List of medical terms
List of medical terms | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 0 |
Popular medical terms and topics[edit | edit source]
A[edit | edit source]
- ABO blood groups
- ACE inhibitor
- AIDS-related complex
- A
- Aa
- Aaa
- Aao
- Ab
- Abcess
- Abdomen
- Abdominal cavity
- Abdominal
- Abdominis
- Abducens
- Abduct
- Abduction
- Abductor
- Aberrant
- Ability
- Ablation
- Able
- Abnormal
- Abnormalities
- Abnormality
- Abnormally
- Abortion
- About
- Above
- Abpa
- Abrasion (dental)
- Abrasion collar
- Abrupt
- Abruptly
- Abs
- Abs_
- Abscess
- Abscesses
- Absence
- Absent
- Absolute risk
- Absolute
- Absolutely
- Abstracts
- Abundant
- Abuse
- Abuser
- Abutting
- Ac
- Acas
- Acc
- Acceleration
- Accentuate
- Acceptable
- Access
- Accessory
- Accident
- Accidental
- Accompanied
- Accompanying
- Account
- Accounting
- Accumulated
- Accumulation
- Accumulations
- Accuracy
- Acetabula
- Acetabular
- Acetabuli
- Acetabulum
- Acetylcholine
- Achalasia
- Achieve
- Achilles tendon
- Achilles
- Acholia
- Acid fast
- Acid reflux
- Acid-base balance
- Acid
- Acidic
- Acidosis
- Acids
- Acinar
- Acl
- Acne
- Acoa
- Acoustic
- Acquired
- Acral
- Acromegaly
- Acromioclavicular
- Acromion
- Acropachy
- Acrospiroma
- Across
- Acs
- Actin
- Acting
- Action
- Active placebo
- Active
- Activity
- Actual
- Actually
- Acupuncture
- Acute (medicine)
- Acute abdomen
- Acute pericarditis
- Acute respiratory disease
- Acute
- Ad
- Adamantinoma
- Adc
- Added
- Addendum
- Addiction
- Addition
- Additional
- Additionally
- Adductor
- Adductors
- Adem
- Adenitis
- Adenocarcinoma
- Adenohypophysis
- Adenoid
- Adenoids
- Adenoma
- Adenomas
- Adenomatous
- Adenomyomatosis
- Adenomyosis
- Adenopathy
- Adenosine
- Adequate
- Adequately
- Adherence (medicine)
- Adherence
- Adherent
- Adhesion (medicine)
- Adhesions
- Adhesive
- Adipose tissue
- Adipose
- Adjacent
- Adjoining
- Adjuvant therapy
- Administered
- Administration
- Admission note
- Admission
- Adnexa
- Adnexal
- Adolescent
- Adopt
- Adrenal failure
- Adrenal glands
- Adrenal
- Adrenals
- Adrenergic storm
- Adrenocortical
- Adrenoleukodystrophy
- Adult
- Adults
- Advance
- Advanced
- Advancement
- Advancing
- Advantage
- Adventitial
- Adverse effect
- Adverse reaction
- Adynamic
- Aerated
- Aeration
- Aerobic exercise
- Aerosol
- Affect
- Affected
- Affecting
- Affective disorder
- Afferent
- Afferents
- Aforementioned
- After
- Afterbirth
- Afternoon
- Afterpains
- Again
- Against
- Age of onset
- Age related
- Age
- Agenesis
- Agent
- Aggregate
- Aggressive
- Aggressiveness
- Agnosia
- Ago
- Agonist
- Agyria
- Aided
- Aids
- Air embolism
- Air filled
- Air space
- Air trapping
- Air
- Airspace
- Airway obstruction
- Airway
- Airways
- Aka
- Akinesis
- Al
- Ala
- Albinism
- Albuginea
- Alcohol
- Alcoholic cardiomyopathy
- Alcoholics
- Alert
- Alexander
- Algorithm
- Align
- Aligned
- Alignment
- Alimentary canal
- Alkalosis
- Alkylating agents
- Allergen
- Allergic rhinitis
- Allergic
- Allergies
- Allergy
- Alleviate
- Allograft
- Allopathic medicine
- Allow natural death
- Allow
- Almanac
- Almost
- Alone
- Along
- Alongside
- Alopecia
- Alpha
- Already
- Also
- Alteration
- Altered
- Alternating
- Altitude sickness
- Altogether
- Alveolar
- Alveoli
- Alveolitis
- Always
- Alzheimer disease
- Alzheimer's
- Alzheimer
- Alzheimers disease
- Am
- Ama
- Amber
- Ambient
- Ambiguous
- Ambulatory
- Amebic
- Ameloblastoma
- Amenorrhea
- Amino
- Aminoaciduria
- Aminoglycoside
- Amiodarone
- Aml
- Amniocentesis
- Amniotic fluid
- Amniotic
- Amorphous
- Amount
- Amphetamine
- Amplitude
- Ampulla
- Amputation
- Amygdala
- Amyloid
- Amyloidosis
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- An
- Anabolic steroid
- Anal fissure
- Anal fistula
- Anal sphincter
- Anal
- Analgesic
- Analog
- Analogous
- Analysis
- Anaphylactic shock
- Anaplastic
- Anasarca
- Anastamosis
- Anastomoses
- Anastomosing
- Anastomosis
- Anatomic
- Anatomical terms of location
- Anatomical
- Anatomically
- Anatomy
- Anchor
- And
- Androgen
- Anechoic
- Anemia
- Anencephaly
- Anesthesia
- Anesthetic
- Anetoderma
- Aneurismal
- Aneurysm
- Aneurysmal
- Aneurysms
- Angina pectoris
- Angina
- Anginal equivalent
- Angio
- Angiofibroma
- Angiogram
- Angiographic
- Angiography
- Angioleiomyoma
- Angioma
- Angiomas
- Angiomatosis
- Angiomyolipoma
- Angiopathy
- Angioplasty
- Angiosarcoma
- Angle
- Angled
- Angular
- Angulation
- Anisomastia
- Ankle
- Ankylosed
- Ankylosing
- Ankylosis
- Annular
- Annulus
- Anomalies
- Anomalous
- Anomalously
- Anomaly
- Anophthalmia
- Anopsia
- Anorectal
- Anorexia nervosa
- Anosmia
- Another
- Anoxia
- Anoxic
- Ant
- Antacid
- Antecubital
- Anterior
- Anteriorly
- Anterograde
- Anterolateral
- Anteromedial
- Anteroposterior
- Antibiotic resistance
- Antibiotic
- Antibiotics
- Antibody
- Anticoagulants
- Antiemetics
- Antigen
- Antihistamine
- Antihypertensives
- Antioxidants
- Antipsychotics
- Antiseptics
- Antlantoaxial
- Antral
- Antrum
- Anus
- Any
- Anywhere
- Ao
- Aorta
- Aortal
- Aortic stenosis
- Aortic
- Aortography
- Ap
- Apart
- Aperistalsis
- Apex
- Apgar score
- Aphthous
- Apical
- Apices
- Aplasia
- Aplastic anemia
- Apnea
- Aponeurosis
- Apophyseal
- Apoplexy
- Apparent
- Apparently
- Appear
- Appearance
- Appeared
- Appearing
- Appendage
- Appendectomy
- Appendicitis
- Appendicolith
- Appendicular
- Appendix
- Appetite
- Apple
- Application
- Applied
- Appreciable
- Appreciate
- Appreciated
- Approach
- Approaching
- Appropriate
- Approx
- Approximate
- Approximated
- Approximately
- Approximating
- April
- Aqua
- Aqueduct
- Aqueous
- Arachnoid
- Arachnoidal
- Arc
- Arch
- Architectural
- Architecture
- Arcuate
- Are
- Area
- Areas
- Areola
- Areolar
- Ares
- Arguable
- Arise
- Arm
- Arms
- Army
- Around
- Arranged
- Arrest
- Arrested development
- Arrhythmia
- Arrival
- Arrow
- Arrowhead
- Art
- Artefact
- Arterial
- Arteries
- Arteriogram
- Arteriography
- Arteriolar
- Arteriosclerosis
- Arteriovenous
- Arteritis
- Artery
- Arthritic
- Arthritis
- Arthrodesis
- Arthrofibrosis
- Arthrogram
- Arthrography
- Arthropathy
- Arthroplasty
- Arthroscopic
- Arthroscopy
- Arthrosis
- Articles
- Articular
- Articulate
- Articulation
- Articulations
- Artifact
- Artifacts
- Artifactual
- Artificial insemination
- Artificial
- Artificially
- Aryepiglottic
- As
- Asbestos
- Asbestosis
- Asc
- Ascariasis
- Ascaris
- Ascend
- Ascending
- Ascites
- Ascitic
- Ascorbic acid
- Asd
- Asking
- Asp
- Aspect
- Aspects
- Aspergilloma
- Aspergillosis
- Aspermia
- Asphyxia
- Aspirate
- Aspirated
- Aspiration
- Assess
- Assessment and plan
- Assessment
- Assignment
- Assumed
- Ast
- Asterisk
- Asthma
- Astigmatism
- Astrocytoma
- Asymmetric
- Asymmetrical
- Asymmetrically
- Asymmetry
- Asymptomatic carrier
- Asymptomatic
- At
- Atalectasis
- Atelectasis
- Atelectatic
- Atherectomy
- Atheroma
- Atherosclerosis
- Atherosclerotic
- Athlete's foot
- Atlantoaxial
- Atony
- Atresia
- Atretic
- Atria
- Atrial fibrillation
- Atrial flutter
- Atrial septal defect
- Atrial
- Atrium
- Atrophic
- Atrophy
- Attached
- Attaching
- Attachment
- Attachments
- Attack
- Attempt
- Attempts
- Attending
- Attention-deficit disorder
- Attention
- Attenuated
- Attenuating
- Attenuation
- Attic
- Atypia
- Atypical
- Audiogram
- Auditory agnosia
- Auditory
- Aug
- Augmentation
- Augmented
- August
- Aura (symptom)
- Aura
- Auricular
- Auscultation
- Autism
- Autoamputation
- Autoimmune disease
- Autologous
- Autonomic dysreflexia
- Autonomic nervous system
- Autonomous
- Autopsy
- Autosomal dominant
- Autosomal recessive
- Autosomal
- Autosplenectomy
- Av
- Available
- Avascular
- Average
- Averaging
- Avid
- Avidity
- Avidly
- Avm
- Avn
- Avoid
- Avulsion
- Awake
- Away
- Ax
- Axial
- Axilla
- Axillae
- Axillary
- Axis
- Axonal
- Axons
- Az
- Azygos
- Azygous
B[edit | edit source]
- B cell
- B lymphocyte
- B type inclusion
- B3
- BCG vaccine
- B
- Baby
- Bacillus
- Back
- Background
- Backward
- Baclofen
- Bacteremia
- Bacterial
- Bacteriostatic
- Bacterium
- Bacteriuria
- Baffle
- Bag
- Baker
- Balance
- Ball-and-socket joint
- Ball
- Ballard Maturational Assessment
- Ballistic
- Balloon angioplasty
- Balloon catheter
- Balloon
- Ballooning
- Balloons
- Bamboo
- Band
- Banding
- Bands
- Bar
- Barbiturates
- Bare
- Barely
- Barium enema
- Barium
- Barrier
- Bartholin's glands
- Basal cell carcinoma
- Basal metabolic rate
- Basal
- Base
- Based
- Baseline
- Basically
- Basics
- Basilar
- Basilic
- Basis
- Basketball
- Basolateral
- Battered
- Battery
- Battle
- Bayonet
- Bb
- Be
- Bead
- Beaded
- Beading
- Beads
- Beak
- Beaked
- Beam
- Bean
- Bearing
- Bears
- Beaten
- Becker’s muscular dystrophy
- Become
- Becoming
- Bed
- Bee
- Beets
- Before
- Beginning
- Behavior
- Behind
- Being
- Believe
- Bell's palsy
- Bell
- Belly
- Below
- Bends
- Beneath
- Benign tumor
- Benign
- Benignity
- Benjamin
- Bennett
- Beri beri
- Berry
- Bertin
- Best
- Beta blocker
- Beta carotene
- Bethesda system
- Better
- Between
- Beveling
- Beyond
- Bezoar
- Bh
- Biceps
- Bicipital
- Biconvex
- Bicornuate
- Bicuspid
- Bidirectional
- Bifid
- Bifocal
- Bifurcating
- Bifurcation
- Big
- Bight
- Bike
- Bilateral
- Bilaterally
- Bile duct
- Bile
- Biliary atresia
- Biliary colic
- Biliary microlithiasis
- Biliary pseudolithiasis
- Biliary sludge
- Biliary tract
- Biliary
- Bilirubin
- Bilobed
- Bilocular
- Biloma
- Binging and purging
- Binucleate
- Biobank
- Biochemistry
- Biodistribution
- Bioequivalent
- Biofeedback
- Biopsied
- Biopsy
- Biotrauma
- Bipartite
- Biphosphonate
- Bipolar disorder
- Bird
- Birefringent
- Birth canal
- Birth control
- Birth defect
- Birth
- Birthmark
- Bisexuality
- Bit
- Bite
- Bites
- Bizarre
- Black
- Bladder
- Blade
- Bland
- Blast
- Bleb (medicine)
- Bleed
- Bleeding
- Blend
- Blepharitis
- Blighted
- Blind spot
- Blind
- Blindness
- Blistering
- Blisters
- Block
- Blockage
- Blocked
- Blocking
- Blonde
- Blood cells
- Blood clot
- Blood poisoning
- Blood pressure
- Blood transfusion
- Blood type
- Blood-brain barrier
- Blood
- Bloodstream
- Blooming
- Blow out
- Blow
- Blowout
- Blue
- Blunt
- Blunted
- Blurring
- Blush
- Blushing
- Board
- Boarder
- Bodies
- Body fluid
- Body image (neuroscience)
- Body structure
- Body
- Boerhaave
- Bogart–Bacall syndrome
- Boil
- Bolus
- Bone marrow transplant
- Bone marrow
- Bone spur
- Bone
- Bones
- Boney
- Bony
- Boomerang
- Booster
- Border
- Bordered
- Borderline
- Borders
- Born
- Both
- Bottle
- Bottom
- Botulism
- Bound
- Boundaries
- Boundary
- Bounded
- Bovine
- Bow
- Bowed
- Bowel
- Bowels
- Bowing
- Bowl
- Box
- Boy
- Bpm
- Br
- Braces
- Brachial
- Brachiocephalic
- Brachium
- Bradycardia
- Brain damage
- Brain death
- Brain
- Brainstem
- Branch
- Branched
- Branches
- Branchial
- Branching
- Breach
- Break
- Breakdown
- Breakthrough
- Breast atrophy
- Breast
- Breasts
- Breath
- Breech birth
- Brevis
- Brew
- Bridge
- Bridged
- Bridging
- Bright
- Brighter
- Brightly
- Brightness
- Brisk
- British
- Broad
- Broadening
- Broken
- Bronchi
- Bronchial
- Bronchiectasis
- Bronchiolitis
- Bronchitis
- Bronchoconstrictor
- Bronchodilator
- Bronchoscopy
- Bronchospasm
- Bronchus
- Brown
- Brownish
- Bruise
- Bruises
- Bruit
- Bruxism
- Bs
- Bubble
- Bubbles
- Bubbly
- Bubonic plague
- Buccal
- Bucket
- Buckle
- Buckled
- Buckling
- Bud
- Buddy
- Buds
- Buildup
- Bulb
- Bulbar
- Bulbous
- Bulge
- Bulging
- Bulimia
- Bulk
- Bulky
- Bulla
- Bullae
- Bullet
- Bullous
- Bunch
- Bundles
- Bunion
- Buphthalmos
- Burden
- Burkitt's lymphoma
- Bursa
- Bursae
- Bursitis
- Burst
- But
- Butte
- Butterfly bandage
- Butterfly
- Buttock
- Buttocks
- Button
- By
- Bypass
C[edit | edit source]
- CAT scanning
- CT scanning
- C
- Ca
- Cabg
- Cad
- Cake
- Calcaneal
- Calcaneus
- Calcific
- Calcification
- Calcifications
- Calcified
- Calcify
- Calcinosis
- Calcitonin
- Calcium channel blocker
- Calcium
- Calculate
- Calculated
- Calculi
- Calculous
- Calculus (medicine)
- Calculus
- Calf
- Caliber
- Call
- Called
- Callosal
- Callosum
- Callous
- Callus
- Calorie
- Calvaria
- Calvarial
- Calyceal
- Calyces
- Calyx
- Cam
- Camera
- Can
- Canal
- Canals
- Cancer staging
- Cancer
- Cancerous
- Cancers
- Candida
- Candidemia
- Candidiasis
- Candle
- Candy
- Cane
- Canicular
- Canis
- Canker sore
- Cannonball
- Cannula
- Cannulation
- Canthus
- Cap
- Capable
- Capillaries
- Capillary
- Capital
- Capitate
- Capitellum
- Capitis
- Capitulum
- Capping
- Capsular
- Capsule
- Capsules
- Capsulitis
- Caption
- Captopril
- Caput
- Carbohydrate
- Carbon dioxide
- Carbon
- Carcinogen
- Carcinoid
- Carcinoma
- Carcinomas
- Carcinomatosis
- Carcinomatous
- Cardiac arrest
- Cardiac shunt
- Cardiac
- Cardinal
- Cardiogenic shock
- Cardiogenic
- Cardiography
- Cardiolite
- Cardiomegaly
- Cardiomyopathy
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
- Cardiopulmonary
- Cardiovascular system
- Carditis
- Care
- Careful
- Carefully
- Carina
- Carnoy's solution
- Carotene
- Carotid arteries
- Carotid
- Carotids
- Carpal bones
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Carpal
- Carpometacarpal
- Carrying
- Cartilage
- Cartilages
- Cartilaginous
- Cartoon
- Cartoons
- Cartwheel
- Case presentation
- Case report
- Case
- Caseous
- Cases
- Cassette
- Cast
- Casting
- Cat-scratch fever
- Cat
- Catabolism
- Cataract
- Category
- Catheter
- Catheterization
- Catheters
- Cauda
- Caudad
- Caudal
- Caudally
- Caudate
- Cauliflower ear
- Cause of death
- Cause
- Caused
- Causing
- Cauterization
- Cava
- Cave
- Cavernous
- Cavitary
- Cavitation
- Cavities
- Cavity
- Cavo
- Cavum
- Cc
- Cca
- Cd
- Cdc
- Ce
- Cecal
- Cecum
- Celiac
- Cell
- Cells
- Cellular
- Cellulitis
- Cement
- Cental
- Center
- Centered
- Centers
- Centimeter
- Central nervous system
- Central venous pressure
- Central
- Centralized
- Centrally
- Centric
- Centripetal
- Centrum
- Cephalad
- Cephalic
- Cephalization
- Cephalohematoma
- Cerebellar degeneration
- Cerebellar
- Cerebellopontine
- Cerebellum
- Cerebral palsy
- Cerebral perfusion pressure
- Cerebral
- Cerebrospinal fluid
- Cerebrospinal
- Cerebrovascular disease
- Cerebrovascular
- Cerebrum
- Certainty
- Cervical cap
- Cervical conization
- Cervical dislocation
- Cervical dysplasia
- Cervical incompetence
- Cervical smear
- Cervical
- Cervices
- Cervicitis
- Cervicothoracic
- Cervix
- Cesarean section
- Cessation
- Cf
- Cfa
- Cgi
- Ch
- Chain of survival
- Chain
- Chains
- Chalazion
- Chalky
- Challenge
- Chamber
- Chambered
- Chambers
- Chance
- Chancre
- Change
- Changed
- Changes
- Channel
- Channels
- Characteristic
- Characteristically
- Characteristics
- Characterization
- Characterized
- Charcot
- Chart
- Check
- Cheek
- Cheesewiring
- Chemical
- Chemodectoma
- Chemoembolization
- Chemoprophylaxis
- Chemosis
- Chemotherapy
- Chest pain
- Chest
- Chewing
- Chf
- Chi
- Chiasm
- Chiasmatic
- Chickenpox
- Chief complaint
- Chief
- Child
- Childhood
- Children's
- Children
- Chin
- Chlamydia
- Chlamydophila
- Choana
- Choice
- Choked
- Cholangiocarcinoma
- Cholangiogram
- Cholangiography
- Cholangitis
- Cholecystectomy
- Cholecystitis
- Cholecystolithiasis
- Cholecystostomy
- Cholecystotomy
- Choledochojejunostomy
- Choledocholithiasis
- Choledocolithiasis
- Cholelithiasis
- Cholera
- Cholesteatoma
- Cholesterol
- Choline
- Chondral
- Chondritis
- Chondroblastoma
- Chondroblasts
- Chondrocalcinosis
- Chondrocytes
- Chondroma
- Chondromalacia patellae
- Chondrosarcoma
- Chordoma
- Chorionic villus sampling
- Chorionic
- Choroid
- Choroidal
- Choroiditis
- Chosen
- Christmas
- Chromatin
- Chromophobe
- Chromosome analysis
- Chronic care
- Chronic condition
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Chronic
- Chronicity
- Chunky
- Chyli
- Chylous
- Cigar
- Cigarette
- Cilia
- Ciliary
- Cine
- Cinnamon
- Circle
- Circles
- Circular
- Circulation
- Circumcision
- Circumferential
- Circumflex
- Circumscribed
- Cirrhosis of the liver
- Cirrhosis
- Cistern
- Cisterna
- Cisterns
- Cl
- Clamp
- Clarification
- Clarified
- Clarity
- Class
- Classic
- Classical
- Classically
- Classification
- Claudication
- Claustrophobia
- Clavicle
- Clavicles
- Clavicular
- Claw
- Clay
- Clean
- Clear
- Clearance
- Clearing
- Clearly
- Cleavage
- Cleft lip
- Cleft palate
- Cleft
- Clenched
- Clinical center
- Clinical formulation
- Clinical pathway
- Clinical research center
- Clinical supervision
- Clinical trial
- Clinical trials
- Clinical
- Clinically
- Clinoid
- Clinomorphism
- Clinophilia
- Clip
- Clitoral
- Clitoris
- Clivus
- Clock
- Clockwise
- Clone
- Close up
- Close
- Closed fracture
- Closed
- Closely
- Closer
- Closest
- Closeup
- Closure
- Clot
- Clotted
- Clotting factor
- Clotting
- Club
- Clubbing
- Clubfoot
- Clue
- Clumping
- Cluster headache
- Cluster
- Clustered
- Clusters
- Cluttering
- Cm
- Cmc
- Cmd
- Cmin
- Cmv
- Cn
- Cns
- Coagulation
- Coalesce
- Coalesced
- Coalescence
- Coalescent
- Coalescing
- Coalition
- Coarctation
- Coarse
- Coarsened
- Coating
- Coaxial
- Cobblestone
- Cocaine
- Cocarcinogen
- Coccidioidomycosis
- Coccygeal
- Coccyx
- Cochlea
- Cochlear
- Coefficient
- Coexistence
- Coil
- Coiled
- Coiling
- Coils
- Coin
- Coincident
- Coitus
- Coke
- Cold sore
- Cold
- Colectomy
- Coli
- Colic
- Colitis
- Collage
- Collagen
- Collapse
- Collapsed lung
- Collateral
- Collateralization
- Collaterals
- Collected
- Collecting
- Collection
- Collections
- Collector
- Colli
- Colliculi
- Colliculus
- Collimation
- Collinear
- Colloid
- Coloboma
- Colon
- Colonic
- Colonoscopy
- Color blindness
- Color
- Colorectal
- Colored
- Colors
- Colostomy
- Colpocephaly
- Column
- Columns
- Com
- Coma
- Comatose
- Comb
- Combination therapy
- Combination
- Combined
- Come
- Comes
- Coming
- Comminuted fracture
- Comminution
- Commissure
- Common cold
- Common
- Commonly
- Communicable disease
- Communicans
- Communicate
- Communicating
- Communication
- Community
- Compact
- Companion
- Comparable
- Compare
- Compared
- Comparing
- Comparison
- Compartment
- Compartments
- Compatible
- Compensated
- Compensatory
- Competition
- Complaining
- Complaint
- Complete
- Completed
- Completely
- Completing
- Completion
- Complex
- Complexes
- Complexity
- Complicated
- Complication (medicine)
- Complication
- Complications
- Component
- Components
- Composed
- Composite
- Composition
- Compound fracture
- Compound
- Compress
- Compressed
- Compressible
- Compressing
- Compression fracture
- Compression
- Compromise
- Computed tomography scanning
- Computer
- Computerized physician order entry
- Con
- Concave
- Concavity
- Concentrating
- Concentration
- Concentrations
- Concentric
- Concern
- Concerned
- Concerning
- Concha
- Concluded
- Conclusion
- Concordant
- Concurrent
- Concussion
- Condensation
- Condensed
- Condition
- Conditions
- Condoms
- Conduction
- Condylar
- Condyle
- Condyles
- Cone
- Conference
- Confidence
- Configuration
- Confined
- Confines
- Confirm
- Confirmation
- Confirmatory
- Confirmed
- Confirming
- Confluence
- Confluent
- Conform
- Conforming
- Conforms
- Confused
- Congenital
- Congestion
- Congestive heart failure
- Congestive
- Conglomerate
- Conglomeration
- Congo
- Conjunctiva
- Conjunctivitis
- Connect
- Connected
- Connecting
- Connection
- Connective tissue
- Connective
- Consciousness
- Consecutive
- Consequence
- Consequent
- Conservative management
- Conservative
- Consider
- Considerable
- Considerably
- Considered
- Consistent
- Consistently
- Consists
- Consolidated
- Consolidation
- Consolidative
- Conspicuous
- Constant
- Constellation
- Constipation
- Constrained
- Constricted
- Constricting
- Constriction
- Constrictive
- Constrictor
- Consult
- Consumed
- Contact
- Contacts
- Contain
- Contained
- Contains
- Contamination
- Content
- Contents
- Contiguity
- Contiguous
- Continual
- Continuation
- Continue
- Continued
- Continuing
- Continuity
- Continuous
- Continuously
- Contour
- Contracted
- Contraction
- Contractions
- Contraindication
- Contralateral
- Contrary
- Contrast
- Contrasted
- Contrecoup
- Contributing
- Control
- Contused
- Contusion
- Contusions
- Conus
- Conventional
- Converge
- Convergence
- Converging
- Conversion
- Converted
- Convex
- Convexity
- Convincing
- Convincingly
- Convolution
- Convolutions
- Convulsion
- Cool
- Coordinating
- Copd
- Copper
- Cor
- Coracobrachialis
- Coracoclavicular
- Coracoid
- Coral
- Cord
- Cords
- Core
- Corkscrew
- Corn
- Cornea
- Corneal
- Corneas
- Corner
- Corona
- Coronal
- Coronary arteries
- Coronary heart disease
- Coronary thrombosis
- Coronary
- Coronoid
- Corpora
- Corpulence index
- Corpus
- Corpuscle
- Correct
- Corrected
- Correction
- Corrective
- Correctly
- Correlate
- Correlated
- Correlation
- Correlative
- Correspond
- Corresponding
- Correspondingly
- Corroborate
- Cortex
- Cortical
- Cortically
- Cortices
- Corticospinal
- Corticosteroids
- Cosmesis
- Cosmetic
- Cosmic
- Costal
- Costochondral
- Coughing
- Count
- Counts
- Coup
- Couple
- Coupled
- Couplet
- Course (medicine)
- Course
- Coursing
- Courtesy
- Coverage
- Covered
- Cox
- Coxa
- Cp
- Cpa
- Cpm
- Cr
- Cranial
- Craniectomy
- Craniocervical instability
- Craniopharyngioma
- Cranioplasty
- Craniosynostosis
- Craniothoracic
- Craniotomy
- Cranium
- Crater
- Crazy
- Cream
- Create
- Created
- Creatine
- Creatinine
- Credit
- Crescent shaped
- Crescent
- Crescents
- Crest
- Cribiform
- Cribriform
- Cricoid
- Crista
- Criteria
- Criterion
- Critical
- Crohn's
- Crohn
- Cross over
- Cross section
- Cross sectional
- Cross
- Crossed
- Crosses
- Crossing
- Crotch
- Croup
- Crow
- Crucial
- Cruciate ligaments
- Cruciate
- Crude
- Crus
- Crush
- Crusty
- Cryo
- Cryptococcosis
- Crystal
- Crystalline
- Crystals
- Csf
- Ct scan
- Ct
- Ctv
- Cuboid
- Cuff
- Cul de sac
- Culture conversion
- Culture
- Cuneiform
- Cup
- Cupped
- Cupping
- Cure
- Curettage
- Curls
- Current
- Currently
- Curvature
- Curve
- Curved
- Curvilinear
- Cushing
- Cut off
- Cut
- Cutaneous
- Cute
- Cuticles
- Cutis
- Cutoff
- Cuts
- Cutting
- Cv
- Cxr
- Cyanosis
- Cycle
- Cyclical
- Cylindrical
- Cyst
- Cystadenoma
- Cystectomy
- Cystic fibrosis
- Cystic
- Cysticercosis
- Cysticercus
- Cystitis
- Cystogram
- Cystosarcoma
- Cystoscopy
- Cystostomy
- Cystourethrogram
- Cysts
- Cytokeratin
- Cytology
- Cytomegalovirus
- Cytoplasm
- Cytoplasmic
- Cytotoxic
D[edit | edit source]
- D and C
- D
- Da
- Dai
- Damage
- Damages
- Dandy
- Danger
- Dao
- Dark
- Dash
- Data
- Dataset
- Date
- Dated
- Dating
- Dawn
- Day
- Days
- Dayton
- Db
- De
- Dead on arrival
- Dead space (physiology)
- Dead
- Death by misadventure
- Death
- Debridement
- Debris
- Dec
- Decease
- December
- Decidual
- Decline
- Decompensation
- Decompressing
- Decompression sickness
- Decompression
- Decrease
- Decreased
- Decreasing
- Decubitus
- Dedicated
- Deep-vein thrombosis
- Deep
- Deepen
- Deeply
- Default
- Defecation
- Defect
- Defective
- Defects
- Deferens
- Defibrillation
- Deficiency
- Deficient
- Definable
- Define
- Defined
- Definite
- Definitely
- Definition
- Definitive
- Definitively
- Deflated
- Deflection
- Deflux
- Deform
- Deformation
- Deformed
- Deforming
- Deformities
- Deformity
- Degeneration
- Degenerative arthritis
- Degenerative
- Degradation
- Degraded
- Degree
- Degrees
- Dehiscence
- Dehiscent
- Dehydration
- Dehydrogenase
- Deinstitutionalisation
- Delay
- Delayed
- Delicate
- Delineate
- Delineated
- Delineation
- Delivery
- Delta
- Deltoid
- Demarcated
- Demarcation
- Dementia
- Demineralization
- Demonstrate
- Demonstrated
- Demonstrating
- Demonstration
- Demyelination
- Denervation
- Denote
- Denoted
- Dens
- Dense breast tissue
- Dense
- Densely
- Denser
- Densities
- Density
- Dent
- Dental
- Dentate
- Dentigerous
- Dentomandibular sensorimotor dysfunction
- Department
- Depend
- Dependent
- Dephasing
- Depict
- Depicted
- Depicting
- Depilatory
- Deployed
- Deploying
- Deployment
- Deposit
- Deposition
- Deposits
- Depot injection
- Depressed
- Depression (physiology)
- Depression
- Depressions
- Depth
- Depths
- Dermabrasion
- Dermal
- Dermatitis
- Dermatology
- Dermatomyositis
- Dermis
- Dermoid
- Descending
- Describe
- Described
- Description
- Desensitization
- Desiccation
- Desmin
- Desmoid
- Desmoplastic
- Despite
- Dessert
- Destroyed
- Destruction
- Destructive
- Detachable
- Detachment
- Detail
- Detailed
- Detailing
- Detect
- Detectable
- Detected
- Detecting
- Detection
- Determination
- Determine
- Determined
- Determining
- Detoxification
- Develop
- Developed
- Developing
- Development
- Developmental Origins of Health and Disease
- Developmental
- Deviate
- Deviated
- Deviates
- Deviation
- Device
- Devices
- Devoid
- Dextrocardia
- Dextrose
- Diabetes insipidus
- Diabetes mellitus
- Diabetes
- Diabetic
- Diadochokinesia
- Diagnosed
- Diagnoses
- Diagnosis of exclusion
- Diagnosis-related group
- Diagnosis
- Diagnostic greed
- Diagnostic
- Diagram
- Dialysis
- Diameter
- Diamniotic
- Diaper rash
- Diaphragm
- Diaphragma
- Diaphragmatic
- Diaphyseal
- Diaphyses
- Diaphysis
- Diarrhea
- Diaschisis
- Diastasis (physiology)
- Diastasis
- Diastematomyelia
- Diastole
- Diastolic pressure
- Diathermy
- Diathesis (medicine)
- Dichorionic
- Died
- Diencephalic
- Diencephalon
- Dietary
- Difference
- Different
- Differential diagnosis
- Differential
- Differentiate
- Differentiated
- Differentiating
- Differentiation
- Differing
- Difficult
- Difficulty swallowing
- Difficulty
- Diffuse
- Diffusely
- Diffusion
- Digastric
- Digit
- Digital
- Digitally
- Digitization
- Digits
- Dihydrate
- Dilatation and Curettage
- Dilatation
- Dilate
- Dilated
- Dilation
- Diligent
- Dilute
- Dimension
- Dimensional
- Dimensions
- Diminished
- Diminution
- Diminutive
- Dimple
- Dimples
- Dinner
- Dip
- Diphosphonate
- Diphtheria
- Diploic
- Diprosopus
- Direct
- Directed
- Direction
- Directly
- Dirty
- Disassociation
- Disc
- Discectomy
- Discern
- Discernable
- Discernible
- Discharge
- Discharged
- Discitis
- Discogenic
- Discoid
- Discoloration
- Discomfort
- Discontinuities
- Discontinuity
- Discontinuous
- Discordant
- Discovered
- Discreet
- Discrete
- Discriminatory
- Discs
- Disease registry
- Disease theory of alcoholism
- Disease
- Diseases
- Dish
- Disk prolapse
- Disk
- Diskitis
- Disks
- Dislocated
- Dislocation
- Dislocations
- Disorder
- Disorders
- Disorganization
- Disorganized
- Dispersed
- Dispersion
- Displace
- Displaced
- Displacement
- Display
- Disproportionate
- Disproportionately
- Disrupt
- Disrupted
- Disruption
- Dissect
- Dissected
- Dissecting
- Dissection
- Dissections
- Dissects
- Disseminated disease
- Disseminated
- Dissemination
- Dissociation
- Distal
- Distally
- Distance
- Distances
- Distant
- Distend
- Distended
- Distending
- Distensible
- Distension
- Distention
- Distinct
- Distinction
- Distinctive
- Distinguish
- Distinguished
- Distinguishing
- Distort
- Distorted
- Distorting
- Distortion
- Distract
- Distracted
- Distraction
- Distress
- Distributed
- Distribution
- Disuse
- Diuretic
- Divaricate
- Divergence
- Diversion
- Diverticula
- Diverticular
- Diverticuli
- Diverticulitis
- Diverticulosis
- Diverticulum
- Divided
- Divides
- Dividing
- Division
- Divisions
- Dizygotic
- Dizziness
- Dlbcl
- Do
- Doctor
- Dod
- Dog
- Dome
- Domed
- Domes
- Dominance
- Dominant gene
- Dominant
- Done
- Donor
- Donut
- Dopamine
- Doppler
- Dorsal
- Dorsally
- Dorsolateral
- Dorsum
- Dose
- Dosing
- Dot
- Dots
- Dotted
- Double bubble
- Double contrast
- Double
- Doublet
- Doughnut
- Douglas
- Down syndrome
- Down
- Downward
- Drain
- Drainage
- Drained
- Draining
- Drains
- Dramatic
- Draped
- Draping
- Drawing
- Drawn
- Dripping
- Drive
- Drop attack
- Drop out
- Drop
- Droplet
- Dropout
- Drops
- Drowning
- Drug
- Drugs
- Drusen
- Dry
- Dsc
- Dual
- Duchenne muscular dystrophy
- Duct
- Ductal
- Ductogram
- Ductography
- Ducts
- Ductule
- Ductus
- Due
- Dumbbell
- Dumping
- Duodenal ulcer
- Duodenal
- Duodenum
- Duplex
- Duplicated
- Duplication
- Dura
- Dural
- Duration
- During
- Dusky
- Dwm
- Dx
- Dying
- Dynamic
- Dynamically
- Dyscopia
- Dyscrasia
- Dysdiadochokinesia
- Dysentery
- Dysfunction
- Dysgenesis
- Dysgerminoma
- Dyskinesia
- Dysostosis
- Dysplasia
- Dysplastic
- Dyspnea
- Dysraphism
- Dystrophy
E[edit | edit source]
- E-patient
- ECG (sometimes called an EKG)
- E
- Each
- Eagle
- Ear
- Eardrum
- Earlier
- Early stage
- Early
- Earring
- Ears
- Earth
- Ease
- Easily
- Easy
- Eat
- Eaten
- Ebullism
- Eccentric
- Eccentrically
- Eccrine
- Ecg
- Echelon
- Echo
- Echocardiogram
- Echocardiography
- Echogenicity
- Eclampsia
- Economic credentialing
- Ectasia
- Ectatic
- Ectopia
- Ectopic
- Ectopy
- Eczema
- Ed
- Edema
- Edematous
- Edge
- Edges
- Effacement
- Effect
- Effective
- Effects
- Efferent
- Efficacy
- Effort
- Effusion
- Eft
- Eg
- Egersis
- Egg
- Ei
- Eight
- Eighth
- Either
- Ejaculatory
- Ejection
- Ekg
- Elastic
- Elastica
- Elbow
- Elbows
- Elective surgery
- Elective
- Electrocardiogram
- Electrode
- Electroencephalography
- Electron
- Electronic prescribing
- Electronic visit verification
- Electrophysiologic
- Electuary
- Elements
- Elevated
- Elevates
- Elevation
- Eleventh
- Eliminated
- Elliptical
- Elongated
- Elongation
- Else
- Elsewhere
- Em
- Ema
- Emanate
- Embedded
- Emboli
- Embolic
- Embolism
- Embolisms
- Embolization
- Embolus
- Embryo
- Embryonal
- Emedicine
- Emergency
- Emetic
- Emg
- Eminence
- Emission
- Emphysema
- Emphysematous
- Empty
- Emptying
- Empyema
- Ems
- En face
- En
- Encapsulate
- Encapsulated
- Encase
- Encased
- Encasement
- Encephalitis
- Encephalocele
- Encephalomalacia
- Encephalomyelitis
- Encephalopathy
- Enchantment
- Enchondroma
- Enchondromatosis
- Encircled
- Encircling
- Encompassing
- Encountered
- Encroaching
- Encroachment
- End organ damage
- End
- Endarterectomy
- Ended
- Endemic
- Ending
- Endobronchial
- Endocardial
- Endocarditis
- Endocardium
- Endocrine gland
- Endogenous agonist
- Endogenous
- Endoluminal
- Endolymphatic
- Endometrial polyp
- Endometrial
- Endometrioma
- Endometriosis
- Endometrium
- Endophthalmitis
- Endorphin
- Endoscope
- Endoscopic
- Endoscopically
- Endoscopy
- Endosteal
- Endothelium
- Endotracheal tube
- Endotracheal
- Endotype
- Endovascular
- Endplate
- Endplates
- Ends
- Enema
- Energy
- Engaged
- Engel classification
- Engorged
- Engorgement
- Enhance
- Enhanced
- Enhancement
- Enhancing
- Enlarged
- Enlargement
- Enolase
- Enormously
- Enough
- Ensure
- Enter
- Entered
- Enteric
- Entering
- Enteritis
- Enterobiasis
- Enterocolitis
- Enterprise
- Enthesis
- Enthesophyte
- Entire
- Entirely
- Entirety
- Entity
- Entrance
- Entrapment
- Entrez
- Entry
- Enucleation
- Enuresis
- Envelope
- Envelopes
- Enveloping
- Environmental factors
- Enzyme
- Eosinophilic
- Ependyma
- Ependymal
- Ependymoma
- Ependymomas
- Epi
- Epicenter
- Epicondyle
- Epicondylitis
- Epidemic
- Epidermal
- Epidermis
- Epididymis
- Epididymitis
- Epidural anesthesia
- Epidural
- Epigastric
- Epiglotitis
- Epiglottis
- Epiglottitis
- Epilepsy
- Epinephrine
- Epiphenomenon
- Epiphyseal
- Epiphyses
- Epiphysis
- Epiploic
- Episcleritis
- Episiotomy
- Episode
- Epithelial
- Epithelioid
- Epithelium
- Epitympanum
- Epstein-Barr virus
- Equal
- Equals
- Equianalgesic
- Equilibrate
- Equilibrium
- Equinovarus
- Equivalent
- Er
- Ercp
- Erectile
- Erector
- Erode
- Eroded
- Eroding
- Erosion
- Erosions
- Erosive
- Eruption
- Erysipelas
- Erythema
- Erythematosus
- Erythematous
- Erythrocyte
- Erythroplakia
- Es
- Esophageal spasm
- Esophageal varices
- Esophageal
- Esophagectomy
- Esophagitis
- Esophagogram
- Esophagram
- Esophagus
- Especially
- Essential
- Essentially
- Established
- Esthesioneuroblastoma
- Estimate
- Estimated
- Estrogen replacement therapy
- Estrogen
- Et
- Etanercept
- Ethanol
- Ethmoid
- Ethmoidal
- Ethmoiditis
- Etiology
- Eustachian tube
- Euthanasia
- Evacuate
- Evacuated
- Evacuation
- Eval
- Evaluate
- Evaluated
- Evaluation
- Even
- Evenly
- Evidence
- Evidenced
- Evident
- Evolve
- Ewing's
- Ex
- Exacerbation
- Exact
- Exactly
- Exaggerated
- Exaggeration
- Exam
- Examination
- Example
- Excavation (medicine)
- Excavation
- Exceed
- Excellent
- Except
- Exception
- Exceptions
- Excess
- Excessive
- Excipient
- Excised
- Excision
- Excitement
- Exclude
- Excluded
- Exclusively
- Excrescence
- Excreted
- Excretion
- Excretory
- Excursion
- Exemplifying
- Exenteration
- Exercise stress test
- Exercise thallium test
- Exercise
- Exert
- Exhibit
- Exhibits
- Exit
- Exits
- Exocytosis
- Exogenous
- Exophthalmos
- Exophytic
- Exostoses
- Exostosis
- Expand
- Expandable
- Expanded
- Expanding
- Expectorant
- Expelled
- Expensive
- Experienced
- Experimental
- Expiration
- Expiratory
- Explain
- Explained
- Explosive
- Exposed
- Exposure
- Expression
- Extend
- Extended
- Extends
- Extension
- Extensions
- Extensive
- Extensively
- Extensor muscle
- Extensor
- Extent
- Exterior
- External version
- External
- Externally
- Extra articular
- Extra ventricular
- Extraarticular
- Extracapsular
- Extracellular
- Extracorporeal
- Extracranial
- Extraction
- Extradural anesthesia
- Extradural
- Extrahepatic
- Extramedullary
- Extraocular
- Extraosseous
- Extraperitoneal
- Extrapolated
- Extrathoracic
- Extrauterine
- Extravasation (intravenous)
- Extravasation
- Extravascular
- Extreme
- Extremely
- Extremities
- Extremity
- Extrinsic
- Extruded
- Extruding
- Extrusion
- Exudates
- Exudation
- Eye
- Eyeball
- Eyebrow
- Eyelid
- Eyelids
- Eyes
F[edit | edit source]
- F
- Face
- Faceless
- Faces
- Facet
- Facial palsy
- Facial
- Facility
- Facing
- Fact
- Factoid
- Factor
- Fade
- Fai
- Failed
- Failure to thrive
- Failure
- Faint
- Faintly
- Fairly
- Falciform
- Falcine
- Falciparum
- Fall
- Fallen
- Fallopian tube
- Fallopian
- Fallot
- False
- Falx
- Familial
- Family history (medicine)
- Family
- Fan
- Far
- Fascia
- Fascial
- Fascicles
- Fasciculi
- Fasciculus
- Fasciitis
- Fashion
- Fast
- Fat
- Fatal
- Fatigue
- Fats
- Fatsa
- Fatty acid
- Fatty
- Favor
- Favored
- Fda
- Fdg
- Feathery
- Feature
- Featureless
- Features
- Feb
- Febrile
- February
- Fecal occult blood test
- Fecal
- Fecalith
- Feces
- Fecolith
- Fed
- Feed
- Feeding
- Feeds
- Feet
- Felt
- Female reproductive organs
- Female
- Females
- Femora
- Femoral artery
- Femoral
- Femoris
- Femur
- Femurs
- Fermentation
- Ferret
- Fertility drug
- Fertility
- Fertilization
- Fetal alcohol syndrome
- Fetal distress
- Fetal monitoring
- Fetal tissue transplant
- Fetal
- Fetus
- Fetuses
- Fever
- Few
- Fewer
- Fib
- Fiber
- Fiberoptic
- Fiberoptics
- Fibers
- Fibrillary
- Fibrillation
- Fibrillations
- Fibrin
- Fibrinolysis
- Fibroadenoma
- Fibroblastic
- Fibrocartilage
- Fibrocartilaginous
- Fibrocystic breast disease
- Fibrocystic
- Fibrofatty
- Fibroid
- Fibroids
- Fibrolipoma
- Fibroma
- Fibromatosis
- Fibromuscular
- Fibrosarcoma
- Fibrosis
- Fibrothorax
- Fibrotic
- Fibrous
- Fibula
- Fibulae
- Fibular
- Fibulas
- Field
- Fiesta
- Fifth disease
- Fifth
- Fig
- Figs
- Figure
- Figures
- Filaments
- File
- Fill
- Filled
- Filling
- Fillings
- Filter
- Filum
- Final
- Finally
- Find
- Finding
- Findings
- Fine
- Finger
- Fingers
- Finish
- Fir
- Fire
- Firm
- Firmly
- First
- Fischer
- Fissural
- Fissure
- Fissures
- Fissuring
- Fist
- Fistula
- Fistulae
- Fistulization
- Fistulogram
- Fistulous
- Fitness
- Five-year survival rate
- Five
- Fixation
- Fixator
- Fixed
- Flail
- Flair
- Flame
- Flank
- Flap
- Flaring
- Flask
- Flat
- Flattened
- Flatulence
- Flavor
- Flavum
- Fleshy
- Flexion
- Flexor
- Flexure
- Flexures
- Flickering
- Floaters
- Floating
- Flocculent
- Flooding
- Floor
- Florid
- Flow
- Flowing
- Flows
- Flu
- Fluffy
- Fluid
- Fluke
- Fluoride
- Fluoroscopic
- Fluoroscopy
- Flush
- Fly
- Focal
- Focally
- Foci
- Focus
- Focused
- Fold
- Folded
- Folia
- Folic acid
- Follicle stimulating hormone
- Follicle
- Follicles
- Follicular
- Folliculitis
- Follow through
- Follow up
- Follow
- Followed
- Following
- Followup
- Fomite
- Fontanelle
- Fontanelles
- Fontanels
- Fonticulus
- Food poisoning
- Food
- Foot
- Football
- For
- Foramen
- Foramenal
- Foramina
- Foraminal
- Force
- Forceps delivery
- Forceps
- Forearm
- Forearms
- Forefoot
- Foregut
- Forehead
- Foreign body
- Foreign
- Foreskin
- Fork
- Form
- Formania
- Formation
- Formations
- Formed
- Forming
- Forms
- Formula
- Fornices
- Fornix
- Forth
- Forum
- Forward
- Fossa
- Fossae
- Foul
- Found
- Founder
- Four
- Fourth
- Fovea
- Fr
- Fraction
- Fracture
- Fractures
- Fragment
- Fragmentation
- Fragmented
- Fragments
- Frame
- Frames
- Frank
- Fraternal twins
- Frayed
- Free radical
- Free
- Freely
- Fremitus
- French
- Frequency
- Frequent
- Frequently asked questions
- Frequently
- Friable
- Fried
- Frog
- From
- Front
- Frontal
- Frontalis
- Frontoparietal
- Frontotemporal
- Frostbite
- Frozen
- Fuel
- Full
- Fullness
- Fully
- Fulminant
- Function
- Functional disorder
- Functional symptom
- Functional
- Functioning
- Functions
- Fundus
- Fungal
- Fungi
- Fungus
- Funnel
- Further
- Furthermore
- Fused
- Fusiform
- Fusion
- Fusions
- Future
- Fx
G[edit | edit source]
- GI series
- G
- Gaba
- Gad
- Gadolinium
- Gadopentetate
- Galactocele
- Galactorrhea
- Galactose
- Galactosemia
- Galen
- Gall
- Gallbladder
- Galli
- Gallium
- Gallstone ileus
- Gallstone
- Gallstones
- Gamma globulin
- Gamma
- Gang
- Ganglia
- Gangliocytoma
- Ganglioglioma
- Ganglion
- Ganglioneuroma
- Ganglionic
- Gangrene
- Gangrenous
- Gantry
- Gap
- Garland
- Gas
- Gaseous
- Gastrectomy
- Gastric acid
- Gastric juice
- Gastric lavage
- Gastric ulcer
- Gastric
- Gastrin
- Gastrinoma
- Gastritis
- Gastrocnemius
- Gastroduodenal
- Gastroenteritis
- Gastroesophageal
- Gastrointestinal series
- Gastrointestinal tract
- Gastrointestinal
- Gastropexy
- Gastroschisis
- Gastroscopy
- Gastrostomy
- Gaucher’s disease
- Gauge
- Gauze
- Gavage
- Gb
- Gbm
- Gd
- Ge
- Gelatinous
- Gelfoam
- Gene therapy
- Gene
- General anesthesia
- General
- Generalized
- Generally
- Generic drug
- Genetic analysis
- Genetic counseling
- Genetic disorder
- Genetic engineering
- Geniculate
- Genital herpes
- Genital tract
- Genital wart
- Genital
- Genitourinary
- Genome
- Genu
- Geode
- Geographic tongue
- Geographic
- Geometric
- Geometry
- Germ cell
- Germ
- German measles
- Germany
- Germinal
- Germinoma
- Gerota
- Gestation
- Gestational
- Get
- Gfap
- Ggo
- Ghosting
- Ghostly
- Gi
- Giant pelvis
- Giant
- Giardiasis
- Gigantic
- Gingivectomy
- Gingivitis
- Girl
- Gist
- Give
- Given birth
- Given
- Giving
- Glabella
- Gland
- Glands
- Glandular
- Glass
- Glaucoma
- Glenohumeral
- Glenoid
- Glial
- Glide
- Gliding
- Glioblastoma multiforme
- Glioblastoma
- Gliofibroma
- Glioma
- Gliomas
- Gliomatosis
- Gliosis
- Global
- Globe
- Globes
- Globular
- Globules
- Globus
- Glomerulonephritis
- Glomerulosclerosis
- Glossectomy
- Glossopharyngeal
- Glottic
- Glottis
- Glove
- Glucagon
- Glucose tolerance test
- Glucose
- Glue
- Gluteal
- Gluteus
- Glycogen
- Glycosuria
- Gm
- Going
- Goiter
- Golden
- Goldenhar
- Golf
- Gonadal
- Gonadotropic hormones
- Gonorrhea
- Good
- Gore
- Gout
- Gouty
- Governance
- Gp
- Gracile
- Gracilis
- Grade
- Gradient
- Gradual
- Gradually
- Graft
- Grafted
- Grafting
- Gram
- Grams
- Grand mal
- Granular
- Granulation
- Granulocytic
- Granuloma
- Granulomas
- Granulomata
- Granulomatosis
- Granulomatous
- Granulosa
- Grape
- Grapes
- Graph
- Graphically
- Grasp
- Grass
- Graves' disease
- Graves
- Gravid
- Gravity
- Gray matter
- Gray scale
- Gray
- Grayscale
- Great
- Greater
- Greatest
- Greatly
- Greek
- Green
- Grey
- Grid
- Groin
- Groove
- Grooved
- Gross
- Grossly
- Ground glass
- Ground
- Group
- Grouped
- Growing
- Grown
- Growth
- Gt
- Gu
- Guess
- Guidance
- Guide
- Guided
- Guidelines
- Guides
- Guiding
- Guillain-Barré syndrome
- Gull
- Gum
- Gun
- Gunshot
- Gut
- Guthrie test
- Gutter
- Gynecomastia
- Gyral
- Gyri
- Gyrus
H[edit | edit source]
- H type
- H1 (histamine) blocker
- H2 (histamine) blocker
- H
- Habitus
- Haemorrhage
- Hair follicle
- Hair
- Hairball
- Hairpin
- Hairs
- Half
- Halitosis
- Halloween
- Hallucination
- Hallux
- Halo
- Hamartoma
- Hamate
- Hammer toe
- Hammer
- Hamstring muscle
- Hand
- Handle
- Hands
- Hanging
- Hannah
- Happy
- Hard
- Hardening of the arteries
- Hardening
- Hardware
- Harlequin
- Harris
- Has
- Hashimoto’s disease
- Haste
- Hat
- Haustra
- Have
- Having
- Hay fever
- Haziness
- Hazy
- Hcc
- Hcg
- He
- Head-twitch response
- Head
- Headache
- Headaches
- Headhunter
- Heading
- Heads
- Healed
- Healing
- Health Sciences Descriptors
- Health assessment
- Health information
- Healthcare error proliferation model
- Healthcare proxy
- Healthy
- Heaped
- Hearing
- Heart attack
- Heart block
- Heart disease
- Heart failure
- Heart rate
- Heart valve
- Heart-lung machine
- Heart
- Heartbeat
- Heartburn
- Heat exhaustion
- Heat stroke
- Heat
- Heavily
- Heel spur
- Height
- Heights
- Heimlich maneuver
- Held
- Helical
- Heliotrope
- Heller
- Help
- Helper T cells
- Helpful
- Helping
- Hemangioblastoma
- Hemangioendothelioma
- Hemangioma
- Hemangiomas
- Hemangiopericytoma
- Hemarthrosis
- Hematemesis
- Hematocolpos
- Hematocrit
- Hematogenous
- Hematoma
- Hematomas
- Hematometra
- Hematopoiesis
- Hematosalpinx
- Hematuria
- Hemi
- Hemianopsia
- Hemiatrophy
- Hemiazygos
- Hemidiaphragm
- Hemimelia
- Hemiplegia
- Hemisphere
- Hemispheres
- Hemispheric
- Hemochromatosis
- Hemodialysis
- Hemoglobin
- Hemoglobinuria
- Hemolysis
- Hemolytic
- Hemopericardium
- Hemophilia
- Hemophilic
- Hemopoiesis
- Hemoptysis
- Hemorrhage
- Hemorrhages
- Hemorrhagic
- Hemorrhoid
- Hemosiderin
- Hemospermia
- Hemostasis
- Hemothorax
- Henry
- Hepatectomy
- Hepatic
- Hepatis
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis C
- Hepatitis D
- Hepatitis
- Hepatobiliary
- Hepatoblastoma
- Hepatocellular
- Hepatolenticular
- Hepatolite
- Hepatoma
- Hepatomegaly
- Hepatosplenomegaly
- Hereditary spherocytosis
- Hereditary
- Hermaphroditism
- Hernia
- Hernias
- Herniated disk
- Herniation
- Heroin
- Herpes encephalitis
- Herpes simplex
- Herpes zoster
- Herpes
- Heterogeneity
- Heterogeneous
- Heterogenic
- Heterogenous
- Heterosexuality
- Heterotopia
- Hhs
- Hi
- Hiatal hernia
- Hiatus
- Hiccup
- Hickam's dictum
- High density
- High grade
- High resolution
- High-density lipoprotein
- High
- Higher
- Highest
- Highlighting
- Highly
- Hilar
- Hill
- Hilum
- Hilus
- Him
- Hindbrain
- Hindfoot
- Hinged
- Hint
- Hip
- Hippocampus
- Hips
- Hirschsprung's disease
- Hirschsprung
- Hirsutism
- His
- Histamine
- Histiocytosis
- Histo
- Histologic
- Histological
- Histologically
- Histology
- Histopathology
- Histoplasmosis
- History of the present illness
- History
- Hiv
- Hives
- Hmm
- Hodgkin's disease
- Hodgkin's
- Hodgkin
- Holding
- Hole
- Holes
- Hollow
- Holly
- Holoprosencephaly
- Holt oram
- Home
- Homeostasis
- Homer
- Homicidal ideation
- Homocystinuria
- Homogeneous
- Homogeneously
- Homogenous
- Homonymous
- Homosexuality
- Honeycomb
- Hook
- Hookworm
- Horizontal
- Horizontally
- Hormonal implant
- Hormone replacement therapy
- Hormone
- Horn
- Horse
- Horseshoe
- Hospice
- Hospital emergency codes
- Hospital-acquired condition
- Hospital
- Host factor
- Hot flash
- Hot
- Hour
- Hourglass
- Hours
- How
- However
- Hpo
- Hr
- Hrct
- Hsv
- Html
- Http
- Hub
- Huge
- Human body temperature
- Human equivalent
- Human immunodeficiency virus
- Human
- Humans
- Humeral
- Humerus
- Humor
- Hump
- Humps
- Hung
- Hunt
- Huntington
- Hx
- Hyaline
- Hyaloid
- Hydatid
- Hydatidiform
- Hydramnios
- Hydranencephaly
- Hydrated
- Hydration
- Hydrocele
- Hydrocephalus
- Hydrocolpos
- Hydrocortisone
- Hydromyelia
- Hydronephrosis
- Hydronephrotic
- Hydropneumothorax
- Hydrops
- Hydrosalpinx
- Hydrothorax
- Hydroureter
- Hydroxyapatite
- Hygiene
- Hygroma
- Hymen
- Hyoid
- Hyperactivity
- Hyperalimentation
- Hyperattenuation
- Hyperbilirubinemia
- Hypercalcemia
- Hypercholesterolemia
- Hyperchromasia
- Hyperchromatic
- Hyperemia
- Hyperemic
- Hyperflexion
- Hyperglycemia
- Hyperintensity
- Hyperkeratosis
- Hyperlipidemia
- Hyperlordosis
- Hypermetabolic
- Hypermetabolism
- Hypernephroma
- Hyperostosis
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Hyperpigmentation
- Hyperplasia
- Hyperprolactinemia
- Hypersensitivity
- Hypertension
- Hypertensive
- Hyperthermia
- Hyperthyroidism
- Hypertrophic
- Hypertrophied
- Hypertrophy
- Hypervascular
- Hypervascularity
- Hyperventilation
- Hypo
- Hypoattenuation
- Hypochondriasis
- Hypodermic needle
- Hypoechoic
- Hypoglossal
- Hypoglycemia
- Hypointensity
- Hypoperfusion
- Hypopharynx
- Hypoplasia
- Hypoplastic
- Hypotelorism
- Hypotension
- Hypothalamic
- Hypothalamus
- Hypothermia
- Hypothesis
- Hypothyroidism
- Hypoventilation
- Hypoxemia
- Hypoxia
- Hypoxic
- Hysterectomy
- Hysteria
- Hysterosalpingogram
- Hysterosalpingography
- Hysteroscopy
I[edit | edit source]
- I
- Iatrogenic
- Ica
- Ice cream
- Ice
- Iceberg
- Ichthyosis
- Id
- Ideal
- Ideally
- Identical
- Identifiable
- Identification
- Identified
- Identify
- Identity
- Idiopathic disease
- Idiopathic
- Idiosyncrasy
- Idiosyncratic drug reaction
- If
- Iga
- Igh
- Ihc
- Ii
- Iii
- Ileal
- Ileitis
- Ileocecal
- Ileostomy
- Ileum
- Ileus
- Iliac
- Iliacus
- Ilii
- Iliopectineal
- Iliopsoas
- Ilium
- Ill
- Illustrated
- Illustrating
- Illustration
- Ima
- Image
- Images
- Imagination
- Imaging biomarker
- Imaging
- Imbedded
- Imitate
- Immature
- Immediate
- Immediately
- Immune deficiency
- Immune dysregulation
- Immune system
- Immunity
- Immunization
- Immunocompromised
- Immunodeficiency
- Immunoglobin
- Immunohistochemical
- Immunology
- Immunoperoxidase
- Immunostimulant
- Immunosuppressant
- Impact
- Impacted fracture
- Impacted
- Impaction
- Impairment
- Impending
- Imperceptible
- Imperforate anus
- Imperforate
- Impetigo
- Impinge
- Impingement
- Impinging
- Implant
- Implantable
- Implants
- Importance
- Important
- Importantly
- Impossible
- Impotence
- Impresses
- Impressing
- Impression
- Impressions
- Impressive
- Improper
- Improperly
- Improved
- Improvement
- Improving
- Improvised
- Impulses
- In situ
- In vitro fertilization
- In vitro
- In vivo
- In
- Inability
- Inaccurate
- Inadequate
- Incarcerated
- Incarceration
- Incident
- Incidental medical findings
- Incidental
- Incidentally
- Incipient
- Incised
- Incision
- Inclination
- Include
- Included
- Including
- Inclusion
- Inclusions
- Incompetent cervix
- Incompetent
- Incomplete
- Incompletely
- Incompressibility
- Inconsistent
- Inconspicuous
- Inconstant
- Incontinence
- Incorrectly
- Increase
- Increased
- Increasing
- Incubation period
- Incus
- Indeed
- Indefinitely
- Indentation
- Indented
- Indeterminate
- Index
- Indicate
- Indicated
- Indication (medicine)
- Indication
- Indicative
- Indicator
- Indigestion
- Indirect agonist
- Indirect
- Indistinct
- Indistinctness
- Indistinguishable
- Indium
- Individual
- Individualized medicine
- Individually
- Induced
- Induction of labor
- Indurated
- Indwelling
- Ineffective erythropoiesis
- Infancy
- Infant
- Infantile
- Infants
- Infarct
- Infarcted
- Infarction
- Infarcts
- Infected
- Infection
- Infections
- Infectious
- Infective arthritis
- Inferior
- Inferno
- Infertility
- Infiltrate
- Infiltrated
- Infiltration
- Inflamed
- Inflammation
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Inflammatory joint disease
- Inflammatory
- Inflated
- Inflation
- Influenza
- Info
- Infolding
- Information
- Informed consent
- Infraction
- Infraspinatus
- Infundibular
- Infundibulum
- Infuse
- Infused
- Infusion
- Ingested
- Ingestion
- Ingrown toenail
- Inguinal hernia
- Inguinal
- Inhaler
- Inheritance
- Inhibited
- Inhomogeneous
- Initial
- Initially
- Initiation
- Injected
- Injecting
- Injection
- Injections
- Injured
- Injuries
- Injury
- Inlet
- Inner
- Innermost
- Innervated
- Innervation
- Innominate
- Innumerable
- Insemination
- Insert
- Inserted
- Insertion
- Insertions
- Inside
- Insignificant
- Insinuating
- Insinuation
- Insomnia
- Inspection
- Inspiration
- Inspiratory
- Instability
- Instead
- Instill
- Instillation
- Institutes
- Institution
- Instrumentation
- Instrumented
- Insufficiency
- Insufficient
- Insufflation (medicine)
- Insula
- Insular
- Insulated
- Insulation
- Insulin
- Insulinoma
- Insult (medical)
- Insult
- Int
- Intact
- Intake
- Intense
- Intensely
- Intensity
- Intensive care
- Inter
- Intercalated
- Intercalation
- Intercostal
- Intercostals
- Interest
- Interestingly
- Interface
- Interfaces
- Interferon
- Interior
- Interlacing
- Interlobar
- Interlobular
- Intermediate
- Intermedius
- Intermittent
- Intermixed
- Internal environment
- Internal fixation
- Internal
- Internally
- Internet
- Interosseous
- Interphalangeal
- Interpret
- Interpretation
- Interpreted
- Interrogate
- Interrogation
- Interrupted
- Interrupting
- Interruption
- Intersect
- Intersecting
- Intersection
- Interstices
- Interstitial cystitis
- Interstitial lung disease
- Interstitial
- Interstitium
- Intertriginous
- Intertrochanteric
- Interval
- Intervening
- Intervention
- Interventional
- Interventions
- Interventricular
- Intervertebral disks
- Intervertebral
- Interview
- Intestinal bypass
- Intestinal
- Intestine
- Intestines
- Intimal
- Intimate
- Intimately
- Into
- Intoxication
- Intra abdominal
- Intra operative
- Intra-aortic balloon pump
- Intra
- Intraarticular
- Intracanalicular
- Intracavitary
- Intracellular
- Intracerebral
- Intracorporeal
- Intracranial
- Intractable
- Intraductal
- Intradural
- Intrahepatic
- Intralesional
- Intralobular
- Intraluminal
- Intramammary
- Intramedullary rod
- Intramedullary
- Intramural
- Intramuscular
- Intramuscularly
- Intraocular pressure
- Intraocular
- Intraoperative
- Intraparenchymal
- Intrapelvic
- Intraperitoneal
- Intrasellar
- Intraspinal
- Intratesticular
- Intrathecal
- Intrathoracic
- Intratumoral
- Intrauterine device
- Intrauterine
- Intravascular
- Intravenous
- Intraventricular
- Intravesical
- Intrinsic
- Intrusion
- Intubated
- Intubation
- Intussusception
- Invade
- Invaded
- Invades
- Invading
- Invagination
- Invasion
- Invasive
- Inversion
- Inverted
- Involuntary
- Involution
- Involve
- Involved
- Involvement
- Inward
- Iodinated
- Iodine
- Ionizing radiation
- Ip
- Ipsilateral
- Ir
- Iris
- Iron-deficiency anemia
- Iron
- Irradiated
- Irregular
- Irregularity
- Irregularly
- Irreversible
- Irrigation
- Irritable bladder
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Ischemia
- Ischemic
- Ischia
- Ischial
- Ischium
- Island
- Islands
- Islet
- Iso
- Isocontour
- Isointense
- Isolated
- Isolation
- Isotope
- Isthmus
- It
- Items
- Itself
- Iud
- Iv
- Ivc
- Ivory
- Ivp
- Ivy
- Ix
J[edit | edit source]
- J
- Jagged
- Jan
- January
- Jaundice
- Jaw
- Jock itch
- Join
- Joined
- Joining
- Joints
- Jude
- Jugular
- July
- Jumped
- Junction
- Junctions
- June
- Just
- Jutting
- Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
- Juvenile
- Juxtaarticular
- Juxtaposed
K[edit | edit source]
- K
- Kaposi's sarcoma
- Kappa
- Kawasaki disease
- Keloid
- Keratin
- Keratitis
- Keratocyst
- Keratolytic
- Keratoplasty
- Keratosis
- Kernicterus
- Ketoacidosis
- Keyhole
- Kidney stone
- Kidney
- Kidneys
- Killer T cells
- Kilocalorie
- Kimmelstiel-Wilson syndrome
- Kinetics
- Kissing
- Klein
- Klinefelter’s syndrome
- Knee joint
- Knee-jerk reflex
- Knee
- Kneecap
- Knees
- Knife
- Knob
- Knot
- Know
- Known
- Knuckle
- Knuckles
- Kyphosis
- Kyphotic
L[edit | edit source]
- L
- La
- Lab
- Label
- Labeled
- Labelled
- Labels
- Labia
- Labor
- Laboratory
- Labral
- Labrum
- Labyrinthine
- Labyrinthitis
- Laceration
- Lacerations
- Lack
- Lacking
- Lacrimal
- Lactase deficiency
- Lactate
- Lactating
- Lactation suppression
- Lactation
- Lactic acid
- Lactose intolerance
- Lactose
- Lacunae
- Lacunar
- Lad
- Ladder
- Lag
- Lam
- Lamaze method
- Lambda
- Lambdoid
- Lamellar
- Lamina
- Laminae
- Laminar
- Laminated
- Laminectomy
- Landmark
- Landmarks
- Langerhans
- Lao
- Lap
- Laparoscope
- Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
- Laparoscopic
- Laparoscopy
- Laparotomy
- Laptop
- Large intestine
- Large-cell carcinoma
- Large
- Largely
- Larger
- Largest
- Larvae
- Laryngeal
- Laryngectomy
- Laryngitis
- Larynx
- Laser treatment
- Lasix
- Last
- Lastly
- Lat
- Late
- Latency
- Latent infection
- Later
- Lateral flow test
- Lateral
- Lateralis
- Laterally
- Latex
- Latin
- Laxatives
- Layer
- Layering
- Layers
- Laying
- Lazy eye
- Lb
- Lead poisoning
- Leaf
- Leaflet
- Leaflets
- Leak
- Leakage
- Leaked
- Leaking
- Learning disability
- Least
- Leaving
- Lecture
- Left without being seen
- Leg
- Legionnaires’ disease
- Legs
- Leiomyoma
- Leiomyomata
- Leishmaniasis
- Length of stay
- Length
- Lengths
- Lens
- Lenses
- Lenticular
- Lentiform
- Leptomeningeal
- Leptomeninges
- Leptomeningitis
- Leptospirosis
- Les
- Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
- Lesion
- Lesions
- Less
- Lesser
- Lessor
- Let
- Letter
- Leukemia
- Leukemic
- Leukocyte count
- Leukocyte
- Leukocytes
- Leukodystrophy
- Leukoencephalopathy
- Leukoplakia
- Levator
- Level
- Leveling
- Levels
- Levocardia
- Lexiscan
- Leydig
- Li
- Lichen planus
- Lichen
- Lichenoid
- Lie
- Life
- Lifted
- Lifting
- Ligament
- Ligamentous
- Ligaments
- Ligamentum
- Ligating
- Ligation
- Light
- Lightwood's law
- Like
- Likely
- Likewise
- Lima
- Limb
- Limbs
- Limbus
- Limit
- Limited
- Limits
- Lincoln
- Linear
- Lined
- Lines
- Lingual
- Linguine
- Linguini
- Lingula
- Lining
- Link
- Lip
- Lipid-lowering drugs
- Lipid
- Lipidosis
- Lipids
- Lipoma
- Lipomatosis
- Lipoproteins
- Liposarcoma
- Liposuction
- Liquified
- Lissencephaly
- List of complications of pregnancy
- List
- Listeriosis
- Literature
- Lithium
- Lithotripsy
- Little
- Live
- Liver failure
- Liver
- Lm
- Loading
- Lobar
- Lobe
- Lobectomy
- Lobes
- Lobotomies
- Lobotomy
- Lobular
- Lobulated
- Lobulation
- Lobule
- Lobules
- Local anesthesia
- Local
- Localization
- Localize
- Localized disease
- Localized
- Locally
- Locate
- Located
- Location
- Locations
- Lock
- Locked joint
- Locked
- Lockjaw
- Locomotor system
- Log
- Logo
- Long-term care
- Long
- Longer
- Longest
- Longitudinal
- Longitudinally
- Longstanding
- Longus
- Look
- Looking
- Looks
- Loop
- Looped
- Looping
- Loops
- Loose
- Loosely
- Loosened
- Loosening
- Lordosis
- Lordotic
- Loss
- Lost
- Lou Gehrig's disease
- Love
- Low blood pressure
- Low density
- Low grade
- Low-density lipoprotein
- Low
- Lower
- Lowest
- Lr
- Ls
- Lt
- Lucent
- Lumbago
- Lumbar puncture
- Lumbar spine
- Lumbar
- Lumbarization
- Lumber
- Lumbosacral
- Lumen
- Luminal
- Lump
- Lumpectomy
- Lumpy
- Lunate
- Lunch
- Lung collapse
- Lung
- Lungs
- Lupus erythematosus
- Lupus
- Luschka
- Lutein
- Luteinizing hormone
- Luteum
- Luxury
- Lv
- Lvef
- Lye
- Lying
- Lyme disease
- Lyme
- Lymph node
- Lymph
- Lymphadenitis
- Lymphadenopathy
- Lymphangiography
- Lymphangioleiomyomatosis
- Lymphangioma
- Lymphatic system
- Lymphatic
- Lymphoblastic
- Lymphocyte
- Lymphocytes
- Lymphocytic leukemia
- Lymphocytic
- Lymphogranuloma venereum
- Lymphoid tissue
- Lymphoid
- Lymphoma
- Lymphomas
- Lymphosarcoma
- Lysis
- Lytic
M[edit | edit source]
- MAO inhibitor
- MHealth
- Ma
- Mach
- Macro
- Macroadenoma
- Macrocephaly
- Macrophages
- Macroscopic
- Macula
- Macular degeneration
- Macular
- Macules
- Maculopapular rash
- Made
- Mag
- Magendie
- Magna
- Magnesium
- Magnet
- Magnetic
- Magnets
- Magnification
- Magnified
- Magnitude
- Magnum
- Main stem
- Main
- Mainly
- Maintain
- Maintained
- Maintenance
- Major
- Make
- Making
- Malabsorption
- Malacia
- Malaria
- Male
- Malformation
- Malformations
- Malformed
- Malfunction
- Malignancy
- Malignant hyperthermia
- Malignant melanoma
- Malignant
- Malleoli
- Malleolus
- Mallet
- Malleus
- Mallory-Weiss syndrome
- Malposition
- Malpositioned
- Malrotation
- Malt
- Mamillary
- Mammary
- Mammillary
- Mammogram
- Mammograms
- Mammograph
- Mammography
- Mammoplasia
- Mammoplasty
- Man
- Management
- Mandible
- Mandibular
- Maneuver
- Mania
- Manic-depressive disorder
- Manifest
- Manifestation
- Manifestations
- Manner of death
- Manner
- Mantle
- Manual
- Manually
- Manubrium
- Many
- Map
- Maple
- Mapping
- March
- Marfan's syndrome
- Marfan
- Margin
- Marginal
- Marginally
- Margins
- Marked
- Markedly
- Marker
- Marking
- Markings
- Marks
- Marrow
- Mary
- Masectomy
- Mask
- Masked
- Mass effect (medicine)
- Mass effect
- Mass
- Masses
- Masseter
- Massive
- Massively
- Mast cell
- Mastectomies
- Mastectomy
- Mastication
- Masticator
- Mastitis
- Mastoid
- Mastoiditis
- Mastopathy
- Match
- Matched
- Matches
- Matching
- Material
- Materials
- Maternal death
- Matrix
- Matter
- Mature
- Maui
- Max
- Maxilla
- Maxillary
- Maxillofacial
- Maximal
- Maximize
- Maximum
- May
- Mayer waves
- Mc
- Mca
- Mcl
- Mcp
- Mctd
- Md
- Me-too drug
- Me
- Meal
- Meals
- Mean
- Measles
- Measure
- Measured
- Measurement
- Measurements
- Measures
- Measuring
- Meatus
- Mebrofenin
- Mechanical
- Mechanism
- Mechanisms
- Meckel
- Meconium
- Med
- Media
- Medial
- Medialis
- Medially
- Median nerve
- Median
- Mediastinal
- Mediastinoscopy
- Mediastinum
- Medical advice
- Medical case management
- Medical consensus
- Medical diagnosis
- Medical guideline
- Medical history
- Medical logistics
- Medical procedure
- Medical state
- Medical
- Medically unexplained physical symptoms
- Medications
- Medicine
- Medium
- Medius
- Medulla
- Medullary
- Medulloblastoma
- Megacolon
- Megaloblastic anemia
- Megaureter
- Meiosis
- Melanin
- Melanocytes
- Melanoma
- Melanosis
- Melorheostosis
- Member
- Membrane
- Membranes
- Membranous
- Men
- Menarche
- Meniere's disease
- Meningeal
- Meninges
- Meningioma
- Meningiomas
- Meningitis
- Meningocele
- Meningococcemia
- Meningoencephalitis
- Meniscectomy
- Menisci
- Meniscus
- Menopause
- Menorrhagia
- Menses
- Menstrual cycle
- Menstruation
- Mental
- Mercedes
- Mesencephalic
- Mesencephalon
- Mesenteric infarction
- Mesenteric lymphadenitis
- Mesenteric
- Mesentery
- Mesial
- Mesocolon
- Mesothelioma
- Mesothelium
- Messenger RNA
- Met
- Metabolic rate
- Metabolic
- Metabolically
- Metabolism
- Metabolite
- Metacarpal
- Metacarpals
- Metacarpophalangeal
- Metal
- Metallic
- Metaphyseal
- Metaphyses
- Metaphysis
- Metastases
- Metastasis
- Metastatic
- Metatarsal
- Metatarsals
- Metatarsus
- Metered-dose inhaler
- Methemoglobin
- Methenamine
- Methotrexate
- Methylene
- Metoclopramide
- Metopic
- Mi
- Micro
- Microadenoma
- Microangiopathy
- Microbe
- Microbiology
- Microcalcification
- Microcephaly
- Microcolon
- Microdiskectomy
- Microhematuria
- Micromelia
- Micron
- Microorganism
- Microscopic
- Microscopically
- Microsurgery
- Microtia
- Micturition syncope
- Mid
- Midbrain
- Middle ear effusion
- Middle ear
- Middle
- Midfoot
- Midgut
- Midline
- Midwifery
- Might
- Migraine
- Migrate
- Migrating
- Migration
- Mil
- Mild
- Mildly
- Miliaria
- Miliary
- Milky
- Millimeter
- Millimeters
- Mimic
- Mimicking
- Min
- Mind games
- Mineral
- Mineralization
- Mineralized
- Miniature
- Minimal
- Minimally invasive procedure
- Minimally
- Minimum
- Minimus
- Minipill
- Minor
- Minus
- Minute
- Minutes
- Miotic
- Mip
- Mirror image
- Mirror
- Misalignment
- Miscarriage
- Misplaced
- Missed
- Missile
- Missing
- Mistaken
- Mistakenly
- Misty
- Mites
- Mitoses
- Mitosis
- Mitotic
- Mitral insufficiency
- Mitral stenosis
- Mitral valve prolapse
- Mitral valve
- Mitral
- Mix
- Mixed
- Mixing
- Mixture
- Ml
- Mm
- Mmhg
- Mnemonic
- Mobile
- Mobility
- Modality
- Model
- Moderate
- Moderately
- Modification
- Modified radical mastectomy
- Modified
- Moiety
- Molar tooth
- Molar
- Mold
- Mole
- Molecule
- Molecules
- Molluscum contagiosum
- Momentary
- Mon
- Mongolian idiocy
- Mongolian spot
- Monitor
- Monitoring
- Monoclonal antibodies
- Monoclonal
- Monocular
- Mononuclear
- Mononucleosis
- Monophasic
- Monostotic
- Monotherapy
- Monounsaturated fat
- Monoxide
- Monro
- Montage
- Month
- Monthly
- Months
- Morbidity
- More
- Moreover
- Morgagni
- Morgan
- Morning sickness
- Morphea
- Morphine
- Morphologic
- Morphologically
- Morphology
- Mortality
- Mortise
- Mos
- Most
- Mostly
- Moth
- Mother
- Mothers
- Motion
- Motor nerve
- Motor neuron disease
- Motor
- Mottle
- Mottled
- Mottling
- Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
- Mouth
- Move
- Moved
- Movement
- Moves
- Moving
- Moyamoya
- Mpr
- Mr
- Mrcp
- Mri
- Mrs
- Mrsa
- Ms
- Msec
- Msk
- Mt
- Much
- Mucin
- Mucinosis
- Mucinous
- Mucocele
- Mucoid
- Mucolytic
- Mucormycosis
- Mucosa
- Mucosal
- Mucous membrane
- Mucous
- Mucus
- Multi-infarct dementia
- Multi
- Multifidus
- Multifocal
- Multilevel
- Multilocular
- Multimedia
- Multinucleated
- Multiparous
- Multiple myeloma
- Multiple of the median
- Multiple pregnancy
- Multiple sclerosis
- Multiple sex partners
- Multiple
- Multiples
- Multiplexed point-of-care testing
- Mumps
- Mural
- Murmur
- Muscle fibers
- Muscle relaxants
- Muscle tone
- Muscle wasting
- Muscle
- Muscles
- Muscular dystrophy
- Muscular
- Muscularis
- Musculature
- Musculus
- Must
- Mutagen
- Mutation
- Mv
- Mva
- Myalgia
- Myalgic encephalomyelitis
- Myasthenia gravis
- Mycobacteria
- Mycobacterial
- Mycobacterium
- Mycoplasma
- Mycosis
- Mycotic
- Mydriatic
- Myelin sheath
- Myelinated
- Myelination
- Myelitis
- Myelocele
- Myelogram
- Myeloid
- Myelolipoma
- Myeloma
- Myelomalacia
- Myelomeningocele
- Myelopathy
- Myelosclerosis
- Myer
- Myocardial infarction
- Myocardial
- Myocarditis
- Myocardium
- Myofibroblast
- Myofibroma
- Myoglobin
- Myointimoma
- Myomectomy
- Myometrium
- Myopathy
- Myopia
- Myositis
- Myotomy
- Myringotomy
- Mystery
- Myxofibrosarcoma
- Myxoma
N[edit | edit source]
- NPU terminology
- N
- Naa
- Naegleria
- Nail
- Nails
- Naked
- Naloxone
- Named
- Nanotechnology
- Nanta
- Nape
- Narcolepsy
- Narcosis
- Narcotic analgesics
- Narcotic
- Narrative medicine
- Narrow
- Narrowed
- Narrowing
- Narrows
- Nasal septum
- Nasal
- Nash
- Nasion
- Nasofrontal
- Nasogastric tube
- Nasogastric
- Nasopharyngeal
- Nasopharynx
- Native
- Natural childbirth
- Nature
- Nausea
- Navicula
- Navicular
- Near
- Nearby
- Nearly
- Nebulizer
- Nec
- Necessarily
- Necessitate
- Neck
- Necks
- Necrosis
- Necrotic
- Necrotizing
- Need
- Needed
- Needle aspiration
- Needle biopsy
- Needle
- Needles
- Needs
- Negative
- Negligent
- Neither
- Neo-Hippocratism
- Neointima
- Neonatal
- Neonate
- Neoplasia
- Neoplasm
- Neoplasms
- Neoplastic
- Neovascularization
- Nephrectomy
- Nephritis
- Nephroblastoma
- Nephrocalcinosis
- Nephrolith
- Nephrolithiasis
- Nephrolithotomy
- Nephroma
- Nephrons
- Nephropathy
- Nephrosclerosis
- Nephrostomy
- Nephrotic syndrome
- Nerve block
- Nerve cell
- Nerve compression
- Nerve
- Nerves
- Nervous
- Nests
- Neural tube defects
- Neural tube
- Neural
- Neuralgia
- Neuritis
- Neuroangiogenesis
- Neuroblastoma
- Neurocristopathy
- Neurocysticercosis
- Neurocytoma
- Neuroendocrine
- Neuroepithelial
- Neurofibrillary tangles
- Neurofibroma
- Neurofibromas
- Neurofibromatosis
- Neurogenic
- Neurohypophysis
- Neuroleptic
- Neurological
- Neuroma
- Neuron
- Neuronal
- Neurons
- Neuropathy
- Neuropil
- Neurosarcoidosis
- Neurosis
- Neurosurgery
- Neurothekeoma
- Neurotoxins
- Neurotransmitters
- Neutral
- Neutrophil
- Never event
- Never
- Nevertheless
- Nevus
- Niacin
- Night terrors
- Nitrates
- Nm
- No
- Nocardia
- Nocebo
- Nocturia
- Nocturnal emission
- Nodal
- Node
- Nodes
- Nodular
- Nodule
- Nodules
- Nof
- Non target
- Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
- Non-pharmaceutical intervention
- Non
- Nondisjunction
- None
- Noninvasive
- Nonnarcotic analgesic
- Nonsegmental
- Nonseminomatous
- Nonspecific
- Nonunion
- Nonviable
- Norepinephrine
- Normal
- Normally
- Norwalk virus
- Nose
- Nosocomial infection
- Nosokinetics
- Nosology
- Nostril
- Nostrils
- Not Otherwise Specified
- Not
- Notable
- Notably
- Notch
- Note
- Noted
- Nothing by mouth
- Notice
- Noticeable
- Noticeably
- Nov
- November
- Now
- Nse
- Nuchal
- Nuclear
- Nuclei
- Nucleic acids
- Nucleide
- Nucleoli
- Nucleotide bases
- Nucleus
- Null
- Number
- Numbness
- Numerous
- Nurse-midwife
- Nutrient
- Nystagmus
O[edit | edit source]
- OTC remedy
- O
- Oat cell carcinoma
- Ob
- Obesity
- Object
- Oblique
- Obliquely
- Obliques
- Obliterated
- Obliteration
- Oblong
- Oblongata
- Obscuration
- Obscure
- Observation
- Observe
- Observed
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder
- Obstetric
- Obstetrical
- Obstructed
- Obstructing
- Obstruction
- Obstructive sleep apnea
- Obstructive
- Obstructs
- Obtain
- Obturator
- Obtuse
- Obvious
- Obviously
- Occasional
- Occasions
- Occipital
- Occiput
- Occlude
- Occluded
- Occlusion
- Occlusive
- Occult blood
- Occult
- Occupational disease
- Occupational therapy
- Occupied
- Occupy
- Occur
- Ocd
- Ochronosis
- October
- Octreoscan
- Octreotide
- Ocular prosthesis
- Ocular
- Oculomotor nerves
- Oculomotor
- Od
- Oddly
- Odontoid
- Odontoma
- Odor
- Of
- Off
- Office director
- Offset
- Often
- Oil
- Old
- Older
- Olecranon
- Olfactory nerves
- Olfactory
- Oligemia
- Oligodactyly
- Oligodendroglioma
- Oligohydramnios
- Oligospermia
- Omental
- Omentum
- Omphalocele
- On
- Once
- Oncocytoma
- Oncogenes
- One half
- One third
- One
- Ongoing
- Only
- Onset
- Onyx
- Oocyte
- Oophorectomy
- Opacification
- Opacified
- Opacities
- Opacity
- Opaque
- Open heart surgery
- Open
- Opened
- Opening
- Operation
- Operations
- Operative
- Opercula
- Operculum
- Ophthalmia
- Ophthalmic drug administration
- Ophthalmic
- Ophthalmologist
- Ophthalmoplegia
- Ophthalmoscopy
- Opioid rotation
- Opportunistic infection
- Opposed
- Opposite
- Opthalmic
- Optic nerves
- Optic neuritis
- Optic
- Optical
- Optician
- Or
- Oral administration
- Oral contraceptive pill
- Oral contraceptives
- Oral myology
- Oral
- Orange
- Orbit
- Orbital
- Orbits
- Orchiectomy
- Orchiopexy
- Orchitis
- Order
- Ordered
- Organ donation
- Organ
- Organism
- Organisms
- Organization
- Organized
- Organomegaly
- Organs
- Orgasm
- Orient
- Orientation
- Oriented
- Orifice
- Orifices
- Origin
- Original
- Originally
- Originate
- Origination
- Origins
- Oropharyngeal
- Oropharynx
- Orphan drugs
- Orphan patient
- Orthogonal
- Orthopantomogram
- Orthopedic
- Orthopnea
- Orthotic
- Orthotopic
- Os
- Osgood-Schlatter disease
- Osmosis
- Osmotic
- Osseous
- Osseus
- Ossicle
- Ossicles
- Ossicular
- Ossification
- Ossified
- Osteitis deformans
- Osteitis
- Osteoarthritis
- Osteoarthrosis
- Osteoblast
- Osteoblastic
- Osteochondritis dissecans
- Osteochondritis juvenilis
- Osteochondritis
- Osteochondroma
- Osteochondromas
- Osteochondromatosis
- Osteoclast
- Osteoclastoma
- Osteodystrophy
- Osteogenesis imperfecta
- Osteogenesis
- Osteogenic
- Osteoid
- Osteolysis
- Osteolytic
- Osteoma
- Osteomalacia
- Osteometric points
- Osteomyelitis
- Osteonecrosis
- Osteopenia
- Osteopetrosis
- Osteophyte
- Osteophytes
- Osteopoikilosis
- Osteoporosis
- Osteosarcoma
- Osteosclerosis
- Osteosclerotic
- Osteotomy
- Ostial
- Ostium
- Ota
- Otalgia
- Other
- Others
- Otherwise
- Otic
- Otitis externa
- Otitis media
- Otitis
- Otorrhea
- Otosclerosis
- Ototoxicity
- Out
- Outer
- Outflow
- Outlet
- Outline
- Outlined
- Outlines
- Outpatient treatment
- Outside
- Outward
- Oval
- Ovale
- Ovarian
- Ovaries
- Ovary
- Over-the-counter remedy
- Over
- Overall
- Overdiagnosis
- Overdose
- Overgrowth
- Overhanging
- Overhead
- Overlap
- Overlapping
- Overlay
- Overlaying
- Overlays
- Overlooked
- Overly
- Overlying
- Overproduction
- Overview
- Ovid
- Ovoid
- Ovulation
- Ovum
- Own
- Oxalate
- Oxidation
- Oxime
- Oximetry
- Oxygen free radicals
- Oxygen saturation (medicine)
- Oxygen
- Oxytocin
- Ozone
P[edit | edit source]
- PET scanning
- P
- Pa
- Pacemaker
- Pacer
- Pachygyria
- Pack
- Packed
- Packets
- Packing
- Pad
- Paddle
- Paget's disease
- Paget
- Pain and fever
- Pain out of proportion
- Pain
- Painful
- Painless
- Pair
- Paired
- Palantine
- Palate
- Palatinus
- Pale
- Palliation
- Palliative treatment
- Pallidal
- Pallidum
- Pallidus
- Pallor
- Palmar
- Palpable
- Palpated
- Palpation
- Palpitation
- Palsy
- Pancolitis
- Pancreas
- Pancreatectomy
- Pancreatic
- Pancreatitis
- Panda
- Pandemic
- Panel
- Panic disorder
- Panniculitis
- Pannus
- Panorex
- Pap smear
- Papilla
- Papillary
- Papilledema
- Papilloma
- Papillomas
- Papillomatosis
- Papule
- Papules
- Papulosis
- Para
- Paracentesis
- Paradoxical
- Paraesophageal
- Paraganglioma
- Paragangliomas
- Parallel
- Paralysis
- Paramagnetic
- Paramedic
- Paranasal
- Paranoia
- Paraphimosis
- Paraplegia
- Pararenal
- Parasagittal
- Parasite
- Parasites
- Paraspinal
- Parasternal
- Parathyroid glands
- Parathyroid hormone
- Parathyroid
- Parathyroidectomy
- Paratracheal
- Parenchyma
- Parenchymal
- Parencyma
- Parenteral
- Paresis
- Paresthesia
- Parietal
- Parkinson's disease
- Paronychia
- Parotid glands
- Parotid
- Parotitis
- Paroxysm
- Pars
- Parsonage turner
- Parsonage
- Part
- Partial deafness
- Partial mastectomy
- Partial seizure
- Partial
- Partially
- Participation
- Particles
- Particular
- Particularly
- Particulate
- Partly
- Parts
- Parturition
- Pas
- Pash
- Pass
- Passage
- Passageway
- Passed
- Passes
- Passing
- Passive exercise
- Passive smoking
- Passive
- Past medical history
- Past
- Pasty
- Patch
- Patches
- Patchy
- Patella
- Patellar
- Patent ductus arteriosus
- Patent
- Paternity testing
- Path
- Pathogen
- Pathogenesis
- Pathognomonic
- Pathologic
- Pathological
- Pathologically
- Pathologies
- Pathologist
- Pathology
- Pathway
- Pathways
- Patient-controlled analgesia
- Patient
- Patients
- Patrick
- Pattern
- Patterns
- Paucity
- Paving
- Pay for performance (healthcare)
- Pbd
- Pca
- Pci
- Pd
- Pe
- Peak flow measurement
- Peak
- Peaks
- Pearl
- Pearls
- Pectoral muscles
- Pectoral
- Pectoralis
- Pectus
- Peculiar
- Pediatric
- Pediatrics
- Pedicle
- Pedicles
- Peduncle
- Peduncles
- Pedunculated
- Peel off
- Peer
- Peg
- Pellagra
- Pellets
- Pellucidum
- Pelvic examination
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Pelvic
- Pelvis
- Pelvises
- Pemphigus
- Pen
- Pencil
- Pendulous
- Penetrate
- Penetrating
- Penetration
- Penguin
- Penile function tests
- Penile implant
- Penile
- Penis
- Pepper
- Pepsin
- Peptic ulcer
- Peptic
- Per
- Perceptible
- Perception
- Percutaneous
- Percutaneously
- Perforated
- Perforating
- Perforation
- Perforations
- Perform
- Performed
- Perfuse
- Perfusion
- Peri
- Periapical
- Periareolar
- Periarteritis nodosa
- Peribronchial
- Pericardiac
- Pericardial effusion
- Pericardial
- Pericarditis
- Pericardium
- Pericolic
- Perigastric
- Perilymphatic
- Perimeter
- Perinatal mortality
- Perinatal
- Perineal
- Perinephric
- Perineum
- Perineural
- Period
- Periodic breathing
- Periodic
- Periodontal
- Perioral
- Periorbital
- Periosteum
- Periostitis
- Peripartum
- Peripheral nervous system
- Peripheral vascular disease
- Peripheral
- Peripherally
- Periphery
- Peristalsis
- Peristaltic
- Peritoneal
- Peritoneum
- Peritonitis
- Peritumoral
- Periventricular
- Permanent
- Permeative
- Permissive hypotension
- Pernicious anemia
- Peroneal
- Peroneus
- Perpendicular
- Persistence
- Persistent
- Persistently
- Persisting
- Persists
- Person
- Pertechnetate
- Perthes' disease
- Pertussis
- Pes
- Pet
- Petechial
- Petit mal
- Petrosal
- Petrous
- Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
- Pg
- Phaeohyphomycosis
- Phagocyte
- Phalangeal
- Phalanges
- Phalanx
- Phantom limb
- Pharmacology
- Pharyngeal
- Pharyngitis
- Pharynx
- Phase
- Phases
- Phenothiazines
- Phenylketonuria
- Pheochromocytoma
- Pheochromocytomas
- Phimosis
- Phlebitis
- Phlebography
- Phlebothrombosis
- Phlegm
- Phlegmon
- Phobia
- Phonagnosia
- Phonation
- Phone
- Phoniatrics
- Phosphates
- Phospholipids
- Phosphorus
- Photo
- Photocoagulation
- Photograph
- Photographs
- Photomicrograph
- Photon
- Photophobia
- Photosensitivity
- Phototherapy
- Phthisis
- Physical disorder
- Physical inactivity
- Physical therapy
- Physical
- Physician
- Physicians
- Physiologic
- Physiological agonism and antagonism
- Physiological
- Physiologically
- Physiology
- Physis
- Phytobezoar
- Phytochemicals
- Pi
- Pia
- Pial
- Pica
- Picc
- Pick
- Pickwickian syndrome
- Pictorial
- Picture
- Pictured
- Pie
- Piercing
- Pig
- Pigment
- Pigmentation
- Pigtail
- Pile
- Pill
- Pillar
- Pilocytic
- Pilon fracture
- Pin
- Pincer
- Pineal
- Pinhole
- Pinkeye
- Pinna
- Pinning
- Pins
- Pinworm
- Pip
- Pipe
- Pips
- Piriformis
- Pisiform
- Pit
- Pituitary adenoma
- Pituitary gland
- Pituitary
- Pityriasis alba
- Pityriasis rosea
- Pityriasis
- Pivot joint
- Place
- Placebo effect
- Placebo
- Placed
- Placement
- Placenta previa
- Placenta
- Placental abruption
- Placental insufficiency
- Placental
- Places
- Placing
- Placode
- Plagiocephaly
- Plague
- Plain language
- Plain
- Plan
- Planar
- Plane
- Planes
- Planned
- Planning
- Plantar reflex
- Plantar wart
- Plantar
- Planum
- Plaque
- Plaques
- Plasma cell
- Plasma
- Plasmacytic
- Plasmacytoma
- Plasmapheresis
- Plaster
- Plastic
- Plate
- Plateau
- Platelet
- Platelets
- Plates
- Please
- Pleomorphic
- Pleomorphism
- Pleura
- Pleural effusion
- Pleural membranes
- Pleural rub
- Pleural space
- Pleural
- Pleurectomy
- Pleurisy
- Pleurodynia
- Plexopathy
- Plexus
- Pliable
- Plica
- Plicae
- Plug
- Plugging
- Plugs
- Plumb
- Plummer-Vinson syndrome
- Plump
- Plus
- Pml
- Pneumatocele
- Pneumatosis
- Pneumocephalus
- Pneumoconiosis
- Pneumocystis pneumonia
- Pneumocystis
- Pneumomediastinum
- Pneumonectomy
- Pneumonia
- Pneumonitis
- Pneumopericardium
- Pneumoperitoneum
- Pneumothoraces
- Pneumothorax
- Po
- Pockets
- Pod
- Point-of-care testing
- Point
- Pointed
- Pointing
- Points
- Poisoning
- Polar
- Polarized
- Pole
- Poles
- Polio
- Poliomyelitis
- Pollicis
- Polyarthritis
- Polycystic kidney disease
- Polycystic ovary syndrome
- Polycystic
- Polycythemia
- Polydactyly
- Polydipsia
- Polygonal
- Polymicrogyria
- Polymorphonuclear
- Polymyalgia rheumatica
- Polymyositis
- Polyp
- Polyploid
- Polypoid
- Polyposis
- Polyps
- Polysaccharide
- Polysplenia
- Polytrauma
- Polyunsaturated fat
- Polyuria
- Polyvinyl
- Pons
- Pontine
- Pool
- Pooling
- Poor
- Poorly
- Popcorn
- Popliteal
- Popliteus
- Porcelain
- Poroma
- Porphyria
- Port a cath
- Port
- Porta
- Portable
- Portal hypertension
- Portal vein
- Portal
- Portion
- Portions
- Portray
- Pos
- Position
- Positioning
- Positions
- Positive
- Possibility
- Possible
- Possibly
- Post operative
- Post procedure
- Post traumatic
- Post treatment
- Post
- Postcoital contraception
- Postcontrast
- Posterior cortex
- Posterior
- Postictal state
- Postmenopausal bleeding
- Postmortem examination
- Postnatal
- Postoperative
- Postpartum
- Postural drainage
- Postural hypotension
- Potassium
- Potential
- Potentially
- Pouch
- Power
- Ppm
- Prandial
- Pre operative
- Pre procedure
- Pre
- Precancerous condition
- Precancerous
- Precarinal
- Precise
- Precisely
- Precontrast
- Precordial movement
- Predictor
- Predilection
- Predominance
- Predominant
- Predominantly
- Preeclampsia
- Preexisting
- Preference
- Preferential
- Pregnancy
- Pregnant
- Preliminary
- Premature labor
- Premature
- Prematurely
- Prematurity
- Premedication
- Premenopausal
- Premenstrual syndrome
- Prenatal care
- Prenatal diagnosis
- Prenatal testing
- Prenatal
- Preoperative
- Preparation
- Prepared childbirth
- Prepuce
- Presacral
- Presbycusis
- Presbyopia
- Prescription
- Presence
- Present
- Presentation (medical)
- Presentation
- Presented
- Presenting
- Presents
- Preservation
- Preserved
- Preserves
- Pressed
- Presses
- Pressing
- Pressure point
- Pressure sore
- Pressure
- Pressures
- Presumably
- Presumed
- Pretty
- Prevalent
- Prevent
- Preventing
- Prevention paradox
- Preventive healthcare
- Preventive nutrition
- Previous
- Previously
- Priapism
- Prickly heat
- Primarily
- Primary
- Primus
- Prion
- Prior
- Priority
- Proarrhythmia
- Probable
- Probably
- Probe
- Problem
- Problematic
- Problems
- Procedure
- Proceedings
- Process
- Processes
- Procidentia
- Proctalgia
- Proctitis
- Proctoscopy
- Prodromus
- Produce
- Produced
- Production
- Productive cough
- Productive
- Products
- Profile
- Profoundly
- Profusely
- Progeria
- Progesterone
- Prognosis
- Progress
- Progressed
- Progresses
- Progressing
- Progression-free survival
- Progression
- Progressive disease
- Progressive muscular atrophy
- Progressive
- Progressively
- Project
- Projected
- Projectile
- Projectiles
- Projecting
- Projects
- Prolactin
- Prolactinoma
- Prolapse
- Prolapsed disk
- Proliferate
- Proliferation
- Proliferative
- Prolongation
- Prolonged
- Prominence
- Prominent
- Prominently
- Promontory
- Prompt
- Pronator
- Prone
- Pronounced
- Proper
- Properly
- Property
- Prophylactic
- Proposed
- Proprioception
- Proptosis
- Propulsion
- Prosper
- Prosperous
- Prostate gland
- Prostate
- Prostatectomy
- Prostatic
- Prostatism
- Prostatitis
- Prostheses
- Prosthesis
- Prosthetic
- Protein
- Proteinaceous
- Proteins
- Prothrombin time
- Proto-oncogene
- Protocol system
- Protocol
- Proton pump inhibitor
- Proton
- Protozoan
- Protrude
- Protruding
- Protrusion
- Protuberance
- Protuberant
- Proved
- Proven
- Provide
- Provisional
- Proximal
- Proximity
- Pruning
- Pruritis
- Pruritus
- Ps
- Psa
- Psammoma
- Pseudo
- Pseudoaneurysm
- Pseudoarthrosis
- Pseudocyst
- Pseudofracture
- Pseudogout
- Pseudomeningocele
- Psittacosis
- Psoas
- Psoralens
- Psoriasis
- Psoriatic arthritis
- Psoriatic
- Psychogenic
- Psychological
- Psychosis
- Psychosomatic
- Psychotherapy
- Psychotic
- Psychotropic drug
- Pt
- Pta
- Ptc
- Pterygoid
- Ptosis
- Ptx
- Puberty
- Pubic louse
- Pubic
- Pubis
- Public information
- Public involvement
- Pubmed
- Pudendal block
- Pudendal
- Pudendum
- Puerperal sepsis
- Puerperal
- Puerperium
- Puff
- Puffy
- Pull
- Pulled
- Pulley
- Pulling
- Pulmonary artery
- Pulmonary consolidation
- Pulmonary edema
- Pulmonary embolism
- Pulmonary fibrosis
- Pulmonary heart valve
- Pulmonary hypertension
- Pulmonary insufficiency
- Pulmonary stenosis
- Pulmonary wedge pressure
- Pulmonary
- Pulmonic
- Pulp
- Pulposus
- Pulsatile
- Pulsation
- Pulse
- Pulsed
- Pulvinar
- Pump
- Pumpkin
- Punch
- Punctate
- Punctuate
- Puncture
- Punctured
- Pupil
- Pure
- Purkinje
- Purple
- Purpuric rash
- Purulent
- Pus
- Push
- Pushed
- Pushing
- Pustule
- Putamen
- Putamina
- Pycnotic
- Pyelolithotomy
- Pyelonephritis
- Pylori
- Pyloric sphincter
- Pyloric stenosis
- Pyloric
- Pyloroplasty
- Pylorus
- Pyogenic
- Pyonephrosis
- Pyramidal
- Pyramids
- Pyrexia
- Pyriform
- Pyrogen
- Pyrogenic
- Pyrophosphate
- Pyruvate
- Pyuria
Q[edit | edit source]
- Q
- Quadramet
- Quadrant
- Quadrantanopsia
- Quadratus
- Quadriceps muscle
- Quadriceps
- Quadrigeminal
- Quadrilateral
- Quality of life (healthcare)
- Quality
- Quantify
- Quantities
- Quantity
- Quarter
- Quarters
- Quaternary prevention
- Question
- Questionable
- Questionably
- Quite
- Quiz
R[edit | edit source]
- REM sleep
- R
- Ra
- Rabies
- Racemose
- Rachitic
- Rad
- Radar
- Radial keratotomy
- Radial
- Radially
- Radiata
- Radiate
- Radiating
- Radiation therapy
- Radiation
- Radiations
- Radical surgery
- Radical
- Radicals
- Radiculopathy
- Radii
- Radio opaque
- Radio
- Radioactive
- Radioallergosorbent test
- Radiocarpal
- Radiodensity
- Radiofrequency ablation
- Radiofrequency
- Radiogram
- Radiograph
- Radiographic
- Radiographically
- Radiographs
- Radiography
- Radiolabeled
- Radiologic
- Radiologist
- Radiology
- Radiolucency
- Radiolucent
- Radionuclide
- Radiopaedia
- Radiopaque
- Radiopharmaceutical
- Radiotracer
- Radius
- Radon
- Ragged
- Raise
- Raised
- Raising
- Rales
- Ramus
- Random
- Range
- Ranging
- Ranula
- Rapid antigen test
- Rapid diagnostic test
- Rapid strep test
- Rapid
- Rapidly
- Rare
- Rarefaction
- Rarely
- Rash
- Rate
- Rather
- Rathke
- Ratio
- Raw
- Ray
- Raynaud's disease
- Rays
- Rb
- Rbc
- Reabsorption
- Reach
- Reaching
- Reactions
- Reactivation
- Reactive
- Read
- Reader
- Readily
- Reading
- Real
- Really
- Reappear
- Reappearance
- Reason
- Recall
- Recalled
- Received
- Recent
- Recently
- Receptor
- Recess
- Recesses
- Recessive gene
- Recessive
- Recognizable
- Recombinant
- Recommend
- Recommendation
- Recommended
- Reconstitute
- Reconstituted
- Reconstitution
- Reconstruct
- Reconstructed
- Reconstruction
- Reconstructions
- Reconstructive surgery
- Recover
- Recoverable
- Recovered
- Recovery
- Recruitment
- Rectal prolapse
- Rectal
- Rectangle
- Rectangles
- Recti
- Rectosigmoid
- Rectouterine
- Rectum
- Rectus
- Recurrence
- Recurrent
- Red blood cell
- Red
- Redistribution
- Reduced
- Reduces
- Reduction of fracture
- Reduction
- Redundant
- Ref
- Reference
- Referred pain
- Reflected
- Reflecting
- Reflection
- Reflectivity
- Reflects
- Reflex
- Reflux esophagitis
- Reflux
- Refluxed
- Refluxing
- Reformation
- Region
- Regional
- Regions
- Reglan
- Regression
- Regular
- Regularly
- Regurgitation
- Rehabilitation
- Rehydration
- Reiter's syndrome
- Relapse
- Relapsing–remitting
- Relate
- Related
- Relation
- Relations
- Relationship
- Relationships
- Relative
- Relatively
- Relaxation
- Release
- Reliable
- Relics
- Relocation
- Remain
- Remainder
- Remaining
- Remains
- Remarkable
- Remarkably
- Remember
- Remembering
- Remission (medicine)
- Remission
- Remnant
- Remodeling
- Remodelling
- Remote
- Remotely
- Removal
- Remove
- Removed
- Renal cell carcinoma
- Renal colic
- Renal tubular acidosis
- Renal
- Rendered
- Rendering
- Renewed
- Reniform
- Renin
- Rent
- Reopening
- Reorganization
- Repair
- Repeat
- Repeated
- Repetitive strain injury
- Replace
- Replaced
- Replacement
- Replaces
- Replacing
- Replication
- Report
- Reported
- Reporting
- Reports
- Repositioning
- Represent
- Representation
- Representative
- Represented
- Reprint
- Reproducing
- Reproductive system
- Reproductive
- Require
- Required
- Research
- Resected
- Resection
- Resemble
- Reserve
- Reservoir
- Resident
- Residual
- Resistance
- Resolution
- Resolved
- Resolving
- Resonance
- Resorption
- Resources
- Respect
- Respective
- Respectively
- Respiration
- Respirator
- Respiratory arrest
- Respiratory distress syndrome
- Respiratory failure
- Respiratory system
- Respiratory tract
- Respiratory
- Response
- Responsible drug use
- Responsible
- Rest
- Restenosis
- Resting pulse
- Resting
- Restricted
- Restriction
- Result
- Resultant
- Resulting
- Results
- Resuscitation
- Retained
- Rete
- Retention
- Reticular
- Reticulata
- Reticulated
- Reticulocyte
- Retina
- Retinacula
- Retinaculum
- Retinal artery occlusion
- Retinal
- Retinas
- Retinitis pigmentosa
- Retinitis
- Retinoblastoma
- Retinoid
- Retinopathy
- Retinoscopy
- Retracted
- Retraction
- Retrievable
- Retrieval
- Retrocaval
- Retrocecal
- Retrograde
- Retrolisthesis
- Retroperitoneal
- Retroperitoneum
- Retropharyngeal
- Retrospect
- Retrospective
- Retrospectively
- Retroviruses
- Return
- Returned
- Returning
- Returns
- Reveal
- Revealed
- Revealing
- Reveals
- Reverberation
- Reversal
- Reverse
- Reversed
- Reversible
- Review of systems
- Review
- Reviewed
- Reviewing
- Reye's syndrome
- Rh blood group
- Rh immunoglobulin
- Rh incompatibility
- Rh sensitized
- Rhabdomyosarcoma
- Rhd
- Rheumatic fever
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Rheumatoid factors
- Rheumatoid
- Rhinitis
- Rhinophyma
- Rhinoplasty
- Rhythm method
- Ri
- Rib
- Ribbon
- Riboflavin
- Ribs
- Rickets
- Ricochet
- Ridge
- Ridges
- Riding
- Rifle
- Right atrial pressure
- Right-to-left shunt
- Rigid
- Rigor mortis
- Rim
- Rims
- Rind
- Ring
- Rings
- Ringworm
- Rinne's test
- Riolan
- Rising
- Risk of infection
- Risk of mortality
- Risk
- Risky sexual behavior
- Rll
- Road
- Roadmap
- Robert
- Robin
- Robust
- Rocky mountain spotted fever
- Rod
- Rodent
- Rods
- Roi
- Roof
- Root
- Roots
- Rosacea
- Rosary
- Rosenmuller
- Roseola infantum
- Rosette
- Rosettes
- Rostral
- Rostrum
- Rotary
- Rotated
- Rotation
- Rotational
- Rotator cuff
- Rotator
- Rotatory
- Rotundum
- Roughly
- Round
- Rounded
- Roundworm
- Routine
- Roux
- Row
- Rpa
- Rt
- Rubella
- Rubeola
- Rudimentary
- Rue
- Rug
- Rule
- Ruling
- Run
- Running
- Runoff
- Runs
- Rupture
- Ruptured
- Rv
S[edit | edit source]
- SOAP note
- S
- Sabre
- Sac
- Saccharides
- Saccular
- Sacculation
- Sack
- Sacral
- Sacrococcygeal
- Sacroiliac joints
- Sacroiliac
- Sacroiliitis
- Sacrum
- Saddle
- Safe sex
- Safety
- Sag
- Sagittal
- Sah
- Sail
- Saline
- Salivary glands
- Salivary
- Salmonella
- Salmonellosis
- Salpingectomy
- Salpingitis
- Salpingo-oophorectomy
- Salpingography
- Salpingolysis
- Salpingostomy
- Salt
- Salter
- Same
- Sample
- Samples
- Sampling
- Sandwich
- Sanguineous
- Santorini
- Saphenous
- Sarcoid
- Sarcoidosis
- Sarcoma
- Sartorius
- Sat
- Satellite
- Satisfactory
- Saturated fat
- Saturated
- Saturation
- Saturday night palsy
- Saucer
- Saw
- Say
- Sc
- Sca
- Scabies
- Scale
- Scales
- Scalloped
- Scalp
- Scalpel
- Scaly
- Scan
- Scanner
- Scanning
- Scans
- Scant
- Scanty
- Scaphoid
- Scapula
- Scapular
- Scar
- Scaring
- Scarlet fever
- Scarred
- Scarring
- Scattered
- Scca
- Scd
- Scene
- Scfe
- Schematic
- Scheme
- Schemes
- Schiff
- Schistosomiasis
- Schizencephaly
- Schizophrenia
- Schmidt
- Schwann
- Schwannoma
- Schwannomas
- Schönlein-Henoch purpura
- Sci
- Sciatica
- Scientists
- Scimitar
- Scintigram
- Scintigraphic
- Scintigraphy
- Scintillation
- Sclera
- Scleral
- Scleroderma
- Sclerosing
- Sclerosis (medicine)
- Sclerosis
- Sclerotherapy
- Sclerotic
- Scm
- Scolex
- Scoliosis
- Scotoma
- Scout
- Screen time
- Screen
- Screening (medicine)
- Screening
- Screw
- Screws
- Scrofula
- Scrotal
- Scrotum
- Scurvy
- Scutum
- Se
- Sea
- Search
- Seatbelt
- Seated
- Sebaceous cyst
- Sebaceous
- Seborrhea
- Sebum
- Sec
- Second
- Secondary malignant neoplasm
- Secondary
- Seconds
- Secretion
- Secretions
- Secretomotor
- Section
- Sections
- Secured
- Securing
- Sedated
- Sedation
- Sedatives
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Sedimentation
- See
- Seem
- Seemingly
- Segment
- Segmental
- Segmented
- Segments
- Seizure
- Seizures
- Selenium
- Self-diagnosis
- Self
- Sella
- Semen analysis
- Semen
- Semicircular
- Semilunar
- Semimembranosus
- Semimembranous
- Seminal vesicles
- Seminal
- Seminar
- Seminiferous tubules
- Seminiferous
- Seminoma
- Semitendinosus
- Senescent
- Senile plaques
- Senile
- Sensation
- Sense
- Sensitive
- Sensitivity
- Sensorineural hearing loss
- Sensory nerve
- Sensory organ
- Sensory
- Sent
- Separate
- Separated
- Separately
- Separating
- Separation
- Sepsis
- Septa
- Septal defect
- Septal
- Septate
- Septation
- September
- Septic arthritis
- Septic shock
- Septic
- Septicemia
- Septum
- Sequela
- Sequence (medicine)
- Sequence
- Sequences
- Sequential
- Sequestration
- Sequestrum
- Sequoia
- Serial
- Series
- Seroma
- Seronegative
- Serosa
- Serosal
- Serotonin
- Serous
- Serpentine
- Serpiginous
- Serum
- Services
- Serving
- Sesamoid
- Sessile
- Sestamibi
- Set
- Seven
- Seventh
- Sever's disease
- Several
- Severe
- Severed
- Severely
- Severity of illness
- Severity
- Sex chromosomes
- Sex hormones
- Sex-linked disorder
- Sexually transmitted disease
- Sexually
- Shaded
- Shading
- Shadow
- Shadowing
- Shadows
- Shaft
- Shaggy
- Shallow
- Sham surgery
- Shape
- Shaped
- Shapes
- Sharp
- Sharply
- Shearing
- Sheath
- Sheets
- Shelf
- Shell
- Shift
- Shifting
- Shigellosis
- Shin splints
- Shin
- Shine
- Shingles
- Shock
- Shoe
- Shoes
- Shopping
- Short axis
- Short
- Shortened
- Shortening
- Shorter
- Shortly
- Shortness of breath
- Shortness
- Shot
- Shotgun
- Should
- Shoulder
- Shoulders
- Show
- Showing
- Shows
- Shrapnel
- Shrinkage
- Shrunken
- Shunt
- Shunting
- Shunts
- Si
- Sialoadenitis
- Sialogram
- Sialolith
- Sialolithiasis
- Sick sinus syndrome
- Sickle cell anemia
- Sickle cell trait
- Sickle
- Side by side
- Side
- Siderosis
- Sides
- Siemens
- Sigmoid
- Sigmoidoscopy
- Sign
- Signal
- Signaling
- Signals
- Signet ring
- Signet
- Significance
- Significant
- Significantly
- Signs
- Silastic
- Silent
- Silhouette
- Silicone
- Silicosis
- Silk
- Silo
- Silver
- Similar
- Similarity
- Similarly
- Simple
- Simplex
- Simulate
- Simulated
- Simulating
- Simulation
- Simultanagnosia
- Simultaneous
- Simultaneously
- Since
- Single
- Singular
- Sinoatrial node
- Sinus bradycardia
- Sinus rhythm
- Sinus tachycardia
- Sinus
- Sinuses
- Sinusitis
- Sinusoidal
- Siphon
- Sister
- Sit
- Site
- Sites
- Sitting
- Situated
- Situs
- Six
- Sixth
- Size
- Sized
- Sizing
- Sjögren's syndrome
- Skeletal
- Skeleton
- Skeletons
- Skier
- Skin cancer
- Skin graft
- Skin patch test
- Skin patch
- Skin prick test
- Skin
- Skip
- Skull bossing
- Skull
- Sky
- Skyline
- Sl
- Slab
- Slap
- Sle
- Sleep apnea
- Sleep
- Sleeve
- Slender
- Slice
- Slices
- Slide
- Slides
- Sliding
- Slight
- Slightly
- Sling
- Slip
- Slippage
- Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
- Slipped disk
- Slips and capture
- Sliver
- Slopes
- Sloping
- Sloughing
- Slow
- Slowing
- Slowly
- Sludge
- Slurry
- Sma
- Small intestine
- Small-cell carcinoma
- Small
- Smaller
- Smallpox
- Smear
- Smell
- Smoke
- Smooth
- Smoothly
- Snaps
- Snow
- Snowman
- Snuff
- So
- Social history (medicine)
- Social media
- Social medicine
- Social prescribing
- Social-emotional agnosia
- Society
- Sodium bicarbonate
- Sodium
- Soft tissue
- Soft
- Software
- Solar plexus
- Sold
- Soleus
- Solid
- Solitary
- Soluble
- Solving
- Somatic
- Somatostatin
- Some
- Sometimes
- Somewhat
- Sonic
- Sonogram
- Sonography
- Sonohysterography
- Sopor (sleep)
- Sorry
- Sound waves
- Sound
- Source
- Sov
- Sp
- Space
- Spaced
- Spacer
- Spacing
- Span
- Spans
- Spar
- Spare
- Sparing
- Sparring
- Spasm
- Spastic paralysis
- Spasticity
- Spatial
- Speak
- Special
- Specific
- Specifically
- Specificity
- Specimen
- Speckled
- Spectacular
- Spectral
- Spectroscopic
- Spectroscopy
- Spectrum
- Speculum
- Speech therapy
- Speech–language pathology
- Sperm antibody
- Sperm count
- Sperm
- Spermatic
- Spermatocele
- Spermicide
- Sphenoid
- Sphenoidale
- Spheres
- Spherical
- Sphincter
- Sphygmomanometer
- Spiculation
- Spicule
- Spicules
- Spider nevus
- Spill
- Spillage
- Spin echo
- Spin
- Spina bifida occulta
- Spina bifida
- Spina
- Spinal cord
- Spinal fusion
- Spinal tap
- Spinal
- Spindle
- Spindled
- Spine
- Spinnbarkeit
- Spinous
- Spiral fracture
- Spiral
- Spirometry
- Spl
- Splash
- Splayed
- Spleen
- Spleens
- Splenectomy
- Splenic
- Splenium
- Splenius
- Splenomegaly
- Splint
- Splinter hemorrhage
- Splinting
- Split
- Spoiled
- Spondylarthropathies
- Spondylitis
- Spondyloarthropathy
- Spondylodiscitis
- Spondylolisthesis
- Spondylolysis
- Spondylosis
- Sponge
- Spontaneous breathing trial
- Spontaneous remission
- Spontaneous
- Spontaneously
- Sporadic
- Sporotrichosis
- Spot
- Spots
- Sprain
- Spread
- Spreading
- Spring
- Sprouts
- Sprue
- Spur
- Spurring
- Sputum
- Squamous cell carcinoma
- Squamous
- Square
- Squared
- Ss
- Sss
- St
- Stabile
- Stability
- Stable
- Stacked
- Staff
- Stage
- Stages
- Stain
- Stained
- Staining
- Stalk
- Stand
- Standard
- Standards
- Standing
- Stanford
- Stapedectomy
- Staphylococci
- Staphylococcus
- Staphyloma
- Star
- Starry
- Starting
- Starvation
- Stasis
- State
- Stated
- Status asthmaticus
- Status epilepticus
- Stein-Leventhal syndrome
- Stem cells
- Stemming
- Stenosed
- Stenosis
- Stenotic
- Stent
- Stenting
- Stents
- Step
- Stepladder
- Steps
- Stereo
- Stereotaxic surgery
- Stereotypically
- Sterile
- Sterilization
- Sternal
- Sternoclavicular
- Sternocleidomastoid
- Sternotomy
- Sternum
- Steroid
- Steroids
- Stethoscope
- Still
- Stillbirth
- Stimulating
- Stimulation
- Stippled
- Stir
- Stoma
- Stomach bypass
- Stomach stapling
- Stomach
- Stone
- Stones
- Stool
- Stored
- Storm
- Story
- Strabismus
- Straight-leg raising
- Straight
- Strain
- Strand
- Strangulated hernia
- Strangulation
- Strategic plan
- Stratification
- Straw
- Strawberry nevus
- Streak
- Streaky
- Stream
- Strep throat
- Strep
- Streptococcal
- Streptococci
- Streptococcus
- Streptomycin
- Stress fracture
- Stress
- Stretch marks
- Stretched
- Stretches
- Stretching
- Striate
- Striated
- Striations
- Stricture
- Strictures
- Stridor
- Striking
- String of beads
- String
- Strip
- Stripe
- Stripes
- Stripped
- Stripping
- Stroke
- Strokes
- Stroma
- Stromal
- Strong
- Strongly
- Struck
- Structure
- Structured
- Structures
- Stuck
- Studies
- Study
- Stuffed
- Stye
- Stylohyoid
- Styloid
- Stylomastoid
- Sub
- Subacromial
- Subacute
- Subarachnoid
- Subcarinal
- Subclavian
- Subclinical infection
- Subcortical
- Subcutaneous
- Subcutaneously
- Subcutis
- Subdiaphragmatic
- Subdivisions
- Subdural
- Subendocardial
- Subependymal
- Subependymoma
- Subglenoid
- Subjacent
- Sublingual
- Subluxated
- Subluxation
- Subluxations
- Submandibular
- Submarine
- Submental
- Submission
- Submitted
- Submucosa
- Submucosal
- Suboccipital
- Suboptimal
- Subperiosteal
- Subpleural
- Subscapular
- Subscapularis
- Subsequent
- Subsequently
- Substance
- Substantia
- Substantial
- Substantially
- Substernal
- Subtle
- Subtotal
- Subtraction
- Subtrochanteric
- Subtype
- Succenturiate
- Successful
- Successfully
- Such
- Suction lipectomy
- Sudden infant death syndrome
- Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy
- Sudden
- Sudomotor
- Sufficient
- Sugars
- Suggest
- Suggested
- Suggestion
- Suggestions
- Suggestive
- Suicide terminology
- Suite
- Sulcus
- Sulfur
- Summary
- Summation
- Sunrise
- Superficial
- Superficialis
- Superficially
- Superimposed
- Superior
- Superiorly
- Supernumerary
- Superolateral
- Supersaturation
- Superscan
- Superselection
- Supine
- Supplies
- Supply
- Supplying
- Support
- Supported
- Suppository
- Suppress
- Suppressed
- Suppression
- Suppuration
- Suppurative
- Supra
- Supraclavicular
- Supraglottic
- Suprahepatic
- Suprahyoid
- Suprapatellar
- Suprapubic
- Suprarenal
- Suprasellar
- Supraspinatus
- Supraspinous
- Suprasternal
- Supratentorial
- Sure
- Surface
- Surfactant
- Surgeries
- Surgery
- Surgical sieve
- Surgical smoke
- Surgical
- Surgically
- Surprise
- Surprisingly
- Surrogate decision-maker
- Surrogate endpoint
- Surrogate
- Surround
- Surrounded
- Surrounding
- Survey
- Survival
- Susceptibility
- Suspect
- Suspensory
- Suspicion
- Suspicious
- Sustained
- Suture
- Sutures
- Sv
- Svc
- Swallow
- Swallowed
- Swallowing
- Swallows
- Swan
- Sweat glands
- Sweat test
- Sweep
- Sweeping
- Swelling
- Swimmer's ear
- Swirling
- Swollen
- Sycosis barbae
- Sylvian
- Sylvius
- Symmetric
- Symmetrical
- Symmetrically
- Symmetry
- Sympathetic nervous system
- Symphysis
- Symptom
- Symptomatic treatment
- Symptomatic
- Symptoms
- Synchrony
- Syndactyly
- Syndesmophyte
- Syndesmosis
- Syndrome
- Syndromes
- Synechiae
- Synostosis
- Synovectomy
- Synovial fluid
- Synovial membrane
- Synovial
- Synovitis
- Synovitus
- Synovium
- Syphilis
- Syringobulbia
- Syringohydromyelia
- Syringomyelia
- Syrinx
- Syrup
- System
- Systemic disease
- Systemic lupus erythematosus
- Systemic
- Systems
- Systole
- Systolic pressure
- Systolic
T[edit | edit source]
- T cell
- T shaped
- T-cell leukemia
- T-lymphocyte killer cell
- T-lymphocyte
- TMJ syndrome
- T
- Ta
- Tabes
- Table
- Tables
- Tablet
- Tachycardia
- Tachypnea
- Tagged
- Tail
- Take
- Taken
- Takeoff
- Takes
- Taking
- Talipes
- Talus
- Tamponade
- Tangential
- Tangle
- Tangles
- Tanks
- Tanner
- Tap
- Tape
- Taper
- Tapered
- Tapering
- Tapers
- Tapeworm
- Tar
- Target
- Targeted
- Targetoid
- Tarsal
- Tarsorrhaphy
- Tartar
- Task force
- Tau
- Tay-Sachs disease
- Tb
- Tc
- Te
- Teaching
- Tear duct
- Tear
- Teardrop
- Tears
- Technetium
- Technically
- Technician
- Technique
- Technologist
- Tectal
- Tectum
- Tee
- Teeth
- Teflon
- Tegmen
- Tegmental
- Tegmentum
- Telangiectasia
- Telencephalon
- Telephone
- Tell
- Temperature method
- Temperature
- Temporal arteritis
- Temporal
- Temporalis
- Temporary
- Ten
- Tendency
- Tender
- Tenderness
- Tending
- Tendinitis
- Tendinopathy
- Tendinosis
- Tendinous
- Tendon transfer
- Tendon
- Tendons
- Tennis elbow
- Tenosynovitis
- Tenovaginitis
- Tension headache
- Tension
- Tensor
- Tenth
- Tentorium
- Tenuous
- Teratogen
- Teratoid
- Teratoma
- Teratomas
- Teres
- Term
- Terminal cleaning
- Terminal illness
- Terminal
- Terminated
- Termination of pregnancy
- Termination
- Terminologia Histologica
- Terminus
- Territorial
- Territories
- Territory
- Tertiary
- Tesla
- Test
- Testes
- Testicle
- Testicles
- Testicular microlithiasis
- Testicular torsion
- Testicular
- Testis
- Testosterone
- Tests
- Tetanus
- Tethered
- Tethering
- Tetracyclines
- Tetralogy of Fallot
- Tetralogy
- Texas
- Th
- Thalami
- Thalamic
- Thalamotomy
- Thalamus
- Thalassemia
- Thallium scanning
- The
- Theater
- Theca
- Thecal
- Then
- Therapeutic inertia
- Therapeutic range
- Therapeutic
- Therapy
- There
- Therefore
- Thermal
- Thiamine
- Thick
- Thickened
- Thickening
- Thickness
- Thigh
- Thighs
- Thin section
- Thin
- Think
- Thinly
- Thinned
- Thinning
- Third
- Thirds
- Thomas
- Thoracentesis
- Thoracic
- Thoracolumbar
- Thoracoscopy
- Thoracostomy
- Thoracotomy
- Thorax
- Thorough
- Though
- Thought
- Threatened
- Three dimensional
- Three
- Threshold
- Thrill
- Thrive
- Throat
- Thrombectomy
- Thrombi
- Thrombin
- Thrombocytopenic purpura
- Thromboembolism
- Thrombolysis
- Thrombophlebitis
- Thrombosed
- Thrombosis
- Thrombus
- Through
- Throughout
- Thrown
- Thrush
- Thumb
- Thus
- Thymic
- Thymoma
- Thymus gland
- Thymus
- Thyrogen
- Thyroglossal cyst
- Thyroid gland
- Thyroid
- Thyroidal
- Thyroidectomy
- Thyroiditis
- Thyrotoxicosis
- Thyroxin
- Ti
- Tib
- Tibia
- Tibiae
- Tibial
- Tibialis
- Tibiofibular
- Tic douloureux
- Tic
- Ticks
- Tics
- Tied
- Ties
- Tietze's syndrome
- Tight
- Tightly
- Tilt
- Tilted
- Time
- Times
- Timothy
- Tinea
- Tinnitus
- Tiny
- Tip
- Tipped uterus
- Tipped
- Tips
- Tissue plasminogen activator
- Tissue typing
- Tissue
- Tissues
- Title
- Tm
- Tmj
- To and fro
- To
- Tobacco
- Today
- Toe
- Toes
- Tof
- Together
- Tolerance
- Toluidine
- Tomogram
- Tomograph
- Tomographic
- Tomography
- Tongue
- Tonometry
- Tonsil
- Tonsillectomy
- Tonsillitis
- Tonsils
- Too
- Tool
- Tools
- Tooth
- Top
- Tophaceous
- Tophi
- Topic
- Topical medication
- Topogram
- Torch
- Torn
- Torsion
- Tortoise
- Tortuosity
- Tortuous
- Torus
- Tot
- Total
- Totally
- Touch
- Touches
- Tourette's syndrome
- Tourniquet
- Tourniquets
- Tow
- Toxemia
- Toxic epidermal necrolysis
- Toxic shock syndrome
- Toxic
- Toxicity
- Toxicology
- Toxidrome
- Toxin
- Toxocara
- Toxocariasis
- Toxoplasmosis
- Tr
- Trabecula
- Trabeculae
- Trabecular
- Trace
- Traced
- Tracer
- Trachea
- Tracheal
- Tracheitis
- Tracheobronchial
- Tracheoesophageal
- Tracheostomy
- Tracheotomy
- Trachoma
- Tracing
- Track
- Tracking
- Tracks
- Tract
- Traction
- Trail
- Training
- Trajectory
- Tram track
- Tram
- Tramline
- Transaxial
- Transcript
- Transcutaneous
- Transducer
- Transferrin
- Transformation
- Transfusion
- Transient ischemic attack
- Transient
- Transit
- Transition
- Transitional
- Transitions
- Translation
- Translational
- Translocation
- Transmissible
- Transmission
- Transplant
- Transplantation
- Transplants
- Transposition
- Transurethral prostatectomy
- Transversalis
- Transverse
- Transversely
- Transversus
- Trapezium
- Trapezius
- Trapped
- Trapping
- Trauma
- Traumatic
- Traveled
- Travelers' diarrhea
- Traveling
- Travelling
- Traversing
- Treat
- Treated
- Treatment
- Tree
- Trembling
- Tremor
- Trend
- Trf
- Triad
- Triage
- Trial
- Triangle
- Triangles
- Triangular
- Triangulare
- Tributaries
- Tributary
- Triceps
- Trichiasis
- Trichinosis
- Trichobezoar
- Tricholemmoma
- Trichomoniasis
- Tricuspid valve
- Tricuspid
- Tricyclic antidepressants
- Trident
- Trifurcation
- Trigeminal neuralgia
- Trigeminal
- Triglyceride
- Trigone
- Trigonocephaly
- Trimester
- Triphasic
- Triplane
- Triple X syndrome
- Triple
- Triquetral
- Triquetrum
- Trismus
- Trisomy 21
- Trisomy
- Trocar
- Trochanter
- Trochanters
- Trochlea
- Trochlear
- True
- Truly
- Truncated
- Truncation
- Trunk
- Trunks
- Try
- Tsh
- Tte
- Ttn
- Tubal ligation
- Tubal pregnancy
- Tubal
- Tube
- Tuber
- Tubercle
- Tuberculin test
- Tuberculoma
- Tuberculosis
- Tuberculous
- Tuberosity
- Tuberous sclerosis
- Tuberous
- Tubers
- Tubes
- Tubing
- Tuboplasty
- Tubular
- Tubules
- Tuft
- Tug
- Tulip
- Tumbling
- Tumor
- Tumoral
- Tumors
- Tumour
- Tunica
- Tunnel vision
- Tunnel
- Tunnels
- Turbinate
- Turbinates
- Turbulent
- Turn
- Turned
- Turner's syndrome
- Turner
- Turns
- Twelfth
- Twice
- Twin
- Twinkle
- Twins
- Twisted
- Twisting
- Two
- Tx
- Tympani
- Tympanic membrane
- Tympanic
- Tympanicum
- Tympanoplasty
- Type
- Types
- Typhoid fever
- Typhus
- Typical
- Typically
U[edit | edit source]
- U
- Uci
- Ulcer
- Ulcerated
- Ulceration
- Ulcerative colitis
- Ulcers
- Ulna
- Ulnae
- Ulnar
- Ultimately
- Ultrasound scanning
- Ultrasound
- Ultraviolet light
- Umbilical cord
- Umbilical hernia
- Umbilical
- Umbilicus
- Umbrella
- Unable
- Unaffected
- Unassisted
- Unavailable
- Uncertain
- Unchanged
- Uncinate
- Unclear
- Uncomfortable
- Uncommon
- Uncommonly
- Unconsciousness
- Uncontrollably
- Uncovered
- Uncus
- Under
- Underdeveloped
- Underlying
- Underneath
- Understood
- Undersurface
- Undervirilization
- Undescended testicle
- Undescended
- Undeveloped
- Undifferentiated
- Undigested
- Uneven
- Unexpected
- Unexpectedly
- Unformed
- Unicameral
- Uniform
- Uniformed
- Uniformly
- Unilateral
- Unilocular
- Uninjured
- Uninvolved
- Unique
- Unit
- Units
- Universal
- University
- Unknown
- Unlabeled
- Unless
- Unlike
- Unlikely
- Unmatched
- Unprotected
- Unrelated
- Unremarkable
- Unsaturated fat
- Unspecified
- Unstable
- Until
- Untreated
- Unusual
- Unusually
- Unyielding
- Up
- Update
- Upj
- Upload
- Upon
- Upper
- Upright
- Upstream
- Uptake
- Upturned
- Upward
- Upwards
- Urea
- Uremia
- Ureter
- Ureteral
- Ureterocele
- Ureteroceles
- Ureterolithiasis
- Ureterovaginal fistula
- Ureters
- Uretha
- Urethra
- Urethral
- Urethras
- Urethritis
- Urethrocele
- Urethrocystitis
- Urinalysis
- Urinary diversion
- Urinary incontinence
- Urinary tract infection
- Urinary tract
- Urinary
- Urination
- Urine
- Url
- Urogenital
- Urography
- Urothelial
- Urticaria
- Us
- Usda
- Use
- Used
- Useful
- Using
- Usual
- Usually
- Uteri
- Uterine prolapse
- Uterine
- Utero
- Uterovesical
- Uterus
- Uvea
- Uveal
- Uveitis
- Uvj
V[edit | edit source]
- V shaped
- V/Q lung scans
- VA conduction
- VIP medicine
- V
- Va
- Vacant
- Vaccination
- Vaccine
- Vacuo
- Vacuolar
- Vacuolated
- Vacuole
- Vacuoles
- Vacuum aspiration
- Vacuum extraction
- Vacuum
- Vagal
- Vagina
- Vaginal
- Vaginalis
- Vaginismus
- Vaginitis
- Vagotomy
- Vague
- Vagus
- Valgus
- Vallecula
- Valleculae
- Values
- Valve
- Valves
- Valvotomy
- Valvular heart disease
- Valvular
- Valvuloplasty
- Vanishing
- Vara
- Variable
- Variably
- Variance
- Variant
- Variation
- Varicella
- Varices
- Varicocele
- Varicose veins
- Varicose
- Variegated
- Variety
- Variola
- Various
- Varix
- Varus
- Vary
- Varying
- Vas deferens
- Vas
- Vascular occlusion
- Vascular
- Vascularity
- Vascularized
- Vasculature
- Vasculitis
- Vasculopathy
- Vasectomy
- Vasoconstriction
- Vasodilation
- Vasomotor
- Vasospasm
- Vasovagal attack
- Vastus
- Vater
- Vault
- Vc
- Vegetation (pathology)
- Vehicle
- Vein
- Veins
- Velocities
- Velum
- Vena
- Venereal disease
- Venipuncture
- Venogram
- Venography
- Venom
- Venosus
- Venous
- Vent
- Ventilation
- Ventilator
- Ventilatory
- Ventral
- Ventrally
- Ventricle
- Ventricles
- Ventricular fibrillation
- Ventricular septal defect
- Ventricular
- Ventriculitis
- Ventriculomegaly
- Ventriculostomy
- Ventriculus
- Verbal
- Verge
- Verified
- Verifies
- Verifying
- Vermis
- Vernix
- Version
- Vertebra
- Vertebrae
- Vertebral arteries
- Vertebral
- Vertex presentation
- Vertex
- Vertical
- Vertically
- Vertigo
- Verumontanum
- Very low-density lipoprotein
- Very
- Vesicle
- Vesicles
- Vesicourachal
- Vesicular
- Vessel
- Vessels
- Vestibular glands
- Vestibular
- Vestibule
- Vestibulocochlear
- Vestigial
- Vi
- Via
- Viable
- Vicarious
- Vice
- Vicinity
- Video
- Videos
- View
- Viewed
- Views
- Vii
- Villi
- Vimentin
- Violate
- Violation
- Viral
- Virchow
- Viremia
- Virginia
- Virilization
- Virtual
- Virtually
- Virulence
- Virus
- Viscera
- Visceral
- Viscous
- Viscus
- Visible
- Vision
- Visit
- Visual acuity
- Visual field
- Visual
- Visualised
- Visualization
- Visualize
- Visualized
- Vit
- Vital sign
- Vital
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B complex
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin K
- Vitamin
- Vitamins
- Vitiligo
- Vitreous humor
- Vitreous
- Vivid
- Vividly
- Vocal cords
- Vocal
- Void
- Voided
- Voiding
- Voids
- Volar
- Voltage
- Volume
- Volumes
- Volumetric
- Volvulus
- Vomer
- Vomited
- Vomiting
- Von Willebrand's disease
- Von
- Voxel
- Vs
- Vsd
- Vulva
- Vulvitis
- Vulvovaginitis
W[edit | edit source]
- W
- Waist
- Waiting in healthcare
- Waiting
- Walked
- Walker
- Wall
- Walleye
- Wandering
- Warburg
- Warm
- Warning
- Wart
- Wash out
- Washout
- Waste products
- Watch
- Watchful waiting
- Water bottle
- Water on the brain
- Water soluble
- Water
- Watershed
- Wattle
- Wave
- Waveform
- Wavy
- Wax
- Waxed
- Waxy
- Way
- Wbc
- We
- Weakening
- Weakness
- Webbing
- Weber's test
- Weber
- Wedge
- Wedging
- Week
- Weekend effect
- Weekly
- Weeks
- Wegener's granulomatosis
- Wegeners
- Weight-bearing exercise
- Weight
- Weighted
- Weighting
- Well defined
- Well marginated
- Well
- Were
- Wernicke's encephalopathy
- Wernicke
- West
- Wet
- Wheeze
- When
- While
- Whiplash injury
- Whipple's disease
- Whipworm
- Whirlpool
- White blood cell count
- White blood cell
- White matter
- White
- Whitehead
- Whiter
- Whitlow
- Who
- Whole body
- Whole
- Whooping cough
- Whorls
- Why
- Wi
- Wide
- Widely
- Widened
- Widening
- Widespread
- Width
- Wiki
- Will
- Willis
- Wilm's tumor
- Wilson's disease
- Window
- Windows
- Wine glass
- Wing
- Wings
- Wire
- Wires
- Wishes
- Wisp
- With
- Withdrawal bleeding
- Withdrawn
- Within
- Without
- Witness
- Witnessed
- Woman
- Wooden
- Work
- Workers
- Workstation
- World
- Worm
- Worried well (medicine)
- Worrisome
- Worse
- Worsened
- Worsening
- Worth
- Wound
- Wounds
- Wow
- Wrapped
- Wrapping
- Wraps
- Wrinkled
- Wrist
- Wrists
- Write
- Wrong
- Www
X[edit | edit source]
- X chromosome
- X linked
- X ray
- X rays
- X-linked disorder
- X-ray
- XYY syndrome
- X
- Xanthelasma
- Xanthine
- Xanthomatosis
- Xeroderma pigmentosum
- Xerophthalmia
- Xi
- Xiphoid
- Xr
Y[edit | edit source]
- Y chromosome
- Y
- Yang
- Yard
- Year
- Yearly
- Years
- Yeast infection
- Yeast
- Yellow fever
- Yellow
- Yentl Syndrome
- Yet
- Yielding
- Yields
- Yin
- Yolk
- You
- Young
- Yr
Z[edit | edit source]
List of medical terms | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 0 |
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD