Medical terms
Medical terms are the phrases, and words used in the medical literature most of which may have Greek, or Latin origins. Medical terminology is a language used to precisely describe the human body including its components, processes, conditions affecting it, and procedures performed upon it. Medical terms are used in the field of medicine, and clinical settings. This overview provides a fundamental understanding of medical vocabulary.
Structure of Medical Terms[edit | edit source]
Medical terms have different parts that are often derived from Greek or Latin roots. These parts include:
- Prefix - A beginning section of a word that modifies the meaning.
- Root - The central part of the word that contains its core meaning.
- Suffix - An ending part of a word that adds to or alters the meaning of the root.
Understanding the common prefixes, roots, and suffixes can often help deduce the meaning of complex terms.
Common Prefixes and Suffixes[edit | edit source]
Here are a few examples of common prefixes and suffixes in medical terms:
- Cardio- - Referring to the heart.
- -itis - Indicating inflammation, as in Appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix).
- Neuro- - Relating to nerves or the nervous system.
- -ectomy - Referring to the removal of a body part, as in Appendectomy (removal of the appendix).
Categories of Medical Terms[edit | edit source]
Medical terms can be categorized into several groups such as:
- Anatomy terms - Describing body parts and structures. Example: Arteries, Muscles.
- Pathological Terms - Relating to diseases and disorders. Example: Diabetes, Hypertension.
- Procedural terms - Pertaining to medical procedures. Example: Biopsy, Catheterization.
- Pharmacological terms - Associated with medications and drugs. Example: Antibiotic, Chemotherapy.
Deciphering Medical Terms[edit | edit source]
To understand a medical term, one can often break it down into its component parts. For instance, the term Osteoarthritis is made up of Osteo- (relating to bone), Arthro- (relating to joints), and -itis (inflammation).
Glossary of medical terms[edit | edit source]
- ac means pertaining to.
- andr-, or andro- means male.
- auto- means self.
- bio- means life.
- chem-, or chemo- means chemistry.
- cyt-, or cyto- means cell.
- blast-, or blasto, or blastic means bud, germ.
- cyte, or cytic means cell.
- fibr-, or fibro- means fiber.
- gluco-, or glycol- means glucose, sugar.
- gyn-, or gyno-, or gynec- means female.
- hetero- means other, different.
- hydr-, or hydro- means water.
- idio- means self, one's own.
- ity means pertaining to.
- karyo- means nucleus.
- neo- means new.
- ous means pertaining to.
- oxy- means sharp, acute, oxygen.
- pan-, or pant-, or panto- means all or everywhere.
- pharmaco- means drug, medicine.
- re- means again, backward.
- somat-, or somatico-, or somato- means body, bodily.
- acous-, or acouso- means hearing.
- aden-, or adeno- means gland.
- adip-, or adipo- means fat.
- adren-, or adreno- means gland.
- angi-, or angio- means blood vessel.
- ateri-, or aterio- means artery.
- arthr-, or arthro- means joint.
- blephar- means eyelid.
- bronch-, or bronchi- means bronchus (large airway that leads from the trachea (windpipe) to a lung).
- bucc-, or bucco- means cheek.
- burs-, or burso- means bursa (a small, fluid-filled sac that acts as a cushion between a bone and other moving parts)
- carcin-, or carcino- means cancer.
- cardi-, or cardio- means heart.
- cephal-, or cephalo- means head.
- chol- means bile.
- chondr- means cartilage.
- Coron- means heart.
- cost- means rib.
- crani-, or cranio- means brain.
- cutane means skin.
- cyst-, or cysti-, or cysto- means bladder or sac.
- dactyl-, or dactylo- means digit (finger or toe).
- derm-, or dermato- means skin.
- duodeno- means duodenum (the first part of your small intestine, right after your stomach).
- esthesio means sensation.
- gloss-, or gloss- means tongue.
- gastr- means stomach.
- gnath-, or gnatho- means jaw.
- grav- means heavy.
- hem, hema-, or hemat-, or hemato-, hemo- means blood.
- hepat-, or hepatico-, or hepato- means liver.
- hidr-, or hidro- means sweat.
- hist-, or histio-, or histo- means tissue.
- hyster-, or hystero- means uterus.
- ileo- means ileum (the lower part of the small intestine).
- irid-, or irido- means iris.
- ischi-, or ischio- means ischium (the lower and back part of the hip bone).
- ium means structure or tissue.
- kerat-, or kerato- means cornea (eye or skin).
- lacrim-, or lacrimo- means tear (from your eyes).
- lact-, or lacti-, or lacto- means milk.
- laryng-, or laryngo- means larynx (voice box).
- lingu-, or linguo- means tongue.
- lip-, or lipo- means fat.
- lith-, or litho- means stone.
- lymph-, or lympho- means lymph.
- mamm, mast-, or masto- means breast.
- mening-, or meningo- means meninges (the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord).
- muscul-, or musclo- means muscle.
- my-, or myo- means muscle.
- myel-, or myelo- means spinal cord OR bone marrow.
- myring-, or myringo- means eardrum.
- nephr-, or nephro- means kidney.
- neur-, or neuri-, or neuron means nerve.
- oculo- means eye.
- odont-, or odonto- means tooth.
- onych-, or onycho- means fingernail, toenail.
- oo- means egg, ovary.
- oophor-, or oophoro- means ovary.
- op-, or opt- means vision.
- ophthalm-, or ophthalmo- means eye.
- orchid-, or orchido-, or orchio- means testis.
- ossi- means bone.
- osseo- means bony.
- ost-, or oste-, or osteo- means bone.
- ot-, or oto- means ear.
- ovari-, or ovario-, ovi-, or ovo- means ovary.
- phalang- means phalanx (any bone in the fingers or toes).
- pharyng-, or pharyngo- means pharynx, throat.
- phleb-, or phlebo- means vein.
- phob-, or phobia means fear.
- phren-, or phreni-, phrenico-, or phreno- means diaphragm.
- pleur-, or pleura-, or pleuro- means rib, pleura (membrane that wraps around the outside of your lungs and lines the inside of your chest cavity).
- pneum-, or pneuma-, pneumat-, or pneumato- means air, lung.
- pod-, or podo means foot.
- prostat- means prostate.
- psych-, or psyche-, or psycho- means mind.
- proct-, or procto- means anus, rectum.
- pyel-, or pyelo- means pelvis.
- rachi- means spine.
- rect-, or recto- means rectum.
- ren-, or reno- means kidney.
- retin- means retina (of the eye).
- rhin-, or rhino- means nose.
- salping-, or salpingo- means tube.
- sial-, or sialo- means saliva, salivary gland.
- sigmoid-, or sigmoido- means sigmoid colon.
- splanchn-, or splanchni-, or splanchno- means viscera (internal organ).
- sperma-, or spermato-, or spermo- means sperm.
- spirat- means breathe.
- splen-, or spleno- means spleen.
- spondyl-, or spondylo- means vertebra.
- stern- means sternum (breastbone).
- stom-, or stoma-, stomat-, or stomato- means mouth.
- thel-, or thelo- means nipples.
- thorac-, or thoracico-, or thoraco- means chest.
- thromb-, or thrombo- means blood clot.
- thyr-, or thyro- means thyroid gland.
- trache-, or tracheo- means trachea (windpipe).
- tympan-, or tympano- means eardrum.
- ur-, or uro- means urine.
- uri-, or uric-, or urico- means uric acid.
- uria means in the urine.
- vagin- means vagina.
- varic-, or varico- means duct, blood vessel.
- vasculo- means blood vessel.
- ven-, or veno- means vein.
- vertebr- means vertebra, spine.
- vesic-, or vesico- means vesicle (cyst or pouch).
- ab-, or abs- means away from.
- ambi- means both sides.
- ante- means before, forward.
- circum- means around.
- cycl- means circle, cycle.
- dextr-, or dextro- means right side.
- de- means away from, ending.
- dia- means across, through.
- ect-, or ecto-, or exo- means outer; outside.
- en- means inside.
- end-, or endo-, ent- enter-, entero-, means within; inner.
- epi- means Upon, outside of.
- ex-, or extra- means beyond.
- infra- means beneath; below.
- inter- means between.
- intra- means within.
- meso- means middle.
- meta- means beyond, change.
- para- means alongside, abnormal.
- per- means through.
- peri- means around.
- post- means behind, after.
- pre- means before, in front.
- retro- means backward, behind.
- sinistr-, or sinistro- means left, left side.
- sub- means under.
- super- means above.
- supra- means above, upon.
- sy-, syl-, or sym-, syn-, or sys- means together.
- trans- means across, through.
- bi- means two.
- brady- means slow.
- diplo- means double.
- hemi- means half.
- homo- means same.
- hyper- means above, beyond, excessive.
- hypo- means under, deficient.
- iso- means equal, like.
- macro- means large, long, big.
- meg-, or mega-, megal-, or megalo- means great, large.
- megaly means enlargement.
- mic-, or micro- means small.
- mon-, or mono- means one.
- multi- means many.
- olig-, or oligo- means few, little.
- poly- means many, excessive.
- quadri- means four.
- semi- means half.
- tachy- means fast.
- tetra- means four.
- tri- means three.
- uni- means one.
- chlor-, or chloro- means green.
- chrom-, or chromato- means color.
- Cyano- means blue.
- erythr-, or erythro- means red.
- leuk-, or leuko- means white.
- melan-, or melano- means black.
- xanth-, or xantho- means yellow.
- cele means bulge.
- elect- means electrical activity.
- kin-, or kine-, kinesi-, kinesio-, or kino- means movement.
- kyph-, or kypho- means humped.
- morph-, or morpho- means shape.
- rhabd-, or rhabdo- means rod-shaped, striated.
- scoli-, or scolio- means twisted.
- cry-, or cryo- means cold.
- phon-, or phono- means sound.
- phos- means light.
- phot-, or photo- means light.
- reticul-, or reticulo- means net.
- therm-, or thermo- means heat.
- tono- means tone, tension, pressure.
- alge-, or algesi means pain.
- a-, or an- means without; lacking.
- anti- means against.
- contra- means against.
- dis- means separation, taking apart.
- dynia means pain, swelling.
- dys- means difficult, abnormal.
- eal, or ial means pertaining to.
- ectasis means expansion or dilation.
- emesis means vomiting.
- emia means blood condition.
- esis means state or condition.
- eu- means good, well.
- ia means condition.
- iasis means condition, formation of.
- ism means condition.
- ites, or itis means inflammation.
- lysis, or lytic, lyso-, or lys- means break down, destruction, dissolving.
- mal- means bad, abnormal.
- malacia means softening.
- mania means morbid impulse towards an object/thing.
- myc-, or myco- means fungus.
- myx-, or myxo- means mucus.
- necr-, or necro- means death.
- normo- means normal.
- odyn means pain.
- oma means tumor.
- oid means resembling.
- orth-, or ortho- means straight, normal, correct.
- osis means condition, usually abnormal.
- pathy, patho-, or path- means disease.
- penia means deficiency, lack of.
- phagia, phagy means eating, swallowing.
- phasia means speech.
- plasia, or plastic means growth.
- plegia means paralysis.
- pnea means breathing.
- poiesis means production.
- praxia means movement.
- pro- means favoring, supporting.
- pseudo- means false.
- ptosis means falling, drooping.
- pyo- means pus.
- pyro- means fever.
- onco- means tumor, bulk, volume.
- rrhage, or rrhagic means bleeding.
- rrhea means flow or discharge.
- sarco- means muscular, fleshlike.
- schisto- means split, cleft, division.
- schiz-, or schizo means split, cleft.
- sclera-, or sclero- means hardness.
- sclerosis means hardening.
- sis means condition.
- spasm means muscle condition.
- spasmo- means spasm.
- stasis means level, unchanging.
- sten-, or steno- means narrowed, blocked.
- taxis means movement.
- trophy means growth.
- centesis means surgical puncture to remove fluid.
- desis means surgical binding.
- ectomy means cut out, removal.
- gram, or graph, or graphy means recording, written.
- meter means device used for measuring.
- metry means measurement of.
- opsy means visual examination.
- ostomy means opening.
- otomy means Incision.
- pexy means surgical fixation.
- plasty means surgical reconstruction.
- radio- means radiation, radius.
- rrhaphy means suture.
- scope, or scopy means examine, for examining.
- stomy means surgical opening.
- tomy means cutting; incision.
- tripsy means crushing
Comprehensive list of medical terms[edit | edit source]
- ABO blood group
- ABR test
- AC joint
- ACE inhibitor
- ACE2
- ACG2
- ACL injury
- ACh
- AChE
- ADA deficiency
- ADH secretion
- ADLs
- AIDS dementia complex
- AIDS related complex
- AIDS wasting syndrome
- AIDS-related
- AK
- ALS1
- ALS2
- ALS3
- ALS4
- ALS5
- ALS6
- ALS7
- ALS8
- AML1
- APM1
- APO 1
- APT1
- AT
- ATCC-as
- AV
- AV fistula
- AV node
- Aarskog Scott syndrome
- Aarskog syndrome
- Aase Smith syndrome I
- Aase Smith syndrome II
- Ab ovo
- Abate
- Abatement
- Abdomen
- Abdominal
- Abdominal aneurysm
- Abdominal aorta
- Abdominal aortic aneurysm
- Abdominal cavity
- Abdominal guarding
- Abdominal hysterectomy
- Abdominal muscle deficiency syndrome
- Abdominal muscles
- Abdominal pain
- Abducent nerve
- Abductor muscle
- Abiological
- Abiotic
- Abiotrophy
- Ablate
- Ablation
- Ablepsy
- Abnormal
- Abortifacient
- Abortion
- Abortive
- Abortive polio
- Abrade
- Abraham man
- Abraham-men
- Abrasion
- Abrasion collar
- Abrin
- Abruptio
- Abruption
- Abs
- Abscess
- Abscission
- Abse
- Absence of the breast
- Absence of the nipple
- Absence seizure
- Absent eye
- Absenteeism
- Absinthe
- Absinthism
- Absolute CD4 count
- Absolute neutrophil count
- Absolute risk
- Absorbed dose
- Abstemious
- Abstinence
- Abuse-and-Alcoholism
- Abused inhalant
- Acanthamoeba
- Acanthamoeba keratitis
- Acantholysis
- Acanthosis nigricans
- Acapnia
- Acaricide
- Acathisia
- Accelerated phase of leukemia
- Acceptable daily intake
- Accessibility of services
- Accessory digestive organ
- Accessory dwelling unit
- Accessory nerve
- Accessory neuropathy
- Accessory placenta
- Acclimatization to altitude
- Accoucheur
- Accoucheuse
- Acedia
- Acellular
- Acellular vaccine
- Acentric chromosome
- Aceruloplasminemia
- Acetabular
- Acetabular labrum
- Acetabulum
- Acetaminophen
- Acetate
- Acetic acid
- Acetoacetate
- Acetone
- Acetyl CoA
- Acetyl coenzyme A
- Acetyl phosphate
- Acetylcholine
- Acetylcholinesterase
- Acetylcysteine
- Achalasia
- Achilles tendon
- Achilles tendonitis
- Achillobursitis
- Achillodynia
- Achlorhydria
- Acholia
- Achondrogenesis
- Achondrogenesis hypochondrogenesis
- Achondrogenesis type II
- Achondroplasia
- Achoo syndrome
- Achromatopsia
- Achromycin
- Acid
- Acid base balance
- Acid deposition
- Acid indigestion
- Acid phosphatase
- Acid rain
- Acid reflux
- Acidophilus
- Acidosis
- Acinetobacter
- Acinus
- Acne
- Acne rosacea
- Acne vulgaris
- Acou
- Acoustic
- Acoustic aphasia
- Acoustic nerve
- Acoustic neurinoma
- Acoustic neurofibromatosis
- Acoustic neuroma
- Acquired
- Acquired deafness
- Acquired epileptiform aphasia
- Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
- Acquired mutation
- Acral lentiginous melanoma
- Acrocentric chromosome
- Acrocephalosyndactyly
- Acrochordon
- Acrocyanosis
- Acrodermatitis enteropathica
- Acrodynia
- Acromioclavicular joint
- Acromion
- Acrophobia
- Acropustulosis
- Acrylamide
- Actinic
- Actinic keratosis
- Actinomycetes
- Activated charcoal
- Activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule
- Active euthanasia
- Active immunity
- Active placebo
- Active tuberculosis
- Activities of daily living
- Acu
- Acuity
- Acuity test
- Acupressure
- Acupuncture
- Acupuncturist
- Acustimulation
- Acute (medicine)
- Acute HIV infection
- Acute abdomen
- Acute angle closure glaucoma
- Acute bacterial prostatitis
- Acute brain syndrome
- Acute bronchitis
- Acute confusional state
- Acute coronary syndromes
- Acute epiglottitis
- Acute fatty liver of pregnancy
- Acute flaccid myelitis
- Acute glomerulonephritis
- Acute idiopathic polyneuritis
- Acute illness
- Acute kidney failure
- Acute leukemia
- Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
- Acute lymphocytic leukemia
- Acute membranous gingivitis
- Acute mountain sickness
- Acute myelogenous leukemia
- Acute myeloid leukemia
- Acute myocardial infarction
- Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
- Acute nonlymphocytic leukemia
- Acute otitis media
- Acute pain
- Acute pancreatitis
- Acute pericarditis
- Acute phase protein
- Acute phase proteins
- Acute phase reactant
- Acute promyelocytic leukemia
- Acute radiation syndrome
- Acute renal failure
- Acute respiratory disease
- Acute respiratory distress syndrome
- Acute stress disorder
- Acute thrombocytopenic purpura
- Acute tubular necrosis
- Acyclovir
- Ad
- Ad Ad
- Adam's apple
- Adamantine
- Adams Stokes disease
- Adapter protein
- Addison
- Addison anemia
- Addison disease
- Addisonian anemia
- Additive genetic effects
- Adducted thumbs with mental retardation
- Adduction
- Adductor muscle
- Aden
- Adenine
- Adenitis
- Adeno
- Adenocarcinoma
- Adenoid cystic carcinoma
- Adenoidectomy
- Adenoiditis
- Adenoids
- Adenoids and Tonsils
- Adenoma
- Adenoma colon family history
- Adenomatous polyposis coli
- Adenomyoma
- Adenomyomata
- Adenomyosis
- Adenomyosis uteri
- Adenopathy
- Adenosine deaminase
- Adenosine thallium scan
- Adenosine triphosphate
- Adenovirus
- Adherence (medicine)
- Adhesion (medicine)
- Adhesive capsulitis
- Adipocyte
- Adiponectin
- Adipose
- Adipose most abundant gene transcript 1
- Adiposity
- Adjacent
- Adjuvant
- Adjuvant chemotherapy
- Adjuvant therapy
- Admission
- Admission note
- Admitting physician
- Adnexa
- Adoption medicine
- Adrenal cortex
- Adrenal failure
- Adrenal gland
- Adrenal medulla
- Adrenaline
- Adrenergic storm
- Adrenoleukodystrophy
- Adult ADHD
- Adult T cell leukemia
- Adult T cell lymphoma
- Adult onset Still disease
- Adult onset diabetes
- Adult primary liver cancer
- Advance directives
- Advance grief
- Advance medical directives
- Advanced maternal age
- Advanced paternal age
- Adventitia
- Adventitious
- Adverse drug event
- Adverse drug reaction
- Adverse effect
- Adverse event
- Adverse outcome pathway
- Adverse reaction
- Ae Ag
- Aer
- Aerobic
- Aerobic exercise
- Aeromonas hydrophila
- Aerophagia
- Aerophobia
- Aerosinusitis
- Aerosol
- Aerosolization
- Aerospace medicine
- Aerotitis
- Aerotitis media
- Aesculapius
- Aetiology
- Affective disorder
- Afferent nerve
- Afferent vessel
- Affordable Care Act
- Aflatoxin
- African American
- African sleeping sickness
- African swine fever
- African tapeworm
- African tick typhus
- African trypanosomiasis
- Africanized
- Afrin (nasal spray)
- Afterbirth
- Agammaglobulinemia
- Age by decade
- Age of father
- Age of mother
- Age of onset
- Age related deafness
- Age related macular degeneration
- Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
- Agenesis
- Agenesis of the corpus callosum
- Agenesis of the gallbladder
- Agent Orange
- Ageusia
- Aggressive
- Aggressive angiomyxoma
- Aggressive lymphoma
- Aging
- Agita
- Agitated depression
- Agnate
- Agnosia
- Agonist
- Agonist maintenance treatment
- Agoraphobia
- Agranulocytosis
- Ague
- Agyrophobia
- Ah Al
- Ahmad Al Aliwi Al-Issa
- Ahmed Daqamseh
- Aicardi syndrome
- Aileen Wuornos
- Ailurophobia
- Aino Nykopp-Koski
- Air bag
- Air conditioner lung
- Airway obstruction
- Akathisia
- Akinesia
- Akinetic
- Akinetic mutism
- Alagille syndrome
- Alanine
- Alanine aminotransferase
- Alarm clock headache
- Alb
- Albert Sabin
- Albinism
- Albinism and hemorrhagic diathesis
- Albinism in humans
- Albino
- Albright syndrome
- Albuginea
- Albumin
- Albuminuria
- Alcohol
- Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
- Alcohol abuse
- Alcohol poisoning
- Alcoholic cardiomyopathy
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Aldose reductase inhibitor
- Aldosterone
- Aldosteronism
- Aldrin
- Aleeta Raugust
- Aleksey Sukletin
- Alembic
- Aleut health
- Alexander Pichushkin
- Alexander disease
- Alexander technique
- Alexei Ivanov (serial killer)
- Alexia
- Algophobia
- Algor mortis
- Alice Stewart
- Alice in Wonderland syndrome
- Alien hand syndrome
- Alienist
- Alimentary
- Alimentary canal
- Alkaline phosphatase
- Alkaline water
- Alkaloid
- Alkalosis
- Alkaptonuria
- Alkyl group
- Allele
- Allelic
- Allergen
- Allergic conjunctivitis
- Allergic contact dermatitis
- Allergic contact eczema
- Allergic granulomatosis
- Allergic granulomatous angiitis
- Allergic purpura
- Allergic reaction
- Allergic rhinitis
- Allergic salute
- Allergic vasculitis
- Allergy
- Allergy and Infectious Diseases
- Allergy desensitization
- Allergy immunotherapy
- Allergy scratch test
- Allergy shots
- Allergy skin test
- Allergy to cockroaches
- Allodynia
- Alloerotic
- Allogeneic
- Allogeneic graft
- Allograft
- Allopath
- Allopathic
- Allopathic medicine
- Allopathist
- Allopathy
- Allow natural death
- Alogia
- Alongshan Virus
- Alopecia areata
- Alopecia capitis totalis
- Alopecia universalis
- Alpers disease
- Alpha 1
- Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency
- Alpha ET
- Alpha Omega Alpha
- Alpha blocker
- Alpha cell
- Alpha defensin
- Alpha error
- Alpha ethltryptamine
- Alpha fetoprotein
- Alpha gal
- Alpha glucosidase inhibitor
- Alpha helix
- Alpha linolenic acid
- Alpha particle
- Alpha synuclein
- Alpha thalassemia
- Alport syndrome
- Alprazolam
- Alstrom Hallgren syndrome
- Alstrom syndrome
- Alternate hemiplegia
- Alternating hemiplegia of childhood
- Alternating hemiplegia syndrome
- Alternative Medicine
- Alternative medical system
- Alternative medicine
- Alternative splicing
- Alternative-Med
- Altitude illness
- Altitude sickness
- Alton Coleman
- Aluminum
- Aluminum poisoning
- Aluminum toxicity
- Alveolar
- Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma
- Alveolar hydatid disease
- Alveolar proteinosis
- Alveoli
- Alveolus
- Alzheimer disease
- Am Am
- Amastia
- Amathophobia
- Amaurosis fugax
- Amaurotic familial idiocy
- Amazia
- Ambidextrous
- Ambient
- Ambiguous genitalia
- Amblyopia
- Ambros syndrome
- Ambulance
- Ambulant
- Ambulatory
- Ambulatory care
- Ameba
- Amebiasis
- Amebic colitis
- Amebic dysentery
- Amelanism
- Amelanotic
- Amelanotic melanoma
- Amelioration
- Ameloblastin
- Amenia
- Amenomania
- Amenorrhea
- Amer College of Ob
- Amer College of Ob and Gyn
- American Academy of Family Physicians
- American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- American Association for Advancement of Science
- American Association of Dermatology
- American Cancer Society
- American College of Nurse Midwives
- American College of Physicians
- American College of Surgeons
- American Dental Association
- American Diabetes Association
- American Journal of Public Health
- American Medical Association
- American Plague
- American Psychiatric Association
- American Sign Language
- American Type Culture Collection
- American dog tick
- American medical school
- American trypanosomiasis
- Americium
- Ames
- Ames test
- Amine
- Amini
- Amino acid
- Amino acid symbols
- Amino acids
- Aminotransferase
- Amitriptyline
- Ammonia
- Ammonium perchlorate
- Amnesia
- Amnesic aphasia
- Amnestic aphasia
- Amniocentesis
- Amnion
- Amnioreduction
- Amniotic band syndrome
- Amniotic fluid
- Amniotic sac
- Amoeba
- Amok
- Amphetamine
- Ampulla
- Ampulla of Vater
- Ampullary carcinoma
- Amputation
- Amsler grid
- Amuck
- Amusia
- Amygdaloid
- Amygdaloid body
- Amygdaloid complex
- Amyl
- Amylase
- Amylo
- Amyloidosis
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 1
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 2
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 3
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 4
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 5
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 6
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 7
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 8
- An
- An An
- Anaerobic
- Anaesthesia
- Anal atresia
- Anal fissure
- Anal fistula
- Anal incontinence
- Anal itching
- Anal papilla
- Anal papillae
- Analbuminemia
- Analgesia
- Analgesic
- Analgesic drug
- Analog
- Analogous
- Analytic sensitivity
- Analytic specificity
- Anaphia
- Anaphylactoid purpura
- Anaphylaxis
- Anaplasmosis
- Anaplastology
- Anaptic
- Anasarca
- Anastomosis
- Anastrozole
- Anat
- Anatoly Slivko
- Anatomic orientation terms
- Anatomical plane
- Anatomical position
- Anatomical snuffbox
- Anatomical terminology
- Anatomical terms of bone
- Anatomical terms of location
- Anatomical terms of microanatomy
- Anatomical terms of muscle
- Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy
- Anatomy
- Anatomy in the Bible
- Anatripsis
- Ancylostoma infection
- Anders Behring Breivik
- Anderson Fabry disease
- Andrei Evseev
- Andrew Cunanan
- Andrew Weil
- Androgen
- Androgen ablation
- Androgen insensitivity syndrome
- Androgen suppression
- Androgen suppression therapy
- Androgenic
- Android pelvis
- Andrology
- Androphobia
- Androstenedione
- Andrés Leonardo Achipiz
- Andy McNab
- Anemia
- Anemia and triphalangeal thumbs
- Anemic
- Anencephaly
- Anergy
- Anesthesia
- Anesthesia awareness
- Anesthesiologist
- Anesthesiology
- Anesthetic
- Anesthetist
- Anetoderma
- Aneuploidy
- Aneurysm
- Aneurysmal bruit
- Anfinsen
- Angelman syndrome
- Angiitis
- Angina
- Angina pectoris
- Angina trachealis
- Anginal equivalent
- Angioedema
- Angiogenesis
- Angiogram
- Angiography
- Angioid streaks
- Angiokeratoma corporis diffusum universale
- Angiomatosis
- Angiomyolipoma
- Angiomyxoma
- Angioneurotic edema
- Angiopathy
- Angioplasty
- Angiosarcoma
- Angiostatin
- Angiostrongyliasis
- Angiostrongylus infection
- Angiotensin
- Angiotensin converting enzyme
- Angiotensin converting enzyme 2
- Angiotensin receptor blocker
- Angle closure glaucoma
- Angry
- Anhedonia
- Anhidrosis
- Anhidrotic
- Aniline
- Animal to human transplant
- Anion
- Anion gap
- Anisakiasis
- Aniso
- Anisocoria
- Anisocytosis
- Anisomastia
- Anisometropia
- Ankle
- Ankle bone
- Ankle foot orthosis
- Ankle joint
- Ankle pain
- Ankle sprain
- Ankle twist
- Ankyloglossia
- Ankylose
- Ankylosing
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Ankylosis
- Ankyrin deficiency
- Anlage
- Anlagen
- Annals of Internal Medicine
- Annexin A1
- Annexin V
- Annexins
- Annotate
- Annotation
- Annular pancreas
- Annulus
- Anodyne
- Anogenital tract
- Anomalad
- Anomia
- Anomic aphasia
- Anonymize
- Anonymous reporting
- Anonymous testing
- Anophthalmia
- Anorectic
- Anorexia
- Anorexia nervosa
- Anorexic
- Anorexigenic
- Anorgasmia
- Anorgasmy
- Anoscope
- Anoscopy
- Anosmia
- Anotia
- Anovular
- Anovular menstruation
- Anovulatory
- Anoxia
- Anoxic
- Ant
- Antagonist
- Antean
- Antegrade
- Antegrade amnesia
- Antenatal surgery
- Anterior
- Anterior chamber
- Anterior cruciate injury
- Anterior cruciate ligament
- Anterior pituitary
- Anterior tongue
- Antero
- Anterograde
- Anterograde amnesia
- Anterograde memory
- Anterolisthesis
- Anteroposterior
- Anthony's
- Anthophobia
- Anthracycline
- Anthrax immunization
- Anthrax toxin
- Anthropology
- Anti
- Anti CCP
- Anti NMDA receptor encephalitis
- Anti angiogenesis drugs
- Anti citrulline antibody
- Anti cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody
- Anti emetic
- Anti infective
- Anti platelet agents
- Anti reflux surgery
- Antiandrogen
- Antiatherogenic mutation
- Antibacterial
- Antibiotic
- Antibiotic resistance
- Antibiotic resistant tuberculosis
- Antibody
- Antibody cross reactivity
- Antibody dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity
- Anticholinergic
- Anticipation
- Anticipatory grief
- Anticoagulant
- Anticoagulant agent
- Anticonvulsant
- Antidepressant
- Antidepressants
- Antidiabetic agent
- Antidote
- Antielastase
- Antiemetics
- Antiestrogen
- Antifreeze poisoning
- Antifungal
- Antifungal agent
- Antifungal drug
- Antifungal medication
- Antigen
- Antigen antibody complex
- Antigen presenting cell
- Antigenic drift
- Antigenic shift
- Antihistamines
- Antihypertensive
- Antiinfective
- Antimalarial
- Antimetabolite
- Antimicrobial agent
- Antimicrobial drug
- Antimicrobial medication
- Antimicrobial resistance
- Antimony
- Antinuclear antibody
- Antinuclear antibody test
- Antioxidant
- Antiparallel
- Antiparasitic
- Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
- Antiprotozoal
- Antiprotozoal drug
- Antipsoriatic
- Antipsychotic
- Antipyretic
- Antiretroviral
- Antiretroviral therapy
- Antisense
- Antisense DNA
- Antisense drug
- Antisense mRNA
- Antisense strand RNA virus
- Antisepsis
- Antisocial personality
- Antisocial personality disorder
- Antispasmodic
- Antithymocyte globulin
- Antithyroglobulin
- Antithyroid antibody
- Antithyroid drug
- Antitoxin
- Antivenin
- Antiviral
- Antiviral agent
- Anton Chekhov
- Antonio Maria Valsalva
- Antonomasia
- Antonomastic
- Antonomasy
- Antro duodenal motility study
- Antrum
- Ants
- Anus
- Anvil
- Anxiety disorder
- Ao Ap
- Aorta
- Aortal
- Aortic
- Aortic aneurysm
- Aortic arch
- Aortic arch syndrome
- Aortic atresia
- Aortic dissection
- Aortic insufficiency
- Aortic regurgitation
- Aortic stenosis
- Aortic valve
- Aortitis
- Aperient
- Apert syndrome
- Apert syndrome acrocephalosyndactyly
- Apex
- Apgar
- Apgar score
- Aphagia
- Aphakia
- Aphasia
- Aphonia
- Aphrasia
- Aphthous ulcer
- Apical
- Apical foramen
- Apiphobia
- Aplasia
- Aplasia of the breast
- Aplastic anemia
- Apnea
- ApoA I Milano
- Apolipoprotein A I
- Apolipoprotein E
- Apollo
- Apopain
- Apophenia
- Apophysitis calcaneus
- Apoplexy
- Appendectomy
- Appendiceal
- Appendiceal cancer
- Appendiceal perforation
- Appendiceal rupture
- Appendicitis
- Appendix
- Appendix cancer
- Appendix epididymis
- Appendix epiploica
- Appendix perforation
- Appendix rupture
- Appendix testis
- Approved drug
- Apraxia
- Apraxia of speech
- Aq Ar
- Aquagenic urticaria
- Aquaphobia
- Aquaporin
- Aqueduct
- Aqueduct of Sylvius
- Aqueduct of the midbrain
- Aqueous humor
- Arabidopsis thaliana
- Arabidopsis thaliana genome
- Arachnodactyly
- Arachnoiditis
- Arachnophobia
- Arbitration agreement
- Arboviral encephalitis
- Archaea
- Archaeogenetics
- Archaeology
- Arctic health
- Arcuate neuron
- Arcuate nucleus
- Arcus senilis
- Areflexia
- Arenaviridae
- Arenavirus
- Arfan Bhatti
- Argentaffinoma
- Arginine
- Argon laser
- Argyria
- Arhythmia
- Arimidex
- Aristolochia fangchi
- Aristolochic acid
- Aristotle
- Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
- Armed tapeworm
- Arms
- Aromasin
- Aromatase
- Aromatase inhibitor
- Aromatherapy
- Arrayed library
- Arrector pili
- Arrectores pilorum
- Arrested development
- Arrhythmia
- Arrhythmias
- Arsine
- Artemidorus
- Artemisinin
- Artemsisia annua
- Arteria femoralis
- Arterial aneurysm
- Arterial blood gas
- Arterial tension
- Arteries
- Arteriogram
- Arteriohepatic dysplasia
- Arteriole
- Arteriosclerosis
- Arteriosclerotic aneurysm
- Arteriosclerotic retinopathy
- Arteriovenous malformation
- Arteritis
- Artery
- Artery disease
- Artery spasm
- Arth
- Arthr
- Arthralgia
- Arthritis
- Arthritis in children
- Arthritis mutilans
- Arthro
- Arthrocentesis
- Arthrogram
- Arthrogryposis
- Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita
- Arthropathy
- Arthroscope
- Arthroscopic
- Arthroscopy
- Arthrosis
- Arthur Shawcross
- Articulation disorder
- Articulations of the body
- Artificial abortion
- Artificial heart
- Artificial insemination
- Artificial insemination by donor
- Artificial insemination by husband
- Artificial knee
- Artificial nose
- Artificial pacemaker
- Artificial pancreas
- Arylalkylamine N acetyltransferase
- As As
- Asbestos
- Asbestosis
- Ascariasis
- Ascaris
- Ascending aorta
- Ascending pathway
- Ascites
- Asclepius
- Ascorbic acid
- Ascus
- Aseptic
- Aseptic bursitis
- Aseptic necrosis
- Asexual
- Asian cholera
- Asian flu
- Asian influenza
- Asn
- Asp
- Asparagine
- Aspartame
- Aspartate aminotransferase
- Aspartic acid
- Asperger syndrome
- Asperger's syndrome
- Aspergillus
- Asphyxia
- Aspie
- Aspirate
- Aspiration
- Aspiration pneumonia
- Aspirin resistance
- Asplenia
- Asplenic
- Assembly and budding
- Assessment and plan
- Assignment of benefits
- Assistant
- Assistant in dying
- Assisted living
- Assisted suicide
- Assistive device
- Assistive technology
- Association of American Medical Colleges
- Astatic seizure
- Asthenia
- Asthenic
- Asthma
- Asthma susceptibility gene
- Asthmatic
- Astraphobia
- Astrocytoma
- Asymptomatic
- Asymptomatic carrier
- Asymptomatic infection
- At At
- Ataxia
- Ataxia telangiectasia
- Ataxia telangiectasia mutated
- Atelectasis
- Athelia
- Atherectomy
- Atherogenesis
- Atheroma
- Atherosclerosis
- Atherosclerotic
- Atherosclerotic aneurysm
- Athetosis
- Athleats feet
- Athlete foot
- Athlete's feet
- Athlete's foot
- Athymic
- Athymic mouse
- Atkins diet
- Atlantoaxial
- Atlas and axis joint
- Atloaxoid joint
- Atom
- Atonia
- Atonic
- Atonic seizure
- Atony
- Atopic
- Atopic dermatitis
- Atopy
- Atresia
- Atria
- Atrial
- Atrial arrhythmias
- Atrial fib
- Atrial fibrillation
- Atrial flutter
- Atrial septal defect
- Atrial septum
- Atriodigital dysplasia
- Atrioventricular
- Atrium
- Atrophic vaginitis
- Atrophoderma
- Atrophy
- Atropine psychosis
- Attention deficit disorder
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- Attention getting
- Attentional
- Attenuate
- Attenuated
- Attenuated FAP
- Attenuated familial adenomatous polyposis
- Attenuated virus
- Atypia
- Atypical
- Atypical measles syndrome
- Au Au
- Audiogram
- Audiologist
- Audiology
- Audiometry
- Auditory acuity
- Auditory agnosia
- Auditory aphasia
- Auditory brainstem response test
- Auditory cortex
- Auditory disease
- Auditory integration training
- Auditory perception
- Auditory prosthesis
- Auditory tube
- Aura (symptom)
- Aural vertigo
- Auricle
- Auricular
- Auricular hematoma
- Auscultate
- Austin Flint murmur
- Autism
- Autistic savant
- Autoamputation
- Autoantibody
- Autochthonous
- Autoclave
- Autoeczematization
- Autogenous
- Autograft
- Autoimmune
- Autoimmune disease
- Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
- Autoimmune hepatitis
- Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome
- Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy
- Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy syndrome
- Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome
- Autoimmune process
- Autoimmune thyroid disease
- Autoimmune thyroiditis
- Autoimmunity
- Autoinnoculation
- Autologous
- Autologous blood donation
- Autolysis
- Automated external defibrillator
- Automated white cell differential
- Automatic behavior
- Automatic seizure
- Automatism
- Autonomic dysreflexia
- Autonomic failure
- Autonomic nervous system
- Autonomic neuropathy
- Autonomy
- Autophobia
- Autopsy
- Autoradiography
- Autosomal
- Autosomal chromosome
- Autosomal dominant
- Autosomal dominant hereditary spastic paraplegia
- Autosomal dominant radial drusen
- Autosomal recessive
- Autosome
- Autotransplant
- Autotransplantation
- Aux
- Av Az
- Avascular necrosis
- Avascular necrosis of the femoral head
- Avery
- Avian flu
- Avian influenza
- Avian tuberculosis
- Avulse
- Avuncular
- Axelrod
- Axial line (dermatomes)
- Axial tomography
- Axilla
- Axillary
- Axillary dissection
- Axillary hyperhidrosis
- Axillary joints
- Axon
- Ayurveda
- Azoospermia
- Azoospermic Medical Definition
- Azotemia
- Azygos
- B type inclusion
- B type natriuretic peptide
- B variant GM2 gangliosidosis
- B virus
- BASE breast cancer gene
- BM
- BMI calculation
- BMP2
- BMRs
- BP1
- BRCA breast cancer gene
- BRCA1 breast cancer susceptibility gene
- BRMs
- BSL 1
- BSL 2
- BSL 3
- BSL 4
- Ba
- Ba Bb
- Babesiosis
- Babinski response
- Baby blues
- Baby measles
- Baby teeth
- Baby walker
- Babysitter's elbow
- Bacillary angiomatosis
- Bacille Calmette Guerin
- Bacillophobia
- Bacillus
- Bacillus anthracis
- Back pain
- Background radiation
- Bacteremia
- Bacterial
- Bacterial artificial chromosome
- Bacterial peritonitis
- Bacterial prostatitis
- Bacterial vaginosis
- Bacteriaphobia
- Bacteriocidal
- Bacteriology
- Bacteriophage
- Bacteriostatic
- Baker cyst
- Baker's yeast
- Bakhtiyor Matyakubov
- Balamuthia mandrillaris
- Balanitis
- Balanoposthitis
- Balantidiasis
- Balantidium
- Baldness
- Ball and socket joint
- Ballard Maturational Assessment
- Balloon angioplasty
- Balloon tamponade
- Bambino
- Ban zhi lian
- Banding of chromosomes
- Bannayan syndrome
- Bar chart
- Bar graph
- Barbara
- Barbara McClintock
- Barbat skullcap
- Barber itch
- Bariatric
- Bariatric physician
- Bariatric surgery
- Bariatrician
- Bariatrics
- Barium
- Barium enema
- Barium enema x ray
- Barium solution
- Barium swallow
- Barker
- Barlow syndrome
- Baroparesis
- Barosinusitis
- Barotitis
- Barotrauma
- Barr body
- Barrett esophagus
- Barrett's esophagus
- Barry George
- Bartholin's glands
- Bartonella quintana
- Bartsocas Papas Syndrome
- Bartter syndrome
- Basal cell carcinoma
- Basal cell nevus syndrome
- Basal cells
- Basal ganglia
- Basal metabolic rate
- Basal nuclei
- Basal temperature
- Basal thermometer
- Base excision repair
- Base in DNA
- Base of tongue
- Base sequence
- Base sequence analysis
- Baseline (science)
- Basement membrane
- Basic Local Alignment Search Tool
- Basilar
- Basilar fracture
- Baskerville effect
- Basophil
- Basophilic leukocyte
- Bather's eruption
- Bathophobia
- Batten disease
- Battered child syndrome
- Battle fatigue
- Baumann Skin Types
- Bayes theorem
- Baylisascaris
- Bc Be
- Beaded vitreous type Stickler syndrome
- Beals
- Beard ringworm
- Beau Reil cross furrows
- Beau lines
- Beau's lines
- Beaufort wind scale
- Becker
- Beckwith Wiedemann syndrome
- Bed blocker
- Bed bug
- Bed bugs
- Bed sore
- Bednet
- Bedsore
- Bedwetting
- Bee genome
- Bee sting
- Beef tapeworm
- Beers criteria
- Beers list
- Behavior center
- Behavior therapy
- Behavioral medicine
- Behcet's disease
- Behcet's syndrome
- Beijerinck
- Bekam
- Belching
- Bell's palsy
- Bellini duct carcinoma
- Belly button
- Belly pain
- Benign
- Benign intracranial hypertension
- Benign lymphoreticulosis
- Benign melanoma
- Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
- Benign prostatic hyperplasia
- Benign prostatic hypertrophy
- Benign recurrent aseptic meningitis
- Benign sleep myoclonus
- Benign tumor
- Benjamin Atkins
- Benjamin Spock
- Benzene
- Benzidine
- Benzo
- Benzodiazepines
- Bereavement
- Bergamot oil
- Bergstrom
- Beriberi
- Berlin Heart
- Bernard
- Bernard Horner syndrome
- Bernard Soulier syndrome
- Bernard syndrome
- Bernstein test
- Berry aneurysm
- Berylliosis
- Beryllium
- Berzelius
- Beta 2 agonist
- Beta adrenergic blocking agents
- Beta agonist
- Beta carotene
- Beta cell
- Beta defensin
- Beta error
- Beta particle
- Beta protein 1
- Beta secretase
- Betel nut
- Bethesda system
- Beverly Hills diet
- Bezoar
- Bf Bj
- Bi
- Biallelic
- Bicarbonate
- Biceps
- Bicornuate
- Bicuspid
- Bicuspid aortic valve
- Bicuspid valve
- Bicycle helmet
- Biermer's
- Biermer's anemia
- Bietti crystalline dystrophy
- Bifid
- Bifid uvula
- Big bone disease
- Big toe sign
- Bilateral
- Bilateral pneumonia
- Bile
- Bile acid
- Bile acid resin
- Bile duct cancer
- Bile sludge
- Bilharzia
- Biliary
- Biliary atresia
- Biliary compression
- Biliary decompression
- Biliary microlithiasis
- Biliary pseudolithiasis
- Biliary sand
- Biliary sludge
- Bilious
- Bilious remitting fever
- Biliousness
- Bilirubin
- Biloma
- Binaural
- Bindy Johal
- Binge drinking
- Binge eating disorder
- Binocular
- Binocular diplopia
- Binocular vision
- Binocularity
- Binswanger disease
- Binucleate
- Bio
- Bioactive
- Bioarchaeology
- Biochemical
- Biochemical aspirin resistance
- Biochemistry
- Bioelectric impedance analysis
- Biofilm
- Biofluid
- Bioidentical hormone therapy
- Bioinformatics
- Biologic evolution
- Biological chemistry
- Biological response modifiers
- Biological safety level 1
- Biological safety level 2
- Biological safety level 3
- Biological safety level 4
- Biological therapy
- Biology
- Biomagnetic therapy
- Biomarker
- Biopsy
- Biosafety
- Biosafety level
- Bioterrorism
- Biotherapy
- Biotin
- Biotrauma
- Bipolar I disorder
- Bipolar II disorder
- Bipolar disease
- Bipolar disorder
- Bird flu
- Birt Hogg Dube syndrome
- Birth assistant
- Birth cohort
- Birth companion
- Birth control
- Birth defect
- Birth defects
- Birth rate
- Birthmark
- Bisexual
- Bisphosphonate
- Biventricular assist device
- Bk Bl
- Black American
- Black Death
- Black eye
- Black henna
- Black lung disease
- Black plague
- Blackhead
- Blackwater fever
- Blackwell
- Bladder
- Bladder cancer
- Bladder cancer risks
- Bladder catheter
- Bladder infection
- Bladder inflammation
- Bladder outlet obstruction
- Bladder pain
- Blade bone
- Blalock Taussig operation
- Blalock-Taussig
- Blanch (medical)
- Blast phase
- Blastocyst
- Blastocystis hominis
- Blastocystis infection
- Blastocystosis
- Blastokinin
- Blastoma
- Blastomyces dermatitidis
- Blastomycosis
- Blasts
- Bleb
- Bleb (medicine)
- Blender experiment
- Blepharitis
- Blepharophimosis
- Blepharoplasty
- Blepharoptosis
- Blepharospasm
- Blighted ovum
- Blind spot
- Blinded study
- Blindness
- Blister
- Blister agent
- Blister beetle
- Blistering agent
- Blocker
- Blockers
- Blood
- Blood Institute
- Blood bank
- Blood blister
- Blood brain barrier
- Blood cleaner
- Blood clot
- Blood clots
- Blood count
- Blood culture
- Blood draw
- Blood dyscrasia
- Blood glucose
- Blood group
- Blood in semen
- Blood in the eye
- Blood in the urine
- Blood pH
- Blood poisoning
- Blood sugar
- Blood thinner
- Blood transfusion
- Blood urea nitrogen
- Bloody Flux
- Bloody nose
- Bloody show
- Bloody sputum
- Blot
- Blue baby
- Blue baby operation
- Blue cohosh
- Blue disease
- Blue sclera
- Blueberry root
- Blunted affect
- Blurred vision
- Bm Bo
- Board certified
- Board eligible
- Body cell mass
- Body dysmorphic disorder
- Body fat monitor
- Body fat scales
- Body fluid
- Body habitus
- Body hearing aid
- Body image (neuroscience)
- Body image obsession
- Body integrity identity disorder
- Body mass index
- Body odor
- Body packer
- Body packing
- Body stuffing
- Body surface area
- Body type
- Bodywork
- Boerhaave's syndrome
- Bogart–Bacall syndrome
- Bogorad's syndrome
- Bolus (medicine)
- Bone cancer
- Bone cyst
- Bone density
- Bone marrow
- Bone marrow aspiration
- Bone marrow biopsy
- Bone marrow transplant
- Bone marrow transplantation
- Bone mass density
- Bone mineral density
- Bone morphogenetic protein
- Bone morphogenic protein 2
- Bone scan
- Bone type
- Bones of the arm
- Bones of the head
- Bones of the leg
- Bones of the skeleton
- Bones of the trunk
- Bonwill Triangle
- Bony syndactyly
- Bony tarsus
- Boomeritis
- Booster shot
- Borborygmi
- Borborygmus
- Borderline personality disorder
- Boris Serebryakov
- Bornholm disease
- Borrelia
- Borrelia burgdorferi
- Borrelia myamotoi
- Bos taurus genome
- Bosma arhinia microphthalmia syndrome
- Botox
- Bottlefeeding
- Botulinum toxin
- Botulism
- Bougie
- Bougienage
- Boutonneuse
- Bovine
- Bovine genome
- Bovine tuberculosis
- Bow legs
- Bowel
- Bowel Cancer
- Bowel disease
- Bowel disorders and fiber
- Bowel sounds
- Bowel-Resection
- Bowen disease
- Bp Br
- Brachial artery
- Brachial neuritis
- Brachial palsy
- Brachial paralysis
- Brachial plexus
- Brachial plexus palsy
- Brachial plexus paralysis
- Brachial vein
- Brachmann de Lange syndrome
- Brachy
- Brachycephaly
- Brachydactyly
- Brachytherapy
- Bradycardia
- Bradykinesia
- Bradykinetic
- Bradyphrenia
- Bradypnea
- Braille system
- Brain Hemorrhage
- Brain aneurysm
- Brain anthrax
- Brain biopsy
- Brain cancer
- Brain edema
- Brain freeze
- Brain lesions
- Brain malleability
- Brain plasticity
- Brain stem
- Brain swelling
- Brain tumor
- Brain ventricle
- Brainerd diarrhea
- Brainstem
- Brainstem auditory evoked potentials
- Brainstem implant
- Branchial cleft cyst
- Branchial cyst
- Braxton Hicks contractions
- Brazelton
- Brazelton newborn test
- Break-bone fever
- Breakbone fever
- Breast abscess
- Breast absence
- Breast aplasia
- Breast atrophy
- Breast augmentation
- Breast biopsy
- Breast bone
- Breast cancer
- Breast cancer gene
- Breast cancer gene BRCA1
- Breast cancer gene BRCA2
- Breast cancer metastasis suppressor 1
- Breast cancer susceptibility genes
- Breast development
- Breast discharge
- Breast feeding
- Breast fibroadenoma
- Breast implants
- Breast infection
- Breast lump
- Breast milk
- Breast pain
- Breast reduction
- Breast surgeon
- Breast trauma
- Breastfeeding
- Breastfeeding practices
- Breech
- Breech birth
- Breslow thickness
- Breslow's depth
- Brian David Mitchell
- Brian Dugan
- Bright's disease
- Brill Zinsser disease
- Brissaud's infantilism
- British National Formulary
- Brittle bone disease
- Brittle diabetes
- Broca's area
- Broken foot
- Broken hip
- Bromine
- Bromism
- Bromobenzylcyanide
- Bromoderma
- Bronchi
- Bronchiectasis
- Bronchiole
- Bronchiolitis
- Bronchitis
- Bronchopulmonary
- Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
- Bronchopulmonary segments
- Bronchoscope
- Bronchoscopy
- Bronchospasm
- Bronchus
- Brontophobia
- Bronze John
- Brooke Spiegler Syndrome
- Bross
- Brown fat
- Brown syndrome
- Bruce N
- Bruce protocol
- Brugada syndrome
- Bruise
- Bruit
- Brunhilde virus
- Brushfield's spots
- Bruton agammaglobulinemia tyrosine kinase
- Bruxism
- Bs Bv
- Bubble boy disease
- Bubo
- Buboes
- Buccal administration
- Buccal mucosa
- Buccal tablet
- Buerger's disease
- Buffalo chest
- Buffalo hump
- Bulbar
- Bulbar conjunctiva
- Bulbourethral gland
- Bulimia nervosa
- Bulimia susceptibility gene
- Bulla
- Bullae
- Bullous
- Bullous pemphigoid
- Bullying
- Bumps
- Bundling
- Bunion
- Buprenorphine
- Burkholderia cepacia
- Burkitt
- Burkitt lymphoma
- Burkitt's lymphoma
- Burn treatment
- Burning mouth syndrome
- Burning urination
- Burp
- Bursa
- Bursae
- Bursal
- Bursitis
- Bursopathy
- Buruli ulcer
- Burundanga
- Buschke disease
- Buschke scleredema
- Buschke's disease
- Buschke's scleredema
- Butterbur
- Butterfly rash
- Butyric acid
- Bw Bz
- C
- C Reactive Protein Test
- C difficile
- C peptide
- C reactive protein
- C section
- C1 C7
- CA 125
- CA 15 3
- CA 19 9
- CA 27 29
- CABG off pump
- CARDIA Study
- CAT scan
- CAT scan helical
- CAT scan spiral
- CB1
- CB1 receptor
- CB2
- CB2 receptor
- CC chemokine receptor 5
- CCL5
- CCR5
- CD10
- CD4
- CD4 count absolute
- CD40
- CD8
- CD95
- CEA assay
- CHARGE association
- CHARGE syndrome
- CLOVES syndrome
- CM
- CMG2
- CML juvenile
- CNPs
- CNR1
- CNR2
- CNS prophylaxis
- COL2A1
- COL4A5
- CPEO with myopathy
- CPEO with ragged red fibers
- CPM machine
- CPP32
- CREST syndrome
- CST3
- CT Ultrafast
- CT cell
- CT colography
- CT colonography
- CT electron beam
- CT scan
- Ca Ca
- Cabbage Soup Diet
- Cachectic
- Cachetic
- Cachexia
- Cadaver
- Cadaver wart
- Cadmium
- Caduceus
- Caecal
- Caecum
- Caenorhabditis elegans genome
- Cafe au lait spot
- Caffeine
- Cage rib
- Cage thoracic
- Cain mark of
- Cal
- Calabresi Paul
- Calamine
- Calcaneal spur
- Calcaneocuboid joint
- Calcaneus
- Calcific bursitis
- Calcification
- Calcification nonarteriosclerotic cerebral
- Calcified granuloma
- Calcinosis
- Calcinosis cutis
- Calcipotriene
- Calcitonin
- Calcitriol
- Calcium
- Calcium channel blocker
- Calcium deficiency
- Calcium excess
- Calculi
- Calculi renal
- Calculus (medicine)
- Calculus renal
- Calefacient
- Calf bone
- Caliciviridae
- Calicivirus
- California rocket fuel
- Calipers
- Calipers skin
- Callosity
- Calor
- Calor dolor rubor and tumor
- Camelpox
- Camisole
- Camp Fever
- Camp fever
- Camphechlor
- Campion Thomas
- Campomelic dysplasia
- Campylobacter jejuni
- Campylobacteriosis
- Canavan disease
- Cancer Hodgkin disease
- Cancer Institute National
- Cancer adult primary liver
- Cancer anorexia
- Cancer antigen 125
- Cancer basal cell
- Cancer bladder
- Cancer bone
- Cancer brain
- Cancer breast
- Cancer breast familial
- Cancer breast susceptibility genes
- Cancer care
- Cancer causes
- Cancer cervical
- Cancer cervix
- Cancer cluster
- Cancer colon
- Cancer endometrial
- Cancer esophageal
- Cancer esophagus
- Cancer gastric
- Cancer islet cell
- Cancer kidney
- Cancer larynx
- Cancer leukemia
- Cancer lung
- Cancer lymphoma Hodgkin
- Cancer lymphoma non Hodgkin
- Cancer male breast
- Cancer malignant melanoma
- Cancer melanoma
- Cancer multiple myeloma
- Cancer myeloma
- Cancer non small cell lung
- Cancer oat cell
- Cancer of the appendix
- Cancer of the cervix
- Cancer of the clitoris
- Cancer of the labia
- Cancer of the pancreas
- Cancer of the rectum
- Cancer of the tongue
- Cancer of the vulva
- Cancer oral
- Cancer ovarian
- Cancer ovary
- Cancer pancreas
- Cancer pancreatic
- Cancer papillary
- Cancer penis
- Cancer prostate
- Cancer prostatic
- Cancer rectal
- Cancer registry
- Cancer skin
- Cancer small cell lung
- Cancer stomach
- Cancer survivor
- Cancer symptoms
- Cancer testicles
- Cancer testicular
- Cancer thyroid
- Cancer uterine
- Cancer uterus
- Cancer womb
- Candida albicans
- Candida auris
- Candidate gene
- Candidiasis
- Candidiasis invasive
- Candidiasis oral
- Canine flu dog flu
- Canine genome
- Canine heartworm
- Canine tooth
- Canker sore
- Cannabinoid
- Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome
- Cannabinoid receptor 1
- Cannabinoid receptor 2
- Cannonball pulse
- Cannula
- Capillaries
- Capillary morphogenesis gene 2
- Capitation
- Capnocytophaga canimorsus
- Capsaicin
- Capsid
- Capsule of Glisson
- Capsulitis
- Captioning
- Car booster seat
- Carb
- Carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae
- Carbo loading
- Carbohydrate intake infant
- Carbohydrates
- Carbolic acid
- Carbon dioxide
- Carbon dioxide content
- Carbon monoxide hemoglobin
- Carbon monoxide on houseboats
- Carbon monoxide poisoning
- Carbonmonoxyhemoglobin
- Carboxyhemoglobin
- Carboxyhemoglobinemia
- Carbuncles
- Carcinoembryonic antigen
- Carcinogen
- Carcinogenic
- Carcinoid syndrome
- Carcinoid tumor
- Carcinoma
- Carcinoma Merkel cell
- Carcinoma ampullary
- Carcinoma basal cell
- Carcinoma hepatocellular
- Carcinoma in situ
- Carcinoma in situ squamous cell
- Carcinoma islet cell
- Carcinoma of the breast infiltrating ductal
- Carcinoma of the breast infiltrating lobular
- Carcinoma of the tongue
- Carcinoma pancreatic
- Cardiac
- Cardiac aneurysm
- Cardiac conduction system
- Cardiac defibrillator implantable
- Cardiac index
- Cardiac insufficiency
- Cardiac limb syndrome
- Cardiac muscle
- Cardiac myocyte
- Cardiac myxoma
- Cardiac output
- Cardiac rehabilitation
- Cardiac septum
- Cardiac shunt
- Cardiac stress testing exercise
- Cardiac tamponade
- Cardiac transplant
- Cardiac ventricle
- Cardio cutaneous syndrome
- Cardiologist
- Cardiology
- Cardiomegaly
- Cardiomyopathy
- Cardiomyopathy dilated
- Cardiomyopathy doxorubicin
- Cardiomyopathy hypertrophic
- Cardiopathy
- Cardioplegia
- Cardiopulmonary
- Cardiopulmonary bypass
- Cardiovascular
- Cardiovascular disease
- Cardiovascular syncope
- Cardiovascular system
- Cardioversion
- Cardioverter
- Carditis
- Care ambulatory
- Care critical
- Care hospice
- Care managed
- Care nail
- Care postoperative
- Care preoperative
- Care proxy health
- Caries
- Carl Eugene Watts
- Carminative
- Carmine Galante
- Carnassial
- Carney complex
- Carnoy's solution
- Carotene beta
- Carotenemia
- Carotenoid
- Carotid
- Carotid artery
- Carotid artery stenosis
- Carotid body
- Carotid endarterectomy
- Carotid stenosis
- Carpal bone
- Carpal tunnel release
- Carrier hemophilia
- Carrier test
- Carroll Cole
- Cartilage
- Cartilage hair hypoplasia syndrome
- Casals Ariet
- Casals Ariet Jordi
- Case fatality percentage
- Case fatality proportion
- Case presentation
- Case report
- Case to infection proportion
- Case to infection ratio
- Casein
- Caseous
- Cashew allergy
- Caspase 3
- Cassette
- Casting serial
- Castleman disease
- Cat cry syndrome
- Cat eye syndrome
- Cat scratch disease
- Cat scratch fever
- Catabolism
- Catalepsy
- Catalysis
- Catalyst
- Catamenia
- Cataplasm
- Cataplexy
- Cataract
- Cataract nuclear
- Cataract primary
- Cataract secondary
- Cataract supranuclear
- Cataract surgery
- Cataract with poikiloderma atrophicans
- Catastrophic schizophrenia
- Catatonic
- Catechol O methyltransferase
- Catecholamine
- Category 1 storm
- Category 2 storm
- Category 3 storm
- Category 4 storm
- Category 5 storm
- Category five hurricane
- Category four hurricane
- Category one hurricane
- Category three hurricane
- Category two hurricane
- Cathartic
- Catheter
- Catheter Foley
- Catheter Swan Ganz
- Catheter central
- Catheter central venous
- Catheter hemodialysis
- Catheter indwelling bladder
- Catheter pulmonary artery
- Catheterization venous
- Cathexis
- Cation
- Cauda equina
- Cauda equina syndrome
- Caudad
- Caudal
- Caudal anesthesia
- Caudal block
- Caudal epidural anesthesia
- Caudate nucleus
- Cauliflower ear
- Cauliflower ear deformity
- Caulophyllum thalictroides
- Causalgia
- Cause of death
- Causes
- Causes of cancer
- Cauterization
- Caveola
- Cavernous hemangioma
- Cavernous sinus
- Cavernous sinus syndrome
- Cavernous sinus thrombosis
- Cavities
- Cavity abdominal
- Cavy
- Cb Ce
- Cecal
- Cecal volvulus
- Cecum
- Cedar fever Mountain
- Celebrity diets
- Celiac disease adult
- Celiac sprue
- Cell B
- Cell T
- Cell T 4
- Cell T helper
- Cell alpha
- Cell antigen presenting
- Cell beta
- Cell cloning
- Cell cone
- Cell cycle
- Cell delta
- Cell fat
- Cell fusion
- Cell helper
- Cell lineage
- Cell plasma
- Cell rod
- Cell somatic
- Cell sorter fluorescence activated
- Cell stem
- Cell suicide
- Cell therapy
- Cell totipotent
- Cellophane maculopathy
- Cells germ
- Cells reproductive
- Cellulite
- Cellulitis
- Cellulitus
- Celsus
- Cemento ossifying fibroma
- Cementoenamel junction
- Centenarian
- Center for Biologics Evaluation
- Center for Devices
- Center trauma
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centigrade
- Centimeter
- Centimorgan
- Central auditory processing disorder
- Central catheter
- Central core disease
- Central core disease of muscle
- Central fovea
- Central line
- Central nervous system
- Central nervous system spongy degeneration of the
- Central retinal artery
- Central retinal vein
- Central serous retinopathy
- Central venous catheter
- Central venous line
- Central venous pressure
- Central vision
- Centrencephalic seizure
- Centric fusion translocation
- Centromere
- Cephal
- Cephalgia
- Cephalgia histamine
- Cephalic
- Cephalic disorder
- Cephalic disorders
- Cephalothoracic lipodystrophy
- Cerate
- Ceratodontes
- Cerclage
- Cercopithecine herpesvirus 1
- Cerebellar
- Cerebellar ataxia with progressive dementia
- Cerebellar degeneration
- Cerebellum
- Cerebral
- Cerebral amyloidosis and spongiform encephalopathy
- Cerebral aneurysm
- Cerebral arterial gas embolism
- Cerebral calcification nonarteriosclerotic
- Cerebral cortex
- Cerebral edema
- Cerebral fornix
- Cerebral hemispheres
- Cerebral herniation
- Cerebral hypoxia
- Cerebral palsy
- Cerebral perfusion pressure
- Cerebral vascular
- Cerebral vascular disease
- Cerebral ventricle
- Cerebritis
- Cerebrohepatorenal syndrome
- Cerebrospinal fluid
- Cerebrovascular
- Cerebrovascular accident
- Cerebrovascular disease
- Cerebrovascular ferrocalcinosis
- Cerebrum
- Certified midwife
- Certified nurse midwife
- Certified professional midwife
- Ceruloplasmin deficiency
- Cervical
- Cervical cancer
- Cervical cap
- Cervical cerclage
- Cervical conization
- Cervical disc
- Cervical dislocation
- Cervical dysplasia
- Cervical dystocia
- Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
- Cervical kyphosis postmenopausal
- Cervical rib
- Cervical spondylosis
- Cervical vertebra first
- Cervical vertebra second
- Cervical vertebrae
- Cervicectomy
- Cervicitis
- Cervix
- Cervix incompetent
- Cesarean section
- Cesarean section lower segment
- Cesarean section vaginal birth after
- Cesarian section
- Cesarian section lower segment
- Cesarian section vaginal birth after
- Ceteris paribus
- Cf Ch
- Chagas disease
- Chain of survival
- Chain termination codon
- Chalazion
- Chamber anterior
- Chamber posterior
- Chamomile
- Chancre
- Chancroid
- Chandipura virus
- Change of life
- Change single base
- Changes-in-Color
- Channel ion
- Channelopathy
- Chaperone
- Chapped lips
- Char syndrome
- Charbon
- Charcoal activated
- Charcot Marie Tooth disease
- Charcot Wilbrand syndrome
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth
- Chargaff ratios
- Chargaff rule
- Chargaff's rule
- Charles Bell
- Charles D
- Charles Darwin
- Charles J. Guiteau
- Charles Manson
- Charles Ray Hatcher
- Charles-D
- Charley horse
- Chart Snellen's
- Chasing the dragon
- Checkpoint
- Cheek teeth
- Cheesewiring
- Cheilitis
- Cheiroarthropathy
- Chekhov
- Chekhov Anton
- Chemical menopause
- Chemical reaction
- Chemical terrorism
- Chemo
- Chemo brain
- Chemo fog
- Chemobrain
- Chemoembolization
- Chemofog
- Chemokine
- Chemokine receptor
- Chemokinesis
- Chemoprevention
- Chemoprophylaxis
- Chemoradiotherapy
- Chemosense
- Chemosensory
- Chemosis
- Chemotherapy
- Chemotherapy adjuvant
- Chemotherapy related cognitive dysfunction
- Chemotherapy topical
- Chen Zhong Wei
- Cherubism
- Chest X ray
- Chest cold
- Chest film
- Chest pain
- Chewing tobacco
- Chicken genome
- Chicken pox
- Chickenpox
- Chickenpox immunization
- Chickenpox rash
- Chickenpox vaccination
- Chief complaint
- Chiggers
- Chikungunya virus
- Chilblain
- Child Health and
- Child abuse
- Child abuse emotional
- Child abuse physical
- Child abuse psychological
- Child abuse sexual
- Child abuse verbal
- Child development test
- Child health
- Child injury mental
- Child neglect
- Child urine infection
- Childbed fever
- Childbirth assistant
- Childbirth fever
- Childhood
- Childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia
- Childhood ataxia with CNS hypomyelinization
- Childhood liver cancer
- Childhood translocation 11 leukemia
- Children
- Children of the dark
- Children of the night
- Children's immunizations
- Chills
- Chimera
- Chimeraplasty
- Chimeric antigen receptor CAR T cell treatment
- Chin cough
- Chinese
- Chinese medicine
- Chinese restaurant syndrome
- Chiropractic
- Chiropractor
- Chlamydia trachomatis
- Chloral hydrate
- Chloride
- Chlorinated camphene
- Chloroacetophenone
- Chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile
- Chloroform
- Chloropicrin
- Chloroprene
- Chlorpyrifos
- Choana
- Choanae
- Choanal
- Choanal atresia
- Choanal stenosis
- Chocolate
- Choking
- Choking in children
- Cholangi
- Cholangiogram
- Cholangiogram IV
- Cholangiogram intravenous
- Cholangiography
- Cholangiography percutaneous transhepatic
- Cholangitis
- Cholangitis primary sclerosing
- Cholangitis sclerosing
- Cholecalciferol
- Cholecyst
- Cholecystectomy
- Cholecystitis
- Cholecystogram oral
- Cholecystokinin
- Cholelithiasis
- Cholera
- Cholera genome
- Cholescintigraphy
- Cholestasis
- Cholestasis with peripheral pulmonary stenosis
- Cholesteatoma
- Cholesterol
- Cholesterol HDL
- Cholesterol LDL
- Cholesterol ester transfer protein
- Cholesterol guidelines
- Cholesterol lowering with fibrate
- Cholesteryl ester transfer protein
- Cholestin
- Chondrocalcinosis
- Chondrodysplasia metaphyseal
- Chondrodystrophic myotonia
- Chondrogenesis imperfecta
- Chondroitin sulfate
- Chondromalacia
- Chondromalacia patellae
- Chondroplasia
- Chondrosarcoma
- Chorda tympani
- Chordae tendineae
- Chordoma
- Chorea
- Chorea Sydenham's
- Chorea senile
- Chorioamnionitis
- Chorioangioma placental
- Choriocarcinoma
- Chorion
- Chorionic gonadotropin human
- Chorionic villus sampling
- Choroid
- Choroidal melanoma
- Choroiditis
- Chrematophobia
- Christiaan
- Christian Boehmer Anfinsen Jr
- Christopher Robin Worrell
- Chromaesthesia
- Chromatids
- Chromatin
- Chromatin modeling
- Chromatin modelling
- Chromatin remodeling
- Chromatin remodelling
- Chromatography gas
- Chromatophobia
- Chromesthesia
- Chromonychia
- Chromosome
- Chromosome 1
- Chromosome 11 childhood leukemia
- Chromosome 2
- Chromosome 3
- Chromosome 4p syndrome
- Chromosome 5q syndrome
- Chromosome X
- Chromosome Y
- Chromosome acentric
- Chromosome acrocentric
- Chromosome band
- Chromosome banding
- Chromosome complement
- Chromosome dicentric
- Chromosome disorder
- Chromosome duplication
- Chromosome inversion
- Chromosome inversion paracentric
- Chromosome inversion pericentric
- Chromosome map
- Chromosome marker
- Chromosome metaphase
- Chromosomes
- Chromosomes in multiple miscarriages
- Chronic
- Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
- Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease Global Initiativ
- Chronic arthritis systemic onset juvenile
- Chronic bacterial prostatitis
- Chronic bronchitis
- Chronic care
- Chronic condition
- Chronic daily headache
- Chronic disease
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Chronic glomerulonephritis
- Chronic granulocytic leukemia
- Chronic illness
- Chronic insomnia
- Chronic kidney failure
- Chronic leukemia
- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- Chronic myelocytic leukemia
- Chronic myelogenous leukemia
- Chronic myelogenous leukemia juvenile
- Chronic myeloid leukemia
- Chronic obstructive lung disease
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Chronic otitis externa
- Chronic pain
- Chronic pancreatitis
- Chronic phase
- Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia
- Chronic recurrent multi focal osteomyelitis
- Chronic renal failure
- Chronic tamponade
- Chronic traumatic encephalopathy
- Chronic wasting disease
- Chronicity
- Churg Strauss syndrome
- Chyle
- Chylomicron
- Chyme
- Ci
- Ci Cl
- Cider vinegar diet
- Cigar
- Cigarette
- Ciguatera
- Ciguatoxin
- Cilia
- Ciliary body
- Ciliary body melanoma
- Ciliary muscle
- Ciliary neuralgia
- Cilium
- Cinacalcet
- Cingulid
- Circadian
- Circadian rhythm disorder
- Circinate balanitis
- Circle of Willis
- Circular breathing
- Circulation fetal
- Circulatory
- Circulatory system
- Circum
- Circumflex
- Circumjacent
- Cirrhosis
- Cirrhosis and gray matter degeneration
- Cisplatin
- Citrovorum factor
- Citrulline
- Citrulline antibody
- Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniform
- Clade
- Clamydia
- Clarence Carnes
- Clark level of invasion
- Clark's level
- Clasped thumbs and mental retardation
- Classic typhus
- Classification of diseases
- Claudication
- Claudication intermittent
- Claudication venous
- Claustrophobia
- Clavicle
- Clavus
- Clay shoveler's fracture
- Cleft lip
- Cleft palate
- Cleft palate prosthesis
- Cleft uvula
- Cleidocranial dysostosis
- Cleidocranial dysplasia
- Click murmur syndrome
- Clifford Olson
- Climacteric
- Clinical
- Clinical Research Center
- Clinical aspirin resistance
- Clinical cytogenetics
- Clinical depression
- Clinical disease
- Clinical formulation
- Clinical investigator
- Clinical pathway
- Clinical psychology
- Clinical research center
- Clinical research trials
- Clinical social worker licensed
- Clinical supervision
- Clinical trials
- Clinodactyly
- Clinomorphism
- Clinophilia
- Clinophobia
- Clitoral
- Clitoral amputation
- Clitoral cancer
- Clitorectomy
- Clitoridectomy
- Clitoris
- Cloaca
- Cloacal exstrophy
- Clone bank
- Clones recombinant
- Clonic seizure
- Cloning
- Cloning DNA
- Cloning cell
- Cloning therapeutic
- Cloning vector
- Clonote
- Clostridium
- Clostridium botulinum
- Clostridium difficile
- Clostridium perfringens
- Clostridium welchii
- Clot blood
- Clot dissolving medication
- Clotbuster
- Club drug
- Clubfoot
- Cluster
- Cluster headache
- Cluttering
- Cm Co
- Co morbid
- Co payment
- Co stimulation
- CoQ10
- Coagulation
- Coagulation laser
- Coal miner's pneumoconiosis
- Coarctation
- Coarctation of the aorta
- Coated stent
- Cobalamin
- Cocaine
- Cocci
- Coccidioidomycosis
- Coccus
- Coccydynia
- Coccygeal
- Coccygeal vertebrae
- Coccyx
- Coccyx bone
- Cochlea
- Cochleae
- Cochlear
- Cochlear implant
- Cockayne syndrome
- Cockroach allergy
- Cod liver oil
- Code black
- Code blue
- Code emergency
- Code hospital
- Coding DNA
- Codon
- Coefficient of inbreeding
- Coenzyme
- Coenzyme Q10
- Coeval
- Coffin Lowry syndrome
- Cogan corneal dystrophy
- Cogan syndrome
- Cognition
- Cognitive
- Cognitive behavior therapy
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
- Cognitive dysfunction chemotherapy related
- Cognitive therapy
- Cohort
- Cohort study
- Coinsurance
- Coitophobia
- Coitus
- Coitus interruptus
- Coke
- Colchicine
- Cold June
- Cold agglutinin disease
- Cold common
- Cold injury
- Cold sore
- Cold summer
- Colectomy
- Colic
- Coliform
- Colin Ireland
- Colin Norris
- Colin Pitchfork
- Colinear
- Colinearity
- Colitis
- Colitis Crohn's
- Colitis amebic
- Colitis granulomatous
- Colitis mucus
- Colitis pseudomembranous
- Colitis spastic
- Colitis ulcerative
- Colitis universal
- Collagen
- Collagen IV alpha 5
- Collagen disease
- Collagen injection
- Collagen type IV alpha 5
- Collagenopathy
- Collapsed lung
- Collapsing pulse
- Collarbone
- Collateral knee ligament lateral
- Collateral knee ligament medial
- Coloboma
- Colography computed tomography
- Colon Cancer
- Colon cancer and polyps
- Colon cancer family history
- Colon cancer risk
- Colon cancer that has metastasized to the liver
- Colon polyp
- Colon polyp family history
- Colon syndrome nervous
- Colonic
- Colonic adenoma family history
- Colonoscope
- Colonoscopy
- Colonoscopy virtual
- Colony stimulating factor
- Color eye
- Color hearing
- Color skin
- Colorblindness
- Colorblindness red green
- Colorectal
- Colorectal adenoma and carcinoma 1
- Colorectal adenoma family history
- Colorectal adenomatous polyposis recessive
- Colorectal cancer
- Colorectal cancer family history
- Colorectal cancer risk
- Colorectal polyp
- Colorectal surgeon
- Coloscopy
- Colostomy
- Colostomy bag
- Colostomy iliac
- Colostomy transverse
- Colostrum
- Colpo
- Colpocephaly
- Colpopexy
- Colpoptosis
- Colporrhaphy
- Colposcope
- Colposcopy
- Colpotomy
- Coma diabetic
- Combination therapy
- Combined injectable birth control
- Combined oral contraceptive
- Comedo
- Comedones
- Commensal
- Comminuted fracture
- Commissure
- Common acute lymphocytic leukemia antigen
- Common bile duct
- Common cold
- Common hepatic duct
- Common variable immunodeficiency
- Commotio cordis
- Communicans
- Community acquired infection
- Comorbidity
- Compartment syndrome
- Compassionate use
- Complement system
- Complementary DNA
- Complementary medicine
- Complementary sequence
- Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome
- Complete blood count
- Complete hysterectomy
- Complete syndactyly
- Complex partial seizure
- Complicated grief
- Complication (medicine)
- Complications postoperative
- Compound fracture
- Compound heterozygote
- Compound microscope
- Compression biliary
- Compression fracture
- Compression nerve
- Compulsive shopping
- Computed tomography
- Computed tomography colography
- Computer addiction
- Computerized axial tomography
- Computerized axial tomography scan
- Computerized physician order entry
- Computerized tomography
- Computerized-Axial
- Conan Doyle Sir Arthur
- Concatemer
- Concatenate
- Concordant
- Concordant couple
- Concussion
- Concussion of the brain
- Condition Sever
- Conditioning
- Conditioning Pavlovian
- Condom
- Condom female
- Condom male
- Conduction system cardiac
- Conductive hearing loss
- Condyloma
- Condyloma acuminatum
- Condyloma latum
- Condyloma subcutaneum
- Cone dystrophy
- Cone snail
- Confessions of a Sociopath
- Conformal radiation therapy
- Conformational radiation therapy
- Congenital
- Congenital achromatopsia
- Congenital anemia
- Congenital anemia and triphalangeal thumbs
- Congenital anemia with spinocerebellar ataxia
- Congenital anomaly
- Congenital arthrogryposis
- Congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens
- Congenital brevicollis
- Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome
- Congenital cervicothoracic vertebrae synostosis
- Congenital clasped thumb with mental retardation
- Congenital deafness
- Congenital deafness and retinitis pigmentosa
- Congenital defect
- Congenital heart disease
- Congenital hemolytic jaundice
- Congenital hip dislocation
- Congenital hypothyroidism
- Congenital lymphedema
- Congenital malformation
- Congenital mirror movement disorder
- Congenital neutropenia severe
- Congenital osseus torticollis syndrome
- Congenital ptosis of the eyelids
- Congenital retraction syndrome
- Congenital rubella syndrome
- Congenital stationary night blindness
- Congenital synostosis of cervicothoracic vertebrae
- Congenital torticollis
- Congenital vaccinia
- Congenital webbed neck syndrome
- Congestion
- Congestive fever
- Congestive heart failure
- Conization
- Conjoined twin
- Conjoined twins
- Conjugated linoleic acid
- Conjunctiva
- Conjunctival
- Conjunctival fornix
- Conjunctival melanoma
- Conjunctivitis
- Conjunctivitis allergic
- Conn syndrome
- Connectionism
- Connective tissue
- Connective tissue disease
- Connective tissue disease heritable
- Connexin
- Connexin 26
- Connexon
- Conor and Bruch disease
- Conotoxin
- Consanguinity
- Conservative management
- Conservative mutation
- Conserved sequence
- Consolidation therapy
- Constitutional thrombopathy
- Constraint induced movement therapy
- Constrictive pericarditis
- Consultant
- Contact dermatitis
- Contact dermatitis allergic
- Contact eczema
- Contact eczema allergic
- Contact healing
- Contagious
- Contig
- Contig map
- Contiguous gene syndrome
- Continuous passive motion machine
- Continuous positive airway pressure
- Contraception emergency
- Contraceptive combined oral
- Contraceptive device intrauterine
- Contraceptive diaphragm
- Contraceptive implantable progestin
- Contraceptive injectable progestin
- Contraceptive minipill
- Contraceptive pill
- Contraceptive sponge vaginal
- Contraction premature
- Contraction uterine
- Contractions Braxton Hicks
- Contraindicate
- Contraindication
- Contralateral
- Contrast media
- Contrast nephropathy
- Contrast sensitivity visual
- Contusion
- Conventional medicine
- Convulsion
- Cooley's
- Coprolalia
- Coprolith
- Coprophobia
- Copy number polymorphism
- Cor
- Cor biloculare
- Cor pulmonale
- Coracoacromial Ligament
- Cord spinal
- Cord umbilical
- Cord vocal
- Cordectomy
- Cornea
- Corneal
- Corneal abrasion
- Corneal dystrophy
- Corneal dystrophy Cogan
- Corneal dystrophy Fuchs endothelial
- Corneal dystrophy epithelial basement
- Corneal dystrophy lattice
- Corneal dystrophy map dot fingerprint type
- Corneal dystrophy microcystic
- Corneal ring intrastromal
- Corneal topography
- Corneal transplant
- Cornelia de Lange syndrome
- Corns
- Coronal
- Coronal plane
- Coronary angiography
- Coronary arteries
- Coronary artery brachytherapy
- Coronary artery disease
- Coronary artery spasm
- Coronary insufficiency
- Coronavirus
- Corpora cavernosa
- Corporeal
- Corpse
- Corpulence index
- Corpus
- Corpus callosotomy
- Corpus callosum agenesis of the
- Corpus luteum cyst
- Corrigan pulse
- Cortex
- Cortex adrenal
- Cortical
- Cortical blindness
- Corticosteroid
- Corticosteroid allergy
- Corticotropin releasing hormone
- Cortisol
- Cortisone
- Coryza
- Cosmeceutical
- Cosmesis
- Cosmid
- Costal margin
- Costiveness
- Costochondritis
- Cotinine
- Cotton rat
- Cough suppressant
- Coughing syncope
- Coughing up blood
- Coumadin teratogenicity of
- Counseling genetic
- Counselor genetic
- Count absolute CD4
- Count platelet
- Counter Geiger
- Counterpulsation
- Counterstimulation
- Courier
- Course (medicine)
- Cousin marriage
- Cow genome
- Cow milk allergy
- Cowper's gland
- Cowpox
- Cox 1
- Cox 1 inhibitor
- Cox 2
- Cox 2 inhibitor
- Coxa valga
- Coxa vara
- Coxsackie virus
- Coxsackievirus
- Cp Cr
- CpG
- CpG island
- Crabs
- Cracked tooth syndrome
- Cradle cam
- Cradle cap
- Cradlecam
- Cramp writer's
- Cramping leg pain
- Cramps heat
- Cramps menstrual
- Cranial
- Cranial arteritis
- Cranial bone
- Cranial dystonia
- Cranial nerve I
- Cranial nerve II
- Cranial nerve III
- Cranial nerve IV
- Cranial nerve IX
- Cranial nerve V
- Cranial nerve VI
- Cranial nerve VII
- Cranial nerve VIII
- Cranial nerve X
- Cranial nerve XI
- Cranial nerve XII
- Cranial nerve eighth
- Cranial nerve eleventh
- Cranial nerve fifth
- Cranial nerve first
- Cranial nerve fourth
- Cranial nerve ninth
- Cranial nerve second
- Cranial nerve seventh
- Cranial nerve sixth
- Cranial nerve tenth
- Cranial nerve third
- Cranial nerve twelfth
- Cranial nerves
- Cranio
- Craniocervical instability
- Craniocleidodysostosis
- Craniology
- Craniometaphyseal dysplasia
- Craniopagus parasiticus
- Craniopharyngioma
- Craniosynostosis
- Craniotomy
- Cranium
- Crapulence
- Crapulent
- Crease single transverse palmar
- Creatinine
- Creatinine blood test
- Creatinine clearance test
- Creeping Paralysis
- Crepitus
- Cretin
- Cretinism
- Creutzfeldt Jakob disease
- Crib death
- Crick Brenner experiment
- Crick Francis
- Crime scene investigation
- Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever
- Crippled
- Crisis midlife
- Cristopher Chávez Cuellar
- Critical care
- Critical incident stress management
- Crocodile tears syndrome
- Crohn colitis
- Crohn enteris
- Crohn enterocolitis
- Crohn ileitis
- Crohn ileocolitis
- Crohn's disease
- Croop
- Cross section
- Cross sectional study
- Cross species transplantation
- Cross training
- Crossed embolism
- Crossing over
- Crossover study
- Crotch
- Croup
- Crouzon syndrome
- Crown (tooth)
- Cruciate
- Cruciate ligament anterior
- Cruciate ligament posterior
- Crush injury
- Crutch
- Cry for help
- Cryo EM
- Cryo electron microscopy
- Cryocardioplegia
- Cryoelectron microscopy
- Cryoglobulin
- Cryoglobulinemia
- Cryophobia
- Cryopreservation
- Cryoprobe
- Cryoprotectant
- Cryostat
- Cryosurgery
- Cryotherapy
- Crypt
- Cryptic
- Cryptitis
- Crypto
- Cryptococcosis
- Cryptococcus gattii
- Cryptococcus neoformans
- Cryptography
- Cryptorchidism
- Cryptosporidiosis
- Cryptosporidium
- Cryptosporidium enteritis
- Cryptosporidium parvum
- Cs Cu
- Cubital
- Cubital tunnel
- Cubital tunnel syndrome
- Cubitus
- Cubitus valgus
- Cubitus varus
- Cuboid bone
- Cul de sac
- Culdocentesis
- Culdoscope
- Culdoscopy
- Culture conversion
- Cup optic
- Cupping
- Curable
- Curare
- Curcumin
- Cure
- Curettage
- Curette
- Curettement
- Currarino syndrome
- Current Dental Terminology
- Curse Ondine's
- Cushing Harvey
- Cushing syndrome
- Cushing's ulcer
- Cushingoid
- Cusp
- Cusp (anatomy)
- Cusp of Carabelli
- Cutaneous
- Cutaneous allodynia
- Cutaneous papilloma
- Cutaneous syndactyly
- Cutis
- Cutis anserina
- Cutis laxa
- Cutis verticis gyrata
- Cuts
- Cutting for the stone
- Cv Cz
- Cyanide
- Cyanogen chloride
- Cyanosis
- Cyanotic
- Cycle cell
- Cycle menstrual
- Cyclic AMP dependent protein kinase
- Cyclic citrullinated peptide
- Cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody
- Cyclic vomiting syndrome
- Cyclin
- Cyclin D
- Cyclin E
- Cyclobutanone
- Cyclooxygenase
- Cyclooxygenase 1
- Cyclooxygenase 1 inhibitor
- Cyclooxygenase 2
- Cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitor
- Cyclooxygenase inhibitor
- Cyclopia
- Cyclospora infection
- Cyclosporiasis
- Cyclothymia
- Cylindroma
- Cylindromatosis familial
- Cymbalta
- Cynophobia
- Cys Cys
- Cyst
- Cyst Baker
- Cyst Meibomian
- Cyst of the ovary follicular
- Cyst ovarian
- Cyst pilonidal
- Cyst sebaceous
- Cyst synovial of the popliteal space
- Cyst tarsal
- Cyst thyroglossal
- Cyst thyrolingual
- Cystadenoma
- Cystatin 3
- Cystatin C
- Cystectomy
- Cysteine
- Cystic acne
- Cystic fibrosis
- Cystic hernia
- Cystic periventricular leukomalacia
- Cysticerci
- Cysticercosis
- Cysticercus
- Cystine
- Cystine kidney stones
- Cystine transport disease
- Cystinosis
- Cystinuria
- Cystitis
- Cystitis interstitial
- Cystocele
- Cystoscope
- Cystoscopy
- Cysts
- Cyto
- Cytogenetic map
- Cytogenetics
- Cytogenetics clinical
- Cytokine
- Cytokinesis
- Cytology
- Cytomegalovirus
- Cytometry flow
- Cytoplasm
- Cytosine
- Cytoskeleton
- Cytotoxic
- Cytotoxic T lymphocyte
- D
- D dimer
- DASH diet
- DKK1
- DM
- DM1
- DM2
- DNA amplification
- DNA assembly
- DNA cloning
- DNA coding
- DNA forensics
- DNA junk
- DNA mitochondrial
- DNA molecules recombinant
- DNA nongenetic
- DNA polymerase
- DNA repair
- DNA repair gene
- DNA repair gene Med1
- DNA repair pathway
- DNA repetitive
- DNA replication
- DNA satellite
- DNA sequence
- DNA sequence draft
- DNA sequence finished
- DNA splicing alternative
- DNA technology recombinant
- DNA virus
- DPC4
- DPT immunization
- DR syndrome
- DRVs
- DSS1
- DT immunization
- DTaP
- DTaP immunization
- DXA bone scan
- Da Vinci Leonardo
- Dacry
- Dacryo
- Dacryoadenitis
- Dacryocyst
- Dacryocystorhinostomy
- Dactyl dactyl
- Dactyledema
- Dactylitis
- Daily Prayer of a Physician
- Daily Reference Values
- Daily Value
- Daltonism
- Dancing mania of Maracaibo
- Dander
- Danders
- Dandruff
- Dandy Walker syndrome
- Dandy fever
- Daniel Gonzalez (spree killer)
- Daniel William Marsh
- Danlos syndrome
- Dannie
- Dannie Abse
- Danny Rolling
- Danon disease
- Darier disease
- Dark Triad Dirty Dozen
- Dark adaptometry
- Darrell Brooks
- Darwin Charles
- Data
- Date expiration
- Date rape
- Daughter
- Daughter from California syndrome
- David Leonard Wood
- David Martin Long
- David Sarabashyan
- David Stickler syndrome
- David Wood (Christian apologist)
- Day sight
- De Quervain's tenosynovitis
- Dead on arrival
- Dead space (physiology)
- Deaf-mute
- Deafness
- Deafness acquired
- Deafness age related
- Deafness and Communication Disorders Institute
- Deafness and keratopachydermia
- Deafness congenital
- Deafness ichthyosis keratitis syndrome
- Deafness nonsyndromic
- Deafness with goiter
- Death black
- Death by misadventure
- Death rate
- Death rate infant
- Debilitate
- Debora Green
- Debride
- Debridement
- Debris flow injury
- Debulk
- Decease
- Deciduous teeth
- Decompensation
- Decompress
- Decompression
- Decompression biliary
- Decongestant
- Decortication
- Decubitus
- Decubitus ulcer
- Decussation
- Deep vein thrombosis
- Deer mouse
- Deerfly fever
- Defecation syncope
- Defect atrial septal
- Defect enzyme
- Defect neural tube
- Defect ventricular septal
- Defensin
- Defensive medicine
- Defibrillation
- Defibrillator automated external
- Defibrillator implantable cardiac
- Defibrillator storm
- Deficiency (medicine)
- Deficiency FALDH
- Deficiency FAO
- Deficiency GALT
- Deficiency LCHAD
- Deficiency UDP glucuronosyltransferase
- Deficiency UROD
- Deficiency adenosine deaminase
- Deficiency alpha 1 antitrypsin
- Deficiency alpha galactosidase A
- Deficiency ankyrin
- Deficiency calcium
- Deficiency ceruloplasmin
- Deficiency fatty alcohol
- Deficiency fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase
- Deficiency glucocerebrosidase
- Deficiency glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase
- Deficiency hex A
- Deficiency hexosaminidase A
- Deficiency iron
- Deficiency lactase
- Deficiency magnesium
- Deficiency niacin
- Deficiency phenylalanine hydroxylase
- Deficiency protein C
- Deficiency selenium
- Deficiency sphingomyelinase
- Deficiency uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase
- Deficiency vitamin K
- Deficiency zinc
- Deformity Klippel Feil
- Deformity cauliflower ear
- Degeneration (medicine)
- Degeneration macular
- Degenerative arthritis
- Degenerative joint disease
- Deglutition
- Dehisce
- Dehydration
- Dehydroepiandrosterone
- Deinococcus radiodurans
- Deinstitutionalisation
- Deja vu
- Dejerine Klumpke palsy
- Dejerine Klumpke paralysis
- DelNS1-2019-nCoV-RBD-OPT
- Delay developmental
- Delirium
- Delirium tremens
- Delivery breech
- Delivery footling
- Delivery vertex
- Delta cell pancreatic
- Delta storage pool disease
- Delusional jealousy
- Delusional parasitosis
- Demarcation
- Dementia
- Dementia MELAS
- Dementia complex AIDS
- Dementia hereditary multi infarct
- Dementia multi infarct
- Dementia praecox
- Dementia vascular
- Demineralized freeze dried bone allograft
- Demonophobia
- Demulcent
- Demyelination
- Dendrite
- Dendritic
- Dendritic cell
- Denervate
- Denervation
- Dengue
- Dengue fever
- Dengue hemorrhagic fever
- Dengue shock syndrome
- Dennis Rader
- Dense breast tissue
- Dental Association American
- Dental abrasion
- Dental alveolus
- Dental and Craniofacial Research National Inst
- Dental braces
- Dental canaliculi
- Dental drill
- Dental impaction
- Dental notation
- Dental pain
- Dental papilla
- Denticle (tooth feature)
- Dentin
- Dentinoenamel junction
- Dentomandibular sensorimotor dysfunction
- Denture
- Denver Developmental Screening Test
- Deoxyhemoglobin
- Department of Energy
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Depigmentation
- Depo Provera contraceptive
- Depot injection
- Depression (physiology)
- Depression agitated
- Depression bipolar
- Depression dysthymia
- Depression major
- Depression winter
- Derbyshire Neck
- Dercum disease
- Dermabrasion
- Dermal
- Dermatan sulfate
- Dermatitis
- Dermatitis and diarrhea zinc deficiency
- Dermatitis atopic
- Dermatitis herpetiformis
- Dermatitis stasis
- Dermatofibroma
- Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans
- Dermatoglyphic
- Dermatoglyphics
- Dermatographism
- Dermatologic
- Dermatologist
- Dermatology
- Dermatology Life Quality Index
- Dermatome
- Dermatomycosis
- Dermatopathy
- Dermatophytic onychomycosis
- Dermatoscopy
- Dermatosis
- Dermicidin
- Dermis
- Dermoid
- Dermoid cyst of the ovary
- Dermopathy
- Dermopathy diabetic
- Descending aorta
- Descending pathway
- Desensitization allergy
- Desert fever
- Desiccate
- Designer estrogen
- Designer steroid
- Desmoid tumor
- Desmoplasia
- Desmoplastic
- Desmoplastic reaction
- Desquamate
- Desquamation
- Detox
- Detoxify
- Deuteranomaly
- Deuteranopia
- Deuterium
- Development Human
- Developmental Origins of Health and Disease
- Developmental delay
- Developmental dislocation of the hip
- Developmental disorder
- Developmental disorder specific
- Developmental dyspraxia
- Deviated septum
- Deviation of the nasal septum
- Device assistive
- Device medical
- Devon colic
- Dextro
- Dextrocardia
- Dextromethorphan
- Dextroposition
- Dextroposition of the heart
- Dextrose
- Df Dj
- Di Bella cancer therapy
- DiGeorge syndrome
- Diabesity
- Diabetes
- Diabetes Association American
- Diabetes adult onset
- Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
- Diabetes brittle
- Diabetes gestational
- Diabetes insulin dependent
- Diabetes insulin resistant
- Diabetes juvenile
- Diabetes juvenile onset
- Diabetes ketosis prone
- Diabetes labile
- Diabetes mellitus
- Diabetes non insulin dependent
- Diabetes skin condition
- Diabetes type 1
- Diabetes type 2
- Diabetes unstable
- Diabetic coma
- Diabetic dermatology
- Diabetic dermopathy
- Diabetic eye disease
- Diabetic ketoacidosis
- Diabetic macular edema
- Diabetic musculoskeletal disorder
- Diabetic nephropathy
- Diabetic neuropathy
- Diabetic retinopathy
- Diabetic shock
- Diabetic spinal cord disease
- Diabetic xanthoma
- Diabulimia
- Diacetyl
- Diachronic
- Diachronic study
- Diadochokinesia
- Diagnosis
- Diagnosis differential
- Diagnosis of exclusion
- Diagnosis retrospective
- Diagnosis-related group
- Diagnostic greed
- Diagnostic mammogram
- Dialectical behavioral therapy
- Dialysis
- Dialysis machine
- Dialysis peritoneal
- Diamond Blackfan Anemia
- Diane Downs
- Diaper rash
- Diaper rash yeast
- Diaphragm pacing
- Diaphragmatic hernia
- Diaphragmatic pacing
- Diarrhea
- Diarrhea Brainerd
- Diarrhea E
- Diarrhea and dermatitis zinc deficiency
- Diarrhea antibiotic induced
- Diarrhea rotavirus
- Diarrhea traveler's
- Diascopy
- Diastasis (physiology)
- Diastole
- Diastolic
- Diastrophic dysplasia
- Diathermy
- Diathesis
- Diathesis (medicine)
- Dibenzoxazepine
- Dicentric chromosome
- Dicysteine
- Did not attend
- Diego Casanova
- Diesel exhaust
- Diesel exhaust particle
- Diet Atkins
- Diet DASH
- Diet Mediterranean
- Diethylstilbestrol
- Diff dx
- Differential diagnosis
- Differential white cell count
- Differentiated cancer
- Differentiation therapy
- Difficult urination
- Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma
- Diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis
- Diffuse degeneration of gray matter with cirrhosis
- Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis
- Diffuse large B cell lymphoma
- Diffuse mastocytosis
- Diffuse toxic goiter
- Digestive a Kidney Dis Nat'l Inst Diabetes and
- Digestive system
- Digestive-and-Kidney
- Digit supernumerary
- Digital rectal exam
- Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase
- Dihydrotestosterone
- Dihydroxyacetone
- Dilatate
- Dilatation
- Dilate
- Dilated cardiomyopathy
- Dilating
- Dilation
- Dilation pupil
- Dilator
- Dinucleotide
- Diogenes syndrome
- Dioscorides
- Dioxin
- Dip paraffin
- Dip wax
- Dipeptide
- Diphallia
- Diploe
- Diploid
- Diplopia
- Diplopia binocular
- Diplopia monocular
- Diprosopus
- Dipsomania
- Dipsophobia
- Dipsosis
- Direct entry midwife
- Directed DNA sequencing
- Directives advance
- Directives advance medical
- Dirofilaria immitis
- Disaster supplies kit
- Disc cervical
- Disc optic
- Disc slipped
- Discharge breast
- Discharge nipple
- Discoid lupus
- Discordance
- Discordant
- Discordant couple
- Disease
- Disease Addison
- Disease Alexander
- Disease Alpers
- Disease Alzheimer
- Disease Anderson Fabry
- Disease Behcet's
- Disease Bernard Soulier
- Disease Binswanger
- Disease Bornholm
- Disease Bowen's
- Disease Bright's
- Disease Brill Zinsser
- Disease Canavan
- Disease Castleman
- Disease Chagas
- Disease Charcot Marie Tooth
- Disease Conor and Bruch
- Disease Creutzfeldt Jakob
- Disease Crohn
- Disease Cushing
- Disease Fabry
- Disease Fahr
- Disease Fong
- Disease Forestier
- Disease Gaucher type 1
- Disease Gerstmann Straussler Scheinker
- Disease Gilbert
- Disease Graves
- Disease Hansen
- Disease Heberden
- Disease Hirschsprung
- Disease His
- Disease His Werner
- Disease Hodgkin
- Disease Huntington
- Disease Jakob Creutzfeldt
- Disease Jakob's
- Disease Kawasaki
- Disease Keshan
- Disease Kikuchi
- Disease Kimmelstiel Wilson
- Disease Kok
- Disease Kostmann
- Disease Legg
- Disease Legg Calve Perthes
- Disease Legg Perthes
- Disease Legionnaire
- Disease Lobstein's
- Disease Lou Gehrig
- Disease Marburg
- Disease Menetrier's
- Disease Meniere
- Disease Minamata
- Disease Niemann Pick
- Disease Norwalk
- Disease Osgood Schlatter
- Disease Osler Rendu Weber
- Disease Paget
- Disease Parkinson
- Disease Parry's
- Disease Pelizaeus Merzbacher
- Disease Pick
- Disease Plummer's
- Disease Quincke's
- Disease Ramsay Hunt
- Disease Raynaud
- Disease Refsum
- Disease Rendu Osler Weber
- Disease Ritter
- Disease Stein Leventhal
- Disease Still
- Disease Takayasu
- Disease Tay Sachs
- Disease Tsutsugamushi
- Disease Vrolik's
- Disease Werner His
- Disease Whipple
- Disease Whitmore's
- Disease Wilson
- Disease acute respiratory
- Disease adult celiac
- Disease alveolar hydatid
- Disease autoimmune
- Disease bipolar
- Disease black lung
- Disease cardiovascular
- Disease cat scratch
- Disease chronic obstructive lung
- Disease chronic obstructive pulmonary
- Disease chronic wasting
- Disease clinical
- Disease congenital heart
- Disease coronary artery
- Disease cystine transport
- Disease degenerative joint
- Disease delta storage pool
- Disease exaggerated startle
- Disease fifth
- Disease foot and mouth
- Disease free survival
- Disease graft versus host
- Disease guinea worm
- Disease gum
- Disease hand foot and mouth
- Disease hemolytic of the newborn
- Disease hyaline membrane
- Disease hydroxyapatite crystal
- Disease inflammatory bowel
- Disease kissing
- Disease lipid storage
- Disease mad deer
- Disease manic depressive
- Disease maple syrup urine
- Disease mitochondrial
- Disease mixed connective tissue
- Disease names
- Disease new variant Creutzfeldt Jakob
- Disease nomenclature
- Disease occupational
- Disease pelvic inflammatory
- Disease phytanic acid storage
- Disease polycystic kidney
- Disease polycystic ovarian
- Disease polycystic ovary
- Disease polygenic
- Disease pulseless
- Disease registry
- Disease rheumatic heart
- Disease rotator cuff
- Disease rotavirus
- Disease sickle cell
- Disease single gene
- Disease sixth
- Disease sleeping
- Disease startle
- Disease subclinical
- Disease surveillance
- Disease theory of alcoholism
- Disease variant Creutzfeldt Jakob
- Disease von Recklinghausen
- Disease-modifying treatment
- Diseases Infectious Nat'l Inst of Allergy
- Diseases Musculoskeletal Nat'l Inst
- Diseases inherited metabolic
- Diseases related to obesity
- Diseases rickettsial
- Disinsection
- Disk intervertebral
- Dislocated shoulder
- Dislocation congenital hip
- Dislocation of the radial head
- Disorder anxiety
- Disorder articulation
- Disorder attention deficit
- Disorder autoimmune
- Disorder bipolar
- Disorder borderline personality
- Disorder central auditory processing
- Disorder cephalic
- Disorder mathematics
- Disorder orgasmic
- Disorder seasonal affective
- Disorder social anxiety
- Disorder specific developmental
- Disordered thinking
- Disorders lymphoproliferative
- Disorders myeloproliferative
- Disorganized schizophrenia
- Disruption sequence
- Dissect
- Dissecting aneurysm
- Dissection
- Dissection aortic
- Dissection axillary
- Dissection neck
- Dissection radical neck
- Disseminated disease
- Disseminated sclerosis
- Disseminated vaccinia
- Distal
- Distance healing
- Distention
- Distichiasis
- Disto
- Distress (medicine)
- Disulfaram like reaction
- Diuresis
- Diuretic
- Diurnal
- Divaricate
- Diverticula
- Diverticulitis
- Diverticulitis bleeding from
- Diverticulitis treatment of acute
- Diverticulosis
- Diverticulum
- Diverticulum Meckel's
- Diverticulum Zenker
- Diverticulum hypopharyngeal
- Diverticulum pharyngoesophageal
- Diving injury
- Dizygotic twin
- Dizziness
- Dizziness anxiety as a cause of
- Dizziness pre syncopal
- Dk Do
- Do not resuscitate order
- Dobelle
- Dobelle William H
- Docosahexaenoic acid
- Doctor assisted suicide
- Doctor discontent
- Doctors Without Borders
- Doctors' symbol
- Dog Bite
- Dog genome
- Dog heartworm
- Dol
- Dolor
- Domagk Gerhard
- Dominant autosomal
- Donald Fredrickson
- Donor
- Donor insemination
- Donor lymphocyte infusion
- Donor universal
- Dopa
- Dopa responsive dystonia
- Doppler ultrasound
- Doraphobia
- Dorian Gray effect
- Dormant tuberculosis
- Dorothy Hodgkin
- Dorsal
- Dose absorbed
- Dose area product
- Double blinded study
- Double contrast barium enema
- Double helix
- Double jointed
- Double masked
- Double pneumonia
- Douching
- Douglas pouch of
- Doula
- Dowager's hump
- Down regulation
- Down syndrome
- Down syndrome critical region
- Down syndrome features
- Downregulation
- Doxorubicin cardiomyopathy
- Doxycycline
- Doyle Sir Arthur Conan
- Doyne honeycomb retinal dystrophy
- Dp Dr
- Draft DNA sequence
- Drain JP
- Drain Jackson Pratt
- Drain Penrose
- Drapetomania
- Dream pre sleep
- Dreams
- Dressler syndrome
- Drill dental
- Dromomania
- Drop attack
- Drop seizure
- Dropsy
- Drosophila
- Drosophila genome
- Drug ACE inhibitor
- Drug activity
- Drug anti infective
- Drug antibiotic
- Drug antifungal
- Drug antihypertensive
- Drug antimicrobial
- Drug antiprotozoal
- Drug antithyroid
- Drug antiviral
- Drug delivery to the brain
- Drug generic
- Drug induced liver disease
- Drug over the counter
- Drug prescription
- Drug resistance
- Drug resistant tuberculosis
- Drug sulfa
- Drug test
- Drug tocolytic
- Drug transporter gene
- Drugs anti angiogenesis
- Drugs during pregnancy dangerous
- Drugs statin
- Drugs teratogenic
- Drunkorexia
- Drusen
- Dry eye
- Dry mouth
- Dry skin
- Ds Du
- Dual X ray absorptometry
- Dual energy X ray absorptometry
- Duane and radial ray anomaly with deafness
- Duane radial ray syndrome
- Duane retraction syndrome
- Duane syndrome
- Dubowitz syndrome
- Duchenne Erb palsy
- Duchenne Erb paralysis
- Duchenne muscular dystrophy
- Duct ejaculatory
- Duct hepatic
- Duct of Bellini
- Ductal carcinoma in situ
- Ductal carcinoma of the breast infiltrating
- Ductular hypoplasia syndromatic hepatic
- Ductus
- Ductus arteriosus
- Ductus patent
- Due date
- Duloxetine
- Dum-dum fever
- Dumdum fever
- Dumping syndrome
- Duodenal
- Duodenal biliary drainage
- Duodenal ulcer
- Duodenitis
- Duodenum
- Duplication
- Dupuytren Guillaume
- Dupuytren contracture
- Dura
- Dura mater
- Durable power of attorney
- Dural
- Dural sac
- Dursban
- Dust mite
- Dutch Kentucky syndrome
- Dv Dz
- Dwarfism
- Dwarfism achondroplastic
- Dwarfism pituitary
- Dwarfism thanatophoric
- Dwight York
- Dyad
- Dynacin
- Dynein
- Dyonathan Celestrino
- Dys
- Dysaesthesia aethiopica
- Dysarthria
- Dyscalculia
- Dyscopia
- Dyscrasia
- Dysdiadochokinesia
- Dysentery
- Dysentery amebic
- Dysfunction
- Dysfunction erectile
- Dysfunction orgasmic
- Dysgraphia
- Dyshidrotic eczema
- Dyskeratosis
- Dyskeratosis congenita
- Dyskinesia
- Dyslexia
- Dyslipidemia
- Dysmetabolic syndrome X
- Dysmorphic feature
- Dysmorphology
- Dysmorphophobia
- Dysmotility syndrome
- Dysostosis cleidocranial
- Dyspareunia
- Dyspepsia
- Dyspeptic
- Dysphagia
- Dysphasia
- Dysphonia
- Dysphonia spasmodic
- Dysphonia spastic
- Dysphoria
- Dysphoric mania
- Dysplasia
- Dysplasia arteriohepatic
- Dysplasia bronchopulmonary
- Dysplasia cleidocranial
- Dysplasia congenital hip
- Dysplasia faciodigitogenital
- Dysplasia faciogenital
- Dysplasia thanatophoric
- Dysplastic nevi
- Dysplastic nevus
- Dyspnea
- Dyspnoea
- Dyspraxia
- Dyspraxia developmental
- Dyspraxia of speech
- Dysthymia
- Dystocia
- Dystocia cervical
- Dystocia fetal
- Dystocia placental
- Dystocia shoulder
- Dystonia
- Dystonia Segawa
- Dystonia cranial
- Dystonia dopa responsive
- Dystonia focal due to blepharospasm
- Dystonia focal due to torticollis
- Dystonia idiopathic torsion
- Dystonia laryngeal
- Dystonia musculorum deformans
- Dystonia oromandibular
- Dystonia torsion
- Dystrophia brevicollis congenita
- Dystrophic calcification
- Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
- Dystrophica myotonia
- Dystrophica myotonia 2
- Dystrophy
- Dystrophy autoimmune polyendocrinopathy
- Dystrophy cone
- Dystrophy corneal
- Dystrophy lattice
- Dystrophy muscular
- Dystrophy myotonic
- Dysuria
- E-patient
- E2F transcription factor 3
- E2F3
- EC
- ECoG
- ECochG
- ELA2
- EM
- EMG surface
- EMG syndrome
- ENT physician
- EPB41
- EPO test
- ETM1
- ETM2
- EV
- Ea Ec
- Eagle syndrome
- Ear bones
- Ear canal self cleaning
- Ear cauliflower
- Ear cleaning
- Ear drum
- Ear external
- Ear foreign object in
- Ear hematoma
- Ear infection middle
- Ear inner
- Ear instillation
- Ear internal
- Ear low set
- Ear malrotated
- Ear middle
- Ear outer
- Ear piercing
- Ear pit
- Ear puncture
- Ear ringing
- Ear slanted
- Ear tag
- Ear thermometer
- Ear tubes
- Ear wax
- Earache
- Eardrum
- Early onset familial Alzheimer disease
- Early pregnancy loss
- Earthquake supplies kit
- Eastern equine encephalitis
- Eat Right 4 Your Type Diet
- Ebola virus
- Ebullism
- Ecchymotic
- Echinacea
- Echinococcosis
- Echinococcus
- Echocardiography
- Echocardiography stress
- Echocardiography transesophageal
- Echolalia
- Echopraxia
- Echovirus
- Eclampsia
- Eclosion
- Ecogenetics
- Economic credentialing
- Economy class syndrome
- Ecstasy
- Ecstatic
- Ectoderm
- Ectodermal
- Ectodermal dysplasia
- Ectodermosis erosiva pluriorificialis
- Ectoparasite
- Ectoparasitosis
- Ectopia cordis
- Ectopic
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Ectrodactyly
- Ectromelia virus
- Ectropion
- Eczema
- Eczema Area and Severity Index
- Eczema allergic contact
- Eczema contact
- Eczema dyshidrotic
- Eczema nummular
- Eczema seborrheic
- Eczema vaccinatum
- Ed El
- Ed Lewis
- Eddie Lee Sexton
- Edema
- Edema hereditary angioneurotic
- Edema lymphatic
- Edentulism
- Edentulous
- Edgar Smith (murderer)
- Edmund Kemper
- Educationally subnormal
- Edward B
- Edward-B
- Edwards syndrome
- Effacement
- Effect founder
- Effective dose
- Effects fetal rubella
- Efferent
- Efferent nerve
- Efferent vessel
- Efficacy
- Effusion
- Effusion pericardial
- Effusion pleural
- Egg donor
- Egg sac
- Egg tooth
- Ego-dystonic sexual orientation
- Egyptian chlorosis
- Ehlers Danlos syndrome
- Ehlers Danlos syndrome dermatosparaxis type
- Ehlers Danlos syndrome type VIIC
- Ehrlich Paul
- Ehrlichiosis
- Eicosanoid
- Eicosapentaenoic acid
- Eidetic
- Eight day measles
- Eighth cranial nerve
- Eileithyia
- Eisoptrophobia
- Ejaculate
- Ejaculation
- Ejaculatory duct
- Ejection fraction
- Elastase
- Elastase 1
- Elastase 2
- Elastase inhibitor
- Elastic fiber
- Elasticin
- Elastin
- Elastin degrading enzyme
- Elavil
- Elbow arthritis of the
- Elbow bursitis
- Elbow bursitis treatment of
- Elbow cellulitis of the
- Elbow dislocation
- Elbow golfer's
- Elbow joint
- Elbow pain
- Elbow subluxation
- Elbow tennis
- Elbow tip of the
- Elder abuse
- Elective
- Elective mutism
- Elective surgery
- Electro oculography
- Electrocardiogram
- Electrocoagulation
- Electrocochleography
- Electroconvulsive therapy
- Electrodesiccation
- Electroencephalogram
- Electrogastrogram
- Electrolarynx
- Electrolyte
- Electromagnetic field therapy
- Electromyogram
- Electromyogram surface
- Electron beam computerized tomography
- Electron microscopy
- Electronic prescribing
- Electronic visit verification
- Electronystagmogram
- Electrophoresis
- Electrophoretic
- Electrophrenic respiration
- Electrophysiologic
- Electrophysiologic retinal testing
- Electrophysiologic study of the heart
- Electrophysiologic testing of the retina
- Electrophysiology
- Electroretinogram
- Electroretinography
- Electroshock therapy
- Electrosurgery
- Electuary
- Elephantiasis
- Elevated hemidiaphragm
- Eleventh cranial nerve
- Elisabeth
- Elizabeth Blackwell
- Elizabeth Kubler Ross
- Elizabethkingia
- Elliptocytosis
- Ellis van Creveld syndrome
- Em En
- Emboli
- Embolism
- Embolism Fat
- Embolism crossed
- Embolism paradoxical
- Embolism pulmonary
- Embolization
- Embolus
- Embryonal carcinoma
- Embryonic hemoglobin
- Emergency birth control
- Emergency code
- Emergency contraception
- Emergency department
- Emergency medical technician
- Emergency physician
- Emergency postcoital contraception
- Emergency supplies kit
- Emerging infectious disease
- Emery Dreifuss muscular dystrophy
- Emery-Dreifuss
- Emesis
- Emetic
- Emetophobia
- Emmanuel Constant
- Emotional child abuse
- Emotional eating
- Emphysema
- Empiric risk
- Empirical
- Empirical midwife
- Employment Retirement Income Security Act
- Empty nose syndrome
- Empyema
- Enamel cord
- Enamel hypocalcification
- Enamel hypoplasia
- Enamel infraction
- Enamel knot
- Enamel lamellae
- Enamel niche
- Enamel pearl
- Enamel prism
- Enamel rod
- Enamel spindles
- Enamel tufts
- Enanthem
- Enate
- Encapsulated
- Encephalitis
- Encephalitis LAC
- Encephalitis LaCrosse
- Encephalitis Nipah virus
- Encephalitis Rasmussen
- Encephalitis St
- Encephalitis West Nile
- Encephalitis arboviral
- Encephalitis eastern equine
- Encephalitis flavivirus
- Encephalitis viral
- Encephalomyelitis
- Encephalopathic syndrome
- Encephalopathy
- Encephalopathy mitochondrial
- Enchondromatosis
- Encopresis
- End of life assistant
- End of life companion
- End of the road disease
- End organ damage
- End stage
- End stage renal disease
- Endarterectomy
- Endaural phenomena
- Endemic typhus
- Endep
- Endocannabinoid
- Endocardial
- Endocarditis
- Endocardium
- Endocervical curettage
- Endochondral bone
- Endocrine gland
- Endocrinology
- Endocrinopathy
- Endoderm
- Endodermal
- Endogenous
- Endogenous agonist
- Endometrial ablation
- Endometrial biopsy
- Endometrial cancer
- Endometrial hyperplasia
- Endometrioid cyst
- Endometrioma
- Endometriosis
- Endometriosis interna
- Endometriosis uterina
- Endometritis
- Endonuclease
- Endopeptidase
- Endoplasmic reticulum
- Endorectal MRI
- Endorphin
- Endoscope
- Endoscopic gastrostomy percutaneous
- Endoscopic papillotomy
- Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
- Endoscopic sphincterotomy
- Endoscopic ultrasound
- Endoscopy
- Endoscopy upper
- Endostatin
- Endothelial
- Endothelial progenitor cell
- Endothelium
- Endotherm
- Endotype
- Endourologist
- Endovaginal ultrasound
- Endovascular aneurysm repair
- Enediyne
- Enema
- Enema barium
- Enervate
- Enervation
- Enfeeble
- Engel classification
- English Disease
- Engram
- Enhanced external counterpulsation
- Enkephalinase
- Enlarged heart
- Enlarged liver
- Enlarged spleen
- Enlarged thyroid
- Enophthalmos
- Enoxaparin
- Entamoeba histolytica
- Enteral
- Enteral administration
- Enteral nutrition
- Enteric
- Enteric coated
- Enteric fever
- Enteritis Crohn
- Enteritis regional
- Entero
- Enterobiasis
- Enterocele
- Enterococcus
- Enterocolitis Crohn
- Enteropathy
- Enteropathy gluten
- Enteropathy protein losing
- Enteroplasty
- Enteroscopy
- Enterospasm
- Enterostomal therapist
- Enterostomy
- Enterovirus
- Entomology
- Entomology medical
- Entomophobia
- Enucleation
- Enuresis
- Environment
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Environmental medicine
- Environmental tobacco smoke
- Environmental toxicology
- Enzootic
- Enzyme
- Enzyme Warburg's yellow
- Enzyme defect
- Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay
- Enzyme lysosomal
- Enzyme replacement
- Enzyme restriction
- Enzymes
- Enzymes yellow
- Eo Ep
- Eosinophil
- Eosinophilia
- Eosinophilia familial
- Eosinophilic fasciitis
- Eosinophilic leukocyte
- Eosinophilic meningitis
- Ependymoma
- Ephedra
- Ephelides
- Ephelis
- EpiPen
- Epicanthal fold
- Epicardium
- Epicondylitis
- Epicondylitis lateral
- Epidemic hemorrhagic fever
- Epidemic myalgia
- Epidemic scorecard
- Epidemic typhus
- Epidemiologist
- Epidemiology classical
- Epidemiology clinical
- Epidermal
- Epidermal growth factor
- Epidermal growth factor receptor
- Epidermis
- Epidermodysplasia verruciformis
- Epidermoid carcinoma
- Epidermolysis bullosa
- Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita
- Epidermolysis bullosa simplex
- Epididymis
- Epididymitis
- Epidural
- Epidural anesthetic
- Epidural hematoma
- Epigastrium
- Epigenetic
- Epigenetics
- Epiglottis
- Epiglottitis acute
- Epilation
- Epilepsy
- Epilepsy Jacksonian
- Epilepsy grand mal
- Epilepsy juvenile myoclonic
- Epilepsy partial
- Epilepsy petit mal
- Epilepsy temporal lobe
- Epinephrine
- Epiphenomenon
- Epiretinal membrane
- Episclera
- Episcleritis
- Episiotomy
- Epispadias
- Epistaxis
- Epistaxis treatment of
- Epistemic
- Epithelial
- Epithelial basement corneal dystrophy
- Epithelial carcinoma
- Epithelium
- Epitope
- Epizootic
- Eponym
- Epsom salt
- Epstein Barr virus
- Eq Es
- Equianalgesic
- Equinophobia
- Equol
- Erasmo Moena
- Erb palsy
- Erb paralysis
- Erb's palsy
- ErbB
- ErbB1
- Erectile dysfunction
- Erection penile
- Ergonomics
- Ergophobia
- Eric Harris
- Erosive osteoarthritis
- Erotic jealousy syndrome
- Erotomania
- Error alpha
- Error beta
- Error of the first kind
- Error of the second kind
- Error type I
- Error type II
- Errors of metabolism inborn
- Eructation
- Eruption bather's
- Eruptive xanthoma
- Erythema
- Erythema chronicum migrans
- Erythema dose
- Erythema infectiosum
- Erythema multiforme
- Erythema nodosum
- Erythrasma
- Erythrism
- Erythrocyanosis
- Erythrocyte
- Erythrocyte membrane protein band 4
- Erythrodermic psoriasis
- Erythroleukemia
- Erythrophobia
- Erythroplakia
- Erythropoietin
- Erythropoietin test
- Erythroprosopalgia
- Eschar
- Escherichia coli
- Esophageal
- Esophageal acid infusion test
- Esophageal cancer
- Esophageal cancer with tylosis
- Esophageal reflux
- Esophageal speech
- Esophageal stricture acute
- Esophageal stricture chronic
- Esophageal ulcer
- Esophageal-pH
- Esophagectomy
- Esophagitis
- Esophagogastric tamponade
- Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
- Esophagoscopy
- Esophagram
- Esophagus
- Esophagus cancer
- Esotropia
- Essential fatty acid
- Essential mixed cryoglobulinemia
- Essential oil
- Essential vulvodynia
- Estimated date of confinement
- Estradiol benzoate/estradiol valerate/hydroxyprogesterone caproate
- Estradiol benzoate/progesterone
- Estradiol cypionate/hydroxyprogesterone caproate
- Estradiol cypionate/medroxyprogesterone acetate
- Estradiol enantate/algestone acetophenide
- Estradiol undecylate/norethisterone enanthate
- Estradiol valerate/hydroxyprogesterone caproate
- Estradiol valerate/megestrol acetate
- Estradiol valerate/methenmadinone caproate
- Estradiol valerate/norethisterone enantate
- Estradiol/megestrol acetate
- Estrogen
- Estrogen associated blood clots
- Estrogen associated hypercoagulability
- Estrogen designer
- Estrogen replacement therapy
- Estrogens
- Estrone/progesterone
- Et Ex
- Ethmoid
- Ethmoid bone
- Ethmoid sinus
- Ethnography
- Ethyl acrylate
- Ethylene glycol poisoning
- Ethylene oxide
- Etiology
- Etymology medical
- Eugenics
- Eukaryote
- Eukaryotic
- Euphenics
- Euphoria
- Euploid
- European typhus
- Eustachian tube
- Euthanasia
- Euthanasia active
- Euthyroid
- Evacuation supplies kit
- Evanescent (dermatology)
- Evening primrose oil
- Event adverse
- Evert
- Evertor
- Evidence based medicine
- Evil Genes
- Evolution biologic
- Evolutionarily conserved gene
- Evolutionarily conserved sequence
- Ewing sarcoma
- Ex juvantibus
- Exacerbate
- Exacerbation
- Exaggerated startle disease
- Examination digital rectal
- Examination postmortem
- Exanthem
- Exanthem subitum
- Excavation (medicine)
- Excess calcium
- Excess iron
- Excess selenium
- Excessive daytime sleepiness
- Exchange gas
- Excimer laser
- Excisional
- Excisional biopsy
- Exclamation point hair
- Excrescence
- Exemestane
- Exercise aerobic
- Exercise cardiac stress testing
- Exercise cardiac treadmill
- Exercise induced asthma
- Exercise induced bronchospasm
- Exercise isometric
- Exercise isotonic
- Exercise passive
- Exercise test
- Exercise treadmill test
- Exfoliation syndrome
- Exhaustion heat
- Exhibitionism
- Exocrine
- Exocrine gland
- Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
- Exocytosis (dermatopathology)
- Exogenous
- Exogenous DNA
- Exomphalos macroglossia gigantism syndrome
- Exon
- Exonuclease
- Exopeptidase
- Exophthalmos
- Exotropia
- Expectorant
- Expectoration
- Expiration date
- Explant
- Explicit memory
- Exploding head syndrome
- Expressed sequence tag
- Expression gene
- Expressivity
- Expulsion stage of
- Exstrophy
- Extended family
- Extended spectrum beta lactamases ESBLs
- External ear
- External fixation
- External genitalia female
- External genitalia male
- External jugular vein
- External radiation therapy
- Extra systole
- Extracellular
- Extracolonic
- Extracorporeal
- Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
- Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
- Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy
- Extracranial
- Extracranial hematoma
- Extradural hematoma
- Extrafallopian
- Extrapulmonary tuberculosis
- Extrapyramidal side effects
- Extrapyramidal system
- Extrasystole
- Extrauterine
- Extrauterine pregnancy
- Extravasate
- Extravasation
- Extravasation (intravenous)
- Extremely low birth weight
- Extremophile
- Extrinsic
- Extubate
- Extubation
- Exudate
- Exudative angina
- Ey Ez
- Eye Institute National
- Eye absent
- Eye bank
- Eye bleed
- Eye cataract
- Eye chart Snellen's
- Eye chart test
- Eye color
- Eye drop
- Eye dry
- Eye lazy
- Eye melanoma
- Eye no
- Eye pressure test
- Eye retraction syndrome
- Eye small
- Eyedrop test
- Eyelash
- Eyelid
- Eyelid granulation
- Eyelid myokymia
- Eyelids adult ptosis of the
- Eyelids congenital ptosis of the
- Eyes flashing lights in the
- Eyes glaucoma
- Eyes spots in front of the
- Eyetooth
- FALDH deficiency
- FAO deficiency
- FAS diagnosis
- FAS gene
- FBN1
- FDA recalls
- FDI World Dental Federation notation
- FET1
- FEV1
- FGD1
- FLT 3 inhibitor
- FMO3
- FMR1
- FTA ABS test
- Fa Fa
- Fabricated illness by proxy
- Fabry disease
- Face masklike
- Facelift surgery risks
- Facial canal introitus
- Facial muscle
- Facial nerve
- Facial nerve paralysis
- Facies
- Facio auriculo vertebral spectrum
- Facioauriculovertebral sequence
- Faciodigitogenital dysplasia
- Faciogenital dysplasia
- Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
- Factitious disease by proxy
- Factitious disorder by proxy
- Factor V
- Factor V Leiden
- Factor VIII
- Factor X
- Factor colony stimulating
- Factor rheumatoid
- Facultative
- Facultative heterochromatin
- Fahr syndrome
- Fahrenheit
- Failure adrenal
- Failure autonomic
- Failure heart
- Failure respiratory
- Failure to thrive
- Fainting
- Falciparum malaria
- Falling Sickness
- Falling sickness
- Fallopian tube
- False labor
- False measles
- False negative
- False positive
- False rib
- False vocal cord
- False vocal fold
- Familial
- Familial ALS
- Familial Mediterranean fever
- Familial Parkinson disease type 1
- Familial Parkinson disease type 10
- Familial Parkinson disease type 11
- Familial Parkinson disease type 2
- Familial Parkinson disease type 3
- Familial Parkinson disease type 4
- Familial Parkinson disease type 5
- Familial Parkinson disease type 6
- Familial Parkinson disease type 7
- Familial Parkinson disease type 8
- Familial Parkinson disease type 9
- Familial adenomatous coli autosomal recessive
- Familial adenomatous polyposis
- Familial adenomatous polyps autosomal recessive
- Familial advanced sleep phase syndrome
- Familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Familial breast cancer
- Familial cancer
- Familial colorectal cancer
- Familial cylindromatosis
- Familial dysautonomia
- Familial eosinophilia
- Familial hypercholesterolemia
- Familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- Familial juvenile nephronophthisis
- Familial lung cancer
- Familial mental retardation 1
- Familial mental retardation protein
- Familial polyposis
- Familial polyposis of colon autosomal recessive
- Familial polyposis of entire GI tract
- Familial primary pulmonary hypertension
- Familial tremor
- Family extended
- Family gene
- Family history
- Family history (medicine)
- Family history of colon cancer
- Family history of colon polyps
- Family history of colorectal cancer
- Family medicine
- Family nuclear
- Family physician
- Family planning natural
- Family practice
- Family therapy
- Fanconi
- Fanconi anemia
- Fanconi pancytopenia
- Fantod
- Fari Amini
- Fariborz
- Fariborz Amini
- Farsightedness
- Fart
- Fascia
- Fasciculation
- Fasciitis
- Fasciitis eosinophilic
- Fasciitis plantar
- Fascinoma
- Fasciola hepatica
- Fascioliasis
- Fasciolopsiasis
- Fasciolopsis
- Fasciolopsis buski
- Fasting
- Fasting blood glucose
- Fat brown
- Fat cell
- Fat embolism
- Fat requirements infant
- Fat saturated
- Fat scales
- Fat trans
- Fat unsaturated
- Fatal familial insomnia
- Fats
- Fatty acid trans
- Fatty acids
- Fatty acidsomega 3
- Fatty alcohol
- Fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase deficiency
- Fatty liver of pregnancy acute
- Fauces
- Fava bean
- Favism
- Fb Fe
- Fear of age
- Fear of animals
- Fear of bacteria
- Fear of bees
- Fear of being buried alive
- Fear of birds
- Fear of blood
- Fear of blushing
- Fear of bridges
- Fear of cats
- Fear of children
- Fear of closed spaces
- Fear of cold
- Fear of crossing bridges
- Fear of crossing streets
- Fear of demons
- Fear of depths
- Fear of dogs
- Fear of drinking alcohol
- Fear of dust
- Fear of feces
- Fear of flowers
- Fear of flying
- Fear of fur
- Fear of ghosts
- Fear of going to bed
- Fear of having a malformed child
- Fear of heat
- Fear of heights
- Fear of horses
- Fear of insects
- Fear of intercourse
- Fear of joy
- Fear of loneliness
- Fear of marriage
- Fear of men
- Fear of mirrors
- Fear of money
- Fear of new things
- Fear of nudity
- Fear of oneself
- Fear of pain
- Fear of pleasure
- Fear of public places
- Fear of self
- Fear of sexual intercourse
- Fear of sharks
- Fear of socializing
- Fear of solitude
- Fear of spiders
- Fear of the dark
- Fear of the number 13
- Fear of thunder
- Fear of thunderstorms
- Fear of travel
- Fear of vomiting
- Fear of water
- Fear of women
- Fear of work
- Fear of worms
- Febrile
- Febrile herpes
- Febrile seizure
- Fecal
- Fecal incontinence
- Fecal occult blood test
- Fecalith
- Feces
- Fecund
- Fecundity
- Fee for service
- Feeble-minded
- Feed contaminant
- Feedback
- Feeding breast
- Feeding tube
- Feet
- Felty syndrome
- Felty's syndrome
- Female condom
- Female external genitalia
- Female genitalia
- Female gonad
- Female hysteria
- Female internal genitalia
- Female organs of reproduction
- Female orgasmic dysfunction
- Female pelvis
- Female urethral meatus
- Female urethral opening
- Femara
- Femicide
- Femoral
- Femoral artery
- Femoral head avascular necrosis of the
- Femoral vein
- Femur
- Fenestration
- Ferriman–Gallwey score
- Ferritin
- Ferrocalcinosis cerebrovascular
- Ferroniere
- Fertile
- Fertility awareness
- Fertilization
- Fertilization in vitro
- Fetal alcohol effects
- Fetal alcohol syndrome
- Fetal circulation
- Fetal distress
- Fetal dystocia
- Fetal fibronectin
- Fetal infant
- Fetal mortality rate
- Fetal pleural effusion
- Fetal rubella effects
- Fetal surgery
- Fetal vaccinia
- Fetoprotein alpha
- Fetoscope
- Fetoscopy
- Fetus
- Fever
- Fever Ebola virus
- Fever Lassa
- Fever Mediterranean
- Fever Meuse
- Fever Philippine hemorrhagic
- Fever Pontiac
- Fever Q
- Fever Rift Valley
- Fever Rocky Mountain spotted
- Fever Southeast Asian hemorrhagic
- Fever Thai hemorrhagic
- Fever West Nile
- Fever Wolhynia
- Fever blister
- Fever breakbone
- Fever cat scratch
- Fever chikungunya
- Fever dandy
- Fever dengue
- Fever dengue hemorrhagic
- Fever desert
- Fever dumdum
- Fever epidemic hemorrhagic
- Fever familial Mediterranean
- Fever five day
- Fever hemorrhagic
- Fever jail
- Fever of Unknown Origin
- Fever puerperal
- Fever quintan
- Fever relapsing
- Fever remittent
- Fever rheumatic
- Fever scarlet
- Fever shin bone
- Fever splenic
- Fever spotted
- Fever therapy
- Fever tick
- Fever trench
- Fever typhoid
- Fever typhus
- Fever undulant
- Fever valley
- Fever with renal syndrome hemorrhagic
- Fever yellow
- Feverfew
- Ff Fk
- Fiber FISH
- Fiber and bowel disorders
- Fiber and cholesterol
- Fiber and constipation
- Fiber and diabetes
- Fiber elastic
- Fiber soluble and insoluble
- Fibrates for lowering cholesterol
- Fibril
- Fibrillation
- Fibrillation atrial
- Fibrillation auricular
- Fibrillation ventricular
- Fibrillin 1
- Fibrin
- Fibrinogen
- Fibro fog
- Fibroadenoma
- Fibroblast
- Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2
- Fibrocystic breast condition
- Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva
- Fibrofolliculomas trichodiscomas and acrochordons
- Fibroid
- Fibroids
- Fibroma
- Fibroma cemento ossifying
- Fibroma desmoplastic
- Fibroma nonossifying
- Fibromyalgia
- Fibronectin fetal
- Fibrosarcoma
- Fibrosis
- Fibrosis cystic
- Fibrosis premacular
- Fibrosis pulmonary
- Fibrosis radiation
- Fibrositis
- Fibrous dysplasia monostotic
- Fibrous dysplasia polyostotic
- Fibula
- Fibulin 3
- Fibulin 5
- Fictional portrayals of psychopaths
- Field visual
- Fievre boutonneuse
- Fifth cranial nerve
- Fifth disease
- Filariasis
- Filariasis lymphatic
- Filgrastim
- Filial
- Film AP
- Film PA
- Film lateral
- Film tear
- Filoviridae
- Filovirus
- Fine needle aspiration
- Finger prick
- Finger stick
- Finger tip unit
- Fingernail
- Fingers six
- Finished DNA sequence
- Fire St
- Fire ant sting
- Fire ants
- Fire gilding
- Fire supplies kit
- Fireworks injury
- First American medical journal
- First American medical school
- First and second branchial arch syndrome
- First cranial nerve
- First degree burn
- First do no harm
- First stage of labor
- Fish bowl granuloma
- Fish odor syndrome
- Fish oil omega 3
- Fisher's exact test
- Fissure
- Fissure palpebral
- Fistula
- Fistula anal
- Fistulize
- Fitzpatrick scale
- Five day fever
- Five lipoxygenase activating protein
- Five-year survival rate
- Fixation external
- Fixation internal
- Fixative
- Fl Fl
- Flail chest
- Flashing
- Flat affect
- Flat condyloma
- Flat feet
- Flatfeet
- Flatfoot
- Flatulence
- Flatulent
- Flatus
- Flavin containing monooxygenase 3
- Flaviviridae
- Flavivirus
- Flavivirus encephalitis
- Flavoproteins
- Flax seed
- Flesh eating bacteria
- Flexner Report
- Flexural psoriasis
- Floating Harbor syndrome
- Floating elbow
- Floating rib
- Flonase
- Flood supplies kit
- Floppy baby syndrome
- Floppy valve syndrome
- Flora
- Florence R
- Flores man
- Flow cytometry
- Flow karyotyping
- Flu
- Flu Asian
- Flu Hong Kong
- Flu Spanish
- Flu avian
- Flu bird
- Flu shot
- Flu stomach
- Flu vaccine
- Fluctuating rib
- Fluid cerebrospinal
- Fluorescein angiography
- Fluorescent in situ hybridization
- Fluorescent microscope
- Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorbed test
- Fluoridation
- Fluoridation water
- Fluoride
- Fluorobody
- Fluoroscopy
- Fluorosis
- Fluticasone propionate
- Flutter atrial
- Flying fear of
- Fm Fq
- Focal
- Focal dystonia due to blepharospasm
- Focal dystonia due to torticollis
- Focal gigantism
- Focal motor seizure
- Focal sclerosis
- Focal seizure
- Focused H and P
- Focused ultrasound for intracranial drug delivery
- Folate
- Folding motif
- Foley catheter
- Folic acid
- Folinic acid
- Follicle hair
- Follicular cyst of the ovary
- Folliculitis
- Fomentation
- Fomite
- Fondation Jean Dausset CEPH
- Fong disease
- Fontanel
- Food and Drug Administration
- Food functional
- Food insecure
- Food irradiation
- Food poisoning
- Food poisoning Campylobacter
- Food secure
- Food security
- Food super
- Foodborne disease
- Foot and mouth disease
- Foot athlete
- Foot drop
- Foot drop brace
- Foot fungus
- Foot pain
- Foot type
- Footdrop
- Footling presentation
- Foramen
- Foramen interventricular
- Foramen intervertebral
- Foramen magnum
- Foramen neural
- Foramen of Magendie
- Foramen ovale
- Foramina
- Foramina of Luschka
- Forced expiratory volume
- Forceps
- Forceps obstetrical
- Forearm
- Foreign body airway obstruction
- Forensic
- Forensic anthropology
- Forensic genetics
- Forensic medicine
- Forensics DNA
- Foreskin
- Foreskin and glans inflammation of the
- Foreskin inflammation of the
- Foreskin tight
- Forestier disease
- Forget me
- Forgotten disease
- Formaldehyde
- Formalin
- Formication
- Formula feeding
- Formula infant
- Formularium Slovenicum
- Formulary
- Formulary (pharmacy)
- Fornication
- Fornices
- Fornix cerebri
- Fornix conjunctivae
- Fornix uteri
- Fornix vaginae
- Fortunato Botton Neto
- Foundational Model of Anatomy
- Founder effect
- Four finger crease
- Four finger line
- Fournier's gangrene
- Fourth cranial nerve
- Fourth disease
- Fourth stage of labor
- Fourth ventricle
- Fovea
- Fovea centralis
- Fowl plague
- Fr Fs
- Fraction ejection
- Fracture Salter Harris
- Fracture basilar
- Fracture clay shoveler's
- Fracture comminuted
- Fracture compound
- Fracture compression
- Fracture greenstick
- Fracture hangman's
- Fracture open
- Fracture spiral
- Fracture stress
- Fracture toddler's
- Fracture torsion
- Fracture torus
- Fracture transverse
- Fractured hip
- Fragile X chromosome
- Fragile X syndrome
- Fragile X tremor
- Fragile site
- Frailty syndrome
- Frambesia
- Frame open reading
- Frame reading
- Framingham Study
- Francis Crick
- Francisco Guerrero Pérez
- Francisco das Chagas Rodrigues de Brito
- Frank Gust
- Frankenfood
- Franklin Delano Floyd
- Frasier syndrome
- Fraternal twin
- Freckle
- Freckles
- Fred L
- Fredrickson
- Fredrickson Donald
- Fredy Armando Valencia
- Fremitus
- French Pox
- French disease
- French paradox
- French pox
- Frenulum
- Frenum
- Frequency urinary
- Freudian
- Frey syndrome
- Friend in dying
- Frigidity
- Frontal bone
- Frontal lobe
- Frontotemporal Degeneration
- Frostbite
- Frotteurism
- Frozen shoulder
- Fructose
- Fruit fly
- Fruitfly genome
- Ft Fz
- Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy
- Fugue state
- Full gene sequence
- Fulminant
- Fumarase deficiency
- Functional disorder
- Functional food
- Functional gene test
- Functional genomics
- Functional hemispherectomy
- Functional magnetic resonance imaging
- Functional scoliosis
- Functional symptom
- Fundoplication
- Fundus
- Fundus retinal
- Fungal
- Fungal nail infection
- Fungating lesion
- Fungi
- Fungicidal
- Fungicide
- Fungiform
- Fungiform papilla
- Fungistat
- Fungistatic
- Fungus
- Fungus foot
- Funnel chest
- Funny bone
- Furuncle
- Fusiform
- Fusiform aneurysm
- Fusion inhibitor
- Fusion spinal
- Fusospirillary gingivitis
- Fusospirillosis
- Fusospirochetal gingivitis
- G protein
- G6PD
- G6PD deficiency
- GALT deficiency
- GB virus C
- GC
- GDF 8
- GERD surgery
- GI
- GI tract
- GJB2
- GM1 gangliosidosis
- GM2 gangliosidosis B variant
- GM2 gangliosidosis type 1
- GOLD 0
- GOLD 1
- GOLD 2
- GOLD 3
- Gage Phineas
- Gain of function mutation
- Gait
- Gait steppage
- Galactorrhea
- Galactose
- Galactosemia
- Galen
- Galenic arteriovenous malformation
- Galeophobia
- Gallbladder
- Gallbladder absence
- Gallbladder agenesis
- Gallium
- Gallop rhythm
- Galloping consumption
- Gallstone pancreatitis
- Gallstones
- Gallstones and ERCP
- Gallstones microscopic
- Gallus gallus genome
- Galton Sir Francis
- Gamete
- Gamete intrafallopian transfer
- Gametic
- Gametic selection
- Gametogenesis
- Gametophobia
- Gamma OH
- Gamma globulin
- Gamma knife
- Gamma linolenic acid
- Gamma ray
- Ganglia basal
- Ganglion
- Gangrene
- Gap junction
- Gap junction beta 2
- Gareis Mason syndrome
- Garlic
- Garry David
- Gary Gilmore
- Gary Lee Sampson
- Gas chromatography
- Gas exchange
- Gas intestinal
- Gas laughing
- Gastrectomy
- Gastric
- Gastric MALT lymphoma
- Gastric atrophy
- Gastric banding
- Gastric cancer
- Gastric emptying study
- Gastric outlet
- Gastric outlet obstruction
- Gastric sleeve
- Gastric stapling
- Gastric ulcer
- Gastric volvulus
- Gastric-Banding
- Gastric-Emptying
- Gastritis
- Gastroentenologist
- Gastroenteritis
- Gastroenterologic disease
- Gastroenterologist
- Gastroenterology
- Gastroesophageal
- Gastroesophageal junction
- Gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma
- Gastroesophageal reflux
- Gastroesophageal-Reflux-Disease
- Gastrointestinal
- Gastrointestinal stromal tumor
- Gastrointestinal tract
- Gastroparesis
- Gastropathy
- Gastropathy hypertrophic hypoproteinemic
- Gastropathy hypoproteinemic hypertrophic
- Gastroschisis
- Gastroscope
- Gastrostomy
- Gastrostomy percutaneous endoscopic
- Gaucher disease
- Gaucher disease type 1
- Gaucher disease types 2 5
- Gay bowel syndrome
- Gay gene
- Gay-related immune deficiency
- Gb Ge
- Geiger counter
- Gel electrophoresis
- Gelineau syndrome
- Gene Med1 DNA repair
- Gene Y linked
- Gene amplification
- Gene array analysis
- Gene candidate
- Gene deletion
- Gene duplication
- Gene evolutionarily conserved
- Gene expression
- Gene expression profiling
- Gene family
- Gene housekeeping
- Gene mapping
- Gene marker
- Gene markers
- Gene pool
- Gene product
- Gene regulatory
- Gene silencing
- Gene suicide
- Gene testing
- Gene transfer
- Gene transporter
- Gene zygotic lethal
- General Clinical Research Center
- General clinical research center
- General paresis
- Generalized tonic clonic seizure
- Generic drug
- Generic name drug
- Genes
- Genes breast cancer susceptibility
- Genetic anticipation
- Genetic code
- Genetic counseling
- Genetic counselor
- Genetic discrimination
- Genetic disease
- Genetic immunodeficiency disease
- Genetic imprinting
- Genetic infantile agranulocytosis
- Genetic meltdown
- Genetic screening
- Genetic testing
- Genetic transformation
- Genetic transport defect
- Genetic transposition
- Genetics
- Genetics forensic
- Genetics of Parkinson disease
- Genetics transplantation
- Genital
- Genital wart
- Genitalia
- Genitalia ambiguous
- Genitalia female
- Genitalia female external
- Genitalia female internal
- Genitalia intersexual
- Genitalia male
- Genitalia male external
- Genitalia male internal
- Genitourinary
- Gennady Mikhasevich
- Genome
- Genome Arabidopsis thaliana
- Genome Bos taurus
- Genome C
- Genome Caenorhabditis elegans
- Genome Database
- Genome Drosophila
- Genome Haemophilus influenzae
- Genome Hereford
- Genome Mus musculus
- Genome Research Institute National Human
- Genome Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Genome Vibrio cholerae
- Genome Yersinia pestis
- Genome annotation
- Genome bee
- Genome bovine
- Genome canine
- Genome chicken
- Genome cholera
- Genome chromosomal
- Genome cow
- Genome dog
- Genome fruitfly
- Genome honey bee
- Genome human
- Genome mitochondrial
- Genome mouse
- Genome mustard Arabidopsis thaliana
- Genome plague
- Genome rice
- Genome roundworm
- Genome yeast
- Genomic
- Genomic imprinting
- Genomic library
- Genomic segment
- Genomics
- Genomics structural
- Genoplasty
- Genotoxin
- Genotype
- Genu
- Geography medical
- George E. Partridge
- George Hassell
- George W
- Gephyrophobia
- Gerald Bordelon
- Gerascophobia
- Geriatric medicine
- Geriatrics
- Germ cell
- Germ cell tumor
- Germ line
- German disease
- German measles immunization
- German measles vaccine
- Germanium
- Germinoma
- Germline mutation
- Germophobe
- Gerontology
- Gerstmann Straussler Scheinker disease
- Gerstmann Straussler Scheinker syndrome
- Gerstmann Straussler disease
- Gerstmann Straussler syndrome
- Gertie F
- Gertie-F
- Gesell Developmental Schedules
- Gestalt therapy
- Gestation period
- Gestational carrier
- Gestational diabetes
- Gestational hypertension
- Gesundheit
- Gf Gl
- Giant cell arteritis
- Giant cell pneumonia
- Giant cell tumor malignant
- Giant cell tumor of bone
- Giant hypertrophic gastritis
- Giant hypertrophy of gastric mucosa
- Giant intestinal fluke
- Giant pelvis
- Giant platelet syndrome
- Giardia
- Giardia lamblia
- Giardiasis
- Gibbon John H
- Gibbon heart lung machine
- Gigantism
- Gigantism eunuchoid
- Gigantism focal
- Gigantism pituitary
- Gilbert Paul Jordan
- Gilbert syndrome
- Gingiva
- Gingivitis
- Gingivitis Vincent
- Gingivitis acute membranous
- Gingivitis acute necrotizing ulcerative
- Gingivitis fusospirillary
- Gingivitis fusospirochetal
- Gingivitis necrotizing
- Gingivitis phagedenic
- Gingivitis ulcerative
- Gingko biloba
- Ginseng
- Glabella
- Glabrousness
- Gland
- Gland Cowper's
- Gland Meibomian
- Gland adrenal
- Gland bulbourethral
- Gland endocrine
- Gland exocrine
- Gland lacrimal
- Gland mammary
- Gland of external secretion
- Gland of internal secretion
- Gland palpebral
- Gland pituitary
- Gland prostate
- Gland salivary
- Gland sublingual
- Gland sudoriferous
- Gland sweat
- Gland tarsal
- Gland thymus
- Gland thyroid
- Glanders
- Glans
- Glans and foreskin inflammation of the
- Glans penis inflammation of the
- Glass delusion
- Glass eye
- Glaucoma
- Glaucoma acute angle closure
- Glaucoma angle closure
- Glaucoma detection
- Glaucoma low tension
- Glaucoma normal pressure
- Glaucoma normal tension
- Glaucoma risk factors
- Glaucoma symptoms of
- Glaucoma treatment
- Gleason score
- Gleet
- Glenn
- Glenn shunt
- Glennon Engleman
- Glenohumeral dislocation
- Glenoid labrum
- Gliadin
- Glial cell
- Glial fibrillary acidic protein
- Glioblastoma multiforme
- Glioma
- Glioma optic
- Glioma visual pathway
- Gliosis
- Glisson's capsule
- Gln
- Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Dis
- Global warming
- Globe pale
- Globus
- Globus hystericus
- Globus major
- Globus minor
- Globus pallidus
- Glomerular
- Glomeruli
- Glomerulus
- Glossal
- Glossary of clinical research
- Glossary of communication disorders
- Glossary of dentistry
- Glossary of diabetes
- Glossary of medicine
- Glossary of phytopathology
- Glossary of psychiatry
- Glossary of psychoanalysis
- Glossitis
- Glossolalia
- Glottis
- Glu
- Glucocentric
- Glucocerebrosidase deficiency
- Glucocorticoid
- Glucosamine
- Glucose
- Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase
- Glucose fasting blood
- Glucose tolerance impaired
- Glucose tolerance test
- Glucuronosyltransferase UDP
- Glutamate
- Glutamic acid
- Glutamine
- Glutathione S transferase
- Glutathione S transferase omega 1
- Gluteal
- Gluten
- Gluten enteropathy
- Gluteus maximus
- Gly
- Glycemic index
- Glycine
- Glycobiology
- Glycogen storage disease
- Glycogen storage disease type V
- Glycohemoglobin
- Glycopeptide
- Glycoprotein
- Glycosylated hemoglobin
- Gm Gr
- Gnarled enamel
- Gnashing
- Gnathostomiasis
- God bless you
- Godfrey Hounsfield
- Goiter
- Goiter deafness syndrome
- Goiter diffuse toxic
- Goiter iodide
- Goiter toxic multinodular
- Goitrogenic foods
- Goldberger Joseph
- Goldenhar syndrome
- Goldring
- Goldring Sidney
- Golfer's cramp
- Gonad
- Gonad female
- Gonad indifferent
- Gonad male
- Gonadotropin
- Gonadotropin human chorionic
- Gonarthritis
- Gonorrhea
- Good Samaritan
- Good Samaritan law
- Good for you bacteria
- Goodman syndrome
- Goodpasture syndrome
- Goose bump
- Gooseflesh
- Gorham disease
- Gorlin Goltz syndrome
- Gorlin syndrome
- Gorlin syndrome II
- Gottron sign
- Gout
- Gout tophaceous
- Gouty arthritis
- Gower syndrome
- Graft versus host disease
- Graham Young
- Gram
- Gram calorie
- Gram negative
- Gram positive
- Granary weevil
- Grand mal
- Grand mal epilepsy
- Grand multipara
- Grand rounds
- Granny cam
- Grannycam
- Granular leukocyte
- Granulation
- Granulocyte
- Granulocyte colony stimulating factor
- Granulocytopenia
- Granuloma
- Granuloma annulare
- Granuloma calcified
- Granuloma fish bowl
- Granuloma inguinale donovanosis
- Granuloma swimming pool
- Granulomatosis allergic
- Granulomatosis with polyangiitis
- Granulomatous colitis
- Grapefruit diet
- Graves' disease
- Gravid
- Gray baby syndrome
- Gray matter
- Gray syndrome
- Gray's
- Gray's Anatomy
- Great Plague
- Great Pox
- Great pox
- Great saphenous vein
- Great white plague
- Green fluorescent protein
- Green sickness
- Greenstick fracture
- Gregarious parasite
- Gregor
- Grid Amsler
- Grief
- Grief anticipatory
- Grief complicated
- Grief public
- Grief therapy
- Grief unresolved
- Grippe
- Gross anatomy
- Gross hematuria
- Group A strep
- Group B streptococcus infection
- Group therapy
- Group-A-Test
- Growth and differentiation factor 8
- Growth differentiation factor 8
- Growth hormone
- Growth in height
- Growth normal
- Grzegorz Musiatowicz
- Gs Gz
- Gua sha
- Guanarito virus
- Guanine
- Guarding abdominal
- Guasha
- Guevedoces
- Guided imagery
- Guillain Barre syndrome
- Gullet
- Gum disease
- Gun stock deformity
- Gunnar B
- Gustatolacrimal reflex
- Gustatory sweating
- Gustavson syndrome
- Guthrie test
- Guttae (medical)
- Guttate psoriasis
- Guy Georges
- Gymnophobia
- Gyn
- Gyne
- Gyneco
- Gynecoid
- Gynecoid obesity
- Gynecoid pelvis
- Gynecologic oncologist
- Gynecologist
- Gynecology
- Gynecomastia
- Gynephobia
- Gyno
- Gyri
- Gyrus
- Gyrus lingual
- Gyrus lingualis
- Gyrus occipitotemporalis medialis
- H and H
- H and P
- H5N1 influenza
- HCV PCR genotype test
- HCV PCR viral detection test
- HCV PCR viral load test
- HDL cholesterol
- HDR syndrome
- HEENT examination
- HELLP syndrome
- HER1
- HER2
- HHV 1
- HHV 2
- HHV 3
- HHV 4
- HHV 5
- HHV 6
- HHV 7
- HHV 8
- HIB immunization
- HIV infection acute
- HIV infection primary
- HIV test
- HLA B57
- HMS1
- HS
- HT1A
- Ha Ha
- Habit-tic deformity
- Habitual abortion
- Habitus
- Haemophilus influenzae genome
- Haemophilus influenzae type B
- Hahnemann Samuel
- Hailey Hailey Disease
- Hair exclamation point
- Hair follicle
- Hair lanugal
- Hair loss
- Hair of the dog
- Hair on end skull
- Hairball
- Hairy cell leukemia
- Halitosis
- Hallermann Streiff syndrome
- Hallervorden Spatz disease
- Hallucination
- Hallucination hypnagogic
- Hallucination musical
- Hallucinogen
- Hallucinogenic
- Hallucinosis musical
- Hallux
- Hallux valgus
- Hallux varus
- Hamartoma
- Hamartoma hypothalamic
- Hamilton–Norwood scale
- Hammer toe
- Hamstring
- Hand arm vibration syndrome
- Hand foot and mouth disease
- Hand foot and mouth syndrome
- Handedness
- Hangman injury
- Hangman's fracture
- Hangover
- Hansen bacillus
- Hansen disease
- Hansen's bacillus
- Hantavirus
- Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome
- Haploid
- Haploinsufficiency
- Hapten
- Hard measles
- Hard palate
- Hardy James D
- Hardy Weinberg law
- Hardy-Weinberg
- Harlequin ichthyosis
- Harold Shipman
- Harvey Carignan
- Harvey Glatman
- Hashimoto disease
- Hashimoto thyroiditis
- Hatred of sound
- Hay fever
- Hayfever
- Hb
- Hb Hf
- Hct
- HeLa cell
- Head and neck cancer
- Head bones
- Head injury
- Head lice
- Head optic nerve
- Head-twitch response
- Headache
- Headache Hogwarts
- Headache alarm clock
- Headache chronic daily
- Headache cluster
- Headache febrile
- Headache hypnic
- Headache migraine
- Headache rebound
- Headache sinus
- Headache stress
- Headache tension
- Headache thunderclap
- Headache vascular
- Health
- Health Aleut
- Health Care Finance Administration
- Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act
- Health Inuit
- Health Saami
- Health Saving Account
- Health Sciences Descriptors
- Health and Human Services
- Health arctic
- Health assessment
- Health care proxy
- Health child
- Health for All
- Health industrial
- Health outcomes research
- Health physics
- Health public
- Health risk
- Healthcare error proliferation model
- Healthcare proxy
- Healthy food label
- Hearing instrument
- Hearing loss age related
- Hearing screening test newborn
- Heart
- Heart Lung and Blood Institute National
- Heart and hand syndrome
- Heart artificial
- Heart attack
- Heart block
- Heart conduction system
- Heart disease
- Heart disease rheumatic
- Heart failure
- Heart hand syndrome
- Heart left
- Heart lung machine
- Heart murmur
- Heart muscle
- Heart rate
- Heart rehab
- Heart rhythm disorders
- Heart right
- Heart septum
- Heart test EPS
- Heart transplant
- Heart valves
- Heart ventricle
- Heartland virus
- Heartworm
- Heat cramps
- Heat exhaustion
- Heat index
- Heat prostration
- Heat rash
- Heat related illness
- Heat stroke
- Heat syncope
- Heatliness
- Heberden
- Heberden disease
- Heberden node
- Hecht Beals syndrome
- Hecht syndrome
- Hecht's pneumonia
- Hedonophobia
- Heebie jeebies
- Heel bone
- Heel prick
- Heel spur
- Heel stick
- Height growth
- Height of curvature
- Heights fear of
- Heimlich
- Heimlich maneuver
- Hejama
- Helical CAT scan
- Helicase
- Helicobacter heilmannii
- Helicobacter pylori
- Helix alpha
- Helix double
- Helmet bicycle
- Helminth
- Helminthology medical
- Helminthphobia
- Hem onc
- Hemangioma
- Hemangioma capillary
- Hemangioma cavernous
- Hemangioma hepatic
- Hemarthrosis
- Hematemesis
- Hematochezia
- Hematohidrosis
- Hematologist
- Hematology
- Hematology oncology
- Hematoma
- Hematoma epidural
- Hematoma extradural
- Hematoma intracerebral
- Hematoma intracranial
- Hematoma nasal septum
- Hematoma subcutaneous
- Hematoma subdural
- Hematophobia
- Hematopoiesis
- Hematopoietic
- Hematuria
- Hematuria gross
- Hematuria microscopic
- Hemi
- Hemidesmosome
- Hemidiaphragm
- Hemidiaphragm elevated
- Hemidiaphragm raised
- Hemifacial microsomia
- Hemihyperhidrosis
- Hemihypertrophy
- Hemiparesis
- Hemiplegia
- Hemiplegia alternating
- Hemiplegic
- Hemithorax
- Hemizygous
- Hemochromatosis
- Hemodialysis
- Hemodialysis catheter
- Hemoglobin
- Hemoglobin A
- Hemoglobin A1C
- Hemoglobin E
- Hemoglobin F
- Hemoglobin S
- Hemoglobin carbon monoxide
- Hemoglobin glycosylated
- Hemoglobin normal values
- Hemoglobinuria
- Hemolysis
- Hemolytic
- Hemolytic anemia
- Hemolytic disease of the newborn
- Hemolytic jaundice congenital
- Hemolytic uremic syndrome
- Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
- Hemophilia
- Hemophilia A
- Hemophilia B
- Hemophilia carrier
- Hemophilia heterozygote
- Hemophobia
- Hemopoietic
- Hemoptysis
- Hemorrhage
- Hemorrhage subarachnoid
- Hemorrhagic
- Hemorrhagic cyst
- Hemorrhagic diarrhea E
- Hemorrhagic fever epidemic
- Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
- Hemorrhoid
- Hemorrhoidectomy
- Hemorrhoids
- Hemostasis
- Hemostasis genetics of
- Hendra virus
- Henna
- Henoch Schonlein purpura
- Henry Lee Lucas
- Hepar
- Heparin induced thrombocytopenia
- Heparin low weight
- Hepat
- Hepatic Melancholy
- Hepatic artery
- Hepatic biopsy
- Hepatic duct
- Hepatic duct common
- Hepatic duct left
- Hepatic duct right
- Hepatic ductular hypoplasia syndromatic
- Hepatic encephalopathy
- Hepatic hemangioma
- Hepatic steatosis
- Hepatic transplant
- Hepatic vein
- Hepatico
- Hepatitis
- Hepatitis A immunization
- Hepatitis B immunization
- Hepatitis C PCR
- Hepatitis C virus
- Hepatitis D
- Hepatitis D E F and G
- Hepatitis E
- Hepatitis E virus
- Hepatitis F
- Hepatitis G
- Hepatitis infectious
- Hepatitis non A non B
- Hepatitis toxic
- Hepatitis viral
- Hepato
- Hepatobiliary
- Hepatoblastoma
- Hepatocarcinoma
- Hepatocellular carcinoma
- Hepatology
- Hepatoma
- Hepatomegaly
- Hepatosplenomegaly
- Hepatotoxic
- Heptad repeat
- Herbal
- Herbal remedy
- Herbalism
- Herbalist
- Herbicidal
- Herbicide
- Herbicide chemical 24 DCP
- Hereditary ALS
- Hereditary amyloidosis
- Hereditary amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Hereditary angioedema
- Hereditary angioneurotic edema
- Hereditary arthro ophthalmopathy
- Hereditary arthroophthalmopathy
- Hereditary atransferrinemia
- Hereditary essential tremor
- Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
- Hereditary kidney cancer
- Hereditary mixed polyposis syndrome
- Hereditary multi infarct dementia
- Hereditary mutation
- Hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer
- Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer
- Hereditary progressive arthro ophthalmopathy
- Hereditary prostate cancer
- Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy III
- Hereditary spastic paraplegia autosomal dominant
- Hereditary spherocytosis
- Heredity
- Heredofamilial tremor
- Hereford genome
- Heritability
- Heritable
- Heritable connective tissue disease
- Hermansky Pudlak syndrome
- Hernia
- Hernia Velpeau
- Hernia diaphragmatic
- Hernia hiatus
- Hernia repair
- Herniated disc
- Herniation
- Herniorrhaphy
- Heroin
- Heroin addiction
- Herpangina
- Herpes
- Herpes febrile
- Herpes genital
- Herpes labial
- Herpes simplex type 1
- Herpes simplex type 2
- Herpes zoster
- Herpesvirus
- Herpetiform virus
- Hershey Chase experiment
- Hervey M. Cleckley
- Hetero
- Heterochromatin
- Heterochromatin constitutive
- Heterochromatin facultative
- Heterochromia
- Heterochromia iridis
- Heteroclite
- Heteroerotic
- Heterokaryon
- Heteromorphism
- Heterophyes
- Heteroplasia
- Heteroploid
- Heterosexual
- Heterosexuality
- Heterotaxy
- Heterotaxy Syndrome
- Heterotopic
- Heterotrisomy
- Heterozygote
- Heterozygous
- Hex A deficiency
- Hexadactyly
- Hexenmilch
- Hexosaminidase A
- Hexosaminidase A deficiency
- Hg
- Hg Hk
- Hiatal
- Hiatal hernia
- Hiatus
- Hiatus hernia
- Hibernation reaction
- Hiccups
- Hickam's dictum
- Hidradenitis suppurativa
- Hidrosis
- Hidrotic
- High altitude
- High altitude pulmonary edema
- High blood pressure
- High blood sugar
- High grade lymphoma
- High protein diet
- Hip bursitis
- Hip developmental dislocation of the
- Hip dislocation congenital
- Hip fracture
- Hip pain
- Hip pointer
- Hip replacement total
- Hippocrates
- Hippocratic Oath
- Hippophobia
- Hirschsprung disease
- Hirsutism
- Hirudin
- Hirudotherapy
- His
- His Werner disease
- His disease
- Histamine
- Histamine cephalalgia
- Histidine
- Histiocyte
- Histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis
- Histiocytosis
- Histiocytosis Hand Schuller Christian
- Histiocytosis Langerhans cell
- Histiocytosis Letterer Siwe
- Histiocytosis X
- Histiocytosis lipid
- Histiocytosis malignant
- Histiocytosis sinus
- Histo
- Histo spot
- Histocompatibility
- Histocompatible
- Histology
- Histone
- Histoplasma
- Histoplasma capsulatum
- Histoplasmosis
- History developmental
- History family
- History medical
- History of psychopathy
- History of the present illness
- History social
- Histrionic personality disorder
- Hives
- Hives from pressure
- Hl Ho
- Hoarding pathological
- Hoarseness
- Hobbit
- Hodgkin Dorothy
- Hodgkin disease
- Hodgkin lymphoma
- Hogwarts headache
- Hogweed
- Holandric inheritance
- Hole macular
- Holmes Oliver Wendell Sr
- Holoprosencephaly
- Holt Oram syndrome
- Holter
- Holter monitor
- Homeobox gene
- Homeopath
- Homeopathic
- Homeopathic medicine
- Homeopathy
- Homeostasis
- Homeotherm
- Homicidal ideation
- Homicide
- Homo erectus
- Homo floresiensis
- Homo sapiens
- Homocysteine
- Homocystinuria
- Homogentisate 12 dioxygenase
- Homogentisate oxidase
- Homogentisic acid oxidase deficiency
- Homograft
- Homolog
- Homologies
- Homologous chromosomes
- Homosexual
- Homosexuality
- Homosexuality 1
- Homosexuality as a disease
- Homotrisomy
- Homozygosity
- Homozygote
- Homozygous
- Honey bee allergy
- Honey bee genome
- Hong Kong flu
- Hong Kong influenza
- Horace Albert
- Horace Albert Barker
- Horace Barker
- Horizontal
- Hormone
- Hormone T3
- Hormone TSH
- Hormone aldosterone
- Hormone androgenic
- Hormone antidiuretic
- Hormone cortisol
- Hormone erythropoietin
- Hormone estrogenic
- Hormone follicle stimulating
- Hormone glucocorticoid
- Hormone growth
- Hormone human chorionic gonadotropin
- Hormone mineralocorticoid
- Hormone parathormone
- Hormone parathyrin
- Hormone parathyroid
- Hormone progesterone
- Hormone secretin
- Hormone therapy
- Hormone thyroid
- Hormone thyroid stimulating
- Hormone thyrotropin
- Hormone thyroxine
- Hormone triiodothyronine
- HormoneT4
- Horner syndrome
- Hornet sting
- Horripilation
- Horror autotoxicus
- Horrors
- Hospice
- Hospice care
- Hospital
- Hospital acquired infection
- Hospital code
- Hospital emergency codes
- Hospital fever
- Hospital gown
- Hospital-acquired condition
- Hospitalism
- Hospitalist
- Host factor
- Hot flashes
- Hotel Dieu
- Hounsfield
- Hounsfield Godfrey
- House officer
- House staff
- House surgeon
- Housekeeping gene
- Housemaid's knee
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- Hox gene
- Hp Hx
- Hughes Investigator
- Hughlings Jackson
- Hughlings Jackson John
- Human Development
- Human Genome Organisation
- Human Genome Project
- Human Genome Research Institute National
- Human T lymphotropic virus
- Human T lymphotropic virus type I
- Human T lymphotropic virus type III
- Human body temperature
- Human chorionic gonadotropin
- Human chromosome count
- Human cloning
- Human embryonic stem cell
- Human equivalent
- Human gene map
- Human gene therapy
- Human genome
- Human growth
- Human herpesvirus 1
- Human herpesvirus 2
- Human herpesvirus 3
- Human herpesvirus 4
- Human herpesvirus 5
- Human herpesvirus 6
- Human herpesvirus 7
- Human herpesvirus 8
- Human immunodeficiency virus
- Human kinome
- Human lymphotropic virus III
- Human metapneumovirus
- Human neutrophil peptide
- Human papilloma virus
- Human papillomavirus
- Human parainfluenza virus
- Human pluripotent stem cell
- Human reproductive cloning
- Humerus
- Humidifier
- Humidifier fever
- Humor aqueous
- Humoral
- Humoralism
- Humorism
- Hump dowager
- Hunter syndrome
- Huntington disease
- Hurler syndrome
- Hurricane
- Hurricane supplies kit
- Hy Hz
- Hyaluronic acid
- Hybridization fluorescent in situ
- Hybridization in situ
- Hybridization nucleic acid
- Hybridoma
- Hydatid disease alveolar
- Hydatidiform mole
- Hydranencephaly
- Hydrazine
- Hydrocarbon
- Hydrocarbon keratosis
- Hydrocele
- Hydrocephalus Macewen sign of
- Hydrocephalus acquired
- Hydrocephalus communicating
- Hydrocephalus congenital
- Hydrocephalus ex vacuo
- Hydrocephalus normal pressure
- Hydrogen
- Hydronephrosis
- Hydropic swell
- Hydrops fetalis
- Hydrostatic weighing
- Hydroxyapatite
- Hydroxyapatite crystal disease
- Hydroxytryptamine
- Hydroxyurea
- Hygieia
- Hygiene
- Hygiene hypothesis
- Hygiene theory
- Hymen
- Hyoglossus
- Hyoscine Hydrobromide
- Hyper
- Hyper IgD syndrome
- Hyperactivity
- Hyperadrenocorticism
- Hyperaldosteronism
- Hyperbaric
- Hyperbaric chamber
- Hyperbilirubinemia
- Hyperbilirubinemia neonatal
- Hyperbilirubinemia type I
- Hypercalcemia
- Hypercalciuria
- Hypercapnia
- Hypercarbia
- Hyperchloremia
- Hypercholesterolemia
- Hypercoagulability estrogen associated
- Hypercoagulable state
- Hyperconscious
- Hyperdontia
- Hyperekplexia
- Hyperemesis gravidarum
- Hyperexplexia
- Hyperextensible
- Hyperglycemia
- Hyperglycemic response
- Hypergranulosis
- Hypergraphia
- Hypergraphic
- Hyperhidrosis
- Hyperhidrosis axillary
- Hyperhidrosis palmoplantar
- Hyperhidrotic
- Hyperkalemia
- Hyperkatifeia
- Hyperkeratinization
- Hyperkeratosis
- Hyperlexia
- Hyperlipidemia
- Hypermagnesemia
- Hypermnesia
- Hypermobility syndrome
- Hypernatremia
- Hyperopia
- Hyperosmolar
- Hyperosmolarity
- Hyperostosis
- Hyperoxaluria
- Hyperphosphatemia
- Hyperpigmentation
- Hyperplasia
- Hyperplasia benign prostatic
- Hyperplasia endometrial
- Hyperplasia of the prostate nodular
- Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
- Hypertension
- Hypertension gestational
- Hypertension pulmonary
- Hypertension white coat
- Hypertensive
- Hypertensive crisis
- Hyperthermia
- Hyperthermia malignant
- Hyperthyroid
- Hypertonia
- Hypertonic solution
- Hypertrichosis
- Hypertrophic
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- Hypertrophic gastritis
- Hypertrophic hypoproteinemic gastropathy
- Hypertrophy
- Hypertrophy benign prostatic
- Hyperuricemia
- Hyperventilation
- Hypervolemia
- Hypervolemic
- Hypnagogic
- Hypnagogic hallucination
- Hypnic
- Hypnic headache
- Hypnic jerk
- Hypnolepsy
- Hypnopompic hallucination
- Hypnos
- Hypnosis
- Hypo
- Hypoalbuminemia
- Hypocalcemia
- Hypocapnia
- Hypocarbia
- Hypochloremia
- Hypochondria
- Hypochondriac
- Hypochondriacal neurosis
- Hypochondriasis
- Hypochondriasm
- Hypochondroplasia
- Hypocitraturia
- Hypocol
- Hypodontia and nail dysgenesis
- Hypogeusia
- Hypoglossal nerve
- Hypoglossal neuropathy
- Hypoglycemia
- Hypoglycemia unawareness
- Hypoglycemic
- Hypohidrosis
- Hypohidrotic
- Hypokalemia
- Hypomagnesemia
- Hypomania
- Hypomanic
- Hypomnesia
- Hypomyelination
- Hyponatremia
- Hypoosmolar
- Hypoosmolarity
- Hypoparathyroidism
- Hypopharyngeal diverticulum
- Hypophosphatasia
- Hypophosphatemia
- Hypopigmentation
- Hypopigmented
- Hypoplasia
- Hypoplasia of the thymus and parathyroids
- Hypoplasia syndromatic hepatic ductular
- Hypoplastic anemia triphalangeal thumbs
- Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
- Hypopnea
- Hypoproteinemic hypertrophic gastropathy
- Hyposmia
- Hypospadias
- Hypotension
- Hypotension orthostatic
- Hypotension postural
- Hypotensive
- Hypothalamic hamartoma
- Hypothalamus
- Hypothermia
- Hypothyroidism
- Hypothyroidism congenital
- Hypothyroidism infantile
- Hypotonia
- Hypotonic solution
- Hypoventilation
- Hypovolemia
- Hypovolemic
- Hypovolemic shock
- Hypoxemia
- Hypoxia
- Hypoxia ischemia
- Hypoxic
- Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
- Hysterectomy
- Hysterectomy abdominal
- Hysterectomy complete
- Hysterectomy laparoscopically assisted vaginal
- Hysterectomy partial
- Hysterectomy subtotal
- Hysterectomy total
- Hysterectomy vaginal
- Hysteria
- Hysterosalpingogram
- Hysteroscopic
- Hysteroscopy
- IC
- ICU psychosis
- ID
- IDEC Y2B8 monoclonal antibody
- IL 1
- IL 10
- IL 2
- IL 4
- IQ
- IV
- IV cholangiogram
- Ia Il
- Ian Brady
- Ian Huntley
- Iatr
- Iatrapistic
- Iatric
- Iatrogenic
- Iatromelia
- Iatromisia
- Ibuprofen
- Ice cream headache
- Ichthyosis
- Ichthyosis keratitis deafness syndrome
- Ichthyosis simplex
- Ichthyosis spasticity oligophrenia syndrome
- Ichthyosis vulgaris
- Identity disorder
- Idiocy amaurotic familial
- Idiopathic
- Idiopathic disease
- Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome of childhood
- Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension
- Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
- Idiopathic sclerosing cholangitis
- Idiopathic scoliosis
- Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
- Idiopathy
- Idiosyncrasy
- Idiosyncratic drug reaction
- Idiot
- Idiot savant
- Ig
- IgA
- IgD
- IgE
- IgG
- IgM
- Igor Irtyshov
- Ile
- Ileal pouch
- Ileitis Crohn
- Ileitis terminal
- Ileocolitis Crohn
- Ileoscopy
- Ileostomy
- Ileum
- Ileus
- Ileus meconium
- Ileus paralytic
- Iliac
- Iliac horns
- Iliopsoas muscle
- Ilium
- Illness acute
- Illness altitude
- Illness chronic
- Illness heat related
- Im Im
- Imagery
- Imaging biomarker
- Imbecile
- Imbibe
- Imbricate
- Imitrex
- Immune complex
- Immune dysregulation
- Immune system
- Immune thrombocytopenic purpura
- Immune tolerance
- Immunity
- Immunity acquired
- Immunity active
- Immunity innate
- Immunity natural
- Immunity passive
- Immunization
- Immunization DPT
- Immunization DT
- Immunization DTaP
- Immunization German measles
- Immunization H
- Immunization HIB
- Immunization Haemophilus influenzae type B
- Immunization MMR
- Immunization Td
- Immunization anthrax
- Immunization chickenpox
- Immunization children's
- Immunization flu
- Immunization hepatitis A
- Immunization hepatitis B
- Immunization infectious hepatitis
- Immunization influenza
- Immunization measles
- Immunization meningococcal
- Immunization mumps
- Immunization pneumococcal
- Immunization polio
- Immunization rubella
- Immunization serum hepatitis
- Immunization varicella
- Immunization yellow fever
- Immunocompetence
- Immunocompetent
- Immunocompromised
- Immunocow
- Immunodeficiency
- Immunodeficient
- Immunodepressant
- Immunodepression
- Immunogenetics
- Immunoglobulin
- Immunoglobulin A
- Immunoglobulin D
- Immunoglobulin E
- Immunoglobulin G
- Immunoglobulin M
- Immunologist
- Immunology
- Immunopig
- Immunosuppressant
- Immunosuppressive
- Immunosuppressive agent
- Immunotherapy
- Immunotherapy allergy
- Immunotoxin
- Impaction dental
- Impaired glucose tolerance
- Imperforate anus
- Impetigo
- Implant
- Implant brainstem
- Implant cochlear
- Implantable cardiac defibrillator
- Implantable pacemaker
- Implantation seed
- Implementability (medicine)
- Implicit memory
- Impotence
- Imprinting genomic
- Imprinting psychological
- Impulsivity
- In In
- In law
- In situ
- In situ carcinoma
- In situ hybridization
- In situ hybridization fluorescent
- In the canal hearing aid
- In the ear hearing aid
- In vitro
- In vitro fertilization
- In vivo
- Inactivation X chromosome
- Inappropriate ADH secretion
- Inborn error of metabolism
- Inbreeding
- Inbreeding coefficient of
- Incase
- Incest
- Inch
- Incidence
- Incidental medical findings
- Incision
- Incisional biopsy
- Incisor
- Incompatibility Rh
- Incompetent cervix
- Inconclusive clinical trial
- Incontinence
- Incontinence fecal
- Incontinence of urine
- Incontinence rectal
- Incontinence urge
- Incontinence urinary
- Incontinent
- Incontinentia pigmenti
- Incubation period
- Incubator
- Incurable
- Incus
- Index body mass
- Index case
- Indian Health Service
- Indian meal moth
- Indication (medicine)
- Indifferent gonad
- Indirect agonist
- Indirect immunofluorescence assay
- Individualized medicine
- Indolent lymphoma
- Induced abortion
- Induced disease by proxy
- Induced menopause
- Induction therapy
- Induration
- Industrial health
- Indwelling bladder catheter
- Ineffective erythropoiesis
- Infant
- Infant carbohydrate intake
- Infant fat requirements
- Infant formula
- Infant in swaddling
- Infant iron supplementation
- Infant mineral requirements
- Infant mortality rate
- Infant post term
- Infant postmature
- Infant protein requirements
- Infant small for gestational age
- Infant vitamin requirements
- Infant water requirements
- Infantile beriberi
- Infantile genetic agranulocytosis
- Infantile hypothyroidism
- Infantile myxedema
- Infantile paralysis
- Infantile spasms
- Infantile systemic hyalinosis
- Infantile thiamine deficiency
- Infantile vitamin B1 deficiency
- Infantilism Brissaud's
- Infarct
- Infarction
- Infarction acute myocardial
- Infection Leishmania
- Infection Neisseria
- Infection Vincent
- Infection acute HIV
- Infection adenovirus
- Infection breast
- Infection ear
- Infection group B strep
- Infection hospital acquired
- Infection meningococcal
- Infection middle ear
- Infection nosocomial
- Infection opportunistic
- Infection pinworm
- Infection pork tapeworm
- Infection primary HIV
- Infection rotavirus
- Infection roundworm
- Infection urinary tract
- Infection yeast
- Infectious Diseases Nat'l Institute of Allergy
- Infectious hepatitis immunization
- Infectious mono
- Infectivity
- Inferior vena cava
- Inferolateral
- Infertile
- Infertility
- Infertility Y chromosome
- Infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the breast
- Infiltrating lobular carcinoma of the breast
- Infiltration (medical)
- Inflammation bladder
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Inflammatory response
- Influence of childhood trauma in psychopathy
- Influenza
- Influenza Asian
- Influenza Hong Kong
- Influenza Spanish
- Influenza avian
- Influenza vaccination priorities
- Informatics
- Informed consent
- Infraspinatus muscle
- Infundibulum (tooth)
- Infusion therapy
- Ingelfinger rule
- Ingrown hair
- Ingrown toenail
- Inguinal
- Inguinal orchiectomy
- Inhalant
- Inhaler metered dose
- Inheritance Y linked
- Inheritance holandric
- Inheritance mendelian
- Inheritance mitochondrial
- Inheritance multifactorial
- Inherited immunodeficiency disease
- Inherited metabolic diseases
- Inhibin
- Inhibition orgasmic
- Inhibitor ACE
- Inhibitor protease
- Inhibitory RNA
- Iniencephaly
- Injectable birth control
- Injection (medicine)
- Injection snoreplasty
- Injure
- Injury cold
- Injury hangman
- Injury knee meniscus
- Injury mental child
- Injury mower
- Injury needlestick
- Injury scooter
- Inkblot test
- Innate immunity
- Inner ear
- Inner ear infection
- Innervate
- Innervation
- Inotropic
- Inpatient
- Insanity
- Insect sting
- Insecticidal
- Insecticide
- Insecticide treated bednet
- Insemination
- Insemination artificial
- Insemination heterologous
- Insemination homologous
- Insemination intrauterine
- Insertable loop recorder
- Insertion
- Insinuate
- Insomnia
- Insomnia chronic
- Insomnia fatal familial
- Insomnia intermittent
- Insomnia transient
- Inspissate
- Institute National Eye
- Institute of Medicine
- Institute on Deafness and Communication Disorders
- Institutional Review Board
- Insufficiency aortic
- Insufficiency coronary
- Insufficiency mitral
- Insufficiency pancreatic
- Insufficiency pulmonary
- Insufficiency respiratory
- Insufficiency small intestine
- Insufflation (medicine)
- Insular sclerosis
- Insulin
- Insulin dependent diabetes
- Insulin pump
- Insulin resistance
- Insulin resistance syndrome
- Insulinoma
- Insult (medical)
- Integrin
- Integron
- Intelligence non verbal
- Intelligence quotient
- Intelligence test
- Intelligence verbal
- Intensity modulated radiation therapy
- Intensive care
- Intensive care unit psychosis
- Intensivist
- Interatrial septum
- Intercellular
- Intercellular junction
- Intercostal muscle
- Intercurrent disease
- Interferon
- Interleukin 1
- Interleukin 10
- Interleukin 2
- Interleukin 3
- Interleukin 4
- Interleukins
- Intermediate grade lymphoma
- Intermittent claudication
- Intermittent insomnia
- Intern
- Internal bleeding
- Internal cardiac defibrillator
- Internal carrier
- Internal ear
- Internal environment
- Internal fixation
- Internal genitalia female
- Internal genitalia male
- Internal jugular vein
- Internal medicine
- Internal pacemaker
- Internal radiation therapy
- International AIDS Vaccine Initiative
- International normalized ratio
- International unit
- Interneuron
- Internist
- Interpersonal therapy
- Interphase
- Interrod enamel
- Intersex
- Intersexual genitalia
- Interspinous plane
- Interstice
- Interstitial
- Interstitial cystitis
- Interstitial radiation
- Interstitial radiation therapy
- Intertriginous
- Intertrigo
- Intertubercular plane
- Interval malignancy
- Intervening sequence
- Interventional
- Interventional radiologist
- Interventional radiology
- Interventricular foramen
- Interventricular septum
- Intervertebral disk
- Intervertebral foramen
- Intestinal gas
- Intestinal obstruction
- Intestinal parasite
- Intestinal pseudo obstruction
- Intestinal villus
- Intestine
- Intestine large
- Intestine small
- Intolerance food
- Intolerance lactose
- Intra arterial pressure
- Intracameral injection
- Intracavernous injection
- Intracellular
- Intracerebral hematoma
- Intracerebroventricular injection
- Intracorporeal
- Intracranial
- Intracranial hematoma
- Intractable
- Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
- Intradermal
- Intradermal injection
- Intradiskal electrothermal therapy
- Intraductal carcinoma
- Intraductal papilloma
- Intraepithelial
- Intrafallopian
- Intrahepatic
- Intramuscular
- Intramuscular injection
- Intraocular
- Intraocular lens
- Intraocular melanoma
- Intraocular pressure
- Intraocular tension
- Intraoperative
- Intraoperative blood salvage
- Intraoperative radiation therapy
- Intraoral
- Intraosseous infusion
- Intraperitoneal
- Intraperitoneal chemotherapy
- Intraperitoneal injection
- Intrastromal corneal ring
- Intrathecal administration
- Intrathecal chemotherapy
- Intrauterine
- Intrauterine contraceptive device
- Intrauterine growth restriction
- Intrauterine growth retardation
- Intrauterine insemination
- Intravaginal administration
- Intravenous
- Intravenous cholangiogram
- Intravenous feeding
- Intravenous immunoglobulin
- Intravenous pyelogram
- Intravenous tension
- Intravenous therapy
- Intraventricular
- Intravitreal administration
- Intravitreal injection
- Intravitreous
- Intrinsic
- Introitus
- Introitus facial canal
- Introitus vaginal
- Intron
- Intubate
- Intubation
- Inuit health
- Invasive candidiasis
- Invasive cervical cancer
- Invasomes
- Inverse psoriasis
- Inversion chromosome
- Inversion paracentric chromosome
- Inversion pericentric chromosome
- Invert
- Inverted repeat
- Involuntary
- Involuntary smoking
- Involute
- Involution (medicine)
- Io Is
- Iodide
- Iodide goiter
- Iodine deficiency
- Iodine excess
- Iodine radioactive
- Ion channel
- Iontophoresis
- Ipecac
- Ipsilateral
- Iridectomy
- Iridectomy peripheral
- Iridology
- Iris melanoma
- Iris speckled
- Iritis
- Iron deficiency anemia
- Iron excess
- Iron overload
- Iron poisoning
- Iron supplementation infant
- Irradiation food
- Irrigate
- Irrigation of the colon
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Irritant contact dermatitis
- Irwin DJ
- Irwin DJ Bross
- Ischemia
- Ischial bursitis
- Ischium
- Islet cell cancer
- Islet cell carcinoma
- Islet cell tumor
- Islets of Langerhans
- Iso
- Isocellular
- Isochromosome
- Isochromosome 17q
- Isodisomy
- Isoflavone
- Isoform
- Isolate
- Isoleucine
- Isometropia
- Isoprene
- Isotonic exercise
- Isotonic solution
- Isotope
- Isotopic
- Isotropic formulations
- It Iz
- Italian disease
- Itch jellyfish
- Itch ocean
- Itch seabather's
- Itching
- Itching anal
- Itchy ear
- Ivan Kulesh
- Jack Unterweger
- Jackson
- Jail fever
- James H. Fallon
- James Hanratty
- James Hydrick
- James Neil Tucker
- Jason Massey
- Jerry Brudos
- Jimmy Maketta
- Joanna Dennehy
- Joaquín Villalón Díez
- John
- John Cooper (serial killer)
- John Rodney McRae
- John Thomas sign
- John Wayne Gacy
- John-W
- Jons Jacob
- Joran van der Sloot
- Joseph
- Joseph Danks
- Joseph Edward Duncan
- Joseph Kondro
- Joseph Moscati
- José Antonio Rodríguez Vega
- Jozef Slovák
- Jr
- Julius
- July effect
- K
- K-kingae
- KID-syndrome
- KUB-film
- Kabuki-syndrome
- Kala-azar
- Kalemia
- Kallmann-syndrome
- Kamino bodies
- Kaoru Kobayashi (murderer)
- Kaposi-sarcoma
- Karol Kot
- Kartagener-syndrome
- Karyocyte
- Karyokinesis
- Karyotype
- Karyotyping
- Kashin-Beck-disease
- Kashin-Bek-disease
- Kawasaki disease
- Kearns-Sayre-syndrome
- Kearns-Sayre-type
- Kegashbek Orunbayev
- Kegel exercises
- Kelman
- Keloid
- Kenneth Bianchi
- Kenneth Erskine
- Kenneth McDuff
- Kenny Richey
- Keratectomy
- Keratin
- Keratitis
- Keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness-syndrome
- Kerato
- Keratoconjunctivitis
- Keratoconjunctivitis-sicca
- Keratoconus
- Keratoderma-hereditarium-mutilans
- Keratodermia-blennorrhagicum
- Keratolytic
- Keratoma
- Keratoplasty
- Keratosis
- Keratosis follicularis
- Keratosis pilaris
- Keratotic-scabies
- Keratotomy
- Kernicterus
- Kernig-sign
- Kernig-sign-of
- Keshan-disease
- Ketoacidosis
- Ketogenic-diet
- Ketolysis
- Ketone
- Ketone body
- Ketone-bodies
- Ketonuria
- Ketorolac
- Ketosis-prone-diabetes
- Kevin Dutton
- Keystone-virus
- Khat
- Kiaran Stapleton
- Kiddie-cam
- Kiddiecam
- Kidney
- Kidney stone
- Kidney-cancer
- Kidney-disease-screening
- Kidney-infection-in-children
- Kidney-scoping
- Kidney-stones
- Kidney-transplant
- Kikuchi-disease
- Kilobase
- Kilocalorie
- Kimmelstiel-Wilson-disease
- Kimmelstiel-Wilson-syndrome
- Kinder-cam
- Kindercam
- Kindred
- Kinesin
- Kinetic
- Kinetics
- King's evil
- Kingella-kingae
- King’s evil
- Kinky-hair-syndrome
- Kinome
- Kinsey-Report
- Kinship
- Kirklin
- Kiss
- Kissing bug
- Kissing contusion
- Kissing disease
- Kit
- Klaus Kinski
- Klebsiella
- Kleine-Levin-syndrome
- Klinefelter syndrome
- Klippel Feil
- Klippel-Feil-anomalad
- Klippel-Feil-anomaly
- Klippel-Feil-deformity
- Klippel-Feil-phenotype
- Klippel-Feil-sequence
- Klippel-Feil-syndrome
- Klumpke's-palsy
- Klumpke-palsy
- Klumpke-paralysis
- Knee
- Knee jerk
- Knee joint
- Knee-bursitis
- Knee-ligaments
- Knee-phenomenon
- Knee-replacement
- Kneecap
- Knock-knees
- Knockout
- Knockout-mouse
- Knuckle
- Koch's-postulates
- Kok-disease
- Koolen-de-Vries-syndrome
- Koplik's spots
- Korff fibers
- Kostmann-disease
- Krabbe-disease
- Kratom
- Krokodil
- Krukenberg-tumor
- Kubler-Ross
- Kuru
- Kussmaul-breathing
- Kveim-test
- Kwashiorkor
- Kyphoplasty
- Kyphoscoliosis
- Kyphosis
- L1-L5
- LAC-encephalitis
- LAMB-syndrome
- LCHAD-deficiency
- LDL cholesterol
- LEOPARD-syndrome
- LHRH-agonist
- LL
- LN2
- LOD-score
- LP
- La-Leche-League
- La-Montagne
- LaCrosse-encephalitis
- LaMontagne
- Lab
- Lab-result
- Lab-test
- Labia
- Labia majora
- Labia minora
- Labial
- Labial-herpes
- Labial-sounds
- Labile
- Labile-diabetes
- Lability
- Labiodental-sound
- Labium
- Labor
- Labor-support-professional
- Laboratory
- Labra
- Labrocyte
- Labrose
- Labrum
- Labyrinth
- Labyrinthitis
- Laceration
- Lack of guilt in psychopaths
- Lacrimal
- Lacrimal gland
- Lacrimation
- Lactase
- Lactase deficiency
- Lactate-dehydrogenase
- Lactation
- Lactic-acidosis
- Lactobacillus
- Lactobacillus-acidophilus
- Lactose
- Lactose intolerance
- Lacuna
- Ladislav Hojer
- Lamarckism
- Lambert-Eaton-myasthenic-syndrome
- Lamella
- Lamin-A
- Lamina
- Lamina dura
- Laminaria
- Laminectomy
- Laminopathy
- Lancet
- Lancet-device
- Lancing-device
- Landau-Kleffner-syndrome
- Landry's-ascending-paralysis
- Landry-ascending-paralysis
- Landslide-injury
- Langer Saldino type
- Langer-Saldino-type-achondrogenesis
- Langerhans
- Lansing-virus
- Lanugo
- Lap-Band
- Laparoscope
- Laparoscopic
- Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
- Laparoscopic-assisted-vaginal-hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic-staging
- Laparoscopy
- Laparotomy
- Large intestine
- Large-bowel
- Large-cell-carcinoma
- Large-cell-lymphoma
- Large-saphenous-vein
- Laribacter-hongkongensis
- Laryngeal
- Laryngeal-dystonia
- Laryngeal-framework-surgery
- Laryngeal-nerve
- Laryngeal-nerve-palsy
- Laryngeal-palsy
- Laryngeal-papilloma
- Laryngeal-papillomatosis
- Laryngeal-stenosis
- Laryngectomee
- Laryngectomy
- Laryngitis
- Laryngomalacia
- Laryngoscope
- Laryngoscopist
- Laryngoscopy
- Laryngostasis
- Laryngotomy
- Larynx
- Larynx-transplant
- Laser
- Laser-Resurfacing
- Laser-assisted-in-situ-keratomileusis
- Laser-coagulation
- Laser-hair-removal
- Laser-surgery
- Lassa fever
- Lassa virus
- Lassitude
- Last-menstrual-period
- Late-infantile-neuroaxonal-dystrophy
- Latent
- Lateral
- Lateral epicondylitis
- Lateral flow test
- Lateral ventricle
- Lateral-X-ray
- Lateral-collateral-ligament
- Lateral-femoral-cutaneous-mononeuropathy
- Lateral-femoral-cutaneous-nerve
- Lateral-femoral-cutaneous-nerve-syndrome
- Lateral-meniscus-of-the-knee
- Latham-bowl
- Lattice-dystrophy
- Laughing gas
- Launois-Bensaude-syndrome
- Lauterbur
- Lavage
- Law
- Lawrence Bittaker
- Lawson-Wilkins
- Laxative
- Lay-midwife
- Laying on of hands
- Laynx
- Lazy-eye
- Lead palsy
- Lead poisoning
- Lead-based-paint
- Leaded
- Leaded gasoline
- Leaded-petrol
- Leaky-gut-or-leaky-gut-syndrome
- Lean-body-mass
- Learning disability
- Learning-problem
- Lecithinase
- Lectin
- Lederberg
- Leech
- Leech-therapy
- Left atrium
- Left ventricle
- Left without being seen
- Left-handed
- Left-heart
- Left-heart-hypoplasia-syndrome
- Left-hepatic-duct
- Left-ventricular-assist-device
- Leg
- Leg-pain-with-cramping
- Legal-blindness
- Legal-medicine
- Legg-Calve-Perthes-disease
- Legg-Perthes-disease
- Legg-disease
- Legionella
- Legionnaire-disease
- Leif Axmyr
- Leigh's-disease
- Leiomyoma
- Leiomyosarcoma
- Leishmania
- Leishmania-infection
- Leishmaniasis
- Lemierre-syndrome
- Length of stay
- Lenin
- Lennox-Gastaut-syndrome
- Lennox-syndrome
- Lenny Murphy
- Lens
- Lentigines
- Lentiginosis-profusa-syndrome
- Lentigo
- Lentigo-maligna-melanoma
- Lenz
- Lenz-microphthalmia-syndrome
- Leon-virus
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Leper
- Lepra
- Leprosy
- Leptin
- Leptomeningeal
- Leptomeningeal-carcinomatosis
- Leptomeninges
- Leptospirosis
- Lesbian
- Lesbianism
- Lesch-Nyhan-syndrome
- Lesion
- Let-down-reflex
- Lethal
- Lethal gene
- Lethargy
- Letrozole
- Leu
- Leucemia
- Leucine
- Leucism
- Leucovorin
- Leuk
- Leukemia
- Leukemic-reticuloendotheliosis
- Leukemoid-reaction
- Leuko
- Leukocoria
- Leukocyte
- Leukocyte-count
- Leukocytes
- Leukocytosis
- Leukodystrophy
- Leukoencephalopathy-with-vanishing-white-matter
- Leukomalacia
- Leukopenia
- Leukoplakia
- Leukoreduction
- Leukotriene
- Level-1-biosafety
- Level-2-biosafety
- Level-3-biosafety
- Level-4-biosafety
- Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale
- Levite
- Levo
- Levocardia
- Levonorgestrel
- Levothyroxine
- Lewis
- Lewis-Thomas
- Lf-Lj
- Lhermitte-sign
- Li-Fraumeni-syndrome
- Libido
- Library
- Library-of-Medicine
- Lice
- Licensed-clinical-social-worker
- Lichen planus
- Lichenification
- Lichenoid eruption
- Lichtenberg-figures
- Liddle-syndrome
- Life-support
- Lifestyle-disease
- Lifetime-risk
- Ligament
- Ligaments
- Ligand
- Ligate
- Ligature
- Lightening
- Lightheadedness
- Lightning-injuries
- Lights
- Lightwood's law
- Lilliputian-hallucination
- Limb
- Limb perfusion
- Limb-girdle-muscular-dystrophy
- Liminal
- Lindane
- Lindau-von-Hippel-syndrome
- Line
- Lineage
- Lingual
- Lingual-gyrus
- Lining
- Linkage
- Linkage-analysis
- Linkage-map
- Linus Pauling
- Lip
- Lipectomy
- Lipid
- Lipid-profile
- Lipid-storage-diseases
- Lipids
- Lipitor
- Lipodystrophy
- Lipodystrophy-syndrome
- Lipoid-nephrosis
- Lipoidosis
- Lipoma
- Lipomatosis
- Lipophilin
- Lipoprotein
- Lipoproteins
- Liposarcoma
- Liposuction
- Lips
- Liquid diet
- Liquid nitrogen
- Liquor-cerebrospinalis
- Lisfranc-Fracture
- Lissencephaly
- Lissencephaly-syndrome
- List of biological development disorders
- List of deprecated terms for diseases
- List of eponymous diseases
- List of eponymous fractures
- List of eponymous medical devices
- List of eponymous medical signs
- List of eponymous medical treatments
- List of eponymous surgical procedures
- List of manias
- List of medical abbreviations
- List of medical abbreviations: 0–9
- List of medical abbreviations: A
- List of medical abbreviations: B
- List of medical abbreviations: C
- List of medical abbreviations: D
- List of medical abbreviations: E
- List of medical abbreviations: F
- List of medical abbreviations: G
- List of medical abbreviations: H
- List of medical abbreviations: I
- List of medical abbreviations: J
- List of medical abbreviations: K
- List of medical abbreviations: L
- List of medical abbreviations: M
- List of medical abbreviations: N
- List of medical abbreviations: O
- List of medical abbreviations: P
- List of medical abbreviations: Q
- List of medical abbreviations: R
- List of medical abbreviations: S
- List of medical abbreviations: T
- List of medical abbreviations: U
- List of medical abbreviations: V
- List of medical abbreviations: W
- List of medical abbreviations: X
- List of medical abbreviations: Y
- List of medical abbreviations: Z
- List of medical eponyms with Nazi associations
- List of medical roots, suffixes and prefixes
- List of orthopaedic eponyms
- List of terms using the word occipital
- Listeria
- Listeriosis
- Lists of medical eponyms
- Liter
- Lithium
- Lithium carbonate
- Litho
- Lithobid
- Lithotomy
- Lithotomy position
- Lithotripsy
- Lithotriptor
- Litmus
- Litmus test
- Little-People-of-America
- Little-lady-of-Flores
- Live-animal-market
- Livedo
- Livedo-reticularis
- Liver
- Liver cancer
- Liver disease
- Liver fluke
- Liver spot
- Liver-Failure
- Liver-biopsy
- Liver-of-pregnancy
- Liver-pain
- Liver-shunt
- Liver-transplant
- Liver-transplantation
- Livid
- Living will
- Living-donor-liver-transplantation
- Livor mortis
- Lizard-bite
- Loa-loa
- Lobar
- Lobe
- Lobectomy
- Lobotomy
- Lobstein's-disease
- Lobular-carcinoma-of-the-breast
- Lobule
- Local-seizure
- Local-therapy
- Local-treatment
- Localized disease
- Lochia
- Locked-in-syndrome
- Lockjaw
- Locomotion
- Locomotive-system
- Locoregional
- Locoregional-anesthesia
- Locoregional-metastasis
- Locus
- Locus-minoris-resistentiae
- Loeys-Dietz-syndrome
- Loiasis
- Loin
- Loneliness
- Long-QT-syndrome
- Long-arm-of-a-chromosome
- Long-chain-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA-dehydrogenase-def
- Long-term care
- Long-term-care-facility
- Long-term-memory
- Longevity
- Longitudinal
- Longitudinal-section
- Longitudinal-study
- Lordosis
- Loss-of-function-mutation
- Lou-Gehrig-disease
- Louis
- Louise
- Louise-Brown
- Louse-borne-typhus
- Love-pearls
- Low-back-pain
- Low-blood-pressure
- Low-blood-sugar
- Low-carb-diet
- Low-grade-lymphoma
- Low-placenta
- Low-platelets
- Low-set-ear
- Low-tension-glaucoma
- Low-testosterone
- Low-vision
- Low-vision-device
- Lower-GI-series
- Lower-leg
- Lower-motor-neuron
- Lower-segment-Cesarian-section
- Lp-Lz
- Lubricant
- Lucid-dreaming
- Ludwig scale
- Lues
- Luetic
- Luis Garavito
- Luis Gregorio Ramírez Maestre
- Luka Magnotta
- Lukace Kendle
- Lumbar
- Lumbar puncture
- Lumbar-radiculopathy
- Lumbar-spinal-stenosis
- Lumbar-strain
- Lumbar-vertebrae
- Lumen
- Lumpectomy
- Lunatic
- Lung
- Lung cancer
- Lung-reduction-surgery
- Lung-transplant
- Lung-volume-reduction-surgery
- Lungs
- Lunula
- Lunule
- Lupus
- Lupus-in-pregnancy
- Luschka
- Luteinizing hormone
- Luteinizing-hormone-releasing-hormone
- Luxation
- Lycanthropy
- Lycopene
- Lyme
- Lyme disease
- Lymph
- Lymph gland
- Lymph node
- Lymphadenitis
- Lymphadenopathy
- Lymphadenopathy-associated-virus
- Lymphadenopathy-virus
- Lymphangiogram
- Lymphangioleiomyomatosis
- Lymphangioma
- Lymphangitis
- Lymphatic
- Lymphatic system
- Lymphatic tissue
- Lymphatic-edema
- Lymphatic-filariasis
- Lymphatics
- Lymphedema
- Lymphoblastic leukemia
- Lymphocyte
- Lymphocytic
- Lymphocytic leukemia
- Lymphocytic-colitis
- Lymphocytosis
- Lymphogranuloma venereum
- Lymphoid
- Lymphoid tissue
- Lymphoma
- Lymphoproliferative
- Lymphoproliferative-disorders
- Lymphoreticulosis
- Lynch-syndrome
- Lyon-hypothesis
- Lyonization
- Lyophilization
- Lyophilize
- Lys
- Lysenkoism
- Lysergic acid diethylamide
- Lysine
- Lysis
- Lysosomal-enzyme
- Lysosome
- Lytic
- M
- M-protein
- MALT-lymphoma
- MAO-inhibitor
- MASA-syndrome
- MASS-syndrome
- MCP1
- MD
- MELAS-syndrome
- MG
- MHealth
- MI
- MIC-1
- MM
- MP
- MPO-deficiency
- MRKH-syndrome
- MRSA-infection
- MS
- MTHFR-mutation
- MYH-syndrome
- Macerate
- Macewen
- Macewen-operation
- Macewen-sign
- Machine
- Machupo virus
- Macro
- Macroangiopathy
- Macrobiota
- Macrobiotic
- Macrobiotic diet
- Macrocephaly
- Macrocytic
- Macrogenitosomia
- Macroglobulinemia
- Macroglossia
- Macrognathia
- Macrolide
- Macroorchidism
- Macrophage
- Macrophage-inhibitory-cytokine-1
- Macrophagic-myofasciitis
- Macroscopic
- Macrosomia
- Macrovascular
- Macrovascular-disease
- Macula
- Macular
- Macular Degeneration
- Macular-cyst
- Macular-hole
- Macular-pucker
- Macular-retinopathy
- Macular-vision
- Macule
- Macules
- Maculopapular rash
- Maculopathy
- Macy catheter
- Mad hatter disease
- Mad-deer-disease
- Madelung-disease
- Mag-sulfate
- Magendie
- Maggot
- Magic bullet
- Magnesia
- Magnesium
- Magnesium sulfate
- Magnesium-deficiency
- Magnesium-excess
- Magnet-therapy
- Magnetic resonance imaging
- Magnetic-resonance-elastography
- Magnetic-resonance-perfusion-imaging
- Magnetic-resonance-spectroscopic-imaging
- Magnetic-targeted carrier
- Magnetic-targeted-carrier
- Mainstream-medicine
- Maintenance-therapy
- Major
- Major-anomaly
- Major-anxiety-disorder
- Major-depression
- Major-gene
- Major-histocompatibility-complex
- Makeup
- Malabsorption
- Malacia
- Malady
- Malaise
- Malar
- Malar rash
- Malaria
- Malariologist
- Malariology
- Malattia-leventinese
- Malcolm Webster (murderer)
- Male
- Male genitalia
- Male hysteria
- Male-breast-cancer
- Male-chromosome
- Male-chromosome-complement
- Male-condom
- Male-external-genitalia
- Male-gonad
- Male-internal-genitalia
- Male-menopause
- Male-organs-of-reproduction
- Male-pelvis
- Male-sexual-orientation-gene
- Malformation
- Malignancy
- Malignant
- Malignant hyperthermia
- Malignant melanoma
- Malignant-ascites
- Malignant-giant-cell-tumor
- Malleability
- Malleolus
- Mallet
- Malleus
- Malnutrition
- Malnutrition-related-diabetes
- Malpighian layer
- Malrotated-ear
- Malrotation-of-the-intestine
- Mamelon (dentistry)
- Mammaplasty
- Mammary gland
- Mammogram
- Mammoplasia
- Mamoru Takuma
- Man Haron Monis
- Managed-care
- Mandible
- Mandibular canine
- Mandibular central incisor
- Mandibular first molar
- Mandibular first premolar
- Mandibular lateral incisor
- Mandibular second molar
- Mandibular second premolar
- Maneuver
- Mania
- Mania errabunda
- Manic
- Manic depression
- Manic-depressive-disease
- Manicheel-tree
- Manipulation (psychology)
- Manner of death
- Manny
- Manometry
- Manorexia
- Mansfield
- Mantoux test
- Map
- Map-dot-fingerprint-type-corneal-dystrophy
- Maple syrup urine disease
- Mapping
- Marasmus
- Marburg disease
- Marburg virus
- Marc Dutroux
- Marfan-syndrome
- Margaret
- Margaret Mead
- Marie Fikáčková
- Marie-Strumpell-disease
- Marijuana
- Marinesco-Sjogren-syndrome
- Mario Alberto Sulú Canché
- Marissa DeVault
- Mark of Cain
- Marker
- Marker-chromosome
- Marker-gene
- Marmoreal
- Maroteaux-Lamy-syndrome
- Marriage
- Marrow
- Marsh-fever
- Marshall-Smith-syndrome
- Marshall-W
- Martha Stout
- Martin Bryant
- Martin-Rodbell
- Martinus W
- Martinus-W
- Martorell-syndrome
- Marvin Gray
- Marx
- Mary Bell
- Mask
- Mask of pregnancy
- Masklike-face
- Masochism
- Mass effect (medicine)
- Mass-spectrometry
- Massage
- Massage-therapist
- Masseter
- Mast cell
- Mast-cell-tumor
- Mast-syndrome
- Mastalgia
- Mastectomy
- Masticate
- Mastitis
- Mastocyte
- Mastocytoma
- Mastocytosis
- Mastoid
- Mastoiditis
- Matej Čurko
- Materfamilias
- Materia medica
- Maternal
- Maternal death
- Maternal-age
- Maternal-mortality-rate
- Maternal-myasthenia-gravis
- Maternal-phenylketonuria
- Maternal-serum-alpha-fetoprotein
- Materteral
- Materterine
- Mathematics-disorder
- Mathew Charles Lamb
- Matricectomy
- Matter
- Maturity-onset-diabetes-of-the-young
- Maxilla
- Maxillary canine
- Maxillary central incisor
- Maxillary first molar
- Maxillary first premolar
- Maxillary lateral incisor
- Maxillary second molar
- Maxillary second premolar
- Mayaro-virus-MAYV
- Mayer waves
- Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser-syndrome
- McArdle's disease
- McArdle-disease
- McBurney's point
- McClintock
- McCune-Albright-syndrome
- McKusick type
- McKusick-Kaufman-syndrome
- McKusick-type
- Me-too drug
- Me-too-drug
- Mead
- Meadow-syndrome
- Meal-moth
- Mean-cell-hemoglobin
- Mean-cell-hemoglobin-concentration
- Mean-cell-volume
- Measles
- Measles-encephalitis
- Measles-immunization
- Measles-syndrome
- Measly
- Measly-tapeworm
- Meatus
- Mechanical-ventilation
- Meckel's diverticulum
- Meconium
- Meconium-ileus
- Med-school
- Med-school-syndrome
- Med1-DNA-repair-gene
- Media
- Medial
- Medial umbilical fold
- Medial-collateral-ligament
- Medial-meniscus-of-the-knee
- Medial-occipitotemporal-gyrus
- Median
- Mediastinoscopy
- Mediastinotomy
- Mediastinum
- Medic-Alert
- MedicAlert
- Medicaid
- Medical advice
- Medical case management
- Medical consensus
- Medical diagnosis
- Medical guideline
- Medical history
- Medical logistics
- Medical procedure
- Medical profession
- Medical school
- Medical scientist
- Medical slang
- Medical state
- Medical terminology
- Medical textiles
- Medical-College-Admissions-Test
- Medical-Repository
- Medical-Research-Council
- Medical-device
- Medical-directives
- Medical-entomology
- Medical-etymology
- Medical-geography
- Medical-helminthology
- Medical-journal
- Medical-journals
- Medical-jurisprudence
- Medical-physics
- Medical-prefix
- Medical-research-resource
- Medical-school-syndrome
- Medical-symbol
- Medical-word-origin
- Medicalize
- Medically unexplained physical symptoms
- Medicare
- Medicare-Part-A
- Medicare-Part-B
- Medicated-stent
- Medication
- Medicine
- Medicins-Sans-Frontieres
- Medifast-diet
- Medigap
- Medigap-policy
- Meditation
- Mediterranean
- Mediterranean Fever
- Mediterranean anemia
- Mediterranean-diet
- Mediterranean-style-diet
- Medium-chain-acyl-CoA-dehydrogenase
- Medium-chain-acyl-CoA-dehydrogenase-deficiency
- Medulla
- Medulla oblongata
- Medullary-cystic-kidney-disease
- Medullary-thyroid-cancer
- Medulloblastoma
- Mega
- Megabase
- Megacolon
- Megakaryocyte
- Megalencephaly
- Megrim
- Mehmet Ali Ağca
- Meibomian cyst
- Meibomian gland
- Meibomianitis
- Meibomitis
- Meiosis
- Meiotic
- Meiotic-drive
- Meiotic-nondisjunction
- Melan
- Melancholia
- Melanin
- Melanism
- Melanocyte
- Melanoderma
- Melanoma
- Melanoma-of-the-eye
- Melanoma-thickness
- Melanoma-vaccine
- Melanosis
- Melanosis-coli
- Melasma
- Melatonin
- Melena
- Melioidosis
- Melissophobia
- Melittin
- Melomania
- Melorheostosis
- Meltdown
- Membrane
- Membrane-associated-neutral-endopeptidase
- Membrane-attack-complex
- Membrane-cofactor-protein
- Membrane-metalloendopeptidase
- Membranous
- Membranous-gingivitis
- Membranous-glomerulonephritis
- Membranous-nephropathy
- Membranous-vitreous-type-Stickler-syndrome
- Memory
- Memory-B-cells
- Memory-span
- Menangle-virus
- Menarche
- Mendel
- Mendelian
- Mendelian-inheritance
- Mendelism
- Menetrier's-disease
- Menetrier-disease
- Meniere-disease
- Meninges
- Meningioma
- Meningitis
- Meningitis-vaccine
- Meningocele
- Meningococcal-infection
- Meningococcal-meningitis
- Meningococcal-vaccine
- Meningococcus
- Meningoencephalitis
- Meningomyelocele
- Meniscus
- Meniscus-injury
- Menkes-syndrome
- Menometrorrhagia
- Menopause
- Menopause-transition
- Menorrhagia
- Menstrual
- Menstrual cycle
- Menstrual-cramps
- Menstrual-irregularity
- Menstrual-migraine
- Menstrual-spotting
- Menstrual-synchronization
- Menstrually-associated-migraine
- Menstruation
- Mental retardation
- Mental-child-injury
- Mental-retardation-and-clasped-thumbs
- Mentum
- Meralgia-paresthetica
- Mercaptopurine
- Mercury poisoning
- Mercury-gilding
- Merkel-cell-carcinoma
- Merkle-cell-carcinoma
- Mesenteric artery
- Mesenteric vein
- Mesenteric-adenitis
- Mesentery
- Mesial
- Mesmerism
- Mesoderm
- Mesodermal
- Mesothelin
- Mesothelioma
- Messenger RNA
- Met
- Metabolic
- Metabolic flexibility
- Metabolic rate
- Metabolic-diseases
- Metabolic-syndrome
- Metabolism
- Metacarpals
- Metacentric chromosome
- Metachromatic-leukodystrophy
- Metagene
- Metanalysis
- Metaphase
- Metaphase-chromosome
- Metaphyseal-chondrodysplasia
- Metapneumovirus
- Metastasis
- Metastasize
- Metatarsal
- Metatarsals
- Metatarsophalangeal
- Metatarsophalangeal-joint-sprain
- Metatarsus
- Meter
- Metered-dose-inhaler
- Methadone
- Methadone-treatment-program
- Methanococcus-jannaschii
- Methemoglobin
- Methemoglobinemia
- Methicillin
- Methicillin-resistant-staphylococcus-aureus
- Methionine
- Method
- Methyl bromide
- Methyl-CpG-binding-protein-2
- Methylation
- Methylenedioxymethamphetamine
- Methylmalonicaciduria
- Methylmercury
- Metrorrhagia
- Meuse-fever
- Miasma
- Miasmic
- Michael Stuart
- Michael-Stuart-Brown
- Michel Dubé
- Mick Philpott
- Micro
- Micro-RNA
- Microabscess
- Microalbuminuria
- Microangiopathy
- Microarray
- Microbe
- Microbicide
- Microcephalin
- Microcephalin-1
- Microcephaly
- Microchimerism
- Microcystic-corneal-dystrophy
- Microcytic
- Microdeletion
- Microdiscectomy
- Microdispensing
- Microdosimetry
- Microduplication
- Microduplication-22q11
- Microembolus
- Microhematuria
- Microorchidism
- Micropenis
- Microphallus
- Microphthalmia
- Microphthalmia-syndrome
- Micropigmentation
- Microscope
- Microscopic
- Microscopic anatomy
- Microscopic-gallstones
- Microscopy
- Microsomia
- Microsporidiosis
- Microsurgery
- Microtia
- Microtubule-motor
- Microtubule-motor-protein
- Microvascular
- Microvascular-disease
- Microvascular-surgery
- Micturate
- Micturition
- Micturition-syncope
- Midbrain-aqueduct
- Middle ear
- Middle-Eastern-Respiratory-Syndrome-Coronavirus
- Middle-ear-infection
- Midget
- Midgut-volvulus
- Midlife-crisis
- Midnight-children
- Midnight-disease
- Midwife
- Midwife-assistant
- Mifepristone
- Migraine
- Migraine-aura
- Migraine-headache
- Migraine-without-aura
- Migraineur
- Migrainous-neuralgia
- Mike DeBardeleben
- Mild-cognitive-impairment
- Miliary fever
- Miliary tuberculosis
- Miliary-aneurysm
- Milk
- Milk crust
- Milk-allergy
- Miller's-lung
- Miller-Dieker-syndrome
- Milligram
- Milligray
- Milwaukee
- Milwaukee-brace
- Milzbrand
- Mimesis
- Mimetic
- Minamata disease
- Mind
- Miner's-asthma
- Mineral-requirements
- Mineralocorticoids
- Minimal-change-disease
- Minimal-change-nephrotic-syndrome
- Minimal-residual-disease
- Minimally invasive procedure
- Minimally-invasive-lung-volume-reduction
- Minipill
- Minor
- Minor-anomaly
- Minor-salivary-gland
- Minot-Von-Willebrand-disease
- Miosis
- Mirror
- Miscarriage
- Mismatch-repair
- Misophonia
- Missense-mutation
- Mite
- Mite-borne-typhus
- Miticide
- Mitochondria
- Mitochondrial
- Mitochondrial-DNA
- Mitochondrial-DNA-depletion-syndrome-MDS-MDDS
- Mitochondrial-cytopathy
- Mitochondrial-disease
- Mitochondrial-encephalopathy
- Mitochondrial-genome
- Mitochondrial-inheritance
- Mitochondrial-myopathy
- Mitochondrion
- Mitosis
- Mitotic
- Mitotic-nondisjunction
- Mitragyna-speciosa
- Mitral valve
- Mitral valve prolapse
- Mitral-insufficiency
- Mitral-prolapse
- Mitral-regurgitation
- Mittelschmerz
- Mixed-bipolar-state
- Mixed-connective-tissue-disease
- Mixed-lineage-leukemia
- Mixed-mania
- Modafinil
- Model-end-stage-liver-disease
- Modeling
- Modelling
- Modified-release dosage
- Modifiers
- Moebius-Syndrome
- Mohs-surgery
- Moisturize
- Molar
- Molar (tooth)
- Molars
- Mold
- Mole
- Mole map (dermatology)
- Molecular biology
- Molecular-phylogenetics
- Molecule
- Molecules
- Mollaret
- Mollaret-meningitis
- Molluscacide
- Molluscicide
- Molluscum contagiosum
- Momism
- Monaural
- Mongolian idiocy
- Mongolism
- Monilia
- Moniliasis
- Monitor
- Monkeypox
- Mono
- Monoamine oxidase inhibitor
- Monoarthritis
- Monoarticular
- Monochromat
- Monochromatism
- Monoclonal
- Monoclonal antibody
- Monocular
- Monocular-diplopia
- Monocyte
- Monocyte-chemotactic-and-activating-factor
- Monocyte-chemotactic-protein-1
- Monogenic
- Monomania
- Mononeuritis
- Mononeuritis-multiplex
- Mononeuropathy
- Mononucleosis
- Mononucleotide
- Monosodium glutamate
- Monosomy
- Monotherapy
- Monozygous-twins
- Monte-Carlo-simulation
- Montgomery
- Moonflower
- Moral insanity
- Moral-behavior-center
- Moraxella-kingae
- Morbid-jealousy
- Morbidity
- Morbidity-and-Mortality-Weekly-Report
- Morbilli
- Morbilliform
- Morbus-gallicus
- Mordant
- Morgagni's-tubercle
- Morgellons-disease
- Morgue
- Morning sickness
- Morning-after-pill
- Morning-glory-syndrome
- Moron (psychology)
- Morphea
- Morpheus
- Morphia
- Morphine
- Morphology
- Morquio-syndrome
- Mortality
- Mortality rate
- Morton's-disease
- Morton's-foot
- Morton's-metatarsalgia
- Morton's-nerve-entrapment
- Morton's-neuroma
- Morton's-syndrome
- Morton's-toe
- Morton-disease
- Morton-foot
- Morton-metatarsalgia
- Morton-nerve-entrapment
- Morton-neuroma
- Morton-syndrome
- Morton-toe
- Mosaic
- Moscati
- Mother
- Motherese
- Motility-study
- Motion
- Motion sickness
- Motoneuron
- Motor
- Motor neuron
- Motor-neuron-disease
- Motor-neurone-disease
- Motulsky-dye-test
- Mountain sickness
- Mourning
- Mouse
- Mouse-genome
- Mousepox
- Mouth
- Mouth-mirror
- Movement
- Mowat-Wilson-syndrome
- Mower-injury
- Moyamoya
- Mucoadhesion
- Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome
- Mucolipidosis
- Mucolipidosis-I
- Mucolipidosis-III
- Mucolipidosis-IV
- Mucopolysaccharidosis
- Mucopolysaccharidosis-type-I
- Mucopolysaccharidosis-type-II
- Mucopolysaccharidosis-type-IIIA
- Mucopolysaccharidosis-type-IIIB
- Mucopolysaccharidosis-type-IIIC
- Mucopolysaccharidosis-type-IIID
- Mucopolysaccharidosis-type-IVA
- Mucopolysaccharidosis-type-IVB
- Mucopolysaccharidosis-type-VI
- Mucopolysaccharidosis-type-VII
- Mucopolysaccharidosis-type-VIII
- Mucormycosis
- Mucosa
- Mucositis
- Mucous
- Mucoviscidosis
- Mucus
- Mucus-colitis
- Mucus-plug
- Mudslide-injury
- Muir-Torre-syndrome
- Mule
- Multi-infarct-dementia
- Multicellular
- Multicentric
- Multidetector-CT
- Multidetector-computed-tomography
- Multidetector-row-CT
- Multidetector-row-computed-tomography
- Multifactorial
- Multifactorial-inheritance
- Multifocal
- Multifocal-motor-neuropathy
- Multipara
- Multiparous
- Multiple myeloma
- Multiple of the median
- Multiple sclerosis
- Multiple sex partners
- Multiple-Subpial
- Multiple-abortions
- Multiple-daily-injections
- Multiple-lentigines-syndrome
- Multiple-miscarriage
- Multiple-organ-failure
- Multiple-personality-disorder
- Multiple-subpial-transection
- Multiple-symmetric-lipomatosis
- Multiple-system-atrophy
- Multiple-system-failure
- Multiplexed point-of-care testing
- Multisection-CT
- Multisection-computed-tomography
- Multislice-CT
- Multislice-computed-tomography
- Mumps
- Mumps-immunization
- Mumps-in-pregnancy
- Munchausen syndrome
- Munchausen-syndrome-by-proxy
- Munchhausen-by-proxy
- Munchhausen-syndrome
- Murine typhus
- Murmur
- Muromonab-CD3
- Murray-Valley-encephalitis
- Mus musculus
- Mus-musculus-genome
- Muscle
- Muscle relaxant
- Muscle-biopsy
- Muscle-cramp
- Muscles
- Muscular
- Muscular dystrophy
- Muscular-atrophy
- Musculoskeletal
- Musculoskeletal-and-Skin-Diseases
- Musculus
- Music-therapy
- Musical-hallucination
- Musical-hallucinosis
- Musicomania
- Musicotherapy
- Musset-sign
- Mustard
- Mustard plaster
- Mutagen
- Mutagenesis
- Mutant
- Mutation
- Mute
- Mutilating-keratoderma
- Mutism
- Myalgia
- Myasthenia gravis
- Myc
- Mycelia
- Mycelium
- Mycet
- Myco
- Mycobacteria
- Mycobacterium
- Mycobacterium leprae
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- Mycobacterium-abscessus
- Mycobacterium-avium
- Mycobacterium-avium-complex
- Mycobacterium-avium-subspecies-paratuberculosis
- Mycobacterium-chelonae
- Mycobacterium-intercellulare
- Mycobacterium-marinum
- Mycobacterium-ulcerans
- Mycoplasma
- Mycoplasma-genitalium
- Mycosis-fungoides
- Mycotoxin
- Mydriasis
- Myelin
- Myelination
- Myelinization
- Myelitis
- Myelodysplastic-syndrome
- Myeloencephalitis
- Myelofibrosis
- Myelogenous
- Myelogenous-leukemia
- Myelogram
- Myeloid
- Myeloid leukemia
- Myeloma
- Myeloperoxidase
- Myeloperoxidase-deficiency
- Myeloproliferative
- Myeloproliferative-disorders
- Myo
- Myocardial infarction
- Myocardial-bridge
- Myocarditis
- Myocardium
- Myoclonic-seizure
- Myoclonic-twitch
- Myoclonus
- Myocyte
- Myofascial-pain-syndrome
- Myoglobin
- Myokymia
- Myoma
- Myomectomy
- Myometrium
- Myopathy
- Myopia
- Myositis
- Myostatin
- Myotonic dystrophy
- Myotonic-dystrophy-2
- Myotonic-dystrophy-type-2
- Myotonic-myopathy
- Myriad
- Myringotomy
- Myxedema
- Myxedema-coma
- Myxoma
- Myxomata
- NAME-syndrome
- ND
- NF
- NF1
- NF2
- NG
- NG-tube
- NK-cell
- NP
- NPH1
- NPU terminology
- NREM sleep
- NS
- Na
- Nadir
- Naegleria-fowleri
- Naegleria-infection
- Nail
- Nail-care
- Nail-cross-furrows
- Nail-dysgenesis-and-hypodontia
- Nail-furrows
- Nail-grooves
- Nail-infection
- Nail-lines
- Nail-patella-syndrome
- Nails
- Naloxone
- Naltrexone-treatment-program
- Named-reporting
- Naming-diseases
- Nanism
- Nanny
- Nanny-cam
- Nannycam
- Napiform
- Naprelan
- Narcan
- Narcolepsy
- Narcotic
- Narcotic-antagonist-treatment
- Nares
- Naris
- Narrative medicine
- Nasacort
- Nasal
- Nasal administration
- Nasal decongestant
- Nasal septum
- Nasal spray
- Nasal-flu-vaccine
- Nasal-mucus
- Nasal-passage
- Nasal-polyp
- Nasal-polyps
- Nasal-prosthesis
- Nasal-septum-deviation
- Nasal-septum-hematoma
- Nasal-septum-perforation
- Nasal-spray-flu-vaccine
- Naso
- Nasoenteral-tube
- Nasogastric
- Nasogastric-tube
- Nasopharynx
- Nat'l Inst
- Nat'l-Center-for-Complementary
- Nat'l-Inst
- Nat'l-Inst-of-Allergy-and-Infectious-Dis
- Nat'l-Institut
- Nat'l-Institut-for
- Nat'l-Institute
- Nat'l-Institute-of-Allergy-and-Infectious-Disease
- Nat'l-Institute-of-Diabetes
- Nat'l-Institute-of-Diabetes-and-Kidney
- National
- National Academy of Sciences
- National Center for Compleme
- National Heart
- National Inst
- National Institute
- National Institute on
- National Institutes of Health
- National Library of Medicine
- National-Academies
- National-Cancer-Institute
- National-Center-for-Research-Resources
- National-Cholesterol-Education-Program
- National-Coalition-for-Cancer-Survivorship
- National-Eye-Institute
- National-Formulary
- National-Heart
- National-Human-Genome-Research-Institute
- National-Institute-Arthritis
- National-Institute-for-Occupational-Safety
- National-Institute-of-Dental-Research
- National-Institute-of-Dental-and-Craniofacial-Res
- National-Institute-of-Environmental-Health-Science
- National-Institute-of-General-Medical-Sciences
- National-Institute-of-Mental-Health
- National-Institute-of-Neurological-Disorders
- National-Institute-of-Nursing-Research
- National-Institute-on-Aging
- National-Institute-on-Alcohol-Abuse-and-Alcoholism
- National-Institute-on-Deafness-and-Other-Commun
- National-Institute-on-Drug-Abuse
- National-Institutes-of-Health-Clinical-Center
- National-Program-of-Cancer-Registries
- National-Research-Council
- National-board-exams
- Natriuresis
- Natriuretic
- Natriuretic-peptide
- Natural family planning
- Natural immunity
- Natural-killer-cell
- Natural-menopause
- Natural-pacemaker
- Naturalistic-study
- Nature
- Naturopath
- Naturopathic
- Naturopathic-medicine
- Naturopathy
- Nausea
- Navel
- Neal Long
- Neanderthal
- Nearsightedness
- Nebulization
- Nebulizer
- Neck
- Neck-dissection
- Neck-pain
- Necrobiosis
- Necrobiosis lipoidica
- Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum
- Necropsy
- Necrosis
- Necrotic
- Necrotizing-Pneumonia
- Necrotizing-fasciitis
- Necrotizing-gingivitis
- Needle biopsy
- Needle-stick
- Needlestick-injury
- Nef-gene
- Negative
- Negative-calorie-diet
- Negative-clinical-trial
- Negative-strand-RNA-virus
- Neglect
- Neisseria
- Neisseria-infection
- Nematodes
- Neo
- Neo-Hippocratism
- Neocortex
- Neointima
- Neonatal
- Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia
- Neonatal intensive care unit
- Neonatal line
- Neonatal mortality rate
- Neonatal teeth
- Neonatal-chloramphenicol-toxicity
- Neonatal-jaundice
- Neonatal-lupus
- Neonatal-sepsis
- Neonate
- Neonatologist
- Neonatology
- Neophobia
- Neoplasia
- Neoplasm
- Neoplastic
- Neovascularization
- Nephrectomy
- Nephritis
- Nephro
- Nephroblastoma
- Nephroblastomatosis
- Nephrocalcinosis
- Nephrogenic-rest
- Nephrolith
- Nephrolithiasis
- Nephrolithotripsy
- Nephrologist
- Nephrology
- Nephron
- Nephronophthisis-1
- Nephropathy
- Nephroptosis
- Nephrosclerosis
- Nephrosis
- Nephrotic syndrome
- Nephrotomogram
- Nephrotoxic
- Neprilysin
- Nerve
- Nerve cell
- Nerve compression
- Nerve growth factor
- Nerve-block
- Nerve-conduction-study
- Nerve-conduction-velocity-test
- Nerve-palsy
- Nerve-pathways
- Nerves
- Nervine
- Nervous fever
- Nervous system
- Nervous-colon-syndrome
- Nervus ulnaris
- Neti-pot
- Neural
- Neural-foramen
- Neural-tube-defect
- Neuralgia
- Neuraminidase-inhibitor
- Neurasthenia
- Neurectomy
- Neurinoma
- Neuritis
- NeuroLex
- NeuroNames
- Neuroangiogenesis
- Neurobiological-disorder
- Neuroblastoma
- Neurocristopathy
- Neurocysticercosis
- Neurodegeneration-with-brain-iron-accumulation
- Neurodermatitis
- Neuroendocrine
- Neuroendocrine-cancer-of-the-skin
- Neuroendocrinology
- Neuroepithelial
- Neurofibromatosis
- Neurofibromatosis-type-1
- Neurofibromatosis-type-2
- Neurogenesis
- Neurogenic
- Neurogenic-shock
- Neuroleptic
- Neurological
- Neurological-Disorders-and-Stroke
- Neurologist
- Neurology
- Neuroma
- Neuromuscular
- Neuron
- Neuron-specific-enolase
- Neurone
- Neuronitis
- Neurooncologist
- Neuropathic-pain
- Neuropathologist
- Neuropathy
- Neuroplasticity
- Neuropsychologist
- Neuroradiologist
- Neuroradiology
- Neuroscience
- Neuroscientist
- Neurosis
- Neurosteroid
- Neurosurgeon
- Neurosyphilis
- Neurotheology
- Neurotoxic
- Neurotoxin
- Neurotransmitter
- Neutral-foot-type
- Neutral-posture
- Neutropenia
- Neutrophil
- Neutrophilia
- Never event
- Nevi
- Nevi and melanomas
- Neville Heath
- Nevoid-basal-cell-carcinoma-syndrome
- Nevus
- New
- New-Engl-J-Med
- New-England-Journal-of-Medicine
- New-variant-Creutzfeldt-Jakob-disease
- Newborn-hearing-screen
- Newborn-intensive-care-unit
- Newborn-screening
- Newborn-test
- Newyorkitis
- Nexus
- Niacin
- Niacin-deficiency
- Nickel
- Nicotiana tabacum
- Nicotine
- Nicotine nasal spray
- Nicotinic acid
- Nictitate
- Nictitating-spasm
- Nidus
- Niemann-Pick-disease
- Niemann-Pick-disease-type-A
- Niemann-Pick-disease-type-C
- Night blindness
- Night-sweats
- Nijmegen-breakage-syndrome
- Nikko Jenkins
- Nikolai Shestakov
- Nikolas Cruz
- Nil-disease
- Nine-day-measles
- Ninth cranial nerve
- Nipah-virus
- Nipple
- Nipple shield
- Nipple-absence
- Nipple-confusion
- Nipple-discharge
- Nirenberg
- Nit
- Nitric oxide
- Nitrogen
- Nitrogen narcosis
- Nitrogenous-base
- Nitrosoureas
- Nitrous oxide
- No-show
- Nocardia-infection
- Nocardiosis
- Nocebo
- Nocturia
- Nocturnal-amblyopia
- Nocturnal-enuresis
- Nodding-syndrome
- Node
- Nodes
- Nodular
- Nodular-hyperplasia-of-the-prostate
- Nodular-melanoma
- Nodule
- Nodule (medicine)
- Noisome
- Nolvadex
- Nomenclature
- Nomenclature-of-diseases
- Nomina Anatomica
- Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria
- Nominal aphasia
- Non-cystic-fibrosis-bronchiectasis
- Non-inferior-clinical-trial
- Non-inferiority-clinical-trial
- Non-insulin-dependent-diabetes
- Non-pharmaceutical intervention
- Non-rapid-eye-movement-sleep
- Non-small-cell-lung-cancer
- Non-suicidal-self-injury
- Nonagenarian
- Nonalcoholic-steatohepatitis
- Nonbacterial-prostatitis
- Nonblinded-study
- Noncoding-DNA
- Noncompliance
- Nondipper
- Nondisjunction
- Nonepidermolytic-palmoplantar-keratoderma
- Nonlymphocytic-leukemia
- Nonmelanoma-skin-cancer
- Nonocular-type-Stickler-syndrome
- Nonoxynol
- Nonpathogenic
- Nonpenetrant-trait
- Nonrandom
- Nonseminoma
- Nonsense-codon
- Nonsense-mutation
- Nonstructural-scoliosis
- Nonsyndromic
- Nonsyndromic-deafness
- Nontuberculous-mycobacterial-lung-disease
- Nook-Barker
- Noonan-syndrome
- Normal for Norfolk
- Normal-growth-rate
- Normal-pressure-hydrocephalus
- Normal-range
- Normal-tension-glaucoma
- Normotensive
- Normoxia
- Norovirus
- Norplant-contraceptive
- North-Asian-tick-borne-rickettsiosis
- Northern-blot
- Norwalk virus
- Norwalk-like-virus
- Norwalk-virus
- Norwegian-scabies
- Nose
- Nose job
- Nose-picking
- Nosebleed
- Nosocomial
- Nosokinetics
- Nosology
- Nostradamus
- Nostril
- Nostrum
- Not Otherwise Specified
- Nothing by mouth
- Notifiable-disease
- Novel-H1N1-influenza
- Novercal
- Nuchal
- Nuchal-translucency-test
- Nuclear family
- Nuclear medicine
- Nuclei
- Nucleic acid
- Nucleic-acid-hybridization
- Nucleic-acids
- Nucleocapsid
- Nucleocaspid
- Nucleoside-bypass-therapy
- Nucleosome
- Nucleotide
- Nucleus
- Nucleus-amygdalae
- Nude mouse
- Nude-mice
- Null-mutation
- Nullipara
- Nulliparous
- Numb
- Numbness
- Nummular-eczema
- Nurse
- Nurse practitioner
- Nurse-assistant
- Nurse-midwife
- Nurse-midwifery
- Nursemaid's-elbow
- Nurses-Health-Study
- Nursing
- Nursing home
- Nutraceutical
- Nutrigenomics
- Nutrition
- Nutritional-neuroscience
- Nutritionist
- Nyctalopia
- Nyctanopia
- Nyctophobia
- Nymph
- Nystagmus
- OB
- OD
- ODD-syndrome
- OGG1
- OKT3
- OR
- OS
- Oat-cell-cancer
- Oath-of-Maimonides
- Obese
- Obesity
- Obesity-related-disease
- Objective
- Observer-variation
- Obsessive-compulsive-disorder
- Obsessive-compulsive-personality-disorder
- Obstetrical-forceps
- Obstetrician
- Obstetrics
- Obstruction
- Obstructive-sleep-apnea
- Obtund
- Obtunded
- Obverse
- Occam's razor
- Occipital
- Occipital bone
- Occipital-hematoma
- Occiput
- Occlude
- Occlusion
- Occult
- Occult-stool-blood-test
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration
- Occupational disease
- Occupational-Safety-and-Health
- Occupational-medicine
- Occupational-therapist
- Ocean-itch
- Ochronosis
- Octacalcium phosphate
- Octogenarian
- Ocular
- Ocular prosthesis
- Ocular-conjunctiva
- Ocular-histoplasmosis-syndrome
- Ocular-melanoma
- Ocular-migraine
- Ocular-prosthesis
- Oculo-auriculo-vertebral-spectrum
- Oculoauriculovertebral-dysplasia
- Oculocraniosomatic-syndrome
- Oculocutaneous-albinism
- Oculodentodigital-dysplasia
- Oculomotor nerve
- Oculoplastics
- Od-Om
- Odynophagia
- Oesophagus
- Off-label-use
- Off-pump
- Off-pump-CABG
- Off-pump-surgery
- Office-of-Human-Research-Protections
- Offspring
- Oil
- Ointment
- Okihiro-syndrome
- Olecranon
- Olefaction
- Olefactory
- Olfaction
- Olfactory
- Olfactory bulb
- Olfactory nerve
- Olfactory-apparatus
- Olfactory-disorder
- Olfactory-system
- Oligo
- Oligoarthritis
- Oligoastrocytoma
- Oligodactyly
- Oligodendrocyte
- Oligodendroglioma
- Oligohydramnios
- Oligomenorrhea
- Oligonucleotide
- Oligonucleotide-probe
- Oligopeptide
- Oligospermia
- Oliguria
- Oliva
- Olivae
- Olivary
- Olive
- Olive-oil-diet
- Oliver Wendell Holmes
- Olivo
- Olivopontocerebellar
- Olivopontocerebellar-atrophy
- Ollier-disease
- Omega-3-fatty-acids
- Omentectomy
- Omentum
- Ommaya-reservoir
- Omni mane
- Omniscience
- Omphalo
- Omphalocele
- Omphalos
- On-Oq
- On-call
- Onan
- Onchocerciasis
- Oncogene
- Oncogene-ErbB
- Oncologist
- Oncology
- Ondine's-curse
- Ondrej Rigo
- Oneiric
- Oneirophrenia
- Oneself
- Onset
- Onycho
- Onychocryptosis
- Onychodystrophy
- Onychogryphosis
- Onychogryposis
- Onycholysis
- Onychomycosis
- Onychoosteodysplasia
- Oocyte
- Oogenesis
- Oogonium
- Oophorectomy
- Oophoritis
- Open fracture
- Open-angle-glaucoma
- Open-charting
- Open-cholecystectomy
- Open-heart-surgery
- Open-label
- Open-label-trial
- Open-reading-frame
- Open-wound
- Opening
- Operating room
- Operation
- Operon
- Ophthalmia
- Ophthalmic
- Ophthalmic artery
- Ophthalmic drug administration
- Ophthalmic-migraine
- Ophthalmic-veins
- Ophthalmitis
- Ophthalmologist
- Ophthalmology
- Ophthalmopathy
- Ophthalmoplegia-plus-syndrome
- Ophthalmoplegia-with-myopathy
- Ophthalmoplegia-with-ragged-red-fibers
- Ophthalmoscope
- Ophthalmoscopy
- Opiate
- Opiate-agonist-maintenance
- Opioid
- Opioid rotation
- Opisthotonos
- Opium
- Opportunistic infection
- Opportunistic-condition
- Opportunistic-microorganism
- Optic
- Optic cup
- Optic disc
- Optic nerve
- Optic-glioma
- Optic-nerve-head
- Optic-nerve-pathways
- Optic-neuroma
- Optician
- Optometrist
- Oral
- Oral administration
- Oral cancer
- Oral contraceptive
- Oral myology
- Oral-allergy-syndrome
- Oral-aversion
- Oral-candidiasis
- Oral-cholecystogram
- Oral-glucose-tolerance-test
- Oral-moniliasis
- Oral-motor
- Oral-rehydration-salts
- Oral-rehydration-therapy
- Oral-surgeon
- Orbit
- Orbital
- Orbital-fracture
- Orbital-ridge
- Orchiectomy
- Orchiopexy
- Orchitis
- Ordre-des-Medecins
- Organ
- Organ of hearing
- Organ-failure
- Organic
- Organic brain syndrome
- Organic-dust-toxic-syndrome
- Organic-toxic-dust-syndrome-OTDS
- Organisation-Mondiale-de-la-Sante
- Organotherapy
- Organs-of-reproduction
- Orgasm
- Orgasmic-disorder
- Orgasmic-dysfunction
- Orgasmic-inhibition
- Oriental-lung-fluke
- Oriental-medicine
- Orientation
- Orifice
- Ornithine
- Ornithine-transcarbamylase
- Ornithophobia
- Oromandibular-dystonia
- Oropharynx
- Orphan patient
- Orphan-disease
- Orphan-drug
- Ortho
- Orthodontic treatment
- Orthodontics
- Orthokeratosis
- Ortholog
- Orthologous-gene
- Orthomolecular-medicine
- Orthopaedics
- Orthopaedist
- Orthopedics
- Orthopedist
- Orthopnea
- Orthopod
- Orthopox
- Orthorexia-nervosa
- Orthoscopic
- Orthosis
- Orthostatic hypotension
- Orthotic
- Oryzomys palustris
- Os
- Os-calcis
- Os-sacrum
- Oscillating-vision
- Oscillopsia
- Oscitation
- Osgood-Schlatter-disease
- Oskar Dirlewanger
- Osler
- Osler's
- Osler's-nodes
- Osler-Rendu-Weber-syndrome
- Osmidrosis
- Osmolar
- Osmolarity
- Osmole
- Osseous
- Ossicle
- Ossification
- Ossify
- Osteitis
- Osteitis deformans
- Osteitis-fibrosa-cystica
- Osteo
- Osteoarthritis
- Osteoarthropathy
- Osteoblast
- Osteoblastoma
- Osteochondritis-dissecans
- Osteochondroma
- Osteochondromatosis
- Osteochondrosis
- Osteoclasia
- Osteoclasis
- Osteoclast
- Osteoclastoma
- Osteocyte
- Osteodystrophy
- Osteogenesis
- Osteogenesis imperfecta
- Osteogenesis-imperfecta-congenita
- Osteogenesis-imperfecta-tarda
- Osteogenesis-imperfecta-type-1
- Osteogenesis-imperfecta-type-2
- Osteogenesis-imperfecta-with-blue-sclerae
- Osteoid-osteoma
- Osteology
- Osteolytic
- Osteolytic-lesion
- Osteomalacia
- Osteomyelitis
- Osteonecrosis
- Osteopath
- Osteopathy
- Osteopenia
- Osteopetrosis
- Osteoporosis
- Osteosarcoma
- Osteosynthesis
- Osteotomy
- Ostomy
- Oswald-Theodore-Avery
- Otalgia
- Othello-psychosis
- Othello-syndrome
- Otic-barotrauma
- Otitis
- Otitis externa
- Otitis interna
- Otitis media
- Oto
- Otoacoustic-emission-test
- Otolaryngologist
- Otolaryngology
- Otology
- Otopharyngeal-tube
- Otoplasty
- Otosclerosis
- Otoscope
- Ototoxicity
- Ottis Toole
- Ounce
- Outer ear
- Outlet
- Outpatient
- Output
- Ova
- Ovarian
- Ovarian cyst
- Ovarian pregnancy
- Ovarian-cancer
- Ovarian-cancer-gene-BRCA2
- Ovarian-cancer-test-CA-125
- Ovarian-remnant-syndrome
- Ovarian-teratoma
- Ovariectomy
- Ovary
- Ovary-cyst
- Over-the-counter
- Overactive-bladder
- Overbreathing
- Overdiagnosis
- Overgrowth
- Overgrowth-syndrome
- Overload
- Overweight
- Ovulation
- Ovulatory
- Ovum
- Oxter
- Oxy
- OxyContin
- Oxycodone
- Oxygen
- Oxygen mask
- Oxygen saturation (medicine)
- Oxygen-tent
- Oxygenate
- Oxygenating
- Oxygenation
- Oxyhemoglobin
- Oxymetholone
- Oxytocin
- Oxyuris
- Ozone
- Paget disease of
- Pagetoid
- Pain out of proportion
- Pallor
- Pallor mortis
- Palmer notation
- Palpatio per anum
- Palsy
- Pannus
- Pap
- Papillomatosis
- Papule
- Papulopustular
- Papulosquamous disorder
- Parachute (drugs)
- Parakeratosis
- Paraneoplastic keratoderma
- Paresis
- Paroxysm
- Past medical history
- Pathergy
- Pathognomonic
- Pathology-Photo-Essay
- Patient
- Patrice Alègre
- Patrick Mackay
- Paul Bernardo
- Paul-C
- Pavor nocturnus
- Pay for performance (healthcare)
- Pedro López (serial killer)
- Pedro Rodrigues Filho
- Penis captivus
- Per os
- Perikyma
- Perinatal mortality
- Periocular injection
- Periodic breathing
- Periodontosis
- Permanent cell
- Permanent teeth
- Permissive hypotension
- Peter
- Peter Kürten
- Peter Lundin
- Peter Madsen
- Peter Tobin
- Peter Woodcock
- Phonagnosia
- Phoniatrics
- Phthisis
- Physical disorder
- Physical inactivity
- Physical urticaria
- Physiological agonism and antagonism
- Physiurgy
- Pictures
- Piles
- Pilon fracture
- Pimple
- Pink Eye
- Pitting enamel hypoplasia
- Pityriasis
- Plane-form enamel hypoplasia
- Point-of-care testing
- Poliosis
- Post-coital tristesse
- Posterior cortex
- Postictal state
- Powder mixture
- Prandial
- Precancerous condition
- Pregnancy
- Premolar
- Prenatal
- Presentation (medical)
- Prevention
- Prevention paradox
- Preventive healthcare
- Preventive nutrition
- Primary enamel cuticle
- Primum non nocere
- Prinzmetal
- Pro re nata
- Proarrhythmia
- Procidentia
- Prodromus
- Prognosis
- Progression-free survival
- Progressive disease
- Protocol system
- Proximodistal trend
- Psoriasis Area and Severity Index
- Psychopathic Personality Inventory
- Psychopathy
- Psychopathy Checklist
- Psychopathy in the workplace
- Puerperal fever
- Pugmark
- Pulmonary consolidation
- Pulmonary drug delivery
- Pulmonary wedge pressure
- Pulp (tooth)
- Purpura
- Pus
- Putrid fever
- Pyoderma
- Pyonephrosis
- Q
- Q Fever
- Quack Miranda warning
- Quackery-Arthritis
- Quad-Marker
- Quad-Marker-Screen-Test
- Quad-Marker-Screening
- Quality of life (healthcare)
- Quaternary prevention
- Quinsy
- Quit-Smoking
- RA
- REM sleep
- RF
- RFA-Therapy-of-Liver
- Rabies-Virus
- Rachiocentesis
- Radial plane
- Radiation Therapy
- Radiation-Therapy-for-Breast-Cancer
- Radical Hysterectomy
- Radiculopathy
- Radiofrequency ablation
- Radiofrequency-Ablation
- Radiological Health
- Radionuclide-Stress-Test
- Radiotherapy
- Radon
- Rag-sorter's disease
- Railway spine
- Ramsay Hunt Syndrome
- Rape
- Rapid
- Rapid antigen test
- Rapid diagnostic test
- Rapid strep test
- Rapid-Strep-Test
- Rash
- Rash-Heat
- Raynaud's-Phenomenon
- Raynauds-Phenomenon
- Raynauds-syndrome
- Reactive-Arthritis
- Recidivism
- Recreational-Water-Illnesses
- Rectal administration
- Rectal-Bleeding
- Rectum
- Red-Cell-Count
- Red-Cell-Distribution-Width
- Reduced enamel epithelium
- Reflex-Sympathetic-Dystrophy-Syndrome
- Reflux-Laryngitis
- Regression (medicine)
- Reiter
- Relapsing-Polychondritis
- Relapsing–remitting
- Remission (medicine)
- Remorse
- Renal Failure
- Renal-Artery-Stenosis
- Renal-Bone-disease
- Renal-Cell
- Repetitive-Motion-Disorders
- Reproductive-Health
- Research
- Research-Trials
- Resection
- Resective-Epilepsy-Surgery
- Resistance-Antibiotic
- Respiratory Syncytial Virus
- Respiratory tract
- Response modulation hypothesis
- Responsible drug use
- Restless-Leg-Syndrome
- Retard (pejorative)
- Retinal Detachment
- Retinitis-Pigmentosa
- Retinoblastoma
- Retrobulbar block
- Retroperitonium
- Review of systems
- Reye-Johnson-syndrome
- Reye-Syndrome
- Rhabdomyolysis
- Rheumatic Fever
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Rheumatoid Factor
- Rheumatoid-Arthritis-Early-Symptoms
- Rhinoplasty
- Richard Allen Davis
- Richard Kuklinski
- Richard Ramirez
- Ricin
- Rickets
- Riggs' disease
- Right atrial pressure
- Right-to-left shunt
- Rigor mortis
- Ring-Schatzki
- Ringing-in-the-Ears
- Ringworm
- Risk of infection
- Risk of mortality
- Risky sexual behavior
- Robbie Lyons
- Robert Berdella
- Robert Wayne Harris
- Roberto José Carmona
- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
- Rod sheath
- Rodney Alcala
- Rodney K
- Rodrigo Duterte
- Ronald DeFeo Jr.
- Ronnie Lee Gardner
- Root Canal
- Root canal
- Rosacea
- Roseola
- Rotator Cuff
- Rotavirus
- Rothmund-Thomson-Syndrome
- Route of administration
- Roy Norris
- Ruba-Miliaria
- Rubbers
- Rubella
- SA
- SAPHO-Syndrome
- SARI Screening Tool
- SCORTEN scale
- SGOT-Test
- SGPT-Test
- SOAP note
- STDs-and-Pregnancy
- STDs-in-Men-Overview
- Sacroiliac-Joint-Dysfunction
- Sacroiliac-Joint-Pain
- Sadistic personality disorder
- Sagittal plane
- Saint Vitus' dance
- Salivary-Gland-Cancer
- Salmonella-Food-Poisoning
- Salpingo-Oophorectomy
- Samuel Little
- Sarcoidosis
- Scabies
- Scalp-Psoriasis
- Scan
- Scar Tissue
- Scar-Excessive
- Scarlatina
- Scarlet Fever
- Scars
- Schatzki-Ring
- Schistosomiasis
- Schizoaffective-Disorder
- Schizophrenia
- Schizotypal-Personality-Disorder
- Sciatica
- Scleritis
- Scleroderma
- Sclerosis (medicine)
- Sclerotherapy
- Scoliosis
- Screen time
- Screening (medicine)
- Screening-Cancer
- Screening-For-Colon-Cancer
- Screening-Test
- Screening-for-Prostate-Cancer
- Scrumpox
- Scutulum
- Seasonal-Affective-Disorder
- Seasonal-allergies
- Sebaceous filament
- Seborrhea
- Seborrheic Dermatitis
- Secondary malignant neoplasm
- Secondhand-Smoke
- Secretomotor
- Sed Rate
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Sedimentation Rate
- Seizure
- Seizure-Febrile
- Seizure-Fever-induced
- Seizure-First-Aid
- Seizure-Surgery
- Seizure-Test
- Seizures-Symptoms-and-Types
- Sek Kim Wah
- Selenodont
- Selenoplexia
- Self-Breast-Exam
- Self-Exam
- Self-Gratification-Sexual
- Self-defeating personality disorder
- Self-diagnosis
- Semen-Blood
- Senior-Sex
- Sentinel-Lymph-Node-Biopsy
- Separation-Anxiety
- Sepsis
- Septic-Arthritis
- Septoplasty
- Septum-Deviated
- Sequela
- Sequence (medicine)
- Sergey Golovkin
- Sergey Kashintsev
- Sergey Lozovoi
- Sergey Sedov
- Serious-Diseases-and-Health-Problems
- Serous-Cyst-Adenomas-Pancreas
- Serpiginous
- Sever's disease
- Sever-Condition
- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
- Severe acute respiratory syndrome
- Severe-Condition
- Severity of illness
- Sex-Urinary-and-Bladder-Problems-of-Diabetes
- Sexual--Problems-in-Men
- Sexual--Problems-in-Women
- Sexual-Addiction
- Sexual-Health-Overview
- Sexual-Response-Cycle
- Sexual-and-Urologic-Problems-of-Diabetes
- Sexually-Transmitted-Diseases
- Sexually-Transmitted-Diseases-and-Pregnancy
- Shaken-Baby-Syndrome
- Shallow affect
- Sham surgery
- Shell shock
- Shigella-Infection
- Shin Splints
- Shingles
- Shingles-and-Pregnancy
- Shit life syndrome
- Shock
- Shoulder-Bursitis
- Shoulder-and-Neck-Pain-Health
- Shovel-shaped incisors
- Shulmans-Syndrome
- Sick-Building-Syndrome
- Sickle Cell
- Sickle-Cell-Anemia
- Sickness-Motion
- Sigmoidoscopy
- Sign-Language
- Sign-Language-American
- Silicone-Joint-Replacement
- Simultanagnosia
- Sine qua non
- Single-Balloon-Endoscopy
- Sinus
- Sinus Headache
- Sinus-Surgery
- Sinusitis
- Sir Charles
- Sir-William
- Sjogren's-Syndrome
- Skin
- Skin fissure
- Skin popping
- Skin trauma
- Skin-Biopsy
- Skin-Cancer-Overview
- Skin-Tag
- Skin-Test-For-Allergy
- Skull bossing
- Sleep
- Sleep Apnea
- Sleep-Aids
- Sleep-Aids-And-Stimulants
- Sleep-Disorder-Periodic-Limb-Movement
- Sleep-Paralysis
- Sleep-Related-Breathing-Disorders
- Sleep-and-Sleep-Disorders-in-Children-and-Teens
- Sleepiness-Excessive-Daytime
- Sleeping Sickness
- Sleepwalking
- Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
- Slips and capture
- Slow code
- Small-Bowel-Endoscopy
- Small-Intestinal-Bacterial-Overgrowth
- Small-Intestinal-Endoscopy
- Small-Intestine-Resction
- Smallpox
- Smell-Disorders
- Smoke-Secondhand
- Smokeless-Tobacco
- Smoker's-Lung
- Smokers-Lung
- Smoking-During-Pregnancy
- Smoking-Marijuana
- Smoking-and-Heart-Disease
- Smoking-and-Quitting-Smoking
- Snake-Bite
- Snakes in Suits
- Snoring
- Snoring-Surgery
- Social history (medicine)
- Social medicine
- Social prescribing
- Social-emotional agnosia
- Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy
- Sodium
- Sodium-Low-Levels-in-the-Blood
- Sole-Sweating-Excessive
- Somnoplasty
- Sonogram
- Soper
- Sopor (sleep)
- Sore Throat
- Sore-Throat-Home-Remedies-and-Treatment
- Sores-Canker
- Spanish fever
- Spastic colon
- Speech–language pathology
- Spermicides
- Spider-Bites
- Spider-Veins
- Spina-Bifida-and-Anencephaly
- Spinal Puncture
- Spinal Tap
- Spinal-Cord-Injury
- Spinal-Cord-Tumors
- Spinal-Headaches
- Spinnbarkeit
- Spleen-Enlarged
- Spondylolisthesis
- Spongiosis
- Spontaneous breathing trial
- Spontaneous remission
- Sporotrichosis
- Sprain-Neck
- Sprained-Ankle
- Spring-fever
- Spur-Heel
- Squamous-Intraepithelial-Lesion-Cervical
- Squinsy
- Sr
- St
- St. Anthony's fire
- Staggers
- Standard anatomical position
- Stanley Rice
- Staph-Infection
- Stapled-Hemorrhoidectomy
- Stem-Cell-Transplant
- Stem-Cells
- Stenosis
- Stenosis-Lumbar
- Stenosis-Spinal
- Stents
- Stephen Anthony Mobley
- Stephen Farrow
- Stephen Shaun Griffiths
- Sterilization
- Steroid-Injection
- Steroid-Withdrawal
- Steroids-to-Treat-Arthritis
- Steven Dale Green
- Steven Timothy Judy
- Stickler
- Stiff-Person-Syndrome
- Still's Disease
- Stitches
- Stomach-Bypass
- Stomach-Cancer
- Stomach-ulcer
- Stool Test
- Stool-Acidity-Test
- Stool-Blood-Test
- Stool-Color
- Stool-Color-Changes
- Strabismus
- Strabismus-Treatment
- Strain-Neck
- Strains
- Strep Throat
- Strep-Throat-Infection-Test
- Streptococcal-Infections
- Streptococcus
- Stress
- Stress-Breast-Cancer
- Stress-Management-Techniques
- Stress-Tests-For-Heart-Disease
- Stress-Throat-Test
- Stress-and-Heart-Disease
- Stretch-Marks
- Strictures-Esophagus
- Stroke-Heat
- Stroke-Prevention
- Stroke-Symptoms-and-Treatment
- Study
- Stuttering
- Sty
- Stye
- Sub-Tenon injection
- Subclinical infection
- Subconjunctival injection
- Subconjunctival-Hemorrhage
- Subcostal plane
- Subcutaneous administration
- Sublabial administration
- Sublingual administration
- Subluxation
- Subpial-Transection
- Succedaneous tooth
- Suction-Assisted-Lipoplasty
- Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy
- Sudden-Cardiac-Death
- Sudomotor
- Sugar-Test
- Suicide
- Suicide terminology
- Summer complaint
- Sun-Protection-and-Sunscreens
- Sun-Sensitive-Drugs
- Sunburn-and-Sun-Poisoning
- Sune K
- Superficial sympathy
- Superior-Vena-Cava-Syndrome
- Suppository
- Supracervical-Hysterectomy
- Suprachoroidal drug delivery
- Supracristal plane
- Supratarsal injection
- Supraventricular-Tachycardia-Paroxysmal
- Surface-Echo
- Surface-Electromyogram
- Surgery
- Surgery-Breast-Biopsy
- Surgery-Questions
- Surgery-for-GERD
- Surgical
- Surgical sieve
- Surgical smoke
- Surgical-Options-for-Epilepsy
- Surgical-Sterilization
- Surrogate decision-maker
- Surrogate endpoint
- Surviving-Cancer
- Sutures
- Svatoslav Štěpánek
- Swallowing
- Sweat-Chloride-Test
- Sweat-Test
- Swimmers-Ear
- Swine Flu
- Swine-Flu-and-the-H1N1-Vaccine-during-Pregnancy
- Swollen-Ankles-and-Swollen-Feet
- Swollen-Lymph-Nodes
- Symptomatic treatment
- Symptoms
- Symptoms-Pregnancy
- Symptoms-of-Serious-Diseases-and-Health-Problems
- Symptothermal-Method-of-Birth-Control
- Syncope
- Syndrome
- Syndrome-Asperger
- Syndrome-Campomelic
- Syndrome-Cauda-Equina
- Syndrome-Compartment
- Syndrome-Cyclic-Vomiting
- Syndrome-Franceschetti-Zwahlen-Klein
- Syndrome-Kleine-Levin
- Syndrome-Loeys-Dietz
- Syndrome-Marfan
- Syndrome-Prader-Willi
- Syndrome-Restless-Legs
- Syndrome-Stiff-Person
- Syphilis-in-Women-Overview
- Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine
- Systemic administration
- Systemic disease
- Systemic-Lupus
- T cell
- TB--Facts
- TPO-Test
- TPOAb-Test
- Tachycardia-Paroxysmal-Atrial
- Tachycardia-Paroxysmal-Supraventricular
- Takayasu
- Takayasu-Disease
- Taking-Dental-Medications
- Targetoid
- Taste-Disorders
- Tattoo-Removal
- Ted Bundy
- Teen-Depression
- Teen-Drug-Abuse
- Teenagers
- Teenagers-Sleep
- Teeth-Grinding
- Teeth-Whitening
- Teeth-and-Gum-Care
- Teething
- Telangiectasia
- Temporal-Lobe-Resection
- Temporomandibular-Joint-Syndrome
- Tendinitis-Rotator-Cuff
- Tennis Elbow
- Tension Headache
- Teratogens-Drug
- Terminal cleaning
- Terminal illness
- Terminologia Anatomica
- Terminologia Embryologica
- Terminologia Histologica
- Test
- Test-for-Lactose-Intolerance
- Testicular Cancer
- Testicular microlithiasis
- Testicular-Disorders
- Testosterone-Low
- Testosterone-Therapy-to-Treat-ED
- Tests
- Tests-During-Third-Trimester-of-Pregnancy
- Tests-for-Diabetes
- Tetanus
- Tetrahydrobiopterin-Deficiency
- Texas fever
- Texture
- Thallium
- The Bends
- The Black Dog
- The Edge (novel)
- The Good Psychopath's Guide to Success
- The Mask of Sanity
- The Psychopath Test
- The Return of the Psychopath
- The Sociopath Next Door
- The shakes
- The-Digestion-Process
- The-Minipill
- The-Pill
- Thecal-Puncture
- Theodore Rinaldo
- Therapeutic inertia
- Third-Trimester-Tests-During-Pregnancy
- Thomas DeSimone
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- Thoracic plane
- Thorn
- Throat-cancer
- Thrombocytopenia
- Thrush
- Thrush-and-Other-Yeast-Infections-in-Children
- Thymoma
- Thyroid
- Thyroid-Blood-Tests
- Thyroid-Cancer
- Thyroid-Disorders
- Thyroid-Needle-Biopsy
- Thyroid-Nodules
- Thyroid-Peroxidase-Autoantibody-Test
- Thyroid-Peroxidase-Test
- Thyroid-Scan
- Thyroiditis
- Thyroiditis-Postpartum
- Thyroiditis-Silent
- Thyroiditis-Subacute
- Ticks
- Ticks-Bite
- Tietze-Syndrome
- Tilt-table-Test
- Tine Test
- Tinea-Versicolor
- Tinnitus
- Tips-for-Parenting-a-Teen-With-ADHD
- Tobacco-Chewing
- Toddlers-Sleep
- Toe-Broken
- Toilet-Substitutes-for-Incontinence
- Tommy Lynn Sells
- Tomography
- Tongue-Problems
- Tonometry
- Tonsil-Inflammation
- Tonsillectomy
- Tooth enamel
- Tooth-Infected
- Toothache-Overview
- Toothpastes
- Top-Foods-For-Constipation-Relief
- Top-Foods-That-Cause-Constipation
- Topical drug delivery
- Topical medication
- Torn-ACL
- Torn-Meniscus
- Torsades de pointes
- Torsion-Testicle
- Total intravenous anaesthesia
- Total-Abdominal-Hysterectomy
- Total-Hip-Replacement
- Total-Knee-Replacement
- Tourette-Syndrome
- Tourettes
- Toxic Shock Syndrome
- Toxicology-Autospy
- Toxidrome
- Toxin-Ciguatera
- Toxoplasmosis
- Trach-Tube
- Tracheostomy
- Trachoma
- Transabdominal-Ultrasound
- Transcutaneous-Electrical-Nerve-Stimulation
- Transdermal
- Transdermal patch
- Transection
- Transfusion
- Transient Ischemic Attack
- Transjugular-Intrahepatic-Portosystemic-Shunt
- Transmyocardial-Laser-Revascularization
- Transplant
- Transpyloric plane
- Transumbilical plane
- Transvaginal-Ultrasound
- Transvenous-Liver-Biopsy
- Transverse plane
- Travel-Medicine
- Traveler's-Diarrhea
- Treacher-Collins-Syndrome
- Treadmill-Stress-Test
- Treating-the-Flu-In-People-With-Health-Risks
- Treatment-Hot-Flashes
- Treatment-Primary-Biliary-Cirrhosis
- Treatments-and-Rehabilitation
- Tremor
- Triage
- Trichinosis
- Trichomoniasis
- Tricuspid-Heart-Valve-Replacement
- Trigeminal Neuralgia
- Trigger-Finger
- Trigger-Point-Injection
- Triggers-IBS--Triggers
- Triglyceride-Test
- Triglycerides
- Trimethylaminuria
- Triple response of Lewis
- Trisomy-18
- Trochanteric-bursitis
- Tropicamide/phenylephrine
- True-Cysts-Pancreas
- Trying-to-Conceive
- Tubal Ligation
- Tuberculosis--Facts
- Tuberculosis-Drug-Resistant
- Tuberculosis-Skin-Test
- Tubes-Ear-Problems
- Tubes-Tied
- Tularemia
- Tummy Tuck
- Tumor Necrosis Factor
- Tumor-Adrenal-Gland
- Tumor-Brain-Cancer
- Tumor-Grade
- Tumor-Testicle
- Tumor-in-the-Brain
- Tumors-Uterine
- Turbinectomy
- Turf-Toe
- Turner's hypoplasia
- Turner-Syndrome
- Tweens-Sleep
- Tylenol-Liver-Damage
- Tympanoplasty-Tubes
- Type-1-Diabetes
- Type-2-Diabetes
- Typhoid Fever
- Typhus
- Uberon
- Ubi pus, ibi evacua
- Ulcer (dermatology)
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Ulerythema
- Ullrich-congenital
- Undulant fever
- Unguent
- Unitary psychosis
- Universal Numbering System
- Ureterovaginal fistula
- VA conduction
- VIP medicine
- Vacuolar interface dermatitis
- Vacuolization
- Valsalva
- Vapours (mental condition)
- Vascular
- Vascular occlusion
- Vasili Komaroff
- Vasiliy Kulik
- Vasily Smirnov (serial killer)
- Vasomotor
- Vegetation (pathology)
- Vena amoris
- Vermilion border
- Vestibular lamina
- Vincent
- Violence and autism
- Vis medicatrix naturae
- Vladimir Mukhankin
- Vladimir Tretyakov (serial killer)
- Waiting in healthcare
- Waldenstrom
- Watchful waiting
- Water brash
- Weekend effect
- Wells score (pulmonary embolism)
- Wesley Ira Purkey
- Westley Allan Dodd
- White plague
- William Bonin
- William Chandler Shrubsall
- William-W
- Wingspan
- Wisdom tooth
- Without Conscience
- Woolsorters' disease
- World Health Organization
- Worried well
- Wuhan virus
- Xanthosis
- Xeroderma
- Xerostomia
- Y-Set (intravenous therapy)
- Yentl Syndrome
- Zebra (medicine)
- Zero stroke
- Zuckerkandl's tubercle (teeth)
- abbreviation
- abdominal
- abducent
- abductor
- above the knee amputation
- abruptio placentae
- acanthamoeba
- accelerated-phase-of
- accessory
- acclimatization to
- acetylcholine
- acetylcholinesterase
- acid base
- acoustic
- acquired
- acquired epileptiform
- acral-lentiginous
- actinic
- activities of daily living
- acute
- acute middle
- acute mountain sickness
- acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
- acute-fatty
- acute-lymphoblastic
- acute-lymphocytic
- acute-myelogenous
- acute-myeloid
- acute-nonlymphocytic
- addisonian
- adductor
- adenine
- adoption
- adrenal
- adult
- adult-primary
- advance
- aero
- afferent
- aggressive
- airway
- akinetic
- alanine aminotransferase
- algia
- allergic granulomatous
- alpha fetoprotein
- amastia
- amelanotic
- amino
- amnesic
- amnestic
- amygdaloid
- anatomic-terms-of
- and
- and Musculoskeletal and Skin Dis
- and-Blood-Institute
- and-Form
- and-Treatments
- and-hemangiomas
- aneurysmal
- angiotensin converting enzyme 2
- ankle
- ankle and foot
- ankle foot orthosis
- ankle-and-foot-bones
- anomic
- anovular
- antegrade
- anterior-cruciate
- anterograde
- anteroposterior
- anti infective
- anti-infective
- anti-platelet
- antibiotic
- antibody dependent cell mediated cytotox
- anticoagulant
- antifungal
- antihypertensive
- antimicrobial
- antinuclear
- antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
- antiprotozoal
- antiretroviral therapy
- antithyroglobulin
- antiviral
- antro-duodenal
- aortic
- aplastic
- arcuate
- argon
- arrayed
- arterial
- arterial blood gas
- arteriosclerotic
- arteriovenous
- arteriovenous fistula
- arteriovenous malformation
- arthrogryposis multiplex congenita
- artificial
- artificial insemination by donor
- artificial insemination by husband
- ascending
- aseptic
- ataxia syndrome
- atherosclerotic
- atrial
- atrioventricular
- attention deficit disorder
- atypical
- atypical measles syndrome
- auditory
- autoimmune polyendocrinopathy
- autoimmune polyglandular syndrome
- automated external defibrillator
- autonomic
- autosomal recessive
- axial
- bacillary
- bacterial
- basal
- benign
- benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
- benign-recurrent-aseptic
- beta
- beta adrenergic
- beta blocker
- bicuspid
- bilateral-acoustic
- bile
- biliary
- biological response modifiers
- biological-response
- bis in die
- blastic-phase-of
- blindness
- blister
- block
- blood
- bone marrow
- botulinum
- brachial
- brain
- brainstem auditory evoked potentials
- branched chain
- burgdorferi
- by a doctor
- c IBS
- cAMP dependent protein kinase
- cDNA
- cM
- calcific
- caps
- cardiac
- carotid
- carpal
- caudal
- caudal epidural
- caudate
- causes-of
- cell
- cell-cycle
- cellophane
- centimeter
- central
- central nervous system
- central retinal
- central sleep
- central-core-disease-of
- central-venous
- cepacia
- cephalothoracic
- cerebellar
- cerebrospinal fluid
- certified
- certified-nurse
- certified-professional
- cervical vertebra
- cervical vertebrae
- cessation-of
- chemical
- child
- childhood
- chloride
- cholangiopancreatography endoscopic retrograde
- choroidal
- chromatin
- chromosome
- chronic
- chronic obstructive lung disease
- chronic-lymphocytic
- chronic-phase-of
- chronic-stiff
- cidal
- cide
- ciliary
- ciliary body
- circinate
- classic
- cleft
- cleidocranial dysostosis
- clot-dissolving
- cm
- coagulation
- coarctation of the
- coccidioidomycosis
- coccygeal
- coefficient of inbreeding
- coli
- coli O157
- coli hemorrhagic
- coli hemorrhagic diarrhea
- collapsed
- colony stimulating factor
- combined
- combining form
- common
- compound
- computer
- computerized
- congenital
- conjunctival
- contig
- continuous-passive-motion-machine
- contraceptive
- contrast
- coronary
- coronary artery
- cousin
- cow
- cow milk
- cranial
- cryo-electron
- cryptococcal
- cuboid
- cuneiform
- cystic-periventricular
- cystine
- cyte
- cyto
- cytogenetic
- cytomegalovirus
- cytosine
- d
- d IBS
- daw
- de Lange syndrome
- de Musset sign
- deafness
- deep vein thrombosis
- deer
- deficiency
- degenerative
- della Robbia
- dengue hemorrhagic fever
- dental-braces
- dermal
- dermoid-cyst-of-the
- descending
- developmental dislocation of the hip
- diabetic
- did not attend
- digital rectal exam
- direct-entry
- disaster-supplies
- displacement
- dissecting
- distal
- diverticulitis and fiber
- double
- drug
- drug caution code
- dry
- dust
- dystonia musculorum deformans
- dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
- early onset familial
- ectomy
- efferent
- eighth-cranial
- elective
- electrically-stimulated
- electron
- electron beam computerized tomography
- elegans
- elegans genome
- eleventh-cranial
- emergency-supplies
- emia
- emotional child
- empirical
- endochondral
- endogenous
- endometrial
- endorectal
- eosinophilic
- epidemic
- epidermolysis bullosa
- epidermolysis bullosa acquisita
- epidermolysis bullosa simplex
- epiretinal
- erectus
- erythropoietin
- estrogen associated
- estrogen replacement therapy
- ethmoid
- excessive daytime sleepiness
- excimer
- excisional
- exercise induced
- exogenous
- explicit
- expressed sequence tag
- extracorporeal-shock-wave
- exudative
- eye
- fFN
- fMRI
- facial
- facioscapulohumeral
- falciparum
- familial
- familial Mediterranean fever
- family
- fatty
- fear-of
- fear-of-the
- female
- female-urethral
- femoral
- fetal
- fetal alcohol effects
- fetal alcohol syndrome
- fever
- fifth-cranial
- figurative
- fine needle
- first degree
- first-American
- first-cranial
- flashing
- floresiensis
- flow
- flu
- flu genome
- flu immunization
- fluorescent
- folic
- follicular
- fontanelle
- foot drop
- foramen-of
- foramina-of
- forensic
- fornix of the
- fourth-cranial
- ft
- fundoplication
- fungal
- fusiform
- gastric
- gene
- generic
- genetic
- genome
- genomic
- geriatric
- germ
- germaphobe
- germline
- giant cell
- giant cell tumor of
- glossopharyngeal
- gm
- gout
- gram
- grand
- granular
- gray
- gtt
- gynecoid
- gynecologist
- hCG
- hMPV
- habitual
- hairy-cell
- head
- heart
- heart-lung
- heated
- heilmannii
- hemoglobin
- hereditary
- high-grade
- homeopathic
- homologue
- honey bee
- hormone replacement therapy
- housemaid's
- human
- huntingtin
- hypochondriacal
- hypoglossal
- iatrics
- iatry
- immunization
- immunology
- imperforate
- implicit
- in DNA
- inappropriate
- inborn-error-of
- incisional
- indolent
- induced
- indwelling
- infant
- infantile
- infantile genetic
- infectious
- infective-tubulointerstitial
- infiltrating
- infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the
- infiltrating lobular carcinoma of the
- inflammatory
- inflammatory bowel disease
- infraspinatus
- inherited
- intermediate-grade
- international unit
- interstitial
- intestinal
- intramuscular
- intraocular
- intraocular pressure
- intrauterine contraceptive device
- intravenous
- iris
- iron
- iron deficiency
- irritable bowel syndrome
- islets-of
- itis
- jogger's
- journal
- jumper's
- juvenile
- juvenile-myelomonocytic-leukemia
- kissing
- knee
- laryngeal
- laser
- lateral-collateral-knee
- lateral-collateral-ligament
- lateral-knee
- laughing gas
- lay
- lb
- legal
- lens-prescription
- lentigo-maligna
- licensed-practical
- licensed-vocational
- limb-girdle
- linkage
- lipoid
- lipomatous
- liquid
- living-donor
- long-chain-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA-dehydrogenase-def
- long-term
- low-density-lipoprotein
- low-grade
- lower
- lumbar puncture
- lumbar-vertebrae
- lymphoblastic
- lymphocytic
- lymphoma
- mGy
- mRNA
- male
- malignant
- maternal
- maternal-serum-alpha-fetoprotein
- medial-collateral-knee
- medial-collateral-ligament
- medial-knee
- medical-definition-of-botfly
- medication
- membranous
- meningococcal
- menstrual
- menstrually-associated
- mesenteric
- methyl-CpG-binding-protein-2
- mg
- miRNA
- microscopic
- migrainous
- miliary
- miner's
- minimal-change
- missense
- mitochondrial
- mixed
- mm
- modified-radical
- molecular
- mouth
- mtDNA
- multiple
- multiple-lipomas
- multiple-symmetric
- myasthenia gravis
- myelogenous
- myotonic
- n-Hexane
- nasal
- natural
- naturopathic
- neonatal
- neoplastic
- neurofibromatosis-type-1
- neurofibromatosis-type-2
- neuron-specific-enolase
- ninth-cranial
- nocturnal
- nodular
- non-Hodgkin
- non-small-cell
- nonessential
- nonsense
- nuclear
- nucleic
- null
- nvCJD
- oat-cell
- object in airway
- objective
- obstructive sleep
- obstructive-sleep-apnea
- occipital
- occupational
- ocular
- oculocutaneous
- oculomotor
- oculopharyngeal
- of-Child-Health-and-Human-Dev
- of-the-knee
- olfactory
- oma
- on prescription
- on-Alcoh
- ophthalmic
- optic
- oral
- orthodontics
- otic
- over-the-counter
- overactive
- oxidoreductase
- oxidoreductase deficiency
- oxygen
- oz
- pH
- pancreatic
- pantothenic
- papillary
- parasitic
- parasympathetic
- parietal
- partial
- patchy
- patellar
- peak-flow
- pectus excavatum
- percutaneous
- percutaneous-nephro
- perennial
- perfringens
- perianal
- periodic
- peripheral
- peritonsillar
- permanent
- pernicious
- peroneal muscular
- physical
- physical child
- physician
- pinched
- piriformis
- plasma
- pneumatic
- point
- polio
- polycystic
- popcorn
- post-polio
- posterior-cruciate
- postherpetic
- postmenopausal-cervical
- potassium
- prefix
- pregnancy
- pregnancy-associated
- premature
- pressor
- preventative
- prevention
- primary progressive
- private
- progestin therapy
- prophylactic
- prostate specific
- proximal
- psoas
- psoriatic
- psychological child
- pubic
- public
- pulmonary
- pyrene
- quintana
- racemose
- radial
- radiation
- radical
- range-of
- rapid
- reactive
- recent
- recessive
- recombinant DNA
- recurrent
- recurrent-laryngeal
- reduction
- reduviid
- reflux
- refractory
- regional
- registered
- renal
- research
- retrograde
- rheumatoid
- rhythm
- ringworm-of-the
- rosacea
- rubeola
- runny
- saccadic
- saccular
- sacral
- sapiens
- sarcoptic-mange
- scalp-and-body
- school-sores
- sciatic
- sciatic-neuritis
- screening
- seasonal
- seborrheic
- second degree
- second-cranial
- secretary's
- seizure-disorder
- seizures
- senile
- sense of
- sensory
- sentinel
- sentinel lymph node
- sentinel-lymph
- septic
- septicemia
- sesamoid
- seventh-cranial
- severe-congenital
- sexual child
- short-term
- sickle cell
- silk-road-disease
- simple
- single-transverse-palmar
- sinoatrial
- sinus
- situational syncope
- sixth-cranial
- sixth-disease
- skin
- small-cell
- smokers-keratosis
- smoldering
- sodium
- solar
- solar-keratosis
- somatic
- soy milk
- sphenoid
- sphenopalatine
- sphingomyelin
- spinal
- spindle
- splenic
- splenomegaly-Gaucher
- split-spine
- spondylitis
- spontaneous
- staphylococcus-infection
- stereotactic
- stereotactic needle
- streptococcal-pharyngitis
- study of
- subcutaneous
- subscapularis
- suction-assisted
- superficial-spreading
- supernumerary
- supraspinatus
- surgical
- symbol
- sympathetic
- syncope
- synovial
- systemic onset chronic rheumatoid
- systemic onset juvenile rheumatoid
- t
- tabes
- tamoxifen
- tenth-cranial
- teres minor
- the-clap
- therapeutic
- thermally induced
- thigh
- third degree
- third-cranial
- thoracic
- thoracolumbosacral
- tibial
- tic douloureux
- tinea pedis
- tocolytic
- toothache
- total
- toxemia
- traditional
- trans fatty
- transfusion
- transient global
- transverse
- traumatic
- travel
- treatment-of
- trench
- tricyclic
- trigeminal
- trigger-thumb
- trisomy 21
- trochlear
- tropical
- tuberculous
- tumescent
- tumor
- twelfth-cranial
- type II
- ultrasonic-assisted
- upper
- urinary
- uterine
- uveal
- vaccinia
- vaginal
- vagus
- vasodilator
- vasovagal
- velvet
- venous
- ventricular
- verbal child
- vertebral
- vestibular
- vestibulocochlear
- vibrotactile
- vidian
- vinca
- viral
- visceral
- visual
- water on the
- welchii
- white
- white-footed
- white-spots-on-the
- witch's
- working
- wrist and hand
- wry
- yourself
- zygomatic
- zygotic
- Štefan Svitek
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD