Synonyms and antonyms (D)

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Synonyms are two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context, opposite of antonym.

Syn.: meddle, mix, trifle, skim.
antonym(s): study, elaborate, investigate, delve, dig, fathom, gauge.

Syn.: silly, innocent, idiotic, lunatic, light-headed, cracked.
antonym(s): sane, sound, sensible, practical, rational, shrewd, deft, mealy-mouthed, delicious, toothsome, delicate, fastidious.

Syn.: choice, rare, refined, tasty, exquisite, luxurious, epicurean.
antonym(s): common, coarse, unrelishing, nasty, dirty, omnivorous, greedy, gluttonous.

Syn.: trifle, play, wanton, sport, fondle, delay, procrastinate, dawdle.
antonym(s): toil, labor, work, study, fag, stir, bustle, hasten.

Syn.: injury, hurt, loss, mischief, detriment, impairment.
antonym(s): compensation, recovery, reinstatement, advantage, benefit, reparation, blessing, damnable, see execrable.

Syn.: coo), blunt, dishearten, quench, slack, moderate, humid, wet, moist, discourage, discountenance, repress.
antonym(s): urge, inflame, incite, fan, excite.

Syn.: peril, hazard, risk, jeopardy, insecurity, venture.
antonym(s): security, custody, defense, safety, premunition, precaution.

Syn.: spruce, neat, natty, smart.
antonym(s): slovenly, awkward, unwieldy, untidy.

Syn.: venture, face, brave, hazard, risk, defy, challenge.
antonym(s): shrink, shun, dread, cower.

Syn.: adventurous, dashing, bold, courageous, venturesome, dauntless, foolhardy, fearless, brave, intrepid, valorous.
antonym(s): cautious, timid, inadventurous.

Syn.: black, dusky, sable, swarthy, opaque, obscure, enigmatical, recondite, abstruse, unintelligible, blind, ignorant, besotted, benighted, dim, shadowy, inexplicable, secret, mysterious, hidden, murky, nebulous, cheerless, dismal, dim, gloomy, sombre, joyless, mournful, sorrowful.
antonym(s): white, fair, light, radiant, bright, lucid, crystalline, transparent, brilliant, plain, intelligible, enlightened, glaring, dazzling, illumined, festive, luminous.

Syn.: pet, love, sweet, pretty, dear, favorite, delight.
antonym(s): antipathy, abomination, horror.

Syn.: burl, cast, throw, subvert, detrude, drive, rush, send, fly, speed, dart, scatter, strike, course.
antonym(s): raise, reinstate, erect, creep, crawl, lag, hobble.

Syn.: adventurous, showy, brave.
antonym(s): shrinking, dowdy, timid.

Syn.: facts, grounds, basis, axioms, postulates.
antonym(s): conjecture, assumption, problem, proposition, inference, deduction.

Syn.: terrify, scare, frighten, cow, dishearten, appall, intimidate, confront.
antonym(s): countenance, encourage, rally, inspirit.

Syn.: valiant, gallant, fearless, lion-hearted, intrepid.
antonym(s): cautious, cowardly, timid.

Syn.: lag, dally, idle.
antonym(s): haste, speed, dash, rush, work, fag.

Syn.: gleam, begin, appear, rise, open, break.
antonym(s): wane, set, sink, close, depart.

Syn.: daze, bewilder, confuse.
antonym(s): enlighten, illumine.

Syn.: defunct, deceased, departed, gone, inanimate, lifeless, insensible, heavy, unconscious, dull, spiritless, cheerless, deserted, torpid, still.
antonym(s): vital, living, animate, vivacious, susceptible, alive, joyous, stirring, thronged, bustling.

Syn.: benumb, paralyze, blunt, damp, subdue.
antonym(s): sharpen, quicken, enliven.

Syn.: mortal, fatal, malignant, baleful, pernicious, noxious, venomous, destructive, baneful, implacable.
antonym(s): vital, life-giving, healthful, wholesome, nutritious.

Syn.: torpor, flatness, faintness, heaviness.
antonym(s): quickness, vitality, life, vivacity.

Syn.: surd, hard of hearing, disinclined, averse, inexorable, insensible, rumbling, inaudible, heedless, dead.
antonym(s): acute, listening, disposed, interested, attentive, willing, susceptible, sensible, alive.

Syn.: bargain, chaffer, trade, dispense, market, communicate, negotiate, traffic.
antonym(s): hold, close, stop, fail.

Syn.: intercourse, communication, trade, traffic, negotiation, commerce, practice.
antonym(s): lack, failure, closing, bankruptcy, stagnation, withdrawal, noncommunication.

Syn.: high-priced, costly, expensive, beloved, precious, loved.
antonym(s): cheap, inexpensive, misliked, vile.

Syn.: departure, demise, decease, dissolution, mortality, fall, failure, termination, cessation, expiration, release, exit.
antonym(s): birth, rise, life, growth, vigor, animation, spirit, activity, operation, action, commencement, vitality, auspices, inauguration.

Syn.: undying, immortal, unfading, everlasting.
antonym(s): mortal, ephemeral, fragile, fugitive, momentary, transient, fleeting.

Syn.: exclude, stop, thwart, obstruct, hinder, prevent, deter, deprive, disqualify, deny, prohibit, preclude.
antonym(s): inclose, embrace, admit, permit, aid, allow, indulge, qualify, entitle.

Syn.: degrade, lower, depress, deprave, deteriorate, corrupt, alloy, impair, disgrace, humble.
antonym(s): raise, enhance, exalt, honor, promote, ameliorate, purify, improve.

Syn.: contend, dispute, argue, moot, controvert, contest, wrangle, discuss, deliberate, question, ventilate.
antonym(s): yield, concede, surrender, admit, allow.

Syn.: dubious, doubtful, inestimable, uncertain, problematical, floating, unsettled, disputable.
antonym(s): certain, sure, unquestionable, indisputable, self-evident, incontestable.

Syn.: riot, revel, excess, orgies, gluttony.
antonym(s): meal, moderation, frugality, asceticism, abstinence, fast, maceration.

Syn.: seduce, corrupt, ravish, violate, pollute, defile, vitiate.
antonym(s): purify, enlighten, ameliorate, elevate, make better.

Syn.: weakness, feebleness, frailty, infirmity, incapacity, imbecility, enervation, lassitude, languor.
antonym(s): strength, vigor, robustness, energy, tone, nerve, muscularity.

Syn.: debit, liability, default, obligation, claim, score, something due.
antonym(s): liquidation, assets, credit, trust, grace, favor, obligation, accommodation, gift, gratuity.

Syn.: start, fly, bolt, abscond.
antonym(s): appear, answer, show.

Syn.: decline, wane, sink, dwindle, rot, wither, perish, waste, ebb, decrease.
antonym(s): rise, grow, increase, flourish, luxuriate, vegetate, expand, enlarge.

Syn.: declension, waning, sinking, wasting, decrease, corruption, decadence, putrefaction, rottenness, dry rot, consumption, decline.
antonym(s): rise, growth, birth, increase, fertility, exuberance, luxuriance, prosperity.

Syn.: rotten, corrupt, unsound, decomposed, declined, faded, sunk, unprosperous, impoverished, wasted away.
antonym(s): sound, wholesome, healthful, fresh, prosperous, flourishing, wealthy.

Syn.: cheat, imposition, trick, fraud, deception, double dealing, delusion, circumvention, guile, bewilderment, treachery, sham, insidiousness, indirection, duplicity, cunning, artifice.
antonym(s): enlightenment, instruction, guidance, reality, verily, fair-dealing, honesty, openness.

Syn.: deceptive, delusive, fraudulent, fallacious.
antonym(s): open, fair, honest, truthful, veracious.

Syn.: trick, cheat, beguile, delude, gull, dupe, take in, over reach, mislead, betray, ensnare, entrap, circumvent.
antonym(s): enlighten, advise, illumine, guide, disabuse, undeceive, deliver.

Syn.: modesty, propriety, see decorum.

Syn.: determine, fix, settle, adjudicate, terminate, resolve.
antonym(s): waver, raise, moot, drop, doubt, waive, suspend, misjudge, misdetermine.

Syn.: determined, ruled, resolute, firm, unwavering.
antonym(s): undecided, unsettled, irresolute, vacillating.

Syn.: bead, spell, interpret, solve, unravel, explain, unfold.
antonym(s): cipher, symbolize, empuzzle, mystify, enigmatize.

Syn.: determination, conclusion, sentence, judgment, resolution, firmness.
antonym(s): irresoluteness, vagueness, indecision, uncertainty, unsettlement.

Syn.: harangue, recite, apostrophize, speak, debate, inveigh.
antonym(s): bead, study, compose, elaborate.

Syn.: oratory, elocution, harangue, effusion, debate.
antonym(s): stammering, titubancy, hesitation, tardiloquence.

Syn.: loud, noisy, incoherent, discursive, loose, inconsecutive, grandiloquent, rhetorical, high-sounding.
antonym(s): close, connected, logical, studied, exact, quiet, consecutive.

Syn.: avowal, exhibition, manifestation, statement, ordinance, assertion, affirmation, profession.
antonym(s): denial, concealment, suppression, declare, see announce.

Syn.: decay, decadence, degeneration, deterioration, fall.
antonym(s): bise, improvement, advancement, culmination.

Syn.: descent, fall, slope, incline, devexity.
antonym(s): ascent, rise, verticality.

Syn.: concoction, dish, compound, plate, platter, mess, extract.
antonym(s): crudity, infusion, rawness, greenness, maceration.

Syn.: analyze, segregate, individualize, resolve, dissolve.
antonym(s): compound, concoct, mix, organize, compose.

Syn.: seemliness, propriety, dignity, order, decency, good manners, good behavior, modesty.
antonym(s): unseemliness, impropriety, disturbance, disorder.

Syn.: allure, entice, ensnare, entrap, seduce, mislead, inveigle, lure, tempt.
antonym(s): guide, instruct, warn, conduct, disabuse, extricate.

Syn.: diminish, lessen, subside, abate, lower, decline, retrench, curtail, reduce, wane.
antonym(s): increase, grow, amplify, expand, augment, extend, enlarge.

Syn.: decision, determination, mandate, law, edict, manifesto, rule, verdict, order, judgment, ordinance, proclamation.
antonym(s): cue, hint, suggestion, intimation, request.

Syn.: infirm, weak, crippled, superannuated, effete, broken-down, enfeebled, tottering, aged.
antonym(s): strong, robust, agile, youthful, active.

Syn.: depreciate, traduce, vituperate, disparage, defame, vilify, derogate, detract, censure, abase, denounce.
antonym(s): extol, laud, praise, eulogize, panegyrize.

Syn.: devote, consecrate, offer, set, apportion, assign, apply, separate, hallow, set apart.
antonym(s): alienate, misapply, desecrate, misappropriate, misconvert, misuse.

Syn.: draw, infer, conclude, gather.
antonym(s): state, premise, hazard, conjecture, guess, induce, anticipate, foresee, predict, induct.

Syn.: subtract, bate, remove.
antonym(s): add, annex, subjoin.

Syn.: conclusion, inference, abatement.
antonym(s): see conclusion.

Syn.: act, action, commission, achievement, perpetration, instrument, document, muniment, exploit, feat.
antonym(s): omission, failure, abortion, false-witness, innocence, cancelling, disproof, invalidation, retractation, impossibility, nonperformance, recall, reversion, undoing.

Syn.: judge, estimate, consider, believe, think, suppose, conceive.
antonym(s): misjudge, misestimate, mis-consider.

Syn.: profound, subterranean, submerged, designing, abstruse, recondite, learned, low, sagacious, penetrating, thick, obscure, mysterious, occult, intense, heartfelt.
antonym(s): shallow, superficial, artless, undesigning, familiar, commonplace.

Syn.: mar, spoil, injure, disfigure, deform, damage, mutilate, destroy.
antonym(s): decorate, adorn, embellish.

Syn.: failure, nonpayment, arrears, deficit.
antonym(s): payment, acquittal, balance, satisfaction, assets.

Syn.: lapse, forfeit, omission, defect, delinquency, absence, want, failure.
antonym(s): maintenance, appearance, plea, satisfaction, forthcoming, supply, presence.

Syn.: debtor, insolvent, bankrupt.
antonym(s): defrayer, liquidator.

Syn.: frustration, overthrow, discomfiture.
antonym(s): victory, triumph, success.

Syn.: conquer, overcome, worst, beat, baffle, rout, overthrow, vanquish, frustrate, foil.
antonym(s): secure, promote, insure, speed, advance, establish, aid.

Syn.: shortcoming, omission, fault, imperfection, flaw, blemish, want.
antonym(s): supply, sufficiency, emendation, compensation, virtue, ornament, complement.

Syn.: failure, dereliction, abandonment, relinquishment, desertion.
antonym(s): substitution, supply, superabundance, adherence.

Syn.: faulty, imperfect, insufficient, deficient, wanting, short.
antonym(s): correct, complete, sufficient, full, ample, abundant, satisfactory.

Syn.: resistance, protection, vindication, plea, justification, excuse, rampart, bulwark, apology, shelter, guard.
antonym(s): abandonment, surrender, betrayal, exposure.

Syn.: unsheltered, exposed, unguarded, unprotected, unarmed.
antonym(s): sheltered, guarded, fortified, defended, protected, armed.

Syn.: accused, prisoner.
antonym(s): prosecutor, accuser, plaintiff.

Syn.: vindicable, justifiable, tenable.
antonym(s): unjustifiable, untenable, unwarrantable, indefensible.

Syn.: delay, postpone, waive, adjourn, prorogue, put off, retard, procrastinate, protract, hinder, prolong.
antonym(s): expedite, hasten, quicken, press, urge, hurry, overdrive, despatch.

Syn.: respect, consideration, condescension, contention, regard, honor, veneration, submission, reverence, obedience, homage, allegiance.
antonym(s): disrespect, contumely, contumacy, disregard, slight, impudence, disobedience, non-allegiance, defiance, attention.

Syn.: want, imperfection, lack, shortcoming.
antonym(s): fullness, abundance.

Syn.: mark out, limit, designate, specify, eliminate, elucidate, explain, fix, settle, determine, bound.
antonym(s): confound, confuse, obscure, mystify, misstate, misconceive, misconstrue, misdefine.

Syn.: clear, specified, determined, definitive, restricted, specific, certain, ascertained, precise, exact, fixed, limited, bounded, positive.
antonym(s): vague, unspecified, undetermined, indefinite, obscure, confused, intermingled.

Syn.: determination, limitation, specification, restriction.
antonym(s): confusion, vagueness, acceptation, description, explanation, misconception, misstatement.

Syn.: turn, deviate, diverge, swerve, divert, recurve.
antonym(s): continue, proceed, straighten, unbend, prolong, produce.

Syn.: deviation, divergence, alienation, swerving, incurvation, curvity, falcation.
antonym(s): straightness, directness, rectilinearity, inflexibility, prolongation, prosecution, undeviatingness.

Syn.: ugliness, disfigurement, hideousness, abnormity, monstrosity.
antonym(s): grace, beauty, decoration, ornament.

Syn.: meet, liquidate, pay, settle, bear, discharge, quit.
antonym(s): dishonor, repudiate, dissatisfy, misappropriate, embezzle.

Syn.: payment, quittance, liquidation, compensation, discharge.
antonym(s): nonpayment, failure, insolvency, appropriation, misappropriation, embezzlement, repudiation.

Syn.: scorn, challenge, provoke, despite, brave, see dare.

Syn.: deteriorate, grow worse, retrograde.
antonym(s): recover, improve, jiend, advance.

Syn.: swallowing, gorging, gluttony, absorption.
antonym(s): disgorgement, vomit.

Syn.: grade, rank, stage, step, extent, measure, mark, rate, position, quality, class, station, range, quantity, amount, limit, order.
antonym(s): space, mass, magnitude, size, numbers.

Syn.: dispirited, gloomy, melancholy, desponding, depressed, downcast, low-spirited.
antonym(s): elated, inspirited, blithe, gay, cheerful.

Syn.: pleasant, amiable, agreeable, enjoyable.
antonym(s): unpleasant, unamiable, disagreeably, unenjoyable,.

Syn.: appoint, depute, commission.
antonym(s): recall, supersede, relegate, discommission.

Syn.: destructive, noxious, injurious, poisonous, pernicious.
antonym(s): wholesome, nutritious, esculent, conservative, beneficial.

Syn.: consider, meditate, consult, weigh, reflect, ponder, debate, perpend.
antonym(s): shelve, burke, discard, hazard, chance, risk.

Syn.: grave, purposed, intentional, designed, determined, resolute, earnest, unbiased, unprejudiced.
antonym(s): playful, jocose, facetious, irresolute, unresolved, undetermined, dubious, compulsory, suggested, dictated, instigated, biased, prejudiced.

Syn.: nicety, dainty, mor, sel, refinement, tact, softness, luxury, modesty, scruple, sensitiveness, fragility.
antonym(s): coarseness, rudeness, rawness, muchness, indelicacy, commons, necessaries, fare, physic, vigor, robustness.

Syn.: exquisite, luxurious, delightful, dainty, choice.
antonym(s): coarse, common, unsavory, unpalatable, nauseous, loathsome.

Syn.: enjoyment, pleasure, happiness, transport, ecstasy, joy, gratification, gladness, rapture, bliss.
antonym(s): pain, suffering, sorrow, trouble, misery, displeasure, dissatisfaction, disappointment, discomfort, dejection, depression, distress, melancholy, discontent.

Syn.: describe, figure, sketch, portray, depict, draw, represent, paint.
antonym(s): misrepresent, caricature, exaggerate, misportray.

Syn.: crime, offense, guilt, culpability, criminality.
antonym(s): innocence, blamelessness.

Syn.: criminal, culprit, offender.
antonym(s): worthy, paragon, pattern.

Syn.: concealment, hiding, skulking, shirking.
antonym(s): appearance, publicity, forwardness, self-presentation, openness.

Syn.: liberate, free, save, utter, set free, surrender, yield, transmit, concede, give up, rescue, pronounce, hand, give, entrust, consign.
antonym(s): confine, capture, suppress, retain, betray, withdraw, assume, appropriate, misdeliver.

Syn.: inundation, rush, flood, redundance.
antonym(s): mist, moisture, dearth, drought, aridity, subsidence, exsiccation.

Syn.: dig, penetrate, dive, investigate, search.
antonym(s): scratch, rake, slur, dabble, dally, skim.

Syn.: claim, require, ask for, call for, insist.
antonym(s): disclaim, waive, forego, petition, request, supplicate.

Syn.: definition, connguration, outline, sketch, delineation, bounding, inclosure, plan, limitation.
antonym(s): indefiniteness, openness, space, waste, plain, void.

Syn.: popular, leveling, radical, subversive, unlicensed, unarculca, destructive, republican.
antonym(s): regal, imperial, aristocratic, oligarchical, constitutional, conservative, tyrannical, despotic, autocratic.

Syn.: fiendish, hell, ish, diabolical.
antonym(s): angelical, seraphic, heavenly.

Syn.: prove, show, exhibit, manifest, evince, illustrate, [[antonym(s): [[r, disprove, conceal, misdemonstrate-strafe, misexemplify.

Syn.: soothing, softening, allaying, lenitive.
antonym(s): irritating, chafing, blistering.

Syn.: dubitate, hesitate, halt, pause, doubt, scruple, object.
antonym(s): approve, acquiesce, agree, assent, consent.

Syn.: sedate, staid, grave, modest, downcast, sober, dispassionate, prudish, discreet.
antonym(s): lively, vivacious, facetious, wanton, wild, noisy, boisterous, rompish, hoydenish, indiscreet.

Syn.: citizen, subject, inhabitant, sojourner, dweller, freedman.
antonym(s): foreigner, alien, stranger, exile, traveler.

Syn.: name, call, designate, specify, denote, style, title.
antonym(s): misname, miscall, describe, delineate, suggest.

Syn.: name, designation, description, kind, class, order, appellation.
antonym(s): non-description, misnomer.

Syn.: reprobate, decry, proscribe, brand, stigmatize, vituperate, defame.
antonym(s): applaud, eulogize, vindicate, panegyrize, uphold.

Syn.: slow, thick, stupid, stolid, solid, stout, compact, consolidated, condensed, close, thickset.
antonym(s): quick, clever, intelligent, rare, rarefied, uncompacted, sparse.

Syn.: indentation, notch, cavity.
antonym(s): tumor, protuberance, button, knob, tooth.

Syn.: notched, crenellated, indented.
antonym(s): toothed, serrated.

Syn.: strip, divest, bare, spoil.
antonym(s): invest, drape, decorate, enrich, ornament.

Syn.: refuse, reject, withhold, negative, contradict, gainsay, disclaim, disavow, disown, oppose.
antonym(s): grant, accept, concede, admit, affirm, confirm, afford, yield, indulge.

Syn.: leave, quit, see control and govern, decamp, start, sally, retire, withdraw, abandon, remove, vanish.
antonym(s): stay, cling, remain, come, arrive, alight, used also for die.

Syn.: section, division, portion, function, office, branch, province, line.
antonym(s): institution, establishment, art, science, literature, service, state, whole, organization, community, society, body.

Syn.: hanging, resting, contingent, trusting, relying, subject, relative.
antonym(s): independent, irrelative, irrespective, absolute, free.

Syn.: portray, color, paint, draw, delineate.
antonym(s): misrepresent, exaggerate, deform, caricature.

Syn.: lamentable, miserable, pitiable, sad, calamitous, disastrous.
antonym(s): welcome, glad, acceptable, felicitous, beneficial, joyous.

Syn.: regret, lament, moorn, bewail, bemoan.
antonym(s): welcome, hail.

Syn.: waste, dispeople, desert, coandon, unpeople.
antonym(s): occupy, tenant, colonize, inhabit, settle, replenish, stock, fill.

Syn.: arrival, importation, placement, reconsignment.
antonym(s): exportation, emigration, displacement.

Syn.: behavior, carriage, movement, demeanor, character, conduct.
antonym(s): misbehavior, misdeportment.

Syn.: disavow, disclaim, expostulate, intercede.
antonym(s): beg, supplicate, ask, entreat, request, imprecate, invoke.

Syn.: havoc, robbery, spoliation, plunder, trespass, invasion, encroachment.
antonym(s): pilfering, perquisite, abstraction, pocketing, restitution, compensation.

Syn.: lowering, degradation, debasement, dejection, discouragement, hollow, valley, dip.
antonym(s): raising, elevation, exaltation, promotion, preferment, amelioration, encouragement, rallying, rising, eminence, mound, prominence.

Syn.: strip, bereave, despoil, rob, divest, dispossess, abridge, depose, prevent, hinder.
antonym(s): invest, endow, compensate, enrich, supply, present, reinstate, indemnify.

Syn.: appoint, commission, charge, entrust, delegate, authorize, accredit, constitute.
antonym(s): recall, discard, dismiss, discommission, supersede.

Syn.: vicegerent, lieutenant, representative, agent, commissioner, legate, envoy, delegate, proxy, substitute.
antonym(s): principal, master, chief, governor, sovereign, ruler, head.

Syn.: abandonment, failure, shortcoming, desertion, relinquishment, neglect.
antonym(s): performance, observance, adherence, attention.

Syn.: scorn, contempt, mockery, irony, sarcasm, contumely, disrespect.
antonym(s): respect, regard, admiration, reverence.

Syn.: scornful, contemptuous, disrespectful.
antonym(s): respectful, deferential, reverential.

Syn.: origin, source, descent, beginning, cause, etymology, root, spring, analysis.
antonym(s): result, issue, formation, application, use.

Syn.: deduce, trace, follow, track, draw, resolve.
antonym(s): misdeduce, misattribute, mistrace.

Syn.: detract, disparage, depreciate, decry, deteriorate.
antonym(s): esteem, value, laud, enhance, extol, exaggerate, overestimate, overvalue.

Syn.: dissert, discuss, expatiate, enlarge, talk, dwell, amplify.
antonym(s): condense, abridge, abbreviate, curtail, confine, clip, delineate.

Syn.: offspring, progeny, stock, scion, seed, branch, issue, house, family, lineage.
antonym(s): author, founder, parent, ancestor, progenitor, stock, root, source, origin.

Syn.: draw, delineate, portray, explain, illustrate, define, picture, depict, represent, relate, narrate, recount.
antonym(s): confound, confuse, mystify, misrepresent, caricature, distort.

Syn.: discern, recognize, discover, distinguish, espy, detect, observe, mark, perceive.
antonym(s): miss, overlook, misobserve.

Syn.: profane, secularize, misuse, abuse, prostitute, pollute.
antonym(s): use, employ, devote, dedicate, consecrate, solemnize, sanctify, purify, reconcile.

Syn.: wild, waste, wilderness, solitude, void.
antonym(s): inclosure, field, pasture, garden, oasis.

Syn.: renegade, run, away, recanter, abjurer, apostate, traitor, forsaker.
antonym(s): adherent, supporter, ally, befriender, disciple, bigot, slave.

Syn.: merit, earn, justify, win.
antonym(s): forfeit, misdeserve, lose.

Syn.: desire, want, need, require.
antonym(s): disregard, forget, supersede, discard.

Syn.: requisite, complement, essential, want.
antonym(s): surplusage, superfluity, in, cumbrance, drawback.

Syn.: contemplate, pur, pose, intend, plan, prepare, project.
antonym(s): hit, risk, guess, conjecture, chance, fluke, misconceive, miscontrive.

Syn.: contemplation, pur pose, intention, plan, preparation draft, delineation, sketch, drawing, artifice, cunning, artfulness, guile, contrivance, intent, project, scheme.
antonym(s): execution, performance, result, issue, construction, structure, candor, fairness, openness, artlessness, sincerity, simplicity, change, incident.

Syn.: intended, prepared, purposed, adapted, calculated, planned, contrived, intentional.
antonym(s): fortuitous, casual, accidental, miscalculated, miscontrived, unintended.

Syn.: termination, conclusion, cessation, discontinuance, cadence, period, finality.
antonym(s): origination, initiation, inauguration, continuance, progression, commencement, inception.

Syn.: expedient, advisable, valuable, acceptable, proper, judicious, beneficial, profitable, good, enviable, delightful.
antonym(s): undesirable, unadvisable, inexpedient, objectionable, improper, injudicious, unprofitable, evil.

Syn.: longing, affection, propension, craving, concupiscence, appetency.
antonym(s): loathing, hate, repugnance, disgust, aversion, abomination, horror.

Syn.: cease, stop, discontinue, drop, abstain, forbear, leave off.
antonym(s): continue, proceed, persist, persevere.

Syn.: bereaved, forlorn, forsaken, comfortless, deserted, uninhabited, desert, wild, waste, bare, bleak, lonely.
antonym(s): cheered, cheerful, consoled, attended, cultivated, sheltered, fertile, luxuriant, animated, lively, gay, frequented.

Syn.: waste, spoil, sack, plunder, pillage, ravage, devastate, depopulate.
antonym(s): people, colonize, plant, develop, fertilize, cultivate, enrich, enliven.

Syn.: hopelessness, despondency, desperation.
antonym(s): hopefulness, elation, anticipation, hilarity, confidence, sanguineness, expectation.

Syn.: despond, faint.
antonym(s): hope, trust, confide, rely, presume, rally.

Syn.: wild, daring, audacious, determined, reckless, abandoned, rash, furious, frantic, despairing, regardless, mad, desponding, hapless, inextricable, irremediable.
antonym(s): cool, calm, cautious, timid, shy, irresolute, remediable, hopeful, promising, propitious.

Syn.: notwithstanding, opposing, resisting.
antonym(s): concurrently, consentaneously, ai, ling, abetting.

Syn.: strip, denude, ravage, devastate, rob, havoc, spoliate.
antonym(s): decorate, adorn, embellish, enrich, reinstate, rehabilitate.

Syn.: tyrant, autocrat.
antonym(s): slave, subject.

Syn.: autocratic, domineering, arbitrary, arrogant, imperious, self-willed, irresponsible, absolute, cruel, tyrannical.
antonym(s): limited, constitutional, humane, merciful.

Syn.: purpose, intend, design, doom, ordain, devote.
antonym(s): alienate, divorce, misapply, divert.

Syn.: purpose, intention, design, consignment, object, end, fate, doom, arrival, application, use, scope, appointment, point, location, goal, aim.
antonym(s): operation, tendency, exercise, action, movement, design, initiation, project, effort.

Syn.: fate, decree, lot, fortune, predestination, necessity, doom, end.
antonym(s): will, volition, choice, deliberation, freedom, freewill.

Syn.: demolish, annihilate, subvert, ruin, overthrow, undo, waste, consume.
antonym(s): restore, reinstate, repair, fabricate, make, construct, create.

Syn.: detrimental, hurtful, noxious, injurious, deleterious, baleful, baneful, ruinous, subversive.
antonym(s): wholesome, conservative, preservative, beneficial, reparatory, subsidiary, restorative.

Syn.: disuse, obsoleteness, non-observance.
antonym(s): use, vogue, custom, practice, observance, exercise, operation, permanence, perpetuation.

Syn.: rambling, discursive, loose, unmethodical, superficial, unsettled, erratic, inexact, spasmodic, fitful, freakish, aberrant, unsystematic, cursory, roving, hasty, slight.
antonym(s): settled, consecutive, earnest, serious, persevering, continuous, methodical, exact, diligent, untiring, recurrent, periodical, systematic.

Syn.: particularize, enumerate, recount, individualize, sift, analyze, specify.
antonym(s): generalize, condense, conglomerate, gather, sketch, suggest abstract, classify, amalgamate.

Syn.: element, component, particular, specialty, point.
antonym(s): account, statement, recital, totality, representation.

Syn.: stay, keep, arrest, check, withhold, delay, restrain, embargo, stop.
antonym(s): liberate, expedite, accelerate, dismiss, loose, disembargo.

Syn.: discover, descry, unmask, expose.
antonym(s): miss, lose, misobserve, ignore, connive.

Syn.: retention, retaining, hindrance.
antonym(s): relinquishment, abandonment, letting go.

Syn.: warn, stop, dissuade, disincline, indispose, dispirit, hinder, prevent, discourage, dishearten, terrify, scare.
antonym(s): encourage, incite, provoke, move, allure, prompt, tempt, seduce, persuade.

Syn.: uncrown, depose.
antonym(s): anoint, enthrone, crown.

Syn.: explode, pop.
antonym(s): smoulder, hang, puff.

Syn.: wresting, violation, twisting, distortion, perversion, decurvity, devexity, recurvation.
antonym(s): direction, aim, rectilinearity, rectification.

Syn.: lessen, deteriorate, depreciate, disparage, defame, decry, derogate, calumniate, scandalize, vilify, diminish.
antonym(s): augment, enhance, raise, increase.

Syn.: diminution, deterioration, depreciation, slander, backbiting, derogation.
antonym(s): augmentation, improvement, enhancement, eulogy, compliment, flattery.

Syn.: slanderer, cynic, backbiter.
antonym(s): flatterer, sycophant, eulogist.

Syn.: loss, harm, hurt, injury, deterioration, impairment, disadvantage, prejudice, damage, inconvenience.
antonym(s): enhancement, improvement, remedy, reinstatement, repair, augmentation.

Syn.: injurious, hurtful, pernicious.
antonym(s): beneficial, profitable, augmentative.

Syn.: lopping, disramification, pollarding, dismemberment, discorporation, amputation, stripping.
antonym(s): training, trailing, grafting, inoculation, luxuriance.

Syn.: educe, enucleate, eliminate, enunciate, lay open, disclose, unravel, unfold, clear, amplify, expand, enlarge.
antonym(s): envelope, wrap, obscure, mystify, conceal, narrow, restrict, contract, condense, compress, involve.

Syn.: outgrowth, fruit, crop, harvest, product, bud.
antonym(s): cause, origin, source, principal.

Syn.: digress, wander, swerve, deflect, err, sway, depart, divaricate, diverge.
antonym(s): continue, advance.

Syn.: artifice, expedient, design, plan, stratagem, project, symbol, emblem, show, invention, contrivance, cognizance.
antonym(s): fair-dealing, openness, miscontrivance, abortion, fortune, luck, hazard, hit, incognito.

Syn.: satan, lucifer, fiend, archfiend, foul fiend, demon.
antonym(s): archangel, angel, seraph, cherub.

Syn.: tortuous, circuitous, untracked, trackless, pathless, ambagious, roundabout, distorted.
antonym(s): direct, plain, trodden, frequented, straightforward.

Syn.: contrive, plan, maneuvre, concert, manage.
antonym(s): miscontrive, mismanage.

Syn.: void, wanting, destitute, unendowed, unprovided.
antonym(s): furnished, supplied, replete, provided, gifted.

Syn.: impose, place, charge, commission, depute, accrue, attach, befall, fall.
antonym(s): deprive, withhold, recall, cancel, alienate, miss, pretermit, pass, lapse, skip.

Syn.: attached, fond, absorbed, consecrated, ardent, loving, dedicated, given, abandoned.
antonym(s): alienated, estranged, averse.

Syn.: piety, devoutness, religiousness, dedication, self-abandonment, consecration, ardor, self-surrender, self-sacrifice, love, attachment.
antonym(s): impiety, profanity, selfishness, aversion, alienation, antipathy, indifference, apathy.

Syn.: eat, consume, swallow, gorge, gobble, bolt, absorb.
antonym(s): disgorge, vomit.

Syn.: religious, pious, godly, saintly, holy, prayerful.
antonym(s): irreligious, impious, profane, unholy.

Syn.: crown, coronet, coronal, chaplet, wreath, fillet, tiara, circlet.
antonym(s): liberty-cap, foolscap, daisy-chain.

Syn.: symptom, indication, feature, sign, cue.
antonym(s): development, crisis, formation, consummation, head, deception, illusion, misindication.

Syn.: provincialism, accent, idiom, tongue, language, speech, phraseology.

Syn.: rhetorical, logical, argumentative.
antonym(s): conversational, colloquial, commonplace.

Syn.: tete-a-tete, conversation, discourse, colloquy, confabulation.
antonym(s): monologue, oration, soliloquy, apostrophe.

Syn.: prompt, suggest, enjoin, order, direct, pre--crit)e, pre--crit)e, decree, instruct, propose, command.
antonym(s): follow, repeat, obey, echo, answer.

Syn.: imperative, imperious, domineering, arbitrary.
antonym(s): condescending, affable, indulgent, modest, unassuming, suppliant, supplicatory, precatory, persuasive, insinuating.

Syn.: style, expression, rhetoric, phraseology, language, grammar.
antonym(s): solecism, provincialism, mispronunciation.

Syn.: lexicon, wordbook, vocabulary, glossary.

Syn.: instructive, directive, moral.
antonym(s): unsound, misinstructive, erroneous, pernicious, misleading.

Syn.: expire, depart, perish, decline, decease, disappear, wither, languish, wane, sink, fade, decay, cease.
antonym(s): begin, originate, rise, live, develoftel, develoftel grow, strengthen, flourish, luxuriate, vegetate.

Syn.: food, victuals, nourishment, viands, nutriment, sustenance, fare, cheer, regimen.
antonym(s): starvation, fasting, abstinence, gluttony, omnivorousness.

Syn.: vary, dissent, be unlike, disagree, dispute, contend.
antonym(s): agree, assent, see assent.

Syn.: separation, destruction, dissimilarity, unlikeness, disagreement, dissonance, discord, contrariety, dissent, distinction, dissimilitude, estrangement, variety.
antonym(s): community, consociation, condonation, similarity, likeness, agreement, sympathy, consonance, harmony, consentaneousness, reconciliation, uniformity, identity.

Syn.: particularize, individualize, distinguish, identify, verify, specify, segregate, disseminate, fuse, lump, mass.
antonym(s): generalize, classify, confound, amalgamate, confuse.

Syn.: hard, intricate, involved, perplexing, enigmatical, obscure, trying, arduous, troublesome, up hill, unmanageable, unamenable, reserved, opposed.
antonym(s): easy, plain, straight, pimple, lucid, categorical, tractable, amenable, unreserved, favorable.

Syn.: discursive, prolix, verbose, diluted, copious.
antonym(s): laconic, epigrammatic, terse, condensed.

Syn.: sort, arrange, dispose, order, classify, study, ponder, consider, prepare, assimilate, incorporate, convert, methodise, tabulate.
antonym(s): displace, confound, complicate, derange, disorder, discompose, eject, refuse, reject, disturb.

Syn.: exalted, stately, noble, grand, august, lofty, pompous, honored, elevated.
antonym(s): see lofty.

Syn.: aggrandize, elevate, invest, adorn, exalt, advance, promote, honor.
antonym(s): degrade, disinvest, humiliate, disgrace.

Syn.: ruin, decay, disintegration, downfall, crumbling, demolition, dismantlement.
antonym(s): solidity, reparation, integrity, soundness, construction, fabric, structure.

Syn.: stretch, widen, expand, swell, distend, enlarge, descant, expatiate.
antonym(s): narrow, contract, restrict, constrict, particularize, dissect, anatomize, concentrate, epitomize, condense.

Syn.: tardy, procrastinating, slow, loitering, behindhand, lagging, dawdling.
antonym(s): quick, prompt, beforehand, vigilant, eager, alert, hasty, precipitate, rash, ardent.

Syn.: fix, hobble, quandary, doubt, difficulty, scrape.
antonym(s): extrication, rebutment, freedom, advantage, superiority, escape, solution, retort.

Syn.: care, assiduity, attention, application, heed, industry.
antonym(s): indifference, carelessness, neglect, inattention, heedlessness, desultoriness, inertness, idleness.

Syn.: measurement, size, configuration, delineation, mass, bulk, extent.
antonym(s): mismeasurement, segment.

Syn.: halve, bisect.
antonym(s): unite, integrate.

Syn.: lessen, reduce, contract, curtail, dwarf, decrease, subside, shorten, abate, retrench.
antonym(s): increase, enlarge, expand, extend, amplify, magnify.

Syn.: racket, clamor, rattle, resononce, clangor, reverberation.
antonym(s): crash, report, burst, explosion, pop, bang.

Syn.: dull, dusky, rusty, bedimmed, soiled, tarnished, dimly, dim, colorless, obscure, dead, soon, -tj.
antonym(s): bright, burnished, flossy, highcolored, radiant, luminous, gleaming, lustrous.

Syn.: agency, instrumentality, force, power, emcacy.
antonym(s): weakness, inoperativeness, inefficacy, uselessness, helplessness, opposition, counterforce.

Syn.: declination, depression, devexity, slope.
antonym(s): elevation, ascent, acclivity, gradient.

Syn.: embassy, ministry, ambassadorship, representation, tact, contrivance, management, negotiation, outwitting, circumvention.
antonym(s): cancel, recall, conge, miscontrivance, mismanagement, maladministration, overvaulting, selfentanglement, selfdefeat, selfstultification.

Syn.: judicious, knowing, wise, prudent, well-contrived, clever, astute, politic, discreet, well-planned, well-conceived, sagacious, well-managed.
antonym(s): injudicious, bungling, stultifying, ill-managed, undiplomatic.

Syn.: course, tendency, inclination, line, control, command, bearing, superscription, order, address.
antonym(s): misdirection, deviation, mis-control, misinstruction, aberration.

Syn.: straightly, straightway, immediately, undeviatingly, at once, promptly, quickly, instantly.
antonym(s): indirectly, by-and-by, interveniently.

Syn.: ruler, controller, manager, master, leader, guide.
antonym(s): body, company, institution, concern, subordinate, follower.

Syn.: requiem, lament, threnody, elegy, wake, coronach.
antonym(s): anthem, 'the deum', jubilate.

Syn.: foulness, dung, filth, uncleanness, meanness, sordidness.
antonym(s): cleanness, purity, ablution, integrity.

Syn.: disqualification, impotency, unfitness, incapacity, forfeiture, incompetency.
antonym(s): qualification, recommendation, fitness, deserving, merit.

Syn.: undeceive, inform, correct, enlighten, rectify.
antonym(s): deceive, mislead, prejudice, prepossess, hoodwink, inveigle, stultify, bamboozle.

Syn.: betray, deceive, frustrate, baffle, delude, vex, mortify, defeat, foil.
antonym(s): realize, justify, verify, fulfil, encourage, satisfy, gratify.

Syn.: descry, observe, recognize, see, distinguish, discover, behold, penetrate, discriminate, differentiate, separate, perceive.
antonym(s): overlook, confound, misdiscern.

Syn.: visible, conspicuous, manifest, palpable, apparent, plain, perceptible, evident.
antonym(s): invisible, inconspicuous, obscure, indiscernible, impalpable, microscopic, minute.

Syn.: discrimination, farsightedness, clearsightedness, penetration, observation, sagacity, judgment.
antonym(s): heedlessness, blindness, inobservance, shortsightedness, dullness, density, hebetude.

Syn.: liberate, empty, dismiss, acquit, release, free, execute, perform, send away.
antonym(s): confine, charge, detain.

Syn.: follower, student, believer, votary.
antonym(s): master, teacher, leader, professor.

Syn.: martinet, tight hand.
antonym(s): sloven, kingdog.

Syn.: order, strictness, training, government, instruction, drilling, control, coercion, punishment, organization.
antonym(s): disorder, confusion, rebellion, mutiny, encouragement, reward, disorganization.

Syn.: discover, reveal, confess, detect, divulge, make known, promulgate.
antonym(s): cover, conceal, lock, suppress.

Syn.: daub, stain, taint, dis, figure.
antonym(s): paint, color, embellish, tin's decorate, illuminate.

Syn.: disquiet, vexation, annoyance, trouble, unpleasantness, disagreeableness.
antonym(s): comfort, ease, pleasantness, agreeableness, discommendation, #n/a, see mendation.

Syn.: aoau, aoau, confuse, confound, upset, baffle, derange, discompose, thwart, disturb, defeat, fret, interrupt, vex, ruffle, disorder, unsettle, frustrate, discomfit, see ist, encourage, rally, countenance, aid, concert, concoct, arrange, order, prepare, scheme, contrive, hatch, design.

Syn.: sad, forlorn, melancholy, inconsolable, brokenhearted, sorrowful, unhappy, desolate, woful.
antonym(s): joyous, cheerful, merry, happy, gay, jovial, gladsome, blithe.

Syn.: find, invent, descry, disclose, unearth, ferret out, ascertain, discern, make known, detect, betray, indicate, manifest.
antonym(s): conceal, suppress, repress, miss, lose, overlook, mask, cover, screen.

Syn.: discerning, wise, prudent, circumspect, cautious, wary, regulative, sensible, judicious.
antonym(s): undiscerning, blind, foolish, imprudent, indiscreet, unrestrained, reckless, injudicious, silly.

Syn.: dissonance, disharmony, discord, contrariety, disagreement, difference, variation.
antonym(s): consonance, harmony, accordance, agreement, correspondence.

Syn.: optional.
antonym(s): compulsory, obligatory.

Syn.: penetration, sagacity, acuteness, nicety, shrewdness, judgment, discernment, insight, distinction.
antonym(s): dullness, confusedness, indiscriminateness, shortsightedness, hebetude, indiscernment.

Syn.: debate, argue, sift canvass, examine.
antonym(s): mystify, confound, obscure.

Syn.: contempt, sooru, haughtiness, disregard, superciliousness.
antonym(s): respect, reverence, admiration, respectfulness, considerateness, humility.

Syn.: complaint, disorder, illness, indisposition, distemper, ailment, malady, sickness.
antonym(s): health, convalescence, sanity, salubrity.

Syn.: nausea, loathing, abomination, aversion, dislike, repugnance, abhorrence, distaste.
antonym(s): desire, liking, partiality, predilection, relish, fondness, longing, avidity.

Syn.: disorder, entangle, disarrange.
antonym(s): tire, dress, plait, bind, weave, braid.

Syn.: disrobe, divest, denude, despoil, disarm, strip.
antonym(s): kobe, invest, drape, adorn, arrange, equip, endue.

Syn.: affright, astonish, terrify, dishearten, daunt, scare, frighten, appall.
antonym(s): encourage, rally, inspirit, assure, allure.

Syn.: disintegrate, disincorporate, detruncate.
antonym(s): integrate, incorporate, organize, engraft, reorganize.

Syn.: banish, discard, abandon, cashier, send off, divest, discharge.
antonym(s): retain, detain, keep, maintain.

Syn.: alight, descend.
antonym(s): mount, start.

Syn.: depreciate, decry, undervalue, derogate, lower, detract, underestimate.
antonym(s): extol, laud, panegyrize, overestimate, exaggerate.

Syn.: unequal, different, ill-assorted, ill-matched.
antonym(s): equal, co-ordinate, well-ai, sorted, well-matched.

Syn.: expedite, send, accelerate, hasten, execute, conclude, used also in the sense of kill.
antonym(s): retard, detain, obstruct, impede.

Syn.: disperse, scatter, dissipate, drive away, dismiss.
antonym(s): collect, recall, summon, convene, congregate, conglomerate, mass, accumulate.

Syn.: economy, dealing, revelation, distribution, arrangement, visitation, exemption, immunity, privilege, abandonment, dismissal, disuse, indulgence.
antonym(s): reservation, injunction, prohibition, enforcement, retention, restriction.

Syn.: dispel, scatter, disseminate, separate, break up, spread abroad, deal out, distribute, dissipate.
antonym(s): collect, summon, recall, gather, concentrate, meet.

Syn.: show, exhibit, unfold, evidence, evince, flaunt, vault, expose, ostentation, spread out, parade.
antonym(s): hide, conceal, dissemble, simulate, suppress, wrap, cloke.

Syn.: litigant, competitor, claimant.
antonym(s): partner, auxiliary, advocate.

Syn.: litigious, argumentative, cantankerous, quarrelsome, querulous.
antonym(s): conciliatory, unquarrelsome, inquerulous.

Syn.: argue, question, canvass, contest, contend, challenge, debate, controvert, controversy, difference, gainsay, impugn, quarrel, altercation.
antonym(s): waive, concede, allow, forego.

Syn.: anxiety, solicitude, uneasiness, embarrassment, apprehension, agitation, disturbance, commotion, dissatisfaction.
antonym(s): peace, pacification, assurance, calmness, confidence, contentment, acquiescence.

Syn.: essay, treatise, discussion, dissertation.
antonym(s): effusion, tirade, diatribe, rhodomontade, blarney.

Syn.: disintegration, discord, dissension, a breaking up, separation, alienation, hostility.
antonym(s): union, amalgamation, reconciliation.

Syn.: take to pieces, anatomize, scrutinize, investigate.
antonym(s): grasp, comprehend, slur, skim, unite, integrate, organize, compound, collocate, conjoin, confound.

Syn.: disguise, conceal, repress, smother, restrain, cloke.
antonym(s): exhibit, manifest, protrude, vaunt, pretend, simulate, feign, assume, expose, profess, proclaim.

Syn.: feigner, hypocrite, disguiser, suppressor, concealer.
antonym(s): exhibitor, vaunter, pretender, simulator.

Syn.: spread, propagate, preach, proclaim, publish, promulgate, scatter, circulate.
antonym(s): repress, suppress, stifle, discountenance, extirpate, eradicate.

Syn.: avoidance, repulsion, aversion, dislike, interrepugnance, antipathy.
antonym(s): approach, attraction, appetency, desire, affection, sympathy, interest.

Syn.: abandoned, profligate, loose, licentious, wanton, vicious.
antonym(s): upright, conscientious, strict, self-controlled, correct.

Syn.: interval, removal, separation, interspace, remoteness, absence, space, length.
antonym(s): proximity, nearness, adjacency, contiguity, neighborhood, propinquity, contact, presence.

Syn.: far, remote, aloof, apart, asunder, separate, indistinct, obscure.
antonym(s): close, near, adjacent, contiguous.

Syn.: disorder, disease, ailment.
antonym(s): health, sanity, vigor, convalescence.

Syn.: drop, emanate, drip, percolate.
antonym(s): absorb, condense, retain, suck, hold.

Syn.: separate, independent, unconnected, detached, disjoined, unlike, definite, obvious, different, dissimilar, clear, conspicuous, plain, perspicuous.
antonym(s): united, consolidated, conjoined, one, obscure, dim, confused, indistinct.

Syn.: difference, separation, dignity, eminence.
antonym(s): unity, identity, debasement, insignificance, degradation.

Syn.: clearness, plainness, conspicuousness, perspicuity.
antonym(s): confusion, indistinctness, laziness.

Syn.: discern, descry, perceive, characterize, make famous, know, discriminate, see, discover, separate, divide, dissimilate, differentiate.
antonym(s): miss, overlook, confound, confuse.

Syn.: illustrious, noted, celebrated, conspicuous, eminent, marked, famous.
antonym(s): obscure, inconspicuous, hidden, not famous.

Syn.: divide, dissipate, dissever, disconcert, discompose, perplex, bewilder, convulse, madden, disturb.
antonym(s): unite, fix, concentrate, collect, compose.

Syn.: inattention, madness, absence.
antonym(s): attention, composure.

Syn.: harass, embarrass, trouble, grieve, annoy, vex, mortify, pain, disturb, afflict, worry.
antonym(s): soothe, compose, please, gratify, gladden, console, elate, comfort.

Syn.: derange, discompose, disorder, discommode, plague, confuse, rouse, agitate, annoy, trouble, interrupt, incommode, worry, vex, molest, disquiet.
antonym(s): order, collocate, arrange, pacify, soothe, quiet, compose, leave.

Syn.: deviation, divergence, digression, diversion.
antonym(s): continuity, rectilinearity, directness, prolongation.

Syn.: detour, divergence, deviation, recreation, amusement, pastime, sport, enjoyment.
antonym(s): continuity, directness, procedure, business, task, work, study, labor, avocation.

Syn.: vary, alter, change modify, variegate.
antonym(s): conserve, prosecute, stabilitate, settle, fix, stereotype, crystallize, arrest.

Syn.: difference, dissimilarity, variation, multiformity, heterogeneousness, dissonance.
antonym(s): similarity, identity, unifomity, homogeneousness, co-ordination, coincidence, consonance.

Syn.: alter, change, deflect, alienate, delight, please, gratify, entertain, amuse.
antonym(s): continue, prosecute, prolong, produce, restrict, confine, pain, annoy.

Syn.: disruanate, denude, strip, disrobe, unclothe, disencumber, deprive.
antonym(s): clothe, robe, invest, shroud, envelop, encumber, indue.

Syn.: separate, dissect, bisect, portio, part, divorce, segregate, sever, sunder, deal out, disunite, keep apart, part among, allot, distribute, multiply.
antonym(s): unite, collocate, classify, convene, congregate, conglomerate, conglutinate, commingle, join, consociate, co-ordinate.

Syn.: prediction, sorcery, magic, witchcraft, augury, omens.
antonym(s): instruction, information, investigation, study, learning.

Syn.: separate, disconnect, dissever, divert, alienate.
antonym(s): conjoin, unite, connect, apply, reconcile, reunite.

Syn.: work, act, accomplish, execute, achieve, transact, finish, enact, perform, produce, complete.
antonym(s): undo, mar, neglect, omit.

Syn.: compliant, amenable, easily managed, yielding, gentle, quiet, pliant, tractable, teachable, tame.
antonym(s): intractable, stubborn, obstinate, self-willed, dogged.

Syn.: curtail, lop, abbreviate, prune.
antonym(s): grow, elongate, nourish, see p*ot long, train, coax.

Syn.: didactic, catechetical, theological.
antonym(s): practical, operative.

Syn.: tenet, article, belief, creed, dogma, teaching, precept, principle.
antonym(s): practice, operation, duty, conduct, action.

Syn.: agent, actor, performer, originator, perpetrator, maker.
antonym(s): undoer, preventer, hinderer, baffler, neutralizes marrer.

Syn.: obstinate, morose, sullen, impracticable, prejudiced.
antonym(s): docile, genial, agreeable, conciliatory, easy, indulgent, liberal, complaisant.

Syn.: doctrinal, theological, imperious, dictatorial, authoritative, arrogant, magisterial, self-opinionated, positive.
antonym(s): practical, active, moderate, mode, diffident, vacillating.

Syn.: dolorous, rueful, melancholy, piteous, somber, sorrowful, woebegone, dismal.
antonym(s): merry, joyful, gay, blithe, beaming.

Syn.: numskull, ignoramus, dullard, ass.
antonym(s): savant, genius, philosopher, scholar, luminary.

Syn.: stolid, jolterheaded, thick-skulled.
antonym(s): quick, sharp, acute, longheaded.

Syn.: estate, lordship, territory, inclosure.
antonym(s): waste, wilderness, wild.

Syn.: domiciliary, private.
antonym(s): foreign, public.

Syn.: settlement, colonization, localization, taming.
antonym(s): dissettlement, displacement, dislodgment, ejection, deportation, exile, dispeoplement.

Syn.: residence, abode, settlement, home.
antonym(s): estrangement, migration, homelessness, houselessness, wilderness, wild, world.

Syn.: lordship, mastery, superiority, preponderance, prevalence.
antonym(s): inferiority, subjection, serve, tude, weakness, inprevalence, minority.

Syn.: lord, tyrannize, assume, usurp.
antonym(s): submit, succumb, defer, yield, bow, patronize.

Syn.: power, authority, rule, tyranny, despotism, government, control, empire, sway, realm, territory, jurisdiction.
antonym(s): weakness, submission, subjugation, inferiority, servitude.

Syn.: assume, wear.
antonym(s): doff, cast.

Syn.: judgment, fate, sentence, verdict, condemnation, lot, destiny.
antonym(s): liberation, respite, escape, pardon, acquittal, approval.

Syn.: sleeping, slumbering, latent, undeveloped, quiescent, inert.
antonym(s): vigilant, wakeful, active, operative, developed, energetic.

Syn.: imbecility, senility, fatuity, dementedness.
antonym(s): intelligence, acuteness, judgment, penetration, vigor.

Syn.: dubiousness, dubitation, scruple, hesitation, suspense, distrust, suspicion, perplexity, uncertainty, ambiguity, difficulty, indecision.
antonym(s): certainty, clearness, precision, determination, decision, conviction, satisfaction.

Syn.: dubitate, hesitate, vacillate, waver, demur.
antonym(s): decide, determine, resolve, assent.

Syn.: certainly, clearly, precisely, indisputably.
antonym(s): perhaps, probably, possibly.

Syn.: redoubted, redoubtable.
antonym(s): craven, puny.

Syn.: dull, shabby, common, plain, homely, dingy, scrubby.
antonym(s): stylish, dressy, gay, modish, gorgeous, dandified, tawdry.

Syn.: below, beneath, adown.
antonym(s): upwards, aloft.

Syn.: copy, transfer, transcript, sketch, abstract, order, check.
antonym(s): original, deed, cash.

Syn.: draw, drain, exhaust.
antonym(s): supply, replenish, import.

Syn.: draw, pull, haul, bring.
antonym(s): carry, convey, push, propel, raise, heave.

Syn.: draw, strain, drip, percolate, drop, exhaust, empty, dry.
antonym(s): replenish, fill, supply, pour, moisten, drown, inundate, drench, swill.

Syn.: drink, traction, breeze, check.
antonym(s): drought, burden, non-ventilation, deposit.

Syn.: drag, pull, attract, induce, haul, entice, inhale, sketch, delineate, describe.
antonym(s): push, carry, propel, throw, repel, drive, compel, impel, thrust.

Syn.: drag, lag, drone.
antonym(s): gabble, rattle, prattle.

Syn.: fear, shuddering, terror, horror, alarm, intimidation, apprehension.
antonym(s): courage, confidence, welcome, assurance.

Syn.: fearful, shocking, monstrous, dire, terrible, frightful, terrific, horrible, alarming, awful.
antonym(s): encouraging, inspiriting, assuring, promising, hopeful.

Syn.: trance, vision, fancy, reverie, hallucination, romance.
antonym(s): fact, reality, substance, verify, realization.

Syn.: fanciful, visionary, speculative, abstracted, absent, foggy.
antonym(s): collected, earnest, attentive, awake, active, energetic, practical.

Syn.: refuse, sediment, offal, lees, offscouring, dross, trash.
antonym(s): cream, flower, pink, pickings, sample.

Syn.: wash, inundate, soak, saturate, steep, shower, drown.
antonym(s): drain, strain, sponge, mop, dry, exsiccate.

Syn.: garniture, preparation, arrangement, clothing, habiliments, accoutrements, vestments, uniform, raiment, apparel, attire, clothes, array, garments, livery, costume, garb, investiture.
antonym(s): nudity, disorder, disarrangement, undress, deshabille.

Syn.: drop, dole, instalment, scrap, morsel, bit, particle.
antonym(s): total, whole, aggregate, mass.

Syn.: tendency, direction, motion, tenor, meaning, purport, object, intention, purpose, scope, aim, result, issue, inierence, conclusion, end, course.
antonym(s): aimlessness, pointlessness, vagueness, unmeaningness, indefiniteness, confusedness, aberrancy.

Syn.: teach, exercise, instruct, train, ordinate, discipline.
antonym(s): confuse, disarrange, disorder, misinstruct, miseducate, dishabituate.

Syn.: imbibe, swallow, quaff, absorb, drain, draught.
antonym(s): disgorge, replenish, pour, exude, water, moisten.

Syn.: drop, ooze, percolate.
antonym(s): imbibe, swallow, absorb, suck, dry, retain, hold.

Syn.: fatuity, nonsense, trifling, snivel, babble.
antonym(s): soundness, coherence, substance, solidity.

Syn.: idiot, babbler, dotard.
antonym(s): speaker, debater, logician, orator.

Syn.: whimsical, comical, odd, queer, amusing, laughable, funny, comic, fantastic, farcical.
antonym(s): sad, lamentable, tragic, lugubrious, funereal.

Syn.: fun, whimsicality, comicality, trickery, buffoonery, facetiousness, pleasantry.
antonym(s): gravity, dismally, ruefulness, priggishness, starch, lugubriousness.

Syn.: sink, flag, decline, pine, languish, drop, bend, incurve, fade.
antonym(s): revive, flourish, luxuriate, prosper, rally, raise.

Syn.: ooze, emanate, distil, percolate, fall, decline, descend, faint, droop.
antonym(s): evaporate, rally, rise, soar, ascend, recover.

Syn.: dryness, aridity, parching, thirst.
antonym(s): moisture, refreshment, dew, deluge, slaking, quenching, watering, irrigation, drown Syn.: sink, immerse, swamp, overwhelm, engulf, deluge, inundate, submerge.
antonym(s): dry, drain, expose, air, ventilate.

Syn.: heavy, drooping, sleepy, dozy, comatose, torpid, stupid, somnolent.
antonym(s): light, vigilant, alert, awake.

Syn.: slave, labor, plod.
antonym(s): bask, luxuriate, hit off, play, dally.

Syn.: drain, parch.
antonym(s): drench, moisten, wet.

Syn.: arid, parched, moistureless, juiceless, barren, tame, sarcastic, vapid, lifeless, dull, tedious, uninteresting, monotonous.
antonym(s): moist, fresh, juicy, lively, entertaining.

Syn.: malleable, extensible, tractile, extensile, tractable, docile, irresolute.
antonym(s): inelastic, inflexible, tough, obdurate, resolute, firm, obstinate.

Syn.: indignation, spleen, resentment, umbrage.
antonym(s): complacency, contentment, serenity, satisfaction.

Syn.: owing, attributable, just, fair, proper, suitable, becoming, tit, owed, appropriate, obligatory.
antonym(s): irrelative, unattributable, independent, undue, unfair, improper, extravagant, deficient.

Syn.: sweet, soothing, melodious, soft, warbling, euphonious.
antonym(s): harsh, grating, discordant, noisy, clamorous, dissonant, rancorous, cacophonous.

Syn.: stupid, stolid, doltish, insensible, callous, heavy, gloomy, dismal, cloudy, turbid, opaque, dowdy, sluggish, sad, tiresome, commonplace, dead.
antonym(s): sharp, clever, lively, animated, sensible, cheerful, exhilarating, brightness, transparent, brilliant, burnished.

Syn.: inarticulate, mute, silent, still.
antonym(s): clatter, tumult, uproar.

Syn.: lasting, permanent, stable, persistent, abiding, constant, continuing.
antonym(s): evanescent, transient, impermanent, unstable.

Syn.: confinement, incarceration, imprisonment.
antonym(s): liberty, largeness.

Syn.: period, continuance, term, space, protraction, prolongation.
antonym(s): momentariness, instantaneousness, infinity, eternity.

Syn.: obedient, submissive, respectful, docile, deferential, duteous.
antonym(s): disobedient, intractable, rebellious, undutiful.

Syn.: obligation, part, business, responsibility, allegiance, function, once, province, calling, trust, commission, service.
antonym(s): freedom, exemption, immunity, license, dispensation, desertion, dereliction.

Syn.: lower, stunt, depress.
antonym(s): heighten, elevate, raise.

Syn.: pigmy, imp, abortion, puck.
antonym(s): giant, monster, hercules.

Syn.: stop, stay, rest, inhabit, sojourn, lodge, linger, tarry, live, reside, abide.
antonym(s): move, travel, hasten, speed, migrate, wander, depart, flit, roam.

Syn.: pine, waste, diminish, decrease, fall off, decline, melt.
antonym(s): expand, enlarge, increase, grow, flourish, augment, develop.

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD