
Geography of Western Sahara

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Geography of Western Sahara

Western Sahara is a disputed territory located in the Maghreb region of North Africa. It is bordered by Morocco to the north, Algeria to the northeast, Mauritania to the east and south, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. The territory is characterized by its arid desert landscape, which is part of the larger Sahara Desert.

Topography[edit | edit source]

The topography of Western Sahara is predominantly flat and low-lying, with some areas of rocky and sandy terrain. The highest point in the territory is an unnamed location in the Adrar Soutouf region, which reaches an elevation of approximately 805 meters (2,641 feet) above sea level. The coastal areas are characterized by sandy beaches and dunes, while the interior regions are marked by vast expanses of desert.

Climate[edit | edit source]

Western Sahara has a desert climate, with extremely low annual rainfall and high temperatures. The coastal areas experience milder temperatures due to the influence of the Atlantic Ocean, while the interior regions can experience extreme heat during the day and cooler temperatures at night. The region is also subject to frequent sandstorms and strong winds.

Natural Resources[edit | edit source]

The territory is known for its rich deposits of phosphate, particularly in the Bou Craa region. Phosphate mining is a significant economic activity in Western Sahara. Additionally, the coastal waters are rich in fish, making fishing another important industry.

Flora and Fauna[edit | edit source]

Due to the harsh desert conditions, vegetation in Western Sahara is sparse and primarily consists of drought-resistant plants such as acacia and succulents. The fauna includes species adapted to desert life, such as the dromedary camel, fennec fox, and various reptiles and insects.

Political Geography[edit | edit source]

Western Sahara is a disputed territory with a complex political situation. The Polisario Front, a liberation movement, seeks independence for the territory and has declared the establishment of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR). However, Morocco claims sovereignty over Western Sahara and administers the majority of the territory. The United Nations considers Western Sahara a non-self-governing territory and has been involved in efforts to resolve the dispute.

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