Synonyms and antonyms (B)

From Medical Encyclopedia

Synonyms are two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context, opposite of antonym.

Synonyms and antonyms big list - B[edit | edit source]

Syn: Blab, chatterbox, gossip, tattler, telltale.
Antonym(s): Confident, confessor.

Syn: Prating, blabbing, talkativeness, tattling, cackling, gossip, loquacity, garrulity.
Antonym(s): Reticence, reserve, secretiveness, closeness, refrain, incommunicativeness, taciturnity.

Syn: Hubbub, confusion, clamor, jargon, din, discord, clang.
Antonym(s): Elocution, articulation, monotony, distinctness, consecutiveness, intonation, enunciation, unisonousness.

Syn: Detractor, traducer, calumniator, slanderer, cynic, maligner, defamer.
Antonym(s): Vindicator, upholder, palliator, advocate, mitigator, defender, befriender.

Syn: Renegade, abjurer, recreant, apostate.
Antonym(s): Professor, confessor, adherent, zealot, bigot.

Syn: Reluctance, slowness, shyness, hesitation, unwillingness, repugnance.
Antonym(s): Forwardness, readiness, willingness, promptitude, alacrity.

Syn: Frustrate, counteract, eBtop, disconcert, elude, mock, thwart, confound, defeat, perplex, restrain, upset, foil, mar, balk, neutralize, dodge, counterfoil.
Antonym(s): Point, aid, abet, enforce, promote, assist, advance, encourage.

Syn: Morsel, snare, decoy, enticement, allurement, inducement.
Antonym(s): Warning, scarecrow, dissuasive, deterrent, prohibition, intimidation, threat.

Syn: Weigh, poise, pit, et, counterpoise, counteract, neutralize, equalize, estimate, redress, adjust.
Antonym(s): Upset, tilt, cant, subvert, mispoise, overbalance.

Syn: Gasconade, flummery, rhodomontade, bombast, fustian, froth.
Antonym(s): Sense, wisdom, logic, reason, sobriety, truthfulness.

Syn: Estop, bar, thwart, frustrate, foil, stop, prevent, hinder, neutralize, nullify, mar, counteract, disappoint, defeat, baffle.
Antonym(s): Aid, abet, promote, advance, encourage, instigate.

Syn: Interchange, exchange, reciprocate, cross, pass.
Antonym(s): Quash, silence, drop, burke, close, stifle, extinguish.

Syn: Expel, abandon, dispel, eject, extrude, exclude, relegate, expatriate, repudiate, disclaim.
Antonym(s): Cherish, foster, protect, consider, encourage, locate, retain, entertain, domiciliate, domesticate, harbor.

Syn: Outlawry, ostracism, expatriation, expulsion, persecution.
Antonym(s): Remaining, cherishing, fostering, retaining.

Syn: Feast, festivity, treat, entertainment, festival, carousal, carouse, regalement, cheer.
Antonym(s): Fast, abstinence, starvation.

Syn: Badinage, chaff, mockery, derision, ridicule, irony, jeering, raillery.
Antonym(s): Discussion, discourse, argument.

Syn: Rude, strange, uncivilized, brutal, cruel, ferocious, inhuman, merciless, outlandish, savage, uncouth, atrocious, flagitious, unfettered, nefarious, gross.
Antonym(s): Polite, civilized, refined, humane, urbane.

Syn: Transaction, negotiation, business, profit, speculation, higgling, gain, hawking, chaffer, haggling.
Antonym(s): Loss, misprofit.

Syn: Vile, dishonorable, low, sordid, ignoble, worthiest, mean, infamous, shameful, grovelling, disingenuous, disesteemed, cheap, corrupt, deep.
Antonym(s): Lofty, exalted, refined, noble, esteemed, honored, valued, pure, correct, shrill.

Syn: Modest, diffident, shy, retiring, reserved.
Antonym(s): Bold, impudent, forward, unreserved, pert, conceited, ostentatious, egotistic.

Syn: Luxuriate, repose, lounge, dally.
Antonym(s): Stir, work, toil, slave, drudge, labor.

Syn: Buffet, cudgel, pound, beat.
Antonym(s): Soothe, tickle, caress, stroke.

Syn: Fight, conflict, contest, combat, engagement, encounter, action.
Antonym(s): Peace, truce, pacification, arbitrament, council, mediation.

Syn: Toy, trifle, plaything, knicknack, gewgaw, gimcrack, kickshaw.
Antonym(s): Valuable, possession, acquisition, gera, ornament, decoration, jewel.

Syn: Shout, vociferate, halloo, roar, bellow.
Antonym(s): Whisper, mutter, babble, mumble.

Syn: Laurels, trophy, success, prize, premium, achievement, victory, triumph.
Antonym(s): Failure, defeat, disgrace, stigma, brand.

Syn: Shore, coast, strand, seacoast, seaboard, seashore.
Antonym(s): Sea, ocean, deep, main.

Syn: Shining, gleaming, bright, radiant, beautiful, transparent, translucid.
Antonym(s): Dull, opaque, dingy, beamless, wan, matt.

Syn: Carry, lift, transport, convey, maintain, uphold, suffer, undergo, support, tolerate, waft, yield, sustain, hold, harbor, entertain, fill, enact, endure, admit, produce, generate.
Antonym(s): Drop, refuse, decline, resign, expel, eject, resist, repel, protest, resent, reject.

Syn: Behavior, deportment, manner, aspect, carriage, mien, demeanour, port, conduct, inclination, position, appearance, direction, course.
Antonym(s): Misbehaviour, jurisdirection, misobservation.

Syn: Strike, pound, batter, surpass, thrash, cudgel, overcome, defeat, conquer, worst, whack, belabor, vanquish.
Antonym(s): Defend, protect, shield, fall, shelter, surrender, stroke, caress, pat.

Syn: Blessedness, bliss, beatification.
Antonym(s): Misery, pain, suffering, punishment.

Syn: Decorate, adorn, ornament, deck.
Antonym(s): Deform, spoil, mar, stain, deface, disfigure, befoul, soil, denude, bare, strip.

Syn: Loveliness, grace, fairness, seemliness, comeliness, picturesqueness, exquisiteness, adornment, embellishment.
Antonym(s): Foulness, ugliness, deformity, hideousness, bareness, unattractiveness.

Syn: Owing, consequently, accordingly.
Antonym(s): Irrespectively, independently, inconsequently, unconnectedly.

Syn: Nod, sign, signal, symbol, token, indication, authority, orders, instruction, subserviency, influence, call, command, control, mandate.
Antonym(s): Independence, insubservience.

Syn: Befit, grace, beseem, behove.
Antonym(s): Misbeseem, misfit, misbecome, disgrace.

Syn: Beseeming, neat, fit, proper, decorous, comely, seemly, befitting, graceful, decent, suitable, improving.
Antonym(s): Unbeseeming, unseemly, uncomely, unbecoming, unbefitting, ungraceful, indecent, unsuitable, miinoproving, derogatory.

Syn: Bespatter, befoul, discolor, mar, disfigure, deface, besmear, spoil, soil, stain.
Antonym(s): Cleanse, absterge, purify, embellish, whiten, decorate, beautify.

Syn: Tawdry, betinselled, gaudy, flashy, bespangled.
Antonym(s): Adorned, robed, decorated, beautified.

Syn: Happen, occur, betide, fall, supervene, bechance.
Antonym(s): Miss, pass, spare, pretermit.

Syn: Fitting, decent, becoming, suitable, appropriate, proper, consistent, expedient, desirable.
Antonym(s): Obligatory, compulsory, unbefitting, indecent, unbecoming, unsuitable, inappropriate, incompatible, inexpedient, improper.

Syn: Deceive, cheat, mystify, bamboozle, ensnare, hoodwink, mislead.
Antonym(s): Guide, enlighten, advise, undeceive, lead.

Syn: Precedently, anteriorly, antecedently.
Antonym(s): After, afterwards, subsequently, posteriorly, later, behind.

Syn: Assist, countenance, support, advocate, promote, protect, defend.
Antonym(s): Oppose, dicountenanced, withstand, thwart, decry, defame, oppress, annoy.

Syn: Ask, request, entreat, supplicate, beseech, implore, pray, petition, crave.
Antonym(s): Insist, exact, extort, require, demand.

Syn: Mendicant, petitioner, suitor, suppliant, applicant.
Antonym(s): Exactor, extortioner.

Syn: Want, penury, destitution, indigence, mendicancy.
Antonym(s): Affluence, riches, abundance, plenty.

Syn: Initiate, commence, prepare, start, originate, arise, inaugurate.
Antonym(s): Achieve, complete, terminate, conclude, consummate, finish, close, end.

Syn: Tyro, novice, neophyte, learner, pupil.
Antonym(s): Adept, expert, master, authority.

Syn: Commencement, start, origin, rise, initiation, preparation, preface, prelude, inauguration, inception, threshold, opening, source, outset, foundation.
Antonym(s): End, close, termination, conclusion, consummation, completion.

Syn: Side, interest, advantage, aid, bestead.
Antonym(s): See BESTEAD.

Syn: Conduct, bearing, demeanor, proceeding, comportment, action, manner, deportment.
Antonym(s): Misdemeanor, misbehavior, misconduct.

Syn: Injunction, command, instruction, mandate, commission, requirement, trust.
Antonym(s): Option, liberty, non-interference, discretion.

Syn: Look, discern, regard, view, descry, look upon, gaze, contemplate, observe, see, scan, survey.
Antonym(s): Overlook, disregard, ignore, miss, blink, wink, connive.

Syn: Bound, obliged, indebted, thankful, grateful.
Antonym(s): Unindebted, unobliged, unbound, unthankful, ungrateful.

Syn: Spectator, observer, bystander, witness, looker-on.
Antonym(s): See BEHOLD.

Syn: Assent, faith, trust, credence, avowal, assurance, admission, conviction, opinion, permission, creed, reliance, concession, confidence.
Antonym(s): Dissent, unbelief, distrust, denial, misgiving, disavowal, rejection, disbelief.

Syn: Quarrelsome, pugnacious, belligerent, irascible, contentious.
Antonym(s): Peaceful, peaceable, unquarrelsome, pacific, unwarlike, unexcitable, good-tempered, genial.

Syn: Contending, engaging, fighting, opposed, adverse, rival, conflicting, antagonist, assailant, hostile.
Antonym(s): Neutral, pacific, peaceful, nonbelligerent, appeased, reconciled.

Syn: Related, connected, appertaining, cognate, congenial, obligatory, accompanying.
Antonym(s): Unrelated, unconnected, Irrelevant, impertinent, alien, uncongenial, discretional, optional, uninvolved, unimplied, independent.

Syn: Pertain to, appertain to, regard, relate to.
Antonym(s): Not to belong to, not to appertain to, not to relate to.

Syn: Cared for, cherished, loved.
Antonym(s): Hated, loathed.

Syn: Under, beneath, adown, underneath.
Antonym(s): Above, over, aloft.

Syn: Curve, deviate, incline, tend, swerve, diverge, mold, persuade, influence, bias, dispose, direct, lower, subordinate to, lean, deflect, bow, condescend, yield, stoop, submit.
Antonym(s): Proceed, continue, extend, advance, stand, stiffen, break, crush, resist.

Syn: Below, underneath, under, adown.
Antonym(s): Above, over, overhead, aloft.

Syn: Blessing, commendation, approval, benison, gratitude, thankfulness, thanksgiving.
Antonym(s): Curse, malediction, disapproval, censure, obloquy, execration, ingratitude.

Syn: Grant, gratuity, boon, donation, aims, present, gift, endowment, bequest, favor, presentation.
Antonym(s): Deprivation, reservation, disfavor, presumption, confiscation, disendowment.

Syn: Friend, supporter, contributor, upholder, well-wisher, favorer, well-doer, patron.
Antonym(s): Foe, opponent, disfavorer, antagonist, rival, backfriend, oppressor.

Syn: Profitable, salutary, advantageous, wholesome, salubrious.
Antonym(s): Prejudicial, noxious, hurtful, unprofitable, detrimental.

Syn: Bountiful, benevolent, benignant.
Antonym(s): Hard, uncommiserating, griping, unbeneficent, illiberal, oppressive, cruel.

Syn: Boon, behoof, service, utility, avail, use, good, advantage, profit, favor, blessing.
Antonym(s): Evil, loss, disadvantage, detriment, damage, calamity, bereavement, injury, privation.

Syn: Kindness, goodwill, charity, philanthropy, kindliness, kind-heartedness, benignity, beneficence, liberality.
Antonym(s): Unkindness, harshness, barbarity, niggardliness, maleficence, malignity, illiberality, ill-will, churlishness.

Syn: Inclination, angle, direction, bias, determination, disposition, intention, prepossession, propensity, predilection, turn, leaning.
Antonym(s): Indisposition, aversion.

Syn: Give, grant, leave by will, devise, will, bestow, impart, demise, leave, Legacy, inheritance.
Antonym(s): Withhold, alienate, Disinheritance, transference, abalienation, dispossession.

Syn: Rob, deprive, divest, dispossess, impoverish, reduce, spoil, strip.
Antonym(s): Replenish, compensate, reinstate, satisfy, enrich, benefit.

Syn: Destitution, affliction, deprivation, loss.
Antonym(s): Gift, blessing, donation, benefaction, compensation, reparation, restoration, reinstatement, substitution, restitution, consolation.
Antonym(s): See BENEFACTION and BENEFIT.

Syn: Robbed, deprived, destitute, denied, spoiled.
Antonym(s): Endowed, enriched, compensated, consoled, possessed.

Syn: Entreat, pray, solicit, ask, implore, crave, request, supplicate, petition, beg.
Antonym(s): Insist, demand, exact, intimidate, command, coerce.

Syn: Befit, suit, belong, appertain.
Antonym(s): Unbeseem, disgrace.

Syn: Befitting, belonging, suitable, appertaining, consistent, compatible, requisite, decent, graceful.
Antonym(s): Unbefitting, unseemly, unsuitable, improper, indecent, ungraceful.

Syn: Hem, surround, environ, encircle, besiege, beleaguer, embarrass.
Antonym(s): Liberate, abandon.

Syn: Close, near, alongside, additionally, over and above, together, moreover.
Antonym(s): Separate, apart, inclusively.

Syn: Beset, beleaguer, sit, invest.
Antonym(s): Abandon, (Phrase, Raise the siege), Besmear, See BEDAUB.

Syn: Intoxicated, steeped, stupefied, drunk, drenched, doltish, gross, prejudiced.
Antonym(s): Sober, temperate, clear, unbiased, unprejudiced, enlightened, refined.

Syn: Besprinkle, befoul, bedaub, revile, vilify, asperse.
Antonym(s): Absterge, sponge, cleanse, purify, vindicate, defend, clear.

Syn: Betoken, foreorder, forestall, provide, prearrange, indicate, evidence.
Antonym(s): Belie, resign, countermand.

Syn: Convenience, serve, uphold, assist, accommodate, benefit.
Antonym(s): Thwart, damage, incommode, oppose, injure.

Syn: Interest, behalf, advantage, benefit, part, side.
Antonym(s): Injury, disadvantage, opposition, detriment, damage, Bestir, Commonly used reflexively for, to stir one's self, See STIR.

Syn: Confer, give, present, award, accord, grant.
Antonym(s): Withhold, withdraw, reserve, alienate, transfer, appropriate, usurp, seize.

Syn: Meliorate, improve, amend, emend, ameliorate, rectify, reform.
Antonym(s): Make worse.

Syn: Befall, occur, happen.
Antonym(s): See BEFALL.

Syn: Early, beforehand, preparedly, readily.
Antonym(s): Behindhand, slowly, sluggishly, belatedly.

Syn: Teach, indicate, proclaim, presage, augur, portend, foreshow, signify, forebode, evidence, declare, manifest, involve, imply.
Antonym(s): Misindicate, mislead, misdeclare, misteach, belie, mask, hide.

Syn: Deceive, delude, dupe, circumvent, ensnare, dishonor, manifest, indicate, reveal.
Antonym(s): Protect, preserve, guard, conserve, foster, cherish, fence, conceal, cover, suppress.

Syn: Assembly, parterre, galaxy, constellation, nock.
Antonym(s): Gang, crew, herd, mob.

Syn: Lament, deplore, rue, bemoan, sorrow, grieve, mourn for.
Antonym(s): Exult, hail, rejoice, welcome, greet.

Syn: Care, refrain, consider, heed, look, fear, avoid.
Antonym(s): Ignore, overlook, neglect, incur, brave, dare.

Syn: Daze, dazzle, confound, mystify, puzzle, embarrass, astonish, perplex, confuse, mislead.
Antonym(s): Guide, inform, lead, instruct, enlighten, edify.

Syn: Enchant, fascinate, charm, captivate, entrance.
Antonym(s): Exorcise, disillusionize, disenchant.

Syn: Over, further, past, more.
Antonym(s): Here, close, near, hither, less, short.

Syn: Wrangle, quarrel, jar, dispute, contend.
Antonym(s): Chat, gossip, converse, agree.

Syn: Wrangling, disputing, contention, strife, altercation, dispute.
Antonym(s): Conversing, chatting, agreeing.

Syn: Tell, request, instruct, direct, order, proffer, charge, command, propose, offer.
Antonym(s): Forbid, deter, prohibit, restrain.

Syn: Wait, remain, tarry, stay, await, expect, anticipate, continue, bear, abide, endure.
Antonym(s): Quit, depart, migrate, move, resist, resent, repel, abjure, protest, rebel.

Syn: Large, great, wide, huge, bulky, proud, arrogant, pompous, fat, massive, gross.
Antonym(s): Little, small, narrow, minute, slight, lean, affable, easy, unaffected.

Syn: Prejudiced, intolerant, narrow-minded, blindly devoted, onesided, confined.
Antonym(s): Unprejudiced, open-minded, large-minded, broad, comprehensive, liberal.

Syn: Prejudice, Pharisaism, obstinacy, credulity, fanaticism, intolerance, superstition.
Antonym(s): Liberality, charity, enlightenment, toleration, eclecticism, latitudinarianism.

Syn: Account, reckoning, score, charges, jaw, mandible, beak.

Syn: Fetter, engage, tie, fasten, secure, lace, twine, oblige, compel, restrict, restrain, secure.
Antonym(s): Untie, loose, unfasten, acquit, free, liberate.

Syn: Restrictive, obligatory, restraining, stringent, styptic, costive, astringent.
Antonym(s): Loosening, opening, enlarging, distending.

Syn: Parentage, extraction, nativity, family, race, origin, source, rise, lineage, nobility.
Antonym(s): Death, extinction, plebeianism.

Syn: Morsel, piece, fragment, part.
Antonym(s): Mass, whole.

Syn: Pungent, censorious, piercing, gnawing, sarcastic, sardonic, trenchant.
Antonym(s): Pleasant, genial, soothing, complacent, flattering.

Syn: Harsh, sour, sharp, tart, acrimonious, sarcastic, severe, sad, afflictive, intense, stinging, pungent, acrid, cutting.
Antonym(s): Sweet, mellow, pleasant, affable, kindly, genial, light, mitigated, trivial.

Syn: Bespatter, befoul, bedaub, defame, decry, calumniate, dishonor, asperse, traduce, vilify, slander, malign.
Antonym(s): Vindicate, clear, eulogize.

Syn: Scoundrel, rascal, rapscallion, blackleg, villain.
Antonym(s): Gentleman.

Syn: Censure, chide, rebuke, reproach, vituperate, dispraise, disapprove, condemn, reprehend, reprobate, reprove.
Antonym(s): Acquit, exculpate, exonerate, encourage, praise, approve.

Syn: Pure, innocent, irresponsible.
Antonym(s): Criminated, implicated, answerable, blameworthy, faulty, guilty, blamable.

Syn: Bleach, whiten.
Antonym(s): Darken, color, obfuscate.

Syn: Soft, mild, gentle, complaisant, courteous, affable, gracious, tender, benign.
Antonym(s): Harsh, abrupt, rough.

Syn: Glossiness, blarney, humbug, flattery, speciousness, adulation.
Antonym(s): Bluntness, roughness, abruptness.

Syn: Coaxing, flattery, wheedling, fawning, cajolery.
Antonym(s): Roughness, bluntness, unmannerliness.

Syn: Bleak, bare, utter, unmitigated, broad.
Antonym(s): Modified, qualified, mitigated.

Syn: Swearing, profaneness, impiety.
Antonym(s): Reverence, veneration, godliness.

Syn: Blight, shrivel, destroy, wither.
Antonym(s): Restore, expand, swell.

Syn: Breeze, efflation, explosion, blight, burst, blaze, frustration, destruction, squall, gale, tempest, hurricane, affiliation.
Antonym(s): Zephyr, gentle breeze, neutralization.

Syn: Noisy, bellowing, vociferous, clamorous, braying.
Antonym(s): Quiet, low-toned, gentle.

Syn: Notify, signalize, publicate, adventure, circulate, propagate, disseminate.
Antonym(s): Cover, conceal, hide, suppress, hush, palliate, shroud, bury.

Syn: Whiten, blanch.
Antonym(s): Darken, blacken, soil, See BLANCH.

Syn: Blank, bare, open, cold, exposed, stormy, nipping.
Antonym(s): Warm, sheltered, verdant, luxuriant, zephyrous, balmy, halcyonic.

Syn: Spot, blur, blot, flaw, speck, fault, imperfection, stain, daub, tarnish, defacement, discoloration, disfigurement, disgrace, dishonor, defect.
Antonym(s): Purity, unsulliedness, honor, intactness.

Syn: Start, shy, shudder, recoil, shrink.
Antonym(s): Encounter, dare, venture, face, stand.

Syn: Mix, harmonize, unite, combine, fuse, merge, amalgamate, mingle, commingle, coalesce.
Antonym(s): Run, separate, divide, dissociate, confound.

Syn: Felicitate, endow, enrich, gladden, rejoice, cheer, thank.
Antonym(s): Deprive, sadden, impoverish, ignore, curse, anathematize.

Syn: Felicitation, benediction, endowment, donation, gift, gratitude, thankfulness, thanks, benefit.
Antonym(s): Impoverishment, deprivation, bereavement, malediction, thanklessness, obliviousness, catastrophe, disaster, calamity, detriment, curse, damn.

Syn: Sightless, unseeing, eyeless, depraved, undiscerning, ignorant, prejudiced, uninformed, unconscious, unaware.
Antonym(s): Farsighted, penetrating, sensitive, keen, discriminating, clearsighted, pure-minded, aware, conscious.

Syn: Wink, ignore, connive, overlook.
Antonym(s): Notice, visit, note, mark.

Syn: Blessedness, joy, ecstasy, rapture.
Antonym(s): Condemnation, accursedness, suffering, misery, woe.

Syn: Light, merry, joyous, happy, bright, elastic, gladsome, bonny, vivacious, lively, cheerful, blithesome, gay.
Antonym(s): Heavy, dull, dejected, sullen.

Syn: Stop, arrest, fill, obstruct.
Antonym(s): Free, liberate, open, pave.

Syn: Dolt, dunderhead, jolterhead, dunce, ninny, numskull, dullard, simpleton, booby, loggerhead, ignoramus.
Antonym(s): Sage, adept, luminary, schoolman, philosopher, savant.

Syn: Slaughter, massacre, carnage, butchery.

Syn: Gory, bloody, murderous, inhuman, cruel, ruthless, savage.
Antonym(s): Humane, kind, merciful.

Syn: Blossom, bud, flower, sprout, germinate, beauty, freshness, delicacy.
Antonym(s): Decay, decadence, coarseness, blight, blast, harshness, roughness, toughness, superannuation, cadaverousness, ghastliness.

Syn: Flourishing, fair, flowering, blossoming, young, beautiful.
Antonym(s): Fading, waning, blighted, old, blasted, paralyzed, superannuated, unsightly, deformed.

Syn: Obscure, tarnish, spoil, sully, spot, discolor, pollute, obliterate, erase, blur, stain, blotch, smear, smutch.
Antonym(s): Elucidate, clear, absterge, perpetuate, cleanse, manifest, conserve.

Syn: Erase, efface, cancel, expunge, wipe out, obliterate, destroy.
Antonym(s): Restore, replace.

Syn: Puff, blast, breath, stroke, infliction, wound, disappointment, affliction, knock, shock, calamity, misfortune.
Antonym(s): Assuagement, consolation, relief, comfort, blessing, sparing.

Syn: Bare, open, bold, abrupt, frank, plain-spoken, blunt, surly, rude, blustering, swaggering, brusque, hectoring, coarse, discourteous, rough, bullying.
Antonym(s): Undulating, inclined, inabrupt, courteous, polished, reserved.

Syn: Error, mistake, misunderstanding, fault, oversight, inaccuracy, delusion, slip.
Antonym(s): Accuracy, truthfulness, exactness, correctness, faultlessness, ratification, atonement, foresight, prevention, hit, success, achievement, correction.

Syn: Dull, obtuse, pointless, edgeless, insensitive, bluff, coarse, impolite, plain-mannered, uncivil, rude.
Antonym(s): Sharp, keen, pointed, acute, aculeated, sensitive, polished, bland, eloquent, courteous, reserved.

Syn: To subdue, repress, tranquilize, discourage, ossify, numb, harden.
Antonym(s): Quicken, sharpen, instigate, suscitate, stimulate, animate, excite, vitalize.

Syn: Bloom, color, carnation, complexion, aspect, shame, confusion, guiltiness, self-reproach.
Antonym(s): Innocence, purity, guiltlessness, unconsciousness, boldness, effrontery.

Syn: Storm, rage, puff, insult, blow, swagger, fume, brag.
Antonym(s): See BRAG.

Syn: Vaunt, brag, swagger, swell, bluster, vapor, triumph, glory.
Antonym(s): See BRAG.

Syn: Foretell, betoken, foreshadow, presage, predict, prophesy, promise, forebode, herald, announce, prognosticate, portend, augur.
Antonym(s): Relate, record, narrate, remember.

Syn: Collectively, wholly, summarily, unitedly, compactedly, together, corporeal, fleshy, material, physical.
Antonym(s): Piecemeal, partially, ghostly, fragmentarily, gradually, spiritual.

Syn: Substance, mass, whole, substantiality, collectiveness, assemblage, collection, matter, association, organization.
Antonym(s): Spirit, soul, individual.

Syn: Halt, hesitate, dubitate, falter, blunder, blotch, botch, spoil, mar.
Antonym(s): Encounter, face, advance, refine, clear, work, perfect, complete, beautify.

Syn: bubble, effervesce, rage, explode, fume.
Antonym(s): Calm, subside, recover, cool.

Syn: Loud, violent, unrestrained, tempestuous, stormy, uncontrolled, intemperate.
Antonym(s): Peaceful, calm, serene, selfpossessed.

Syn: Courageous, fearless, adventurous, brave, self-confident, forward, intrepid, dauntless, valiant, daring, See aiv-laric in-, lion-hearted, doughty.
Antonym(s): Timid, fearful, inadventurous, shy, bashful, retiring.

Syn: Support, prop, help, id, sustain, subsidize, patch, tinker, buoy.
Antonym(s): Depress, dispirit, relax.

Syn: Rhodomontade, braggadocio, gasconade, bluster, inflatedness, pomposity, exaggerativeness, fustian.
Antonym(s): Truthfulness, moderation, refrain, veracity, modesty, temperateness, humility.

Syn: Tie, fastening, chain, association, manacle, fetter, compact, obligation, security.
Antonym(s): Freedom, option, discretion, honor, parole.

Syn: Servitude, confinement, imprisonment, incarceration, subjection, serfdom, thraldom, captivity, slavery.
Antonym(s): Freedom, liberty, independence, manumission, liberation.

Syn: Slave, serf, prisoner, captive, vassal.
Antonym(s): Freeman, yeoman, gentleman, lord, master.

Syn: Fair, pretty, pleasant, lively, cheerful, shapely, buxom.
Antonym(s): Dull, unseemly, ill-favored, deformed.

Syn: Premium, douceur, boon, benefit.
Antonym(s): Fine, penalty, mulct, amercement, discount.

Syn: Idiot, dunce, numskull.
Antonym(s): Wiseacre, solon, oracle.

Syn: Studious, erudite, pedantic, learned.
Antonym(s): Unbookish, unstudious, inerudite, unlearned, ignorant, uneducated.

Syn: Useless, profitless, unavailing, abortive.
Antonym(s): Useful, profitable, availing, effective, effectual.

Syn: Plunder, blackmail, loot, spoils, prey, pillage.
Antonym(s): Restitution, fine, confiscation, forfeiture, amercement, penalty.

Syn: Limit, boundary, brink, rim, verge, brim, edge, edging, band, hem, enclosure, confine.
Antonym(s): Land, tract, interior, substance, space, centre.

Syn: Be contiguous to, be adjacent to, conterminous with, adjoin, adjacent to.
Antonym(s): Remote from, away from.

Syn: Perforate, pierce, weary, penetrate.
Antonym(s): Please, gratify, delight.

Syn: Breast, hollow, valley, deep, bed, centre, heart, mind, soul, will.
Antonym(s): Surface, exterior, manner, deportment, demeanor.

Syn: Patch, cobble, blunder, clump, disconcert, spoil, jumble, mess, bungle, mar, blacksmith.
Antonym(s): Fine-draw, trim, harmonize, mend, beautify, embroider, manipulate, handle, manage.

Syn: Twain.
Antonym(s): Neither.

Syn: Fuse, worry, pester, excitement, stir, plague, vex, annoy, tease, confusion, vexation, flurry, trouble.
Antonym(s): Calm, composure, orderliness, peace, quiet.

Syn: Deep, profound, floor, groundwork, depth, ground, foot.
Antonym(s): Top, summit, apex, crown, brow, surface.

Syn: Limit, boundary, inclosure, confine, border.
Antonym(s): See BORDER.

Syn: Confine, limit, circumscribe, terminate, restrict, restrain.
Antonym(s): Enlarge, open, extend, spread out.

Syn: To leap, jump, frisk, spring, skip.
Antonym(s): Hobble, limp, crawl, creep, shamble.

Syn: Unbounded, immeasurable, infinite, unlimited, illimitable, unmeasurable.
Antonym(s): Narrow, restricted, limited, confined, circumscribed.

Syn: Liberality, bounteousness, benevolence, munificence, donation, gift, generosity, charity, benignity.
Antonym(s): Illiberality, closeness, hardy, ess, churlishness, stinginess, niggardliness.

Syn: Shady recess, arbor, retreat, alcove.
Antonym(s): Open place.

Syn: Boast, vaunt, swagger, bully.
Antonym(s): Cringe, whine, whimper.

Syn: Bind, tie, weave, plait.
Antonym(s): Unbind, dishevel.

Syn: Member, bifurcation, bough, limb, offspring, shoot, spray, sprig, twig, ramification, offshoot, relative, scion.
Antonym(s): Trunk, stock, stem, race, family, house.

Syn: denounce, stigmatize, disgrace, mark.
Antonym(s): Distinguish, honor, decorate.

Syn: Disgrace, stigma, infamy, mark.
Antonym(s): Decoration, badge, distinction, honor.

Syn: Flourish, fence, agitate, wield, whisk, shake, wave.
Antonym(s): Stay, arrest, suspend.

Syn: Boasting, bragging, vaunting, bluster.
Antonym(s): See OSTENTATION.

Syn: Wrangle, broil, scold, roar, shout, vociferate.
Antonym(s): Whisper, softness, mellowness, melodiousness, intonation.

Syn: Muscular, powerful, strong, athletic, sinewy, herculean, robust, stout.
Antonym(s): Lean, weak, fragile, delicate, effeminate, feeble.

Syn: Pound, bruise, beat, pulverize.
Antonym(s): Compact, compound, amalgamate, conglomerate.

Syn: Rupture, divulsion, gap, quarrel, violation, nonperformance.
Antonym(s): Integrity, conservation, healing, reconciliation, inviolateness, fulfillment.

Syn: Fracture, rupture, shatter, shiver, destroy, tame, curb, demolish, tear asunder, rend, burst, sever, smash, split, subdue, violate, infringe.
Antonym(s): Heal, piece, conjoin, protect, conserve, encourage, rally, observe, obey.

Syn: See [[K % [>-pi rit ion]], inspiration, expiration, inhalation, exhalation, Met, Life.
Antonym(s): To latter, Cessation, passing, departure, perishing, dying, death.

Syn: Exhausted, eager, absorbed, fascinated, attentive, bewildered, astounded.
Antonym(s): Cool, calm, collected, unexcited, fresh, indifferent, inattentive, unastonished.

Syn: Generate, procreate, engender, propagate, produce, beget, hatch, nourish, train, instruct, evolve, cause.
Antonym(s): Destroy, eradicate, extinguish, extirpate, stifle.

Syn: Nurture, education, training, discipline, instruction, manners, air, demeanor, decorum.
Antonym(s): ill-manners, ill-training, illbehavior, ignorance.

Syn: Shortness, closeness, conciseness, succinctness, terseness, compendiousness, pointedness, abbreviation, abridgment.
Antonym(s): Length, protraction, elongation, extension, prolixity, diffusiveness, See IDENTITY, tediousness.

Syn: Concoct, compound, mix, hatch, prepare, season, threaten, impend, increase, collect, form, gather, grow.
Antonym(s): Pass, disperse, break, spoil, miscompound, mar.

Syn: Curb, restrain, govern, control, master, moderate, compress.
Antonym(s): Loosen, liberate, relax, vent, discharge.

Syn: Shining, brilliant, burnished, luminous, lucid, sparkling, limpid, clever, happy, witty, joyous, cheerful, radiant.
Antonym(s): Opaque, dull, dead, muddy, stupid, slow, sullen, dejected, cheerless, joyless, imbecile.

Syn: Flashing, radiant, shining, lustrous, glorious, luminous, effulgent, beaming, sparkling.
Antonym(s): See BRIGHT.

Syn: Fetch, procure, convey, carry, bear, adduce, import, produce, cause, induce.
Antonym(s): Export, remove, abstract, subtract, prevent, exclude, debar, transport.

Syn: Quick, lively, vivacious, active, alert, nimble, sprightly, spirited, animated, prompt, effervescent.
Antonym(s): Slow, heavy, dull, inactive, See in-^k)lent, sluggish, unenergetic, stagnant.

Syn: Full, stocked, multitudinous, crowded, swarming, multifarious.
Antonym(s): Bare, nude, scant, devoid, vacant.

Syn: Moot, start, launch, originate, suggest, exhibit, propound.
Antonym(s): Reserve, secrete, seal, repress, cork, bottle.

Syn: Wide, extensive, expansive, ample, liberal, comprehensive, unreserved, indelicate, coarse, generic.
Antonym(s): Narrow, restricted, confined, limited, bigoted, prejudiced, illiberal, narrow-minded, reserved, veiled, enigmatical, shrouded, shaded, refined, delicate, sketchy, specific, pointed.

Syn: Scattered abroad, dispersed, profusely, unsparingly, indiscriminately, injudiciously, extensively.
Antonym(s): Collectedly, concentratively, sparingly, reservedly, locally, partially, discreetly, charily.

Syn: Bear, tolerate, suffer, endure, undergo, submit to, permit.
Antonym(s): Resist, resent, reject.

Syn: Fraternity, association, fellowship, society, sodality.

Syn: Fraternal, kind, affectionate, tender.
Antonym(s): Unkind, hard, harsh, unfraternal.

Syn: Intimidate, bully, overbear, cow, overawe, boycott, bulldoze.
Antonym(s): Encourage, rally, countenance, support.

Syn: Impulse, attack, aggression, onslaught, onset, assault, shock.
Antonym(s): Resistance, endurance, repulsion.

Syn: Savage, inhuman, rude, unfeeling, merciless, ruthless, brutish, barbarous, sensual, beastly, ignorant, stolid, dense, cruel, violent, vindictive, bloodthirsty, intemperate.
Antonym(s): Humane, civilized, generous, intelligent, polished, chivalrous, conscientious, self-controlled.

Syn: Trifle, toy, fancy, conceit, vision, dream, froth, trash.
Antonym(s): Acquisition, prize, treasury reality, substance, verity, jewel, good, advantage.

Syn: Sprout, blossom, bloom, germinate.

Syn: Wag, clown, jester.
Antonym(s): Wit, genius, philosopher, pedant, visionary, dissembler, prig, enthusiast, hypocrite.

Syn: Hobgoblin, goblin, gorgon, ghoul, spirit, spook, specter, ogre, scarecrow.
Antonym(s): See SPECTER.

Syn: Edifice, architecture, construction, erection, fabric, structure.
Antonym(s): Ruin, dilapidation, dismantlement, demolition.

Syn: Mass, whole, entirety, integrity, majority, size, magnitude, extension, body, volume, bigness, largeness, massiveness, dimension.
Antonym(s): Tenuity, minority, dismemberment, disintegration, diminution, portion, contraction, section, atom, particle.

Syn: Huge, unwieldy, heavy, large, ample, ponderous, burly, cumbrous, gigantic, brawny, massive.
Antonym(s): Small, light, slight, airy, thin, delicate, nimble, attenuated, slender, sylphlike, puny, tiny.

Syn: swashbuckler, swaggerer, braggadocio.
Antonym(s): See BLUSTERER.

Syn: Rampart, fortress, fortification, palladium, citadel, intrenchment, stronghold, parapet, bastion.
Antonym(s): Storming, siege, investment, bombardment, cannonade, boarding.

Syn: Botcher, clown, lubber, fumbler, novice.
Antonym(s): Adept, adroit, master, artist, workman, proficient, professor.

Syn: Float, support, sustain, elevate, elate, assure, animate, cheer, inspire.
Antonym(s): Sink, drown, depress, swamp, overcome, deject, crush, fail, betray.

Syn: Sprightly, spirited, vivacious, lively, light, floating, hopeful, cheerful, elastic, See JOY.
Antonym(s): Heavy, depressed, cheerless, joyless, dejected, moody, desponding.

Syn: Load, weight, Incubus, obstruction, oppression, grief, difficulty, affliction.
Antonym(s): Ease, lightness, airiness, expedition, facility, acceleration, abjugation, liberation, lightheartedness, alleviation, assuagement, mitigation, consolation, disburdenment.

Syn: Interment, sepulture, inhumation, entombment.
Antonym(s): Exhumation, disinterment.

Syn: Stifle, shelve, strangle, smother.
Antonym(s): Enucleate, propound, promulge, publicate, promote, foster, reanimate, eliminate, ventilate, bruit, suscitate.

Syn: Parody, travesty, satire, caricature, grotesque, droll, farcical, comic, ludicrous.
Antonym(s): Classic, pure, severe, tragic, historic, grave, truthful.

Syn: Ignite, kindle, brand, consume, cauterize, rage, glow, smoulder, blaze, flash, cremate, incinerate.
Antonym(s): Extinguish, stifle, cool, wane, subside, glimmer, lower, pale.

Syn: Brighten, glaze, polish, gloze, gloss.
Antonym(s): Scratch, dull, abrade, bedim, cloud, frost, matt.

Syn: Extravasate, displode, explode, discharge, shiver, shatter, disrupt, rend, break, split.
Antonym(s): Cohere, hold, stand.

Syn: Inter, inhume, conceal, repress, suppress, obliterate, cancel, entomb, compose, hush.
Antonym(s): Disinter, exhume, bruit, excavate, expose, resuscitate, publicate, aggravate.

Syn: Occupation, profession, vocation, transaction, trade, calling, office, employment, interest, duty, affair, matter, concern.
Antonym(s): Stagnation, leisure, inactivity.

Syn: Business, activity, stir, commotion, energy, excitement, haste, hurry, eagerness, flurry.
Antonym(s): Idleness, vacation, inactivity, Indolence, Indifference, unconcernedness, coolness, calm, stagnation, quiet, desertion.

Syn: Industrious, diligent, assiduous, engaged, occupied.
Antonym(s): Idle, slothful, lazy, indolent, unoccupied.

Syn: Save, except, barring, yet, beside, excluding, still, excepting, notwithstanding.
Antonym(s): With, including, inclusive, nevertheless, however, notwithstanding.

Syn: Bonny, blithe, shapely.
Antonym(s): Lean, slender, ill-shaped.

Syn: Purchase, bribe, subsidize, suborn.
Antonym(s): Sell, vend, hawk, retail.

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD