not elsewhere classified
XM7JK8 - - - - Poisonous plant seeds, not elsewhere classified
XM7KY1 - - - - Poisonous plant stem, not elsewhere classified
XM56V2 - - - - Poisonous plant thorns, not elsewhere classified
XM5NH2 - - - - Substance of marine plant origin, not elsewhere classified
- - Medicaments
- - - Analgesics, antipyretics and anti-inflammatory drugs
- - - - 4-Aminophenol derivatives
XM8GU2 - - - - - Analgesic aromatic
XM8HQ8 - - - - - Aniline analgesic
XM5856 - - - - - Aniline derivatives, therapeutic
XM24R8 - - - - - Acetaminosalol
XM45S5 - - - - - Acetanilide
XM7GE3 - - - - - Acetophenetidin
XM4T97 - - - - - Bromo-seltzer
XM1HM2 - - - - - Exalgin
XM72B0 - - - - - Panadol
XM43A6 - - - - - Phenacetin
- - - - Antirheumatics, not elsewhere classified
XM46B3 - - - - - Analgesic antirheumatic
XM8DE1 - - - - - Antiphlogistic
XM95N2 - - - - - Antirheumatic
XM5HT1 - - - - - Auranofin
XM1MX1 - - - - - Aurothioglucose
XM8526 - - - - - Aurothioglycanide
XM28Y9 - - - - - Aurotioprol
XM6SR1 - - - - - Glucosamine sulfate
XM9T44 - - - - - Gold salts
XM4XH9 - - - - - Indomethacin farnesil
XM9ZC2 - - - - - Sodium aurothiomalate
XM4DJ6 - - - - - Sodium aurothiosulfate
- - - - Other nonopioid analgesics and antipyretics, not elsewhere classified
XM5H14 - - - - - Analgesic specified
XM3719 - - - - - Antipyretic specified
XM7983 - - - - - Jamaica dogwood (bark)
XM8GM2 - - - - - Pentosan polysulfate (sodium)
XM2DH4 - - - - - Phenyramidol, phenyramidon
XM0X95 - - - - - Piroxicam beta-cyclodextrin complex
XM63V3 - - - - - Piscidia (bark) (erythrina)
XM4PW4 - - - - - Rimazolium metilsulfate
XM2XD8 - - - - - Acetylphenylhydrazine
XM3J63 - - - - - Clonixin
XM1LX8 - - - - - Cropropamide
XM0LT4 - - - - - Crotethamide
XM49K2 - - - - - Cryogenine
XM0M53 - - - - - Cyclopyrabital
XM3YJ4 - - - - - Darvon
XM7K04 - - - - - Diclonixine
XM2PY3 - - - - - Doloxene
XM7SA1 - - - - - Emorfazone
XM9455 - - - - - Etomide
XM3WB0 - - - - - Floctafenine
XM5YR6 - - - - - Fluradoline
XM7AM9 - - - - - Glafenine
XM8M52 - - - - - Ketorolac
XM6233 - - - - - Lefetamine
XM40T9 - - - - - Meptazinol
XM03M0 - - - - - Methopholine
XM4WT5 - - - - - Nefopam
XM7N03 - - - - - Oxetorone
XM8QV3 - - - - - Perisoxal
XM2VJ5 - - - - - Phenazopyridine
XM0D38 - - - - - Phenicarbazide
XM49C9 - - - - - Pyrabital
XM3WM4 - - - - - Pyridium
XM9AV2 - - - - - Sumatriptan
XM3375 - - - - - Tiaramide
XM9YA8 - - - - - Tinoridine
XM5UK3 - - - - - Viminol
XM0794 - - - - - Zactane
- - - - Other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAID]
XM4GS6 - - - - - Analgesic anti-inflammatory propionic acid derivative
XM1XZ8 - - - - - Anti-inflammatory drug nonsteroidal propionic acid derivative
XM7B06 - - - - - Anti-inflammatory drug nonsteroidal
XM2FY2 - - - - - Anti-inflammatory drug specified
XM7XD1 - - - - - Anti-inflammatory drug
XM31G8 - - - - - Flufenamic acid
XM3W40 - - - - - Meclofenamic acid
XM6Q83 - - - - - Mefenamic acid
XM0WQ1 - - - - - Tiaprofenic acid
XM8GM3 - - - - - Carprofen
XM2AU1 - - - - - Diclofenac
XM4VJ8 - - - - - Esflurbiprofen
XM2186 - - - - - Etodolac
XM85Z4 - - - - - Fenflumizole
XM7BS7 - - - - - Fenoprofen
XM8VP8 - - - - - Flurbiprofen
XM8G95 - - - - - Ibufenac
XM2RR6 - - - - - Ibuprofen
XM1918 - - - - - Ibuproxam
XM7497 - - - - - Indomethacin
XM83U4 - - - - - Isoxicam
XM63J5 - - - - - Ketoprofen
XM8WS4 - - - - - Nabumetone
XM1KL8 - - - - - Naproxen
XM5C49 - - - - - Nimesulide
XM9694 - - - - - Oxaprozin
XM9MD6 - - - - - Piroxicam
XM8GX7 - - - - - Proquazone
XM24W2 - - - - - Sulindac
XM2N63 - - - - - Suprofen
XM1867 - - - - - Tenoxicam
XM97N5 - - - - - Tolmetin
XM5PA8 - - - - - Ufenamate
XM92G8 - - - - - Zomepirac
- - - - Other salicylates
XM8F16 - - - - - Calcium salicylate
XM5X48 - - - - - Carbethyl salicylate
XM0GX7 - - - - - Choline salicylate
XM6M40 - - - - - Magnesium salicylate
XM1770 - - - - - Salicylic acid congeners
XM1RJ3 - - - - - Salicylic acid derivative
XM6GL7 - - - - - Salicylic acid salts
XM6PW4 - - - - - Sodium salicylate
XM8FA6 - - - - - Sodium thiosalicylate
XM5UX6 - - - - - Diflunisal
XM4WV7 - - - - - Salicylamide
XM3W46 - - - - - Salicylate
XM68K3 - - - - - Salsalate
- - - - Paracetamol (acetaminophen)
XM75Y5 - - - - - Para-aminophenol derivatives
XM5DJ7 - - - - - Acetaminophen
XM6PQ5 - - - - - P-Acetamidophenol
XM8PV0 - - - - - Para-acetamidophenol
XM9VB5 - - - - - Paracetamol
- - - - Pyrazolone derivatives
XM7840 - - - - - Analgesic pyrazole
XM60M2 - - - - - Coal tar medicinal analgesics
XM19B8 - - - - - Metamizole sodium
XM8762 - - - - - Myochrysin (e)
XM26Y7 - - - - - Noramidopyrine methanesulfonate sodium
XM5H28 - - - - - Pyrazole (derivatives)
XM5L33 - - - - - Pyrazolone analgesic
XM88L1 - - - - - Tandearil, tanderil
XM7045 - - - - - Aminophenazone
XM5BD0 - - - - - Analgin
XM22E9 - - - - - Antipyrine
XM6SW5 - - - - - Azapropazone
XM1VR2 - - - - - Butazolidin
XM8X86 - - - - - Clofezone
XM4T98 - - - - - Dipyrone
XM6329 - - - - - Fenazone
XM37T1 - - - - - Feprazone
XM5735 - - - - - Hydroxyphenylbutazone
XM3X18 - - - - - Indocin
XM2FJ5 - - - - - Isopropylaminophenazone
XM4H41 - - - - - Kebuzone
XM1SN2 - - - - - Ketazon
XM0F19 - - - - - Methampyrone
XM8P27 - - - - - Mofebutazone
XM4MW2 - - - - - Monophenylbutazone
XM4YB4 - - - - - Nifenazone
XM53Q3 - - - - - Noramidopyrine
XM12M5 - - - - - Oxyphenbutazone
XM0M82 - - - - - Phenazone
XM8HN0 - - - - - Phenylbutazone
XM6GV7 - - - - - Propyphenazone
XM71A0 - - - - - Pyramidon
XM0K68 - - - - - Ramifenazone
XM0ZN8 - - - - - Sulfamazone
XM1SG0 - - - - - Sulfamidopyrine
XM3HR1 - - - - - Sulpyrine
XM9CV5 - - - - - Suxibuzone
- - - - Unspecified nonopioid analgesic, antipyretic and antirheumatic
XM0HV8 - - - - - Analgesic anti-inflammatory
XM7CP1 - - - - - Analgesic non-narcotic combination
XM9VR1 - - - - - Analgesic non-narcotic
XM49F7 - - - - - Analgesic
XM1RS7 - - - - - Antipyretic
- - - - Aspirin
XM4G06 - - - - - Acetylsalicylic acid (salts)
XM5TE7 - - - - - Acetylsalicylic acid enteric coated
XM1XB9 - - - - - Aluminium, aluminum aspirin
XM8ZU8 - - - - - Aspirin (aluminum) (soluble)
XM74M0 - - - - - Calcium acetylsalicylate
XM4704 - - - - - Calcium carbaspirin
XM9FC3 - - - - - Alka-seltzer
XM9TL6 - - - - - Bufferin
XM0XT0 - - - - - Carbaspirin
XM72N6 - - - - - Fiorinal
XM20F3 - - - - - Rhodine
- - - Antiepileptics and antiparkinsonism drugs
XM2H09 - - - - Amantadine
- - - - Antiparkinsonism drugs and other central muscle-tone depressants, not elsewhere classified
XM9937 - - - - - Antiparkinsonism drug
XM11W4 - - - - - Central nervous system depressants muscle relaxants
XM0MZ2 - - - - - Depressant central nervous system muscle tone
XM0209 - - - - - Mephenamin (e)
XM7U62 - - - - - Orphenadrine (hydrochloride)
XM1514 - - - - - Relaxant, muscle central nervous system
XM2Y63 - - - - - Benserazide
XM8ZR2 - - - - - Benzatropine
XM5QR9 - - - - - Bromocriptine
XM4S44 - - - - - Cabergoline
XM41C5 - - - - - Deprenalin
XM9ER8 - - - - - Deprenyl
XM0HT8 - - - - - Diethazine
XM2NA7 - - - - - Disipal
XM4E49 - - - - - Lisuride
XM50V4 - - - - - Mesulergine
XM7828 - - - - - Metergoline
XM1GL7 - - - - - Pergolide
XM2QX7 - - - - - Piribedil
XM04N0 - - - - - Rela
XM8FH5 - - - - - Selegiline
XM3B20 - - - - - Soma
XM75E8 - - - - - Tolserol
XM7ZQ9 - - - - - Zoxazolamine
- - - - Antispasticity drugs
XM7JD3 - - - - - Antirigidity drug
XM4XR0 - - - - - Muscle-tone depressant, central specified
XM0W80 - - - - - Afloqualone
XM5US2 - - - - - Baclofen
XM2DC7 - - - - - Carisoprodol
XM3VA9 - - - - - Chlorphenesin
XM7Q44 - - - - - Chlorzoxazone
XM5ZN8 - - - - - Dantrolene
XM2NU3 - - - - - Idrocilamide
XM1HD7 - - - - - Mephenesin
XM01J5 - - - - - Mephenoxalone
XM5PZ1 - - - - - Metaxalone
XM7AC3 - - - - - Methocarbamol
XM8DV7 - - - - - Phenprobamate
XM3KM3 - - - - - Styramate
XM1BK1 - - - - - Tizanidine
- - - - Deoxybarbiturates
XM1BS8 - - - - - Agrypnal
XM8FN0 - - - - - Allobarbital
XM0UZ4 - - - - - Allylisopropylmalonylurea
XM0TJ5 - - - - - Allypropymal
XM0RY2 - - - - - Alurate
XM01F5 - - - - - Amobarbital (sodium)
XM5WT5 - - - - - Amylobarbitone
XM26B3 - - - - - Anticonvulsant barbiturate
XM4JS8 - - - - - Anticonvulsant combination (with barbiturate)
XM8YV1 - - - - - Aprobarbital
XM3EW2 - - - - - Barbenyl
XM1KC9 - - - - - Quinalbarbitone sodium
XM81J9 - - - - - Secbutabarbital
XM6407 - - - - - Secbutobarbitone
XM6QG0 - - - - - Secobarbital
XM28E6 - - - - - Seconal
XM0J54 - - - - - Sodium amytal
XM16M4 - - - - - Sodium barbiturate
XM6GC5 - - - - - Somonal
XM4T00 - - - - - Soneryl
XM28V1 - - - - - Talbutal
XM2B90 - - - - - Barbital
XM4CZ5 - - - - - Veramon
XM7ZS1 - - - - - Veronal
XM9VX7 - - - - - Vinbarbital, vinbarbitone
XM6NX3 - - - - - Vinylbital
XM71Q0 - - - - - Barbital sodium
XM59M7 - - - - - Barbitone
XM5347 - - - - - Barbiturate with tranquilizer
XM50Q3 - - - - - Brallobarbital
XM1JW6 - - - - - Butabarbital (sodium)
XM2HG2 - - - - - Butabarbitone
XM1XP6 - - - - - Butabarpal
XM3UQ5 - - - - - Butalbital
XM6XH1 - - - - - Butallylonal
XM5AN0 - - - - - Butethal
XM8AV1 - - - - - Butisol (sodium)
XM8TB8 - - - - - Butobarbital
XM2730 - - - - - Butobarbital sodium
XM3EE6 - - - - - Butobarbitone
XM3QB2 - - - - - Carbrital
XM8NP1 - - - - - Central nervous system depressants barbiturates
XM89L9 - - - - - Cyclobarbital
XM3725 - - - - - Cyclobarbitone
XM60E2 - - - - - Delvinal
XM43N6 - - - - - Dial sedative
XM20W7 - - - - - Diallylbarbituric acid
XM3H82 - - - - - Diallymal
XM4P06 - - - - - Diemal
XM9EF4 - - - - - Diethyl barbituric acid
XM4C65 - - - - - Difebarbamate
XM20J2 - - - - - Dormiral
XM7HE7 - - - - - Enhexymal
XM27N3 - - - - - Eskabarb
XM74V7 - - - - - Ethobral
XM2YV8 - - - - - Etilfen
XM2H30 - - - - - Etoval
XM9VK0 - - - - - Euneryl
XM3267 - - - - - Evipal
XM6E88 - - - - - Evipan
XM2339 - - - - - Febarbamate
XM6T42 - - - - - Fenobarbital
XM0AG1 - - - - - Gardenal
XM0EL6 - - - - - Gardepanyl
XM91D9 - - - - - Gemonil
XM7ZK9 - - - - - Heptabarb
XM13L3 - - - - - Hexemal
XM1VL2 - - - - - Hexethal (sodium)
XM08U4 - - - - - Hexobarbital
XM9ST6 - - - - - Ipral
XM0XW1 - - - - - Lotusate
XM2G87 - - - - - Luminal
XM4UR5 - - - - - Meballymal
XM37W8 - - - - - Mebaral
XM7J62 - - - - - Mebumal
XM6GN9 - - - - - Medinal
XM7MG1 - - - - - Mephebarbital
XM1WG7 - - - - - Mephobarbital
XM64T5 - - - - - Metharbital
XM0217 - - - - - Methitural
XM8DQ9 - - - - - Methobarbital, methobarbitone
XM77U6 - - - - - Methylhexabital
XM60H4 - - - - - Methylphenobarbital
XM0S78 - - - - - Mysoline
XM3YG4 - - - - - Nealbarbital
XM97K3 - - - - - Nembutal
XM65F3 - - - - - Neonal
XM47L1 - - - - - Neraval
XM2RZ2 - - - - - Neravan
XM14M9 - - - - - Neurobarb
XM9SW4 - - - - - Noptil
XM46J4 - - - - - Nunol
XM3064 - - - - - Ortal (sodium)
XM01Z3 - - - - - Pentobarbital
XM6N59 - - - - - Pentobarbital sodium
XM1SF1 - - - - - Pentobarbitone
XM8RX7 - - - - - Pentymal
XM2UX4 - - - - - Pernocton
XM2JS6 - - - - - Pernoston
XM4FB0 - - - - - Phanodorm, phanodorn
XM76G3 - - - - - Phemitone
XM4YT2 - - - - - Phenemal
XM10F5 - - - - - Phenobal
XM2605 - - - - - Phenobarbital
XM6TQ4 - - - - - Phenobarbital sodium
XM3V19 - - - - - Phenobarbital with mephenytoin
XM5PZ0 - - - - - Phenobarbitone
XM5QK4 - - - - - Phenonyl
XM0AY9 - - - - - Phenylmethylbarbitone
XM70G1 - - - - - Phenytoin with Phenobarbital
XM6F85 - - - - - Probarbital
XM37N4 - - - - - Propallylonal
XM8C15 - - - - - Proxibarbal
XM0PZ8 - - - - - Quinalbarbital
- - - - Hydantoin derivatives
XM55H4 - - - - - Anticonvulsant hydantoin
XM52B4 - - - - - Albutoin
XM08H9 - - - - - Dilantin
XM3N11 - - - - - Diphenylhydantoin
XM45R0 - - - - - Epanutin
XM8MV0 - - - - - Ethotoin
XM02E9 - - - - - Metetoin
XM4A36 - - - - - Methoin
XM0RY4 - - - - - Phenytoin
- - - - Iminostilbenes
XM3D95 - - - - - Carbamazepine
XM6DJ2 - - - - - Iminostilbene
XM69D6 - - - - - Oxcarbazepine
XM1JP6 - - - - - Tegretol
- - - - Mixed antiepileptics, not elsewhere classified
XM48S6 - - - - - Antiepilepsy agent combination
XM2N91 - - - - - Antiepilepsy agent mixed
- - - - Oxazolidinediones
XM9B93 - - - - - Anticonvulsant oxazolidinedione
XM4DR6 - - - - - Oxazolidine derivatives
XM9QF8 - - - - - Oxazolidinedione (derivative)
XM1535 - - - - - Aloxidone
XM9993 - - - - - Ethadione
XM0GA4 - - - - - Isoethadione
XM55V4 - - - - - Paradione
XM7N89 - - - - - Paramethadione
XM9ZX3 - - - - - Tridione
XM31H5 - - - - - Trimethadione
XM7304 - - - - - Troxidone
- - - - Succinimides
XM7264 - - - - - Anticonvulsant succinimide
XM3C23 - - - - - Succinimide, antiepileptic or anticonvulsant
XM1K85 - - - - - Ethosuximide
XM2KZ3 - - - - - Mesuximide
XM6421 - - - - - Morsuximide
XM9E68 - - - - - Phensuximide
- - - - Unspecified antiepileptic and antiparkinson drugs
XM9GA9 - - - - - Antiepilepsy agent
- - - Antipsychotics [neuroleptics]
- - - - Butyrophenone and thiothixene neuroleptics
XM2HT3 - - - - - Butyrophenone (-based tranquilizers)
XM5NL7 - - - - - Tranquilizer butyrophenone
XM12B1 - - - - - Benperidol
XM4QG3 - - - - - Bromperidol
XM2H35 - - - - - Chlorprothixene
XM87S1 - - - - - Clopenthixol
XM0FM0 - - - - - Fluanisone
XM4EY8 - - - - - Flupentixol
XM9580 - - - - - Haloperidol
XM6E81 - - - - - Lenperone
XM26W9 - - - - - Melperone
XM7DW6 - - - - - Moperone
XM5AB4 - - - - - Pipamperone
XM1UG0 - - - - - Spiperone
XM7RP6 - - - - - Timiperone
XM6B79 - - - - - Tiotixene
XM4U52 - - - - - Trifluperidol
XM3MW6 - - - - - Zuclopenthixol
- - - - Lithium carbonate
XM0W09 - - - - - Lithium gluconate
XM5C35 - - - - - Lithium salts (carbonate)
- - - - Other antipsychotics and neuroleptics
XM7AA5 - - - - - Antipsychotic drug specified
XM70L1 - - - - - Captodiame, captodiamine
XM0ES8 - - - - - Tranquilizer carbamate
XM7Z64 - - - - - Tranquilizer hydroxyzine
XM3ES1 - - - - - Tranquilizer specified
XM0GN3 - - - - - Tranquilizer thioxanthene
XM1DG3 - - - - - Amisulpride
XM4GQ2 - - - - - Amperozide
XM3JM5 - - - - - Amphenidone
XM23M7 - - - - - Azacyclonol
XM56Y5 - - - - - Benzperidin
XM9VY2 - - - - - Benzperidol
XM1ZF1 - - - - - Buspirone
XM9DC4 - - - - - Clotiapine
XM6FV0 - - - - - Droperidol
XM8G67 - - - - - Emylcamate
XM3KB9 - - - - - Enpiprazole
XM0Q81 - - - - - Fluspirilene
XM9097 - - - - - Hydroxyphenamate
XM8CV8 - - - - - Hydroxyzine
XM8FG8 - - - - - Loxapine
XM7EB1 - - - - - Mebutamate
XM8WM4 - - - - - Meprobam
XM3MX1 - - - - - Meprobamate
XM61G1 - - - - - Molindone
XM88L2 - - - - - Mosapramine
XM7B44 - - - - - Nemonapride
XM6GK7 - - - - - Olanzapine
XM5F36 - - - - - Oxanamide
XM84W2 - - - - - Oxypertine
XM5SZ6 - - - - - Penfluridol
XM9799 - - - - - Phenaglycodol
XM1FB1 - - - - - Pimozide
XM1XA1 - - - - - Procalmidol
XM3BH3 - - - - - Prothipendyl
XM7L04 - - - - - Raclopride
XM3WA3 - - - - - Remoxipride
XM7KX5 - - - - - Setoperone
XM6YS4 - - - - - Spirilene
XM7Z05 - - - - - Sulpiride
XM9G21 - - - - - Sultopride
XM9DZ4 - - - - - Tetrabenazine
XM8KD4 - - - - - Tiapride
XM06W2 - - - - - Tybamate
XM4EU4 - - - - - Zotepine
- - - - Other psychotropic drugs
XM2XY6 - - - - - 4-Aminobutyric acid
XM8TR3 - - - - - Inhibitor postsynaptic
XM4GW7 - - - - - Psychotherapeutic drug specified
XM0HR8 - - - - - Psychotropic drug specified
XM2HW6 - - - - - Eskalith
XM1F98 - - - - - Lithane
XM1DL6 - - - - - Lithonate
XM3BR4 - - - - - Namenda
XM8QG2 - - - - - Nizofenone
- - - - Phenothiazine antipsychotics and neuroleptics
XM5EP8 - - - - - Ethyl aminophenothiazine
XM52V9 - - - - - Phenothiazine (psychotropic)
XM0605 - - - - - Promethazine (teoclate)
XM6YW4 - - - - - Thiazinamium metilsulfate
XM0EE9 - - - - - Tranquilizer dimethylamine
XM9B27 - - - - - Tranquilizer ethylamine
XM1QV8 - - - - - Tranquilizer penothiazine
XM7Y87 - - - - - Tranquilizer phenothiazine-based
XM7057 - - - - - Tranquilizer piperazine
XM5KD3 - - - - - Tranquilizer piperidine
XM3Z20 - - - - - Tranquilizer propylamine
XM8LW2 - - - - - Acepromazine
XM3EY1 - - - - - Acetophenazine
XM1N75 - - - - - Alimemazine
XM5JD6 - - - - - Butaperazine
XM7KE0 - - - - - Carphenazine
XM4U75 - - - - - Chlorpromazine
XM83L8 - - - - - Compazine
XM3AU5 - - - - - Cyamemazine
XM81Q8 - - - - - Dimetotiazine
XM7WF8 - - - - - Dioxopromethazine
XM75P4 - - - - - Dixyrazine
XM1VV8 - - - - - Fentazin
XM6Z10 - - - - - Fluphenazine
XM9C32 - - - - - Isopromethazine
XM61Z1 - - - - - Levomepromazine
XM3W02 - - - - - Levopromazine
XM2WD3 - - - - - Mellaril
XM2VU6 - - - - - Mepazine
XM5EB9 - - - - - Mequitazine
XM6447 - - - - - Mesoridazine
XM5E89 - - - - - Methdilazine
XM8HP7 - - - - - Methotrimeprazine
XM8ZW1 - - - - - Methoxypromazine
XM4TX5 - - - - - Metofenazate
XM5DB5 - - - - - Oxomemazine
XM0TU3 - - - - - Perazine
XM5664 - - - - - Periciazine
XM5Z27 - - - - - Perphenazine
XM0F82 - - - - - Piperacetazine
XM0168 - - - - - Pipotiazine
XM8ZY0 - - - - - Plegicil
XM84U4 - - - - - Prochlorperazine
XM3CL7 - - - - - Promazine
XM6GY2 - - - - - Propylaminopheno-thiazine
XM2XX6 - - - - - Sparine
XM5JH1 - - - - - Stelazine
XM9Q32 - - - - - Stemetil
XM5Z28 - - - - - Sulforidazine
XM9QY1 - - - - - Thiethylperazine
XM0PU2 - - - - - Thiopropazate
XM1V98 - - - - - Thioproperazine
XM4DG6 - - - - - Thioridazine
XM87F3 - - - - - Tindal
XM18F5 - - - - - Trifluoperazine
XM1TZ3 - - - - - Triflupromazine
- - - - Unspecified psychotropic drug
XM1VK6 - - - - - Psychotherapeutic drug
XM7W54 - - - - - Psychotropic drug
- - - Cannabinoids & hallucinogens
XM3WL3 - - - - Lysergide [LSD]
XM04H7 - - - - - D-lysergic acid diethylamide
XM0U31 - - - - - Lysergide
- - - - Other psychodysleptics [hallucinogens]
XM9DQ3 - - - - - Diethyltryptamine (DET)
XM6LV4 - - - - - Dimethyl tryptamine
XM9438 - - - - - Hawaiian Woodrose seeds
XM52J2 - - - - - Heavenly Blue (morning glory)
XM79N5 - - - - - Magic mushroom
XM0169 - - - - - Mescal buttons
XM32H5 - - - - - Morning glory seeds
XM7XN7 - - - - - PCP meaning phencyclidine
XM4B51 - - - - - Pearly Gates (morning glory seeds)
XM0075 - - - - - Yohimbic acid
XM9WX3 - - - - - Bufotenine
XM0T53 - - - - - Mescaline
XM0QA2 - - - - - Peyote
XM5M84 - - - - - Phencyclidine
XM5JH5 - - - - - Psilocin
XM7642 - - - - - Psilocybine
- - - - Synthetic cannabinoids
XM8E16 - - - - - Cannabinol
- - - - Unspecified psychodysleptics [hallucinogens]
XM0XQ5 - - - - - Central nervous system depressants hallucinogenics
XM31A7 - - - - - Psychodysleptic drug
XM3Z58 - - - - - Psychotomimetic agents
XM8X97 - - - - - Hallucinogen
XM7DW4 - - - - - Megahallucinogen
- - - Other drugs
- - - - Agents primarily acting on smooth and skeletal muscles and the respiratory system
- - - - - Aminophylline, theophylline
XM5SD1 - - - - - - Acefylline piperazine
XM1719 - - - - - - Acepifylline
XM6493 - - - - - - Ambuphylline
XM5XJ1 - - - - - - Aminophylline
XM5Y44 - - - - - - Bamifylline
XM1QL3 - - - - - - Bufylline
XM6P91 - - - - - - Choline theophyllinate
XM31P6 - - - - - - Enprofylline
XM1W21 - - - - - - Etamiphyllin
XM3ZP6 - - - - - - Levoproxyphylline
XM81W0 - - - - - - Oxtriphylline
XM5YJ3 - - - - - - Proxyphylline
XM4L37 - - - - - - Theobromine (calcium salicylate)
XM0JZ5 - - - - - - Theophyllamine
XM1FP4 - - - - - - Theophylline
XM07L0 - - - - - - Theophylline aminobenzoic acid
XM8BE6 - - - - - - Theophylline ethylenediamine
XM07F4 - - - - - - Theophylline piperazine p-amino-benzoate
- - - - - Antiasthmatics, not elsewhere classified
XM28Q8 - - - - - - Antiasthmatic drug
XM3R34 - - - - - - Cromoglicic acid
XM9EB1 - - - - - - Ethyl noradrenaline
XM4DL3 - - - - - - Flutropium bromide
XM7CA8 - - - - - - Folium stramoniae
XM54K2 - - - - - - Ipratropium (bromide)
XM55K5 - - - - - - Oxitropium bromide
XM3ZJ4 - - - - - - Pemirolast (potassium)
XM97U0 - - - - - - Respiratory drug antiasthmatic
XM5HF4 - - - - - - Sodium cromoglicate
XM79T8 - - - - - - Spasmolytic bronchial
XM46Y3 - - - - - - Sympathomimetic bronchodilator
XM4205 - - - - - - Albuterol
XM82N7 - - - - - - Amlexanox
XM2U16 - - - - - - Bambuterol
XM15R7 - - - - - - Bitolterol
XM0W90 - - - - - - Bronchodilator
XM05Y4 - - - - - - Broxaterol
XM2351 - - - - - - Bufrolin
XM06F9 - - - - - - Butetamate
XM4ZB3 - - - - - - Carbuterol
XM71K7 - - - - - - Choline
XM3NS3 - - - - - - Clenbuterol
XM27W7 - - - - - - Clorprenaline
XM1HH0 - - - - - - Cromolyn
XM9L77 - - - - - - Doxantrazole
XM4YX5 - - - - - - Etafedrine
XM9K94 - - - - - - Ethylnorepinephrine
XM2HS2 - - - - - - Fenoterol
XM9VX0 - - - - - - Flunisolide
XM1LX1 - - - - - - Glyphylline
XM1GA5 - - - - - - Hexoprenaline
XM55D7 - - - - - - Ibuterol
XM8ZC3 - - - - - - Isoetarine
XM6KG3 - - - - - - Isoproterenol
XM6EU7 - - - - - - Levalbuterol
XM78W6 - - - - - - Methoxyphenamine
XM4TP3 - - - - - - Nedocromil
XM1QR7 - - - - - - Pirbuterol
XM0FE9 - - - - - - Protokylol
XM7MM4 - - - - - - Reproterol
XM22C3 - - - - - - Rimiterol
XM6B34 - - - - - - Salmeterol
XM7LV0 - - - - - - Stramonium
XM3GQ2 - - - - - - Tretoquinol
XM2YE0 - - - - - - Tulobuterol
- - - - - Other anti-common-cold drugs
XM38P3 - - - - - - Amidefrine mesilate
XM2809 - - - - - - Anti-common-cold drug
XM82G2 - - - - - - Benzoin (tincture)
XM50Y2 - - - - - - Decongestant, nasal (mucosa)
XM5523 - - - - - - Decongestant, nasal combination
XM63F2 - - - - - - Respiratory drug anti-common-cold
XM96Q9 - - - - - - Sympathomimetic anti-common-cold
XM0GX0 - - - - - - Thonzylamine mucosal decongestant
XM3G41 - - - - - - APC
XM1H52 - - - - - - Cinnamedrine
XM1R05 - - - - - - Contac
XM7AV8 - - - - - - Fenoxazoline
XM0H59 - - - - - - Indanazoline
XM9GX9 - - - - - - Menthol
XM5J98 - - - - - - Metizoline
XM3Q12 - - - - - - Naphazoline
XM4KH5 - - - - - - Oxymetazoline
XM4435 - - - - - - Propylhexedrine
XM1RJ9 - - - - - - Tramazoline
XM8706 - - - - - - Tuaminoheptane
XM0240 - - - - - - Tymazoline
XM8US0 - - - - - - Xylometazoline
- - - - - Other drugs acting on muscles
XM20G5 - - - - - - Strychnine medicinal
XM82K6 - - - - - - Botox
XM0WW2 - - - - - - Bruceine
XM6NK9 - - - - - - Dipropyline
XM7E87 - - - - - - Hydrastine
XM7C89 - - - - - - Lututrin
XM6AG0 - - - - - - Metaproterenol
- - - - - Oxytocic drugs
XM0Q45 - - - - - - Ergot derivative
XM0XY6 - - - - - - Ergot medicinal (alkaloids)
XM77J5 - - - - - - Ergot prepared
XM4534 - - - - - - Hormone oxytocic
XM8BU6 - - - - - - Muscle affecting agents oxytocic
XM9SN0 - - - - - - Oxytocin (synthetic)
XM7234 - - - - - - Prostaglandin E2
XM5606 - - - - - - Prostaglandin F2 alpha
XM8XM0 - - - - - - Carboprost
XM3Q43 - - - - - - Dinoprost
XM5VF9 - - - - - - Dinoprostone
XM3LX6 - - - - - - Ergonovine
XM5NB5 - - - - - - Ergotocine
XM2L11 - - - - - - Gemeprost
XM93Q7 - - - - - - Methylergonovine
XM9ZC0 - - - - - - Sparteine
XM9BJ7 - - - - - - Sulprostone
XM7F20 - - - - - - Tocosamine
XM6MR2 - - - - - - Vetrabutine
- - - - - Skeletal muscle relaxants [neuromuscular blocking agents]
XM3V06 - - - - - - Aclatonium napadisilate
XM23H5 - - - - - - Alcuronium (chloride)
XM9RW1 - - - - - - Anesthesia muscle relaxation
XM5GC4 - - - - - - Atracurium besilate
XM8PU1 - - - - - - Carbolonium (bromide)
XM27N6 - - - - - - Curare, curarine
XM7LP5 - - - - - - Cyclobenzaprine
XM7DG2 - - - - - - Decamethonium (bromide)
XM2RT6 - - - - - - Dimethyl tubocurarine
XM6XS1 - - - - - - Dimethyltubocurarinium chloride
XM87E3 - - - - - - Fazadinium bromide
XM8A87 - - - - - - Flaxedil
XM9416 - - - - - - Gallamine (triethiodide)
XM9QC2 - - - - - - Hexafluorenium bromide
XM0L61 - - - - - - Hexafluronium (bromide)
XM9WH2 - - - - - - Hexanuorenium
XM82Z5 - - - - - - Hexcarbacholine bromide
XM3676 - - - - - - Laudexium
XM3RJ7 - - - - - - Methocarbamol skeletal muscle relaxant
XM2SB5 - - - - - - Mivacurium chloride
XM4W78 - - - - - - Muscle affecting agents relaxants skeletal
XM3SC6 - - - - - - Myoneural blocking agents
XM2UG5 - - - - - - Neuromuscular blocking drug
XM5CB4 - - - - - - Pancuronium (bromide)
XM8QC2 - - - - - - Skeletal muscle relaxants
XM91M0 - - - - - - Spasmolytic skeletal muscle
XM09Y8 - - - - - - Succinylcholine
XM7142 - - - - - - Suxethonium (chloride)
XM7139 - - - - - - Tubocurarine (chloride)
XM1BS5 - - - - - - Urari
XM7S28 - - - - - - Vecuronium bromide
XM9502 - - - - - - Woorali
- - - - - Antitussives
XM1U36 - - - - - - Bibenzonium bromide
XM4JZ0 - - - - - - Dibunate sodium
XM61F3 - - - - - - Ethyl dibunate
XM8300 - - - - - - Isoaminile (citrate)
XM2ET3 - - - - - - Oxeladin (citrate)
XM6NJ7 - - - - - - Benproperine
XM8G23 - - - - - - Benzonatate
XM8WM3 - - - - - - Butamirate
XM2CA5 - - - - - - Carbetapentane
XM4D27 - - - - - - Clobutinol
XM9DL9 - - - - - - Clofedanol
XM80M9 - - - - - - Cloperastine
XM3338 - - - - - - Clophedianol
XM9UV0 - - - - - - Dextromethorphan
XM7V96 - - - - - - Dimemorfan
XM9KL2 - - - - - - Dimethoxanate
XM6995 - - - - - - Dropropizine
XM0SA9 - - - - - - Fedrilate
XM5BB1 - - - - - - Fominoben
XM97D0 - - - - - - Levdropropizine
XM3WX2 - - - - - - Methorate
XM1V20 - - - - - - Nectadon
XM6RX7 - - - - - - Noscapine
XM9FU3 - - - - - - Oxolamine
XM4331 - - - - - - Pentoxyverine
XM4QV7 - - - - - - Pholcodine
XM7G25 - - - - - - Picoperine
XM84C4 - - - - - - Pipazetate
XM0HR9 - - - - - - Piperidione
XM8JR1 - - - - - - Prenoxdiazine
XM59C1 - - - - - - Romilar
XM97C1 - - - - - - Tessalon
XM2358 - - - - - - Thebacon
XM37E2 - - - - - - Tipepidine
XM9KN8 - - - - - - Zipeprol
- - - - - Expectorants
XM7372 - - - - - - Acetylcysteine
XM6JV7 - - - - - - Ambroxol
XM4A47 - - - - - - Ammonium chloride expectorant
XM8CT0 - - - - - - Bromhexine
XM9FP2 - - - - - - Calcium iodide
XM3XU8 - - - - - - Carbocisteine
XM2NU9 - - - - - - Cough mixture (syrup)
XM1MJ1 - - - - - - Cough mixture expectorants
XM81Q9 - - - - - - Creosote medicinal (expectorant)
XM4C87 - - - - - - Creosote syrup
XM68U4 - - - - - - Deglycyrrhizinized extract of licorice
XM1KM0 - - - - - - Domiodol
XM28N4 - - - - - - Dornase
XM71N5 - - - - - - Eprazinone
XM7QX2 - - - - - - Glyceryl gualacolate
XM86G0 - - - - - - Glycyrrhiza extract
XM3CL2 - - - - - - Glycyrrhizic acid
XM8EW0 - - - - - - Glycyrrhizinate potassium
XM0G60 - - - - - - Guaiacol derivatives
XM48K1 - - - - - - Guaimesal
XM8GY5 - - - - - - Guaiphenesin
XM31Y1 - - - - - - Hydriodic acid
XM3E62 - - - - - - Iodide potassium (expectorant)
XM60L0 - - - - - - Iodinated glycerol
XM8BL3 - - - - - - Ipecacuanha
XM2K57 - - - - - - Letosteine
XM9Q09 - - - - - - Liquorice
XM6MB5 - - - - - - Mecysteine
XM1JB5 - - - - - - Mesna
XM4DQ1 - - - - - - Mucolytic drug
XM7ZB2 - - - - - - Mucomyst
XM4KG8 - - - - - - Organidin
XM1260 - - - - - - Potassium iodide
XM8A78 - - - - - - Quillaja extract
XM9QP1 - - - - - - Respaire
XM44A1 - - - - - - Respiratory drug expectorant
XM4Y94 - - - - - - S-Carboxymethyl-cysteine
XM1Y62 - - - - - - Senega syrup
XM92P8 - - - - - - Sobrerol
XM06E7 - - - - - - Sodium dibunate
XM2BM5 - - - - - - Sputum viscosity-lowering drug
XM7BF1 - - - - - - Stepronin
XM1PU5 - - - - - - Sulfogaiacol
XM6JE5 - - - - - - Superinone
XM1CP3 - - - - - - Tenoglicin
XM0ES0 - - - - - - Terpin hydrate (cis)
XM1F74 - - - - - - Tyloxapol
XM8MA0 - - - - - Salbutamol
XM6NE3 - - - - - Terbutaline
- - - - Agents primarily affecting blood constituents
- - - - - Antiallergic and antiemetic drugs
XM4VY6 - - - - - - Antiemetic drug
XM36N7 - - - - - - Antinausea drug
XM5LP6 - - - - - - Antivertigo drug
XM4H25 - - - - - - Cerium oxalate
XM34R7 - - - - - - Cerous oxalate
XM7046 - - - - - - Magnesium thiosulfate
XM6AH6 - - - - - - Alizapride
XM3UG8 - - - - - - Antiallergic
XM3GF5 - - - - - - Domperidone
XM8123 - - - - - - Granisetron
XM3XX3 - - - - - - Metoclopramide
XM1XJ9 - - - - - - Nytol
XM7423 - - - - - - Ondansetron
XM7D22 - - - - - - Percogesic
XM2170 - - - - - - Pipamazine
XM0404 - - - - - - Pipoxizine
XM7180 - - - - - - Piprinhydrinate
XM9FU8 - - - - - - Pyrathiazine
XM3FN3 - - - - - - Rotoxamine
XM5463 - - - - - - Setastine
XM8GY2 - - - - - - Sleep-eze
XM5Y33 - - - - - - Tranilast
XM8SN3 - - - - - - Trimethobenzamide
XM56Q1 - - - - - - Trimeton
- - - - - Anticoagulant antagonists, vitamin K and other coagulants
XM0M37 - - - - - - Acetomenaphthone
XM5LG4 - - - - - - Anticoagulant Antagonist
XM0D26 - - - - - - Antihemophilic globulin concentrate
XM2KH0 - - - - - - Antihemophilic plasma, dried
XM0RA5 - - - - - - Antiheparin drug
XM4Z99 - - - - - - Coagulant
XM3RB9 - - - - - - Cotarnine
XM8MM4 - - - - - - Cytozyme
XM1VC9 - - - - - - Ethamsylate
XM6LE1 - - - - - - Factor IX complex
XM3RF2 - - - - - - Gelatin absorbable (sponge)
XM5WF6 - - - - - - Gelfoam
XM35E4 - - - - - - Heparin action reverser
XM9CA7 - - - - - - Hexadimethrine (bromide)
XM3AJ3 - - - - - - Menadiol
XM2JG9 - - - - - - Menadiol sodium sulfate
XM1KN2 - - - - - - Menadione
XM7MA9 - - - - - - Menadione sodium bisulfite
XM8912 - - - - - - Menaquinone
XM55W0 - - - - - - Menatetrenone
XM5RV2 - - - - - - Phytonadione
XM4U16 - - - - - - Protamine sulfate
XM0SY7 - - - - - - Prothrombin activator
XM8RT8 - - - - - - Russel's viper venin
XM6QQ2 - - - - - - Snake venom or bite hemocoagulase
XM3GR1 - - - - - - Thrombin
XM0HF1 - - - - - - Thromboplastin
XM6DJ4 - - - - - - Vitamin K
XM3W89 - - - - - - Vitamin K1
XM1YD0 - - - - - - Vitamin K2
- - - - - Antineoplastic antimetabolites
XM7GE5 - - - - - - Aminopterin sodium
XM3264 - - - - - - Antibiotic anticancer
XM3SK5 - - - - - - Antibiotic antineoplastic
XM8T13 - - - - - - Antimetabolite
XM9D05 - - - - - - Antineoplastic antibiotics
XM92X1 - - - - - - Azacitidine
XM4TR6 - - - - - - Azaribine
XM3HR8 - - - - - - Broxuridine
XM6CQ5 - - - - - - Carmofur
XM3A97 - - - - - - Chloropurine
XM3ZN1 - - - - - - Cytarabine
XM1BL2 - - - - - - Doxifluridine
XM5ZK1 - - - - - - Enocitabine
XM8NR1 - - - - - - Floxuridine
XM55V5 - - - - - - Fluorouracil
XM2SL0 - - - - - - Folic acid antagonist
XM1SK9 - - - - - - Mercaptopurine
XM7KT0 - - - - - - Methotrexate
XM0KZ3 - - - - - - Mopidamol
XM71S1 - - - - - - Purine analogue (antineoplastic)
XM2FK2 - - - - - - Pyrimidine antagonist
XM10L4 - - - - - - Tegafur
XM3S27 - - - - - - Thioguanine
XM3FP5 - - - - - - Tioguanine
XM6BF7 - - - - - - Trimetrexate
- - - - - Antineoplastic natural products
XM6F82 - - - - - - Actinomycin C
XM7SZ2 - - - - - - Actinomycin D
XM1Y07 - - - - - - Vinorelbine tartrate
XM1VB7 - - - - - - Aclarubicin
XM99R8 - - - - - - Azathioprine
XM0031 - - - - - - Daunorubicin
XM7JU8 - - - - - - Doxorubicin
XM6LT8 - - - - - - Epirubicin
XM9VL7 - - - - - - Etoposide
XM3PF9 - - - - - - Idarubicin
XM4AY9 - - - - - - Pirarubicin
XM4565 - - - - - - Teniposide
XM6B78 - - - - - - Thalidomide
XM0BG8 - - - - - - Vinblastine
XM3VH9 - - - - - - Vincamine
XM82R6 - - - - - - Vincristine
XM59U2 - - - - - - Vindesine
XM9R95 - - - - - - Zorubicin
- - - - - Antithrombotic drugs [platelet aggregation inhibitors]
XM9J84 - - - - - - Dipyridamole
XM51R2 - - - - - - Epoprostenol
XM5G01 - - - - - - Indobufen
XM5A15 - - - - - - Ticlopidine
XM5PR9 - - - - - - Triflusal
- - - - - Immunosuppressive agents
XM28J8 - - - - - - Cyclosporin
XM1079 - - - - - - Immunosuppressive drug
XM9RY3 - - - - - - Muromonab-CD3
XM9T72 - - - - - - Pentostatin
- - - - - Iron and its compounds
XM8ZX9 - - - - - - Calcium ferrous citrate
XM5DJ4 - - - - - - Ferric chloride
XM8NS1 - - - - - - Ferric citrate
XM60G9 - - - - - - Ferric hydroxide colloidal
XM9W49 - - - - - - Ferric hydroxide polymaltose
XM2C90 - - - - - - Ferric pyrophosphate
XM7EW8 - - - - - - Ferrous fumerate, gluconate, lactate, salt, sulfate (medicinal)
XM2LA7 - - - - - - Ferrous phosphate
XM2G69 - - - - - - Ferrous salt with folic acid
XM8L47 - - - - - - Ferrous salt
XM8Z42 - - - - - - Iron (compounds) (medicinal)
XM6FS8 - - - - - - Iron ammonium
XM7PP8 - - - - - - Iron dextran injection
XM54R9 - - - - - - Iron salts
XM7CV5 - - - - - - Iron sorbitex
XM3EH2 - - - - - - Iron sorbitol citric acid complex
XM8KK0 - - - - - - Isomaltose, ferric complex
XM5SE8 - - - - - - Sodium iron edetate
XM6S51 - - - - - - Dextriferron
XM55G4 - - - - - - Ferritin
XM8GJ1 - - - - - - Ferrocholinate
XM3SU9 - - - - - - Ferrodextrane
XM1018 - - - - - - Ferropolimaler
XM77C5 - - - - - - Jectofer
XM1Y67 - - - - - - Polyferose
- - - - - Natural blood and blood products
XM5WD4 - - - - - - Albumin bovine
XM1YW8 - - - - - - Albumin human serum salt-poor
XM7150 - - - - - - Albumin human serum
XM2NV9 - - - - - - Blood (derivatives) (natural) (plasma) (whole)
XM1GJ9 - - - - - - Blood dried
XM5GG5 - - - - - - Blood fraction
XM04N3 - - - - - - Blood plasma
XM9TT2 - - - - - - EPO
XM6BM2 - - - - - - Epoetin alpha
XM9130 - - - - - - Erythropoietin
XM79U3 - - - - - - Erythropoietin human
XM3TM8 - - - - - - Factor I (fibrinogen)
XM3ZZ2 - - - - - - Factor III (thromboplastin)
XM44Z6 - - - - - - Factor IX complex human
XM9766 - - - - - - Factor VIII (antihemophilic Factor) (concentrate)
XM9JK6 - - - - - - Fibrinogen (human)
XM6HF0 - - - - - - Human albumin
XM0XT3 - - - - - - Natural blood (product)
XM3YQ9 - - - - - - Normal serum albumin, salt-poor (human)
XM1H99 - - - - - - Plasma protein fraction
XM8QV9 - - - - - - Red blood cells, packed
XM8TU6 - - - - - - Whole blood (human)
- - - - - Other and unspecified primarily systemic and haematological agent
XM8K98 - - - - - - Hematin
- - - - - Other antineoplastic drugs
XM3ST0 - - - - - - Alkylating drug antimyeloproliferative
XM9DP5 - - - - - - Alkylating drug lymphatic
XM6AB6 - - - - - - Alkylating drug
XM0JA8 - - - - - - - Hexalen
XM9YD3 - - - - - - Altretamine
XM7D25 - - - - - - Aminoglutethimide
XM8307 - - - - - - Amsacrine
XM07W3 - - - - - - Anthramycin
XM9F82 - - - - - - Anticancer agents
XM3MH4 - - - - - - Antimitotic agent
XM6Q44 - - - - - - Antineoplastic without further specification
XM0V25 - - - - - - Antineoplastic alkaloidal
XM2RU1 - - - - - - Triaziquone
XM3SV7 - - - - - - Trichlormethine
XM5FH3 - - - - - - Trichlorotriethylamine
XM7TR9 - - - - - - Triethanomelamine
XM9T22 - - - - - - Triethylenemelamine
XM6NM1 - - - - - - Triethylenephosphoramide
XM5GV6 - - - - - - Triethylenethiophosphoramide
XM4J62 - - - - - - Trimustine
XM4EP0 - - - - - - Trofosfamide
XM6A19 - - - - - - Uracil mustard
XM4DV2 - - - - - - Antineoplastic combination
XM9KU3 - - - - - - Uramustine
XM9AV3 - - - - - - Urethane
XM1DU5 - - - - - - Zinostatin
XM4LJ7 - - - - - - Asparaginase
XM1Q78 - - - - - - Azaserine
XM0TE5 - - - - - - Azatepa
XM7WD3 - - - - - - Benzcarbimine
XM0VU1 - - - - - - Bleomycin
XM7WX6 - - - - - - Busulfan, busulphan
XM3WB5 - - - - - - Cactinomycin
XM7RS5 - - - - - - Cancer chemotherapy drug regimen
XM5X83 - - - - - - Carbamate (insecticide)
XM96H3 - - - - - - Carbamate (sedative)
XM6Z30 - - - - - - Carboplatin
XM8A50 - - - - - - Carboquone
XM82H4 - - - - - - Carmustine
XM5TX7 - - - - - - Chlorambucil
XM6Z55 - - - - - - Chlorhexamide
XM3ZJ5 - - - - - - Chromic phosphate 32P
XM5VY1 - - - - - - Chromomycin A3
XM05M0 - - - - - - Cisplatin
XM1W52 - - - - - - Colaspase
XM6ZM0 - - - - - - Corynebacterium parvum
XM8C02 - - - - - - Cycloleucin
XM7SY9 - - - - - - Cyclophosphamide
XM96A1 - - - - - - Cytoxan
XM7L47 - - - - - - Dactinomycin
XM7K70 - - - - - - Demecolcine
XM80H4 - - - - - - Dibromodulcitol
XM31W0 - - - - - - Dibromomannitol
XM0HK3 - - - - - - Elliptinium acetate
XM9JX7 - - - - - - Estramustine
XM4KL3 - - - - - - Etoglucid
XM32L4 - - - - - - FAC (fluorouracil + doxorubicin + cyclophosphamide)
XM8CG4 - - - - - - Goserelin
XM9YY2 - - - - - - Hexamethylmelamine
XM9FT7 - - - - - - Hormone cancer therapy
XM7SD2 - - - - - - Hydroxyurea
XM7FY4 - - - - - - Ifosfamide
XM5UH8 - - - - - - Imidazole-4-carboxamide
XM2D46 - - - - - - Inproquone
XM5DL7 - - - - - - Iproplatin
XM2G49 - - - - - - Lomustine
XM3R45 - - - - - - Lonidamine
XM6A80 - - - - - - M-AMSA
XM8C52 - - - - - - M-vac
XM8XQ7 - - - - - - Mannomustine
XM33V8 - - - - - - Matulane
XM9W18 - - - - - - Mechlorethamine
XM2VC7 - - - - - - Melphalan
XM09B8 - - - - - - Methyl CCNU
XM1NW0 - - - - - - Metoprine
XM4KH9 - - - - - - Mithramycin
XM2Q11 - - - - - - Mitoguazone
XM6VK8 - - - - - - Mitolactol
XM21Z8 - - - - - - Mitomycin
XM3A89 - - - - - - Mitopodozide
XM10P3 - - - - - - Mitotane
XM26H0 - - - - - - Mitoxantrone
XM3L39 - - - - - - MOPP (mechloreth-amine + vincristine + prednisone + procarba-zine)
XM4582 - - - - - - Mustard (emetic)
XM0YW4 - - - - - - Mustard nitrogen
XM0294 - - - - - - Mustine
XM6MP1 - - - - - - Myelobromal
XM5C25 - - - - - - Myleran
XM1KF0 - - - - - - Nimustine
XM5MX5 - - - - - - Olivomycin
XM9TL3 - - - - - - Oncovin
XM7TK6 - - - - - - Paroxypropione
XM7040 - - - - - - Peplomycin
XM7NL0 - - - - - - Phenyl hydrazine antineoplastic
XM03S1 - - - - - - Phenylalanine mustard
XM0MB5 - - - - - - Pipobroman
XM3JL4 - - - - - - Plicamycin
XM7S82 - - - - - - Porfiromycin
XM4NR8 - - - - - - Prednimustine
XM1MP7 - - - - - - Procarbazine
XM6QJ7 - - - - - - Pteroyltriglutamate
XM2CG3 - - - - - - Razoxane
XM9TR7 - - - - - - Rufocromomycin
XM4ZA6 - - - - - - Sarcolysin
XM1TG4 - - - - - - Sarkomycin
XM0VS7 - - - - - - Semustine
XM1MU3 - - - - - - Sodium aminopterin
XM5GB0 - - - - - - Streptozocin
XM5FB8 - - - - - - Tauromustine
XM95D8 - - - - - - TEM
XM0L32 - - - - - - TEPA
XM8QS9 - - - - - - Thiotepa
XM9CR4 - - - - - - Treosulfan
XM3NR2 - - - - - - Tretamine
- - - - - Other fibrinolysis-affecting drugs
XM4BG8 - - - - - - Aminocaproic acid
XM41G3 - - - - - - Aminomethylbenzoic acid
XM3YU3 - - - - - - Ancrod
XM0UH4 - - - - - - Antifibrinolytic drug
XM6Y53 - - - - - - Aprotinin
XM7XD3 - - - - - - Epsilon amino-caproic acid
XM4XM2 - - - - - - Fibrinolysin (human)
XM3QV9 - - - - - - Fibrinolysis inhibitor
XM16V9 - - - - - - Hemostatic
XM8X82 - - - - - - Hemostatic drug, systemic
XM8GE2 - - - - - - Tranexamic acid
- - - - - Other H1-receptor antagonists
XM4GA2 - - - - - - Acrivastine
XM7S59 - - - - - - Astemizole
XM6Z93 - - - - - - Azatadine
XM11C5 - - - - - - Cyproheptadine
XM8ZS4 - - - - - - Deptropine
XM4280 - - - - - - Mebhydrolin
XM9BD4 - - - - - - Phenindamine
XM70F3 - - - - - - Pimethixene
XM57C9 - - - - - - Pyrrobutamine
XM2S36 - - - - - - Terfenadine
XM8RT2 - - - - - - Triprolidine
XM0J21 - - - - - - Tritoqualine
XM7KL2 - - - - - Other primarily systemic agents, not elsewhere classified
XM8VV3 - - - - - - Aminoethylisothiourium
XM6E25 - - - - - - Antagonist heavy metal
XM6D59 - - - - - - Anti-anemic (drug) (preparation)
XM6LT1 - - - - - - Antihemophilic factor
XM9KT6 - - - - - - Antihemophilic fraction
XM8MR2 - - - - - - BAL
XM1SG1 - - - - - - British antilewisite
XM8E95 - - - - - - Calcium disodium edathamil
XM3V55 - - - - - - Calcium disodium edetate
XM10A9 - - - - - - Calcium EDTA
XM7BJ9 - - - - - - Calcium folinate
XM5YT8 - - - - - - Calcium leucovorin
XM81Y8 - - - - - - Citrovorum (factor)
XM8323 - - - - - - Cobalt medicinal (trace) (chloride)
XM5DN1 - - - - - - Copper medicinal (trace)
XM5A41 - - - - - - Deferoxamine
XM3CZ0 - - - - - - Dextran (40) (70) (150)
XM89R9 - - - - - - Dimercaprol (British anti-lewisite)
XM5B24 - - - - - - Edathamil disodium
XM4NU0 - - - - - - Gelatin (intravenous)
XM6LV6 - - - - - - Heavy metal antidote
XM0CQ0 - - - - - - haematological agent specified
XM05H1 - - - - - - Liver extract for parenteral use
XM7113 - - - - - - Liver extract
XM9GC7 - - - - - - Liver fraction 1
XM25P4 - - - - - - Liver hydrolysate
XM7460 - - - - - - LMD
XM2PY6 - - - - - - Packed red cells
XM0Y25 - - - - - - Potassium aminobenzoate
XM85E8 - - - - - - Saccharated iron oxide
XM7JU3 - - - - - - Serum complement (inhibitor)
XM08V1 - - - - - - Serum hemolytic complement
XM51N0 - - - - - - Sodium calcium edetate
XM8B34 - - - - - - Sodium dehydrocholate
XM6435 - - - - - - Sodium dipantoyl ferrate
XM1AL2 - - - - - - Sodium edetate
XM5HE0 - - - - - - Sodium feredetate
XM7R17 - - - - - - Sodium glutamate
XM3US9 - - - - - - Sodium lactate (compound solution)
XM1AY3 - - - - - - Sodium phosphate cellulose
XM9XA3 - - - - - - Systemic drug specified
XM6ZQ2 - - - - - - Trace element
XM0L81 - - - - - - Vitamin haematopoietic
- - - - - Plasma substitutes
XM6KC5 - - - - - - Albumin normal human serum
XM0UB2 - - - - - - Antihemophilic human plasma
XM6RY6 - - - - - - Blood expander
XM8J91 - - - - - - Blood substitute (macromolecular)
XM8H48 - - - - - - Hydroxyethyl starch
XM4WR9 - - - - - - Plasma expander
XM69K7 - - - - - - Haptendextran
XM38A4 - - - - - - HES
XM5NG6 - - - - - - Hetastarch
XM6YJ2 - - - - - - Oxypolygelatin
XM99H6 - - - - - - Polygeline
XM2W98 - - - - - - Polyvidone
XM8UH8 - - - - - - Polyvinylpyrrolidone
XM7ZE8 - - - - - - Povidone
XM10V0 - - - - - - PVP
- - - - - Thrombolytic drug
XM8S75 - - - - - - Fibrinolytic drug
XM9PZ9 - - - - - - Plasminogen activator (tissue)
XM9A41 - - - - - - Alteplase
XM1P81 - - - - - - Anistreplase
XM0JS5 - - - - - - Rt-PA
XM1AV3 - - - - - - Streptokinase
XM0N04 - - - - - - Thrombolysin
XM1QH1 - - - - - - Urokinase
- - - - - Vitamin B12, folic acid and other anti-megaloblastic-anaemia preparations
XM7R82 - - - - - - Folic acid
XM20E6 - - - - - - Hematinic preparation
XM16W1 - - - - - - Leucovorin (factor)
XM2RU3 - - - - - - Cobalamine
XM9KD4 - - - - - - Cyanocobalamin
XM7CP9 - - - - - - Hydroxocobalamin
XM2AT9 - - - - - - Mecobalamin
- - - - - Anticoagulants
XM6QR1 - - - - - - Acenocoumarol
XM02P8 - - - - - - Anisindione
XM03U0 - - - - - - Bishydroxycoumarin
XM54A7 - - - - - - Bromindione
XM4MR8 - - - - - - Coumadin
XM9E78 - - - - - - Coumarin
XM0SY0 - - - - - - Coumetarol
XM1608 - - - - - - Danilone
XM8RN0 - - - - - - Dicoumarol, dicoumarin, dicumarol
XM2567 - - - - - - Diphenadione
XM0PM7 - - - - - - Drotrecogin alfa
XM9313 - - - - - - Enoxaparin (sodium)
XM5XY7 - - - - - - Ethyl biscoumacetate
XM1478 - - - - - - Ethylidene dicoumarin
XM7AL6 - - - - - - Ethylidene dicoumarol
XM4GN9 - - - - - - Fluindione
XM4S57 - - - - - - Heparin (sodium)
XM5YT5 - - - - - - Heparin-fraction
XM5LC3 - - - - - - Heparinoid (systemic)
XM38V8 - - - - - - Indandione (derivatives)
XM4Z97 - - - - - - Indendione (derivatives)
XM7JT6 - - - - - - Nicoumalone
XM5796 - - - - - - Panwarfin
XM79U8 - - - - - - Phenindione
XM4E47 - - - - - - Phenprocoumon
XM04M3 - - - - - - Prothrombin synthesis inhibitor
XM8X00 - - - - - - Sintrom
XM6550 - - - - - - Tioclomarol
XM86W0 - - - - - - Warfarin
XM8J87 - - - - - - Xigris
XM7EQ6 - - - - - - Zovant
XM2KZ5 - - - - - Enzymes
XM0KX8 - - - - - - Alpha amylase
XM1819 - - - - - - Deoxyribonuclease (pancreatic)
XM3TF2 - - - - - - Enzyme fibrolytic
XM5GS9 - - - - - - Enzyme thrombolytic
XM2P48 - - - - - - Pancreatic dornase
XM96V4 - - - - - - Alglucerase
XM6Y81 - - - - - - Alidase
XM77L2 - - - - - - Brinase
XM6F64 - - - - - - Bromelains
XM5T17 - - - - - - Chymar
XM2UE2 - - - - - - Chymopapain
XM7NZ6 - - - - - - Chymotrypsin
XM8P48 - - - - - - Cocarboxylase
XM3HF5 - - - - - - Diffusin
XM48G4 - - - - - - Enzodase
XM0543 - - - - - - Hyaluronidase
XM2UT9 - - - - - - Hyazyme
XM9J86 - - - - - - Penicillinase
XM52N4 - - - - - - Pronase
XM94J1 - - - - - - Serrapeptase
XM93U7 - - - - - - Streptodornase
XM8183 - - - - - - Sutilains
XM40V6 - - - - - - Trypsin
- - - - Agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system
- - - - - Angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors
XM72L5 - - - - - - Inhibitor angiotensin-converting enzyme
XM3YY8 - - - - - - Alacepril
XM0HG1 - - - - - - Benazepril
XM6P97 - - - - - - Captopril
XM1AZ4 - - - - - - Cilazapril
XM6X56 - - - - - - Enalapril
XM5609 - - - - - - Enalaprilat
XM4Z53 - - - - - - Fosinopril
XM7TF8 - - - - - - Lisinopril
XM58G7 - - - - - - Perindopril
XM3DU1 - - - - - - Quinapril
XM2A48 - - - - - - Ramipril
XM8091 - - - - - - Spirapril
XM9N15 - - - - - - Zofenopril
- - - - - Antihyperlipidemic and antiarteriosclerotic drugs
XM73S9 - - - - - - Allyl disulfide
XM7929 - - - - - - Aluminium, aluminum clofibrate
XM3N68 - - - - - - Antiarteriosclerotic drug
XM2EA3 - - - - - - Anticholesterolemic drug
XM3108 - - - - - - Antihyperlipidemic drug
XM4FN5 - - - - - - Antilipemic drug
XM4KW6 - - - - - - b-sitosterol (s)
XM4WS4 - - - - - - Benzyl nicotinate
XM35X4 - - - - - - Cholesterol-lowering agents
XM8FB5 - - - - - - Cholestyramine (resin)
XM6DX0 - - - - - - Clotibric acid
XM2R17 - - - - - - Cyamopsis tetragono-loba
XM6B07 - - - - - - Etofylline clofibrate
XM6DW9 - - - - - - Guar gum (medicinal)
XM2WA3 - - - - - - Ion exchange resin cholestyramine
XM0H99 - - - - - - Linoleic acid
XM5VN6 - - - - - - Linolenic acid
XM45F6 - - - - - - Oleic acid
XM1Q10 - - - - - - Polidexide (sulfate)
XM2YX6 - - - - - - Safflower oil
XM3C43 - - - - - - Sunflower seed oil
XM3PL9 - - - - - - Unsaturated fatty acid
XM6QT0 - - - - - - Acipimox
XM2GM2 - - - - - - b-benzalbutyramide
XM9UB7 - - - - - - Benfluorex
XM6BA8 - - - - - - Benzalbutyramide
XM3F75 - - - - - - Bezafibrate
XM43X4 - - - - - - Binifibrate
XM9HU7 - - - - - - Ciprofibrate
XM2LR7 - - - - - - Clinofibrate
XM19J9 - - - - - - Clofibrate
XM93U8 - - - - - - Clofibride
XM0KK8 - - - - - - Colestipol
XM0HQ4 - - - - - - Colestyramine
XM8K49 - - - - - - Detaxtran
XM8FC2 - - - - - - Ethylparachlorophen-oxyisobutyrate
XM0TN1 - - - - - - Etiroxate
XM4390 - - - - - - Etofibrate
XM73E0 - - - - - - Fenofibrate
XM01S9 - - - - - - Gemfibrozil
XM4E46 - - - - - - Halofenate
XM72M6 - - - - - - Lovastatin
XM0KD7 - - - - - - Mesoglycan
XM68L2 - - - - - - Pirozadil
XM7SM7 - - - - - - Pravastatin
XM4UK3 - - - - - - Probucol
XM39Z8 - - - - - - Ronifibrate
XM6MW5 - - - - - - Simfibrate
XM7AU9 - - - - - - Simvastatin
XM5F26 - - - - - - Sitosterols
XM2LX5 - - - - - - Soysterol
XM95B1 - - - - - - Triparanol
- - - - - Antivaricose drugs, including sclerosing agents
XM0NL5 - - - - - - Antivaricose drug
XM57B0 - - - - - - Dextrose concentrated solution, intravenous
XM1ME2 - - - - - - Ethanolamine oleate
XM4R38 - - - - - - Monoethanolamine oleate
XM6C05 - - - - - - Phenol in oil injection
XM9854 - - - - - - Sclerosing agent
XM3846 - - - - - - Sodium morrhuate
XM52L8 - - - - - - Sodium psylliate
XM2N32 - - - - - - Sodium tetradecyl sulfate
XM1LV9 - - - - - - Varicose reduction drug
XM3FL1 - - - - - - Venous sclerosing drug
XM4J29 - - - - - - Zinc antivaricose
XM3WS8 - - - - - - Monoethanolamine
XM4DD8 - - - - - - Polidocanol
XM81W1 - - - - - - Sotradecol
- - - - - Calcium-channel blockers
XM1LR8 - - - - - - Bepridil
XM5K59 - - - - - - Diltiazem
XM1BZ0 - - - - - - Felodipine
XM5BR3 - - - - - - Fendiline
XM2WH6 - - - - - - Gallopamil
XM76Z8 - - - - - - Iproveratril
XM1SC0 - - - - - - Isradipine
XM3NU8 - - - - - - Lidoflazine
XM0T83 - - - - - - Monoxidine hydrochloride
XM3L32 - - - - - - Nicardipine
XM3N90 - - - - - - Nifedipine
XM5TX8 - - - - - - Nimodipine
XM5W45 - - - - - - Nisoldipine
XM17Z8 - - - - - - Nitrendipine
XM3BC0 - - - - - - Oxodipine
XM1EL1 - - - - - - Tiapamil
XM5GX3 - - - - - - Verapamil
- - - - - Cardiac-stimulant glycosides and drugs of similar action
XM7YK1 - - - - - - Alpha acetyldigoxin
XM91S1 - - - - - - Cardiotonic (glycoside)
XM5NG4 - - - - - - Ch'an su
XM11U7 - - - - - - Convallaria glycosides
XM4Q19 - - - - - - Crataegus extract
XM7RY5 - - - - - - Digitalin (e)
XM2EL5 - - - - - - Digitalis (leaf)(glycoside)
XM2SP4 - - - - - - Digitalis lanata
XM3Y64 - - - - - - Digitalis purpurea
XM0N63 - - - - - - Ouabain (e)
XM0QK0 - - - - - - Acetyldigitoxin
XM1640 - - - - - - Acetyldigoxin
XM0SY1 - - - - - - b-acetyldigoxin
XM1W74 - - - - - - Cerberin
XM30Z9 - - - - - - Cymarin
XM8XH2 - - - - - - Deslanoside
XM13W9 - - - - - - Digitoxin
XM0V98 - - - - - - Digitoxose
XM8VJ6 - - - - - - Digoxin
XM4PH2 - - - - - - Digoxine
XM0DG3 - - - - - - Gitalin
XM8K74 - - - - - - Gitaloxin
XM7KP5 - - - - - - Lanatosides
XM2X57 - - - - - - Meproscillarin
XM37V6 - - - - - - Metildigoxin
XM6AA6 - - - - - - Oleandrin
XM02F5 - - - - - - Pengitoxin
XM3WU3 - - - - - - Peruvoside
XM1EG1 - - - - - - Proscillaridin
XM77L9 - - - - - - Squill
XM5W67 - - - - - - Strofantina
XM2AW9 - - - - - - Strophantin
XM9YU9 - - - - - - Strophantin-g
- - - - - Nitroglycerin, nitroglycerol (medicinal)
XM8SP5 - - - - - - Eritrityl tetranitrate
XM6WU5 - - - - - - Erythrityl tetranitrate
XM0S22 - - - - - - Glyceryl nitrate
XM8LK8 - - - - - - Glyceryl trinitrate
XM3077 - - - - - - Isosorbide dinitrate
XM2856 - - - - - - Nitrate, organic
XM9CT9 - - - - - - Nitroglycerin, nitro-glycerol (medicinal)
XM55H8 - - - - - - Trolnitrate (phosphate)
XM0DY4 - - - - - - Propatylnitrate
- - - - - Other agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system
XM20Z9 - - - - - - Adrenochrome semicarbazone (mono)
XM7NH6 - - - - - - Adrenochrome derivative
XM8ZY5 - - - - - - Aurantiin
XM6YS0 - - - - - - Benzopyrone
XM41G5 - - - - - - Bioflavonoid (s)
XM3LU4 - - - - - - Calcium dobesilate
XM53V8 - - - - - - Chlorisondamine chloride
XM6UE1 - - - - - - Diosmin
XM1H36 - - - - - - Escin
XM8AB2 - - - - - - Ethoxazorutoside
XM6BM1 - - - - - - Flavodic acid
XM0WZ5 - - - - - - Hesperidin
XM63M1 - - - - - - Leucocianidol
XM4U20 - - - - - - Metescufylline
XM1PT0 - - - - - - Naftazone
XM6102 - - - - - - Phenopyrazone
XM6EY7 - - - - - - Pholedrine
XM5734 - - - - - - Rutinum
XM6N03 - - - - - - Tribenoside
XM71U2 - - - - - - Troxerutin
- - - - - Other antidysrhythmic drugs
XM62Q1 - - - - - - Adenosine (phosphate)
XM5CS7 - - - - - - Ajmaline
XM3ZJ7 - - - - - - Amiodarone
XM0KK7 - - - - - - Antidysrhythmic
XM37J0 - - - - - - Aprindine
XM3ZG2 - - - - - - Bretylium tosilate
XM56N7 - - - - - - Bunaftine
XM9ZL3 - - - - - - Cardiac depressants
XM2W76 - - - - - - Cardiac rhythm regulator specified
XM88L7 - - - - - - Cardiac rhythm regulator
XM33N9 - - - - - - Chinidin (e)
XM1SV2 - - - - - - Cibenzoline
XM8B35 - - - - - - Disopyramide
XM6TZ8 - - - - - - Encainide
XM1E38 - - - - - - Flecainide
XM0D87 - - - - - - Hydroquinidine
XM18V8 - - - - - - Lorajmine
XM04P2 - - - - - - Lorcainide
XM3XK1 - - - - - - Mexiletine
XM0Y13 - - - - - - Pilsicainide (hydrochloride)
XM64X0 - - - - - - Prajmalium bitartrate
XM4MK3 - - - - - - Procainamide
XM9R82 - - - - - - Propafenone
XM1NG6 - - - - - - Quinaglute
XM8AL5 - - - - - - Quinidine
XM1V81 - - - - - - Tocainide
- - - - - Other antihypertensive drugs
XM3WP0 - - - - - - Antagonist serotonin
XM2PT6 - - - - - - Antihypertensive drug
XM4FW8 - - - - - - Benzapril hydrochloride
XM9W04 - - - - - - Cryptenamine (tannates)
XM1TT7 - - - - - - DHE 45
XM4EP4 - - - - - - Hypotensive drug
XM1GS9 - - - - - - Protoveratrine (s) (A) (B)
XM67X4 - - - - - - Rauwolfia (alkaloids)
XM4XR7 - - - - - - Reserpin (e)
XM7DX9 - - - - - - Sodium nitroferricyanide
XM2W66 - - - - - - Sodium nitroprusside
XM8BQ9 - - - - - - Veratrum alkaloids
XM00Y2 - - - - - - Aldomet
XM4NN7 - - - - - - Alkavervir
XM28Y3 - - - - - - Alseroxylon
XM6T97 - - - - - - Amiquinsin
XM0CY8 - - - - - - Apresoline
XM8LD0 - - - - - - Bethanidine
XM5E71 - - - - - - Budralazine
XM33U1 - - - - - - Cadralazine
XM6GV8 - - - - - - Clonidine
XM4L51 - - - - - - Debrisoquine
XM7424 - - - - - - Deserpidine
XM8YG1 - - - - - - Diazoxide
XM2FP9 - - - - - - Dihydralazine
XM24X9 - - - - - - Dihydrazine
XM5NB4 - - - - - - Dihydroergotamine
XM1KN9 - - - - - - Endralazine
XM5P25 - - - - - - Ergotamine
XM7NV2 - - - - - - Guanabenz
XM5ET8 - - - - - - Guanacline
XM5JL6 - - - - - - Guanadrel
XM3QD6 - - - - - - Guanethidine
XM5KP4 - - - - - - Guanfacine
XM4189 - - - - - - Guanochlor
XM7TE8 - - - - - - Guanoctine
XM4L63 - - - - - - Guanoxabenz
XM3952 - - - - - - Guanoxan
XM1LN2 - - - - - - Harmonyl
XM8D89 - - - - - - Hydralazine
XM49L3 - - - - - - Indapamide
XM2QH8 - - - - - - Lacidipine
XM0ND0 - - - - - - Methoserpidine
XM9G49 - - - - - - Methyldopa
XM7W35 - - - - - - Methyldopate
XM4G36 - - - - - - Methysergide
XM1F18 - - - - - - Metirosine
XM7HA8 - - - - - - Moderil
XM7NC0 - - - - - - Nitroprusside
XM1U35 - - - - - - Pargyline
XM9PA9 - - - - - - Pinacidil
XM01D4 - - - - - - Raudixin
XM1SB2 - - - - - - Rautensin
XM74W2 - - - - - - Rautina
XM5FH0 - - - - - - Rautotal
XM5PW7 - - - - - - Rauwoldin
XM9SB3 - - - - - - Rescinnamine
XM00F2 - - - - - - Saralasin
XM6E07 - - - - - - Serpasil
XM8AK5 - - - - - - Syrosingopine
XM3HS0 - - - - - - Teprotide
XM5T36 - - - - - - Todralazine
XM9SU8 - - - - - - Tolonidine
XM30L7 - - - - - - Urapidil
XM48R9 - - - - - - Veratrine
- - - - - Other coronary vasodilators
XM6801 - - - - - - Amikhelline
XM3WC4 - - - - - - Amyl nitrite
XM5QW3 - - - - - - Bendazol
XM3K91 - - - - - - Benziodarone
XM38C7 - - - - - - Chromonar
XM38U6 - - - - - - Coronary vasodilator
XM0SG8 - - - - - - Cromonar
XM0MW9 - - - - - - Diisopropylamine
XM1E15 - - - - - - Dilazep
XM8Q26 - - - - - - Dimoxyline
XM5M47 - - - - - - Efloxate
XM3ZB0 - - - - - - Etafenone
XM3E93 - - - - - - Fenalcomine
XM6QE9 - - - - - - Fluorosol
XM8Y13 - - - - - - Heptaminol
XM4A49 - - - - - - Hexadiline
XM5MP5 - - - - - - Hexobendine
XM4GT8 - - - - - - Ipriflavone
XM5B68 - - - - - - Isoamyl nitrite
XM5BS6 - - - - - - Itramin tosilate
XM9PV4 - - - - - - Khellin
XM39T6 - - - - - - Khelloside
XM30P9 - - - - - - Mannitol hexanitrate
XM5720 - - - - - - Molsidomine
XM7HW6 - - - - - - Nicorandil
XM5YX5 - - - - - - Nitrite, amyl (medicinal) (vapor)
XM4J35 - - - - - - Nitrous ether spirit
XM1VC4 - - - - - - Octyl nitrite
XM0A82 - - - - - - Organonitrate
XM5YA6 - - - - - - Oxyfedrine
XM2N57 - - - - - - Pentaerythritol
XM0TB9 - - - - - - Pentaerythritol tetranitrate
XM7KD0 - - - - - - Pentaerythrityl tetranitrate
XM3VX9 - - - - - - Pentrinat
XM7F31 - - - - - - Perhexiline (maleate)
XM7FE6 - - - - - - Piridoxilate
XM4K89 - - - - - - Prenylamine
XM4184 - - - - - - Sorbide nitrate
XM2BJ0 - - - - - - Sweet niter spirit
XM5KH9 - - - - - - Tenitramine
XM4DW3 - - - - - - Terodiline
XM24R2 - - - - - - Trapidil
XM5770 - - - - - - Triethanolamine trinitrate (biphosphate)
XM8YZ8 - - - - - - Trinitrine
XM68C7 - - - - - - Visnadine
- - - - - Peripheral vasodilators
XM7DC4 - - - - - - Aluminium, aluminum nicotinate
XM0HU4 - - - - - - Bamethan (sulfate)
XM0TP6 - - - - - - Dihydroergocristine (mesilate)
XM8K69 - - - - - - Dihydroergotoxine mesilate
XM0U65 - - - - - - Ergoloid mesylates
XM5QD1 - - - - - - Inositol nicotinate
XM3J93 - - - - - - Naftidrofuryl (oxalate)
XM0274 - - - - - - Nicotinyl alcohol
XM67M9 - - - - - - Prostaglandin E1
XM07V4 - - - - - - Tetranicotinoyl fructose
XM4074 - - - - - - Thurfyl nicotinate
XM2W90 - - - - - - Vitamin B nicotinic acid
XM0122 - - - - - - Xanthinol nicotinate
XM91G7 - - - - - - Xantinol nicotinate
XM1CF2 - - - - - - Alprostadil
XM1269 - - - - - - Azapetine
XM3GB4 - - - - - - Bencyclane
XM14C0 - - - - - - Betahistine
XM3FH5 - - - - - - Brovincamine
XM3B71 - - - - - - Buflomedil
XM4ND4 - - - - - - Buphenine
XM6XW8 - - - - - - Butalamine
XM1UQ0 - - - - - - Cetiedil
XM48Y3 - - - - - - Ciclonicate
XM7LH3 - - - - - - Cinepazide
XM16K3 - - - - - - Cyclandelate
XM9Q04 - - - - - - Dihydroergocornine
XM7K86 - - - - - - Dihydroergokryptine
XM3WW1 - - - - - - Dihydroergotoxine
XM9CH9 - - - - - - Etofylline
XM52G4 - - - - - - Flunarizine
XM8317 - - - - - - Hepronicate
XM2LT4 - - - - - - Hydromethylpyridine
XM86J1 - - - - - - Ifenprodil
XM00R9 - - - - - - Iloprost
XM5RH0 - - - - - - Isoxsuprine
XM8MZ0 - - - - - - Kallidinogenase
XM5TC7 - - - - - - Kallikrein
XM6F75 - - - - - - Lipo-alprostadil
XM46T4 - - - - - - Minoxidil
XM8YE5 - - - - - - Moxisylyte
XM3PK2 - - - - - - Niacin
XM2GA2 - - - - - - Nicametate
XM5TD8 - - - - - - Nicergoline
XM5TA2 - - - - - - Nicofuranose
XM6B85 - - - - - - Nylidrin
XM5RL7 - - - - - - Pentifylline
XM8BD1 - - - - - - Pentoxifylline
XM12T2 - - - - - - Phenoxybenzamine
XM5NP2 - - - - - - Phentolamine
XM1B47 - - - - - - Raubasine
XM65A3 - - - - - - Sildenafil
XM9761 - - - - - - Suloctidil
XM6G82 - - - - - - Tadalafil
XM79S2 - - - - - - Thymoxamine
XM3BY1 - - - - - - Tolazoline
XM3PB7 - - - - - - Trimetazidine
XM9AZ1 - - - - - - Vardenafil
XM1UM9 - - - - - - Vasodilan
XM3LG1 - - - - - - Vinburnine
XM8029 - - - - - - Vinpocetine
XM51E4 - - - - - - Viquidil
- - - - Agents primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system
- - - - - Antidiarrhoeal drugs
XM6Q06 - - - - - - Aluminium, aluminum tannate
XM62S7 - - - - - - Amylopectin
XM8A95 - - - - - - Antidiarrhoeal drug absorbent
XM6V74 - - - - - - Attapulgite
XM4SG9 - - - - - - Bacillus subtilis
XM98L3 - - - - - - Bismuth salts subcarbonate
XM5U61 - - - - - - Bismuth salts
XM3962 - - - - - - Carbo medicinalis
XM0S42 - - - - - - Charcoal
XM46T5 - - - - - - Charcoal activated
XM2269 - - - - - - Charcoal medicinal (activated)
XM8D61 - - - - - - Charcoal medicinal antidiarrhoeal
XM8ET0 - - - - - - Difenoxin
XM9Y28 - - - - - - Diphenoxylate
XM15K3 - - - - - - Fetoxilate
XM3ZU0 - - - - - - Intestinal motility control drug
XM7CN8 - - - - - - Kaolin
XM2GB1 - - - - - - Kaolin light
XM1N12 - - - - - - Lactobacillus acidophilus compound
XM0EB5 - - - - - - Lactobacillus acidophilus
XM0QG1 - - - - - - Lactobacillus bifidus, lyophilized
XM1TF2 - - - - - - Lactobacillus bulgaricus
XM4KH7 - - - - - - Lactobacillus sporogenes
XM48X2 - - - - - - Lignin hemicellulose
XM8683 - - - - - - Lomotil
XM86N4 - - - - - - Loperamide
XM2UP7 - - - - - - Miyari bacteria
XM2HR7 - - - - - - Pectin
XM4X08 - - - - - - Saccharomyces boulardii
XM6661 - - - - - Other agents primarily affecting gastrointestinal system
XM3KJ5 - - - - - - Ammonium sulfonate resin
XM4KK2 - - - - - - Bacillus lactobacillus
XM8NM7 - - - - - - Charcoal medicinal poison control
XM4GA5 - - - - - - Charcoal medicinal specified use other than for diarrhoea
XM7ER1 - - - - - - Dimethyl polysiloxane
XM30A7 - - - - - - Gastrointestinal drug biological
XM0KJ8 - - - - - - Gastrointestinal drug specified
XM9Q94 - - - - - - Hepatic secretion stimulant
XM7EV4 - - - - - - Intestinal motility control drug biological
XM9S11 - - - - - - Ion exchange resin anion
XM1AX0 - - - - - - Ion exchange resin intestinal
XM0UP4 - - - - - - Liquorice extract
XM73P5 - - - - - - Pancreatic digestive secretion stimulant
XM2K96 - - - - - - Sodium alginate
XM7M46 - - - - - - Sodium amylosulfate
XM7AL9 - - - - - - Sulfated amylopectin
XM4H50 - - - - - - Algin
XM2Q19 - - - - - - Bromopride
XM4663 - - - - - - Carrageenan
XM3346 - - - - - - Cisapride
XM4GL7 - - - - - - Clebopride
XM7L13 - - - - - - Glucurolactone
XM8UW6 - - - - - - Mesalazine
XM0TN5 - - - - - - Olsalazine
XM0EK0 - - - - - - Polysilane
- - - - - Other antacids and anti-gastric-secretion drugs
XM6347 - - - - - - Alexitol sodium
XM8YP0 - - - - - - Aluminium, aluminum carbonate (gel, basic)
XM3Q55 - - - - - - Aluminium, aluminum chlorhydroxide-complex
XM7DC3 - - - - - - Aluminium, aluminum glycinate
XM1BU3 - - - - - - Aluminium, aluminum hydroxide (gel)
XM9DS4 - - - - - - Aluminium, aluminum hydroxide-magnesium carb. gel
XM35X7 - - - - - - Aluminium, aluminum magnesium silicate
XM2VU8 - - - - - - Aluminium, aluminum phosphate
XM8FL6 - - - - - - Aluminium, aluminum silicate
XM0BM4 - - - - - - Aluminium, aluminum sodium silicate
XM5XT4 - - - - - - Anti-gastric-secretion drug
XM1F19 - - - - - - Bismuth salts aluminate
XM9003 - - - - - - Calcium carbonate
XM1WQ5 - - - - - - Chalk, precipitated
XM1622 - - - - - - Dihydroxyaluminum aminoacetate
XM9PG0 - - - - - - Dihydroxyaluminum sodium carbonate
XM6YR9 - - - - - - Magnesia magma
XM7V20 - - - - - - Magnesium carbonate
XM39M3 - - - - - - Magnesium hydroxide
XM7G33 - - - - - - Magnesium oxide
XM8L43 - - - - - - Magnesium trisilicate
XM7SH2 - - - - - - Milk of magnesia
XM7W08 - - - - - - Potassium glucaldrate
XM0QL9 - - - - - - Soda bicarb
XM4XZ4 - - - - - - Sodium bicarbonate
XM43U8 - - - - - - Sodium glucaldrate
XM7M59 - - - - - - Sodium polyhydroxyaluminium monocarbonate
XM38H3 - - - - - - Triple carbonate
XM5QM5 - - - - - - Vitamin ulceroprotectant
XM9N47 - - - - - - Algeldrate
XM8J56 - - - - - - Almagate
XM9Y49 - - - - - - Almasilate
XM4NY5 - - - - - - Aloglutamol
XM37S3 - - - - - - Antacid
XM9KD3 - - - - - - Benexate
XM5R07 - - - - - - Burimamide
XM2H82 - - - - - - Carbenoxolone
XM7Y04 - - - - - - Cetraxate
XM9BS9 - - - - - - Dimethicone
XM4GD1 - - - - - - Enprostil
XM3EB6 - - - - - - Hydrotalcite
XM5R16 - - - - - - Magaldrate
XM1EN3 - - - - - - Methylpolysiloxane
XM9414 - - - - - - Metiamide
XM28N9 - - - - - - Misoprostol
XM8X45 - - - - - - Omeprazole
XM01K0 - - - - - - Ornoprostil
XM7K87 - - - - - - Pepstatin
XM6690 - - - - - - Pirenzepine
XM6WX3 - - - - - - Proglumide
XM7Z18 - - - - - - Rolaids
XM87Z0 - - - - - - Rosaprostol
XM64X9 - - - - - - Simaldrate
XM38C5 - - - - - - Simethicone
XM0044 - - - - - - Sucralfate
XM2689 - - - - - - Sulglicotide
- - - - - Other laxatives
XM8K92 - - - - - - Agar
XM5FL6 - - - - - - Arachis oil cathartic
XM5993 - - - - - - Atonia drug, intestinal
XM9281 - - - - - - Bran (wheat)
XM21B3 - - - - - - Bulk filler cathartic
XM0ML8 - - - - - - Calcium dioctyl sulfosuccinate
XM0HS3 - - - - - - Carboxymethyl-cellulose
XM3EV1 - - - - - - Carmellose
XM6GE9 - - - - - - Cathartic
XM99E9 - - - - - - Cathartic bulk
XM4DA2 - - - - - - Cathartic emollient
XM2Y48 - - - - - - Cathartic mucilage
XM3000 - - - - - - Cellulose cathartic
XM22V5 - - - - - - Cellulose hydroxyethyl
XM6ZN5 - - - - - - Dioctyl sulfosuccinate (calcium) (sodium)
XM59Z2 - - - - - - Docusate sodium
XM2UB3 - - - - - - Ethylhydroxycellulose
XM6CL0 - - - - - - Fecal softener
XM1RJ7 - - - - - - Fiber, dietary
XM5348 - - - - - - Glycerol
XM3JB5 - - - - - - Ispagula
XM4A22 - - - - - - Ispagula husk
XM1J98 - - - - - - Karaya (gum)
XM5CR2 - - - - - - Konsyl
XM62T3 - - - - - - Laxative
XM3VP9 - - - - - - Linseed
XM7KF0 - - - - - - Magnesium citrate
XM6EC7 - - - - - - Magnesium sulfate
XM2J55 - - - - - - Metamucil
XM5DN2 - - - - - - Methylcellulose
XM0X73 - - - - - - Methylcellulose laxative
XM8UE2 - - - - - - Mineral oil
XM5VW0 - - - - - - Mucilage, plant
XM1VV2 - - - - - - Olive oil (medicinal)
XM3CM0 - - - - - - Peach kernel oil (emulsion)
XM85Z3 - - - - - - Peanut oil (emulsion)
XM4PD5 - - - - - - Phosphate laxative
XM95P7 - - - - - - Poloxamer
XM9PF1 - - - - - - Polycarbophil
XM4YU2 - - - - - - Psyllium hydrophilic mucilloid
XM2L22 - - - - - - Purgative
XM0ZU4 - - - - - - Soap enema
XM76C9 - - - - - - Sodium basic phosphate
XM6J59 - - - - - - Sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate
XM6AX9 - - - - - - Sodium sulfate
XM9YJ1 - - - - - - Sorbitol
XM9JR8 - - - - - - Sterculia
XM3DH4 - - - - - - Tartrate, laxative
- - - - - Saline and osmotic laxatives
XM69K0 - - - - - - Cathartic saline
XM40M7 - - - - - - Epsom salt
XM4WX6 - - - - - - Laxative osmotic
XM5NK8 - - - - - - Laxative saline
XM06D3 - - - - - - Potassium bisulfate
XM7W31 - - - - - - Lactulose
XM5BJ8 - - - - - - Mannitol
XM4HL5 - - - - - - Urea
- - - - - Stimulant laxatives
XM9P20 - - - - - - Aloes
XM6UQ2 - - - - - - Aloin
XM14G1 - - - - - - Bisacodyl
XM00W5 - - - - - - Bisoxatin
XM9N98 - - - - - - Bryonia
XM9YN3 - - - - - - Carter's Little Pills
XM8N88 - - - - - - Cascara (sagrada)
XM2632 - - - - - - Cathartic anthacene derivative
XM3W96 - - - - - - Cathartic contact
XM53Q7 - - - - - - Cathartic irritant
XM6LH5 - - - - - - Cathartic vegetable
XM0JN3 - - - - - - Colocynth
XM4217 - - - - - - Croton (oil)
XM86Q2 - - - - - - Danthron
XM4C29 - - - - - - Dianthone
XM8PF5 - - - - - - Dihydroxyanthraquinone
XM77A6 - - - - - - Dulcolax
XM9KZ8 - - - - - - Elaterium
XM6CR4 - - - - - - Ex-Lax (phenolphthalein)
XM7XD6 - - - - - - Frangula
XM6L10 - - - - - - Frangula extract
XM1L58 - - - - - - Gamboge
XM1RP5 - - - - - - Hinkle's pills
XM6XG3 - - - - - - Jalap
XM9DZ3 - - - - - - Mineral oil emulsion
XM5E72 - - - - - - Oxyphenisatine
XM4CS7 - - - - - - Phenisatin
XM30Q0 - - - - - - Phenolphthalein
XM5042 - - - - - - Potassium sulfate
XM14Q1 - - - - - - Rhubarb dry extract
XM40D1 - - - - - - Rhubarb tincture, compound
XM38T6 - - - - - - Scammony
XM9LC4 - - - - - - Senna
XM91P4 - - - - - - Sennoside A+B
XM9ML9 - - - - - - Sodium phosphate dibasic
XM38A9 - - - - - - Sodium phosphate monobasic
XM8YN7 - - - - - - Sodium picosulfate
XM7XV5 - - - - - - Squirting cucumber (cathartic)
XM8WQ0 - - - - - - Sulisatin
XM69R3 - - - - - - Yellow phenolphthalein
- - - - - Unspecified agents primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system
XM7UJ6 - - - - - - Gastrointestinal drug
- - - - - Digestants
XM49Y2 - - - - - - Amylase
XM2663 - - - - - - Anise oil
XM8A26 - - - - - - Antiflatulent
XM3UH8 - - - - - - b-Galactosidase
XM0090 - - - - - - Betaine
XM0TD5 - - - - - - Bile salts
XM5TC9 - - - - - - Carminative
XM7KX6 - - - - - - Chenodeoxycholic acid
XM5QD3 - - - - - - Cholagogues
XM6RN6 - - - - - - Choleretic
XM37T5 - - - - - - Cholic acid
XM3RH9 - - - - - - Citric acid
XM5CH0 - - - - - - Cytochrome C
XM00U8 - - - - - - Dehydrocholic acid
XM1F53 - - - - - - Diastase
XM0365 - - - - - - Dill
XM4RK4 - - - - - - Elastase
XM5H83 - - - - - - Enzyme intestinal
XM2Q01 - - - - - - Florantyrone
XM5BH7 - - - - - - Gastric enzymes
XM63F8 - - - - - - Gentian
XM1TN8 - - - - - - Ginger
XM0994 - - - - - - Glutamic acid
XM15D5 - - - - - - Hydrochloric acid medicinal (digestant)
XM7CR6 - - - - - - Lipancreatin
XM2702 - - - - - - Ox bile extract
XM6HM1 - - - - - - Pancreatin
XM9Z07 - - - - - - Pancrelipase
XM6DW4 - - - - - - Papain
XM72V4 - - - - - - Papain digestant
XM1XP0 - - - - - - Peppermint (oil)
XM3UE5 - - - - - - Pepsin
XM17U7 - - - - - - Pepsin digestant
XM7L34 - - - - - - Phenylpropanol
XM2VN0 - - - - - - Protease
XM4U70 - - - - - - Tilactase
- - - - - Emetics
XM3ME7 - - - - - - Copper emetic
XM5UR5 - - - - - - Copper sulfate cupric medicinal emetic
XM9FG8 - - - - - - Copper sulfate medicinal emetic
XM2WE8 - - - - - - Mustard black
XM5PE4 - - - - - - Apomorphine
XM6YR7 - - - - - - Ipecac
- - - - - Histamine H2-receptor blockers
XM9YL4 - - - - - - Cimetidine
XM6441 - - - - - - Famotidine
XM9ZP3 - - - - - - Nizatidine
XM6WY8 - - - - - - Ranitidine
XM0SH0 - - - - - - Roxatidine
- - - - Agents primarily affecting water-balance and mineral and uric acid metabolism
- - - - - Benzothiadiazine derivatives [thiazides]
XM5FV5 - - - - - - Altizide
XM0XL2 - - - - - - Bendrofluazide
XM64R7 - - - - - - Bendroflumethiazide
XM7Q17 - - - - - - Benzthiazide
XM83Q3 - - - - - - Butizide
XM3PJ4 - - - - - - Chlorothiazide
XM4SP9 - - - - - - Cyclopenthiazide
XM1PM4 - - - - - - Cyclothiazide
XM71N6 - - - - - - Disulfamide
XM8532 - - - - - - Epitizide
XM6910 - - - - - - Hydrochlorothiazide
XM2671 - - - - - - Hydroflumethiazide
XM9T97 - - - - - - Methyclothiazide
XM1DC4 - - - - - - Penflutizide
XM7NZ7 - - - - - - Polythiazide
XM26G2 - - - - - - Teclothiazide
XM1L59 - - - - - - Trichlormethiazide
- - - - - Carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors
XM9X81 - - - - - - Acetazolamide
XM4LU1 - - - - - - Dichlorphenamide
XM4DH5 - - - - - - Ethoxzolamide
XM8P33 - - - - - - Methazolamide
- - - - - Drugs affecting uric acid metabolism
XM9DH5 - - - - - - Spindle inactivator
XM56G7 - - - - - - Urate oxidase
XM95S3 - - - - - - Uric acid metabolism drug
XM6953 - - - - - - Uricosuric agent
XM9589 - - - - - - Allopurinol
XM2D08 - - - - - - Atophan
XM3U65 - - - - - - Benemid
XM9DK8 - - - - - - Benzbromarone
XM3WA0 - - - - - - Cinchophen
XM0M93 - - - - - - Ethebenecid
XM5VG7 - - - - - - Neocinchophen
XM6FA5 - - - - - - Oxipurinol
XM3JP7 - - - - - - Phenoquin
XM0WT0 - - - - - - Probenecid
XM7K05 - - - - - - Sulphinpyrazone
XM47Z2 - - - - - - Tisopurine
- - - - - Electrolytic, caloric and water-balance agents
XM51Y8 - - - - - - Caloric agent
XM44K8 - - - - - - Cation exchange resin
XM7UQ5 - - - - - - Electrolyte balance drug
XM5Y58 - - - - - - Hartmann's solution
XM0KH7 - - - - - - Invert sugar
XM39B5 - - - - - - Oral rehydration salts
XM39C1 - - - - - - Peritoneal dialysis solution
XM03B7 - - - - - - Potassium-removing resin
XM5KE7 - - - - - - Potassium-retaining drug
XM3UA2 - - - - - - Replacement solution
XM4EK0 - - - - - - Sodium removing resins
XM62S0 - - - - - - Antikaluretic
XM7BR0 - - - - - - Dextrose
XM5K20 - - - - - - Fructose
XM9ZW8 - - - - - - Galactose
XM6XX8 - - - - - - Glucose
XM9XU2 - - - - - - Levulose
XM9Y86 - - - - - - Sucrose
- - - - - Loop [high-ceiling] diuretics
XM6MV2 - - - - - - Bumetanide
XM8CG7 - - - - - - Diuretic loop (high-ceiling)
XM2E11 - - - - - - Edecrin
XM79L6 - - - - - - Etacrynate sodium
XM2LW1 - - - - - - Etacrynic acid
XM1H00 - - - - - - Etozolin
XM3H18 - - - - - - Frusemide
XM8UE3 - - - - - - Furosemide
XM06E2 - - - - - - Lasix
XM2C78 - - - - - - Lyovac Sodium Edecrin
XM9ML2 - - - - - - Piretanide
XM3YU0 - - - - - - Sodium ethacrynate
XM9SU7 - - - - - - Ticrynafen
XM9KF7 - - - - - - Tienilic acid
- - - - - Mineral salts, not elsewhere classified
XM6777 - - - - - - Acetic acid irrigating solution
XM4Z15 - - - - - - Amino acids
XM7KG7 - - - - - - Aminoacetic acid (derivatives)
XM8KC2 - - - - - - Calcium
XM7ND2 - - - - - - Calcium glubionate
XM3EU2 - - - - - - Calcium gluconate
XM8AM9 - - - - - - Calcium gluconogalactogluc-onate
XM46G3 - - - - - - Calcium lactate
XM1AY1 - - - - - - Calcium phosphate
XM9566 - - - - - - Calcium salts
XM6DF0 - - - - - - Carbacrylamine (resin)
XM1619 - - - - - - Dialysis solution (intraperitoneal)
XM5S14 - - - - - - Electrolytes
XM6YF0 - - - - - - Electrolytic agent
XM6598 - - - - - - Glucose with sodium chloride
XM02Y3 - - - - - - Glycerol intravenous
XM7NQ3 - - - - - - Glycine
XM9EA0 - - - - - - Ion exchange resin cation
XM8UU5 - - - - - - Lactated potassic saline
XM5VT1 - - - - - - Magnesium silicofluoride
XM5FN3 - - - - - - Mineral salt
XM6P40 - - - - - - Polyaminostyrene resins
XM3UT8 - - - - - - Potassic saline injection (lactated)
XM0H50 - - - - - - Potassium (salts)
XM0U09 - - - - - - Potassium chloride
XM11X8 - - - - - - Ringer solution (lactate)
XM0VG1 - - - - - - Sodium acid phosphate
XM6R29 - - - - - - Sodium biphosphate
XM0X22 - - - - - - Sodium chloride
XM8ZD6 - - - - - - Sodium cyclamate
XM6XG7 - - - - - - Sodium free salt
XM9KZ3 - - - - - - Sodium hydrogen carbonate
XM3B07 - - - - - - Sodium polystyrene sulfonate
XM3H90 - - - - - - Sodium salt
XM7JQ2 - - - - - - Travert
XM1DP8 - - - - - - Water balance drug
XM5N49 - - - - - - Water distilled
XM9V59 - - - - - - Water purified
- - - - - Mineralocorticoids antagonists
XM6QK1 - - - - - - Canrenoic acid
XM0ET8 - - - - - - Potassium canrenoate
XM5JA6 - - - - - - Aldactone
XM94A6 - - - - - - Aldosterone
XM1ML2 - - - - - - Canrenone
XM1JS8 - - - - - - Spironolactone
- - - - - Other diuretics
XM1SM2 - - - - - - Amiloride
XM5W29 - - - - - - Aminometradine
XM2E81 - - - - - - Amisometradine
XM8U06 - - - - - - Anhydron
XM8TM1 - - - - - - Benzothiadiazides
XM0JW3 - - - - - - Benzylhydrochlorthia-zide
XM3ER5 - - - - - - Carbonic acid gas anhydrase inhibitor
XM80T6 - - - - - - Chlorazanil
XM6946 - - - - - - Chlormerodrin
XM51L8 - - - - - - Chlorthalidone
XM0EZ6 - - - - - - Clofenamide
XM7A66 - - - - - - Clopamide
XM8GT1 - - - - - - Clorexolone
XM58Z6 - - - - - - Diamox
XM42Q8 - - - - - - Dihydroxypropyl theophylline
XM29H6 - - - - - - Diprophylline
XM5070 - - - - - - Diucardin
XM4JM8 - - - - - - Diupres
XM4D06 - - - - - - Diuretic
XM68T7 - - - - - - Diuretic benzothiadiazine
XM8B36 - - - - - - Diuretic carbonic acid anhydrase inhibitors
XM1N83 - - - - - - Diuretic furfuryl
XM6VW0 - - - - - - Diuretic mercurial
XM43Q2 - - - - - - Diuretic saluretic
XM3558 - - - - - - Diuretic sulfonamide
XM58W3 - - - - - - Diuretic thiazide
XM04R3 - - - - - - Diurgin
XM6CD1 - - - - - - Fenquizone
XM5L31 - - - - - - Flumethiazide
XM8T28 - - - - - - Hydromox
XM1DG9 - - - - - - Mefruside
XM8HM6 - - - - - - Meralluride
XM5R34 - - - - - - Merbaphen
XM1SB8 - - - - - - Mercaptomerin
XM3PF7 - - - - - - Mercumatilin
XM3L13 - - - - - - Mercurophylline
XM1C74 - - - - - - Mercury, mercurial, mercuric, mercurous diuretic
XM4AF6 - - - - - - Mersalyl
XM3GK5 - - - - - - Meticrane
XM7G39 - - - - - - Metolazone
XM4B84 - - - - - - Osmotic diuretics
XM6BR0 - - - - - - Purine diuretics
XM3WN8 - - - - - - Quinethazone
XM7660 - - - - - - Regroton
XM2AZ5 - - - - - - Renese
XM01E9 - - - - - - Salicylate theobromine calcium
XM9409 - - - - - - Saluretic
XM3RC6 - - - - - - Saluron
XM7J43 - - - - - - Sodium mersalate
XM0YM0 - - - - - - Tetrachlormethiazide
XM9VJ2 - - - - - - Thiomercaptomerin
XM1177 - - - - - - Thiomerin
XM0YS2 - - - - - - Tiamizide
XM5SJ5 - - - - - - Triamterene
XM3YV1 - - - - - - Tripamide
XM9QW3 - - - - - - Tromethamine
XM93H5 - - - - - - Xanthine diuretics
XM4U11 - - - - - - Xipamide
XM0A89 - - - - - - Zaroxolyn
- - - - - Mineralocorticoids
XM44R0 - - - - - - Antagonist Aldosterone
XM8CC8 - - - - - - Corticosteroid mineral
XM4HZ4 - - - - - - Salt-retaining mineralocorticoid
XM9SX2 - - - - - - Deoxycortone
XM6PJ9 - - - - - - Desoxycorticosteroid
XM9HZ6 - - - - - - Desoxycortone
XM6JQ6 - - - - - - Fludrocortisone
XM0KW9 - - - - - - Fluorhydrocortisone
XM9X54 - - - - - - Mineralocorticosteroid
- - - - Drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system
- - - - - Alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonists
XM2L44 - - - - - - Alpha adrenergic blocking drug
XM6MJ9 - - - - - - Bunazosin
XM4UW6 - - - - - - Dibenamine
XM70W7 - - - - - - Dibenzyline
XM58X5 - - - - - - Doxazosin
XM3Y81 - - - - - - Hydergine
XM3L37 - - - - - - Indoramin
XM45W7 - - - - - - Prazosin
XM81R1 - - - - - - Priscol, Priscoline
XM3F82 - - - - - - Tamsulosin
XM9LH2 - - - - - - Terazosin
- - - - - Anticholinesterase agents
XM4PZ3 - - - - - - Ambenonium (chloride)
XM87V2 - - - - - - Anticholinesterase organophosphorus
XM9D92 - - - - - - Anticholinesterase reversible
XM4VC4 - - - - - - Cholinergic organophosphorus
XM5YK5 - - - - - - Distigmine (bromide)
XM6565 - - - - - - Edrophonium chloride
XM40R6 - - - - - - Neomycin with neostigmine
XM3671 - - - - - - Neostigmine bromide
XM41N9 - - - - - - Pyridostigmine bromide
XM8KF3 - - - - - - Anticholinesterase
XM1L81 - - - - - - DFP
XM1389 - - - - - - Diflos
XM86K6 - - - - - - Difluorophate
XM0UQ3 - - - - - - Diisopropylfluorophos-phonate
XM8B05 - - - - - - Edrophonium
XM99M6 - - - - - - Galantamine
XM1NE7 - - - - - - Isoflurophate
XM3YR0 - - - - - - Prostigmin
XM4LN1 - - - - - - Tacrine
- - - - - Beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists
XM0V36 - - - - - - Acebutolol
XM2YK6 - - - - - - Alprenolol
XM0M62 - - - - - - Atenolol
XM5S93 - - - - - - beta adrenergic blocking agent, heart
XM7U87 - - - - - - Betaxolol
XM0HY3 - - - - - - Bevantolol
XM8QC9 - - - - - - Bisoprolol
XM79L8 - - - - - - Bopindolol
XM8026 - - - - - - Bunitrolol
XM9RX1 - - - - - - Bupranolol
XM3N87 - - - - - - Carazolol
XM1AJ9 - - - - - - Carteolol
XM54E1 - - - - - - Celiprolol
XM4AB1 - - - - - - Esmolol
XM7V19 - - - - - - Indenolol
XM89L8 - - - - - - Mepindolol
XM8L21 - - - - - - Metoprolol
XM69F3 - - - - - - Nadolol
XM0M15 - - - - - - Oxprenolol
XM17Y6 - - - - - - Penbutolol
XM2SH3 - - - - - - Pindolol
XM9VG1 - - - - - - Practolol
XM91L7 - - - - - - Pronetalol
XM3HA9 - - - - - - Propranolol
XM5BT4 - - - - - - Sotalol
XM6489 - - - - - - Tertatolol
XM1KQ9 - - - - - - Timolol
XM77W2 - - - - - - Tolamolol
- - - - - Centrally-acting and adrenergic-neuron-blocking agents
XM89S0 - - - - - - Adrenergic blocking agent
XM1C94 - - - - - - Alfuzosin (hydrochloride)
XM0UP1 - - - - - - Sympatholytic haloalkylamine
XM2285 - - - - - - Antiadrenergic
XM8ER3 - - - - - - Labetalol
XM0TY3 - - - - - - Medroxalol
- - - - - Ganglionic blocking drugs
XM6LX4 - - - - - - Ganglionic blocking drug specified
XM90S5 - - - - - - Hexamethonium bromide
XM68K9 - - - - - - Pentamethonium bromide
XM6H15 - - - - - - Pentapyrrolinium (bitartrate)
XM2A33 - - - - - - Pentolonium tartrate
XM3YS6 - - - - - - Quarternary ammonium ganglion blocking
XM6JW6 - - - - - - Tetraethylammonium chloride
XM9MS2 - - - - - - Tetrylammonium chloride
XM3YZ9 - - - - - - Trimetaphan camsilate
XM13Z0 - - - - - - Mecamylamine
XM8JB8 - - - - - - Pempidine
XM4BZ9 - - - - - - Trimethaphan
XM9BT3 - - - - - - Trimethidinium
- - - - - Other drug primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system
XM9YP3 - - - - - - Adrenergic specified
XM10F0 - - - - - - Amezinium metilsulfate
XM9K06 - - - - - - Sympathomimetic specified
XM0EP6 - - - - - - Angiotensinamide
XM9NM4 - - - - - - Dopamine
XM1D48 - - - - - - Ephedra
XM5H72 - - - - - - Ephedrine
XM1641 - - - - - - Ibopamine
XM0CL2 - - - - - - Isoephedrine
XM6RQ3 - - - - - - Mephentermine
XM6XN3 - - - - - - Phenylpropanolamine
XM0ZE2 - - - - - - Sympatholytic
- - - - - Other parasympatholytics [anticholinergics and antimuscarinics] and spasmolytics
XM1Q67 - - - - - - Adiphenine
XM5RS2 - - - - - - Alverine
XM0DF0 - - - - - - Ambutonium bromide
XM0TL7 - - - - - - Aminopentamide
XM1Q22 - - - - - - Amprotropine
XM3HR2 - - - - - - Aniscoropine
XM2P84 - - - - - - Anisotropine methyl-bromide
XM0B31 - - - - - - Anticholinergic
XM5BE4 - - - - - - Antimuscarinic
XM66R0 - - - - - - Artane
XM7Y01 - - - - - - Atropine
XM7711 - - - - - - Pramiverine
XM26R3 - - - - - - Pridinol
XM6X69 - - - - - - Prifinium bromide
XM9AG2 - - - - - - Procyclidine
XM8VR6 - - - - - - Profenamine
XM3CK8 - - - - - - Profenil
XM05C6 - - - - - - Propantheline
XM7VK4 - - - - - - Propantheline bromide
XM1JN1 - - - - - - Quarternary ammonium parasympatholytic
XM7GS6 - - - - - - Rociverine
XM7LZ6 - - - - - - Atropine derivative
XM1MW1 - - - - - - Scopolamine
XM3UE6 - - - - - - Scopolia extract
XM31L2 - - - - - - Smooth muscle relaxant
XM7PY1 - - - - - - Spacoline
XM14Z1 - - - - - - Spasmolytic anticholinergics
XM6RA6 - - - - - - Spasmolytic autonomic
XM9NH9 - - - - - - Spasmolytic quaternary ammonium
XM5W13 - - - - - - Sulmetozine
XM0GS2 - - - - - - Thiphenamil
XM9WW9 - - - - - - Tiemonium
XM5GQ3 - - - - - - Atropine methonitrate
XM2LU4 - - - - - - Tiemonium iodide
XM8346 - - - - - - Tigloidine
XM51J2 - - - - - - Timepidium bromide
XM2595 - - - - - - Tiquizium bromide
XM4MA5 - - - - - - Tolperisone
XM8YD7 - - - - - - Toquizine
XM64P0 - - - - - - Triampyzine
XM2TJ3 - - - - - - Tricyclamol chloride
XM17K9 - - - - - - Tridihexethyl iodide
XM9W98 - - - - - - Trihexyphenidyl
XM5098 - - - - - - Belladonna alkaloids
XM0EL4 - - - - - - Trimebutine
XM5S52 - - - - - - Trimeprazine (tartrate)
XM2M46 - - - - - - Triperiden
XM4YB7 - - - - - - Tritiozine
XM2973 - - - - - - Tropacine
XM4YL9 - - - - - - Tropatepine
XM4466 - - - - - - Tropicamide
XM8F25 - - - - - - Trospium chloride
XM9K48 - - - - - - Valethamate bromide
XM6RQ9 - - - - - - Belladonna extract
XM2YW9 - - - - - - Belladonna herb
XM29D7 - - - - - - Benactyzine
XM3NJ0 - - - - - - Benaprizine
XM54W7 - - - - - - Benzilonium bromide
XM8NZ1 - - - - - - Benztropine anticholinergic
XM63B0 - - - - - - Bevonium metilsulfate
XM65C9 - - - - - - Biperiden
XM8T72 - - - - - - Bornaprine
XM5ML2 - - - - - - Butropium bromide
XM1T59 - - - - - - Butyl scopolamine bromide
XM5RM7 - - - - - - Camylofin
XM9633 - - - - - - Caramiphen
XM8JS6 - - - - - - Carpronium chloride
XM30Q8 - - - - - - Chlorbenzoxamine
XM0PN2 - - - - - - Cimetropium bromide
XM2619 - - - - - - Clidinium bromide
XM8KY2 - - - - - - Clorotepine
XM2HD0 - - - - - - Cogentin
XM0VC2 - - - - - - Cyclodrine
XM7VB2 - - - - - - Cyclopentolate
XM93T2 - - - - - - Cycrimine
XM1H88 - - - - - - Dexetimide
XM4CZ8 - - - - - - Dibutoline sulfate
XM0CE0 - - - - - - Dicyclomine
XM2493 - - - - - - Diisopromine
XM89R5 - - - - - - Diphemanil metilsulfate
XM13K8 - - - - - - Drotaverine
XM1M52 - - - - - - Duboisine
XM3A08 - - - - - - Dyphylline
XM6190 - - - - - - Emepronium (salts)
XM0CR7 - - - - - - Emepronium bromide
XM17M9 - - - - - - Ethaverine
XM5C67 - - - - - - Ethopropazine
XM62B7 - - - - - - Etomidoline
XM2789 - - - - - - Etybenzatropine
XM1VS4 - - - - - - Euphthalmine
XM6L51 - - - - - - Extrapyramidal antagonist
XM3CZ9 - - - - - - Fenoverine
XM0CH2 - - - - - - Flavoxate
XM3L41 - - - - - - Flopropione
XM0HB8 - - - - - - Gefarnate
XM42V2 - - - - - - Glycopyrrolate
XM8WX2 - - - - - - Hexasonium iodide
XM1WN2 - - - - - - Hexocyclium metilsulfate
XM7832 - - - - - - Homatropine
XM1642 - - - - - - Homatropine methylbromide
XM53A5 - - - - - - Hyoscine
XM11J9 - - - - - - Hyoscyamine
XM1EF8 - - - - - - Hyoscyamus
XM4FB2 - - - - - - Hyoscyamus dry extract
XM27M9 - - - - - - Isometheptene
XM6XN4 - - - - - - Isopropamide
XM4QH8 - - - - - - Isopropamide iodide
XM5ED5 - - - - - - Levsin
XM90R8 - - - - - - Mebeverine
XM0M49 - - - - - - Meladrazine
XM7W33 - - - - - - Mepenzolate
XM0WK8 - - - - - - Mepenzolate bromide
XM1FH6 - - - - - - Mepiperphenidol
XM5WL4 - - - - - - Methantheline
XM39X0 - - - - - - Methanthelinium bromide
XM1DL0 - - - - - - Methixene
XM0E13 - - - - - - Methscopolamine bromide
XM4P67 - - - - - - Methyl atropine
XM3KR9 - - - - - - Methylatropine nitrate
XM14X3 - - - - - - Methylbenactyzium bromide
XM4RV4 - - - - - - Metixene
XM5F96 - - - - - - Milverine
XM1V30 - - - - - - Moxaverine
XM3YV6 - - - - - - Muscle affecting agents relaxants smooth
XM4U03 - - - - - - Octatropine methyl-bromide
XM8YF7 - - - - - - Otilonium bromide
XM5YT3 - - - - - - Oxapium iodide
XM0LB8 - - - - - - Oxybutynin
XM5D56 - - - - - - Oxyphencyclimine
XM1LM4 - - - - - - Oxyphenonium bromide
XM8X70 - - - - - - Papaverine
XM3A77 - - - - - - Parasympatholytic
XM8U27 - - - - - - Penthienate bromide
XM64K1 - - - - - - Phenglutarimide
XM2GC8 - - - - - - Pinaverium bromide
XM6FV2 - - - - - - Pipenzolate bromide
XM24K8 - - - - - - Piperidolate
XM6MG0 - - - - - - Pipethanate
XM7EV5 - - - - - - Poldine metilsulfate
- - - - - Other parasympathomimetics [cholinergics]
XM1EC3 - - - - - - Acetylcholine chloride
XM3GM3 - - - - - - Acetylcholine derivative
XM0000 - - - - - - Benzpyrinium bromide
XM0MZ4 - - - - - - Bethanechol chloride
XM4LE7 - - - - - - Cholinergic (drug)
XM4ZZ7 - - - - - - Cholinergic muscle tone enhancer
XM6VJ2 - - - - - - Cholinergic trimethyl ammonium propanediol
XM8JX6 - - - - - - Parasympathomimetic drug
XM5EY0 - - - - - - Pilocarpus extract (jaborandi)
XM4AJ3 - - - - - - Aceclidine
XM7494 - - - - - - Arecoline
XM9XA2 - - - - - - Bethanechol
XM4AT9 - - - - - - Carbachol
XM3YJ9 - - - - - - Methacholine
XM0RX5 - - - - - - Pilocarpine
- - - - - Predominantly alpha-adrenoreceptor agonists
XM3LR7 - - - - - - Agonist predominantly alpha-adrenoreceptor
XM5Q41 - - - - - - Antazolin (e)
XM25T0 - - - - - - Apraclonidine (hydrochloride)
XM88Z7 - - - - - - Bisulepin (hydrochloride)
XM4TB9 - - - - - - Levocabastine (hydrochloride)
XM1A78 - - - - - - Meclizine (hydrochloride)
XM9VP4 - - - - - - Propyl hexadrine
XM6NM2 - - - - - - Thonzylamine (systemic)
XM0W81 - - - - - - Antistine
XM9VB8 - - - - - - Azelastine
XM4GX4 - - - - - - Bamipine
XM35M7 - - - - - - Benzquinamide
XM1TL5 - - - - - - Bromazine
XM5PK9 - - - - - - Brompheniramine
XM8GH2 - - - - - - Buclizine
XM9KZ9 - - - - - - Carbinoxamine
XM0QD9 - - - - - - Cetirizine
XM0AN5 - - - - - - Cetoxime
XM66X7 - - - - - - Chlor-Trimeton
XM9SK3 - - - - - - Chlorcyclizine
XM9CM1 - - - - - - Chloropyramine
XM34G7 - - - - - - Chloropyrilene
XM4PH8 - - - - - - Chlorothen
XM6UB7 - - - - - - Chlorphenamine
XM9VG3 - - - - - - Chlorpheniramine
XM4QD7 - - - - - - Chlorphenoxamine
XM7CE7 - - - - - - Cinnarizine
XM3DL4 - - - - - - Clemastine
XM0Y33 - - - - - - Clemizole
XM0S26 - - - - - - Cyclizine
XM8Y26 - - - - - - Cyclopentamine
XM1107 - - - - - - Dexbrompheniramine
XM6CF9 - - - - - - Dexchlorpheniramine
XM62B0 - - - - - - Dibenzheptropine
XM29D4 - - - - - - Difenidol
XM8ZH9 - - - - - - Dimenhydrinate
XM74S1 - - - - - - Dimethindene
XM6KY0 - - - - - - Diphenhydramine
XM7GV4 - - - - - - Diphenylpyraline
XM77K6 - - - - - - Doxylamine
XM59T1 - - - - - - Embramine
XM9187 - - - - - - Etilefrine
XM4B54 - - - - - - Gepefrine
XM2305 - - - - - - Homochlorcyclizine
XM4Z91 - - - - - - Isothipendyl
XM4F63 - - - - - - Ketotifen
XM7BH6 - - - - - - Levarterenol
XM4PE5 - - - - - - Loratadine
XM6L38 - - - - - - Metaraminol
XM8TK4 - - - - - - Methaphenilene
XM7TD1 - - - - - - Methapyrilene
XM7RF2 - - - - - - Moxastine
XM2CG2 - - - - - - Noradrenaline
XM81D8 - - - - - - Norepinephrine
XM2A75 - - - - - - Norfenefrine
XM6AV1 - - - - - - Oxatomide
XM5HS9 - - - - - - Oxedrine
XM7D21 - - - - - - Paredrine
XM4UU4 - - - - - - Pheniramine
XM6ZQ3 - - - - - - Phenylephrine
XM2V55 - - - - - - Phenyltoloxamine
XM9TL2 - - - - - - Propiomazine
XM54R1 - - - - - - Pyrilamine
XM39Y4 - - - - - - Thenyldiamine
XM0N55 - - - - - - Tripelennamine
- - - - - Predominantly beta-adrenoreceptor agonists
XM96M5 - - - - - - Agonist predominantly beta-adrenoreceptor
XM10L5 - - - - - - Angiotensin
XM3D85 - - - - - - Beclomethasone
XM3UP9 - - - - - - Budesonide
XM4E14 - - - - - - Dobutamine
XM3273 - - - - - - Epinephrine
XM5YS9 - - - - - - Isoetharine
XM18Q9 - - - - - - Prenalterol
XM2YD0 - - - - - - Procaterol
XM5HL3 - - - - - - Racepinephrine
XM1CS3 - - - - - - Ritodrine
XM45U9 - - - - - - Xamoterol
- - - - Hormones and their synthetic substitutes and antagonists, not elsewhere classified
- - - - - Androgens and anabolic congeners
XM3BT9 - - - - - - Anabolic steroid
XM65R6 - - - - - - Androgen
XM5CT6 - - - - - - Androgen-estrogen mixture
XM3478 - - - - - - Androstalone
XM89R1 - - - - - - Androsterone
XM7LM1 - - - - - - Antineoplastic steroid
XM0T50 - - - - - - Calusterone
XM1SV6 - - - - - - Congener, anabolic
XM1RM3 - - - - - - Dromostanolone
XM0DG4 - - - - - - Drostanolone
XM81H5 - - - - - - Durabolin
XM76Q0 - - - - - - Epitiostanol
XM3UJ6 - - - - - - Estradiol with testosterone
XM29P0 - - - - - - Fluoxymesterone
XM7X01 - - - - - - Gonadal tissue extract male
XM2KK4 - - - - - - Hormone androgenic
XM6R95 - - - - - - Macrolide anabolic drug
XM21D8 - - - - - - Mepitiostane
XM0E55 - - - - - - Mestanolone
XM3QK3 - - - - - - Mesterolone
XM2GQ1 - - - - - - Metenolone
XM6966 - - - - - - Methandriol
XM24D1 - - - - - - Methandrostenolone
XM8HC6 - - - - - - Methyl androstanolone
XM4TC8 - - - - - - Methyltestosterone
XM8NZ0 - - - - - - Nandrolone
XM5115 - - - - - - Norethandrolone
XM6327 - - - - - - Oxandrolone
XM1E21 - - - - - - Oxymesterone
XM7WQ1 - - - - - - Oxymetholone
XM5Q72 - - - - - - Prasterone
XM8VE0 - - - - - - Stanozolol
XM3KV3 - - - - - - Steroid androgenic
XM1KA5 - - - - - - Steroid antineoplastic, hormone
XM5T49 - - - - - - Testolactone
XM3HM6 - - - - - - Testosterone
XM50S2 - - - - - - Zeranol
- - - - - Anterior pituitary [adenohypophyseal] hormones
XM5Y80 - - - - - - Adrenocorticotrophic hormone
XM7309 - - - - - - Anterior pituitary hormone
XM4MB2 - - - - - - Follicle-stimulating hormone, human
XM1NX7 - - - - - - Human growth hormone (HGH)
XM86N5 - - - - - - Luteinizing hormone
XM0Y82 - - - - - - Pituitary extracts anterior
XM9ET6 - - - - - - Thyreotrophic hormone
XM7J71 - - - - - - Thyrotropic hormone
XM6UE9 - - - - - - ACTH
XM8351 - - - - - - Adrenocorticotrophin
XM3G67 - - - - - - Alsactide
XM7XJ1 - - - - - - Corticotropin
XM1EM4 - - - - - - Cosyntropin
XM1027 - - - - - - FSH
XM92R5 - - - - - - Menotropins
XM4QA7 - - - - - - Pergonal
XM77Q1 - - - - - - Prolactin
XM9NW5 - - - - - - Seractide
XM3LZ6 - - - - - - Somatotropin
XM96L8 - - - - - - Somatrem
XM0515 - - - - - - Somatropin
XM4B77 - - - - - - Tetracosactide
XM52T6 - - - - - - Tetracosactrin
XM4WS0 - - - - - - Thyrotrophin
XM67H0 - - - - - - TSH
XM8HC4 - - - - - - Urofollitropin
- - - - - Antigonadotrophins, antiestrogens, antiandrogens, not elsewhere classified
XM7JF4 - - - - - - Antiandrogen
XM10A6 - - - - - - Antiestrogen
XM8MB2 - - - - - - Antigonadotrophin
XM3C58 - - - - - - Cyproterone
XM0FW7 - - - - - - Danazol
XM3G31 - - - - - - Flutamide
XM4RW1 - - - - - - Mifepristone
XM9QT3 - - - - - - Nafoxidine
XM9AL0 - - - - - - Nilutamide
XM1ZT8 - - - - - - Ormeloxifene
XM0P47 - - - - - - Taleranol
XM2UX2 - - - - - - Tamoxifen
XM1312 - - - - - - Toremifene
- - - - - Antithyroid drugs
XM8492 - - - - - - Iodine 131 therapeutic
XM6VL9 - - - - - - Iodine for thyroid conditions (antithyroid)
XM6V39 - - - - - - Potassium perchlorate antithyroid
XM9LL4 - - - - - - Potassium perchlorate medicinal
XM6RC9 - - - - - - Sodium iodide I-131 therapeutic
XM8X98 - - - - - - Thiouracil (benzyl) (methyl) (propyl)
XM1H03 - - - - - - Benzylthiouracil
XM35K1 - - - - - - Carbimazole
XM6Y24 - - - - - - Diiodotyrosine
XM7TM9 - - - - - - Iothiouracil
XM38T7 - - - - - - Methimazole
XM54P6 - - - - - - Methylthiouracil
XM5DE7 - - - - - - Propylthiouracil
XM3G29 - - - - - - Thiourea
- - - - - Glucocorticoids and synthetic analogues
XM51K6 - - - - - - Adrenal (extract, cortex or medulla)(glucocorticoids)(hormones)(mineralocorticoids)
XM3R56 - - - - - - Compound E (cortisone)
XM4HH6 - - - - - - Compound F (hydrocortisone)
XM5AE3 - - - - - - Cortisone (acetate)
XM48E4 - - - - - - Fluorinated corticosteroids
XM0XY8 - - - - - - Hormone adrenal cortical steroids
XM6F84 - - - - - - Aristocort
XM8936 - - - - - - Celestone
XM0XB5 - - - - - - Clocortolone
XM4AF4 - - - - - - Cloprednol
XM6FJ6 - - - - - - Cortate
XM6TY3 - - - - - - Corticosteroid
XM17S1 - - - - - - Cortivazol
XM25L1 - - - - - - Cortone
XM5CF7 - - - - - - Deflazacort
XM0JS3 - - - - - - Deltasone
XM3LC8 - - - - - - Deltra
XM72R5 - - - - - - Dexamethasone
XM7L62 - - - - - - DOCA
XM2GK4 - - - - - - Fluprednisolone
XM4Z52 - - - - - - Glucocorticoids
XM1040 - - - - - - Glucocorticosteroid
XM2UL5 - - - - - - Kenacort
XM5V41 - - - - - - Meprednisone
XM4RH1 - - - - - - Paramethasone
XM5AM2 - - - - - - Percorten
XM6JJ4 - - - - - - Prednisolone
XM39W4 - - - - - - Prednisone
XM3YJ1 - - - - - - Prednylidene
XM8JY6 - - - - - - Steroid
- - - - - Insulin and oral hypoglycemic [antidiabetic] drugs
XM9AX5 - - - - - - Antidiabetic biguanide and sulfonyl combined
XM5DC4 - - - - - - Antidiabetic biguanide
XM5SK7 - - - - - - Antidiabetic combined
XM11C9 - - - - - - Antidiabetic sulfonylurea
XM6932 - - - - - - Biguanide derivatives, oral
XM4SE3 - - - - - - Globin zinc insulin
XM88E8 - - - - - - Glymidine sodium
XM4M26 - - - - - - Hormone antidiabetic agents
XM4C63 - - - - - - Insular tissue extract
XM2JC7 - - - - - - Insulin (amorphous) (globin) (isophane) (Lente) (NPH) (Semilente) (Ultralente)
XM3RW5 - - - - - - Insulin defalan
XM21C9 - - - - - - Insulin human
XM16M5 - - - - - - Insulin injection, soluble biphasic
XM1DZ9 - - - - - - Insulin injection, soluble
XM9728 - - - - - - Insulin intermediate acting
XM54Q2 - - - - - - Insulin protamine zinc
XM0KT2 - - - - - - Insulin slow acting
XM7VD3 - - - - - - Insulin zinc protamine injection
XM0US2 - - - - - - Insulin zinc suspension (amorphous) (crystalline)
XM73L8 - - - - - - Isophane insulin
XM9AZ3 - - - - - - Lente iletin (insulin)
XM8502 - - - - - - Neutral insulin injection
XM8VX4 - - - - - - NPH iletin (insulin)
XM3J06 - - - - - - Protamine sulfate zinc insulin
XM73P6 - - - - - - Sulfonylurea derivatives, oral
XM1RV6 - - - - - - Tolbutamide (sodium)
XM60R0 - - - - - - Acetohexamide
XM8S35 - - - - - - Antidiabetic
XM6EJ2 - - - - - - Buformin
XM8ZU0 - - - - - - Carbutamide
XM8S18 - - - - - - Chlorpropamide
XM0RV5 - - - - - - Glibenclamide
XM8E97 - - - - - - Glibornuride
XM2G21 - - - - - - Gliclazide
XM06A4 - - - - - - Glimidine
XM3TQ4 - - - - - - Glipizide
XM8597 - - - - - - Gliquidone
XM2584 - - - - - - Glisolamide
XM65J8 - - - - - - Glisoxepide
XM9N95 - - - - - - Glucagon
XM6JN8 - - - - - - Glyburide
XM0K09 - - - - - - Glyclopyramide
XM6861 - - - - - - Glycyclamide
XM5MV9 - - - - - - Iletin
XM0JN5 - - - - - - Metformin
XM4K79 - - - - - - Phenformin
XM8QQ1 - - - - - - PZI
XM8YD0 - - - - - - Tolazamide
- - - - - Oral contraceptives
XM2720 - - - - - - Antifertility pill
XM69D7 - - - - - - Demulen
XM8CB9 - - - - - - Enovid
XM3WW4 - - - - - - Ethinylestradiol, ethinyloestradiol with levonorgestrel
XM7M76 - - - - - - Ethinylestradiol, ethinyloestradiol with norethisterone
XM6TX3 - - - - - - Ethynodiol
XM8HJ8 - - - - - - Ethynodiol with mestranol diacetate
XM6U53 - - - - - - Levonorgestrel
XM8Y77 - - - - - - Lynestrenol
XM8BA2 - - - - - - Norethindrone
XM31C0 - - - - - - Norgestrienone
XM72K8 - - - - - - Norlestrin
XM4FD0 - - - - - - Oracon
XM4AG1 - - - - - - Ovral
XM53A8 - - - - - - Ovulen
XM6VJ3 - - - - - - Progestin oral contraceptive
XM1DX1 - - - - - - Quingestanol
- - - - - Other estrogens and progestogens
XM77R9 - - - - - - Allylestrenol
XM6CL2 - - - - - - Anhydrohydroxy-progesterone
XM0W29 - - - - - - Antineoplastic combination estrogen
XM5FK8 - - - - - - Chlormadinone
XM1058 - - - - - - Chlorotrianisene
XM74M2 - - - - - - Clomiphene
XM76F9 - - - - - - Conjugated estrogenic substances
XM4DR7 - - - - - - Delalutin
XM6SD5 - - - - - - Demegestone
XM7ZG5 - - - - - - Desogestrel
XM6UC0 - - - - - - Dienoestrol
XM51S9 - - - - - - Diethylstilbestrol
XM49U4 - - - - - - Dimestrol
XM5RK3 - - - - - - Dimethisterone
XM71X5 - - - - - - Dydrogesterone
XM1P34 - - - - - - Epiestriol
XM7YR1 - - - - - - Epimestrol
XM39W0 - - - - - - Estradiol benzoate
XM4EH0 - - - - - - Estriol
XM7CP4 - - - - - - Estrogen
XM56M0 - - - - - - Estrogen conjugated
XM2GR3 - - - - - - Estrogen with progesterone
XM8YK8 - - - - - - Estrone
XM6133 - - - - - - Estropipate
XM8MD3 - - - - - - Ethinylestradiol, ethinyloestradiol
XM0TH1 - - - - - - Ethisterone
XM03K8 - - - - - - Fosfestrol
XM1KX5 - - - - - - Gestonorone caproate
XM7JV9 - - - - - - Gonadal tissue extract female
XM8WE5 - - - - - - Hexoestrol
XM4NZ9 - - - - - - Hydroxyestrone
XM0R79 - - - - - - Hydroxyprogesterone
XM5A00 - - - - - - Hydroxyprogesterone caproate
XM65V3 - - - - - - Levonorgestrel with ethinylestradiol
XM4HQ9 - - - - - - Medrogestone
XM2HB5 - - - - - - Medroxyprogesterone acetate (depot)
XM7KS3 - - - - - - Megestrol
XM3AK8 - - - - - - Mestranol
XM4T41 - - - - - - Methallenestril
XM37T7 - - - - - - Methylestrenolone
XM2LR3 - - - - - - Nomegestrol
XM7LY6 - - - - - - Norethisterone with ethinylestradiol
XM1SH1 - - - - - - Noretynodrel
XM1B43 - - - - - - Normethandrone
XM3MJ7 - - - - - - Ovarian hormone
XM26R0 - - - - - - Ovarian stimulant
XM8AV0 - - - - - - Oxendolone
XM3YX8 - - - - - - Polyestradiol phosphate
XM1K26 - - - - - - Pregnandiol
XM5HL1 - - - - - - Premarin
XM3799 - - - - - - Progesterone
XM8FT3 - - - - - - Progestogen
XM3SF1 - - - - - - Progestone
XM71B5 - - - - - - Promegestone
XM9HS1 - - - - - - Quinestradol
XM3HH8 - - - - - - Quinestrol
XM0SU9 - - - - - - Steroid antineoplastic, hormone estrogen
- - - - - Other hormones and synthetic substitutes
XM49L1 - - - - - - Chorionic gonadotropin
XM6X07 - - - - - - Gonadal tissue extract
XM4VE0 - - - - - - Hormone specified,
XM85S0 - - - - - - Hypophysis, posterior
XM7399 - - - - - - Melanocyte-stimulating hormone
XM00P3 - - - - - - Pituitary extracts (posterior)
XM0J12 - - - - - - Placental hormone
XM5714 - - - - - - Posterior pituitary hormone
XM7LM2 - - - - - - Thymus extract
XM1Y33 - - - - - - Vasopressor drugs
XM32E8 - - - - - - Buserelin
XM77T2 - - - - - - Desmopressin
XM9EQ9 - - - - - - Enterogastrone
XM3MT8 - - - - - - Felypressin
XM2TU9 - - - - - - Gonadorelin
XM10K7 - - - - - - Gonadotropin
XM3GP5 - - - - - - Leuprolide
XM3GU1 - - - - - - Lypressin
XM01Z4 - - - - - - Octreotide
XM7R30 - - - - - - Protirelin
XM30J6 - - - - - - Sermorelin
XM7E13 - - - - - - Somatorelin
XM5L29 - - - - - - Somatostatin
XM4E12 - - - - - - Terlipressin
XM7DQ5 - - - - - - Trilostane
XM6A76 - - - - - - Vasopressin
- - - - - Thyroid hormones and substitutes
XM68B8 - - - - - - Detrothyronine
XM2YU4 - - - - - - Dextrothyroxin
XM27J7 - - - - - - Dextrothyroxine sodium
XM5M40 - - - - - - Euthroid
XM93X7 - - - - - - Hormone thyroid
XM10Z7 - - - - - - Levoid
XM5G81 - - - - - - Levothyroxine
XM2WC1 - - - - - - Levothyroxine sodium
XM2XB6 - - - - - - Liothyronine
XM0P56 - - - - - - Liotrix
XM9RU3 - - - - - - Proloid
XM1L96 - - - - - - Sodium -triiodothyronine (L)
XM65J7 - - - - - - Sodium L-triiodothyronine
XM66B8 - - - - - - Thyroglobulin
XM5685 - - - - - - Thyroxine
XM4H64 - - - - - - Tiratricol
XM5590 - - - - - - Titroid
- - - - Other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances
- - - - - Antidotes and chelating agents, not elsewhere classified
XM3XY4 - - - - - - Alcohol deterrent
XM2XV6 - - - - - - Antabuse
XM1S43 - - - - - - Antidote
XM2FC3 - - - - - - Calcium carbimide
XM65Y8 - - - - - - Chelating agent
XM68U2 - - - - - - Cholinesterase reactivator
XM81B1 - - - - - - Cysteamine
XM9M46 - - - - - - Detoxifying agent
XM0ZM0 - - - - - - Disodium edetate
XM1V56 - - - - - - EDTA
XM0FL5 - - - - - - Phytic acid, nonasodium
XM7SW5 - - - - - - Glutathione
XM1YY3 - - - - - - Methylene blue
XM7Z31 - - - - - - Nitrefazole
XM7HV6 - - - - - - Obidoxime chloride
XM2ZD4 - - - - - - PAM (pralidoxime)
XM1QA0 - - - - - - Penicillamine
XM6TE9 - - - - - - Potassium ferric hexacyanoferrate (medicinal)
XM7K47 - - - - - - Pralidoxime (iodide)
XM6BZ5 - - - - - - Pralidoxime chloride
XM7629 - - - - - - Protopam
XM8P25 - - - - - - Prussian blue therapeutic
XM6DU2 - - - - - - Pyridine aldoxime methiodide
XM6043 - - - - - - Pyridine aldoxime methyl chloride
XM3810 - - - - - - Sodium nitrite
XM7LV6 - - - - - - Sodium phytate
XM6NW5 - - - - - - Sodium thiosulfate
XM2KC9 - - - - - - Sodium versenate
XM99S5 - - - - - - Tetraethylthiuram disulfide
XM6GP9 - - - - - - Trientine
XM2U68 - - - - - - Trisodium hydrogen edetate
XM7KV3 - - - - - - Versenate
- - - - - Antivenin, antivenom (sera), Immunoglobulin
XM6MB2 - - - - - - AHLG
XM4361 - - - - - - Anti-D immunoglobulin (human)
XM9CH0 - - - - - - Anti-human lymphocytic globulin
XM9L34 - - - - - - Antidiphtheria serum
XM5083 - - - - - - Antirabies hyperimmune serum
XM9D37 - - - - - - Antiscorpion sera
XM8824 - - - - - - Antitetanus immunoglobulin
XM5CP2 - - - - - - Antitoxin
XM81Z0 - - - - - - Antitoxin gas gangrene
XM18X1 - - - - - - Antitoxin tetanus
XM5TW5 - - - - - - Antivenin, antivenom (sera)
XM2T48 - - - - - - Antivenin, antivenom crotaline
XM6D91 - - - - - - Antivenin, antivenom spider bite
XM4XP6 - - - - - - Black widow spider antivenin
XM0AD6 - - - - - - Botulinus anti-toxin (type A, B)
XM2MN8 - - - - - - Diphtheria antitoxin
XM7VG2 - - - - - - Gamimune
XM6Z81 - - - - - - Gamma globulin
XM7MC6 - - - - - - Gamulin
XM1AG2 - - - - - - Glandular extract (medicinal)
XM8MQ7 - - - - - - Globulin antilymphocytic
XM6UW5 - - - - - - Globulin antirhesus
XM3LT2 - - - - - - Globulin antivenin
XM9XP6 - - - - - - Globulin antiviral
XM6JK2 - - - - - - Hepatitis B immune globulin
XM5443 - - - - - - Homo-tet
XM3KZ0 - - - - - - Horse anti-human lymphocytic serum
XM7BR5 - - - - - - Human immune serum
XM42S1 - - - - - - Hypertussis
XM63P9 - - - - - - Immu-tetanus
XM1BS2 - - - - - - Immuglobin
XM26U5 - - - - - - Immunoglobin human (intravenous) (normal)
XM3H32 - - - - - - Immunoglobin human unmodified
XM8Z30 - - - - - - Mumps immune globulin (human)
XM5DZ4 - - - - - - Pegademase, bovine
XM3FU2 - - - - - - Pertussis immune serum (human)
XM5R25 - - - - - - Rabies immune globulin (human)
XM3ML9 - - - - - - Rh (D) immune globulin (human)
XM67L1 - - - - - - RhoGAM
XM77D4 - - - - - - Serum anti-Rh
XM18Y9 - - - - - - Serum anti-snake-bite
XM3HE6 - - - - - - Serum antibotulinus
XM9V23 - - - - - - Serum anticytotoxic
XM7HP0 - - - - - - Serum antimeningococcus
XM5F14 - - - - - - Serum antitetanic
XM8MX1 - - - - - - Serum antitoxic
XM9QJ7 - - - - - - Serum convalescent
XM0SJ2 - - - - - - Serum protective
XM5CC6 - - - - - - Spider antivenin
XM2042 - - - - - - Tetanus toxoid or vaccine antitoxin
XM2GK5 - - - - - - Tetanus toxoid or vaccine immune globulin (human)
- - - - - - Vaccine
XM8142 - - - - - - - BCG vaccine
XM29K4 - - - - - - - Cholera vaccine
XM9YH9 - - - - - - - Diphtheria toxoid with tetanus toxoid with pertussis component
XM1G86 - - - - - - - Diphtheria toxoid with tetanus toxoid
XM86V7 - - - - - - - Diphtheria toxoid
XM46V1 - - - - - - - Diphtheria vaccine combination including pertussis
XM39K8 - - - - - - - Diphtheria vaccine combination without pertussis
XM8YP9 - - - - - - - Diphtheria vaccine combination
XM8AW3 - - - - - - - Diphtheria vaccine
XM2KH7 - - - - - - - Diplovax
XM9V38 - - - - - - - Hepatitis B vaccine
XM1LR5 - - - - - - - Influenza vaccine
XM8L15 - - - - - - - Measles virus vaccine (attenuated)
XM2WV4 - - - - - - - Meningococcal vaccine
XM2280 - - - - - - - Menningovax (-AC) (-C)
XM9PS9 - - - - - - - Meruvax
XM1131 - - - - - - - Mumps vaccine
XM2340 - - - - - - - Mumpsvax
XM4KG4 - - - - - - - Orimune
XM95H3 - - - - - - - Paratyphoid vaccine
XM9ZL9 - - - - - - - Pertussis vaccine (with diphtheria toxoid) (with tetanus toxoid)
XM8ZX8 - - - - - - - Plague vaccine
XM0N50 - - - - - - - Poliomyelitis vaccine
XM6T09 - - - - - - - Rabies vaccine
XM0E84 - - - - - - - Rocky Mountain spotted fever vaccine
XM7PP1 - - - - - - - Rubella vaccine
XM19M9 - - - - - - - Rubeola vaccine
XM95R0 - - - - - - - Smallpox vaccine
XM69P6 - - - - - - - Synagis
XM88Y3 - - - - - - - Tetanus toxoid or vaccine toxoid with diphtheria toxoid with pertussis
XM8XH5 - - - - - - - Tetanus toxoid or vaccine toxoid with diphtheria toxoid
XM29H5 - - - - - - - Tetanus toxoid or vaccine toxoid
XM3JX7 - - - - - - - Tetanus toxoid or vaccine
XM3JG2 - - - - - - - Toxoid combined
XM4P70 - - - - - - - Toxoid tetanus
XM1PB8 - - - - - - - Triple vaccine DPT
XM3M57 - - - - - - - Triple vaccine including pertussis
XM5AS8 - - - - - - - Triple vaccine MMR
XM8FY3 - - - - - - - Triple vaccine
XM9UB1 - - - - - - - Typhoid-paratyphoid vaccine
XM3JJ2 - - - - - - - Typhus vaccine
XM5926 - - - - - - - Vaccine bacterial mixed, not elsewhere classified
XM9SW5 - - - - - - - Vaccine bacterial with other bacterial component
XM2ZE3 - - - - - - - Vaccine bacterial with pertussis component
XM5KN5 - - - - - - - Vaccine bacterial with viral-rickettsial component
XM3KV2 - - - - - - - Vaccine bacterial
XM4039 - - - - - - - Vaccine diphtheria with tetanus
XM22H1 - - - - - - - Vaccine measles with mumps and rubella
XM28X5 - - - - - - - Vaccine measles
XM7NZ8 - - - - - - - Vaccine pertussis with diphtheria and tetanus
XM2CV8 - - - - - - - Vaccine pertussis with diphtheria
XM25U9 - - - - - - - Vaccine pertussis with other component
XM43M9 - - - - - - - Vaccine pertussis
XM35C8 - - - - - - - Vaccine poliovirus
XM02Y0 - - - - - - - Vaccine respiratory syncytial virus
XM4F19 - - - - - - - Vaccine rickettsial with bacterial component
XM91J8 - - - - - - - Vaccine rickettsial
XM1Y59 - - - - - - - Vaccine sabin oral
XM3VD2 - - - - - - - Vaccine TAB
XM5L44 - - - - - - - Vaccine tetanus
XM8BU8 - - - - - - - Vaccine typhoid
XM61M7 - - - - - - - Viral vaccine
XM0N24 - - - - - - - Yellow fever vaccine
XM8Y67 - - - - - - Vaccine antineoplastic
XM8Q08 - - - - - - Vaccinia immune globulin
- - - - - Appetite depressants
XM84W9 - - - - - - Amfepramone
XM54E8 - - - - - - Aminorex
XM02P9 - - - - - - Anorexiant (central)
XM27D2 - - - - - - Anorexic agents
XM4DD3 - - - - - - Benzphetamine
XM76G4 - - - - - - Bulk filler
XM8K95 - - - - - - Cathine
XM16Q1 - - - - - - Chlorphentermine
XM2NX7 - - - - - - Clobenzorex
XM3AJ4 - - - - - - Cloforex
XM8H60 - - - - - - Clortermine
XM5WS4 - - - - - - Dexfenfluramine
XM5FP0 - - - - - - Diethylpropion
XM1470 - - - - - - Fenbutrazate
XM5TZ8 - - - - - - Fenfluramine
XM1145 - - - - - - Fenproporex
XM3K58 - - - - - - Levopropylhexedrine
XM25W6 - - - - - - Mazindol
XM3DL8 - - - - - - Mefenorex
XM83V3 - - - - - - Norpseudoephedrine
XM3ZV2 - - - - - - Oxazimedrine
XM4PR1 - - - - - - Phenbutrazate
XM6AJ3 - - - - - - Phendimetrazine
XM73T8 - - - - - - Phenmetrazine
XM5VK3 - - - - - - Phentermine
- - - - - Other diagnostic agents
XM07G3 - - - - - - Alcohol diagnostic (gastric function)
XM27H8 - - - - - - Aminohippuric acid
XM3ZG8 - - - - - - Barium diagnostic agent
XM2M11 - - - - - - Barium sulfate (medicinal)
XM6T19 - - - - - - Calcium ipodate
XM87D3 - - - - - - Chromium sesquioxide
XM1V31 - - - - - - Congo red
XM1Q00 - - - - - - Diagnostic agent
XM0TB6 - - - - - - Dye diagnostic agents
XM1WG6 - - - - - - Ethiodized oil (131 I)
XM34X2 - - - - - - Evans blue
XM3WK3 - - - - - - Fludeoxyglucose (18F)
XM03M1 - - - - - - Frei antigen
XM1286 - - - - - - Histamine (phosphate)
XM9RK1 - - - - - - Indigo carmine
XM2818 - - - - - - Indocyanine green
XM2S71 - - - - - - Iodinated contrast medium
XM3YH9 - - - - - - Iodinated human serum albumin (131I)
XM2YP2 - - - - - - Iodine 125
XM8YZ7 - - - - - - Iodine 131
XM61Z7 - - - - - - Iodine diagnostic
XM5085 - - - - - - Iodized oil (poppy seed)
XM4ML0 - - - - - - Iodocholesterol (131I)
XM89U8 - - - - - - Iodopanoic acid
XM8QZ2 - - - - - - Iodophthalein (sodium)
XM9WW7 - - - - - - Lygranum (skin test)
XM3WZ1 - - - - - - Lymphogranuloma venereum antigen
XM13P3 - - - - - - Meglumine diatrizoate
XM5BJ1 - - - - - - Meglumine iodipamide
XM5DP6 - - - - - - Meglumine iotroxate
XM1VN8 - - - - - - Mumps skin test antigen
XM3Q40 - - - - - - Penicilloyl polylysine
XM5Z97 - - - - - - Phenol red
XM2JL6 - - - - - - Radio-opaque (drugs) (materials)
XM7V63 - - - - - - Radioactive drug
XM2PX0 - - - - - - Rose bengal sodium (131I)
XM6941 - - - - - - Rubidium chloride Rb82
XM24K5 - - - - - - Selenomethionine (75Se)
XM35G5 - - - - - - Skin test antigen
XM50Y6 - - - - - - Sodium acetrizoate
XM3GV1 - - - - - - Sodium amidotrizoate
XM7W63 - - - - - - Sodium cacodylate (nonmedicinal)
XM6JG1 - - - - - - Sodium diatrizoate
XM13P4 - - - - - - Sodium indigotin disulfonate
XM2R88 - - - - - - Sodium iodide I-131
XM0RB0 - - - - - - Sodium iodohippurate (131I)
XM15W7 - - - - - - Sodium iothalamate
XM36R6 - - - - - - Sodium metrizoate
XM87Y9 - - - - - - Sodium para-aminohippurate
XM5VK7 - - - - - - Sodium pertechnetate Tc99m
XM8N65 - - - - - - Sodium tyropanoate
XM2798 - - - - - - Sulfan blue (diagnostic dye)
XM1XE0 - - - - - - Sulfobromophthalein (sodium)
XM1QL6 - - - - - - Sulfonphthalein, sulfonphthol
XM8478 - - - - - - Sulkowitch's reagent
XM0HT5 - - - - - - Sulphan blue
XM4DA3 - - - - - - Toxin, diphtheria (Schick Test)
XM0EK6 - - - - - - Tuberculin, purified protein derivative (PPD)
XM0LQ4 - - - - - - Xenon (127Xe) (133Xe)
XM59X0 - - - - - - Ametazole
XM7P84 - - - - - - Angio-Conray
XM1F97 - - - - - - Azuresin
XM7A79 - - - - - - Bentiromide
XM1MP2 - - - - - - Betazole
XM07Z3 - - - - - - Biligrafin
XM8GP9 - - - - - - Bilopaque
XM3NM0 - - - - - - Bromsulfophthalein
XM1CN5 - - - - - - Cardio-green
XM2F37 - - - - - - Cardiografin
XM0D92 - - - - - - Ceruletide
XM62B1 - - - - - - Cholebrine
XM5374 - - - - - - Cholecystokinin
XM43Z9 - - - - - - Cholografin
XM4CF3 - - - - - - Coccidioidin
XM5618 - - - - - - Fluorescein
XM6MN7 - - - - - - Gastrografin
XM3E48 - - - - - - Histalog
XM3Y60 - - - - - - Histoplasmin
XM7606 - - - - - - Hypaque
XM1M24 - - - - - - Inulin
XM12A9 - - - - - - Iodopyracet
XM90L9 - - - - - - Iprofenin
XM3114 - - - - - - Lidofenin
XM5GR6 - - - - - - Metyrapone
XM63X6 - - - - - - Oragrafin
XM9AU1 - - - - - - Pentagastrin
XM72D4 - - - - - - Peptavlon
XM49D4 - - - - - - Renografin
XM3L99 - - - - - - Secretin
XM53M3 - - - - - - Sincalide
XM54H1 - - - - - - Telepaque
XM99K0 - - - - - - Urokon
- - - - - Other drugs and medicaments
XM2YN0 - - - - - - 5-Methoxypsoralen (5-MOP)
XM6379 - - - - - - 8-Methoxypsoralen (8-MOP)
XM5549 - - - - - - Acetohydroxamic acid
XM0917 - - - - - - Acidifying agent
XM2M63 - - - - - - Acitretin
XM5VE0 - - - - - - Alkalinizing agents (medicinal)
XM7C09 - - - - - - Alkalizing agent
XM1W37 - - - - - - Ammonium chloride
XM79G0 - - - - - - Arginine
XM4HD8 - - - - - - Arginine glutamate
XM1G69 - - - - - - Bergapten
XM9CG5 - - - - - - Thioctic acid
XM3E24 - - - - - - Tidiacic
XM2D76 - - - - - - Tiopronin
XM3UR2 - - - - - - Tonic
XM1PQ5 - - - - - - Tragacanth
XM8MG9 - - - - - - Ursodiol
XM8UL7 - - - - - - Vienna red pharmaceutical dye
XM0LB9 - - - - - - Viscous agent
XM5FG5 - - - - - - BHA
XM4G24 - - - - - - Biological substance
XM83G3 - - - - - - Borate buffer
XM9Y95 - - - - - - Bromophenol blue reagent
XM6GU7 - - - - - - Butylated hydroxyanisole
XM74V3 - - - - - - Calcitonin
XM9VN8 - - - - - - Calcium chloride
XM0G41 - - - - - - Calculus-dissolving drug
XM8337 - - - - - - Canthaxanthin
XM90Q0 - - - - - - Cetomacrogol
XM4BD4 - - - - - - Chlorophyll
XM53N4 - - - - - - Choline chloride
XM3KK0 - - - - - - Choline dihydrogen citrate
XM8UA9 - - - - - - Cianidanol
XM7171 - - - - - - Clodronic acid
XM6U62 - - - - - - Cochineal medicinal products
XM2YA2 - - - - - - Coenzyme A
XM4S70 - - - - - - Cogalactoisomerase
XM94X8 - - - - - - Collagen
XM72Y0 - - - - - - Colorant
XM1FY5 - - - - - - Cyclamate
XM45U3 - - - - - - Deanol (aceglumate)
XM5PT0 - - - - - - Diacetyl monoxime
XM2WE9 - - - - - - Dietetic drug
XM4K54 - - - - - - Drug
XM9X99 - - - - - - Drug specified
XM47Z6 - - - - - - Dye pharmaceutical
XM6US3 - - - - - - Elcatonin
XM66T3 - - - - - - Elemental diet
XM6T01 - - - - - - Epomediol
XM6UW3 - - - - - - Etidronic acid (disodium salt)
XM0Z07 - - - - - - Etretinate
XM1MM5 - - - - - - Excipients, pharmaceutical
XM6TS9 - - - - - - Fluoride medicinal
XM3GL6 - - - - - - Gallium citrate
XM4Y73 - - - - - - Gelsemine
XM7E16 - - - - - - Gluconic acid
XM2S34 - - - - - - Glycerophosphate
XM8M78 - - - - - - Guaiac reagent
XM6PS9 - - - - - - Headache cures, drugs, powders
XM4RN4 - - - - - - Hormone parathyroid (derivatives)
XM7291 - - - - - - Inositol
XM43V5 - - - - - - Intravenous amino acids
XM5MQ2 - - - - - - Intravenous fat suspension
XM7Q05 - - - - - - Iodine 125 therapeutic
XM98J9 - - - - - - Isotretinoin
XM1X04 - - - - - - Lactose (as excipient)
XM6JX1 - - - - - - Levocarnitine
XM2E91 - - - - - - Levoglutamide
XM6FQ8 - - - - - - Macrogol
XM0NG4 - - - - - - Manganese medicinal
XM8AZ5 - - - - - - Medicament
XM5MC0 - - - - - - Methionine
XM47G3 - - - - - - Methoxsalen
XM82Y6 - - - - - - Methylethyl cellulose
XM56J1 - - - - - - Monooctanoin
XM1D39 - - - - - - Nutritional supplement
XM9FD1 - - - - - - Octanoin
XM44G8 - - - - - - Orazamide
XM1GT0 - - - - - - Ornithine aspartate
XM3385 - - - - - - Oxalic acid ammonium salt
XM2YX0 - - - - - - Palm kernel oil
XM3050 - - - - - - Parathormone
XM7GD6 - - - - - - Parathyroid extract
XM3PV9 - - - - - - Pharmaceutical adjunct
XM3QS8 - - - - - - Pharmaceutical sweetener
XM3V61 - - - - - - Pharmaceutical viscous agent
XM74W0 - - - - - - Phenaphthazine reagent
XM7D96 - - - - - - Potassium citrate
XM0LP1 - - - - - - Preservative medicinal
XM04N4 - - - - - - Protein hydrolysate
XM8PS8 - - - - - - Psoralens (medicinal)
XM7CN5 - - - - - - Saccharin
XM2AQ8 - - - - - - Salt substitute
XM69P9 - - - - - - Salt-replacing drug
XM8FB6 - - - - - - Serotonin
XM5RS5 - - - - - - Silibinin
XM61E9 - - - - - - Sodium citrate
XM8AS5 - - - - - - Sodium iodide
XM7L15 - - - - - - Sodium magnesium citrate
XM5567 - - - - - - Sodium propyl hydroxybenzoate
XM3GS9 - - - - - - Soothing syrup
XM0GR4 - - - - - - Spray medicinal
XM9542 - - - - - - Starch
XM2HU6 - - - - - - Stone-dissolving drug
XM3J43 - - - - - - Sweetener
XM69N3 - - - - - - Tablets
XM59Z3 - - - - - - Teriparatide (acetate)
XM31S0 - - - - - - Thioctamide
- - - - - Vitamins, not elsewhere classified
XM1RT0 - - - - - - Alpha tocoferol (acetate)
XM1E66 - - - - - - Alpha tocopherol
XM7XY8 - - - - - - Ascorbic acid
XM7398 - - - - - - Calcium pantothenate
XM09R3 - - - - - - Cod-liver oil
XM55X8 - - - - - - Dextro calcium pantothenate
XM1PV0 - - - - - - Dextro pantothenyl alcohol
XM3CJ7 - - - - - - Flavine adenine dinucleotide
XM10G1 - - - - - - Folic acid with ferrous salt
XM8A10 - - - - - - Oleovitamin A
XM2EM5 - - - - - - Pangamic acid
XM3561 - - - - - - Pantothenic acid
XM2DV1 - - - - - - Provitamin A
XM4GD2 - - - - - - Pyridoxal phosphate
XM44B1 - - - - - - Tocopherol acetate
XM17W6 - - - - - - Vitamin A
XM7C61 - - - - - - Vitamin B
XM6NL2 - - - - - - Vitamin B1
XM1DE0 - - - - - - Vitamin B12
XM2G82 - - - - - - Vitamin B15
XM5VA9 - - - - - - Vitamin B2
XM6BU9 - - - - - - Vitamin B6
XM2S03 - - - - - - Vitamin C
XM5G71 - - - - - - Vitamin D
XM6ND4 - - - - - - Vitamin D2
XM08S2 - - - - - - Vitamin D3
XM97V2 - - - - - - Vitamin E acetate
XM5TU4 - - - - - - Vitamin E
XM8C34 - - - - - - Vitamin PP
XM2JZ5 - - - - - - Vitamin without further specification
XM2W18 - - - - - - Yeast dried
XM3UQ2 - - - - - - Acetiamine
XM9J35 - - - - - - Adenine
XM3NT7 - - - - - - Alfacalcidol
XM71R1 - - - - - - Aneurine
XM7CV6 - - - - - - Axerophthol
XM5HF5 - - - - - - Benfotiamine
XM7E89 - - - - - - Betacarotene
XM9RX3 - - - - - - Biotin
XM3HE8 - - - - - - Bisbentiamine
XM5LG0 - - - - - - Bisbutiamine
XM8SM6 - - - - - - Calcifediol
XM85V3 - - - - - - Calcitriol
XM1EK2 - - - - - - Carotene
XM8SY7 - - - - - - Cetotiamine
XM11C6 - - - - - - Cholecalciferol
XM2UB7 - - - - - - Cozyme
XM41P5 - - - - - - Dexpanthenol
XM37C2 - - - - - - Dihydrotachysterol
XM75Z5 - - - - - - Ergocalciferol
XM93T6 - - - - - - Esculin
XM20C9 - - - - - - Fursultiamine
XM4PS9 - - - - - - Nicotinamide
XM9609 - - - - - - Octotiamine
XM72U8 - - - - - - Panthenol
XM7D01 - - - - - - Prosultiamine
XM5MM0 - - - - - - Pyridoxine
XM4BT6 - - - - - - Retinol
XM8V93 - - - - - - Riboflavin
XM5742 - - - - - - Tocoferol
XM1PU6 - - - - - - Tocopherol
XM9FC4 - - - - - - Yeast
- - - - - X-ray contrast media
XM5NX1 - - - - - - Acetrizoate (sodium)
XM7QU5 - - - - - - Adipiodone
XM0L44 - - - - - - Amidotrizoate
XM80W7 - - - - - - Bunamiodyl
XM2343 - - - - - - Contrast medium, radiography
XM6XU2 - - - - - - Diatrizoate
XM2DC4 - - - - - - Diodone
XM7CY5 - - - - - - Gadopentetic acid
XM1QH8 - - - - - - Iobenzamic acid
XM7ZV2 - - - - - - Iocarmic acid
XM8PW2 - - - - - - Iocetamic acid
XM6583 - - - - - - Iodamide
XM5NA9 - - - - - - Iodipamide
XM4E01 - - - - - - Iodohippuric acid
XM2VE6 - - - - - - Iodoxamic acid
XM1R87 - - - - - - Iofendylate
XM8411 - - - - - - Ioglycamic acid
XM3R65 - - - - - - Iohexol
XM8C50 - - - - - - Iopamidol
XM2NU7 - - - - - - Iopanoic acid
XM9402 - - - - - - Iophenoic acid
XM7S30 - - - - - - Iopodic acid
XM4UK7 - - - - - - Iopromide
XM1AX3 - - - - - - Iopydol
XM8XV8 - - - - - - Iotalamic acid
XM8VT7 - - - - - - Iotrolan
XM4R74 - - - - - - Iotroxate
XM5LW4 - - - - - - Iotroxic acid
XM44B9 - - - - - - Ioxaglate
XM5EP5 - - - - - - Ioxaglic acid
XM34M9 - - - - - - Ioxitalamic acid
XM5N73 - - - - - - Methiodal sodium
XM3WB6 - - - - - - Metrizamide
XM7PH4 - - - - - - Metrizoic acid
XM96Q8 - - - - - - Phenobutiodil
XM1YV8 - - - - - - Propyliodone
XM4ZU7 - - - - - - Sodium iopodate
XM3E15 - - - - - - Thorium dioxide suspension
XM90A9 - - - - - - Tyropanoate
XM51D2 - - - - - Disulfiram
- - - - Other systemic anti-infectives and antiparasitics
- - - - - Antimalarials and drugs acting on other blood protozoa
XM6M61 - - - - - - 8-Aminoquinoline drugs
XM3GB3 - - - - - - Amodiaquine
XM0NC8 - - - - - - Amopyroquin (e)
XM37R2 - - - - - - Anti-infective antimalarial
XM0VE8 - - - - - - Anti-infective antiprotozoal blood
XM1914 - - - - - - Antimalarial
XM5WN6 - - - - - - Antimalarial prophylactic
XM5Q32 - - - - - - Antimalarial pyrimidine derivative
XM7LP3 - - - - - - Antiprotozoal drug blood
XM9NC2 - - - - - - Aralen
XM67Y5 - - - - - - Chloroguanide
XM6ZE6 - - - - - - Chloroquine
XM0KE4 - - - - - - Chlorproguanil
XM38E0 - - - - - - Cinchona
XM9V39 - - - - - - Cinchonine alkaloids
XM0EG5 - - - - - - Cycloguanil embonate
XM9511 - - - - - - Daraprim
XM9JL2 - - - - - - Eflornithine
XM23A5 - - - - - - Guanatol
XM3T26 - - - - - - Halofantrine
XM17W0 - - - - - - Isopentaquine
XM50J2 - - - - - - Mefloquine
XM9VB9 - - - - - - Mepacrine
XM3SP3 - - - - - - Paludrine
XM08Q1 - - - - - - Pamaquine (naphthoate)
XM0346 - - - - - - Pentaquine
XM9F55 - - - - - - Primaquine
XM0S91 - - - - - - Proguanil
XM0XQ2 - - - - - - Pyrimethamine
XM90Z4 - - - - - - Pyrimethamine with sulfadoxine
XM10R3 - - - - - - Quinacrine
XM8RC3 - - - - - - Quinine
XM0RU7 - - - - - - Quinocide
XM9Z81 - - - - - - Schizontozide (blood) (tissue)
- - - - - Antimycobacterial drugs
XM1X82 - - - - - - Aminosalicylic acid
XM6QT5 - - - - - - Aminosalylum
XM4TV0 - - - - - - Anti-infective antimycobacterial
XM5K63 - - - - - - Antimycobacterial drug combination
XM6DX3 - - - - - - Antituberculars
XM18Y4 - - - - - - Benzoylpas calcium
XM3307 - - - - - - Bromosalicylhydroxamic acid
XM2754 - - - - - - Calcium benzamidosalicylate
XM7TM4 - - - - - - Chaulmosulfone
XM3122 - - - - - - Clofazimine
XM95S8 - - - - - - Cyanacetyl hydrazide
XM63V4 - - - - - - Cycloserine
XM73W4 - - - - - - Dapsone
XM4N96 - - - - - - Ethambutol
XM86N7 - - - - - - Ethioniamide
XM64N2 - - - - - - Ethyl chaulmoograte
XM23G7 - - - - - - Fenamisal
XM4RF4 - - - - - - Glucosulfone sodium
XM7945 - - - - - - Glyconiazide
XM5FH2 - - - - - - Isoniazid
XM2ZK2 - - - - - - Isonicotinic acid hydrazide
XM3XE5 - - - - - - Methaniazide
XM8UX1 - - - - - - Morinamide
XM6LM1 - - - - - - Morphazinamide
XM5YD9 - - - - - - Para-aminosalicylic acid
XM2QH1 - - - - - - Pasiniazid
XM4Q32 - - - - - - Pentylsalicylamide
XM3UQ6 - - - - - - Potassium aminosalicylate
XM8DJ8 - - - - - - Promacetin
XM8CP2 - - - - - - Promin
XM1GT1 - - - - - - Prothionamide
XM4611 - - - - - - Pyrazinamide
XM8RE2 - - - - - - Rifampicin with isoniazid
XM4GU0 - - - - - - Rimifon
XM7SC9 - - - - - - Salinazid
XM3070 - - - - - - Sodium acetosulfone
XM06Z9 - - - - - - Solasulfone
XM3SD9 - - - - - - Sulfonazide
XM3SN8 - - - - - - Sulfones
XM72Q4 - - - - - - Sulfoxone
XM9TD0 - - - - - - Terizidone
XM99P0 - - - - - - Thiambutosine
XM0AR8 - - - - - - Thioacetazone
XM5MQ5 - - - - - - Thioacetazone with isoniazid
XM62H2 - - - - - - Thiocarlide
- - - - - Antiviral drugs
XM63K0 - - - - - - Anti-infective antiviral
XM9VL0 - - - - - - Foscarnet sodium
XM6CJ2 - - - - - - Fosfonet sodium
XM1M61 - - - - - - Ganciclovir (sodium)
XM58E0 - - - - - - Interferon (alpha) (beta) (gamma)
XM3MC4 - - - - - - Acyclovir
XM7SG2 - - - - - - Dideoxyinosine
XM1R42 - - - - - - Ibacitabine
XM6SP8 - - - - - - Methisazone
XM5GV1 - - - - - - Moroxydine
XM8YT1 - - - - - - Ribavirin
XM2TS5 - - - - - - Rimantadine
XM7N26 - - - - - - Thymopentin
XM6WB2 - - - - - - Trifluridine
XM7GR8 - - - - - - Tromantadine
XM30N1 - - - - - - Vidarabine
XM7XQ2 - - - - - - Zalcitabine
XM9C07 - - - - - - Zidovudine
- - - - - Other antiprotozoal drugs
XM4GE4 - - - - - - Anti-infective antiprotozoal
XM4W96 - - - - - - Antimony dimercaptosuccinate
XM9GG8 - - - - - - Antimony sodium dimercaptosuccinate
XM4393 - - - - - - Antiprotozoal drug
XM2HL1 - - - - - - Antitrichomonal drug
XM5NQ7 - - - - - - Melarsonyl potassium
XM0UE4 - - - - - - Sodium antimony gluconate
XM2284 - - - - - - Sodium stibogluconate
XM0CL7 - - - - - - Stilbamidine (isetionate)
XM3Y85 - - - - - - Acetarsol
XM8MB3 - - - - - - Acterol
XM0FS7 - - - - - - Aminitrozole
XM09B5 - - - - - - Arsthinol
XM4HZ1 - - - - - - Azanidazole
XM0JG6 - - - - - - Benznidazole
XM83L5 - - - - - - Bialamicol
XM8E05 - - - - - - Carbarsone
XM9H76 - - - - - - Clefamide
XM28N6 - - - - - - Dehydroemetine
XM8DJ7 - - - - - - DHE
XM0A09 - - - - - - Difetarsone
XM7AM3 - - - - - - Diloxanide
XM2HD6 - - - - - - Emetine
XM3PL8 - - - - - - Etofamide
XM6YZ9 - - - - - - Flagyl
XM1RE2 - - - - - - Glaucarubin
XM6V40 - - - - - - Glycobiarsol
XM1LB9 - - - - - - Hydroxystilbamidine
XM4UC9 - - - - - - Melarsoprol
XM1HA1 - - - - - - Misonidazole
XM9F49 - - - - - - Nifurtimox
XM5LH9 - - - - - - Nimorazole
XM3WL0 - - - - - - Ornidazole
XM3E43 - - - - - - Oxophenarsine
XM0067 - - - - - - Pentamidine
XM5GF4 - - - - - - Phanquinone
XM98K0 - - - - - - Secnidazole
XM45H6 - - - - - - Stibogluconate
XM05U5 - - - - - - Teclozan
XM5RX3 - - - - - - Tenonitrozole
XM7Z72 - - - - - - Tinidazole
XM6XS3 - - - - - - Trichomonacides
XM5R30 - - - - - - Tryparsamide
- - - - - Other specified systemic anti-infectives and antiparasitics
XM3E78 - - - - - - Akritoin
XM8LB8 - - - - - - Anti-infective arsenical
XM44A9 - - - - - - Anti-infective heavy metals
XM8CX5 - - - - - - Antimony anti-infectives
XM69W3 - - - - - - Antimony potassium tartrate (sodium)
XM2AH2 - - - - - - Antimony tartrated
XM1Z32 - - - - - - Antiparasitic drug specified
XM3GP6 - - - - - - Arsenic, arsenicals anti-infectives
XM0L93 - - - - - - Arsphenamine (silver)
XM12U8 - - - - - - Bismuth salts anti-infectives
XM7A39 - - - - - - Bismuth salts subsalicylate
XM8SJ3 - - - - - - Bithionol
XM5MW6 - - - - - - Broxyquinoline
XM7PV2 - - - - - - Chiniofon
XM6DH1 - - - - - - Cinoxacin
XM1V59 - - - - - - Clioquinol
XM0402 - - - - - - Croconazole
XM1YN6 - - - - - - Dichlorhydroxyquinoline
XM59A1 - - - - - - Disinfectant intestinal
XM97S6 - - - - - - Fluconazole
XM3BU7 - - - - - - Flucytosine
XM4923 - - - - - - Flumequine
XM7BY8 - - - - - - Flunidazole
XM4XE9 - - - - - - Fluorocytosine
XM08Z2 - - - - - - Furazolidone
XM6UT2 - - - - - - Hexetidine
XM9YB2 - - - - - - Hydroxychloroquine
XM21E9 - - - - - - Hydroxyquinoline (derivatives)
XM74Y8 - - - - - - Iodobismitol
XM80M5 - - - - - - Iodoquinol
XM5XD2 - - - - - - Itraconazole
XM7T64 - - - - - - Lead anti-infectives
XM3HJ6 - - - - - - Mandelic acid
XM0FS9 - - - - - - Mapharsen
XM2TP0 - - - - - - Meglumine antimoniate
XM0RW4 - - - - - - Mercury, mercurial, mercuric, mercurous anti-infective systemic
XM02L5 - - - - - - Methenamine (mandelate)
XM5L15 - - - - - - Methyl glucamine antimonate
XM5YM6 - - - - - - Metronidazole
XM82P4 - - - - - - Nalidixic acid
XM08P3 - - - - - - Neoarsphenamine
XM26G9 - - - - - - Neosalvarsan
XM0M05 - - - - - - Neosilversalvarsan
XM39N3 - - - - - - Nifuratel
XM1QV5 - - - - - - Nifurtoinol
XM09K7 - - - - - - Nitrofurantoin
XM33S9 - - - - - - Nitroxoline
XM70Q8 - - - - - - Oxolinic acid
XM7CD2 - - - - - - Oxyquinoline (derivatives)
XM1Z91 - - - - - - Pefloxacin
XM61M8 - - - - - - Pipemidic acid
XM1298 - - - - - - Piromidic acid
XM10R8 - - - - - - Potassium antimony ' tartrate'
XM8WV6 - - - - - - Quiniobine
XM8U22 - - - - - - Quinoline (derivatives)
XM8SV4 - - - - - - Rosoxacin
XM3VB9 - - - - - - Salvarsan 606 (neosilver) (silver)
XM6260 - - - - - - Silver salvarsan
XM3DB2 - - - - - - Sodium cacodylate anti-infective
XM9L57 - - - - - - Stovarsal
XM80F6 - - - - - - Sulfarsphenamine
XM96Q1 - - - - - - Tartar emetic
XM6A32 - - - - - - Tartrated antimony (anti-infective)
XM9KU4 - - - - - - Thiobismol
XM9UP9 - - - - - - Thiocarbarsone
XM5VM3 - - - - - - Tin anti-infectives
XM7NY9 - - - - - - Trimethoprim
XM2SB0 - - - - - - Urinary anti-infective
XM71G5 - - - - - - Xibornol
- - - - - Unspecified systemic anti-infective and antiparasitics
XM3SP0 - - - - - - Ammonium mandelate
XM1FF9 - - - - - - Anti-infective mixed
XM9TK8 - - - - - - Antifungal anti-infective
XM37L1 - - - - - - Antiparasitic drug (systemic)
XM9DU1 - - - - - - Calcium mandelate
XM0BF3 - - - - - - Acriflavine
XM5N98 - - - - - - Anti-infective
XM9C36 - - - - - - Ethoxazene
XM6F90 - - - - - - Furadantin
XM08F4 - - - - - - Furoxone
XM1KZ4 - - - - - - Nifuraldezone
- - - - - Anthelminthics
XM95R7 - - - - - - Anti-infective anthelmintic
XM43K9 - - - - - - Antifilarial drug
XM9637 - - - - - - Antihookworm drug
XM16G5 - - - - - - Antinematode drug
XM2078 - - - - - - Antiplatyhelmintic drug
XM60W7 - - - - - - Antischistosomal drug
XM6500 - - - - - - Antitapeworm drug
XM5273 - - - - - - Antiwhipworm drug
XM9GK4 - - - - - - Aspidium (oleoresin)
XM3667 - - - - - - Bephenium hydroxy-naphthoate
XM6FY4 - - - - - - Bithionol anthelminthic
XM8C12 - - - - - - Dithiazanine iodide
XM2RX7 - - - - - - Filix mas
XM4SZ4 - - - - - - Male fern extract
XM9FH0 - - - - - - Pelletierine tannate
XM5ZH0 - - - - - - Perchloroethylene medicinal
XM7SZ5 - - - - - - Pumpkin seed extract
XM5PX0 - - - - - - Pyrvinium chloride
XM3FE9 - - - - - - Spigelia (root)
XM11F5 - - - - - - Suramin (sodium)
XM7PN4 - - - - - - Tetrachloroethylene medicinal
XM2621 - - - - - - Urea stibamine
XM4555 - - - - - - Wormseed, American
XM2NT3 - - - - - - Alantolactone
XM79J1 - - - - - - Albendazole
XM1PP4 - - - - - - Amphotalide
XM8LU8 - - - - - - Anthiolimine
XM4EC0 - - - - - - Antihelmintics
XM7QL4 - - - - - - Ascaridole
XM5L27 - - - - - - Bitoscanate
XM4WY5 - - - - - - Chenopodium
XM0ZD3 - - - - - - Dichlorophen
XM1VF1 - - - - - - Diethylcarbamazine
XM5XC2 - - - - - - Fenbendazole
XM8RG6 - - - - - - Flubendazole
XM05F2 - - - - - - Ivermectin
XM5W42 - - - - - - Levamisole
XM9Z70 - - - - - - Lucanthone
XM3GX0 - - - - - - Mebendazole
XM2034 - - - - - - Niclosamide
XM2WY0 - - - - - - Niridazole
XM7NR1 - - - - - - Nitrothiazol
XM5JZ6 - - - - - - Oxamniquine
XM05V2 - - - - - - Oxantel
XM3T27 - - - - - - Pinkroot
XM07V7 - - - - - - Piperazine
XM8205 - - - - - - Praziquantel
XM90N4 - - - - - - Pyrantel
XM9KL1 - - - - - - Santonin
XM5VV1 - - - - - - Stibophen
XM4GA8 - - - - - - Teroxalene
XM93X2 - - - - - - Tetramisole
XM0CU8 - - - - - - Thiabendazole
XM5C18 - - - - - - Veroxil
XM3AT4 - - - - - - Viprynium
- - - - - Sulfonamides
XM19U1 - - - - - - Acedapsone
XM91Z9 - - - - - - Acesulfamethoxypyridazine
XM1RU4 - - - - - - Acetylsulfamethoxypyridazine
XM7WC8 - - - - - - Diaphenylsulfone
XM96M6 - - - - - - Disulfanilamide
XM3GA0 - - - - - - Neoprontosil
XM1RY1 - - - - - - Phthalylsulfathiazole
XM55D8 - - - - - - Prontosil
XM85A7 - - - - - - Succinylsulfathiazole
XM69G3 - - - - - - Sulfachlorpyridazine
XM5C46 - - - - - - Sulfacitine
XM28B0 - - - - - - Sulfadiasulfone sodium
XM57L7 - - - - - - Sulfadoxine
XM03X3 - - - - - - Sulfaethidole
XM0F36 - - - - - - Sulfaguanidine
XM8LL9 - - - - - - Sulfalene
XM6N26 - - - - - - Sulfaloxate
XM57M8 - - - - - - Sulfaloxic acid
XM7R74 - - - - - - Sulfamerazine
XM8UP5 - - - - - - Sulfameter
XM61F1 - - - - - - Sulfamethazine
XM0XY9 - - - - - - Sulfamethizole
XM23V4 - - - - - - Sulfamethoxydiazine
XM7XJ2 - - - - - - Sulfamethoxypyridazine
XM5X85 - - - - - - Sulfamethylthiazole
XM9ZT7 - - - - - - Sulfametoxydiazine
XM6D90 - - - - - - Sulfamonomethoxine
XM43U3 - - - - - - Sulfamoxole
XM72K1 - - - - - - Sulfanilamide
XM92E0 - - - - - - Sulfaperin
XM1G41 - - - - - - Sulfaphenazole
XM2187 - - - - - - Sulfaphenylthiazole
XM8QW8 - - - - - - Sulfaproxyline
XM72R1 - - - - - - Sulfapyridine
XM8R23 - - - - - - Sulfapyrimidine
XM2XQ2 - - - - - - Sulfasalazine
XM9MJ3 - - - - - - Sulfasuxidine
XM2Y59 - - - - - - Sulfasymazine
XM3G53 - - - - - - Sulfathiazole
XM6BM7 - - - - - - Sulfisomidine
XM5M06 - - - - - - Sulfisoxazole
XM12D1 - - - - - - Sulphadiazine
XM3ER6 - - - - - - Sulphadimethoxine
XM4M00 - - - - - - Sulphadimidine
XM9TQ5 - - - - - - Sulphafurazole
XM34F5 - - - - - - Sulphamethizole
XM1AM5 - - - - - - Sulphamethoxazole
XM7Z85 - - - - - - Trisulfapyrimidines
- - - - Systemic antibiotics
- - - - - Antifungal antibiotics, systemically used
XM5TR4 - - - - - - Amphotericin B (systemic)
XM0407 - - - - - - Antifungal antibiotic
XM8YE6 - - - - - - Griseofulvin
XM9CM4 - - - - - - Hachimycin
XM40Q3 - - - - - - Mepartricin
XM32L5 - - - - - - Nystatin
XM2H01 - - - - - - Pimaricin
- - - - - Cephalosporins and other beta-lactam antibiotics
XM3WK4 - - - - - - Antibiotic b-lactam
XM7TD6 - - - - - - Antibiotic cephalosporin (group)
XM3DB8 - - - - - - Aztreonam
XM7DR9 - - - - - - Cefacetrile
XM1ZJ9 - - - - - - Cefaclor
XM11S1 - - - - - - Cefadroxil
XM9Z22 - - - - - - Cefalexin
XM5J74 - - - - - - Cefaloglycin
XM7GR3 - - - - - - Cefaloridine
XM16K8 - - - - - - Cefalotin
XM8839 - - - - - - Cefamandole
XM8J52 - - - - - - Cefamycin antibiotic
XM6DE1 - - - - - - Cefapirin
XM8UF3 - - - - - - Cefatrizine
XM1EQ8 - - - - - - Cefazedone
XM0BY6 - - - - - - Cefazolin
XM14Q0 - - - - - - Cefbuperazone
XM8YC6 - - - - - - Cefetamet
XM4Q77 - - - - - - Cefixime
XM6FL0 - - - - - - Cefmenoxime
XM8S59 - - - - - - Cefmetazole
XM27Z3 - - - - - - Cefminox
XM3M14 - - - - - - Cefonicid
XM5425 - - - - - - Cefoperazone
XM3QK7 - - - - - - Ceforanide
XM7CZ4 - - - - - - Cefotaxime
XM5QJ0 - - - - - - Cefotetan
XM3V37 - - - - - - Cefotiam
XM26N9 - - - - - - Cefoxitin
XM01V2 - - - - - - Cefpimizole
XM9YD6 - - - - - - Cefpiramide
XM75P2 - - - - - - Cefroxadine
XM9732 - - - - - - Cefsulodin
XM94G4 - - - - - - Ceftazidime
XM45T3 - - - - - - Cefteram
XM2L78 - - - - - - Ceftezole
XM1064 - - - - - - Ceftizoxime
XM3P83 - - - - - - Ceftriaxone
XM7VY3 - - - - - - Cefuroxime
XM0C25 - - - - - - Cefuzonam
XM4HC8 - - - - - - Cephalosporins
XM67G9 - - - - - - Cephalothin
XM8X72 - - - - - - Cephradine
XM2K88 - - - - - - Clavulanic acid
XM83K2 - - - - - - Flomoxef
XM0B94 - - - - - - Latamoxef
- - - - - Chloramphenicol group
XM7F02 - - - - - - Antibiotic chloramphenicol (group)
XM2TE7 - - - - - - Chloramphenicol
XM1NE2 - - - - - - Chloromycetin
XM71H0 - - - - - - Cloponone
XM40F4 - - - - - - Thiamphenicol
- - - - - Other systemic antibiotics
XM2H40 - - - - - - Anti-infective antibiotics specified
XM41T2 - - - - - - Antibiotic intestinal
XM0MJ1 - - - - - - Antibiotic polypeptide
XM7SQ4 - - - - - - Antibiotic specified
XM6AH3 - - - - - - Fusidic acid
XM0NQ2 - - - - - - Polymyxin B
XM0BX1 - - - - - - Sodium fusidate
XM22Y8 - - - - - - Trimethoprim with sulfamethoxazole
XM5183 - - - - - - Aerosporin
XM5PV6 - - - - - - Albamycin
XM4E54 - - - - - - Amphomycin
XM2EH2 - - - - - - Betamicin
XM0892 - - - - - - Capreomycin
XM0D75 - - - - - - Carbomycin
XM77G2 - - - - - - Ciprofloxacin
XM8158 - - - - - - Clindamycin
XM6510 - - - - - - Colistin
XM7SH9 - - - - - - Enoxacin
XM74K5 - - - - - - Enviomycin
XM2GR2 - - - - - - Fleroxacin
XM0HU8 - - - - - - Fosfomycin
XM2AA0 - - - - - - Fugillin
XM57W4 - - - - - - Fumadil
XM5WJ8 - - - - - - Fumagillin
XM5UL0 - - - - - - Fusafungine
XM53Q9 - - - - - - Lincomycin
XM14K4 - - - - - - Neosporin
XM85E7 - - - - - - Norfloxacin
XM8072 - - - - - - Ofloxacin
XM8MH4 - - - - - - Polymyxin
XM19A7 - - - - - - Ristocetin
XM4F54 - - - - - - Sulfomyxin
XM2004 - - - - - - Teicoplanin
XM9YD1 - - - - - - Vancomycin
XM6HE3 - - - - - - Viomycin
XM2A60 - - - - - - Virginiamycin
- - - - - Aminoglycosides
XM2Y60 - - - - - - Anti-infective antimycobacterial antibiotics
XM4LV0 - - - - - - Antibiotic aminoglycoside
XM7AQ6 - - - - - - Antibiotic antimycobacterial
XM8XH0 - - - - - - Antimycobacterial drug antibiotics
XM7WC2 - - - - - - Antituberculars antibiotics
XM2YC8 - - - - - - Neomycin (derivatives)
XM6T34 - - - - - - Streptomycin (derivative)
XM3X89 - - - - - - Amikacin
XM4BG6 - - - - - - Astromicin
XM4PT0 - - - - - - Bekanamycin
XM45U4 - - - - - - Dibekacin
XM8KT1 - - - - - - Dihydrostreptomycin
XM0PH0 - - - - - - Framycetin
XM6L46 - - - - - - Garamycin
XM3YS5 - - - - - - Gentamicin
XM6YS3 - - - - - - Isepamicin
XM0C03 - - - - - - Kanamycin
XM9VS3 - - - - - - Micronomicin
XM1W69 - - - - - - Netilmicin
XM1QQ2 - - - - - - Novobiocin
XM1696 - - - - - - Paromomycin
XM58T2 - - - - - - Ribostamycin
XM4GS3 - - - - - - Sisomicin
XM2TG1 - - - - - - Spectinomycin
XM7N64 - - - - - - Streptoduocin
XM4YK6 - - - - - - Streptonivicin
XM40X6 - - - - - - Streptovarycin
XM6G20 - - - - - - Tobramycin
- - - - - Macrolides
XM1329 - - - - - - Azithromycin
XM36F7 - - - - - - Erythromycin (salts)
XM5XB9 - - - - - - Ilotycin
XM2YT6 - - - - - - Josamycin
XM06K0 - - - - - - Kitasamycin
XM6ML2 - - - - - - Macrolide antibiotic
XM80A1 - - - - - - Midecamycin
XM3CC3 - - - - - - Miokamycin
XM8HR9 - - - - - - Oleandomycin
XM48W5 - - - - - - Pristinamycin
XM8UC1 - - - - - - Rokitamycin
XM98M0 - - - - - - Roxithromycin
XM1K16 - - - - - - Spiramycin
XM2WF8 - - - - - - Troleandomycin
- - - - - Penicillins
XM1JY8 - - - - - - Adicillin
XM19G5 - - - - - - Amdinocilline
XM7CM1 - - - - - - Amoxicillin
XM5MY7 - - - - - - Ampicillin
XM1LV7 - - - - - - Ancillin
XM0JT4 - - - - - - Apalcillin
XM70P4 - - - - - - Aspoxicillin
XM4EZ4 - - - - - - Azidocillin
XM8820 - - - - - - Azlocillin
XM46K9 - - - - - - Bacampicillin
XM94E1 - - - - - - Benethamine penicillin
XM4E82 - - - - - - Benzathine benzylpenicillin
XM83S8 - - - - - - Benzylpenicillin
XM3D58 - - - - - - Carbenicillin
XM2SP1 - - - - - - Carfecillin
XM7J83 - - - - - - Carindacillin
XM9MK4 - - - - - - Cephalosporins N (adicillin)
XM4YY1 - - - - - - Clemizole penicillin
XM5N44 - - - - - - Clometocillin
XM6L30 - - - - - - Cloxacillin
XM2361 - - - - - - Cyclacillin
XM5SF7 - - - - - - Dicloxacillin
XM31J4 - - - - - - Epicillin
XM6AV2 - - - - - - Flucloxacillin
XM9HP3 - - - - - - Hetacillin
XM9VG2 - - - - - - Hydrabamine penicillin
XM7LA4 - - - - - - Imipenem
XM0V84 - - - - - - Isoxazolyl penicillin
XM5562 - - - - - - Mecillinam
XM1HX8 - - - - - - Metampicillin
XM0PP7 - - - - - - Methicillin
XM00H2 - - - - - - Methoxybenzyl penicillin
XM1Z93 - - - - - - Mezlocillin
XM8HL9 - - - - - - Nafcillin
XM2UY3 - - - - - - Oxacillin
XM16L6 - - - - - - Penamecillin
XM9XB6 - - - - - - Penethamate
XM7Q57 - - - - - - Penicillin (any)
XM71L1 - - - - - - Phenbenicillin
XM9NF6 - - - - - - Pheneticillin
XM9B11 - - - - - - Phenoxymethyl penicillin
XM3MP9 - - - - - - Piperacillin
XM7CR7 - - - - - - Pivampicillin
XM9LR3 - - - - - - Pivmecillinam
XM4HD6 - - - - - - Procaine benzylpenicillin
XM5MN2 - - - - - - Propicillin
XM3Y87 - - - - - - Sulbactam
XM3S35 - - - - - - Sulbenicillin
XM0RU1 - - - - - - Sultamicillin
XM3Z13 - - - - - - Talampicillin
XM1QC3 - - - - - - Temocillin
XM4D90 - - - - - - Ticarcillin
XM3UP8 - - - - - - Xantocillin
- - - - - Rifampicins
XM7AS1 - - - - - - Isoniazid with rifampicin
XM4094 - - - - - - Ansamycin
XM5QH8 - - - - - - Rifabutin
XM38J6 - - - - - - Rifamide
XM0R30 - - - - - - Rifampicin
XM7HL1 - - - - - - Rifamycin
XM2LE1 - - - - - - Rifaximin
- - - - - Tetracyclines
XM8124 - - - - - - Antibiotic tetracycline (group)
XM2NU4 - - - - - - Achromycin
XM1QD9 - - - - - - Aureomycin
XM7FD5 - - - - - - Chlormethylenecycline
XM1JT2 - - - - - - Chlortetracycline
XM0WY0 - - - - - - Clomocycline
XM9219 - - - - - - Declomycin
XM17F8 - - - - - - Demethylchlortetracycline
XM7KG3 - - - - - - Demethyltetracycline
XM7J58 - - - - - - Doxycycline
XM4492 - - - - - - Guamecycline
XM47D7 - - - - - - Lymecycline
XM9KD5 - - - - - - Meclocycline
XM4CA1 - - - - - - Metacycline
XM5TY0 - - - - - - Minocycline
XM3D34 - - - - - - Penimepicycline
XM9X45 - - - - - - Polycycline
XM45X2 - - - - - - Rolitetracycline
XM8DQ8 - - - - - - Terramycin
XM0BP1 - - - - - - Tetracycline

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD