List of healthcare providers in Alaska (M)

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

Here is a List of healthcare providers in Alaska (M) in sortable tables so you can re-arrange the information as you wish.

Name SUFF Cred NPI Med. sch. Pri. spec. Sec. spec. Org nm City Zip Phone
M Jacqueline Tarsitano 1669853347 Other Internal medicine Alaska Regional Medical Group Llc Anchorage 995153098 9074335100
Mackenzie Rapp 1164870192 Other Family medicine NA Norton Sound Health Corporation Nome 997620966 9074433311
Maddison Kay Dischino 1215481767 NA Physical therapy Fairbanks 997013175 9073740992
Madhavi D Rayapudi MD 1215971668 NA Infectious disease Internal medicine Anchorage 995084615 9075622211
Madhu Berman 1215959077 NA Allergy/immunology Anchorage 995082932 9072641222
Madhu Berman 1215959077 NA Allergy/immunology Fairbanks 997014665 9074524405
Madhu Prasad MD 1144204462 Wayne State University School of Medicine Surgical oncology Far North Surgery And Surgical Oncology Pc Anchorage 995082959 9072763676
Magaly Bracero perez MD 1215910823 NA General practice Anchorage 995046118 [1]
Magdalena R Naylor MD 1184715294 Other Psychiatry NA Bartlett Regional Hospital Juneau 998017808 9077968435
Mahendra Shah 1215020011 NA Family medicine Sitka 998357359 9079668761
Mahija Mungara MD 1245454487 University of Alabama School of Medicine Psychiatry NA Ketchikan Indian Corporation Ketchikan 999015742 9072289200
Mahyar Okhovat MD 1215953476 NA Neurology Psychiatry Juneau 998017867 9074198254
Malachy M Flanagan 1447397054 Southern College of Optometry Optometry NA Cap Eye Llc Wasilla 996547255 9073579595
Mallory Kristen Martha 1255961959 Other Nurse practitioner NA Peterson Medical Clinics Llc Petersburg 99833 7017322509
Mandy R Garnett 1639376924 Kansas City University of Physicians and Surgeons Hospitalist Internal medicine Alaska Hospitalist Group Llc Anchorage 995035933 9073753355
Mandy R Garnett 1639376924 Kansas City University of Physicians and Surgeons Hospitalist Internal medicine Alaska Hospitalist Group Llc Anchorage 995082932 9073753355
Mandy R Garnett 1639376924 Kansas City University of Physicians and Surgeons Hospitalist Internal medicine Alaska Hospitalist Group Llc Anchorage 995084615 9073753355
Manpreet Kaur Gill 1215382197 NA Family medicine Anchorage 995036647 9075612260
Manpreet Singh Bhandal 1326351420 Other Nephrology Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085922 9075632662
Manpreet Singh Bhandal 1326351420 Other Nephrology Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Manuel Antonio Gutierrez hernandez 1215918115 NA Obstetrics/gynecology Delta Junction 997379440 9078955100
Manuel Vicente Mauri Stecca 1205316007 Texas Tech University Health Science Center School of Medicine Physical therapy Anchorage Neurosurgical Associates Inc Anchorage 995084635 9072586999
Mara J Becker 1578957460 Other Physician assistant NA Tanana Chiefs Conference Fairbanks 997015926 9074516682
Marc A Gusse 1215583273 Palmer College Chiropractic - West Sunnyvale Chiropractic Fairbanks 997015900 [2]
Marc B Connelly MD 1922049253 Clvlnd Clinic Lerner College of Med of Case Wstn Rsv University General surgery Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Marc Chernizer 1215196415 NA Psychologist clinical Sitka 998359416 9079662411
Marc J Girsky MD 1215921044 University of California Irvine California College of Medicine Cardiovascular disease (cardiology) Kodiak 996156953 [3]
Marc Kornmesser MD 1497783260 Other Orthopedic surgery Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Marc Manzione 1215922828 George Washington University School of Medicine Orthopedic surgery Palmer 996458984 9078616000
Marc N Stock 1215954714 New York College of Podiatric Medicine Podiatry Tatitlek 996770134 9073252235
Marc R Silberman MD 1215964846 Rutgers New Jersey Medical School Sports medicine Palmer 996458984 9078616000
Marc Richard Beck MD 1437101292 University of Minnesota Medical School Diagnostic radiology Orthoalaska Llc Anchorage 995085234 9075622277
Marc W Levin MD 1235131749 State University of Ny Upstate Medical University Family medicine NA Norton Sound Health Corporation Nome 997620966 9074433311
Marc Z Braunstein 1215358908 State University of New York Downstate Medical Center Allergy/immunology Soldotna 996697571 9072607784
Marcee J Stewart 1912559360 Other Nurse practitioner Fairbanks Clinic Inc Fairbanks 997014189 9074521761
Marcelo R Olarte MD 1215942008 NA Neurology Anchorage 995082932 9072641222
Marci L Troxell 1578701033 Baylor College of Medicine Neurology Peak Neurology And Sleep Medicine Llc Wasilla 996547294 9.07E+13
Marcia A Koelndorfer CSW 1215926142 NA Clinical social worker Wasilla 996547114 [4]
Marcia L Haggerty 1962505941 University of Minnesota Medical School Family medicine Yukon-kuskokwim Health Corporation Bethel 995590287 9075436216
Marcus L Wever MD 1700850732 Southern Illinois University School of Medicine General surgery NA Peacehealth Ketchikan 999015746 9072288300
Marek A Martynowicz MD 1962581249 Other Pulmonary disease Critical care (intensivists) Central Peninsula General Hospital Inc Soldotna 996697559 9077144515
Marek A Martynowicz MD 1962581249 Other Pulmonary disease Critical care (intensivists) Providence Health And Services Washington Anchorage 995084615 9075622211
Margaret Barnett NP 1962420992 Other Nurse practitioner Alaska Heart Institute Anchorage 995084674 9075613211
Margaret E Carlson Cosentino 1568722197 Other Osteopathic manipulative medicine Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085925 9072654955
Margaret E Carlson Cosentino 1568722197 Other Osteopathic manipulative medicine Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Margaret E Kepler 1184721136 University of Connecticut School of Medicine Family medicine Yukon-kuskokwim Health Corporation Bethel 995590287 9075436216
Margaret H Hoffmeyer 1215962568 Medical University of South Carolina College of Medicine Family medicine Anchorage 995084674 [5]
Margaret L Aguilar 1215161161 NA Clinical social worker Juneau 998017863 [tel: 9077968768 9077968768]
Margaret L Aguilar 1215161161 NA Clinical social worker Sitka 998359416 9079662411
Margaret L Maixner 1467824359 Other Nurse practitioner NA Lisa Cooney M.d. Pc Wasilla 996546564 9073761633
Margaret R Olsen 1477974046 Other Physician assistant Horizon Medical Inc Denali Park 99755 9076834433
Margaret Rader 1164600185 Other Certified nurse midwife (cnm) Tanana Valley Clinic Llc Fairbanks 997015907 9074593500
Margaret Westner 1437518941 Other Nurse practitioner NA Peninsula Community Health Services Of Alaska Inc Kenai 996119104 9072833600
Margaret Westner 1437518941 Other Nurse practitioner NA Peninsula Community Health Services Of Alaska Inc Soldotna 996697648 9072607303
Margaret Westner 1437518941 Other Nurse practitioner NA Peninsula Community Health Services Of Alaska Inc Soldotna 996697648 [6]
Marguerite A Mcintosh 1598757312 Other Family medicine NA Peninsula Community Health Services Of Alaska Inc Kenai 996119104 9072833600
Marguerite A Mcintosh 1598757312 Other Family medicine NA Peninsula Community Health Services Of Alaska Inc Soldotna 996697648 9072607303
Marguerite A Mcintosh 1598757312 Other Family medicine NA Peninsula Community Health Services Of Alaska Inc Soldotna 996697648 [7]
Mari Carol Fugere 1972070142 Other Occupational therapy Orthoalaska Llc Anchorage 995085234 9075622277
Maria A Correa 1215907381 NA Internal medicine Eagle River 995777740 9076941300
Maria A Hopkins PT 1720372634 University of Maryland School of Medicine Physical therapy Orthoalaska Llc Anchorage 995085234 9075622277
Maria Cristy Murray 1538607403 Other Nurse practitioner Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Maria D Di donato 1205981040 NA Psychologist clinical Sitka 998359416 9079662411
Maria I Tapia CSW 1215960646 NA Clinical social worker Anchorage 995084101 [8]
Maria Jamison 1437514791 Rush Medical College of Rush University Certified registered nurse anesthetist (crna) Denali Anesthesia P.c. Anchorage 995082932 9072761257
Maria Jamison 1437514791 Rush Medical College of Rush University Certified registered nurse anesthetist (crna) Tanana Valley Clinic Llc Fairbanks 997014948 9074593500
Maria Jamison 1437514791 Rush Medical College of Rush University Certified registered nurse anesthetist (crna) Tanana Valley Clinic Llc Fairbanks 997015907 9074593500
Maria K Kennedy 1568731099 Other Clinical social worker Southcentral Foundation Anchorage 995012626 9077296572
Maria L Freeman MD 1568417822 Other Family medicine Pain management Medical Group Of Alaska Anchorage 995044316 9073332133
Maria L Freeman MD 1568417822 Other Family medicine Pain management Medical Group Of Alaska Wasilla 996547422 [9]
Maria Nemethy 1760628333 Harvard Medical School Emergency medicine Nes Washington Inc. Ketchikan 999015746 9072255171
Maria V Gornostaeva 1568700870 Other Clinical social worker Mat-su Health Services Inc. Wasilla 996545327 9073762411
Mariah A Cairer 1629694112 Other Physical therapy Revolution Sport And Spine Therapy Llc Soldotna 996697623 9074200836
Mariam I Garuba 1275748261 Creighton University School of Medicine Psychiatry Fairbanks Community Mental Health Services Llc Fairbanks 997017530 9074521575
Mariam I Garuba 1275748261 Creighton University School of Medicine Psychiatry Mat-su Valley Medical Center Llc Palmer 996458984 9078616000
Mariam I Garuba 1275748261 Creighton University School of Medicine Psychiatry Mat-su Valley Medical Center Llc Wasilla 996547184 9073522880
Mariam I Garuba 1275748261 Creighton University School of Medicine Psychiatry NA Bartlett Regional Hospital Juneau 998017808 9077968435
Mariam Miller 1659533222 State University of New York at Buffalo School of Medicine Urology Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Mariana Bosnjak 1417321928 Other Physician assistant Sunshine Community Health Center Inc Talkeetna 997679701 9077332273
Mariana Mcilwain 1922597152 Other Qualified audiologist Ear Nose And Throat Clinic Inc Fairbanks 997015937 9074567768
Marianne B Sample CSW 1215903323 NA Clinical social worker Fairbanks 997015907 9074586450
Marianne Hoyle 1215021761 Palmer College Chiropractic - Davenport Chiropractic Juneau 998017863 [tel: 9077968768 9077968768]
Marie Amina Aryan 1215283304 NA Nurse practitioner Sitka 998359416 9079662411
Marilyn B Sandford MD 1427012244 University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine General surgery NA Alaska Breast Care And Surgery Llc Anchorage 995086905 9075626262
Marilyn E Van Hatten 1679563829 Other Physician assistant NA Tanana Chiefs Conference Fairbanks 997015926 9074516682
Mario Binder MD 1265457022 University of New Mexico School of Medicine Cardiovascular disease (cardiology) Internal medicine Alaska Heart Institute Anchorage 995086813 9075613211
Mario Binder MD 1265457022 University of New Mexico School of Medicine Cardiovascular disease (cardiology) Internal medicine Providence Health And Services Washington Anchorage 995084615 9075622211
Mario Binder MD 1265457022 University of New Mexico School of Medicine Cardiovascular disease (cardiology) Internal medicine Providence Health And Services Washington Kodiak 996156602 9074863281
Mario Binder MD 1265457022 University of New Mexico School of Medicine Cardiovascular disease (cardiology) Internal medicine South Peninsula Hospital Inc Homer 996037005 9072358101
Mario Cruz 1962926956 Southern California College of Optometry Optometry Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation Dillingham 99576 9.08E+13
Mario Cruz 1962926956 Southern California College of Optometry Optometry Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation Koliganek 99576 9.08E+13
Mario Cruz 1962926956 Southern California College of Optometry Optometry Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation South Aleknagik 99576 9.08E+13
Mario W Rizzo 1215908702 California School of Podiatric Medicine Podiatry Anchorage 995036077 [10]
Mario W Rizzo 1215908702 California School of Podiatric Medicine Podiatry Kenai 996119708 [11]
Marion A Ruth 1740789288 Other Nurse practitioner Kenaitze Indian Tribe Kenai 996118026 9073357500
Marion D Evans 1215940986 NA Clinical social worker Homer 996037525 [12]
Marisa C Bune 1275099632 Other Nurse practitioner Glacier Bay Medical And Diabetes Care Center Llc Anchorage 995183159 9072904566
Marisa Gossweiler 1588958615 Other Diagnostic radiology Radiology Physician Solutions Of Florida Llc Fort Wainwright 997031371 8004372672
Marisa Gossweiler 1588958615 Other Diagnostic radiology Sheridan Radiology Services Of Central Florida Inc Fort Wainwright 997031371 8662827905
Marisa Gossweiler 1588958615 Other Diagnostic radiology NA Florida United Radiology Lc Fort Wainwright 997031371 8004372762
Marisa Gossweiler 1588958615 Other Diagnostic radiology NA Sheridan Radiology Services Of Pinellas Inc Fort Wainwright 997031371 [13]
Marisha R Dieters 1629530514 Other Nurse practitioner Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Marissa A Gonzalez James 1811312721 Other Nurse practitioner Southcentral Foundation Wasilla 996548083 9077296342
Marissa Bortenstein 1215437504 NA Clinical social worker Anchorage 995153561 9077709111
Marjorie Louise Johnson 1780854505 Other Nurse practitioner Yukon-kuskokwim Health Corporation Bethel 995590287 9075436216
Mark A Beck DC 1215037882 Cleveland Chiropractic College - Kansas City Chiropractic Sitka 998359416 9079662411
Mark A Bilan DC 1679664338 Palmer College Chiropractic - West Sunnyvale Chiropractic Bilan Chiropractic Pc Anchorage 995032707 9075691123
Mark A Butcher MD 1881646495 University of New Mexico School of Medicine Pathology Pathology Consultants Inc Fairbanks 997015907 9074585650
Mark A Clifford 1003834086 Georgetown University School of Medicine Psychiatry NA Tanana Chiefs Conference Fairbanks 997015926 9074516682
Mark A Lange 1750367991 Other Physical therapy Orthoalaska Llc Anchorage 995085234 9075622277
Mark A Nelson 1962940304 Other Physician assistant Maniilaq Association Ambler 997860110 9074452129
Mark A Nelson 1962940304 Other Physician assistant Maniilaq Association Kotzebue 997520043 9074423321
Mark A Plunkett 1609971456 Other Occupational therapy NA Anchorage Fracture And Orthopaedic Clinic Pc Anchorage 995084680 9075633145
Mark A Plunkett 1609971456 Other Occupational therapy NA Anchorage Fracture And Orthopaedic Clinic Pc Eagle River 995777044 9075633145
Mark A Rainosek MD 1255303053 University of New Mexico School of Medicine Anesthesiology Interventional pain management Denali Anesthesia P.c. Anchorage 995082932 9072761257
Mark A Selland MD 1669490900 Saint Louis University School of Medicine Cardiovascular disease (cardiology) Internal medicine Alaska Heart Institute Anchorage 995084674 9075613211
Mark A Selland MD 1669490900 Saint Louis University School of Medicine Cardiovascular disease (cardiology) Internal medicine Providence Health And Services Washington Anchorage 995084615 9075622211
Mark A White 1205956711 NA Psychologist clinical Soldotna 996697358 3606785151
Mark Allen Limb 1356562052 Other Physical therapy Orthoalaska Llc Anchorage 995085234 9075622277
Mark Allen Schoning 1205962347 Ohio State University - College of Optometry Optometry Anchorage 995084615 9075622211
Mark Anthony Mitchell DO 1003833633 West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine Emergency medicine NA Glutality Provider Group Pa Palmer 996456335 5616782026
Mark B Lorenz 1174649784 Ohio State University College of Medicine Otolaryngology Alaska Center For Ear Nose And Throat Inc Anchorage 995084689 9072798800
Mark B Lorenz 1174649784 Ohio State University College of Medicine Otolaryngology Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Mark B Lorenz 1174649784 Ohio State University College of Medicine Otolaryngology South Peninsula Hospital Inc Homer 996037005 9072358101
Mark C Brown CP 1215062625 NA Psychologist clinical Sitka 998359416 9079662411
Mark C Kufel DC 1912095605 Palmer College Chiropractic - West Sunnyvale Chiropractic Bilan Chiropractic Pc Anchorage 995032707 9075691123
Mark C Stachel 1215930946 NA Internal medicine Palmer 996457412 9077464646
Mark Conrad Stover 1093876138 Washington University School of Medicine Emergency medicine Maniilaq Association Ambler 997860110 9074452129
Mark Conrad Stover 1093876138 Washington University School of Medicine Emergency medicine Maniilaq Association Kotzebue 997520043 9074423321
Mark E Flanum 1184675126 University of Wisconsin School of Medicine Orthopedic surgery Orthoalaska Llc Anchorage 995085234 9075622277
Mark E Flanum 1184675126 University of Wisconsin School of Medicine Orthopedic surgery Orthoalaska Llc Wasilla 996547474 9073572267
Mark E Willcox 1336395599 Georgetown University School of Medicine Cardiac electrophysiology Cardiovascular disease (cardiology) Alaska Heart Institute Anchorage 995084674 9075613211
Mark E Willcox 1336395599 Georgetown University School of Medicine Cardiac electrophysiology Cardiovascular disease (cardiology) Alaska Heart Institute Anchorage 995086813 9075613211
Mark Edward Cunningham 1770601387 Other Physical therapy Revolution Sport And Spine Therapy Llc Soldotna 996697623 9074200836
Mark F Ellis 1215975891 Barry University School of Podiatric Medicine Podiatry Fairbanks 997015907 9074586450
Mark F Gan DO 1215033931 NA Anesthesiology Anchorage 995084372 9075629229
Mark F Gan DO 1215033931 NA Anesthesiology Palmer 996458984 9078616000
Mark F Yama CP 1215062179 NA Psychologist clinical Juneau 998017809 9074634040
Mark G Schultz 1235438433 Other Nurse practitioner Yakutat Tribal Health Board Yakutat 996890112 9077843275
Mark H Kohen 1215093117 NA Psychologist clinical Anchorage 995084615 9075622211
Mark Holman 1780809780 Other Psychologist clinical Peak Neurology And Sleep Medicine Llc Anchorage 995082972 9.07E+13
Mark J Thorndike 1124051743 University of Kansas School of Med (Kc/wich/sal) General surgery Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Mark J Thorndike 1124051743 University of Kansas School of Med (Kc/wich/sal) General surgery Yukon-kuskokwim Health Corporation Bethel 995590287 9075436216
Mark Kasprowicz 1508219205 University of Colorado School of Medicine Denver Physical therapy Orthoalaska Llc Anchorage 995085234 9075622277
Mark Lantz 1295909398 Other Optometry NA Katherine E Johnson Md Pc Fairbanks 997093933 9073282920
Mark M Mullins DC 1215966759 Western States College of Chiropractic Chiropractic Wasilla 996546268 [14]
Mark N Burton 1508970971 University of Tennessee Hsc College of Medicine Diagnostic radiology NA Tanana Chiefs Conference Fairbanks 997015926 9074516682
Mark O Simon MD 1043207533 University of Iowa Rj & L Carver College of Medicine Emergency medicine Tanana Valley Clinic Llc Fairbanks 997015907 9074593500
Mark O Simon MD 1043207533 University of Iowa Rj & L Carver College of Medicine Emergency medicine Tanana Valley Clinic Llc Fairbanks 997092940 9074582655
Mark R Van hemert 1215941034 Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic Chiropractic Anchorage 995035769 9077702380
Mark Robidoux 1699194548 Temple University School of Medicine Emergency medicine Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Mark Shearer 1376950113 New York College of Podiatric Medicine Podiatry Alaska Podiatry Associates A Professional Corporation Anchorage 995082992 9075624958
Mark Stuart Williams 1215920186 Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Family medicine Anchorage 995032562 [15]
Mark T Caylor 1740289222 University of South Alabama College of Medicine Orthopedic surgery Rhyneer Clinic Pc Anchorage 995085231 9075632663
Mark V Restad 1114145174 Other Physician assistant Anchorage Sleep Center Llc Anchorage 995036649 9077430050
Mark W Gocke MD 1215983697 Georgetown University School of Medicine Internal medicine Wasilla 996546918 9073764851
Mark W Tuccillo 1942237441 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Family medicine Sports medicine The Petersburg Medical Center Petersburg 99833 9077724291
Mark William Mccurry MD 1417936337 University of Oklahoma College of Medicine Family medicine NA Glutality Provider Group Pa Palmer 996456335 5616782026
Marlena G Strandir 1619317203 Other Family medicine Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation Dillingham 99576 9.08E+13
Marlena G Strandir 1619317203 Other Family medicine Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation Koliganek 99576 9.08E+13
Marlena G Strandir 1619317203 Other Family medicine Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation South Aleknagik 99576 9.08E+13
Marlene Wilva Valter 1215548920 NA Psychologist clinical Anchorage 995037174 9077437386
Marsha Dunkley 1265817845 Other Family medicine Yukon-kuskokwim Health Corporation Bethel 995590287 9075436216
Martha Cotten MD 1528170677 Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth Family medicine Southcentral Foundation Chugiak 995675148 9076886031
Martha Cotten MD 1528170677 Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth Family medicine Southcentral Foundation Port Alsworth 996539801 9077296351
Martha E Woodard 1215014063 NA Psychologist clinical Sitka 998357359 9079668761
Martha J Linden 1093851479 Other Certified nurse midwife (cnm) NA Owen R. Bell M.d. A.p.c. Anchorage 995085369 9075611925
Martha Jane Moore 1053418921 Tulane University School of Medicine Family medicine NA Peninsula Community Health Services Of Alaska Inc Soldotna 996697648 9072607303
Martha Jane Moore 1053418921 Tulane University School of Medicine Family medicine NA Peninsula Community Health Services Of Alaska Inc Soldotna 996697648 [16]
Martin Glaves 1578911590 Other Family medicine Medical Network Of Alaska Llc Eagle River 995777044 9076949553
Martin Glaves 1578911590 Other Family medicine Medical Network Of Alaska Llc Wasilla 996547255 9073579590
Martin H Tieva MD 1841223468 Indiana University School of Medicine General surgery Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Martin J Carey DPM 1215030473 Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine Podiatry Anchorage 995084615 9075622211
Martin J Lyden 1215926456 NA Psychologist clinical Anchorage 995082932 9072641222
Martje J Van werkum-glidden PT 1215911748 NA Physical therapy Anchorage 995035677 9075622275
Martje J Van werkum-glidden PT 1215911748 NA Physical therapy Anchorage 995082975 [17]
Marty J Sanchez 1447497797 Other Physical therapy Orthoalaska Llc Anchorage 995085234 9075622277
Marvin I Bautista DC 1215012778 Palmer College Chiropractic - West Sunnyvale Chiropractic Fairbanks 997015907 9074528181
Mary A Eckart 1104253939 Other Physician assistant Mat-su Valley Iii Llc Palmer 996456952 9078611400
Mary A Eckart 1104253939 Other Physician assistant Mat-su Valley Iii Llc Wasilla 996547172 9078640260
Mary A Eckart 1104253939 Other Physician assistant Mat-su Valley Medical Center Llc Wasilla 996547184 9073522880
Mary A Rowen 1982881397 Other Nurse practitioner Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085922 9075632662
Mary A Rowen 1982881397 Other Nurse practitioner Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Mary A Verardi 1407039415 Other Internal medicine Yakutat Tribal Health Board Yakutat 996890112 9077843275
Mary Beth B Scott Calor DO 1841373065 West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine Anesthesiology NA Aa Pain Clinic Inc. Anchorage 995085230 9075632873
Mary Cardello 1215141478 NA Physical therapy Juneau 998017861 9074634040
Mary E Curtiss MD 1215943493 Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine Otolaryngology Allergy/immunology Anchorage 995071700 [18]
Mary J Eby 1568885648 Other Nurse practitioner Alaska Regional Medical Group Llc Anchorage 995073805 9072482482
Mary J Joy 1649618059 Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine Osteopathic manipulative medicine Tanana Valley Clinic Llc Fairbanks 997014948 9074593500
Mary K Magnusen 1750427902 Other Certified registered nurse anesthetist (crna) Providence Health And Services Washington Kodiak 996156602 9074863281
Mary L Jackson hammond 1215015680 University of Illinois College of Med (Chi/peor/rock/chm-urb) Family medicine Addiction medicine Klukwan 998270690 9077675699
Mary Lanza 1104836360 Uniformed Services Uhs Fe Hebert School of Med Anesthesiology Denali Anesthesia P.c. Anchorage 995082932 9072761257
Mary Louise Hoffman 1215101001 NA Nurse practitioner Anchorage 995084372 9075629229
Mary M South MD 1215011184 Clvlnd Clinic Lerner College of Med of Case Wstn Rsv University Obstetrics/gynecology Fairbanks 997095305 3606785151
Mary Nettlow 1598862476 University of Washington School of Medicine Physical medicine and rehabilitation Alaska Hospitalist Group Llc Anchorage 995082932 9073753355
Mary Nettlow 1598862476 University of Washington School of Medicine Physical medicine and rehabilitation Alaska Hospitalist Group Llc Anchorage 995084615 9073753355
Mary P Demers DO 1649236084 Midwestern University Chicago College of Osteopathic Med Internal medicine NA Mary P Demers Do And Associates Llc Anchorage 995084691 9072632200
Mary Patricia Fox 1881937282 University of Alabama School of Medicine Orthopedic surgery NA Anchorage Fracture And Orthopaedic Clinic Pc Anchorage 995084680 9075633145
Mary S Martin 1205962651 NA Clinical social worker Anchorage 995084372 9075629229
Mary S Martin 1205962651 NA Clinical social worker Klukwan 998270690 9077675699
Mary Terra 1437560299 Pacific Nw Un of Hs Col of Osteopathic Medicine Osteopathic manipulative medicine NA Tanana Chiefs Conference Fairbanks 997015926 9074516682
Mary ann Colarusso 1215019674 Logan College of Chiropractic Chiropractic Fairbanks 997095305 3606785151
Mary lou Daley 1205987476 New York University Medical College - Nlg Clinical social worker Sitka 998359416 9079662411
Mary margaret Oakford 1215965975 NA Physical therapy Haines 99827 9073030010
Masao Yanagida MD 1467431601 State University of New York at Stony Brook School of Medicine Psychiatry Geriatric psychiatry Greatland Mental Health Llc Anchorage 995033687 9079294009
Mason D Mccloskey 1073023123 Western States College of Chiropractic Chiropractic Kanady Chiropractic Center Inc Anchorage 995031753 9072722700
Mathilda Huntington 1366423204 Other Physician assistant NA Tanana Chiefs Conference Fairbanks 997015926 9074516682
Matias M Amaral 1518372325 Other Internal medicine Anchorage Inpatient Services Llc Anchorage 995082932 9732511132
Matt A Heilala DPM 1821135427 William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine Podiatry Matt A. Heilala Dpm Inc. Wasilla 996547422 9075693668
Matthew A Bzdega 1881957876 University of Iowa Rj & L Carver College of Medicine Anesthesiology NA Peacehealth Ketchikan 999015746 9072288300
Matthew Berman 1215156831 Logan College of Chiropractic Chiropractic Sitka 998359416 9079662411
Matthew C Berenson MD 1588633150 University of New Mexico School of Medicine Critical care (intensivists) Pulmonary disease Alaska Hospitalist Group Llc Anchorage 995035933 9073753355
Matthew C Berenson MD 1588633150 University of New Mexico School of Medicine Critical care (intensivists) Pulmonary disease Alaska Hospitalist Group Llc Anchorage 995037218 9073753355
Matthew C Berenson MD 1588633150 University of New Mexico School of Medicine Critical care (intensivists) Pulmonary disease Alaska Hospitalist Group Llc Anchorage 995082932 9073753355
Matthew C Berenson MD 1588633150 University of New Mexico School of Medicine Critical care (intensivists) Pulmonary disease Alaska Hospitalist Group Llc Anchorage 995084615 9073753355
Matthew C Supran 1215946884 Palmer College Chiropractic - West Sunnyvale Chiropractic Soldotna 996698101 [19]
Matthew Douglas Richards 1033347836 Other Dentist Kenaitze Indian Tribe Kenai 996118026 9073357500
Matthew E Crowe 1376892133 Other Physical therapy Orthoalaska Llc Anchorage 995085234 9075622277
Matthew G Guess 1629230339 Medical College of Ohio Ophthalmology Alaska Retinal Consultants Anchorage 995084261 9075611530
Matthew H Teusink DC 1205961562 Life Chiropractic College Chiropractic Fairbanks 997015907 9074528181
Matthew J Dudley 1427155423 College of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons of Los Angeles Hospitalist Family medicine Alaska Hospitalist Group Llc Anchorage 995082932 9073753355
Matthew J Dudley 1427155423 College of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons of Los Angeles Hospitalist Family medicine Alaska Hospitalist Group Llc Anchorage 995084615 9073753355
Matthew J Jones 1316058720 Other Nurse practitioner Valley Medical Care Pc Juneau 998017864 9075862434
Matthew J Lieber 1215951918 Life Chiropractic College Chiropractic Juneau 998018050 9077903224
Matthew J Magruder MD 1831271477 Loma Linda University School of Medicine Hospitalist Family medicine Alaska Hospitalist Group Llc Anchorage 995035933 9073753355
Matthew J Magruder MD 1831271477 Loma Linda University School of Medicine Hospitalist Family medicine Alaska Hospitalist Group Llc Anchorage 995084615 9073753355
Matthew J May 1306195102 Other Nurse practitioner Central Peninsula General Hospital Inc Soldotna 996697559 9077144130
Matthew J May 1306195102 Other Nurse practitioner Central Peninsula General Hospital Inc Soldotna 996697559 9077144515
Matthew J Olnes MD 1396760021 Uniformed Services Uhs Fe Hebert School of Med Hematology/oncology Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085922 9075632662
Matthew J Olnes MD 1396760021 Uniformed Services Uhs Fe Hebert School of Med Hematology/oncology Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Matthew J Schnellbaecher 1942233481 Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons Cardiovascular disease (cardiology) Internal medicine Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085922 [tel:90756326
Matthew J Schnellbaecher 1942233481 Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons Cardiovascular disease (cardiology) Internal medicine Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 [tel:907563266
Matthew John Dammeyer 1083838403 University of Minnesota Medical School Family medicine NA Norton Sound Health Corporation Nome 997620966 9074433311
Matthew John Madden MD 1932197142 Boston University School of Medicine Emergency medicine Alaska Emergency Medicine Associates Anchorage 995084615 9075622211
Matthew John Mau 1427699222 Other Physician assistant Mat-su Valley Iii Llc Palmer 996456952 9078611400
Matthew John Mau 1427699222 Other Physician assistant Mat-su Valley Iii Llc Wasilla 996547172 9078640260
Matthew John Mau 1427699222 Other Physician assistant Mat-su Valley Medical Center Llc Wasilla 996547184 9073522880
Matthew K Huettl 1285722025 Other Chiropractic NA Sports And Spinal Injury Clinicllc Anchorage 995072176 9075223511
Matthew L Hecht 1215234513 Logan College of Chiropractic Chiropractic Soldotna 996697962 9074200640
Matthew Lee Shryock 1043862774 Other Nurse practitioner Alaska Heart Institute Anchorage 995084674 9075613211
Matthew Lee Shryock 1043862774 Other Nurse practitioner Alaska Heart Institute Anchorage 995086813 9075613211
Matthew Mark Huckabee 1477934636 Other Psychiatry NA Providence Health And Services Washington Anchorage 995084683 9072126900
Matthew Mark Obermeyer 1982255949 Other Physical therapy Orthoalaska Llc Anchorage 995085234 9075622277
Matthew Mitchell Snider 1740640960 Saint Louis University School of Medicine Ophthalmology Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Matthew P Harringer 1558728410 Other Certified registered nurse anesthetist (crna) Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Matthew Paul Strohmeyer 1457883266 Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine Erie Hospitalist Internal medicine Alaska Hospitalist Group Llc Palmer 996458984 9073753355
Matthew R Peterson MD 1891785606 University of North Dakota School of Medicine Pain management Medical Group Of Alaska Wasilla 996547422 9073577710
Matthew S Swain 1417927120 Other Family medicine South Peninsula Hospital Inc Homer 996037005 9072358101
Matthew S Ubedei 1962681171 University of Houston - College of Optometry Optometry Southcentral Foundation Anchorage 995085904 [20]
Matthew T Studley MD 1083666416 Tufts University School of Medicine Diagnostic radiology NA Peacehealth Ketchikan 999015746 9072288300
Matthew Todd Warren MD 1215928627 College of Osteo Med of the Pacific at Pomona Diagnostic radiology Yukon-kuskokwim Health Corporation Bethel 995590287 9075436216
Matthew V Cronin 1821103714 University of California San Diego School of Medicine Diagnostic radiology Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation Dillingham 99576 9.08E+13
Matthew V Cronin 1821103714 University of California San Diego School of Medicine Diagnostic radiology Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation Koliganek 99576 9.08E+13
Matthew V Cronin 1821103714 University of California San Diego School of Medicine Diagnostic radiology Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation South Aleknagik 99576 9.08E+13
Matthew V Cronin 1821103714 University of California San Diego School of Medicine Diagnostic radiology Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation Togiak 99678 9.08E+13
Matthew V Cronin 1821103714 University of California San Diego School of Medicine Diagnostic radiology Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation Twin Hill 99678 9.08E+13
Matthew V Cronin 1821103714 University of California San Diego School of Medicine Interventional radiology Alaska Imaging Associates Llc Anchorage 995082932 9072761131
Matthew V Cronin 1821103714 University of California San Diego School of Medicine Interventional radiology Alaska Imaging Associates Llc Anchorage 995084154 9076442997
Matthew V Cronin 1821103714 University of California San Diego School of Medicine Interventional radiology NA Medical Park Family Care Inc Anchorage 995084129 9072578176
Matthew Wade 1609416064 Other Certified registered nurse anesthetist (crna) Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Matthew Willard 1336360304 University of Nebraska College of Medicine Physician assistant Yukon-kuskokwim Health Corporation Bethel 995590287 9075436216
Maura Walsh 1689165011 Other Nurse practitioner Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Maureen A Cox 1114190048 Other Nurse practitioner Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation Chignik Bay 995640000 9.08E+13
Maureen A Cox 1114190048 Other Nurse practitioner Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation Dillingham 99576 9.08E+13
Maureen A Cox 1114190048 Other Nurse practitioner Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation Koliganek 99576 9.08E+13
Maureen A Cox 1114190048 Other Nurse practitioner Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation South Aleknagik 99576 9.08E+13
Maureen C Pierce CP 1215944798 NA Psychologist clinical Anchorage 995082974 9072793155
Maureen F Greer CSW 1215962584 University of New England College of Osteo Medicine Clinical social worker Fairbanks 997096618 [21]
Maureen S. Filipek MD 1780764787 Oregon Health Sciences University School of Medicine Diagnostic radiology South Peninsula Hospital Inc Homer 996037005 9072358101
Mavrick Kuzmin 1962938423 Other Physical therapy Revolution Sport And Spine Therapy Llc Soldotna 996697623 9074200836
Max Chorowski MD 1215132402 New York Medical College Psychiatry Obstetrics/gynecology Anchorage 995084615 9075622211
Max W Berry 1578763355 Other Diagnostic radiology Imaging Associates Llc Anchorage 995084692 9012224624
Maximo J Fernandez 1215119185 NA Cardiovascular disease (cardiology) Internal medicine Sitka 998357359 9079668761
Maxine M. Marcus 1215093398 NA Psychologist clinical Anchorage 995084615 9075622211
May H Makki 1205992674 NA Clinical social worker Sitka 998357359 9079668761
Mayer E Ballas MD 1215968318 NA Nuclear medicine Cardiovascular disease (cardiology) Ketchikan 999015635 [22]
Meagan Carol Lincoln 1275089997 Other Optometry Kenaitze Indian Tribe Kenai 996118026 9073357500
Medina M Kamau 1215334172 NA Nurse practitioner Klukwan 998270690 9077675699
Meena R Krishna 1215150479 NA Internal medicine Sitka 998357359 9079668761
Megan Anne Wollitz 1639655897 Other Nurse practitioner Ideal Option Pllc Anchorage 995071166 5.09E+13
Megan Anne Wollitz 1639655897 Other Nurse practitioner Ideal Option Pllc Fairbanks 997014961 8.78E+13
Megan Anne Wollitz 1639655897 Other Nurse practitioner Ideal Telemedicine Services Llc Fairbanks 997014961 8775221275
Megan C Davies 1285797753 West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine Pathology Adl Inc Anchorage 995084615 9072615806
Megan Claire Barrett-aguilar 1386070084 Other Nurse practitioner Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Megan E Dunning 1902225931 Georgetown University School of Medicine Internal medicine Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Megan Ferguson 1487017877 Other Certified nurse midwife (cnm) Medical Network Of Alaska Llc Wasilla 996547255 9073579590
Megan Franklin 1215284070 NA Chiropractic Anchorage 995153561 9077709111
Megan Gatlin 1184898348 Other Anesthesiology Denali Anesthesia P.c. Anchorage 995082932 9072761257
Megan Heinecke 1245547330 Other Physician assistant Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Megan J Larson 1508287467 Other Physician assistant Medical Network Of Alaska Llc Eagle River 995777044 9076949553
Megan J Larson 1508287467 Other Physician assistant Medical Network Of Alaska Llc Wasilla 996547255 9073579590
Megan K Hallock 1346765708 Other Physician assistant Southcentral Foundation Anchorage 995085907 [23]
Megan Kawas Lemasters Soule MD 1295841013 University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Family medicine Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085925 9072654955
Megan Kawas Lemasters Soule MD 1295841013 University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Family medicine Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Megan L Sarnecki MD 1710096607 University of Wisconsin School of Medicine Family medicine Iliuliuk Family And Health Services Inc Unalaska 996850144 9075811202
Megan M Kraai 1538581889 Other Certified registered nurse anesthetist (crna) Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Megan M Steele 1215355904 NA Physical therapy Haines 998270389 9077662521
Megan M Young 1972923654 Other Family medicine Yukon-kuskokwim Health Corporation Bethel 995590287 9075436216
Megan S Harman 1710390281 West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine Family medicine Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085925 9072654955
Megan Taylor 1386948156 Other Certified registered nurse anesthetist (crna) Providence Health And Services Washington Kodiak 996156602 9074863281
Megan U Roosen-runge 1245624204 Stanford University School of Medicine Internal medicine Central Peninsula General Hospital Inc Soldotna 996697559 9077144515
Megan U Roosen-runge 1245624204 Stanford University School of Medicine Internal medicine Central Peninsula General Hospital Inc Soldotna 996697593 9072628597
Meganne M Hendricks MD 1861489072 University of Washington School of Medicine Emergency medicine Alaska Emergency Medicine Associates Anchorage 995084615 9075622211
Meghal R Antani MD 1215927900 Clvlnd Clinic Lerner College of Med of Case Wstn Rsv University Interventional radiology Diagnostic radiology Eagle River 995777043 [24]
Meghan Beddow 1689069767 Ohio State University College of Medicine Obstetrics/gynecology Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085925 9072654955
Meghan Beddow 1689069767 Ohio State University College of Medicine Obstetrics/gynecology Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Meghan Beddow 1689069767 Ohio State University College of Medicine Obstetrics/gynecology Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation Dillingham 99576 9.08E+13
Meghan Beddow 1689069767 Ohio State University College of Medicine Obstetrics/gynecology Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation Koliganek 99576 9.08E+13
Meghan Beddow 1689069767 Ohio State University College of Medicine Obstetrics/gynecology Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation South Aleknagik 99576 9.08E+13
Meghan Beddow 1689069767 Ohio State University College of Medicine Obstetrics/gynecology Southcentral Foundation Iliamna 99606 9075711818
Meghan Lindquist 1003364217 Other Physician assistant Jamhi Health And Wellness Inc Juneau 998017251 9074633303
Meghan S Barnett 1205229341 Other Physician assistant Mat-su Valley Iii Llc Palmer 996456952 9078611400
Meghan S Barnett 1205229341 Other Physician assistant Mat-su Valley Iii Llc Wasilla 996547172 9078640260
Meghan S Barnett 1205229341 Other Physician assistant Mat-su Valley Medical Center Llc Wasilla 996547184 9073522880
Mehboob Ghulam 1215248273 NA Internal medicine Critical care (intensivists) Anchorage 995036647 9075612260
Mehboob Ghulam 1215248273 NA Internal medicine Critical care (intensivists) Anchorage 995084608 9072221714
Mehboob Ghulam 1215248273 NA Internal medicine Critical care (intensivists) Sitka 998357359 9079668761
Meische M Cox 1275900177 Other Physical therapy Arctic Rehabilitation And Physical Therapy Anchorage Llc Anchorage 995071778 9072773422
Mel Lancey 1306930904 Northwestern College of Chiropractic Chiropractic Arctic Chiropractic East Anchorage Anchorage 995043572 9072809991
Melanie Chapman 1174827133 Other Nurse practitioner Fairbanks Clinic Inc Fairbanks 997014189 9074521761
Melanie Ja Kimmery NP 1366548877 Other Nurse practitioner Alaska Family Health Centers Llc Wasilla 996547759 9077451777
Melanie K Cotter 1215032990 University of Alabama School of Medicine Psychologist clinical Anchorage 995084615 9075622211
Melanie Squire 1215317805 NA Clinical social worker Sitka 998359416 9079662411
Melany K Grogan 1699968891 Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University Anesthesiology Tanana Valley Clinic Llc Fairbanks 997014948 9074593500
Melany K Grogan 1699968891 Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University Anesthesiology Tanana Valley Clinic Llc Fairbanks 997015907 9074593500
Melinda K Milam CSW 1215018122 NA Clinical social worker Anchorage 995084621 9072123420
Melinda M Rathkopf MD 1336130020 Emory University School of Medicine Allergy/immunology Pediatric medicine Allergy Asthma And Immunology Center Of Alaska Llc Wasilla 996547294 9075626228
Melinda Miller 1760935571 Other Nurse practitioner Southcentral Foundation Iliamna 99606 9075711818
Melissa A Bunker NP 1164575452 Other Nurse practitioner NA Seldovia Village Tribe Homer 996037201 9072262228
Melissa Bunselmeier 1295139269 Other Physical therapy NA Better World Development Llc Fairbanks 997093569 9073741981
Melissa Bunselmeier 1295139269 Other Physical therapy NA North Pole Physical Therapy Inc North Pole 997057699 9074884978
Melissa Courtad 1992219356 Other Physical therapy Rebound Sports And Orthopedic Physical Therapy Llc Anchorage 995043572 9072455555
Melissa D Porter 1295131415 Other Physician assistant Southcentral Foundation Iliamna 99606 9075711818
Melissa D Porter 1295131415 Other Physician assistant Southcentral Foundation Kokhanok 99606 9072822203
Melissa D Porter 1295131415 Other Physician assistant Southcentral Foundation Mcgrath 99627 9075243299
Melissa D Porter 1295131415 Other Physician assistant Southcentral Foundation Port Alsworth 996539801 9077296351
Melissa D Porter 1295131415 Other Physician assistant Southcentral Foundation St Paul 99660 9075462310
Melissa D Wynn MD 1215934898 Medical College of Georgia School of Medicine Infectious disease Internal medicine Seward 996642088 9072243076
Melissa Dianoski 1871105791 Other Nurse practitioner Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Melissa G Shein 1982726485 University of Washington School of Medicine Family medicine Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085925 9072654955
Melissa G Shein 1982726485 University of Washington School of Medicine Family medicine Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Melissa G Shein 1982726485 University of Washington School of Medicine Family medicine Southcentral Foundation Anchorage 995085925 9077293300
Melissa G Shein 1982726485 University of Washington School of Medicine Family medicine Southcentral Foundation Iliamna 99606 9075711818
Melissa G Walberg 1487185880 Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Med Anesthesiology Providence Anchorage Anesthesia Medical Group Pc Anchorage 995084620 9075610005
Melissa K Witteveen 1407106057 Other Physician assistant NA Kodiak Island Healthcare Foundation Kodiak 996156602 9074812484
Melissa M Hardesty MD 1821092362 Albany Medical College of Union University Gynecological oncology Alaska Womens Cancer Care Llc Anchorage 995084684 9075624673
Melissa M Hardesty MD 1821092362 Albany Medical College of Union University Gynecological oncology Obstetrics/gynecology Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085910 9075632662
Melissa M Hardesty MD 1821092362 Albany Medical College of Union University Gynecological oncology Obstetrics/gynecology Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Melissa P Holland 1215340831 NA Nurse practitioner Fairbanks 997013175 9073740992
Melissa Rs Weston 1295034536 University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine Obstetrics/gynecology Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085910 9075632662
Melissa Rs Weston 1295034536 University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine Obstetrics/gynecology Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Melissa Rs Weston 1295034536 University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine Obstetrics/gynecology Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation Dillingham 99576 9.08E+13
Melissa Rs Weston 1295034536 University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine Obstetrics/gynecology Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation Koliganek 99576 9.08E+13
Melissa Rs Weston 1295034536 University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine Obstetrics/gynecology Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation South Aleknagik 99576 9.08E+13
Melodie K Isgro MD 1528094968 University of Florida College of Medicine Addiction medicine Southcentral Foundation Anchorage 995085904 9077292500
Melodye L Gilbert PA 1033282728 Other Physician assistant Copper River Native Association Copper Center 99573 9078225241
Meredith Herbst 1225489982 Other Physical therapy Optimum Health And Wellness Physical Therapy Inc Ketchikan 999015559 9072257808
Meredith Leigh Lane 1356575922 Texas a & M University System Hsc College of Medicine Obstetrics/gynecology Obhg Alaska Pc Anchorage 995084615 8009672289
Meredith R Autrey 1497925200 Other Physical therapy Ascension Physical Therapy Llc Anchorage 995072098 9077706693
Meril S Platzer 1215963939 Wayne State University School of Medicine Neurology Valdez 996861829 9078354811
Mervyn B Forman 1215027461 NA Cardiovascular disease (cardiology) Internal medicine Sitka 998357359 9079668761
Meshulam Plaves 1215947841 NA Psychologist clinical Anchorage 995084615 9075622211
Mia Addison Duncan 1134239262 Loma Linda University School of Medicine Urology Fairbanks Urology Fairbanks 997094873 9072380989
Mia Carlos Camaquin 1811541790 Other Nurse practitioner Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085922 9075632662
Micah W Willis 1659567832 Other Nurse practitioner Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085925 9072654955
Micah W Willis 1659567832 Other Nurse practitioner Southcentral Foundation Iliamna 99606 9075711818
Michael A Bakker 1902062631 Other Physician assistant Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085925 9072654955
Michael A Bakker 1902062631 Other Physician assistant Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Michael A Bakker 1902062631 Other Physician assistant Southcentral Foundation Tyonek 996829999 9075832461
Michael A Dibartolo 1316999808 Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Family medicine Mat-su Valley Iii Llc Palmer 996456952 9078611400
Michael A Dibartolo 1316999808 Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Family medicine Mat-su Valley Iii Llc Wasilla 996547172 9078640260
Michael A Dibartolo 1316999808 Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Family medicine Mat-su Valley Medical Center Llc Wasilla 996547184 9073522880
Michael A Gardyn 1205981867 NA Interventional pain management Physical medicine and rehabilitation Sitka 998359416 9079662411
Michael A Sheflo 1073977443 Western University of Health Sciences College of Dental Med Internal medicine NA Peacehealth Ketchikan 999015746 9072288300
Michael A Vigil 1144299264 Other General practice NA Ketchikan Indian Corporation Ketchikan 999015742 9072289200
Michael Andrew Farris CP 1215262092 NA Psychologist clinical Anchorage 995073449 9072794266
Michael B Lister 1215203914 NA Psychologist clinical Wrangell 999291231 9078743375
Michael B Stroud 1215928767 Baylor College of Medicine Dermatology Pathology Anchorage 995082998 [25]
Michael Blair 1780001727 Creighton University School of Medicine Physical therapy NA Tanana Chiefs Conference Fairbanks 997015926 9074516682
Michael Blair 1780001727 Creighton University School of Medicine Physical therapy NA Tanana Chiefs Conference Galena 99741 9076561366
Michael Blake 1588855803 University of New England College of Osteo Medicine Emergency medicine Central Peninsula General Hospital Inc Soldotna 996697559 9077144515
Michael Brendan Montano 1912132614 University of Connecticut School of Medicine Orthopedic surgery NA Pioneer Peak Orthopedics Llc Palmer 996457410 9077071671
Michael Bryan 1831271758 Other Physical therapy Adient Alaska Llc Fairbanks 997015937 9074554401
Michael C D'arienzo 1215024856 New York Chiropractic College Chiropractic Anchorage 995084372 9075629229
Michael C Diantonio 1528118163 Georgetown University School of Medicine Emergency medicine Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation Dillingham 99576 9.08E+13
Michael C Diantonio 1528118163 Georgetown University School of Medicine Emergency medicine Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation Koliganek 99576 9.08E+13
Michael C Diantonio 1528118163 Georgetown University School of Medicine Emergency medicine Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation South Aleknagik 99576 9.08E+13
Michael Corpuz 1215376348 NA Podiatry Anchorage 995151948 9073417757
Michael D Craig 1427429380 Other Physician assistant Orthoalaska Llc Anchorage 995085234 9075622277
Michael D Steward 1285156448 Other Nurse practitioner Maniilaq Association Ambler 997860110 9074452129
Michael D Steward 1285156448 Other Nurse practitioner Maniilaq Association Buckland 997270009 9074942122
Michael D Steward 1285156448 Other Nurse practitioner Maniilaq Association Deering 997360023 9073632137
Michael D Steward 1285156448 Other Nurse practitioner Maniilaq Association Kotzebue 997520043 9074423321
Michael D Swenson MD 1891761201 University of Minnesota Medical School Internal medicine Tanana Valley Clinic Llc Fairbanks 997014948 9074593500
Michael Darren Dyches 1821012154 Other Physician assistant Orthoalaska Llc Anchorage 995085234 9075622277
Michael Darren Dyches 1821012154 Other Physician assistant NA Select Physical Therapy Holdings Inc Anchorage 995152628 9075221088
Michael E Lamar 1871571984 Texas a & M University System Hsc College of Medicine Obstetrics/gynecology NA Tanana Chiefs Conference Fairbanks 997015926 9074516682
Michael E. Carley MD 1225053622 Albany Medical College of Union University Obstetrics/gynecology Central Peninsula General Hospital Inc Soldotna 996697559 9077144515
Michael Fitzgerald 1831191527 University of Tennessee Hsc College of Medicine Obstetrics/gynecology Providence Health And Services Washington Kodiak 996156602 9074863281
Michael G Azzam 1215258736 Saint Louis University School of Medicine Orthopedic surgery Sitka 998359416 9079662411
Michael G Mullowney 1578662391 Georgetown University School of Medicine Hospitalist Internal medicine Alaska Hospitalist Group Llc Anchorage 995082932 9073753355
Michael G Mullowney 1578662391 Georgetown University School of Medicine Hospitalist Internal medicine Alaska Hospitalist Group Llc Soldotna 996697559 9073753355
Michael H Fritsch 1215961743 University of Nebraska College of Medicine Otolaryngology Wasilla 996547108 9073572578
Michael H Vagts 1215223193 University of California Geffen School of Medicine Psychiatry Anchorage 995073449 9072794266
Michael Harvey 1215001565 NA Chiropractic Klukwan 998270690 9077675699
Michael J Andrews 1215381512 NA Physical medicine and rehabilitation Sitka 998359416 9079662411
Michael J Guice 1215944285 University of Illinois College of Med (Chi/peor/rock/chm-urb) General practice Homer 996037663 [26]
Michael J Mavencamp OD 1760541676 Pacific University - College of Optometry Optometry NA West Valley Vision Center Inc Fairbanks 997093420 9074794700
Michael J Mcdonnell 1033144639 University of Miami Lm Miller School of Medicine Diagnostic radiology Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085910 9075632662
Michael J Mcdonnell 1033144639 University of Miami Lm Miller School of Medicine Diagnostic radiology Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085925 9072654955
Michael J Mcdonnell 1033144639 University of Miami Lm Miller School of Medicine Diagnostic radiology Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Michael J Mellon DC 1215983036 National College of Chiropractic Chiropractic Fairbanks 997015907 9074585660
Michael J Nasenbeny 1578974119 University of Washington School of Medicine Family medicine Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085925 9072654955
Michael J Nasenbeny 1578974119 University of Washington School of Medicine Family medicine Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Michael J Oneill MD 1215943808 Creighton University School of Medicine Family medicine Fairbanks 997013464 [27]
Michael J Shumski 1215225370 Perelman School of Med at the University of Pennsylvania Ophthalmology Sitka 998359416 9079662411
Michael J Toman 1205978954 NA Physical therapy Anchorage 995084615 9075622211
Michael James Prejean MD 1215087887 NA Psychiatry Sitka 998359416 9079662411
Michael John Roylance 1023254935 Other Physician assistant NA Tanana Chiefs Conference Fairbanks 997015926 9074516682
Michael Krueger 1215588132 Logan College of Chiropractic Chiropractic Kenai 996119107 9072626454
Michael L Bailey DO 1215931639 University of North Texas Hsc College of Osteopathic Med Family medicine Emergency medicine Anchorage 995082967 [28]
Michael L Bailey DO 1215931639 University of North Texas Hsc College of Osteopathic Med Family medicine Emergency medicine Anchorage 995181408 9072762700
Michael L Blakey 1396953691 Other Psychologist clinical Greatland Mental Health Llc Anchorage 995033687 9079294009
Michael L Cahn MD 1215005459 NA General surgery Fairbanks 997095305 3606785151
Michael L Harris MD 1215964762 Temple University School of Medicine Ophthalmology Palmer 996456984 [29]
Michael L Schwalbe 1578981650 University of North Dakota School of Medicine Pathology Adl Inc Anchorage 995084615 9072615806
Michael L Smith 1942428354 Other Hospitalist Alaska Hospitalist Group Llc Anchorage 995082932 9073753355
Michael L Smith 1942428354 Other Hospitalist Alaska Hospitalist Group Llc Anchorage 995084615 9073753355
Michael Lyons 1215970595 Hahnemann University College of Medicine Family medicine Soldotna 996697540 9072626454
Michael M Cinader 1215919063 Palmer College Chiropractic - West Sunnyvale Chiropractic Fairbanks 997015942 [30]
Michael M Mraz MD 1629011218 University of Washington School of Medicine Hospitalist Internal medicine Alaska Hospitalist Group Llc Anchorage 995082932 9073753355
Michael N Nguyen 1215293410 University of California San Diego School of Medicine Anesthesiology Anchorage 995084673 9076468500
Michael P Cooper MD 1790947349 Michigan State University College of Human Medicine Family medicine Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085925 9072654955
Michael P Cooper MD 1790947349 Michigan State University College of Human Medicine Family medicine Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Michael P Holliday 1215052188 NA Physical therapy Anchorage 995084621 9072123420
Michael Perez MD 1215906078 NA Internal medicine Nephrology Fairbanks 997014948 9.07E+13
Michael Perez MD 1215906078 NA Internal medicine Nephrology Palmer 996456254 9077454357
Michael R Alexander MD 1124041645 Other Psychiatry Mat-su Valley Medical Center Llc Palmer 996458984 9078616000
Michael R Myers 1265718548 Other Physical therapy NA Myers Physical Therapy Llc Fairbanks 997013585 9073740225
Michael Reyes MD 1376559963 Perelman School of Med at the University of Pennsylvania Orthopedic surgery Central Peninsula General Hospital Inc Soldotna 996697559 9077144130
Michael Reyes MD 1376559963 Perelman School of Med at the University of Pennsylvania Orthopedic surgery Central Peninsula General Hospital Inc Soldotna 996697559 9077144515
Michael Ryan Meager 1215363619 NA Psychologist clinical Anchorage 995036647 9075612260
Michael S Johnson DC 1215913967 NA Chiropractic Fairbanks 997015907 9074585660
Michael T Mcclaskey DC 1639187065 Other Chiropractic Stanley Health Clinics Pc Wasilla 996547019 9073762600
Michael T Smith 1356468284 Washington University School of Medicine Diagnostic radiology NA Peacehealth Ketchikan 999015746 9072288300
Michael Todd Boling DO 1760491179 At Still University of Health Sciences College of Osteo Med Kirksville General surgery South Peninsula Hospital Inc Homer 996037005 9072358101
Michaela Deblauw 1760883953 Other Physician assistant Horizon Medical Inc Denali Park 99755 9076834433
Michaela Deblauw 1760883953 Other Physician assistant NA Tanana Chiefs Conference Fairbanks 997015926 9074516682
Michaela R Long CNA 1356446397 Other Certified registered nurse anesthetist (crna) Tanana Valley Clinic Llc Fairbanks 997014948 9074593500
Michaela R Long CNA 1356446397 Other Certified registered nurse anesthetist (crna) Tanana Valley Clinic Llc Fairbanks 997015907 9074593500
Michaela R Long CNA 1356446397 Other Certified registered nurse anesthetist (crna) NA Anesthesia Consultants Of Fairbanks Llc Fairbanks 997095305 9074587263
Michel Bordeau 1215324397 NA Clinical social worker Anchorage 995013607 9075699355
Michel E Nussbaum 1215917935 NA Internal medicine Gastroenterology Fairbanks 997015907 9074586450
Michele D Ofallon 1902877251 University of Arizona College of Medicine Internal medicine Alaska Internal Medicine And Pediatrics Llc Anchorage 995085391 9077707800
Michele R Aiken NP 1174556526 Other Nurse practitioner NA Polar Wind Medical Center Inc Fairbanks 997014055 9074579355
Michele Shoshana Bergen MD 1215929286 Rutgers New Jersey Medical School Maxillofacial surgery Anchorage 995035941 8886658828
Michelle A Tschida 1790016293 Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Certified nurse midwife (cnm) Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085925 9072654955
Michelle A Tschida 1790016293 Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Certified nurse midwife (cnm) Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Michelle Carrillo-massa 1215258256 NA Family medicine General practice Sitka 998359416 9079662411
Michelle Castellanos martin 1215243621 NA Internal medicine Sitka 998359416 9079662411
Michelle E Lacey 1487846960 Other Physical therapy Orthoalaska Llc Wasilla 996547474 9073572267
Michelle Fuller Harris 1215453121 NA Clinical social worker Anchorage 995084673 9076468500
Michelle Hennessey 1639132517 Other Physical therapy Back In Action Physical Therapy Llc Wasilla 996547114 9073737246
Michelle K Keagle 1043323512 Other Physician assistant Yukon-kuskokwim Health Corporation Bethel 995590287 9075436216
Michelle L Drake 1083845770 Other Physical therapy Chugach Physical Therapy Inc Anchorage 995084141 9077433333
Michelle L Stratton 1588050926 Other Nurse practitioner Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Michelle Lynn Marshall 1215319769 NA Nurse practitioner Anchorage 995073449 9072794266
Michelle Nichole Bonnet 1215467261 Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine Psychiatry Anchorage 995085321 9075631000
Michelle P Drollinger 1073984548 Other Physician assistant Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Michelle R Dallas 1821482506 Other Nurse practitioner Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085922 9075632662
Michelle R Hensel MD 1154434298 University of Washington School of Medicine Family medicine Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085922 9075632662
Michelle R Hensel MD 1154434298 University of Washington School of Medicine Family medicine Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Michelle Y Leal 1215050638 NA Optometry Wrangell 999292133 9078744700
Migel Kay Hadley 1518309020 Other Nurse practitioner NA Womens Care Of Alaska Pc Anchorage 995082961 9072792273
Miguel A Andujar MD 1215016159 NA General practice Fairbanks 997015907 9074528181
Mikayla Desoto 1720638737 Other Physician assistant Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085925 9072654955
Mikayla Desoto 1720638737 Other Physician assistant Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Mikhael D Rosenberg 1215239397 NA Physical therapy Sitka 998359416 9079662411
Mikhail Glasionov 1326037896 Other Anesthesiology Denali Anesthesia P.c. Anchorage 995082932 9072761257
Mildred M Vandergon 1144564949 Other Physical therapy Ascension Physical Therapy Llc Anchorage 995072098 9077706693
Milena Georgieva kazakov 1215090063 NA Clinical social worker Sitka 998359416 9079662411
Milton Haber 1205983202 NA Internal medicine Juneau 998017863 [tel: 9077968768 9077968768]
Milton P Ehrlich CP 1215901251 NA Psychologist clinical Anchorage 995037459 [31]
Milton Wright DO 1790842805 Other Osteopathic manipulative medicine Family medicine Tanana Valley Clinic Llc Fairbanks 997014189 9074582619
Milton Wright DO 1790842805 Other Osteopathic manipulative medicine Family medicine Tanana Valley Clinic Llc Fairbanks 997014948 9074593500
Mindona I Billings 1255764163 Other Nurse practitioner NA Tanana Chiefs Conference Fairbanks 997015926 9074516682
Mindy L Treybal 1336389360 Kansas City University of Physicians and Surgeons Family medicine Tanana Valley Clinic Llc Fairbanks 997014948 9074593500
Minhe Kim 1861811580 University of Washington School of Medicine Anesthesiology Providence Anchorage Anesthesia Medical Group Pc Anchorage 995084620 9075610005
Miranda D Knight-brown 1063770212 University of Minnesota Medical School Obstetrics/gynecology Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085925 9072654955
Miranda D Knight-brown 1063770212 University of Minnesota Medical School Obstetrics/gynecology Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Miranda E Marsh 1700212313 Other Certified registered nurse anesthetist (crna) South Peninsula Hospital Inc Homer 996037005 9072358101
Mireily Rivera rosado 1215193735 NA Obstetrics/gynecology Anchorage 995084372 9075629229
Miriam A Bunton CSW 1215927041 NA Clinical social worker Anchorage 995033979 [32]
Mitchell F Horan MD 1952388449 University of Nebraska College of Medicine Family medicine Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation Dillingham 99576 9.08E+13
Mitchell F Horan MD 1952388449 University of Nebraska College of Medicine Family medicine Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation Koliganek 99576 9.08E+13
Mitchell F Horan MD 1952388449 University of Nebraska College of Medicine Family medicine Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation South Aleknagik 99576 9.08E+13
Mitchell J Henry MD 1215927181 University of Nebraska College of Medicine Plastic and reconstructive surgery Maxillofacial surgery Tatitlek 996770134 9073252235
Mitchell L Huebner MD 1215938071 University of Texas Southwestern Medical School at Dallas Internal medicine Fairbanks 997013168 [33]
Mitchell L Huebner MD 1215938071 University of Texas Southwestern Medical School at Dallas Internal medicine Juneau 998018097 9077909600
Modupe M Okonofua 1215325535 NA Nurse practitioner Anchorage 995036647 9075612260
Mohamad B Haffar MD 1205995701 NA Gastroenterology Internal medicine Anchorage 995084615 9075622211
Mohammad I Uddin 1215959762 NA Physical medicine and rehabilitation Anchorage 995084615 9075622211
Mohammad Wasim Niazi MD 1215911433 NA Neurology Kenai 996117786 9072622596
Mohammed A Jayber 1215914759 Des Moines University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences Family medicine Juneau 998017800 [34]
Mohammed M Rahman MD 1215971262 NA Internal medicine Emergency medicine Fairbanks 997015907 9074586450
Mojde Bahremand 1215281944 New England College of Optometry Optometry Anchorage 995036647 9075612260
Moksha Bode 1568018158 Other Nurse practitioner State Of Alaska Department Of Administration Anchorage 995084665 9072697100
Moline J Blanc 1215306998 NA Physician assistant Sitka 998359416 9079662411
Molly A Duffy 1205459252 Other Nurse practitioner Alaska Heart Institute Anchorage 995084674 9075613211
Molly A Duffy 1205459252 Other Nurse practitioner Alaska Heart Institute Anchorage 995086813 9075613211
Molly Hutsinpiller MD 1508834474 University of Utah School of Medicine Emergency medicine NA Tanana Chiefs Conference Fairbanks 997015926 9074516682
Molly J Bartel 1134302144 Other Physician assistant Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085925 9072654955
Molly J Bartel 1134302144 Other Physician assistant Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Molly M Reque 1588147250 Other Physician assistant Anchorage Neurosurgical Associates Inc Anchorage 995084635 9072586999
Monica A Wright 1144616368 University of Washington School of Medicine Family medicine City Of Seward Seward 996640365 9072245205
Monica A Wright 1144616368 University of Washington School of Medicine Family medicine NA Select Physical Therapy Holdings Inc Anchorage 995152628 9075221088
Monica Holloway Perez-verdia 1508316324 Other Nurse practitioner Identity Inc Anchorage 995032701 9078653247
Monica M Egozcue dionisi 1215185343 NA Pulmonary disease Internal medicine Anchorage 995084615 9075622211
Monica Q Nguyen 1215964358 University of Houston - College of Optometry Optometry Anchorage 995024251 [35]
Monika H Groff 1215959390 Pennsylvania College of Optometry Optometry Anchorage 995082974 9072793155
Monika Karazja 1801206578 Other Psychiatry NA Bartlett Regional Hospital Juneau 998017808 9077968435
Monique Dase Smith 1174796247 Morehouse School of Medicine Psychiatry Tanana Valley Clinic Llc Fairbanks 997014948 9074593500
Morgan B Liddell 1396003455 Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine Psychiatry NA Tanana Chiefs Conference Fairbanks 997015926 9074516682
Morgan D Jones CNM 1427093772 Other Certified nurse midwife (cnm) Maniilaq Association Kotzebue 997520043 9074423321
Morgan L Hines 1215315064 University of Texas Medical School at Houston Family medicine NA Norton Sound Health Corporation Nome 997620966 9074433311
Morgan R Iwema 1982218616 Other Physician assistant Cross Road Health Ministries Inc Glennallen 99588 9078223203
Morgan Taylor Noad 1649808221 Other Physician assistant Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085925 9072654955
Morgan Taylor Noad 1649808221 Other Physician assistant Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Morris J l Stambler 1215971544 NA Psychiatry Anchorage 995036643 9075633839
Mosaes Buchanan 1588951321 Other Certified registered nurse anesthetist (crna) Denali Anesthesia P.c. Anchorage 995082932 9072761257
Muhammad Ashraf 1679912000 University of Washington School of Medicine Anesthesiology Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage 995085926 9075632662
Muhammad K Ahmed MD 1457316051 Other Endocrinology Tanana Valley Clinic Llc Fairbanks 997014948 9074593500
Muneer J Desai MD 1376516021 Other Diagnostic radiology Fairbanks Medical Imaging Llc Fairbanks 997095305 3604246161
Muneer J Desai MD 1376516021 Other Diagnostic radiology North Star Medical Imaging Pllc Soldotna 996697559 [36]
Muneer J Desai MD 1376516021 Other Diagnostic radiology North Star Medical Imaging Pllc Soldotna 996697835 9074596561
Muneer J Desai MD 1376516021 Other Diagnostic radiology Skagit Radiology Inc Ps Soldotna 996697559 3604246161
Muneer J Desai MD 1376516021 Other Diagnostic radiology Skagit Radiology Inc Ps Soldotna 996697835 3604246161
Muneer J Desai MD 1376516021 Other Diagnostic radiology NA Bellingham Advanced Medical Imaging Llc Soldotna 996697559 [37]
Murad Y Yunusov 1194992115 Other Internal medicine Anchorage Inpatient Services Llc Anchorage 995082932 9732511132
Musaberk Goksel MD 1174576490 Other Hematology/oncology Katmai Oncology Group Llc Anchorage 995086904 9075620321
Myanandi Than 1356426522 University of Miami Lm Miller School of Medicine Family medicine NA Family Practice Physicians Inc Juneau 998017808 9077893418
Myanandi Than 1356426522 University of Miami Lm Miller School of Medicine Family medicine NA Family Practice Physicians Inc Juneau 998018565 9077893418
Mykaela D Stuart 1457879140 University of Washington School of Medicine Physician assistant NA Tanana Chiefs Conference Fairbanks 997015926 9074516682
Myra Fischman 1215947726 University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine Clinical social worker Anchorage 995084608 9072221714

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Contributors: Dr.T