Synonyms and antonyms (P)

From Medical Encyclopedia

Synonyms are two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context, opposite of antonym.

Syn.: esculent, nutritious, comestible, alimental.
antonym(s): uneatable, innutritions.

Syn.: step, stride, tread, gait.
antonym(s): standing still.

Syn.: conciliatory, mild, appeasing, calm, tranquil, peaceful.
antonym(s): unconciliatory, harsh, quarrelsome, exasperating, irritating, turbulent, noisy, tumultuous, warlike.

Syn.: conciliation, reconciliation, reconcilement, arrangement, compromise, adjustment.
antonym(s): warfare, fighting, hostilities, war, arms, the sword.

Syn.: appease, conciliate, calm, still, soothe, quiet, tranquillize.
antonym(s): exasperate, agitate, excite, irritate, rouse, provoke.

Syn.: burden, bundle, package, lot, parcel, load, see burden.

Syn.: stow, compact, compress, cook.
antonym(s): unpack, unsettle, jumble, displace, misarrange, dissipate, neutralize.

Syn.: agreement, bargain, covenant, league, bond, alliance, stipulation.
antonym(s): understanding, promise, parole, honour.

Syn.: jubilation, 'te deum', alleluia.
antonym(s): dirge, miserere, threnody, jeremiade.

Syn.: heathen, idolater, gentile.
antonym(s): believer, christian.

Syn.: heathenish, idolatrous.
antonym(s): christian.

Syn.: heathenism, polytheism, pantheism, ditheism, tritheism, dualism, heathendom.
antonym(s): christianity, christendom.

Syn.: pomp, procession, exhibition, display, spectacle, show, ceremony.
antonym(s): dream, illusion, phantasmagoria, mockery.

Syn.: parade, pomp, show, splendor, magnificence, see pomp.

Syn.: penalty, suffering, distress, uneasiness, grief, (labour, effort, in the, pains) anguish, torture, agony.
antonym(s): reward, remuneration, ease, gratification, joy, pleasure, felicity, relief, alleviation, enjoyment, delight.

Syn.: hurt, grieve, afflict, torment, rack, agonize, trouble, torture, aggrieve, annoy, distress.
antonym(s): gratify, please, delight, rejoice, charm, relieve, ease, refresh.

Syn.: afflicting, distressful, grieving, grievous, excruciating, see grievous and pleasant.

Syn.: careful, attentive, diligent, laborious, see observant and thoughtful.

Syn.: color, tinge, tint, portray, represent, delineate, depict, sketch, describe.
antonym(s): daub, caricature, misportray, misrepresent, misdelineate, misdepict.

Syn.: two, couple, span, brace.
antonym(s): one, several.

Syn.: tasteful, savory, appetizing, delicious, toothsome, see delicious.

Syn.: pallid, wan, faint, dim, undefined, etiolated, sallow, cadaverous.
antonym(s): ruddy, high-colored, conspicuous, deep.

Syn.: blunt, dispirit, satiate, cloy.
antonym(s): quicken, sharpen, inspirit, whet.

Syn.: cloak, cover, conceal, extenuate, mitigate, soften, soothe, gloze.
antonym(s): expose, denounce, exaggerate, aggravate, magnify.

Syn.: trophy, prize, crown, laurels, bays.
antonym(s): brand, stigma, shame, blot.

Syn.: prosperous, glorious, distinguished, victorious, flourishing.
antonym(s): depressed, inglorious, undistinguished, unflourishing.

Syn.: material, corporal, tangible, obvious, gross, perceptible, evident, distinct.
antonym(s): immaterial, incorporal, invisible, ethereal, impalpable, indistinct, dubious, imperceptible.

Syn.: throb, flutter, beat, pulsate, pant.
antonym(s): pause, stop, cease.

Syn.: shuffle, prevaricate, trifle, shift, dodge, haggle.
antonym(s): act, determine, decide.

Syn.: mean, shabby, shuffling, trifling, prevaricating, shifty, contemptible, pitiable, vi e, worthless, beggarly, trashy.
antonym(s): noble, honorable, candid, conscientious, determined, straightforward, estimable, admirable, worthy, magnificent.

Syn.: feed, glut, spoil, indulge, cocker.
antonym(s): harden, starve, inure, stint, discipline.

Syn.: eulogy, encomium, praise, eulogium, laudation.
antonym(s): stricture, sa ire, sarcasm, lampoon, invective, philippic, tirade.

Syn.: paroxysm, throe, agony, convulsion, smart, anguish, pain, twinge.
antonym(s): pleasure, enjoyment, gratification, delight, delectation, fascination, refreshment.

Syn.: palpitate, throb, gasp, puff, long, yearn, see palpitate and yearn.

Syn.: apologue, similitude, fable, allegory.
antonym(s): history, fact, narrative.

Syn.: vaunt, flaunt, display.
antonym(s): suppress, veil, conceal.

Syn.: vaunting, flaunting, display, pomp, ostentation, show, pageant, procession, spectacle.
antonym(s): suppression, concealment, modesty, humility, simplicity, undemonstrativeness, plainness, retirement, unceremoniousness.

Syn.: heaven, bliss, ecstasy, eden, elysium.
antonym(s): purgatory, hell, misery, torture.

Syn.: contradiction, enigma, mystery, absurdity, ambiguity.
antonym(s): precept, proposition, axiom, truism, postulate.

Syn.: contradictory, absurd, enigmatical, mysterious.
antonym(s): self-evident, axiomatic, lucid, obvious.

Syn.: correspondent, congruous, correlative, analogous, concurrent, equidistant.
antonym(s): different, opposed, incongruous, irrelative, unanalogous, divergent, contrariant.

Syn.: deaden, benumb, prostrate, enervate, debilitate, enfeeble.
antonym(s): give life, strengthen, nerve, lift up, restore.

Syn.: superior, preeminent, chief, principal, supreme.
antonym(s): subordinate, minor, inferior, secondary.

Syn.: sycophant, flatterer, toady, courtier, toad-eater, timeserver.
antonym(s): detractor, calumniator, traducer.

Syn.: package, bundle.

Syn.: forgive, condone, absolve, acquit, remit, excuse, overlook.
antonym(s): condemn, punish, visit.

Syn.: venial, excusable.
antonym(s): inexcusable, unpardonable.

Syn.: peel, cut off, shave off, skin, clip, diminish, see diminish.

Syn.: descent, extraction, lineage, birth, stock, pedigree, see birth and lineage.

Syn.: analogy, correspondence, equality, resemblance, see analogy.

Syn.: travesty, burlesque, see burlesque.

Syn.: sparing, close, penurious, frugal, niggardly, illiberal, stingy.
antonym(s): liberal, unsparing, profuse, extravagant, parson, see clergyman.

Syn.: portion, piece, fragment, fraction, division, member, constituent, element, ingredient, share, lot, concern, interest, participation, side, party, interest, faction, behalf, duty.
antonym(s): whole, completeness, entirety, integrity, totality, mass bulk, body, compound, transaction, affair.

Syn.: share, participate, accept, derive.
antonym(s): forfeit, relinquish, forego, cede, yield, afford.

Syn.: restricted, local, peculiar, specific, favoring, inequitable, unfair, biased, particular.
antonym(s): unrestricted, total, universal, general, impartial, equitable, just, fair, unbiased.

Syn.: preponderance, fondness, relish, love.
antonym(s): indifference, impartiality, apathy.

Syn.: share, join in, have a share, see partake.

Syn.: bit, grain, jot, mite, tittle, atom, see atom.

Syn.: local, specific, subordinate, detailed, partial, special, fastidious, minute, scrupulous, careful, accurate, exact, circumstantial, precise, delicate, nice.
antonym(s): universal, general, unspecial, comprehensive, unscrupulous, uncareful, inaccurate, inexact, rough, coarse, indiscriminate, undisiluminating.

Syn.: detail, point, feature.
antonym(s): whole, subject, case.

Syn.: specially, chiefly, in particular, especially, distinctly, see mainly.

Syn.: separation, detachment, division, disruption.
antonym(s): union, attachment, cleaving together.

Syn.: adherent, follower, party man, henchman, clansman, supporter, disciple, see adherent.

Syn.: barrier, division, enclosure, compartment, interspace, separation, distribution, allotment, screen.
antonym(s): non-partition, non-distinction, nonseparation, inclusion, comprehension, combination, amalgamation, incorporation, coalition, union, concatenation, generalization, collection.

Syn.: in part, somewhat, in some degree, to some extent, in a measure, not wholly, partially.
antonym(s): altogether, in whole, entirely, to the full extent, completely.

Syn.: associate, sharer, participator, colleague, coadjutor, confederate, accomplice, partaker, companion, spouse.
antonym(s): rival, alien, competitor, opponent, counter-age at.

Syn.: union, connection, company, firm, joint interest, co-operation, society, house, see connection.

Syn.: see control and govern, move, proceed, go by, slip away, glide, shapelessness, see elapse.

Syn.: traversable, navigable, penetrable, admissible, tolerable, ordinary.
antonym(s): impassable, impervious, impenetrable, inadmissible, excellent.

Syn.: journey, thoroughfare, road, course, avenue, route, channel, clause, phrase, sentence, paragraph.
antonym(s): chapter, book, see course.

Syn.: susceptible, sensible, sensitive, impressible.
antonym(s): insusceptible, insensitive, impassible.

Syn.: emotion, desire, ardor, vehemence, lust, auger, animation, excitement, warmth, feeling.
antonym(s): coolness, indifference, apathy, coldness, frigidity, iciness.

Syn.: inactive, inert, quiescent, unresisting, unquestioning, negative, enduring, patient.
antonym(s): active, alert, resistant, positive, unsubmissive, malcontent, vehement, impatient.

Syn.: omit, overlook, see overlook.

Syn.: spent, gone by, elapsed, departed, late.
antonym(s): present, unspent.

Syn.: recreation, entertainment, amusement, diversion, play, sport.
antonym(s): business, study, labor, task, occupation, work.

Syn.: botch, bungle, cobble, clout, piece.
antonym(s): fine-draw, embroider.

Syn.: obvious, evident, indisputable, plain, see int, dubious, ambiguous, questionable.

Syn.: fatherly, careful, tender, hereditary.
antonym(s): unfatherly, careless, rough, harsh, see hereditary.

Syn.: footpath, pathway, road, track, course, route, method.

Syn.: affecting, moving, emotional, tender, melting, tender.
antonym(s): ludicrous, unimpassioned, farcical, unaffecting.

Syn.: endurance, resignation, submission, perseverance.
antonym(s): resistance, unsubmissiveness, repining, rebellion, inconsistency, impatience.

Syn.: trackless, untrodden.
antonym(s): trodden, frequented.

Syn.: resigned, unrepining, enduring.
antonym(s): impatient, see passive.

Syn.: noble, senator, aristocratic.
antonym(s): plebeian, churl.

Syn.: inheritance, heritage.

Syn.: countenance, befriend, favor, support, help.
antonym(s): oppress, depress, oppose, withstand, disfavor, discountenance.

Syn.: model, sample, archetype, exemplar, specimen, shape, precedent, mould, design, plan.
antonym(s): monstrosity, caricature, perversion, misrepresentation.

Syn.: rarity, scantity, fewness, deficiency, lack, see deficiency.
antonym(s): frequency, quantity, number, abundance.

Syn.: stop, cessation, suspension, halt, intermission, rest.
antonym(s): continuance, advancement, perseverance.

Syn.: cease, suspend, intermit, forbear, stay, wait, hesitate, demur, stop, desist.
antonym(s): continue, proceed, advance, persist, persevere.

Syn.: prepare, facilitate, smooth, expedite, adapt, fit, mature, arrange, dispose, qualify.
antonym(s): obstruct, indispose, disqualify.

Syn.: pledge, impignorate.
antonym(s): ransom, redeem.

Syn.: wages, salary, stipend, recompense, payment, see spur and uboe.

Syn.: compensate, remunerate, satisfy, discharge, expend, disburse, requite, liquidate.
antonym(s): deprive, defraud, exact, dissatisfy, hoard, retain, invest, fund.

Syn.: quiet, tranquillity, calm, repose, pacification, order, calmness, reconciliation, harmony, concord.
antonym(s): noise, disturbance, tumult, agitation, hostility, disorder, embroilment, war, discord, variance, strife.

Syn.: unwarlike, inoffensive, quiet, peaceful, innocuous, mild, unquarrelsome, serene, placid.
antonym(s): pugnacious, warlike, litigious, quarrelsome, savage, fierce, hostile, violent, bellicose, restless.

Syn.: countryman, hind, clown, laborer, villager, swain, rustic.
antonym(s): citizen, cockney, townsman.

Syn.: frailty, sinfulness.
antonym(s): impeccability, perfection.

Syn.: frail, sinful.
antonym(s): impeccable, perfect, incorrupt.

Syn.: morbid, corrupt, criminal, offensive, objectionable, vicious, erring, guilty, transgressing.
antonym(s): pure, incorrupt, wholesome.

Syn.: defaulter, delinquent, thief, embezzler, see defaulter and robber.

Syn.: private, personal, characteristic, exceptional, exclusive, special, specific, particular, unusual, singular, uncommon, strange.
antonym(s): public, common, general, universal, unspecial, ordinary.

Syn.: speciality, individuality, distinctiveness, idiosyncrasy.
antonym(s): generality, universality, community, uniformity, homology, homogeneity, conaturality.

Syn.: pedagogical, priggish.
antonym(s): unaffected, slipshod.

Syn.: descent, parentage, genealogy, lineage, see birth and lineage.

Syn.: huckster, hawker, shopman, trader.

Syn.: mate, equal, compeer.
antonym(s): one unequal in rank, state or condition.

Syn.: peep, pry, look narrowly.

Syn.: matchless, paramount, unique, unequaled.
antonym(s): mediocre, commonplace, ordinary.

Syn.: fretful, querulous, petulant, testy, captious, waspish, splenetic, ill-natured, irascible.
antonym(s): genial, complaisant, insensate, inquerulous, easy, good-natured, good-tempered.

Syn.: lucre, mammon.
antonym(s): reward, compensation, wage.

Syn.: translucent, limpid, crystalline, vitreous.
antonym(s): opaque, semiopaque, luteous, turbid.

Syn.: retributive, coercive, visitatorial, castigatory, inflictive, corrective, punitive.
antonym(s): remunerative, reparatory, decorative, honorary.

Syn.: pain, punishment, forfeiture, price, fare, retribution, amercement.
antonym(s): guerdon, wages, reward, premium, prize, douceur, sop, bribe, honorarium, compensation, remuneration.

Syn.: pendulous, hanging, suspended, drooping, projecting.
antonym(s): supporting, sustaining, supported.

Syn.: pierce, enter, enter into, reach, permeate, make one's way, disclose, fathom, see pierce.

Syn.: pervious, permeable.
antonym(s): impervious, impermeable.

Syn.: discernment, observation, sagacity, acuteness, discrimination, insight, sharpness.
antonym(s): indiscernment, dulness, indiscrimination, stolidity, hebetude, shortsightedness, shallowness, obtuseness.

Syn.: repentance, contrition, sorrow, remorse.
antonym(s): congratulation, self-approval, obduracy, hardheartedness.

Syn.: wailing, mournful, dirgeful, sorrowful, contrite, penitent.
antonym(s): impenitent, hard-hearted, obdurate.

Syn.: meditative, ruminating, thoughtful, musing, reflective, impressed, melancholy, sober, dejected.
antonym(s): vacant, joyous, unreflecting, careless, thoughtless, unmeditative, incogitant, unreflective.

Syn.: niggardly, parsimonious, avaricious, griping, miserly, closefisted, sordid, stingy.
antonym(s): liberal, open-handed, bountiful.

Syn.: wart, privation, poverty, indigence, impecuniosity, destitution, beggary.
antonym(s): competence, wealth, affluence, pecuniosity.

Syn.: nation, community, populace, mob, crowd, vulgar, herd, mass, persons, inhabitants, commonalty, fellow-creatures, tribe, race.
antonym(s): aristocracy, nobility, government, ruler, oligarchy.

Syn.: cognizable, appreciable, perceptible, sensible, distinguishable.
antonym(s): incognizable, inappreciable, imperceptible, insensible, indistinguishable.

Syn.: discern, distinguish, descry, observe, feel, touch, see, recognize, understand, know.
antonym(s): miss, misobserve, overlook, misunderstand, misconceive, misperceive.

Syn.: cognizance, apprehension, sight, understanding, discernment.
antonym(s): incognizance, ignorance, imperception, misapprehension, misunderstanding.

Syn.: cognitive, apprehensive, sensitive, percipient.
antonym(s): reflective, reminiscent, insensible, impercipient, inobservant, inapprehensive, insensitive.

Syn.: strain, niter, exude, ooze.
antonym(s): absorb, retain, see ooze.

Syn.: collision, shock, encounter, crash.
antonym(s): graze, touch, recoil, rebound, repercussion, reverberation.

Syn.: destruction, ruin, loss, demolition.
antonym(s): restoration, recovery, renovation, rescue, salvation.

Syn.: wandering, travel, perambulation, perennation.
antonym(s): domiciliation, residence.

Syn.: decisive, express, absolute, authoritative, arbitrary, dogmatical, imperious, despotic, positive.
antonym(s): suggestive, entreative, mild, postulatory, hortatory.

Syn.: perpetual, unceasing, unfailing, ceaseless, incessant, constant, permanent, unintermittent, continual, undying.
antonym(s): periodical, occasional, intermittent, failing, deficient, uncertain.

Syn.: consummate, complete, full, indeficient, immaculate, absolute, faultless, impeccable, infallible, unblemished, blameless, unexceptionable, mature, ripe.
antonym(s): incomplete, meagre, faulty, scant, short, deficient, defective, imperfect, peccable, fallible, blemished, marred, spoilt.

Syn.: perfectness, completion, consummation, wholeness, excellency.
antonym(s): imperfection, incompletion, imperfectness.

Syn.: fully, wholly, entirely, completely, totally, exactly, accurately.
antonym(s): imperfectly, incompletely, partially, inaccurately.

Syn.: false, treacherous, faithless, traitorous, deceptive, disloyal, insidious.
antonym(s): true, staunch, faithful.

Syn.: bored, pierced, drilled.
antonym(s): unpierced, imperforate.

Syn.: accomplish, see do, act, transact, achieve, execute, discharge, fulfil, effect, complete, consummate, enact.
antonym(s): miss, mar, misperform, misexecute, botch, misenact, misconduct, spoil.

Syn.: accomplishment, act, execution, deed, exploit, work, achievement, enterprise, operation, see achievement and deed.

Syn.: odor, scent, fragrance, redolence, aroma, smell, incense.
antonym(s): fetor, stench, stink.

Syn.: uninterested, routine, mechanical, careless, slovenly.
antonym(s): interested, zealous, spirited, animated, ardent, assiduous, careful.

Syn.: possibly, peradventure, perchance, may be.
antonym(s): certainly, inevitably.

Syn.: danger, risk, hazard, jeopardy, insecurity, uncertainty, unsafety, venture.
antonym(s): security, safety, certainty.

Syn.: hazardous, dangerous.
antonym(s): safe, secure, certain.

Syn.: time, date, epoch, era, age, duration, continuance, limit, bound, end, conclusion, determination.
antonym(s): eternity, datelessness, immemoriality, infinity, perpetuity, illimitability, endlessness, indefiniteness, indeterminateness.

Syn.: stated, recurrent, regular, systematic, calculable.
antonym(s): indeterminate, eccentric, irregular, incalculable, spasmodic, fitful.

Syn.: decay, waste away, be ruined, be destroyed, die, expire, fade away, see decay.

Syn.: frail, evanescent, fragile, destructible, fleeting, transient, ephemeral, impermanent.
antonym(s): enduring, lasting, indestructible, imperishable, persistent, perpetual, permanent, permanent, see perishable.

Syn.: penetrable, pervadible, percolable.
antonym(s): impenetrable, impermeable.

Syn.: allowable, sufferable, lawful.
antonym(s): unallowable, insufferable, unlawful.

Syn.: leave, license, dispensation, allowance, liberty, consent, sufferance, compliance, endurance.
antonym(s): prohibition, refusal, denial, prevention, hinderance, resistance.

Syn.: interchange, transference, transposition.
antonym(s): stabilisation, retention, fixity, sequence, order, series, succession.

Syn.: hurtful, harmful, noxious, deleterious, detrimental, destructive, deadly, injurious, baneful.
antonym(s): beneficial, wholesome, innocuous, undetrimental, innocent, salutary.

Syn.: vertical, upright, standing upright.
antonym(s): horizontal.

Syn.: commit.
antonym(s): achieve, perfect.

Syn.: constant, unceasing, endless, eternal, everlasting, unfailing, perennial, continual, enduring, incessant, uninterrupted.
antonym(s): inconstant, periodic, recurrent, temporary, transient, falling, exhaustible, occasional, momentary, casual.

Syn.: continue, stabilitate, eternize.
antonym(s): discontinue, abolish, eradicate, cancel, disestablish, break.

Syn.: constancy, permanence, perennity, persistence, continuity, fixity.
antonym(s): impermanence, transience, evanescence, discontinuance, casualty, momentariness.

Syn.: embarrass, puzzle, entangle, involve, encumber, complicate, confuse, bewilder, mystify, harass, entangle.
antonym(s): clear, enlighten, explicate, disentangle, simplify, elucidate, disencumber.

Syn.: embarrassment, difficulty, uncertainty.
antonym(s): certainty, certitude, sureness, see dilemma.

Syn.: harass, molest, annoy, worry, vex.
antonym(s): encourage, inspirit, abet, support.

Syn.: persistence, steadfastness, constancy, indefatigableness, resolution, tenacity.
antonym(s): inconstancy, unsteadfastness, fitfulness, caprice, irresoluteness, vacillation, wavering, indecision, variableness, levity, volatility.

Syn.: persist, insist, continue, keep on, be steadfast, hold out, see continue.

Syn.: individual, special, peculiar, idiosyncratic.
antonym(s): generic, common.

Syn.: men folks, people, beings, living souls, individuals.
antonym(s): single persons.

Syn.: acuteness, discernment, sagacity, penetration.
antonym(s): hebetude, dullness, stolidity, inobservance.

Syn.: clearness, lucidity, transparency, intelligibility.
antonym(s): obscurity, turbidity, unintelligibility, mystification, confusedness.

Syn.: induce, influence, incline, convince, dispose, urge, allure, incite.
antonym(s): deter, disincline, indispose, mispersuade, misinduce, coerce, compel.

Syn.: conviction, inducement, creed, belief, opinion, see conviction.

Syn.: flippant, saucy, impudent, forward.
antonym(s): modest, retiring, bashful, demure, staid.

Syn.: belong to, relate to, appertain to, regard, concern.
antonym(s): be foreign to.

Syn.: obstinate, persistent, wilful, dogged, persevering, determined, unyielding.
antonym(s): flexible, inconstant, irresolute, volatile.

Syn.: obstinacy, tenaciousness, adherence, resoluteness.
antonym(s): irresoluteness, irresolution, indecision, hesitancy, vacillation, changeableness.

Syn.: related, connected, appertaining, appropriate, fit, apposite, just, proper, congruous, applicable.
antonym(s): unrelated, unconnected, alien, inappropriate, impertinent, incongruous, discordant, repugnant, perturb, see agitate.

Syn.: permeate, fill, saturate, color, tinge, fill, diffuse.
antonym(s): touch, affect.

Syn.: froward, untoward, stubborn, fractious, wayward, unmanageable, intractable, crochety.
antonym(s): docile, ductile, amenable, governable, complacent, accommodating, pleasant, obliging.

Syn.: abuse, misrepresentation, distortion, corruption, misinterpretation, caricature, sophistry.
antonym(s): use, conservation, representation, right, truth, portraiture, manifestation, explanation, interpretation, reason, correction, authentication, verification.

Syn.: twist, distort, corrupt, falsify, misrepresent, see represent and twist.

Syn.: penetrable, traversable, explorable.
antonym(s): impenetrable, impervious, impregnable, inexplorable.

Syn.: plague, nuisance, curse, annoyance, blight, bone, scourge.
antonym(s): benefit, blessing, acquisition.

Syn.: plague, worry, vex, harass, disquiet, annoy, tease, torment, chafe, harry, badger, incommode, gall.
antonym(s): treat, regale, amuse, refresh, gratify, soothe.

Syn.: insalubrious, pestilential, deleterious, mephitic, virulent, mortiferous, infectious, contagious, catching, lethal, morbific.
antonym(s): (ifiiiiil, salubrious, balmy, salutiferous, sanitary, innocuous, remedial, wholesome, nutritive, pure, sanative, disinfectant.

Syn.: noxious, ruinous, deadly, deleterious, mischievous, see pestiferous.

Syn.: darling, fondling, favorite, cosset, jewel, minion, idol.
antonym(s): horror, bugbear, aversion, scarecrow.

Syn.: supplication, entreaty, craving, application, appeal, salutation, prayer, request, instance.
antonym(s): deprecation, expostulation, protect, command, injunction, claim, demand, requirement, exaction, dictation.

Syn.: astound, electrify, dismay, horrify, appal, stun, stupefy, dumbfounder.
antonym(s): reassure, tranquillize.

Syn.: petulant, testy, peevish, waspish, querulous.
antonym(s): easy, jovial, good-humored, genial.

Syn.: small, mean, paltry, ignoble, trifling, narrow, trivial, contemptible.
antonym(s): large, large-hearted, noble, generous, chivalrous, magnificent, liberal, broad.

Syn.: chimera, phantasma, phantom, specter, illusion, delusion, unreality, phantasy, bugbear, vision, dream, hallucination, shadow.
antonym(s): reality, truth, fact, substance, verity, phantom, see phantasm.

Syn.: sanctimonious, formal, ceremonious, precision.
antonym(s): sincere, guileless, genuine, godly, unpharasaical.

Syn.: humane, large-hearted, public-spirited, charitable, kind.
antonym(s): selfish, cynical, egotistical, morose, misanthropic.

Syn.: humanity, love of mankind, good will to all men, general, benevolence,.
antonym(s): misanthropy, hatred of men.

Syn.: doctor, savant, teacher, master, schoolman.
antonym(s): ignoramus, sciolist, freshman, tyro, greenhorn, fool, booby, dunce.

Syn.: wise, sound, conclusive, scientific, accurate, enlightened, rational, calm, unprejudiced.
antonym(s): unsound, crude, vague, loose, inaccurate, popular, unscientific, sciolistic, unphilosophical.

Syn.: sluggish, cold, apathetical, dull, frigid, cold-blooded, unfeeling.
antonym(s): quick, lively, warm-blooded, susceptible.

Syn.: madness, insanity, delirium, mania, raving, hallucination, afflatus, inspiration.
antonym(s): sanity, sobriety, rationality, lucidity.

Syn.: natural, material, visible, tangible, substantial, corporeal.
antonym(s): mental, moral, intellectual, spiritual, immaterial, invisible, intangible, unsubstantial, supernatural, hyperphysical.

Syn.: choose, cull, select, gather, pluck, eliminate, enucleate, extract, glean.
antonym(s): reject, discard, repudiate, relegate, bunch, grasp, clutch.

Syn.: illustrated, picturesque, artistic, imaginative, graphic.
antonym(s): plain, unembellished, unadorned.

Syn.: likeness, resemblance, drawing, painting, representation, image, engraving.
antonym(s): original.

Syn.: delineate, draw, paint, represent, see represent.

Syn.: comely, seemly, graceful, scenic, artistic, pictorial, graphic.
antonym(s): unseemly, uncouth, rude, unpicturesque, beautiless, flat, tame, monotonous, dead.

Syn.: perforate, bore, drill, penetrate, excite, affect, rouse, touch, move, enter, stab, transfix.
antonym(s): deaden, quiet, blunt, scott, allay, lull, compose.

Syn.: penetrating, perforating, sharp, keen, acute, thrilling, see acute.

Syn.: religion, devotion, godliness, holiness, grace, reverence, sanctity.
antonym(s): irreligion, impiety, ungodliness, sinfulness, profanity, hypocrisy, formalism, sanctimoniousness, phariseeism.

Syn.: heap, accumulate, gather, store, stuck, amass, collect.
antonym(s): demolish, dissipate, squander, scatter, separate, disperse, deal, distribute.

Syn.: abstract, peculate, filch, purloin, smuggle, cabbage, steal, thieve.
antonym(s): pillage, ransack, plunder, rifle, spoil.

Syn.: column, shaft, post, support.

Syn.: steer, guide, direct, conduct, lead, convoy, escort, see conduct.

Syn.: pustule, blotch, eruption.

Syn.: squeeze, grip, press, compress, nip, distress, see gripe.

Syn.: waste away, droop, fade, wither, decline, decay, sink, see languish.

Syn.: devout, saintly, holy, religious, godly, see devout.

Syn.: pungent, sharp, lively, racy, severe, biting, cutting, smart, stimulating, keen, stinging, tart.
antonym(s): tame, dull, flat, characterless, insipid.

Syn.: grudge, offence, umbrage, spite, resentment (slight), wounded pride, see grudge.

Syn.: corsair, searobber, buccaneer, freebooter, sea rover.

Syn.: hollow, gulf, trench, excavation, see abyss.

Syn.: throw, fling, cast, hurl, see fung.

Syn.: sad, miserable, deplorable, lamentable, distressing, doleful, pitiable, mournful, woful, affecting, sorrowful.
antonym(s): joyous, enviable, comfortable, pleasant, desirable, delectable.

Syn.: kernel, marrow, gist, substance, essence, cream, root.
antonym(s): surplusage, surroundings, dressing, verbiage.

Syn.: terse, laconic, pregnant, expressive, nervous.
antonym(s): weak, characterless, diluted, pointless, flat, vapid.

Syn.: merciless, unsparing, inexorable, cruel.
antonym(s): pitiful, tender, merciful, compassionate, lenient, indulgent, see ^.

Syn.: dole, driblet, drop, drain, scantling.
antonym(s): exuberance, abundance, profusion, lavishment.

Syn.: mercy, compassion, tenderness, commiseration, ruth, sympathy, condolence.
antonym(s): cruelty, hardheartedness, relentlessness, pitilessness, ruthlessness.

Syn.: handbill, poster, bin, broadside.

Syn.: locate, assign, fix, establish, settle, attribute, situate.
antonym(s): disturb, remove, unsettle, disarrange, disestablish, misplace, misattribute, misassign, uproot, transplant, extirpate, eradicate, transport.

Syn.: calm, quiet, serene, composed, gentle, unruffled, still, halcyonic, unexcited, imperturbable, passionless.
antonym(s): rough, troubled, unquiet, discomposed, agitated, ruffled, disturbed, irritated, stormy, excited, impassioned.

Syn.: level, even, flat, smooth, open, clear, unencumbered, unobstructed, uninterrupted, manifest, evident, obvious, unmistakable, simple, easy, natural, unaffected, homely, unsophisticated, open, unvarnished, unembellished, unreserved, artless.
antonym(s): uneven, undulating, rugged, rough, abrupt, broken, confused, encumbered, obstructed, interrupted, questionable, uncertain, dubious, ambiguous, enigmatical, hard, abstruse, affected, fair, beautiful, sophisticated, artful, varnished, embellished.

Syn.: mournful, sorrowful, sad, doleful, melancholy, wailing, touching, moaning.
antonym(s): joyous, exultant, glad, jubilant, cheerful, cheering, gladdening.

Syn.: set, insert, settle, establish, introduce, stock, fix, place.
antonym(s): remove, extract, eradicate, extirpate, disestablish, transport, denude, transplant, displace.

Syn.: palliate, patch, ramp, tinker, cobble, bolster.
antonym(s): expose, repair, restore, renovate, redintegrate.

Syn.: ductile, pliant, yielding, malleable, tractile, flexible.
antonym(s): stubborn, unyielding, inert, unmalleable, inflexible, intractile.

Syn.: commonplace, generality, truism, triviality.
antonym(s): sophism, laconism, enigma, dictum, oracle.

Syn.: cold, intellectual, unsensual, mental, philosophical.
antonym(s): ardent, animal, sensual, passionate, sexual.

Syn.: specious, superficial, passable, unctuous, fair-spoken, pretentious, ostensible, right, apparently, colorable, feasible.
antonym(s): genuine, sterling, transparent, unmistakable, profound.

Syn.: sport, pastime, amusement, diversion, recreation, gambol, frolic, opportunity, scope, room, see pastime and sport.

Syn.: lively, sportive, jocund, frolicsome, gay, vivacious, sprightly, see lively.

Syn.: excuse, vindication, justification, ground, defence, apology, entreaty.
antonym(s): charge, accusation, impeachment, action.

Syn.: grateful, agreeable, acceptable, pleasurable, desirable, gratifying, cheerful, enlivening, sportive, delicious, delectable, jocular, satisfactory, exquisite, merry.
antonym(s): unpleasant, ungrateful, disagreeable, obnoxious, unacceptable, offensive, unlively, lugubrious, dull, ill-humored.

Syn.: delight, content, gladden, fascinate, see gratify.

Syn.: enjoyment, gratification, sensuality, self-indulgence, voluptuousness, choice, preference, vill, inclination, purpose, determination, favor, satisfaction, indulgent.
antonym(s): pain, suffering, affliction, trouble, asceticism, self-denial, abstinence, disinclination, aversion, indisposition, denial, refusal.

Syn.: low, vulgar, lowborn, lowbred, coarse, ignoble.
antonym(s): patrician, noble, aristocratic, refined, highborn, high-bred.

Syn.: security, guarantee, warrant, hostage, surety, pawn, earnest.
antonym(s): word, promise, assurance, parole.

Syn.: pawn, hypothecate.
antonym(s): redeem.

Syn.: full, abundant, complete, entire, unreserved, unstinted, unrestricted.
antonym(s): partial, incomplete, restricted, reserved, contingent, temporary.

Syn.: fulness, copiousness, repletion, abundance, amplitude, exuberance, largeness, liberality, height, maximum, richness, completeness.
antonym(s): scantiness, insufficiency, restriction, partiality, stint, narrowness, poverty, incompleteness, reserve, minimum.

Syn.: enough, sufficiency, full supply, profusion, copiousness, see plenitude.

Syn.: redundant, superfluous, surplus, inconcise.
antonym(s): requisite, necessary, essential, terse, concise, succinct.

Syn.: flexible, supple, limber, like, ductile, yielding, manageable, facile, lithe, pliant.
antonym(s): stiff, stubborn, brittle, unbending, unyielding, unmanageable, inexorable.

Syn.: situation, condition, predicament, difficulty, dilemma, see dilemma.

Syn.: vow, pledge.

Syn.: painstaking, industrious, persevering, laborious, studious.
antonym(s): indiligent, unindustrious, distracted, inattentive, impatient, unpersevering, flighty, fitful.

Syn.: scheme, plan, stratagem, combination, conspiracy, machination, see scheme.

Syn.: devise, concoct, conspire, contrive, frame, batch, see conspire and devise, [[pluck, #n/a, see courage.

Syn.: eradicate, root out, exterminate, see eradicate.

Syn.: well-conditioned, wellrounded, chubby, strapping, bouncing, fleshy, brawny, full, fat, round, massive, portly.
antonym(s): ill-conditioned, lean, emaciated, scraggy, weazen, macilent, lank, rawboned, shrivelled, flaccid, tabid.

Syn.: dip, dive, douse, duck, submerge, immerse, precipitate, sink, overwhelm, thrust under, pitch headlong.
antonym(s): emerge, issue, soar, raise, extricate, rescue.

Syn.: multitude, multitudinousness, number, numerousness, profusion, host, legion, collection.
antonym(s): unity, singularity, oneness, solitude, individuality, singleness, isolation.

Syn.: work, urge, practice, exercise, apply steadily, see urge.

Syn.: bard, singer, rhymer, rhymster, author of poems.

Syn.: metrical, rythmic, versified, lyric, rhyming, imaginative, creative, romantic, fictitious, dreamy, flighty.
antonym(s): unmetrical, unrythmical, prosaic, unpoetical, unversified, unimaginative, commonplace, historical, mathematical, logical, matter-of-fact, veracious, sober.

Syn.: stinging, sharp, keen, penetrating, severe, biting, intense, piercing, see keen.

Syn.: aim, level, direct, show, indicate, see indicate.

Syn.: apex, top, summit, sharp end, aim, purpose, subject matter, object, see acme.

Syn.: peaked, keen, sharp, marked, severe, telling, see keen.

Syn.: vague, vapid, aimless, inexpressive, feeble.
antonym(s): close, sharp, telling, pregnant, significant, expressive, forcible, epigrammatic.

Syn.: vitiate, taint, infect, envenom, pollute.
antonym(s): purify, disinfect, depurate.

Syn.: venomous, infect ant, vicious, corruptive, vitiative, noxious, baneful, malignant, morbific, peccant, virulent, pestiferous, mephitic, deleterious.
antonym(s): wholesome, genial, beneficial, sanative, invigorative, healthful, innoxious, restorative, remedial, hygeian.

Syn.: plan, device, system, prudence, management, cunning, see device.

Syn.: burnish, furbish, levigate, brighten, refine, make glossy.
antonym(s): abrade, scratch.

Syn.: elegant, refined, wellbred, courteous, obliging, complaisant, civil, courtly, polished, genteel, accomplished.
antonym(s): awkward, rude, uncouth, illbred, discourteous, boorish, clownish, disobliging.

Syn.: courtesy, refinement, good breeding, courteousness, urbanity, civility, gentility, see courtesy.

Syn.: prudent, wise, sagacious, provident, diplomatic, judicious, cunning, wary, well devised, discreet.
antonym(s): imprudent, unwise, improvident, undiplomatic, impolitic.

Syn.: befoul, taint, poison, corrupt, tarnish, stain, contaminate, soil, vitiate, deprave.
antonym(s): purify, clarify, disinfect, filter.

Syn.: scoundrel, coward, hound, skulk, dastard.
antonym(s): hero, philanthropist, gentleman, benefactor, model, example.

Syn.: beat, thump, baste, thrash, strike, cudgel.
antonym(s): smooth, caress, pat, stroke.

Syn.: ostentation, magnificence, parade, ceremony, show, display, gorgeousness, grandeur, splendor, pageantry, publicity.
antonym(s): quiet, retirement, simplicity, unceremoniousness, unadornment, privacy, plainness.

Syn.: magnificent, gorgeous, splendid, showy, sumptuous, ostentatious, stately, lofty, grand, bombastic, turgid, stiff, inflated, pretentious, coxcombical, assuming.
antonym(s): unpretending, unobtrusive, modest, unassuming, plain-mannered, humble-minded.

Syn.: think over, meditate on, weigh, consider, cogitate, deliberate, ruminate, reflect, amuse, study, resolve, see consider.

Syn.: appreciable, determinable, palpable.
antonym(s): inappreciable, indeterminable, impalpable, imponderable.

Syn.: indigent, moneyless, impecunious, penniless, weak, meagre, insufficient, deficient, faulty, unsatisfactory, inconsiderable, thin, scanty, bald.
antonym(s): rich, wealthy, copious, affluent, abundant, liberal, large, ample, moneyed, sufficient, satisfactory, considerable.

Syn.: common, current, vulgar, public, general, received, favorite, beloved, prevailing, approved, widespread, liked.
antonym(s): exclusive, restricted, scientific, esoteric, unpopular, odious, detested.

Syn.: crowded, dense, swarming, thronged.
antonym(s): deserted, thin, scanty, unfrequented, unoccupied, uninhabited.

Syn.: portico, vestibule, see entrance.

Syn.: foraminous, pervious, permeable, percolable.
antonym(s): impervious, impermeable, impercolable.

Syn.: haven, harbor, mien, bearing, demeanor, carriage, deportment, air, see deportment and mien.

Syn.: movable, haldy, manageable, light.
antonym(s): ponderous, immovable, awkward, unmanageable, unhandy.

Syn.: gate, entrance, gateway, see entrance.

Syn.: indicate, threaten, prognosticate, forbode, augur, presage, herald, foreshow, betoken.
antonym(s): contradict, negative, preclude, forefend, nullify, contravene, avert.

Syn.: indicative, suggestive, threatening, prophetic, predictive, ominous, premonitory.
antonym(s): auspicious, hopeful, cheering, assuring, animating, encouraging, joyous.

Syn.: dignified, burly, imposing, stately, corpulent, stout, plump.
antonym(s): undignified, unimposing, mean.

Syn.: draw, delineate, represent, depict, describe, sketch, paint.
antonym(s): misrepresent, caricature, misportray.

Syn.: puzzle, perplex, bewilder, dumbfounder, mystify, embarrass, daze, confound.
antonym(s): enlighten, unmystify, indoctrinate, initiate.

Syn.: real, actual, substantial, absolute, independent, unconditional, unequivocal, explicit, fixed, settled, definitive, indisputable, decisive, express, enacted, assured, confident, direct, dogmatic, overbearing, dogmatical.
antonym(s): negative, insubstantial, unreal, fictitious, imaginary, relative, contingent, dependent, conditional, implied, dubious, questionable, moral, uncertain, doubtful, indirect, occasional, suspicious.

Syn.: occupy, enjoy, have, hold, entertain, own.
antonym(s): abandon, renounce, abjure, surrender, lose, forfeit, resign.

Syn.: holding, ownership, tenure, occupation.
antonym(s): abandoning, renouncing, resigning, surrendering.

Syn.: practicable, feasible, likely, potential.
antonym(s): impracticable, impossible.

Syn.: perhaps, perchance, haply, maybe, see perhaps.

Syn.: later, subsequent.
antonym(s): earlier, precedent, antecedent, prior.

Syn.: futurity.
antonym(s): ancestry.

Syn.: defer, delay, prorogue, procrastinate.
antonym(s): expedite, despatch, accelerate.

Syn.: assume, presuppose.
antonym(s): prove, elaborate, exemplify, argue.

Syn.: powerful, efficacious, effective, active, strong, energetic.
antonym(s): weak, impotent, inefficient, ineffective, inactive, fruitless, inoperative.

Syn.: possible, implicit, undeveloped, germinative, immanent, virtual.
antonym(s): actual, explicit, developed, objective, real, express.

Syn.: imprison, cage, coop.
antonym(s): discharge, liberate, release.

Syn.: beat, bruise, pulverize, triturate.
antonym(s): soothe, stroke, amalgamate, compound.

Syn.: want, need, indigence, destitution, see want.

Syn.: faculty, capacity, capability, potentiality, ability, strength, force, might, energy, susceptibility, influence, dominion, sway, command, government, agency, authority, rule, jurisdiction, effectiveness.
antonym(s): incapacity, incapability, impotence, inability, weakness, imbecility, inertness, insusceptibility, subjection, power lessness, obedience, subservience, ineffectiveness.

Syn.: strong, potent, puissant, masterful, mighty, see strong.

Syn.: possible, feasible, usable.
antonym(s): impossible, impracticable, unusable.

Syn.: useful, serviceable, skilled, trained, see custom.

Syn.: really, actually, substantially, in fact, in effect, see actually.

Syn.: usage, habit, exercise, experience, exercitation, action, custom, manner, performance.
antonym(s): disuse, dishabituation, inexperience, theory, speculation, nonperformance.

Syn.: perform, exercise, deal in, carry on, see perform.

Syn.: trained, experienced, proficient, accomplished, see proficient.

Syn.: over-busy, fussy, consequential, officious, meddlesome.
antonym(s): reserved, uninterfering, distant, unconcerned, inobtrusive, unmeddlesome, inofficious.

Syn.: eulogize, laud, commend, honor, glorify, compliment, celebrate, puff, extol, applaud, panegyrize.
antonym(s): blame, censure, discommend, reprove.

Syn.: commendable, laudable, meritorious, honorable, worthy.
antonym(s): blameable, censureable, reprehensible.

Syn.: caper, antic, capricious, action, frolic, trick, gambol, escapade, freak, see frolic.

Syn.: babble, prattle, chat, chatter, tattle, gossip, see babble.

Syn.: beg, beseech, entreat, implore, solicit, supplicate, adjure, invoke, crave, see beseech.

Syn.: petition, supplication, entreaty, orison, benediction, suit, request, see benediction.

Syn.: preface, introduction, exordium, opening, introductory, part.
antonym(s): close, termination, peroration, finale, conclusion.

Syn.: hazardous, peril, ous, uncertain, riskful, unassured, insecure, dubious, doubtful.
antonym(s): assured, certain, systematic, safe, immutable.

Syn.: forethought, provision, premunition, anticipation, prearrangement, care, providence.
antonym(s): carelessness, thoughtlessness, improvidence.

Syn.: lead, introduce, herald, go before, usher, head.
antonym(s): succeed, follow.

Syn.: superiority, lead, priority, preference, antecedence, supremacy, pre-eminence.
antonym(s): inferiority, sequence, subordination, posteriority.

Syn.: anterior, prior, earlier.
antonym(s): subsequent, posterior, inter.

Syn.: instance, example, authority, warrant, antecedent, pattern.
antonym(s): prohibition, diswarrant, disallowance.

Syn.: precedent, former, foregoing, prior, previous, antecedent, anterior, see anterior.

Syn.: rule, maxim, injunction, commandment, doctrine, direction, law, mandate, principle, instruction, command, order.
antonym(s): suggestion, prompting, instigation, impulse.

Syn.: master, teacher, pedagogue, tutor, instructor, schoolmaster.
antonym(s): pupil, learner, scholar, student.

Syn.: purlieus, environs, limit, bounds, boundary, confine, district.
antonym(s): heart, centre, nucleus.

Syn.: dear, valuable, costly, cherished, treasured, beloved, estimable, of great value.
antonym(s): cheap, valueless, worthless, unvalued, disesteemed, unappreciated, vile.

Syn.: cliff, crag, steep descent, headlong, steep, see abyss.

Syn.: steep, headlong, abrupt, sheer, perpendicular, beetling, rash, dangerous.
antonym(s): shallow, graduated, inclined, undulating.

Syn.: definite, exact, nice, pointed, accurate, correct, particular, formal, explicit, scrupulous, terse, punctilious, ceremonious, formal.
antonym(s): indefinite, vague, inexact, rough, inaccurate, loose, circumlocutory, ambagious, tortuous, informal, unceremonious.

Syn.: exactness, nicety, preciseness, accuracy, see accuracy.

Syn.: prevent, obviate, bar, debar, impede, hinder.
antonym(s): admit, promote, further, advance.

Syn.: premature, predeveloped, overforward.
antonym(s): tardy, backward, slow-growing, crude.

Syn.: foresight, foreknowledge.
antonym(s): reflection, recollection.

Syn.: forethought, anticipation, fore-understanding.
antonym(s): copy, portraiture, observation, vision, representation, delineation.

Syn.: prearranged, concocted, prepared, premeditated.
antonym(s): extemporized, unprepared, unconcocted, unpremeditated.

Syn.: forerunner, harbinger, herald, pioneer, advance-guard, cause.
antonym(s): follower, consequent, result, effect, event.

Syn.: prevenient, antecedent, introductory, prefatory, initiatory, prior, premonitory, prognosticative.
antonym(s): subsequent, consequent, posterior, entailed, supervenient, eventual.

Syn.: ravenous, rapacious, carnivorous.
antonym(s): innocuous, herbivorous, graminivorous.

Syn.: pillaging, plundering, marauding, rapacious, greedy, ravenous.
antonym(s): guarding, keeping, watching, protecting, see rapacious.

Syn.: ancestor, forerunner, elder.
antonym(s): posterity, junior, successor.

Syn.: foreordainment, foredoom, necessity, fate, election, preordination, predetermination.
antonym(s): freewill, freedom, volition, choice, spontaneity.

Syn.: difficulty, try, ing position, state, condition, dilemma, situation, see dilemma.

Syn.: assert, aver, affirm, declare, see assert.

Syn.: prophesy, foretell, forecast, prognosticate, forebode, foreshadow, see foretell.

Syn.: prophecy, prognostication, vaticination, foreannouncement, premonstration, foretelling, forebodement, presage, augury, foreshowing.
antonym(s): narration, relation, history, account, report.

Syn.: prepossession, preference, leaning, liking, fondness, bias, inclination, predisposition, tendency, prejudice, partiality.
antonym(s): prejudice, aversion, indisposition, antipathy, disinclination, apathy.

Syn.: prevalence, superiority, ascendancy, rule.
antonym(s): inferiority, subjection, minority, paucity.

Syn.: prevailing, ascendant, prevalent, superior, overruling, see superior.

Syn.: paramount, predominant, egregious, consummate, prevailing.
antonym(s): subordinate, inferior, minor, secondary.

Syn.: introduction, proem, prelude, prologue, preamble, premiss.
antonym(s): peroration, sequel, appendix, epilogue, postscript.

Syn.: introductory, preclusive, initiative, preliminary, antecedent, prevenient, proemial.
antonym(s): subsequent, concluding, terminal, perorational.

Syn.: choose, elect, select, fancy, promote, advance, further.
antonym(s): reject, postpone, defer, withhold, degrade, depress.

Syn.: dignity, promotion, benefice, advancement, exaltation.
antonym(s): degradation, deprivation, suspension.

Syn.: type, adumbration.
antonym(s): antitype, fulfillment.

Syn.: preface.
antonym(s): append, subjoin, suffix, supplement, add.

Syn.: procreant, generative, prolific, teeming, significant, fraught, fruitful, replete, with child, enceinte.
antonym(s): sterile, unproductive, barren, void, meaningless.

Syn.: weak, exposed, expugnable, defenceless.
antonym(s): impregnable, inexpugnable.

Syn.: prepossession, prejudgment, predisposition, bias, unfairness, injury, harm, impairment, detriment, partiality, disadvantage, damage.
antonym(s): judgment, fairness, impartiality, advantage.

Syn.: harmful, hurtful, injurious, disadvantageous, see harmless.

Syn.: previous, proemial, precursive, prelusory, antecedent, preparatory.
antonym(s): subsequent, consequent, following.

Syn.: introduction, preparation, preface, proem, preli*ion, overture, see preface.
antonym(s): sequel, conclusion.

Syn.: hasty, crude, unauthenticated, untimely, precocious, precipitate, too early, rash, unseasonable.
antonym(s): ripe, timely, seasonable, opportune.

Syn.: plan, propose, plot, prearrange, prepare, precompose, preconcert.
antonym(s): extemporize, hazard.

Syn.: forethought, deliberation.
antonym(s): without forethought, without deliberation.

Syn.: announce, forestate, preface.
antonym(s): add, append, infer, gather, supplement, subjoin.

Syn.: antecedent, ground.
antonym(s): consequent, inference, deduction, conclusion.

Syn.: reward, guerdon, encouragement, douceur, enhancement, bribe, recompense, bonus, prize, bounty.
antonym(s): penalty, fine, amercement, mulct, forfeit, depreciation.

Syn.: foreordain, predetermine, foredoom, predestine.

Syn.: provision, making ready.
antonym(s): without preparation, without, provision.

Syn.: fit, adapt, qualify, ad, just, provide, arrange, order, lay, plan, equip, furnish, make ready.
antonym(s): misfit, misadapt, misprovide, derange, disarrange, demolish, subvert, disconcert.

Syn.: outweighing, overcoming, superior, see superior.

Syn.: predominate, prevail, overbalance, outweigh, outbalance.
antonym(s): fail, sink, succumb.

Syn.: attractive, alluring, charming, winning, taking, engaging.
antonym(s): repulsive, unattractive, sinister.

Syn.: monstrous, exorbitant, unreasonable, absurd, irrational, foolish, ridiculous.
antonym(s): just, due, fair, reasonable, moderate, right, judicious, orderly, sound.

Syn.: eight, privilege, immunity.
antonym(s): disqualification, disfranchisement.

Syn.: omen, indication, prognostic, premonition.
antonym(s): fulfilment, event, occurrence, realization.

Syn.: predict, foresee, foretell, prognosticate, betoken, portend, threaten, augur, see portend.

Syn.: enjoin, order, impose, recommend, indicate, decree, dictate.
antonym(s): inhibition, prohibit, discountenance, discommend.

Syn.: direction, order, recipe, usage, custom, see custom.

Syn.: nearness, influence, intercourse, closeness.
antonym(s): remoteness, absence, separation, distance.

Syn.: at hand, existing, not absent, nigh, instant, immediate, current, see absent.

Syn.: donation, gift, offering, grant, benefaction, see benefaction.

Syn.: give, offer, bestow, introduce, exhibit, confer upon, see bestow.

Syn.: introduction, exhibition, offer, delivery, gift, donation, bestowal, grant, endowment.
antonym(s): withdrawal, removal, concealment, suppression, retention, withholding, refusal, nonpresentation.

Syn.: foreboding, foretaste, forethought, prescience, forecast, anticipation.
antonym(s): surprise, inexpectancy, miscalculation.

Syn.: shortly, soon, immediately, directly, see directly.

Syn.: safety, security, conservation, integrity, protection, nurture, guardianship, care.
antonym(s): abandonment, exposure, peril, insecurity, see impairment, infringement, injury, damage.

Syn.: defend, guard, save, keep safe, uphold, protect, maintain, rescue, spare, see protect.

Syn.: manage, superintend, direct, control, govern, see manage.

Syn.: chairman, moderator, principal, superintendent.
antonym(s): member, subordinate, constituent, corporation, society, ward, institution.

Syn.: urge, crowd, compel, force, squeeze, crush, compress, express, constrain, hurry, instigate, inculcate, impress, throng, encroach, lean, weigh, harass.
antonym(s): relax, inhibit, persuade, entice, allure, solicit, touch, skim, graze, free, liberate, ease, avoid, relieve.

Syn.: urgent compulsory, importunate.
antonym(s): unimportant, slight, trivial, light.

Syn.: exigency, urgency, constraining, hurry, influence, see existence.

Syn.: suppose, anticipate, apprehend, venture, take for granted, conjecture, believe, deem.
antonym(s): infer, deduce, prove, argue, retire, withdraw, hesitate, distrust.

Syn.: anticipation, supposition, hypothesis, probability, assumption, understanding, condition, concession, forwardness, arrogance, audacity, boldness.
antonym(s): proof, deduction, inference, demonstration, verification, fact, certainty, modesty, diffidence, backwardness, bashfulness, hesitation.

Syn.: probable, antecedent.
antonym(s): demonstrative, established.

Syn.: presuming, bold, overconfident, forward, rashly confident, arrogant, bold, rash, irreverent, wilful, foolhardy, see rash.

Syn.: presume, assume, postulate, surmise.
antonym(s): prove, establish, infer, deduce, argue, demonstrate.

Syn.: excuse, pretext, fabrication, simulation, cloak, mask, color, show, garb, plea, assumption, make believe, outside show, pretension.
antonym(s): verity, reality, truth, simplicity, candor, guilelessness, openness, veritableness, actuality, fact.

Syn.: feign, similate, offer, allege, exhibit, propound, affect, profess.
antonym(s): verify, unmask, detect, test, substantiate, refute.

Syn.: claim, show, pretence, demand, profession, alleged right, see pretence and claim.

Syn.: handsome, attractive, neat, trim, tasteful, pleasing, beautiful, fine, comely, see attractive and handsome.

Syn.: moderately, tolerably.

Syn.: predominate, overcome, obtain, succeed, be in force, induce, persuade, see conquer.

Syn.: controlling, ruling, influential, operative, predominant, prevalent, rife, ascendant, most general, most common.
antonym(s): mitigated, diminishing, subordinate, powerless.

Syn.: custom, power, influence, operation, extension, predominance, superiority, influence, efficacy, preponderance.
antonym(s): disuse, desuetude, obsoleteness, decay, evanescence, disappearance, mitigation, subordination, collapse, abandonment, abolition, diminution, subsidence, subjection.

Syn.: shuffle, quibble, equivocate, palter, sophisticate, evade.
antonym(s): affirm, asseverate, maintain, reiterate.

Syn.: preliminary, prefatory, antecedent, initiatory, introductory.
antonym(s): subsequent, consequent, following, attending.

Syn.: hinder, obstruct, bar, neutralize, nullify, thwart, intercept, anticipate, forefend, frustrate, obviate, checkmate.
antonym(s): promote, aid, facilitate, expedite, encourage, advance, accelerate, induce, cause, produce.

Syn.: obstruction, stoppage, interruption, hinderance.
antonym(s): help, aid, succor, acceleration.

Syn.: antecedent, prior, preceding, anterior, foregoing, former, earlier.
antonym(s): subsequent, posterior, succeeding, following, later.

Syn.: spoil, booty, plunder, rapine, pillage, victim, seizure, loot.
antonym(s): earnings, hues, rights.

Syn.: cost, figure, charge, expense, compensation, value, appraisement, worth.
antonym(s): donation, discount, allowance, remittance, abatement.

Syn.: inestimable, invaluable, precious.
antonym(s): cheap, valueless.

Syn.: loftiness, haughtiness, lordliness, self-exaltation, arrogance, conceit, vainglory.
antonym(s): lowliness, meekness, modesty, self-distrust.

Syn.: coxcombical, dandified, foppish, affected, prim, conceited.
antonym(s): plain, sensible, unaffected, simple-minded, simple-mannered.

Syn.: formal, precise, demure, starched, stiff, self-conscious, unbending, priggish.
antonym(s): unformal, easy, genial, unaffected, natural, free, naive.

Syn.: first, original, earliest, elementary, chief, principal, important, leading, primitive, pristine.
antonym(s): secondary, subordinate, posterior, unimportant, inferior, subsequent, later, see principal.

Syn.: zenith, culmination, perfection, dawn, spring, cream, flower.
antonym(s): decadence, wane, evening, refuse, winter, decay.

Syn.: excellent, superexcellent, first-rate, perfect, consummate.
antonym(s): inferior, impaired, waning, deteriorated, ordinary, second-rate, defective.

Syn.: archaic, primordial, indigenous, autochthonic, aboriginal, pristine.
antonym(s): subsequent, recent, modern, imported, adventitious.

Syn.: old-fashioned, primeval, quaint, simple, unsophisticated, archaic, pristine.
antonym(s): modern, new-fangled, sophisticated, modish.

Syn.: imperial, munificent, magnificent, superb, august, regal, royal, supreme.
antonym(s): beggarly, mean, niggardly, poverty-struck.

Syn.: highest, first, main, leading, chief, primary, foremost, pre-eminent, prominent.
antonym(s): inferior, subordinate, secondary, supplemental, subject, auxiliary, minor.

Syn.: source, origin, motive, cause, energy, substance, element, power, faculty, truth, tenet, law, doctrine, axiom, maxim, postulate, rule.
antonym(s): exhibition, manifestation, application, development, issue, exercise, operation, formation, action.

Syn.: preceding, previous, former, antecedent, precedent, earlier, anterior, foregoing, see posterior.

Syn.: iridescent, opalescent, polychromatous.
antonym(s): achromatic, colorless.

Syn.: retirement, secrecy, solitude, seclusion, retreat, concealment.
antonym(s): publicity, currency, notoriety, exposure.

Syn.: special, peculiar, individual, secret, not public, retired, privy.
antonym(s): general, public, open, unconcealed.

Syn.: deprivation, destitution, absence, negation, loss, bereavement, hardship, want.
antonym(s): accession, supply, restoration, benefaction, restitution, presence, compensation, recovery, privilege.

Syn.: prerogative, im-munity, franchise, right, liberty, advantage, claim, exemption.
antonym(s): disfranchisement, disqualification, exclusion, prohibition, inhibition.

Syn.: secret, clandestine, cognizant, acquainted with.
antonym(s): open, unsealed, not acquainted with, not cognizant of, see private.

Syn.: booty, spoil, plunder, prey, forage, trophy, laurels, guerdon, premium, honors, ovation, palm.
antonym(s): loss, forfeiture, fine, penalty, amercement, sacrifice, disappointment, failure, brand, stigma, infamy, mulct.

Syn.: likelihood, presumption, verisimilitude, chance, appearance.
antonym(s): unliklihood, improbability, impossibility, inconceivableness.

Syn.: likely, presumable, credible, reasonable.
antonym(s): unlikely, unreasonable, incredible.

Syn.: essay, examination, test, trial, experiment, proof, criterion, touchstone, ordeal, verification.
antonym(s): license, see diminish and small, nonprobation.

Syn.: prove, test, scrutinize, verify, investigate, examine, search, silt, explore.
antonym(s): skim, misinvestigate, blink, misexamine, slur, miss, gloss.

Syn.: soundness, virtue, integrity, honesty, uprightness, rectitude, principle, conscientiousness.
antonym(s): dishonesty, disintegrity, unsoundness, vice, unconscientiousness, roguery, rascality.

Syn.: dubious, questionable, uncertain, doubtful.
antonym(s): evident, obvious, self-evident, certain, demonstrable.

Syn.: proceeding, act, progress, course of conduct, process, see act.

Syn.: move, pass, advance, progress, continue, issue, emanate, flow, arise.
antonym(s): recede, deviate, retreat, stand, stop, stay, desist, discontinue, retire.

Syn.: step, measure, transaction, performance, procedure, conduct, behavior, action, process.
antonym(s): abandonment, desistence, deviation, discontinuance, inaction.

Syn.: receipts, produce, returns, avail, profits, income, see income.

Syn.: train, march, caravan, file, cortege, cavalcade, retinue.
antonym(s): rabble, herd, rush, disorder, mob, confusion, rout.

Syn.: announce, publish, promulgate, declare, enunciate, advertise, call out, report, utter.
antonym(s): repress, conceal, silentiate, obliviate, secrete.

Syn.: announcement, edict, decree, notice, ordinance, see decree.

Syn.: tendency, propensity, bias, gravitation, disposition, inclination, proneness.
antonym(s): aversion, disinclination, indisposition.

Syn.: dilatoriness, delay.
antonym(s): timeliness, punctuality, promptitude, alacrity.

Syn.: acquire, provide, gain, get, contrive, effect, reap, win, earn, bring about.
antonym(s): miss, lose, forfeit, misprovide, miscontrive.

Syn.: lavish, profuse, extravagant, reckless, wasteful, squandering, improvident.
antonym(s): frugal, saving, hoarding, economical, niggardly, miserly, close, closefisted.

Syn.: marvellous, portentous, wonderful, astounding, enormous, monstrous, amazing, surprising, remarkable, extraordinary, huge, vast.
antonym(s): ordinary, commonplace, everyday, usual, familiar, moderate.

Syn.: wonder, marvel, portent, monster, miracle, see monster.

Syn.: exhibit, bear, furbish, afford, cause, create, originate, yield, extend, prolong, lengthen.
antonym(s): withdraw, retain, stifle, withhold, neutralize, destroy, annihilate, curtail, shorten, contract, reduce.

Syn.: product, yield, fruit, profit, effect, consequence, result, amount, see result.

Syn.: fruit, result, issue, consequence, effect, emanation, work.
antonym(s): cause, principle, power, motive, energy, operation, action, tendency, law.

Syn.: origination, evolution, formation, genesis, product, see cause.

Syn.: fruitful, prolific, fertile, efficient, causative.
antonym(s): unfruitful, barren, sterile, unproductive, inefficient, effete.

Syn.: unconsecrated, secular, temporal, unsanctified, unholy, irreligious, irreverent, ungodly, wicked, godless, impious, blasphemous.
antonym(s): holy, consecrated, sacred, spiritual, sanctified, reverent, religious, godly, pious, devout.

Syn.: defile, pollute, desecrate, abuse, see contaminate and pollute.

Syn.: declare, avow, acknowledge, own, confess, pretend, proclaim, lay claim to.
antonym(s): conceal, suppress, disown, disavow, repudiate, renounce, abjure.

Syn.: avowal, declaration, business, occupation, trade, calling, vocation, see declaration.

Syn.: offer, propose, tender, volunteer.
antonym(s): withhold, detain.

Syn.: success, advancement, progress, improvement, forwardness, dexterity.
antonym(s): failure, backwardness, unsuccess, tardiness, relapse.

Syn.: adept, master, expert.
antonym(s): tyro, novice, ignoramus, dunce.

Syn.: expert, clever, practised, skilled, trained, versed, advanced, conversant, skilful, competent, well qualified.
antonym(s): backward, ignorant, unskilled, inconversant, ill-versed, awkward, clumsy.

Syn.: gain, emolument, advantage, avail, acquisition, benefit service, use, improvement.
antonym(s): loss, detriment, damage, disadvantage, waste.

Syn.: gainful, advantageous, desirable, beneficial, useful, productive, remunerative, lucrative.
antonym(s): unprofitable, disadvantageous, undesirable, detrimental, unbeneficial, unprofitable, useless, vain, fruitless, unproductive, unremunerative.

Syn.: shamelessness, dissoluteness, depravity, reprobation.
antonym(s): virtue, probity, integrity, principle, conscientiousness.

Syn.: abandoned, depraved, dissolute, degenerate, corrupt, vicious, shameless, see abandoned.

Syn.: deep, fathomless, abysmal, penetrating, intimate, solemn, abstruse, recondite, philosophical, strong, vivid, intense, deepseated.
antonym(s): shallow, superficial, commonplace.

Syn.: copious, lavish, prodigal, bountiful, exuberant, excessive.
antonym(s): scanty, sparing, chary, parsimonious, niggardly, churlish, poor.

Syn.: copiousness, prodigality, abundance, exuberance, extravagance, multitude, mass, heap, load, flood, wealth.
antonym(s): scarcity, economy, poverty, parsimony, drain, dole, driblet, pittance.

Syn.: offspring, young, issue, scion, offshoot, descendants, posterity, race.
antonym(s): stock, parentage, ancestry.

Syn.: sign, indication, symptom, premonition, harbinger, token, presage, signal.
antonym(s): result, reminder, memorial, record, register, misindication, mistaken.

Syn.: foretell, presage, predict, forebode, foretoken, augur, portend, indicate, betoken.
antonym(s): record, register, recal, remember, note, rehearse.

Syn.: advertisement, notice, plan, catalogue.
antonym(s): review, rehearsal, repetition, resume, analysis, precis.

Syn.: advancement, advance, movement, proceeding, way, journey, proficiency, speed, growth.
antonym(s): delay, stoppage, retreat, stay, retrogression, failure, relapse.

Syn.: series, gradation, rate.
antonym(s): inversion, diminution.

Syn.: forbid, interdict, debar, hinder, check, prevent, disallow, inhibit.
antonym(s): permit, grant, allow, sanction.

Syn.: interdiction, inhibition, interdict, embargo, disallowance.
antonym(s): allowance, permission.

Syn.: throw, cast, hurl, propel, shoot, discharge, propound, intend, forecast, jut, extend, reach, bulge, stand out.
antonym(s): recal, withdraw, draw, retract, pull, attract, rebound, recoil, adduce, revert, rebate.

Syn.: plan, purpose, design, scheme, contrivance, device.
antonym(s): hazard, chance, venture.

Syn.: missile.
antonym(s): weapon, sidearms, handarms.

Syn.: protuberance, prominence, convexity, propulsion, emission.
antonym(s): recess, cavity, concavity, return, indentation, hollow, attraction, recoil, rebound, ricochet, reaction.

Syn.: diffuse, lengthy, tedious, circumlocutory, prosaic, verbose, minute, toilsome, wordy.
antonym(s): condensed, terse, epigrammatic, curt, brief, laconic.

Syn.: lengthen, extend, protract, continue, delay, retard.
antonym(s): curtail, shorten, contract, discontinue.

Syn.: jutting, protuberant, relieved, embossed, extended, manifest, conspicuous, eminent, distinguished, main, important, leading, characteristic, distinctive.
antonym(s): receding, concave, rebated, indented, hollowed, engraved, intailed, withdrawn, inconspicuous, minor, secondary, unimportant, indistinctive, undistinguishable, subordinate.

Syn.: mingled, see coofro, undistinguished, unselected, unarranged, undistributed, unassorted, common, unreserved, casual, disorderly, unordered.
antonym(s): sorted, select, orderly, arranged, distributed, reserved, as sorted, exclusive, nice.

Syn.: engage, assure.
antonym(s): covenant, pledge, stipulate.

Syn.: engagement, assurance, word, pledge, see assurance.

Syn.: headland, jutland, cape.
antonym(s): bay, cove, recess.

Syn.: aid, further, advance, excite, exalt, raise, elevate, prefer.
antonym(s): discourage, repress, hinder, check, allay, depress, degrade, dishonor.

Syn.: furtherance, advancement, encouragement, preferment, elevation.
antonym(s): hinderance, obstruction, impediment, retardation.

Syn.: ready, alert, responsive, active, quick, brisk, apt, unhesitating.
antonym(s): unready, sluggish, irresponsive, inactive.

Syn.: readiness, promptness, quickness, alertness, alacrity, activity.
antonym(s): unreadiness, sluggishness, inaction, inertness, tardiness, hesitation.

Syn.: divulge, announce, publish, spread, propound, disseminate, proclaim, advertise.
antonym(s): repress, conceal, suppress, stifle, hush, burke, discountenance.

Syn.: disposed, inclined, bent, tending, apt, recumbent, prostrate, flat.
antonym(s): indisposed, disinclined, unapt, averse, upright.

Syn.: articulate, utter, declare, propound, deliver, assert, affirm, enunciate, express.
antonym(s): mispronounce, mispropound, misaffirm, suppress, stifle, silence, choke, swallow, gabble, mumble.

Syn.: test, trial, examination, criterion, essay, establishment, probation, demonstration, evidence, testimony, scrutiny.
antonym(s): disproof, failure, invalidity, shortcoming, fallacy, undemonstrativeness, reprobation.

Syn.: support, stay, buttress, shore, strut, pin.
antonym(s): superstructure, superincumbency, top-weight, gravitation, extirpation, subverter, destroyer.

Syn.: sustain, support, stay, maintain, see support.

Syn.: breed, generate, produce, originate, spread, extend, expand, disseminate, diffuse, increase, multiply, promulgate, propound, broach.
antonym(s): extinguish, strangle, stifle, neutralize, reduce, contract, suppress, diminish, fail, dwindle, die, contradict.

Syn.: hurl, project, drive, urge.
antonym(s): retard, detain, withhold.

Syn.: bent, predilection, proclivity, see proclivity.

Syn.: peculiar, appertinent, personal, own, constitutional, special, befitting, adapted, suited, suitable, appropriate, just, fair, equitable, right, decent, becoming, fit.
antonym(s): common, inappertinent, alien, universal, nonspecial, unbefitting, unadapted, unsuited, unsuitable, inappropriate, wrong, indecent, unbecoming, improper.

Syn.: quality, attribute, peculiarity, nature, characteristic, possessions, goods, wealth, estate, gear, resources, ownership, see [[attribute, see and estate.

Syn.: predictive, ominous, portentous, premonitory, fatidical, oracular, sibylline.
antonym(s): historic, narrative, chronicled, recorded, recitative, commemorative.

Syn.: nearness, proximity, contiguity, adjacence.
antonym(s): distance, remoteness, longitude, separation.

Syn.: conciliate, secure, appease, win, reconcile, pacify.
antonym(s): exasperate, alienate, offend, estrange.

Syn.: timely, favorable, auspicious, beneficial, friendly, welldisposed, gracious, benign, fortunate.
antonym(s): untimely, untoward, unseasonable, unfavorable, inauspicious, unfriendly, hostile, antagonistic, adverse, ill-disposed, unpropitious.

Syn.: adaptation, relation, rate, distribution, adjustment, symmetry, interrelationship, uniformity, correlation.
antonym(s): misproportion, misadjustment, incongruity, disparity, disharmony, disorder, irrelation, disproportion.

Syn.: offer, overture, tender, suggestion, design, proposition, scheme.
antonym(s): withholding, withdrawal, retention, reticence, dissuasive, warning, prohibition.

Syn.: offer, tender, proffer, bring forward, purpose, intend, mean, propound, move, design, see okfkb.

Syn.: statement, affirmation, declaration, sentence.
antonym(s): misstatement, interjection, babel, jargon, sound, riddle, paradox.

Syn.: propose, promulgate, express, declare, maintain, advocate, propagate, broach.
antonym(s): repress, suppress, contradict, withdraw, repudiate, renounce, abjure, recal, retract.

Syn.: fitness, appropriateness, justness, correctness, expediency, decorum, see expediency and decorum.

Syn.: adjourn, postpone, defer.
antonym(s): convene, continue, prolong, expedite, despatch.

Syn.: pull, matter-of-fact, tedious, prolix.
antonym(s): poetic, animated, interesting, lively, fervid, eloquent, graphic.

Syn.: denounce, condemn, reject, interdict, ostracize, disallow, prohibit, forbid.
antonym(s): permit, sanction, encourage, enjoin.

Syn.: follow, pursue, investigate, conduct, summon, arraign, persevere, carry on, persist, sue.
antonym(s): drop, discontinue, abandon, misconduct, misinvestigate, missoperate, exonerate, acquit.

Syn.: convert, catechumen, neophyte.
antonym(s): misbeliever, infidel, habitue, pillar, prop, buttress.

Syn.: view, vision, field, landscape, hope, anticipation, probability.
antonym(s): viewlessness, dimness, obscurity, darkness, cloud, veiling, occultation, hopelessness, improbability.

Syn.: programme, plan, catalogue, announcement, bill, scheme, compendium.
antonym(s): subject, transaction, proceeding, &c.

Syn.: success, weal, welfare, good fortune, well-being, good luck.
antonym(s): unsuccess, woe, adversity, failure, reverse.

Syn.: successful, fortunate, thriving, well off, well to do, happy, lucky, see fortunate.

Syn.: fallen, flat, procumbent, lifeless, ruined, overpowered, oppressed, prone.
antonym(s): risen, vertical, erect, upright, reinvigorated, revived, restored.

Syn.: overthrown, demolition, destruction, depression, [[exhaustion, #n/a, see depression.

Syn.: defend, fortify, guard, shield, preserve, cover, secure, save, vindicate.
antonym(s): betray, endanger, imperil, abandon, expose.

Syn.: shelter, defence, security, safety, refuge, guard, see security.

Syn.: expostulate, remonstrate, denounce, repudiate, deprecate, affirm, aver, assure.
antonym(s): acquiesce, coincide, sanction, subscribe, endorse, agree.

Syn.: prolong, produce, elongate, defer, extend, lengthen, continue, draw out.
antonym(s): shorten, abbreviate, curtail, contract, reduce.

Syn.: extend, project, abut, jut, demonstrate, expose, bulge, thrust forward.
antonym(s): recede, retract, adduce, repress, suppress, conceal.

Syn.: projection, protuberance, convexity, tongue.
antonym(s): recess, cavity, hollow, concavity, mouth.

Syn.: lump, swelling, excrescence, convexity.
antonym(s): cavity, smoothness, planeness, concavity, indentation, hollow.

Syn.: arrogant, haughty, imperious, supercilious, presumptuous, boastful, vain glorious, vain, ostentatious, elated, self-satisfied, lofty, imposing, magnificent, self-conscious.
antonym(s): deferential, humble, affable, unpresuming, meek, lowly, ashamed, unimposing, mean.

Syn.: trv, assay, test, establish, demonstrate, ascertain, argue, show, confirm, examine, substantiate, make trial of, verify, ascertain.
antonym(s): pass, pretermit, misdemonstrate, misindicate, refute, disprove, contradict, disestablish, neutralize.

Syn.: maxim, apothegm, adage, saw, dictum, by word.
antonym(s): essay, dissertation, disquisition, oration, diatribe, yarn.

Syn.: notorious, current, acknowledged, unquestioned.
antonym(s): dubious, unfounded, suspicious, suspected, questionable.

Syn.: prepare, arrange, procure, afford, supply, contribute, yield, cater, furnish, get, agree, produce, collect, stipulate.
antonym(s): misprovide, neglect, overlook, withhold, retain, appropriate, refuse, den, see *1, alienate, divert, misemploy, mismanage.

Syn.: granted, supposing.
antonym(s): barring, saving, excluded.

Syn.: forethought, timely care, forecast, divine government, divine superintendence.
antonym(s): improvidence, recklessness, carelessness.

Syn.: forecasting, foreseeing, cautious, considerate.
antonym(s): improvident, reckless, careless, inconsiderate.

Syn.: tract, region, department, section, sphere, domain, territory.
antonym(s): metropolis, centre, capital.

Syn.: appendant, annexed, outlying, rural, countrified, rustic, bucolic.
antonym(s): central, metropolitan, modish, fashionable, courtly.

Syn.: preparation, arrangement, produce, supply, anticipation, food, supplies, victuals, edibles, eatables.
antonym(s): neglect, misprovision, forgetfulness, thoughtlessness, oversight, destitution, want, dearth, starvation, dole, pittance.

Syn.: conditional, contingent, hypothetical, temporary.
antonym(s): unconditional, absolute, permanent, perpetual.

Syn.: incitement, stimulus, stimulant, provocative, affront, indignity, insult, see indignity.

Syn.: educe, summon, rouse, irritate, excite, challenge, vex, impel, offend, exasperate, anger, tantalize.
antonym(s): allay, relegate, pacify, soothe, conciliate.

Syn.: bravery, valor, gallantry, might, courage, intrepidity, fearlessness, heroism.
antonym(s): cowardice, weakness, poltroonery, dastardliness.

Syn.: rove, roam, wander, prey.
antonym(s): fly, swoop, chase, scour.

Syn.: neighborhood, vicinity, see propinquity.

Syn.: agency, substitution, representation, agent, substitute, representative, deputy, commissioner, lieutenant, delegate.
antonym(s): principalship, personality, principal, person, authority, depeter.

Syn.: wise, wary, cautious, circumspect, discreet, careful, judicious.
antonym(s): foolish, unwary, incautious, uncircumspect, indiscreet, rash, imprudent, silly, reckless, audacious.

Syn.: coy, over modest, affectedly modest, over nice, squeamish, reserved, demure, see demure.

Syn.: craving, itching, hankering, longing, lustful.
antonym(s): disliking, loathing, pure.

Syn.: trim, lop, drees, amputate.
antonym(s): pamper, train.

Syn.: peer, peep, scrutinize, inquire.
antonym(s): connive, overlook, disregard, pretermit.

Syn.: peering, inquisitive, scrutinizing, curious.
antonym(s): incurious, see curious.

Syn.: open, notorious, common, social, national, exoteric, general, generally known.
antonym(s): close, secret, private, domestic, secluded, solitary, personal, individual.

Syn.: promulgation, notification, proclamation, divulgation.
antonym(s): suppression, reservation, concealment.

Syn.: notoriety, currency, see notoriety.

Syn.: childish, boyish, infantile, youthful, nonsensical, futile, nugatory, weak, silly, trifling.
antonym(s): manly, vigorous, effective, powerful, cogent, weighty.

Syn.: childishness, boyishness, juvenility, youthfulness.
antonym(s): maturity, ripeness, manliness.

Syn.: flatter, advertise, hawk, ventilate.
antonym(s): squash, disparage, lash, chastise, blast.

Syn.: quarrelsome, bellicose, contentious.
antonym(s): peaceable, conciliatory, suavity.

Syn.: draw, drag, adduce, extract, tug, haul, pluck.
antonym(s): push, eject, extrude, propel.

Syn.: cross-examine, interrogate, cross-quest iou.
antonym(s): prime, indoctrinate, instruct, cram.

Syn.: perforate, poke, pierce, puncture, terebrate, bore.
antonym(s): stop, plug, seal, bung.

Syn.: ceremonious, nice, scrupulous, exact, particular, excessively nice, over scrupulous, precise.
antonym(s): unceremonious, unscrupulous.

Syn.: exact, prompt, early, timely.
antonym(s): safe, tardy, behindhand, be, lated, dilatory, unpunctual.

Syn.: pricking, piercing, acrid, mordant, biting, stinging, stimulating, keen, trenchant, caustic, piquant, sarcastic.
antonym(s): soothing, mellow, luscious, unctuous.

Syn.: chastise, castigate, chasten, correct, whip, scourge.
antonym(s): reward, recompense, remunerate, indemnify.

Syn.: petty, undeveloped, undersized, feeble, pigmy, dwarfish, small, inferior, tiny.
antonym(s): great, developed, fine, robust, vigorous, oversized, colossal, gigantic.

Syn.: scholar, learner, student, tyro, novice, ward.
antonym(s): teacher, master, proficient, adept, guardian.

Syn.: minority, discipleship, wardship, tutelage, dependence, government.
antonym(s): majority, mastership, guardianship, discretion, independence.

  • Fr. Poupee, a doll; lat]]. Pupa

Syn.: doll, image, lay-figure, tool.
antonym(s): personality, power.

Syn.: fop, coxcomb, prig.
antonym(s): boor, clown, lout.

Syn.: blinkard, owleyed, short-sighted.
antonym(s): eagle-eyed, hawk-eyed, lynxeyed.

Syn.: clear, unmixed, simple, genuine, sheer, mere, absolute, unadulterated, uncorrupted, unsullied, unblemished, chaste, real, clean, spotless, immaculate, undefiled, unspotted, guileless, innocent, guiltless.
antonym(s): foul, turbid, impure, adulterated, corrupt, sullied, stained, tarnished, defiled, mixed, guilty.

Syn.: clearing, cleansing, purification, lustration, clarification, defecation, determine.
antonym(s): imputation, contraction, defilement, befoulment.

Syn.: evacuant, cathartic, abstergent.
antonym(s): binding, see abstersive.

Syn.: cleanse, clear, clarify, purify, see clear.

Syn.: prudish, ascetic, demure.
antonym(s): genial, dissolute, voluptuous, rakish.

Syn.: cleanness, clearness, immaculateness, guiltlessness, innocence, see innocence.

Syn.: environ, precinct, suburb.
antonym(s): centre, heart.

Syn.: steal, filch, thieve, seize, plunder.
antonym(s): reinstate, restore, to sin.

Syn.: tendency, meaning, import, bearing, signification, drift, tenor, current, intent, spirit.
antonym(s): statement, assertion, declaration, proposition, announcement.

Syn.: intend, determine, design, resolve, mean, propose.
antonym(s): chance, risk, hazard, revoke, miscalculate, venture, stake.

Syn.: intention, design, mind, meaning, view, object, aim, end, scope, point, resolve.
antonym(s): chance, fortune, fate, accident, hazard, lot, casualty, lottery, hit.

Syn.: chase, follow, track, hunt, continue, prosecute, see prosecute.

Syn.: short-winded, thickwinded, short-breathed.
antonym(s): lithe, agile, long-winded.

Syn.: feculent, festering, corrupt.
antonym(s): secretional, healthy.

Syn.: provide, cater, provide food, see provide.

Syn.: press, drive, impel, shove, press against, propel, butt, thrust, urge, expedite, accelerate, reduce.
antonym(s): pull, draw, drag, adduce.

Syn.: dactardlinem, cowardice, meanspiritedness, faintheartedness, timidity, poltroonery.
antonym(s): magnanimity, fortitude, courage, bravery, venturesomeness, daring, heroism.

Syn.: cowardly, timorous, faintheartedness, meanspirited, see gallant.

Syn.: place, lay, set, propose.
antonym(s): remove, raise, displace, transfer, withdraw.

Syn.: reckoned, supposed, deemed, reputed, reported.
antonym(s): real, authenticated, veritable, established.

Syn.: rot, corrupt, decompose, decay.
antonym(s): preserve, embalm, freshen, vitilize, purify, depurate, disinfect.

Syn.: stinking, corrupt, offensive, decayed, decomposed, rotten, foul, mean, base, worthless.
antonym(s): wholesome, sound, inoffensive, pure, redolent, fresh, healthful, sweet, honorable, worthy.

Syn.: pose, perplex, embarrass, bewilder, confound, mystify, confuse.
antonym(s): enlighten, instruct, illumine.

Syn.: embarrassment, be wilderment, enigma, confusion, conundrum, intricacy, labyrinth.
antonym(s): disentanglement, solution, explanation, extrication, clue.

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD