Synonyms and antonyms (C)
Synonyms are two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context, opposite of antonym.
Syn.: confederacy, conspiracy, combination, coterie, gang, faction, plot, political intrigue, junto, league.
antonym(s): parliament, legislation, council, government, empire, synod.
Syn.: mystic, symbolical, fanciful, occult.
antonym(s): patent, practical, instructive, lucid, simple.
Syn.: rob, steal, filch, crib, pocket, shirk, pillage, abstract, purloin.
antonym(s): see purloin.
Syn.: grin, chuckle, giggle, snigger, titter, cackle.
antonym(s): longfacedness, whine, whimper.
- Cackle, see cachinnation.
- Cadaverous
Syn.: pale, exsanguineous, bloodless, hueless, pallid, ghastly, ashy.
antonym(s): rosy, incarnadine, sanguine, chubby, brawny.
Syn.: decline, infirmity, decrepitude, senility, decadence, transience, delicacy.
antonym(s): vigor, youth, freshness, vitality, renovation, permanence.
Syn.: imprison, immure, confine, incarcerate, cabin, crib.
antonym(s): liberate, free, dismiss, unbar.
Syn.: rascal, miscreant, rogue, churl, villain, ruffian.
antonym(s): worthy, gentleman, patriot, philanthropist.
Syn.: tempt, lure, coat, flatter, wheedle, delude, cheat, inveigle, dupe.
antonym(s): chide, rate, scold, warn.
Syn.: disaster, misfortune, mishap, catastrophe, misadventure, trouble, visitation, affliction, reverse, blight.
antonym(s): godsend, blessing, boon.
Syn.: disastrous, illfated, fatal, unlucky, hapless, unfortunate, inauspicious, troublous, illstarred, ill-omened.
antonym(s): felicitous, fortunate, auspicious, favorable, propitious, advantageous.
Syn.: estimate, consider, weigh, number, count, apportion, proportion, investigate, reckon, rate, compute.
antonym(s): guess, conjecture, hit, chance, risk, stake, miscalculate.
Syn.: fitted, congenial, adapted, conducive.
antonym(s): unfitted, unadapted, uncongenial, unconducive, adverse, unqualified, unsuited, miscalculated, ill-adapted.
Syn.: wary, cautious, circumspect, sagacious, careful, farsighted, guarded.
antonym(s): shortsighted, dull, obtuse, improvident, incautious, rash, careless.
Syn.: estimation, consideration, balance, apportionment, investigation, reckoning, computation, anticipation, forethought, regard, circumspection, watchfulness, vigilance, caution, care.
antonym(s): inconsiderateness, inconsideration, incaution, indiscretion, miscalculation, misconception, exclusion, exception, omission, carelessness, sepdsition.
Syn.: gauge, diameter, ability, capacity, force, strength, power.
antonym(s): correlative, as character, mind, etc.
Syn.: named, designated, denominated, determined.
antonym(s): unnamed, undesignated, misnamed, misdesignated.
Syn.: smooth, pacify, compose, allay, still, soothe, appease, assuage, quiet, tranquilize.
antonym(s): stir, excite, agitate, disconcert, ruffle, lash, heat, discompose.
- Calumniate, see slander.
- Calumniator, see backbiter.
- Calumnious
Syn.: slanderous, defamatory, scurrilous, abusive.
antonym(s): see abusive.
Syn.: slander, defamation, detraction, libel, traducement, backbiting, opprobrium, aspersion.
antonym(s): vindication, clearance, eulogy, panegyric.
Syn.: efface, blot out, annul, expunge, nullify, quash, rescind, repeal, revoke, abrogate, obliterate, discharge, erase, abolish, countervail.
antonym(s): enforce, enact, re-enact, confirm, perpetuate, contract.
Syn.: fair, honest, open, sincere, frank, artless, impartial, plain, straightforward, aboveboard, transparent, unreserved, ingenious.
antonym(s): unfair, close, mysterious, reserve, shuffling, disingenuous, insincere, jesuitical.
Syn.: aspirant, petitioner, canvasser, applicant, claimant, solicitor.
antonym(s): waiver, decliner, abandoner, resigner, abjurer, noncompetitor.
Syn.: rule, measure, regulation, test, law.
antonym(s): misguidance, antinomy, irregularity, misrule.
Syn.: question, investigate, challenge, test, dispute, solicit, sift, examine, discuss, apply for, request.
antonym(s): pretermit, allow, ignore, disregard, admit, pass, misexamine, misinvestigate.
- Capable, see able.
- Capability
Syn.: cleverness, aptitude, talent, capacity, power, facility, faculty.
antonym(s): dulness, inaptitude, awkwardness, difficulty.
Syn.: spacious, comprehensive, voluminous, ample, accommodative, extensive, wide.
antonym(s): narrow, restricted, limited, confined, shallow, contracted, petty.
Syn.: space, size, volume, tonnage, calibre, ability, faculty, compatability, cleverness, talents, magnitude, parts, competency, compressiveness, accommodation.
antonym(s): narrowness, restriction, incapacity, coarctation, contractedness.
Syn.: chief, excellent, important, cardinal, principal, consummate, high.
antonym(s): inferior, unimportant, subordinate, minor, defective, mean.
Syn.: stipulate, yield, surrender, submit.
antonym(s): resist, struggle, contend.
- Caprice, see dry.
- Capricious
Syn.: wayward, uncertain, fanciful, freakish, fitful, fickle, changeful, whimsical, humorsome, inconstant, crotchety.
antonym(s): firm, unchanging, inflexible, decided, unswerving, constant.
Syn.: carping, caviling, censorious, hypercritical, cross, fault-finding, critical, cynical, petulant, irritable, splenetic, touchy, peevish, fretful.
antonym(s): appreciative, commendatory, encouraging, complimentary, approving, laudatory, flattering.
- Captivate, see bewitch.
- Captivated
Syn.: taken, charmed, smitten, fascinated, enslaved, captured, enthralled.
antonym(s): free, unaffected, uninfluenced, unscathed, insensible, insensitive.
Syn.: charming, bewitching, fascinating, alluring, seductive, attractive.
antonym(s): hideous, loathsome, repulsive, uncaptivating, uninteresting.
Syn.: attention, pains, anxiety, concern, trouble, circumspection, regard, solicitude, caution, prevention, custody, preservation, thrift, heed, foresight, wariness, economy, prudence.
antonym(s): inattention, neglect, disregard, carelessness, indifference, temerity, remissness, improvidence, unguardedness, incaution.
Syn.: course, success, walk, line, progress, history, way of ill passage, race.
antonym(s): misproceeding, misdeportment, unsuccess, miscarriage.
Syn.: endearment, blandishment, wheedling, fondling, stroking.
antonym(s): vexation, irritation, annoyance, teasing, persecution, provocation.
Syn.: freight, burden, load, consignment, merchandise, lading, goods.
antonym(s): conveyance, bearer, carrier.
Syn.: mimicry, parody, travesty, burlesque, extravagance, exaggeration, hyperbole, monstrosity, farce.
antonym(s): portraiture, representation, resemblance, justice, fidelity, truthfulness.
Syn.: massacre, slaughter, bloodshed, butchery.
antonym(s): ransom, deliverance, quarter.
Syn.: fleshly, sensual, selfindulgent, licentious, animal, coarse, base, worldly, impure, libidinous, secular.
antonym(s): spiritual, ethereal, pure, selfcontrolled, temperate, exalted, refined.
Syn.: revel, rout, festivity, masquerade.
antonym(s): fast, mortification, lent, retirement.
Syn.: sing, warble, chirp, trill, whistle, chirrup, chant, hum.
antonym(s): whine, croak, cry, dirge, lament.
Syn.: festivity, feast, banquet, revel, debauch.
antonym(s): fast, starvation, maceration, abstinence.
Syn.: wassail, revel, banquet, orgies.
antonym(s): see banquet.
Syn.: cavil, censure, challenge, overhaul, canvass, hypercriticise, object, catch.
antonym(s): allow, concede, admit, compliment, encourage, approve, applaud, endorse, acquiesce, assent.
Syn.: table, board, consideration, consultation.
antonym(s): shelf, rejection, disposal, oblution.
Syn.: transportation, conveyance, bearing, manner, conduct, demeanor, walk, gait, mien, behavior, deportment, vehicle.
antonym(s): misconveyance, miscarriage, misconduct, misconsignment.
Syn.: occurrence, circumstance, contingency, event, plight, predicament, fact, subject, condition, instance.
antonym(s): hypothesis, supposition, fancy, theory, conjecture.
Syn.: money, specie, coin, currency, capital.
Syn.: hurl, send down, throw, fling, pitch, impel, project, construct, mold, frame.
antonym(s): raise, elevate, recover, erect, accept, approve, retain, carry, ignore, miscalculate, misprovide, break, dissipate, dismember, dislocate.
Syn.: mould, stamp, kind, figure, form, aspect, mien, air, style, manner, character.
antonym(s): malformation, deformity, abnormity.
Syn.: order, class, rank, lineage, race, blood, dignity, respect.
antonym(s): degradation, taboo, disrepute, abasement, reproach.
Syn.: whip, flagellate, cane.
antonym(s): reward, encourage, decorate, caress.
Syn.: accidental, occasional, incidental, contingent, unforeseen, fortuitous.
antonym(s): regular, ordinary, systematic, periodic, certain, fixed, see casualty.
Syn.: accident, contingency, chance, fortuity, hap, misfortune, occurrence, mischance, see accident.
antonym(s): appointment, assignment, provision, ordinance, enactment.
Syn.: sophistry, jesuitry, fallacy, refinement, quibble, strawsplitting.
antonym(s): reason, conscience, commonsense.
- Catalogue, see bawl.
- Catastrophe
Syn.: revolution, disaster, calamity, misfortune, misadventure, reverse, blow, visitation.
antonym(s): blessing, victory, triumph, felicitation, achievement, ovation, success, godsend.
Syn.: take, seize, grip, clutch, capture, secure, ensnare, snatch, hit, arrest, comprehend, overtake, apprehend.
antonym(s): lose, miss, misapprehend, escape.
- Catching, see pestiferous.
- Catechism
Syn.: erotetics, socratics, interrogation, creed, system, compendium.
antonym(s): reading, excogitation, elaboration.
Syn.: tyro, learner, pupil, novice, scholar.
antonym(s): master, doctor, professor, teacher, savant.
Syn.: plain, positive, declaratory, peremptory, affirmative, absolute, demonstrative, distinct.
antonym(s): obscure, uncertain, ambiguous, dubious, contingent, hypothetical, hazy, oracular, enigmatical, mystical.
Syn.: state, kind, predicament, condition, nature, order, mode, sort, class.
antonym(s): essence, truth, being.
Syn.: eventuality, operativeness, potentiality, effectuality, productiveness, conduciveness.
antonym(s): preventiveness, retardativeness, obstructiveness, counteractivity, unproductiveness, ineffectiveness, inoperativeness, barrenness.
Syn.: source, origin, producer, agent, creator, purpose, inducement, reason, account, principle, motive, object, suit, action.
antonym(s): effect, result, accomplishment, end, production, issue, preventive.
Syn.: burning, mordant, pungent, irritating, biting, pointed, sarcastic, trenchant, severe.
antonym(s): pointless, mild, soothing, conciliating, vapid, flat, tame.
Syn.: see care and calculation.
- Cautious, see circumspect.
- Cavalier, see arrogant.
- Cavil, see carp.
- Cavity, see opening.
- Caviller, see cavil.
- Cease
Syn.: intermit, stop, desist, abstain, discontinue, quit, refrain, end, pause, leave off.
antonym(s): ceaseless, never-ending, everlasting, constant, incessant, see eternal.
- Ceaseless, see cease.
- Cede, see relinquish.
- Celebrate, see honor.
- Celebrated
Syn.: famed, renowned, illustrious, eminent, glorious, famous, noted, distinguished, notable, exalted.
antonym(s): unrenowned, obscure, undistinguished, unknown, disgraced, mean.
Syn.: commemoration, solemnization, observance.
antonym(s): oblivion, inobservance, obsolescence, desuetude.
Syn.: fame, honor, glory, star, reputation, distinction, renown, notability, eminence, notoriety.
antonym(s): obscurity, meanness, ingloriousness, ignominy, disgrace, contempt, cipher, nobody.
Syn.: rapidity, speed, haste, velocity, swiftness, quickness, fleetness, despatch.
antonym(s): slowness, inertness, slaggishness, tardiness, cnmhrnnsnees.
Syn.: heavenly, ethereal, atmospheric, supernal, angelic, radiant, eternal, immortal, seraphic, divine, godlike, elysian.
antonym(s): earthly, terrestrial, terrene, sublunary, human, mortal, hellish, infernal.
Syn.: bind, bond, unite, perpetuate, consolidate.
antonym(s): detach, dissolve, dissociate, disintegrate, divorce.
- Censorious, see captious.
- Censure, see blame.
- Censure
Syn.: blame, stricture, reproach, reprobate, inculpate, reprove, condemn, reprehend, chide, berate, scold, upbraid, disapproval, remonstrance, rebuke, reprimand, dispiaise.
antonym(s): praise, eulogy, approbation, encouragement, commendation.
Syn.: mediate, accessible, convenient,.
antonym(s): remote, inaccessible, inconvenient.
Syn.: concentrate, fix, localize, collect.
antonym(s): disperse, disseminate, distribute, apportion, divide, delocalize.
Syn.: official, ministerial, functional, pompous, imposing, sumptuous, scenic.
antonym(s): ordinary, private, unimposing, unostentatious, undramatic.
Syn.: punctilious, formal, prim, precise.
antonym(s): brusque, blunt, supercilious, bluff, unceremonious.
Syn.: display, pageant, solemnity, rite, formality.
antonym(s): see fashion.
Syn.: true, fixed, regular, established, incontrovertible, undoubtful, indubitable, infallible, unmistakable, sure, unfailing, real, actual, undeniable, positive, convinced, assured.
antonym(s): uncertain, dubious, exceptional, irregular, casual, occasional, questionable, doubtful, vacillating, undecided, uncertain.
Syn.: surely, positively, unquestionably.
antonym(s): possibly, probably, perhaps, contingently, doubtfully, occasionally.
Syn.: assurance, demonstrableness, positiveness, unquestionableness, confidence, conviction.
antonym(s): dubiousness, precariousness, casualty, vicissitude, uncertainty, irregularity, hesitation, doubt, misgiving, conjecture, indecision.
Syn.: acknowledge, aver, attest, vouch, avow, avouch, testify, protest, declare, demonstrate, prove, evidence, inform, assure.
antonym(s): disprove, disavow, misinform, misadvise.
Syn.: stopping, halt, discontinuance, quiescence, suspension, intermission, lull, respite, stop, rest, abeyance, pause.
antonym(s): continuance, uninterruptedness, unintermission, incessancy.
Syn.: concession, yielding, surrender, abandonment, relinquishment, grant.
antonym(s): retention, claimance, maintenance, appropriation, usurpation, vindbmtkm, assumption.
Syn.: gall, rub, vex, irritate, chagrin, tease, harass, disappoint, grieve, annoy, worry, calcitrate, re sent, resist, fret, fidget, writhe.
antonym(s): soothe, smooth, coax, calm, humor, console, submit, endure, succumb, crouch, truckle.
Syn.: banter, badinage, nonsense, frivolity, trash, chaffer.
antonym(s): emphasis, seriousness, sense, substance, reason, argument, marrow, pith, gist.
Syn.: haggle, bargain, higgle, stickle, boggle.
antonym(s): close, conclude, agree, negotiate.
Syn.: defy, summon, dare, question, investigate, brave, canvass.
antonym(s): pass, allow, grant, concede.
Syn.: hero, warrior, combatant, vindicator, challenger, defender, protector.
antonym(s): renegade, deserter, poltroon, miscreant, traitor, coward, adversary, opponent.
Syn.: accident, fortuity, hazard, haphazard, fortune, random, casualty, befoulment, luck.
antonym(s): law, rule, sequence, consequence, causation, effectuation, intention, purpose, design, certainty.
Syn.: vary, alter, modify, diversify, qualify, transmute, substitute, fluctuate, shift, veer, exchange.
antonym(s): conserve, retain, stabilitate, fix, clinch, stand, endure, last, hold.
- Change, see variation.
- Changeable, changeful, see capricious and changeless.
- Changeless
Syn.: regular, settled, steady, firm, stationary, consistent, resolute, reliable, undeviating, uniform, immutable, immovable.
antonym(s): irregular, unsettled, unsteady, wavering, fluctuating, capricious, irresolute, vacillating, variable, mutable, plastic.
Syn.: garland, wreath, coronal.
Syn.: symbol, letter, nature, type, disposition, genius, temperament, cast, estimation, repute, office, reputation, part, capacity, class, order, sort, stamp, kind, quality, species, sign, tone, mark, figure, record.
antonym(s): vagueness, anonymousness, nondescription, disrepute.
Syn.: distinction, peculiarity, diagnosis, idiosyncrasy, speciality, individuality, personality, singularity.
antonym(s): nondescription, abstractedness, generality, miscellany.
Syn.: mark, distinguish, describe, particularize, style, designate, individualize, specify, identify.
antonym(s): hint, insinuate, sketch, suggest, adumbrate.
Syn.: direct, enjoin, advise, admonish, arraign, inculpate, entrust, commit, load, accuse, impeach, attack, assault, impute, carry.
antonym(s): clear, free, discharge, acquit, liberate.
Syn.: attributable, ascribable, imputable.
antonym(s): not attributable, not ascribable, not imputable.
- Charity, see benevolence.
- Charitable
Syn.: kind, benign, benevolent, beneficent, liberal, considerate, forgiving, compassionate, placable, inexacting, inextreme.
antonym(s): uncharitable, unkind, harsh, selfish, churlish, illiberal, censorious, unforgiving, uncompassionate, implacable, extreme, exacting, retaliative, revengeful.
Syn.: bewitch, enchant, fascinate, lay, soothe, mesmerize, delight, enrapture, transport, entice, allure, entrance, captivate, subdue.
antonym(s): disenchant, disillusionize, excite, rouse, disturb, annoy, irritate, alarm, terrify, repel, disgust.
Syn.: spell, incantation, enchantment, fascination, attraction, allurement.
antonym(s): disenchantment, repulsion, fear.
Syn.: careful, cautions, calculating, frugal, shy, wary, sparing, slow, saving, reluctant.
antonym(s): liberal, lavish, profuse, eager.
Syn.: pursue, hunt, follow, drive, prosecute.
antonym(s): abandon, relinquish, discard, dismiss, avoid, elude, evade.
Syn.: pure, modest, uncontaminated, spotless, immaculate, undented, virtuous, incorrupt, simple, unaffected, nice.
antonym(s): impure, corrupt, meretricious, gaudy, flashy, overdecorated.
Syn.: purify, discipline, chastise, correct, castigate, improve, spiritualize, afflict, refine.
antonym(s): indulge, sensualize, brutalize, degrade, corrupt, pamper, carnalize, spoil, demoralize.
Syn.: effects, goods, wares, movables, furniture.
antonym(s): freehold.
Syn.: rattle, jabber, cackle, prattle, twaddle.
antonym(s): reason, sense, argument, reticence, philosophy, conversation.
Syn.: common, inexpensive, uncostly, mean, vile, worthless, low-priced.
antonym(s): rare, costly, worthy, expensive, honorable, noble, high.
Syn.: overreach, fleece, silence, trick, gull, cozen, juggle, defraud, swindle, dupe, beguile, deceive, deprive, hoodwink, prevaricate, dissemble, shuffle, inveigle.
antonym(s): enlighten, guide, remunerate, compensate, undeceive, disabuse.
Syn.: deception, fraud, imposition, trick, artifice, illusion, imposture, swindle, finesse, deceit, lie, fiction.
antonym(s): troth, reality, verity, fact, certainty, genuineness, verification, honesty, authenticity.
Syn.: repulse, hindrance, set back, rebuff.
antonym(s): encouragement, freedom, liberty.
Syn.: curb, restrain, stop, stay, repress, hinder, impede, inhibit, cohibit, bridle, control, obstruct.
antonym(s): loose, liberate, instigate, accelerate, license, indulge, allow, abet.
Syn.: hope, happiness, comfort, hospitality, plenty, conviviality.
antonym(s): dejection, sullenness, gloom, starvation, niggardliness, dearth, inhospitableness, churlishness, unsociableness.
Syn.: lively, gay, bright, happy, bonny, merry, joyful, pleasant, buoyant, stmny, enlivening, in good spirits, sprightly, blithe, joyous.
antonym(s): lifeless, dull, gloomy, unhappy, dejected, depressed, sullen, joyless, melancholy, depressing, dispiriting.
- Cheerfulness, see celestial.
- Cheerless, see cheerful.
- Cherish
Syn.: foster, nurse, promote, nourish, nurture, comfort, protect, entertain, value, encourage.
antonym(s): stifle, abandon, discard, discourage, check.
Syn.: masticate, munch, eat.
antonym(s): gorge, bolt whole.
Syn.: artifice, subtlety, sophistry, subterfuge, prevarication, shift, trickery, dodge, quibble, mystification, pettifogging, underhandedness.
antonym(s): openness, candor, fairness, cogency, demonstrativeness, soundness.
Syn.: rate, scold, trounce, reprove, reprimand, rebuke, blame, admonish, objurgate.
antonym(s): applaud, flatter, compliment.
Syn.: captain, general, chief, commander, head man, leader.
antonym(s): follower, attendant, retainer, subaltern, vassal, satellite, minion, adherent.
Syn.: weak, silly, puerile, infantine, imbecile, foolish, trifling, paltry, trivial.
antonym(s): strong, resolute, manly, wise, judicious, sagacious, chivalrous, profound, politic.
- Chimerical, see visionary.
- Chivalrous
Syn.: courageous, generous, knightly, gallant, heroic, adventurous, valiant, spirited, handsome, high-minded.
antonym(s): unhandsome, dirty, sneaking, pettifogging, scrubby, dastardly, -9oreant, ungenerous, ungentlemanly.
Syn.: option, adoption, selection, election, preference, alternative.
antonym(s): compulsion, necessity, rejection, refusal, unimportance, indifference, refuse.
Syn.: select, exquisite, precious, dainty, cherished, valuable, ex, excellent, rare.
antonym(s): common, ordinary, inferior, cheap, valueless, despicable, trumpery.
Syn.: throttle, strangle, gag, smother, burke, suffocate, stifle.
antonym(s): eliminate, educe, promote, demonstrate, discuss, disseminate, moot, bruit, ventilate.
Syn.: hasty, testy, impetuous, irascible.
antonym(s): cool, phlegmatic, serene, placid, dispassionate, stoical.
Syn.: select, elect, prefer, appropriate, adopt, cull, pick out.
antonym(s): leave, dismiss, reject, refuse, disclaim, repudiate, ignore, decline.
Syn.: grin, crow, cackle.
antonym(s): cry, wail, grumble, whimper, whine.
Syn.: buryingground, burial place, cemetery, god's acre, necropolis, graveyard.
Syn.: illiberal, niggardly, inhospitable, unsociable, unneighborly.
antonym(s): liberal, bountiful, hospitable neighborly, sociable.
Syn.: nonentity, dot, nothing, trifle, button, (fig.) straw]], pin, rush, molehill.
antonym(s): somebody, bigwig, something, notability, celebrity, triton, colossus, star.
Syn.: tour, circumference.
antonym(s): line, straightness, directness.
Syn.: indirect, tortuous, devious, serpentine, round about, sinuous, winding.
antonym(s): linear, direct, straight.
Syn.: round, spherical.
antonym(s): lineal, direct.
Syn.: disseminate, disuse, propagate, publish, notify, spread, travel.
antonym(s): suppress, avert, hush, cease, stagnate.
Syn.: periphery, enclosure, circuit, outline, boundary.
antonym(s): diameter, crossing, bisection, transection, transversion.
Syn.: periphrasis, verbosity, inconciseness, insuccinctness, ambiguousness, anfractuosity.
antonym(s): terseness, point, conciseness, succinctness, condensation, directness, plainness, simplicity, coherence.
Syn.: define, designate, delineate, limit, enclose, confine, restrict, fence.
antonym(s): expand, dilate, dissipate, disenclose, distend.
Syn.: limited, narrow, restricted.
antonym(s): limitless, ample, unconfined.
Syn.: cautious, wary, careful, heedful, attentive, prudent, watchful, scrupulous, vigilant.
antonym(s): heedless, incautious, careless, reckless, invigilant, incircumspect.
Syn.: detail, feature, point, event, occurrence, incident, situation, position, fact, topic, condition, particular, specialty.
antonym(s): deed, case, transaction.
Syn.: inferential, constructive, minute, detailed, elaborate, specific.
antonym(s): jocular, positive, inaccurate, loose, general.
Syn.: ensnare, entrap, outwit, diplomatize.
antonym(s): force, subjugate, reduce, compel, circumvention, see circumvent.
Syn.: fortress, castle, stronghold, acropolis.
Syn.: summon, call, quote, adduce, mention, name, select, refer to.
antonym(s): discard, dismiss, canvass, dispute, reject, contradict, disprove, discredit, challenge.
Syn.: townsman, inhabitant, burgess, subject, denizen.
antonym(s): alien, foreigner, visitor, exile.
Syn.: municipal, corporate, urbane, oppidan.
antonym(s): suburban, provincial, rural, cosmopolitan.
Syn.: well-mannered, political, courteous, well-bred, complaisant, affable, urbane, polite, obliging, accommodating, respectful.
antonym(s): disobliging, unaccommodating, disrespectful, boorish, clownish, churlish, uncivil.
Syn.: amelioration, culture, cultivation, humanization, refinement.
antonym(s): demoralization, savagery, uncivilization, barbarism, rudeness, brutality.
Syn.: demand, ask, require, insist, pretense, right, privilege, title, request, maintain.
antonym(s): forego, waive, disclaim, abjure, disavow, abandon, concede, surrender, repudiate.
Syn.: assertion, vindication, pretension, title, right, privilege, arrogation, demand.
antonym(s): waiving, abjuration, disclaimer, surrender.
Syn.: assertor, vindicator, appellant, litigant.
antonym(s): relinquisher, resigner, conceder, waiver, renouncer, abjurer.
Syn.: contention, contentiousness, squabble, tumult, hubbub, noise, uproar, outcry, obloquy.
antonym(s): silence, acquiescence, reticence.
- Clamorous, see noisy.
- Clandestine
Syn.: furtive, secret, ely, stealthy, surreptitious, hidden, disguised, concealed, private, underhand.
Syn.: grasp, connect, unite, bracket, concatenate, embrace.
antonym(s): relax, sever, unclasp, disconnect, detach, exclude.
Syn.: pure, refined, elegant, polished, chaste, augustan.
antonym(s): corrupt, debased, inelegant, harsh, barbarous, unclassical, uncouth.
Syn.: order, species, nature, character, cast, stamp, group, kind, section, sect, category, assortment, designation, description, genus.
antonym(s): individuality, speciality, isolation, alienation, division, distinction, singularity, exclusion, heterogenity.
Syn.: arrange, systematize, adjust, rank, class, tabulate, dispose, collocate, assort.
antonym(s): derange, confound, disorder, disorganize, intermix.
Syn.: portion, paragraph, stipulation, provision, article, condition, chapter, section, passage.
antonym(s): document, instrument, muniment.
Syn.: purify, clarify.
antonym(s): pollute, befoul, bespatter, defile.
Syn.: pure, neat, cleanly, clear, purified, cleansed, untarnished, spotless, unclogged, upright.
antonym(s): impure, untidy, dirty, entangled, hampered, unclean.
Syn.: clarify, disencumber, disentangle, disembarrass, vindicate, liberate, set free, release, exonerate, exculpate, justify, retrieve, acquit, absolve, whitewash, extricate, eliminate.
antonym(s): befoul, contaminate, pollute, clog, encumber, embarrass, involve, implicate.
Syn.: open, pure, bright, transparent, free, disencumbered, disentangled, disengaged, absolved, acquitted, serene, unclouded, evident, apparent, distinct, manifest, conspicuous, unobstructed, plain, obvious, intelligible, lucid.
antonym(s): thick, muddy, foul, opaque, encumbered, entangled, condemned, convicted, turbid, dubious, indistinct, unintelligible.
Syn.: plainly, obviously, distinctly, evidently, palpably, lucidly, explicitly, perspicuously.
antonym(s): opaquely, indistinctly, imperfectly, confusedly.
Syn.: sunder, split, divide, adhere, rend, disever, stick.
antonym(s): conserve, unite, splice, bond, cement, agglutinate, consolidate, separate, depart, desert, apostatize, secede.
Syn.: pastor, divine, parson, preacher, presbyter, minister, elder, deacon, bishop, dominie, rector, prelate, priest, monk, friar, vicar, curate.
antonym(s): layman, laic, congregation, laity, flock.
Syn.: able, ready, talented, quick, ingenious, dexterous, adroit, expert, gifted, quick-witted, skillful, well-contrived.
antonym(s): weak, dull, stupid, slow, illcontrived, doltish, uninventive, awkward, clumsy, bungling, botched.
Syn.: air, atmosphere, temperature, weather, clime, sky, region, sphere, latitude.
antonym(s): earth, globe, world, sphere.
Syn.: summit, height, consummation, acme, point, head, mered, ian, culmination, zenith.
antonym(s): base, floor, bathos, anticlimax, depth, gulf, nadir.
Syn.: ascend, mount, clamber, swarm, surmount, scale, escalade, soar, creep up, rise.
antonym(s): descend, drop, fall, slip, tumble, swoop.
Syn.: fasten, hold, adhere, embrace, stick, cleave, hang, twine, hug.
antonym(s): drop, recede, secede, apostatize, abandon, relax, forego, swerve, surrender.
Syn.: curtail, prune, contract, abridge.
antonym(s): elongate, cherish, grow, nourish.
Syn.: conceal, disguise, mask, veil, hide, cover, palliate, screen, mitigate, extenuate.
antonym(s): exhibit, propound, promulge, portray, aggravate, expose, demonstrate, reveal.
Syn.: narrow, limited, restricted, condensed, packed, secret, compressed, solid, firm, compact, reserved, niggardly, shut, fast, dense.
antonym(s): wide, open, ample, spacious, airy, unconfined, dispersed, rarefied, subtle, vaporous, patent, public, advertised, open-handed, liberal, frank.
Syn.: shut, conclude, stop, complete.
antonym(s): open, initiate, conduct, protract.
Syn.: invest, robe, drape, dress, array, attire, cover.
antonym(s): denude, strip, divest.
- Clothes, see habiliments.
- Cloudy, see muggy and obscure.
- Clownish
Syn.: bustic, boorish, bucolic, boeotian, awkward, clumsy, cloddish, untutored, rude.
antonym(s): polite, civil, urbane, affable, graceful, polished, refined, courtly, high-bred, intelligent, educated.
Syn.: awkward, inexpert, uncouth, maladroit, botching, bungling, unskillful, unwieldly, unhandy, ill-shaped.
antonym(s): neat, workmanlike, artistic, handy, skillful, clever, expert, adroit, dexterous.
Syn.: bunch, group, gathering, muster, throng.
antonym(s): scattering, sprinkling, dietorsion.
Syn.: grasp, grab, seize, catch, grip, grapple with, snatch, pounce.
antonym(s): liberate, release, emancipate.
Syn.: mix, blend, fuse, coalesce, amalgamate, condense.
antonym(s): rarefy, expand, dissipate, subtilize, discombine.
Syn.: assistant, ally, cooperator, accessory, accomplice.
antonym(s): opponent, counteractor, antagonist, baffler, adversary.
Syn.: harmonize, blend, mix, combine, join, unite, amalgamate, cohere.
antonym(s): disagree, discomport.
Syn.: combination, consentaneity, compromise, consociation, union, alliance, league, compact, amalgamation, composition, confederacy.
antonym(s): dissociation, disruption, disagreement, dissentience.
Syn.: common, ordinary, indelicate, vulgar, gross, unrefined, immodest, rough, rude, unpolished.
antonym(s): fine, refined gentle, polished, delicate, choice.
Syn.: wheedle, fawn, flatter, call, ole, persuade, overcome, seduce, allure, circumvent.
antonym(s): intimidate, coerce, impel, instigate, drive.
Syn.: patch, botch, bungle, clout.
antonym(s): repair, manipulate, finedraw.
Syn.: trifle, cipher, moonshine, prejudice, bugbear, phantasy, caprice.
antonym(s): substance, verity, axiom, law, reality, perpetuity, institution, truth.
Syn.: londoner, citizen, swell.
antonym(s): clodhopper, bumpkin, lout.
Syn.: spoil, humor, pamper, nurse, caress.
Syn.: gaffer, churl, curmudgeon.
antonym(s): swell, fop, spendthrift, scapegrace, puppy.
Syn.: summarize, digest, incorporate, embody, condense.
antonym(s): expunge, abrogate, annul, disembody, disincorporate, rescind.
Syn.: restrain, inhibit, impel, compel, drive, counteract, check, constrain, force, confine, intimidate.
antonym(s): permit, persuade, urge, instigate, encourage, liberate, induce, seduce, tempt.
Syn.: coeval, contemporary, synchronous.
antonym(s): incoincident, incontemporaneous, anachronistic, asynchronous.
- Coeval, see coetaneous.
- Coexist
Syn.: concur, comport, accompany, coalesce, coincide.
antonym(s): disconcur, discomport.
Syn.: concurrent, coetaneous, contemporary, coincident, compatible, correspondent, correlative.
antonym(s): discurrent, incontemporaneous, incompatible, adverse, repugnant, antagonistic.
Syn.: commensurateness, equality, parallelism, conterminousness.
antonym(s): incommensurateness, inadequacy, inconterminousness, disparity, divergency, inequality.
- Coextensive, see coextension.
- Cogent
Syn.: forcible, powerful, potent, strong, persuasive, influential.
antonym(s): weak, ineffectual, powerless, feeble.
Syn.: think, ruminate, reflect, meditate, brood, speculate, contemplate, ponder, muse.
antonym(s): idle, maunder, dream.
- Cogitation, see cogitate.
- Cognizance
Syn.: notice, observation, recognition, knowledge, experience.
antonym(s): inadvertence, neglect, ignorance, inexperience, oversight, connivance.
Syn.: aware, informed.
antonym(s): unaware, ignorant, uninformed.
Syn.: stick, adhere, conform, unite, coalesce.
antonym(s): sever, separate, disunite, disintegrate.
Syn.: consecutive, consistent, complete, sensible, compact, logical, close.
antonym(s): inconsecutive, rambling, disunited, inconsistent, discursive, loose, silly, illogical, aberrant.
Syn.: prevent, hinder, curb, restrain, inhibit.
antonym(s): indulge, permit, incite, instigate, encourage, urge.
Syn.: fabricate, counterfeit, invent.
antonym(s): misform, misconstrue.
- Coincide, see agree.
- Coincidence
Syn.: chance, fortuity, casualty, concurrence, correspondence, contemporaneousness, commensurateness, harmony, agreement, consent.
antonym(s): design, purpose, adaptation, synchronism, anachronism, disharmony, incommensurateness, discordance, variation, difference.
Syn.: adduce, collect, compare, gather, induct, extract, cite.
antonym(s): verify, identify, recognize, authenticate.
Syn.: indirect, related, connected, parallel.
antonym(s): direct, linear, essential, integral.
Syn.: helper, companion, associate, ally, confederate, coadjutor, partner, assistant, adjutant, assessor.
antonym(s): co-opponent, corival, counteragent, co-antagonist, competitor, colluctator.
Syn.: collate, gather, glean, sum, infer, learn, congregate, assemble, convoke, convene, muster, amass, garner, accumulate.
antonym(s): classify, arrange, distribute, dispose, dispense, divide, sort, deal.
Syn.: calm, composed, cool, attentive, self-possessed, firm, placid, serene, unmoved.
antonym(s): excited, distracted, wandering, dazed, scared, bewildered.
Syn.: assembly, assemblage, store, gathering, collation.
antonym(s): dispersion, distribution, dispensation, division, arrangement, disposal, classification.
Syn.: encounter, conflict, crash, opposition, impact, concussion, clash.
antonym(s): interswerving, interdivergence, shave.
Syn.: place, locate, arrange, classify, tabulate, allocate.
antonym(s): move, dislocate, distribute, dispense, disturb, disperse, confound, confuse, displace, misplace.
- Collocation, see collocate.
- Colloquy
Syn.: conference, consultation, conversation, council, confabulation.
antonym(s): clamor, outcry, tumult, babel.
Syn.: wrestling, contention, competition.
antonym(s): coadjutorship, assistance, support, backing.
Syn.: connivance, accompliceship, confederacy.
antonym(s): baffling, frustration, counteraction, defeat, discomfiture, discernment, betrayal, exposure, informership, traitorship.
Syn.: hue, tint, complexion, pretense, speciousness, tinge, garbling, falsification, distortion, perversion, varnish.
antonym(s): achromatism, paleness, nakedness, openness, genuineness, transparency, truthfulness.
Syn.: specious, ostensible, deceptive, dressed, tinged, warped.
antonym(s): genuine, candid, open, naked, transparent.
Syn.: encounter, conflict, contention, struggle, contest, engagement, arms, battle.
antonym(s): surrender, submission, mediation, reconciliation, truce, arbitration.
Syn.: union, association, consortment, concert, confederacy, alliance, league, coalition, cabal, synthesis, co-operation.
antonym(s): division, disunion, disruption, dissolution, dispersion, analysis, opposition, resistance, non-location, removal,.
Syn.: seemly, graceful, elegant, shapely, suitable, fitting, handsome, decent, becoming.
antonym(s): unseemly, ungraceful, inelegant, unshapely.
Syn.: snug, satisfied, pleasant, agreeable, cozy, commodious, convenient, consoled.
antonym(s): uncomfortable, dissatisfied, troubled, miserable, wretched, cheerless, unhappy, disagreeable, forlorn.
- Comfortless, see comfortable.
- Comic, see ludicrous.
- Comity
Syn.: urbanity, pleasantness, affability, blandness.
antonym(s): rudeness, d'-tantness, roughness, churlishness.
Syn.: order, direct, instruct, charge, bid, enjoin.
antonym(s): supplicate, entreat, persuade, beg, petition, suggest, represent.
- Command, see mandate.
- Commanding, see authoritative.
- Commemorate
Syn.: perpetuate, celebrate, solemnize, keep.
antonym(s): ignore, drop, abolish, forget, obliviate.
Syn.: begin, start, open, initiate, inaugurate, enter upon, set about, undertake.
antonym(s): finish, terminate, conclude, consummate, complete.
Syn.: praise, laud, extol, approve, recommend, encourage, applaud, eulogize.
antonym(s): blame, censure, disapprove, discourage, denounce, condemn, discommend.
Syn.: equal, adequate, sufficient, coextensive, conterminous.
antonym(s): unequal, short, scant, inadequate, insufficient, incommensurate.
Syn.: note, observe, interpret, illustrate, expound, dilate, explain, expatiate, criticise.
antonym(s): confound, confuse, obscure, mystify, misinterpret, misapprehend, misconceive, misrepresent.
- Comment, see observation.
- Commentator
Syn.: interpreter, explainer, note-maker, scholiast, expositor, glossary, elucidator.
antonym(s): mystifier, misinterpreter, puzzler, enigmatist, oedipus.
Syn.: trade, traffic, merchandize, barter, exchange, business, communication, dealing, intercourse.
antonym(s): stagnation, exclusion, inactivity, interdict, embargo, dullness.
Syn.: despise, contemn, pity, compassionate, condole, sympathize.
antonym(s): admire, envy, disregard, maltreat, molest, ignore, condemn.
- Commiseration, see pity.
- Commit
Syn.: perpetrate, execute, confide, see do, relegate, intrust, assign, allocate, consign.
antonym(s): miscommit, misconsign, misintrust, omit.
Syn.: ample, easy, convenient, spacious, suitable, comfortable.
antonym(s): inconvenient, incommodious, narrow, ill-contrived, incommensurate, discommodious.
Syn.: staple, ware, article, stock.
antonym(s): drug, offal, refuse, garbage.
Syn.: ordinary, familiar, habitual, everyday, frequent, coarse, vulgar, low, mean, universal.
antonym(s): unusual, exceptional, scarce, rare, uncommon, refined, partial, infrequent, sporadic, egregious, excellent.
Syn.: agitation, disturbance, tumult, excitement, turmoil, perturbation.
antonym(s): quiescence, calm, subsidence, pacification, tranquillity, mitigation, appeasement, soothing, allaying, moderating.
Syn.: adjoin, join, touch, reveal, disclose, divulge, promulgate, publish, attach, co-operate, unite, impart, tell, announce, declare.
antonym(s): separate, disjoin, recede, stop, suppress, conceal, secrete, withhold, reserve.
Syn.: participation, share, converse, agreement, partnership, comportionment, fellowship, association, intercourse.
antonym(s): exclusion, deprivation, nonparticipation, disqualification, disconnection, alienation, disruption.
Syn.: aggregation, association, commonwealth, co-ordination, society, sympathy, order, class, brotherhood, fraternity, polity, unity, nationality, similarity, homogeneity.
antonym(s): segregation, secession, independence, dissociation, disconnection, rivalry, hostility, animosity, estrangement, dissimilarity, contrariance, heterogeneity.
Syn.: alter, mitigate, substitute, exchange, compensate, barter, equalize, balance, modify.
antonym(s): misappropriation, misconvert, misappropriate, disallow, stabilitate, perpetuate, stereotype.
Syn.: dense, close, hard, solid, firm, pithy, concise, condensed, contracted, compendious, convenient, concentrated, consolidated, concrete.
antonym(s): ductile, brittle, friable, diffuse, unshapely, straggling, sparse, broadcast, dispread.
Syn.: associate, mate, comrade, colleague, ally, partner, accomplice, coadjutor.
antonym(s): rival, toe, antagonist, adversary.
Syn.: pleasant, affable, sociable, convertible, friendly, easy, agreeable, gregarious.
antonym(s): disagreeable, churlish, unsociable, distant, reserved, ungenial, cold, inaccessible, unneighborly, solitary.
Syn.: converse, acquaintance, familiarity, intimacy, friendliness, association.
antonym(s): ignorance, distance, avoidance, estrangement, alienation, unfamiliarity, soitude, isolation.
Syn.: aggregation, association, union, sodality, order, fraternity, guild, corporation, society, community, assemblage, assembly, crew, posse, gang, troop, audience, congregation, concourse.
antonym(s): rivalry, opposition, disqualification, antagonism, counteragency, competition, counterassociation.
Syn.: assimilate, collate, parallel.
antonym(s): contrast, oppose, dissociate, disconnect, pit, distinguish.
Syn.: resembling, approximate, similar.
antonym(s): dissimilar, unlike, remote, inferior.
Syn.: relatively, proportionately.
antonym(s): absolutely, actually, positively, superlatively.
- Comparison, see likeness.
- Compartment
Syn.: division, partition, allotment, sphere, space.
antonym(s): correlative, viz, anything of which it is a compartment.
Syn.: area, enclosure, circuit, circumference, horizon.
antonym(s): common, space, tract, expanse, boundlessness, limitlessness, indefiniteness.
Syn.: encompass, surround, enclose, environ, circumscribe, embrace, achieve, effect, effectuate, consummate, complete, circumvent.
antonym(s): expand, disband, unfold, amplify, display, dismiss, liberate, discard, fail, bungle, botch, misconceive, mismanage, misconstrue.
Syn.: pity, sympathy, condolence, tenderness, fellow-feeling, commiseration, pardon.
antonym(s): hardheartedness, unforgiveness, cruelty, antipathy, denunciation, condemnation, vindictiveness, retaliation.
- Compassionate, see kind.
- Compatible
Syn.: consistent, consentaneous, harmonious, coexistent, correspondent, congruous, accordant, agreeable, congenial, consonant.
antonym(s): incompatible, impossible, insupposable, inconsistent, discordant, hostile, adverse, antagonistic, incongruous, destructive, inter-repugnant, contradictory.
Syn.: equal, co-ordinate, peer, fellow, mate, compatriot, comrade.
antonym(s): inferior, superior, solitary.
Syn.: force, oblige, drive, constrain, necessitate, make, coerce, bind.
antonym(s): persuade, convince, coax, allure, egg, induce, tempt, seduce, acquit, cozen, liberate, release.
Syn.: condensed, concentrated, brief, short, succinct, concise, abridged, commodious, convenient, useful, handy, comprehensive, compact.
antonym(s): diffuse, vague, prolix, shapeless, cumbrous, undigested.
- Compendium, see abridgement.
- Compensate
Syn.: atone, satisfy, remunerate, indemnity, reimburse, pay, requite, reward, recompense, make amends for.
antonym(s): defraud, deprive, cheat, dissatisfy, injure, damage.
Syn.: remuneration, equivalent, wages, pay, allowance, restoration, restitution, satisfaction, atonement, expiation, indemnification, amercement, damages.
antonym(s): deprivation, injury, nonpayment, gratuity, donation, fraudulence, damage.
Syn.: contend, rival, cope, emulate.
antonym(s): participate, share.
Syn.: power, adequacy, sufficiency, wealth, ability.
antonym(s): incompetence, weakness, inability, insufficiency, want, poverty, impecuniosity, indigence.
- Competent, see adequate.
- Competition
Syn.: rivalry, emulation, race, two of a trade.
antonym(s): association, colleagueship, alliance, jointstock, copartnership, confederation.
Syn.: rival, emulator, opponent, adversary, antagonist.
antonym(s): participator, partner, auxiliary, colleague.
Syn.: collation, composition, patchwork.
antonym(s): effusion, creation.
Syn.: pleased, satisfied, content, pleasant, affable, kind, mannerly, acquiescent, amiable.
antonym(s): dissatisfied, irritated, churlish, unmannerly, morose, austere, grudging.
Syn.: murmur, discontent, repining, grievance, annoyance, remonstrance, expostulation, lamentation, sickness, disease.
antonym(s): congratulation, rejoicing, approbation, complacency, boon, benefit, applause, jubilee, health, sanity.
- Complaisant, see polite.
- Complement
Syn.: completion, fulfilment, totality, supply, counterpart, correlative.
antonym(s): deficiency, deficit, insufficiency, abatement, detraction, defalcation, diminution, drawback.
- Complete, see accomplish.
- Complete
Syn.: full, perfect, finished, adequate, entire, consummate, total, exhaustive, thorough, accomplished.
antonym(s): incomplete, partial, imperfect, unfinished, inadequate.
Syn.: fully, totally, altogether, wholly, perfectly, entirely, thoroughly.
antonym(s): partially, incompletely, imperfectly.
- Completion, see tinge.
- Complex
Syn.: intricate, multifarious, compound, complicated, multifold, involved, deep, many-sided, abstruse, close, tangled, obscure.
antonym(s): obvious, plain, simple, direct, inobscure, superficial, vague, loose, unraveled.
Syn.: face, aspect, color, look, feature, appearance, character, hue, interpretation, indication.
antonym(s): unindicativeness, concealment, reticence, inexpression, heart, core.
- Complexity, see complex.
- Compliance
Syn.: yielding, submission, obedience, acquiescence, consent, ductility, docility.
antonym(s): resistance, repulsion, disobedience, refusal, noncompliance.
- Compliant, see submissive.
- Complicated
Syn.: confused, intricate, involved, perplexed, entangled.
antonym(s): clear, simple, uninvolved, lucid, unraveled.
- Compliment, see praise.
- Compliment
Syn.: homage, courtesy, flattery, praise.
antonym(s): insult, discourtesy, contempt.
Syn.: commendatory, laudatory, panegyrical, eulogistic, encomiastic, lavish of praise.
antonym(s): disparaging, condemnatory, damnatory, denunciatory, reproachful, abusive, objurgatory, vituperative, defamatory.
Syn.: ingredient, element, constituent, factor, content, rudiment.
antonym(s): aggregate, sum, entirety, adventitious, compound, nonconstituent, foreign, heterogeneous.
Syn.: demean, conduct, carry, behove, tally, consist, harmonize, match, agree, suit, coincide.
antonym(s): isdt'iiieau, misconduct, forget, mary, differ, disagree, contrast, militate.
Syn.: construct, compile, soothe, allay, calm, put together, constitute, draw up, frame, form, pacify, mitigate, settle, adjust, write.
antonym(s): analyze, awaken, stir, dissect, criticise, irritate, excite.
Syn.: compound, conformation, structure, mixture, combination, compromise, adjustment, settlement, commutation.
antonym(s): analysis, segregation, examination, criticism, discussion, disturbance, aggravation, perpetuation.
Syn.: tranquility, sereneness, self-possession, sedateness, calm, repose.
antonym(s): perturbation, restlessness, mobility, disturbance.
Syn.: concert, mix, amalgamate, fuse.
antonym(s): resolve, analyze.
Syn.: mixture, combination, amalgamation, junction, unification, coalescence.
antonym(s): decomposition, analysis, dissection, resolution.
Syn.: comprise, embody, grasp, understand, conceive, apprehend, enclose, include, involve, embrace.
antonym(s): exclude, except, misunderstand.
Syn.: understanding, conception, capacity, perception, apprehension.
antonym(s): misunderstanding, misconception.
Syn.: wide, ample, general, extensive, large, broad, all, embracing, generic, significant, capacious, inclusive, compendious, pregnant.
antonym(s): narrow, restricted, shallow, exclusive, adversative, exceptive.
Syn.: condense, compact, crowd, squeeze, contract, abridge, epitomize, summarize.
antonym(s): expand, dilate, diffuse, colliquate, compression, see compress.
Syn.: embrace, include, involve, contain, comprehend, imply.
antonym(s): exclude, except, discard, bar, omit, reject.
Syn.: induction, co-evidence, co-testimony.
antonym(s): disproof, counterevidence, refutation, rejoinder, intercontrariance.
Syn.: arbitrate, adjust, compose, settle, endanger, implicate, involve.
antonym(s): aggravate, excite, foster, perpetuate, exempt, enfranchise, disengage, extricate, exonerate.
Syn.: for, ce, restraint, control, coercion.
antonym(s): persuasion, coaxing, alluring, inducing.
Syn.: contrition, penitence, misgiving, remorse, regret, sorrow.
antonym(s): satisfaction, self-complacency, assurance.
Syn.: calculate, reckon, count, number, appraise, value, estimate, cast up, rate.
antonym(s): conjecture, guess, surmise.
- Comrade, see complex.
- Concatenation
Syn.: linking, connection, stringing, continuity.
antonym(s): discatenation, unlinking, unchanging, severance, intermission, disconnection.
Syn.: hollow, scooped, pitted, excavated, retreating, alveolar.
antonym(s): convex, tumular, protuberant, relievant, embossed, intumescent.
Syn.: hide, secrete, disguise, keep secret, dissemble, screen, suppress.
antonym(s): reveal, manifest, exhibit, avpw, confess, expose, promulgate, publish, divulge.
Syn.: surrender, grant, allow, yield, admit, resign.
antonym(s): refuse, withhold, deny, contradict, contest, claim, contend.
Syn.: idea, notion, thought, affectation, vanity, abstraction, imagination, conception, whim, vagary, egotism.
antonym(s): substance, reality, verity, concretion, body, fact, naturalness, simplicity, unaffectedness, humility.
Syn.: egotistical, self-conceited, vain.
antonym(s): self-deprecating, simple, unassuming, unaffected.
Syn.: imagine, apprehend, believe, suppose, design, think, understand.
antonym(s): produce, express, propound, declare, execute, misconceive.
- Conception, see conceive.
- Concentrate
Syn.: assemble, converge, muster, congregate, convene, draw, conglomerate, condense, localize, centralize.
antonym(s): disperse, scatter, dismiss, decentralize.
- Concentration, see concentrate.
- Concern
Syn.: interest, regard, anxiety, matter, affair, institution, solicitude, moment, regret, sympathy, sorrow.
antonym(s): indifference, disregard, carelessness, congratulation, chuckling.
Syn.: about, of, relating, regarding, touching, in relation to, respecting, with respect to, with regard to, with reference to, relative to.
antonym(s): omitting, disregarding.
Syn.: onion, combination, concord, harmony, agreement, association, co-operation.
antonym(s): dissociation, counteraction, opposition.
- Concession, see concept.
- Conciliate
Syn.: win, gain, enlist, pacify, make friendly, reconcile, propitiate.
antonym(s): lose, estrange, excommunicate, eject, alienate, irritate, displease.
Syn.: condensed, terse, pregnant, expressive, pointed, neat, compendious, succinct, summary, brief, short.
antonym(s): diffuse, prolix, verbose, circumlocutory, rambling, discursive.
Syn.: council, assembly, bureau, synod, cabinet, caucus.
antonym(s): crowd, multitude, assemblage, population, throng, populace, mob, concourse.
Syn.: close, terminate, complete, end, decide, finish, infer, deduce, determine, argue.
antonym(s): begin, initiate, start, open, prolong, protract, perpetuate, doubt, dispute.
Syn.: definitive, indisputable, final, positive, decisive.
antonym(s): uncertain, dubious, questionable, hypothetical, supposititious, problematical, theoretical, vague, indeterminate, inconclusive.
Syn.: compound, prepare, mix, hatch, brew.
antonym(s): spoil, upset, disconcoct, disconcert, mar, misprepare.
Syn.: brew, mixture, compound.
antonym(s): crudity, rawness, ingredient.
Syn.: accompanying, attending, attendant, synchronous.
antonym(s): precedent, subsequent, diverse, unconnected, independent, irrelative.
Syn.: harmony, accordance, agreement, peace, union, unity, unanimity, amity.
antonym(s): discord, disagreement, variance, animosity.
- Concordance, see concord.
- Concourse
Syn.: assembly, assemblage, crowd, throng, convergence, mob.
antonym(s): cabinet, conclave, cabal, dispersion, desertion, solitude.
Syn.: firm, compact, consolidated, indurated, embodied, particularized.
antonym(s): loose, sloppy, luteous, shifting, boggy, swampy, yielding, unresisting, abstract, generalize.
Syn.: approve, acquiesce, assent, coincide, meet, converge, concentrate, agree.
antonym(s): diverge, radiate, disagree, dissent, part, differ.
Syn.: blame, convict, reprove, cast, censure, denounce, doom, sentence.
antonym(s): absolve, acquit, exonerate, pardon, justify, approve.
- Condense, see [[]].
- Condescend
Syn.: stoop, descend, deign, vouchsafe.
antonym(s): disdain, scorn, spurn.
- Condescension, see condescend.
- Syn, affability, graciousness, favor, stooping.
antonym(s): haughtiness, arrogance, pride, superciliousness, disdain, scorn. - Condign
Syn.: deserved, merited, meet, just, adequate.
antonym(s): undeserved, unmerited, scant, excessive.
Syn.: sauce, pickle, preserve, seasoning.
antonym(s): gall, wormwood, ashes, aloe.
Syn.: state, case, mood, term, mode, qualification, requisite, stipulation, predicament, proviso, situation, circumstances, plight.
antonym(s): relation, dependence, situation, circumstance, concession, fulfillment, adaptation.
Syn.: provisionally, relatively, provided, hypothetical, contingently.
antonym(s): absolutely, unconditionally, categorically, positively.
Syn.: sympathize, console, commiserate.
antonym(s): congratulate, exhilarate, disregard, rally, discompassionate, discommiserate.
- Condolence, see condole.
- Condonation
Syn.: indulgence, excuse, amnesty, pardon, forgiveness.
antonym(s): expiation, satisfaction, atonement.
Syn.: concur, contribute, avail, aid, tend, coincide, converge, assist, help, make for, conspire, lead, subserve.
antonym(s): indispose, counteract, defeat, neutralize.
Syn.: contributive, promotive, subsidiary, causative, effective, productive.
antonym(s): preventive, counteractive, contrariant, repugnant, destructive.
Syn.: lead, bring, carry, transfer, direct, guide, control, manage, administer.
antonym(s): mislead, miscarry, mismanage, misconduct, misadminister.
- Conduct, see behavior.
- Confabulation, see colloquy.
- Confection, see concoction, see condiment and compound, used of sweet compounds.
- Syn, sweetmeat, sugarplum, cake, condiment.
antonym(s): see condiment. - Confederacy, confederation
Syn.: alliance, treaty, league, union, association.
antonym(s): disruption, secession, disunion.
Syn.: leagued, allied, united, combined.
antonym(s): disunited, dissolved.
- Confederate, see companion.
- Confer
Syn.: compare, collate, discuss, deliberate, converse, consult, give, present.
antonym(s): dissociate, contrast, hazard, conjecture, withhold, withdraw.
Syn.: discussion, discourse, consultation, parley, contravention, convocation, meeting.
antonym(s): monologue, silence, see convention.
Syn.: avow, aver, own, reveal, disclose, acknowledge.
antonym(s): disaver, disavow, suppress, silentiate, deny.
Syn.: creed, catechism, articles, doctrines, tenets, profession, declaration, subscription.
antonym(s): heresy, apostacy, protest, condemnation, refutation, index, renunciation, abjuration.
Syn.: confessor, adviser, confederate.
antonym(s): traitor, betrayer, rival.
Syn.: trust, lean, hope, believe, depend, rely.
antonym(s): doubt, distrust, disbelieve.
Syn.: trust, faith, belief, self-reliance, assurance, dependence, reliance.
antonym(s): distrust, mistrust, doubt, misgiving.
Syn.: positive, assured, sure, certain, impudent, bold, sanguine.
antonym(s): see certain.
Syn.: private, secret, trustworthy, intimate.
antonym(s): public, open, patent, official, treacherous, insidious.
Syn.: shape, outline, delineation, form, figure, conformation, contour.
antonym(s): shapelessness, amorphousness, formlessness, undelineation, contortion, distortion, deformity.
Syn.: immure, limit, bound, imprison, circumscribe, restrict, enclose, narrow, incarcerate, bind.
antonym(s): dilate, expand, extend, widen, unfasten, liberate, loosen, disenclose.
- Confined, see circumscribe.
- Confirm
Syn.: strengthen, stabilitate, establish, substantiate, settle, prove, fix, perpetuate, sanction, corroborate, ratify.
antonym(s): weaken, shake, upset, cancel, abrogate, repeal, annul, confute, refute.
- Confirmation, see confirm.
- Confiscate
Syn.: seize, escheat, dis, possess, sequestrate, distrain.
antonym(s): restore, release, refund.
Syn.: ignition, fire, combustion, arson, incendiarism.
antonym(s): extinction, smoulder, quenching.
Syn.: encounter, engagement, contest, battle, fight, combat.
antonym(s): reconciliation, pacification, amity, arbitration.
Syn.: adverse, opposed, opposing, dashing, discordant, irreconcilable, contradictory.
antonym(s): harmonizing, consistent, consentaneous, congruous.
Syn.: conflux, meeting, concourse, convergence, concurrence.
antonym(s): reflux, refluence, dispersion, overflow, diffluence.
Syn.: agree, consent, harmonize, adapt, fit, tally, suit, obey, comply, unite, yield.
antonym(s): disagree, dissent, vary, dissociate, secede, misfit, dissimilate, misadapt.
- Conformation, n, see conform and configuration.
- Conformity, see conformation.
- Confound
Syn.: confuse, disorder, trouble, disarrange, intermix, abash, astound, mystify, obscure, stupefy, disconcert, mix, blend, intermingle, perplex, discompose.
antonym(s): arrange, classify, order, allocate, distribute, dispense, unravel, enucleate, eliminate, elucidate, rally, enlighten.
- Confraternity, see company.
- Confront
Syn.: oppose, face, encounter, resist, intimidate, menace.
antonym(s): rally, encourage, abet, countenance.
Syn.: abashed, embarrassed, perplexed, disconcerted, disorganized, promiscuous, chaotic, complex, involved, disarranged, disordered.
antonym(s): unabashed, unembarrassed, systematic, unconfused, organized, arranged.
Syn.: freeze, benumb, congelate.
antonym(s): thaw, relax, melt, chafe, dissolve.
Syn.: natural, concordant, consonant, grateful, sympathetic, kindred, ai, unnfrnnral, abbiant, abbiant, dissonant, disagreeable, ungrate ful, antagonistic, alien, dissimilar, uncongenial.
Syn.: coeval, coetaneous, natural, inherent, innate, immanent, ingrained, incarnate, connate, ingenerate.
antonym(s): unnatural, uncongenial, acquired, habitual, extraneous, artificial, ascititious, adventitious, assumed.
Syn.: congeries, accumulation, glomeration, redundancy, plethora.
antonym(s): dissipation, diffusion, clearance, evacuation, colliquation.
- Conglomerate, see agglomerate.
- Conglutinate, see agglutinate.
- Congratulate
Syn.: felicitate.
antonym(s): see condole.
- Congregate, see aggregate.
- Congregation, see aggregation.
- Congress
Syn.: parliament, council, conclave, assembly, synod, legislature, convention.
antonym(s): cabal, conclave, mob.
Syn.: agreeing, harmonious, coherent, homogeneous, consonant, accordant.
antonym(s): discordant, dissonant, incongruous, heterogeneous.
Syn.: guest, divination, hypothesis, theory, notion, surmise, supposition.
antonym(s): computation, calculation, inference, reckoning, proof, deduction.
- Conjecture, see suppose.
- Conjoin, see concatenate.
- Conjuncture
Syn.: crisis, turning-point, contingency, occasion, opportunity, exigency, emergency.
antonym(s): arrangement, provision, ordainment, preparation, course.
Syn.: implore, importune, crave, entreat, beseech, supplicate.
antonym(s): deprecate, protest, remonstrate, expostulate.
- Connect, see unite.
- Connection
Syn.: junction, con, junction, union, association, concatenation, relation, affinity, relevance, intercourse, communication, unarm an, relationship, kindred.
antonym(s): disconnection, disjunction, dissociation, independence, irrelevance, disunion.
Syn.: wink, pretermit, pass, overlook.
antonym(s): notice, visit, censure, investigate.
Syn.: conjugal, matrimonial, nuptial.
antonym(s): single, celibate, illicit, adulterous.
Syn.: subdue, vanquish, surmount, overcome, overpower, overthrow, defeat, crush, master, subjugate, prevail over.
antonym(s): fail, fall, retreat, succumb, fly, submit, surrender, lose, forfeit, sacrifice, resign, cede.
Syn.: victory, triumph, overthrow, discomfiture, subjugation.
antonym(s): failure, defeat, retreat, surrender, forfeiture, submission, discomfiture.
Syn.: kindred, blood, lineage.
antonym(s): disconnection, dissociation.
Syn.: sense, intuition, integrity, principle.
antonym(s): see perturb and stoical, license.
Syn.: scrupulous, exact, equitable, strict, upright, highprincipled.
antonym(s): unscrupulous, lax, unprincipled, reprobate, unconscientious.
Syn.: aware, cognizant, sensible.
antonym(s): unaware, unconscious, insensible.
Syn.: sense, sensation, intelligence, perception.
antonym(s): insensibility, unconsciousness.
Syn.: impressment, drafting.
antonym(s): enlistment, volunteering.
Syn.: dedicate, devote, enshrine, hallow, sanctify.
antonym(s): desecrate, secularize, profane.
Syn.: orderly, arranged, coherent, continuous.
antonym(s): disordered, undigested, incoherent, rambling, inconsequent, inconsecutive, discursive.
Syn.: submit, agree, acquiesce.
antonym(s): resist, disagree, dissent, deline, refuse.
Syn.: agreeing, correspondent, consonant, congruous, see harmonious.
Syn.: effect, issue, result, inference, coherence, deduction, conclusion, outcome, importance, note, moment, dignity.
antonym(s): cause, causation, antecedence, premise, origin, datum, postulate, axiom, unimportance, insignificance, inconsequence, inconsecutiveness, irrelevance, meanness, paltriness.
Syn.: inferred, deduced, resultant, accruing, attendant.
antonym(s): assumed, conjectured, antecedent, conducive, productive, inconsequent.
Syn.: coherent, connected, nected, cogent, logical, pompous, arrogant.
antonym(s): incoherent, disconnected, in, valid, illogical, inconsequential, affable, conversible, accessible, easy, humble-minded.
Syn.: accordingly, therefore, see according.
antonym(s): irrelevantly, inconsequently.
Syn.: preservation, keeping, protection, guardianship, maintenance, stabilisation, perpetuation.
antonym(s): neglect, exposure, abrogation, destruction, abolition.
Syn.: undestroyed, unsuppressed, stationary, unrepealed.
antonym(s): changed, newfangled, radical, progressive, modifiable, alterable, transitional.
Syn.: attend, revolve, meditate, think, reflect, investigate, regard, observe, judge, opine, infer, deduce, weigh, cogitate, deliberate, ponder, deem.
antonym(s): disregard, ignore, pretermit, despise, guess, conjecture, hazard.
Syn.: important, large, extensive.
antonym(s): unimportant, trifling, inconsiderable.
Syn.: thoughtful, attentive, forbearing, unselfish, judicious, serious, prudent, circumspect, reflective, careful, cautious.
antonym(s): thoughtless, inconsiderate, inattentive, rude, overbearing, selfish, injudicious, rash, careless.
Syn.: importance, suspect, consequence, motive, inducement, compensation, subsidy, remuneration.
antonym(s): meanness, insignificance, unimportance.
Syn.: because, regarding.
antonym(s): irrespectively, independently.
- Consign, see assign.
- Consignment
Syn.: custody, commission, delegation.
antonym(s): miscommitment, misconsignment.
- Consist, see constitute.
- Consistence, see consistency.
- Consistency
Syn.: consistence, congruity, composition, substance, material, amalgamation, compound, mass, density, solidity, closeness, compactness, coherence, uniformity, harmony, analogy, proportion.
antonym(s): volatility, vaporousness, subtility, tenuity, sublimation, incoherence, inconsistency, incongruity, disproportion, contrariety, contradiction.
Syn.: congruous, accordant, consonant, agreeing, compatible, harmonious.
antonym(s): incongruous, at variance with, not agreeing with, incompatible, inharmonious.
Syn.: relieve, soothe, solace, encourage, comfort, assuage.
antonym(s): congratulate, felicitate, aggravate, oppress, disturb, trouble, annoy, irritate, irreconcile, dissatisfy.
Syn.: condense, incorporate, conglutinate, cement, solder, bond, weld, thicken, strengthen, fuse.
antonym(s): weaken, dissipate, disunite, dismember, disintegrate, colliquate, dissolve, melt, vaporize, sublimate, attenuate, triturate, pulverize.
Syn.: associate, herd, company, fraternize.
antonym(s): avoid, abandon, excommunicate, blackball, banish, exclude.
Syn.: visible, easily seen, prominent, distinguished, manifest, eminent, famous, noted, salient, observable, noticeable, magnified.
antonym(s): invisible, inconspicuous, in, observable, noticeable, microscopic.
Syn.: intrigue, cabal, plot, treason, treachery, machination, coalition.
antonym(s): legislation, parliament, congress, synod, comp, conclave and cabal.
Syn.: concur, conduce, con, tribute, agree, unite, hang, pull together, co-operate, league, baud.
antonym(s): oppose, counteract, withstand, run counter to.
Syn.: uniform, regular, invariable, perpetual, continuous, firm, fixed, steady, immutable, faithful, true, trustworthy.
antonym(s): irregular, exceptional, variable, casual, accidental, incidental, broken, interrupted, inconstant, fickle, untrustworthy, faithless, treacherous, false.
Syn.: amazement, bewilderment, astonishment, astounding, horror, terror, dismay.
antonym(s): encouragement, boldness, fearlessness, assurance, anticipation, welcome, expectation, greeting, congratulation.
Syn.: voter, returner, sender, deputer, appointer, patron, ingredient, element, component.
antonym(s): representative, nominee, committee, constitution, system, whole.
Syn.: form, make, compose, appoint, depute, organize, institute.
antonym(s): dissolve, destroy, discompose, decompose, disorganize, abrogate, annul, unmake.
Syn.: temperament, frame, temper, character, habit, nature, government, polity, state, consistence, composition, substance, organization, structure, regulation, law.
antonym(s): accident, habituation, modification, interference, anarchy, despotism, tyranny, rebellion, revolution, dissipation, disorganization, demolition, destruction.
Syn.: fundamental, legal, lawful, legitimate, natural.
antonym(s): unconstitutional, illegal, illegitimate, unnatural, unchanged.
Syn.: compose, build, fabricate, form, erect, invent, frame.
antonym(s): derange, destroy, demolish, overthrow.
Syn.: composition, fabrication, explanation, rendering, erection, fabric, edifice, reading, understanding, interpretation, view.
antonym(s): dislocation, dismemberment, demolition, displacement, misplacement, misconstruction, misunderstanding, misconception, misinterpretation.
Syn.: parse, resolve, analyze, interpret, understand, render.
antonym(s): nullify, neutralize, mystify, distort, falsify, misconstrue, misinterpret, misconceive, mistranslate.
Syn.: interrogate, canvass, question, deliberate, confer, advise with, regard, consider, ask advice of, care for, promote.
antonym(s): resolve, explain, expound, direct, instruct, dictate, counteract, contravene.
Syn.: use, appropriate, burn, oat up, devour, spend, squander, assimilate, occupy, absorb, employ, utilize, waste, destroy, spoil, ravage, expend, pine, wither, decay.
antonym(s): reject, supersede, disuse, discard.
Syn.: complete, perfect, execute, finish, accomplish, conclude, seal, end.
antonym(s): neglect, drop, interrupt, nullify, undo, baffle, frustrate, mar, defeat, spoil.
Syn.: perfect, egregious, excellent, complete, finished.
antonym(s): imperfect, rude, common, mediocre, faulty, defective, ordinary.
Syn.: decline, decay, expenditure, waste, decrement, lessening, decrease.
antonym(s): growth, development, enlargement, augmentation.
Syn.: touch, contiguity, continuity, apposition, adjunction.
antonym(s): proximity, adjacence, interruption, disconnection, separation, distance, isolation, noncontact.
Syn.: catching, epidemic, infectious, pestilential, communicated, transferred, transmitted, infections.
antonym(s): sporadic, endemic, preventive, antipathetic.
Syn.: hold, include, comprise, embrace, comprehend, inclose.
antonym(s): drop, exclude, extrude, emit, discharge, afford, yield, produce.
Syn.: defile, taint, corrupt, sully, befoul, soi'.
antonym(s): purify, cleanse, lave, clarify, sanctify, chasten.
Syn.: despise, disdain, deride, vilify, slight, disregard, scorn.
antonym(s): respect, revere, venerate, regard.
Syn.: meditate, behold, observe, ponder, study, purpose, design, intend, project.
antonym(s): ignore, overlook, waive, abandon.
- Contemporary, see coetaneous.
- Contempt, see contemn.
- Contemptible
Syn.: despicable, mean, vile, pitiful, disreputable, paltry, trifling, trivial.
antonym(s): important, grave, weighty, honorable, respectable, venerable.
- Contemptuous, see supercilious.
- Contend
Syn.: strive, compete, cope, dispute, vie, contest, struggle, grapple, argue, maintain, disagree, wrangle.
antonym(s): resign, concede, allow, relinquish, forego, surrender, waive.
Syn.: full, satisfied, pleased, gratified, contented, willing, resigned.
antonym(s): unsatisfied, dissatisfied, unwilling, reluctant, discontented.
- Contented, see content.
- Contention, see strife.
- Contentious, see contend.
- Quarrelsome
Syn.: litigious, perverse, wayward, splenetic, cantankerous, exceptions.
antonym(s): pacific, obliging, considerate, obsequious, accommodating, easy.
Syn.: commensurate, adjoining, contiguous, abutting.
antonym(s): unequal, inconformable, adjacent, proximate, remote, inconterminous.
- Contest, see contend.
- Contest, see contention.
- Context
Syn.: tenor, treatment, texture, composition, matter.
antonym(s): text, quotation, citation, passage, extract.
- Contexture, see texture.
- Contiguous, see contagious, see adjacent and conterminous.
- Continence
Syn.: abstinence, selfcontrol, refrain, chastity, sobriety, temperance.
antonym(s): licentiousness, self-indulgence, incontinence, dissoluteness, intemperance.
- Contingency, see accident.
- Contingent
Syn.: dependent, incidental, resultant, co-emcient, hypothetical, uncertain, conditional.
antonym(s): positive, absolute, independent, unmodified, unaffected, uncontrolled, irrespective.
Syn.: contribution, subsidy, supply, succor, reinforcement, auxiliaries, donation, subscription.
antonym(s): army, sum, host, campaign, fund, capital.
Syn.: constantly, persistently, always, ever, perpetually, unceasingly, repeatedly, frequently, continuously.
antonym(s): casually, occasionally, contingently, sometimes, rarely, fitfully, intermittently.
Syn.: sequence, continuance, continuity, duration, succession, connection, extension, prolongation, perpetuation, concatenation.
antonym(s): interruption, cessation, discontinuance, break, gap.
Syn.: last, persist, endure, remain, abide, stay, persevere, proceed.
antonym(s): cease, fail, stop, pause, break, discontinue.
- Continuity, see continuation.
- Contortion
Syn.: twisting, writhing, wresting, distortion, deformity, convolution.
antonym(s): symmetry, uniformity, shapeliness, configuration, contour.
- Contour, see configuration.
- Contraband
Syn.: illicit, interdicted, smuggled.
antonym(s): licit, uninterstated, free.
Syn.: abridge, abbreviate, narrow, lessen, reduce, compress, decrease, retrench, curtail, form, agree.
antonym(s): expand, amplify, dilate, elongate, reverse, cancel, abandon.
Syn.: covenant, agreement, compact, bond, pact, stipulation, bargain.
antonym(s): promise, assurance, parole.
Syn.: oppose, dissent, negative, controvert, deny, disprove, confute, refute, gainsay, contravene.
antonym(s): state, propound, maintain, argue, confirm, affirm, endorse.
Syn.: repugnance, contrariety, inconsistency, incompatibility.
antonym(s): harmony, coincidence, concurrence, almation, proof, statement.
Syn.: oppositeness, confrontment, facing.
antonym(s): side, flank, collateralness.
- Contrarious, see contentious.
- Contrary
Syn.: opposed, opposite, repugnant, antagonistic, adverse, incompatible, inconsistent.
antonym(s): agreeing, consentaneous, compatible, kindred, coincident, consistent.
Syn.: opposition, contrariety, dissimilarity.
antonym(s): harmony, similarity, comparison, similitude.
Syn.: conduce, add, subscribe, give, co-operate, assist, tend, supply.
antonym(s): refuse, withhold, misconduct, misapply, contravene.
Syn.: donation, oblation, offering, gift, subscription, subsidy, aid, assistance.
antonym(s): withholding, retention, disallowance, misappropriation, misapplication, contravention.
- Contrition, see attrition.
- Contrivance, see contrive and device.
- Contrive
Syn.: plan, design, arrange, fabricate, adapt, manage, scheme, devise, concert, adjust.
antonym(s): hit, hazard, run, chance, venture, bungle, overvault, overdo.
- Contriving, see contrive.
- Control
Syn.: chec-, curb, moderate, repress, guide, regulate, restrain, coerce, manage, administer, govern.
antonym(s): neglect, abandon, license, berate, free, mismanage, misconduct.
Syn.: dispute, disagreement, quarrel, strife, altercation, contention, disputation, wrangle, bickering, question.
antonym(s): agreement, unanimity, coincidence.
Syn.: questionable, dubious.
antonym(s): unquestionable, incontrovertible.
Syn.: rebelliousness, stubbornness, restiveness, waywardness, self-will, untractableness.
antonym(s): submissiveness, docility, tractableness, servility, cringing, fawning, flattery.
Syn.: contemptuousness, scornfulness, arrogance, disrespect, obloquy.
antonym(s): respect, regard, obligingness, accommodation, considerateness, flattery, adulation, obsequiousness, fawning.
Syn.: bruise, knock, blow.
antonym(s): soothing, smoothing, stroking, caress, pat.
Syn.: assemble, collect, gather, meet, congregate, call together, summon, muster, levy, convoke.
antonym(s): disperse, dismiss, disband.
Syn.: handy, apt, adapted, fitted, suitable, helpful, commodious, useful, timely, seasonable, opportune.
antonym(s): inconvenient, awkward, obstructive, useless, superfluous, unseasonable, untimely, inopportune.
Syn.: assemblage, meeting, gathering, conference, cabinet, convocation, congress, session, synod, treaty, compact.
antonym(s): recess, non-convention, dissolution, prorogation, promise, understanding, word, parole.
Syn.: customary, usual, ordinary, stipulated, prevalent, social.
antonym(s): unusual, unsocial, legal, compulsory, stututable, immutable, natural, invariable.
Syn.: cosnobitual, regular, monastic.
antonym(s): social, secular, laic.
Syn.: tend, bear, incline, lead, coincide, conduce, contribute, meet, concentrate, coradiate.
antonym(s): diverge, deviate, radiate, mix, foul, entergle.
Syn.: familiar, ae, quainted, proficient, experienced, versed, learned.
antonym(s): unfamiliar, unacquainted, ignorant, unversed, unlearned, strange, inconversant.
Syn.: converse, dialogue, talk, conference, colloquy, confabulation, chat.
antonym(s): speech, oration, harangue, babel, jabber, babble, prattle, dribble, mutter, soliloquy, apostrophe, monologue, interpellation, interruption, silence, taciturnity.
Syn.: talk, discourse, speak, chat.
antonym(s): keep silent.
Syn.: opposite, reverse, contrary, opposed, contradictory, counter, relative, correlative.
antonym(s): identical, same, one, inseparable, indistinguishable, connate, uniform, direct, primary, uninverted.
Syn.: change, alteration, transmutation, transformation, intercharge.
antonym(s): persistence, permanence, conservation, retention, identity.
Syn.: change, alter, transmute, transform, apply, appropriate, turn.
antonym(s): conserve, perpetuate, stabilitate, see q1409 stereotype, clinch, alienate, divert, misappropriate, misapply.
Syn.: identical, commensurate, conterminous, equivalent, equipollent.
antonym(s): variant, incommensurate, unequivalent, contrary, contradictory, contrariant.
Syn.: take, carry, transfer, relegate, bear, transmit, consign, transport, remove.
antonym(s): bring, adduce, fetch, drop, house, stow, deposit.
- Conveyance, see convey.
- Convict
Syn.: sentence, condemn.
antonym(s): acquit, discharge.
Syn.: assurance, persuasion, belief.
antonym(s): doubt, see rf* giving, disbelief, see xxx.
Syn.: persuade, enlighten, inoculate, indoctrinate.
antonym(s): misguide, mislead, misadvise, mystify, puzzle, perplex, mispersuade, unsettle.
Syn.: hospitable, social, festive, gay, festal, jovial, jolly.
antonym(s): inhospitable, unsociable, unneighborly, churlish, abstemious, austere, ascetic.
- Convocate, see convene.
- Convocation, see convention.
- Convoke, see convene.
- Convolution
Syn.: coil, involution, implication, spiral, twist, contortion.
antonym(s): unravelling, explication, evolution, enucleation.
Syn.: escort, guard, protection, conduct.
antonym(s): loss, betrayal, capture, interception.
Syn.: agitate, shake, perturb, disturb.
antonym(s): soothe, collocate, compose, assuage.
Syn.: ventilate, refrigerate, allay, damp, temper, moderate.
antonym(s): warm, heat, chafe, irritate, excite, inflame.
Syn.: cold, frigid, unimpassioned, calm, indifferent, self-possessed, deliberate, dispassioned, collected, apathetic, composed.
antonym(s): warm, hot, ardent, eager.
Syn.: coldness, indifference, self-possession, distance, calmness.
antonym(s): heat, ardor, eagerness, passion, excitement, warmth, heartiness.
- Coop, see confine.
- Co-operate
Syn.: assist, abet, contribute, concur, work together, help, conspire.
antonym(s): thwart, oppose, counteract, rival.
Syn.: consociate, coincident, equal, coequal, equivalent, tantamount, equipollent, interequivalent.
antonym(s): extraneous, diverse, alien, unequal, unequivalent, incoordinate, disparate.
Syn.: contend, vie, struggle, compete, strive.
antonym(s): negotiate, arbitrate, compromise, surrender.
Syn.: imitation, portraiture, facsimile, counterfeit, duplicate, image, likeness, transcript.
antonym(s): original, prototype, model, example, pattern.
Syn.: warm, earnest, sincere, reviving, invigorating, affectionate, hearty.
antonym(s): cold, distant, formal, ceremonious.
Syn.: heart, kernel, nucleus, centre.
antonym(s): face, exterior, aspect, appearance, complexion, ostensibility, pretext.
Syn.: cavity, hole, nook, recess, retreat.
antonym(s): coin, abutment, prominence, salience, angle, protrusion, elbow, protection, convexity.
Syn.: beading, moulding, projection.
antonym(s): entablature, fluting, corrugation, cavity, groove.
Syn.: inference, deduction, additament, superaddition.
antonym(s): problem, proposition.
Syn.: bodily, fleshly, physical, material, corporeal.
antonym(s): mental, moral, spiritual.
Syn.: body, regiment, band, squadron, troop, company.
antonym(s): aggregate, army, host, force, mass, organization.
Syn.: carcass, remains, dust, clay.
antonym(s): soul, person, individual.
Syn.: stout, burly, fat, portly, gross, lusty, plethoric, fleshy.
antonym(s): lean, thin, attenuated, slight, emaciated.
Syn.: atom, particle, monad, jot, molecule.
antonym(s): mass, body, aggregate, organization, matter.
- Corpuscular, see corpuscle.
- Corradiate, see converge.
- Correct
Syn.: true, exact, faultless, accurate, proper, decorous, right.
antonym(s): false, untrue, incorrect, faulty, wrong.
Syn.: chasten, punish, rectify, amend, reform, emend, redress, set right, improve.
antonym(s): spare, falsify, corrupt.
Syn.: amendment, discipline, emendation, chastisement, punishment.
antonym(s): deterioration, debasement, retrogradation, reward, recompense.
Syn.: regulative, alterative, preventative, restorative.
antonym(s): confirmative, conducive, provocative, stimulative, intensitive.
Syn.: correspondence, interrelation, interdependence, mutuality, apposition.
antonym(s): contradiction, independence, see learned and rational.
- Correlative, see corrugation.
- Correspond
Syn.: match, tally, fit, answer, agree, suit, harmonize.
antonym(s): vary, differ, disagree, jar, clash.
Syn.: fitness, agreement, adaptation, congruity, answerableness, match, congeniality, communication, letter, writing, despatches.
antonym(s): conversation, colloquy, confabulation, reservation, withdrawal, withholding, nonintercourse, difference, repugnance.
- Correspondent, see suitable.
- Corrigible
Syn.: amenable, docile, tractable.
antonym(s): intractable, stubborn, incorrigible.
Syn.: strengthen, confirm, fortify, support.
antonym(s): weaken, invalidate, shake, confute, rebut, enfeeble.
Syn.: confirmation, fortification, strengthening.
antonym(s): counterevidence, contradiction, invalidation, shaking, refutation.
Syn.: eat, rust, gnaw, canker, wear, crumble.
antonym(s): repair, renew, furbish, consolidate.
- Corrosion, see corrode and rust.
- Corrosive, see corrode.
- Corrugate
Syn.: furrow, groove, rumple, crumple, wrinkle, ruffle, crease.
antonym(s): plane, flatten, roll.
- Corrugation, see corrugate.
- Corrupt
Syn.: spoil, deteriorate, impair, putrefy, vitiate, demoralize, debase, defile, contaminate, pollute, deprave.
antonym(s): mend, repair, purify, cleanse, correct, ameliorate, better.
Syn.: defiled, polluted, vitiated, decayed, depraved, putrid, rotten, infected, tainted, profligate, contaminated.
antonym(s): pure, uncorrupt, undented.
Syn.: decomposition, decay, putrescence, adulteration, dev, pravity, rottenness, defilement, deterioration, perversion, debasement, taint, contamination, putrefaction.
antonym(s): vitality, organization, purity, purification, amelioration.
Syn.: blaze, flame, flash, scintillate, glisten.
antonym(s): pale, smoulder, darken, loom, lower, glimmer, gleam, glare, beam, shimmer.
- Coruscation, see coruscate.
- Comical
Syn.: universal, general.
antonym(s): local, topical, national, persomal.
Syn.: require, consume, absorb.
antonym(s): bring, produce, yield, afford, fetch, return.
Syn.: expenditure, outlay, disbursement, payment, compensation, price, worth, expense, charge, outgoings.
antonym(s): receipt, income, emolument, return, profit, perquisite, revenue.
Syn.: valuable, expensive, high-priced, rich, precious, sumptuous.
antonym(s): valueless, cheap, low-priced, mean, worthless, beggarly, paltry.
Syn.: uniform, livery, robes.
antonym(s): disguise, transformation, incognito.
Syn.: snug, comfortable, chatty.
antonym(s): bare, comfortless, cross.
- Contemporary, see coetaneous.
- Council
Syn.: cabinet, bureau, chamber, consultation, conclave, parliament, congress, synod, company, assembly, meeting, conference, convention, convocation.
antonym(s): league, conspiracy, cabal, intrigue, mob, multitude, crowd.
Syn.: advice, instruction, monition, admonition, warning, recommendation.
antonym(s): misguidance, misinstruction, betrayal.
Syn.: advise, instruct, warn, guide, admonish.
antonym(s): misguide, misinstruct, betray, counselor, see counsel.
Syn.: compute, reckon, enumerate, estimate, number, sum, calculate.
antonym(s): hazard, conjecture, guess, lump, confound.
Syn.: help, aid, abet, favor, sanction, patronize, support, encourage.
antonym(s): oppose, confront, discourage, discountenance, browbeat.
Syn.: aid, abet, encourage, support.
antonym(s): discountenance.
Syn.: opposed, contrary, against.
antonym(s): according, coincident.
Syn.: counterinfluence, counterfoil, foil, baffle, neutralize, oppose, rival, thwart, hinder.
antonym(s): aid, help, abet, promote, conserve, co-operate, subserve.
Syn.: contradiction, confliction.
antonym(s): corroboration, confirmation.
Syn.: simulate, misrepresent, impersonate.
antonym(s): expose, unmask, detect.
Syn.: cheat, trick, juggle, fraud, artifice, fabrication, pretense, ruse, sham.
antonym(s): exposure, detection, unmasking, unveiling, reality, verity, fact, truth.
- Counterfeit, see false.
- Counterfoil, see baffle.
- Countermand, see command.
- Counterpart
Syn.: match, fellow, tally, brother, twin, copy.
antonym(s): correlative, complement, supplement, opponent, counteragent, reverse, obverse, opposite, antithesis, contrast, contradiction.
Syn.: balance, equalize.
antonym(s): over-balance, aggravate.
Syn.: makeweight, equilibrium.
antonym(s): preponderance.
Syn.: resistance, stubbornness, renitency.
antonym(s): yielding, giving, resilience.
Syn.: counteract, of, pose, withstand.
antonym(s): aggravate, intensify, subserve.
Syn.: innumerable, numberless, unnumbered.
antonym(s): few, scant, sparse.
Syn.: rustic, clown, boor, compatriot, swain, yeoman, bus, bandman, farmer, agriculturist, laborer, peasant, fellow-countryman, fellow-subject, fellowcitizen, subject, citizen, inhabitant, native.
antonym(s): oppidan, townsman, cockney, foreigner, alien, stranger, couple, bracket, link, conjoin, unite, splice, buckle, button, clasp, pair, yoke, connect, tie, brace.
antonym(s): loose, part, isolate, separate, detach, divorce, uncouple, unclasp, untie.
Syn.: bravery, boldness, valor, pluck, fortitude, resolution, gallantry, fearlessness, intrepidity.
antonym(s): timidity, cowardice, pusillanimity, poltroonery, dastardliness.
Syn.: order, sequence, continuity, direction, progress, line, way, mode, race, career, road, route, series, passage, succession, round, manner, plan, conduct, method.
antonym(s): disorder, discussion, solution, interruption, deviation, hindrance, error, conjecture, hazard, speculation, caprice.
Syn.: woo, seek, affect, flatter, pursue.
antonym(s): repel, abjure, disaffect, insult, avoid, hun, repudiate.
Syn.: politeness, urbanity, civility, affability, graciousness.
antonym(s): churlishness, rudeness, arrogance, ungraciousness, incivility.
Syn.: dignified, polished, refined, aristocratic, high-bred, mannerly.
antonym(s): undignified, rough, unpolished, coarse, unrefined, plebeian, awkward, boorish, rustic, unmannerly.
Syn.: agreement, bond, stipulation, compact, contract, league, bargain.
antonym(s): promise, intimation, assurance, parole, understanding.
Syn.: hide, conceal, cloak, screen, secrete, protect, meet, secure, overspread, clothe, shield, shelter, cover.
antonym(s): expose, reveal, betray, exhibit, produce, mis-suffice.
- Covert, see cover and secret.
- Coverture
Syn.: marriage, matrimony, wedlock.
antonym(s): celibacy, virginity.
Syn.: long for, wish for, yearn for, hanker, desire.
antonym(s): despise, dislike, undervalue, mislike.
Syn.: acquisitive, avaricious, greedy, grasping, rapacious.
antonym(s): unselfish, liberal, self-sacrificing, profuse, bountiful, charitable.
Syn.: frighten, abash, intimidate, oppress, brow-bent.
antonym(s): countenance, rally, encourage, inspirit.
Syn.: craven, dastard, recreant, poltroon, renegade.
antonym(s): champion, hero, daredevil, desperado.
Syn.: shrink, stoop, crouch.
antonym(s): rise, stand, dare, face, confront.
Syn.: fop, dandy, puppy, prig, pedant.
antonym(s): genius, savant, authority, celebrity, philosopher, sage.
Syn.: vain, affected, conceited, dandified, pedantic, priggish.
antonym(s): unaffected, unconceited, sensible.
Syn.: shy, reserved, bashful, shrinking, retreating, modest.
antonym(s): bold, forward, rompish, hoydenish.
Syn.: circumvent, wheedle, swindle, gull, cheat, dupe, overreach, coax, seduce, deceive.
antonym(s): enlighten, undeceive, disabuse.
Syn.: sour, morose, crossgrained, petulant, churlish, irritable, crusty.
antonym(s): pleasant, open, easy, genial, conversable, warm, cordial, heart.
Syn.: split, break, splinter, chip, snap.
antonym(s): mend, repair, unite, piece, splice.
Syn.: crazy, flighty, queer, deranged, creaky, touched, cranky, chinky.
antonym(s): sound, sensible, clear-headed, shrewd, strong-minded, sane.
Syn.: art, artifice, cunning, guile, stratagem, manoeuvre, wiliness, trickery, duplicity, chicanery, intrigue, underhandedness, dodge.
antonym(s): openness, fairness, candor, honesty, frankness, sincerity, artlessness, ingenuousness, straightforwardness.
Syn.: stuff, choke, squeeze, ram, pack, gorge.
antonym(s): disgorge, vent, discharge, unload, unpack, eviscerate, empty, eliminate.
Syn.: bind, narrow, restrict, confine, clog, hamper, fetter, cripple.
antonym(s): free, liberate, loose, relieve, extricate, enlarge, widen, expand, ease, unfetter.
Syn.: crotchety, queer, see cracked.
Syn.: surfeit, headache, dissipation, debauchery, excess, muddiness.
antonym(s): temperance, sobriety, clearness, freshness.
Syn.: jar, clang, clash, resonance.
antonym(s): murmur, whisper, babble, rumbling, reverberation, din.
Syn.: density, thickness, corpulence, obesity, burliness, brawniness, animalism, pinguitude, lumpishness, besottedness.
antonym(s): tenuity, spareness, slightness, agility, activity, spirituality, intellectuality.
Syn.: intreat, implore, beg, ask, beseech, supplicate, cry.
antonym(s): demand, insist, require, seize.
Syn.: idiotic, broken-down, mad, crazed, crack-brained, lunatic, demented, daft, insane, aberrant.
antonym(s): sound, robust, vigorous, unimpaired.
Syn.: marrow, pith, gist, acme.
antonym(s): refuse, offal, dregs, dross, garbage.
Syn.: form, produce, make, compose, constitute, beget, engender, generate, fashion, originate, educe, invent, imagine, cause.
antonym(s): annihilate, destroy, demolish.
Syn.: being, animal, thing, body, brute.
antonym(s): chimera, ghost, bugbear.
Syn.: belief, faith, trust, credit, confidence.
antonym(s): disbelief, distrust, denial.
Syn.: missive, diploma, title, testament, seal, warrant, letter, vouchers, certificates, testimonials.
antonym(s): self-license, belt-constitution, self-appointment, autocracy.
Syn.: probable, likely, trustworthy.
antonym(s): improbable, incredible, unlikely, untrustworthy.
Syn.: belief, trustworthiness, reputation, security, honor, praise, merit, confidence, faith.
antonym(s): disbelief, distrust, untrustworthiness, shame, insecurity, disgrace, censure.
Syn.: claimant, lender, mortgagee.
antonym(s): debtor, borrower, mortgagor.
Syn.: gullibility, simplicity, acceptativeness, openmouthedness.
antonym(s): incredulity, scepticism, suspiciousness, shrewdness.
Syn.: belief, catechism, articles, confession, subscription.
antonym(s): protest, abjuration, recantation, retractation, disbelief, nonsubscription.
Syn.: top, summit, apex, bead, crown.
antonym(s): base, foot, bottom, sole.
Syn.: castdown, humiliated, abashed.
antonym(s): inspirited, elated, confident.
Syn.: complement, company, gang, herd, set, miscellany, horde, swarm, band.
antonym(s): supercargo, bevy, galaxy, constellation, picking, cream, elite.
Syn.: offense, misdeed, wrong, misdemeanor, felony, enormity.
antonym(s): good deed, well-doing, duty, obligation, exploit, achievement.
Syn.: illegal, felonious, vicious, culpable, wrong, iniquitous, sinful, immoral, guilty, nefarious, flagitious.
antonym(s): lawful, virtuous, right, jury innocent, moral, meritorious, creditable, honorable, praiseworthy, laudable.
Syn.: charge, implicate, accuse, impeach, arraign.
antonym(s): acquit, extricate, absolve.
Syn.: brittle, friable, crisp.
antonym(s): tough, stubborn, viscous, pasty, lentous.
Syn.: crouch, bend, bow, fawn, grabble, grub.
antonym(s): face, confront, defy, dare.
Syn.: weaken, impair, curtail, cramp, disable.
antonym(s): strengthen, renovate, augment, liberate, free, ease, enlarge, expedite.
Syn.: test, touchstone, proof, standard, measure.
antonym(s): eye, glance, intention, conjecture, scan.
Syn.: judge, censor, arbiter, savant.
antonym(s): author, writer, performer, artist.
Syn.: nice, delicate, exact, fastidious, discriminating, censorious, accurate, dubious, precarious, ticklish, crucial, important, momentous, hazardous.
antonym(s): inexact, popular, loose, easy, undiscriminating, safe, determined, decided, settled, retrieved, redressed.
Syn.: examine, scan, perpend, analyze, discuss, anatomize, animadvert.
antonym(s): slur, survey, overlook, skim.
Syn.: stricture, censure, animadversion.
antonym(s): approval, praise, see approbation.
Syn.: complain, murmur, grumble.
antonym(s): crow, whistle, sing, chirp, chuckle, cackle, rejoice.
Syn.: hag, witch, beldame.
antonym(s): lass, damsel, maiden, belle.
Syn.: ally, chum, mate.
antonym(s): foe, rival, backfriend.
Syn.: bent, incurved, angular, deformed, bowed, disfigured, turned, curved, awry, anfractuous, tortuous, underhanded.
antonym(s): straight, linear, direct, honest, straightforward.
Syn.: mew, reap, reduce, shave, shorten, curtail.
antonym(s): elongate, grow, foster, raise, trail, train.
Syn.: reaping, harvest, ingathering.
antonym(s): produce, yield, abundance, growth, fruit.
Syn.: ill-tempered, fretful, illhumored, crusty, peevish, pettish, snarling, snappish, spleeny, splenetic, petulant, fractious.
antonym(s): amiable, good-tempered, goodhumored, blithesome, genial.
Syn.: perverse, wayward, peevish, morose, cantankerous, ill-conditioned.
antonym(s): genial, pleasant, agreeable, jolly, obliging, accommodating.
- Crotchety, see capricious.
- Crouch, see cringe and cower.
- Crow, to make a noise like a cock, used metaphorically
Syn.: exult, rejoice, cackle, chuckle, boast.
antonym(s): whine, howl, grumble, croak, cry, whimper.
Syn.: throng, mob, swarm, pack, herd.
antonym(s): cream, elite, bevy, galaxy, constellation, cabinet.
Syn.: top, crest, summit, head, brow, apex.
antonym(s): basement, base, bottom, floor, pavement, pedestal, foundation, foot, sole.
Syn.: complete, consummate, seal, conclude.
antonym(s): mar, spoil, frustrate.
Syn.: searching, probing, severe, discriminating, sharp, critical, piercing.
antonym(s): superficial, indifferent, mild, uncritical, lenient, lax.
Syn.: raw, undigested, unconsidered, half-studied, harsh, unshaped, unchastened, unfinished, unrefined, ill-prepared.
antonym(s): well-prepared, well-digested, well-considered, well-studied, ripe, well-adapted, well-proportioned, well-expressed, classical, finished, refined, artistic, elaborate, highlywrought.
Syn.: savage, barbarous, pittiless, inexorable, unrelenting, ruthless, truculent, hard-hearted, harsh, unmerciful, brutal, inhuman, maleficent, malignant.
antonym(s): humane, forbearing, generous, merciful, forgiving, benevolent, beneficent.
Syn.: disintegrate, pulverize, triturate.
antonym(s): consolidate, conglutinate, bond, amalgamate.
Syn.: pulverize, triturate, pound, bray, crumble, overpower, demolish.
antonym(s): consolidate, compact, cake, solidify, compress, amalgamate, upraise, stabilitate, aggrandize.
Syn.: pound, bruise, buffet, batter.
antonym(s): stroke, pat, clap, tickle.
Syn.: slap, box, smack, punch, pummel, hustle, buffet.
antonym(s): cudgel, flagellate, thrash, cane, strap, lash, whip.
Syn.: bunch, gather, pick, collect.
antonym(s): scatter, drop, throw, disseminate.
Syn.: consummation, zenith, acme, meridian, apex, success, completion.
antonym(s): fall, descent, decline, failure, downfall, degradation, defeat, abortion.
Syn.: blamable, blameworthy, censurable, guilty.
antonym(s): blameless, innocent, excusable, laudable, praisworthy.
Syn.: offender, criminal, delinquent, malefactor.
antonym(s): example, pattern, model, hero, saint.
Syn.: promote, foster, study, improve, fertilize, till, advance, refine, improve, civilize, nourish, cherish.
antonym(s): neglect, desert, abandon, stifle, prevent, discourage, abolish, blight, blast, paralyze, eradicate, extirpate, uproot.
Syn.: clog, impede, oppress, load, incommode, obstruct.
antonym(s): liberate, expedite, alleviate, extricate, lighten, relieve, support, free, rid.
Syn.: avarice, acquisitiveness, covetousness, stinginess.
antonym(s): prodigality, extravagance, liberality.
Syn.: restrain, cohibit, hold, repress, check, moderate.
antonym(s): indulge, liberate, release, emancipate, loose, urge, free, incite, instigate, impel.
Syn.: coagulate, condense, thicken.
antonym(s): colliquify, diffuse, circulate.
Syn.: remedy, alleviation, restorative, heal-all, amelioration, reinstatement, restoration, renovation, convalescence.
antonym(s): aggravation, confirmation, complaint, disease, ailment, inoculation, contagion, corruption.
Syn.: inquisitiveness, interest, wonder, marvel, interrogativeness, rarity, phenomenon, celebrity, oddity, lion.
antonym(s): indifference, heedlessness, disregard, abstraction, absence, weed, drug, dirt, cipher, bagatelle, song.
Syn.: inquiring, inquisitive, scrutinizing, prying, meddling, singular, searching, interrogative, peeping, peering, rare, unique, odd, recondite.
antonym(s): indifferent, uninquiring, incurious, uninterested, trite, common, superficial.
Syn.: miscreant, wretch, rascal, churl, ill-conditioned fellow.
antonym(s): trump, good fellow, brick.
Syn.: circulation, vogue, publicity, prevalence.
antonym(s): suppression, repression, recall, stagnation, rejection, disbelief, withdrawal.
Syn.: running, prevalent, ordinary, present, popular, general, floating, exoteric, vulgar.
antonym(s): rejected, obsolete, exploded, confined, private, secret, esoteric.
Syn.: malediction, execration, imprecation, denunciation, anathema, bane, blight.
antonym(s): blessing, benediction, joy, crown, glory.
Syn.: execrate.
antonym(s): bless.
Syn.: rapid, hasty, desultory, careless, superficial, slight, summary.
antonym(s): searching, minute, elaborate, profound.
- Curtail, see abbreviate.
- Curve
Syn.: incurve, bend, inflex, falcate, arcuate.
antonym(s): straighten, unbend, rectilineate.
Syn.: incurvation, flexion, deflexion.
antonym(s): rigidity, inelasticity, inflexibility, rectilinearity.
Syn.: keeping, guardianship, conservation, care.
antonym(s): neglect, betrayal, exposure, abandoning, see u, desertion, liberation, jeopardy, discharge.
Syn.: manner, habit, use, usage, fashion, practice, prescription.
antonym(s): law, regulation, dictate, command, rule, disuse, nonobservance, desuetude.
Syn.: sever, slice, sunder, cleave, shear, carve, chop, gash, avoid, elude.
antonym(s): unite, splice, accost, approach, court, address, salute.
Syn.: sharp, biting, mordant, trenchant, piercing, bitter, sarcastic, provoking, stinging, sardonic, exasperating, satirical, severe, disappointing, cruel.
antonym(s): mild, conciliatory, complimentary, soothing, flattering, indulgent, consoling, gratifying.
Syn.: sarcastic, snarling, snappish, sneering, cross-grained, currish, carping.
antonym(s): genial, lenient, complaisant, urbane.
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- FindMeWords Synonyms – Online Synonym Dictionary with definitions
- Classic Thesaurus – Crowdsourced synonym dictionary
- Power Thesaurus – Synonym dictionary with definitions and examples and other references
- Past Tenses Synonyms – Online synonym finding website
- Synonym Database – Open synonym database with related synonyms
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD