
Geography of Mauritania

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Geography of Mauritania

Mauritania is a country located in the Maghreb region of Northwest Africa. It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, Western Sahara to the north, Algeria to the northeast, Mali to the east and southeast, and Senegal to the southwest. The country covers an area of approximately 1,030,000 square kilometers, making it the 29th largest country in the world.

Topography[edit | edit source]

Mauritania's topography is characterized by vast desert plains and plateaus. The Sahara Desert covers much of the northern part of the country, while the central and southern regions are dominated by the Sahel zone, a semi-arid region that transitions between the desert and the more fertile areas to the south. The highest point in Mauritania is Kediet ej Jill, which rises to 915 meters above sea level.

Climate[edit | edit source]

Mauritania has a predominantly arid climate, with very little rainfall throughout the year. The coastal regions experience a milder climate due to the influence of the Atlantic Ocean, while the interior regions are much hotter and drier. The country experiences two main seasons: a hot, dry season from November to May and a slightly cooler, rainy season from June to October.

Hydrology[edit | edit source]

The main river in Mauritania is the Senegal River, which forms the border with Senegal. The river is a crucial water source for agriculture and sustains the livelihoods of many communities along its banks. Other significant water bodies include the Gorgol River and the Karokoro River.

Natural Resources[edit | edit source]

Mauritania is rich in natural resources, including iron ore, copper, gold, and oil. The mining sector is a significant contributor to the country's economy. The coastal waters of Mauritania are also known for their abundant fish stocks, making fishing another important industry.

Flora and Fauna[edit | edit source]

The flora and fauna of Mauritania are adapted to the harsh desert and semi-desert conditions. Vegetation is sparse, with hardy species such as acacia and baobab trees. Wildlife includes species such as the addax, dorcas gazelle, and various species of reptiles and birds. The Banc d'Arguin National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a critical habitat for migratory birds.

Environmental Issues[edit | edit source]

Mauritania faces several environmental challenges, including desertification, deforestation, and water scarcity. Efforts are being made to combat these issues through reforestation projects and sustainable water management practices.

Administrative Divisions[edit | edit source]

Mauritania is divided into 15 regions, known as wilayas. Each wilaya is further subdivided into departments. The capital and largest city is Nouakchott, located on the Atlantic coast. Other major cities include Nouadhibou, Kaédi, and Zouérat.

Related Pages[edit | edit source]


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