Surf Excel

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Surf Excel

Surf Excel is a brand of detergent marketed by Unilever and is one of the leading detergent brands in several countries, including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. The brand is known for its various forms of detergents, including powders, liquids, and bars, which are designed to remove tough stains and provide effective cleaning.

History[edit | edit source]

Surf Excel was first introduced in India in 1959 as 'Surf'. Over the years, the brand has evolved and rebranded itself as Surf Excel, focusing on the concept of "Dirt is Good," which encourages children to learn and grow through outdoor play, even if it means getting dirty.

Product Range[edit | edit source]

Surf Excel offers a wide range of products to cater to different washing needs:

  • Surf Excel Matic - Designed specifically for washing machines, available in both top-load and front-load variants.
  • Surf Excel Easy Wash - Aimed at providing effective cleaning with minimal effort, suitable for hand washing.
  • Surf Excel Quick Wash - Formulated to reduce the time and effort required for washing clothes.
  • Surf Excel Bar - A detergent bar for manual washing of clothes, effective on tough stains.

Marketing Campaigns[edit | edit source]

Surf Excel is known for its innovative and emotional marketing campaigns. The "Dirt is Good" campaign is one of the most notable, emphasizing the importance of allowing children to explore and learn through play, even if it means getting dirty. This campaign has been widely recognized and appreciated for its positive message.

Environmental Impact[edit | edit source]

Unilever has been working towards making Surf Excel more environmentally friendly by reducing the plastic content in its packaging and improving the biodegradability of its products. The brand is part of Unilever's broader sustainability initiatives aimed at reducing the environmental footprint of its products.

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