Protein, Fat, and Calories of foods by name: O
Comprehensive list of common foods with detailed nutritional information including protein, fat, calories, sorted alphabetically.
Protein, Fat, and Calories of Foods by Name[edit | edit source]
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Protein, Fat, and Calories of Foods Starting with O[edit | edit source]
Description | Weight (g) | Measure | Protein per measure | Calories per measure | Total lipids |
Oat bran, cooked | 219 | 1.0 cup | 7.03 | 88 | 1.88 |
Oat bran, raw | 94 | 1.0 cup | 16.26 | 231 | 6.61 |
Oat flour, partially debranned | 104 | 1.0 cup | 15.25 | 420 | 9.48 |
Oats | 156 | 1.0 cup | 26.35 | 607 | 10.76 |
Oheloberries, raw | 140 | 1.0 cup | 0.53 | 39 | 0.31 |
Oil, almond | 13.6 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, apricot kernel | 13.6 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, avocado | 14 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 124 | 14 |
Oil, babassu | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, canola | 14 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 124 | 14 |
Oil, cocoa butter | 13.6 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, coconut | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 117 | 13.6 |
Oil, cooking and salad, ENOVA, 80% diglycerides | 14 | 1.0 tbsp (1 NLEA serving) | 0 | 124 | 14 |
Oil, corn and canola | 14 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 124 | 14 |
Oil, corn, industrial and retail, all purpose salad or cooking | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 122 | 13.6 |
Oil, corn, peanut, and olive | 14 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0 | 124 | 14 |
Oil, cottonseed, salad or cooking | 13.6 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, cupu assu | 13.6 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, flaxseed, cold pressed | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0.01 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, flaxseed, contains added sliced flaxseed | 13.7 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0.05 | 120 | 13.56 |
Oil, grapeseed | 13.6 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, hazelnut | 13.6 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, industrial, canola (partially hydrogenated) oil for deep fat frying | 13.6 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, industrial, canola for salads, woks and light frying | 13.6 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, industrial, canola with antifoaming agent, principal uses salads, woks and light frying | 13.6 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, industrial, canola, high oleic | 14 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0 | 126 | 14 |
Oil, industrial, coconut (hydrogenated), used for whipped toppings and coffee whiteners | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 120 | 13.53 |
Oil, industrial, coconut, confection fat, typical basis for ice cream coatings | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, industrial, coconut, principal uses candy coatings, oil sprays, roasting nuts | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, industrial, cottonseed, fully hydrogenated | 13.6 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, industrial, mid-oleic, sunflower | 13.6 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, industrial, palm and palm kernel, filling fat (non-hydrogenated) | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 120 | 13.53 |
Oil, industrial, palm kernel (hydrogenated) , used for whipped toppings, non-dairy | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, industrial, palm kernel (hydrogenated), confection fat, intermediate grade product | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, industrial, palm kernel (hydrogenated), confection fat, uses similar to 95 degree hard butter | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, industrial, palm kernel (hydrogenated), filling fat | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, industrial, palm kernel, confection fat, uses similar to high quality cocoa butter | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, industrial, soy ( partially hydrogenated), all purpose | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated ) and soy (winterized), pourable clear fry | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated ), palm, principal uses icings and fillings | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated) and cottonseed, principal use as a tortilla shortening | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated), multiuse for non-dairy butter flavor | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated), principal uses popcorn and flavoring vegetables | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, industrial, soy, fully hydrogenated | 13.6 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, industrial, soy, low linolenic | 14 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0 | 126 | 14 |
Oil, industrial, soy, refined, for woks and light frying | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, industrial, soy, ultra low linolenic | 13.6 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, mustard | 14 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 124 | 14 |
Oil, nutmeg butter | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, oat | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, olive, salad or cooking | 13.5 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0 | 119 | 13.5 |
Oil, palm | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, PAM cooking spray, original | 0.3 | 1.0 spray , about 1/3 second (1 NLEA serving) | 0 | 2 | 0.24 |
Oil, peanut, salad or cooking | 13.5 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 119 | 13.5 |
Oil, poppyseed | 13.6 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, rice bran | 13.6 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, safflower, salad or cooking, high oleic (primary safflower oil of commerce) | 13.6 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, safflower, salad or cooking, linoleic, (over 70%) | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, sesame, salad or cooking | 13.6 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, sheanut | 13.6 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, soybean lecithin | 13.6 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0 | 104 | 13.6 |
Oil, soybean, salad or cooking | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, soybean, salad or cooking, (partially hydrogenated) | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, soybean, salad or cooking, (partially hydrogenated) and cottonseed | 13.6 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, sunflower, high oleic (70% and over) | 14 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 124 | 14 |
Oil, sunflower, linoleic (less than 60%) | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, sunflower, linoleic, (approx. 65%) | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, sunflower, linoleic, (partially hydrogenated) | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, teaseed | 13.6 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, tomatoseed | 13.6 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, ucuhuba butter | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, vegetable, Natreon canola, high stability, non trans, high oleic (70%) | 14 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 124 | 14 |
Oil, walnut | 13.6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Oil, wheat germ | 13.6 | 1.0 tablespoon | 0 | 120 | 13.6 |
Okara | 122 | 1.0 cup | 3.93 | 94 | 2.11 |
Okra, cooked, boiled, drained, with salt | 80 | 0.5 cup slices | 1.5 | 18 | 0.17 |
Okra, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt | 80 | 0.5 cup slices | 1.5 | 18 | 0.17 |
Okra, frozen, cooked, boiled, drained, with salt | 92 | 0.5 cup slices | 1.5 | 31 | 0.22 |
Okra, frozen, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt | 92 | 0.5 cup slices | 1.5 | 27 | 0.22 |
Okra, frozen, unprepared | 95 | 0.33 package (10 oz) | 1.61 | 28 | 0.24 |
Okra, raw | 100 | 1.0 cup | 1.93 | 33 | 0.19 |
Olive loaf, pork | 28 | 1.0 slice (1 oz) (4" x 4"" x 3/32"" thick)" | 3.3 | 66 | 4.62 |
Olives, pickled, canned or bottled, green | 2.7 | 1.0 olive | 0.03 | 4 | 0.41 |
Olives, ripe, canned (jumbo-super colossal) | 15 | 1.0 super colossal | 0.15 | 12 | 1.03 |
Olives, ripe, canned (small-extra large) | 8.4 | 1.0 tbsp | 0.07 | 10 | 0.9 |
Onion rings, breaded, par fried, frozen, prepared, heated in oven | 48 | 1.0 cup | 1.99 | 132 | 6.86 |
Onion rings, breaded, par fried, frozen, unprepared | 85 | 6.0 rings | 2.68 | 219 | 11.98 |
Onions, canned, solids and liquids | 63 | 1.0 onion | 0.54 | 12 | 0.06 |
Onions, cooked, boiled, drained, with salt | 210 | 1.0 cup | 2.86 | 88 | 0.4 |
Onions, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt | 210 | 1.0 cup | 2.86 | 92 | 0.4 |
Onions, dehydrated flakes | 5 | 1.0 tbsp | 0.45 | 17 | 0.02 |
Onions, frozen, chopped, cooked, boiled, drained, with salt | 15 | 1.0 tbsp chopped | 0.12 | 4 | 0.02 |
Onions, frozen, chopped, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt | 15 | 1.0 tbsp chopped | 0.12 | 4 | 0.02 |
Onions, frozen, chopped, unprepared | 95 | 0.33 package (10 oz) | 0.75 | 28 | 0.1 |
Onions, frozen, whole, cooked, boiled, drained, with salt | 210 | 1.0 cup | 1.49 | 55 | 0.1 |
Onions, frozen, whole, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt | 210 | 1.0 cup | 1.49 | 59 | 0.1 |
Onions, frozen, whole, unprepared | 95 | 0.33 package (10 oz) | 0.85 | 33 | 0.06 |
Onions, raw | 160 | 1.0 cup, chopped | 1.76 | 64 | 0.16 |
Onions, spring or scallions (includes tops and bulb), raw | 100 | 1.0 cup, chopped | 1.83 | 32 | 0.19 |
Onions, sweet, raw | 148 | 1.0 NLEA serving | 1.18 | 47 | 0.12 |
Onions, yellow, sauteed | 87 | 1.0 cup chopped | 0.83 | 115 | 9.4 |
Onions, young green, tops only | 6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0.06 | 2 | 0.03 |
Orange and apricot juice drink, canned | 31.2 | 1.0 fl oz | 0.09 | 16 | 0.03 |
Orange breakfast drink, ready-to-drink, with added nutrients | 31.6 | 1.0 fl oz | 0 | 17 | -- |
Orange drink, breakfast type, with juice and pulp, frozen concentrate | 36.3 | 1.0 fl oz | 0.15 | 56 | 0 |
Orange drink, breakfast type, with juice and pulp, frozen concentrate, prepared with water | 31.3 | 1.0 fl oz | 0.04 | 14 | 0 |
Orange drink, canned, with added vitamin C | 31 | 1.0 fl oz | 0 | 15 | 0.02 |
Orange juice drink | 249 | 1.0 cup | 0.5 | 134 | 0 |
Orange juice, canned, unsweetened | 249 | 1.0 cup | 1.69 | 117 | 0.37 |
Orange juice, chilled, includes from concentrate | 249 | 1.0 cup | 1.69 | 122 | 0.3 |
Orange juice, chilled, includes from concentrate, fortified with calcium | 249 | 1.0 cup | 1.69 | 117 | 0.3 |
Orange juice, chilled, includes from concentrate, fortified with calcium and vitamin D | 249 | 1.0 cup | 1.69 | 117 | 0.3 |
Orange juice, frozen concentrate, unsweetened, diluted with 3 volume water | 249 | 1.0 cup | 1.69 | 112 | 0.15 |
Orange juice, frozen concentrate, unsweetened, undiluted | 284 | 1.0 cup | 6.79 | 452 | 0.6 |
Orange juice, raw | 248 | 1.0 cup | 1.74 | 112 | 0.5 |
Orange peel, raw | 6 | 1.0 tbsp | 0.09 | 6 | 0.01 |
Orange Pineapple Juice Blend | 246 | 8.0 fl oz | 1.01 | 125 | 0.2 |
Orange-flavor drink, breakfast type, low calorie, powder | 2.5 | 1.0 portion, amount of dry mix to make 8 fl oz prepared | 0.09 | 5 | 0 |
Orange-flavor drink, breakfast type, powder | 26 | 1.0 serving 2 tbsp | 0 | 100 | -- |
Orange-flavor drink, breakfast type, powder, prepared with water | 33.9 | 1.0 fl oz | 0 | 17 | -- |
Orange-flavor drink, breakfast type, with pulp, frozen concentrate | 35.3 | 1.0 fl oz | 0.04 | 61 | 0.18 |
Orange-flavor drink, breakfast type, with pulp, frozen concentrate, prepared with water | 31 | 1.0 fl oz | 0.01 | 15 | 0.04 |
Orange-grapefruit juice, canned, unsweetened | 247 | 1.0 cup | 1.48 | 106 | 0.25 |
Oranges, raw, all commercial varieties | 180 | 1.0 cup, sections | 1.69 | 85 | 0.22 |
Oranges, raw, California, valencias | 180 | 1.0 cup sections, without membranes | 1.87 | 88 | 0.54 |
Oranges, raw, Florida | 185 | 1.0 cup sections, without membranes | 1.3 | 85 | 0.39 |
Oranges, raw, navels | 165 | 1.0 cup sections, without membranes | 1.5 | 81 | 0.25 |
Oranges, raw, with peel | 170 | 1.0 cup | 2.21 | 107 | 0.51 |
OSCAR MAYER, Bologna (beef light) | 28 | 1.0 serving (1 slice) | 3.29 | 56 | 4.06 |
OSCAR MAYER, Bologna (beef) | 28 | 1.0 serving (1 slice) | 3.09 | 88 | 8.15 |
OSCAR MAYER, Bologna (chicken, pork, beef) | 28 | 1.0 serving | 3.05 | 89 | 8.23 |
OSCAR MAYER, Bologna (fat free) | 28 | 1.0 serving | 3.53 | 22 | 0.17 |
OSCAR MAYER, Bologna Light (pork, chicken, beef) | 28 | 1.0 serving (1 slice) | 3.22 | 57 | 4.13 |
OSCAR MAYER, Braunschweiger Liver Sausage (saren tube) | 56 | 1.0 serving | 7.95 | 191 | 17.14 |
OSCAR MAYER, Braunschweiger Liver Sausage (sliced) | 28 | 1.0 serving (1 slice) | 3.99 | 93 | 8.22 |
OSCAR MAYER, Chicken Breast (honey glazed) | 52 | 1.0 serving (4 slices) | 10.32 | 57 | 0.78 |
OSCAR MAYER, Chicken Breast (oven roasted, fat free) | 52 | 1.0 serving | 9.52 | 44 | 0.31 |
OSCAR MAYER, Ham (40% ham/water product, smoked, fat free) | 47 | 1.0 serving | 6.86 | 34 | 0.33 |
OSCAR MAYER, Ham (chopped with natural juice) | 28 | 1.0 serving (1 slice) | 4.56 | 50 | 3.12 |
OSCAR MAYER, Ham (water added, baked cooked 96% fat free) | 63 | 1.0 serving (3 slices) | 10.27 | 66 | 2.22 |
OSCAR MAYER, Ham (water added, boiled) | 63 | 1.0 serving | 10.46 | 66 | 2.33 |
OSCAR MAYER, Ham (water added, honey) | 63 | 1.0 serving | 10.52 | 70 | 2.2 |
OSCAR MAYER, Ham (water added, smoked, cooked) | 63 | 1.0 serving | 10.46 | 62 | 2.27 |
OSCAR MAYER, Ham and Cheese Loaf | 28 | 1.0 serving | 3.88 | 66 | 5.1 |
OSCAR MAYER, Head Cheese | 28 | 1.0 serving | 4.4 | 52 | 3.78 |
OSCAR MAYER, Liver Cheese, pork fat wrapped | 38 | 1.0 slice | 5.78 | 119 | 10.03 |
OSCAR MAYER, Luncheon Loaf (spiced) | 28 | 1.0 serving | 3.78 | 66 | 4.73 |
OSCAR MAYER, Old Fashioned Loaf | 28 | 1.0 serving | 3.67 | 65 | 4.56 |
OSCAR MAYER, Olive Loaf (chicken, pork, turkey) | 28 | 1.0 serving | 2.77 | 74 | 6.1 |
OSCAR MAYER, Pickle Pimiento Loaf (with chicken) | 28 | 1.0 serving | 2.69 | 75 | 6.05 |
OSCAR MAYER, Pork Sausage Links (cooked) | 48 | 1.0 serving 2 links | 7.82 | 165 | 14.64 |
OSCAR MAYER, Salami (for beer) | 46 | 1.0 serving 2 slices | 6.21 | 104 | 8.37 |
OSCAR MAYER, Salami (Genoa) | 27 | 1.0 serving 3 slices | 5.59 | 105 | 8.99 |
OSCAR MAYER, Salami (hard) | 27 | 1.0 serving 3 slices | 6.99 | 99 | 7.75 |
OSCAR MAYER, Salami Beef Cotto | 46 | 1.0 serving 2 slices | 6.53 | 95 | 7.22 |
OSCAR MAYER, Salami Cotto (beef, pork, chicken) | 46 | 1.0 serving 2 slices | 6.16 | 113 | 9.34 |
OSCAR MAYER, Sandwich Spread (pork, chicken, beef) | 30 | 1.0 serving | 1.95 | 71 | 4.98 |
OSCAR MAYER, Smokie Links Sausage | 43 | 1.0 serving | 5.33 | 130 | 11.74 |
OSCAR MAYER, Smokies (beef) | 43 | 1.0 serving (1 link) | 5.27 | 127 | 11.46 |
OSCAR MAYER, Smokies (cheese) | 43 | 1.0 serving | 5.55 | 130 | 11.65 |
OSCAR MAYER, Smokies Sausage Little (pork, turkey) | 9 | 1.0 link | 1.12 | 27 | 2.44 |
OSCAR MAYER, Smokies Sausage Little Cheese (pork, turkey) | 9 | 1.0 link | 1.22 | 28 | 2.54 |
OSCAR MAYER, Summer Sausage Beef Thuringer Cervelat | 46 | 1.0 serving 2 slices | 6.72 | 142 | 12.42 |
OSCAR MAYER, Summer Sausage Thuringer Cervalat | 46 | 1.0 serving 2 slices | 6.85 | 140 | 12.28 |
OSCAR MAYER, Turkey Breast (smoked, fat free) | 52 | 1.0 serving 4 slices | 7.75 | 42 | 0.31 |
OSCAR MAYER, Wieners (beef franks) | 45 | 1.0 serving | 5.11 | 147 | 13.62 |
OSCAR MAYER, Wieners (beef franks, bun length) | 57 | 1.0 serving (1 link) | 6.33 | 185 | 17.16 |
OSCAR MAYER, Wieners (beef franks, fat free) | 50 | 1.0 serving | 6.6 | 39 | 0.25 |
OSCAR MAYER, Wieners (beef franks, light) | 57 | 1.0 serving | 6.1 | 110 | 8.49 |
OSCAR MAYER, Wieners (cheese hot dogs with turkey) | 45 | 1.0 serving | 5.4 | 143 | 12.92 |
OSCAR MAYER, Wieners (fat free hot dogs) | 50 | 1.0 serving | 6.3 | 36 | 0.3 |
OSCAR MAYER, Wieners (light pork, turkey, beef) | 57 | 1.0 serving | 6.9 | 111 | 8.49 |
OSCAR MAYER, Wieners (pork, turkey) | 45 | 1.0 serving (1 link) | 4.93 | 147 | 13.46 |
OSCAR MAYER, Wieners Little (pork, turkey) | 9 | 1.0 piece | 0.98 | 28 | 2.58 |
OSCAR MAYER. Bologna (Wisconsin made ring) | 56 | 1.0 serving | 6.61 | 175 | 15.9 |
Ostrich, fan, raw | 85 | 1.0 serving ( cooked from 4oz raw) | 18.54 | 99 | 2.25 |
Ostrich, ground, cooked, pan-broiled | 93 | 1.0 patty | 24.32 | 163 | 6.58 |
Ostrich, ground, raw | 109 | 1.0 patty | 22.04 | 180 | 9.48 |
Ostrich, inside leg, cooked | 85 | 1.0 serving ( 3 oz ) | 24.66 | 120 | 1.65 |
Ostrich, inside leg, raw | 85 | 1.0 serving ( cooked from 4 oz raw ) | 19.03 | 94 | 1.46 |
Ostrich, inside strip, cooked | 85 | 1.0 serving ( 3 oz ) | 24.96 | 139 | 3.62 |
Ostrich, inside strip, raw | 85 | 1.0 serving (cooked from 4 oz raw) | 20.14 | 108 | 2.44 |
Ostrich, outside leg, raw | 85 | 1.0 serving (cooked from 4 oz raw) | 19.43 | 98 | 1.67 |
Ostrich, outside strip, cooked | 85 | 1.0 serving ( 3 oz ) | 24.27 | 133 | 3.26 |
Ostrich, outside strip, raw | 85 | 1.0 serving (cooked from 4 oz raw) | 19.86 | 102 | 1.88 |
Ostrich, oyster, cooked | 85 | 1.0 serving ( 3 oz ) | 24.49 | 135 | 3.37 |
Ostrich, oyster, raw | 85 | 1.0 serving ( cooked from 4 oz raw) | 18.32 | 106 | 3.12 |
Ostrich, round, raw | 85 | 1.0 serving (cooked from 4 oz raw) | 18.69 | 99 | 2.04 |
Ostrich, tenderloin, raw | 85 | 1.0 serving (cooked from 4 oz raw) | 18.76 | 105 | 2.71 |
Ostrich, tip trimmed, cooked | 85 | 1.0 serving ( 3 oz ) | 24.22 | 123 | 2.18 |
Ostrich, tip trimmed, raw | 85 | 1.0 serving ( cooked from 4 oz raw) | 18.57 | 97 | 1.95 |
Ostrich, top loin, cooked | 85 | 1.0 serving ( 3 oz ) | 23.9 | 132 | 3.29 |
Ostrich, top loin, raw | 85 | 1.0 serving (cooked from 4 oz raw) | 18.42 | 101 | 2.51 |
Oven-roasted chicken breast roll | 56 | 1.0 serving 2 oz | 8.17 | 75 | 4.28 |
Protein, Fat, and Calories of Foods by Name[edit | edit source]
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD