Synonyms and antonyms (M)

From Medical Encyclopedia

Synonyms are two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context, opposite of antonym.

Syn.: attenuate, rot, waste, wither, steep, madefy.
antonym(s): fatten, replenish, pamper, repair, swell.

Syn.: contrivance, plot, intrigue, conspiracy, stratagem, artful scheme, design.
antonym(s): detection, counteraction, overthrow, baffling defeat, exposure, defiance, challenge, conflict, competition.

Syn.: spotted, speckled, mottled, dotted.
antonym(s): unspotted, spotless, speckless, immaculate.

Syn.: insane, demented, furious, lunatic, infuriated, crazy, maniacal, frantic, rabid, wild, distracted.
antonym(s): sane, sound, sensible, quiet, composed, unexcited, sober.

Syn.: infuriate, enrage, exasperate, inflame.
antonym(s): calm, pacify, assuage, mesmerize, lay.

Syn.: wetting, maceration, mouteniug, moisture, humectation.
antonym(s): exsiccation, drying, arefaction.

Syn.: insanity, frenzy, rage, fury.
antonym(s): sanity, calmness, soberness, see lunacy.

Syn.: enchantment, sorcery.

Syn.: dictatorial, consequential, authoritative, imposing.
antonym(s): submissive, docile, undignified, unimposing, unassuming, modest, magistrate, see judge.

Syn.: noble, highminded, exalted, high-souled, great-souled, lofty, honorable.
antonym(s): mean, little-souled, see noble.

Syn.: high mindedness, generosity, forbearance, softness, clemency.
antonym(s): meanness, pettiness, paltriness, spitefulness, spleen.

Syn.: grand, magnanimous, noble, splendid, superb, august, imposing, gorgeous, stately, majestic, dignified, sublime, pompous.
antonym(s): petty, mean, little, paltry, flat, beggarly, small minded, ordinary, tawdry, uninposing, tame.

Syn.: enlarge, amplify, increase, augment, exaggerate, laud, extol.
antonym(s): diminish, contract, curtail, palliate, extenuate, decry.

Syn.: high-flown, altiloquent, bombastic, tumid, turgid, boastful.
antonym(s): simple, unaffected, vernacular, plain-spoken, magnitude, see size.

Syn.: maiden, girl, damsel, lass, virgin.
antonym(s): matron, married woman.

Syn.: disable, cripple, mar, mutilate, mangle, disfigure, lame.
antonym(s): restore, reinvigorate, mend, strengthen.

Syn.: bulk, majority, body, principal, trunk, chief, leading, most important, first.
antonym(s): portion, section, minority, branch, limb, tributary, member, subordinate, inferior.

Syn.: principally, largely, chiefly, primarily.
antonym(s): somewhat, partially, slightly, subordinately.

Syn.: livelihood, defence, subsistence, means of support.

Syn.: dignity, grandeur, augustness.

Syn.: superiority, eldership, priority, bulk, preponderance, seniority.
antonym(s): inferiority, juniority, minority.

Syn.: create, produce, fashion, frame, fabricate, construct, effect, see do, perform, execute, find, gain, compel, establish, constitute, reach, mould, shape, form, bring about.
antonym(s): annihilate, unmake, undo, dismember, disintegrate, destroy, defeat, miss, lose, mar, disestablish.

Syn.: creator, manufacturer.
antonym(s): destroyer.

Syn.: misrule, misgovernment, malversation.
antonym(s): rule, government, administration.

Syn.: disorder, distemper, sickness, ailment, disease, complaint, illness.
antonym(s): health, sanity, soundness, heartiness, vigor, bloom.

Syn.: malpractice, corruption.
antonym(s): integrity, uncorruptness, upright.

Syn.: shackle, hand-cuff, fetter, chain.
antonym(s): unbind, unfetter, unchain.

Syn.: handle, manipulate, control, conduct, administer, mould, regulate, contrive, train, husband, direct, wield.
antonym(s): mismanage, misconduct, upset, derange, misuse.

Syn.: easy, feasible, possible, docile, tractable, practicable.
antonym(s): difficult, impracticable, impossible, unmanageable, intractable, refractory, untameable.

Syn.: treatment, conduct, administration, government, address, skill, superintendence, skillful treatment.
antonym(s): maltreatment, misconduct, maladministration, misgovernment, maladroitness.

Syn.: director, superintendent, overseer, supervisor.
antonym(s): workman, follower, workingman.

Syn.: command, edict, order, bidding, injunction, behest, rule, precept.
antonym(s): suggestion, petition, request, entreaty, manful, see manly.

Syn.: humanity, virility, maturity, manfulness, manliness.
antonym(s): divinity, womanhood, childhood, childishness, mania, see lunacy, maniac, see lunatic.

Syn.: visible, obvious, distinct, conspicuous, indubitable, clear, evident, plain, patent, apparent, open.
antonym(s): invisible, dubious, inconspicuous, indistinct, manifest, see exhibit.

Syn.: numerous, multiplied, multigenous, multifarious, varied, various, multitudinous, sundry, divers, I, see t, few, scant, rare, scarce, uniform, limited, manipulate, see handle and manage.

Syn.: humanity, society, man, men.
antonym(s): divinity, deity, god, heaven, nature, earth, world, creation, cattle.

Syn.: see manly, a corruption of manlike.

Syn.: bold, courageous, generous, open, chivalrous, frank, firm, noble, stately, fine, mature, masculine, brave, fearless, hardy, vigorous, manlike, manful, dignified.
antonym(s): womanish, childish, timid, unmanly, dastardly, weak, puny, ungrown, boyish.

Syn.: mode, method, style, form, fashion, carriage, behavior, deportment, habit, sort, kind.
antonym(s): work, project, design, performance, life, action, proceeding, appearance, being.

Syn.: self-repetition, affectation, euphuism, self-consciousness.
antonym(s): naturalness, unaffectedness, character, peculiarity, idiosyncrasy, genuineness, specialty.

Syn.: polite, well-behaved, well-bred, courteous, civil.
antonym(s): unmannerly, rude, coarse, rough.

Syn.: deportment, behavior, carriage, courtesy, politeness, intercourse, demeanor.
antonym(s): misdemeanor, misbehavior, unmannerliness.

Syn.: operation, tactics, contrivance, movement.
antonym(s): counteraction, defeat, bafflement, detection, countermovement, neutralization, check.

Syn.: docility, mildness, gentleness, tameness.
antonym(s): ferocity, wildness, fierceness, savageness, untamableness.

Syn.: make, production, fabrication, composition, construction, manipulation, molding.
antonym(s): use, employment, consumption, wear, manumit, see enslave.

Syn.: liberation, release, emancipation, enfranchisement, discharge, dismissal.
antonym(s): restraint, coercion, slavery, cohibition, repression.

Syn.: fertilize, enrich.

Syn.: numerous, abundant, frequent, manifold, divers, sundry, multifarious.
antonym(s): few, scarce, rare, infrequent.

Syn.: spoil, hurt, damage, injure, defeat, impair, maim, deform.
antonym(s): make, restore, mend, improve, reinstate, promote, enhance, conserve.

Syn.: plunderer, invader, rover, free-booter, moss-trooper, filibuster, pillager, guerilla, bushwhacker.
antonym(s): ranger, guard, sentry, keeper, outpost, marcher.

Syn.: edge, lip, boundary, latitude, room, loophole, brink, extremity.
antonym(s): figure, space, centre, limitation, restriction, stringency.

Syn.: oceanic, sea, neptunan, maritime, naval, salt-water, nautical.
antonym(s): terrestrial, terrene, laud, fresh-water.

Syn.: matrimonial, conjugal, connubial, nuptial, hymeneal.
antonym(s): single, celibate, unwedded, non-connubial.

Syn.: trace, token, sign, symptom, impression, vestige, indication, note.
antonym(s): erasure, obliteration, effacement, unindicativeness, plainness.

Syn.: stamp, label, sign, indicate, decorate, brand, stigmatize, signalize, note, observe, regard, heed, specify, specialize.
antonym(s): ignore, overlook, omit, mislabel, mismark, misindicate, misobserve, misspecify.

Syn.: notable, remarkable, noticeable, conspicuous.
antonym(s): see remarkable.

Syn.: nuptials, matrimony, espousals, wedding, wedlock.
antonym(s): celibacy, virginity.

Syn.: pith, gist, substance, essence, life, cream, kernel.
antonym(s): surplusage, redundancy, excrescence, superfluity, clothing, dressing, amplification, volume, mass, body.

Syn.: swamp, fen, quagmire, bog, slough, morass.
antonym(s): solid ground.

Syn.: military, brave, warlike.
antonym(s): unmartial, unmilitary, peace, full.

Syn.: confession.
antonym(s): renegation, abjuration.

Syn.: wonder, prodigy, admiration, portent, miracle, astonishment, amazement, phenomenon.
antonym(s): incuriosity, unconcern, joke, trifle, farce, bagatelle, moonshine, cipher, drug, imposture, juggle.

Syn.: male, manly, manful, hardy, courageous, virile.
antonym(s): female, feminine, womanish, womanly, effeminate.

Syn.: mix, knead, compound, amalgamate.
antonym(s): discompound, sift, winnow, disamalgamate.

Syn.: pretext, screen, pretence, ruse, cover, hypocrisy.
antonym(s): truth, nakedness, detection, exposure, unmasking, verity, openness, candor.

Syn.: hide, screen, blink, cloke, disguise.
antonym(s): expose, unmask, detect.

Syn.: lump, body, bulk, concretion, magnitude, majority, heap.
antonym(s): fragment, bit, portion, morsel, section, minority.

Syn.: solid, huge, colossal, weighty, mighty, vast.
antonym(s): slight, petty, stunted, frail, slender, airy.

Syn.: lord, ruler, governor, owner, possessor, proprietor, teacher, professor, adept, chief.
antonym(s): servant, slave, subject, property, learner, pupil, tyro.

Syn.: conquer, overcome, subdue, overpower.
antonym(s): yield, fail, surrender, succumb.

Syn.: finished, artistic, consummate, skillful, clear, dexterous, expert.
antonym(s): clumsy, rude, bungling, unskilled, botchy, maladroit.

Syn.: authority, leadership, headship, proficiency, success, superiority, victory, advantage.
antonym(s): subservience, tutelage, submission, guidance, obedience, inexpertness, ignorance, failure, defeat, surrender.

Syn.: manducate, chew.
antonym(s): bolt, gobble.

Syn.: equal, mate, companion, contest, competition, tally, equality, pair.
antonym(s): superior, inferior, mismatch, oddity, disparity, inequality.

Syn.: consummate, incomparable, peerless, surpassing, inimitable.
antonym(s): common, ordinary, everyday, commonplace.

Syn.: substance, stuff.
antonym(s): work, production, design.

Syn.: mother, woman, dowager, dame.
antonym(s): girl, lass, damsel, spinster, miss, virgin, maid, maiden.

Syn.: substance, stuff, subject.

Syn.: early, morning, waking, dawning.
antonym(s): vespertinal, late, slumbering, evening, waning.

Syn.: intoxicated, temulent, sentimental, mawkish, mellow.
antonym(s): sensible, unromantic, unsentimental, dry, sober.

Syn.: sickly, sentimental, maudlin, insipid, loathsome, nauseous, flat.
antonym(s): savory, sensible, sound, fine, pungent, palatable.

Syn.: adage, rule, axiom, apothegm, proverb, precept, saying.
antonym(s): absurdity, sophism, quibble, paradox, enigma.

Syn.: ultimatum, climax, zenith, apex, completion, utmost, consummation, culmination, acme.
antonym(s): initiative, commencement, indication, incompletion, abortion, decrease, wane, minimum, morsel, fragment.

Syn.: perhaps, possibly, mayhap, perchance.

Syn.: thin, lean, lank, scanty, barren, dry, tame.
antonym(s): stout, fat, brawny, abundant, fertile, copious.

Syn.: common, low, base, spiritless, dishonorable, contemptible, despicable, beggarly, sordid, vulgar, niggardly, vile.
antonym(s): high, exalted, eminent, spirited, honorable, lordly, princely, munificent, liberal, generous.

Syn.: middle, intermediate, average.
antonym(s): extreme, excessive, exorbitant.

Syn.: medium, moderation, balance, average.
antonym(s): extreme, excess, preponderance, disproportion, deficiency, shortcoming, inadequacy.

Syn.: intend, purpose, design, signify, denote, indicate, hint, suggest.
antonym(s): say, state, enunciate, see do, execute, perform.

Syn.: signification, import, significance, purport, sense, aim, see import.

Syn.: penuriousness, littleness, selfishness, baseness, smallness, illiberality, ungenerousness, sordidness.
antonym(s): nobleness, unselfishness, liberality, generousness, large-heartedness.

Syn.: resources, instrument, media.
antonym(s): end, purpose, object.

Syn.: mete, estimate, gauge, value, appraise.
antonym(s): misfit, misconform, mismeasure, misdeal, misapportion.

Syn.: artisan, craftsman, workman, artificer.

Syn.: habitual, automatic, unreflective, spontaneous, effortless, unimpassioned.
antonym(s): labored, self-conscious, feeling, forced, spirited, appreciative, lifelike, lively, animated, impassioned.

Syn.: othcious, obtrusive, intrusive, interfering.
antonym(s): unomcious, unobtrusive, unmeddlesome.

Syn.: intercede, interpose, see interpose.

Syn.: interference, interposition, reconciliation, atonement, arbitration, adjustment.
antonym(s): neutrality, non-interference, indifference.

Syn.: treat, compound, amalgamate, adulterate, sophisticate, drug.
antonym(s): clarify, analyze, purify, defecate, stupify, disadulterate.

Syn.: remedy, physic, antidote, therapeutics, salve, cure, corrective.
antonym(s): aggravation, poison, virus, bane.

Syn.: mean, commonplace, medium, average, sufficiency.
antonym(s): excellence, superiority, rarity, brilliance, distinction.

Syn.: think, cogitate, purpose, ruminate, contemplate, plan, revolve, consider.
antonym(s): execute, enact, complete, consummate.

Syn.: jumble, tumult, confusion, mixture, hodge-podge, litter, diversity, miscellany.
antonym(s): assortment, arrangement, disposition, classification, interdistinction, grouping, collocation.

Syn.: guerdon, premium, prize, reward.
antonym(s): penalty, punishment, brand, stigma, amercement.

Syn.: mild, gentle, submissive, modest, yielding, unassuming.
antonym(s): bold, arrogant, self-asserting, irritable, proud, high-spirited.

Syn.: encounter, confront, engage, as, see -v-inhk-, unite, coalesce, converge.
antonym(s): miss, pass, escape, elude, decline, avoid, disperse, diverge, separate, vary, disagree.

Syn.: gloomy, sad, dejected, disconsolate, dismal, moody, hypochondriacal, cast down.
antonym(s): lively, sprightly, gladsome, gleesome, blithesome, happy, cheerful, gamesome, mirthful, merry.

Syn.: dulcet, euphonious, silvery, flowing, smooth.
antonym(s): harsh, hoarse, abrupt, rancorous, rough, discordant, broken.

Syn.: ripe, rich, full-flavored, jovial, mature, soft.
antonym(s): unripe, harsh, sour, acid, acrid, crabbed, sober, dry.

Syn.: music, song, tune, air, minstrelsy.
antonym(s): discord, dissonance.

Syn.: dissolve, liquify, colliquate, run, flow, fuse.
antonym(s): consolidate, crystallize, indurate.

Syn.: limb, part, portion, constituent, component.
antonym(s): body, whole, entirety, constitution, organization, community, association.

Syn.: biographical sketch, personal narrative, familiar biography, narrative, chronicle, record, register, journal, life.

Syn.: great, striking, remarkable, conspicuous, prominent, noticeable, illustrious, extraordinary, famous, distinguished.
antonym(s): petty, trifling, ordinary, insignificant, unnoticeable, trivial, mediocre, slight.

Syn.: monument, record, memento, celebration, remembrance, relic, inscription.
antonym(s): obliviation, silentiation, obliteration, effacement, erasure.

Syn.: remembrance, reminiscence, perpetuation, recollection, retention, retrospect, fame.
antonym(s): forgetfulness, oblivion.

Syn.: threat, denunciation, threatening.
antonym(s): good will, blessing.

Syn.: repair, restore, correct, promote, improve, rectify, reform, amend, ameliorate, better.
antonym(s): damage, impair, pervert, retard, deteriorate, falsify, spoil, corrupt.

Syn.: falsehood, lying, untruthfulness, deception, prevarication, duplicity.
antonym(s): veracity, truthfulness, frankness, candor, ingenuousness.

Syn.: mendicancy, beggary.
antonym(s): industry, labor.

Syn.: domestic, attendant, dependent, servile, drudge.
antonym(s): paramount, sovereign, supreme, lordly, independent, uncontrolled, autocratic.

Syn.: geometry, surveying, geodesy, see measure.

Syn.: intellectual, subjective, metaphysical, psychical, psychological.
antonym(s): corporal, objective, physical, bodily.

Syn.: declaration, notice, announcement, observation, remark, hint, communication.
antonym(s): silence, suppression, forgetfulness, omission.

Syn.: malarious, miasmatic.
antonym(s): balmy, genial, salubrious.

Syn.: commercial, interchangeable, wholesale, retail, marketable.
antonym(s): stagnant, unmarketable, unmercantile.

Syn.: sordid, venal, selfish, avaricious, griping.
antonym(s): liberal, generous, disinterested, profuse, prodigal.

Syn.: goods, commodities, wares, stock.

Syn.: trader, dealer, importer, tradesman, trafficker.
antonym(s): shopman, salesman, hawker, huckster, pedler, chandler, costermonger.

Syn.: compassionate, kindhearted, clement, gracious, kind.
antonym(s): pitiless, unrelenting, remorseless, inexorable, see kind.

Syn.: compassion, clemency, forgiveness, forbearance, grace, benefit, gift, pity, leniency, tenderness.
antonym(s): exaction, harshness, cruelty, vengeance, unpityingness, unforgiveness.

Syn.: pure, unmixed, absolute, uninfluenced, unadulterated, unaffected, simple.
antonym(s): mixed, compound, impure, biased.

Syn.: tricksy, unchaste, gaudy, impure, tawdry, flashy.
antonym(s): solid, good, chaste, simple, pure.

Syn.: zenith, summit, culmination, height, apex, acme, pinnacle.
antonym(s): nadir, depth, depression, profundity, base.

Syn.: goodness, worth, worthiness, desert, excellence.
antonym(s): badness, demerit, unworthiness, worthlessness, weakness, imperfection, error, defect, fault, failing.

Syn.: intricacy, entanglement, involution, snare.
antonym(s): extrication, escape, deliverance.

Syn.: communication, intimation, missive, notice.
antonym(s): non-communication, interception.

Syn.: courier, carrier, emissary, harbinger, herald, forerunner.

Syn.: similitude, image.
antonym(s): letter, literalness.

Syn.: figurative, symbolical, allegorical, typical.
antonym(s): literal.

Syn.: mental, intellectual, abstract, ideal, conceptional, subjective, relational, notional, abstruse, psychical.
antonym(s): physical, physiological, palpable, external, substantial, practical, corporal, material, objective.

Syn.: measure, apportion, distribute.
antonym(s): misdeal, misapportion.

Syn.: momentary, flashing, displosive, phosphorescent, pyrotechnic, coruscant, volcanic.
antonym(s): permanent, beaming, burning, steady, persistent, enduring.

Syn.: order, system, rule, way, manner, mode, course, process, regularity, arrangement.
antonym(s): disorder, conjecture, quackery, empiricism, experimentation, assumption, guess-work.

Syn.: methodic, orderly, systematical, systematic, regular.
antonym(s): disorderly, unmethodical, untematical, irregular, see method.

Syn.: shape, arrange, order, marshal, enucleate, eliminate, organize.
antonym(s): confuse, jumble, disorder, disorganize.

Syn.: ardor, spirit, life, fire, animation.
antonym(s): hebetude, insensibility, callousness, placidity, stoicism, cowardice, submissiveness, slavishness.

Syn.: spirited, fiery, ardent, lively, gay, brisk, see ardent and gallant.

Syn.: imprison, shut up, coop, incase, see confine.

Syn.: effluvious, malarious, foetid, polluted, noxious, mephitic.
antonym(s): balmy, pure, untainted, salubrious.

Syn.: ordinary, average, pretty well, not bad, well enough, see tolerable.

Syn.: middle, centre, thick, throng, heart.
antonym(s): outskirt, confine, edge, limit, extreme, purlieu, margin.

Syn.: look, aspect, air, manner, appearance, carriage, bearing, deportment.
antonym(s): character, disposition, temperament, I, constitution, nature, being, personality.

Syn.: strength, force, power, ability.
antonym(s): weakness, infirmity, feebleness.

Syn.: nomadic, wandering, roving, vagrant.
antonym(s): settled, fixed, permanent.

Syn.: moderate, lenient, calm, gentle, genial, tempered, soft, meek, tender, placid.
antonym(s): violent, wild, fierce, savage, strong, severe, merciless, harsh, bitter.

Syn.: soldierly, soldierlike, see martial.

Syn.: contend, conflict, jar, clash, disagree.
antonym(s): harmonize, agree, suit, coincide.

Syn.: white, emulcont, chalky.
antonym(s): inky, irritant, luteous.

Syn.: copy, ape, imitate, ridicule, mock, follow.
antonym(s): praise, lead, see imitate.

Syn.: menacing, threatening.
antonym(s): warning.

Syn.: attenuate, comminute, palliate, extenuate.
antonym(s): exaggerate, amplify, magnify.

Syn.: slow, affected, pedantic, syllabical, euphuistic.
antonym(s): rapid, voluble, unaffected, natural, bluff.

Syn.: soul, spirit, intellect, understanding, opinion, sentiment, judgment, belief, choice, inclination, desire, will, liking, purpose, spirit, impetus, memory, remembrance, recollection.
antonym(s): body, limbs, organization, action, proceeding, conduct, object, indifference, coolness, aversion, forgetfulness, obviousness.

Syn.: regardful, attentive, thoughtful, careful, recollective.
antonym(s): regardless, inattentive, mindless, oblivious.

Syn.: mix, compound, blend, confound, confuse, intermingle, associate, amalgamate.
antonym(s): separate, segregate, sift, sort, analyze, discompound, eliminate, classify, unravel, avoid, minimum, see maximum.

Syn.: favorite, darling, pet.
antonym(s): antipathy, horror, aversion, bugbear.

Syn.: servant, officer, delegate, official, ambassador, subordinate, ecclesiastic, clergyman, priest, parson, divine, preacher, pastor, shepherd, reverend, curate, vicar.
antonym(s): monarch, government, master, superior, principal, head, layman, told, flock, congregation.

Syn.: attend, subserve, wait, supply.
antonym(s): lead, rule, command, exact.

Syn.: cabinet, council, administration, office of a minister or clergyman, ecclesiastical function, see minister.

Syn.: less, inferior, junior, younger, unimportant.
antonym(s): major, greater, superior, elder, senior, main, important.

Syn.: singer, musician, bard.

Syn.: diminutive, microscopic, tiny, exact, searching, specific, detailed.
antonym(s): monstrous, enormous, huge, inexact, superficial, general, broad, comprehensive.

Syn.: supernatural, hyperphysical.
antonym(s): ordinary, natural.

Syn.: misunderstanding, misinterpretation, misuse.
antonym(s): acceptation, meaning.

Syn.: failure, mishap, misfortune.
antonym(s): success, achievement.

Syn.: egotism, incivism, man-hating, cynicism, woman-hating.
antonym(s): philanthropy, humanity, humanitarianism, universal benevolence.

Syn.: misassign, purloin, misdistribute, abuse, misuse.
antonym(s): assign, distribute, employ, use.

Syn.: misname, misindicate.
antonym(s): name, call, indicate, denote, specify, denominate.

Syn.: mixture, intermixture, jumble, medley, variety, diversity.
antonym(s): system, collection, classification, assortment, group, selection.

Syn.: misfortune, misadventure, mishap, see chance and misadventure.

Syn.: damage, hurt, detriment, disservice, annoyance, injury, ill-turn, damage, barm.
antonym(s): compensation, good-turn, benefit, favor, gratification.

Syn.: detrimental, injurious, spiteful, wanton.
antonym(s): beneficial, advantageous, reparatory, conservative, careful, protective.

Syn.: compoundable, amalgamate.
antonym(s): uncompoundable, immiscible.

Syn.: miscalculation, missupposition.
antonym(s): hit, discovery, ascertain.

Syn.: see rogue.

Syn.: transgression, trespass, fault, misdeed, see crime and fault.

Syn.: niggard, churl, skinflint, curmudgeon, screw, scrimp, hunks.
antonym(s): prodigal, spendthrift, rake.

Syn.: abject, forlorn, pitiable, wretched, worthless, despicable, disconsolate.
antonym(s): respectable, worthy, happy, contented, comfortable.

Syn.: wretchedness, heartache, woe, broken heart, bleeding heart, great unhappiness, see calamity and misfortune.

Syn.: ungainly, minfuriut'tl, ill-shaped.
antonym(s): well-proportioned, elegant, harmonious, shapely.

Syn.: projectile.
antonym(s): artillery, band-arms, sidearm, mission Syn.: commission, trust, office, delegation, ministry, embassy, legation, deputation, errand, message.
antonym(s): assumption, usurpation, self-appointment.

Syn.: communication, despatch, message, see mission.
antonym(s): see message, see spend.

Syn.: misrepresentation, wrong statement, falsification.
antonym(s): correct statement, true statement.

Syn.: fog, obscurity, bewilderment, perplexity, haze.
antonym(s): brightness, clearness, lucidity.

Syn.: misconstrue, misrender, see construe.

Syn.: abuse, perversion, prostitution, see abuse.

Syn.: disorderly crowd, tumultuous rabble, rude multitude, see bevy.

Syn.: movable, sensitive, fickle, inconstant, variable, ductile.
antonym(s): immovable, inexorable, unfeeling, unvarying.

Syn.: jeer, ridicule, flout, mimic, insult, ape, deride, deceive, imitate.
antonym(s): salute, welcome, respect, admire, compliment, mode, see method.

Syn.: standard, pattern, example, type, mould, design, copy.
antonym(s): imitation, copy, production, execution, work.

Syn.: control, soften, allay, regulate, repress, govern, temper.
antonym(s): disturb, disorganize, excite, misconduct.

Syn.: limited, temperate, calm, dispassionate, sober, abstinent, sparing, steady, ordinary.
antonym(s): extravagant, intemperate, rigorous, excessive, violent, extraordinary.

Syn.: temperance, sobriety, frugality, calmness, sedateness, mildness, coolness, deliberateness.
antonym(s): immoderation, intemperance, hastiness, rashness, precipitation.

Syn.: chairman, regulator, conductor, manager, president.
antonym(s): disturber, agitator.

Syn.: present, existent, new, new-fangled, new-fashioned, recent, late, novel, later.
antonym(s): past, bygone, former, olden, ancient, old-fashioned, antiquated, obsolete.

Syn.: sobriety, diffidence, bashfulness, humility, pure-mindedness.
antonym(s): vanity, conceit, self-sufficiency, self-admiration, foppery, coxcombry, wantonness, shamelessness, effrontery.

Syn.: alteration, revision, variation, qualification, species.
antonym(s): retention, stereotype, stabilisation.

Syn.: fashionable, stylish, modern.
antonym(s): unfashionable, quaint, unstylish, gawky, dowdy.

Syn.: harmonization, harmonies.
antonym(s): intonation, recital, monotone.

Syn.: daub, stain, dirt, muck, soil.
antonym(s): cleanse, clean, absterge, purify.

Syn.: damp, humid, dank, wet.
antonym(s): arid, dry.

Syn.: dampness, humidity.
antonym(s): drynes.

Syn.: atom, monad.
antonym(s): body, bulk, organism, compound, structure.

Syn.: trouble, disturb, tease, annoy, irritate, vex, plague, worry, discommode.
antonym(s): soothe, caress, pacify, assuage, pet, mollify.

Syn.: instant, second, importance, twinkling, trice, weight, force, gravity, consequence, avail.
antonym(s): age, period, century, generation, triviality, insignificance, worthlessness, unimportance, inefficacy.

Syn.: instantaneous, fleeting, transitory, see instant.

Syn.: significant, important, material, weighty, see important.

Syn.: king, sovereign, despot, tyrant, czar.
antonym(s): peer, subject.

Syn.: kingly, royal, despotic.
antonym(s): republican, democratic, oligarchical, autocratic.

Syn.: conventual, cenobitical, regular, monkish.
antonym(s): unconventual, social, secular.

Syn.: adviser, instructor, mentor, warner.
antonym(s): misadviser, misinstructor, deceiver, misdirector, back-friend, seducer.

Syn.: advisory, hortatory.
antonym(s): deceptive, seductive.

Syn.: privilege, engrossment, appropriation, exclusiveness, preoccupancy, impropriation.
antonym(s): participation, partnership, community, competition, free-trade.

Syn.: deism.
antonym(s): polytheism.

Syn.: uniform, unvaried, dull, humdrum, undiversified, tedious.
antonym(s): varying, changing.

Syn.: sameness, unvaryingness, tedium.
antonym(s): variation, relief, diversion.

Syn.: prodigy, portent, marvel, deformity, abnormity, fright, colossus, monstrosity, leviathan, fiend, brute.
antonym(s): beauty, venus, adonis, narcissus, gem, pet, jewel, angel, augury, harbinger.

Syn.: prodigious, portentous, marvellous, deformed, abnormal, hideous, preposterous, intolerable.
antonym(s): ordinary, familiar, unnoticeable, fair, comely, shapely, regular, natural, reasonable, just.

Syn.: state, temper, humor, feeling, vein, disposition.
antonym(s): mind, character, disposition, nature.

Syn.: sullen, humorsome, gloomy, morose.
antonym(s): blithe, genial, sociable, merry.

Syn.: agitate, discuss, ventilate, argue.
antonym(s): suppress, stifle, burke, hush, shelve.

Syn.: mental, ideal, intellectual, spiritual, ethical, probable, inferential, presumptive, analogous, virtuous, well-conducted.
antonym(s): physical, material, practical, demonstrative, mathematical, immoral, vicious.

Syn.: manners, conduct, behavior, morality, habits, see masneks.

Syn.: diseased, unsound, unhealthy, sickly.
antonym(s): wholesome, healthy, sound.

Syn.: biting, keen, pun, gent.
antonym(s): mellow, mild, soothing.

Syn.: besides, also, likewise, furthermore, see likewise.

Syn.: sullen, austere, moody, crabbed, surly, crusty.
antonym(s): genial, indulgent, kindly.

Syn.: human, ephemeral, sublunary, short-lived, deadly, fatal, perishable, destructive.
antonym(s): divine, immortal, celestial, life-giving, venial, salutiferous, superficial, mortality, see death.

Syn.: deaden, subdue, master, vex, disappoint, annoy, rot, fester, humble, abash, chagrin, displace, putrefy.
antonym(s): feed, pamper, indulge, pleae, gratify, delight, satisfy, heal, recover.

Syn.: mainly, chiefly, in great measure, for the most part, for the greatest part, see mainly.

Syn.: maternal, affectionate, tender, kind, see kind.

Syn.: inducement, purpose, design, prompting, stimulus, reason, impulse, incitement.
antonym(s): execution, action, effort, deed, attempt, project, preventive, deterrent, dissuasive.

Syn.: parti-colored, variegated, mixed, medley, heterogeneous, diversified.
antonym(s): uniform, homogeneous, alike, monochromatic, mottled, see motley and maculated.

Syn.: fashion, shape, manipulate, for, n, cast, configure.
antonym(s): distort, strain, pervert, mis shape.

Syn.: green, rusty, fusty, musty, over-ripe.
antonym(s): fresh, wholesome, pure, sweet, receipt.

Syn.: sad, melancholy, tearful, doleful, depressing, wailing, lugubrious.
antonym(s): joyous, mirthful, exhilarating.

Syn.: change, see control and govern, progress, stir, affect, agitate, actuate, impel, propose, advance, propel, instigate, provoke.
antonym(s): stand, stop, lie, rest, stay, allay, deter, prevent, arrest, withdraw.

Syn.: motion, move, change of place.
antonym(s): stop, rest, pause, stillness, quietness.

Syn.: abundant, plenteous, greatly, abundantly, fur, considerable, ample.
antonym(s): little, scant, slightly, shortly, short, near.

Syn.: gelatinous, albuminous, creamy, glairy, viscous, lentous.
antonym(s): limpid, crystalline, bubbling, frothing, foaming, effervescent, sparkling, spirituous.

Syn.: fail, waste, fritter away, confuse, derange, misarrange.
antonym(s): clarify, manage, economize, classify, arrange.

Syn.: luteous, swampy, turbid, clayey.
antonym(s): dry, arid, rocky, arenaceous, sandy, limpid, pellucid, crystalline.

Syn.: shroud, enfold, disguise, conceal, envelop.
antonym(s): unmuole, unfold, exhibit, reveal.

Syn.: foggy, misty, dank, damp, murky, dim, vaporous, cloudy.
antonym(s): clear, bright, vaporless.

Syn.: amercement, damages, forfeiture, penalty.
antonym(s): guerdon, douceur, bonus, reward, premium.

Syn.: stubborn, obstinate, headstrong, cross-grained, intractable, see tractable.

Syn.: various, varied, multigenerous, multitudinous, multifold, manifold, multiform.
antonym(s): single, uniform, unvaried, unvarying, few.

Syn.: multiplicity, plurality, multitudinousness, multifariousness, multitude, repetition, reiter ation, reproduction, augmentation, swarming, teeming.
antonym(s): singularity, unity, scantiness, rarity, diminution, extinction.

Syn.: many-voiced, tuneful.
antonym(s): unisonous, droning, monotonous.

Syn.: crowd, swarm, accumulation, throng, concourse, number, host, mob, rabble.
antonym(s): paucity, scantiness, sprinkling.

Syn.: antics, masquerade, vagary, buffoonery.
antonym(s): pageant, procession, exhibition.

Syn.: worldly, secular, temporal, earthly.
antonym(s): unworldly, spiritual, heavenly, ethereal, supramundane.

Syn.: liberal, princely, bounteous, generous.
antonym(s): niggardly, beggarly.

Syn.: undertone, whisper, mutter, grumble, complaint, repining.
antonym(s): clamor, vociferation, bawling, outcry, defiance, execration, salutation, acclamation.

Syn.: powerful, brawny, robust, sinewy, strong, stalwart, athletic, lusty, sturdy.
antonym(s): debile, flabby, feeble, lanky.

Syn.: reflect, ponder, cogitate, dream, think, meditate.
antonym(s): stir, act, move.

Syn.: melodious, harmonious, dulcet, concordant, rythmical, tuneful, mellifluous.
antonym(s): unmelodious, inharmonious, harsh, discordant.

Syn.: marshal, collect, assemble, rally, enroll, gather.
antonym(s): dismiss, disperse, relegate, remit, disband.

Syn.: fusty, rank, mouldy, frowzy, stale, sour, fetid, mildewed.
antonym(s): fragrant, fresh, balmy, aromatic, odorous.

Syn.: changeable, changeful, mobile, transient, ephemeral, inconstant, unsteadfast, fickle, fitful, undecided, restless.
antonym(s): unchanging, permanent, immutable, persistent, changeless, mutation, see variation.

Syn.: silent, speechless, dumb, taciturn, voiceless, still, death-like.
antonym(s): chattering, talkative, garrulous, loquacious, vocal, tuneful, loud.

Syn.: turbulent, seditious, insurgent, riotous, tumultuous, unruly, refractory, insurrectionary.
antonym(s): obedient, loyal, submissive.

Syn.: murmur, mumble.
antonym(s): enunciate, exclaim, pronounce, vociferate.

Syn.: reciprocal, common, interchangeable, alternate.
antonym(s): one-sided, unreciprocated, unmutual.

Syn.: silence, burke, restrain, gag, stop.
antonym(s): release, liberate, open, unmuzzle, free.

Syn.: dim, obscure, unrevealed, unexplained, unaccountable, reserved, veiled, hidden, secret, incomprehensible, mystic, inexplicable.
antonym(s): clear, plain, obvious, explained, understood, easy, explainable, simple, frank, communicative.

Syn.: enigma, puzzle, obscurity, secrecy, veil, shroud, arcanum.
antonym(s): publication, solution, commonplace, truism, matter-of-fact.

Syn.: mysterious, cabalistic, magical.
antonym(s): plain, matter-of-fact, everyday, familiar, commonplace, obvious, household.

Syn.: confuse, bamboozle, hoodwink, puzzle, confound, mislead, obfuscate.
antonym(s): illumine, enlighten, inform, guide.

Syn.: fable, legend, parable, supposition, fiction, allegory, fabulous story, fabrication.
antonym(s): fact, history, narrative.

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD