A list of popular acronyms used widely by and within FSIS.
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- AAA Area Agency on Aging
- AAALF American Association for Active Lifestyles and Fitness
- AAC Area Advisory Committee
- AAH American Association of Homecare
- AAHP American Association of Health Plans
- AAHSA American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
- AAIDD American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- AAMC Association of American Medical Colleges
- AAMR American Association on Mental Retardation
- AAPCC Adjusted Average Per Capita Cost
- AARP American Association of Retired Persons
- AASA Aging and Adult Services Administration
- AAUAP American Association of University Affiliated Programs for Persons with Developmental Disabilities
- ABCD Americans for Better Care of the Dying
- ABN Advance Beneficiary Notice
- AC Alternative Care
- ACCS Assistive Community Care Services
- ACDD Alabama Council for Developmental Disabilities
- ACE Acute Care for Elders
- ACEP American College of Emergency Physicians
- ACF or Administration for Children and Families.
- ACHCA American College of Health Care Administrators
- ACHE Admission Clearinghouse Enterprise
- ACLF or Adult Congregate Living Facility or Assisted Care Living Facility
- ACO Accountable Care Organization
- ACOVE Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders
- ACP Advance Care Planning
- ACS or American Community Survey or Assistive Care Services
- ACT Assertive Community Treatment
- ACTION Advocates Committed to Improving Our Nursing
- ACTS ASPEN Compaints/Incidents Tracking System
- ACYF` HHS Administration for Children, Youth and Families
- AD or Advance Directive or Alzheimer's Disease
- ADA or Aged/Disabled Adult waiver or American Dental Association or Americans with Disabilities Act
- ADAPT Alzheimer's Disease Anti-Inflammatory Prevention Trial
- ADC or AAHSA Development Corporation or Adult Day Care
- ADD or Administration on Developmental Disabilities or Attention Deficit Disorder
- Add Health National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health
- ADEA Age Discrimination in Employment Act
- ADH Arkansas Department of Health
- ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- ADI Alzheimer's Disease Initiative
- ADL Activity of Daily Living
- ADR Adverse Drug Reaction
- ADRD Alzheimer's Disease or a Related Disorder
- ADS Automated Discharge Summary
- ADSA Aging and Disability Services Administration
- ADT Admission, Discharge, Transfer
- AE Adaptive Environment
- AEM ASPEN Enforcement Module
- AFC Adult Foster Care
- AFCARS Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System
- AFCH or Adult Family-Care Home or Adult Foster Care Home
- AFDC Aid to Families with Dependent Children
- AFH or Adult Family Home or Adult Foster Home
- AFMC Arkansas Foundation for Medical Care
- AGH Adult Group Home
- AGI Adjusted Gross Income
- AHA American Hospital Association
- AHC Academic Health Centers
- AHCA or Agency for Health Care Administration or American Health Care Association
- AHCCCS Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System
- AHCPR HHS Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (now the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
- AHEAD Asset and Health Dynamics Among the Oldest Old
- AHEC Area Health Education Center
- AHIC American Health Information Community
- AHIMA American Health Information Management Association
- AHRQ HHS Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (previously the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research)
- AHS American Housing Survey
- AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
- AIG American International Group
- AIME Average Indexed Monthly Earning
- AIP Annual Implementation Plan
- AK Alaska
- AL Alabama
- AL+ Assisted Living Plus
- AL/RC Assisted Living/Residential Care
- ALC Assisted Living Community
- ALE Assisted Living for the Elderly waiver
- ALF Assisted Living Facility
- ALFA Assisted Living Federation of America
- ALP Assisted Living Program
- ALR Assisted Living Residence
- ALR-RC Assisted Living Residence-Residential Care
- ALR-SRHC Assisted Living Residence-Supported Residential Health Care
- ALS Assisted Living Score
- ALSA Assisted Living Service Agency
- ALTCS Arizona Long-Term Care Systems
- ALU Assisted Living University
- ALW Assisted Living Workgroup
- ALWPP Assisted Living Waiver Pilot Project
- AMA American Medical Association
- AMCRA American Managed Care and Review Association
- AMDA American Medical Directors Association
- AMSO American Medical Specialty Organization
- ANA or Administration for Native Americans or American Nurses Association
- AND Allow Natural Death
- AoA HHS Administration on Aging
- APA American Psychological Association
- APC Ambulatory Payment Classification
- APD Agency for Persons with Disabilities
- APDRG All Patient Diagnosis Related Group
- APHA American Public Health Association
- APM Alternative Payment Methodology
- APS Adult Protective Services
- APWA American Public Welfare Association
- AQ Administrator Questionnaire
- AR Arkansas
- ARC or AIDS Related Complex or Associated for Retarded Citizens
- ARF Area Resource File
- ARM Administrative Rules of Montana
- ASA or American Society on Aging or Approved Service Agency
- ASAP Aging Services Access Point
- ASCU Alzheimer's Special Care Unit
- ASL American Sign Language
- ASO Administrative Services Organization
- ASP Application Service Provider
- ASPE HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
- ASPEN Automated Survey Processing Environment
- ASPR Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response
- ASTCDPD Association of State and Territorial Chronic Disease Program Directors
- AT Assistive Technology
- ATAC Assistive Technology Advocacy Center
- ASTHO Association of State and Territorial Health Officials
- ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
- ATUS American Time Use Survey
- AWP Average Wholesale Price
- AZ Arizona
- AZT Azidothymidine
- B&B Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study
- B&C Board and Care
- BBA Balanced Budget Act
- BBRA Balanced Budget Refinement Act
- BCBS BlueCross Blue Shield
- BCU Background Check Unit
- BDS Maine Department of Behavioral and Developmental Services
- BEA Bureau of Economic Analysis
- BHO Behavioral Health Care Organization
- BHP Behavioral Health Plan
- BIA Bureau of Indian Affairs
- BIPA Benefits Improvement and Protection Act
- BIW Brain Injury Waiver
- BJBC Better Jobs Better Care
- BJS Bureau of Justice Statistics
- BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics
- BLSA Baltimore Longitudinal Study on Aging
- BMI Body Mass Index
- BOE Basis of Eligibility
- BPS Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study
- BRASS Blaylock Discharge Risk Assessment Screen
- BRFSS Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
- BSCI Basic Supplement Criteria Inventory
- BSCIP Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Program
- BxRHIO Bronx Regional Health Information Organization
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- C-II Schedule 2 Controlled Substances
- CA or California or Clinically Active
- CAC Clinical Application Coordinator
- CADR Ryan White CARE Act Data Report
- CAH Critical Access Hospital
- CAHMI Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative
- CAHPS Consumer Assessment of Health Plans
- CAHSA California Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
- CAP or College of American Pathologists or Community Alternatives Program
- CAP/DA Community Alternatives Program for Disabled Adults
- CAPTA Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act
- CARE or Client Assessment Referral Evaluation or Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation or Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act
- CARES Comprehensive Assessment and Review for Long Term Care Services
- CARF or Commission on Accreditation for Rehabilitation Facilities or Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities or Commission on the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities
- CARS Community Awareness and Relocation Services
- CATI or Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview or Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing
- CBA Community-Based Alternative
- CBO or Community-Based Organization or Congressional Budget Office
- CBRF Community-Based Residential Facility
- CBS Community-Based Services
- CC Coordinating Center
- CCA Cost Consequence Analysis
- CCAD Community Care for Aged and Disabled
- CCB Community Centered Board
- CCCI Community Caregiving Capacity Index
- CCD Continuity of Care Document
- CCE Community Care for the Elderly
- CCHIT or Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology or Certification Committee for Healthcare Information Technology
- CCLC Continuing Care Leadership Coalition
- CCPED Community Care Program for the Elderly and Disabled
- CCR Continuity of Care Record
- CCRC or Continuing Care Retirement Community or Continuous Care Retirement Community
- CD Consumer Directed
- CDA Clinical Document Architecture
- CDBG Community Development Block Grant
- CDC HHS Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- CDDO Community Developmental Disabilities Organization
- CDDP Community Developmental Disability Program
- CDF Childrens Defense Fund
- CDPAP Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance Program
- CD-PAS Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Service
- CDR Clinical Data Repository
- CDS Center for Demographic Studies
- CDSS or Clinical Decision Support System or Clinical Decision-Support System
- CE or Consumer Expenditure Survey or Customized Employment
- CEA Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
- CEO Chief Executive Officer
- CEOSC Comprehensive Employment Opportunities Support Center
- CERC or Children's Evaluation and Rehabilitation Center or Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication
- CESSI Cherry Enginneering Support Solutions, Inc.
- CETA Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1974
- CFC Choices for Care
- CFLA Community and Family Living Amendment
- CforAT Center for Accessible Technology
- CFR Code of Federal Regulations
- CHAMPUS Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services
- CHAMPVA Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs
- CHAP or Children's Hospital AIDS Program or Community Health Assessment Program
- CHC Community Health Center
- CHCS Center for Health Care Strategies
- CHEC Community Health Environment Checklist
- CHES Caregiver Health Effects Study
- CHF Congestive Heart Failure
- CHI Consolidated Health Informatics
- CHIEF Craig Hospital Inventory of Environmental Factors
- CHIP Children's Health Insurance Program
- CHIS California Health Interview Survey
- CHMIS Community Health Management Information Systems
- CHR Community Health Record
- CHS Cardiovascular Health Study
- CHSPR Center for Health Services and Policy Research
- CHSR Center for Health Services Research
- CHSRA Center for Health Systems Research and Analysis
- CHSRP Center for Health Services Research and Policy
- CICS Customer Information Control System
- CIL Center for Independent Living
- CIO Chief Information Officer
- CIP Community Integration Program
- CIS Clinical Information System
- CISS Community Integrated Service Systems
- CJTG Critical Jobs Training Grant
- CLASS waiver or Community Living Assistance and Support Services waiver or Community Living Assistance Services and Supports waiver
- CLIA Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act
- CLTC Community Long-Term Care
- CMA or Community Medical Associates or Cost Minimization Analysis
- CME Continuing Medical Education
- CMHC Community Mental Health Center
- CMHS Center for Mental Health Services
- CMHSP Community Mental Health Service Program
- CMO Care Management Organization
- CMP or Civil Monetary Penalty or Competitive Medical Plan
- CMR Computerized Medical Record
- CMS HHS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (previously the Health Care Financing Administration)
- CMWF Commonwealth Fund
- CNA or Certified Nurse Aide/Assistant or Certified Nursing Aide/Assistant
- CNPI Checklist of Nonverbal Pain Indicators
- CNS Community Nurse Service
- CO Colorado
- COB Coordination of Benefits
- COBRA Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
- COD Children of the Depression cohort
- COI Cost of Illness Analysis
- COLA or Cost of Living Adjustment or Cost of Living Allowance
- CON Certificate of Need
- CONQUEST Computerized Needs-oriented Quality Measurement Evaluation System
- CONTAC Consumer Organization and Networking Technical Assistance Center
- COP or CoP Community Options Program or Condition of Participation
- COP-W Community Options Program Waiver
- COPD or Cardiopulmonary Disease or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- COPE Caregivers' Out-of-Pocket Expense Survey
- COPES Community Options Program Entry System
- CORE Coalition of Organizations to Reform Eldercare
- COTS Commercial-Off-The-Shelf
- CPAC Competitive Pricing Advisory Committee
- CPCH Comprehensive Personal Care Home
- CPI Consumer Price Index
- CPOE or Computer-based Provider Order Entry or Computerized Physician/Provider Order Entry
- CPP Care Provider Profile
- CPQ Care Provider Questionnaire
- CPR or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation or Center for Policy Research or Customary, Prevailing, and Reasonable
- CPRS Computer-based Patient Record System
- CPS or Child Protective Services or Cognitive Performance Scale or Current Population Survey
- CPSC Consumer Product Safety Commission
- CPST Community Psychiatric Support and Treatment
- CPT Current Procedural Terminology
- CPT-4 Current Procedural Terminology, Fourth Edition
- CR Care Recipient
- CRC Community Rating by Class
- CRCF Community Residential Care Facility
- CRCS Center for Residential and Community Services
- CRF Community Residential Facility
- CRpac Clinical Research Policy Analysis and Coordination Program
- CRS Congressional Research Service
- CSAP Center for Substance Abuse Prevention
- CSAT Center for Substance Abuse Treatment
- CSC Computer Science Corporation
- CSE Office of Child Support Enforcement
- CSHCN Children with Special Health Care Needs
- CSHP Center for State Health Policy
- CSLA Community Supported Living Arrangements
- CSP Community Supports Program
- CSW or Community Support Waiver or Comprehensive Supports Waiver
- CT or Clinically Trained or Connecticut
- CTEP California Training and Education Provider
- CTI Caregiver Training Initiative
- CVA or Cerebral Vascular Accident or Cerebrovascular Accident
- CWLA Child Welfare League of America
- DAAS Division of Aging and Adult Services
- DAD Department of Aging and Disabilities
- DADS or Department of Aging and Developmental Disabled Services or Department of Aging and Developmental Services
- DAF Data Abstraction Form
- DAIL Department of Disabilities and Independent Living
- DALTCP HHS Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy
- DBC Deaconess Billings Clinic
- DBHR Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery
- DBNA Data Base News in Aging
- DBTAC Disability and Business Technical Assistance Center
- DC or District of Columbia or Washington, D.C.
- DCA Direct Care Alliance
- DCC Data Collection Coordinator
- DCCT Diabetes Control and Complications Trail
- DCOHCF District of Columbia Office of Health Care Financing
- DCWI Direct Care Workers' Initiative
- DD or Developmental Disability or Developmentally Disabled
- DDA Developmental Disabilities Administration
- DDP Developmental Disabilities Profile
- DDRC Developmental Disabilities Resource Center
- DDS Division of Disability Services
- DDSD Developmental Disability Services Division
- DDSPD Office of Developmental Disability Services Seniors and Persons with Disabilities
- DDSS Denver Department of Social Services
- DE Delaware
- DEC Data Entry Clerk
- DEd Department of Education
- DEHPG Disabled and Elderly Health Program Group
- DES Diethylstilbestrol
- DESC Downtown Emergency Service Center
- DH Disability and Health
- DHCA Department of Housing and Community Affairs
- DHCPF Department of Healthcare Policy and Financing
- DHFS Department of Health and Family Services
- DHHS Department of Health and Human Services
- DHMC Denver Health Medical Center
- DHMH Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
- DHS or Department of Health Services or U.S. Department of Homeland Security or Department of Human Services
- DHSS or Department of Health and Senior Services or Department of Health and Social Services
- DI Disability Insurance
- DIA Department of Inspections and Appeals
- DMAHS Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services
- DMAS Department of Medical Assistance Services
- DME or Disposable Medical Equipment or Durable Medical Equipment
- DMH or Department of Mental Health or Division of Mental Health
- DMR Department of Mental Retardation
- DMRS Division of Mental Retardation Services
- DMS Division of Medical Services
- DNAR Do Not Attempt Resuscitation
- DNR Do Not Resuscitate
- DoE Department of Education
- DOEA Department of Elder Affairs
- DOH Department of Health
- DoJ U.S. Department of Justice
- DOL U.S. Department of Labor
- DON or Determination of Need or Director of Nursing
- DORS Division of Rehabilitation Services
- DPA Diversified Placement Approach
- DPAHC Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
- DPH Department of Public Health
- DPOA Durable Power of Attorney
- DPW Department of Public Welfare
- DQA Division of Quality Assurance
- DQR Data Quality Report
- DRA Deficit Reduction Act
- DRG or Diagnostic Related Group or Diagnosis Related Group or Diagnosis-Related Group
- DRI Dietary Reference Intake
- DRS Division of Rehabilitation Services
- DSH Disproportionate Share Hospital
- DSHS Department of Social and Health Services
- DSM Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
- DSMB Direct-to-Consumer Advertisting
- DSPD Division of Services for People with Disabilities
- DSS Department of Social Services
- DTC Direct to Consumer
- DUR Drug Utilization Review
- DVR Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
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- E-ARCH Extended Adult Residential Care Home
- e-HIE Electronic Health Information Exchange
- e-MAR Electronic Medication Administration Record
- e-TAR Electronic Treatment Administration Record
- EAO External Affairs Officer
- EAP Employee Assistance Plan
- EARC Enhanced Adult Residential Care
- EB Early Boomers
- EBM Evidenced-Based Medicine
- EBP Evidence-Based Practice
- ECC Extended Congregate Care
- ECCLI Extended Care Career Ladder Initiative
- ECF Extended Care Facility
- ECHO Enhanced Community and Homecare Option
- ECIN Extended Care Information Network
- ECLS Early Childhood Longitudinal Survey
- ECO Enhanced Community Options
- ECT Electroconvulsive Therapy Treatment
- ED or U.S. Department of Education or Emergency Department
- EDD Employment Development Department
- EDI Electronic Data Interchange
- EFI Electronic File Interchange
- EHIS Electronic Health Information System
- EHIT Emerging Health Information Technologies
- EHP Enriched Housing Program
- EHR Electronic Health Record
- EHR-S EHR System
- EIS Electronic Information System
- EITC Earned Income Tax Credit
- EMR Electronic Medical Record
- EMS Emergency Medical Services
- EMTALA Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act
- EN Employment Network
- ENCC Exceptional Needs Care Coordinator
- ENP Elderly Nutrition Program
- EOEA Executive Office of Elder Affairs
- EP Eligible Professional
- EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or Exclusive Provider Arrangement
- EPC Evidence-based Practice Center
- EPIC Evaluation of Practice in Care
- EPSDT Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment program
- ER Emergency Room
- ERC Enhanced Residential Care
- ERISA Employee Retirement Income Security Act
- ERS Economic Research Service
- ES Employment Specialist
- ESRD End Stage Renal Disease
- ET Expenditure Target
- ET CHOICES Employment and Training Choices Supported Work Program
- ETA Employment and Training Administration
- ETP Employment Training Panel
- EVR Enhanced Vocational Rehabilitation
- EXSPED Expanded Service Payments for Elderly and Disabled program
- FA Fiscal Agent
- FAAST Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology
- FACCT Foundation for Accountability
- FAEP Federal Advisory Expert Panel
- FAET Federal Adverse Events Task Force
- FAHA Florida Association of Homes for the Aging
- FALA Florida Assisted Living Association
- FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
- FARS Fatality Analysis Reporting System
- FAST Functional Assessment Staging Criteria
- FBI U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation
- FBR Federal Benefit Rate
- FCA Family Caregiver Alliance
- FDA HHS Food and Drug Administration
- FDB First DataBank
- FDLE Florida Department of Law Enforcement
- FEHBP Federal Employees Health Benefits Program
- FEMA U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency
- FFP Federal Financial Participation
- FFS or Fee For Service or Fee-For-Service
- FHA Fair Housing Act
- FI Fiscal Intermediary
- FIA Family Independence Agency
- FICAP Firearm Injury Center at Penn
- FICC Federal Interagency Coordinating Council
- FICS Family and Individual Consultation and Support
- FIM Functional Independence Measure
- FIP Family Independence Program
- FL Florida
- FLiCRA Florida Life Care Residents' Association
- FLSA Fair Labor Standards Act
- FLTCIP or Federal Employees' Long-Term Care Insurance Program or Federal Long-Term Care Insurance Program
- FMAP Federal Medical Assistance Percentage
- FMLA Family and Medical Leave Act
- FPCG Female Primary Caregiver
- FPECA Florida Policy Exchange Center on Aging
- FPL Federal Poverty Level
- FPO Future Purchase Option
- FQHC Federally Qualified Health Center
- FSA Family Support Administration
- FSII(R) Functional Status Rating Scale
- FSL Family and Supported Living
- FSW Family Support Waiver
- FT Full-Time
- FTC Federal Trade Commission
- FTE or Full Time Employee or Full Time Equivalent
- FY Fiscal Year
- G-tube Gastrostomy Tube
- GA or General Assistance or Georgia
- GAAP Generally Acceppted Accounting Principles
- GAFC Group Adult Foster Care
- GAIN Greater Avenues for Independence
- GAO or U.S. General Accounting Office (now the U.S. Government Accountability Office) or U.S. Government Accountability Office (previously the U.S. General Accounting Office)
- GEC Geriatrics and Extended Care
- GED General Educational Development/General Equivalency Diploma
- GEE Generalized Estimating Equation
- GEM Geriatrics Evaluation and Measurement unit
- GeMCRIS Genetic Modification Clinical Research Information System
- GHAA Group Health Association of America
- GIC General Insurance Commission
- GIS Geographic Information System
- GME Graduate Medical Education
- GNP Geriatric Nurse Practitioner
- GPCI Geographic Practice Cost Indexes
- GRH Group Residential Housing
- GST Group Skills Training
- GUI Graphical User Interface
- GVF General Variance Function
- GWU George Washington University
- H&P History And Physical
- HAA Hospice Association of America
- HAN Healthy Aging Network
- HBPC Hospital-Based Primary Care
- HCB Home and Community-Based Care Waiver
- HCB-DD waiver Home and Community-Based Services for the Developmentally Disabled waiver
- HCBS Home and Community-Based Services
- HCE Home Care for the Elderly
- HCFA HHS Health Care Financing Administration (now the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services)
- HCPCS Healthcare Common Procedural Coding System
- HCPR University of Colorado Division of Health Care Policy and Research
- HCS or Home and Community-based Service or Home and Community-based Services program
- HCS-O waiver Home and Community-Based Services OBRA waiver
- HCUP QIs Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project Quality Indicators
- HDS Health Delivery System
- HECM Home Equity Conversion Mortgage
- HEDIS Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set
- HERO Homecare Empowerment, Research and Organizing
- HFAM Health Facilities Association of Maryland
- HFD Health Facilities Division
- HFMA Healthcare Financial Management Association
- HHA Home Health Agency
- HHABN Advance Beneficiary Notice for Home Health Care Services
- HHANES Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
- HHC Health and Hospitals Corporation
- HHRG Home Health Resource Group
- HHS or Health and Human Services or U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- HHSC Health and Human Services Commission
- HI or Hawaii or Hospital Insurance
- HIAA Health Insurance Association of America
- HIC Health Insurance Claim
- HID Health Improvement Division
- HIE Health Information Exchange
- HIEN Health Information Exchange Network
- HIFA Health Insurance Flexibility and Accountability
- HIMSS or Health Information and Management Systems Society or Health Information Management Systems Society
- HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
- HIPC Health Insurance Purchasing Cooperative
- HIS Health Insurance Study
- HISKEW Health Insurance Skeleton Eligibility Write-off
- HIT Health Information Technology
- HITSP Health Information Technology Standards Panel
- HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
- HL7 Health Level Seven (7)
- HMC Health Management Consultants
- HMO or Health Maintenance Organization or Health Management Organization or Healthcare Management Organization
- HMSA Health Manpower Shortage Area
- HOPE Health Opportunities for People Everywhere (also known as Project HOPE)
- HOS Medicare Health Outcomes Survey
- HP Hewlett-Packard
- HP2010 Health People 2010
- HPRD Hours Per Resident Day
- HRA or Health Risk Appraisal or Human Resources Administration
- HRCA Hebrew Rehabilitation Center for the Aged
- HRQL Health-Related Quality of Life
- HRS or Health and Retirement Study or Health and Retirement Survey
- HRSA or Health and Retirement Savings Accounts or Health Resources and Services Administration
- HSA or Health Savings Account or Health Systems Agency
- HSLS High School Longitudinal Study
- HSP Health Systems Plan
- HSRA Human Subject Research Subcommittee
- HSRI Human Services Research Institute
- HTA Health Technology Assessment
- HUD U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
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- I&DD or Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities or Intellectual and Other Developmental Disabilities
- I&R Information and Referral
- IA Iowa
- IAA Intra-Agency Agreement
- IADL Instrumental Activity of Daily Living
- IAHSA Iowa Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
- IBC or Institutional Biosafety Committee or International Building Code
- ICA Iowa Caregivers Association
- ICAP Inventory for Client and Agency Planning
- ICD-9-CM International Classification of Diseases, ninth edition (Clinical Modification)
- ICDR Interagency Committee on Disability Research
- ICE International Collaborative Effort
- ICF or Intermediate Care Facility or International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
- ICIDH International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities, and Handicaps
- ICNP International Classification of Nursing Practice
- ICP Institutional Care Program
- ICS Informal Caregiver Supplement
- ICU Intensive Care Unit
- ID Idaho
- IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
- IDR Informal Dispute Resolution
- IEP Individualized Education Plan
- IES Institute of Education Sciences
- IFAS Institute for the Future of Aging Services
- IFMC Iowa Foundation for Medical Care
- IFS Individual and Family Support
- IGCLTC Intra-Governmental Council on Long Term Care
- IHC Intermountain Health Care
- IHCA Iowa Health Care Association
- IHIE Indiana Health Information Exchange
- IHPS Institute for Health Policy Solutions
- IHSS In-Home Supportive Services
- IJO Investment in Job Opportunities
- IL Illinois
- ILC Independent Living Center
- ILP Independent Living Partnership
- ILRU Independent Living Research Utilization
- ILTC Institutional Long-Term Care
- ILTCP Inventory of Long-Term Care Places
- ILTCRP Inventory of Long Term Care Residential Places
- IMD or Institution for Mental Disease or Institution of Mental Disease
- IMSA Insurance Marketplace Standards Association
- IN Indiana
- INPC Indianapolis Network for Patient Care
- IO waiver Individual Options waiver
- IoG Institute of Gerontology
- IOM or IoM Institute of Medicine
- IPC National Medical Expenditure Survey, Institutional Population Component
- IPF Inpatient Psychiatric Facility
- IPPE Initial Preventive Physical Examination
- IPR Independent Professional Review
- IPS or Individual Placement and Support or Individualized Placement and Support or Interim Payment System
- IPV Intimate Partner Violence
- IRA Individual Retirement Account
- IRB Institutional Review Board
- IRS Internal Revenue Service
- ISN or Integrated Service Networks or Intense Skilled Nursing
- ISO Intermediary Services Organization
- ISP or Individual Support Plan or Individualized Service Plan
- ISSA International Social Security Administration
- IT Information Technology
- IV Intravenous
- IU Indiana University
- IUF Internal Use File
- JACC Jersey Assistance for Community Caregiving
- JAMA Journal of the American Medical Association
- JCAHO or Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations or Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Health Care Organizations
- JCARR Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review
- JEOA Journalists Exchange on Aging
- JFO Joint Field Office
- JHHA Jewish Home and Hospital Agency
- JHHLS Jewish Home and Hospital Lifecare System
- KAHSA Kansas Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
- LA Louisiana
- LAH waiver Living At Home waiver
- LAN Local Area Network
- LC Licensed Counselor
- LDS Limited Data Set
- LEIE List of Excluded Individuals/Entities
- LMA Limited Medication Administration
- LMH Limited Mental Health
- LMS Lifetime Maximum Structure
- LN or Licensed Nurse or Licensed Nursing
- LNS Limited Nursing Service
- LOC Level of Care
- LOINC Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes
- LOS Length of Stay
- LPN Licensed Practical Nurse
- LRA Laguna Research Associates
- LSIA Life Satisfaction Index A
- LSOA Longitudinal Study of Aging
- LTAC Long-Term Acute Care
- LTC Long-Term Care
- LTCFM Long-Term Care Financing Model
- LTCI Long-Term Care Insurance
- LTC PSU Long-Term Care Primary Sampling Units
- LTC NR PSU Long-Term Care Non-Self Representing Primary Sampling Units
- LTC SR PSU Long-Term Care Self-Representing Primary Sampling Units
- LTCCS Long Term Care Consultation Service
- LVG Lexical Variant Generator
- LVN Licensed Vocational Nurse
- M+C Medicare+Choice
- M&E Management and Evaluation
- MA or Massachusetts or Medicare Advantage
- MAA Medical Assistance to the Aged
- MAC Medicare Administrative Contractor
- MACIL Michigan Association of Centers for Independent Living
- MADL Mobility Activity of Daily Living
- MANPHA Mid-Atlantic Non-Profit Health and Housing Association
- MAO Medicare Advantage Organization
- MAR Medication Administration Record
- MAS Maintenance Assistance Status
- MB Mid-Boomers
- MC Managed Care
- MCARE National Clearinghouse on Managed Care and Long-Term Supports and Services for People with Developmental Disabilities and Their Families
- MCBS Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey
- MCO Managed Care Organization
- MCS Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
- MD or Doctor of Medicine or Maryland
- MDCH Michigan Department of Community Health
- MDCP Medically Dependent Children's Program
- MDS or Managed Delivery System or Minimum Data Set
- MDS-ALS Minimum Data Set-Assisted Living Services
- ME Maine
- MedPAC Medicare Payment Advisory Commission
- MEPS Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
- MFCU Medicaid Fraud Control Unit
- MFP Money Follows the Person
- MFT Marriage and Family Therapist
- MGH Massachusetts General Hospital
- MH Mental Health
- MHA Mental Health Authority
- MHBG Mental Health Block Grant
- MHCC Maryland Health Care Commission
- MHHA Montefiore Home Health Agency
- MHMA Mental Health Management of America
- MHRA Minnesota Human Rights Act
- MH/SA Mental Health and Substance Abuse
- MI or Michigan or Myocardial Infarction
- MiCDA University of Michigan, Center on the Demography of Aging
- MIG Medicaid Infrastructure Grant
- MIN Moving Ideas Network
- MIPPA Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act
- MIS or Management Information System or Medicaid Information Service or Medical Information System
- MLN Medicare Learning Network
- MLTC Managed Long-Term Care
- MMA Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act
- MMIS Medicaid Management Information System
- MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination
- MN Minnesota
- MO Missouri
- MOCDD waiver Missouri Children with Developmental Disabilities waiver
- MOST Michigan Opportunities Skills Program
- MOU Memorandum of Understanding
- MPAF Medicare PPS Assessment Form
- MPFS Medicare Physician Fee Schedule
- MPI Master Patient Index
- MPPC Maine Primary Partners in Caregiving
- MPR Mathematica Policy Research
- MQA Medical Quality Assurance
- MR or Medical Review or Mental Retardation or Mentally Retarded
- MR/DD or Mental Retardation and Other Developmental Disabilities or Mentally Retarded and Other Developmental Disabilities
- MRC or Managed Residential Community or Medicare Rights Center
- MREP Medicare Remit Easy Print
- MRHFP Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program
- MRI or Medical Records Institute or Myers Research Institute
- MRLA Mental Retardation Local Authority
- MS Mississippi
- MSA or Metropolitan Statistical Area or Minnesota Supplemental Aid
- MSHDA Michigan State Housing Development Authority
- MSHO Minnesota Senior Health Options
- MSO Multi-Service Organization
- MSQ Mental State Questionnaire
- MSIS Medicaid Statistical Information System
- MSPCA Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- MSO Managed Services Organization
- MSQ Mental Status Questionnaire
- MT Montana
- MTE maximum taxable earning
- N4A National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
- NA or Not Applicable or Nurse Aide or Nurse Assistant or Nursing Assistant
- NAC National Advisory Council
- NACCHO National Association of City and County Health Officials
- NACHRI National Association of Childrens Hospitals and Related Institutions
- NADDC National Association of Developmental Disabilities Councils
- NAHC National Association for Home Care
- NAIC National Association of Insurance Commissioners
- NAMCS National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey
- NAPAS National Association of Protection and Advocacy Systems
- NAPHS National Association of Psychiatric Health Systems
- NAS National Academy of Sciences
- NASDDDS or National Association of State Departments of Developmental Disability Services or National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services
- NASHP National Academy for State Health Policy
- NASMHPD National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors
- NASUA National Association of State Units on Aging
- NASW National Association of Social Workers
- NBER National Bureau of Economic Research
- NBS National Beneficiary Survey
- NC North Carolina
- NCAL National Center for Assisted Living
- NCANDS National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System
- NCCC National Chronic Care Consortium
- NCCNHR National Citizen's Coalition for Nursing Home Reform
- NCD National Council on Disability
- NCDFS North Carolina Division of Facility Services
- NCDHHS North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
- NCEA National Center on Elder Abuse
- NCHCFA North Carolina Health Care Facilities Association
- NCHIT National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
- NCHS HHS/CDC National Center for Health Statistics
- NCHSD National Consortium for Health Systems Development
- NCHSR National Center for Health Services Research
- NCI National Cancer Institute
- NCMRR National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research
- NCOA National Council on the Aging
- NCQA National Committee for Quality Assurance
- NCRC National Consortium and Resource Center
- NCRF National Center of Residential Facilities
- NCRR National Center for Research Resources
- NCS National Comorbidity Survey
- NCS-A National Comorbidity Survey for Adolescents
- NCS-R National Comorbidity Survey Replication
- NCSBN National Council of State Boards of Nursing
- NCSL National Conference of State Legislatures
- NCVHS National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics
- NCVS National Crime Victimization Survey
- ND North Dakota
- NDC National Drug Code
- NDI National Death Index
- NE Nebraska
- NEA National Endowment for the Arts
- NECLC National Emergency Child Locator Center
- NEISS-AIP National Electronic Injury Surveillance System-All Injury Program
- NELS National Education Longitudinal Study
- NF Nursing Facility
- NFCSP National Family Caregiver Support Program
- NGA National Governors Association
- NH or New Hampshire or Nursing Home
- NHAMCS National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey
- NHANES National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
- NHATS National Health and Aging Trends Study
- NHC Nursing Home Component
- NHCS National Health Care Survey
- NHCU Nursing Home Care Unit
- NHD Nursing Home Diversion waiver
- NHDS National Hospital Discharge Survey
- NHES National Household Education Survey
- NHHCS National Home and Hospice Care Survey
- NHIC National Health Information Center
- NHII National Health Information Infrastructure
- NHIN National Health Information Network
- NHIS National Health Interview Survey
- NHIS-D or National Health Interview Survey Disability Supplement or National Health Interview Survey on Disability
- NHO National Hospice Organization
- NHOPP National Hospice Outcomes Planning Project
- NHRA Nursing Home Reform Act
- NHS or National Health Services or National Hospice Study
- NHTSA National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration
- NIA HHS/NIH National Institute on Aging
- NIAAA National Institute Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse
- NIBRS National Incident-Based Reporting System
- NIC National Investment Conference
- NIDA National Institute of Drug Abuse
- NIDRR National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research
- NIFL National Institute for Literacy
- NIH National Institutes of Health
- NIMH National Institute of Mental Health
- NINR National Institute for Nursing Research
- NIS National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect
- NIS-2 Study of the National Incidence of Child Abuse and Neglect of 1988
- NISH National Industries for the Severely Handicapped
- NJ New Jersey
- NJ EASE New Jersey Easy Access, Single Entry
- NLTCS National Long-Term Care Survey
- NLM National Library of Medicine
- NLS National Longitudinal Survey
- NLSY National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
- NLSY79 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979
- NLSY97 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997
- NLTCS National Long-Term Care Survey
- NLTS National Longitudinal Transition Study
- NLTCS 2012 National Longitudinal Transition Study 2012
- NLTCS2 National Longitudinal Transition Study 2
- NM New Mexico
- NMCES National Medical Care Expenditure Survey
- NMCUES National Medical Care Utilization and Expenditure Survey
- NMES National Medical Expenditures Survey
- NMFS National Mortality Followback Survey
- NMHS North Mississippi Health Services
- NMMC North Mississippi Medical Center
- NNHS National Nursing Home Survey
- NORC or National Opinion Research Center or Naturally Occurring Retirement Community
- NORS National Ombudsman Reporting System
- NOW New Opportunities Waiver
- NP Nurse Practitioner
- NPA National PACE Association
- NPI Naitonal Provider Identifier
- NPP Non-Physician Practitioners
- NPRM Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
- NPSAS National Postsecondary Student Aid Study
- NQF National Quality Forum
- NR Not Reported
- NRA Negotiated Risk Agreement
- NRC-CWDT National Resource Center for Child Welfare Data and Technology
- NRH National Rehabilitation Hospital
- NRH-RC National Rehabilitation Hospital Research Center
- NRI National Research Institute
- NRP National Response Plan
- NS Not Specified
- NS-CSHCN National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs
- NSA Notification of Study Admission
- NSCF National Survey of SSI Children and Families
- NSCH National Survey of Children's Health
- NSCSL National Senior Citizens Law Center
- NSDUH National Survey on Drug Use and Health
- NSFH National Survey of Families and Households
- NSGA National Senior Games Association
- NSPO National Study of Physician Organizations
- NSRCF National Survey of Residential Care Facilities
- NSRF National Survey of Residential Facilities
- NSSATS National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services
- NSSCA National Survey of Self Care and Aging
- NSV National Survey of Veterans
- NTID National Technical Institute for the Deaf
- NTIS National Technical Information Service
- NTO Not Taken Out
- NTP National Treatment Plan
- NUD*IST Non-numeric Unstructured Data, Index Searching and Theorizing
- NV Nevada
- NVDRS National Violent Death Reporting System
- NVISS National Violent Injury Statistics System
- NY New York
- NYDoH New York Department of Health
- NYS New York State
- NYSED New York State Education Department
- OAA Older Americans Act
- OAS Office of Applied Studies
- OASDI Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance
- OASIS Outcome and Assessment Information Set
- OBA Office of Biotechnology Activities
- OBQI Outcome-Based Quality Improvement
- OBRA Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
- OBTP Outcomes-Based Treatment Planning
- OCA Office of Client Advocacy
- OCESAA Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act
- OCR Office of Civil Rights
- ODEP Office of Disability Employment Policy
- ODPHP Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
- ODS Office on Disability Services
- OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
- OFC Oregon Fire Code
- OH Ohio
- OHCDS Organized Health Care Delivery Systems
- OHCQ Office of Health Care Quality
- OHDS Office of Human Development Services
- OHIT Office of Health Information Technology
- OHP Oregon Health Plan
- OHRP Office for Human Research Protections
- OIG HHS Office of the Inspector General
- OIS Office of Information Services
- OK Oklahoma
- OK-WARN Oklahoma Weather Alert Remote Notification
- OLS Ordinary Least Squares
- OLTC Office of Long Term Care
- OMB U.S. Office of Management and Budget
- OMH Office of Mental Health
- OMR Office of Mental Retardation
- OMRS Office of Mental Retardation Services
- ONC or Office of the National Coordinator or Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
- OPAL Online Psychology Alerting
- OPHS Office of Public Health Services
- OPPD Office for Persons with Physical Disabilities
- OPT Outpatient Physical Therapy
- OR Oregon
- ORD Office of Research and Demonstrations
- ORS Office of Regulatory Services
- ORT Operation Restore Trust
- OSCAR or Online Survey and Certification Automated Record or Online Survey, Certification, and Reporting System
- OSERS Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
- OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
- OSHPD Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development
- OSP Office of Social Programs
- OSS Optional State Supplementation
- OSSC Oregon Structural Specialty Care
- OT or Occupational Therapist or Occupational Therapy
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- P&A Protection and Advocacy
- P4P Pay-for-Performance
- PA or Pennsylvania or Physician Assistant
- PAC Post-Acute Care
- PACE Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly
- PACS or Picture Archiving and Communication System or Picture Archiving Communications System
- PACT Programs for Assertive Community Treatment
- PADL Performance Activities of Daily Living Scale
- PAHPA Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act
- PAI Patient Assessment Instrument
- PAL or Partners for Active Lifestyle or PTXT Application Language
- PALS Participation and Activity Limitation Survey
- PARC Practices and Resources Clearinghouse
- PAS or Personal Assistance Service or Potential Advantages Score or Pre-Admission Screening
- PASARR Pre-Admission Screening and Annual Resident Review
- PASP Personal Assistance Services Program
- PASS Plans for Achieving Self Support
- PATH Pennsylvania Transition to Home
- PBM Pharmacy Benefit Manager
- PBS Public Broadcasting System
- PC or Pastoral Counseling or Personal Care or Personal Computer
- PCA or Personal Care Aide/Assistant/Attendant or Personal Care Alternatives or Personal Care Assistance or Philadelphia Corporation on Aging
- PCC or Parent and Child Center or Primary Care Clinician
- PCCM Primary Care Case Management
- PCH Personal Care Home
- PCP or Primary Care Physician or Primary Care Provider
- PCRS Patient Care Record System
- PCS Personal Care Service
- PCSP Provider Customer Service Program
- PDA or Pennsylvania Department on Aging or Personal Digital Assistant
- PDF or Portable Document File or Portable Document Format
- PDS Potential Disadvantages Score
- PDUFA Prescription Drug User Fee Act
- PEACH Positive Employment and Community Help
- PEG tube Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostromy Tube
- PEP Physicians Enhanced Program
- PERS Personal Emergency Response System
- PETI Post-Eligibility Treatment of Income
- P/FDS waiver or PFDS waiver Person and Family Direct Support waiver
- PFI Physical Functioning Inventory
- PFTH Program for the Handicapped
- PGC Philadelphia Geriatric Center
- PHA Public Housing Authority
- PHEP Public Health Emergency Preparedness
- PHI or Paraprofessional Healthcare Institute or Protected Health Information
- PHP Prepaid Health Plan
- PHS Public Health Service
- PI Principal Investigator
- PIC HHS Policy Information Center
- PIO Public Information Officer
- PIRS Patient Index Reimbursement System
- PMAP Pre-paid Medical Assistance Program
- PMHS Public Mental Health System
- PMRI Patient Medical Record Information
- PNA Personal Needs Allowance
- PNMI Private Non-Medical Institution
- PNS Projects of National Significance
- POC or Point Of Care or Point-of-Care
- POLST or Physician Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment or Physician's Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment
- POS or Place of Service or Point of Service or Provider of Service
- PPA Preferred Provider Arrangement
- PPACA Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
- PPO Preferred Provider Organization
- PPS Prospective Payment System
- PQ Partnership Qualified
- PQRI Physician Quality Reporting Initiative
- PREP Preparedness, Enrichment, and Predictability
- PRF Public Residential Facility
- PRI or Patient Referral Instrument or Patrice Review Instrument
- PRN Pro re nata (commonly used to mean "as needed" in Latin)
- PRO Peer Review Organization
- ProPAC Prospective Payment Assessment Commission
- PRTF Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility
- PRWORA Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunities Reconciliation Act
- PSDA Patient Self-Determination Act
- PSID Panel Study of Income Dynamics
- PSO Provider Sponsored Organization
- PSR or Physical Status Review or Psychosocial Rehabilitation
- PSU or Prescreening Unit or Primary Sampling Unit
- PSUR Periodic Safety Update Report
- PT or Part-Time or Physical Therapist or Physical Therapy
- PTA Parent-Teacher Association
- PUF Public Use File
- PUNS Prioritization of Urgency and Need for Services
- PVRP Physician Voluntary Reporting Program
- PVS Permanent Vegetative State
- PWA People with HIV/AIDS
- PWD People with Disabilities
- QA Quality Assurance
- QALY Quality-Adjusted Life Year
- QAN Quality Assurance Nurse
- QI or Quality Improvement or Quality Indicator or Qualified Individual
- QIC Quality Improvement Consultant
- QIO Quality Improvement Organization
- QIP Quality Improvement Project
- QM or Quality Matters or Quality Measure
- QMB Qualified Medicare Beneficiary
- QMHP Qualified Mental Health Professional
- QPU Quarterly Provider Update
- QRS Quality Reporting System
- R&D Research and Development
- RAI Resident Assessment Instrument
- RAM Reverse Annuity Mortgage
- RAP Resident Assessment Protocol
- RBRVS Resource-Based Relative Value Scale
- RC or Related Condition or Residential Care
- RCAC Residential Care Apartment Complex
- RCF Residential Care Facility
- RCFE Residential Care Facility for the Elderly
- RCH Residential Care Home
- RCHLA Residential Care Home Licensing Act
- RCI Rosalynn Carter Institute
- RCS Residential Care Setting
- RCT Randomized Clinical Trial
- REACH Realizing Economic Achievement
- RF Rehabilitation Facility
- RFID Radio Frequency Identification
- RFP Request for Proposal
- RFW Residential Facility Waiver
- RHC Rural Health Clinic
- RHIO Regional Health Information Organization
- RHORC Regional Health Occupations Resource Center
- RI Rhode Island
- RIA Regulatory Impact Analysis
- RIF Research Identifiable File
- RISP Residential Information Systems Project
- RN Registered Nurse
- RO Regional Office
- RPS Representative Payee System
- RR Relative Risk
- RRG Risk Retention Group
- RRT Rapid Response Team
- RSA Rehabilitation Services Administration
- RSN Regional Support Network
- RTAC Research and Technical Assistance Center
- RTC or Research and Training Center or Residential Treatment Center
- RTC-MR&HP Research and Training Center in Medical Rehabilitation and Health Policy
- RTF Residential Treatment Facility
- RTI Research Triangle Institute
- RUG Resource Utilization Group
- RVU Relative Value Unit
- RWJF Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
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- SA Special Assistance
- SACHRP Secretary's Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections
- SACRR Secretary's Advisory Committee on Regulatory Reform
- SACWIS Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System
- SAMHSA HHS Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
- SAMM Self-Administered Medication Management
- SAPTBG Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant
- SBA Small Business Administration
- SBHC School-Based Health Center
- SBHI Small Business Health Insurance
- SC South Carolina
- SCF Survey of Consumer Finances
- SCHIP State Children's Health Insurance Program
- SCI Spinal Cord Injury
- SCSEP Senior Community Service Employment Program
- SCU Special Care Unit
- SCU-A Special Care Unit for Personson with Alzheimer's and Related Disorders
- SD South Dakota
- SDO Standards Development Organization
- SDRI San Diego Rehabilitation Institute
- SDSD Senior and Disabled Services Division
- SDWP Self-Determination Waiver Program
- SE Supported Employment
- SEBHI School Enrollment-Based Health Insurance
- SED Serious Emotional Disturbance
- SEER Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results
- SEP Service Entry Point
- SFY State Fiscal Year
- SGA or Solicitation for Grant Application or Substantial Gainful Activity
- SHCC Statewide Health Coordinating Council
- SHIP State Health Insurance Assistance Programs
- SHP Specialized Health Plans
- SHMO Social Health Maintenance Organization
- SHPDA State Health Planning and Development Agency
- SILJ Survey of Inmates in Local Jails
- SIP Survey of Institutionalized Persons
- SIPP Survey of Income and Program Participation
- SIS Special Income Standard
- SIFCF Survey of Inmates of Federal Correctional Facilities
- SISCF Survey of Inmates of State Correctional Facilities
- SISCF/SIFCF Survey of Inmates of State and Federal Correctional Facilities
- SJ Summary Judgment
- SLF Supportive Living Facility
- SLMB Specified Low-Income Medicaid Beneficiary
- SLS Support Living Services
- SMA Standard Metropolitan Area
- SMHA State Mental Health Agency
- SMI Serious Mental Illness
- SMQT Surveyor Minimum Qualifications Test
- SMWT Self-Managed Work Team
- SN Skilled Nursing
- SNAKE Special Needs Assessment for Katrina Evacuees
- SNCC Schervier Nursing Care Center
- SNDO Standard Nomenclature of Diseases and Operations
- SNF Skilled Nursing Facility
- SNOMED Systemized Nomenclature of Medicine
- SNOMED-CT Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine-Clinical Terms
- SNU Skilled Nursing Unit
- SOA Supplement on Aging
- SPA State Plan Amendment
- SPD or Seniors and People with Disabilities or Summary Plan Description or Survey of Program Dynamics
- SPED Service Payments for Elderly and Disabled program
- SPIA Single-Premium Immediate Annuity
- SPMSQ Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire
- SPR Standard Paper Remittance
- SPRY Setting Priorities for Retirement Now
- SS/HS Safe Schools/Healthy Schools
- SSA U.S. Social Security Administration
- SSAW Supports Services for Adults Waiver
- SSB SIPP Synthetic Beta
- SSBG Social Services Block Grant
- SSC Special Services for Children
- SSDI Social Security Disability Insurance
- SSI Supplemental Security Income
- SSL Social Service Law
- SSN Social Security Number
- SSP State Supplemental Payment
- SUPPORT Study to Understand Prognoses and Preferences for Outcomes and Risks of Treatments
- SWPPA Southwestern Pennsylvania Partnerships on Aging
- T-TAP Training and Technical Assistance for Providers
- TA Technical Assistance
- TAG Technical Advisory Group
- TAHSA Texas Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
- TAL Tandem Application Language
- TANF Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
- TAR Treatment Administration Record
- TB Tuberculosis
- TBD To Be Determined
- TBI Traumatic Brain Injury
- TC Trial Court
- TCM Targeted Case Management
- TCU Transitional Care Unit
- TDHS Texas Department of Human Services
- TEFRA Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act
- TEP Technical Expert Panel
- TEPR Towards the Electronic Paper Record
- TESA Training and Encouragement for Senior Activity
- THCA Texas Health Care Association
- TIA Transient Ischemic Attack
- TILE Texas Index for Level of Effort
- TIP Treatment Improvement Protocol
- TIRR The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research
- Title XIX Medicaid (Title XIX of the Social Security Act)
- TLC Transition to Life in the Community
- TLG Through the Looking Glass
- TN Tennessee
- TNH Teaching Nursing Home
- TOM Task Order Monitor
- TOO Task Order Officer
- TPN Total Parenteral Nutrition
- TSP Thrift Savings Plan
- TTW Ticket to Work
- TTY or Telephone Typerwriter or Teletypewriter
- TWP Trial Work Period
- TWWIIA Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Act
- TX Texas
- TxHL waiver Texas Home Living waiver
- UC Utilization Control
- UCDHSC University of Colorado at Denver Health Sciences Center
- UCHSC University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
- UCLA University of California, Los Angeles
- UCR Uniform Crime Report
- UDS United Disability Services
- UHIN Utah Health Information Network
- UHINT Utah Health Information Network Tool
- UI or Unemployment Insurance or Urban Institute
- UKPDS United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study
- UPIN Unique Physician Identification Number
- UR Utilization Review
- URAC Utilization Review Accreditation Commission
- USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture
- USF University of Southern Florida
- UT Utah
- UTI Urinary Track Infection
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- VA or U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (previously the U.S. Veterans Administration) or U.S. Veterans Administration (now the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs) or Virginia
- VAMC Veterans Affairs Medical Center
- VAWA Violence Against Women Act
- VCIS Voluntary Cooperative Information Systems
- VIReC VA Information Resource Center
- VISN Veterans Integrated Service Network
- VistA Veterans Health Information System and Technology Architecture
- VNA Visiting Nurse Association
- VNS Visiting Nurse Service
- VNSNY Visiting Nurse Service of New York
- VOICES Victory Over Impairments of Communication, Expression and Speech
- VR Vocational Rehabilitation
- VR&E Vocational Rehabilitation and Education
- VSP Vertical Service Provider
- VT Vermont
- WA Washington State
- WAHSA Wisconsin Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
- WB War Baby cohort
- WBT Web-Based Training
- WCGA Wisconsin Caregiver Association
- WEARC Waiver for the Elderly in Adult Residential Care
- WETA Worker Education, Training and Assistance
- WHO World Health Organization
- WI Wisconsin
- WIA Workforce Investment Act
- WIB Workforce Investment Board
- WIC Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children
- WIN Welfare Information Network
- WLLLW Women Living Long and Living Well
- WLS Wisconsin Longitudinal Study
- WtW Welfare-to-Work
- WV West Virginia
- WY Wyoming
- YETP Youth Employment and Training Program
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD