Obesity in Miami, FL

From WikiMD's Food, Medicine & Wellness Encyclopedia

Miami is a vibrant city located in the southeastern part of the United States, in the state of Florida. As of the most recent census, the city boasts a population of 399,457 residents. Miami is known for its rich cultural diversity, stunning beaches, and bustling nightlife.

Demographics[edit | edit source]

Miami is a melting pot of cultures with a diverse population. The city is home to a large number of immigrants from Latin America and the Caribbean, making it a multicultural hub with a unique blend of traditions and customs.

Health Statistics[edit | edit source]

According to the CDC, in 2017, the adult obesity rate in Miami was reported to be 33.4%. This is a significant health concern as obesity is a risk factor for many chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer.

Healthcare Facilities[edit | edit source]

Miami is home to several top-rated healthcare facilities that provide comprehensive medical services to its residents. Some of these include:

Weight Loss Centers[edit | edit source]

For those seeking assistance with weight management, Miami offers a variety of weight loss centers. These facilities provide personalized weight loss plans, nutritional counseling, and other services to help individuals achieve their weight loss goals. Some of the notable weight loss centers in Miami include:

See Also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD