ICD 9 codes page 4
- 4010 - malignant essential hypertension.
- 4011 - benign essential hypertension.
- 4019 - unspecified essential hypertension.
- 40501 - malignant renovascular hypertension.
- 40509 - other malignant secondary hypertension.
- 40511 - benign renovascular hypertension.
- 40519 - other benign secondary hypertension.
- 40591 - unspecified renovascular hypertension.
- 40599 - other unspecified secondary hypertension.
- 4110 - postmyocardial infarction syndrome.
- 4111 - intermediate coronary syndrome.
- 412 - old myocardial infarction.
- 4130 - angina decubitus.
- 4131 - prinzmetal angina.
- 4139 - other and unspecified angina pectoris.
- 41401 - coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery.
- 41404 - coronary atherosclerosis of artery bypass graft.
- 41410 - aneurysm of heart (wall)
- 41411 - aneurysm of coronary vessels.
- 41412 - dissection of coronary artery.
- 41419 - other aneurysm of heart.
- 4142 - chronic total occlusion of coronary artery.
- 4143 - coronary atherosclerosis due to lipid rich plaque.
- 4150 - acute cor pulmonale.
- 41511 - iatrogenic pulmonary embolism and infarction.
- 41512 - septic pulmonary embolism.
- 41513 - saddle embolus of pulmonary artery.
- 41519 - other pulmonary embolism and infarction.
- 4160 - primary pulmonary hypertension.
- 4161 - kyphoscoliotic heart disease.
- 4162 - chronic pulmonary embolism.
- 4168 - other chronic pulmonary heart diseases.
- 4170 - arteriovenous fistula of pulmonary vessels.
- 4171 - aneurysm of pulmonary artery.
- 4178 - other specified diseases of pulmonary circulation.
- 4179 - unspecified disease of pulmonary circulation.
- 4200 - acute pericarditis in diseases classified elsewhere.
- 42091 - acute idiopathic pericarditis.
- 42099 - other acute pericarditis.
- 4210 - acute and subacute bacterial endocarditis.
- 4220 - acute myocarditis in diseases classified elsewhere.
- 42291 - idiopathic myocarditis.
- 42292 - septic myocarditis.
- 42293 - toxic myocarditis.
- 42299 - other acute myocarditis.
- 4230 - hemopericardium.
- 4231 - adhesive pericarditis.
- 4232 - constrictive pericarditis.
- 4233 - cardiac tamponade.
- 4238 - other specified diseases of pericardium.
- 4239 - unspecified disease of pericardium.
- 4240 - mitral valve disorders.
- 4241 - aortic valve disorders.
- 4243 - pulmonary valve disorders.
- 42491 - endocarditis in diseases classified elsewhere.
- 4250 - endomyocardial fibrosis.
- 42511 - hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy.
- 42518 - other hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
- 4252 - obscure cardiomyopathy of africa.
- 4253 - endocardial fibroelastosis.
- 4254 - other primary cardiomyopathies.
- 4255 - alcoholic cardiomyopathy.
- 4257 - nutritional and metabolic cardiomyopathy.
- 42611 - first degree atrioventricular block.
- 42612 - mobitz type ii atrioventricular block.
- 42613 - other second degree atrioventricular block.
- 4262 - left bundle branch hemiblock.
- 4263 - other left bundle branch block.
- 4264 - right bundle branch block.
- 42653 - other bilateral bundle branch block.
- 42654 - trifascicular block.
- 4266 - other heart block.
- 4267 - anomalous atrioventricular excitation.
- 42681 - lown-ganong-levine syndrome.
- 42682 - long qt syndrome.
- 42689 - other specified conduction disorders.
- 4270 - paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia.
- 4271 - paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia.
- 42731 - atrial fibrillation.
- 42732 - atrial flutter.
- 42741 - ventricular fibrillation.
- 42742 - ventricular flutter.
- 4275 - cardiac arrest.
- 42761 - supraventricular premature beats.
- 42769 - other premature beats.
- 42781 - sinoatrial node dysfunction.
- 42789 - other specified cardiac dysrhythmias.
- 4281 - left heart failure.
- 42821 - acute systolic heart failure.
- 42822 - chronic systolic heart failure.
- 42823 - acute on chronic systolic heart failure.
- 42831 - acute diastolic heart failure.
- 42832 - chronic diastolic heart failure.
- 42833 - acute on chronic diastolic heart failure.
- 42841 - acute combined systolic and diastolic heart failure.
- 4291 - myocardial degeneration.
- 4293 - cardiomegaly.
- 4294 - functional disturbances following cardiac surgery.
- 4295 - rupture of chordae tendineae.
- 4296 - rupture of papillary muscle.
- 42971 - acquired cardiac septal defect.
- 42981 - other disorders of papillary muscle.
- 42982 - hyperkinetic heart disease.
- 42983 - takotsubo syndrome.
- 42989 - other ill-defined heart diseases.
- 430 - subarachnoid hemorrhage.
- 431 - intracerebral hemorrhage.
- 4320 - nontraumatic extradural hemorrhage.
- 4321 - subdural hemorrhage.
- 4329 - unspecified intracranial hemorrhage.
- 43401 - cerebral thrombosis with cerebral infarction.
- 43411 - cerebral embolism with cerebral infarction.
- 4350 - basilar artery syndrome.
- 4351 - vertebral artery syndrome.
- 4352 - subclavian steal syndrome.
- 4353 - vertebrobasilar artery syndrome.
- 4358 - other specified transient cerebral ischemias.
- 4359 - unspecified transient cerebral ischemia.
- 4370 - cerebral atherosclerosis.
- 4371 - other generalized ischemic cerebrovascular disease.
- 4372 - hypertensive encephalopathy.
- 4374 - cerebral arteritis.
- 4375 - moyamoya disease.
- 4376 - nonpyogenic thrombosis of intracranial venous sinus.
- 4377 - transient global amnesia.
- 4378 - other ill-defined cerebrovascular disease.
- 4379 - unspecified cerebrovascular disease.
- 43889 - other late effects of cerebrovascular disease.
- 4389 - unspecified late effects of cerebrovascular disease.
- 4400 - atherosclerosis of aorta.
- 4401 - atherosclerosis of renal artery.
- 4404 - chronic total occlusion of artery of the extremities.
- 4408 - atherosclerosis of other specified arteries.
- 4409 - generalized and unspecified atherosclerosis.
- 4412 - thoracic aneurysm without mention of rupture.
- 4414 - abdominal aneurysm without mention of rupture.
- 4420 - aneurysm of artery of upper extremity.
- 4421 - aneurysm of renal artery.
- 4422 - aneurysm of iliac artery.
- 4423 - aneurysm of artery of lower extremity.
- 44281 - aneurysm of artery of neck.
- 44282 - aneurysm of subclavian artery.
- 44283 - aneurysm of splenic artery.
- 44284 - aneurysm of other visceral artery.
- 44289 - aneurysm of other specified artery.
- 4429 - aneurysm of unspecified site.
- 4430 - raynaud's syndrome.
- 4431 - thromboangiitis obliterans buerger's disease.
- 44321 - dissection of carotid artery.
- 44322 - dissection of iliac artery.
- 44323 - dissection of renal artery.
- 44324 - dissection of vertebral artery.
- 44329 - dissection of other artery.
- 44382 - erythromelalgia.
- 44389 - other specified peripheral vascular diseases.
- 44401 - saddle embolus of abdominal aorta.
- 4441 - embolism and thrombosis of thoracic aorta.
- 44421 - arterial embolism and thrombosis of upper extremity.
- 44422 - arterial embolism and thrombosis of lower extremity.
- 44481 - embolism and thrombosis of iliac artery.
- 44489 - embolism and thrombosis of other specified artery.
- 4449 - embolism and thrombosis of unspecified artery.
- 44501 - atheroembolism of upper extremity.
- 44502 - atheroembolism of lower extremity.
- 44581 - atheroembolism of kidney.
- 44589 - atheroembolism of other site.
- 4460 - polyarteritis nodosa.
- 44621 - goodpasture's syndrome.
- 44629 - other specified hypersensitivity angiitis.
- 4463 - lethal midline granuloma.
- 4464 - wegener's granulomatosis.
- 4465 - giant cell arteritis.
- 4466 - thrombotic microangiopathy.
- 4467 - takayasu's disease.
- 4471 - stricture of artery.
- 4472 - rupture of artery.
- 4473 - hyperplasia of renal artery.
- 4474 - celiac artery compression syndrome.
- 4475 - necrosis of artery.
- 44771 - thoracic aortic ectasia.
- 44772 - abdominal aortic ectasia.
- 44773 - thoracoabdominal aortic ectasia.
- 4478 - other specified disorders of arteries and arterioles.
- 4479 - unspecified disorders of arteries and arterioles.
- 4480 - hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia.
- 4481 - nevus, non-neoplastic
- 4489 - other and unspecified capillary diseases.
- 449 - septic arterial embolism.
- 45181 - phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of iliac vein.
- 45189 - phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of other sites.
- 4519 - phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of unspecified site.
- 452 - portal vein thrombosis.
- 4530 - budd-chiari syndrome.
- 4531 - thrombophlebitis migrans.
- 4533 - other venous embolism and thrombosis of renal vein.
- 4540 - varicose veins of lower extremities with ulcer.
- 4549 - asymptomatic varicose veins.
- 4550 - internal hemorrhoids without mention of complication.
- 4551 - internal thrombosed hemorrhoids.
- 4552 - internal hemorrhoids with other complication.
- 4553 - external hemorrhoids without mention of complication.
- 4554 - external thrombosed hemorrhoids.
- 4555 - external hemorrhoids with other complication.
- 4557 - unspecified thrombosed hemorrhoids.
- 4558 - unspecified hemorrhoids with other complication.
- 4559 - residual hemorrhoidal skin tags.
- 4560 - esophageal varices with bleeding.
- 4561 - esophageal varices without mention of bleeding.
- 4563 - sublingual varices.
- 4564 - scrotal varices.
- 4565 - pelvic varices.
- 4566 - vulval varices.
- 4568 - varices of other sites.
- 4570 - postmastectomy lymphedema syndrome.
- 4571 - other lymphedema.
- 4572 - lymphangitis.
- 4578 - other noninfectious disorders of lymphatic channels.
- 4580 - orthostatic hypotension.
- 4581 - chronic hypotension.
- 45821 - hypotension of hemodialysis.
- 45829 - other iatrogenic hypotension.
- 4588 - other specified hypotension.
- 45910 - postphlebetic syndrome without complications.
- 45911 - postphlebetic syndrome with ulcer.
- 45912 - postphlebetic syndrome with inflammation.
- 45913 - postphlebetic syndrome with ulcer and inflammation.
- 45919 - postphlebetic syndrome with other complication.
- 4592 - compression of vein.
- 45930 - chronic venous hypertension without complications.
- 45931 - chronic venous hypertension with ulcer.
- 45932 - chronic venous hypertension with inflammation.
- 45939 - chronic venous hypertension with other complication.
- 45989 - other specified disorders of circulatory system.
- 4599 - unspecified circulatory system disorder.
- 460 - acute nasopharyngitis common cold.
- 4610 - acute maxillary sinusitis.
- 4611 - acute frontal sinusitis.
- 4612 - acute ethmoidal sinusitis.
- 4613 - acute sphenoidal sinusitis.
- 4618 - other acute sinusitis.
- 462 - acute pharyngitis.
- 463 - acute tonsillitis.
- 46400 - acute laryngitis without mention of obstruction.
- 46401 - acute laryngitis with obstruction.
- 46410 - acute tracheitis without mention of obstruction.
- 46411 - acute tracheitis with obstruction.
- 46421 - acute laryngotracheitis with obstruction.
- 46430 - acute epiglottitis without mention of obstruction.
- 46431 - acute epiglottitis with obstruction.
- 4644 - croup.
- 4650 - acute laryngopharyngitis.
- 4660 - acute bronchitis.
- 470 - deviated nasal septum.
- 4710 - polyp of nasal cavity.
- 4711 - polypoid sinus degeneration.
- 4718 - other polyp of sinus.
- 4719 - unspecified nasal polyp.
- 4720 - chronic rhinitis.
- 4721 - chronic pharyngitis.
- 4722 - chronic nasopharyngitis.
- 4730 - chronic maxillary sinusitis.
- 4731 - chronic frontal sinusitis.
- 4732 - chronic ethmoidal sinusitis.
- 4733 - chronic sphenoidal sinusitis.
- 4738 - other chronic sinusitis.
- 4739 - unspecified sinusitis
- 47400 - chronic tonsillitis.
- 47401 - chronic adenoiditis.
- 47402 - chronic tonsillitis and adenoiditis.
- 47410 - hypertrophy of tonsil with adenoids.
- 47411 - hypertrophy of tonsils alone.
- 47412 - hypertrophy of adenoids alone.
- 4742 - adenoid vegetations.
- 4748 - other chronic disease of tonsils and adenoids.
- 4749 - unspecified chronic disease of tonsils and adenoids.
- 475 - peritonsillar abscess.
- 4760 - chronic laryngitis.
- 4761 - chronic laryngotracheitis.
- 4770 - allergic rhinitis due to pollen.
- 4771 - allergic rhinitis due to food.
- 4778 - allergic rhinitis due to other allergen.
- 4780 - hypertrophy of nasal turbinates.
- 47811 - nasal mucositis (ulcerative)
- 47819 - other disease of nasal cavity and sinuses.
- 47820 - unspecified disease of pharynx.
- 47821 - cellulitis of pharynx or nasopharynx.
- 47822 - parapharyngeal abscess.
- 47824 - retropharyngeal abscess.
- 47825 - edema of pharynx or nasopharynx.
- 47826 - cyst of pharynx or nasopharynx.
- 4784 - polyp of vocal cord or larynx.
- 4785 - other diseases of vocal cords.
- 4786 - edema of larynx.
- 47870 - unspecified disease of larynx.
- 47871 - cellulitis and perichondritis of larynx.
- 47874 - stenosis of larynx.
- 47875 - laryngeal spasm.
- 4800 - pneumonia due to adenovirus.
- 4801 - pneumonia due to respiratory syncytial virus.
- 4802 - pneumonia due to parainfluenza virus.
- 4803 - pneumonia due to sars-associated coronavirus.
- 4820 - pneumonia due to klebsiella pneumoniae.
- 4821 - pneumonia due to pseudomonas.
- 48239 - pneumonia due to other streptococcus.
- 48249 - other staphylococcus pneumonia.
- 48281 - pneumonia due to anaerobes.
- 48282 - pneumonia due to escherichia coli e. Coli.
- 48283 - pneumonia due to other gram-negative bacteria.
- 48284 - pneumonia due to legionnaires' disease.
- 48289 - pneumonia due to other specified bacteria.
- 4830 - pneumonia due to mycoplasma pneumoniae.
- 4831 - pneumonia due to chlamydia.
- 4838 - pneumonia due to other specified organism.
- 4841 - pneumonia in cytomegalic inclusion disease.
- 4843 - pneumonia in whooping cough.
- 4845 - pneumonia in anthrax.
- 4846 - pneumonia in aspergillosis.
- 4847 - pneumonia in other systemic mycoses.
- 4870 - influenza with pneumonia.
- 4871 - influenza with other respiratory manifestations.
- 4878 - influenza with other manifestations.
- 4910 - simple chronic bronchitis.
- 4911 - mucopurulent chronic bronchitis.
- 49120 - obstructive chronic bronchitis without exacerbation.
- 4918 - other chronic bronchitis.
- 4919 - unspecified chronic bronchitis.
- 4920 - emphysematous bleb.
- 4928 - other emphysema.
- 49301 - extrinsic asthma with status asthmaticus.
- 49302 - extrinsic asthma with (acute) exacerbation.
- 49311 - intrinsic asthma with status asthmaticus.
- 49312 - intrinsic asthma with (acute) exacerbation.
- 49321 - chronic obstructive asthma with status asthmaticus.
- 49381 - exercise induced bronchospasm.
- 49382 - cough variant asthma.
- 4940 - bronchiectasis without acute exacerbation.
- 4941 - bronchiectasis with acute exacerbation.
- 4950 - farmers' lung.
- 4951 - bagassosis.
- 4952 - bird-fanciers' lung.
- 4953 - suberosis.
- 4954 - malt workers' lung.
- 4955 - mushroom workers' lung.
- 4956 - maple bark-strippers' lung.
- 4957 - "Ventilation" pneumonitis.
- 4958 - other specified allergic alveolitis and pneumonitis.
- 4959 - unspecified allergic alveolitis and pneumonitis.
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD