
Domestic violence

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

(Redirected from Spouse abuse)
A campaign poster against domestic violence in Uganda. The sign reads: Beating my wife destroyed my marriage, don't do what I did.

Domestic violence means that in a relationship or marriage, one or both of the partners uses physical, sexual or psychological violence to try to get power or control over the other or due to losing their temper. Domestic violence can occur in heterosexual and same-sex relationships. There is often a predictable pattern or cycle of violence in a relationship and the abuse tends to get worse over time. Domestic violence can be also a factor to be homelessness, as pointed out by Principles 15 of the Yogyakarta Principles.

Patterns and Consequences[edit | edit source]

Domestic violence often follows a predictable pattern or cycle of violence in a relationship, and the abuse tends to escalate over time. The consequences of domestic violence can be severe, including physical injuries, emotional trauma, and even death. Domestic violence can also be a factor leading to homelessness, as pointed out by Principles 15 of the Yogyakarta Principles.

Cultural Attitudes and Laws[edit | edit source]

In any culture or community, there are beliefs and attitudes that support domestic violence and beliefs and attitudes that do not support domestic violence. In most countries, laws exist to protect victims of domestic violence. There are also organizations that can help in such situations.

Reporting of Domestic Violence[edit | edit source]

Unfortunately, many cases of domestic violence do not get reported to the police. Estimates suggest that only a third of domestic violence cases (or even less) get reported to the authorities [citation needed].

Mental Health and Domestic Violence[edit | edit source]

Many people who use violence against their partners have mental disorders, especially antisocial personality disorder and borderline personality disorder.

See also[edit | edit source]

Related pages[edit | edit source]

  • Cycle of abuse (patterns in relationships where there is domestic violence)

References[edit | edit source]

Domestic violence Resources


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