Health encyclopedia articles[edit source]
- J Ward
- J wave
- J. Aidan Carney
- J. B. Peiris
- J. Craig Venter Institute
- J. Glenn Morris
- J. I. P. James
- J. K. Bandoh
- J. M. Pahwa
- J. Michael Bishop
- J. Michael Criley
- J. Michael Henderson
- J. S. Mahashabde
- J. S. Titiyal
- J. Wayne Meredith
- J. William White
- J147
- JAK-STAT signaling pathway
- JAMA Dermatology
- JAMA Internal Medicine
- JAMA Neurology
- JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery
- JAMA Pediatrics
- JAMA Psychiatry
- JUPITER trial
- Jablonski by Pahls v. United States
- Jack Andraka
- Jack Copeland (surgeon)
- Jack Dye
- Jack Howell (physician)
- Jack Kevorkian
- Jack Penn
- Jack Pettigrew
- Jack Preger
- Jack Tuszyński
- Jack Zigler
- Jackie Judd
- Jackson Laboratory
- Jackson-Pratt drain
- Jacksonian seizure
- Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department
- Jackson–Weiss syndrome
- Jacob Augustus Lockhart Clarke
- Jacob Churg
- Jacob Hermann Knapp
- Jacob Liboschütz
- Jacob Moritz Blumberg
- Jacob Sheskin
- Jacobs Medical Center
- Jacobsen syndrome
- Jacobus Sinapius
- Jacopo Berengario da Carpi
- Jacquelin Perry
- Jacqueline Whang-Peng
- Jacques Daviel
- Jacques Fellay
- Jacques François Édouard Hervieux
- Jacques Guillemeau
- Jacques Morcos
- Jacques-Joseph Moreau
- Jactatio capitas nocturna
- Jactitation (medicine)
- Jadad scale
- Jade Ribbon Campaign
- Jaffe reaction
- Jaffe–Campanacci syndrome
- Jahi McMath case
- Jaiveer Agarwal
- Jakob Rosenfeld
- Jal Minocher Mehta
- Jamaican vomiting sickness
- Jameel Institute
- James A. C. Brown
- James A. Zimble
- James Alderson
- James Alexander Russell
- James Augustus Rooth
- James B. Aguayo-Martel
- James Begbie
- James Borthwick
- James Braid (surgeon)
- James Corson Niederman
- James D. Hagood
- James Davenport Whelpley
- James Derham
- James Douglas (physician)
- James Douglas Miller
- James Dundas-Grant
- James Esdaile
- James F. Howard Jr.
- James F. Leckman
- James Garretson
- James Haig Ferguson
- James Henderson Nicoll
- James Hill (surgeon)
- James Krieger
- James L. Gulley
- James Learmonth
- James Leatham Tennant Birley
- James Lewin
- James Lind Alliance
- James Macfadyen
- James McIlwain
- James Mourilyan Tanner
- James Orbinski
- James P. Kushner
- James Paget
- James Parkinson
- James Ramsay Hunt
- James Rippe
- James Robertson (psychoanalyst)
- James Robinson (dentist)
- James Rosebrugh Leaming
- James Ross (surgeon)
- James Rutka
- James S. Forrester (cardiologist)
- James S. Tan
- James Samuel Gordon
- James Shapiro (physician)
- James Sherren
- James Simson
- James Spence (surgeon)
- James T. Willerson
- James Taylor (neurologist)
- James W. Holsinger
- James W. Watts
- James Wardrop
- James William Colbert Jr.
- James Wilson (scientist)
- James Young Simpson
- Jammed finger
- Jamshidi needle
- Jan Baptist van Helmont
- Jan De Maeseneer
- Jan Marek Marci
- Jan Palfijn
- Jan Stjernswärd
- Jan Vincents Johannessen
- Jan de Doot
- Jan van der Hoeve
- Jane Dacre
- Jane Green (geneticist)
- Jane Lord Hersom
- Jane Somerville
- Jane Stafford
- Jane Wilson-Howarth
- Janet Carr
- Janet Darbyshire
- Janet Elizabeth Macgregor
- Janet Rowley
- Janet Welch
- Janet Woodcock
- Janeway lesion
- Janez Janež
- Janice E. Clements
- Janina R. Galler
- Janine Austin Clayton
- Janine Jagger
- Jansen's metaphyseal chondrodysplasia
- Jansky–Bielschowsky disease
- Janssen COVID-19 vaccine
- Janus kinase 3 deficiency
- Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development
- Japan Medical Association Journal
- Japan Pharmaceutical Association
- Japanese Accepted Name
- Japanese encephalitis
- Japanese encephalitis vaccine
- Japanese spotted fever
- Jaques-Louis Reverdin
- Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction
- Jarnail Singh (physician)
- Jasminum officinale
- Jason Walter Brown
- Jaume Mora
- Jaundice
- Jaw claudication
- Jaw jerk reflex
- Jaw-thrust maneuver
- Jay Chapman (physician)
- Jayant Patel
- Jayant S. Vaidya
- Jean Alfred Fournier
- Jean Astruc
- Jean Bergonié
- Jean Boniface Textoris
- Jean Casimir Félix Guyon
- Jean Charles Faget
- Jean Dussault
- Jean Emily Henley
- Jean Lobstein
- Jean Macnamara
- Jean Pitard
- Jean Purdy
- Jean Smellie
- Jean Tatlock
- Jean Wactawski-Wende
- Jean de Carro
- Jean de Nynauld
- Jean-André Venel
- Jean-Antoine Villemin
- Jean-Athanase Sicard
- Jean-Baptiste Dumangin
- Jean-Baptiste de Sénac
- Jean-Claude Tardif
- Jean-Gabriel Berbudeau
- Jean-Martin Charcot
- Jean-Michel Dubernard
- Jean-Michel Macron
- Jean-Nicolas Marjolin
- Jean-Pierre Nuel
- Jean-Pierre Willem
- Jeane Porter Hester
- Jeanne Marrazzo
- Jeanne Spurlock
- Jeannette Ickovics
- Jeavons syndrome
- Jeff Machat
- Jefferson fracture
- Jeffrey A. Klein
- Jeffrey Aronson
- Jeffrey Lieberman
- Jeffrey Zients
- Jehan Yperman
- Jehovah's Witnesses and blood transfusions
- Jejunoileal bypass
- Jejunostomy
- Jellyfish dermatitis
- Jenae Neiderhiser
- Jendrassik maneuver
- Jenette H. Bolles
- Jenner's stain
- Jennie McCowen
- Jennie R. Joe
- Jennie de la Montagnie Lozier
- Jennifer Russell (physician)
- Jenny Harries
- Jeremy Kyle's Emergency Room
- Jericho Health Centre
- Jerilynn Prior
- Jerome Frank (psychiatrist)
- Jerome Urban
- Jerri Nielsen
- Jerry Avorn
- Jerusha Jhirad
- Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome
- Jeryl Lynn
- Jesse Koochin
- Jessie M. Bierman
- Jessie Stevenson Kovalenko Medal
- Jet injector
- Jewish Healthcare Foundation
- Jewish medical ethics
- Ji Jiafu
- Jian Zhou
- Jiang Yanyong
- Jill Seaman
- Jim B. Tucker
- Jim Horne (neuroscientist)
- Jin Guozhang
- Jitendra Kumar Singh
- Jitendra Nath Gohain
- Joan Brugge
- Joan Busfield
- Joan Miller
- Joanna Wardlaw
- Joanne Koenig Coste
- Joaquín Gómez Mira
- Jock Itch
- Jod-Basedow phenomenon
- Joe G. N. Garcia
- Joel Fuhrman
- Joel N. Blankson
- Joep Lange
- Joffroy's sign
- Johan Bellemans
- Johan Hultin
- Johan Naude
- Johann Adolph Wedel
- Johann Christian August Heinroth
- Johann Christian Stark (the Elder)
- Johann Friedrich Blumenbach
- Johann Friedrich Cartheuser
- Johann Friedrich Horner
- Johann Friedrich Schweitzer
- Johann Martin Honigberger
- Johann Nepomuk Rust
- Johann Peter Frank
- Johann Stieglitz
- Johann Vesling
- Johanna Hedén
- Johannes Bohn
- Johannes Crato von Krafftheim
- Johannes Fatio
- Johannes Narssius
- Johannes Nicolaus Furichius
- Johannes Orth
- Johannes Walaeus
- Johannes Zorn
- Johanson–Blizzard syndrome
- John A. Jane
- John A. McDougall
- John Abernethy (surgeon)
- John Aitken (surgeon)
- John Alexander MacWilliam
- John Allman
- John Anderson (genealogist, 1789–1832)
- John Anderson (pathologist)
- John Arderne
- John Argyll Robertson
- John Armstrong (poet)
- John Bell (surgeon)
- John Benjamin Murphy
- John Berry White
- John Bowlby
- John Bradmore
- John Brodhead Beck
- John Bulwer
- John Burton (antiquary)
- John Butter
- John Cameron Bell
- John Charles Bucknill
- John Charnley
- John Chisholm (doctor)
- John Clephane
- John Clifton (medical physicist)
- John Coleman Laidlaw
- John Cooper Forster
- John Cox (psychiatrist)
- John Cunningham (physician)
- John Cutting (psychiatrist)
- John Dickinson (physician)
- John Dwyer (medicine)
- John E. Fogarty International Center
- John E. Fryer
- John E. Sarno
- John Edgar Dick
- John Ferriar
- John Floyer (physician)
- John Fraser (surgeon)
- John Frederick France
- John G. Azzopardi
- John G. Kerr Refuge for the Insane
- John G. S. Coghill
- John Gilchrist (linguist)
- John Glasgow Kerr
- John Guillebaud
- John H. Lawrence
- John Haybittle
- John Henry Green
- John Henry Wishart
- John Heuser
- John Howship
- John Hull (physician)
- John Hupp
- John Hutchinson (surgeon)
- John Hutton (physician)
- John Huxham
- John I. Gallin
- John Ioannidis
- John J. Kindred
- John Johnston Lefferty
- John Joseph Bittner
- John Kanzius
- John Kearsley Mitchell
- John Lamphire
- John Leonard Dawson
- John Lizars
- John Lorber
- John Macqueen
- John Mallard
- John Maubray
- John Maxwell Anderson
- John Mayow
- John McQueen Johnston
- John Milson Rhodes
- John Monahan (law professor)
- John Moore (Scottish physician)
- John Najarian
- John Nelson (physician)
- John Nwangwu
- John O. Agwunobi
- John Olney
- John P. Donohue
- John Patrick Spiegel
- John Paul II Foundation for Research and Treatment
- John Paul II Medical Research Institute
- John Pearson (surgeon)
- John Peel (gynaecologist)
- John Pemberton (physician)
- John Propert
- John R. Heller Jr.
- John R. Paul
- John Ramsay (surgeon)
- John Rattray (surgeon)
- John Raymond Smythies
- John Reid (pharmacologist)
- John Robert Evans
- John Rollo
- John Ruckdeschel
- John Rutherford (physician)
- John Rutty
- John Ryle (physician)
- John Scott Inkster
- John Smyth Macdonald
- John Snow
- John Souttar McKendrick
- John Stein (physiologist)
- John Stoddard Cancer Center
- John Struthers (anatomist)
- John T. MacCurdy
- John Temple (surgeon)
- John Thomas sign
- John Thomson (physician)
- John Travis (physician)
- John Wheeler Dowden
- John Wickham Legg
- John Wigan (physician)
- John William Fisher
- John William Struthers
- John of Alexandria
- Johnnie Notions
- Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
- Johns Hopkins Medicine International
- Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
- Johnson–McMillin syndrome
- Johnson–Munson syndrome
- Joia Mukherjee
- Joint Biosecurity Centre
- Joint Commission
- Joint Committee for Traceability in Laboratory Medicine
- Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation
- Joint Medical Service (Germany)
- Joint dislocation
- Joint effusion
- Joint injection
- Joint locking (medicine)
- Joint mobilization
- Joint replacement
- Joint replacement registry
- Joint stability
- Joint stiffness
- Jokela type spinal muscular atrophy
- Jonas Salk
- Jonathan Baell
- Jonathan Braun
- Jonathan Goddard
- Jonathan Green (medical writer)
- Jonathan Green (psychiatrist)
- Jonathan Grigg
- Jonathan Hutchinson
- Jonathan Larmonth Meakins
- Jonathan Letterman
- Jonathan Lewis (oncologist)
- Jonathan Lomas (researcher)
- Jonathan Rhoads
- Jonathan S. Lewin
- Jonathan Simms
- Jonathan Simons
- Jonathan Stevens
- Jonathan's Law
- Jones fracture
- Jones' stain
- Joni L. Rutter
- Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Joost Meerloo
- Jordan University of Science and Technology
- Jordi Casals i Ariet
- Jorge Cervós-Navarro
- Jose Barraquer
- Josef Breuer
- Josef Coresh
- Josef Gerstmann
- Josef Kyrle
- Josep Trueta
- Joseph Adams (physician)
- Joseph B. MacInnis
- Joseph B. Martin
- Joseph Barth
- Joseph Biederman
- Joseph Brain (academic)
- Joseph DeLee
- Joseph Doutrelepont
- Joseph F. Fraumeni Jr.
- Joseph Fairweather Lamb
- Joseph Fayrer
- Joseph Forlenze
- Joseph Guislain
- Joseph Igersheimer
- Joseph Janvier Woodward
- Joseph Jules Dejerine
- Joseph Kubanek
- Joseph L. Melnick
- Joseph LaDou
- Joseph Lennox Pawan
- Joseph Lewi
- Joseph Liboschitz
- Joseph Lieutaud
- Joseph Lister
- Joseph Maraachli case
- Joseph Morrin
- Joseph N. Shapiro
- Joseph Townsend
- Joseph Toynbee
- Joseph Vinetz
- Joseph-Alexis Stoltz
- Joseph-François Malgaigne
- Josepha Williams Douglas
- Josephine Barnes
- Josephine Bell
- Joshua B. Bederson
- Joshua Sharfstein
- Joshua T. Mendell
- José Fabella
- José Manuel Rivero Carvallo
- José-Alain Sahel
- Joubert syndrome
- Journal Watch
- Journal club
- Journal for Healthcare Quality
- Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma
- Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
- Journal of Applied Biomedicine
- Journal of Applied Physiology
- Journal of Asthma
- Journal of Asthma & Allergy Educators
- Journal of Biomedical Informatics
- Journal of Cardiac Failure
- Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics
- Journal of Clinical Epidemiology
- Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology
- Journal of Clinical Oncology
- Journal of Clinical Pathology
- Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology
- Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
- Journal of Dermatological Treatment
- Journal of Dermatology
- Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
- Journal of Ethnopharmacology
- Journal of Experimental Medicine
- Journal of General Internal Medicine
- Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law
- Journal of Healthcare Management
- Journal of Helminthology
- Journal of Hospital Medicine
- Journal of Immunology
- Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons
- Journal of Infection
- Journal of Infection Prevention
- Journal of Internal Medicine
- Journal of Interprofessional Care
- Journal of Investigative Dermatology
- Journal of Leukocyte Biology
- Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
- Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine
- Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology
- Journal of Medical Genetics
- Journal of Medical Internet Research
- Journal of Medical Physics
- Journal of Medicine
- Journal of Molecular Medicine
- Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology
- Journal of Neurochemistry
- Journal of Neuroimmunology
- Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry
- Journal of Nutrition
- Journal of Oncology Practice
- Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy
- Journal of Orthopaedic Research
- Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma
- Journal of Osteopathic Medicine
- Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
- Journal of Palliative Medicine
- Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism
- Journal of Physiotherapy
- Journal of Tissue Engineering
- Journal of Women & Aging
- Journal of Women's Health
- Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
- Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association
- Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
- Journal of the National Cancer Institute
- Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network
- Journal of the Neurological Sciences
- Joyce Baird (diabetologist)
- Joyce Daws
- Joycelyn Elders
- Juan C. Parodi
- Juan Guiteras
- Juan Huarte de San Juan
- Juan Maeso
- Juan Manuel Montero Vázquez
- Juan Mezzich
- Juan Muñoz y Peralta
- Juan Tanca Marengo
- Judaism and abortion
- Judge Rotenberg Educational Center
- Judith Graham Pool
- Judith Kestenberg
- Judith Lewis Herman
- Judith M. Lumley
- Judith Whitworth
- Judson A. Brewer
- Judy Illes
- Jugular foramen syndrome
- Jugular vein ectasia
- Jugular venous pressure
- Jules A. Hoffmann
- Jules Blankfein
- Jules Germain François Maisonneuve
- Jules Gonin
- Jules Hardy
- Jules Tinel
- Jules Voncken
- Juli Crocombe
- Julia Newton
- Julia Polak
- Julian Herman Lewis
- Julian Jack
- Julie Ann Freischlag
- Julie Ann Sosa
- Julie Ledgerwood
- Julie Morita
- Julio Palmaz
- Julius Althaus
- Julius Dreschfeld
- Julius Eugen Schlossberger
- Julius Geppert
- Julius Hallervorden
- Julius Jeffreys
- Julius Michael Millingen
- Julius Wagner-Jauregg
- Julius von Michel
- July effect
- JumpSTART triage
- Jumping Frenchmen of Maine
- Junctional ectopic tachycardia
- Junctional epidermolysis bullosa (medicine)
- Junctional nevus
- Junctional rhythm
- Junctional tachycardia
- June Crown
- June Lloyd, Baroness Lloyd of Highbury
- Junior doctor
- Jurosomatic illness
- Justin M. Andrews
- Justus Radius
- Juven
- Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Juvenile dermatomyositis
- Juvenile hemochromatosis
- Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis
- Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
- Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia
- Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
- Juvenile osteoporosis
- Juvenile plantar dermatosis
- Juvenile polyposis syndrome
- Juvenile primary lateral sclerosis
- Juvenile xanthogranuloma
- Juxtaglomerular cell tumor
- János Plesch
- Jérôme Lejeune
- Józef Brudziński
- József Manes Österreicher
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD