Glossary of research terms
- Aborted fetus
- Abortion rate
- Abortion ratio
- Absolute difference
- Absolute poverty
- Absolute risk increase
- Absolute risk reduction
- Absolute risk
- Abstract
- Academic clinical trials
- Academic detailing
- Academic dissertation
- Acceptability
- Access to health services
- Accessibility of health services
- Accident prevention
- Accountability
- Accreditation
- Achievable health impact
- Action research
- Active alternatives
- Activities of daily living
- Actuarial analysis
- Acute care (short-stay)
- Additive model
- Additive
- Addresses
- Adequacy
- Adjusted analysis
- Adjusted rate
- Adjustment
- Adolescent fertility rate
- Adolescent health services
- Adolescent medicine
- Adolescent
- Adult literacy rate
- Adult mortality rate
- Adverse drug reaction reporting systems
- Adverse drug reaction
- Adverse effect
- Adverse event
- Advice
- Advocacy and support groups
- Advocacy
- Affordability
- Age distribution
- Age factors
- Age of consent
- Age specific rate
- Age standardization
- Age-dependency ratio
- Age-sex structure
- Age-specific mortality rate
- Age-standardized mortality rate
- Agent
- Aggregate data
- Aging of population
- Aging
- Alert threshold
- Alerting systems
- Algorithm
- Allocation concealment
- Allocation ratio
- Allocation sequence
- Allocative efficiency
- Alpha level
- Alternative hypothesis
- Ambulatory care facilities
- Ambulatory care
- Analysis of variance
- Analytic epidemiology
- Analytical study
- Anecdote
- Animal care committees
- Animal experimentation
- Animal model
- Animal study
- Annual birth average
- Annual death average
- Annual population growth rate
- Annual report
- Anonymous linked information
- Anonymous testing
- Antenatal care coverage - at least four visits
- Antenatal care coverage - at least one visit
- Antenatal care coverage
- Antenatal care
- Anthropometry
- Applicability
- Applicable regulatory requirement
- Applied epidemiology
- Appropriate(ness)
- Approval
- Approved drugs
- Area under curve
- Argument
- Arithmetic mean
- Arm
- Ascertainment bias
- Assessment
- Assignment
- Assisted reproductive technology
- Association
- Atlas
- Attack rate
- Attributable health impact
- Attributable proportion
- Attributable risk
- Attrition bias
- Attrition
- Audit certificate
- Audit report
- Audit trail
- Audit
- Autocorrelation
- Autonomy
- Availability
- Average cost
- Average length of stay
- Average
- Balancing equation
- Bar chart
- Baseline assessment
- Baseline characteristics
- Baseline data
- Baseline risk
- Baseline
- Basic reproduction number
- Basic risk
- Bayes theorem
- Bayesian approaches
- Bayesian statistics
- Bed conversion
- Bed days
- Bed occupancy
- Before-and-after study
- Behavioral research
- Bell-shaped curve
- Benchmark
- Benchmarking
- Beneficence
- Benefits
- Best evidence
- Best practice
- Bias prevention
- Bias
- Bibliographic database
- Bibliography
- Binomial distribution
- Bioavailable
- Biobibliography
- Biochemical pregnancy
- Bioethical issues
- Bioethics
- Biography
- Bioinformatics
- Biologic transmission
- Biological availability
- Biological drug
- Biological marker
- Biological plausibility
- Biomedical research
- Biometric identification
- Biometrics
- Biometry
- Biostatistics
- Biotechnology
- Birth control
- Birth interval
- Birth rate for unmarried women
- Birth rate
- Birth weight
- Births attended by skilled health personnel
- Births by caesarean section
- Blind assessment
- Blind review
- Blind
- Blinded study
- Blinding
- Block randomization
- Book reviews
- Boolean operators
- Booster sessions
- Box plot
- Budget
- Burden of disease
- Burden of proof
- Calories availability
- Capacity building
- Capital expenditure
- Caregiver
- Carry over
- Case definition
- Case fatality rate
- Case management
- Case mix
- Case rate
- Case report form
- Case report
- Case series
- Case study
- Case-control study
- Case
- Casuistry
- Catchment area
- Catchment population
- Categorical data
- Categorical variables
- Causal effect
- Causality
- Cause of death
- Cause of disease
- Cause-specific mortality rate
- Causes of death among children aged less than 5 years
- Censored
- Census
- Central tendency
- Certification
- Channeling bias
- Checklist effect
- Checklist
- Chi-square distribution
- Child health services
- Child mortality rate
- Child mortality
- Child-woman ratio
- Child
- Childbearing years
- Childbirth
- Childlessness
- Children under 5 years overweight
- Children under 5 years stunted
- Children under 5 years underweight
- Chronology
- Civil defense
- Class interval
- Classical article
- Clinical audit
- Clinical coder
- Clinical conference
- Clinical data acquisition
- Clinical decision support system
- Clinical effectiveness
- Clinical ethics committees
- Clinical ethics
- Clinical gestalt
- Clinical governance
- Clinical guideline
- Clinical investigation
- Clinical investigator
- Clinical medicine
- Clinical monitoring
- Clinical nursing research
- Clinical outcome
- Clinical pathway
- Clinical practice guideline
- Clinical prediction rule
- Clinical pregnancy rate
- Clinical pregnancy with fetal heart beat
- Clinical pregnancy
- Clinical protocol
- Clinical quality improvement
- Clinical research
- Clinical researcher
- Clinical series
- Clinical surveillance
- Clinical trial management system
- Clinical trial protocol
- Clinical trial/study report
- Clinical trial
- Clinical
- Clinically significant
- Clinician
- Closed population
- Clouded thinking
- Cluster analysis
- Cluster assignment
- Cluster randomized trial
- Cluster sampling
- Cluster
- Co-intervention
- Codes of ethics
- Coding
- Coercion
- Cohort analysis
- Cohort effect
- Cohort study
- Cohort
- Coitus
- Collaborative trialists’ group
- Collected works
- Comment
- Commissioning
- Communitarian ethics
- Community effectiveness
- Community health aides
- Community health nursing
- Community health planning
- Community health services
- Community health worker
- Community medicine
- Community programs
- Community-based clinical trial
- Community-based participatory research
- Community-based research
- Community
- Comorbidity
- Comparative effectiveness research
- Comparative study
- Comparator
- Comparison groups
- Compassionate use trial
- Compassionate use
- Complete follow-up
- Completed fertility rate
- Completeness of reporting
- Completeness
- Completer analysis
- Compliance
- Composite endpoint
- Computer decision support system
- Computer-assisted decision making
- Concealment
- Conditional probability
- Condom use at higher risk sex among young people aged 15-24 years
- Condom use during higher-risk sex
- Confidence interval
- Confidence limits
- Confidentiality regarding trial participants
- Confidentiality
- Conflict of interest
- Confounded comparison
- Confounding variable
- Congresses
- Conjoint analysis
- Consecutive case series
- Consecutive sample
- Consecutive sampling
- Consensus building
- Consensus development conference
- Consensus
- Consistency
- Construct validity
- Consumer health information
- Consumer participation
- Consumer satisfaction
- Contact tracing
- Contamination
- Content validity
- Context
- Contingency planning
- Contingency table
- Contingent valuation
- Continuous data
- Continuous variable
- Contraception
- Contraceptive agents
- Contraceptive methods
- Contraceptive prevalence
- Contract research organization
- Contract
- Contraindication
- Control animal
- Control event rate
- Control group
- Control program
- Control
- Controlled before and after study
- Controlled clinical trial
- Controlled trial
- Convenience sample
- Convenience survey
- Conventional treatment
- Coordinating committee
- Coordinating investigator
- Copyright
- Corrected and republished article
- Correlation coefficient
- Correlation
- Cost allocation
- Cost control
- Cost of illness
- Cost-benefit analysis
- Cost-effectiveness acceptability curve
- Cost-effectiveness analysis
- Cost-effectiveness efficiency frontier
- Cost-minimization analysis
- Cost-utility analysis
- Coverage of vital registration of deaths
- Coverage
- Credentialing
- Credibility
- Criteria of causation
- Critical appraisal criteria
- Critical appraisal
- Critiquing
- Cross-border health risks
- Cross-cultural comparison
- Cross-sectional study
- Cross-tabulation table
- Crossover randomized trial
- Crossover study
- Crude birth rate
- Crude divorce rate
- Crude marriage rate
- Crude mortality rate
- Crude prevalence rate
- Crude rate
- Cumulative frequency curve
- Cumulative frequency
- Cumulative incidence
- Cumulative meta-analysis
- Curriculum
- Data and safety monitoring board
- Data clarification form
- Data cleansing
- Data collection
- Data dredging
- Data management
- Data monitoring committee
- Data pooling
- Data set
- Data validation
- Database management system
- Database
- Day care
- Death-to-case ratio
- Decimal places
- Decision aid
- Decision analysis
- Decision making
- Decision support techniques
- Decision tree
- Defensive medicine
- Degrees of belief
- Degrees of freedom
- Delivery of health care
- Demographic information
- Demographic transition
- Demography
- Denominator
- Density of community health workers
- Density of environment and public health workers
- Density of nursing and midwifery personnel
- Density of other health service providers
- Density of physicians
- Deontological
- Dependency ratio
- Dependent variable
- Depopulation
- Descriptive bibliography
- Descriptive epidemiology
- Descriptive statistics
- Descriptive study
- Design effect
- Design
- Detection bias
- Determinant
- Deterministic method of allocation
- Device approval
- Diagnosis-related group
- Diagnostic error
- Diagnostic test approval
- Diagnostic trials
- Dichotomous data
- Dichotomous variable
- Dictionary
- Differential diagnosis
- Differential verification bias
- Diffusion research
- Direct access
- Directional research hypothesis
- Directory
- Disability-adjusted life years (DALY)
- Disbenefits
- Discharge
- Disclosure
- Discounting
- Discrete or discontinuous data
- Discriminant analysis
- Disease management
- Disease notification
- Disease registry
- Disease surveillance
- Disease-free survival
- Disease-specific health-related quality of life
- Disentanglement strategies
- Dispensary
- Dissemination research
- Distribution of causes of death among children under 5 years
- Distribution of years of life lost by broader causes
- Distribution
- Distributive justice
- Divorce demography
- Documentation
- Dose dependent
- Dose response relationship
- Dose-limiting
- Dose-ranging study
- Dose-rate
- Dose
- Dot plot
- Double effect principle
- Double-blind study
- Double-dummy
- Doubling time
- Downstream costs
- Drillability
- Dropout
- Drug approval
- Drug class effects
- Drug design
- Drug development
- Drug discovery
- Drug dose-response relationship
- Drug evaluation
- Drug interaction
- Drug monitoring
- Drug repositioning
- Drug toxicity
- Drug
- Duplicate publication
- Duplication
- Duty to recontact
- Duty to warn
- E-epidemiology
- E-health
- Early diagnosis
- Early termination of clinical trials
- Eclipsing
- Ecological study
- Economic analysis
- Economic epidemiology
- Economic evaluation
- Economic outcome
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Editorial board
- Editorial policies
- Editorial review
- Editorial
- Educational meetings
- Effect modifiers (epidemiology)
- Effect size
- Effectiveness research
- Effectiveness
- Efficacy research
- Efficacy
- Efficiency
- Egger's method
- Electronic data capture
- Electronic health record
- Eligibility criteria
- Embryo loss
- Embryo research
- Embryo
- Emergency management
- Emergency medical services
- Emergency threshold
- Empirical research
- Empirical
- Encyclopedia
- Endemic disease
- Endemic
- Endpoint determination
- Endpoint
- Enrollment
- Environment and public health workers
- Environmental epidemiology
- Environmental exposure
- Environmental factor
- Environmental health
- Environmental medicine
- Environmental monitoring
- Environmental strategies
- Ephemera
- Ephemeral literature
- Epidemic curve
- Epidemic model
- Epidemic period
- Epidemic threshold
- Epidemic
- Epidemiologic factors
- Epidemiologic measurements
- Epidemiologic research design
- Epidemiologic studies
- Epidemiologic study characteristics
- Epidemiologic triad
- Epidemiological transition
- Epidemiology
- Episode of care
- Episodes of illness
- Equality
- Equipment failure analysis
- Equipoise
- Equity in health
- Equity
- Equivalence trial
- Essay
- Essential documents
- Essential drugs
- Essential national health research
- Estimate of effect
- Estimated general mortality rate
- Ethical approval
- Ethical review
- Ethicist
- Ethics committees
- Ethics consultation
- Ethics
- Ethnic approach
- Ethnic group
- Ethnicity
- Etiology
- Evaluability assessment
- Evaluable disease
- Evaluable patients
- Evaluation method
- Evaluation of program planning
- Evaluation resources
- Evaluation studies
- Evaluation tools
- Evaluation
- Event rate
- Event
- Evidence based public health
- Evidence review
- Evidence-based experts
- Evidence-based guidelines
- Evidence-based health care
- Evidence-based health promotion
- Evidence-based individual decision making
- Evidence-based medical ethics
- Evidence-based medicine
- Evidence-based nursing
- Evidence-based policy making
- Evidence-based practice
- Evidence-based practitioners
- Evidence
- Excess mortality rate
- Exclusion criteria
- Exclusive breastfeeding under 6 months
- Expanded access trial
- Expanded access
- Experimental drug
- Experimental event rate
- Experimental intervention
- Experimental study
- Experimental therapy
- Experimental
- Expert opinion
- Explanatory trial
- Exposed group
- Exposure assessment
- Exposure
- External evaluation
- External resources for health
- External validity
- Externality
- Extramural
- Extrapolation
- Extremely low birth weight
- Extremely preterm birth
- Factorial design
- Factual databases
- Fail-safe N
- False negative rate
- False negative reactions
- False negative
- False positive rate
- False positive reactions
- False positive
- Family characteristics
- Family health
- Family planning policy
- Family planning services
- Family planning
- Family practice
- Family
- Fatal outcome
- Feasibility study
- Fecundability
- Fecundity
- Feedback effect
- Female genital mutilation
- Fertility
- Fertilization
- Fetal death ratio
- Fetal death
- Fetal mortality rate
- Fetal mortality
- Fetal research
- Fetal viability
- Fetus
- Fidelity of implementation
- Field work
- File drawer problem
- Financial resource allocation
- First trimester pregnancy
- Fixed costs
- Fixed-effect model
- Flexibility
- Focus group discussion
- Focus group
- Follow-up (complete)
- Follow-up assessment
- Follow-up studies
- Follow-up
- Forced-choice format
- Forecasting
- Forest plot
- Formative evaluation
- Formulary
- Founder effect
- Fraud
- Frequencies
- Frequency distribution curve
- Frequency distribution table
- Frequency distribution
- Frequency polygon
- Frequentist methods
- Full analysis set
- Functional status
- Funding
- Funnel plot
- Gatekeeper
- Gender identity
- Gender
- General estimated mortality rate, adjusted by age
- General fertility rate
- General government expenditure on health as a percentage of total expenditure on health
- General government expenditure on health as a percentage of total government expenditure
- General government expenditure on health
- Generalizability
- Generation of allocation sequence
- Generic drug
- Generic health-related quality of life
- Genetic epidemiology
- Genetic research
- Geometric mean
- Gestational age
- Global assessment variable
- Global burden of disease
- Global health
- Goal free evaluation
- Gold standard
- Good clinical practice
- Government programs
- Government publications
- Grantsmanship
- Gravidity
- Grey literature
- Gross primary enrollment ratio
- Gross reproduction rate
- Group practice
- Growth rate
- Guidance
- Guideline
- Handbook
- Harm reduction
- Harms
- Hawthorne effect
- Hazard identification
- Hazard rate
- Hazard ratio
- Hazard
- Health benefit
- Health care consumer
- Health care costs
- Health care evaluation mechanisms
- Health care inequality
- Health care provider
- Health care quality indicators
- Health care rationing
- Health care sector
- Health care surveys
- Health care system
- Health care
- Health centre
- Health determinants
- Health economics
- Health education
- Health ethics
- Health expectancy
- Health expenditures
- Health facilities
- Health financing
- Health for all policy
- Health gain
- Health geography
- Health impact assessment
- Health impacts
- Health indicator
- Health inequalities impact assessment
- Health inequality
- Health inequity
- Health informatics
- Health information system
- Health information technology
- Health life expectancy (HALE) at birth
- Health literacy
- Health management and support workers
- Health manpower
- Health outcomes
- Health personnel
- Health plan implementation
- Health plan
- Health planning
- Health policy
- Health priorities
- Health profile
- Health promotion
- Health protection
- Health resources
- Health sector
- Health services administration
- Health services misuse
- Health services needs and demand
- Health services research
- Health services
- Health state
- Health status disparities
- Health status indicator
- Health status
- Health survey
- Health system
- Health target
- Health technology assessment
- Health technology
- Health transition
- Health utility
- Health-related quality of life
- Health
- Healthy control
- Heterogeneity
- Heterogeneous
- Hierarchical regression
- Hierarchy of evidence
- High-risk group
- High-risk pregnancy
- Histogram
- Historic cohort study
- Historical article
- Historical cohort design
- Historical control subject
- Historical control
- Home care
- Homogeneous
- Horizontal equity
- Hospital bed
- Hospital beds ratio
- Hospital beds
- Hospital costs
- Hospital discharges ratio
- Hospital mortality
- Hospital
- Hospital bed capacity
- Host factor
- Host
- Household
- Human capital
- Human development index
- Human experimentation
- Human resources
- Human rights
- Human subject research
- Human subject
- Hyperendemic disease
- Hypothesis test
- Hypothesis
- I2
- Ignorance of risks
- Illusion of certainty
- Impact evaluation
- Impact factor
- Impact
- Impartial witness
- Implementation research
- Implementation
- Imprecision
- In vitro
- In vivo
- In-depth interview
- Inception cohort
- Incidence rate
- Incidence
- Incidental findings
- Inclusion criteria
- Incorporation bias
- Incremental analysis
- Incubation period
- Independent association
- Independent ethics committee
- Independent variable
- Independent
- Index date
- Index test
- Index
- Indication
- Indicators
- Indirect costs and benefits
- Individual data
- Individual patient data meta-analysis
- Individual patient data
- Induced abortion
- Inequity in access to health services
- Inequity in health
- Inequity in receipt of health services
- Infant mortality rate
- Infant mortality
- Infant
- Infection control
- Inference
- Infertility
- Information dissemination
- Informational redundancy
- Informed consent document
- Informed consent
- Initial situation
- Inpatient treatment
- Inpatient
- Input
- Inspection
- Institution
- Institutional ethics
- Institutional review board
- Instruments
- Intent to treat
- Intention to treat analysis
- Interaction
- Interactive programs
- Interim analysis
- Interim clinical trial/study report
- Internal evaluator
- Internal validity
- Interobserver reliability
- Interpolation
- Interquartile range
- Interrater reliability
- Interrupted time series
- Intersectoral action
- Intervention group
- Intervention name
- Intervention studies
- Intervention-specific instruments
- Intervention
- Interview
- Interviewer bias
- Intraclass correlation coefficient
- Intramural
- Intrarater reliability
- Introductory journal article
- Inverse of variance
- Investigational drug
- Investigational new drug application
- Investigational new drug
- Investigational
- Investigator triangulation
- Investigator's brochure
- Investigator
- Justice
- Kappa statistic
- Key informant
- Key words
- L'Abbé plot
- Laboratory manual
- Language bias
- Latency period
- Lay knowledge
- Lead time bias
- Lead time
- Lecture notes
- Lecture
- Legally acceptable representative
- Legislation
- Length time bias
- Letter
- Levels of evidence
- Life expectancy at birth
- Life expectancy
- Life skills programs
- Life skills
- Life span
- Life style
- Life table
- Likelihood functions
- Likelihood ratio of a negative test
- Likelihood ratio of a positive test
- Likelihood ratios in diagnostic testing
- Likert format
- Likert scale
- Limit of detection
- Linear models
- Linear regression
- Linear scale
- Linkage and exchange strategies
- Literacy rate
- Literature review
- Live birth
- Local consensus process
- Local opinion leaders
- Log-odds ratio
- Logarithmic scale
- Logic model
- Logic of evidence based practice
- Logistic models
- Logistic regression
- Long-term care
- Long-term outcomes
- Longitudinal prospective study
- Longitudinal study
- Loss to follow-up
- Lot quality assurance sampling
- Low birth weight
- Low birthweight proportion
- Low-birth-weight newborns
- Magnitude
- Malpractice
- Managed care programs
- Managed care
- Manuscript
- Margin
- Marginal cost
- Marital fertility rate
- Markov chain
- Markov model
- Marriage
- Mass media campaigns
- Mass media
- Mass screening
- Matched-pair analysis
- Matching
- Maternal death
- Maternal health services
- Maternal mortality ratio, reported
- Maternal mortality ratio
- Maternal mortality
- Maternal-child health centers
- Maximum tolerated dose
- Mean age
- Mean difference
- Mean
- Measure of association
- Measure of central location
- Measure of dispersion
- Measurement bias
- Measurement validity
- Median age
- Median survival
- Median
- Medical algorithm
- Medical audit
- Medical classification
- Medical consensus
- Medical economics
- Medical error
- Medical ethics
- Medical guideline
- Medical informatics
- Medical journal
- Medical law
- Medical literature
- Medical malpractice
- Medical practice
- Medical record
- Medical statistics
- Medically assisted reproduction
- Medication adherence
- Medication error
- Medication
- Medicine
- Meeting abstracts
- Member checking
- Mendelian randomization analysis
- Mendelian randomization
- Meta-analysis
- Meta-regression
- Meta-synthesis
- Methodological rigor
- Methodology
- Mid-range
- Midwife
- Midwifery
- Millennium development goals
- Minimal important difference
- Minimization
- Minor
- Minority health
- Miscarriage
- Missed abortion
- Mixed-methods study
- Mode
- Molecular epidemiology
- Monitoring report
- Monitoring
- Monograph
- Monte Carlo method
- Moral hazard
- Moral obligations
- Morbidity rate
- Morbidity
- Mortality rate
- Mortality reduction
- Mortality
- Multi-arm trial
- Multicenter study
- Multidisciplinary opinion
- Multilevel analysis
- Multiphasic screening
- Multiple birth
- Multiple comparisons
- Multiple pregnancy
- Multiple regression
- Multiplicative model
- Multiplicity
- Multistage sampling
- Multivariate analysis
- N of 1 randomized trial
- Narration
- Narrative data
- Narrative review
- Narrative systematic review
- Natality
- National health programs
- Natural history of disease
- Natural history study
- Natural history
- Necessary cause
- Needs assessment
- Negative correlation
- Negative effect
- Negative likelihood ratio
- Negative predictive value
- Negative study
- Neonatal intensive care unit
- Neonatal intensive care
- Neonatal mortality rate
- Neonatal mortality
- Neonatal period
- Neonatal screening
- Net primary school enrolment rate
- Net reproduction rate
- Neural network
- New drug application
- News
- No-observed-adverse-effect level
- Nominal categorical data
- Nominal scale
- Nominal variable
- Nomogram
- Non-inferiority trial
- Non-interactive programs
- Non-maleficence
- Non-nominal linked information
- Non-regular sexual partner
- Non-systematic review
- Nonadherent
- Nonblinded
- Nonclinical study
- Nonconsecutive case series
- Nonparametric statistics
- Nonprobability sampling
- Nonrandomized clinical trial
- Nonrandomized study
- Nontherapeutic human experimentation
- Normal curve
- Normal distribution curve
- Normal distribution
- Not significant/non-significant
- Null hypothesis
- Null result
- Nulligravida
- Nullipara
- Number needed to harm
- Number needed to screen
- Number needed to treat for a meta-analysis
- Number needed to treat
- Number of community health workers
- Number of days/years gained or lost
- Number of environment and public health workers
- Number of infant deaths, reported
- Number of maternal deaths, reported
- Number of nursing and midwifery personnel
- Number of other health service providers
- Number of outpatient care facilities
- Number of physicians
- Numerical variables
- Nuptiality
- Nurse
- Nursing administration research
- Nursing audit
- Nursing care
- Nursing education research
- Nursing ethics
- Nursing evaluation research
- Nursing methodology research
- Nursing research
- Objective improvement
- Objective response
- Objectives
- Objectivity
- Obligation
- Observation
- Observational study
- Observer bias
- Observer variation
- Obstetric delivery
- Obstetric labor
- Occupancy rate
- Occupational health
- Odds ratio
- Odds reduction
- Odds
- Off the shelf reviews
- Off-label use
- Off-label
- One-tailed test
- Open clinical trial
- Open label study
- Open sequential design
- Open-ended question
- Operational objectives
- Operations research
- Opportunities
- Opportunity cost
- Ordinal categorical data
- Ordinal data
- Ordinal scale
- Organizational case studies
- Orphan drugs
- Other health workers
- Outbreak
- Outcome and process assessment (health care)
- Outcome assessment (health care)
- Outcome evaluation
- Outcome indicator
- Outcome variable
- Outcome
- Outcomes of health care
- Outcomes research
- Outline
- Outpatient health care visits ratio
- Outpatient
- Output
- Outreach work
- Over-the-counter drug
- Overall objective
- Overall
- Overview
- P value
- Paired design
- Pandemic
- Parallel group trial
- Parameter
- Parametric tests
- Parental consent
- Parental notification
- Parity
- Partial verification bias
- Participant
- Participatory research
- Partnership practice
- Pathogenicity
- Patient acceptance of health care
- Patient advocacy
- Patient advocate
- Patient care management
- Patient care
- Patient education handout
- Patient expected event rate
- Patient freedom of choice laws
- Patient participation
- Patient preference
- Patient rights
- Patient safety
- Patient satisfaction
- Patient selection
- Patient-centered care
- Patient-important outcomes
- Patient-mediated interventions
- Patient-reported outcome
- Patient
- Peer review
- Peer-reviewed journal
- Per capita government expenditure on health (PPP int. $)
- Per capita government expenditure on health at average exchange rate (US$)
- Per capita total expenditure on health (PPP int. $)
- Per capita total expenditure on health at average exchange rate (US$)
- Per protocol analysis
- Per protocol set
- Percentile
- Performance bias
- Performance criteria
- Perinatal care
- Perinatal mortality rate
- Perinatal mortality
- Perinatal period
- Perinatology
- Period analysis
- Period effect
- Period prevalence
- Permuted block design
- Person-time rate
- Person-time
- Person-years
- Personal narratives
- Personhood
- Peto method
- Pharmacoepidemiology
- Pharmacokinetics
- Pharmacopoeia
- Phase I clinical trials
- Phase II clinical trials
- Phase III clinical trials
- Phase IV clinical trials
- Physician
- Physicians ratio
- Pie chart
- Pilot study
- Placebo controlled study
- Placebo effect
- Placebo therapy
- Placebo
- Plagiarism
- Planned analyses
- Point estimate
- Point prevalence
- Poisson distribution
- Policy making
- Policy question
- Policy-maker
- Policy
- Polyclinic
- Pooled estimate
- Pooling
- Population (in thousands) total
- Population characteristics
- Population control
- Population density
- Population distribution
- Population dynamics
- Population genetics
- Population groups
- Population growth
- Population health
- Population living in urban areas
- Population median age (years)
- Population projection
- Population proportion over 60
- Population proportion under 15
- Population pyramid
- Population stratification
- Population study
- Population surveillance
- Population-based survey
- Population-proportional sampling
- Population
- Position-specific scoring matrix
- Positive correlation
- Positive likelihood ratio
- Positive predictive value of case definition
- Positive predictive value of detecting outbreaks/cases
- Positive predictive value
- Positive study
- Post-exposure prophylaxis
- Post-neonatal mortality rate
- Post-term birth
- Post-test odds
- Post-test probability
- Posterior distribution
- Posterior probability
- Postmarketing product surveillance
- Postnatal care
- Postpartum
- Power
- Practice guideline
- Practice-based research
- Pragmatic trial
- Pre-post design with comparison group – quasi-experimental
- Pre-post design without comparison group – naturalistic
- Pre-test odds
- Pre-test probability
- Pre-test/post-test design
- Pre-test
- Precautionary principle
- Precision
- Preclinical drug evaluation
- Preclinical research
- Predictive factor
- Predictive value
- Pregnancy complications
- Pregnancy in adolescence
- Pregnancy outcome
- Pregnancy rate
- Pregnancy trimesters
- Pregnancy wastage
- Pregnancy-related death
- Pregnancy
- Prejudice
- Premature labor
- Premature rupture of membranes
- Preparedness
- Preschool child
- Preterm birth
- Preterm premature rupture of membranes
- Prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding through 120 days of age
- Prevalence of moderate and severe nutritional deficiency in children less than 5 years
- Prevalence of use of contraceptive methods in women
- Prevalence rate
- Prevalence study
- Prevalence
- Prevention trials
- Prevention
- Preventive health services
- Preventive intervention
- Preventive medicine
- Prima facie
- Primary care practice-based research
- Primary care research
- Primary care setting
- Primary care
- Primary endpoint
- Primary infertility
- Primary nursing care
- Primary outcome
- Primary prevention
- Primary research
- Primary sources
- Primary study
- Primigravida
- Primordial prevention
- Principal component analysis
- Principles
- Principlism
- Prior probability
- Priority diseases
- Priority setting/rationing
- Privacy
- Private practice
- Probabilistic cause
- Probability distribution
- Probability sampling
- Probability theory
- Probability
- Process assessment (health care)
- Process evaluation
- Process indicator
- Processes of health care
- Product line management
- Professional ethics guidelines
- Professional ethics
- Professional misconduct
- Professional nurses ratio
- Prognosis
- Prognostic factors
- Prognostic study
- Prognostic variable
- Program development
- Program evaluation
- Program
- Project
- Prolonged pregnancy
- Propensity score
- Proportion of deliveries attended by trained personnel
- Proportion of population below the international poverty line
- Proportion of population below the national poverty line
- Proportion of pregnant women attended by trained personnel during pregnancy
- Proportion of urban population
- Proportion
- Proportional hazards model
- Proportionate mortality
- Proposal
- Prospective cohort study
- Prospective study
- Prospective surveillance
- Prospective
- Protocol amendment
- Protocol deviation
- Protocol
- Provider adherence
- Psychosocial intervention
- Puberty
- Public health administration
- Public health care sector
- Public health emergency
- Public health informatics
- Public health intervention
- Public health law
- Public health nursing
- Public health practice
- Public health surveillance
- Public health
- Public policy
- Publication bias
- Published erratum
- Purposeful sampling
- Q statistic
- Qualitative meta-analysis
- Qualitative methods
- Qualitative research
- Quality assurance
- Quality control
- Quality improvement
- Quality of a study
- Quality of health care
- Quality of life trials
- Quality of life
- Quality of medical care
- Quality score
- Quality standards
- Quality-adjusted life expectancy
- Quality-adjusted life-year (QALY)
- Quality
- Quantitative methods
- Quantitative research
- Quasi randomized
- Quasi-random allocation
- Questionnaire
- ROC curve
- Race-specific mortality rate
- Random allocation
- Random assignment
- Random error
- Random permuted blocks
- Random sample
- Random-effects model
- Random
- Randomization
- Randomized clinical trial
- Randomized controlled trial
- Range
- Rate ratio
- Rate
- Ratio
- Reasoning
- Recall bias
- Recall period
- Records
- Recruitment status
- Recruitment
- Recurrent miscarriage
- Recursive partitioning analysis
- Reference population
- Reference standard
- Reference values
- Reference
- Referral and consultation
- Referral bias
- Referred care
- Reflexivity
- Regimen
- Regional health planning
- Registries
- Regression analysis
- Regression coefficient
- Regression equation
- Regression line
- Regression to the mean
- Regulatory authorities
- Relative benefit increase
- Relative diagnostic odds ratio
- Relative difference
- Relative poverty
- Relative risk increase
- Relative risk reduction
- Relative risk
- Relative survival rate
- Relative value scales
- Relevance
- Reliability
- Reminder systems
- Replicate
- Reporting bias
- Representative sample
- Representativeness
- Reproducibility of results
- Reproducibility
- Reproduction
- Reproductive behavior
- Reproductive control agents
- Reproductive health services
- Reproductive health
- Reproductive history
- Reproductive medicine
- Reproductive rights
- Research design
- Research ethics
- Research peer review
- Research personnel
- Research protocol
- Research question
- Research subjects
- Research support
- Research translation
- Research
- Researcher-subject relations
- Residual confounding
- Resource allocation
- Resource costs
- Respect for human dignity
- Respect for persons
- Restricted randomization
- Retracted publication
- Retraction of publication
- Retrospective cohort study
- Retrospective study
- Retrospective survey
- Retrospective
- Review of reviews
- Review process
- Review
- Rights
- Risk adjustment
- Risk assessment
- Risk difference
- Risk factor
- Risk management
- Risk ratio
- Risk-benefit ratio
- Risk
- Rosenthal effect
- Run-in period
- Rural health services
- Rural health
- Rural population
- Safe sex
- Safety and tolerability
- Safety management
- Safety monitoring
- Safety of an intervention
- Safety
- Sample size
- Sample
- Sampling bias
- Sampling design
- Sampling error
- Sampling frame
- Sampling studies
- Scarcity
- Scatter diagram
- Scenario
- Scientific misconduct
- Screening trials
- Screening
- Search bias
- Seasonality
- Second trimester pregnancy
- Secondary attack rate
- Secondary care
- Secondary data
- Secondary infecundity
- Secondary infertility
- Secondary outcome
- Secondary prevention
- Secondary research
- Secondary sources
- Secondary study
- Secular trends
- Selection bias
- Selective prevention
- Selective screening
- Self-efficacy
- Self-reported infecundity
- Sensitivity analysis
- Sensitivity and specificity
- Sensitivity in surveillance
- Sensitivity of case definition
- Sensitivity of detection of cases
- Sensitivity of the detection of outbreaks
- Sensitivity
- Sentinel effect
- Sentinel surveillance
- Sequential sample
- Sequential trial
- Serious adverse event
- Seroepidemiologic studies
- Setting of the intervention
- Severity of illness index
- Sex characteristics
- Sex counseling
- Sex distribution
- Sex education
- Sex factors
- Sex ratio
- Sex-specific mortality rate
- Sex
- Sexology
- Sexual abstinence
- Sexual abuse
- Sexual behavior
- Sexual development
- Sexual health
- Sexual maturation
- Sexual partners
- Sexual rights
- Sexuality
- Sexually transmitted disease
- Sham therapy
- Side effect
- Significant
- Simple random sample
- Simple random sampling
- Simple randomization
- Simple regression
- Single blind study
- Single person
- Situation analysis
- Skewed distribution
- Skilled birth attendant
- Small for gestational age
- Small-area analysis
- SnNout
- Snowball sampling
- Social care
- Social class
- Social epidemiology
- Social marketing
- Social medicine
- Social security
- Social work
- Socioeconomic factors
- Socioeconomic gradient in health
- Source data
- Source documents
- SpPin
- Space-time clustering
- Spatial sampling
- Specific fertility rate in women 15-19 years of age
- Specific objectives
- Specific target group
- Specification
- Specificity in surveillance
- Specificity
- Spectrum bias
- Sponsor-investigator
- Sponsor
- Sporadic
- Spot map
- Stakeholder
- Standard deviation
- Standard error
- Standard gamble
- Standard operating procedures
- Standard treatment
- Standardized instruments
- Standardized mean difference
- Standardized mortality ratio/rate
- Standardized rate
- Standards of care
- State of the art
- Statistical analysis plan
- Statistical factor analysis
- Statistical inference
- Statistical significance test
- Statistical significance
- Statistically significant
- Statistics
- Stillbirth
- Stochastic process
- Stopped early trials
- Stopping rule
- Stratification
- Stratified random sampling
- Stratified randomization
- Stratified sampling
- Strength of evidence
- Strength of inference
- Strength of the association
- Structure of health systems or health facilities
- Structured abstracts
- Structured interview
- Study endpoint
- Study type
- Study validity
- Subgroup analysis
- Subinvestigator
- Subject identification code
- Subjective measures
- Subjects
- Suburban population
- Sufficient cause
- Summative evaluation
- Superiority trial
- Supervisor
- Supplier- induced demand
- Surrogate endpoint
- Surrogate variable
- Surveillance
- Survey
- Survival analysis
- Survival bias
- Survival curve
- Survival rate
- Survival
- Sustainability
- Sustainable health promotion actions
- Systematic error
- Systematic random sampling
- Systematic review
- Systematic sampling
- Target condition
- Target endpoints
- Target-negative
- Target-positive
- Technical efficiency
- Technical report
- Technology assessment
- Tele-epidemiology
- Telemedicine
- Temporal sequence
- Temporality
- Term birth
- Terminology
- Tertiary care
- Tertiary level research
- Tertiary prevention
- Test article
- Test of association
- Test threshold
- Textbook
- The 10/90 gap
- Theoretical saturation
- Therapeutic equivalency
- Therapeutic human experimentation
- Third trimester pregnancy
- Third-party consent
- Threshold NNT
- Time to event
- Time trade-off
- Time-series design
- Timeliness of reporting
- Tolerability of an intervention
- Total cost
- Total expenditure on health
- Total fertility rate
- Toxicity
- Transcript
- Translational research
- Transmission
- Treatment IND
- Treatment effect
- Treatment emergent
- Treatment failure
- Treatment outcome
- Treatment refusal
- Treatment trials
- Treatment
- Trend
- Triage
- Trial of therapy
- Trial site
- Trial statistician
- Trialist
- Triangulation
- Trim-and-fill method
- True negative
- True positive
- Twin study
- Two-tailed test
- Type I error
- Type II error
- Unblinded
- Unconfounded comparison
- Uncontrolled trial
- Under-five mortality, estimated
- Underlying cause of death
- Underregistered deaths
- Unexpected adverse drug reaction
- Unintended pregnancy
- Unit of allocation
- Unit of analysis error
- Univariate analysis
- Universal health care
- Universal precautions
- Universal prevention
- Universal target group
- Unlinked information
- Unmet need for family planning
- Unplanned analyses
- Unplanned pregnancy
- Unpublished works
- Unsafe abortion
- Unsafe sex
- Unwanted pregnancy
- Up-front costs
- Urban population
- Users of reviews
- Utilitarianism
- Utility measures
- Utility
- Utilization focused evaluation
- Utilization/use of health services
- Utilization
- Validated instrument
- Validation studies
- Validation
- Validity
- Values
- Variability
- Variable cost
- Variable
- Variance
- Verification bias
- Vertical equity
- Very low birth weight
- Very preterm birth
- Virtues
- Virulence factors
- Virulence
- Vital statistics
- Vulnerable populations
- Waiting list
- Waiting time
- Washout period/phase
- Weighted kappa
- Weighted least squares regression
- Weighted mean difference
- Weighted mean
- Weighted sample
- Well-being of the trial subjects
- Wellness
- Women's health services
- Women's rights
- Years of life lost
- Years of potential life lost
- Zero population growth
- Zero reporting
- Zygote
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD