Synonyms and antonyms (V)

From Medical Encyclopedia

Synonyms are two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context, opposite of antonym.

Syn.: empty, leisure, unemployed, unencumbered, unoccupied, void, unfilled, mindless, exhausted.
antonym(s): full, replenished, business, employed, engaged, occupied, filled, thoughtful.

Syn.: resign, surrender, annul, invalidate, abrogate, neutralize.
antonym(s): hold, retain, fill, occupy, substantiate.

Syn.: holiday, recreation.
antonym(s): term, business.

Syn.: fluctuate, dubitate, waver, be unsteady.
antonym(s): determine, abide, adhere.

Syn.: emptiness, inanity, nihility, space, void.
antonym(s): fullness, substance, matter, occupation, quantity, bulk.

Syn.: wanderer, vagrant, rogue, tramp.
antonym(s): worker, laborer.

Syn.: whim, fancy, crotchet, freak, caprice.
antonym(s): purpose, determination, judgment, conviction, seriousness.

Syn.: vagabond, strolling, itinerant, wandering, sauntering, roaming, roving.
antonym(s): domestic, established, local, resident.

Syn.: general, lax, indefinite, undetermined, popular, intangible, equivocal, unsettled, uncertain, ill-defined, pointless.
antonym(s): strict, definite, determined, limited, scientific, pointed, specific.

Syn.: empty, worthless, fruitless, unsatisfying, unavailing, idle, ineffectual, egotistic, showy, unreal, conceited, arrogant.
antonym(s): solid, substantial, sound, worthy, efficient, effectual, cogent, potent, unconceited, modest, real.

Syn.: leave-taking, farewell, adieu.
antonym(s): salutation, hail, welcome, reception, recognition.

Syn.: intrepid, heroic, courageous, brave, redoubtable, stout-hearted, valorous, gallant.
antonym(s): timid, puny, cowardly, craven.

Syn.: strong, powerful, cogent, weighty, sound, substantial, available, efficient, sufficient, operative, conclusive.
antonym(s): weak, invalid, powerless, unsound, unsubstantial, unavailable, inefficient, insufficient, inoperative, obsolete, effete, superseded, inconclusive.

Syn.: precious, costly, estimable.
antonym(s): cheap, vile, worthless, valueless.

Syn.: appreciate, compute, rate, estimate, esteem, treasure, appraise, prize.
antonym(s): miscompute, misestimate, disesteem, disregard, vilipend, underrate, undervalue, underestimate, despise, contemn, cheapen, vilify.

Syn.: disappear, dissolve, melt, fade away.
antonym(s): appear, approach, loom.

Syn.: emptiness, unsubstantiality, unreality, falsity, conceit, self-sufficiency, ostentation, pride, worthlessness, triviality.
antonym(s): substance, solidity, substantiality, reality, truth, modesty, selfdistrust, simplicity, unostentatiousness, humility.

Syn.: conquer, surmount, subdue, discomfit, confute, overcome, defeat, master.
antonym(s): succumb, yield, faint, fail.

Syn.: flat, dull, spiritless, irtiilw, tasteless, flavorless, insipid, tarn*.
antonym(s): spirited, animated, pungent, trenchant, pithy.

Syn.: steam, fog, mist, fume, gas, exhalation, see worth.

Syn.: changeable, mutable, fickle, capricious, wavering, unsteady, inconstant, shifting.
antonym(s): unchanging, unchangeable, immutable, constant, firm, true, fast, stanch, unwavering, steady, unalterable, invariable.

Syn.: difference, disagreement, discord, estrangement, antagonism, strife, hostility, discrepancy.
antonym(s): unity, reconciliation, harmony, agreement, pacification, peace, accommodation, consent.

Syn.: deviation, alteration, mutation, diversity, departure, change, abnormity, exception, discrepancy.
antonym(s): continuance, fixity, indivergency, exemplification, law, rule, uniformity, harmony, agreement.

Syn.: diversified, diverse colored, parti-colored, mottled, see exhalation.

Syn.: difference, diversity, medley, miscellany, multiplicity, multiformity, abnormity.
antonym(s): uniformity, species, type, specimen.

Syn.: different, diverse, multiform, multitudinous, several, sundry, uncertain, manifold, diversified.
antonym(s): one, same, identical, uniform, few, similar.

Syn.: glaze, gloss, disguise, palliate, embellish, sophisticate, furbish.
antonym(s): simplify, divest, disembellish, disencumber.

Syn.: alter, dissimilate, change, modify, variegate, diversify, differ, deviate, disagree.
antonym(s): perpetuate, stabilitate, assimilate, stereotype, harmonize, conform.

Syn.: waste, wild, desolate, extensive, spacious, wide spread, gigantic, wide, boundless, measureless, enormous, mighty, huge, immense, colossal, prodigious, far-reaching.
antonym(s): narrow, close, confined, frequented, populated, cultivated, tended, tilled, limited, bounded, circumscribed, moderate.

Syn.: prophecy, divination, augury, prediction.
antonym(s): retrospection, realization, rehearsal, verification, fulfillment, accomplishment.

Syn.: boast, brag, puff, hawk, trumpet, cackle, advertise, make a display of, flourish, cry, parade.
antonym(s): repress, suppress, conceal, disparage, decry, detract.

Syn.: shift, tergiversate, trim, temporize.
antonym(s): stand, stick, persist, remain, adhere.

Syn.: grow, sprout, germinate, idle, bask, pullulate, hibernate.
antonym(s): fade, pine, wither, decay, rot, stir, bustle, work, energize, operate.

Syn.: violent, impetuous, ardent, burning, fervent, raging, furious, passionate, fervid, urgent, forcible, eager.
antonym(s): mild, feeble, inanimate, subdued, controlled, unimpassioned, passionless, cold, stoical, gentle, weak, mitigated.

Syn.: intercept, hide, screen, disguise, palliate, mask, cover, conceal.
antonym(s): expose, unveil, strip, denude, exaggerate.

Syn.: quickness, swiftness, speed, celerity, rapidity, fleetness.
antonym(s): slowness, sluggishness, tardiness, ientor, languor, cumbrousness, inactivity.

Syn.: sordid, mercenary, prostitute, selfish, selfish, held for pay, hireling.
antonym(s): disinterested, unmercenary, incorrupt, see maculated.

Syn.: sage, wise, grave, see adobe.

Syn.: reverence, adoration, worship.
antonym(s): contempt, disesteem, loathing, vilification.

Syn.: retribution, retaliation, revenge.
antonym(s): forgiveness, pardon, condoation, amnesty, grace, remission, absolution, oblivion, indulgence, reprieve.

Syn.: pardonable, excusable, remissible, justifiable.
antonym(s): unpardonable, inexcusable, irremissible, mortal.

Syn.: poison, virus, malice, malignity, spite.
antonym(s): antidote, see grave and foolish.

Syn.: poisonous, malignant, virulent, slanderous.
antonym(s): wholesome, salubrious, genial, flattering, kindly.

Syn.: outlet, opening, discharge, passage, utterance, see opening.

Syn.: speculation, risk, chance, hazard, stake, undertaking, luck, experiment, throw.
antonym(s): nonspeculation, caution, reservation, calculation, certainty, law, method.

Syn.: risky, intrepid, foolhardy, see hazard.

Syn.: daring, rash, intrepid, audacious.
antonym(s): unventuresome, cautious, timid, unenterprising.

Syn.: true, credible, reliable, honest, truth-loving, truthful, historical.
antonym(s): false, mendacious, inveracious, deceitful, unhistorical, romantic, imaginative.

Syn.: truth, truthfulness, credibility, exactness, accuracy, see adventurous.

Syn.: oral, spoken, parole, vocal, unwritten, unrecorded.
antonym(s): written, documentary, epistolary, recorded.

Syn.: windy, prolix, prosy, tedious.
antonym(s): curt, laconic, succinct, terse, concise.

Syn.: finding, judgment, answer, opinion, decision, sentence.
antonym(s): nondeclaration, indecision, indetermination.

Syn.: border, brim, edge, rim, limit, margin, brink, eve.
antonym(s): heart, depth, center, midst.

Syn.: tend, bend, slope, incline, approach, approximate, trend, bear.
antonym(s): decline, deviate, revert, depart, recede, return, back, retrocede.

Syn.: establish, confirm, fulfill, authenticate, substantiate, identify, realize, test, warrant, demonstrate.
antonym(s): disestablish, subvert, fail, falsify, mistake, misrepresent, misstate, disappoint, misdemonstrate.

Syn.: probability, consistency, likelihood.
antonym(s): improbability, inconsistency, unlikelihood.

Syn.: true, actual, real, authentic, original.
antonym(s): false, fictitious, unreal, unauthentic, spurious, supposititious, feigned, sham, untrue.

Syn.: truth, reality, actuality, in existence.
antonym(s): falsity, unreality, supposition, hypothesis, conjecture, chimera, dream, delusion, fancy, phantasy.

Syn.: spring, youthful, genial, balmy, nascent.
antonym(s): wintry, aged, brumal, hibernal, harsh, ungenial, cutting, autumnal, decadent, declining.

Syn.: changeable, unsteady, unfixed, capricious, varied, many-sided, multigenous, manifold, variable, mobile, plastic, ready.
antonym(s): immovable, immutable, fixed, unvaried, unvarying, one-sided, uniform, invariable, stolid, immobile, unready.

Syn.: skilled, practiced, conversant, acquainted, initiated, indoctrinated, clever, familiar, thoroughly acquainted, proficient.
antonym(s): unskilled, ill-versed, unpracticed, inconversant, unfamiliar, uninitiated, ignorant, awkward, strange, unversed, untaught.

Syn.: rendering, statement, account, see falsehood.

Syn.: perpendicular, upright.
antonym(s): inclined, sloped, scarped.

Syn.: kobe, clothe, furnish, endow.
antonym(s): divest, strip, unrobe, denude, deprive.

Syn.: trace, mark, indication, sign, token, remnant, record, trail, scent.
antonym(s): misindication, obliteration, effacement, non-indication, indemonstrableness, deletion.

Syn.: habitue, expert, adept, proficient.
antonym(s): tyro, recruit, novice, lubber.

Syn.: tease, irritate, provoke, plague, torment, tantalize, bother, worry, pester, trouble, disquiet, afflict, harass, annoy.
antonym(s): soothe, appease, gratify, quiet, please.

Syn.: chagrin, uneasiness, mortification.
antonym(s): pleasure, enjoyment, see interpretation.

Syn.: oscillate, swing, undulate, shake, quiver, wave.
antonym(s): be at rest, see pleasure.

Syn.: substitutive, deputed, delegated, representative, procuratorial.
antonym(s): personal, self-performed.

Syn.: corruption, fault, defect, evil, crime, immorality, sin, badness.
antonym(s): purity, faultlessness, perfection, virtue, immaculateness, goodness, soundness.

Syn.: juxtaposition, neighborhood, nearness, proximity.
antonym(s): distance, remoteness, separation, removal.

Syn.: corrupt, faulty, defective, bad, morbid, peccant, debased, profligate, unruly, impure, depraved.
antonym(s): pure, sound, perfect, virtuous, healthy.

Syn.: change, alternation, interchange, revolution, mutation, ups and downs.
antonym(s): perpetuity, stability, changelessness, immutability, fixity.

Syn.: sufferer, prey, sacrifice, martyr, dupe, grill.
antonym(s): sacrificer, seducer.

Syn.: conquest, triumph, ovation, success.
antonym(s): failure, defeat, frustration, disappointment, abortion, miscarriage, nonsuccess.

Syn.: food, fare, provisions, bread, viands, meat, repast.

Syn.: strive, contend, contest, wpe, compete, emulate, rival.
antonym(s): yield, succumb, retire, surrender.

Syn.: behold, examine, inspect, explore, survey, consider, contemplate, reconnoitre, observe, regard, estimate, judge.
antonym(s): ignore, overlook, disregard, misconsider, misinspect, misobserve, misestimate, misjudge.

Syn.: sight, vision, survey, examination, inspection, judgment, estimate, scene, representation, apprehension, sentiment, conception, opinion, object, aim, intention, purpose, design, end, light, aspect.
antonym(s): blindness, occultation, obscuration, darkness, misexamination, deception, error, delusion, misjudgment, misrepresentation, misconception, airlessness, nonintention.

Syn.: watchfulness, observance, wakefulness, sleeplessness, carefulness, activity, circumspection.
antonym(s): drowsiness, inattention, carelessness, indulgence, somnolence, inobservance, inactivity, indifference, connivance, unwatchfulness.

Syn.: strong, lusty, powerful, energetic, efficacious, nervous, robust, virile, manly, active, resolute.
antonym(s): weak, feeble, powerless, inactive, nerveless, enervated, debile, debilitated, effete, emasculated, inactive, irresolute, indolent.

Syn.: cheap, worthier, valueless, low, base, mean, despicable, hateful, bad, impure, vicious, abandoned, abject, sinful, sordid, ignoble, wicked, villainous, degraded, wretched.
antonym(s): costly, rare, precious, valuable, high, exulted, noble, honorable, lofty, venerable.

Syn.: debase, degrade, spoil, deteriorate, mar, defame, traduce, asperse, stigmatize, slander, upbraid, abuse, decry, cheapen.
antonym(s): purify, refine, exalt, raise, improve, enhance, eulogize, praise, laud, panegyrize, commend.

Syn.: scoundrel, ruffian, wretch, see watchful.

Syn.: base, knavish, depraved, infamous, see rascal.

Syn.: assert, maintain, uphold, clear, support, defend, claim, substantiate, justify, establish.
antonym(s): waive, abandon, surrender, forego, disprove, disestablish, neutralize, nullify, destroy, subvert, annul, vitiate.

Syn.: revengeful, spiteful, unforgiving, unrelenting, implacable, rancorous, unmerciful.
antonym(s): forgiving, generous, forbearing, merciful, unvindictive.

Syn.: ravish, injure, abuse, disturb, hurt, rape, outrage, debauch, break, infringe, profane, transgress, disobey.
antonym(s): respect, foster, observe, regard, preserve, cherish, protect, obey.

Syn.: vehemence, impetuosity, force, rape, outrage, rage, profanation, injustice, fury, infringement, fierceness, oppression.
antonym(s): lenity, mildness, self-restraint, feebleness, gentleness, respect, forbearance, self-control, observance, obedience, preservation, conservation, protection.

Syn.: vehement, raving, furious, forcible, outrageous, raging, passionate, see vm:.

Syn.: termagant, vixen, scold, shrew, jezebel.

Syn.: maid, maiden, damsel, girl.
antonym(s): matron, married woman, strumpet, whore, prostitute, bawd.

Syn.: maidenly, undefiled, unpolluted, untouched, fresh.
antonym(s): unmaidenly, defiled, polluted, ravished, used, cultivated.

Syn.: manly, masculine, robust, nervous, vigorous.
antonym(s): feeble, debile, puerile, effeminate, emasculate.

Syn.: potential, implied, constructive, practical, substantial, indirect, essential, implicit.
antonym(s): stated, expressed, categorical, direct, sensible, material, definite, developed, explicit.

Syn.: power, capacity, strength, force, efficacy, excellence, value, morality, goodness, uprightness, purity, chastity, salubrity.
antonym(s): weakness, incapacity, inability, inefficacy, badness, corruption, vice, immorality, impurity, unchastity, virulence, malignancy.

Syn.: upright, moral, chaste, modest, pure, see frantic.

Syn.: venom, poison, acrimony, malignity, malignancy, bitterness, malevolence.
antonym(s): mildness, salubriousness, assuagement, abatement, virtue, benevolence.

Syn.: glutinous, ropy, gelatinous, sticky, cohesive.
antonym(s): watery, limpid, tenacious, incohesive.

Syn.: perceptible, apparent, clear, plain, obvious, conspicuous, observable, discernible, palpable, manifest, distinguishable, evident.
antonym(s): imperceptible, nonapparent, inconspicuous, impalpable, microscopic, invisible, inobservable, concealed, eclipsed, withdrawn, indiscernible, indistinguishable.

Syn.: fanciful, dreamy, chimerical, baseless, shadowy, imaginary, unreal, fabulous, romantic.
antonym(s): actual, real, truthful, sound, substantial, palpable, unromantic, sober, veritable.

Syn.: living, animate, life-supporting, life-containing, essential, necessary, important, indispensable, inseparable, paramount, material.
antonym(s): mortal, lethal, cadaverous, lifeless, inanimate, unessential, unimportant, secondary, separable, immaterial.

Syn.: impair, corrupt, spoil, injure, invalidate, deteriorate, taint.
antonym(s): corroborate, confirm, substantiate, justify, vindicate, sanction.

Syn.: alive, lively, animated, sprightly, sportive, active, brisk, gay, merry.
antonym(s): dead, lifeless, inanimate, dull, stolid, moody, heavy, wooden, leaden, torpid, sluggish, spiritless.

Syn.: bright, brilliant, luminous, resplendent, lustrous, radiant, graphic, clear, lively, animated, stirring, striking, glowing, sunny, bright, scintillant, see vrewj]], pull, opaque, nonluminous, obscure, rayless, lurid, somber, nonreflecting, dim, dusky, cloudy, nebulous, pale, wan, caliginous.

Syn.: scold, shrew, see vmt.

Syn.: profession, office, calling, function, mission, avocation, trade, business, capacity, employment, occupation.
antonym(s): inconversance, incapacity, leisure, nonemployment.

Syn.: way, custom, fashion, repute, use, usage, practice.
antonym(s): desuetude, disuse, disesteem, unfashionableness, disrepute, abolition.

Syn.: tone, utterance, language, articulation, words, expression, signification, opinion, vote, suffrage, say, control.
antonym(s): aphony, muteness, obmutescence, voicelessness, silence, inarticulation, inexpression, dumbness, inauthoritativeness.

Syn.: wanting, empty, vacant, useless, nugatory, destitute, bereft, unoccupied, unfilled, unsubstantial, lacking, invalid, null.
antonym(s): possessed, endued, furnished, full, occupied, solid, substantial, rich, valid, operative, good, efficacious.

Syn.: vaporizable, sublimable, distillable, airy, spirituous, evaporating, gay, iively, flipity, capricious, irresolute.
antonym(s): fixed, solid, persistent, dull, somber, demure, steady, determined, resolute, involatile.

Syn.: will, choice, preference, determination, purpose, deliberation, freewill.
antonym(s): force, fate, necessity, mechanism, compulsion, predestination, coercion.

Syn.: boiling, running, coursing, fluent, rapid, loquacious, glib, fluent, talkative.
antonym(s): stagnant, creeping, tardy, slow, sluggish, lazy, torpid, hesitating, tardiloquent, stammering, stuttering.

Syn.: size, body, bulk, dimensions, book, work, tome, capacity, magnitude, compass, quantity.
antonym(s): diminutiveness, tenuity, minuteness, smallness.

Syn.: deliberate, spaaimneous, free, intentional, optional, discretional, unconstrained, willing.
antonym(s): compulsory, coercive, necessitated, involuntary.

Syn.: offer, proffer, tend, originate.
antonym(s): withhold, refuse, suppress.

Syn.: sensual, luxurious, self-indulgent, licentious, highly pleasant.
antonym(s): unsensual, abstinent, self-denying, ascetic, sober.

Syn.: hungry, absorbent, ravenous, rapacious, insatiate, omnivorous, gormandizing.
antonym(s): epicurean, squeamish, fastidious, delicate, dainty, nice.

Syn.: attest, undertake, promise, assure, warrant, vow.
antonym(s): demur, repudiate, decline, abnegate, abjure, renounce, protest.

Syn.: grant, accede, concede, deign, condescend.
antonym(s): refuse, withhold, deny.

Syn.: popular, general, loose, ordinary, public, vernacular, plebeian, uncultivated, unrefined, low, mean, coarse, underbred.
antonym(s): strict, scientific, philosophical, restricted, technical, accurate, patrician, select, choice, cultivated, refined, polite, high-bred, stylish, aristocratic.

Syn.: assailable, weak, exposed, tender, delicate.
antonym(s): unassailable, impregnable, invulnerable.

Syn.: float, transport, bear.
antonym(s): sink, depress, bear down.

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD