Alternative medicines
Alternative and natural medicines are remedies that are part of alternative medicine treatments such as herbs, roots, and other natural medicines.
List of alternative medicines
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- a beta carotene
- a lipoic acid
- abraham's balm
- acanthopanax senticosus
- aceite de krill
- aceite de pescado
- acemannan
- acetate
- acetate replacing factor
- acetil l carnitina
- acetyl carnitine
- acetyl l carnitine
- acetyl l carnitine arginate dihydrochloride
- acetyl levocarnitine
- acid aminoethanesulfonate
- acide aminoethylsulfonate
- acide aminoethylsulfonique
- acide ketoisocarproique de taurine
- acidophilus bifidus
- acpi
- actaea racemosa
- activin
- ademetionine
- adenosylmethionine
- adomet
- aescin
- aesculus hippocastanum
- aetheroleum
- african chilies
- african ginger
- african plum tree
- african prune
- african pygeum
- agnolyt
- agnus castus
- ail
- airelle
- ajagandha
- ajo
- ala
- alc
- alcacuz
- alcar
- alga noruega o nudosa
- algue laminaire
- alholva
- all e lutein
- all e zeaxanthin
- all heal
- all trans lycopene
- allium sativum
- aloe
- aloe vera
- alpha lipoic acid
- altamisa
- amande amere
- amangura
- amantilla
- amber
- amber touch and heal
- american
- american cranberry
- american dwarf palm tree
- amino monosaccharide
- aminocarnitine
- amukkirag
- ananas spp
- anashca
- angelica atropurpurea
- angelica dahurica
- angelica sinensis
- angkak
- antarctic krill oil
- antialopecia factor
- aphrodien
- apothecary rose
- apricot vine
- arabica green coffee beans
- arg
- arginine
- arginine ethyl ester
- arginine ethyl ester dihydrochloride
- arginine ethyl ester hydrochloride
- arginine hydrochloride
- arnica
- arnica des montagnes
- arnica flos
- arnica flower
- arnica spp
- arnikabl
- asan
- asana
- asclepias geminate
- ascophylle noueuse
- ascophyllum nodosum
- asgand
- asgandha
- ashagandha
- ashvagandha
- ashwaganda
- ashwagandha
- ashwanga
- asian
- asoda
- astragale
- astragale a feuilles de reglisse
- astragale queue de renard
- astragale reglissier
- astragali
- astragalo
- astragalus
- astragalus membranaceus
- astragalus mongholicus
- astragalus spp
- asundha
- asvagandha
- aswagandha
- atlantic kelp
- atlantic yam
- aubepine
- australian tea tree oil
- ava pepper
- avarada
- avellano de bruja
- awa
- ayurvedic ginseng
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- bachelor's button
- baldrian
- baldrianwurzel
- balm
- balm mint
- baneberry
- banji
- barbasco
- barbe de saint jean
- basket willow
- bastard cinnamon
- bay willow
- bee balm
- beebread
- beg kei
- bei qi
- beni koju
- berberine
- bergwohlverleih
- beta carotene
- beta carotene tout trans
- beta caroteno
- beta d ribofuranose
- bhang
- bifido
- bifido bacterium longum
- bifidobacteria bifidus
- bifidobacterias
- bifidobacteries
- bifidobacterium
- bifidobacterium adolescentis
- bifidobacterium bifidum
- bifidobacterium breve
- bifidobacterium infantis
- bifidobacterium lactis
- bifidobacterium longum
- bifidobacterium regularis
- bifidobacterium spp
- bifidum
- bifidus
- bifidus brevis
- bifidus infantis
- bifidus longum
- bilberry
- biletan
- bioflavonoid
- bioflavonoid complex
- bioflavonoid concentrate
- bioflavonoid extract
- bird's foot
- black cohosh
- black cranberry
- black ginger
- black peppermint
- black root
- black sampson
- black snakeroot
- black susans
- black tang
- black whortles
- blackwort
- bladder fucus
- bladderwrack
- blasentang
- blatterdock
- blunt
- bockshornklee
- bockshornsame
- bog rhubarb
- bogshorns
- bovine colostrum
- bovine immunoglobulin
- bovine lacteal compounds
- brahma buti
- brandy mint
- brauneria angustifolia
- brauneria pallida
- brazilian cocoa
- brewer's yeast
- bride of the sun
- brindal berry
- brindle berry
- british indian lemongrass
- brittle willow
- bromelain
- bromelaine
- bromelainum
- bromelin
- bromelina
- bromeline
- bruisewort
- buck qi
- bud
- bugbane
- bugwort
- burn plant
- burren myrtle
- butter dock
- butterbur
- butterfly dock
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- cabbage palm
- cactus
- cactus du kalahari
- caf
- cafe du diable
- calendula
- calendula officinalis
- calostro
- cambogia binucao
- cambogia gemmi guta
- cambogia solitaria
- camellia sinensis
- camellia thea
- camomille grande
- camphor of the poor
- canadian
- canela de cassia
- canela molida
- cannabidiol
- cannabis indica
- cannabis sativa
- cannabis spp
- cannelier casse
- cannelle
- cannelle cassia
- cannelle de ceylan
- cannelle de chine
- cannelle de cochinchine
- cannelle de padang
- cannelle de saigon
- canton cassia
- capdockin
- capsaicin
- capsicum
- capsicum annuum
- carduus marianum
- carnitine acetyl ester
- carotenes
- carotenoid
- carotenoids
- casei immunitas
- casse
- casse odorante
- cassia
- cassia aromaticum
- cassia bark
- cassia cinnamon
- cassia lignea
- cat's claw
- cautions
- cavinton
- cayenne
- cbd
- cds
- centella asiatica
- cerise d'hiver
- ch'ih shen
- chamomile
- chamomilla recutita
- chandrika
- chapeliere
- charas
- chasse diable
- chaste tree
- chasteberry
- chene marin
- chestnut
- cheurs
- chili pepper
- china root
- chinese
- chinese angelica
- chinese astragalus
- chinese cinnamon
- chinese ephedra
- chinese hawthorn
- chinese licorice
- chinese tea
- chitin
- chitosamine
- chitosan
- chitosan ascorbate
- chlorure de potassium sulfate de glucosamine
- chondroitin sulfate
- chromium picolinate
- chrysanthemum parthenium
- cimicifuga racemosa
- cinnamomi cassiae cortex
- cinnamomum aromaticum
- cinnamomum cassia
- cinnamomum ramulus
- cinnamon
- cinnamon essential oil
- cinnamon flos
- cinnamoni cortex
- circuelo africano
- cis resveratrol
- citronella
- citrus bioflavones
- citrus bioflavonoid
- citrus flavones
- citrus flavonoids
- citrus paradisi
- clustered wintercherry
- cochin ginger
- cochin lemongrass
- coffea abeokutae
- coffea arabica
- coffea arnoldiana
- coffea aruwimiensis
- coffea bukobensis
- coffea canephora
- coffea klainii
- coffea laurentii
- coffea liberica
- coffea quillon
- coffea robusta
- coffea spp
- coffea ugandae
- colic root
- colostrum bovin
- colostrum bovin hyperimmune
- colostrum de ch
- colostrum de lait de vache
- comfrey
- common comfrey
- concentre de protease vegetale
- condroitin
- contre peste
- corona de cristo
- corpus luteum hormone
- corynanthe yohimbi
- corynine
- cosse de soja
- cosse de soya
- cow clover
- cow milk colostrum
- cranberry
- crataegus laevigata
- crataegus monogyna
- crataegus oxyacantha
- crataegus pentagyna
- crataegus spp
- creatine
- creatine citrate
- creatine monohydrate
- creatine phosphate
- crystalline dmso
- curcuma
- curcuma longa
- curcumae longae rhizoma
- curcumin
- curcuminoid
- cure all
- curled mint
- cutweed
- cyclohexitol
- cymbopogon citratus
- cymbopogon flexuosus
- cymbopogon spp
- cymeme
- cynorhodon
- cynosbatos
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- d chiro inositol
- d glucosamine
- d glucosamine sulfate
- d glucosamine sulphate
- d myo inositol
- d ribosa
- d ribose
- da suan
- daidzein
- dambrose
- dang gui
- danshen
- de marronier d'inde
- deacetylated chitin biopolymer
- dehydroepiandrosterone
- demon chaser
- desert herb
- devil's bones
- devil's bush
- dhea
- dhla
- di arginine
- di arginine malate
- di arginine orotate
- di l arginine l malate
- dimethyl sulfone msm
- dioscorea species
- dioscorea villosa
- dog rose
- dog rose hips
- dolichos soja
- dong quai
- dope
- doronic d'allemagne
- dropsy plant
- drug interactions
- dwarf palm
- dyeberry
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- e
- e lutein
- east indian lemongrass
- echinacea
- echinacea angustifolia
- echinacea pallida
- echinacea purpurea
- echinacea spp
- edamame
- eglantier
- egypt fenugreek
- elephant's gall
- eleuthero
- eleutherococcus
- eleutherococcus senticosus
- english hawthorn
- enzyme d'ananas
- epa dha ethyl ester
- ephedra
- ephedra sinica
- escine
- esrar
- ester ethylique de l'aep adh
- estrogene vegetal
- ethyl ester de taurine
- ethylapovincaminoate
- eun haeng
- euphausia superba oil
- european cranberry
- evening primrose oil
- extrait d'ananas
- extrait de caf
- extrait de f
- extrait de vin rouge
- exwort
- eye balm
- eye root
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- f
- false cinnamon
- featherfew
- featherfoil
- fenogreco
- fenugrec
- fenugreek
- fermented soy
- feuille de petasite
- feuilles de menthe
- feve de soja
- feve de soya
- fever grass
- fever plant
- feverfew
- fibre de soja
- fibre de soya
- first aid plant
- fish oils
- flapperdock
- flavones de citron
- flavonoid
- flax
- flaxseed
- fleischfarbige
- fleur de la passion
- fleur de petasite
- fleurs d'arnica
- flirtwort midsummer daisy
- foenugraeci semen
- foenugreek
- fossil tree
- frijol de soya
- fruit bromelain
- fruit de l'eglantier
- fucus vesiculeux
- fucus vesiculosus
- fuga daemonum
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- gag
- gaga
- galactosaminoglucuronoglycan sulfate
- gamma l glutamyl l cysteinylglycine
- gamma trimethyl beta acetylbutyrobetaine
- gan cao
- gan zao
- ganga
- garbato casha
- garcinia affinis
- garcinia cambogia
- garcinia gummi gutta
- garcinia spp
- garcinia sulcata
- garden heliotrope
- garden marigold
- garlic
- gcbe
- gce
- genistein
- german
- ghoda asoda
- ginger
- ginkgo
- ginkgo biloba
- ginkyo
- ginseng
- ginseng radix
- ginseng root
- glucosamine potassium sulfate
- glucosamine sulfate
- glucosamine sulfate potassium chloride
- glucosamine sulphate kcl
- glucose tolerance factor
- glutathione
- glycine
- glycine gracilis
- glycine hispida
- glycine max
- glycine soja
- glycyrrhiza glabra
- goat colostrum
- goatweed
- goemon
- gold bloom
- golden flower of mary
- goldenseal
- gorikapuli
- gotu kola
- graine de lin
- grand bonnet
- grande valeriane
- grape seed
- grapefruit
- grass
- greek clover
- greek hay
- greek hay seed
- green chili pepper
- green coffee bean
- green coffee extract
- green coffee powder
- green tea
- green tea extract
- grey elm
- griffonia simplicifolia
- ground raspberry
- gs
- gsh
- gte
- guarana
- guarana gum
- guarana paste
- guaranine
- guatamala lemongrass
- guerit tout
- gui zhi
- gulab
- gum plant
- gumbaral
- gurmar
- gurmarbooti
- gymnema
- gymnema sylvestre
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- haba soya
- halada
- haldi
- hamamelis virginiana
- hardhay
- haricot de soja
- haricot de soya
- haridra
- haschisch
- hashish
- hawthorn
- hayahvaya
- healing herb
- hedgethorn
- hemp tree
- heps
- heptral
- herba benedicta
- herbal ecstasy
- herbal extract
- herbe
- herbe a la brulure
- herbe a la femme meurtrie
- herbe a la peste
- herbe a mille trous
- herbe aux chats
- herbe aux chutes
- herbe aux coupures
- herbe aux fees
- herbe aux mille vertus
- herbe aux piqures
- herbe aux pr
- herbe aux teigneux
- herbe de la saint jean
- herbe de notre dame
- herbe de saint eloi
- herbe de saint georges
- herbe du charpentier
- herbe du loup
- herbe percee
- herring oil
- hexahydroxycyclohexane
- hierba de san juan
- hip fruit
- hip sweet
- hipberry
- hippocastani semen
- holligold
- holy thistle
- honey plant
- hong qu
- hoodia
- hoodia gordonii
- hop fruit
- hormone de grossesse
- hormone du corps jaune
- hormone progestive
- horse chestnut seed
- hsiang dan
- https
- hu lu ba
- huang ken
- huang qi
- huang se
- huckleberry
- huile d' euphausia superba
- huile de foie de morue
- huile de hareng
- huile de krill
- huile de menhaden
- huile de poisson
- huile de saumon
- huile de thon
- huile lipidique marine
- huile marines
- hungarian
- huo ma ren
- hurtleberry
- hwanggi
- hydrastis canadensis
- hydrochlorure de l lysine
- hydrocotyle
- hydrolyzed soy protein
- hydroxymethyl
- hypereikon
- hyperici herba
- hypericum perforatum
- hyperimmune bovine colostrum
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- icho
- imber
- immunoglobuline bovine
- indian elm
- indian ginseng
- indian head
- indian joint fir
- indian pennywort
- indian plant
- indian saffron
- indian water navelwort
- indian winter cherry
- inose
- inosite
- inositol
- inositol monophosphate
- intoxicating pepper
- isoflavone
- isoflavone de soja
- isoflavone de soya
- isolated soy protein
- ityo
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- jamaica ginger
- japanese
- japanese silver apricot
- japanese tea
- jaundice root
- jelly leek
- jintsam
- johimbi
- john's wort
- joint
- ju zhong
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- kalahari cactus
- kalahari diet
- kanaje hindi
- kankusta
- kao
- kava
- kawa
- keishi
- kelp
- kelpware
- kew
- kew tree
- kif
- king's cureall
- klamath weed
- knitbone
- knoblauch
- knotted wrack
- kojo kon
- korean
- kraftwurz
- krill oil
- kudam puli
- kuthmithi
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- l
- l acetylcarnitine
- l aginina
- l arginine
- l arginine ethyl ester dichloride
- l arginine hexanoate
- l arginine hydrochloride
- l arginine ketoisocaproic acid
- l arginine l pyroglutamate
- l arginine taurinate
- l glutathione
- l lysine
- l lysine hcl
- l lysine hydrochloride
- l lysine monohydrochloride
- l taurine
- la suan
- lactobacillius bifidus
- lactobacillus
- lactobacillus acidophilus
- lactobacillus amylovorus
- lactobacillus brevis
- lactobacillus bulgaricus
- lactobacillus casei
- lactobacillus crispatus
- lactobacillus delbrueckii
- lactobacillus fermentum
- lactobacillus gallinarum
- lactobacillus gasseri
- lactobacillus gg
- lactobacillus helveticus
- lactobacillus johnsonii
- lactobacillus lactis
- lactobacillus paracasei
- lactobacillus plantarum
- lactobacillus reuteri
- lactobacillus rhamnosus
- lactobacillus salivarius
- lactobacillus sporogenes
- lactobacillus spp
- lactobacilo
- lactospores
- lady's thistle
- lait colostral
- lait de soja
- lait de soya
- laitue de mer
- laitue marine
- lakritzenwurzel
- laminaire
- langwort
- laurier des indes
- legalon
- legume
- leinsamen
- lemon balm
- lemongrass
- lemongrass oil
- leopard's bane
- leucoanthocyanin
- levacecarnine
- levure de boulangerie
- licorice
- life giving vine of peru
- ligustilides
- lily of the desert
- lini semen
- linoleic acid
- linseed
- lint bells
- linum usitatissimum
- lipides marins
- lipoic acid
- lipoicin
- lipositol
- lisina
- louisiana long pepper
- low cranberry
- luteal hormone
- lutein
- luteina
- luteohormone
- lutine
- lycopene
- lys
- lysine
- lysine hcl
- lysine hydrochloride
- lysine monohydrochloride
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- ma huang
- macrotys
- madagascar lemongrass
- madescassol
- maidenhair tree
- malabar tamarind
- malate de di arginine
- mangostana cambogia
- marchand
- marian thistle
- marigold
- marijuana
- marine fish oil
- marine lipid concentrate
- marine lipid oil
- marine oak
- marine oils
- marine protein concentrate
- marine triglyceride
- marronier
- marsh penny
- mary jane
- mary thistle
- marybud
- matricaria chamomilla
- matricaria recutita
- matsu cha tea
- maybush
- maypop
- maythorn
- meadow clover
- medhika
- medicine plant
- meereiche
- mel
- melaleuca alternifolia
- melaleuca oil
- melatonin
- meletin
- melissa
- melissa folium
- melissa grass
- melissa officinalis
- menhaden oil
- mentha piperita
- mentha x piperita
- menthe poivree
- merasingi
- meshavalli
- meso inositol
- methi
- methika
- methyl sulfone
- methyl sulphonyl methane
- methylsulfonylmethane
- metilsulfonilmentano
- mexican chilies
- mexican yam
- midsummer daisy
- milk thistle
- milk vetch
- millepertuis
- millepertuis perfore
- miracle plant
- miso
- mitoquinone
- mixed carotenoids
- mlt
- monascus purpureus
- mongolian milk
- monk's pepper
- mono sulfated saccharide
- monochlohydrate de l lysine
- monochlohydrate de lysine
- moose elm
- mossberry
- mountain snuff
- mountain tobacco
- mouse antialopecia factor
- msm
- muscat
- myrtilli fructus
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- n
- n acetyl carnitine
- n acetyl l carnitine
- n amidinosarcosine
- n carboxybutyl chitosan
- n l gamma glutamyl l cysteinyl
- natto
- natural
- natural dhea
- nectar of the gods
- nees
- night willow herb
- ninjin
- nisha
- noisetier des sorcieres
- north american
- norwegian seaweed
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- o sulfated chitosan
- o sulfated n acetylchitosan
- ocean kelp
- oenothera biennis
- ogi
- oil of melaleuca
- oneseed hawthorn
- ontario
- orange root
- orotate de di arginine
- orovale
- orozuz
- osier rouge
- our lady's mint
- oxitriptan
- oxycoccus macrocarpus
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- palmier nain
- panax ginseng
- panax quinquefolius
- paprika
- paraguaya
- passiflora incarnata
- passion vine
- passionflower
- paullinia cupana
- pausinystalia yohimbe
- peppermint oil
- perforate st
- periploca of the woods
- persian rose
- pestwurz
- petasite hybride
- petasite officinal
- petasites
- petasites hybridus
- petasites vulgaris
- petasitidis folium
- petasitidis rhizoma
- peyette
- phaca membranacea
- phaseolus max
- phool gulab
- phytoalexine
- phytoestrogen
- pian jiang huang
- pilule de vin
- pimento
- pin heads
- pin ma ts'ao
- pineal hormone
- pineapple enzyme
- pineapple extract
- pink rose
- piper methysticum
- plague root
- plant estrogen
- plant of immortality
- plant protease concentrate
- plantin des alpes
- poire d'oiseaux
- polyunsaturated fatty acids
- pomelo
- poor man's treacle
- popotillo
- pot
- pot marigold
- poudre de caf
- pregnancy hormone
- pregnanedione
- prickley comfrey
- proanthodyn
- probiotic
- probiotique
- progestational hormone
- progesterone
- protease
- protogala
- protykin
- provitamin a
- prunier d'afrique
- prunus africana
- psi psi carotene
- pufa
- purple butterbur
- purple clover
- purple cone flower
- purple osier
- purple passion flower
- pygeum
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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- r ala
- r alpha lipoic acid
- race ginger
- racecourse weed
- racine de curcuma
- racine de petasite
- radix angelicae sinensis
- radix astragali
- radix astragalus
- radix curcumae
- rajani
- raspberry leaf
- rattle root
- rattlesnake root
- rattletop
- rattleweed
- raw coffee
- raw coffee extract
- red berry
- red clover
- red elm
- red ginseng
- red koji
- red leaven
- red pepper
- red raspberry
- red sage
- red sunflower
- red wine extract
- red yeast
- red yeast rice
- reglisse batarde
- reglisse sauvage
- ren shen
- reported doses
- reported uses
- resveratrol
- rheumatism root
- rhizoma zingerberis
- rhizome de petasite
- rhizome de valeriane
- ribosa
- ribose
- robusta green coffee beans
- rockweed
- rockwrack
- rosa alba
- rosa canina
- rosa centifolia
- rosa damascena
- rosa de castillo
- rosa gallica
- rosa luteiana
- rosa mosqueta
- rosa pomifera
- rosa provincialis
- rosa rugosa
- rosa spp
- rosa villosa
- rosae pseudofructus cum semen
- rose de provins
- rose des apothicaires
- rose hip
- rose hips
- rose rouge de lancaster
- rosehip
- rosier de provence
- rosin rose
- rou gui
- rsv
- rsvl
- rubus idaeus
- rubus strigosus
- russian licorice
- rust treacle
- ryr
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- s adenosyl l methionine
- s alpha lipoic acid
- sabal
- sabal fructus
- sabal serrulata
- saccharide mono sulfate
- saccharide sulfate
- saccharomyces boulardii
- saccharomyces spp
- safran bourbon
- safran de batallita
- safran de indes
- sakau
- salicis cortex
- salisburia
- saliva root
- salix alba
- salix fragilis
- salix pentandra
- salix purpurea
- salix spp
- salmon oil
- salsify
- salvia miltiorrhiza
- salvia miltiorrhiza bunge
- same
- samento
- samm al ferakh
- samm al rerakh
- sammy
- samyr
- sang
- santa maria
- satapatri
- satapatrika
- saw palmetto
- sawi
- saynt johannes wort
- scabish
- schweintang
- sea grape
- sea kelp
- seawrack
- senegrain
- senegre
- serenoa repens
- serenoa serrulata
- sg
- shanzha
- shatpari
- sheng jiang
- shigoka
- shokyo
- shoyu
- shu wei ts'ao
- siberian
- silibinin
- silver apricot
- silybin
- silybum marianum
- silymarin
- sinsemilla
- sirukurinja
- sjw
- slippery elm
- slippery root
- small indian ipecac
- snapping tobacco wood
- sogade beru
- soja
- soja hispida
- soja max
- sojabohne
- solanrubin
- sophretin
- souci des alpes
- soy
- soy bean
- soy fiber
- soy germ
- soy isofavone
- soy milk
- soy polysaccharide
- soy protein
- soya
- soybean curd
- soybean isoflavone
- spanish licorice
- spotted elder
- squawroot
- st
- stella di sera
- sthula tvak
- stilbene phytoalexin
- stinking rose
- strychnos
- sulfate de glucosamine
- sulfated monosaccharide
- sulfated n carboxymethylchitosan
- sulfated o carboxymethylchitosan
- sulfated saccharide
- sulfato de glucosamina
- sulfone de dimethyle msm
- sulfonyl sulfur
- sun drop
- sweet balm
- sweet elm
- sweet mary
- sweet root
- symphytum aspertum
- symphytum officinale
- symphytum spp
- symphytum uplandicum
- synonyms
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- t
- tabac des savoyards
- tabac des vosges
- tabasco pepper
- tagar
- tagar ganthoda
- tagara
- taja
- talepetrako
- tambor hausca
- tan shen
- tanacetum parthenium
- tang
- tang kuei
- taurina
- taurine
- taurine ethyl ester
- taurine ketoisocaproic acid
- tea tree oil
- tempeh
- ten
- tetrahydrocannabinol
- texturized vegetable protein
- thc
- theaceae
- theifers
- thick leaved pennywort
- thioctacid
- thioctan
- thioctic acid
- thorny pepperbush
- tipton weed
- tofu
- tonga
- toronja
- touch me not
- touchi
- trackleberry
- trailing swamp cranberry
- trans resveratrol
- trefle des pres
- trefoil
- trifolium pratense
- trigonella foenum graecum
- trigonella foenumgraecum
- trigonelle
- trivalent chromium
- tuna fish oil
- turangi ghanda
- turmeric
- tzu tan ken
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- u
- uabano
- uaranzeiro
- ubidecarenone
- ubiquinol
- ubiquinone
- ulmus fulva
- ulmus rubra
- ulmus spp
- umbrella leaves
- una de gato
- una de gavilan
- uncaria guianensis
- uncaria spp
- uncaria tomentosa
- untouchable
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- vaccinium edule
- vaccinium erythrocarpum
- vaccinium macrocarpon
- vaccinium myrtillus
- vaccinium occycoccus
- vaccinium vitis
- vajigandha
- valerian
- valerian root
- valeriana edulis
- valeriana jatamansii
- valeriana officinalis
- valeriana rhizome
- valeriana sitchensis
- valeriana wallichii
- valerianae radix
- varech
- varech vesiculeux
- ve de caf
- venostasin
- venostat
- verde
- vert
- vert arabica
- vert robusta
- ves de caf
- vinpocetine
- violet willow
- vitamin b
- vitex agnus castus
- vitis coignetiae
- vitis spp
- vitis vinifera
- vre
- vrikshamla
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- wallwort
- water lemon
- weed
- west indian lemongrass
- white peppermint
- white rot
- white willow
- whitehorn
- whortleberry
- wild
- wild boar fruit
- wild clover
- wild curcuma
- wild passion flower
- wild pepper
- wild yam
- willow bark
- wine pill
- wineberry
- winged elm
- winter bloom
- winter cherry
- wisconsin
- witch hazel
- withania
- withania somnifera
- wolf's bane
- woo lu bar
- wundkraut
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- xanthophyll
- xhoba
- xue zhi kang
- yagona
- yellow astringent
- yellow horse
- yellow root
- yohimbe
- yu jin
- yuma
- zeaxanthin
- zhi tai
- zimbluten
- zingiber officinale
- zingiberis rhizoma
- zoom
Herbal and dietary supplements
- Aloe Vera, Ashwagandha, Astragalus, Bilberry, Black Cohosh, Butterbur, Cat's Claw, Cascara, Chaparral, Comfrey, Crofelemer, Echinacea, Ephedra, Fenugreek, Flavocoxid, Garcinia cambogia, Germander, Ginkgo, Ginseng, Greater Celandine, Green Tea, Hoodia, Hops, Horse Chestnut, Hyssop, Kava Kava, Kratom, Lavender, Maca, Margosa Oil, Melatonin, Milk Thistle, Noni, Passionflower, Pennyroyal Oil, Red Yeast Rice, Resveratrol, Saw Palmetto, Senna, Skullcap, Spirulina, St. John's Wort, Turmeric, Usnic Acid, Valerian, Yohimbine
Chinese and Other Asian Herbal Medicines
- Ba Jiao Lian, Bol Gol Zhee, Chi R Yun, Jin Bu Huan, Ma Huang, Sho Saiko To and Dai Saiko To, Shou Wu Pian
Multi-Ingredient Nutritional Supplements
See also Nutritional supplements
Comprehensive list of common dietary supplements with detailed product information including brand name, how it is supplied, net contents, product ID etc, sorted alphabetically.
List of dietary supplements sorted alphabetically
A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z – W – 0-9
Dietary supplements
Also see
Dictionary of complementary and alternative medicine | Alternative medicines | Herbs | Supplements
External - A-Z Index of Alternative Medicine Topics
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD