Category:Medical signs
From Medical Encyclopedia
Note that there is generally a difference between the concepts of medical signs and medical symptoms. The two concepts do overlap considerably though, so some topics can correctly be considered as both.
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
Pages in category "Medical signs"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 280 total.
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- Aaron's sign
- Abadie's sign of exophthalmic goiter
- Abnormal posturing
- Abscess
- Acanthosis nigricans
- Acholia
- Acorn cyst sign
- Air crescent sign
- Albuminuria
- Alder's sign
- Allergic shiner
- Amsler sign
- Antalgic
- Anterior cervical lymph nodes
- Applause sign
- Application site reaction
- Archibald's sign
- Armand Trousseau
- Auenbrugger's sign
- Aure-Rozanova's sign
- Austin Flint murmur
- Bacteriuria
- Ballance's sign
- Ballottement
- Bancroft's sign
- Bartomier-Michelson's sign
- Bastian–Bruns sign
- Battle's sign
- Beck's triad
- Beck's triad (cardiology)
- Becker's sign
- Bing's sign
- Blacken
- Blue scrotum sign of Bryant
- Blumberg's sign
- Boas' sign
- Body fat percentage
- Body mass index
- Borsari's sign
- Boston's sign
- Bounding pulse
- Braverman's sign
- Broadbent inverted sign
- Broadbent sign
- Brodie–Trendelenburg percussion test
- Brudziński's sign
- Brudziński reflex
- Bruit
- Bruns nystagmus
- Budin's sign
- Bump
- Cabot rings
- Multiple café-au-lait spots
- Cannon A waves
- Caput medusae
- Cardarelli's sign
- Carvallo's sign
- Castell's sign
- Cavitation
- Central venous pressure
- Cervical motion tenderness
- Chaddock reflex
- Charcot's cholangitis triad
- Cherry-red spot
- Chvostek
- Club
- Clubbing
- Coffee bean sign
- Cold chill
- Collapsing pulse
- Comby sign
- Contact sign
- Continuous fever
- Contusion
- Cornell's sign
- Costovertebral angle tenderness
- Cozen's test
- Crescent sign
- Crichton-Browne sign
- Cryoglobulinemia
- Cullen's sign
- Haab's striae
- Hamburger sign
- Hamman's sign
- Hannington-Kiff sign
- Haute cuisine
- Heel tap sign
- Hegar's sign
- Heterochromia iridum
- High-arched palate
- Hill reaction
- Hippocratic facies
- Homans
- Homans sign
- Hoover's sign (leg paresis)
- Hot nose sign
- Hot quadrate sign
- Human body temperature
- Hutchinson
- Hutchinson's triad
- Hypersegmented neutrophil