List of smoking bans in Australia

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List of smoking bans in Australia

Smoking bans in Australia have been implemented at various levels of government, including federal, state, and local levels. These bans aim to reduce the health risks associated with tobacco smoking and secondhand smoke exposure. The following is a list of significant smoking bans across Australia.

Federal Level[edit | edit source]

At the federal level, smoking bans have been implemented in various public places and workplaces. The Australian Government has enacted legislation to prohibit smoking in all Commonwealth buildings, including offices and public transport facilities.

State and Territory Level[edit | edit source]

Each state and territory in Australia has its own set of smoking bans, which often extend beyond federal regulations. Below is a summary of smoking bans in each state and territory:

==== New South Wales


In New South Wales, smoking is banned in all enclosed public places, including restaurants, bars, and clubs. Additionally, smoking is prohibited in outdoor dining areas, within 4 meters of a pedestrian entrance to or exit from a public building, and in cars with children under the age of 16.

==== Victoria


Victoria has similar smoking bans to New South Wales, with additional restrictions in outdoor areas such as playgrounds, public swimming pools, and within 10 meters of food stalls at organized events.

==== Queensland


Queensland has some of the strictest smoking bans in Australia. Smoking is prohibited in all enclosed public places, outdoor eating and drinking areas, and within 5 meters of non-residential building entrances. Additionally, smoking is banned in cars carrying children under the age of 16.

==== Western Australia


Western Australia enforces smoking bans in enclosed public places, outdoor eating areas, and within 10 meters of playground equipment. Smoking is also prohibited in cars with children under the age of 17.

==== South Australia


South Australia has comprehensive smoking bans in enclosed public places, outdoor dining areas, and within 10 meters of children's playgrounds. Smoking is also banned in cars with children under the age of 16.

==== Tasmania


Tasmania has implemented smoking bans in enclosed public places, outdoor dining areas, and within 3 meters of building entrances. Additionally, smoking is prohibited in cars with children under the age of 18.

==== Australian Capital Territory


The Australian Capital Territory has smoking bans in enclosed public places, outdoor dining areas, and within 5 meters of building entrances. Smoking is also prohibited in cars with children under the age of 16.

==== Northern Territory


The Northern Territory enforces smoking bans in enclosed public places, outdoor dining areas, and within 2 meters of building entrances. Smoking is also banned in cars with children under the age of 16.

Local Level[edit | edit source]

Local governments in Australia have the authority to implement additional smoking bans in their jurisdictions. These bans often include restrictions in public parks, beaches, and other outdoor areas frequented by the public.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]


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