ICD 9 codes page 01
- 0010 - cholera due to vibrio cholerae.
- 0011 - cholera due to vibrio cholerae el tor.
- 0019 - cholera, unspecified
- 0020 - typhoid fever.
- 0021 - paratyphoid fever a.
- 0022 - paratyphoid fever b.
- 0023 - paratyphoid fever c.
- 0030 - salmonella gastroenteritis.
- 0031 - salmonella septicemia.
- 00321 - salmonella meningitis.
- 00322 - salmonella pneumonia.
- 00323 - salmonella arthritis.
- 00324 - salmonella osteomyelitis.
- 00329 - other localized salmonella infections.
- 0038 - other specified salmonella infections.
- 0040 - shigella dysenteriae.
- 0041 - shigella flexneri.
- 0042 - shigella boydii.
- 0043 - shigella sonnei.
- 0048 - other specified shigella infections.
- 0050 - staphylococcal food poisoning.
- 0051 - botulism food poisoning.
- 0053 - food poisoning due to other clostridia.
- 0054 - food poisoning due to vibrio parahaemolyticus.
- 00581 - food poisoning due to vibrio vulnificus.
- 00589 - other bacterial food poisoning.
- 0060 - acute amebic dysentery without mention of abscess.
- 0062 - amebic nondysenteric colitis.
- 0063 - amebic liver abscess.
- 0064 - amebic lung abscess.
- 0065 - amebic brain abscess.
- 0066 - amebic skin ulceration.
- 0068 - amebic infection of other sites.
- 0070 - balantidiasis.
- 0071 - giardiasis.
- 0072 - coccidiosis.
- 0073 - intestinal trichomoniasis.
- 0074 - cryptosporidiosis.
- 0075 - cyclosporiasis.
- 0078 - other specified protozoal intestinal diseases.
- 0079 - unspecified protozoal intestinal disease.
- 00802 - intestinal infection due to enterotoxigenic e. Coli.
- 00803 - intestinal infection due to enteroinvasive e. Coli.
- 0082 - intestinal infection due to aerobacter aerogenes.
- 00841 - intestinal infection due to staphylococcus.
- 00842 - intestinal infection due to pseudomonas.
- 00843 - intestinal infection due to campylobacter.
- 00844 - intestinal infection due to yersinia enterocolitica.
- 00845 - intestinal infection due to clostridium difficile.
- 00846 - intestinal infection due to other anaerobes.
- 00849 - intestinal infection due to other organisms.
- 00861 - enteritis due to rotavirus.
- 00862 - enteritis due to adenovirus.
- 00863 - enteritis due to norwalk virus.
- 00864 - enteritis due to other small round viruses srv's.
- 00865 - enteritis due to calicivirus.
- 00866 - enteritis due to astrovirus.
- 00867 - enteritis due to enterovirus nec.
- 00869 - enteritis due to other viral enteritis.
- 0092 - infectious diarrhea.
- 0093 - diarrhea of presumed infectious origin.
- 0200 - bubonic plague.
- 0201 - cellulocutaneous plague.
- 0202 - septicemic plague.
- 0203 - primary pneumonic plague.
- 0204 - secondary pneumonic plague.
- 0208 - other specified types of plague.
- 0209 - plague, unspecified
- 0210 - ulceroglandular tularemia.
- 0211 - enteric tularemia.
- 0212 - pulmonary tularemia.
- 0213 - oculoglandular tularemia.
- 0218 - other specified tularemia.
- 0219 - unspecified tularemia.
- 0220 - cutaneous anthrax.
- 0221 - pulmonary anthrax.
- 0222 - gastrointestinal anthrax.
- 0223 - anthrax septicemia.
- 0228 - other specified manifestations of anthrax.
- 0229 - anthrax, unspecified
- 0230 - brucella melitensis.
- 0231 - brucella abortus.
- 0232 - brucella suis.
- 0233 - brucella canis.
- 0238 - other brucellosis.
- 024 - glanders.
- 025 - melioidosis.
- 0260 - spirillary fever.
- 0261 - streptobacillary fever.
- 0269 - unspecified rat-bite fever.
- 0270 - listeriosis.
- 0271 - erysipelothrix infection.
- 0272 - pasteurellosis.
- 0278 - other specified zoonotic bacterial diseases.
- 0279 - unspecified zoonotic bacterial disease.
- 0300 - lepromatous leprosy type l.
- 0301 - tuberculoid leprosy type t.
- 0302 - indeterminate leprosy group I.
- 0303 - borderline leprosy group b.
- 0308 - other specified leprosy.
- 0309 - leprosy, unspecified
- 0310 - pulmonary diseases due to other mycobacteria.
- 0311 - cutaneous diseases due to other mycobacteria.
- 0312 - disseminated due to other mycobacteria.
- 0318 - other specified mycobacterial diseases.
- 0319 - unspecified diseases due to mycobacteria.
- 0320 - faucial diphtheria.
- 0321 - nasopharyngeal diphtheria.
- 0322 - anterior nasal diphtheria.
- 0323 - laryngeal diphtheria.
- 03281 - conjunctival diphtheria.
- 03282 - diphtheritic myocarditis.
- 03283 - diphtheritic peritonitis.
- 03284 - diphtheritic cystitis.
- 03285 - cutaneous diphtheria.
- 03289 - other specified diphtheria.
- 0338 - whooping cough due to other specified organism.
- 0340 - streptococcal sore throat.
- 0341 - scarlet fever.
- 035 - erysipelas.
- 0360 - meningococcal meningitis.
- 0361 - meningococcal encephalitis.
- 0362 - meningococcemia.
- 03641 - meningococcal pericarditis.
- 03642 - meningococcal endocarditis.
- 03643 - meningococcal myocarditis.
- 03681 - meningococcal optic neuritis.
- 03682 - meningococcal arthropathy.
- 03689 - other specified meningococcal infections.
- 037 - tetanus.
- 0380 - streptococcal septicemia.
- 03819 - other staphylococcal septicemia.
- 0383 - septicemia due to anaerobes.
- 03842 - septicemia due to escherichia coli e. Coli.
- 03843 - septicemia due to pseudomonas.
- 03844 - septicemia due to serratia.
- 03849 - other septicemia due to gram-negative organisms.
- 0388 - other specified septicemias.
- 0389 - unspecified septicemia.
- 0390 - cutaneous actinomycotic infection.
- 0391 - pulmonary actinomycotic infection.
- 0392 - abdominal actinomycotic infection.
- 0393 - cervicofacial actinomycotic infection.
- 0394 - madura foot.
- 0398 - actinomycotic infection of other specified sites.
- 0399 - actinomycotic infection of unspecified site.
- 0400 - gas gangrene.
- 0401 - rhinoscleroma.
- 0402 - whipple's disease.
- 0403 - necrobacillosis.
- 04041 - infant botulism.
- 04042 - wound botulism.
- 04081 - tropical pyomyositis.
- 04082 - toxic shock syndrome.
- 04089 - other specified bacterial diseases.
- 04149 - other and unspecified escherichia coli e. Coli.
- 04182 - bacteroides fragilis.
- 04186 - helicobacter pylori h. Pylori.
- 04186- helicobacter pylori h. Pylori.
- 042 - human immunodeficiency virus hiv disease.
- 0460 - kuru.
- 04611 - variant creutzfeldt-jakob disease.
- 04619 - other and unspecified creutzfeldt-jakob disease.
- 0462 - subacute sclerosing panencephalitis.
- 0463 - progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy.
- 04671 - gerstmann-sträussler-scheinker syndrome.
- 04672 - fatal familial insomnia.
- 0470 - meningitis due to coxsackie virus.
- 0471 - meningitis due to echo virus.
- 0478 - other specified viral meningitis.
- 0479 - unspecified viral meningitis.
- 048 - other enterovirus diseases of central nervous system.
- 0490 - lymphocytic choriomeningitis.
- 0491 - meningitis due to adenovirus.
- 0500 - variola major.
- 0501 - alastrim.
- 0502 - modified smallpox.
- 0509 - smallpox, unspecified
- 05101 - cowpox.
- 05102 - vaccinia not from vaccination.
- 0511 - pseudocowpox.
- 0512 - contagious pustular dermatitis.
- 0520 - postvaricella encephalitis.
- 0521 - varicella (hemorrhagic pneumonitis)
- 0522 - postvaricella myelitis.
- 0527 - chickenpox with other specified complications.
- 0528 - chickenpox with unspecified complication.
- 0529 - varicella without mention of complication.
- 0530 - herpes zoster with meningitis.
- 05311 - geniculate herpes zoster.
- 05312 - postherpetic trigeminal neuralgia.
- 05313 - postherpetic polyneuropathy.
- 05314 - herpes zoster myelitis.
- 05320 - herpes zoster dermatitis of eyelid.
- 05321 - herpes zoster keratoconjunctivitis.
- 05322 - herpes zoster iridocyclitis.
- 05329 - herpes zoster with other ophthalmic complications.
- 05371 - otitis externa due to herpes zoster.
- 05379 - herpes zoster with other specified complications.
- 0538 - herpes zoster with unspecified complication.
- 0539 - herpes zoster without mention of complication.
- 0540 - eczema herpeticum.
- 05411 - herpetic vulvovaginitis.
- 05412 - herpetic ulceration of vulva.
- 05413 - herpetic infection of penis.
- 05419 - other genital herpes.
- 0542 - herpetic gingivostomatitis.
- 0543 - herpetic meningoencephalitis.
- 05441 - herpes simplex dermatitis of eyelid.
- 05442 - dendritic keratitis.
- 05443 - herpes simplex disciform keratitis.
- 05444 - herpes simplex iridocyclitis.
- 05449 - herpes simplex with other ophthalmic complications.
- 0545 - herpetic septicemia.
- 0546 - herpetic whitlow.
- 05471 - visceral herpes simplex.
- 05472 - herpes simplex meningitis.
- 05473 - herpes simplex otitis externa.
- 05474 - herpes simplex myelitis.
- 05479 - herpes simplex with other specified complications.
- 0548 - herpes simplex with unspecified complication.
- 0549 - herpes simplex without mention of complication.
- 0550 - postmeasles encephalitis.
- 0551 - postmeasles pneumonia.
- 0552 - postmeasles otitis media.
- 05571 - measles keratoconjunctivitis.
- 05579 - measles with other specified complications.
- 0558 - measles with unspecified complication.
- 0559 - measles without mention of complication.
- 05600 - rubella with unspecified neurological complication.
- 05601 - encephalomyelitis due to rubella.
- 05609 - rubella with other neurological complications.
- 05671 - arthritis due to rubella.
- 05679 - rubella with other specified complications.
- 0568 - rubella with unspecified complications.
- 0569 - rubella without mention of complication.
- 0570 - erythema infectiosum (fifth disease)
- 0578 - other specified viral exanthemata.
- 05811 - roseola infantum due to human herpesvirus 6.
- 05812 - roseola infantum due to human herpesvirus 7.
- 05821 - human herpesvirus 6 encephalitis.
- 05829 - other human herpesvirus encephalitis.
- 05881 - human herpesvirus 6 infection.
- 05882 - human herpesvirus 7 infection.
- 05889 - other human herpesvirus infection.
- 05901 - monkeypox.
- 05909 - other orthopoxvirus infections.
- 05911 - bovine stomatitis.
- 05912 - sealpox.
- 05919 - other parapoxvirus infections.
- 05921 - tanapox.
- 05922 - yaba monkey tumor virus.
- 0598 - other poxvirus infections.
- 0600 - sylvatic yellow fever.
- 0601 - urban yellow fever.
- 061 - dengue.
- 0620 - japanese encephalitis.
- 0621 - western equine encephalitis.
- 0622 - eastern equine encephalitis.
- 0623 - st. Louis encephalitis.
- 0624 - australian encephalitis.
- 0625 - california virus encephalitis.
- 0628 - other specified mosquito-borne viral encephalitis.
- 0630 - russian spring-summer taiga encephalitis.
- 0631 - louping ill.
- 0632 - central european encephalitis.
- 0638 - other specified tick-borne viral encephalitis.
- 0650 - crimean hemorrhagic fever chf congo virus.
- 0651 - omsk hemorrhagic fever.
- 0652 - kyasanur forest disease.
- 0653 - other tick-borne hemorrhagic fever.
- 0654 - mosquito-borne hemorrhagic fever.
- 0658 - other specified arthropod-borne hemorrhagic fever.
- 0660 - phlebotomus fever.
- 0661 - tick-borne fever.
- 0662 - venezuelan equine fever.
- 0663 - other mosquito-borne fever.
- 06641 - west nile fever with encephalitis.
- 06642 - west nile fever with other neurologic manifestation.
- 06649 - west nile fever with other complications.
- 0668 - other specified arthropod-borne viral diseases.
- 0700 - viral hepatitis a with hepatic coma.
- 0701 - viral hepatitis a without mention of hepatic coma.
- 07041 - acute hepatitis c with hepatic coma.
- 07043 - hepatitis e with hepatic coma.
- 07044 - chronic hepatitis c with hepatic coma.
- 07049 - other specified viral hepatitis with hepatic coma.
- 07051 - acute hepatitis c without mention of hepatic coma.
- 07053 - hepatitis e without mention of hepatic coma.
- 07054 - chronic hepatitis c without mention of hepatic coma.
- 0706 - unspecified viral hepatitis with hepatic coma.
- 07070 - unspecified viral hepatitis c without hepatic coma.
- 07071 - unspecified viral hepatitis c with hepatic coma.
- 071 - rabies.
- 0720 - mumps orchitis.
- 0721 - mumps meningitis.
- 0722 - mumps encephalitis.
- 0723 - mumps pancreatitis.
- 07271 - mumps hepatitis.
- 07272 - mumps polyneuropathy.
- 07279 - other mumps with other specified complications.
- 0728 - mumps with unspecified complication.
- 0729 - mumps without mention of complication.
- 0730 - ornithosis with pneumonia.
- 0737 - ornithosis with other specified complications.
- 0738 - ornithosis with unspecified complication.
- 0740 - herpangina.
- 0741 - epidemic pleurodynia.
- 07421 - coxsackie pericarditis.
- 07422 - coxsackie endocarditis.
- 07423 - coxsackie myocarditis.
- 0748 - other specified diseases due to coxsackie virus.
- 075 - infectious mononucleosis.
- 0769 - trachoma, unspecified
- 0770 - inclusion conjunctivitis.
- 0771 - epidemic keratoconjunctivitis.
- 0772 - pharyngoconjunctival fever.
- 0773 - other adenoviral conjunctivitis.
- 0774 - epidemic hemorrhagic conjunctivitis.
- 0778 - other viral conjunctivitis.
- 07799 - unspecified diseases of conjunctiva due to viruses.
- 0780 - molluscum contagiosum.
- 07811 - condyloma acuminatum.
- 07812 - plantar wart.
- 07819 - other specified viral warts.
- 0782 - sweating fever.
- 0783 - cat-scratch disease.
- 0784 - foot and mouth disease.
- 0785 - cytomegaloviral disease.
- 0786 - hemorrhagic nephrosonephritis.
- 0787 - arenaviral hemorrhagic fever.
- 07881 - epidemic vertigo.
- 07882 - epidemic vomiting syndrome.
- 07888 - other specified diseases due to chlamydiae.
- 07889 - other specified diseases due to viruses.
- 07959 - other specified retrovirus.
- 0796 - respiratory syncytial virus (rsv)
- 07981 - hantavirus infection.
- 07982 - sars-associated coronavirus.
- 07983 - parvovirus b19.
- 07988 - other specified chlamydial infection.
- 07989 - other specified viral infection.
- 07998 - unspecified chlamydial infection.
- 07999 - unspecified viral infection.
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