ICD 11 codes page 6
ICD stands for International Classification of Diseases and ICD 11 is the 11th revision.
ICD 11 Code | ICD 11 Description |
Symptoms, signs or clinical findings, not elsewhere classified | |
- Symptoms, signs or clinical findings of blood, blood-forming organs, or the immune system | |
- - Symptoms of blood, blood-forming organs, or the immune system | |
MA00 | - - - Symptom or complaint of the blood |
MA01 | - - - Enlarged lymph nodes |
MA01.0 | - - - - Localised lymph node enlargement |
MA01.1 | - - - - Generalised lymph node enlargement |
MA01.Z | - - - - Enlarged lymph nodes, unspecified |
MA0Y | - - - Other specified symptoms of blood, blood-forming organs, or the immune system |
- - Clinical findings in blood, blood-forming organs, or the immune system | |
MA10 | - - - Abnormal serum enzyme levels |
MA10.0 | - - - - Elevation of levels of transaminase or lactic acid dehydrogenase |
MA10.1 | - - - - Abnormal levels of other specified serum enzymes |
MA10.2 | - - - - Abnormal level of unspecified serum enzyme |
MA11 | - - - Clinical findings of hormones in blood, blood-forming organs, or the immune system |
MA12 | - - - Clinical findings of drugs, medicaments and biological substances in blood, blood-forming organs, or the immune system |
MA12.0 | - - - - Finding of opiate drug in blood |
MA12.1 | - - - - Finding of cocaine in blood |
MA12.2 | - - - - Finding of hallucinogen in blood |
MA12.3 | - - - - Finding of psychotropic drug in blood |
MA12.4 | - - - - Finding of steroid agent in blood |
MA12.Y | - - - - Other specified clinical findings of drugs, medicaments and biological substances in blood, blood-forming organs, or the immune system |
MA13 | - - - Clinical findings of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source in blood, blood-forming organs, or the immune system |
MA13.0 | - - - - Finding of abnormal level of heavy metals in blood |
MA13.00 | - - - - - Abnormal level of lead in blood |
MA13.0Y | - - - - - Finding of abnormal level of other specified heavy metals in blood |
MA13.1 | - - - - Finding of alcohol in blood |
MA13.Y | - - - - Abnormal level of other specified substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source in blood, blood-forming organs and the immune system |
MA14 | - - - Immunological findings in blood, blood-forming organs, or the immune system |
MA14.0 | - - - - Laboratory evidence of human immunodeficiency virus |
MA14.1 | - - - - Certain specified immunological findings |
MA14.10 | - - - - - Abnormal reaction to tuberculin test |
MA14.11 | - - - - - Anticitrullinated protein antibody negative |
MA14.12 | - - - - - Anticitrullinated protein antibody positive |
MA14.13 | - - - - - Anti-nuclear antibody negative |
MA14.14 | - - - - - Anti-nuclear antibody positive |
MA14.15 | - - - - - Elevated C-reactive protein |
MA14.16 | - - - - - False-positive serological test for syphilis |
MA14.17 | - - - - - Human leukocyte antigen negative |
MA14.18 | - - - - - Human leukocyte antigen positive |
MA14.19 | - - - - - Neural autoantibody negative |
MA14.1A | - - - - - Neural autoantibody positive |
MA14.1B | - - - - - Prostate specific antigen positive |
MA14.1C | - - - - - Raised antibody titre |
MA14.1D | - - - - - Rheumatoid factor negative |
MA14.1E | - - - - - Rheumatoid factor positive |
MA14.Y | - - - - Other specified immunological findings in blood, blood-forming organs, or the immune system |
MA15 | - - - Microbiological findings in blood, blood-forming organs, or the immune system |
MA15.0 | - - - - Bacteraemia |
MA15.Y | - - - - Other specified microbiological findings in blood, blood-forming organs, or the immune system |
MA16 | - - - Cytological findings in blood, blood-forming organs, or the immune system |
MA16.0 | - - - - Abnormality of red blood cells |
MA16.00 | - - - - - Haemolysis, not elsewhere classified |
MA16.0Y | - - - - - Other specified abnormality of red blood cells |
MA16.0Z | - - - - - Abnormality of red blood cells, unspecified |
MA16.1 | - - - - Abnormality of white blood cells |
MA16.10 | - - - - - Decreased white blood cell count |
MA16.11 | - - - - - Elevated white blood cell count |
MA16.12 | - - - - - Low white blood cell count |
MA16.Y | - - - - Other specified cytological findings in blood, blood-forming organs, or the immune system |
MA16.Z | - - - - Cytological findings in blood, blood-forming organs, or the immune system, unspecified |
MA17 | - - - Histological findings in blood, blood-forming organs, or the immune system |
MA18 | - - - Certain clinical findings of blood chemistry |
MA18.0 | - - - - Elevated blood glucose level |
MA18.00 | - - - - - Abnormal glucose tolerance test |
MA18.0Y | - - - - - Other specified elevated blood glucose level |
MA18.1 | - - - - Abnormal level of blood mineral |
MA18.2 | - - - - Abnormal arterial blood-gas level |
MA18.3 | - - - - Abnormal coagulation profile |
MA18.4 | - - - - Low haemoglobin |
MA18.Y | - - - - Other specified abnormal findings of blood chemistry |
MA18.Z | - - - - Abnormal findings of blood chemistry, unspecified |
MA19 | - - - Certain abnormalities of plasma proteins |
MA19.0 | - - - - Abnormality of albumin |
MA19.1 | - - - - Abnormality of alphafetoprotein |
MA19.2 | - - - - Abnormality of globulin |
MA19.Y | - - - - Abnormalities of other specified plasma proteins |
MA19.Z | - - - - Abnormalities of unspecified plasma proteins |
MA1A | - - - Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate or abnormality of plasma viscosity |
MA1A.0 | - - - - Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate |
MA1A.1 | - - - - Abnormal plasma viscosity |
MA1Y | - - - Other specified clinical findings in blood, blood-forming organs, or the immune system |
MA3Y | - - Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings of blood, blood-forming organs, or the immune system |
- Symptoms, signs or clinical findings of endocrine, nutritional or metabolic diseases | |
- - Results of function studies of the endocrine, nutritional or metabolic diseases | |
MA50 | - - - Abnormal results of thyroid function studies |
MA51 | - - - Abnormal results of other endocrine function studies |
MA6Y | - - Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings of endocrine, nutritional or metabolic diseases |
- Symptoms, signs or clinical findings of speech or voice | |
- - Symptoms or signs involving speech or voice | |
MA80 | - - - Speech disturbances |
MA80.0 | - - - - Aphasia |
MA80.1 | - - - - Dysphasia |
MA80.2 | - - - - Dysarthria |
MA80.20 | - - - - - Anarthria |
MA80.2Y | - - - - - Other specified dysarthria |
MA80.2Z | - - - - - Dysarthria, unspecified |
MA80.Y | - - - - Other specified speech disturbances |
MA80.Z | - - - - Speech disturbances, unspecified |
MA81 | - - - Speech dysfluency |
MA82 | - - - Voice disturbances |
MA82.0 | - - - - Aphonia |
MA82.1 | - - - - Dysphonia |
MA82.10 | - - - - - Hoarseness |
MA82.1Y | - - - - - Other specified dysphonia |
MA82.1Z | - - - - - Dysphonia, unspecified |
MA82.2 | - - - - Nasality |
MA82.Y | - - - - Other specified voice disturbances |
MA82.Z | - - - - Voice disturbances, unspecified |
MA8Y | - - - Other specified symptoms or signs involving speech or voice |
MB0Y | - - Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings of speech or voice |
- Mental or behavioural symptoms, signs or clinical findings | |
MB20 | - - Symptoms, signs or clinical findings involving consciousness |
MB20.0 | - - - Stupor |
MB20.1 | - - - Coma |
MB20.2 | - - - Clouding of consciousness |
MB20.Y | - - - Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings involving consciousness |
MB21 | - - Symptoms, signs or clinical findings involving cognition |
MB21.0 | - - - Age-associated cognitive decline |
MB21.1 | - - - Amnesia |
MB21.10 | - - - - Anterograde amnesia |
MB21.11 | - - - - Retrograde amnesia |
MB21.12 | - - - - Transient global amnesia |
MB21.1Z | - - - - Amnesia, unspecified |
MB21.2 | - - - Anosognosia |
MB21.3 | - - - Confabulation |
MB21.4 | - - - Disorientation |
MB21.5 | - - - Distractibility |
MB21.6 | - - - Impaired abstract thinking |
MB21.7 | - - - Impaired executive functioning |
MB21.8 | - - - Impaired judgment |
MB21.9 | - - - Perseveration |
MB21.A | - - - Poor concentration |
MB21.B | - - - Racing thoughts |
MB21.Y | - - - Other specified symptoms and signs involving cognition |
MB21.Z | - - - Symptoms and signs involving cognition, unspecified |
MB22 | - - Symptoms or signs involving motivation or energy |
MB22.0 | - - - Avolition |
MB22.1 | - - - Decreased libido |
MB22.2 | - - - Demoralization |
MB22.3 | - - - Hopelessness |
MB22.4 | - - - Increased energy |
MB22.5 | - - - Increased goal-directed activity |
MB22.6 | - - - Increased libido |
MB22.7 | - - - Tiredness |
MB22.Y | - - - Other specified symptoms and signs involving motivation or energy |
MB22.Z | - - - Symptoms or signs involving motivation or energy, unspecified |
MB23 | - - Symptoms or signs involving appearance or behaviour |
MB23.0 | - - - Aggressive behaviour |
MB23.1 | - - - Antisocial behaviour |
MB23.2 | - - - Avoidance behaviour |
MB23.3 | - - - Bradyphrenia |
MB23.4 | - - - Compulsions |
MB23.5 | - - - Coprolalia |
MB23.6 | - - - Disorganized behaviour |
MB23.7 | - - - Disheveled appearance |
MB23.8 | - - - Disruptive behaviour |
MB23.9 | - - - Echolalia |
MB23.A | - - - Excessive crying of child, adolescent, or adult |
MB23.B | - - - Feigning of symptoms |
MB23.C | - - - Increased sociability |
MB23.D | - - - Mutism |
MB23.E | - - - Non-suicidal self-injury |
MB23.F | - - - Odd or peculiar appearance |
MB23.G | - - - Odd or peculiar behaviour |
MB23.H | - - - Panic attack |
MB23.J | - - - Poor personal hygiene |
MB23.K | - - - Poverty of speech |
MB23.L | - - - Pressured speech |
MB23.M | - - - Psychomotor agitation |
MB23.N | - - - Psychomotor retardation |
MB23.Q | - - - Social withdrawal |
MB23.R | - - - Suicide attempt |
MB23.S | - - - Suicidal behaviour |
MB23.Y | - - - Other specified symptoms and signs involving appearance and behaviour |
MB23.Z | - - - Symptoms and signs involving appearance and behaviour, unspecified |
MB24 | - - Symptoms or signs involving mood or affect |
MB24.0 | - - - Ambivalence |
MB24.1 | - - - Anger |
MB24.2 | - - - Anhedonia |
MB24.3 | - - - Anxiety |
MB24.4 | - - - Apathy |
MB24.5 | - - - Depressed mood |
MB24.6 | - - - Disturbance of affect |
MB24.60 | - - - - Constricted affect |
MB24.61 | - - - - Blunted affect |
MB24.62 | - - - - Flat affect |
MB24.63 | - - - - Labile affect |
MB24.64 | - - - - Inappropriate affect |
MB24.6Y | - - - - Other specified disturbance of affect |
MB24.6Z | - - - - Disturbance of affect, unspecified |
MB24.7 | - - - Dysphoria |
MB24.8 | - - - Elevated mood |
MB24.9 | - - - Euphoria |
MB24.A | - - - Fear |
MB24.B | - - - Feelings of guilt |
MB24.C | - - - Irritability |
MB24.D | - - - Leaden paralysis |
MB24.E | - - - Mental rumination |
MB24.F | - - - Restlessness |
MB24.G | - - - Tantrum |
MB24.H | - - - Worry |
MB24.Y | - - - Other specified symptoms and signs involving mood or affect |
MB24.Z | - - - Symptoms and signs involving mood or affect, unspecified |
MB25 | - - Symptoms or signs involving form of thought |
MB25.0 | - - - Symptoms and signs of thought disorder |
MB25.00 | - - - - Circumstantiality |
MB25.01 | - - - - Tangentiality |
MB25.02 | - - - - Disorganised thinking |
MB25.03 | - - - - Incoherence |
MB25.0Y | - - - - Other specified symptoms and signs of thought disorder |
MB25.0Z | - - - - Symptoms and signs of thought disorder, unspecified |
MB25.1 | - - - Flight of ideas |
MB25.2 | - - - Neologisms |
MB25.3 | - - - Thought blocking |
MB25.Y | - - - Other specified symptoms and signs of form of thought |
MB25.Z | - - - Symptoms and signs of form of thought, unspecified |
MB26 | - - Symptoms or signs involving content of thought |
MB26.0 | - - - Delusion |
MB26.00 | - - - - Bizarre delusion |
MB26.01 | - - - - Delusion of being controlled |
MB26.02 | - - - - Delusion of guilt |
MB26.03 | - - - - Delusion of reference |
MB26.04 | - - - - Erotomanic delusion |
MB26.05 | - - - - Grandiose delusion |
MB26.06 | - - - - Jealous delusion |
MB26.07 | - - - - Persecutory delusion |
MB26.08 | - - - - Religious delusion |
MB26.09 | - - - - Somatic delusion |
MB26.0A | - - - - Nihilistic delusion |
MB26.0B | - - - - Misidentification delusion |
MB26.0C | - - - - Delusion of impoverishment |
MB26.0Y | - - - - Other specified delusion |
MB26.0Z | - - - - Delusion, unspecified |
MB26.1 | - - - Experiences of influence, passivity, and control |
MB26.10 | - - - - Thought broadcasting |
MB26.11 | - - - - Thought insertion |
MB26.12 | - - - - Thought withdrawal |
MB26.1Y | - - - - Other specified experiences of influence, passivity, and control |
MB26.1Z | - - - - Experiences of influence, passivity, and control, unspecified |
MB26.2 | - - - Grandiosity |
MB26.3 | - - - Homicidal ideation |
MB26.4 | - - - Identity disturbance |
MB26.5 | - - - Obsessions |
MB26.6 | - - - Overvalued ideas |
MB26.7 | - - - Paranoid ideation |
MB26.8 | - - - Referential thinking |
MB26.9 | - - - Suspiciousness |
MB26.A | - - - Suicidal ideation |
MB26.Y | - - - Other specified symptoms or signs involving content of thought |
MB26.Z | - - - Symptoms or signs involving content of thought, unspecified |
MB27 | - - Symptoms or signs involving perceptual disturbance |
MB27.0 | - - - Depersonalisation |
MB27.1 | - - - Derealisation |
MB27.2 | - - - Hallucinations |
MB27.20 | - - - - Auditory hallucinations |
MB27.21 | - - - - Gustatory hallucinations |
MB27.22 | - - - - Hypnopompic hallucinations |
MB27.23 | - - - - Hypnogogic hallucinations |
MB27.24 | - - - - Olfactory hallucinations |
MB27.25 | - - - - Somatic hallucinations |
MB27.26 | - - - - Tactile hallucinations |
MB27.27 | - - - - Visual hallucinations |
MB27.2Y | - - - - Other specified hallucinations |
MB27.2Z | - - - - Hallucinations, unspecified |
MB27.3 | - - - Disturbance of body image |
MB27.4 | - - - Illusions |
MB27.Y | - - - Other specified symptoms and signs of perceptual disturbance |
MB27.Z | - - - Symptoms and signs of perceptual disturbance, unspecified |
MB28 | - - Symptoms or signs related to personality features |
MB28.0 | - - - Attention seeking |
MB28.1 | - - - Callousness |
MB28.2 | - - - Eccentricity |
MB28.3 | - - - Entitlement |
MB28.4 | - - - Hostility |
MB28.5 | - - - Impulsivity |
MB28.6 | - - - Indecisiveness |
MB28.7 | - - - Irresponsibility |
MB28.8 | - - - Low frustration tolerance |
MB28.9 | - - - Low self-esteem |
MB28.A | - - - Negative affectivity |
MB28.B | - - - Negativism |
MB28.C | - - - Perfectionism |
MB28.D | - - - Pessimism |
MB28.E | - - - Recklessness |
MB28.F | - - - Sensation seeking |
MB28.G | - - - Stubbornness |
MB28.H | - - - Submissiveness |
MB28.Y | - - - Other specified symptoms and signs related to personality features |
MB28.Z | - - - Symptoms and signs related to personality features, unspecified |
MB29 | - - Symptoms or signs involving eating and related behaviour |
MB29.0 | - - - Avoidant or restrictive eating |
MB29.1 | - - - Binge eating |
MB29.2 | - - - Eating of non-nutritive substances |
MB29.3 | - - - Purging behaviour |
MB29.4 | - - - Rumination-regurgitation |
MB29.Y | - - - Other specified symptoms and signs involving eating and related behaviour |
MB29.Z | - - - Symptoms and signs involving eating and related behaviour, unspecified |
MB2A | - - Symptoms or signs involving elimination |
MB2A.0 | - - - Soiling |
MB2A.1 | - - - Wetting |
MB2A.Y | - - - Other specified symptoms and signs involving elimination |
MB2A.Z | - - - Symptoms and signs involving elimination, unspecified |
MB2Y | - - Other specified mental or behavioural symptoms, signs or clinical findings |
- Symptoms, signs or clinical findings of the nervous system | |
- - Symptoms or signs involving the nervous system | |
MB40 | - - - Sensation disturbance |
MB40.0 | - - - - Asomatognosia |
MB40.1 | - - - - Allodynia |
MB40.2 | - - - - Anacusis |
MB40.3 | - - - - Anaesthesia of skin |
MB40.4 | - - - - Tingling fingers or feet or toes |
MB40.5 | - - - - Hyperaesthesia |
MB40.6 | - - - - Dysesthesia |
MB40.7 | - - - - Acroparesthesia |
MB40.8 | - - - - Analgesia |
MB40.9 | - - - - Neurological neglect syndrome |
MB40.Y | - - - - Other specified sensation disturbance |
MB40.Z | - - - - Sensation disturbance, unspecified |
MB41 | - - - Disturbances of smell and taste |
MB41.0 | - - - - Anosmia |
MB41.1 | - - - - Parosmia |
MB41.2 | - - - - Dysgeusia |
MB41.3 | - - - - Hyposmia |
MB41.Y | - - - - Other specified disturbances of smell and taste |
MB41.Z | - - - - Disturbances of smell and taste, unspecified |
MB42 | - - - Phonophobia |
MB43 | - - - Dyssomnia |
MB44 | - - - Abnormalities of gait and mobility |
MB44.0 | - - - - Ataxic gait |
MB44.1 | - - - - Paralytic gait |
MB44.2 | - - - - Difficulty in walking |
MB44.3 | - - - - Immobility |
MB44.Y | - - - - Other specified abnormalities of gait and mobility |
MB44.Z | - - - - Abnormalities of gait and mobility, unspecified |
MB45 | - - - Lack of coordination |
MB45.0 | - - - - Ataxia, unspecified |
MB45.1 | - - - - Automatism |
MB45.2 | - - - - Atonia |
MB45.3 | - - - - Head drop |
MB45.4 | - - - - Intention tremor |
MB45.Y | - - - - Other specified lack of coordination |
MB45.Z | - - - - Lack of coordination, unspecified |
MB46 | - - - Abnormal involuntary movements |
MB46.0 | - - - - Asterixis |
MB46.1 | - - - - Abnormal head movements |
MB46.2 | - - - - Athetosis |
MB46.3 | - - - - Drop attack |
MB46.4 | - - - - Titubation |
MB46.5 | - - - - Shuddering |
MB46.Y | - - - - Other specified abnormal involuntary movements |
MB46.Z | - - - - Abnormal involuntary movements, unspecified |
MB47 | - - - Abnormality of tonus and reflex |
MB47.0 | - - - - Abnormal reflex |
MB47.1 | - - - - Abnormal posture |
MB47.2 | - - - - Clonus |
MB47.3 | - - - - Cramp or spasm |
MB47.4 | - - - - Dystonia |
MB47.5 | - - - - Fasciculation |
MB47.50 | - - - - - Myokymia |
MB47.6 | - - - - Meningismus |
MB47.7 | - - - - Muscle fibrillation |
MB47.8 | - - - - Muscular hypertonia |
MB47.9 | - - - - Myotonia |
MB47.A | - - - - Ophthalmoparesis |
MB47.B | - - - - Opisthotonos |
MB47.C | - - - - Tendency to fall |
MB47.D | - - - - Tetany |
MB47.Y | - - - - Other specified abnormality of tonus and reflex |
MB47.Z | - - - - Abnormality of tonus and reflex, unspecified |
MB48 | - - - Dizziness and giddiness |
MB48.0 | - - - - Vertigo |
MB48.00 | - - - - - Vertigo of central origin |
MB48.0Y | - - - - - Other specified vertigo |
MB48.0Z | - - - - - Vertigo, unspecified |
MB48.1 | - - - - Disorder equilibrium |
MB48.2 | - - - - Exertional dizziness |
MB48.3 | - - - - Light-headedness |
MB48.4 | - - - - Presyncope |
MB48.Y | - - - - Other specified dizziness and giddiness |
MB48.Z | - - - - Dizziness and giddiness, unspecified |
MB49 | - - - Aura |
MB4A | - - - Apraxia |
MB4B | - - - Symbolic dysfunctions |
MB4B.0 | - - - - Dyslexia and alexia |
MB4B.1 | - - - - Agnosia |
MB4B.2 | - - - - Acalculia |
MB4B.3 | - - - - Agraphia |
MB4B.4 | - - - - Anomia |
MB4B.5 | - - - - Dyscalculia |
MB4B.Y | - - - - Other specified symbolic dysfunctions |
MB4B.Z | - - - - Symbolic dysfunctions, unspecified |
MB4C | - - - Gerstmann syndrome |
- - - Paralytic symptoms | |
MB50 | - - - - Tetraplegia |
MB50.0 | - - - - - Flaccid tetraplegia |
MB50.1 | - - - - - Spastic tetraplegia |
MB50.Z | - - - - - Tetraplegia, unspecified |
MB51 | - - - - Diplegia of upper extremities |
MB51.0 | - - - - - Flaccid diplegia of upper extremities |
MB51.1 | - - - - - Spastic diplegia of upper extremities |
MB51.Z | - - - - - Diplegia of upper extremities, unspecified |
MB52 | - - - - Diplegia of lower extremities |
MB53 | - - - - Hemiplegia |
MB53.0 | - - - - - Alternating hemiplegia |
MB53.1 | - - - - - Flaccid hemiplegia |
MB53.2 | - - - - - Spastic hemiplegia |
MB53.Z | - - - - - Hemiplegia, unspecified |
MB54 | - - - - Monoplegia of upper extremity |
MB54.0 | - - - - - Flaccid monoplegia of upper extremity |
MB54.1 | - - - - - Spastic monoplegia of upper extremity |
MB54.Z | - - - - - Monoplegia of upper extremity, unspecified |
MB55 | - - - - Monoplegia of lower extremity |
MB55.0 | - - - - - Flaccid monoplegia of lower extremity |
MB55.1 | - - - - - Spastic monoplegia of lower extremity |
MB55.Z | - - - - - Monoplegia of lower extremity, unspecified |
MB56 | - - - - Paraplegia |
MB57 | - - - - Functional level of injury of spinal cord |
MB57.0 | - - - - - Functional level of injury of cervical spinal cord |
MB57.1 | - - - - - Functional level of injury of thoracic spinal cord |
MB57.2 | - - - - - Functional level of injury of lumbar spinal cord |
MB57.3 | - - - - - Functional level of injury of spinal cord, sacrum |
MB57.Y | - - - - - Other specified functional level of injury of spinal cord |
MB57.Z | - - - - - Functional level of injury of spinal cord, unspecified |
MB5Y | - - - - Other specified paralytic symptoms |
MB5Z | - - - - Paralytic symptoms, unspecified |
MB60 | - - - Sleeptalking |
MB6Y | - - - Other specified symptoms or signs involving the nervous system |
- - Clinical findings in the nervous system | |
MB70 | - - - Clinical findings in cerebrospinal fluid |
MB70.0 | - - - - Abnormal level of enzymes in cerebrospinal fluid |
MB70.1 | - - - - Abnormal level of hormones in cerebrospinal fluid |
MB70.2 | - - - - Abnormal level of drugs, medicaments and biological substances in cerebrospinal fluid |
MB70.3 | - - - - Abnormal level of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source in cerebrospinal fluid |
MB70.4 | - - - - Abnormal immunological findings in cerebrospinal fluid |
MB70.5 | - - - - Abnormal microbiological findings in cerebrospinal fluid |
MB70.6 | - - - - Abnormal cytological findings in cerebrospinal fluid |
MB70.7 | - - - - Abnormal histological findings in cerebrospinal fluid |
MB70.8 | - - - - Other abnormal findings in cerebrospinal fluid |
MB70.Y | - - - - Other specified clinical findings in cerebrospinal fluid |
MB70.Z | - - - - Clinical findings in cerebrospinal fluid, unspecified |
MB71 | - - - Clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of central nervous system |
MB71.0 | - - - - Intracranial space-occupying lesion |
MB71.Y | - - - - Other specified clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of central nervous system |
MB71.Z | - - - - Clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of central nervous system, unspecified |
MB72 | - - - Results of function studies of the nervous system |
MB7Y | - - - Other specified clinical findings in the nervous system |
MB9Y | - - Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings of the nervous system |
- Symptoms, signs or clinical findings of the visual system | |
- - Symptoms or signs involving the visual system | |
MC10 | - - - Eye appearance abnormal |
MC11 | - - - Eye sensation abnormal |
MC12 | - - - Chronic enlargement of lacrimal gland |
MC13 | - - - Epiphora |
MC14 | - - - Eye discharge |
MC15 | - - - Red eye |
MC16 | - - - Pallor conjunctiva |
MC17 | - - - Icteric sclera |
MC18 | - - - Ocular pain |
MC19 | - - - Quadrantanopia |
MC1A | - - - Visual floaters |
MC1B | - - - Symptom or complaint of the eyelid |
MC1C | - - - Symptom or complaint of glasses |
MC1D | - - - Symptom or complaint of contact lens |
MC1Y | - - - Other specified symptoms or signs involving the visual system |
MC20 | - - Clinical findings of the visual system |
MC20.0 | - - - Staphyloma |
MC20.1 | - - - Small drusen of the macula |
MC21 | - - Impairment of electrophysiological functions |
MC21.0 | - - - Profound impairment of electrooculogram |
MC21.1 | - - - Normal electroretinogram |
MC21.Y | - - - Other specified impairment of electrophysiological functions |
MC21.Z | - - - Impairment of electrophysiological functions, unspecified |
MC2Y | - - Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings of the visual system |
- Symptoms, signs or clinical findings of ear or mastoid process | |
- - Symptoms or signs involving the ear or mastoid process | |
MC40 | - - - Plugged feeling ear |
MC41 | - - - Tinnitus |
MC4Y | - - - Other specified symptoms or signs involving the ear or mastoid process |
MC6Y | - - Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings of ear or mastoid process |
- Symptoms, signs or clinical findings of the circulatory system | |
- - Symptoms or signs involving the circulatory system | |
MC80 | - - - Abnormal blood-pressure reading, without diagnosis |
MC80.0 | - - - - Elevated blood-pressure reading, without diagnosis of hypertension |
MC80.00 | - - - - - White coat hypertension |
MC80.0Y | - - - - - Other specified elevated blood-pressure reading, without diagnosis of hypertension |
MC80.0Z | - - - - - Elevated blood-pressure reading, without diagnosis of hypertension, unspecified |
MC80.1 | - - - - Nonspecific low blood-pressure reading |
MC80.Y | - - - - Other specified abnormal blood-pressure reading, without diagnosis |
MC80.Z | - - - - Abnormal blood-pressure reading, without diagnosis, unspecified |
MC81 | - - - Abnormalities of heart beat |
MC81.0 | - - - - Tachycardia, unspecified |
MC81.1 | - - - - Bradycardia, unspecified |
MC81.2 | - - - - Palpitations |
MC81.3 | - - - - Paroxysmal tachycardia |
MC81.4 | - - - - Pulseless electrical activity, not elsewhere classified |
MC81.Y | - - - - Other specified abnormalities of heart beat |
MC81.Z | - - - - Abnormalities of heart beat, unspecified |
MC82 | - - - Cardiac arrest |
MC82.0 | - - - - Ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation cardiac arrest |
MC82.1 | - - - - Bradycardic cardiac arrest |
MC82.2 | - - - - Asystolic cardiac arrest |
MC82.3 | - - - - Cardiac arrest with pulseless electrical activity |
MC82.4 | - - - - Cardiopulmonary arrest |
MC82.Z | - - - - Cardiac arrest, unspecified |
MC83 | - - - Cardiac murmurs and other cardiac sounds |
MC83.0 | - - - - Benign and innocent cardiac murmurs |
MC83.1 | - - - - Other cardiac sounds |
MC84 | - - - Cardiovascular pain |
MC85 | - - - Gangrene |
MC86 | - - - Precordial pain |
MC87 | - - - Pressure or tightness of heart |
MC88 | - - - Prominent veins |
MC8Y | - - - Other specified symptoms or signs involving the circulatory system |
MC90 | - - Clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of heart or coronary circulation |
MC91 | - - Results of function studies of the circulatory system |
MC9Y | - - Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings of the circulatory system |
- Symptoms, signs or clinical findings of the respiratory system | |
- - Symptoms or signs involving the respiratory system | |
MD10 | - - - Abnormal sputum |
MD11 | - - - Abnormalities of breathing |
MD11.0 | - - - - Apnoea |
MD11.1 | - - - - Asphyxia |
MD11.2 | - - - - Ataxic breathing |
MD11.3 | - - - - Breath holding |
MD11.4 | - - - - Sleep related Cheyne-Stokes respiration |
MD11.5 | - - - - Dyspnoea |
MD11.6 | - - - - Hiccough |
MD11.7 | - - - - Hyperventilation |
MD11.8 | - - - - Mouth breathing |
MD11.80 | - - - - - Stertor |
MD11.8Y | - - - - - Other specified mouth breathing |
MD11.8Z | - - - - - Mouth breathing, unspecified |
MD11.9 | - - - - Nasal congestion |
MD11.A | - - - - Sneezing |
MD11.B | - - - - Stridor |
MD11.C | - - - - Wheezing |
MD11.D | - - - - Yawning |
MD11.Y | - - - - Other specified abnormalities of breathing |
MD11.Z | - - - - Abnormalities of breathing, unspecified |
MD12 | - - - Cough |
- - - Haemorrhage from respiratory passages | |
MD20 | - - - - Epistaxis |
MD21 | - - - - Haemorrhage from throat |
MD22 | - - - - Haemoptysis |
MD23 | - - - - Haemorrhage from other sites in respiratory passages |
MD24 | - - - - Acute idiopathic pulmonary haemorrhage in infants over 28 days of age |
MD2Z | - - - - Haemorrhage from respiratory passages, unspecified |
MD30 | - - - Pain in throat or chest |
MD30.0 | - - - - Chest pain on breathing |
MD30.1 | - - - - Other chest pain |
MD30.Z | - - - - Chest pain, unspecified |
MD31 | - - - Pleurisy |
MD32 | - - - Rales |
MD33 | - - - Respiratory arrest |
MD34 | - - - Symptom or complaint of the nose |
MD35 | - - - Symptom or complaint of the sinus |
MD36 | - - - Symptom or complaint of the throat |
MD36.0 | - - - - Pain in throat |
MD36.Y | - - - - Other specified symptom or complaint of the throat |
MD36.Z | - - - - Symptom or complaint of the throat, unspecified |
MD3Y | - - - Other specified symptoms or signs involving the respiratory system |
- - Clinical findings in the respiratory system | |
MD40 | - - - Clinical findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
MD40.0 | - - - - Abnormal level of enzymes in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
MD40.1 | - - - - Abnormal level of hormones in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
MD40.2 | - - - - Abnormal level of drugs, medicaments and biological substances in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
MD40.3 | - - - - Abnormal level of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
MD40.4 | - - - - Abnormal immunological findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
MD40.5 | - - - - Abnormal microbiological findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
MD40.50 | - - - - - Positive culture from nose |
MD40.51 | - - - - - Positive sputum culture |
MD40.52 | - - - - - Positive throat culture |
MD40.5Y | - - - - - Other specified abnormal microbiological findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
MD40.5Z | - - - - - Abnormal microbiological findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax, unspecified |
MD40.6 | - - - - Abnormal cytological findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
MD40.7 | - - - - Abnormal histological findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
MD40.Y | - - - - Other specified clinical findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
MD41 | - - - Clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of lung |
MD42 | - - - Results of function studies of the respiratory system |
MD4Y | - - - Other specified clinical findings in the respiratory system |
MD6Y | - - Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings of the respiratory system |
- Symptoms, signs or clinical findings of the digestive system or abdomen | |
- - Symptoms or signs involving the digestive system or abdomen | |
MD80 | - - - Symptoms or signs of the orofacial complex |
MD80.0 | - - - - Symptom or complaint of the teeth or gum |
MD80.1 | - - - - Symptom or complaint of the mouth, tongue or lip |
MD80.Y | - - - - Other specified symptoms or signs of the orofacial complex |
MD81 | - - - Abdominal or pelvic pain |
MD81.0 | - - - - Abdominal tenderness |
MD81.1 | - - - - Localised abdominal pain |
MD81.10 | - - - - - Pain localised to upper abdomen |
MD81.11 | - - - - - Pelvic or perineal pain |
MD81.12 | - - - - - Pain localised to other parts of lower abdomen |
MD81.1Z | - - - - - Localised abdominal pain, unspecified |
MD81.2 | - - - - Generalised abdominal pain |
MD81.3 | - - - - Acute abdomen |
MD81.4 | - - - - Other and unspecified abdominal pain |
MD82 | - - - Intra-abdominal or pelvic swelling, mass or lump |
- - - Symptoms related to the upper gastrointestinal tract | |
MD90 | - - - - Nausea or vomiting |
MD90.0 | - - - - - Nausea |
MD90.1 | - - - - - Vomiting |
MD91 | - - - - Belching |
MD92 | - - - - Dyspepsia |
MD93 | - - - - Dysphagia |
MD94 | - - - - Halitosis |
MD95 | - - - - Heartburn |
MD9Y | - - - - Other specified symptoms related to the upper gastrointestinal tract |
- - - Symptoms related to the lower gastrointestinal tract or abdomen | |
ME00 | - - - - Abdominal compartment syndrome |
ME01 | - - - - Abdominal distension |
ME02 | - - - - Abdominal rigidity |
ME03 | - - - - Abnormal bowel sounds |
ME03.0 | - - - - - Hyperactive bowel sounds |
ME03.1 | - - - - - Absent bowel sounds |
ME03.Z | - - - - - Abnormal bowel sounds, unspecified |
ME04 | - - - - Ascites |
ME04.0 | - - - - - Fluid in peritoneal cavity |
ME04.Y | - - - - - Other specified ascites |
ME04.Z | - - - - - Ascites, unspecified |
ME05 | - - - - Change in bowel habit |
ME05.0 | - - - - - Constipation |
ME05.1 | - - - - - Diarrhoea |
ME05.Z | - - - - - Other and unspecified change in bowel habit |
ME06 | - - - - Chronic enteritis of uncertain aetiology |
ME07 | - - - - Faecal incontinence |
ME07.0 | - - - - - Faecal smearing |
ME07.1 | - - - - - Incomplete defaecation |
ME07.2 | - - - - - Faecal urgency |
ME07.Y | - - - - - Other specified faecal incontinence |
ME07.Z | - - - - - Faecal incontinence, unspecified |
ME08 | - - - - Flatulence and related conditions |
ME09 | - - - - Rectal tenesmus |
ME0A | - - - - Visible peristalsis |
ME0B | - - - - Problems with defaecation, not otherwise specified |
ME0Y | - - - - Other specified symptoms related to the lower gastrointestinal tract or abdomen |
ME10 | - - - Abnormalities related to hepatobiliary system |
ME10.0 | - - - - Hepatomegaly or splenomegaly |
ME10.00 | - - - - - Hepatomegaly, not elsewhere classified |
ME10.01 | - - - - - Splenomegaly, not elsewhere classified |
ME10.02 | - - - - - Hepatomegaly with splenomegaly |
ME10.1 | - - - - Unspecified jaundice |
ME1Y | - - - Other specified symptoms or signs involving the digestive system or abdomen |
- - Clinical findings in the digestive system | |
ME20 | - - - Clinical findings in specimens from digestive organs or abdominal cavity |
ME20.0 | - - - - Abnormal level of enzymes in specimens from digestive organs or abdominal cavity |
ME20.1 | - - - - Abnormal level of hormones in specimens from digestive organs or abdominal cavity |
ME20.2 | - - - - Abnormal level of drugs, medicaments or biological substances in specimens from digestive organs of abdominal cavity |
ME20.3 | - - - - Abnormal level of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity |
ME20.4 | - - - - Abnormal immunological findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity |
ME20.5 | - - - - Abnormal microbiological findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity |
ME20.6 | - - - - Abnormal cytological findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity |
ME20.7 | - - - - Abnormal histological findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity |
ME20.Y | - - - - Other specified clinical findings in specimens from digestive organs or abdominal cavity |
ME20.Z | - - - - Clinical findings in specimens from digestive organs or abdominal cavity, unspecified |
ME21 | - - - Clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of liver or biliary tract |
ME22 | - - - Clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of digestive tract |
ME23 | - - - Results of function studies of the digestive system |
ME24 | - - - Clinical manifestations of the digestive system |
ME24.0 | - - - - Digestive system abscess |
ME24.1 | - - - - Digestive system fistula |
ME24.2 | - - - - Digestive system obstruction |
ME24.3 | - - - - Digestive system perforation |
ME24.30 | - - - - - Perforation of small intestine |
ME24.31 | - - - - - Perforation of large intestine |
ME24.32 | - - - - - Perforation of cystic duct |
ME24.33 | - - - - - Perforation of gallbladder |
ME24.34 | - - - - - Perforation of bile duct |
ME24.3Y | - - - - - Other specified digestive system perforation |
ME24.3Z | - - - - - Digestive system perforation, unspecified |
ME24.4 | - - - - Digestive system stenosis |
ME24.5 | - - - - Digestive system ulcer |
ME24.6 | - - - - Digestive system dilatation |
ME24.7 | - - - - Digestive system incarceration |
ME24.8 | - - - - Digestive system strangulation or gangrene |
ME24.9 | - - - - Gastrointestinal bleeding |
ME24.90 | - - - - - Acute gastrointestinal bleeding, not elsewhere classified |
ME24.91 | - - - - - Chronic gastrointestinal bleeding, not elsewhere classified |
ME24.9Z | - - - - - Gastrointestinal bleeding, unspecified |
ME24.A | - - - - Other digestive system haemorrhage, not elsewhere classified |
ME24.A0 | - - - - - Obscure gastrointestinal bleeding |
ME24.A1 | - - - - - Haemorrhage of anus and rectum |
ME24.A2 | - - - - - Oesophageal haemorrhage |
ME24.A3 | - - - - - Haematochezia |
ME24.A4 | - - - - - Melaena |
ME24.A5 | - - - - - Haematemesis |
ME24.A6 | - - - - - Positive occult blood in stool |
ME24.Y | - - - - Other specified clinical manifestations of the digestive system |
ME2Y | - - - Other specified clinical findings in the digestive system |
ME4Y | - - Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings of the digestive system or abdomen |
- Symptoms, signs or clinical findings involving the skin | |
- - Symptom or signs involving the skin | |
ME60 | - - - Skin lesion of uncertain or unspecified nature |
ME60.0 | - - - - Skin lesion of uncertain nature |
ME60.1 | - - - - Pigmented skin lesion of uncertain nature |
ME60.2 | - - - - Ulcer of skin of uncertain nature |
ME60.3 | - - - - Keratosis of skin of uncertain or unspecified nature |
ME60.Z | - - - - Skin lesion of unspecified nature |
ME61 | - - - Subcutaneous swelling, mass or lump of uncertain or unspecified nature |
ME62 | - - - Acute skin eruption of uncertain or unspecified nature |
ME62.0 | - - - - Acute erythematous skin eruption |
ME62.1 | - - - - Acute purpuric skin eruption |
ME62.2 | - - - - Acute urticarial skin eruption |
ME62.3 | - - - - Acute maculopapular skin eruption |
ME62.4 | - - - - Acute papular skin eruption |
ME62.5 | - - - - Acute exudative skin eruption |
ME62.6 | - - - - Acute blistering skin eruption |
ME62.7 | - - - - Acute desquamating skin eruption |
ME62.8 | - - - - Acute discoid or annular skin eruption |
ME62.9 | - - - - Acute excoriation of skin |
ME62.Y | - - - - Other specified acute skin eruption of uncertain or unspecified nature |
ME63 | - - - Chronic skin disorder of uncertain or unspecified nature |
ME63.0 | - - - - Chronic erythematous skin disorder |
ME63.1 | - - - - Chronic urticarial skin disorder |
ME63.2 | - - - - Chronic papular skin disorder |
ME63.3 | - - - - Chronic blistering skin disorder |
ME63.4 | - - - - Chronic scaling or hyperkeratotic skin disorder |
ME63.5 | - - - - Chronic lichenified skin disorder |
ME63.6 | - - - - Chronic discoid or annular skin disorder |
ME63.7 | - - - - Chronic excoriation of skin |
ME64 | - - - Non-specific cutaneous vascular signs |
ME64.0 | - - - - Erythema |
ME64.1 | - - - - Cyanosis |
ME64.2 | - - - - Pallor |
ME64.3 | - - - - Petechiae |
ME64.4 | - - - - Flushing |
ME65 | - - - Disturbances of skin sensation of unspecified aetiology |
ME65.0 | - - - - Burning of skin |
ME65.1 | - - - - Itching of skin |
ME65.2 | - - - - Pain or tenderness of skin |
ME65.3 | - - - - Stinging of skin |
ME65.4 | - - - - Tingling of skin |
ME65.Y | - - - - Other specified disturbance of skin sensation |
ME66 | - - - Miscellaneous non-specific skin-related symptoms and signs |
ME66.0 | - - - - Abnormal sensitivity to light or UV radiation of uncertain or unspecified nature |
ME66.1 | - - - - Changes in skin texture |
ME66.2 | - - - - Excess and redundant skin |
ME66.3 | - - - - Symptom or complaint relating to hair or scalp |
ME66.4 | - - - - Symptom or complaint relating to nails |
ME66.5 | - - - - Complaint of abnormal sweating |
ME66.6 | - - - - Rash |
ME66.60 | - - - - - Rash localised |
ME66.61 | - - - - - Rash generalised |
ME66.6Y | - - - - - Other specified rash |
ME66.6Z | - - - - - Rash, unspecified |
ME66.Y | - - - - Other specified skin changes |
ME67 | - - - Skin disorder of uncertain or unspecified nature |
ME6Y | - - - Other specified symptom or signs involving the skin |
- Symptoms, signs or clinical findings of the musculoskeletal system | |
- - Symptoms or signs of the musculoskeletal system | |
ME80 | - - - Clicking hip |
ME81 | - - - Musculoskeletal chest pain |
ME81.0 | - - - - Intercostal pain |
ME81.Y | - - - - Other specified musculoskeletal chest pain |
ME81.Z | - - - - Musculoskeletal chest pain, unspecified |
ME82 | - - - Pain in joint |
ME83 | - - - Rheumatism, unspecified |
ME84 | - - - Spinal pain |
ME84.0 | - - - - Cervical spine pain |
ME84.1 | - - - - Thoracic spine pain |
ME84.2 | - - - - Low back pain |
ME84.20 | - - - - - Lumbago with sciatica |
ME84.2Y | - - - - - Other specified low back pain |
ME84.2Z | - - - - - Low back pain, unspecified |
ME84.3 | - - - - Sciatica |
ME84.Z | - - - - Spinal pain, unspecified |
ME85 | - - - Stiffness of joint |
ME86 | - - - Symptom or complaint of a body part |
ME86.0 | - - - - Symptom or complaint of the ankle |
ME86.1 | - - - - Symptom or complaint of the arm |
ME86.2 | - - - - Symptom or complaint of the back |
ME86.20 | - - - - - Back syndrome without radiating pain |
ME86.21 | - - - - - Back syndrome with radiating pain |
ME86.22 | - - - - - Symptom or complaint of the low back |
ME86.2Y | - - - - - Other specified symptom or complaint of the back |
ME86.2Z | - - - - - Symptom or complaint of the back, unspecified |
ME86.3 | - - - - Symptom or complaint of the chest |
ME86.4 | - - - - Symptom or complaint of the elbow |
ME86.5 | - - - - Symptom or complaint of the flank or axilla |
ME86.6 | - - - - Symptom or complaint of the foot or toe |
ME86.7 | - - - - Symptom or complaint of the hand or finger |
ME86.8 | - - - - Symptom or complaint of the hip |
ME86.9 | - - - - Symptom or complaint of the jaw |
ME86.A | - - - - Symptom or complaint of the knee |
ME86.B | - - - - Symptom or complaint of the leg or thigh |
ME86.C | - - - - Symptom or complaint of the neck |
ME86.D | - - - - Symptom or complaint of the shoulder |
ME86.D0 | - - - - - Shoulder syndrome |
ME86.DY | - - - - - Other specified symptom or complaint of the shoulder |
ME86.DZ | - - - - - Symptom or complaint of the shoulder, unspecified |
ME86.E | - - - - Symptom or complaint of the wrist |
ME86.F | - - - - Symptom or complaint of joint, not otherwise specified |
ME86.G | - - - - Symptom or complaint of muscle, not otherwise specified |
ME86.Y | - - - - Problem of other specified body part |
ME86.Z | - - - - Problem of unspecified body part |
ME8Y | - - - Other specified symptoms or signs of the musculoskeletal system |
- - Clinical findings in the musculoskeletal system | |
ME90 | - - - Clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of skull and head |
ME91 | - - - Clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of limbs |
ME92 | - - - Clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of other parts of musculoskeletal system |
ME92.0 | - - - - Wedging of vertebra |
ME92.1 | - - - - Bony erosion |
ME92.Y | - - - - Other specified clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of other parts of musculoskeletal system |
ME92.Z | - - - - Clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of other parts of musculoskeletal system, unspecified |
ME93 | - - - Biomechanical lesions, not elsewhere classified |
ME93.0 | - - - - Segmental and somatic dysfunction |
ME93.1 | - - - - Subluxation stenosis of neural canal |
ME93.2 | - - - - Osseous stenosis of neural canal |
ME93.3 | - - - - Connective tissue stenosis of neural canal |
ME93.4 | - - - - Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal |
ME93.40 | - - - - - Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, head region |
ME93.41 | - - - - - Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, cervical region |
ME93.42 | - - - - - Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, thoracic region |
ME93.43 | - - - - - Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, lumbar region |
ME93.44 | - - - - - Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, sacral region |
ME93.45 | - - - - - Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, pelvic region |
ME93.46 | - - - - - Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, lower extremity |
ME93.47 | - - - - - Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, upper extremity |
ME93.48 | - - - - - Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, rib cage |
ME93.4Y | - - - - - Other specified intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal |
ME93.4Z | - - - - - Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, unspecified |
ME93.5 | - - - - Osseous and subluxation stenosis of intervertebral foramina |
ME93.6 | - - - - Connective tissue and disc stenosis of intervertebral foramina |
ME93.Y | - - - - Other specified biomechanical lesions, not elsewhere classified |
ME93.Z | - - - - Biomechanical lesions, unspecified |
ME9Y | - - - Other specified clinical findings in the musculoskeletal system |
MF1Y | - - Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings of the musculoskeletal system |
- Symptoms, signs or clinical findings of the genitourinary system | |
- - Symptoms, signs or clinical findings involving the female genital system | |
MF30 | - - - Breast lump or mass female |
MF31 | - - - Breast or lactation symptom or complaint |
MF32 | - - - Menopausal symptom or complaint |
MF33 | - - - Premenstrual symptom or complaint |
MF34 | - - - Pregnancy symptom or complaint |
MF35 | - - - Postpartum symptom or complaint |
MF36 | - - - Other symptom or complaint of vagina |
MF37 | - - - Symptom or complaint of female nipple |
MF38 | - - - Symptom or complaint of female pelvis |
MF39 | - - - Symptom or complaint of the vulva |
MF3A | - - - Vaginal discharge |
MF3Y | - - - Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings involving the female genital system |
- - Symptoms, signs or clinical findings involving the male genital system | |
MF40 | - - - Problems of male genital organs |
MF40.0 | - - - - Symptom or complaint of the penis |
MF40.00 | - - - - - Pain in penis |
MF40.0Y | - - - - - Other specified symptom or complaint of the penis |
MF40.0Z | - - - - - Symptom or complaint of the penis, unspecified |
MF40.1 | - - - - Problems of the prostate |
MF40.2 | - - - - Symptom or complaint of the scrotum or testis |
MF40.20 | - - - - - Acute scrotal pain |
MF40.21 | - - - - - Testicular pain |
MF40.2Y | - - - - - Other specified symptom or complaint of the scrotum or testis |
MF40.2Z | - - - - - Symptom or complaint of the scrotum or testis, unspecified |
MF40.3 | - - - - Retrograde ejaculation |
MF40.Y | - - - - Other specified problems of male genital organs |
MF40.Z | - - - - Problems of male genital organs, unspecified |
MF41 | - - - Symptom or complaint of male sexual function |
MF42 | - - - Retractile testis migrans |
MF4Y | - - - Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings involving the male genital system |
- - Symptoms, signs or clinical findings involving the urinary system | |
MF50 | - - - Abnormal micturition |
MF50.0 | - - - - Frequent micturition |
MF50.1 | - - - - Pollakiuria |
MF50.2 | - - - - Urinary incontinence |
MF50.20 | - - - - - Stress incontinence |
MF50.21 | - - - - - Urge Incontinence |
MF50.22 | - - - - - Mixed incontinence |
MF50.23 | - - - - - Functional urinary incontinence |
MF50.24 | - - - - - Reflex incontinence |
MF50.2Y | - - - - - Other specified urinary incontinence |
MF50.2Z | - - - - - Urinary incontinence, unspecified |
MF50.3 | - - - - Retention of urine |
MF50.4 | - - - - Haematuria |
MF50.40 | - - - - - Macroscopic haematuria |
MF50.41 | - - - - - Microscopic haematuria |
MF50.4Z | - - - - - Haematuria, unspecified |
MF50.5 | - - - - Extravasation of urine |
MF50.6 | - - - - Other difficulties with micturition |
MF50.60 | - - - - - Hesitancy of micturition |
MF50.61 | - - - - - Poor urinary stream |
MF50.62 | - - - - - Splitting of urinary stream |
MF50.63 | - - - - - Urgency of urination |
MF50.64 | - - - - - Feeling of incomplete bladder emptying |
MF50.65 | - - - - - Straining to void |
MF50.6Y | - - - - - Other specified difficulties with micturition |
MF50.6Z | - - - - - Difficulties with micturition, unspecified |
MF50.7 | - - - - Dysuria |
MF50.8 | - - - - Vesical tenesmus |
MF50.Y | - - - - Other specified abnormal micturition |
MF50.Z | - - - - Abnormal micturition, unspecified |
MF51 | - - - Anuria or oliguria |
MF52 | - - - Bladder pain |
MF53 | - - - Extrarenal uraemia |
MF54 | - - - Macroscopic changes of size of the kidney |
MF54.0 | - - - - Smooth contracted kidney |
MF54.1 | - - - - Irregularly contracted kidney |
MF54.2 | - - - - Small kidney |
MF54.Y | - - - - Other specified macroscopic changes of size of the kidney |
MF54.Z | - - - - Macroscopic changes of size of the kidney, unspecified |
MF55 | - - - Polyuria |
MF56 | - - - Renal colic |
MF57 | - - - Symptom or complaint of bladder |
MF58 | - - - Urethral discharge |
MF59 | - - - Urinary symptom or complaint |
MF5Y | - - - Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings involving the urinary system |
- - Clinical findings in specimens from female genital organs | |
MF60 | - - - Abnormal level of enzymes in specimens from female genital organs |
MF61 | - - - Abnormal level of hormones in specimens from female genital organs |
MF62 | - - - Abnormal level of drugs, medicaments and biological substances in specimens from female genital organs |
MF63 | - - - Abnormal level of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source in specimens from female genital organs |
MF64 | - - - Abnormal immunological findings in specimens from female genital organs |
MF65 | - - - Abnormal microbiological findings in specimens from female genital organs |
MF66 | - - - Abnormal cytological findings in specimens from female genital organs |
MF66.0 | - - - - Abnormal cervix smear |
MF66.Y | - - - - Other specified abnormal cytological findings in specimens from female genital organs |
MF66.Z | - - - - Abnormal cytological findings in specimens from female genital organs, unspecified |
MF67 | - - - Abnormal histological findings in specimens from female genital organs |
MF68 | - - - Abnormal chromosomal findings in specimens from female genital organs |
MF6Y | - - - Other specified clinical findings in specimens from female genital organs |
MF6Z | - - - Clinical findings in specimens from female genital organs, unspecified |
- - Clinical findings in specimens from male genital organs | |
MF70 | - - - Abnormal level of enzymes in specimens from male genital organs |
MF71 | - - - Abnormal level of hormones in specimens from male genital organs |
MF72 | - - - Abnormal level of drugs, medicaments and biological substances in specimens from male genital organs |
MF73 | - - - Abnormal level of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source in specimens from male genital organs |
MF74 | - - - Abnormal immunological findings in specimens from male genital organs |
MF75 | - - - Abnormal microbiological findings in specimens from male genital organs |
MF76 | - - - Abnormal cytological findings in specimens from male genital organs |
MF77 | - - - Abnormal histological findings in specimens from male genital organs |
MF78 | - - - Abnormal chromosomal findings in specimens from male genital organs |
MF7Y | - - - Other specified clinical findings in specimens from male genital organs |
MF7Z | - - - Clinical findings in specimens from male genital organs, unspecified |
- - Clinical findings in specimens from the urinary system | |
MF80 | - - - Diffuse mesangial sclerosis |
MF81 | - - - Fibronectin glomerulopathy |
MF82 | - - - Lipoprotein glomerulopathy |
MF83 | - - - Diabetic glomerular changes |
MF84 | - - - Pauci-immune proliferative glomerulonephritis |
MF85 | - - - Anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody mediated disease |
MF8Y | - - - Other specified clinical findings in specimens from the urinary system |
MF8Z | - - - Clinical findings in specimens from the urinary system, unspecified |
- - Clinical findings on examination of urine, without diagnosis | |
MF90 | - - - Acetonuria |
MF91 | - - - Bilirubinuria |
MF92 | - - - Chyluria |
MF93 | - - - Glycosuria |
MF94 | - - - Haemoglobinuria |
MF95 | - - - Myoglobinuria |
MF96 | - - - Proteinuria |
MF96.0 | - - - - Orthostatic proteinuria |
MF96.1 | - - - - Bence Jones proteinuria |
MF96.Y | - - - - Other specified proteinuria |
MF96.Z | - - - - Proteinuria, unspecified |
MF97 | - - - Pyuria |
MF98 | - - - Abnormal levels of serum electrolytes in the urine |
MF98.0 | - - - - Hypercalciuria |
MF98.1 | - - - - Hyperkaluria |
MF98.2 | - - - - Hypermagnesuria |
MF98.3 | - - - - Hypocalciuria |
MF98.4 | - - - - Hypokaluria |
MF98.5 | - - - - Hypomagnesuria |
MF98.6 | - - - - Hypophosphaturia |
MF98.Y | - - - - Other specified abnormal levels of serum electrolytes in the urine |
MF98.Z | - - - - Abnormal levels of serum electrolytes in the urine, unspecified |
MF99 | - - - Elevated urine levels of drugs, medicaments and biological substances |
MF9A | - - - Abnormal urine levels of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source |
MF9B | - - - Abnormal findings on microbiological examination of urine |
MF9C | - - - Abnormal findings on cytological and histological examination of urine |
MF9Y | - - - Other specified clinical findings on examination of urine, without diagnosis |
MG00 | - - Clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of breast |
MG01 | - - Clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of urinary organs |
MG02 | - - Results of kidney function studies |
MG0Y | - - Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings of the genitourinary system |
- General symptoms, signs or clinical findings | |
- - General symptoms | |
MG20 | - - - Cachexia |
MG20.0 | - - - - Malignant cachexia |
MG20.Z | - - - - Cachexia, unspecified |
MG21 | - - - Chills |
MG22 | - - - Fatigue |
MG23 | - - - Fear of death or dying |
MG24 | - - - Fear of disease |
MG24.0 | - - - - Fear of cancer |
MG24.00 | - - - - - Fear of cancer of digestive system |
MG24.01 | - - - - - Fear of breast cancer female |
MG24.02 | - - - - - Fear of genital cancer male |
MG24.0Y | - - - - - Other specified fear of cancer |
MG24.0Z | - - - - - Fear of cancer, unspecified |
MG24.1 | - - - - Fear of human immunodeficiency virus |
MG24.2 | - - - - Fear of haematological disease |
MG24.3 | - - - - Fear of digestive disease |
MG24.4 | - - - - Fear of eye disease |
MG24.5 | - - - - Fear of heart disease |
MG24.6 | - - - - Fear of hypertension |
MG24.7 | - - - - Fear of cardiovascular disease |
MG24.8 | - - - - Fear of musculoskeletal disease |
MG24.9 | - - - - Fear of neurological disease |
MG24.A | - - - - Fear of respiratory disease |
MG24.B | - - - - Fear of endocrine, metabolic or nutritional disease |
MG24.C | - - - - Fear of urinary disease |
MG24.D | - - - - Fear of complications of pregnancy |
MG24.E | - - - - Fear of sexually transmitted disease female |
MG24.F | - - - - Fear of female genital or breast disease |
MG24.G | - - - - Fear of sexually transmitted disease male |
MG24.H | - - - - Fear of genital disease male |
MG24.J | - - - - Fear of mental disorder |
MG24.Y | - - - - Fear of other specified disease |
MG24.Z | - - - - Fear of disease, unspecified |
MG25 | - - - Feeling ill |
MG26 | - - - Fever of other or unknown origin |
MG27 | - - - Haemorrhage, not elsewhere classified |
MG28 | - - - Hypothermia, not associated with low environmental temperature |
MG29 | - - - Oedema |
MG29.0 | - - - - Localised oedema |
MG29.00 | - - - - - Ankle oedema |
MG29.01 | - - - - - Oedema of legs |
MG29.02 | - - - - - Pitting of lip |
MG29.0Y | - - - - - Other specified localised oedema |
MG29.1 | - - - - Generalised oedema |
MG29.10 | - - - - - Oedema due to increased capillary pressure |
MG29.1Y | - - - - - Other specified generalised oedema |
MG29.2 | - - - - Infectious oedema |
MG29.3 | - - - - Pitting oedema |
MG29.Z | - - - - Oedema, unspecified |
MG2A | - - - Old age |
- - - Pain | |
MG30 | - - - - Chronic pain |
MG30.0 | - - - - - Chronic primary pain |
MG30.00 | - - - - - - Chronic primary visceral pain |
MG30.01 | - - - - - - Chronic widespread pain |
MG30.02 | - - - - - - Chronic primary musculoskeletal pain |
MG30.03 | - - - - - - Chronic primary headache or orofacial pain |
MG30.0Y | - - - - - - Other specified chronic primary pain |
MG30.0Z | - - - - - - Chronic primary pain, unspecified |
MG30.1 | - - - - - Chronic cancer related pain |
MG30.10 | - - - - - - Chronic cancer pain |
MG30.11 | - - - - - - Chronic post cancer treatment pain |
MG30.1Y | - - - - - - Other specified chronic cancer related pain |
MG30.1Z | - - - - - - Chronic cancer related pain, unspecified |
MG30.2 | - - - - - Chronic postsurgical or post traumatic pain |
MG30.20 | - - - - - - Chronic post traumatic pain |
MG30.21 | - - - - - - Chronic postsurgical pain |
MG30.2Y | - - - - - - Other specified chronic postsurgical or post traumatic pain |
MG30.2Z | - - - - - - Chronic postsurgical or post traumatic pain, unspecified |
MG30.3 | - - - - - Chronic secondary musculoskeletal pain |
MG30.30 | - - - - - - Chronic secondary musculoskeletal pain from persistent inflammation |
MG30.31 | - - - - - - Chronic secondary musculoskeletal pain associated with structural changes |
MG30.32 | - - - - - - Chronic secondary musculoskeletal pain due to disease of the nervous system |
MG30.3Y | - - - - - - Other specified chronic secondary musculoskeletal pain |
MG30.3Z | - - - - - - Chronic secondary musculoskeletal pain, unspecified |
MG30.4 | - - - - - Chronic secondary visceral pain |
MG30.40 | - - - - - - Chronic visceral pain from mechanical factors |
MG30.41 | - - - - - - Chronic visceral pain from vascular mechanisms |
MG30.42 | - - - - - - Chronic visceral pain from persistent inflammation |
MG30.4Y | - - - - - - Other specified chronic secondary visceral pain |
MG30.4Z | - - - - - - Chronic secondary visceral pain, unspecified |
MG30.5 | - - - - - Chronic neuropathic pain |
MG30.50 | - - - - - - Chronic central neuropathic pain |
MG30.51 | - - - - - - Chronic peripheral neuropathic pain |
MG30.5Y | - - - - - - Other specified chronic neuropathic pain |
MG30.5Z | - - - - - - Chronic neuropathic pain, unspecified |
MG30.6 | - - - - - Chronic secondary headache or orofacial pain |
MG30.60 | - - - - - - Chronic secondary orofacial pain |
MG30.61 | - - - - - - Chronic dental pain |
MG30.62 | - - - - - - Chronic neuropathic orofacial pain |
MG30.63 | - - - - - - Headache or orofacial pain attributed to chronic secondary temporomandibular disorders |
MG30.6Y | - - - - - - Other specified chronic secondary headache or orofacial pain |
MG30.6Z | - - - - - - Chronic secondary headache or orofacial pain, unspecified |
MG30.Y | - - - - - Other specified chronic pain |
MG30.Z | - - - - - Chronic pain, unspecified |
MG31 | - - - - Acute pain |
MG31.0 | - - - - - Acute pain in the face, not elsewhere classified |
MG31.1 | - - - - - Acute headache, not elsewhere classified |
MG31.2 | - - - - - Acute postoperative pain, not elsewhere classified |
MG31.Y | - - - - - Other specified acute pain |
MG31.Z | - - - - - Acute pain, unspecified |
MG3Z | - - - - Pain, unspecified |
MG40 | - - - Shock |
MG40.0 | - - - - Cardiogenic shock |
MG40.1 | - - - - Hypovolaemic shock |
MG40.Y | - - - - Other specified shock |
MG40.Z | - - - - Shock, unspecified |
MG41 | - - - Sleep disturbance, not elsewhere classified |
MG42 | - - - Somnolence, not elsewhere classified |
MG43 | - - - Symptoms and signs concerning food and fluid intake |
MG43.0 | - - - - Polydipsia |
MG43.1 | - - - - Overeating |
MG43.2 | - - - - Abulia |
MG43.3 | - - - - Feeding difficulties |
MG43.30 | - - - - - Feeding problem of infant |
MG43.31 | - - - - - Feeding problem of child |
MG43.32 | - - - - - Feeding problem of adult |
MG43.3Z | - - - - - Feeding difficulties, unspecified |
MG43.4 | - - - - Insufficient intake of food and water due to self neglect |
MG43.40 | - - - - - Refusal of food, not elsewhere classified |
MG43.41 | - - - - - Refusal of fluid, not elsewhere classified |
MG43.4Y | - - - - - Other specified insufficient intake of food and water due to self neglect |
MG43.4Z | - - - - - Insufficient intake of food and water due to self neglect, unspecified |
MG43.5 | - - - - Excessive weight loss |
MG43.6 | - - - - Excessive weight gain |
MG43.7 | - - - - Anorexia |
MG43.8 | - - - - Decreased appetite |
MG43.9 | - - - - Increased appetite |
MG43.Y | - - - - Other specified symptoms and signs concerning food and fluid intake |
MG44 | - - - Symptoms peculiar to infancy |
MG44.0 | - - - - Excessive crying of infant |
MG44.1 | - - - - Lack of expected normal physiological development |
MG44.10 | - - - - - Delayed milestone |
MG44.11 | - - - - - Failure to thrive in infant or child |
MG44.12 | - - - - - Short stature of child |
MG44.13 | - - - - - Constitutional delay of growth and puberty |
MG44.14 | - - - - - Familial short stature |
MG44.1Y | - - - - - Other specified lack of expected normal physiological development |
MG44.1Z | - - - - - Lack of expected normal physiological development, unspecified |
MG44.Y | - - - - Other specified symptoms peculiar to infancy |
MG44.Z | - - - - Symptoms peculiar to infancy, unspecified |
MG45 | - - - Syncope and collapse |
MG45.0 | - - - - Cardiac syncope |
MG45.Y | - - - - Other specified syncope and collapse |
MG45.Z | - - - - Syncope and collapse, unspecified |
MG46 | - - - Systemic inflammatory response syndrome of noninfectious origin |
MG47 | - - - Toxicosis not further specified |
MG48 | - - - Unknown and unspecified causes of morbidity |
MG4Y | - - - Other specified general symptoms |
- - Finding of microorganism resistant to antimicrobial drugs | |
MG50 | - - - Finding of gram negative bacteria resistant to antimicrobial drugs |
MG50.0 | - - - - Antibiotic resistant Acinetobacter baumannii |
MG50.00 | - - - - - Tetracycline resistant Acinetobacter baumannii |
MG50.01 | - - - - - Aminoglycoside resistant Acinetobacter baumannii |
MG50.02 | - - - - - Carbapenem resistant Acinetobacter baumannii |
MG50.03 | - - - - - Polymyxin resistant Acinetobacter baumannii |
MG50.0Y | - - - - - Acinetobacter resistant to other antibiotic |
MG50.0Z | - - - - - Acinetobacter resistant to unspecified antibiotic |
MG50.1 | - - - - Antibiotic resistant Campylobacter |
MG50.10 | - - - - - Fluoroquinolone resistant Campylobacter |
MG50.1Y | - - - - - Other specified antibiotic resistant Campylobacter |
MG50.1Z | - - - - - Campylobacter resistant to unspecified antibiotic |
MG50.2 | - - - - Antibiotic resistant Escherichia coli |
MG50.20 | - - - - - Sulfonamide or trimethoprim resistant Escherichia coli |
MG50.21 | - - - - - Fluoroquinolone resistant Escherichia coli |
MG50.22 | - - - - - Third generation cephalosporin resistant Escherichia coli |
MG50.23 | - - - - - Fourth-generation cephalosporins resistant Escherichia coli |
MG50.24 | - - - - - Carbapenem resistant Escherichia coli |
MG50.25 | - - - - - Polymyxin resistant Escherichia coli |
MG50.26 | - - - - - Penicillin resistant Escherichia coli |
MG50.27 | - - - - - Extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing Escherichia coli |
MG50.2Y | - - - - - Escherichia coli resistant to other antibiotic |
MG50.2Z | - - - - - Escherichia coli resistant to unspecified antibiotic |
MG50.3 | - - - - Antibiotic resistant Haemophilus influenzae |
MG50.30 | - - - - - Ampicillin resistant Haemophilus influenzae |
MG50.3Y | - - - - - Other specified antibiotic resistant Haemophilus influenzae |
MG50.3Z | - - - - - Antibiotic resistant Haemophilus influenzae, unspecified |
MG50.4 | - - - - Antibiotic resistant Helicobacter pylori |
MG50.40 | - - - - - Clarithromycin resistant Helicobacter pylori |
MG50.4Y | - - - - - Other specified antibiotic resistant Helicobacter pylori |
MG50.4Z | - - - - - Antibiotic resistant Helicobacter pylori, unspecified |
MG50.5 | - - - - Antibiotic resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae |
MG50.50 | - - - - - Sulfonamide or trimethoprim resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae |
MG50.51 | - - - - - Fluoroquinolone resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae |
MG50.52 | - - - - - Third-generation cephalosporin resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae |
MG50.53 | - - - - - Fourth-generation cephalosporin resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae |
MG50.54 | - - - - - Carbapenem resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae |
MG50.55 | - - - - - Polymixin resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae |
MG50.56 | - - - - - Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing Klebsiella pneumoniae |
MG50.5Y | - - - - - Klebsiella pneumoniae resistant to other antibiotic |
MG50.5Z | - - - - - Klebsiella pneumoniae resistant to unspecified antibiotic |
MG50.6 | - - - - Antibiotic resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae |
MG50.60 | - - - - - Third generation cephalosporin resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae |
MG50.61 | - - - - - Macrolide resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae |
MG50.62 | - - - - - Aminocyclitol resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae |
MG50.63 | - - - - - Fluoroquinolone resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae |
MG50.64 | - - - - - Aminoglycoside resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae |
MG50.6Y | - - - - - Neisseria gonorrhoeae resistant to other antibiotic |
MG50.6Z | - - - - - Neisseria gonorrhoeae resistant to unspecified antibiotic |
MG50.7 | - - - - Antibiotic resistant Neisseria meningitidis |
MG50.70 | - - - - - Penicillin resistant Neisseria meningitidis |
MG50.7Y | - - - - - Other specified antibiotic resistant Neisseria meningitidis |
MG50.7Z | - - - - - Antibiotic resistant Neisseria meningitidis, unspecified |
MG50.8 | - - - - Antibiotic resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
MG50.80 | - - - - - Carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
MG50.81 | - - - - - Polymixin-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
MG50.8Y | - - - - - Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistant to other antibiotic |
MG50.8Z | - - - - - Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistant to unspecified antibiotic |
MG50.9 | - - - - Antibiotic resistant Salmonella |
MG50.90 | - - - - - Fluoroquinolone resistant Salmonella |
MG50.91 | - - - - - Third generation cephalosporin resistant Salmonella |
MG50.92 | - - - - - Carbapenem resistant Salmonella |
MG50.9Y | - - - - - Salmonella resistant to other antibiotic |
MG50.9Z | - - - - - Salmonella resistant to unspecified antibiotic |
MG50.A | - - - - Antibiotic resistant Shigella |
MG50.A0 | - - - - - Carbapenem resistant Shigella |
MG50.A1 | - - - - - Fluoroquinolone resistant Shigella |
MG50.A2 | - - - - - Third-generation cephalosporins resistant Shigella |
MG50.A3 | - - - - - Macrolides resistant Shigella |
MG50.AY | - - - - - Shigella resistant to other antibiotic |
MG50.AZ | - - - - - Shigella resistant to unspecified antibiotic |
MG50.B | - - - - Antibiotic resistant Vibrio |
MG50.B0 | - - - - - Fluoroquinolone resistant Vibrio |
MG50.BY | - - - - - Vibrio resistant to other antibiotic |
MG50.BZ | - - - - - Vibrio resistant to unspecified antibiotic |
MG50.C | - - - - Other antibiotic resistant Enterobacteriaceae |
MG50.C0 | - - - - - Carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae |
MG50.C1 | - - - - - Third-generation cephalosporin resistant Enterobacteriaceae |
MG50.CY | - - - - - Other specified other antibiotic resistant Enterobacteriaceae |
MG50.CZ | - - - - - Other antibiotic resistant Enterobacteriaceae, unspecified |
MG50.Y | - - - - Other specified finding of gram negative bacteria resistant to antimicrobial drugs |
MG50.Z | - - - - Finding of gram negative bacteria resistant to antimicrobial drugs, unspecified |
MG51 | - - - Finding of gram positive bacteria resistant to antimicrobial drugs |
MG51.0 | - - - - Antibiotic resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
MG51.00 | - - - - - Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
MG51.01 | - - - - - Vancomycin resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
MG51.02 | - - - - - Penicillinase-stable beta lactams resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
MG51.0Y | - - - - - Other specified antibiotic resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
MG51.0Z | - - - - - Antibiotic resistant Staphylococcus aureus, unspecified |
MG51.1 | - - - - Antibiotic resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae |
MG51.10 | - - - - - Penicillin resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae |
MG51.11 | - - - - - Sulfonamide and trimethoprim resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae |
MG51.12 | - - - - - Third-generation cephalosporins resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae |
MG51.1Y | - - - - - Streptococcus pneumoniae resistant to other antibiotic |
MG51.1Z | - - - - - Streptococcus pneumoniae resistant to unspecified antibiotic |
MG51.2 | - - - - Antibiotic resistant Enterococcus |
MG51.20 | - - - - - Vancomycin resistant Enterococcus |
MG51.2Y | - - - - - Enterococcus resistant to other antibiotic |
MG51.2Z | - - - - - Enteroccus resistant to unspecified antibiotic |
MG51.Y | - - - - Other specified finding of gram positive bacteria resistant to antimicrobial drugs |
MG51.Z | - - - - Finding of gram positive bacteria resistant to antimicrobial drugs, unspecified |
MG52 | - - - Finding of bacteria, neither gram negative nor positive, resistant to antimicrobial drugs |
MG52.0 | - - - - Antibiotic resistant Mycobacterium |
MG52.00 | - - - - - Multi-drug resistant tuberculous Mycobacterium |
MG52.01 | - - - - - Antibiotic resistant non-tuberculous Mycobacterium |
MG52.0Y | - - - - - Other specified antibiotic resistant Mycobacterium |
MG52.0Z | - - - - - Antibiotic resistant Mycobacterium, unspecified |
MG52.Y | - - - - Other specified finding of bacteria, neither gram negative nor positive, resistant to antimicrobial drugs |
MG52.Z | - - - - Finding of bacteria, neither gram negative nor positive, resistant to antimicrobial drugs, unspecified |
MG53 | - - - Finding of virus resistant to antimicrobial drugs |
MG53.0 | - - - - Antiretroviral therapy resistant Human immunodeficiency virus |
MG53.Y | - - - - Other specified finding of virus resistant to antimicrobial drugs |
MG53.Z | - - - - Finding of virus resistant to antimicrobial drugs, unspecified |
MG54 | - - - Finding of fungus resistant to antimicrobial drugs |
MG55 | - - - Finding of parasite resistant to antimicrobial drugs |
MG55.0 | - - - - Artemisinin resistant Plasmodium falciparum |
MG55.Y | - - - - Other specified finding of parasite resistant to antimicrobial drugs |
MG55.Z | - - - - Finding of parasite resistant to antimicrobial drugs, unspecified |
MG56 | - - - Finding of microorganism resistant to other multiple antimicrobial drugs |
MG5Y | - - - Finding of other microorganism resistant to antimicrobial drugs |
MG5Z | - - - Finding of microorganism resistant to antimicrobial drugs, unspecified |
- - Clinical findings in specimens from other specified organs, systems and tissues | |
MG60 | - - - Abnormal level of enzymes in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues |
MG61 | - - - Abnormal level of hormones in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues |
MG62 | - - - Abnormal level of drugs, medicaments and biological substances in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues |
MG63 | - - - Abnormal level of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues |
MG64 | - - - Abnormal immunological findings in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues |
MG65 | - - - Abnormal microbiological findings in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues |
MG66 | - - - Abnormal cytological findings in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues |
MG67 | - - - Abnormal histological findings in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues |
MG6Y | - - - Other specified clinical findings in specimens from other specified organs, systems and tissues |
- - Abnormal results, not elsewhere classified | |
MG70 | - - - Abnormal diagnostic imaging results not elsewhere classified |
MG71 | - - - Abnormal laboratory results, not elsewhere classified |
MG71.0 | - - - - Abnormal findings on neonatal screening |
MG71.Y | - - - - Other specified abnormal laboratory results, not elsewhere classified |
MG71.Z | - - - - Abnormal laboratory results, not elsewhere classified, unspecified |
MG72 | - - - Abnormal results of function studies of other organs and systems |
MG7Y | - - - Other specified abnormal results, not elsewhere classified |
MG7Z | - - - Abnormal results, not elsewhere classified, unspecified |
MG9Y | - - Other specified general symptoms, signs or clinical findings |
- Ill-defined and unknown causes of mortality | |
MH10 | - - Brain death |
MH11 | - - Sudden infant death syndrome |
MH11.0 | - - - Sudden infant death syndrome with mention of autopsy |
MH11.1 | - - - Sudden infant death syndrome without autopsy |
MH11.Z | - - - Sudden infant death syndrome, unspecified |
MH12 | - - Other sudden death, cause unknown |
MH12.0 | - - - Instantaneous death |
MH12.1 | - - - Death occurring less than 24 hours from onset of symptoms, not otherwise explained |
MH12.Z | - - - Unspecified sudden death, cause unknown |
MH13 | - - Unattended death |
MH14 | - - Other ill-defined and unspecified causes of mortality |
MH15 | - - Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy |
MH16 | - - Multi organ failure |
MH2Y | - Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings, not elsewhere classified |
Injury, poisoning or certain other consequences of external causes | |
- Injuries to the head | |
NA00 | - - Superficial injury of head |
NA00.0 | - - - Superficial injury of scalp |
NA00.00 | - - - - Abrasion of scalp |
NA00.01 | - - - - Contusion of scalp |
NA00.02 | - - - - Superficial foreign body in scalp |
NA00.0Y | - - - - Other specified superficial injury of scalp |
NA00.0Z | - - - - Superficial injury of scalp, type unspecified |
NA00.1 | - - - Superficial injury of eyelid or periocular area |
NA00.10 | - - - - Abrasion of eyelid or periocular area |
NA00.11 | - - - - Contusion of eyelid or periocular area |
NA00.12 | - - - - Other superficial injuries of eyelid or periocular area |
NA00.1Y | - - - - Other specified superficial injury of eyelid or periocular area |
NA00.1Z | - - - - Superficial injury of eyelid or periocular area, unspecified |
NA00.2 | - - - Superficial injury of ear |
NA00.3 | - - - Superficial injury of nose |
NA00.4 | - - - Superficial injury of lip or oral cavity |
NA00.5 | - - - Multiple superficial injuries of head |
NA00.6 | - - - Abrasion of other or unspecified sites of head |
NA00.7 | - - - Contusion of other or unspecified sites of head |
NA00.Y | - - - Superficial injury of other specified part of head |
NA00.Z | - - - Superficial injury of unspecified part of head |
NA01 | - - Open wound of head |
NA01.2 | - - - Laceration without foreign body of head |
NA01.3 | - - - Laceration with foreign body of head |
NA01.4 | - - - Puncture wound without foreign body of head |
NA01.5 | - - - Puncture wound with foreign body of head |
NA01.6 | - - - Open bite of head |
NA01.7 | - - - Multiple open wounds of head |
NA01.Y | - - - Other specified open wound of head |
NA01.Z | - - - Open wound of head, unspecified |
NA02 | - - Fracture of skull or facial bones |
NA02.0 | - - - Fracture of vault of skull |
NA02.00 | - - - - Fracture of squama of frontal bone of skull |
NA02.01 | - - - - Fracture of parietal bone of skull |
NA02.02 | - - - - Fracture of squama of temporal bone of skull |
NA02.03 | - - - - Fracture of squama of occipital bone of skull |
NA02.1 | - - - Fracture of base of skull |
NA02.10 | - - - - Fracture of anterior fossa of base of skull |
NA02.11 | - - - - Fracture of middle fossa of base of skull |
NA02.12 | - - - - Fracture of posterior fossa of base of skull |
NA02.13 | - - - - Fracture of sinus of ethmoid bone of skull |
NA02.14 | - - - - Fracture of frontal sinus of skull |
NA02.15 | - - - - Fracture of sphenoid bone of skull |
NA02.16 | - - - - Fracture of occipital condyle of skull, type I |
NA02.17 | - - - - Fracture of occipital condyle of skull, type II |
NA02.18 | - - - - Fracture of occipital condyle of skull, type III |
NA02.19 | - - - - Fracture of other part of occipital bone of skull |
NA02.1A | - - - - Other fractures of base of skull |
NA02.1Z | - - - - Fracture of base of skull, unspecified |
NA02.2 | - - - Orbital Fracture |
NA02.20 | - - - - Fracture of orbital roof |
NA02.21 | - - - - Fracture of orbital floor |
NA02.2Y | - - - - Other specified orbital Fracture |
NA02.2Z | - - - - Orbital Fracture, unspecified |
NA02.3 | - - - Fracture of nasal bones |
NA02.4 | - - - Fracture of maxilla |
NA02.40 | - - - - Le Fort fracture type I |
NA02.41 | - - - - Le Fort fracture type II |
NA02.42 | - - - - Le Fort fracture type III |
NA02.4Y | - - - - Other specified fracture of maxilla |
NA02.4Z | - - - - Fracture of maxilla, unspecified |
NA02.5 | - - - Fracture of zygoma |
NA02.6 | - - - Fracture of tooth |
NA02.7 | - - - Fracture of mandible |
NA02.70 | - - - - Fracture of condylar process of mandible |
NA02.71 | - - - - Fracture of subcondylar process of mandible |
NA02.72 | - - - - Fracture of coronoid process of mandible |
NA02.73 | - - - - Fracture of ramus of mandible |
NA02.74 | - - - - Fracture of angle of mandible |
NA02.75 | - - - - Fracture of alveolar margin of mandible |
NA02.76 | - - - - Fracture of symphysis of mandible |
NA02.7Y | - - - - Other specified fracture of mandible |
NA02.7Z | - - - - Fracture of mandible, unspecified |
NA02.8 | - - - Multiple fractures involving skull or facial bones |
NA02.Y | - - - Fracture of other specified skull or facial bones |
NA02.Z | - - - Fracture of skull and facial bones, part unspecified |
NA03 | - - Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of head |
NA03.0 | - - - Dislocation of jaw |
NA03.1 | - - - Dislocation of septal cartilage of nose |
NA03.2 | - - - Dislocation of tooth |
NA03.3 | - - - Strain or sprain of jaw |
NA03.Y | - - - Dislocation or sprain of other specified joints or ligaments of head |
NA03.Z | - - - Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of head, unspecified |
NA04 | - - Injury of cranial nerves |
NA04.0 | - - - Injury of olfactory nerve |
NA04.1 | - - - Injury of optic nerve or pathways |
NA04.10 | - - - - Injury of optic nerve, unilateral |
NA04.11 | - - - - Injury of optic nerve, bilateral |
NA04.12 | - - - - Injury of optic chiasm |
NA04.13 | - - - - Injury of optic tract or pathways, unilateral |
NA04.14 | - - - - Injury of optic tract or pathways, bilateral |
NA04.15 | - - - - Injury of visual cortex, unilateral |
NA04.16 | - - - - Injury of visual cortex, bilateral |
NA04.1Y | - - - - Other specified injury of optic nerve or pathways |
NA04.1Z | - - - - Injury of optic nerve or pathways, unspecified |
NA04.2 | - - - Injury of oculomotor nerve |
NA04.3 | - - - Injury of trochlear nerve |
NA04.4 | - - - Injury of trigeminal nerve |
NA04.5 | - - - Injury of abducent nerve |
NA04.6 | - - - Injury of facial nerve |
NA04.7 | - - - Injury of acoustic nerve |
NA04.8 | - - - Injury of glossopharyngeal nerve |
NA04.9 | - - - Injury of vagus nerve |
NA04.A | - - - Injury of accessory nerve |
NA04.B | - - - Injury of hypoglossal nerve |
NA04.Z | - - - Injury of cranial nerves, unspecified |
NA05 | - - Injury of blood vessels of head |
NA05.0 | - - - Injury of intracranial vessels of head |
NA05.1 | - - - Injury of extracranial vessels of head |
NA05.Z | - - - Injury of blood vessels of head, unspecified |
NA06 | - - Injury of eye or orbit |
NA06.0 | - - - Eyelid trauma |
NA06.00 | - - - - Eyelid Avulsion |
NA06.01 | - - - - Haematoma of eyelid |
NA06.02 | - - - - Oedema of eyelid |
NA06.03 | - - - - Retained foreign body in eyelid |
NA06.04 | - - - - Open wound of eyelid or periocular area |
NA06.0Y | - - - - Other specified eyelid trauma |
NA06.0Z | - - - - Eyelid trauma, unspecified |
NA06.1 | - - - Penetrating wound of orbit with or without foreign body |
NA06.2 | - - - Retained foreign body following penetrating wound of orbit |
NA06.3 | - - - Traumatic orbital haemorrhage |
NA06.4 | - - - Injury of conjunctiva or corneal abrasion without mention of foreign body |
NA06.5 | - - - Trauma to the iris sphincter |
NA06.6 | - - - Traumatic injuries of the retina |
NA06.60 | - - - - Traumatic macular hole |
NA06.61 | - - - - Choroidal rupture |
NA06.62 | - - - - Commotio Retina |
NA06.63 | - - - - Optic nerve avulsion |
NA06.6Y | - - - - Other specified traumatic injuries of the retina |
NA06.6Z | - - - - Traumatic injuries of the retina, unspecified |
NA06.7 | - - - Traumatic retinal haemorrhage |
NA06.8 | - - - Traumatic injury to eyeball |
NA06.80 | - - - - Retained intraocular magnetic foreign body, unilateral |
NA06.81 | - - - - Retained intraocular nonmagnetic foreign body, unilateral |
NA06.82 | - - - - Closed eyeball trauma, unilateral |
NA06.83 | - - - - Closed eyeball trauma, bilateral |
NA06.84 | - - - - Penetrating wound of eyeball without foreign body, unilateral |
NA06.85 | - - - - Avulsion of eye, unilateral |
NA06.86 | - - - - Avulsion of eye, bilateral |
NA06.87 | - - - - Ocular laceration or rupture with prolapse or loss of intraocular tissue, unilateral |
NA06.88 | - - - - Ocular laceration or rupture with prolapse or loss of intraocular tissue, bilateral |
NA06.89 | - - - - Penetrating injury of eyeball, bilateral |
NA06.8A | - - - - Perforating injury of eyeball, bilateral |
NA06.8B | - - - - Retained intraocular magnetic foreign body, bilateral |
NA06.8C | - - - - Retained intraocular nonmagnetic foreign body, bilateral |
NA06.8D | - - - - Ocular laceration without prolapse or loss of intraocular tissue, unilateral |
NA06.8E | - - - - Ocular laceration without prolapse or loss of intraocular tissue, bilateral |
NA06.8Y | - - - - Other specified traumatic injury to eyeball |
NA06.8Z | - - - - Traumatic injury to eyeball, unspecified |
NA06.9 | - - - Contusion of eyeball or orbital tissues |
NA06.A | - - - Injury of lens |
NA06.Y | - - - Other specified injury of eye or orbit |
NA06.Z | - - - Injury of eye or orbit, unspecified |
NA07 | - - Intracranial injury |
NA07.0 | - - - Concussion |
NA07.00 | - - - - Incomplete loss of consciousness with amnesia |
NA07.01 | - - - - Incomplete loss of consciousness without amnesia |
NA07.02 | - - - - Loss of consciousness, short duration of less than 30 minutes |
NA07.03 | - - - - Loss of consciousness, short duration of 30 minutes to less than one hour |
NA07.04 | - - - - Loss of consciousness, short duration of one hour to less than 6 hours |
NA07.05 | - - - - Loss of consciousness, intermediate duration of 6 hours to less than 24 hours |
NA07.06 | - - - - Loss of consciousness, persisting longer than 24 hours or until discharge or latest assessment |
NA07.07 | - - - - Loss of consciousness, persisting until death |
NA07.08 | - - - - Loss of consciousness, duration unspecified or unknown due to effects of therapy |
NA07.09 | - - - - Loss of consciousness, duration unspecified or unknown due to lack of information |
NA07.0Y | - - - - Other specified concussion |
NA07.1 | - - - Traumatic intracerebral haemorrhage |
NA07.2 | - - - Traumatic cerebral oedema |
NA07.20 | - - - - Diffuse traumatic oedema |
NA07.21 | - - - - Focal traumatic oedema |
NA07.2Y | - - - - Other specified traumatic cerebral oedema |
NA07.2Z | - - - - Traumatic cerebral oedema, unspecified |
NA07.3 | - - - Diffuse brain injury |
NA07.30 | - - - - Diffuse injury of cerebrum |
NA07.31 | - - - - Diffuse injury of cerebellum |
NA07.32 | - - - - Diffuse injury of brainstem |
NA07.33 | - - - - Diffuse injury of multiple parts of brain |
NA07.3Y | - - - - Other specified diffuse brain injury |
NA07.3Z | - - - - Unspecified diffuse traumatic brain injury |
NA07.4 | - - - Focal brain injury |
NA07.40 | - - - - Focal non-haemorrhagic contusion of cerebrum |
NA07.41 | - - - - Focal haemorrhagic contusion of cerebrum |
NA07.42 | - - - - Focal laceration of cerebrum |
NA07.43 | - - - - Multiple focal injuries of cerebrum |
NA07.44 | - - - - Focal non-haemorrhagic contusion of cerebellum |
NA07.45 | - - - - Focal haematoma or haemorrhage of cerebellum |
NA07.46 | - - - - Focal laceration of cerebellum |
NA07.47 | - - - - Multiple focal injuries of cerebellum |
NA07.48 | - - - - Focal non-haemorrhagic contusion of brainstem |
NA07.49 | - - - - Focal haematoma or haemorrhage of brainstem |
NA07.4A | - - - - Contusion of temporal lobe |
NA07.4B | - - - - Focal laceration of brainstem |
NA07.4C | - - - - Focal brain contusion |
NA07.4D | - - - - Focal brain laceration |
NA07.4E | - - - - Contusion of parietal lobe |
NA07.4F | - - - - Contusion of occipital lobe |
NA07.4Z | - - - - Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury |
NA07.5 | - - - Traumatic epidural haemorrhage |
NA07.6 | - - - Traumatic subdural haemorrhage |
NA07.7 | - - - Traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage |
NA07.8 | - - - Traumatic haemorrhage in brain tissue |
NA07.80 | - - - - Traumatic haemorrhage in cerebrum white matter |
NA07.81 | - - - - Traumatic haemorrhage in thalamus or basal ganglia |
NA07.82 | - - - - Traumatic haemorrhage in cerebellum |
NA07.83 | - - - - Traumatic haemorrhage in brainstem |
NA07.84 | - - - - Traumatic haemorrhage in brainstem, primary |
NA07.85 | - - - - Traumatic haemorrhage in brainstem, secondary |
NA07.86 | - - - - Multiple traumatic haemorrhages |
NA07.8Y | - - - - Other specified traumatic haemorrhage in brain tissue |
NA07.8Z | - - - - Traumatic haemorrhage in brain tissue, unspecified |
NA07.Y | - - - Other specified intracranial injury |
NA07.Z | - - - Intracranial injury, unspecified |
NA08 | - - Crushing injury of head |
NA08.0 | - - - Crushing injury of brain |
NA08.1 | - - - Crushing injury of face |
NA08.2 | - - - Crushing injury of skull |
NA08.3 | - - - Crushed scalp |
NA08.Y | - - - Other specified crushing injury of head |
NA08.Z | - - - Crushing injury of head, unspecified |
NA09 | - - Traumatic amputation of part of head |
NA09.0 | - - - Avulsion of scalp |
NA09.1 | - - - Traumatic amputation of ear |
NA09.10 | - - - - Traumatic amputation of ear, complete |
NA09.11 | - - - - Traumatic amputation of ear, partial |
NA09.1Y | - - - - Other specified traumatic amputation of ear |
NA09.1Z | - - - - Traumatic amputation of ear, unspecified |
NA09.2 | - - - Traumatic amputation of nose |
NA09.20 | - - - - Traumatic amputation of nose, complete |
NA09.21 | - - - - Traumatic amputation of nose, partial |
NA09.2Y | - - - - Other specified traumatic amputation of nose |
NA09.2Z | - - - - Traumatic amputation of nose, unspecified |
NA09.3 | - - - Traumatic amputation of lip |
NA09.Y | - - - Other specified traumatic amputation of part of head |
NA09.Z | - - - Traumatic amputation of part of head, unspecified |
NA0A | - - Certain specified injuries of head |
NA0A.0 | - - - Complex wounds to the head |
NA0A.00 | - - - - Complex wounds to the head with retained external material |
NA0A.01 | - - - - Complex wounds to the head with intracranial haemorrhage |
NA0A.02 | - - - - Complex wounds to the head with through and through perforation |
NA0A.03 | - - - - Complex wounds to the head with avulsive loss of part of skull and cranial contents |
NA0A.0Y | - - - - Other specified complex wounds to the head |
NA0A.0Z | - - - - Complex wounds to the head, unspecified |
NA0A.1 | - - - Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of head |
NA0A.10 | - - - - Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of head |
NA0A.11 | - - - - Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of head |
NA0A.1Y | - - - - Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of head |
NA0A.1Z | - - - - Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of head, unspecified |
NA0A.2 | - - - Traumatic rupture of ear drum |
NA0A.3 | - - - Multiple injuries of head |
NA0A.Y | - - - Other specified injuries of head |
NA0B | - - Injury of the auricle |
NA0C | - - Injury of middle or inner ear |
NA0Z | - - Injuries to the head, unspecified |
- Injuries to the neck | |
NA20 | - - Superficial injury of neck |
NA20.0 | - - - Abrasion of throat |
NA20.1 | - - - Contusion of throat |
NA20.2 | - - - Other or unspecified superficial injuries of throat |
NA20.3 | - - - Multiple superficial injuries of neck |
NA20.Y | - - - Other specified superficial injury of neck |
NA20.Z | - - - Superficial injury of neck, unspecified |
NA21 | - - Open wound of neck |
NA21.0 | - - - Laceration without foreign body of neck |
NA21.1 | - - - Laceration with foreign body of neck |
NA21.2 | - - - Puncture wound without foreign body of neck |
NA21.3 | - - - Puncture wound with foreign body of neck |
NA21.4 | - - - Open bite of neck |
NA21.5 | - - - Multiple open wounds of neck |
NA21.Y | - - - Other specified open wound of neck |
NA21.Z | - - - Open wound of neck, unspecified |
NA22 | - - Fracture of neck |
NA22.0 | - - - Fracture of first cervical vertebra |
NA22.00 | - - - - Fracture of first cervical vertebra, burst fracture |
NA22.01 | - - - - Fracture of posterior arch of first cervical vertebra |
NA22.02 | - - - - Fracture of lateral mass of first cervical vertebra |
NA22.03 | - - - - Other fracture of first cervical vertebra |
NA22.0Y | - - - - Other specified fracture of first cervical vertebra |
NA22.0Z | - - - - Fracture of first cervical vertebra, unspecified |
NA22.1 | - - - Fracture of second cervical vertebra |
NA22.10 | - - - - Traumatic spondylolisthesis of second cervical vertebra, type III |
NA22.11 | - - - - Other traumatic spondylolisthesis of second cervical vertebra |
NA22.12 | - - - - Fracture of odontoid process |
NA22.13 | - - - - Other fracture of second cervical vertebra |
NA22.1Z | - - - - Fracture of second cervical vertebra, unspecified |
NA22.2 | - - - Fracture of other specified cervical vertebra |
NA22.3 | - - - Multiple fractures of cervical spine |
NA22.Z | - - - Fracture of neck, unspecified |
NA23 | - - Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at neck level |
NA23.0 | - - - Traumatic rupture of cervical intervertebral disc |
NA23.1 | - - - Dislocation of cervical vertebra |
NA23.10 | - - - - Cranio-cervical dissociation |
NA23.11 | - - - - Atlanto-axial dislocation |
NA23.12 | - - - - Dislocation of other specified cervical vertebra |
NA23.1Z | - - - - Dislocation of cervical vertebra, unspecified |
NA23.2 | - - - Dislocation of other or unspecified parts of neck |
NA23.3 | - - - Multiple dislocations of neck |
NA23.4 | - - - Strain or sprain of cervical spine |
NA23.40 | - - - - Whiplash associated disorder with complaint of neck pain, stiffness or tenderness only |
NA23.41 | - - - - Whiplash associated disorder with complaint of neck pain with musculoskeletal signs |
NA23.42 | - - - - Whiplash associated disorder with complaint of neck pain with neurological signs |
NA23.4Y | - - - - Other specified strain or sprain of cervical spine |
NA23.4Z | - - - - Strain or sprain of cervical spine, unspecified |
NA23.5 | - - - Strain or sprain of thyroid region |
NA23.Y | - - - Other specified dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at neck level |
NA23.Z | - - - Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at neck level, unspecified |
- - Injury of nerves or spinal cord at neck level | |
- - - Injury of spinal cord at neck level | |
NA30 | - - - - Concussion or oedema of cervical spinal cord |
NA31 | - - - - Certain specified injuries of cervical spinal cord |
NA31.0 | - - - - - Complete lesion of cervical spinal cord |
NA31.1 | - - - - - Central cord syndrome of cervical spinal cord |
NA31.2 | - - - - - Anterior cord syndrome of cervical spinal cord |
NA31.3 | - - - - - Posterior cord syndrome of cervical spinal cord |
NA31.4 | - - - - - Brown-Sequard syndrome of cervical spinal cord |
NA31.5 | - - - - - Other incomplete cord syndrome of cervical spinal cord |
NA3Z | - - - - Injury of cervical spinal cord, unspecified |
- - - Injury of nerves at neck level | |
NA40 | - - - - Injury of nerve root of cervical spine |
NA41 | - - - - Injury of brachial plexus |
NA41.0 | - - - - - Injury of brachial plexus cord |
NA41.1 | - - - - - Injury of brachial plexus division |
NA41.2 | - - - - - Injury of brachial plexus trunk |
NA41.Y | - - - - - Other specified injury of brachial plexus |
NA41.Z | - - - - - Injury of brachial plexus, unspecified |
NA42 | - - - - Injury of peripheral nerves of neck |
NA42.0 | - - - - - Injury of supraclavicular nerve |
NA42.1 | - - - - - Injury to anterior cutaneous nerve of neck |
NA42.Y | - - - - - Injury of other specified peripheral nerves of neck |
NA42.Z | - - - - - Injury of peripheral nerves of neck, unspecified |
NA43 | - - - - Injury of cervical sympathetic nerves |
NA44 | - - - - Injury of phrenic nerve |
NA4Y | - - - - Injury of other specified nerves at neck level |
NA4Z | - - - - Injury of nerves at neck level, unspecified |
NA60 | - - Injury of blood vessels at neck level |
NA60.0 | - - - Injury of carotid artery |
NA60.00 | - - - - Laceration of carotid artery, minor |
NA60.01 | - - - - Laceration of carotid artery, major |
NA60.0Y | - - - - Other specified injury of carotid artery |
NA60.0Z | - - - - Injury of carotid artery, unspecified |
NA60.1 | - - - Injury of vertebral artery |
NA60.10 | - - - - Laceration of vertebral artery, minor |
NA60.11 | - - - - Laceration of vertebral artery, major |
NA60.1Y | - - - - Other specified injury of vertebral artery |
NA60.1Z | - - - - Injury of vertebral artery, unspecified |
NA60.2 | - - - Injury of external jugular vein |
NA60.20 | - - - - Laceration of external jugular vein, minor |
NA60.21 | - - - - Laceration of external jugular vein, major |
NA60.2Y | - - - - Other specified injury of external jugular vein |
NA60.2Z | - - - - Injury of external jugular vein, unspecified |
NA60.3 | - - - Injury of internal jugular vein |
NA60.30 | - - - - Laceration of internal jugular vein, minor |
NA60.31 | - - - - Laceration of internal jugular vein, major |
NA60.3Y | - - - - Other specified injury of internal jugular vein |
NA60.3Z | - - - - Injury of internal jugular vein, unspecified |
NA60.4 | - - - Injury of multiple blood vessels at neck level |
NA60.Y | - - - Injury of other specified blood vessels at neck level |
NA60.Z | - - - Injury of blood vessels at neck level, unspecified |
NA61 | - - Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon at neck level |
NA61.0 | - - - Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon at neck level |
NA61.1 | - - - Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon at neck level |
NA61.Y | - - - Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon at neck level |
NA61.Z | - - - Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon at neck level, unspecified |
NA62 | - - Crushing injury of neck |
NA62.0 | - - - Crushing injury of larynx or trachea |
NA62.Y | - - - Crushing injury of other specified site of neck |
NA62.Z | - - - Crushing injury of neck, unspecified |
NA63 | - - Traumatic amputation at neck level |
NA64 | - - Multiple injuries of neck |
NA6Y | - - Other specified injuries to the neck |
NA6Z | - - Injuries to the neck, unspecified |
- Injuries to the thorax | |
NA80 | - - Superficial injury of thorax |
NA80.0 | - - - Abrasion of breast |
NA80.1 | - - - Contusion of breast |
NA80.2 | - - - Other or unspecified superficial injuries of breast |
NA80.3 | - - - Other superficial injuries of front wall of thorax |
NA80.4 | - - - Other superficial injuries of back wall of thorax |
NA80.5 | - - - Abrasion of thorax |
NA80.6 | - - - Contusion of thorax |
NA80.7 | - - - Multiple superficial injuries of thorax |
NA80.Y | - - - Other specified superficial injury of thorax |
NA80.Z | - - - Superficial injury of thorax, unspecified |
NA81 | - - Open wound of thorax |
NA81.0 | - - - Laceration without foreign body of thorax |
NA81.1 | - - - Laceration with foreign body of thorax |
NA81.2 | - - - Puncture wound without foreign body of thorax |
NA81.3 | - - - Puncture wound with foreign body of thorax |
NA81.4 | - - - Open bite of thorax |
NA81.5 | - - - Multiple open wounds of thoracic wall |
NA81.Y | - - - Other specified open wound of thorax |
NA81.Z | - - - Open wound of thorax, unspecified |
NA82 | - - Fracture of rib, sternum or thoracic spine |
NA82.0 | - - - Fracture of thoracic vertebra |
NA82.1 | - - - Multiple fractures of thoracic spine |
NA82.2 | - - - Fracture of sternum |
NA82.3 | - - - Fracture of rib |
NA82.30 | - - - - Fracture of rib, posterior or posterior and lateral |
NA82.3Y | - - - - Other specified fracture of rib |
NA82.3Z | - - - - Fracture of rib, unspecified |
NA82.4 | - - - Multiple fractures of ribs |
NA82.5 | - - - Flail chest |
NA82.Y | - - - Other specified fracture of rib, sternum or thoracic spine |
NA82.Z | - - - Fracture of rib, sternum or thoracic spine, unspecified |
NA83 | - - Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of thorax |
NA83.0 | - - - Traumatic rupture of thoracic intervertebral disc |
NA83.1 | - - - Dislocation of thoracic vertebra |
NA83.2 | - - - Dislocation of other or unspecified parts of thorax |
NA83.3 | - - - Strain or sprain of ligaments of thoracic spine |
NA83.4 | - - - Strain or sprain of ribs or sternum |
NA83.40 | - - - - Strain or sprain of sternum |
NA83.41 | - - - - Strain or sprain of sterno-clavicular joint or ligament |
NA83.42 | - - - - Strain or sprain of chondro-sternal joint |
NA83.4Y | - - - - Strain or sprain of other specified site of ribs or sternum |
NA83.4Z | - - - - Strain or sprain of ribs or sternum, unspecified |
NA83.Y | - - - Other specified dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of thorax |
NA83.Z | - - - Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of thorax, unspecified |
- - Injury of nerves or spinal cord at thorax level | |
- - - Injury of spinal cord at thorax level | |
NA90 | - - - - Concussion or oedema of thoracic spinal cord |
NA91 | - - - - Certain specified injuries of thoracic spinal cord |
NA91.0 | - - - - - Complete lesion of thoracic spinal cord |
NA91.1 | - - - - - Central cord syndrome of thoracic spinal cord |
NA91.2 | - - - - - Anterior cord syndrome of thoracic spinal cord |
NA91.3 | - - - - - Posterior cord syndrome of thoracic spinal cord |
NA91.4 | - - - - - Brown-Sequard syndrome of thoracic spinal cord |
NA91.5 | - - - - - Other incomplete cord syndrome of thoracic spinal cord |
NA9Z | - - - - Injury of thoracic spinal cord, unspecified |
- - - Injury of nerves at thorax level | |
NB00 | - - - - Injury of nerve root of thoracic spine |
NB01 | - - - - Injury of peripheral nerves of thorax |
NB02 | - - - - Injury of thoracic sympathetic nerves |
NB0Y | - - - - Injury of other specified nerves at thorax level |
NB2Y | - - - Other specified injury of nerves or spinal cord at thorax level |
NB2Z | - - - Injury of nerves or spinal cord at thorax level, unspecified |
NB30 | - - Injury of blood vessels of thorax |
NB30.0 | - - - Injury of thoracic aorta |
NB30.00 | - - - - Minor laceration of thoracic aorta |
NB30.01 | - - - - Major laceration of thoracic aorta |
NB30.0Y | - - - - Other specified injury of thoracic aorta |
NB30.0Z | - - - - Injury of thoracic aorta, unspecified |
NB30.1 | - - - Injury of innominate or subclavian artery |
NB30.10 | - - - - Minor laceration of innominate or subclavian artery |
NB30.11 | - - - - Major laceration of innominate or subclavian artery |
NB30.1Y | - - - - Other specified injury of innominate or subclavian artery |
NB30.1Z | - - - - Injury of innominate or subclavian artery, unspecified |
NB30.2 | - - - Injury of superior vena cava |
NB30.20 | - - - - Minor laceration of superior vena cava |
NB30.21 | - - - - Major laceration of superior vena cava |
NB30.2Y | - - - - Other specified injury of superior vena cava |
NB30.2Z | - - - - Injury of superior vena cava, unspecified |
NB30.3 | - - - Injury of innominate or subclavian vein |
NB30.30 | - - - - Minor laceration of innominate or subclavian vein |
NB30.31 | - - - - Major laceration of innominate or subclavian vein |
NB30.3Y | - - - - Other specified injury of innominate or subclavian vein |
NB30.3Z | - - - - Injury of innominate or subclavian vein, unspecified |
NB30.4 | - - - Injury of pulmonary blood vessels |
NB30.40 | - - - - Minor laceration of pulmonary blood vessels |
NB30.41 | - - - - Major laceration of pulmonary blood vessels |
NB30.4Y | - - - - Other specified injury of pulmonary blood vessels |
NB30.4Z | - - - - Injury of pulmonary blood vessels, unspecified |
NB30.5 | - - - Injury of intercostal blood vessels |
NB30.50 | - - - - Laceration of intercostal blood vessels |
NB30.5Y | - - - - Other specified injury of intercostal blood vessels |
NB30.5Z | - - - - Injury of intercostal blood vessels, unspecified |
NB30.6 | - - - Injury of multiple blood vessels of thorax |
NB30.Y | - - - Injury of other specified blood vessels of thorax |
NB30.Z | - - - Injury of blood vessels of thorax, unspecified |
NB31 | - - Injury of heart |
NB31.0 | - - - Injury of heart with haemopericardium |
NB31.00 | - - - - Contusion of heart with haemopericardium |
NB31.01 | - - - - Minor laceration of heart with haemopericardium |
NB31.02 | - - - - Moderate laceration of heart with haemopericardium |
NB31.03 | - - - - Major laceration of heart with haemopericardium |
NB31.0Y | - - - - Other specified injury of heart with haemopericardium |
NB31.0Z | - - - - Injury of heart with haemopericardium, unspecified |
NB31.1 | - - - Injury of heart without haemopericardium |
NB31.10 | - - - - Contusion of heart without haemopericardium |
NB31.11 | - - - - Laceration of heart without haemopericardium |
NB31.1Y | - - - - Other specified injury of heart without haemopericardium |
NB31.1Z | - - - - Injury of heart without haemopericardium, unspecified |
NB31.2 | - - - Injury of heart, unspecified without open wound into thoracic cavity |
NB31.3 | - - - Injury of heart, unspecified with open wound into thoracic cavity |
NB31.4 | - - - Injury of heart valve |
NB31.40 | - - - - Injury to mitral valve |
NB31.4Y | - - - - Injury of other specified heart valve |
NB31.4Z | - - - - Injury of heart valve, unspecified |
NB31.Y | - - - Other specified injury of heart |
NB31.Z | - - - Injury of heart, unspecified |
NB32 | - - Injury of other or unspecified intrathoracic organs |
NB32.0 | - - - Traumatic pneumothorax |
NB32.1 | - - - Traumatic haemothorax |
NB32.2 | - - - Traumatic haemopneumothorax |
NB32.3 | - - - Certain injuries of lung |
NB32.30 | - - - - Contusion of lung |
NB32.31 | - - - - Laceration of lung |
NB32.32 | - - - - Inhalation injury of lung |
NB32.33 | - - - - Primary blast injury of lung |
NB32.3Y | - - - - Other injury of lung |
NB32.3Z | - - - - Injury of lung, unspecified |
NB32.4 | - - - Injury of bronchus |
NB32.40 | - - - - Contusion of bronchus |
NB32.41 | - - - - Minor laceration of bronchus |
NB32.42 | - - - - Moderate laceration of bronchus |
NB32.43 | - - - - Major laceration of bronchus |
NB32.4Y | - - - - Other specified injury of bronchus |
NB32.4Z | - - - - Injury of bronchus, unspecified |
NB32.5 | - - - Injury of thoracic trachea |
NB32.50 | - - - - Contusion of thoracic trachea |
NB32.51 | - - - - Minor laceration of thoracic trachea |
NB32.52 | - - - - Moderate laceration of thoracic trachea |
NB32.53 | - - - - Major laceration of thoracic trachea |
NB32.5Y | - - - - Other specified injury of thoracic trachea |
NB32.5Z | - - - - Injury of thoracic trachea, unspecified |
NB32.6 | - - - Injury of pleura |
NB32.60 | - - - - Laceration of pleura |
NB32.6Y | - - - - Other specified injury of pleura |
NB32.6Z | - - - - Injury of pleura, unspecified |
NB32.7 | - - - Multiple injuries of intrathoracic organs |
NB32.8 | - - - Injury of other specified intrathoracic organs |
NB32.Y | - - - Other specified injury of other or unspecified intrathoracic organs |
NB32.Z | - - - Injury of other or unspecified intrathoracic organs, unspecified |
NB33 | - - Crushing injury of thorax or traumatic amputation of part of thorax |
NB33.0 | - - - Crushed chest |
NB33.1 | - - - Traumatic amputation of breast |
NB33.10 | - - - - Traumatic amputation of part of breast |
NB33.11 | - - - - Traumatic amputation of entire breast |
NB33.1Z | - - - - Traumatic amputation of breast, unspecified |
NB33.2 | - - - Traumatic amputation of other part of thorax |
NB33.Y | - - - Other specified crushing injury of thorax or traumatic amputation of part of thorax |
NB33.Z | - - - Crushing injury of thorax or traumatic amputation of part of thorax, unspecified |
NB34 | - - Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon at thorax level |
NB34.0 | - - - Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon at thorax level |
NB34.1 | - - - Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon at thorax level |
NB34.Y | - - - Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon at thorax level |
NB34.Z | - - - Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon at thorax level, unspecified |
NB35 | - - Multiple injuries of thorax |
NB3Y | - - Other specified injuries to the thorax |
NB3Z | - - Injuries to the thorax, unspecified |
- Injuries to the abdomen, lower back, lumbar spine or pelvis | |
NB50 | - - Superficial injury of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB50.0 | - - - Abrasion of lower back or pelvis |
NB50.1 | - - - Contusion of lower back or pelvis |
NB50.2 | - - - Abrasion of abdominal wall |
NB50.3 | - - - Contusion of abdominal wall |
NB50.4 | - - - Abrasion of external genital organs |
NB50.5 | - - - Contusion of external genital organs |
NB50.6 | - - - Multiple superficial injuries of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB50.Y | - - - Other specified superficial injury of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB50.Z | - - - Superficial injury of abdomen, lower back or pelvis, unspecified |
NB51 | - - Open wound of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB51.0 | - - - Laceration without foreign body of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB51.1 | - - - Laceration with foreign body of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB51.2 | - - - Puncture wound without foreign body of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB51.3 | - - - Puncture wound with foreign body of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB51.4 | - - - Open bite of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB51.5 | - - - Multiple open wounds of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB51.Y | - - - Other specified open wound of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB51.Z | - - - Open wound of abdomen, lower back or pelvis, unspecified |
NB52 | - - Fracture of lumbar spine or pelvis |
NB52.0 | - - - Fracture of lumbar vertebra |
NB52.1 | - - - Fracture of pelvic bone without disruption of posterior arch of pelvic ring |
NB52.10 | - - - - Fracture of sacrum without disruption of pelvic ring |
NB52.11 | - - - - Fracture of coccyx |
NB52.12 | - - - - Fracture of ilium without disruption of pelvic ring |
NB52.13 | - - - - Fracture of acetabulum without disruption of pelvic ring |
NB52.14 | - - - - Fracture of pubis without disruption of pelvic ring |
NB52.15 | - - - - Fracture of ischium without disruption of pelvic ring |
NB52.1Y | - - - - Fracture of other specified pelvic bone without disruption of posterior arch of pelvic ring |
NB52.1Z | - - - - Fracture of unspecified pelvic bone without disruption of posterior arch of pelvic ring |
NB52.2 | - - - Fracture of the pelvic ring with incomplete disruption of posterior arch |
NB52.3 | - - - Fracture of pelvic ring with complete disruption of posterior arch |
NB52.4 | - - - Multiple fractures of lumbar spine or pelvis |
NB52.Y | - - - Other specified fracture of lumbar spine or pelvis |
NB52.Z | - - - Fracture of lumbar spine or pelvis, unspecified |
NB53 | - - Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of lumbar spine or pelvis |
NB53.0 | - - - Traumatic rupture of lumbar intervertebral disc |
NB53.1 | - - - Dislocation of lumbar vertebra |
NB53.2 | - - - Dislocation of sacroiliac or sacrococcygeal joint without disruption of pelvic ring |
NB53.3 | - - - Dislocation of other or unspecified parts of lumbar spine or pelvis without disruption of pelvic ring |
NB53.4 | - - - Traumatic rupture of symphysis pubis without disruption of pelvic ring |
NB53.5 | - - - Strain or sprain of lumbar spine |
NB53.6 | - - - Strain or sprain of sacroiliac joint |
NB53.Y | - - - Other specified dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of lumbar spine or pelvis |
NB53.Z | - - - Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of lumbar spine or pelvis, unspecified |
- - Injury of nerves or lumbar spinal cord at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level | |
- - - Injury of spinal cord at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level | |
NB60 | - - - - Concussion or oedema of lumbar spinal cord |
NB61 | - - - - Concussion or oedema of sacral spinal cord |
NB62 | - - - - Certain specified injuries of lumbar spinal cord |
NB62.0 | - - - - - Complete lesion of lumbar spinal cord |
NB62.1 | - - - - - Central cord syndrome of lumbar spinal cord |
NB62.2 | - - - - - Anterior cord syndrome of lumbar spinal cord |
NB62.3 | - - - - - Posterior cord syndrome of lumbar spinal cord |
NB62.4 | - - - - - Brown-Sequard syndrome of lumbar spinal cord |
NB62.5 | - - - - - Other incomplete cord syndrome of lumbar spinal cord |
NB62.6 | - - - - - Puncture wound or laceration of dura mater of lumbar spinal cord |
NB63 | - - - - Certain specified injuries of sacral spinal cord |
NB63.0 | - - - - - Complete injury of sacral spinal cord |
NB63.1 | - - - - - Incomplete injury of sacral spinal cord |
NB63.Z | - - - - - Injury of sacral spinal cord, unspecified |
NB6Z | - - - - Injury of spinal cord at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level, unspecified |
- - - Injury of nerves at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level | |
NB70 | - - - - Injury of nerve root of lumbar spine |
NB71 | - - - - Injury of nerve root of sacral spine |
NB72 | - - - - Injury of cauda equina |
NB73 | - - - - Injury of lumbosacral plexus |
NB74 | - - - - Injury of lumbar, sacral or pelvic sympathetic nerves |
NB75 | - - - - Injury of peripheral nerve of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB7Y | - - - - Other specified injury of nerves at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level |
NB7Z | - - - - Injury of nerves at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level, unspecified |
NB90 | - - Injury of blood vessels at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level |
NB90.0 | - - - Injury of abdominal aorta |
NB90.00 | - - - - Minor laceration of abdominal aorta |
NB90.01 | - - - - Major laceration of abdominal aorta |
NB90.0Y | - - - - Other specified injury of abdominal aorta |
NB90.0Z | - - - - Injury of abdominal aorta, unspecified |
NB90.1 | - - - Injury of inferior vena cava |
NB90.10 | - - - - Minor laceration of inferior vena cava |
NB90.11 | - - - - Major laceration of inferior vena cava |
NB90.1Y | - - - - Other specified injury of inferior vena cava |
NB90.1Z | - - - - Injury of inferior vena cava, unspecified |
NB90.2 | - - - Injury of coeliac artery |
NB90.20 | - - - - Minor laceration of coeliac artery |
NB90.21 | - - - - Major laceration of coeliac artery |
NB90.2Y | - - - - Other specified injury of coeliac artery |
NB90.2Z | - - - - Injury of coeliac artery, unspecified |
NB90.3 | - - - Injury of mesenteric artery |
NB90.30 | - - - - Minor laceration mesenteric artery |
NB90.31 | - - - - Major laceration of mesenteric artery |
NB90.3Y | - - - - Other specified injury of mesenteric artery |
NB90.3Z | - - - - Injury of mesenteric artery, unspecified |
NB90.4 | - - - Injury of portal or splenic vein |
NB90.40 | - - - - Minor laceration of portal or splenic vein |
NB90.41 | - - - - Major laceration of portal or splenic vein |
NB90.4Y | - - - - Other specified injury of portal or splenic vein |
NB90.4Z | - - - - Injury of portal or splenic vein, unspecified |
NB90.5 | - - - Injury of renal blood vessels |
NB90.50 | - - - - Minor laceration of renal blood vessels |
NB90.51 | - - - - Major laceration of renal blood vessels |
NB90.5Y | - - - - Other specified injury of renal blood vessels |
NB90.5Z | - - - - Injury of renal blood vessels, unspecified |
NB90.6 | - - - Injury of iliac blood vessels |
NB90.60 | - - - - Minor laceration of iliac blood vessels |
NB90.61 | - - - - Major laceration of iliac blood vessels |
NB90.6Y | - - - - Other specified injury of iliac blood vessels |
NB90.6Z | - - - - Injury of iliac blood vessels, unspecified |
NB90.7 | - - - Injury of multiple blood vessels at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level |
NB90.Y | - - - Injury of other specified blood vessels at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level |
NB90.Z | - - - Injury of unspecified blood vessel at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level |
NB91 | - - Injury of intra-abdominal organs |
NB91.0 | - - - Injury of spleen |
NB91.00 | - - - - Contusion of spleen, minor |
NB91.01 | - - - - Contusion of spleen, major |
NB91.02 | - - - - Laceration of spleen, minor |
NB91.03 | - - - - Laceration of spleen, moderate |
NB91.04 | - - - - Laceration of spleen, major |
NB91.05 | - - - - Avulsion of spleen |
NB91.0Y | - - - - Other specified injury of spleen |
NB91.0Z | - - - - Injury of spleen, unspecified |
NB91.1 | - - - Injury of liver |
NB91.10 | - - - - Contusion of liver |
NB91.11 | - - - - Laceration of liver, minor |
NB91.12 | - - - - Laceration of liver, moderate |
NB91.13 | - - - - Laceration of liver, major |
NB91.14 | - - - - Injury of hepatic duct |
NB91.1Y | - - - - Other specified injury of liver |
NB91.1Z | - - - - Injury of liver, unspecified |
NB91.2 | - - - Injury of gallbladder |
NB91.3 | - - - Injury of bile duct |
NB91.4 | - - - Injury of pancreas |
NB91.40 | - - - - Contusion of pancreas |
NB91.41 | - - - - Laceration of pancreas, minor |
NB91.42 | - - - - Laceration of pancreas, moderate |
NB91.43 | - - - - Laceration of pancreas, major |
NB91.4Y | - - - - Other specified injury of pancreas |
NB91.4Z | - - - - Injury of pancreas, unspecified |
NB91.5 | - - - Injury of stomach |
NB91.50 | - - - - Contusion of stomach |
NB91.51 | - - - - Laceration of stomach without perforation |
NB91.52 | - - - - Laceration of stomach with perforation, avulsion or massive damage |
NB91.53 | - - - - Ingestion injury of stomach without perforation |
NB91.54 | - - - - Ingestion injury of stomach with perforation |
NB91.5Y | - - - - Other specified injury of stomach |
NB91.5Z | - - - - Injury of stomach, unspecified |
NB91.6 | - - - Injury of duodenum |
NB91.60 | - - - - Contusion of duodenum |
NB91.61 | - - - - Laceration of duodenum |
NB91.62 | - - - - Primary blast injury of duodenum |
NB91.63 | - - - - Perforation of duodenum |
NB91.6Y | - - - - Other specified injury of duodenum |
NB91.6Z | - - - - Injury of duodenum, unspecified |
NB91.7 | - - - Injury of small intestine |
NB91.70 | - - - - Contusion of small intestine |
NB91.71 | - - - - Laceration of small intestine |
NB91.72 | - - - - Primary blast injury of small intestine |
NB91.7Y | - - - - Other specified injury of small intestine |
NB91.7Z | - - - - Injury of small intestine, unspecified |
NB91.8 | - - - Injury of colon |
NB91.80 | - - - - Contusion of colon |
NB91.81 | - - - - Laceration of colon |
NB91.82 | - - - - Primary blast injury of colon |
NB91.8Y | - - - - Other specified injury of colon |
NB91.8Z | - - - - Injury of colon, unspecified |
NB91.9 | - - - Injury of rectum |
NB91.90 | - - - - Contusion of rectum |
NB91.91 | - - - - Laceration of rectum |
NB91.92 | - - - - Primary blast injury of rectum |
NB91.9Y | - - - - Other specified injury of rectum |
NB91.9Z | - - - - Injury of rectum, unspecified |
NB91.A | - - - Injury of mesentery |
NB91.B | - - - Injury of multiple intra-abdominal organs |
NB91.Y | - - - Injury of other specified intra-abdominal organs |
NB91.Z | - - - Injury of intra-abdominal organs, unspecified |
NB92 | - - Injury of urinary or pelvic organs |
NB92.0 | - - - Injury of kidney |
NB92.00 | - - - - Contusion of kidney, minor |
NB92.01 | - - - - Contusion of kidney, major |
NB92.02 | - - - - Laceration of kidney, minor |
NB92.03 | - - - - Laceration of kidney, moderate |
NB92.04 | - - - - Laceration of kidney, major |
NB92.0Y | - - - - Other specified injury of kidney |
NB92.0Z | - - - - Injury of kidney, unspecified |
NB92.1 | - - - Injury of ureter |
NB92.10 | - - - - Contusion of ureter |
NB92.11 | - - - - Laceration of ureter |
NB92.1Y | - - - - Other specified injury of ureter |
NB92.1Z | - - - - Injury of ureter, unspecified |
NB92.2 | - - - Injury of bladder |
NB92.20 | - - - - Contusion of bladder |
NB92.21 | - - - - Laceration of bladder |
NB92.2Y | - - - - Other specified injury of bladder |
NB92.2Z | - - - - Injury of bladder, unspecified |
NB92.3 | - - - Injury of urethra |
NB92.30 | - - - - Contusion of urethra |
NB92.31 | - - - - Laceration of urethra |
NB92.3Y | - - - - Other specified injury of urethra |
NB92.3Z | - - - - Injury of urethra, unspecified |
NB92.4 | - - - Injury of ovary |
NB92.40 | - - - - Contusion of ovary |
NB92.41 | - - - - Laceration of ovary |
NB92.4Y | - - - - Other specified injury of ovary |
NB92.4Z | - - - - Injury of ovary, unspecified |
NB92.5 | - - - Injury of fallopian tube |
NB92.6 | - - - Injury of uterus |
NB92.7 | - - - Injury urinary tract |
NB92.8 | - - - Injury of multiple pelvic organs |
NB92.Y | - - - Injury of other specified pelvic organs |
NB92.Z | - - - Injury of urinary or pelvic organs, unspecified |
NB93 | - - Crushing injury or traumatic amputation of part of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB93.0 | - - - Crushing injury of external genital organs |
NB93.00 | - - - - Crushing injury of penis |
NB93.01 | - - - - Crushing injury of testes or scrotum |
NB93.02 | - - - - Crushing injury of vulva |
NB93.0Z | - - - - Crushing injury of external genital organs, unspecified |
NB93.1 | - - - Crushing injury of other or unspecified parts of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB93.2 | - - - Traumatic amputation of external genital organs |
NB93.20 | - - - - Traumatic amputation of entire penis |
NB93.21 | - - - - Traumatic amputation of part of penis |
NB93.22 | - - - - Traumatic amputation of entire testes or scrotum |
NB93.23 | - - - - Traumatic amputation of part of testes or scrotum |
NB93.24 | - - - - Traumatic amputation of entire vulva |
NB93.25 | - - - - Traumatic amputation of part of vulva |
NB93.2Z | - - - - Traumatic amputation of external genital organs, unspecified |
NB93.3 | - - - Traumatic amputation of other or unspecified parts of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB94 | - - Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB94.0 | - - - Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of abdomen |
NB94.1 | - - - Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of lower back |
NB94.2 | - - - Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of pelvis |
NB94.3 | - - - Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of abdomen |
NB94.4 | - - - Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of lower back |
NB94.5 | - - - Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of pelvis |
NB94.Y | - - - Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB94.Z | - - - Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of abdomen, lower back or pelvis, unspecified |
NB95 | - - Injury of intra-abdominal organ with pelvic organ |
NB96 | - - Other multiple injuries of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB97 | - - Certain specified injuries of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB97.0 | - - - Retroperitoneal haemorrhage or haematoma |
NB97.1 | - - - Fractured penis |
NB98 | - - Injury to female genital organ without further specification |
NB99 | - - Injury to male genital organ without further specification |
NB9Y | - - Other specified injuries to the abdomen, lower back, lumbar spine or pelvis |
NB9Z | - - Injuries to the abdomen, lower back, lumbar spine or pelvis, unspecified |
- Injuries to the shoulder or upper arm | |
NC10 | - - Superficial injury of shoulder or upper arm |
NC10.0 | - - - Abrasion of shoulder or upper arm |
NC10.1 | - - - Contusion of shoulder or upper arm |
NC10.2 | - - - Multiple superficial injuries of shoulder or upper arm |
NC10.Y | - - - Other specified superficial injury of shoulder or upper arm |
NC10.Z | - - - Superficial injury of shoulder or upper arm, unspecified |
NC11 | - - Open wound of shoulder or upper arm |
NC11.0 | - - - Laceration without foreign body of shoulder or upper arm |
NC11.1 | - - - Laceration with foreign body of shoulder or upper arm |
NC11.2 | - - - Puncture wound without foreign body of shoulder or upper arm |
NC11.3 | - - - Puncture wound with foreign body of shoulder or upper arm |
NC11.4 | - - - Open bite of shoulder or upper arm |
NC11.5 | - - - Multiple open wounds of shoulder or upper arm |
NC11.Y | - - - Other specified open wound of shoulder or upper arm |
NC11.Z | - - - Open wound of shoulder or upper arm, unspecified |
NC12 | - - Fracture of shoulder or upper arm |
NC12.0 | - - - Fracture of clavicle |
NC12.00 | - - - - Fracture of sternal end of clavicle |
NC12.01 | - - - - Fracture of shaft of clavicle |
NC12.02 | - - - - Fracture of acromial end of clavicle |
NC12.03 | - - - - Multiple fractures of clavicle, alone |
NC12.0Y | - - - - Other specified fracture of clavicle |
NC12.0Z | - - - - Fracture of clavicle, unspecified |
NC12.1 | - - - Fracture of scapula |
NC12.10 | - - - - Multiple fractures of scapula |
NC12.1Y | - - - - Other specified fracture of scapula |
NC12.1Z | - - - - Fracture of scapula, unspecified |
NC12.2 | - - - Fracture of upper end of humerus |
NC12.20 | - - - - Fracture of upper end of humerus, head |
NC12.21 | - - - - Fracture of surgical neck of humerus |
NC12.22 | - - - - Fracture of anatomical neck of humerus |
NC12.23 | - - - - Fracture of greater tuberosity of humerus |
NC12.24 | - - - - Fracture of lesser tuberosity of humerus |
NC12.2Z | - - - - Fracture of upper end of humerus, unspecified site |
NC12.3 | - - - Fracture of shaft of humerus |
NC12.4 | - - - Fracture of lower end of humerus |
NC12.40 | - - - - Supracondylar fracture of humerus |
NC12.41 | - - - - Fracture of lateral epicondyle of humerus |
NC12.42 | - - - - Fracture of medial epicondyle of humerus |
NC12.43 | - - - - Fracture of lateral condyle of humerus |
NC12.44 | - - - - Fracture of medial condyle of humerus |
NC12.4Y | - - - - Other specified fracture of lower end of humerus |
NC12.4Z | - - - - Fracture of lower end of humerus, unspecified |
NC12.5 | - - - Multiple fractures of clavicle, scapula or humerus |
NC12.6 | - - - Fracture of other parts of shoulder or upper arm |
NC12.7 | - - - Fracture of shoulder girdle, part unspecified |
NC12.Z | - - - Fracture of shoulder or upper arm, unspecified |
NC13 | - - Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of shoulder girdle |
NC13.0 | - - - Dislocation of shoulder joint |
NC13.1 | - - - Dislocation of acromioclavicular joint |
NC13.2 | - - - Dislocation of sternoclavicular joint |
NC13.3 | - - - Dislocation of scapula |
NC13.4 | - - - Dislocation of other or unspecified parts of shoulder girdle |
NC13.5 | - - - Strain or sprain of shoulder joint |
NC13.6 | - - - Strain or sprain of acromioclavicular joint |
NC13.7 | - - - Strain or sprain of sternoclavicular joint |
NC13.8 | - - - Strain or sprain of other or unspecified parts of shoulder girdle |
NC13.Y | - - - Dislocation or sprain of other specified joints and ligaments of shoulder girdle |
NC13.Z | - - - Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of shoulder girdle, unspecified |
NC14 | - - Injury of nerves at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC14.0 | - - - Injury of ulnar nerve at upper arm level |
NC14.1 | - - - Injury of median nerve at upper arm level |
NC14.2 | - - - Injury of radial nerve at upper arm level |
NC14.3 | - - - Injury of axillary nerve |
NC14.4 | - - - Injury of musculocutaneous nerve |
NC14.5 | - - - Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC14.6 | - - - Injury of multiple nerves at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC14.Y | - - - Injury of other specified nerves at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC14.Z | - - - Injury of unspecified nerve at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC15 | - - Injury of blood vessels at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC15.0 | - - - Injury of axillary artery |
NC15.00 | - - - - Laceration of axillary artery |
NC15.0Y | - - - - Other specified injury of axillary artery |
NC15.0Z | - - - - Injury of axillary artery, unspecified |
NC15.1 | - - - Injury of brachial artery |
NC15.10 | - - - - Laceration of brachial artery |
NC15.1Y | - - - - Other specified injury of brachial artery |
NC15.1Z | - - - - Injury of brachial artery, unspecified |
NC15.2 | - - - Injury of axillary or brachial vein |
NC15.20 | - - - - Laceration of axillary or brachial vein |
NC15.2Y | - - - - Other specified injury of axillary or brachial vein |
NC15.2Z | - - - - Injury of axillary or brachial vein, unspecified |
NC15.3 | - - - Injury of superficial vein at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC15.30 | - - - - Laceration of superficial vein at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC15.3Y | - - - - Other specified injury of superficial vein at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC15.3Z | - - - - Injury of superficial vein at shoulder or upper arm level, unspecified |
NC15.4 | - - - Injury of multiple blood vessels at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC15.Y | - - - Injury of other specified blood vessels at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC15.Z | - - - Injury of unspecified blood vessel at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC16 | - - Injury of muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC16.0 | - - - Injury of muscle or tendon of the rotator cuff of shoulder |
NC16.00 | - - - - Strain or sprain of muscle or tendon of the rotator cuff of shoulder |
NC16.01 | - - - - Laceration of muscle or tendon of the rotator cuff of shoulder |
NC16.0Y | - - - - Other specified injury of muscle or tendon of the rotator cuff of shoulder |
NC16.0Z | - - - - Injury of muscle or tendon of the rotator cuff of shoulder, unspecified |
NC16.1 | - - - Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long head of biceps |
NC16.10 | - - - - Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of long head of biceps |
NC16.11 | - - - - Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of long head of biceps |
NC16.1Y | - - - - Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long head of biceps |
NC16.1Z | - - - - Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long head of biceps, unspecified |
NC16.2 | - - - Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of other parts of biceps |
NC16.20 | - - - - Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of other parts of biceps |
NC16.21 | - - - - Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of other parts of biceps |
NC16.2Y | - - - - Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of other parts of biceps |
NC16.2Z | - - - - Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of other parts of biceps, unspecified |
NC16.3 | - - - Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of triceps |
NC16.30 | - - - - Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of triceps |
NC16.31 | - - - - Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of triceps |
NC16.3Y | - - - - Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of triceps |
NC16.3Z | - - - - Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of triceps, unspecified |
NC16.4 | - - - Injury of multiple muscles or tendons at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC16.40 | - - - - Strain or sprain of multiple muscles or tendons at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC16.41 | - - - - Laceration of multiple muscles or tendons at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC16.4Y | - - - - Other specified injury of multiple muscles or tendons at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC16.4Z | - - - - Injury of multiple muscles or tendons at shoulder or upper arm level, unspecified |
NC16.5 | - - - Injury of bursa of shoulder |
NC16.Y | - - - Injury of other specified muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC16.Z | - - - Injury of unspecified muscle, fascia or tendon at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC17 | - - Crushing injury of shoulder or upper arm |
NC18 | - - Traumatic amputation of shoulder or upper arm |
NC18.0 | - - - Traumatic amputation at right shoulder joint |
NC18.1 | - - - Traumatic amputation at left shoulder joint |
NC18.2 | - - - Traumatic amputation at shoulder joint, bilateral |
NC18.3 | - - - Traumatic amputation at level between right shoulder and elbow |
NC18.4 | - - - Traumatic amputation at level between left shoulder and elbow |
NC18.5 | - - - Traumatic amputation at level between shoulder and elbow, bilateral |
NC18.Z | - - - Traumatic amputation of shoulder or upper arm, unspecified |
NC19 | - - Multiple injuries of shoulder or upper arm |
NC1Y | - - Other specified injuries to the shoulder or upper arm |
NC1Z | - - Injuries to the shoulder or upper arm, unspecified |
- Injuries to the elbow or forearm | |
NC30 | - - Superficial injury of forearm |
NC30.0 | - - - Abrasion of elbow |
NC30.1 | - - - Contusion of elbow |
NC30.2 | - - - Abrasion of other or unspecified parts of forearm |
NC30.3 | - - - Contusion of other or unspecified parts of forearm |
NC30.4 | - - - Multiple superficial injuries of forearm |
NC30.Y | - - - Other specified superficial injury of forearm |
NC30.Z | - - - Superficial injury of forearm, unspecified |
NC31 | - - Open wound of forearm |
NC31.0 | - - - Laceration without foreign body of forearm |
NC31.1 | - - - Laceration with foreign body of forearm |
NC31.2 | - - - Puncture wound without foreign body of forearm |
NC31.3 | - - - Puncture wound with foreign body of forearm |
NC31.4 | - - - Open bite of forearm |
NC31.5 | - - - Multiple open wounds of forearm |
NC31.Y | - - - Other specified open wound of forearm |
NC31.Z | - - - Open wound of forearm, unspecified |
NC32 | - - Fracture of forearm |
NC32.0 | - - - Fracture of upper end of ulna |
NC32.1 | - - - Fracture of upper end of radius |
NC32.2 | - - - Fracture of shaft of ulna |
NC32.3 | - - - Fracture of shaft of radius |
NC32.4 | - - - Fracture of shafts of both ulna and radius |
NC32.5 | - - - Fracture of lower end of radius |
NC32.50 | - - - - Fracture of lower end of radius, dorsal tilt |
NC32.51 | - - - - Fracture of lower end of radius, volar tilt |
NC32.5Y | - - - - Other specified fracture of lower end of radius |
NC32.5Z | - - - - Fracture of lower end of radius, unspecified |
NC32.6 | - - - Fracture of lower end of both ulna and radius |
NC32.7 | - - - Multiple fractures of forearm |
NC32.Y | - - - Fracture of other specified parts of forearm |
NC32.Z | - - - Fracture of forearm, unspecified |
NC33 | - - Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of elbow |
NC33.0 | - - - Dislocation of radial head |
NC33.1 | - - - Dislocation of elbow |
NC33.2 | - - - Traumatic rupture of radial collateral ligament |
NC33.3 | - - - Traumatic rupture of ulnar collateral ligament |
NC33.4 | - - - Strain or sprain of elbow |
NC33.Y | - - - Dislocation or sprain of other specified joints or ligaments of elbow |
NC33.Z | - - - Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of elbow, unspecified |
NC34 | - - Injury of nerves at forearm level |
NC34.0 | - - - Injury of ulnar nerve at forearm level |
NC34.1 | - - - Injury of median nerve at forearm level |
NC34.2 | - - - Injury of radial nerve at forearm level |
NC34.3 | - - - Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at forearm level |
NC34.4 | - - - Injury of multiple nerves at forearm level |
NC34.Y | - - - Injury of other specified nerves at forearm level |
NC34.Z | - - - Injury of unspecified nerve at forearm level |
NC35 | - - Injury of blood vessels at forearm level |
NC35.0 | - - - Injury of ulnar artery at forearm level |
NC35.00 | - - - - Laceration of ulnar artery at forearm level |
NC35.0Y | - - - - Other specified injury of ulnar artery at forearm level |
NC35.0Z | - - - - Injury of ulnar artery at forearm level, unspecified |
NC35.1 | - - - Injury of radial artery at forearm level |
NC35.10 | - - - - Laceration of radial artery at forearm level |
NC35.1Y | - - - - Other specified injury of radial artery at forearm level |
NC35.1Z | - - - - Injury of radial artery at forearm level, unspecified |
NC35.2 | - - - Injury of vein at forearm level |
NC35.20 | - - - - Laceration of vein at forearm level |
NC35.2Y | - - - - Other specified injury of vein at forearm level |
NC35.2Z | - - - - Injury of vein at forearm level, unspecified |
NC35.3 | - - - Injury of multiple blood vessels at forearm level |
NC35.Y | - - - Injury of other specified blood vessels at forearm level |
NC35.Z | - - - Injury of unspecified blood vessel at forearm level |
NC36 | - - Injury of muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at forearm level |
NC36.0 | - - - Injury of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at forearm level |
NC36.00 | - - - - Strain or sprain of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at forearm level |
NC36.01 | - - - - Laceration of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at forearm level |
NC36.02 | - - - - Injury of long flexor muscle of thumb, forearm level |
NC36.0Y | - - - - Other specified injury of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at forearm level |
NC36.0Z | - - - - Injury of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at forearm level, unspecified |
NC36.1 | - - - Injury of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level |
NC36.10 | - - - - Strain or sprain of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level |
NC36.11 | - - - - Laceration of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level |
NC36.1Y | - - - - Other specified injury of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level |
NC36.1Z | - - - - Injury of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level, unspecified |
NC36.2 | - - - Injury of other flexor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level |
NC36.20 | - - - - Strain or sprain of other flexor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level |
NC36.21 | - - - - Laceration of other flexor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level |
NC36.2Y | - - - - Other specified injury of other flexor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level |
NC36.2Z | - - - - Injury of other flexor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level, unspecified |
NC36.3 | - - - Injury of extensor or abductor muscles or tendons of thumb at forearm level |
NC36.30 | - - - - Strain or sprain of extensor or abductor muscles or tendons of thumb at forearm level |
NC36.31 | - - - - Laceration of extensor or abductor muscles or tendons of thumb at forearm level |
NC36.3Y | - - - - Other specified injury of extensor or abductor muscles or tendons of thumb at forearm level |
NC36.3Z | - - - - Injury of extensor or abductor muscles or tendons of thumb at forearm level, unspecified |
NC36.4 | - - - Injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level |
NC36.40 | - - - - Strain or sprain of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level |
NC36.41 | - - - - Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level |
NC36.4Y | - - - - Other specified injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level |
NC36.4Z | - - - - Injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level, unspecified |
NC36.5 | - - - Injury of other extensor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level |
NC36.50 | - - - - Strain or sprain of other extensor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level |
NC36.51 | - - - - Laceration of other extensor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level |
NC36.5Y | - - - - Other specified injury of other extensor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level |
NC36.5Z | - - - - Injury of other extensor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level, unspecified |
NC36.6 | - - - Injury of multiple muscles or tendons at forearm level |
NC36.7 | - - - Injury of bursa of elbow |
NC36.Y | - - - Injury of other specified muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at forearm level |
NC36.Z | - - - Injury of unspecified muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at forearm level |
NC37 | - - Crushing injury of forearm |
NC37.0 | - - - Crushing injury of elbow |
NC37.Y | - - - Crushing injury of other specified part of forearm |
NC37.Z | - - - Crushing injury of forearm, unspecified |
NC38 | - - Traumatic amputation of forearm |
NC38.0 | - - - Traumatic amputation at right elbow level |
NC38.1 | - - - Traumatic amputation at left elbow level |
NC38.2 | - - - Traumatic amputation at elbow level, bilateral |
NC38.3 | - - - Traumatic amputation at level between right elbow and wrist |
NC38.4 | - - - Traumatic amputation at level between left elbow and wrist |
NC38.5 | - - - Traumatic amputation between elbow and wrist, bilateral |
NC38.Z | - - - Traumatic amputation of forearm, unspecified |
NC39 | - - Multiple injuries of forearm |
NC3Y | - - Other specified injuries to the elbow or forearm |
NC3Z | - - Injuries to the elbow or forearm, unspecified |
- Injuries to the wrist or hand | |
NC50 | - - Injury to fingernail |
NC51 | - - Superficial injury of wrist or hand |
NC51.0 | - - - Superficial injury of finger or thumb |
NC51.00 | - - - - Abrasion of finger or thumb |
NC51.01 | - - - - Contusion of finger or thumb |
NC51.0Y | - - - - Other specified superficial injury of finger or thumb |
NC51.0Z | - - - - Superficial injury of finger or thumb, unspecified |
NC51.1 | - - - Superficial injury of other parts of wrist or hand |
NC51.10 | - - - - Contusion of other parts of wrist or hand |
NC51.11 | - - - - Nonvenomous insect bite of other parts of wrist or hand |
NC51.1Y | - - - - Other specified superficial injury of other parts of wrist or hand |
NC51.1Z | - - - - Superficial injury of other parts of wrist or hand, unspecified |
NC51.2 | - - - Multiple superficial injuries of wrist or hand |
NC52 | - - Open wound of wrist or hand |
NC52.0 | - - - Open wound of finger or thumb |
NC52.00 | - - - - Laceration without foreign body of finger or thumb |
NC52.01 | - - - - Laceration with foreign body of finger or thumb |
NC52.02 | - - - - Puncture wound without foreign body of finger or thumb |
NC52.03 | - - - - Puncture wound with foreign body of finger or thumb |
NC52.04 | - - - - Open bite of finger or thumb |
NC52.0Y | - - - - Other specified open wound of finger or thumb |
NC52.0Z | - - - - Open wound of finger or thumb, unspecified |
NC52.1 | - - - Open wound of other parts of wrist or hand |
NC52.10 | - - - - Laceration without foreign body of other parts of wrist or hand |
NC52.11 | - - - - Laceration with foreign body of other parts of wrist or hand |
NC52.12 | - - - - Puncture wound with foreign body of other parts of wrist or hand |
NC52.13 | - - - - Puncture wound without foreign body of other parts of wrist or hand |
NC52.14 | - - - - Open bite of other parts of wrist or hand |
NC52.1Y | - - - - Other specified open wound of other parts of wrist or hand |
NC52.1Z | - - - - Open wound of other parts of wrist or hand, unspecified |
NC52.2 | - - - Multiple open wounds of wrist or hand |
NC53 | - - Fracture at wrist or hand level |
NC53.0 | - - - Fracture of scaphoid bone of hand |
NC53.1 | - - - Fracture of other carpal bone |
NC53.2 | - - - Fracture of first metacarpal bone |
NC53.3 | - - - Fracture of other metacarpal bone |
NC53.30 | - - - - Fracture of shaft of other metacarpal bone |
NC53.31 | - - - - Fracture of neck of other metacarpal bone |
NC53.3Y | - - - - Fracture of other specified part of other metacarpal bone |
NC53.3Z | - - - - Fracture of other metacarpal bone, unspecified |
NC53.4 | - - - Multiple fractures of metacarpal bones |
NC53.5 | - - - Fracture of thumb bone |
NC53.6 | - - - Fracture of other finger bone |
NC53.60 | - - - - Fracture of index finger |
NC53.61 | - - - - Fracture of middle finger |
NC53.62 | - - - - Fracture of ring finger |
NC53.63 | - - - - Fracture of little finger |
NC53.6Y | - - - - Other specified fracture of other finger bone |
NC53.6Z | - - - - Fracture of other finger bone, unspecified |
NC53.7 | - - - Multiple fractures of fingers |
NC53.Y | - - - Fracture at other specified part of wrist or hand level |
NC53.Z | - - - Fracture at wrist or hand level, unspecified |
NC54 | - - Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at wrist or hand level |
NC54.0 | - - - Dislocation of wrist |
NC54.00 | - - - - Dislocation of distal radioulnar joint |
NC54.01 | - - - - Dislocation of radiocarpal joint |
NC54.02 | - - - - Dislocation of midcarpal joint |
NC54.03 | - - - - Dislocation of carpometacarpal joint of thumb |
NC54.04 | - - - - Dislocation of other carpometacarpal joint |
NC54.05 | - - - - Dislocation of metacarpal bone, proximal end |
NC54.0Y | - - - - Dislocation of other specified part of wrist |
NC54.0Z | - - - - Dislocation of wrist, unspecified |
NC54.1 | - - - Dislocation of thumb |
NC54.10 | - - - - Dislocation of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb |
NC54.11 | - - - - Dislocation of interphalangeal joint of thumb |
NC54.1Y | - - - - Dislocation of other specified part of thumb |
NC54.1Z | - - - - Dislocation of thumb, unspecified |
NC54.2 | - - - Dislocation of finger |
NC54.20 | - - - - Dislocation of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger |
NC54.21 | - - - - Dislocation of interphalangeal joint of finger |
NC54.2Y | - - - - Dislocation of other specified part of finger |
NC54.2Z | - - - - Dislocation of finger, unspecified |
NC54.3 | - - - Multiple dislocations of fingers |
NC54.4 | - - - Traumatic rupture of ligament of wrist or carpus |
NC54.40 | - - - - Traumatic rupture of scapholunate ligament |
NC54.41 | - - - - Traumatic rupture of radiocarpal ligament |
NC54.42 | - - - - Traumatic rupture of ulnocarpal ligament |
NC54.43 | - - - - Traumatic rupture of lunotriquetral ligament |
NC54.4Y | - - - - Traumatic rupture of other specified ligament of wrist or carpus |
NC54.4Z | - - - - Traumatic rupture of ligament of wrist or carpus, unspecified |
NC54.5 | - - - Traumatic rupture of ligament of finger at metacarpophalangeal or interphalangeal joint |
NC54.50 | - - - - Traumatic rupture of collateral ligament of finger at metacarpophalangeal or interphalangeal joint |
NC54.51 | - - - - Traumatic rupture of palmar ligament of finger at metacarpophalangeal or interphalangeal joint |
NC54.52 | - - - - Traumatic rupture of volar plate of finger at metacarpophalangeal or interphalangeal joint |
NC54.53 | - - - - Traumatic rupture of other ligament of finger at metacarpophalangeal or interphalangeal joint |
NC54.5Z | - - - - Traumatic rupture of ligament of finger at metacarpophalangeal or interphalangeal joint, unspecified |
NC54.6 | - - - Strain or sprain of wrist |
NC54.60 | - - - - Strain or sprain of carpal joint |
NC54.61 | - - - - Strain or sprain of radiocarpal joint |
NC54.62 | - - - - Strain or sprain of carpometacarpal joint |
NC54.6Y | - - - - Sprain of other specified part of wrist |
NC54.6Z | - - - - Strain or sprain of wrist, unspecified |
NC54.7 | - - - Strain or sprain of thumb |
NC54.70 | - - - - Strain or sprain of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb |
NC54.71 | - - - - Strain or sprain of interphalangeal joint of thumb |
NC54.7Y | - - - - Sprain of other specified part of thumb |
NC54.7Z | - - - - Strain or sprain of thumb, unspecified |
NC54.8 | - - - Strain or sprain of finger |
NC54.80 | - - - - Strain or sprain of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger |
NC54.81 | - - - - Strain or sprain of interphalangeal joint of finger |
NC54.8Y | - - - - Sprain of other specified part of finger |
NC54.8Z | - - - - Strain or sprain of finger, unspecified |
NC54.Y | - - - Dislocation or sprain of other specified joints or ligaments at wrist or hand level |
NC54.Z | - - - Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at wrist or hand level, unspecified |
NC55 | - - Injury of nerves at wrist or hand level |
NC55.0 | - - - Injury of ulnar nerve at wrist or hand level |
NC55.1 | - - - Injury of median nerve at wrist or hand level |
NC55.2 | - - - Injury of radial nerve at wrist or hand level |
NC55.3 | - - - Injury of multiple nerves at wrist or hand level |
NC55.Y | - - - Injury of other specified nerves at wrist or hand level |
NC55.Z | - - - Injury of unspecified nerve at wrist or hand level |
NC56 | - - Injury of blood vessels at wrist or hand level |
NC56.0 | - - - Injury of ulnar artery at wrist or hand level |
NC56.00 | - - - - Laceration of ulnar artery at wrist or hand level |
NC56.01 | - - - - Contusion of ulnar artery at wrist or hand level |
NC56.0Y | - - - - Other specified injury of ulnar artery at wrist or hand level |
NC56.0Z | - - - - Injury of ulnar artery at wrist or hand level, unspecified |
NC56.1 | - - - Injury of radial artery at wrist or hand level |
NC56.10 | - - - - Laceration of radial artery at wrist or hand level |
NC56.11 | - - - - Contusion of radial artery at wrist or hand level |
NC56.1Y | - - - - Other specified injury of radial artery at wrist or hand level |
NC56.1Z | - - - - Injury of radial artery at wrist or hand level, unspecified |
NC56.2 | - - - Injury of superficial palmar arch |
NC56.20 | - - - - Laceration of superficial palmar arch |
NC56.21 | - - - - Contusion of superficial palmar arch |
NC56.2Y | - - - - Other specified injury of superficial palmar arch |
NC56.2Z | - - - - Injury of superficial palmar arch, unspecified |
NC56.3 | - - - Injury of deep palmar arch |
NC56.30 | - - - - Laceration of deep palmar arch |
NC56.31 | - - - - Contusion of deep palmar arch |
NC56.3Y | - - - - Other specified injury of deep palmar arch |
NC56.3Z | - - - - Injury of deep palmar arch, unspecified |
NC56.4 | - - - Injury of blood vessel of thumb |
NC56.40 | - - - - Laceration of blood vessel of thumb |
NC56.41 | - - - - Contusion of blood vessel of thumb |
NC56.4Y | - - - - Other specified injury of blood vessel of thumb |
NC56.4Z | - - - - Injury of blood vessel of thumb, unspecified |
NC56.5 | - - - Injury of blood vessel of other finger |
NC56.50 | - - - - Laceration of blood vessel of other finger |
NC56.51 | - - - - Contusion of blood vessel of other finger |
NC56.5Y | - - - - Other specified injury of blood vessel of other finger |
NC56.5Z | - - - - Injury of blood vessel of other finger, unspecified |
NC56.6 | - - - Injury of multiple blood vessels at wrist or hand level |
NC56.60 | - - - - Laceration of multiple blood vessels at wrist or hand level |
NC56.61 | - - - - Contusion of multiple blood vessels at wrist or hand level |
NC56.6Y | - - - - Other specified injury of multiple blood vessels at wrist or hand level |
NC56.6Z | - - - - Injury of multiple blood vessels at wrist or hand level, unspecified |
NC56.Y | - - - Injury of other specified blood vessels at wrist and hand level |
NC56.Z | - - - Injury of unspecified blood vessel at wrist or hand level |
NC57 | - - Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon at wrist or hand level |
NC57.0 | - - - Injury of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level |
NC57.00 | - - - - Strain or sprain of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level |
NC57.01 | - - - - Laceration of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level |
NC57.0Y | - - - - Other specified injury of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level |
NC57.0Z | - - - - Injury of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level, unspecified |
NC57.1 | - - - Injury of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level |
NC57.10 | - - - - Strain or sprain of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level |
NC57.11 | - - - - Laceration of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level |
NC57.1Y | - - - - Other specified injury of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level |
NC57.1Z | - - - - Injury of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level, unspecified |
NC57.2 | - - - Injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level |
NC57.20 | - - - - Strain or sprain of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level |
NC57.21 | - - - - Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level |
NC57.2Y | - - - - Other specified injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level |
NC57.2Z | - - - - Injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level, unspecified |
NC57.3 | - - - Injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level |
NC57.30 | - - - - Strain or sprain of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level |
NC57.31 | - - - - Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level |
NC57.3Y | - - - - Other specified injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level |
NC57.3Z | - - - - Injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level, unspecified |
NC57.4 | - - - Injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level |
NC57.40 | - - - - Strain or sprain of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level |
NC57.41 | - - - - Laceration of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level |
NC57.4Y | - - - - Other specified injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level |
NC57.4Z | - - - - Injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level, unspecified |
NC57.5 | - - - Injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level |
NC57.50 | - - - - Strain or sprain of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level |
NC57.51 | - - - - Laceration of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level |
NC57.5Y | - - - - Other specified injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level |
NC57.5Z | - - - - Injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level, unspecified |
NC57.6 | - - - Injury of multiple flexor muscles or tendons at wrist or hand level |
NC57.7 | - - - Injury of multiple extensor muscles or tendons at wrist or hand level |
NC57.Y | - - - Injury of other specified muscle, fascia or tendon at wrist or hand level |
NC57.Z | - - - Injury of unspecified muscle, fascia or tendon at wrist or hand level |
NC58 | - - Crushing injury of wrist or hand |
NC58.0 | - - - Crushing injury of thumb |
NC58.1 | - - - Crushing injury of other finger |
NC58.2 | - - - Crushing injury of hand |
NC58.3 | - - - Crushing injury of wrist |
NC58.Y | - - - Crushing injury of other specified part of wrist or hand |
NC58.Z | - - - Crushing injury of wrist or hand, unspecified |
NC59 | - - Traumatic amputation of wrist or hand |
NC59.0 | - - - Traumatic amputation of thumb |
NC59.00 | - - - - Traumatic amputation at or near base of right thumb |
NC59.01 | - - - - Traumatic amputation at or near base of left thumb |
NC59.02 | - - - - Traumatic amputation at or near base of thumb, bilateral |
NC59.0Y | - - - - Other specified traumatic amputation of thumb |
NC59.0Z | - - - - Traumatic amputation of thumb, unspecified |
NC59.1 | - - - Traumatic amputation of other single finger |
NC59.2 | - - - Traumatic amputation of two or more fingers alone |
NC59.20 | - - - - Traumatic amputation of two or more fingers at or near base, right hand |
NC59.21 | - - - - Traumatic amputation of two or more fingers at or near base, left hand |
NC59.22 | - - - - Traumatic amputation of two or more fingers alone at or near base, bilateral |
NC59.2Y | - - - - Other specified traumatic amputation of two or more fingers alone |
NC59.2Z | - - - - Traumatic amputation of two or more fingers alone, unspecified |
NC59.3 | - - - Combined traumatic amputation of finger with other parts of wrist or hand |
NC59.4 | - - - Traumatic amputation of hand at metacarpal level |
NC59.Z | - - - Traumatic amputation of wrist or hand, unspecified |
NC5A | - - Multiple injuries of wrist or hand |
NC5A.0 | - - - Injury of multiple sites of hand |
NC5A.1 | - - - Injury of multiple sites of wrist |
NC5A.Y | - - - Other specified multiple injuries of wrist or hand |
NC5A.Z | - - - Multiple injuries of wrist or hand, unspecified |
NC5Y | - - Other specified injuries to the wrist or hand |
NC5Z | - - Injuries to the wrist or hand, unspecified |
- Injuries to the hip or thigh | |
NC70 | - - Superficial injury of hip or thigh |
NC70.0 | - - - Abrasion of hip |
NC70.1 | - - - Contusion of hip |
NC70.2 | - - - Abrasion of thigh |
NC70.3 | - - - Contusion of thigh |
NC70.4 | - - - Multiple superficial injuries of hip or thigh |
NC70.Y | - - - Other specified superficial injury of hip or thigh |
NC70.Z | - - - Superficial injury of hip or thigh, unspecified |
NC71 | - - Open wound of hip or thigh |
NC71.0 | - - - Laceration without foreign body of hip or thigh |
NC71.1 | - - - Laceration with foreign body of hip or thigh |
NC71.2 | - - - Puncture wound without foreign body of hip or thigh |
NC71.3 | - - - Puncture wound with foreign body of hip or thigh |
NC71.4 | - - - Open bite of hip or thigh |
NC71.5 | - - - Multiple open wounds of hip or thigh |
NC71.Y | - - - Other specified open wound of hip or thigh |
NC71.Z | - - - Open wound of hip or thigh, unspecified |
NC72 | - - Fracture of femur |
NC72.0 | - - - Fracture of head of femur |
NC72.1 | - - - Fracture of upper epiphysis of femur |
NC72.2 | - - - Fracture of neck of femur |
NC72.20 | - - - - Fracture of neck of femur, subcapital |
NC72.21 | - - - - Fracture of neck of femur, mid-cervical |
NC72.22 | - - - - Fracture of base of neck of femur |
NC72.23 | - - - - Intracapsular fracture of femur |
NC72.2Y | - - - - Other specified fracture of neck of femur |
NC72.2Z | - - - - Fracture of neck of femur, unspecified |
NC72.3 | - - - Fracture of trochanteric section of femur |
NC72.30 | - - - - Intertrochanteric fracture of femur |
NC72.31 | - - - - Pertrochanteric fracture of femur |
NC72.3Y | - - - - Other specified fracture of trochanteric section of femur |
NC72.3Z | - - - - Fracture of trochanteric section of femur, unspecified |
NC72.4 | - - - Subtrochanteric fracture of femur |
NC72.5 | - - - Fracture of shaft of femur |
NC72.6 | - - - Fracture of lower end of femur |
NC72.60 | - - - - Fracture of lower end of femur not extending into joint, simple |
NC72.61 | - - - - Fracture of lower end of femur not extending into joint, wedge |
NC72.62 | - - - - Fracture of lower end of femur not extending into joint, complex |
NC72.63 | - - - - Fracture of lower end of femur extending into joint, lateral condyle |
NC72.64 | - - - - Fracture of lower end of femur extending into joint, medial condyle |
NC72.65 | - - - - Fracture of lower end of femur extending into joint, frontal |
NC72.66 | - - - - Fracture of lower end of femur extending into joint, complete articular |
NC72.6Y | - - - - Other specified fracture of lower end of femur |
NC72.6Z | - - - - Fracture of lower end of femur, unspecified |
NC72.7 | - - - Multiple fractures of femur |
NC72.8 | - - - Fractures of other parts of femur |
NC72.Y | - - - Other specified fracture of femur |
NC72.Z | - - - Fracture of femur, unspecified |
NC73 | - - Dislocation or strain or sprain of joint or ligaments of hip |
NC73.0 | - - - Dislocation of hip |
NC73.00 | - - - - Posterior dislocation of hip |
NC73.01 | - - - - Obturator dislocation of hip |
NC73.02 | - - - - Other anterior dislocation of hip |
NC73.03 | - - - - Central dislocation of hip |
NC73.0Y | - - - - Other specified dislocation of hip |
NC73.0Z | - - - - Dislocation of hip, unspecified |
NC73.1 | - - - Strain or sprain of hip |
NC73.10 | - - - - Iliofemoral ligament strain or sprain of hip |
NC73.11 | - - - - Ischiocapsular ligament strain or sprain of hip |
NC73.1Y | - - - - Other specified strain or sprain of hip |
NC73.1Z | - - - - Strain or sprain of hip, unspecified |
NC74 | - - Injury of nerves at hip or thigh level |
NC74.0 | - - - Injury of sciatic nerve at hip or thigh level |
NC74.1 | - - - Injury of femoral nerve at hip or thigh level |
NC74.2 | - - - Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at hip or thigh level |
NC74.3 | - - - Injury of multiple nerves at hip or thigh level |
NC74.Y | - - - Injury of other specified nerves at hip or thigh level |
NC74.Z | - - - Injury of unspecified nerve at hip or thigh level |
NC75 | - - Injury of blood vessels at hip or thigh level |
NC75.0 | - - - Injury of femoral artery |
NC75.00 | - - - - Laceration of femoral artery, minor |
NC75.01 | - - - - Laceration of femoral artery, major |
NC75.0Y | - - - - Other specified injury of femoral artery |
NC75.0Z | - - - - Injury of femoral artery, unspecified |
NC75.1 | - - - Injury of femoral vein at hip or thigh level |
NC75.10 | - - - - Laceration of femoral vein at hip or thigh level, minor |
NC75.11 | - - - - Laceration of femoral vein at hip or thigh level, major |
NC75.1Y | - - - - Other specified injury of femoral vein at hip or thigh level |
NC75.1Z | - - - - Injury of femoral vein at hip or thigh level, unspecified |
NC75.2 | - - - Injury of greater saphenous vein at hip or thigh level |
NC75.20 | - - - - Laceration of greater saphenous vein at hip or thigh level, minor |
NC75.21 | - - - - Laceration of greater saphenous vein at hip or thigh level, major |
NC75.2Y | - - - - Other specified injury of greater saphenous vein at hip or thigh level |
NC75.2Z | - - - - Injury of greater saphenous vein at hip or thigh level, unspecified |
NC75.3 | - - - Injury of multiple blood vessels at hip or thigh level |
NC75.Y | - - - Injury of other specified blood vessels at hip and thigh level |
NC75.Z | - - - Injury of unspecified blood vessel at hip or thigh level |
NC76 | - - Injury of muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at hip or thigh level |
NC76.0 | - - - Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of hip |
NC76.00 | - - - - Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of hip |
NC76.01 | - - - - Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of hip |
NC76.0Y | - - - - Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of hip |
NC76.0Z | - - - - Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of hip, unspecified |
NC76.1 | - - - Injury of quadriceps muscle or tendon |
NC76.10 | - - - - Strain or sprain of quadriceps muscle or tendon |
NC76.11 | - - - - Laceration of quadriceps muscle or tendon |
NC76.1Y | - - - - Other specified injury of quadriceps muscle or tendon |
NC76.1Z | - - - - Injury of quadriceps muscle or tendon, unspecified |
NC76.2 | - - - Injury of adductor muscle, fascia or tendon of thigh |
NC76.20 | - - - - Strain or sprain of adductor muscle, fascia or tendon of thigh |
NC76.21 | - - - - Laceration of adductor muscle, fascia or tendon of thigh |
NC76.2Y | - - - - Other specified injury of adductor muscle, fascia or tendon of thigh |
NC76.2Z | - - - - Injury of adductor muscle, fascia or tendon of thigh, unspecified |
NC76.3 | - - - Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of the posterior muscle group at thigh level |
NC76.30 | - - - - Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of the posterior muscle group at thigh level |
NC76.31 | - - - - Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of the posterior muscle group at thigh level |
NC76.3Y | - - - - Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of the posterior muscle group at thigh level |
NC76.3Z | - - - - Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of the posterior muscle group at thigh level, unspecified |
NC76.4 | - - - Injury of multiple muscles or tendons at hip or thigh level |
NC76.40 | - - - - Injury of bursa of hip |
NC76.4Y | - - - - Other specified injury of multiple muscles or tendons at hip or thigh level |
NC76.4Z | - - - - Injury of multiple muscles or tendons at hip or thigh level, unspecified |
NC76.Y | - - - Injury of other specified muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at hip or thigh level |
NC76.Z | - - - Injury of unspecified muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at hip or thigh level |
NC77 | - - Crushing injury of hip or thigh |
NC77.0 | - - - Crushing injury of hip |
NC77.1 | - - - Crushing injury of thigh |
NC77.2 | - - - Crushing injury of hip with thigh |
NC77.Z | - - - Crushing injury of hip or thigh, unspecified |
NC78 | - - Traumatic amputation of hip or thigh |
NC78.0 | - - - Traumatic amputation at right hip joint |
NC78.1 | - - - Traumatic amputation at left hip joint |
NC78.2 | - - - Traumatic amputation at hip joint, bilateral |
NC78.3 | - - - Traumatic amputation at level between right hip and knee |
NC78.4 | - - - Traumatic amputation at level between left hip and knee |
NC78.5 | - - - Traumatic amputation at level between hip and knee, bilateral |
NC78.Z | - - - Traumatic amputation of hip or thigh, unspecified |
NC79 | - - Multiple injuries of hip or thigh |
NC7Y | - - Other specified injuries to the hip or thigh |
NC7Z | - - Injuries to the hip or thigh, unspecified |
- Injuries to the knee or lower leg | |
NC90 | - - Superficial injury of knee or lower leg |
NC90.0 | - - - Abrasion of knee |
NC90.1 | - - - Contusion of knee |
NC90.2 | - - - Abrasion of other or unspecified parts of lower leg |
NC90.3 | - - - Contusion of other or unspecified parts of lower leg |
NC90.4 | - - - Multiple superficial injuries of lower leg |
NC90.Y | - - - Other specified superficial injury of knee or lower leg |
NC90.Z | - - - Superficial injury of knee or lower leg, unspecified |
NC91 | - - Open wound of knee or lower leg |
NC91.0 | - - - Laceration without foreign body of lower leg |
NC91.1 | - - - Laceration with foreign body of lower leg |
NC91.2 | - - - Puncture wound without foreign body of lower leg |
NC91.3 | - - - Puncture wound with foreign body of lower leg |
NC91.4 | - - - Open bite of lower leg |
NC91.5 | - - - Multiple open wounds of lower leg |
NC91.Y | - - - Other specified open wound of knee or lower leg |
NC91.Z | - - - Open wound of knee or lower leg, unspecified |
NC92 | - - Fracture of lower leg, including ankle |
NC92.0 | - - - Fracture of patella |
NC92.1 | - - - Fracture of upper end of tibia |
NC92.10 | - - - - Avulsion of cruciate ligament insertion |
NC92.11 | - - - - Avulsion of tibial tuberosity |
NC92.12 | - - - - Metaphyseal fracture of upper end of tibia |
NC92.13 | - - - - Fracture of upper end of tibia, lateral condyle |
NC92.14 | - - - - Fracture of upper end of tibia, medial condyle |
NC92.1Y | - - - - Other specified fracture of upper end of tibia |
NC92.1Z | - - - - Fracture of upper end of tibia, unspecified |
NC92.2 | - - - Fracture of shaft of tibia |
NC92.3 | - - - Fracture of lower end of tibia |
NC92.4 | - - - Fracture of fibula alone |
NC92.40 | - - - - Avulsion of fibular head |
NC92.4Y | - - - - Other specified fracture of fibula alone |
NC92.4Z | - - - - Fracture of fibula alone, unspecified |
NC92.5 | - - - Fracture of medial malleolus |
NC92.6 | - - - Fracture of lateral malleolus |
NC92.7 | - - - Complex fractures of ankle |
NC92.70 | - - - - Fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of lateral malleolus below syndesmosis with fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of medial malleolus |
NC92.71 | - - - - Fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of lateral malleolus below syndesmosis with fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of medial malleolus and fracture of posterior margin of distal tibia |
NC92.72 | - - - - Fracture of lateral malleolus at syndesmosis with fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of medial malleolus |
NC92.73 | - - - - Fracture of lateral malleolus at syndesmosis with fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of medial malleolus and fracture of posterior margin of distal tibia |
NC92.74 | - - - - Fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of medial malleolus with fracture of fibula above syndesmosis |
NC92.75 | - - - - Fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of medial malleolus with fracture of fibula above syndesmosis and fracture of posterior margin of distal tibia |
NC92.76 | - - - - Bimalleolar fracture of ankle, not otherwise specified |
NC92.77 | - - - - Trimalleolar fracture of ankle, not otherwise specified |
NC92.7Y | - - - - Other specified complex fractures of ankle |
NC92.7Z | - - - - Complex fractures of ankle, unspecified |
NC92.8 | - - - Multiple fractures of lower leg |
NC92.Y | - - - Fracture of other specified part of lower leg, including ankle |
NC92.Z | - - - Fracture of lower leg, including ankle, unspecified |
NC93 | - - Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of knee |
NC93.0 | - - - Acute internal damage knee |
NC93.1 | - - - Dislocation of patella |
NC93.10 | - - - - Lateral dislocation of patella |
NC93.1Y | - - - - Other specified dislocation of patella |
NC93.1Z | - - - - Dislocation of patella, unspecified |
NC93.2 | - - - Dislocation of knee |
NC93.20 | - - - - Anterior dislocation of proximal end of tibia |
NC93.21 | - - - - Posterior dislocation of proximal end of tibia |
NC93.22 | - - - - Medial dislocation of proximal end of tibia |
NC93.23 | - - - - Lateral dislocation of proximal end of tibia |
NC93.2Y | - - - - Other specified dislocation of knee |
NC93.2Z | - - - - Dislocation of knee, unspecified |
NC93.3 | - - - Tear of meniscus, current |
NC93.30 | - - - - Tear of medial meniscus |
NC93.31 | - - - - Tear of lateral meniscus |
NC93.3Y | - - - - Other specified tear of meniscus, current |
NC93.3Z | - - - - Tear of meniscus, current, unspecified |
NC93.4 | - - - Tear of articular cartilage of knee |
NC93.5 | - - - Strain or sprain involving fibular or tibial collateral ligament of knee |
NC93.50 | - - - - Strain or sprain of medial collateral ligament of knee, excluding rupture |
NC93.51 | - - - - Strain or sprain of lateral collateral ligament of knee, excluding rupture |
NC93.52 | - - - - Rupture of medial collateral ligament of knee |
NC93.53 | - - - - Rupture of lateral collateral ligament of knee |
NC93.5Y | - - - - Other specified strain or sprain involving fibular or tibial collateral ligament of knee |
NC93.5Z | - - - - Strain or sprain involving fibular or tibial collateral ligament of knee, unspecified |
NC93.6 | - - - Strain or sprain involving anterior or posterior cruciate ligament of knee |
NC93.60 | - - - - Strain or sprain of anterior cruciate ligament of knee, excluding rupture |
NC93.61 | - - - - Strain or sprain of posterior cruciate ligament of knee, excluding rupture |
NC93.62 | - - - - Rupture of anterior cruciate ligament |
NC93.63 | - - - - Rupture of posterior cruciate ligament |
NC93.6Y | - - - - Other specified strain or sprain involving anterior or posterior cruciate ligament of knee |
NC93.6Z | - - - - Strain or sprain involving anterior or posterior cruciate ligament of knee, unspecified |
NC93.7 | - - - Strain or sprain of other or unspecified parts of knee |
NC93.8 | - - - Injury to multiple structures of knee |
NC93.Y | - - - Other specified dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of knee |
NC93.Z | - - - Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of knee, unspecified |
NC94 | - - Injury of nerves at lower leg level |
NC94.0 | - - - Injury of tibial nerve at lower leg level |
NC94.1 | - - - Injury of peroneal nerve at lower leg level |
NC94.2 | - - - Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at lower leg level |
NC94.3 | - - - Injury of multiple nerves at lower leg level |
NC94.Y | - - - Injury of other specified nerves at lower leg level |
NC94.Z | - - - Injury of unspecified nerve at lower leg level |
NC95 | - - Injury of blood vessels at lower leg level |
NC95.0 | - - - Injury of popliteal artery |
NC95.00 | - - - - Laceration of popliteal artery |
NC95.0Y | - - - - Other specified injury of popliteal artery |
NC95.0Z | - - - - Injury of popliteal artery, unspecified |
NC95.1 | - - - Injury of anterior tibial artery |
NC95.10 | - - - - Laceration of anterior tibial artery |
NC95.1Y | - - - - Other specified injury of anterior tibial artery |
NC95.1Z | - - - - Injury of anterior tibial artery, unspecified |
NC95.2 | - - - Injury of posterior tibial artery |
NC95.20 | - - - - Laceration of posterior tibial artery |
NC95.2Y | - - - - Other specified injury of posterior tibial artery |
NC95.2Z | - - - - Injury of posterior tibial artery, unspecified |
NC95.3 | - - - Injury of peroneal artery |
NC95.30 | - - - - Laceration of peroneal artery |
NC95.3Y | - - - - Other specified injury of peroneal artery |
NC95.3Z | - - - - Injury of peroneal artery, unspecified |
NC95.4 | - - - Injury of greater saphenous vein at lower leg level |
NC95.40 | - - - - Laceration of greater saphenous vein at lower leg level |
NC95.4Y | - - - - Other specified injury of greater saphenous vein at lower leg level |
NC95.4Z | - - - - Injury of greater saphenous vein at lower leg level, unspecified |
NC95.5 | - - - Injury of lesser saphenous vein at lower leg level |
NC95.50 | - - - - Laceration of lesser saphenous vein at lower leg level |
NC95.5Y | - - - - Other specified injury of lesser saphenous vein at lower leg level |
NC95.5Z | - - - - Injury of lesser saphenous vein at lower leg level, unspecified |
NC95.6 | - - - Injury of popliteal vein |
NC95.60 | - - - - Laceration of popliteal vein |
NC95.6Y | - - - - Other specified injury of popliteal vein |
NC95.6Z | - - - - Injury of popliteal vein, unspecified |
NC95.7 | - - - Injury of multiple blood vessels at lower leg level |
NC95.Y | - - - Injury of other specified blood vessels at lower leg level |
NC95.Z | - - - Injury of unspecified blood vessel at lower leg level |
NC96 | - - Injury of muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at lower leg level |
NC96.0 | - - - Injury of Achilles tendon |
NC96.00 | - - - - Strain or sprain of Achilles tendon |
NC96.01 | - - - - Laceration of Achilles tendon |
NC96.02 | - - - - Rupture of Achilles tendon |
NC96.0Y | - - - - Other specified injury of Achilles tendon |
NC96.0Z | - - - - Injury of Achilles tendon, unspecified |
NC96.1 | - - - Injury of other muscle, fascia or tendon of posterior muscle group at lower leg level |
NC96.10 | - - - - Strain or sprain of other muscle, fascia or tendon of posterior muscle group at lower leg level |
NC96.11 | - - - - Laceration of other muscle, fascia or tendon of posterior muscle group at lower leg level |
NC96.1Y | - - - - Other specified injury of other muscle, fascia or tendon of posterior muscle group at lower leg level |
NC96.1Z | - - - - Injury of other muscle, fascia or tendon of posterior muscle group at lower leg level, unspecified |
NC96.2 | - - - Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of anterior muscle group at lower leg level |
NC96.20 | - - - - Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of anterior muscle group at lower leg level |
NC96.21 | - - - - Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of anterior muscle group at lower leg level |
NC96.2Y | - - - - Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of anterior muscle group at lower leg level |
NC96.2Z | - - - - Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of anterior muscle group at lower leg level, unspecified |
NC96.3 | - - - Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of peroneal muscle group at lower leg level |
NC96.30 | - - - - Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of peroneal muscle group at lower leg level |
NC96.31 | - - - - Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of peroneal muscle group at lower leg level |
NC96.3Y | - - - - Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of peroneal muscle group at lower leg level |
NC96.3Z | - - - - Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of peroneal muscle group at lower leg level, unspecified |
NC96.4 | - - - Injury of multiple muscles, fasciae or tendons at lower leg level |
NC96.5 | - - - Injury of bursa of knee |
NC96.Y | - - - Injury of other specified muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at lower leg level |
NC96.Z | - - - Injury of unspecified muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at lower leg level |
NC97 | - - Crushing injury of lower leg |
NC97.0 | - - - Crushing injury of knee |
NC97.Y | - - - Crushing injury of other specified part of lower leg |
NC97.Z | - - - Crushing injury of lower leg, unspecified |
NC98 | - - Traumatic amputation of lower leg |
NC98.0 | - - - Traumatic amputation of right lower leg at knee level |
NC98.1 | - - - Traumatic amputation of left lower leg at knee level |
NC98.2 | - - - Traumatic amputation at knee level, bilateral |
NC98.3 | - - - Traumatic amputation at level between right knee and ankle |
NC98.4 | - - - Traumatic amputation at level between left knee and ankle |
NC98.5 | - - - Traumatic amputation at level between knee and ankle, bilateral |
NC98.Y | - - - Other specified traumatic amputation of lower leg |
NC98.Z | - - - Traumatic amputation of lower leg, unspecified |
NC99 | - - Multiple injuries of lower leg |
NC9Y | - - Other specified injuries to the knee or lower leg |
NC9Z | - - Injuries to the knee or lower leg, unspecified |
- Injuries to the ankle or foot | |
ND10 | - - Injury to toenail |
ND11 | - - Superficial injury of ankle or foot |
ND11.0 | - - - Abrasion of ankle |
ND11.1 | - - - Contusion of ankle |
ND11.2 | - - - Nonthermal blister of ankle |
ND11.3 | - - - Nonvenomous insect bite of ankle |
ND11.4 | - - - Superficial foreign body in ankle |
ND11.40 | - - - - Splinter in ankle |
ND11.4Y | - - - - Other specified superficial foreign body in ankle |
ND11.4Z | - - - - Superficial foreign body in ankle, unspecified |
ND11.5 | - - - Abrasion of toe |
ND11.6 | - - - Contusion of toe |
ND11.7 | - - - Abrasion of other or unspecified parts of foot |
ND11.8 | - - - Contusion of other or unspecified parts of foot |
ND11.9 | - - - Nonthermal blister of other or unspecified parts of foot |
ND11.A | - - - Nonvenomous insect bite of other or unspecified parts of foot |
ND11.B | - - - Superficial foreign body in other or unspecified parts of foot |
ND11.B0 | - - - - Splinter in other or unspecified parts of foot |
ND11.BY | - - - - Other specified superficial foreign body in other or unspecified parts of foot |
ND11.BZ | - - - - Superficial foreign body in other or unspecified parts of foot, unspecified |
ND11.C | - - - Multiple superficial injuries of ankle or foot |
ND11.Y | - - - Other specified superficial injury of ankle or foot |
ND11.Z | - - - Superficial injury of ankle or foot, unspecified |
ND12 | - - Open wound of ankle or foot |
ND12.0 | - - - Laceration without foreign body of ankle or foot |
ND12.1 | - - - Laceration with foreign body of ankle or foot |
ND12.2 | - - - Puncture wound with foreign body of ankle or foot |
ND12.3 | - - - Puncture wound without foreign body of ankle or foot |
ND12.4 | - - - Open bite of ankle or foot |
ND12.5 | - - - Multiple open wounds of ankle or foot |
ND12.6 | - - - Open wound of toe |
ND12.60 | - - - - Laceration without foreign body of toe |
ND12.61 | - - - - Laceration with foreign body of toe |
ND12.62 | - - - - Puncture wound without foreign body of toe |
ND12.63 | - - - - Puncture wound with foreign body of toe |
ND12.64 | - - - - Open bite of toe |
ND12.6Y | - - - - Other specified open wound of toe |
ND12.6Z | - - - - Open wound of toe, unspecified |
ND12.Y | - - - Other specified open wound of ankle or foot |
ND12.Z | - - - Open wound of ankle or foot, unspecified |
ND13 | - - Fracture of foot, except ankle |
ND13.0 | - - - Fracture of calcaneus |
ND13.1 | - - - Fracture of talus |
ND13.2 | - - - Fracture of unspecified tarsal bone |
ND13.3 | - - - Fracture of metatarsal bone |
ND13.4 | - - - Fracture of great toe |
ND13.5 | - - - Fracture of other toe |
ND13.6 | - - - Multiple fractures of foot |
ND13.7 | - - - Fracture of cuboid bone |
ND13.8 | - - - Fracture of lateral cuneiform |
ND13.9 | - - - Fracture of intermediate cuneiform |
ND13.A | - - - Fracture of medial cuneiform |
ND13.B | - - - Fracture of navicular of foot |
ND13.Y | - - - Fracture of other specified part of foot, except ankle |
ND13.Z | - - - Fracture of foot, except ankle, unspecified |
ND14 | - - Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at ankle or foot level |
ND14.0 | - - - Dislocation of ankle joint |
ND14.1 | - - - Dislocation of great toe |
ND14.10 | - - - - Dislocation of metatarsophalangeal joint of great toe |
ND14.11 | - - - - Dislocation of interphalangeal joint of great toe |
ND14.1Z | - - - - Dislocation of great toe, unspecified |
ND14.2 | - - - Dislocation of other toe |
ND14.20 | - - - - Dislocation of metatarsophalangeal joint of lesser toe |
ND14.21 | - - - - Dislocation of interphalangeal joints of lesser toe |
ND14.2Y | - - - - Dislocation of other specified toe |
ND14.2Z | - - - - Dislocation of other toe, unspecified |
ND14.3 | - - - Dislocation of tarsal joint |
ND14.4 | - - - Dislocation of tarsometatarsal joint |
ND14.5 | - - - Rupture of ligaments at ankle or foot level |
ND14.6 | - - - Dislocation of other or unspecified parts of foot |
ND14.7 | - - - Strain or sprain of ankle |
ND14.70 | - - - - Strain or sprain of calcaneofibular ligament |
ND14.71 | - - - - Strain or sprain of deltoid ligament |
ND14.72 | - - - - Strain or sprain of tibiofibular ligament |
ND14.73 | - - - - Strain or sprain of other ligament of ankle |
ND14.7Z | - - - - Strain or sprain of ankle, unspecified |
ND14.8 | - - - Strain or sprain of toe |
ND14.9 | - - - Strain or sprain of great toe |
ND14.90 | - - - - Strain or sprain of metatarsophalangeal joint of great toe |
ND14.91 | - - - - Strain or sprain of interphalangeal joint of great toe |
ND14.9Z | - - - - Strain or sprain of great toe, unspecified |
ND14.A | - - - Strain or sprain of other or unspecified parts of foot |
ND14.A0 | - - - - Strain or sprain of metatarsophalangeal joint of lesser toe |
ND14.A1 | - - - - Strain or sprain of interphalangeal joints of lesser toe |
ND14.AY | - - - - Sprain of other specified parts of foot |
ND14.AZ | - - - - Sprain of unspecified parts of foot |
ND14.Y | - - - Other specified dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at ankle or foot level |
ND14.Z | - - - Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at ankle or foot level, unspecified |
ND15 | - - Injury of nerves at ankle or foot level |
ND15.0 | - - - Injury of lateral plantar nerve |
ND15.1 | - - - Injury of medial plantar nerve |
ND15.2 | - - - Injury of deep peroneal nerve at ankle or foot level |
ND15.3 | - - - Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at ankle or foot level |
ND15.4 | - - - Injury of multiple nerves at ankle or foot level |
ND15.Y | - - - Injury of other specified nerves at ankle and foot level |
ND15.Z | - - - Injury of unspecified nerve at ankle or foot level |
ND16 | - - Injury of blood vessels at ankle or foot level |
ND16.0 | - - - Injury of dorsal artery of foot |
ND16.00 | - - - - Laceration of dorsal artery of foot |
ND16.0Y | - - - - Other specified injury of dorsal artery of foot |
ND16.0Z | - - - - Injury of dorsal artery of foot, unspecified |
ND16.1 | - - - Injury of plantar artery of foot |
ND16.10 | - - - - Laceration of plantar artery of foot |
ND16.1Y | - - - - Other specified injury of plantar artery of foot |
ND16.1Z | - - - - Injury of plantar artery of foot, unspecified |
ND16.2 | - - - Injury of dorsal vein of foot |
ND16.20 | - - - - Laceration of dorsal vein of foot |
ND16.2Y | - - - - Other specified injury of dorsal vein of foot |
ND16.2Z | - - - - Injury of dorsal vein of foot, unspecified |
ND16.3 | - - - Injury of multiple blood vessels at ankle or foot level |
ND16.Y | - - - Injury of other specified blood vessels at ankle and foot level |
ND16.Z | - - - Injury of unspecified blood vessel at ankle or foot level |
ND17 | - - Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level |
ND17.0 | - - - Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long flexor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level |
ND17.00 | - - - - Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of long flexor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level |
ND17.01 | - - - - Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of long flexor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level |
ND17.0Y | - - - - Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long flexor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level |
ND17.0Z | - - - - Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long flexor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level, unspecified |
ND17.1 | - - - Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long extensor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level |
ND17.10 | - - - - Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of long extensor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level |
ND17.11 | - - - - Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of long extensor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level |
ND17.1Y | - - - - Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long extensor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level |
ND17.1Z | - - - - Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long extensor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level, unspecified |
ND17.2 | - - - Injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level |
ND17.20 | - - - - Strain or sprain of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level |
ND17.21 | - - - - Laceration of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level |
ND17.2Y | - - - - Other specified injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level |
ND17.2Z | - - - - Injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level, unspecified |
ND17.3 | - - - Injury of multiple muscles or tendons at ankle or foot level |
ND17.Y | - - - Injury of other specified muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level |
ND17.Z | - - - Injury of unspecified muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level |
ND18 | - - Crushing injury of ankle or foot |
ND18.0 | - - - Crushing injury of ankle |
ND18.1 | - - - Crushing injury of toe |
ND18.2 | - - - Crushing injury of other parts of ankle or foot |
ND18.Z | - - - Crushing injury of ankle or foot, unspecified |
ND19 | - - Traumatic amputation of ankle or foot |
ND19.0 | - - - Traumatic amputation of right foot at ankle level |
ND19.1 | - - - Traumatic amputation of left foot at ankle level |
ND19.2 | - - - Traumatic amputation of foot at ankle level, bilateral |
ND19.3 | - - - Traumatic amputation of right foot at metatarsal level |
ND19.4 | - - - Traumatic amputation of left foot at metatarsal level |
ND19.5 | - - - Traumatic amputation of foot at metatarsal level, bilateral |
ND19.6 | - - - Traumatic amputation of one toe |
ND19.7 | - - - Traumatic amputation of two or more toes |
ND19.8 | - - - Traumatic amputation of other parts of foot |
ND19.Z | - - - Traumatic amputation of ankle or foot, unspecified |
ND1A | - - Multiple injuries of ankle or foot |
ND1Y | - - Other specified injuries to the ankle or foot |
ND1Z | - - Injuries to the ankle or foot, unspecified |
- Injuries involving multiple body regions | |
ND30 | - - Superficial injuries involving multiple body regions |
ND31 | - - Open wounds involving multiple body regions |
ND32 | - - Fractures involving multiple body regions |
ND33 | - - Dislocations, strains or sprains involving multiple body regions |
ND34 | - - Crushing injuries involving multiple body regions |
ND35 | - - Traumatic amputations involving multiple body regions |
ND36 | - - Other injuries involving multiple body regions, not elsewhere classified |
ND37 | - - Unspecified multiple injuries |
- Injuries to unspecified part of trunk, limb or body region | |
ND50 | - - Fracture of spine, level unspecified |
ND51 | - - Other injuries of spine or trunk, level unspecified |
ND51.0 | - - - Dislocation or strain or sprain of unspecified joint or ligament of trunk |
ND51.1 | - - - Injury of unspecified nerve, spinal nerve root or plexus of trunk |
ND51.2 | - - - Injury of spinal cord, level unspecified |
ND51.3 | - - - Injury of unspecified muscle, fascia or tendon of trunk |
ND51.4 | - - - Crushing injury of spine or trunk, level unspecified |
ND51.Y | - - - Other specified injuries of spine or trunk, level unspecified |
ND51.Z | - - - Unspecified injuries of spine or trunk, level unspecified |
ND52 | - - Fracture of arm, level unspecified |
ND53 | - - Other injuries of arm, level unspecified |
ND53.0 | - - - Crushing injury of arm, level unspecified |
ND53.Y | - - - Other specified injuries of arm, level unspecified |
ND53.Z | - - - Unspecified injuries of arm, level unspecified |
ND54 | - - Fracture of leg, level unspecified |
ND55 | - - Other injuries of leg, level unspecified |
ND56 | - - Injury of unspecified body region |
ND56.0 | - - - Superficial injury of unspecified body region |
ND56.1 | - - - Open wound of unspecified body region |
ND56.2 | - - - Fracture of unspecified body region |
ND56.3 | - - - Dislocation or strain or sprain of unspecified body region |
ND56.4 | - - - Injury of nerve of unspecified body region |
ND56.5 | - - - Injury of blood vessel of unspecified body region |
ND56.6 | - - - Injury of muscles or tendons of unspecified body region |
ND56.7 | - - - Crushing injury of unspecified body region |
ND56.8 | - - - Traumatic amputation of unspecified body region |
ND56.9 | - - - Injury complicating pregnancy |
ND56.Y | - - - Other specified injury of unspecified body region |
ND56.Z | - - - Unspecified injury to unspecified part of trunk, limb or body region |
ND57 | - - Secondary effect of trauma |
ND5Y | - - Other specified injuries to unspecified part of trunk, limb or body region |
ND5Z | - - Injuries to unspecified part of trunk, limb or body region, unspecified |
- Effects of foreign body entering through natural orifice | |
ND70 | - - Foreign body on external eye |
ND70.0 | - - - Foreign body in cornea |
ND70.1 | - - - Foreign body in conjunctival sac |
ND70.2 | - - - Foreign body in multiple parts of external eye |
ND70.Y | - - - Foreign body in other specified part of external eye |
ND70.Z | - - - Foreign body on external eye, unspecified |
ND71 | - - Foreign body in ear |
ND72 | - - Foreign body in respiratory tract |
ND72.0 | - - - Foreign body in nasal sinus |
ND72.1 | - - - Foreign body in nostril |
ND72.2 | - - - Foreign body in pharynx |
ND72.20 | - - - - Asphyxia on mucous in nasopharynx |
ND72.2Y | - - - - Other specified foreign body in pharynx |
ND72.2Z | - - - - Foreign body in pharynx, unspecified |
ND72.3 | - - - Foreign body in larynx |
ND72.4 | - - - Foreign body in trachea |
ND72.5 | - - - Foreign body in bronchus |
ND72.6 | - - - Foreign body in multiple parts of respiratory tract |
ND72.Y | - - - Foreign body in other parts of respiratory tract |
ND72.Z | - - - Foreign body in unspecified part of respiratory tract |
ND73 | - - Foreign body in alimentary tract |
ND73.0 | - - - Foreign body in mouth |
ND73.1 | - - - Foreign body in oesophagus |
ND73.2 | - - - Foreign body in stomach |
ND73.20 | - - - - Trichobezoar |
ND73.2Y | - - - - Other specified foreign body in stomach |
ND73.2Z | - - - - Foreign body in stomach, unspecified |
ND73.3 | - - - Foreign body in small intestine |
ND73.4 | - - - Foreign body in colon |
ND73.5 | - - - Foreign body in anus or rectum |
ND73.Y | - - - Foreign body in other specified part of alimentary tract |
ND73.Z | - - - Foreign body in alimentary tract, unspecified |
ND74 | - - Foreign body in genitourinary tract |
ND74.0 | - - - Foreign body in urethra |
ND74.1 | - - - Foreign body in bladder |
ND74.2 | - - - Foreign body in vulva or vagina |
ND74.3 | - - - Foreign body in uterus, any part |
ND74.Y | - - - Foreign body in other specified part of genitourinary tract |
ND74.Z | - - - Foreign body in genitourinary tract, unspecified |
ND7Z | - - Effects of foreign body entering through natural orifice, unspecified |
- Burns | |
- - Burns of external body surface, specified by site | |
ND90 | - - - Burn of head or neck except face |
ND90.0 | - - - - Burn of head or neck except face, epidermal burn |
ND90.1 | - - - - Burn of head or neck except face, superficial partial thickness burn |
ND90.2 | - - - - Burn of head or neck except face, deep partial thickness burn |
ND90.3 | - - - - Burn of head and neck except face, full thickness burn |
ND90.4 | - - - - Burn of head or neck except face, deep full thickness or complex burn |
ND90.Z | - - - - Burn of head and neck except face, depth of burn unspecified |
ND91 | - - - Burn of face except eye or ocular adnexa |
ND91.0 | - - - - Burn of face except eye or ocular adnexa, epidermal burn |
ND91.1 | - - - - Burn of face except eye or ocular adnexa, superficial partial thickness burn |
ND91.2 | - - - - Burn of face except eye or ocular adnexa, deep partial thickness burn |
ND91.3 | - - - - Burn of face except eye or ocular adnexa, full thickness burn |
ND91.4 | - - - - Burn of face except eye or ocular adnexa, deep full thickness or complex burn |
ND91.Z | - - - - Burn of face except eye, depth of burn unspecified |
ND92 | - - - Burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia |
ND92.0 | - - - - Burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia, epidermal burn |
ND92.00 | - - - - - Burn of breast, epidermal burn |
ND92.01 | - - - - - Burn of chest wall, epidermal burn |
ND92.02 | - - - - - Burn of abdominal wall, epidermal burn |
ND92.03 | - - - - - Burn of back, any part, epidermal burn |
ND92.0Y | - - - - - Other specified burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia, epidermal burn |
ND92.0Z | - - - - - Burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia, epidermal burn, unspecified |
ND92.1 | - - - - Burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia, superficial partial thickness burn |
ND92.2 | - - - - Burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia, deep partial thickness burn |
ND92.3 | - - - - Burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia, full thickness burn |
ND92.4 | - - - - Burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia, deep full thickness or complex burn |
ND92.Z | - - - - Burn of trunk except perineum and genitalia, depth of burn unspecified |
ND93 | - - - Burn of perineum or genitalia |
ND93.0 | - - - - Burn of perineum or genitalia, epidermal burn |
ND93.1 | - - - - Burn of perineum or genitalia, superficial partial thickness burn |
ND93.2 | - - - - Burn of perineum or genitalia, deep partial thickness burn |
ND93.3 | - - - - Burn of perineum or genitalia, full thickness burn |
ND93.4 | - - - - Burn of perineum or genitalia, deep full thickness or complex burn |
ND93.Z | - - - - Burn of perineum and genitalia, depth of burn unspecified |
ND94 | - - - Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand |
ND94.0 | - - - - Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, epidermal burn |
ND94.1 | - - - - Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, superficial partial thickness burn |
ND94.10 | - - - - - Burn of forearm and elbow, superficial partial thickness burn |
ND94.1Y | - - - - - Other specified burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, superficial partial thickness burn |
ND94.1Z | - - - - - Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, superficial partial thickness burn, unspecified |
ND94.2 | - - - - Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, deep partial thickness burn |
ND94.20 | - - - - - Burn of forearm or elbow, deep partial thickness burn |
ND94.2Y | - - - - - Other specified burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, deep partial thickness burn |
ND94.2Z | - - - - - Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, deep partial thickness burn, unspecified |
ND94.3 | - - - - Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, full thickness burn |
ND94.4 | - - - - Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, deep full thickness or complex burn |
ND94.Z | - - - - Burn of shoulder and arm except wrist and hand, depth of burn unspecified |
ND95 | - - - Burn of wrist or hand |
ND95.0 | - - - - Burn of wrist or hand, epidermal burn |
ND95.1 | - - - - Burn of wrist or hand, superficial partial thickness burn |
ND95.2 | - - - - Burn of wrist or hand, deep partial thickness burn |
ND95.3 | - - - - Burn of wrist or hand, full thickness burn |
ND95.4 | - - - - Burn of wrist or hand, deep full thickness or complex burn |
ND95.Z | - - - - Burn of wrist and hand, depth of burn unspecified |
ND96 | - - - Burn of hip or leg, except ankle or foot |
ND96.0 | - - - - Burn of hip or leg, except ankle or foot, epidermal burn |
ND96.1 | - - - - Burn of hip or leg, except ankle or foot, superficial partial thickness burn |
ND96.2 | - - - - Burn of hip or leg, except ankle or foot, deep partial thickness burn |
ND96.3 | - - - - Burn of hip or leg, except ankle or foot, full thickness burn |
ND96.4 | - - - - Burn of hip or leg, except ankle or foot, deep full thickness or complex burn |
ND96.Z | - - - - Burn of hip and leg except ankle and foot, depth of burn unspecified |
ND97 | - - - Burn of ankle or foot |
ND97.0 | - - - - Burn of ankle or foot, epidermal burn |
ND97.1 | - - - - Burn of ankle or foot, superficial partial thickness burn |
ND97.2 | - - - - Burn of ankle or foot, deep partial thickness burn |
ND97.3 | - - - - Burn of ankle or foot, full thickness burn |
ND97.4 | - - - - Burn of ankle or foot, deep full thickness or complex burn |
ND97.Z | - - - - Burn of ankle and foot, depth of burn unspecified |
ND98 | - - - Chemical burn due to skin contact with corrosive substance |
ND99 | - - - Acute skin injury due to skin contact with corrosive substance |
ND9Y | - - - Burns of external body surface, other specified site |
ND9Z | - - - Burns of external body surface, unspecified site |
- - Burns of eye or internal organs | |
NE00 | - - - Burn of eye or ocular adnexa |
NE01 | - - - Burn of respiratory tract |
NE02 | - - - Burn of other internal organs |
NE0Z | - - - Burns of eye or internal organs, unspecified |
- - Burns of multiple or unspecified body regions | |
NE10 | - - - Burns of multiple body regions |
NE11 | - - - Burn of unspecified body region |
NE2Z | - - Burns, unspecified |
- Frostbite | |
NE40 | - - Superficial frostbite |
NE41 | - - Frostbite with tissue necrosis |
NE42 | - - Frostbite involving multiple body regions |
NE4Z | - - Frostbite, unspecified |
- Harmful effects of substances | |
NE60 | - - Harmful effects of drugs, medicaments or biological substances, not elsewhere classified |
NE61 | - - Harmful effects of or exposure to noxious substances, chiefly nonmedicinal as to source, not elsewhere classified |
NE6Z | - - Harmful effects of unspecified substance |
- Injury or harm arising from surgical or medical care, not elsewhere classified | |
NE80 | - - Injury or harm arising following infusion, transfusion or therapeutic injection, not elsewhere classified |
NE80.0 | - - - Air embolism following infusion, transfusion or therapeutic injection |
NE80.1 | - - - ABO incompatibility reaction |
NE80.2 | - - - Rh incompatibility reaction |
NE80.3 | - - - Other serum reactions |
NE80.Y | - - - Other specified injury or harm arising following infusion, transfusion or therapeutic injection, not elsewhere classified |
NE80.Z | - - - Injury or harm arising following infusion, transfusion or therapeutic injection, not elsewhere classified, unspecified |
NE81 | - - Injury or harm arising from a procedure, not elsewhere classified |
NE81.0 | - - - Haemorrhage or haematoma complicating a procedure, not elsewhere classified |
NE81.00 | - - - - Haematoma of surgical wound of skin |
NE81.01 | - - - - Haemorrhage and haematoma of eye or ocular adnexa complicating a procedure |
NE81.0Y | - - - - Haemorrhage or haematoma of other specified site complicating a procedure, not elsewhere classified |
NE81.0Z | - - - - Haemorrhage or haematoma of unspecified site complicating a procedure, not elsewhere classified |
NE81.1 | - - - Disruption of operation wound, not elsewhere classified |
NE81.2 | - - - Surgical site infection |
NE81.20 | - - - - Superficial incisional site infection |
NE81.21 | - - - - Deep incisional site infection |
NE81.22 | - - - - Organ or organ space surgical site infection |
NE81.2Y | - - - - Other specified surgical site infection |
NE81.2Z | - - - - Surgical site infection, unspecified |
NE81.3 | - - - Postsurgical leak |
NE81.Y | - - - Other specified injury or harm arising from a procedure, not elsewhere classified |
NE81.Z | - - - Injury or harm arising from a procedure, not elsewhere classified, unspecified |
NE82 | - - Dysfunction or complication of pacemaker, pacemaker lead or implantable cardioverter defibrillator, not elsewhere classified |
NE82.0 | - - - Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator complication |
NE82.00 | - - - - Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator pocket erosion |
NE82.01 | - - - - Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator pocket muscle stimulation |
NE82.02 | - - - - Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator phrenic nerve stimulation |
NE82.03 | - - - - Pacemaker-induced cardiomyopathy |
NE82.0Y | - - - - Other specified pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator complication |
NE82.0Z | - - - - Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator complication, unspecified |
NE82.1 | - - - Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator dysfunction |
NE82.10 | - - - - Inappropriate implantable cardioverter defibrillator shock |
NE82.11 | - - - - Pacemaker syndrome |
NE82.12 | - - - - Pacemaker generator dysfunction |
NE82.1Y | - - - - Other specified pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator dysfunction |
NE82.1Z | - - - - Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator dysfunction, unspecified |
NE82.2 | - - - Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead complication |
NE82.20 | - - - - Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead fracture |
NE82.21 | - - - - Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead dislodgement |
NE82.22 | - - - - Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead insulation break |
NE82.2Y | - - - - Other specified pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead complication |
NE82.2Z | - - - - Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead complication, unspecified |
NE82.3 | - - - Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead dysfunction |
NE82.Y | - - - Other specified dysfunction or complication of pacemaker, pacemaker lead or implantable cardioverter defibrillator, not elsewhere classified |
NE82.Z | - - - Dysfunction or complication of pacemaker, pacemaker lead or implantable cardioverter defibrillator, not elsewhere classified, unspecified |
NE83 | - - Injury or harm arising from other device, implant or graft, not elsewhere classified |
NE83.0 | - - - Destruction or cartilage wear of joint with hemiarthroplasty |
NE83.1 | - - - Infection arising from device, implant or graft, not elsewhere classified |
NE83.Y | - - - Other specified injury or harm arising from other device, implant or graft, not elsewhere classified |
NE84 | - - Failure or rejection of transplanted organs or tissues |
NE85 | - - Complications peculiar to reattachment or amputation |
NE85.0 | - - - Complications of reattached upper extremity |
NE85.1 | - - - Complications of reattached lower extremity |
NE85.2 | - - - Complications of other reattached body part |
NE85.3 | - - - Neuroma of amputation stump |
NE85.4 | - - - Infection of amputation stump |
NE85.5 | - - - Necrosis of amputation stump |
NE85.6 | - - - Other or unspecified complications of amputation stump |
NE86 | - - Malignant hyperthermia due to anaesthesia |
NE87 | - - Failed or difficult intubation |
NE88 | - - Drug toxicity associated with harm in surgical or medical care, not elsewhere classified |
NE8Y | - - Other specified injury or harm arising from surgical or medical care, not elsewhere classified |
NE8Z | - - Injury or harm arising from surgical or medical care, not elsewhere classified, unspecified |
- Other or unspecified effects of external causes | |
NF00 | - - Effects of radiation, not elsewhere classified |
NF01 | - - Effects of heat |
NF01.0 | - - - Heat stroke |
NF01.1 | - - - Heat syncope |
NF01.2 | - - - Heat exhaustion due to fluid depletion |
NF01.3 | - - - Heat fatigue, transient |
NF01.Y | - - - Other specified effects of heat |
NF01.Z | - - - Effects of heat, unspecified |
NF02 | - - Hypothermia |
NF03 | - - Other effects of reduced temperature |
NF03.0 | - - - Chilblains |
NF03.1 | - - - Immersion hand or foot |
NF03.Y | - - - Other specified effects of reduced temperature |
NF03.Z | - - - Unspecified effects of reduced temperature |
NF04 | - - Effects of air pressure or water pressure |
NF04.0 | - - - Otitic barotrauma |
NF04.1 | - - - Sinus barotrauma |
NF04.2 | - - - Caisson disease |
NF04.3 | - - - Effects of high-pressure fluids |
NF04.Y | - - - Other specified effects of air pressure or water pressure |
NF04.Z | - - - Effects of air pressure or water pressure, unspecified |
NF05 | - - Asphyxiation |
NF06 | - - Effects of strenuous physical exercise |
NF06.0 | - - - Exertional heat stroke |
NF06.1 | - - - Post exercise postural hypotension |
NF06.2 | - - - Post exertional dehydration |
NF06.3 | - - - Exercise muscle cramp |
NF06.Y | - - - Other specified effects of strenuous physical exercise |
NF06.Z | - - - Effects of strenuous physical exercise, unspecified |
NF07 | - - Effects of other deprivation |
NF07.0 | - - - Effects of hunger |
NF07.1 | - - - Effects of thirst |
NF07.2 | - - - Exhaustion due to exposure |
NF07.Y | - - - Other specified effects of deprivation |
NF07.Z | - - - Effects of other deprivation, unspecified |
NF08 | - - Effects of other specified external causes |
NF08.0 | - - - Effects of lightning |
NF08.1 | - - - Drowning or nonfatal submersion |
NF08.2 | - - - Effects of vibration |
NF08.20 | - - - - Hand and arm vibration syndrome |
NF08.2Y | - - - - Other specified effects of vibration |
NF08.2Z | - - - - Effects of vibration, unspecified |
NF08.3 | - - - Motion sickness |
NF08.4 | - - - Effects of electric current |
NF08.Z | - - - Effects of other specified external causes, unspecified |
NF09 | - - Adverse effects, not elsewhere classified |
NF0A | - - Certain early complications of trauma, not elsewhere classified |
NF0A.0 | - - - Air embolism, traumatic, not elsewhere classified |
NF0A.1 | - - - Fat embolism, traumatic, not elsewhere classified |
NF0A.2 | - - - Traumatic secondary or recurrent haemorrhage, not elsewhere classified |
NF0A.3 | - - - Post traumatic wound infection, not elsewhere classified |
NF0A.4 | - - - Traumatic shock, not elsewhere classified |
NF0A.5 | - - - Traumatic anuria, not elsewhere classified |
NF0A.6 | - - - Traumatic ischaemia of muscle, not elsewhere classified |
NF0A.7 | - - - Traumatic subcutaneous emphysema, not elsewhere classified |
NF0A.Y | - - - Other early complication of trauma, not elsewhere classified |
NF0Y | - - Other specified effects of external causes |
NF0Z | - - Unspecified effects of external causes |
NF2Y | - Other specified injury, poisoning or certain other consequences of external causes |
NF2Z | - Unspecified injury, poisoning or certain other consequences of external causes |
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD