Comprehensive dictionary of government
The Dictionary of Government is a comprehensive resource that serves as an authoritative guide to the terminology, institutions, and processes that underpin the structure and function of government. This dynamic repository is designed for students, educators, professionals, and civic-minded individuals who seek to enhance their understanding of governmental systems.
Purpose and Scope
The purpose of this dictionary is to offer concise, accurate definitions and explanations of key concepts that form the bedrock of governmental studies. It spans various branches of government, political ideologies, legal frameworks, and administrative processes, providing a panoramic view of the vast landscape of public administration and policy-making.
Utilizing the Dictionary
Readers are encouraged to navigate through the dictionary by selecting terms from the alphabetized index. Each entry is not merely a definition but a gateway to a deeper understanding of government. The dictionary is formatted to foster an interactive learning experience with internal links to related topics, promoting a comprehensive educational journey.
- Antarctic Convergence
- Antarctic marine living resources
- Automated Directives System
- COOP personnel
- Central Index System
- Cognizant Security Authority
- Command Post Exercise
- Component Intelligence Program
- Continuity of Government Readiness Conditions System
- Counterterrorism Security Group
- DHS Information Sharing Environment
- DHS Intelligence Enterprise
- DHS National Operations Center
- DHS Operational Component
- DHS Support Component
- DHS mission area
- DHS strategic plan
- Defense Coordinating Officer
- Department of Defense Intelligence Information System
- Department of Defense information network operations
- Department of Defense information network
- Department of Defense support to counterdrug operations
- Department of Homeland Security Intelligence Enterprise
- Disaster Response Registry
- Domestic Director of National Intelligence Representative
- Domestic Nuclear Detection Office
- Emergency Public Information
- Emergency Support Function Annexes
- Emergency Support Function Coordinator
- Emergency Support Function Primary Agency
- Emergency Support Function Support Agency
- FOREIGN SUPPORT – STABILIZATION AND SECURITY ASSISTANCE – Includes terms related to fragility, defense and governance, counterterrorism, counter violent extremism, law enforcement, peace keeping operations, atrocity prevention, civil-military coordination and transition.
- Federal Bureau of Investigation Network
- Federal Coordinating Officer
- Federal Emergency Management Agency Regional Offices
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Federal Resource Coordinator
- Federal lands
- Federal trust species
- Foreign Disclosure and Release Officer
- Free-flowing
- Fusion Center
- General Staff
- Global Command-and-Control System
- Government Emergency Telecommunications Service
- Governor’s authorized representative
- Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
- Homeland Secure Data Network
- Homeland Security Council
- Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program
- Homeland Security Information Network Intelligence Community of Interest
- Homeland Security Information Network
- Homeland Security Intelligence Council
- Homeland Security Standing Information Needs
- Hurricane Liaison Team
- Incident Action Plan
- Incident Command Post
- Incident Command System
- Incident Command
- Incident Commander
- Incident Management Assistance Team
- Incident Management Team
- Incident management
- Indian land
- Indian lands
- Indian tribe
- Information Sharing and Safeguarding Governance Board
- Insider Threat Operations Center
- Interoperability
- Joint After-Action Report
- Joint Doctrine
- Joint Event Life Cycle
- Joint Exercise Control Group
- Joint Field Office
- Joint Force Maritime Component Commander
- Joint Mission-Essential Task List
- Joint Mission-Essential Task
- Joint Quarterly Readiness Review
- Joint Task Force Commander
- Joint Task Force
- Joint Terrorism Task Force
- Maritime Operations Center
- Master Training Guide
- Military Advisor’s office
- Military Liaison Team
- Mission Training Assessment
- Mobile Emergency Response Support
- Multiagency Coordination Group
- Multiagency Coordination System(s)
- Multinational Exercise
- Multinational Force and Observers
- Multinational Force
- Munroe effect
- National Counterterrorism Center
- National Crime Information Center
- National Disaster Medical System
- National Exercise Program
- National Incident Management System
- National Information Exchange Model
- National Infrastructure Coordinating Center
- National Infrastructure Protection Plan
- National Joint Terrorism Task Force
- National Military Command Center
- National Operations Center
- National Preparedness Guidelines
- National Preparedness Vision
- National Protection and Programs Directorate
- National Response Coordination Center
- National Response Framework
- National Security Council
- National Security System
- National Special Security Event
- National Terrorism Advisory System management office
- National Terrorism Advisory System
- National Urban Search and Rescue Response System
- National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster
- P5+1 countries
- Principal Federal Official
- Public Information Officer
- Regional Response Coordination Centers
- Rome Statute
- Sector Command Center
- Sector Coordinating Council
- Sector-Specific Agency
- Secure Internet Protocol Router Network
- Senior Accountable Official Directive System
- Senior Agency Official Classified Information
- Sensitive But Unclassified information
- Sensitive Compartmented Information Operational Network
- Special Security Officer
- Special Security Representative
- Special event
- Stability, Security, Transition, and Reconstruction Operations
- Stafford Act
- State Coordinating Officer
- State Emergency Management Agency Director
- State Homeland Security Advisor
- State and Major Urban Area Fusion Center
- Stop Tuberculosis Partnership
- Stop Tuberculosis Strategy
- Strategic Guidance Statement and Strategic Plan
- Strategic Information and Operations Center
- Strategic Petroleum Reserve
- T Visa
- T-nonimmigrant status
- Targeted Violence Information Sharing System
- Technical Surveillance Countermeasure Program Manager
- Technical Surveillance Countermeasure Technician
- Technical Surveillance Countermeasures Program
- Transportation Security Administration
- U Visa
- U-nonimmigrant status
- U.S. Customs and Border Protection personnel
- U.S. Forces
- U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement personnel
- Unified Area Command
- Unified Command
- Unified Coordination Group
- United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
- United States Coast Guard
- United States Customs and Border Protection
- United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement
- United States Secret Service
- United States assistance- (A) any assistance under this Act, other than
- United States assistance
- United States border officer
- United States maritime domain
- United States of America geographical
- United States person information
- United States person
- United States
- Universal Task List
- Urban Search and Rescue Task Forces
- VA health care facility
- Violence Against Women Act cancellation of removal
- Violence Against Women Act self petitioner
- Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response Team
- World Bank
- aboveground storage tank
- absolute risk unmitigated
- absolute risk
- acceptable risk
- access and functional need accommodation
- access information
- accident
- accidental hazard
- act of God
- act of international terrorism
- act of piracy
- act of terrorism
- act of war
- activity cycle
- adaptation strategy
- adaptive ecosystem management
- adaptive risk
- adequate security
- administrative control
- advanced readiness contracting
- adversary
- adverse event
- affiliated persons
- affordable readiness
- after-action review
- agency
- agent
- aggrieved person
- agricultural biosecurity
- agricultural disease emergency
- agricultural operation
- agroterrorist act
- air domain awareness
- air domain
- air dropped bomb
- air-borne improvised explosive device
- alien
- all crimes
- all hazards
- all-hazards approach
- all-hazards
- all-source intelligence
- allotment management plan
- alluvial valley floors
- ammonium nitrate facility
- ammonium nitrate purchaser
- ammonium nitrate
- animal rights extremist
- animal-borne improvised explosive device
- annexes
- annunciator
- anti-abortion extremist
- anti-aircraft improvised explosive device incident
- anti-aircraft improvised explosive device
- anti-armor improvised explosive device incident
- anti-armor improvised explosive device
- anti-disturbance/ movement switch
- anti-first responder improvised explosive device
- anti-government extremist
- anti-infrastructure improvised explosive device incident
- anti-infrastructure improvised explosive device
- anti-maritime improvised explosive device
- anti-personnel improvised explosive device
- anti-vehicle improvised explosive device incident
- anti-vehicle improvised explosive device
- antiterrorism
- apprehend
- aquaculture facility
- aquaculture
- aquatic nuisance species
- aquatic resource education program
- aquatic species
- area command
- area of operations
- area of responsibility
- areas of critical environmental concern
- armed force or group
- arming switch
- arrival
- assessment message
- assessment
- assignment
- assistance
- assumption
- assured access
- asylee
- asylum and refugee information
- asylum officer
- atomic energy
- atomic weapon
- attack geography
- attack method
- attack path
- attack the network operations
- authorized person classified information
- authorized
- authorizing official special access program
- automatic declassification
- aviation stakeholders
- background investigation
- background review
- backstop
- bank or World Bank
- barge removal contractor
- barge
- barometric sensor
- base floodplain
- baseline level of protection
- baseline risk
- behavioral health aftercare
- beneficiary country
- beneficiary developing country
- benefitting species
- bio-toxin
- biofuel
- biological hazard
- biosurveillance
- bioterrorism
- blacklisting
- blasting accessory
- blasting agent
- blasting cap/ detonator
- booby trap
- border crosser
- border crossing identification card
- building partnership capacity
- bulk explosive
- burial site
- buried line sensor fiber-optic cable
- buried line sensor magnetic field
- buried line sensor ported coaxial cable
- buried line sensor pressure/ seismic
- business continuity planning
- business development services
- business operations
- business/ operational risk
- cache improvised explosive device incident
- cache
- calendar of events
- canal structure
- canine inspection
- capability gap
- capability overlap
- capability redundancy
- capacity building and advocacy activities
- capacity building
- capital improvement
- career law enforcement officer
- cargo scanning
- cargo
- cast explosive
- catastrophic emergency
- catastrophic event
- catastrophic incident
- cave resource
- cave
- certification and accreditation
- chain of command
- chemical agent and munition
- chemical agent
- chemical facility of interest
- chemical hazard
- chemical improvised explosive device enhancement
- chemical timing switch
- chemical weapon
- chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear consequence management
- chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear defense
- chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear environment
- chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear hazard
- chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear incident
- child labor
- child neglect
- children at risk
- citizen corps
- citizen of the United States
- civil affairs operations
- civil affairs
- civil authorities
- civil emergency
- civil search and rescue
- civil unrest
- civil-military cooperation
- civil-military medicine
- civil-military operations
- civilian internee
- civilian-military
- clandestine operation
- clandestine physical access
- classified document
- classified information access
- classified information
- classified national security information
- cleanup cost
- clearing operation
- climate change
- close call
- closed enforcement action
- closure action
- co-utilization agreement
- coal mine
- coal
- coast line
- coastal environment
- coastal fishery management plan
- coastal fishery resource
- code word
- cogeneration facility
- collect and detect
- collection management plan
- collection strategy
- collection
- combatant command (command authority)
- combatant command joint training schedule
- combatant command
- combating terrorism
- combined
- command activating switch
- command center
- command projectile switch
- command pull improvised explosive device
- command relationships
- command staff
- command wire improvised explosive device
- commandant
- commander's summary report
- commerce
- commercial chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear improvised explosive device enhancement
- commercial service
- commissioner
- commodity
- common operating picture
- common operational picture
- communicable disease
- complex catastrophe
- complex emergency
- complex operation
- comprehensive information technology network architecture
- comprehensive preparedness guide 101
- concealment vessel
- concept of operations
- concept plan
- confidential source
- confinement vessel
- conflict prevention
- conflict response
- conflict transformation
- consequence assessment
- consequence
- conservation activities
- conservation
- consideration
- consular officer
- container security device
- contamination
- contingency basing
- contingency contract
- contingency operation
- contingency planning
- contingency/ incident personnel
- contingency
- contingent liability
- continuity capability
- continuity facility
- continuity of government
- continuity of operations plan
- continuity of operations
- continuity personnel
- continuity
- continuous evaluation security
- contract
- controlled unclassified information
- conviction
- coordinate
- coordinating authority
- coral reef ecosystem
- coral reef
- coral
- corporation
- corrective actions
- corrosive timing switch
- counterdrug activities
- counterdrug operations
- counterdrug
- counterespionage
- countering violent extremism
- countering weapons of mass destruction
- counterinsurgency
- counterinsurgency – efforts to defeat organized movements that seek to overthrow the duly constituted Governments of Pakistan and Afghanistan through violent means. DOS
- counterintelligence activities
- counterintelligence operations
- counterintelligence referral
- counterintelligence
- countermeasure or product
- countermeasure
- countermeasures
- countermobility operations
- counterproliferation
- countersurveillance
- counterterrorism
- country of birth
- country of chargeability
- country of citizenship
- country of former allegiance
- country of last residence
- country where you live
- country
- court ordered environmental impact statement
- covered Federal agency
- covered activity
- covered chemical facility
- covered communication
- covered countermeasure or covered countermeasure against smallpox
- covered countermeasure
- covered entity
- covert action
- covert operation
- credentialed and credentialing
- credentialing
- credible fear of persecution
- criminal improvised explosive device incident
- crisis action planning
- critical action floodplain
- critical asset
- critical capability
- critical component
- critical electric infrastructure information
- critical electric infrastructure
- critical event
- critical infrastructure protection program
- critical infrastructure sectors
- critical infrastructure
- critical operational issue
- critical planning assumption
- critical program information
- critical sector
- critical sensitive position
- critical services
- critical water supply needs
- criticality assessment
- criticality
- cross functional team
- crude oil tanker
- crude oil
- crush wire switch
- cultural affiliation
- cultural items
- cultural patrimony
- customs waters
- cyber incident
- cyber security
- cyber threat indicator
- cybersecurity category
- cybersecurity purpose
- cybersecurity threat
- cybersecurity violation
- cybersecurity
- cyberspace operations
- cyberspace
- daisy chain improvised explosive device
- damages
- data and information risk
- data mining person
- data model
- declared event
- decontamination
- deep seabed
- deep-draft harbor
- defense critical electric infrastructure
- defense critical infrastructure
- defense support of civil authorities
- defensive measure
- deliberate planning
- demilitarization
- demobilization
- denial of eligibility for access to National Security Information
- departmental intelligence function
- departmental intelligence
- deportable alien
- deportation
- depreciated actual cost
- derivative classification
- design-basis threat
- detainee operations
- detection technology
- deterrence
- deterrent
- developed countries
- developed
- developing country
- development assistance
- development objective
- development unit
- development
- diplomatic visa
- direct action
- direct consequence
- directional effect charge
- directive DHS Directives System
- disaster area
- disaster assistance response team
- disaster county
- disaster or emergency
- disaster recovery center
- disaster recovery plan
- discharge
- disclosure
- discovery clandestine surveillance
- displaced adult
- displaced child
- displaced person
- displacement switch
- disruptive event
- disseminate and communicate
- dissemination matrix
- distressed person
- distribution utility
- district
- disturbance trigger
- diverting environmental sustainability
- division of a project
- division
- documented vessel
- domestic article
- domestic counterterrorism
- domestic emergencies
- domestic readiness group
- domestic terrorism
- domestic voyage
- dual diagnosis
- dual tone multi frequency improvised explosive device- (See
- dual use research area of concern initial review life sciences
- dual use research of concern life sciences
- dual use research of concern technical review life sciences
- duty to warn
- dynamite
- economic assistance
- economic benefit of the overloading
- economic consequence
- efficiency measures
- electric cooperative
- electric initiator
- electromagnetic pulse
- electromagnetic spectrum
- electronic and information technology
- electronic initiator
- electronic surveillance
- electronic timing switch
- elephant
- elevated improvised explosive device
- eligibility determination security
- eligible export vessel
- eligible land
- eligible migrant
- eligible solar, wind, waste or geothermal facility
- eligible tribal consortium
- emergency action
- emergency change IT service
- emergency change advisory board
- emergency management assistance compact
- emergency management system
- emergency management
- emergency manager
- emergency medical condition
- emergency medical services training education advisory council
- emergency medical services
- emergency operating record
- emergency operations center
- emergency personnel
- emergency plan
- emergency preparedness
- emergency response providers
- emergency services sector
- emergency support functions
- emergency work
- emergency
- emerging issues
- enabling clause
- endemic
- endorsing or espousing terrorism
- enforcement action
- enforcement operation under chapter VII of the charter of the United Nations
- enter/ entry
- environment and social threat
- environment of operation
- environment
- environmental condition
- environmental planning and historic preservation decision support system
- environmental planning and historic preservation document
- environmental planning and historic preservation program manager
- environmental planning and historic preservation requirements
- environmental planning and historic preservation
- environmental rights extremist
- epidemic
- escalation
- especially hazardous cargo
- essential functions
- essential operating record
- essential personnel
- essential service provider
- essential vessel
- estimated net explosives weight
- evacuation
- evacuee
- evade and evasion
- evaluation
- evasion
- event signature development/ device profiling
- event tree
- event
- examine
- exceptional circumstances
- exceptional resource
- excess defense articles
- exercise incident
- exercise specifications
- exercise-directing staff
- exercise
- exigent circumstances
- existing dam
- expedited approval facility
- exploding bridge wire initiator
- exploitation
- exploration
- explosion
- explosive compounds
- explosive train
- explosive weapon
- explosively formed projectile charge
- explosives detection canine team
- extraordinary circumstances – circumstances in which: (i) suspension of an investigation will be more beneficial to the domestic industry than continuation of the investigation, and (ii) the investigation is DHS
- extraordinary operation and maintenance work
- facilitator extremism, terrorism
- facility security level
- fair information practice principles
- false improvised explosive device incident
- feasibility assessment
- feasibility risk
- feasibility
- federal assets
- federal coordinating officer
- federal emergency response official
- federal resource allocation criteria policy
- federally declared disaster
- federally-owned corporation
- female genital mutilation
- file plan
- financial crimes enforcement network project gateway
- find improvised explosive device incident
- finished intelligence
- finishing action
- firefighter
- firing switch
- first responder care
- first responder
- fish processing vessel
- fish tender vessel
- fish
- fishing vessel
- flame fougasse improvised explosive device enhancement
- flood hazards
- flood
- floodplain management
- floodplain
- food and nutrition security
- food security
- foodborne illness outbreak
- for official use only
- force protection
- forced labor
- foreign agent
- foreign article
- foreign assistance
- foreign country
- foreign disaster relief
- foreign disaster
- foreign disclosure
- foreign entity
- foreign humanitarian assistance
- foreign information release
- foreign instrumentality
- foreign intelligence entity
- foreign intelligence information
- foreign intelligence service
- foreign intelligence
- foreign internal defense
- foreign military sales
- foreign nation support
- foreign national client
- foreign national in the United States
- foreign power
- foreign private sector entity
- foreign state
- foreign terrorist organization
- foreign travel
- foreign vessel
- formation
- former beneficiary country
- found/ cleared improvised explosive device
- fragmentation improvised explosive device enhancement
- freeboard
- freight rail
- frequentist probability
- friendly force information
- frontline employee
- fuel improvised explosive device enhancement
- fuel oxidizer explosive mixture
- full cost
- full operating capability
- function
- fuse and analyze
- fusion center performance program
- fusion center
- fusion liaison officer
- fusion process
- general framework of regional development
- genocide
- geochemical surveys
- geological surveys
- geomagnetic storm
- geophysical surveys
- geospatial information
- geospatial metadata
- geospatial technology
- global air Domain community of Interest
- global fund
- global health security
- global maritime community of interest
- global maritime situational awareness
- global terrorism
- governance
- governing factors
- government dam
- government special access program security officer
- grantees and lessees
- grazing permit and lease
- great ape
- grid security emergency
- gross violations of internationally recognized human rights
- group
- habitat enhancement
- habitat establishment
- habitat improvement
- habitat restoration
- hard mineral resource
- hazard reduction
- hazard
- hazardous cargo
- hazardous chemical or material
- hazardous materials
- hazardous substance
- hazardous waste generator
- hazardous waste
- health care provider
- health engagement
- heat initiator
- high explosive
- high interest conveyance
- high potential historic sites
- high potential route segments
- high risk country
- high risk position
- high-consequence target
- high-level radioactive waste
- hoax improvised explosive device incident
- holder
- homegrown violent extremist
- homeland United States
- homeland defense activity
- homeland defense
- homeland security enterprise architecture
- homeland security enterprise
- homeland security grant
- homeland security information
- homeland security intelligence priorities framework
- homeland security intelligence
- homeland security missions
- homeland security-relevant information
- homeland security
- homemade chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear improvised explosive device enhancement
- homemade explosive
- hospital facilities
- hospital
- host-nation support
- hostage rescue
- hostage-Taking
- hostage-taking
- hostile act
- hostile intent
- human consequence
- human environment
- human intelligence
- human tip
- humanitarian and civic assistance
- humanitarian assistance coordination center
- humanitarian assistance
- humanitarian demining assistance
- humanitarian mine action
- humanitarian operations center
- humanitarian or peacekeeping operation
- hunger strike
- hydrostatic switch
- identity intelligence
- ignitor
- immediate response authority
- immediate response
- immigrant visa
- immigrant
- immigration benefit application
- immigration judge
- immigration laws
- immigration officer
- imminent danger to the health and safety of the public
- imminent danger
- imminent hazard
- improvised claymore
- improvised explosive device associated components
- improvised explosive device container
- improvised explosive device enhancement
- improvised explosive device explosion incident
- improvised explosive device incident atmospherics
- improvised explosive device incident geometry
- improvised explosive device intended outcome
- improvised explosive device main charge
- improvised explosive device post blast analysis
- improvised explosive device power source
- improvised explosive device related incident
- improvised explosive device sourcing
- improvised explosive device tactical characterization
- improvised explosive device tactical design
- improvised explosive device technical categorization
- improvised explosive device
- improvised grenade
- improvised mortar
- improvised rocket
- improvised weapons
- in/ on improvised explosive device emplacement
- inadmissible alien
- incendiary
- incident Objectives
- incident annexes
- incident driven activity
- incident environmental condition
- incident management
- incident record IT service
- incident
- indicator
- indigenous populations and institutions
- industrial development agency
- industrial security
- ineligible to citizenship
- informant
- information access clearance
- information assurance
- information classification
- information control
- information integrity
- information need intelligence
- information operations intelligence integration
- information operations
- information safeguarding
- information security operation
- information security
- information sharing environment
- information sharing
- infraGard
- infrastructure liaison
- infrastructure
- inholding
- initial operating capability
- initial operational capability
- initial operational test and evaluation
- initial response force
- initial summary employee performance rating
- insider threat detection activity
- insider threat oversight group
- insider threat program manager
- insider threat response activity
- insider threat
- insider
- inspect
- inspection
- instruments of national power
- insurgency
- integrated border enforcement team
- integrated financial operations
- integrated military forces
- integrated planning
- integrated risk management
- integrated security managements systems
- integrated staff
- integrity information
- intelligence activities
- intelligence activity
- intelligence agency
- intelligence analyst
- intelligence and analysis Regional Director
- intelligence and analysis field personnel
- intelligence and analysis product
- intelligence and analysis production plan
- intelligence and analysis use
- intelligence and analysis
- intelligence assessment
- intelligence collection requirement
- intelligence community
- intelligence component of the Department
- intelligence information report reporter
- intelligence information report
- intelligence information sharing environment
- intelligence information
- intelligence operations
- intelligence originator
- intelligence personnel
- intelligence product
- intelligence questions
- intelligence special access program
- intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance visualization
- intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance
- intelligence-led policing
- intelligence-related activities
- intelligence/ investigations
- intelligence
- intelligent transportation infrastructure
- intended victim
- intentional hazard
- intentional killing
- interagency coordination
- interdiction
- intergovernmental organization
- intermediary country
- intermediate military objective
- internal security
- internally displaced person
- international agreement
- international chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear response
- international cyber criminal
- international marriage broker
- international military education and training
- international organization
- international terrorism
- internationally recognized core labor standards
- interoperability
- intervention
- intrusion assessments
- irregular warfare
- irrigation block
- irrigation water
- ivory producing country
- joint exercise
- joint harbor operations center
- joint information center
- joint information system
- joint operations center
- joint regional strategies
- joint task force
- joint training
- joint worldwide intelligence communications system
- joint
- jurisdiction
- jurisdictional agency
- key intelligence official
- kidnapping
- land domain awareness
- landholding
- large vehicle-borne improvised explosive device
- law enforcement activity
- law enforcement agency
- law enforcement intelligence
- law enforcement officer position
- law enforcement officer
- law enforcement online
- law enforcement personnel
- law enforcement sensitive
- law of war
- lawful permanent resident
- lawfully admitted for permanent residence
- leased
- least developed country
- legitimate law enforcement purpose
- lesson learned
- letter of offer and acceptance
- letter of request
- levee feature
- levee system
- levee
- level of protection
- level of risk
- liaison officer
- light bulb/ flash bulb initiator
- light sensitive trigger
- likelihood statistical
- likelihood
- limited recipient
- liquid explosive
- load-serving entity
- local government
- logistics section- (1) Incident Command
- logistics
- lone offender
- long-term recovery
- loss
- low explosive
- low-income migrant or seasonal farmworker
- low-visibility operations
- lower-risk traveler
- magnetic attachment improvised explosive device employment
- magnetic contact
- magnetic trigger
- major disaster
- major event
- major hazard
- major incident IT service
- major information system
- malicious cyber command and control
- malicious reconnaissance
- man-made disaster
- marine environment
- marine transportation system
- maritime area of interest
- maritime domain awareness
- maritime domain
- maritime security level
- maritime security operations
- mass atrocity response operations
- mass casualty
- mass killings
- mechanical energy source
- mechanical timing switch
- medical civil-military operations
- medical countermeasures
- medical facility
- medical services
- medical surge
- medical surveillance
- membrane switch
- method of emplacement
- method of improvised explosive device identification
- migrant
- military chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear improvised explosive device enhancement
- military departments
- military engagement
- military explosive
- military government
- military occupation
- military operations
- military treatment facility
- military-to-military contacts
- military-unique capabilities
- militia extremist
- mine
- miner
- mineral resources
- minimum safe freeboard
- missile
- mission activity
- mission area
- mission assignment
- mission assurance
- mission capability
- mission consequence
- mission critical personnel
- mission essential function
- mission essential functions
- mission need statement
- mission need
- mission support services
- mission-essential infrastructure
- mission
- mitigation measure
- mitigation
- mobile health station
- mobile offshore drilling unit
- mobilization
- moderate risk position
- modern shipbuilding technology
- modular component health care facility
- monitor
- monitoring station
- monitoring
- mortar munition
- motor vessel
- multihazard advisory map
- multijurisdictional incident
- multiple use
- mutual aid and assistance agreement
- named storm
- national continuity coordinator
- national counterintelligence executive
- national defense strategy
- national defense
- national development strategy
- national emergency
- national essential function
- national essential functions
- national health security
- national intelligence estimate
- national intelligence function
- national intelligence
- national network of fusion centers
- national planning scenarios
- national preparedness
- national security official
- national security purpose
- national security
- national special security event
- national system for geospatial intelligence
- national transportation security incident
- national vessel movement center
- national virtual pointer system
- national-level risk assessment
- national
- nationwide suspicious activity reporting initiative
- native vegetation
- natural disaster
- natural hazard
- naturalization
- nautical school vessel
- navigable waters of the United States
- navigable waters
- necessary level of protection
- need for access
- need-to-know
- net assessment
- new United Nations peacekeeping operation
- non-Service health care practitioner
- non-adaptive risk
- non-critical sensitive position
- non-electric initiator
- non-federal project entity
- non-governmental organization
- non-homeland security missions
- non-lethal weapon
- non-magnetic attachment improvised explosive device employment
- non-nuclear-weapon state
- non-suicide improvised explosive device employment
- noncombatant evacuation operation
- noncombatant evacuees
- nondegradation standard
- nongovernmental organization
- nonimmigrant visa
- nonindigenous species
- nonprofit organization
- nonproliferation
- nonresident importer
- northern border
- nuclear improvised explosive device enhancement
- nuclear incident response team
- nuclear incident
- nuclear material
- objective
- obligation
- obligee
- obligor
- obstacle creation improvised explosive device
- occupant emergency plan
- occupied territory
- ocean thermal energy conversion facility or plantship
- oceanographic research vessel
- offensive counterair attack operations
- offensive counterintelligence operation
- offensive cyberspace operations
- officer of the customs and/ or customs officer
- officer of the customs
- officer
- offset agreement
- offset
- offsets
- offshore facility
- offshore supply vessel
- oil spill response vessel
- oil
- omni-directional effect
- open enforcement action
- open source information
- open-source information
- open-source intelligence
- operating requirements
- operation under chapter VII of the charter of the United Nations
- operation
- operational control
- operational decontamination
- operational readiness
- operational risk
- operational test and evaluation
- operations Section- (1) Incident Command
- operations and support special access program
- operations coordination
- operations security
- operations, maintenance, and replacement costs
- operations/ watch center
- order of deportation
- organization
- organizational camp
- original classification authority
- original classification
- other senior officials
- outbreak
- outcrop
- outer continental shelf facility
- overhead improvised explosive device emplacement
- overseas contingency operation
- pandemic and all-hazards preparedness reauthorization act
- parent
- participant
- participating program
- partner government
- passenger for hire
- passenger transportation system
- passive infrared switch
- passive investment
- passive sensor
- passport
- pattern analysis
- peace building
- peace enforcement
- peace operations
- peacekeeping force
- peacekeeping
- peacemaking
- percussion initiator
- persistently monitor
- person-borne improvised explosive device
- person
- personal emergency response system
- personal identity verification card
- personally identifiable information
- personnel security operation
- petitioning spouse
- phase zero
- physical inspection
- physical security
- piracy
- placement
- planning phase
- planning section- (1) Incident Command
- planning
- plastic explosive
- platter charge
- plunger switch
- policy directive
- policy
- political activities
- political-military
- pollution
- ports and waterways safety system
- position sensor
- post-storm assessment
- postal improvised explosive device
- potentially responsible party
- powers of self-government
- pre-positioned resources
- pre-scripted mission assignment
- preliminary mission need statement
- preparedness
- pressure release switch
- pressure switch
- prevention of WMD proliferation and terrorism
- prevention
- preventive health services
- preventive maintenance
- preventive medicine
- primacy of improvised explosive devices
- primary agency
- primary energy source
- primary fusion center
- primary improvised explosive device
- primary mission essential function
- primary mission essential functions
- principal Deputy Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis
- principal or major use
- priority intelligence requirement
- privacy act statement
- privacy compliance documentation
- privacy compliance review
- privacy impact assessment
- privacy incident
- privacy office
- privacy risk
- privacy threshold analysis
- private entity
- private responder
- private sector
- private voluntary organization
- probabilistic risk assessment
- probability mathematical
- probable
- problem
- product carrier
- production
- program security officer
- project contract unit
- project costs
- project works
- project
- projected improvised explosive device
- projectile
- proof of citizenship
- propellant
- prospecting
- prospective special access program
- prostitution
- protected area
- protection
- protective action
- protective security officer
- provincial reconstruction team
- proxy bomber
- psychological consequence
- public diplomacy
- public health emergency of international concern
- public health emergency
- public health
- public information
- public involvement
- public lands
- public trust position
- public vessel
- public water system
- pull switch
- purpose of improvised explosive device
- pyrotechnic delay
- pyrotechnic timing switch
- qualified adoption agency
- qualified agricultural countermeasure
- qualified anti-terrorism technology
- qualifying adoption expenses
- qualifying small power producer
- qualifying small power production facility
- qualitative risk assessment methodology
- quantitative risk assessment methodology
- quarantine
- questionable activity
- radiation detection equipment
- radicalization
- radiological dispersal device
- radiological improvised explosive device enhancement
- radiological
- railroad frontline employees
- range condition
- range improvement
- rangelands or public rangelands
- rapid response
- raw ivory
- readiness
- ready reserve
- real time crime center
- reciprocity security information
- record of environmental consideration
- record of proceedings
- recordable contract
- recovery and reconstitution
- recovery operations
- recovery
- recreational vessel manufacturer
- recreational vessel
- recruitment
- refugee
- regional information sharing system
- regional information sharing systems center
- regionalism
- relative risk
- release hazardous substance
- reliability system
- removal or remove
- repayment contract
- representative
- request for assistance
- reservations
- reserve components
- reserved works
- residence
- residual radiation
- residual risk
- resilience
- resistance movement
- resource allocation decision
- resource allocation plan
- resource management
- resource planning guidance
- resources
- response
- restricted area
- results framework
- returning resident
- revocation of eligibility for access and/ or security clearance
- risk acceptance
- risk analysis
- risk assessment methodology
- risk assessment tool
- risk assessment
- risk avoidance
- risk communication
- risk control
- risk data
- risk exposure
- risk governance
- risk group infectious biological agents
- risk identification
- risk indicator
- risk management alternatives development
- risk management cycle
- risk management methodology
- risk management plan
- risk management strategy
- risk management
- risk matrix
- risk mitigation option
- risk mitigation
- risk perception
- risk profile
- risk reduction
- risk response
- risk score
- risk tolerance
- risk transfer
- risk-based decision making
- risk-informed decision making
- risk
- river
- roadmap
- rock dust
- root cause analysis
- root cause
- rules of engagement
- rural volunteer fire department
- rural water supply project
- sabotage
- sacred objects
- safe haven
- safe-to-arm switch
- safety, health, environmental management system
- safety
- scenario mapping
- scenic easement
- screening
- sea mine
- search and detect sensor
- search and rescue center facility
- search
- secondary improvised explosive device
- secret classification
- secure area information security
- secure/ security
- secure
- security assistance
- security category
- security clearance
- security control
- security cooperation organization
- security cooperation
- security domain
- security force assistance
- security forces
- security functions
- security guideline
- security infraction
- security management system
- security professional
- security risk
- security sector assistance
- security sector reform
- security service
- security violation
- security vulnerability
- security-in-depth
- security-related technology
- security
- security
- semi-quantitative risk assessment methodology
- sensitive area information security
- sensitive compartmented information facility escort
- sensitive compartmented information facility life cycle
- sensitive compartmented information facility
- sensitive compartmented information
- sensitive initiative
- sensitive location immigration
- sensitive personally identifiable information
- sensitive site
- sensitivity analysis
- sensitivity position
- sensor classification
- sensor defeat
- serious bodily injury
- service obligation
- service
- severe forms of trafficking in persons
- sexual exploitation
- shaped charge
- shelter-in-place
- shock tube initiator
- short-term detention
- short-term recovery
- show of force
- significant cyber incident
- significant environmental event
- site exploitation
- site security manager
- situational awareness
- situational forces
- situational telework
- small covered chemical facility
- small hydroelectric power project
- smallpox emergency response plan or plan
- social amplification of risk
- sociocultural analysis
- sociocultural factors
- sound professional judgment
- sovereign citizen extremist
- span of control
- special access program agreement
- special access program compartment
- special access program disestablishment
- special access program nickname
- special access program project
- special access program sub-compartment
- special access program termination
- special access program transition
- special access program waiver
- special access program
- special event assessment rating
- special interest alien
- special needs populations
- special operations
- special protected class
- special sensitive position
- specialty health care service
- specified terrorist attack
- speleogen
- speleothem
- spill of national significance
- spill prevention, control and countermeasure plan
- spillage cyber security
- sponsor DHS Component
- spyware
- squib/ ignitor
- stability operations
- stabilization
- staging area
- standard operating procedure
- standing information need
- state sponsor of international terrorism
- state utility
- steady state activities
- steady state
- steam vessel
- storage facility
- stowaway
- strategic communication
- strategic end states
- strategic foresight
- strategic goal
- strategic level
- strategic mission
- strategic objective
- strategic plan
- strategic risk
- strategies
- strategy
- subjective probability
- submersible vessel
- submunition
- substantial harm facility
- substantial harm to the environment criteria
- substantially damaged structure
- subsurface improvised explosive device emplacement
- suicide improvised explosive device employment
- suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device
- support agency
- support annexes
- supported commander
- supporting commander
- surety consideration risk
- surface improvised explosive device emplacement
- surface transportation modes
- surge capacity
- surge
- surveillance
- survivability system
- suspected device surveillance
- suspected terrorist organization
- suspected terrorist
- suspension of security clearance
- suspicious activity reporting
- sustainability
- sustainable
- sustained yield
- sustainment system
- sustainment, restoration, and modernization
- sustainment
- switch
- system record
- systems reliability risk
- tactical control
- tactical level
- tactics, techniques, and procedures development
- tactics, techniques, and procedures identification
- tactics
- tank vessel
- tanker
- target actors
- target areas
- target capabilities list
- targeting
- task performance observations
- taxonomy
- technical assistance
- technical hazard information security
- technical intelligence
- technical penetration information security
- technical risk
- technical security
- technical surveillance countermeasure construction assistance
- technical surveillance countermeasure inspection
- technical surveillance countermeasure investigation
- technical surveillance countermeasure
- technical surveillance penetration
- technical vulnerability
- technology risk
- technology transfer
- telemental health
- tension release trigger
- tension/ pull trigger
- territorial instrumentality
- territories
- terrorism information
- terrorism-related information
- terrorism
- terrorist activity
- terrorist group
- terrorist organization
- terrorist screening database
- terrorist threat level
- tertiary improvised explosive device
- thorough decontamination
- threat and hazard identification and risk assessment
- threat and vulnerability assessment
- threat assessment
- threat
- tier 1 biological select agent and toxin
- tiering and tiering methodology
- tilt switch
- time fuse/ safety fuse initiator
- time mechanical switch
- top secret classification
- torture
- totalitarian party
- towing vessel
- toxic industrial biological
- toxic industrial chemical
- toxic industrial material
- toxic industrial radiological
- toxin
- track of interest
- tradecraft
- traditional food
- training objective
- training proficiency assessment
- training proficiency evaluation
- transferred works operating entity
- transferred works
- transition
- transitional military authority
- transnational crime
- transnational infrastructure
- transportation disruption
- transportation in the waterborne commerce of the United States
- transportation line and transportation company
- transportation security incident
- travel documentation
- trembler switch
- tribal government
- tribal leader
- tribal
- trusted shipper
- type
- typed and typing
- unacceptable risk
- unaccompanied alien child
- unassociated funerary objects
- unauthorized alien
- unauthorized disclosure
- uncertainty
- unconventional warfare
- under vehicle improvised explosive device employment
- underbelly improvised explosive device employment
- undesirable incident
- undocumented
- unexploded ordnance
- unified command
- uninspected passenger vessel
- unit of general local government
- unity of command
- unity of effort
- unity of purpose
- universal joint task list
- unknown bulk explosive
- unwitting co-optees
- urgency measure
- user activity monitoring
- vehicle-borne improvised explosive device
- very important person support technical surveillance countermeasure
- vessel identification system
- vessel of interest
- vessel of the United States
- vessel of war
- vessel
- vibrations sensor
- vicinity of the terminal facilities
- victim of a severe form of trafficking in persons
- victim operated switch
- violations of religious freedom
- violent extremism
- vital record
- vital records inventory
- vital records program
- voluntary preparedness standards
- volunteer
- vulnerability assessment
- vulnerability degree
- vulnerability
- war activities
- war crime
- warning message
- watch list
- watch message
- water-borne improvised explosive device
- waters of the United States
- weapon main charge configuration
- weapon of mass destruction detection technology
- weapon of mass destruction
- weapons of mass destruction information
- weapons technical intelligence
- weight of the overload
- whole-of-government planning
- widow or widower
- wildlife and wildlife resources
- wildlife conservation education
- wildlife-associated recreation
- wildlife-restoration project
- wildlife
- window of opportunity
- withdrawal
- work of preparing the coal
- world communism
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD