Synonyms and antonyms (G)

From Medical Encyclopedia

Synonyms are two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context, opposite of antonym.

  • [[Gabble

Syn.: prate, jabber, jargon, stuff, babble, rattle, twaddle, gibber, chatter, gibberish.
antonym(s): conversation, speech, eloquence, reticence, taciturnity, mincing, mouthiness, euphuism, grandiloquence.

Syn.: silence, stifle, burke, muzzle, hush.
antonym(s): evoke, provoke, inspire, animate.

Syn.: engage, bind, pledge, secure, pawn, deposit.
antonym(s): intimate, promise, acquit, release, redeem.

Syn.: acquire, get, win, procure, obtain, profit, benefit, earn, attain, realize, achieve, reap, reach.
antonym(s): lose, forfeit, suffer.

Syn.: profitable, beneficial, advantageous, winning.
antonym(s): unprofitable, detrimental, injurious, disadvantageous, gainless, losing.

Syn.: brave, chivalrous, intrepid, courteous, heroic, fearless, courageous, valiant, bold, splendid, showy, gay.
antonym(s): cowardly, churlish, discourteous.

Syn.: frolic, sport, frisk, play, caper, jump.
antonym(s): tire, weary, droop, flog.

Syn.: sport, recreation, pastime, amusement, frolic, diversion, play.
antonym(s): study, toil, labor, business, duty, weariness, flagging.

Syn.: dress, uniform, clothing, costume, vestments, apparel.
antonym(s): undress, tatters, rags, shreds, nudity.

Syn.: misrepresent, misquote, mutilate, cook, dress, color, falsify, pervert, distort.
antonym(s): quote, cite, extract, recite.

Syn.: deck, furnish, adorn, dress, furbish, beautify, embellish, decorate, ornament.
antonym(s): denude, strip, dismantle.

Syn.: verbosity, loquacity, talkativeness, chatter.
antonym(s): reticence, taciturnity, laconism.

Syn.: trinket, trumpery, finery, gewgaw, bauble, kickshaw, gimcrack, whim.
antonym(s): decoration, ornament, gem, jewel, valuable.

Syn.: tawdry, fine, meretricious, bespangled, glittering, showy, gay, garish.
antonym(s): rich, simple, handsome, chaste.

Syn.: measure, fathom, probe.
antonym(s): survey, conjecture, view, ecan, guess, observe, mismeasure.

Syn.: grim, savage, lean, lank, hungry, thin, spare, attenuated, emaciated.
antonym(s): docile, tractable, tame, sleek, well-fed.

Syn.: awkward, ungainly, uncouth, clumsy, clownish.
antonym(s): neat, handy, graceful, handsome.

Syn.: merry, blithe, lively, jolly, sportive, sprightly, smart, festive, gladsome, pleasuresome, cheerful.
antonym(s): heavy, melancholy, grave, sad, sombre, dull, dowdy.

Syn.: stare, contemplate, scan, behold, regard, view, glower, gloat.
antonym(s): wink, ignore, overlook, ogler disregard, glance.

Syn.: viscous, albuminous, mucilaginous, gummy, see glairy-tfltiaous %  , semifluid, lentous.
antonym(s): limpid, sparkling, crystalline.

Syn.: frigid, cold, icy.
antonym(s): warm, genial.

Syn.: mass, bulk, body, majority.
antonym(s): section, minority, exception, individuality.

Syn.: engender, produce, propagate, originate, beget, breed.
antonym(s): stifle, extinguish, terminate.

Syn.: age, period, era, epoch, lifetime, offspring, stock, race, origination, breed, progeny, formation.
antonym(s): perpetuity, eternity, immortality.

Syn.: general, common, collective.
antonym(s): particular, personal, specific.

Syn.: noble, chivalrous, liberal, disinterested, bountiful, magnanimous, open-hearted, munificent, honorable.
antonym(s): mean, ignoble, illiberal, selfish, churlish.

Syn.: warm, cordial, balmy, cheering, merry, festive, joyous, nearly, revivifying, restorative.
antonym(s): cold, cutting, harsh, deleterious, noxious, deadly, blighting, destructive, ungenial, lethal.

Syn.: talent, cleverness, inventiveness, creativeness, intellect, skill, giftedness, ideality, endowment, nature, gift, character, faculty.
antonym(s): stolidity, stupidity, inanity, imbecility.

Syn.: polite, well-bred, refined, courteous, fashionable, elegant, aristocratic, polished, graceful.
antonym(s): rude, boorish, ill-bred, clownish, unfashionable, unpolished, inelegant, plebeian.

Syn.: courteous, polite, highbred, mild, bland, tame, docile, amiable, meek, soft, placid, tender.
antonym(s): rough, rude, coarse, fierce, savage.

Syn.: authentic, true, real, pure, unalloyed, natural, unaffected, sincere, unadulterated, veritable, sound.
antonym(s): spurious, fictitious, adulterated, apocryphal.

Syn.: seed, nucleus, embryo, origin, bud.
antonym(s): fruit, development, result.

Syn.: allied, kindred, related, homogeneous, appropriate, akin, pertinent, relative.
antonym(s): unconnected, foreign, alien, irrelevant.

Syn.: sprout, shoot, bud, vegetate.
antonym(s): rot, decay.

Syn.: gain, procure, acquire, earn, obtain, attain, secure, achieve.
antonym(s): lose, forfeit, surrender, forgo.

Syn.: deathlike, -wan, grim, cadaverous, spectral, pallid, hideous, shocking.
antonym(s): blooming, fresh, comely, seemly, buxom, ruddy.

Syn.: spectre, apparition, spirit, vision, shade, phantom.
antonym(s): body, animal, organism.

Syn.: sneer, scoff, ridicule, jeer, mock, deride, rail at, taunt.
antonym(s): salute, compliment.

Syn.: whirling, vertiginous, thoughtless, inconstant, unsteady, lofty, beetling, dizzy, hare-brained, flighty.
antonym(s): stationary, slow, ponderous, thoughtful, earnest, steady, low, unelevated, wary, circumspect.

Syn.: donation, present, grant, boon, gratuity, benefaction, endowment, talent, faculty, alms, douceur.
antonym(s): reservation, refusal, wages, purchase, earnings, compensation, remuneration, inanity, stupidity, forfeit, penalty, fine, surrender.

Syn.: colossal, huge, enormous, herculean, giant, cyclopean, vast.
antonym(s): puny, dwarfish, feeble.

Syn.: cachinnation, grin, titter.
antonym(s): sob, whimper, whine, blubber.

Syn.: surround, encircle, hem, environ, belt, enclose, engirdle, encompass, girdle, begird.
antonym(s): disclose, open, expand, disencircle, disentangle, ungird.

Syn.: essence, pith, marrow, substance, kernel, force, main point.
antonym(s): surplusage, redundancy, additament, environment, accessories, garb, clothing.

Syn.: bestow, grant, confer, impart, yield, produce, surrender, concede, present, afford, communicate, furnish.
antonym(s): withhold, withdraw, refuse, retain, grasp, fail, restrain, deny.

Syn.: smooth, polished, bald, shiny, sleek, glacial, glassy.
antonym(s): rough, hairy, bristly, hank, wrinkled, shaggy, hirsute.

Syn.: happy, joyous, pleased, gratified, blithesome, gleeful, gladsome, delighted, cheerful, elated, joyful.
antonym(s): unhappy, sorrowful, disastrous, sorry, disappointed, dismal.

Syn.: rejoice, cheer, gratify, exhilarate.
antonym(s): grieve, dispirit, disappoint, depress, afflict, trouble, wound.

Syn.: beam, shine, gleam, ray, radiate, glow.
antonym(s): shimmer, scintillate, glitter, smoulder, glimmer, glisten, glister, sparkle, flash, flicker.

Syn.: vitreous, smooth, polished, glacial, glabrous, brittle, transparent, crystalline, pellucid, limpid, glossy, silken.
antonym(s): rough, uneven, rugged, pliant, tough, opaque, luteous, muddy, turbid, scabrous.

Syn.: vitrefy, gloss, polish, burnish, furbish.
antonym(s): roughen, corrugate, rumple, crumple, gleam, see glare.

Syn.: slippery, voluble, smooth, fluent, ready, talkative, flippant.
antonym(s): rough, abrupt, hesitating, stammering, glimmer, see glare.

Syn.: sight, inkling, glance, glimmering, survey.
antonym(s): observation, scrutiny, investigation, inspection, analysis, examination, exposure.

Syn.: revel, glut, feast.
antonym(s): avoid, shun, loathe, abominate.

Syn.: gloaming, twilight, obscurity, shadow, obscuration, dullness, cloudiness, cloud, dejection, sadness.
antonym(s): light, radiance, clearness, brightness, daylight.

Syn.: exalt, honor, elevate, laud, praise, signalize, magnify, aggrandize, adore, panegyrize, extol.
antonym(s): depress, debase, abuse, censure, degrade, decry, abase, defame.

Syn.: brightness, radiance, effulgence, honor, fame, celebrity, pomp, luster, magnificence, splendor, renown.
antonym(s): obscurity, ignominy, cloud, dishonor, degradation.

Syn.: polish, luster, misinterpretation, distortion, perversion, twist, plea, pretense, speciousness.
antonym(s): nebulousness, haze, literalness, truth, representation, interpretation, reality, verity, glow, see glare.

Syn.: shining, intense, hot, ardent, fiery, fervent, fervid.
antonym(s): dull, languid, cool.

Syn.: gorge, fill, stuff, cram, satiate, cloy, surfeit.
antonym(s): disgorge, empty, void.

Syn.: surplus, redundancy, superfluity, overstock.
antonym(s): scarcity, drainage, exhaustion, dearth, failure, scantiness.

Syn.: greed, gormandizement, voracity, deglutition.
antonym(s): abstinence, frugality, abstemiousness, temperance, vegetarianism.

Syn.: move, depart, pass, travel, vanish, reach, extend, proceed, stir, set out, budge.
antonym(s): stand, stay, come, remain, persist, abide, rest, endure, lack, fail.

Syn.: right, complete, vietnous, sound, pious, benevolent, propitious, serviceable, suitable, efficient, sufficient, competent, valid, real, actual, considerable, honorable, reputable, righteous, proper, true, upright, just, excellent.
antonym(s): wrong, imperfect, unsound, vicious, profane, niggardly, unpropitious, unserviceable, unsuitable, inefficient, inadequate, incompetent, invalid, unctious, supposititious, inconsiderable, mean, disgraceful, disreputable, bad, evil.

Syn.: boon, benefit, advantage, gain, blessing, mercy, virtue, prosperity, weal, profit, interest, welfare.
antonym(s): hurt, injury, loss, detriment, evil, disadvantage, ill, calamity, infliction, curse.

Syn.: good-natured, good-tempered, amiable, cheerful.
antonym(s): ill-humored, ill-natured, cross, unamiable.

Syn.: pleasant, desirable, excellent, fair, comc'y, considerable, graceful, fine.
antonym(s): unpleasant, undesirable, uncomely, inconsiderable.

Syn.: magnificent, splendid, costly, rich, superb, grand, strong.
antonym(s): poor, naked, bare, cheap, dingy, threadbare.

Syn.: rule, direct, control, moderate, guide, sway, supervise, manage, command, conduct.
antonym(s): misrule, misdirect, miscontrol.

Syn.: favor, beauty, condescension, kindness, elegance, charm, excellence, pardon, mercy.
antonym(s): disfavor, deformity, unkindness, pride, inelegance, awkwardness, gawkiness.

Syn.: ungraceful, vicious, scampish, reprobate, abandoned, worthless.
antonym(s): graceful, virtuous, conscientious, upright, worthy.

Syn.: affable, courteous, benignant, kind, civil, condescending, merciful, friendly, tender, gentle, beneficent.
antonym(s): haughty, discourteous, illdisposed, ungracious, churlish.

Syn.: stage, tier, degree, rank, standing, graduation, ordination, arrangement, precedency.
antonym(s): equality, uniformity, fraternity, abruptness, saltation.

Syn.: slow, continuous, unintermittent, gradational, regular, step by step, progressive.
antonym(s): sudden, momentary, instantaneous, periodic, recurrent, intermittent, discontinuous, broken, disconnected.

Syn.: large, dignified, imposing, important, eventful, magnificent, grandly, majestic, august, exalted, stately, splendid, lofty, elevated, pompous, gorgeous, sublime, superb.
antonym(s): little, undignified, unimposing, secondary, interior, unimportant, petty, paltry, beggarly, mean, common, insignificant.

Syn.: dignity, magnificence, display, pomp, ostentation.
antonym(s): meanness, paltriness.

Syn.: verbosity, pomposity, mouthiness, grandiosity, antiloquence, stiltedness, euphuism, turgidity, fustian, bombast.
antonym(s): simplicity, plain-spokenness, naivete, unaffectedness, vernacular.

Syn.: see grandiloquence.

Syn.: give, allot, bestow, confer, transfer, admit, allow, concede, convey, impart, yield, cede.
antonym(s): withhold, withdraw, reserve, resume, deny.

Syn.: picturesque, illustrative, descriptive, pictorial, forcible, vivid, feeling, described, picturesquely.
antonym(s): unpicturesque, unillustrative, undescriptive.

Syn.: seize, hold, clasp, retain, comprehend, catch, grip, clutch, grapple.
antonym(s): loose, lose, abandon, relinquish, surrender, release, miss, misunderstand.

Syn.: bub, scrape, jar, scratch.
antonym(s): glide, slip, lubricate.

Syn.: pleasant, acceptable, agreeable, thankful, obliged, welcome.
antonym(s): unpleasant, unacceptable, disagreeable, ungrateful, disobliged.

Syn.: pleasure, enjoyment, satisfaction, indulgence, delight, reward.
antonym(s): pain, dislike, disappointment, abstinence, abnegation, stinting, inurement, discipline.

Syn.: please, satisfy, indulge, humor.
antonym(s): displease, dissatisfy, disappoint, stint, discipline, inure, harden, deprive, deny.

Syn.: thankfulness, gratefulness.
antonym(s): unthankfulness, ingratitude, thanklessness, oblivion, resentment, indignation.

Syn.: free, uncompensated, voluntary, unwarranted, groundless, wanton, unnecessary, unsought.
antonym(s): compulsory, involuntary, obligatory, necessitated, warranted, well-founded.

Syn.: sad, serious, momentous, weighty, pressing, sedate, demure, thoughtful, sober, sombre, solemn, important, aggravated, heavy, cogent.
antonym(s): joyous, merry, facetious, unimportant, ridiculous, trivial, light, frivolous, futile.

Syn.: shave, scrape, skim, abrade, shear.
antonym(s): strike, impinge, collide, encounter.

Syn.: big, wide, huge, numerous, protracted, excellent, large, immense, bulky, majestic, gigantic, vast, grand, sublime, august, eminent, magnanimous, noble, powerful, exalted, noticeable.
antonym(s): little, narrow, puny, scanty, few, short, mean, ignoble, weak, unimportant.

Syn.: voracity, rapacity, eagerness, see avidity.

Syn.: gluttonous, voracious, hungry, desirous, avaricious.
antonym(s): abstemious, abstinent, indifferent, contented.

Syn.: social, sociable, consociative.
antonym(s): unsocial, unsociable, solitary.

Syn.: trouble, tribulation, woe, mourning, regret, affliction, sorrow, sadness.
antonym(s): joy, exultation, delight, elation, hilarity.

Syn.: burden, injury, complaint, trouble, oppression, hardship, injustice.
antonym(s): congratulation, boon, rejoicing, benefit, alleviation, disburdenment, riddance, privilege.

Syn.: trouble, burden, annoy, distress, bewail, wound, pain, sorrow, hurt, afflict, mourn, lament, complain, deplore.
antonym(s): ease, console, soothe, please, rejoice, exult, gratify, alleviate.

Syn.: sad, heavy, afflictive, lamentable, deplorable, sorrowful, painful, burdensome, calamitous, baleful, hurtful, disastrous, unhappy.
antonym(s): joyous, delightful, pleasant, glad, consolatory, grateful, welcome, acceptable, trifling, light, trivial.

Syn.: fierce, ferocious, terrible, hideous, ugly, ghastly, sullen, stern.
antonym(s): mild, docile, attractive, placid, benign.

Syn.: crush, pulverize, see oppress.

Syn.: grasp, seize, clutch, gnaw, pain, squeeze, screw, pinch, lay hold of.
antonym(s): abandon, relax, soothe, ease, relieve.

Syn.: moan, whine, growl, grumble.
antonym(s): giggle, cackle, chuckle, titter, laugh.

Syn.: feel, search, grabble, fumble.
antonym(s): grasp, seize, hold, expose.

Syn.: entire, vulgar, vicious, impure, coarse, bloated, sensual, animal, bulk, indelicate, outrageous, unseemly, shameful.
antonym(s): partial, net, pure, refined.

Syn.: whimsical, quaint, old, burlesque, archaic, caricatured, distorted.
antonym(s): classic, chaste, fina, fashionable, graceful, severe.

Syn.: basis, foundation, premise, reason, cause, account, plea.
antonym(s): superstructure, statement, argument, inference, deduction.

Syn.: rooted, established, initiated, inaugurated, prepared, indoctrinated, trained.
antonym(s): ungrounded, untangled, unprepared, uninitiated, baseless, unfounded, unauthorized, groundless.

Syn.: vain, supposititious, unfounded, baseless, fanciful, gratuitous, chimerical, false.
antonym(s): well-founded, substantial, authoritative, actual, authentic.

Syn.: cluster, bunch, knot, assemblage, collocation, class, collection, clump, order, assembly.
antonym(s): isolation, individual, crowd, confusion, medley.

Syn.: crawl, cringe, wallow, creep, grub, fawn, grabble.
antonym(s): soar, aspire, mount, rise.

Syn.: increase, advance, extend, expand, enlarge, gain ground, accrue, become, develop, amplify.
antonym(s): dimmish, recede, contract, fail, stop, die, wane.

Syn.: snarl, grumble, complain, remonstrate, murmur, grunt.
antonym(s): chuckle, cackle, grin, purr, acquiesce, growth, see advancement and progress.

Syn.: spare, retain, covet, envy, withhold.
antonym(s): spend, impart, welcome, satisfy, gratify.

Syn.: spite, grievance, aversion, rancor, hatred, pique, dissatisfaction, discontent, refusal.
antonym(s): welcome, satisfaction, approval, contentment, complacency, bestowal, benefaction.

Syn.: rough, surly, bearish, harsh, rude, blunt.
antonym(s): smooth, mild, affable, courteous.

Syn.: insure, answer for, pledge, see warrant.

Syn.: keeper, protector, conservator, custodian, preserver, warder.
antonym(s): traitor, betrayer, pupil, ward.

Syn.: conjecture, surmise, divine, suppose, suspect, fancy, imagine.
antonym(s): examine, prove, investigate, establish, demonstrate, elaborate, deduce.

Syn.: visitor.
antonym(s): entertainer, host.

Syn.: direction, control, see management.

Syn.: lead, direct, conduct, pilot, regulate, superintend, influence, train, manage.
antonym(s): mislead, misconduct, misdirect, mismanage, misregulate, misguide, miseducate, betray, deceive.

Syn.: craft, treachery, deceit, cunning, insidiousness, artifice, fraud, hypocrisy, trickery.
antonym(s): honesty, simplicity, frankness, generosity, candor, sincerity.

Syn.: criminality, sin, offence, culpability, see guile and crime.

Syn.: aspect, garb, semblance, plea, demeanor, dress, appearance, fashion, mien, manner.
antonym(s): character, person, individual, sentiment, disposition, opinion, life, mind, soul, self.

Syn.: shrewdness, cleverness, see acuteness.

Syn.: burst, stream, flow, gush, spout, rush, pour out, flow out.
antonym(s): drip, drop, dribble, trickle, strain, drain, ooze, filter, see [[percolt<]].

Syn.: squall, blast, puff, fit, outburst, gale, breeze.
antonym(s): calm, tranquillity, subsidence, restraint, composure, zephyr.

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD