Glossary of bacteriology

From Medical Encyclopedia

This glossary provides concise definitions and explanations of key terms in the field of bacteriology, each linked for easy navigation to more detailed entries.

A[edit | edit source]

  • Abditibacteriota - A recently identified phylum of bacteria.
  • Abiogenic petroleum origin - A theory that explains the formation of petroleum through non-biological processes.
  • Acetobacterium carbinolicum - A species known for its role in the production of acetic acid from carbon monoxide.
  • Acetogen - Bacteria capable of producing acetate from carbon dioxide and hydrogen.
  • Acetomicrobium flavidum - A species of bacteria within the phylum Firmicutes.
  • Acetomicrobium hydrogeniformans - A species known for producing hydrogen.
  • Achroonema - A genus of filamentous bacteria.
  • Acid-fastness - A characteristic of certain bacteria, particularly Mycobacterium species, that makes them resistant to decolorization by acids during staining procedures.
  • Acidophiles in acid mine drainage - Bacteria that thrive in acidic environments, such as those found in acid mine drainage.
  • Aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria - Bacteria that perform photosynthesis in the presence of oxygen without producing oxygen.
  • Aliidiomarina - A genus of bacteria known for its presence in marine environments.
  • Alkaliphile - Organisms that thrive in environments with a high pH level.
  • Altered Schaedler flora - A defined mixture of bacterial species used in laboratory research to colonize the gut of germ-free animals.
  • Alterococcus agarolyticus - A marine bacterium capable of degrading agar.
  • Alterococcus - A genus of bacteria known for its role in marine environments.
  • Aminiphilus - A genus of bacteria known for its ability to degrade amino acids.
  • Aminivibrio - A genus of bacteria involved in the nitrogen cycle.
  • Aminobacterium colombiense - A species of bacteria within the Aminobacterium genus.
  • Aminobacterium mobile - A species known for its mobility and presence in anaerobic environments.
  • Aminobacterium thunnarium - A species identified from marine environments.
  • Aminobacterium - A genus of bacteria that plays a role in the nitrogen cycle.
  • Aminomonas - A genus known for its role in amino acid degradation.
  • Ammonifex degensii - A thermophilic bacterium that can oxidize hydrogen or reduce sulfate.
  • Ammonifex thiophilus - A thermophilic bacterium known for its sulfur-reducing capabilities.
  • Ammonifex - A genus of thermophilic bacteria involved in nitrogen and sulfur cycles.
  • Anaeramoeba - A hypothetical genus, not directly related to bacteriology but sometimes found in discussions of microbial life forms.
  • Anaerobic organism - Organisms that do not require oxygen for growth and may even be inhibited or killed by oxygen.
  • Anaerobutyricum hallii - A species of bacteria known for butyrate production in the gut.
  • Anaerohalosphaera - A genus of halophilic, anaerobic bacteria.
  • Anaerolinea thermolimosa - A species of thermophilic, filamentous bacteria.
  • Anaerolinea thermophila - A thermophilic species within the Anaerolinea genus.
  • Anaerolinea - A genus of filamentous bacteria found in thermal environments.
  • Anaerolineaceae - A family of filamentous bacteria within the phylum Chloroflexi.
  • Anaeromyxobacter dehalogenans - A species known for its ability to dehalogenate environmental pollutants.
  • Anaeroplasmatales - An order of bacteria within the class Mollicutes.
  • Analytical profile index - A system used for the identification of bacteria based on various biochemical tests.
  • Antibacterial soap - Soap containing chemical ingredients intended to kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria.
  • Antibiotic resistance in gonorrhea - The phenomenon where Neisseria gonorrhoeae develops resistance to antibiotics used to treat gonorrhea.
  • Aquificaceae - A family of thermophilic bacteria found in hydrothermal environments.
  • Aquisphaera - A genus of bacteria known for its presence in aquatic environments.
  • Archaea - A domain of single-celled microorganisms distinct from bacteria and eukaryotes, often found in extreme environments.
  • Archaeal virus - Viruses that infect archaeal cells.
  • Ardenticatena - A genus of chain-forming bacteria.
  • Arsenate-reducing bacteria - Bacteria capable of reducing arsenate to arsenite, playing a role in the biogeochemical cycling of arsenic.
  • Asymmetric bacterium - Bacteria with an asymmetric cell shape or structure.
  • Atribacter - A genus of bacteria known for its presence in anaerobic environments.
  • Atribacterota - A recently identified phylum of anaerobic bacteria.
  • Atypical bacteria - Bacteria that do not fit the typical characteristics of their group, often used to describe bacteria that lack a cell wall.
  • Auramine–rhodamine stain - A fluorescent staining method used for the detection of acid-fast bacteria.
  • Austin Creek - Not directly related to bacteriology; possibly a misentry or a specific environmental study location.
  • Autochaperone - A part of a protein that aids in its own folding or assembly without the need for other chaperone proteins.
  • Azoamicus ciliaticola - A species of bacteria capable of nitrogen fixation.

B[edit | edit source]

  • Bacillus (shape) - A term describing the rod-shaped morphology of certain bacteria.
  • Bacillus isolates - Strains of bacteria belonging to the genus Bacillus, isolated from various environments.
  • Bacillus odysseyi - A species of bacteria known for its resistance to harsh conditions, named after NASA's Odyssey spacecraft.
  • Bacillus pumilus - A species of bacteria found in soil and associated with plant roots.
  • Bacillus safensis - A species of bacteria originally found in spacecraft assembly facilities.
  • Bacillus subtilis - A model organism in microbiology, known for its ability to form endospores.
  • Bacteria - A large domain of prokaryotic microorganisms, typically a few micrometers in length, that exist in a wide range of environments.
  • Bacterial anaerobic corrosion - Corrosion caused by the metabolic activities of anaerobic bacteria, such as sulfate-reducing bacteria.
  • Bacterial cell structure - The complex structure of bacterial cells, which includes the cell wall, plasma membrane, cytoplasm, and genetic material.
  • Bacterial cellular morphologies - The various shapes and arrangements of bacterial cells, including cocci, bacilli, spirilla, and more.
  • Bacterial cellulose - A form of cellulose produced by certain bacteria, notable for its purity and strength.
  • Bacterial colony optimization - An algorithm inspired by the behavior of bacterial colonies, used in computational and engineering problems.
  • Bacterial evolution - The process by which bacterial species evolve over time through genetic changes and natural selection.
  • Bacterial genetics - The study of heredity and variation in bacteria.
  • Bacterial genome - The complete set of genetic information found in a bacterial cell.
  • Bacterial gliding - A mechanism of motility in some bacteria that allows them to move across surfaces without the use of flagella.
  • Bacterial glutathione transferase - Enzymes in bacteria that are involved in detoxification processes.
  • Bacterial lawn - A uniform layer of bacteria grown on a culture medium, used in laboratory experiments.
  • Bacterial motility - The ability of bacteria to move through their environment using mechanisms such as flagella, pili, or gliding.
  • Bacterial oxidation - The process by which bacteria oxidize various substrates, often used in the context of bioremediation.
  • Bacterial taxonomy - The classification, identification, and naming of bacteria.
  • Bacterial therapy - The use of bacteria or bacterial products in the treatment of diseases.
  • Bacterial transcription - The process by which the genetic information in bacterial DNA is transcribed into RNA.
  • Bacteriocinogen - A genetic element within bacteria that codes for the production of bacteriocins, proteins that can inhibit or kill other bacteria.
  • Bacteriovoracales - An order of predatory bacteria known for their ability to prey on other bacteria.
  • Bacteriuria - The presence of bacteria in the urine, which can indicate a urinary tract infection.
  • Bacteroides fragilis - A species of bacteria that is part of the normal flora of the human gut but can cause infection if it enters the bloodstream or tissues.
  • Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron - A species of bacteria that plays a significant role in the digestion of polysaccharides in the human gut.
  • Bacteroides ureolyticus - A species of bacteria that can break down urea, often associated with urinary tract infections.
  • Bacteroides - A genus of Gram-negative bacteria that are prominent in the human gut microbiome.
  • Balneola - A genus of bacteria found in marine environments.
  • Balneolaceae - A family of bacteria within the order Balneolales, known for their presence in aquatic environments.
  • Balneolales - An order of bacteria within the phylum Bacteroidetes.
  • Bdellovibrionaceae - A family of predatory bacteria that prey on other Gram-negative bacteria.
  • Bdellovibrionales - An order of predatory bacteria within the class Oligoflexia.
  • Bdellovibrionota - A phylum of bacteria known for containing predatory species.
  • Bellilinea - A genus of filamentous bacteria within the phylum Chloroflexi.
  • Bifidobacterium adolescentis - A species of bacteria that is part of the normal flora of the human intestine and is believed to have probiotic properties.
  • Bifidobacterium longum - A species of bacteria commonly found in the human gut, with potential health benefits.
  • Bifidobacterium - A genus of Gram-positive, non-spore-forming bacteria that are a significant component of the mammalian gut microbiota.
  • Biogenic sulfide corrosion - Corrosion caused by the production of hydrogen sulfide by sulfate-reducing bacteria.
  • Bioluminescent bacteria - Bacteria that produce light through a chemical reaction involving a light-emitting molecule and an enzyme.
  • Bioprecipitation - The process by which airborne bacteria serve as nuclei for raindrop formation.
  • Blastopirellula cremea - A species of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes.
  • Blautia obeum - A species of bacteria found in the human gut microbiome.
  • Blautia wexlerae - A species of bacteria that is part of the human intestinal flora.
  • Boudabousia - A genus of bacteria within the class Gammaproteobacteria.
  • Bowdeniella nasicola - A species of bacteria known for its presence in the nasal cavities of animals.
  • Brevefilum - A genus of bacteria known for its short filamentous form.
  • Brevifollis - A genus of bacteria characterized by short, filamentous cells.
  • Brocadia fulgida - A species of anammox bacteria involved in the nitrogen cycle.
  • Brockia lithotrophica - A species of bacteria that can metabolize inorganic compounds.
  • Brockia - A genus of bacteria known for its ability to metabolize inorganic compounds.
  • Buchananella hordeovulneris - A species of bacteria associated with barley crops.
  • Buellia frigida - Not directly related to bacteriology; may refer to a species of lichen.
  • Butyrivibrio hungatei - A species of bacteria known for its role in the fermentation of dietary fibers in the rumen.
  • Butyrivibrio - A genus of bacteria that plays a significant role in the digestion of cellulose and hemicellulose in the guts of herbivores.
  • Bythopirellula - A genus of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes.

C[edit | edit source]

  • Cable bacteria - Filamentous bacteria that conduct electricity over centimeter distances in sediments, linking oxygen reduction at the surface with sulfide oxidation in deeper layers.
  • Caldanaerobacter uzonensis - A species of thermophilic bacteria found in hot springs.
  • Caldanaerobacter - A genus of thermophilic bacteria involved in various biochemical processes.
  • Caldanaerobius fijiensis - A species of thermophilic bacteria known for its presence in hot springs.
  • Caldanaerobius polysaccharolyticus - A species of thermophilic bacteria that can degrade polysaccharides.
  • Caldanaerobius zeae - A species of thermophilic bacteria associated with the degradation of corn (zea) biomass.
  • Caldanaerobius - A genus of thermophilic bacteria known for its ability to degrade complex carbohydrates.
  • Caldanaerovirga - A genus of bacteria within the order Thermoanaerobacterales.
  • Caldicellulosiruptor bescii - A species of extremely thermophilic bacteria capable of breaking down cellulose.
  • Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus - A thermophilic bacterium known for its ability to ferment a wide range of sugars.
  • Caldicellulosiruptor - A genus of extremely thermophilic bacteria known for their ability to degrade plant biomass.
  • Caldilinea aerophila - A species of thermophilic, filamentous bacteria.
  • Caldimicrobium rimae - A species of thermophilic bacteria found in hydrothermal environments.
  • Caldimicrobium thiodismutans - A thermophilic bacterium known for its ability to dismutate sulfur compounds.
  • Caldimicrobium - A genus of thermophilic bacteria involved in sulfur metabolism.
  • Caldisericum - A genus of thermophilic bacteria within its own phylum, Caldiserica.
  • Caldithrix - A genus of thermophilic, filamentous bacteria.
  • Calditrichaceae - A family of thermophilic, filamentous bacteria within the order Calditrichales.
  • Calditrichales - An order of thermophilic, filamentous bacteria.
  • Calditrichia - A genus within the family Calditrichaceae, known for its thermophilic and filamentous characteristics.
  • Calditrichota - A phylum of bacteria known for containing thermophilic and filamentous species.
  • Caloribacterium - A genus of thermophilic bacteria known for its presence in hot environments.
  • Candidatus Phytoplasma palmicola - A proposed species of bacteria associated with palm diseases.
  • Candidatus Phytoplasma sacchari - A proposed species of bacteria associated with sugarcane diseases.
  • Candidatus - A term used for describing bacteria that have not been cultured or fully characterized but have been identified through molecular methods.
  • Capsulimonas - A genus of bacteria known for its capsulated cells.
  • Carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae - A group of bacteria that are resistant to carbapenem antibiotics, posing significant healthcare challenges.
  • Carboxydothermus - A genus of thermophilic bacteria that can metabolize carbon monoxide.
  • Carcinogenic bacteria - Bacteria that have been linked to the development of cancer in humans or animals.
  • Cardiobacterium valvarum - A species of bacteria associated with endocarditis.
  • Catabolite repression - A regulatory mechanism in bacteria where the presence of a preferred carbon source inhibits the utilization of other carbon sources.
  • Catenulispora - A genus of actinobacteria known for its potential in producing novel antibiotics.
  • Cell envelope - The multilayered structure surrounding bacterial cells, including the cell wall and cell membrane.
  • Cellulophaga - A genus of bacteria known for its ability to degrade cellulose.
  • Cephaloticoccus capnophilus - A species of bacteria that thrives in carbon dioxide-rich environments.
  • Cephaloticoccus - A genus of bacteria known for its preference for carbon dioxide-rich environments.
  • Cerasicoccus arenae - A species of bacteria isolated from sandy environments.
  • Cerasicoccus frondis - A species of bacteria associated with plant surfaces.
  • Cerasicoccus - A genus of bacteria known for its presence in various environmental niches.
  • Cetobacterium ceti - A species of bacteria associated with the intestinal tract of cetaceans.
  • Cetobacterium somerae - A species of bacteria found in the digestive systems of fish.
  • Cetobacterium - A genus of bacteria known for its presence in the gastrointestinal tracts of aquatic animals.
  • Chlamydiales - An order of bacteria that includes pathogens of humans and animals, known for their unique developmental cycle.
  • Chlorobaculum tepidum - A species of green sulfur bacteria capable of photosynthesis in low-light environments.
  • Chlorobium chlorochromatii - A species of green sulfur bacteria involved in photosynthesis.
  • Chlorobium - A genus of green sulfur bacteria known for their role in photosynthesis in anoxic environments.
  • Chloroflexales - An order of bacteria within the phylum Chloroflexi, known for their diversity in metabolic capabilities.
  • Chloroflexia - A class within the phylum Chloroflexi, characterized by green non-sulfur bacteria.
  • Chloroflexota - A phylum of bacteria known for containing green non-sulfur bacteria and related taxa.
  • Chloroflexus aggregans - A species of green non-sulfur bacteria known for forming aggregates.
  • Chloroflexus aurantiacus - A species of green non-sulfur bacteria capable of photosynthesis and thermophily.
  • Chloroflexus islandicus - A thermophilic species of green non-sulfur bacteria.
  • Christensenella hongkongensis - A species of bacteria associated with the human gut microbiome.
  • Chromatium - A genus of purple sulfur bacteria known for their role in photosynthesis.
  • Chromatophore (bacteria) - A photosynthetic organelle found in certain photosynthetic bacteria.
  • Chroococcidiopsis - A genus of cyanobacteria known for its extreme tolerance to desiccation and radiation.
  • Chrysiogenaceae - A family of bacteria within the phylum Chrysiogenetes, known for their ability to reduce arsenate and selenate.
  • Chrysiogenes arsenatis - A species of bacteria capable of reducing arsenate to arsenite.
  • Class (biology) - A rank in the biological classification system, above order and below phylum.
  • Cloacibacillus evryensis - A species of bacteria known for its presence in wastewater treatment plants.
  • Cloacibacillus porcorum - A species of bacteria associated with the gastrointestinal tract of pigs.
  • Cloacibacillus - A genus of bacteria known for its role in the decomposition of organic matter.
  • Cloning vector - A DNA molecule used to artificially carry foreign genetic material into another cell, where it can be replicated and/or expressed.
  • Clostridioides difficile infection - An infection caused by the bacterium Clostridioides difficile, often resulting from the disruption of normal intestinal flora by antibiotics.
  • Clostridioides difficile - A species of bacteria that can cause severe diarrhea and colitis, particularly following antibiotic use.
  • Clostridioides - A genus of bacteria known for including species that can cause significant gastrointestinal infections.
  • Clostridium carnis - A species of bacteria within the genus Clostridium, known for its role in meat spoilage.
  • Clostridium leptum - A species of bacteria that is part of the normal gut flora in humans and animals.
  • Clostridium - A genus of spore-forming, anaerobic bacteria known for including both beneficial and pathogenic species.
  • CoRR hypothesis - The Co-location for Redox Regulation hypothesis, suggesting that genes encoding proteins involved in electron transport chains are located in close proximity to their site of action in the cell.
  • Coccobacillus - A bacterial shape that is intermediate between cocci (spherical) and bacilli (rod-shaped).
  • Coccus - A spherical or oval-shaped bacterium, singular for cocci.
  • Codon reassignment - The process by which a codon is reassigned to encode a different amino acid or stop signal in the genetic code of an organism, often observed in mitochondrial genomes and some bacterial species.
  • Coliform bacteria - A group of bacteria found in the environment, including feces, that are used as indicators of water quality and sanitation.
  • Collenia - A genus of stromatolite-forming cyanobacteria, significant in the study of early life on Earth.
  • Competence factor - A substance produced by bacteria that enables them to take up extracellular DNA, a key step in natural transformation.
  • Coprococcus eutactus - A species of bacteria found in the human gut microbiome.
  • Coprococcus - A genus of bacteria within the family Lachnospiraceae, known for its presence in the human gut.
  • Coprothermobacter platensis - A species of thermophilic bacteria known for its role in the degradation of organic matter.
  • Coprothermobacter proteolyticus - A thermophilic species known for its ability to degrade proteins.
  • Coprothermobacteria - A class of thermophilic bacteria known for their role in the breakdown of organic materials.
  • Coprothermobacterota - A phylum of thermophilic bacteria involved in the degradation of complex organic compounds.
  • Coraliomargarita akajimensis - A species of bacteria known for its isolation from marine environments.
  • Coraliomargarita sinensis - A species of bacteria isolated from marine coral.
  • Coraliomargarita - A genus of bacteria known for its association with marine environments.
  • Crenobacter cavernea - A species of bacteria known for its presence in cave environments.
  • Cyanobacteria - A phylum of bacteria that obtain their energy through photosynthesis, often referred to as "blue-green algae."
  • Cystobacter - A genus of myxobacteria known for its complex life cycle and social behavior.
  • Cytophaga - A genus of bacteria known for its ability to degrade complex polymers, such as cellulose and chitin.

D[edit | edit source]

E[edit | edit source]

  • Edaphobacter modestus - A species of bacteria found in soil, known for its modest metabolic capabilities.
  • Eden growth model - A mathematical model used to simulate the growth of bacterial colonies, among other applications.
  • Electric bacteria - Bacteria capable of generating or conducting electricity, playing a role in microbial fuel cells and other biotechnological applications.
  • Electrotroph - Organisms, including some bacteria, that can use electrons from external sources as an energy source.
  • Elusimicrobiota - A phylum of bacteria known for its elusive and poorly understood members, often found in aquatic environments.
  • Elusimicrobium minutum - A species within the phylum Elusimicrobiota, known for its small size and minimalistic lifestyle.
  • Enteractinococcus coprophilus - A species of bacteria associated with the gastrointestinal tract of animals.
  • Entomoplasma freundtii - A species of bacteria associated with insects, particularly those in the order Diptera.
  • Entomoplasma - A genus of bacteria known for its association with insects.
  • Entomoplasmatales - An order of bacteria within the class Mollicutes, often associated with insects and other arthropods.
  • Eobacteria - A term sometimes used to refer to ancient or primitive bacteria, not widely used in current scientific literature.
  • Eobacterium - A hypothetical or archaic term for early forms of bacteria, not commonly used in modern taxonomy or phylogeny.
  • Epiphytic bacteria - Bacteria that live on the surface of plants, often involved in the plant microbiome and plant health.
  • Ereboglobus - A proposed genus of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Eremobiotus - A term not directly related to bacteriology; possibly a misentry or related to tardigrades rather than bacteria.
  • Escherichia coli - A species of bacteria that is commonly found in the intestines of humans and animals. While most strains are harmless, some can cause serious food poisoning and other illnesses.
  • Escherichia - A genus of Gram-negative bacteria that includes species such as Escherichia coli, known for their role in the human gut microbiome as well as in various diseases.
  • Eubacterium eligens - A species of bacteria within the genus Eubacterium, known for its presence in the human gut microbiome.
  • Eurybacteria - An obsolete classification that was once used to describe a group of Gram-positive bacteria, now generally referred to within the Firmicutes phylum.
  • Exiguobacterium - A genus of bacteria known for its wide range of habitats and resistance to extreme conditions.
  • Exposing Microorganisms in the Stratosphere - A scientific experiment or series of experiments aimed at studying the survival and behavior of microorganisms exposed to the conditions of the stratosphere.
  • Extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis - A form of tuberculosis caused by strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis that are resistant to almost all drugs used to treat TB.
  • Extracellular polymeric substance - A complex mixture of polymers secreted by bacteria into their environment, playing a key role in biofilm formation and protection.
  • Extreme environment - Environments that present extreme conditions for life, such as high or low temperatures, high salinity, high pressure, or acidic or alkaline pH, where extremophiles thrive.
  • Extremophile - Organisms, including some bacteria, that thrive in physically or geochemically extreme conditions that are detrimental to most life on Earth.
  • Extremophiles in biotechnology - The application of extremophiles, including bacteria, in biotechnological processes, leveraging their unique enzymes and metabolic pathways.
  • Extremozyme - Enzymes produced by extremophiles that are stable and active under extreme conditions, useful in industrial and biotechnological applications.

F[edit | edit source]

  • Fecal microbiota spores, live - Spores derived from the fecal microbiota of healthy donors, used in therapeutic applications to restore gut microbiome balance.
  • Fenna–Matthews–Olson complex - A protein complex involved in the photosynthetic light harvesting in green sulfur bacteria, facilitating energy transfer to the reaction center.
  • Fermentibacteria - A proposed phylum of bacteria known for their fermentative metabolism, not widely recognized in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Ferrimonadaceae - A family of bacteria within the class Gammaproteobacteria, known for their iron metabolism.
  • Fervidobacterium changbaicum - A species of thermophilic bacteria known for its ability to degrade cellulose.
  • Fervidobacterium gondwanense - A thermophilic bacterium isolated from hot springs, known for its cellulolytic capabilities.
  • Fibrobacter succinogenes - A species of bacteria known for its role in the degradation of cellulose in the rumen of herbivores.
  • Fibrolytic bacterium - Bacteria capable of breaking down fibrous plant material, such as cellulose and hemicellulose, important in the digestion of herbivores.
  • Flagellum - A long, whip-like structure that protrudes from the cell body of certain bacteria, enabling them to move.
  • Flaviflexus - A genus of bacteria known for its yellow, flexible rods.
  • Flavodoxin - A protein that serves as an electron carrier in some bacterial and algal photosynthetic systems, playing a role in the electron transport chain.
  • Flexilinea - A genus of filamentous bacteria within the phylum Chloroflexi, known for their flexible, line-like appearance.
  • Fretibacterium - A genus of bacteria known for its association with periodontal diseases.
  • Fucophilus - A proposed genus of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Fudania jinshanensis - A species of bacteria isolated from marine environments, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Fusobacteriaceae - A family of anaerobic bacteria that includes genera such as Fusobacterium, known for their role in human infections.
  • Fusobacteriota - A phylum of bacteria known for including species that are significant in human health and disease, including periodontal pathogens.
  • Fusobacterium polymorphum - A species of bacteria within the genus Fusobacterium, associated with periodontal disease.
  • Fusobacterium - A genus of anaerobic bacteria that are part of the human oral and gastrointestinal microbiomes and can cause various infections.

G[edit | edit source]

  • Gas vesicle - A protein-bound structure found in certain bacteria and archaea that provides buoyancy, allowing cells to position themselves in the water column.
  • Gelria (bacterium) - A genus of bacteria known for its gelatinous colonies, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Geminisphaera - A genus of bacteria known for its unique cell division process, resembling the division of eukaryotic cells.
  • Gemmataceae - A family of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, known for their complex cell structures and division processes.
  • Gemmatimonadota - A phylum of bacteria known for its diverse metabolic capabilities and presence in various environments.
  • Gemmatimonas aurantiaca - A species of bacteria within the phylum Gemmatimonadota, known for its orange pigmentation.
  • Gemmatimonas groenlandica - A species of bacteria isolated from Greenland, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Gemmatimonas phototrophica - A species of bacteria capable of photosynthesis, within the phylum Gemmatimonadota.
  • Gemmatimonas - A genus of bacteria within the phylum Gemmatimonadota, known for its presence in soil and aquatic environments.
  • Genetically modified bacteria - Bacteria that have been genetically engineered to possess new functions or properties, used in research, biotechnology, and medicine.
  • Geobacter anodireducens - A species of bacteria known for its ability to transfer electrons to anodes, used in microbial fuel cells.
  • Geobacter argillaceus - A species of bacteria known for its role in the bioremediation of contaminated environments.
  • Geobacter bemidjiensis - A species of bacteria involved in the bioremediation of petroleum-contaminated sites.
  • Geobacter bremensis - A species of bacteria known for its ability to reduce iron and other metals, isolated from a marine environment.
  • Geobacter chapellei - A species of bacteria known for its role in the biogeochemical cycling of metals.
  • Geobacter daltonii - A species of bacteria known for its metabolic flexibility in utilizing various electron acceptors.
  • Geobacter lovleyi - A species of bacteria named after Dr. Derek Lovley, known for its role in the bioremediation of uranium-contaminated environments.
  • Geobacter psychrophilus - A species of bacteria capable of iron reduction at low temperatures.
  • Geobacter thiogenes - A species of bacteria known for its ability to reduce sulfur compounds.
  • Geobacter toluenoxydans - A species of bacteria known for its ability to oxidize toluene under anaerobic conditions.
  • Geobacteraceae - A family of bacteria within the class Deltaproteobacteria, known for their ability to reduce iron and other metals.
  • Geobacterales - An order of bacteria within the class Deltaproteobacteria, known for including genera such as Geobacter.
  • Gimenez stain - A staining technique used for the detection of certain intracellular bacteria, such as Rickettsia and Coxiella.
  • Gimesia - A genus of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, known for its presence in aquatic environments.
  • Girvanella - A genus of filamentous cyanobacteria known for its role in the formation of stromatolites and other microbialites.
  • Gleimia - A proposed genus of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Gottschalkia acidurici - A species of bacteria known for its ability to ferment uric acid under anaerobic conditions.
  • Gracilicutes - An obsolete taxonomic group that was once used to describe a broad grouping of Gram-negative bacteria.
  • Green sulfur bacteria - A group of photosynthetic bacteria that utilize sulfide or hydrogen as electron donors in their photosynthetic process.
  • Gunflintia - A genus of microfossils believed to represent ancient cyanobacteria, significant in the study of early life on Earth.

H[edit | edit source]

  • HACEK organisms - A group of Gram-negative bacteria that are a common cause of endocarditis, including species such as Haemophilus, Aggregatibacter, Cardiobacterium, Eikenella, and Kingella.
  • Haemophilus influenzae - A species of bacteria that can cause various respiratory infections, including pneumonia, otitis media, and meningitis.
  • Haliangium ochraceum - A species of myxobacteria known for its production of secondary metabolites with potential antibiotic properties.
  • Haliangium tepidum - A species of myxobacteria isolated from warm environments, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Halobacterium - A genus of Archaea known for its extreme halophilic (salt-loving) characteristics, found in high-salt environments.
  • Halomonas titanicae - A species of bacteria known for its ability to corrode steel, including that of the Titanic wreck.
  • Haloplasma - A genus of bacteria within the class Halanaerobiae, known for its halophilic characteristics.
  • Hathewaya histolytica - A species of bacteria within the genus Hathewaya, known for its potential to cause histolytic infections.
  • Heliobacteria - A group of photosynthetic bacteria that use bacteriochlorophyll g for photosynthesis, distinct from other photosynthetic bacteria.
  • Heliothrix oregonensis - A species of filamentous, photosynthetic bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Herminiimonas glaciei - A species of bacteria isolated from ancient glacial ice, known for its ability to survive in extreme cold.
  • Herpetosiphon giganteus - A species of filamentous bacteria known for its predatory behavior towards other bacteria.
  • Herpetosiphon - A genus of filamentous bacteria within the class Chloroflexi, known for its predatory lifestyle and complex life cycle.
  • Herpetosiphonaceae - A family of filamentous bacteria within the order Herpetosiphonales, known for their predatory behavior and complex life cycles.
  • Herpetosiphonales - An order of filamentous bacteria within the class Chloroflexi, characterized by their predatory lifestyle.
  • Heteroresistance - The presence of a mixed bacterial population within a single strain, where some cells are resistant to antibiotics and others are susceptible, complicating treatment.
  • Hopanoids - Sterol-like molecules found in the membranes of some bacteria, contributing to membrane stability and function.
  • Human Microbiome Project - A research initiative aimed at characterizing the microbial communities found on and in the human body and understanding their role in human health and disease.
  • Human interactions with microbes - The study of the complex relationships between humans and microorganisms, including beneficial, neutral, and harmful interactions.
  • Human microbiome - The collection of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and archaea, that reside on and within the human body, playing a crucial role in health and disease.
  • Hybrid plasmid - A plasmid that has been genetically engineered to contain segments of DNA from different sources, used in molecular biology and genetic engineering.
  • Hydrobacteria - An obsolete or non-standard term that may have been used to describe bacteria associated with water or aquatic environments.
  • Hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria - Bacteria capable of degrading hydrocarbons, playing a key role in the bioremediation of oil spills and other hydrocarbon-contaminated environments.
  • Hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria - Bacteria that can use hydrogen gas as an electron donor in their energy metabolism, playing a role in the biogeochemical cycling of hydrogen.
  • Hydrogenobacter - A genus of thermophilic, hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria, found in hot springs and other thermal environments.
  • Hydrogenothermaceae - A family of thermophilic, hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria within the phylum Aquificae, known for their role in hydrothermal vent ecosystems.
  • Hypolith - Microbial communities that live underneath rocks in extreme environments, such as deserts, where they are protected from harsh conditions and utilize light for photosynthesis.

I[edit | edit source]

  • Idiomarinaceae - A family of bacteria within the class Gammaproteobacteria, known for their presence in marine environments.
  • Ignavibacteriales - An order of bacteria within the phylum Chlorobi, known for their distinctive metabolic and ecological characteristics.
  • Ignicoccus - A genus of hyperthermophilic Archaea known for its unique cellular structure and symbiotic relationships with other microorganisms.
  • Ilyobacter delafieldii - A species of bacteria known for its role in the fermentation of organic compounds under anaerobic conditions.
  • Ilyobacter insuetus - A species of bacteria within the genus Ilyobacter, known for its anaerobic metabolism.
  • Indicator organism - Microorganisms, including certain bacteria, used as indicators to assess the microbial quality of water, food, and other samples, often indicating the potential presence of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Intracellular bacteria - Bacteria that live within the cells of a host organism, including both symbiotic and pathogenic species.
  • Isolation chip - A microfluidic device used to isolate and study individual bacterial cells or small populations of cells, enabling the analysis of single-cell behaviors and interactions.
  • Isosphaeraceae - A family of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, known for their distinctive cellular structures and reproductive strategies.

J-L[edit | edit source]

  • Jonquetella - A genus of bacteria within the phylum Synergistetes, known for its presence in the human oral microbiome and potential pathogenicity.
  • Katanobacteria - A proposed phylum of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Kiritimatiellota - A phylum of bacteria known for its members' ability to degrade hydrocarbons, named after Christmas Island (Kiritimati) where some members were first identified.
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae - A species of bacteria that can cause pneumonia, urinary tract infections, and other healthcare-associated infections, known for its antibiotic resistance.
  • Kordiimonas gwangyangensis - A species of marine bacteria known for its ability to degrade hydrocarbons.
  • Kryptonia - A proposed genus of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • L-form bacteria - Bacteria that lack a cell wall, which can occur naturally or result from exposure to certain conditions, such as antibiotic treatment.
  • Lac operon - A well-studied genetic system in bacteria that controls the metabolism of lactose, serving as a model for gene regulation.
  • Lacipirellulaceae - A family of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, known for its members' unique cellular structures and reproductive strategies.
  • Lacticaseibacillus casei - A species of bacteria within the genus Lacticaseibacillus, known for its probiotic properties and presence in fermented foods.
  • Lactivibrio - A proposed genus of lactic acid-producing bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Lactobacillus - A genus of Gram-positive bacteria known for its role in the fermentation of milk, production of lactic acid, and probiotic properties.
  • Lacunisphaera parvula - A species of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, characterized by its small size and unique cellular features.
  • Lacunisphaera - A genus of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, known for its unique cellular morphology and ecological roles.
  • Lawsonia intracellularis - A species of bacteria that causes proliferative enteropathy in pigs and other animals, characterized by its obligate intracellular lifestyle.
  • Lentimonas - A proposed genus of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Lentisphaera araneosa - A species of bacteria within the phylum Lentisphaerota, known for its unique cellular structures and ecological roles.
  • Lentisphaerota - A phylum of bacteria known for its members' distinctive cellular structures and presence in various environments.
  • Leptolinea tardivitalis - A species of bacteria within the phylum Chloroflexi, known for its filamentous structure and presence in thermal environments.
  • Leptolinea - A genus of filamentous bacteria within the phylum Chloroflexi, known for its presence in thermal and other environments.
  • Leptospirillum ferriphilum - A species of bacteria known for its role in the bioleaching of iron-containing ores.
  • Leptotrichia goodfellowii - A species of bacteria within the genus Leptotrichia, associated with human oral and respiratory tract infections.
  • Leptotrichia trevisanii - A species of bacteria within the genus Leptotrichia, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Levilinea saccharolytica - A species of bacteria known for its ability to ferment sugars, producing acid as a byproduct.
  • Levilinea - A genus of bacteria known for its fermentative metabolism and presence in various environments.
  • Limnodrilus sulphurensis - A species of bacteria isolated from sulfide-rich environments, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Limosilactobacillus reuteri - A species of bacteria within the genus Limosilactobacillus, known for its probiotic properties and presence in the gastrointestinal tract of mammals.
  • Limosilactobacillus - A genus of lactic acid bacteria, known for its probiotic species and presence in fermented foods and the mammalian gastrointestinal tract.
  • Lipophilic bacteria - Bacteria that have an affinity for lipids or fatty substances, often involved in the degradation of oils and fats.
  • Living medicine - The use of living microorganisms, including genetically modified bacteria, as therapeutic agents to treat or prevent diseases.
  • Longilinea - A genus of filamentous bacteria within the phylum Chloroflexi, known for its long, thread-like cells.
  • Lucifera butyrica - A proposed species of bioluminescent bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Luminescent bacteria - Bacteria capable of producing light through bioluminescence, found in marine environments and other habitats.
  • Luria–Delbrück experiment - A classic experiment conducted by Salvador Luria and Max Delbrück that demonstrated that bacterial mutations occur in the absence of selection, rather than being a response to selective pressure.
  • Lutibacterium - A proposed genus of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.

M-N[edit | edit source]

  • Magnetotactic bacteria - Bacteria that orient themselves along magnetic field lines using intracellular structures known as magnetosomes, which contain magnetic iron minerals.
  • Mal regulon - A set of genes in bacteria that are involved in the metabolism of maltose and maltodextrins, regulated as a single unit.
  • Marinimicrobia - A candidate phylum of bacteria known for its members' presence in marine environments and their role in carbon and sulfur cycling.
  • Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus - A species of bacteria known for its ability to degrade hydrocarbons, playing a role in the bioremediation of oil spills.
  • Marinobacter - A genus of bacteria known for its presence in marine environments and its ability to degrade hydrocarbons.
  • Marpolia - A proposed genus of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Meiothermus - A genus of thermophilic bacteria known for its presence in hot springs and other thermal environments.
  • Merodiploid - A bacterial cell that contains two copies of a particular gene or genetic element, one on the chromosome and one on a plasmid or another chromosome, allowing for genetic studies and manipulations.
  • Mesoplasma - A genus of bacteria within the class Mollicutes, known for its association with insects and plants.
  • Metallogenium - A proposed genus of bacteria involved in the biogeochemical cycling of metals, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Methanothermus - A genus of hyperthermophilic methanogenic Archaea known for its ability to produce methane under extreme temperatures.
  • Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus - A strain of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria that is resistant to the antibiotic methicillin, posing significant challenges in healthcare settings.
  • Methylomirabilaceae - A proposed family of methanogenic Archaea, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Microbial corrosion - The degradation of metals and other materials by the direct or indirect action of microorganisms, including bacteria.
  • Microbial ecology - The study of the interactions among microorganisms and between microorganisms and their environment.
  • Microbial inoculant - A preparation of live microorganisms, including bacteria, applied to seeds, soil, or plants to enhance growth, nutrient uptake, or disease resistance.
  • Microbiome in the Drosophila gut - The community of microorganisms, including bacteria, that inhabit the gastrointestinal tract of the fruit fly Drosophila, influencing its health and development.
  • Microbiota - The community of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, viruses, and archaea, that inhabit a particular environment or host.
  • Microcin - A type of bacteriocin produced by certain bacteria that can kill or inhibit the growth of closely related bacterial strains.
  • Microgenomates - A candidate phylum of bacteria known for its small genomes and minimalistic lifestyle, often found in environmental samples.
  • Microscopic discovery of bacteria - The historical achievement of observing bacteria under the microscope, attributed to Antonie van Leeuwenhoek in the 17th century, marking the beginning of microbiology.
  • Minimal infective dose - The smallest number of bacteria or other microorganisms that can cause infection in a host.
  • Monothalamea - A proposed class of single-chambered foraminifera, not directly related to bacteriology but relevant in studies of microbial ecology and evolution.
  • Moonmilk - A soft, white, creamy deposit found in caves, formed by the action of bacteria and other microorganisms on minerals.
  • Moorella (bacterium) - A genus of thermophilic bacteria known for its ability to reduce carbon dioxide to acetate, playing a role in the carbon cycle.
  • Moorella glycerini - A species of thermophilic bacteria capable of fermenting glycerol.
  • Moorella humiferrea - A species of thermophilic bacteria isolated from humus-rich soil, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Moorella mulderi - A species of thermophilic bacteria known for its ability to reduce carbon dioxide to acetate.
  • Moorella perchloratireducens - A species of thermophilic bacteria capable of reducing perchlorate.
  • Moorella stamsii - A species of thermophilic bacteria named after Professor Alfons J.M. Stams, known for its metabolic versatility.
  • Moorella thermoacetica - A species of thermophilic bacteria known for its ability to produce acetate from carbon dioxide and hydrogen.
  • Moorella thermoautotrophica - A species of thermophilic bacteria capable of autotrophic growth under thermal conditions.
  • Morania - A proposed genus of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Morganella morganii - A species of bacteria known for causing opportunistic infections in humans, including urinary tract infections and wound infections.
  • Multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria - Bacteria that have developed resistance to multiple antibiotics, often Gram-negative species, posing significant challenges in healthcare.
  • Multidrug-resistant bacteria - Bacteria that have developed resistance to multiple antibiotics, complicating the treatment of infections they cause.
  • Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis - A form of tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains resistant to at least isoniazid and rifampin, the two most powerful anti-TB drugs.
  • Multiple drug resistance - The ability of bacteria and other microorganisms to resist the effects of multiple antibiotics or antimicrobial agents, often due to genetic mutations or the acquisition of resistance genes.
  • Muribaculaceae - A family of bacteria within the phylum Bacteroidetes, known for its presence in the mammalian gut microbiome.
  • Mycobacterium lepromatosis - A species of bacteria that causes leprosy, closely related to Mycobacterium leprae.
  • Mycoplasma haemocanis - A species of bacteria known for causing hemolytic anemia in dogs.
  • Mycoplasma haemomuris - A species of bacteria known for infecting the blood of rodents, causing hemolytic anemia.
  • Mycoplasma meleagridis - A species of bacteria known for causing respiratory disease in turkeys.
  • Mycorrhiza helper bacteria - Bacteria that associate with mycorrhizal fungi, enhancing the establishment and function of the mycorrhizal symbiosis with plant roots.
  • Myxococcaceae - A family of bacteria within the order Myxococcales, known for their complex life cycle and social behavior.
  • Natural competence - The ability of some bacteria to naturally take up extracellular DNA from their environment, a key mechanism in horizontal gene transfer.
  • Nautilia - A genus of thermophilic, chemolithoautotrophic bacteria found in deep-sea hydrothermal vents.
  • Necrobiome - The community of microorganisms, including bacteria, that are involved in the decomposition of dead organic matter.
  • Neisseria meningitidis - A species of bacteria that can cause meningitis and other forms of meningococcal disease, particularly in young adults and children.
  • Nematode - A phylum of worms, not directly related to bacteriology, but some species are associated with or affected by bacteria, including as hosts for symbiotic or pathogenic bacteria.
  • Neochlamydia hartmannellae - A species of bacteria within the order Chlamydiales, known for its association with amoebae.
  • Nibricoccus - A proposed genus of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Nitrate reductase test - A laboratory test used to determine the ability of bacteria to reduce nitrate to nitrite, important in the identification of bacterial species.
  • Nitrospinota - A proposed phylum of bacteria known for its members' involvement in the nitrogen cycle, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Nitrospirota - A phylum of bacteria known for its members' role in the nitrogen cycle, particularly in nitrification.
  • Nomurabacteria - A proposed phylum of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Non-motile bacteria - Bacteria that lack the ability to move independently, often due to the absence of structures such as flagella.
  • Novosphingobium pentaromativorans - A species of bacteria known for its ability to degrade polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
  • Novosphingobium - A genus of bacteria known for its diverse metabolic capabilities, including the degradation of aromatic compounds.

O-P[edit | edit source]

  • Oleidesulfovibrio alaskensis - A species of sulfate-reducing bacteria isolated from Alaskan sediments, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Oleiharenicola alkalitolerans - A species of bacteria known for its tolerance to alkaline conditions, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Oleiharenicola lentus - A species of slow-growing bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Oleiharenicola - A proposed genus of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Oligoflexia - A class of bacteria known for its members' flexibility and presence in various environments, including aquatic and soil habitats.
  • Opitutaceae - A family of bacteria within the phylum Verrucomicrobia, known for its presence in soil and aquatic environments.
  • Opitutales - An order of bacteria within the phylum Verrucomicrobia, characterized by their presence in various environments and their diverse metabolic capabilities.
  • Opitutus terrae - A species of bacteria within the phylum Verrucomicrobia, known for its presence in soil environments.
  • Opitutus - A genus of bacteria within the phylum Verrucomicrobia, known for its presence in soil and aquatic environments.
  • Order (biology) - A rank in the biological classification system, above family and below class, used to group organisms that share common characteristics.
  • Ornatilinea - A genus of bacteria within the phylum Chloroflexi, known for its filamentous structure and presence in thermal and other environments.
  • Oxalotrophic - Bacteria capable of metabolizing oxalate, a dicarboxylic acid, as a source of carbon and energy.
  • Ozarkcollenia - A proposed genus of ancient cyanobacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Paludisphaera - A genus of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, known for its presence in wetland environments.
  • ParABS system - A bacterial chromosome segregation system involving the ParA ATPase, ParB DNA-binding protein, and specific DNA sequences called parS sites, crucial for accurate chromosome partitioning during cell division.
  • ParMRC system - A plasmid segregation mechanism in bacteria, involving the ParM actin-like protein, ParR DNA-binding protein, and specific DNA sequences on the plasmid, ensuring equal plasmid distribution to daughter cells during cell division.
  • Parachlamydia - A genus of bacteria within the phylum Chlamydiae, known for its association with amoebae and potential as an emerging human pathogen.
  • Parachlamydiaceae - A family of bacteria within the phylum Chlamydiae, including genera such as Parachlamydia, associated with amoebae and implicated in human respiratory infections.
  • Parvibacter - A proposed genus of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Parvimonas micra - A species of bacteria known for its association with dental and periodontal infections.
  • Pauljensenia hongkongensis - A species of bacteria isolated from Hong Kong, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • PelB leader sequence - A signal sequence used in molecular biology to direct the secretion of recombinant proteins to the periplasmic space in bacteria.
  • Pelagicoccus mobilis - A species of bacteria known for its mobility and presence in marine environments.
  • Pelagicoccus - A genus of bacteria within the class Alphaproteobacteria, known for its presence in marine environments.
  • Pelolinea - A genus of bacteria within the phylum Chloroflexi, known for its filamentous structure and presence in aquatic environments.
  • Peptidiphaga gingivicola - A species of bacteria associated with periodontal disease, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Peptostreptococcus - A genus of anaerobic, Gram-positive bacteria known for its role in various human infections, including dental and soft tissue infections.
  • Persephonella guaymasensis - A species of thermophilic bacteria isolated from hydrothermal vent environments.
  • Persister cells - Bacterial cells that enter a dormant state, allowing them to survive antibiotic treatment and other stress conditions, contributing to chronic and recurrent infections.
  • Peucemycin - A compound produced by certain bacteria, showing antibiotic activity against a range of bacterial pathogens.
  • Phase variation - A mechanism in bacteria that leads to the reversible, heritable change in expression of certain genes, often involved in virulence and adaptation to environmental changes.
  • Phasevarion - A regulatory system in bacteria that controls phase variation of multiple genes through the activity of a DNA methyltransferase, affecting virulence and host interaction.
  • Pho regulon - A set of genes in bacteria regulated by the availability of inorganic phosphate, involved in phosphate uptake and conservation.
  • Phocaeicola plebeius - A species of bacteria within the genus Phocaeicola, known for its presence in the human gut microbiome.
  • Phorcysia - A proposed genus of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Phototrophic biofilm - A biofilm formed by photosynthetic microorganisms, including certain bacteria, on surfaces exposed to light, capable of producing energy through photosynthesis.
  • Phycisphaeraceae - A family of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, known for its unique cellular structures and reproductive strategies.
  • Phycisphaerae - A class within the phylum Planctomycetes, characterized by bacteria with unique cell division processes and reproductive strategies.
  • Piezophile - An organism, including some bacteria, that thrives under high pressure conditions, often found in deep-sea environments.
  • Pirellulaceae - A family of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, known for its members' unique cellular structures and reproductive strategies.
  • Pirellulales - An order of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, characterized by bacteria with complex cell structures and division processes.
  • Planctomicrobium - A genus of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, known for its presence in aquatic environments.
  • Planctomycetaceae - A family of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, known for its unique cellular structures and reproduction mechanisms.
  • Planctomycetia - A class within the phylum Planctomycetes, characterized by bacteria with complex cellular organization and unique reproductive strategies.
  • Planctopirus hydrillae - A species of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, known for its association with aquatic plants.
  • Planctopirus - A genus of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, known for its presence in aquatic environments.
  • Planomicrobium - A genus of bacteria known for its presence in various environments, including soil and water.
  • Plasmid copy number - The number of copies of a particular plasmid present within a bacterial cell, which can vary depending on the plasmid type and the growth conditions of the bacterium.
  • Plasmid partition system - A mechanism by which plasmids are evenly distributed to daughter cells during bacterial cell division, ensuring the maintenance of plasmids within the bacterial population.
  • Plasmid-mediated resistance - The acquisition of antibiotic resistance genes by bacteria through the uptake and incorporation of plasmids that carry resistance genes.
  • Plesiocystis - A proposed genus of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Polarisedimenticola svalbardensis - A species of bacteria isolated from Arctic sediments, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Polysaccharide A - A specific polysaccharide produced by certain bacteria, known for its immunomodulatory effects and potential therapeutic applications.
  • Poribacteria - A candidate phylum of bacteria known for its association with marine sponges, playing a role in the sponge microbiome.
  • Prevotella bivia - A species of bacteria within the genus Prevotella, associated with the human vaginal and gastrointestinal microbiomes, and implicated in certain infections.
  • Prevotella - A genus of Gram-negative bacteria known for its presence in the human oral, gastrointestinal, and vaginal microbiomes, with species implicated in various infections.
  • Prophage - A bacteriophage genome integrated into the bacterial chromosome or existing as a plasmid within the bacterial cell, capable of being activated to produce new phage particles.
  • Propionigenium - A proposed genus of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Prosthecate bacteria - Bacteria that possess appendages called prosthecae, which are used for attachment to surfaces or for nutrient uptake.
  • Prosthecobacter algae - A proposed species of bacteria known for its association with algae, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Prosthecobacter fluviatilis - A species of bacteria known for its presence in freshwater environments and for possessing prosthecae.
  • Psammophile - An organism, including some bacteria, that thrives in sandy environments, often involved in the decomposition of organic matter or in nutrient cycling.
  • Pseudescherichia - A proposed genus of bacteria, closely related to Escherichia, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Pseudomonas Genome Database - An online database that provides genomic and genetic information about species of the genus Pseudomonas, supporting research on this diverse group of bacteria.
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa - A species of bacteria known for its resistance to antibiotics and its role in hospital-acquired infections, capable of infecting various parts of the body.
  • Pullulanase - An enzyme produced by certain bacteria that breaks down pullulan, a polysaccharide, into maltotriose units.
  • Purple bacteria - A group of photosynthetic bacteria that use bacteriochlorophyll a or b for photosynthesis, including both sulfur and non-sulfur varieties, known for their diverse metabolic capabilities.
  • Putrefying bacteria - Bacteria involved in the decomposition of organic matter, leading to the production of foul-smelling compounds such as hydrogen sulfide and ammonia.
  • Pyramidobacter - A proposed genus of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.

R[edit | edit source]

  • R1 plasmid - A specific plasmid known for its role in antibiotic resistance, often studied as a model for plasmid biology and gene transfer.
  • RK2 plasmid - A broad-host-range plasmid used as a vector in genetic engineering and biotechnology, known for its ability to replicate in a wide variety of bacterial species.
  • Radiotrophic fungus - A type of fungus, not a bacterium, that can utilize radiation as an energy source, notable for its presence in environments with high levels of radiation.
  • Rariglobus - A proposed genus of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Relaxosome - A complex of proteins and DNA involved in the transfer of DNA during bacterial conjugation, crucial for the initiation and regulation of the transfer process.
  • Reports of Streptococcus mitis on the Moon - Refers to the accidental contamination of the Moon with Streptococcus mitis bacteria during the Apollo missions, demonstrating the hardiness of some bacterial species.
  • Rhizobacteria - Bacteria that live in close association with plant roots, often promoting plant growth or protecting plants from pathogens.
  • Rhizorhabdus - A proposed genus of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Rhodobacter capsulatus - A species of purple non-sulfur bacteria known for its versatility in metabolic pathways, including photosynthesis under anaerobic conditions.
  • Rhodobacter sphaeroides - A species of purple non-sulfur bacteria capable of photosynthesis and other metabolic processes, widely studied for its bioenergetic systems.
  • Rhodoferax - A genus of bacteria within the class Betaproteobacteria, known for its diverse metabolic capabilities, including the degradation of pollutants.
  • Rhodopirellula bahusiensis - A species of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, known for its presence in marine environments.
  • Rhodopirellula baltica - A model species of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, known for its complex cellular structure and diverse metabolic capabilities.
  • Rhodopirellula caenicola - A species of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, isolated from marine sediments.
  • Rhodopirellula lusitana - A species of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, isolated from a marine sponge.
  • Rhodopirellula rosea - A species of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, known for its pink coloration and presence in marine environments.
  • Rhodopirellula - A genus of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, known for its complex cellular morphology and presence in marine and freshwater environments.
  • Rhodospirillum rubrum - A species of purple non-sulfur bacteria known for its ability to perform photosynthesis under anaerobic conditions.
  • Rhodothermaceae - A family of bacteria within the phylum Bacteroidetes, known for its members' thermophilic and halophilic characteristics.
  • Rhodothermales - An order of bacteria within the phylum Bacteroidetes, characterized by its members' adaptation to hot and salty environments.
  • Rhodothermus marinus - A species of thermophilic, halophilic bacteria within the family Rhodothermaceae, known for its ability to degrade complex polysaccharides.
  • Rhodothermus - A genus of bacteria within the family Rhodothermaceae, known for its thermophilic and halophilic characteristics.
  • Ri plasmid - A type of plasmid used in the genetic engineering of plants, similar to the Ti plasmid but associated with hairy root disease.
  • Roseburia - A genus of bacteria within the family Lachnospiraceae, known for its presence in the human gut microbiome and its role in butyrate production.
  • Roseimaritima - A proposed genus of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Rubinisphaera - A proposed genus of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Rubripirellula - A proposed genus of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Ruminococcus - A genus of bacteria within the family Lachnospiraceae, known for its presence in the rumen of herbivores and the human gut microbiome, involved in the digestion of complex carbohydrates.

S[edit | edit source]

  • Saccharibacteria - A candidate phylum of bacteria, formerly known as TM7, known for its small size and association with the human oral microbiome.
  • Salmonella Typhi - A species of bacteria that causes typhoid fever, a serious and potentially fatal disease transmitted through contaminated food and water.
  • Saprotrophic bacteria - Bacteria that decompose dead organic matter, recycling nutrients back into the ecosystem.
  • Scalindua brodae - A species of anammox bacteria involved in the nitrogen cycle, converting ammonium and nitrite into dinitrogen gas.
  • Scandinavium goeteborgense - A proposed species of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Scardovia wiggsiae - A species of bacteria associated with childhood caries and other oral health issues.
  • Schlesneria - A genus of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, known for its unique cellular morphology and presence in aquatic environments.
  • Scotochromogenic - Describes bacteria that produce pigments in the dark but enhance pigment production when exposed to light, often used in reference to certain mycobacteria.
  • Secondary chromosome - An additional chromosome found in some bacteria, distinct from the main chromosome, often carrying genes beneficial for adaptation and survival.
  • Section (biology) - A rank in the biological classification system, used in some contexts to divide genera into smaller groups based on specific characteristics.
  • Sedimentisphaeraceae - A family of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, known for its members' unique cellular structures and ecological roles.
  • Sedimentisphaerales - An order of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, characterized by bacteria with complex cellular organization and unique reproductive strategies.
  • Segmented filamentous bacteria - A group of bacteria characterized by their segmented, filamentous morphology, known for their role in the gut microbiome and in stimulating the immune system.
  • Sentinel outlet - A term not directly related to bacteriology; possibly refers to monitoring points used in environmental studies to detect contamination or changes in microbial communities.
  • Siderophilic bacteria - Bacteria that have an affinity for iron, often involved in the biogeochemical cycling of iron.
  • Silvanigrella aquatica - A species of bacteria known for its presence in aquatic environments, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Silvanigrella - A proposed genus of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Silvanigrellaceae - A proposed family of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Silvanigrellales - A proposed order of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Simkania - A genus of bacteria within the phylum Chlamydiae, known for its association with respiratory infections.
  • Singulisphaera acidiphila - A species of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, known for its acidophilic characteristics.
  • Singulisphaera mucilagenosa - A species of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, characterized by its production of mucilage.
  • Singulisphaera rosea - A species of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, known for its pink coloration.
  • Singulisphaera - A genus of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, known for its unique cellular morphology and ecological roles.
  • Slime layer - A loose, unorganized layer of extracellular polymeric substances surrounding some bacteria, providing protection and facilitating attachment to surfaces.
  • Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth - A condition in which excessive numbers of bacteria grow in the small intestine, leading to symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea, and malabsorption.
  • Smithella propionica - A species of bacteria known for its role in the degradation of propionic acid, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Sneathia amnii - A species of bacteria associated with reproductive and urinary tract infections.
  • Sneathia sanguinegens - A species of bacteria known for its presence in the human reproductive tract and its association with bacterial vaginosis.
  • Sneathia - A genus of bacteria known for its association with the human reproductive tract and potential pathogenicity.
  • Solobacterium moorei - A species of bacteria associated with halitosis (bad breath) and other oral health issues.
  • Somatic antigen - An antigen present on the surface of bacteria, used in serotyping to differentiate bacterial strains based on their surface characteristics.
  • Species - The basic unit of biological classification, defined as a group of organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring under natural conditions.
  • Sphaerobacter - A genus of bacteria within the phylum Chloroflexi, known for its presence in wastewater treatment plants and other environments.
  • Sphaerocodium - A proposed genus of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Spheroplast - A bacterial cell from which the cell wall has been partially removed, rendering it spherical and osmotically sensitive.
  • Sphingobacteria (phylum) - An obsolete term that was once used to describe a group of bacteria, now generally referred to within the Bacteroidetes phylum.
  • Sphingomonas - A genus of bacteria known for its diverse metabolic capabilities, including the degradation of aromatic compounds and participation in the biogeochemical cycling of nutrients.
  • Spiral bacteria - Bacteria that have a spiral or helical shape, such as those in the genera Spirillum and Helicobacter.
  • Spiroplasma citri - A species of bacteria known for causing citrus stubborn disease, a plant disease affecting citrus trees.
  • Spiroplasma mirum - A species of bacteria within the genus Spiroplasma, associated with various plant and animal diseases.
  • Spirulina (dietary supplement) - A cyanobacterium (blue-green algae) used as a dietary supplement for its nutritional content, not to be confused with true bacteria.
  • SrnB-SrnC toxin-antitoxin system - A type of bacterial toxin-antitoxin system involving the SrnB toxin and SrnC antitoxin, regulating cell growth and survival under stress conditions.
  • Stigmatella (bacterium) - A genus of myxobacteria known for its complex life cycle, social behavior, and production of secondary metabolites.
  • Streptococcus agalactiae - A species of bacteria that is a common cause of neonatal infections and can also cause infections in adults, particularly in those with compromised immune systems.
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae - A species of bacteria that can cause pneumonia, meningitis, and other infections, particularly in children and the elderly.
  • Streptococcus - A genus of Gram-positive bacteria known for including species that cause various human diseases, such as strep throat, pneumonia, and meningitis.
  • Streptomyces sp. myrophorea - A species of bacteria within the genus Streptomyces, known for its production of antibiotics and other bioactive compounds.
  • Stygiella - A proposed genus of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Subgenus - A rank in the biological classification system, used to further divide a genus into groups based on more specific characteristics.
  • Sulfate-reducing microorganism - Microorganisms, including certain bacteria and archaea, that can reduce sulfate to sulfide as part of their metabolic process, playing a key role in the sulfur cycle.
  • Sulfobacillus - A genus of acidophilic, thermophilic bacteria known for its role in the bioleaching of metals from ores.
  • Sulfur-reducing bacteria - Bacteria that can reduce elemental sulfur to hydrogen sulfide, playing a role in the biogeochemical cycling of sulfur.
  • Synergistes jonesii - A species of bacteria known for its presence in the rumen of cattle and its role in the degradation of toxic compounds.
  • Syntrophaceticus schinkii - A species of bacteria known for its ability to degrade acetate in syntrophic association with methanogens.
  • Syntrophales - An order of bacteria known for their ability to degrade organic compounds in syntrophic association with methanogenic archaea.
  • Syntrophobacter fumaroxidans - A species of bacteria known for its ability to oxidize propionate in syntrophic association with methanogens.
  • Syntrophobacter pfennigii - A species of bacteria within the genus Syntrophobacter, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Syntrophobacter sulfatireducens - A species of sulfate-reducing bacteria known for its ability to degrade fatty acids in syntrophic association with other microorganisms.
  • Syntrophobacter wolinii - A species of bacteria known for its role in the degradation of propionate in syntrophic association with methanogens.
  • Syntrophobacter - A genus of bacteria known for its members' ability to degrade organic compounds in syntrophic associations with methanogens, playing a role in the carbon cycle.
  • Syntrophobacteraceae - A family of bacteria within the order Syntrophobacterales, known for their role in the degradation of organic compounds in syntrophic associations.
  • Syntrophobacterales - An order of bacteria known for their ability to degrade fatty acids and other compounds in syntrophic associations with methanogens.
  • Syntrophus aciditrophicus - A species of bacteria known for its ability to degrade fatty acids and other organic compounds in syntrophic association with methanogens.
  • Syntrophus buswellii - A species of bacteria within the genus Syntrophus, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Syntrophus - A genus of bacteria known for its ability to degrade organic compounds in syntrophic association with methanogens, contributing to the carbon cycle in anaerobic environments.

T[edit | edit source]

  • Telmatocola - A proposed genus of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Tepidanaerobacter acetatoxydans - A species of thermophilic bacteria known for its ability to oxidize acetate.
  • Tepidanaerobacter syntrophicus - A species of bacteria known for its ability to degrade fatty acids in syntrophic association with methanogens.
  • Tepidanaerobacter - A genus of thermophilic bacteria known for its ability to degrade organic compounds under anaerobic conditions.
  • Tepidanaerobacteraceae - A family of thermophilic bacteria within the order Thermoanaerobacterales, known for their ability to degrade organic compounds.
  • Tepidisphaera - A genus of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, known for its presence in thermal environments.
  • Tepidisphaeraceae - A family of bacteria within the phylum Planctomycetes, characterized by its members' presence in thermal environments and unique cellular features.
  • Terrabacteria - A proposed group of bacteria that includes the phyla Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Deinococcus-Thermus, and others, characterized by their terrestrial adaptations.
  • Terrimicrobium - A proposed genus of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Tersicoccus phoenicis - A species of bacteria known for its isolation from spacecraft assembly facilities, highlighting concerns about planetary protection and contamination.
  • Thermaceae - A family of thermophilic bacteria within the phylum Deinococcus-Thermus, known for their ability to thrive in hot environments.
  • Thermacetogenium phaeum - A species of thermophilic bacteria known for its ability to produce acetate from carbon dioxide and hydrogen.
  • Thermanaeromonas burensis - A species of thermophilic bacteria known for its presence in thermal environments, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Thermanaeromonas toyohensis - A species of thermophilic bacteria capable of degrading organic compounds under high temperatures.
  • Thermanaeromonas - A genus of thermophilic bacteria known for its ability to degrade organic compounds in thermal environments.
  • Thermanaerothrix - A proposed genus of thermophilic bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Thermanaerovibrio acidaminovorans - A species of thermophilic bacteria known for its ability to ferment amino acids.
  • Thermanaerovibrio velox - A species of thermophilic bacteria capable of rapid growth and amino acid fermentation.
  • Thermanaerovibrio - A genus of thermophilic bacteria known for its ability to degrade amino acids and other organic compounds under anaerobic conditions.
  • Thermoanaerobacter acetoethylicus - A species of thermophilic bacteria known for its ability to produce ethanol and acetate from sugars.
  • Thermoanaerobacter brockii - A species of thermophilic bacteria known for its role in the fermentation of sugars to produce ethanol and other products.
  • Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus - A species of thermophilic bacteria capable of producing ethanol from sugars under high temperatures.
  • Thermoanaerobacter italicus - A species of thermophilic bacteria isolated from Italian hot springs, known for its fermentative metabolism.
  • Thermoanaerobacter kivui - A species of thermophilic bacteria known for its ability to produce hydrogen and ethanol from sugars.
  • Thermoanaerobacter mathranii - A species of thermophilic bacteria known for its ability to ferment a wide range of sugars under anaerobic conditions.
  • Thermoanaerobacter pseudethanolicus - A species of thermophilic bacteria capable of producing ethanol and other fermentation products from sugars.
  • Thermoanaerobacter siderophilus - A species of thermophilic bacteria known for its ability to reduce iron and other metals.
  • Thermoanaerobacter thermocopriae - A species of thermophilic bacteria known for its ability to degrade complex carbohydrates and produce ethanol.
  • Thermoanaerobacter - A genus of thermophilic bacteria known for their ability to ferment sugars and produce ethanol under anaerobic conditions.
  • Thermoanaerobacterales Family IV - A proposed family within the order Thermoanaerobacterales, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Thermoanaerobacterales - An order of thermophilic bacteria known for their ability to ferment a wide range of substrates, producing ethanol, hydrogen, and other products.
  • Thermoanaerobacterium aotearoense - A species of thermophilic bacteria known for its ability to ferment sugars and produce hydrogen.
  • Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum - A species of thermophilic bacteria capable of fermenting sugars to produce ethanol and other products.
  • Thermoanaerobaculum aquaticum - A species of thermophilic bacteria known for its presence in hot aquatic environments, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Thermocrinis albus - A species of thermophilic bacteria known for its presence in hot springs and other thermal environments.
  • Thermocrinis minervae - A species of thermophilic bacteria isolated from a Roman thermal bath, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Thermocrinis ruber - A species of thermophilic bacteria known for its red pigmentation and presence in hot springs.
  • Thermodesulfobacterium commune - A species of thermophilic, sulfate-reducing bacteria known for its presence in hot environments.
  • Thermodesulfobacterium hydrogeniphilum - A species of thermophilic, hydrogen-oxidizing, sulfate-reducing bacteria.
  • Thermodesulfobium acidiphilum - A species of acidophilic, thermophilic, sulfate-reducing bacteria.
  • Thermodesulfobium narugense - A species of thermophilic, sulfate-reducing bacteria isolated from a hot spring.
  • Thermodesulfobium - A genus of thermophilic, sulfate-reducing bacteria known for their ability to thrive in hot environments.
  • Thermodesulforhabdus norvegica - A species of thermophilic, sulfate-reducing bacteria known for its presence in North Sea oil fields.
  • Thermodesulforhabdus - A genus of thermophilic, sulfate-reducing bacteria known for their role in the sulfur cycle in thermal environments.
  • Thermoduric bacterium - Bacteria that can survive high temperatures that would normally kill most microorganisms, often involved in food spoilage.
  • Thermogutta terrifontis - A species of thermophilic bacteria isolated from hot springs, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Thermogutta - A proposed genus of thermophilic bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Thermoguttaceae - A proposed family of thermophilic bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Thermomarinilinea - A genus of thermophilic bacteria known for its presence in marine thermal environments.
  • Thermomicrobia - A class of bacteria within the phylum Chloroflexi, known for its thermophilic members and their role in thermal environments.
  • Thermomicrobiota - A proposed phylum of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes, known for its thermophilic members.
  • Thermosediminibacteraceae - A proposed family of thermophilic bacteria within the order Thermosediminibacterales, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Thermosediminibacterales - An order of thermophilic bacteria known for their presence in hot sedimentary environments.
  • Thermosipho - A genus of thermophilic bacteria known for its presence in hydrothermal vent environments and its ability to ferment a variety of substrates.
  • Thermostability - The ability of a molecule, such as an enzyme or protein produced by bacteria, to remain stable and functional at high temperatures.
  • Thermostilla - A proposed genus of thermophilic bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Thermotoga hypogea - A species of hyperthermophilic bacteria known for its presence in hot subsurface environments.
  • Thermotoga lettingae - A species of hyperthermophilic bacteria known for its ability to produce hydrogen from organic substrates.
  • Thermotoga subterranea - A species of hyperthermophilic bacteria isolated from a deep subsurface oil reservoir.
  • Thermotomaculum hydrothermale - A proposed species of thermophilic bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Thermovirga - A genus of thermophilic bacteria known for its presence in hot environments and its ability to degrade complex organic compounds.
  • Thermus antranikianii - A species of thermophilic bacteria named after Professor Garabed Antranikian, known for its ability to degrade starch at high temperatures.
  • Thermus igniterrae - A species of thermophilic bacteria known for its presence in hot terrestrial environments.
  • Thiolava - A proposed genus of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Thioreductor - A proposed genus of sulfur-reducing bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Thomasclavelia ramosa - A proposed species of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Ti plasmid - A plasmid found in Agrobacterium species that is used in genetic engineering to transfer genes into plant cells, leading to the formation of crown gall disease.
  • Totally drug-resistant tuberculosis - A form of tuberculosis for which no current medical treatments are effective, posing significant challenges for public health.
  • Toxin-antitoxin database - An online resource that provides information about bacterial toxin-antitoxin systems, including their genetic sequences, structures, and functions.
  • Toxin-antitoxin system - A set of linked genes found in bacteria and some archaea that encode both a toxin and its corresponding antitoxin, involved in plasmid maintenance, stress response, and bacterial persistence.
  • Tribe (biology) - A rank in the biological classification system, used in some contexts to divide families into smaller groups based on specific characteristics.
  • Tumor-homing bacteria - Bacteria that have been engineered or selected for their ability to specifically target and colonize tumors, used in experimental cancer therapy.
  • Twitching motility - A type of bacterial movement that occurs on surfaces, mediated by the extension and retraction of type IV pili.
  • Type strain - The strain of a bacterial species that is used as the reference strain for that species, serving as the standard for its identification and classification.

U-Z[edit | edit source]

  • Ultramicrobacteria - Bacteria with very small cell sizes, often less than 0.1 micrometers in diameter, capable of surviving under nutrient-limited conditions.
  • Ureaplasma canigenitalium - A proposed species of bacteria within the genus Ureaplasma, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Ureaplasma cati - A species of bacteria within the genus Ureaplasma, known for its association with feline urogenital tract infections.
  • Ureaplasma diversum - A species of bacteria within the genus Ureaplasma, associated with reproductive and respiratory tract infections in cattle.
  • Ureaplasma felinum - A species of bacteria within the genus Ureaplasma, associated with feline urogenital tract infections.
  • Ureaplasma gallorale - A proposed species of bacteria within the genus Ureaplasma, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Ureaplasma loridis - A proposed species of bacteria within the genus Ureaplasma, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Ureaplasma - A genus of bacteria known for its association with urogenital tract infections in humans and animals, characterized by its lack of a cell wall.
  • Uterine microbiome - The community of microorganisms, including bacteria, that inhabit the uterine environment, influencing reproductive health and outcomes.
  • Vampirovibrio chlorellavorus - A species of bacteria known for its predatory behavior towards the green alga Chlorella, impacting algal cultures and ecosystems.
  • Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus - Enterococcus species that have developed resistance to vancomycin, an antibiotic used to treat serious infections, posing significant healthcare challenges.
  • Vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus - Staphylococcus aureus strains that have developed resistance to vancomycin, complicating the treatment of infections caused by these bacteria.
  • Veillonellaceae - A family of anaerobic bacteria within the order Selenomonadales, known for its presence in the human oral and gastrointestinal microbiomes.
  • Viable but nonculturable - A state in which bacteria are alive but cannot be cultured using standard laboratory techniques, often occurring in response to environmental stress.
  • Victivallis vadensis - A species of bacteria within the phylum Lentisphaerae, known for its presence in the human gut microbiome.
  • Vulgatibacter - A proposed genus of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Waddlia - A genus of bacteria within the phylum Chlamydiae, known for its association with reproductive disorders in animals and potential implications for human health.
  • White pox disease - A coral disease caused by the bacterium Serratia marcescens, leading to tissue loss and reef degradation.
  • Wirthbacteria - A proposed phylum of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Xanthomonas campestris pv. raphani - A pathovar of the bacterium Xanthomonas campestris known for causing leaf spot disease in radishes and other cruciferous plants.
  • Xenophyophorea - A group of giant, single-celled organisms found on the deep-sea floor, not bacteria but often associated with diverse microbial communities.
  • Xenosome - A structure found within certain ciliates that is derived from endosymbiotic bacteria, contributing to the host's metabolism.
  • Xerophile - An organism, including some bacteria, that thrives in dry or desiccated environments, often involved in the spoilage of dry foods.
  • Yeosuana - A proposed genus of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Zavarzinella - A proposed genus of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes.
  • Zixibacteria - A candidate phylum of bacteria, not widely recognized or validated in current taxonomic schemes, known for its presence in environmental samples.
  • Zobellia galactanivorans - A species of bacteria known for its ability to degrade galactans, polysaccharides found in red algae.

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD