Organ meats

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

Organ meats, also called offal, are meat from internal organs of animal carcasses such as liver, heart, kidneys etc.

Cholesterol and organ meats

Organ meats, especially those of kidneys, heart, or liver, particularly those animals that give red meats such as beef, pork, veal, and lamb, are considered high in cholesterol.

Best temperature to cook organ meats

Organs, such as kidney, liver, stomach, tongue, and tripe, from red meats (beef, veal, pork, or lamb) should be cooked to a minimum internal temperature of 160 °F  (71.1°C) as measured with a food thermometer. Poultry livers and other giblets should reach a safe minimum internal temperature of 165° F (73.9 °C) as measured with a food thermometer.

Nutritional information on Organ meats

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NB:Carbohydrate, by difference(total carbs-fiber) is also called net carbs

Contributors: Skerdilajda Memaj