Synonyms and antonyms (I)

From Medical Encyclopedia

Synonyms are two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context, opposite of antonym.

Syn.: image, notion, conception, belief, doctrine, supposition, understanding, fiction, fancy, thought, opinion, impression, sentiment.
antonym(s): object, form, subject, thing, reality.

Syn.: mental, notional, conceptional, intellectual, creative, spiritual, poetical, supposititious, fictitious, unreal, imaginary, chimerical, fanciful, imaginative.
antonym(s): physical, visible, material, tangible, historical, real, actual, palpable, substantial.

Syn.: fancy, creativeness, genius.
antonym(s): imitation, uninventiveness, unimaginativeness, copyism.

Syn.: unite, integrate, recognize, verify, incorporate.
antonym(s): divide, disunite, confound, confuse, overlook, mistake.

Syn.: same, selfsame, particular.
antonym(s): different, separate, contrary.

Syn.: oneness, unity, sameness, personality, individuality, convertibility.
antonym(s): difference, distinctness, separateness, plurality, contrariety.

Syn.: imbecility, aberration, insanity, fatuity.
antonym(s): sanity, sagacity, intelligence, sense, judgment.

Syn.: specialty, peculiarity, characteristic, phrase, turn.
antonym(s): solecism, barbarism.

Syn.: peculiarity, constitution, temperament, specialty, characteristic, individuality, see si^kularity, eccentricity.
antonym(s): community, universality, generality.

Syn.: imbecile, fool.
antonym(s): luminary, sage, authority.

Syn.: void, unoccupied, waste, vain, empty, unemployed, useless, inactive, lazy, indolent.
antonym(s): tilled, occupied, populated, filled, employed, assiduous, industrious.

Syn.: worship, adore, venerate.
antonym(s): loathe, execrate, abominate.

Syn.: moun, base, dishonorable, humble, plebian, lowly.
antonym(s): honorable, noble, eminent, exalted, lordly, grand, notable, illustrious.

Syn.: shameful, scandalous, dishonorable, infamous.
antonym(s): honorable, reputable, creditable.

Syn.: disgrace, reprobation, shame, reproach, contempt, dishonor, infamy, obloquy.
antonym(s): credit, reputation, honor, distinction, glory, lustre, renown.

Syn.: dunce, dullard.
antonym(s): savant, luminary.

Syn.: untaught, uneducated, uninformed, unlearned, illiterate, unlettered.
antonym(s): wise, learned, cultured, cultivated, well-informed.

Syn.: disown, repudiate, overlook.
antonym(s): own, notice, mark, visit, recognize.

Syn.: evil, misfortune, see harm and mischief.

Syn.: bad, sick, unwell, indisposed, poorly, out of sorts, diseased.
antonym(s): well, healthy, strong, vigorous, see good.

Syn.: impolite, uncivil, illmannered, rude.
antonym(s): polite, well-behaved, civil, courteous, refined.

Syn.: maltreat, abuse, illuse, misuse.
antonym(s): treat well, see abuse.

Syn.: lignceu, enlighten, emblazon, irradiate.
antonym(s): darken, obscure, bedim.

Syn.: dream, mockery, deception, delusion, hallucination, phantasm, vision, myth, false show, error, fallacy.
antonym(s): fora, reality, body, substance.

Syn.: deceptive, vision try, unreal, disappointing, fugitive, erroneous, false, imaginary, chimerical, delusive, illusory.
antonym(s): substantial, satisfactory, real, true, permanent, solid.

Syn.: elucidate, interpret, exemplify, demonstrate, represent, explain, embody, paint, image, make clear.
antonym(s): obscure, misinterpret, mystify, confuse, misrepresent, darken.

Syn.: renowned, glorious, brilliant, deathless, eminent, distinguished, celebrated, conspicuous, noble, famous.
antonym(s): ignominious, disgraceful, disreputable, inglorious, infamous.

Syn.: antipathy, hatred, malevolence, dislike, aversion, see enmity and aversion.

Syn.: statue, likeness, representation, effigy, copy, metaphor, idea, conception, fiction, shadow, picture, vision.
antonym(s): person, original, substance, subject, object, reality, truth, verity.

Syn.: poetry, fancy, illustration, metaphor, similitude, [[antonym(s): [[r, prose, statement, fact.

Syn.: creative, conceptive, ideal, poetical, romantic, inventive, original.
antonym(s): unimaginative, unpoetical, unromantic, prosaic, matter-of-fact, literal, uninventive.

Syn.: conceive, suppose, surmise, understand, fancy, fabricate, deem, presume, think, apprehend.
antonym(s): represent, exhibit, demonstrate, prove, substantiate, verify, depict.

Syn.: foolish, idiotic, fatuous.
antonym(s): shrewd, sagacious, clever.

Syn.: feebleness, senility, weakness, dotage.
antonym(s): strength, energy, vigor, virility, power.

Syn.: acquire, learn, assimilate, absorb, drink, swallow, take in, suck in.
antonym(s): discard, reject, renounce, disavow, abjure, repudiate.

Syn.: enhearten, embolden.

Syn.: wet, moisten, soak, drench.
antonym(s): wring, dry, wipe, drain.

Syn.: tinge, dye, stain, impregnate, inoculate, ingrain, affect, infect.
antonym(s): disimbue, disinoculate, disabuse, cleanse, clear, purge, disinfect.

Syn.: represent, copy, resemble, follow, portray, depict, repeat, pattern after, mock, ape, counterfeit, mimic.
antonym(s): misrepresent, caricature, alter, vary, dissimilate, differentiate, modify, remodel, distort.

Syn.: mimicking, caricaturing, copying, unoriginal, servile, apish.
antonym(s): original, creative, inventive.

Syn.: pure, sinless, spotless, stainless, virgin, unpolluted, undefiled, unsullied, unblemished, unspotted.
antonym(s): impure, corrupt, sinful, contaminated, denied, tainted, polluted, spotted.

Syn.: inherent, innate, subjective, indwelling, internal, intrinsic, congenital, ingrained, natural, implicit.
antonym(s): emanent, transitive, projective, developed, exsilient, phenomenal, explicit, accidental, ascititious.

Syn.: cruelty, atrocity, savagery, ferocity, truculence.
antonym(s): mildness, gentleness, tenderness, docility, mansuetude.

Syn.: spiritual, incorporeal, unimportant, insignificant, trivial, trifling, unessential.
antonym(s): material, physical, corporeal, essential, important.

Syn.: unripe, green, crude, imperfect, unfinished, undeveloped.
antonym(s): ripe, complete, finished, mature, developed.

Syn.: vast, boundless, illimitable, immense, unfathomable, infinite.
antonym(s): finite, bounded, limited, circumscribed, shallow, restricted.

Syn.: proximate, contiguous, present, direct, instant, next.
antonym(s): distant, remote, future, mediate.

Syn.: without delay, instantly, forthwith, directly, presently, straightway.
antonym(s): with delay, after a while.

Syn.: primitive, ancient, archaic, primordial, timehonored, remote.
antonym(s): recent, modern, late, upstart, fresh.

Syn.: dip, plunge, sink, soak, steep, macerate, duck, submerge, drown, inundate, douse, overwhelm.
antonym(s): dry, drain, parch, ventilate, air.

Syn.: migration, colonization, settlement.
antonym(s): emigration, exodus.

Syn.: impending, hovering, threatening.
antonym(s): warded, staved, escaped.

Syn.: introduction, injection, insertion.
antonym(s): ejection, emission, discharge.

Syn.: indecent, shameful, impudent, indecorous.
antonym(s): modest, decorous, becoming, proper, see abash.

Syn.: sacrifice, victimize.
antonym(s): spoil, humor, indulge, feed, pamper, immoral, see moral, immortal, see mortal, immovable, see movable.

Syn.: exemption, dispensation, freedom, privilege.
antonym(s): liability, obligation, jurisdiction, impost, burden, amenability.

Syn.: brat, scamp, devil, demon.
antonym(s): cherub, angel.

Syn.: contact, application, impression, collision.
antonym(s): isolation, separation, interval, removal, avoidance, non-contact, shave.

Syn.: deteriorate, injure, reduce, damage, enfeeble, vitiate, diminish, lessen.
antonym(s): enhance, improve, augment, repair.

Syn.: immaterial, immortal.
antonym(s): passible, mortal.

Syn.: excited, fervid, passionate, glowing, vehement, impetuous, spirited.
antonym(s): unimpassioned, cool, impassive.

Syn.: accuse, arraign, indict, criminate.
antonym(s): acquit, absolve, abet, vindicate.

Syn.: hindrance, obstacle, obstruction, stumbling block.
antonym(s): aid, aidance, help, assistance, succor, support, furtherance, coadjuvancy.

Syn.: hover, threaten.
antonym(s): pass, spare.

Syn.: urgent, irresistible, dictatorial, inexorable, peremptorily, compulsory, obligatory.
antonym(s): indulgent, lenient, mild, entreative, supplicatory, optional, discretional.

Syn.: deficiency, fault, failing, blemish, vice, see drimp.

Syn.: majestic, royal, magnificent, supreme, superb.
antonym(s): ignoble, servile, slavish, mean, paltry, beggarly.

Syn.: arrogant, exacting, dictatorial, authoritative, domineering, haughty, lordly.
antonym(s): yielding, submissive, compliant, docile, ductile, lenient, gentle, mild.

Syn.: act, enact, represent.
antonym(s): detect, unmask, expose.

Syn.: entreat, implore, obsecrate, pray, imprecate.
antonym(s): demand, command, claim, insist, deprecate, deport, dissuade, expostulate, remonstrate.

Syn.: profane, irreverent, godless, wicked, blasphemous.
antonym(s): reverent, pious, godly, devout, reverential.

Syn.: instrument, utensil, tool, appliance.
antonym(s): labor, work, science, art, manufacture, agriculture.

Syn.: filling, satisfaction, supply.
antonym(s): failure, exhaustion, deprivation, disappointment.

Syn.: connect, associate, charge, criminate, involve, entangle, infold, compromise.
antonym(s): disconnect, dissociate, acquit, extricate.

Syn.: implied, involved, indicated.
antonym(s): expressed, explicit, developed.

Syn.: involve, mean, indicate, suggest, hint, import, denote, include.
antonym(s): express, declare, state, pronounce.

Syn.: introduce, bring.
antonym(s): export, banish.

Syn.: purport, meaning, drift, tenor, significance.
antonym(s): statement, proceeding.

Syn.: weight, moment, consequence, significance, signification, avail, concern.
antonym(s): unimportance, insignificance, nothingness, immateriality.

Syn.: significant, expressive, relevant, main, leading, considerable, great, dignified, influential, weighty, momentous, material, grave, essential.
antonym(s): insignificant, trivial, inexpressive, irrelevant, inconsiderable, petty, mean, uninfluential, secondary, unimportant, minor.

Syn.: over-urgent, over-entreative, pressing.
antonym(s): modest, diffident.

Syn.: pester, solicit, ask urgently, press.
antonym(s): surrender, abandon, sacrifice.

Syn.: lay, inflict, fix, set, place, enjoin.
antonym(s): remove, disburden.

Syn.: delude, deceive, dupe, circumvent, see cheat.

Syn.: striking, effective, dignified, grand, impressive, majestic, august, commanding.
antonym(s): ineffective, undignified, petty.

Syn.: imposition, tax, burden, custom, toll, tribute, excise, duty.
antonym(s): exemption, immunity, proceeds, revenue.

Syn.: cheat, deceiver, distemper, charlatan, knave.
antonym(s): detector, undeceiver, guide, enlightener.

Syn.: incapacity, weakness, disqualification, disability.
antonym(s): capacity, vigor, ability, qualification.

Syn.: weak, powerless, useless, feeble, helpless, nerveless, enfeebled.
antonym(s): strong, vigorous, powerful, virile.

Syn.: fill, insert, imbue, mix, combine, saturate, steep, vivify, fecundate, teach.
antonym(s): remove, evolve, extricate, render simple, separate, destroy, extinguish, quench, be studious, learn.

Syn.: imprint, print, device, motto, impression, stamp, see device and stamp.

Syn.: stamp, print, imprint, inculcate, fix deeply.
antonym(s): learn, be impressed, be studious, be mindful.

Syn.: forcible, solemn, affecting, imposing, important.
antonym(s): weak, unimpressive, feeble, tame, jejune, dry, vapid, unimportant, insignificant.

Syn.: immure, incarcerate, shut up, confine.
antonym(s): free, liberate, open, set free.

Syn.: restraint, incarceration, durance, confinement.
antonym(s): freedom, liberation.

Syn.: better, amend, ameliorate, emend, correct, mend, rectify, reform, see ameliorate.

Syn.: advancement, amendment, progress, increase, correction, proficiency.
antonym(s): degeneracy, degeneration, deterioration, debasement, retrogradation, retrogression.

Syn.: imprudent, I wasteful, prodigal, reckless, careless, thoughtless, shiftless.
antonym(s): prudent, careful, saving, economical, provident, see common.

Syn.: impertinent, insolent, saucy, shameless, brazen-faced, rude, bold, immodest.
antonym(s): servile, obsequious, sycophantic, bashful, retiring, diffident, deferential, modest.

Syn.: impertinence, insolence, assurance, effrontery, rudeness, sauciness, shamelessness, audacity, hardihood.
antonym(s): obsequiousness, subserviency, abasement, sycophancy, flunkeyism, humility, see modesty.

Syn.: gainsay, controvert, oppose, deny, attack, blame.
antonym(s): declare, state, allege, propose, defend, repel, approve, commend.

Syn.: incentive, push, incitement, force, influence, instigation, feeling, sudden thought, motive.
antonym(s): rebuff, repulse, premeditation, deliberation, see incentive.

Syn.: rash, hasty, wayward, impressible, see rash.

Syn.: foul, unchaste, dirty, see blemish.

Syn.: ascribe, refer, charge.
antonym(s): withdraw, retract.

Syn.: idle, lazy, inert, indolent, sluggish, slothful.
antonym(s): see active.

Syn.: inadvertency, oversight, negligence, inattention, carelessness, see blunder.
antonym(s): correction, attention.

Syn.: inobservant, careless, heedless.
antonym(s): careful, observant, accurate.

Syn.: alien, entailed, intransferable.
antonym(s): unentailed, transferable.

Syn.: empty, pointless, vapid, feeble, characterless.
antonym(s): significant, pointed, powerful, sensible, forcible.

Syn.: emptiness, exhaustion, starvation.
antonym(s): fullness, plethora, repletion.

Syn.: emptiness, vacuity, pointlessness, unmeaningness, see inanition.
antonym(s): meaning, significance, signification.

Syn.: infinitesimal, minute, imperceptible.
antonym(s): perceptible, ponderable, appreciable, calculable.

Syn.: dumb, mute, confused, inorganic.
antonym(s): articulated, enunciated, organic, compound.

Syn.: low, inarticulate, suppressed, muttering, mumbling, stifled, muffled.
antonym(s): audible, outspoken, sonorous, articulate, clear, ringing, loud.

Syn.: initiate, commence, install.
antonym(s): deprive, divert, conclude, terminate.

Syn.: incalescence, glow, white heat.
antonym(s): iciness, congelation, refrigeration, crystallization.

Syn.: recitation, spell, charm, invocation.
antonym(s): exorcism, evocation.

Syn.: unqualified, unable, incapable, unfitted, weak, incompetent, feeble, disqualified, insufficient.
antonym(s): qualified, able, fitted, strong, clever.

Syn.: immure, imprison.
antonym(s): liberate, release.

Syn.: redden, rubricate, crimson.
antonym(s): whiten, pale, etiolate.

Syn.: embodiment, impersonation.
antonym(s): disembodiment, spiritualization, abstraction.

Syn.: inclose, enshrine, impanel, board, batten.
antonym(s): unpack, extract, expose, disclose.

Syn.: arson, conflagration.
antonym(s): extinction, quenching, annihilation.

Syn.: inflame, irritate, provoke, sting, nettle, exasperate, chafe, gall.
antonym(s): allay, soothe, pacify, appease, mollify, conciliate.

Syn.: inducement, excitation, rousing, motive, stimulus, spur.
antonym(s): discouragement, warning, dissuasive, prohibition, deterrent.

Syn.: continual, uninterrupted, unintermittent, perpetual, unceasing.
antonym(s): periodic, occasional, interrupted, intermittent.

Syn.: impingement, impact, stroke.
antonym(s): reflection, resilience, rebound.

Syn.: casual, occasional, appertinent, concomitant, concurrent, accidental, fortuitous.
antonym(s): systematic, regular, independent, disconnected, irrelative, essential, immanent, inherent, uniform, invariable.

Syn.: discourtesy, illbreeding, ill-manners, uncourteousness.
antonym(s): civility, urbanity, goodness, politeness.

Syn.: harsh, tyrannical, cruel, unmerciful, severe, stormy, rough, rigorous.
antonym(s): mild, benign, clement, genial, merciful.

Syn.: slope, bear, lean, point, tend, dispose, induce, dip, bias, prompt, slant, be disposed.
antonym(s): trend, diverge, ascend, deter, rise, indispose, disincline.

Syn.: leaning, elope, tendency, disposition, proneness, aptness, predilection, bias, bent, attachment, affection, liking, wish.
antonym(s): inaptitude, inaptness, dislike, disinclination, see bent.

Syn.: comprehensive, embracing, additive, implied.
antonym(s): exclusive, excepted, renunciative, adversative.

Syn.: disunion, disruption, inconsecutiveness, solution, disconnection.
antonym(s): coherence, continuity, closeness.

Syn.: unconnected, incongruous, inconsequential, loose.
antonym(s): coherent, connected, see coherent.

Syn.: uninflammable, aphlogistic.
antonym(s): inflammable, combustible.

Syn.: proceeds, pay, allowance.
antonym(s): disbursement, expenditure.

Syn.: intransferable, inalienable.
antonym(s): transferable, alienable, communicable.

Syn.: matchless, unique, consummate, transcendent.
antonym(s): common, ordinary, average.

Syn.: hardhearted, unmerciful.
antonym(s): clement, benignant, compassionate, merciful.

Syn.: mysterious, unfathomable, enigmatical.
antonym(s): comprehensible, cognizable, plain.

Syn.: inelegance, stiffness, barbarism, slang, euphuism, cacophony.
antonym(s): concinnity, elegance, ease, purity, grace, gracefulness, euphony.

Syn.: cheerless, joyless, spiritless, melancholy, gloomy, disconsolate, comfortless, forlorn, heartsick, in dispair.
antonym(s): cheerful, hopeful, consolable.

Syn.: fickle, mutable, variable, fitful, unstable, unsteadfast, changeable, see capricious.

Syn.: indisputable, unquestionable, unassailable, impregnable.
antonym(s): dubious, questionable, problematical, supposititious, arbitrary, assumptive, hypothetical.

Syn.: incommode, discommode, disturb, molest.
antonym(s): suit, aid, benefit, subserve, assist, help.

Syn.: advance, heighten, dilutenhance, aggregate, pile up, raise, magnify, spread, see decrease.

Syn.: acception, growth, extension, see augmentation.

Syn.: surpassing belief, fabulous, marvelous, see credible.

Syn.: coat, overlay, plaster.
antonym(s): scrape, abrade, levigate, exfoliate.

Syn.: impress, urge, enforce, infuse, instil, implant, press, teach.
antonym(s): insinuate, suggest, disavow, abjure, denounce.

Syn.: charge, criminate, see implicate.

Syn.: pressing, binding, coercive, indispensable, urgent, devolvent, obligatory.
antonym(s): optional, discretional.

Syn.: meet, run.
antonym(s): avoid, bhun, elude, escape.

Syn.: irremediable, irredeemable.
antonym(s): tractable, removable, remediable.

Syn.: invasion, encroachment, inroad, irruption, foray, raid, dragonnade, sally.
antonym(s): encampment, settlement, abode, retreat.

Syn.: obliged, beholden.
antonym(s): disobliged, unbeholden.

Syn.: indelicate, immodest, improper, see becoming and indelicate.

Syn.: impropriety, coarseness, incorrectness, see ant, propriety, decorum, correctness.

Syn.: truly, verily, certainly, really, in truth, in fact.
antonym(s): erroneous, untrue, void of truth, false, fallacious.

Syn.: unwearied, incessant, persistent, indomitable.
antonym(s): indolent, indifferent, idle.

Syn.: irreversible, unalterable, immutable.
antonym(s): reversible, alterable, mutable.

Syn.: indestructible, indefeasible, ineffaceable, persistent, irreversible.
antonym(s): mutable, evanescent, transient, effaceable.

Syn.: coarse, broad, indecent.
antonym(s): nice, refined, modest, delicate.

Syn.: compensate, se cure, satisfy, reimburse.
antonym(s): fine, mulct, amerce.

Syn.: unaccountable, inexpressible, ineffable, unutterable.
antonym(s): familiar, ordinary.

Syn.: imperishable, indiscerptible.
antonym(s): perishable, destructible, dissoluble.

Syn.: show, evidence, betray, evince, manifest, declare, specify, denote, point out, betoken, designate, mark.
antonym(s): conceal, contradict, negative, misindicate, misdirect, falsify.

Syn.: sign, token, manifestation, evidence, demonstration, note, symptom, proof, mark, prognostic.
antonym(s): silence, undemonstrativeness, surmise, misdirection, misindication, misguidance.

Syn.: triviality, unimportance, insignificance, coolness, carelessness, apathy, insensibility, composure.
antonym(s): importance, significance, weight, gravity, eagerness, interest, affection, ardor.

Syn.: lukewarm, careless, unconcerned, see apathetic.

Syn.: poor, straitened, needy, impecunious.
antonym(s): wealthy, rich, monied.

Syn.: crude, raw, heavy.
antonym(s): digestible, nutritive, light.

Syn.: resentment, anger, denunciation, displeasure, exasperation, ire, wrath, protestation.
antonym(s): gratification, admiration, applause, approval, complacency.

Syn.: insult, rudeness, contemptuousness, opprobrium, disgrace, slight, reproach, ignominy, disrespect, outrage, affront.
antonym(s): deference, compliment, homage, respect.

Syn.: untraceable, incognizable.
antonym(s): cognizable, traceable, discoverable.

Syn.: misconduct, misbehavior, misdoing, misdeed, dereliction, delinquency, lapse, trip, slip, flaw, blot, omission, trespass, /auxpa, peccadillo.
antonym(s): guilt, crime, innocence, good behavior, guiltlessness, incorruption, impeccability.

Syn.: mixed, confused, medley, promiscuous, ill-assorted, undiscerning, undistinguishing, undiscriminating.
antonym(s): careful, sorted, select, discerning.

Syn.: indistinctness, indistinction, uncertainty, doubt, confusion, promiscuousness.
antonym(s): discrimination, distinctness, distinct, differentiation.

Syn.: necessary, essential, requisite, needful, expedient.
antonym(s): unnecessary, unessential, inexpedient, dispensable.

Syn.: disinclined, unwilling, reluctant, sick, ailing.
antonym(s): inclined, prompt, ready, willing, eager, desirous, sound, healthful.

Syn.: unquestionable, indubitable, infallible, sure, certain, see incontestable.

Syn.: inviolable, inseparable, indiscerptible, indestructible.
antonym(s): separable, terminable, discerptible, dissoluble.

Syn.: indiscriminate, ambiguous, imperfect, [[uncertain, #n/a, see distinct.

Syn.: indiscernible, inappreciable, minute, confused.
antonym(s): distinguishable, conspicuous.

Syn.: prompt, suggest, dictate, word, compose.
antonym(s): write, transcribe, pen (as un amanuensis).

Syn.: personal, specific, peculiar, indivisible, identical, singular, idiosyncratic, special, single, separate, particular.
antonym(s): general, common, collective, plural.

Syn.: minute, atomic, ultimate.
antonym(s): divisible, discerptible, separable.

Syn.: inefficiency, incompetence, inaptitude, ineptitude, imbecility, incapacity, obstinacy, doggedness, stubbornness,.
antonym(s): efficiency, competency, aptitude, power, pliancy, teachableness, willingness.

Syn.: invincible, untamable, irrepressible, indefatigable.
antonym(s): effortless, feeble, languid.

Syn.: sanction, approve, subscribe, accept.
antonym(s): protest, repudiate, cancel, abjure, renounce.

Syn.: unambiguous, plain, apparent, clear, see equivocal.

Syn.: collection, collation, gathering, application (as correlative to it).
antonym(s): statement, generalization, proposition, class, principle, law, deduction, inference, argumentation, discourse.

Syn.: spoil, pamper, humor, gratify, cherish, bask, revel, grovel, foster, favor, allow.
antonym(s): thwart, deny, contradict, disappoint, discard, abjure, counteract, renounce, mortify, discipline.

Syn.: compliant, forbearing, tender, tolerant.
antonym(s): harsh, severe, rough, see submissive.

Syn.: diligent, laborious, busy, assiduous, active, hardworking.
antonym(s): lazy, shiftless, idle.

Syn.: activity, toil, assiduity, diligence, perseverance.
antonym(s): inactivity, ease, indiligence, indolence.

Syn.: inexpressible, inconceivable, insurpassable, indeclarable, indescribable, exquisite, perfect.
antonym(s): common, trivial, superficial, vulgar, conversational, colloquial, obvious, commonplace.

Syn.: fruitless, useless, vain, idle, unavailing, abortive, inoperative, ineffective.
antonym(s): effective, effectual, successful, see effective.

Syn.: disparity, disproportion, unevenness, inadequacy, dissimilarity, imparity.
antonym(s): equality, parity, coextension, adequacy, similarity, level, balance, identity.

Syn.: indolent, slothful, lazy, sluggish, heavy, inactive, passive, dormant.
antonym(s): active, energetic, alert, brisk.

Syn.: priceless, precious, invaluable, see estimably.

Syn.: unavoidable, infallible, certain, irresistible, fixed.
antonym(s): avoidable, uncertain, indeterminate.

Syn.: unmitigated, unpardonable, indefensible, unjustifiable.
antonym(s): mitigable, paliable, justifiable, vindicable, defensible, pardonable.

Syn.: incessant, unwearied, indefatigable, perennial, illimitable.
antonym(s): limited, scant, poor.

Syn.: merciless, unrelenting, implacable, unalterable.
antonym(s): lenient, exorable, indulgent, benignant, clement.

Syn.: undesirable, inadvisable, disadvantageous.
antonym(s): advisable, profitable, expedient.

Syn.: ignorance, inconversance, unfamiliarity, strangeness.
antonym(s): experience, familiarity.

Syn.: unatonable, unpardonable.
antonym(s): expiable, redeemable, pardonable, atonable.

Syn.: mysterious, enigmatical.
antonym(s): obvious, plain, easy.

Syn.: characterless, blank.
antonym(s): expressive, telling, speaking.

Syn.: overwhelming, irredeemable, fatal.
antonym(s): remediable, redeemable.

Syn.: disgraceful, vile, shameful, dishonorable, scandalous, see honorable.

Syn.: despair, degradation, disgrace, ignominy, obloquy, extreme vileness, dishonor.
antonym(s): honor, reputation, celebrity, glory, renown.

Syn.: puerile, childish, imbecile.
antonym(s): manly, mature, vigorous, robust.

Syn.: fatuity, hallucination, madness, self-deception.
antonym(s): clear-sightedness, sagacity, wisdom, sanity, soundness.

Syn.: taint, corrupt, contaminate, pollute, defile, see contaminate.

Syn.: taint, poison, contamination, corruption, contagion.
antonym(s): purification, disinfection, antidote.

Syn.: unhappiness, misery.
antonym(s): felicity, happiness, blessedness, joyousness.

Syn.: gather, collect, conclude, derive, deduce, argue.
antonym(s): state, enunciate, propound, anticipate, prognosticate, conjecture, assume, guess.

Syn.: deduction, corollary, conclusion, consequence.
antonym(s): statement, proposition, enunciation.

Syn.: subordination, minority, poverty, mediocrity, subjection, servitude, depression.
antonym(s): superiority, majority, excellence, eminence, independence, mastery, exaltation, elevation.

Syn.: barrenness, poverty, sterility, unproductiveness, waste.
antonym(s): richness, exuberance, fruitfulness, productiveness.

Syn.: trouble, harass, tease, annoy, pester, molest, plague, disturb.
antonym(s): comfort, gratify, regale, refresh.

Syn.: skeptic, unbeliever, heretic, freethinker.
antonym(s): believer, christian, devotee.

Syn.: unbelief, disbelief, skepticism.
antonym(s): belief, faith, religiousness, see fidelity.

Syn.: instil, inoculate, permeate, saturate, soak.
antonym(s): strain, draw off, defiltrate.

Syn.: inappreciable, inconspicuous, minute, microscopic, indiscernible, atomic.
antonym(s): enormous, immeasurable, vast.

Syn.: weak, decrepit, lame, inforcible, unsound, failing, irresolute, feeble, enfeebled.
antonym(s): firm, strong, sure, cogent, forcible, sound.

Syn.: weakness, decrepitude, unsoundness, see infirm.
antonym(s): strength, vigor, healthfulness, soundness.

Syn.: fire, kindle, excite, rouse, fan, incense, madden, infuriate, exasperate, irritate, imbitter, auger, enrage.
antonym(s): quench, extinguish, allay, cool, pacify, quiet.

Syn.: distend, expand.
antonym(s): exhaust, empty, squeeze, flatten, compress.

Syn.: pompous, turgid, bombastic.
antonym(s): plain, unaffected, simple.

Syn.: bend, curvature, inflexion, flexion.
antonym(s): straightness, rectilinearity, directness.

Syn.: impose, put, lay on.
antonym(s): remove, alleviate, suspend, spare.

Syn.: grievance, trouble, nuisance.
antonym(s): gratification, pleasure, accommodation, sparing, remission, condonation.

Syn.: effect, control, causation, affection, impulse, power, credit, character, sway, weight, ascendancy, prestige, authority.
antonym(s): inefficiency, ineffectiveness, imperativeness, nullity, neutrality, inemancy.

Syn.: move, affect, sway, persuade, direct, bias, see move and affect.

Syn.: potent, powerful, etficucion, forcible, persuasive, controlling, guiding, considerable.
antonym(s): weak, ineffective, inoperative, unpersuasive, inconsiderable.

Syn.: enlighten, instruct, edify, educate, acquaint, apprise, communicate, notify, tell, impart.
antonym(s): misjudge, misinstruct, mislead, deceive, hoodwink, mystify, misinform.

Syn.: instruction, advice, counsel, notice, notification, knowledge.
antonym(s): concealment, biding, occultation, mystification, ignorance.

Syn.: violation, infringement, breaking, disturbance, breach, nonobservance.
antonym(s): observance, maintenance, conservation, respect, integrity.

Syn.: rarity, fewness, paucity, dearth, scantiness.
antonym(s): multitude, abundance, frequency, recurrence.

Syn.: break, violate, transgress, contravene.
antonym(s): observe, conserve, preserve, keep within bounds.

Syn.: steep, soak, water, instil, infiltrate, insinuate, breathe into, introduce, inspire, impart.
antonym(s): strain, dry, drain, unteach, retract, divert.

Syn.: skillful, adept, clever, inventive, ready, frank, sincere.
antonym(s): unskillful, slow, uninventive, unready.

Syn.: noble, candid, generous, frank, sincere, straightforward, honorable, open, artless, honest.
antonym(s): mean, reserved, sly, disingenuous, insincere.

Syn.: shameful, disgraceful, unrenowned.
antonym(s): illustrious, glorious, renowned.

Syn.: recommend, insinuate.
antonym(s): discommend, alienate, estrange.

Syn.: element, ingredient, component, constituent.
antonym(s): non-ingredient, refuse, residuum, counteragent, incongruity.

Syn.: tenant, colonize, settle, dwell in, reside in, live in, occupy.
antonym(s): abandon, forsake, migrate.

Syn.: occupant, tenant, resident, native, inmate.
antonym(s): stranger, traveler, foreigner, visitor, intruder.

Syn.: inspire, snuff, absorb.
antonym(s): exhale.

Syn.: innate, congenital, imminent, ingrained, inborn, intrinsic, natural, inbred.
antonym(s): foreign, ascititious, temporary, separable, extraneous.

Syn.: occupy, possess, enjoy.
antonym(s): acquire, earn, gain, squander, alienate, dissipate, bequeath, leave, demise, devise.

Syn.: bequest, legacy, heritage, hereditament, patrimony, possession.
antonym(s): purchase, donation, acquisition, dissipation, alienation, forfeiture, lapse, escheatment.

Syn.: heir, successor, devisee, legatee.
antonym(s): devisor, testator.

Syn.: introsusception, innateness, inherence, indwelling, ingrainedness, immanence.
antonym(s): emanence, emission, ejection, extrusion, extraction.

Syn.: prevent, hinder, prohibit, restrain, debar.
antonym(s): tjrge:, incite, permit, encourage, impel.

Syn.: transcendent, matchless, incomparable.
antonym(s): ordinary, mediocre.

Syn.: injustice, wrong, sir, evil-doing, wickedness, crime, grievance.
antonym(s): justice, integrity, virtue, holiness.

Syn.: start, leadership, commencement, example.
antonym(s): wake, rear, prosecution, termination.

Syn.: mandate, order, command, exhortation, precept.
antonym(s): disobedience, insubordination, noncompliance, nonobservance.

Syn.: damage, wound, hurt, wrong, impair, maltreat, cripple, mar, spoil, sully, harm.
antonym(s): benellt, profit, repair, advance, advantage.

Syn.: hurtful, deleterious, prejudicial, noxious, detrimental, baleful, pernicious, wrongful, mischievous, damaging, baneful.
antonym(s): helpful, beneficial, advantageous, see pernicious.

Syn.: opening, ingress, commencement, entrance.
antonym(s): outlet, egress, debouchure.

Syn.: hotel, tavern, public house.

Syn.: interior, vital, secret, close.
antonym(s): exterior, outer, outermost, open.

Syn.: innocuousness, inoffensiveness, guilelessness, guiltlessness, simplicity, purity, sinlessness.
antonym(s): hurtfulness, offensiveness, guile, guilt, contamination, corruption, impurity, sinfulness.

Syn.: sinless, harmless, innoxious, lawful, see blameless.

Syn.: inoffensive, harmless, wholesome.
antonym(s): obnoxious, hurtful, deleterious, insidious.

Syn.: alteration, reversal, novelty, newfangledness.
antonym(s): conservation, maintenance, archaism, old-fashion, obsoleteness.

Syn.: wholesome, harmless, see noisome.

Syn.: indigestible, harmful, ungenial, uncongenial.
antonym(s): digestible, healthful, congenial.

Syn.: impregnate, indoctrinate, tinge, insert, imbue, instil, ingrain, ingraft.
antonym(s): disabuse, unteach, prune, divest.

Syn.: inodorate, scentless, without smell, wanting smell.
antonym(s): odorous, odoriferous, strong scented, redolent, nidorous, pungent.

Syn.: extravagant, disproportionate, unregulated, exorbitant, excessive, immoderate, irregular.
antonym(s): regular, just, moderate.

Syn.: inanimate, azoic, mineral.
antonym(s): organic, organized.

Syn.: blend, unite, intertwine, solidify, anastomose, intersect, interpenetrate.
antonym(s): separate, diverge, bifurcate, disunite, divorce.

Syn.: interrogation, question, asking, investigation, search, examination, research, scrutiny, exploration.
antonym(s): conjecture, guess, intuition, hypothesis, assumption, supposition.

Syn.: prying, peeping, meddling, curious, see curious.

Syn.: minute, arbitrary, overcurious, scrutinizing.
antonym(s): superficial, perfunctory, uninquisitive, incurious, inobservant, unscrutinizing.

Syn.: invasion, raid, incursion, dragonnade, irruption, trespass, infringement.
antonym(s): occupation, settlement, evacuation, retreat, sally, outbreak, excursion, egress.

Syn.: mental aberration, mental unsoundness, see lunacy.

Syn.: voracious, unappeasable, omnivorous, ravenous, rapacious greedy.
antonym(s): moderate, delicate, fastidious, dainty, squeamish.

Syn.: letter, write, label, designate, delineate, mark, imprint, engrave, dedicate, address.
antonym(s): erase, efface, cancel, obliterate, expunge.

Syn.: enlist, register, enroll, pattern, flourish, record, calendar.
antonym(s): erase, disenroll, cashier, expunge, obliterate, efface, deface.

Syn.: unintelligible, untraceable, mysterious, unfathomable, profound, insolvable, impenetrable, hidden.
antonym(s): obvious, self-evident, familiar, intelligible, explainable.

Syn.: brute, insensitive, insensible, unfeeling, stolid, insusceptible, unimpressible.
antonym(s): sensitive, feeling, quick, sagacious, discriminating, observing, susceptible, acute, impressible.

Syn.: within, internally.
antonym(s): without, outside, extraneously, externally.

Syn.: wily, treacherous, designing, dangerous, deceitful, ely, crafty, artful.
antonym(s): straightforward, sincere, undesigning, innocuous.

Syn.: introduce, insert, worm, ingratiate, intimate, suggest, infuse, hint.
antonym(s): withdraw, retract, alienate, extract.

Syn.: tasteless, vapid, uninteresting, characterless, flavorless, flat, insulse, lifeless, prosy, stupid.
antonym(s): tasty, sapid, relishing, racy, interesting, engaging.

Syn.: stand, demand, maintain, contend, persist, persevere, urge.
antonym(s): abandon, waive, concede, surrender, yield, forego.

Syn.: intrap, cajole, decoy, allure, catch, inveigle, net, enmesh, entoil, entangle, entrap.
antonym(s): enlighten, warn, deter, dissuade, rescue, liberate, release, extricate.

Syn.: arrogance, assumption, impudence.
antonym(s): deference, consideration, politeness, modesty, bashfulness.

Syn.: haughty, overbear, ing, contemptuous, abusive, saucy, impertinent, opprobrious, offensive, pert, outrageous, scurrilous, rude, see abusive and pert.

Syn.: bankrupt, ruined, penniless, beggared.
antonym(s): flush, flourishing, monied, thriving.

Syn.: scrutinize, examine, investigate, search, overhaul, look into, supervise.
antonym(s): overlook, connive, dismiss, glance, misobserve, misinvestigate, pretermit.

Syn.: poesy, frenzy, impulse, revelation, intuition, afflatus.
antonym(s): study, elaboration, learning, acquirement, observation, education.

Syn.: animate, inspirit, inflame, imbue, impel, encourage, inhale, enliven, cheer, breathe in, infuse, exhilarate.
antonym(s): depress, dispirit, discourage, deter.

Syn.: thickening, turbidity, incrassation, densification.
antonym(s): helming, straining, percolation, precipitation, clarification, tenuity.

Syn.: mutability, wavering, fickleness, inconstancy.
antonym(s): stability, firmness, constancy.

Syn.: establish, institute, induct, invest, inaugurate, invest with office.
antonym(s): deprive, disinstall, strip, degrade, disinvest, eject.

Syn.: firstfruits, part-payment, driblet.
antonym(s): payment, reimbursement, acquittal, liquidation, cancelment.

Syn.: entreaty, request, prompting, persuasion, example, solicitation, case, illustration, exemplification, occurrence, point, precedence.
antonym(s): dissuasion, deprecation, warning, rule, statement, principle, misexemplification.

Syn.: moment, second, minute, twinkling, trice, flash.
antonym(s): period, duration, cycle, time, permanence, perpetuity, eternity.

Syn.: immediate, instant, momentary, see immediate.

Syn.: immediately, forthwith, straightway, directly, presently, at once, without delay.
antonym(s): at a future time, with delay, in the future, see directly.

Syn.: pour, infuse, introduce, import, implant, insinuate, inculcate.
antonym(s): drain, strain, extract, eradicate, eliminate, remove, extirpate.

Syn.: prompting, impulse, intuition, inclination.
antonym(s): reason, reasoning, abstraction, deliberation, experience, experiment, elaboration, judgment.

Syn.: natural, voluntary, spontaneous, intuitive, impulsive.
antonym(s): cultivated, forced, reasoning, rationalistic.

Syn.: found, establish, invest, erect, instal, appoint, induct, ordain, originate, begin, form, organize.
antonym(s): disestablish, subvert, disinvest, degrade, deprive.

Syn.: enlighten, educate, inform, indoctrinate, acquaint, teach, edify, train, discipline, direct, initiate, command.
antonym(s): misinform, miseducate, misinstruct, misguide, mislead, misacquaint, deceive, neglect, barbarize, brutalize.

Syn.: teaching, education, information, counsel, advice, direction, order, command.
antonym(s): misteaching, misinformation, misguidance, misdirection, misinstruction, obedience, pupilage.

Syn.: implement, utensil, tool, document, deed, record, medium, muniment, means, channel, machine, agent.
antonym(s): misapplication, counteraction, counteragent, neutralizer, opponent, bar, obstruction, preventive, stop.

Syn.: agency, intervention, medium, use, employment, means.
antonym(s): nonintervention, spontaneity, efficacy, virtue, property, quality, force, counteragency, neutralization.

Syn.: resistant, recalcitrant, rebellious, undutiful, refractory.
antonym(s): submissive, dutiful, docile, obedient, subject.

Syn.: intolerable, impermissible, unallowable, unendurable, unbearable.
antonym(s): tolerable, allowable, endurable, supportable.

Syn.: affront, outrage, dishonor, provoke, mock, ridicule.
antonym(s): respect, salute, honor, praise, flatter, compliment, gratify.

Syn.: affront, abuse, see indignity.

Syn.: unbearable, intolerable, insufferable, unendurable.
antonym(s): endurable, comfortable, to be borne.

Syn.: provide, stabilitate, guarantee, secure, warrant.
antonym(s): imperil, jeopardize, shake, stake.

Syn.: malcontent, rebel, traitor, mutineer, rioter.
antonym(s): patriot, adherent, supporter, constabulary, executive, ruler, magistrate.

Syn.: rebellious, unruly.
antonym(s): loyal, patriotic, obedient.

Syn.: rebellion, riot, rising, anarchy, tumult, mutiny, sedition, emeute, pronouncement, revolt.
antonym(s): law, peace, order, obedience, government, submission, subjection, servitude, bondage, subsidence, pacification, acquiescence.

Syn.: pure, undented, uncontaminated, uncorrupted, raise, uninjured, unhurt, scatiness, inviolate, sacred.
antonym(s): foul, defiled, contaminated, corrupt, hurt, touched, affected, injured.

Syn.: sum, complete, solidity, consolidate, incorporate, unite, combine, mix, blend.
antonym(s): disintegrate, discompound, analyze, dismember, amputate, disunite, detach, remove.

Syn.: uprightness, honor, honesty, probity, truthfulness, candor, single-mindedness, con, conscientiousness, entireness, rectitude, completeness, parity.
antonym(s): unfairness, sleight, underhandedness, meanness, chicanery, duplicity, fraud, roguery, rascality.

Syn.: covering, protection, envelope, crust.
antonym(s): nudity, bareness, callowness, abrasion, exposure.

Syn.: understanding, mind, reason, instinct, consciousness, sense, brains, ability, talent, genius.
antonym(s): matter, mechanism, organization, force, growth, propension, passion.

Syn.: mental, metaphysical, psychological, inventive, learned, cultured.
antonym(s): unintellectual, unmetaphysical, unlearned.

Syn.: understanding, apprehension, comprehension, conception, announcement, report, rumor, tidings, news, information, publication, intellectual capacity, mind, knowledge, advice, notice, instruction, intellect.
antonym(s): misunderstanding, misinformation, misconception, stupidity, dullness, suppression, ignorance, darkness, concealment, silence, nonpublication, misguidance, misintelligence, misreport, misapprehension.

Syn.: tension, force, concentration, strain, attention, eagerness, ardor, energy.
antonym(s): laxity, debility, relaxation, languor, indifference, coolness, hebetude, diminution.

Syn.: design, purpose, intention, drift, meaning, purport, aim, view.
antonym(s): chance, lot, fate, accident.

Syn.: eager, fixed, urgent.
antonym(s): indifferent, diverted, distracted.

Syn.: purposed, designed, deliberate, intended, done on purpose, contemplated, premeditated, studied.
antonym(s): undesigned, casual, unintentional, accidental, fortuitous.

Syn.: bury, inhume, entomb.
antonym(s): exhume, disinter.

Syn.: mediate, interpose, interfere, advocate, plead.
antonym(s): abandon, incriminate, charge, inculpate, accuse.

Syn.: arrest, stop, catch, seize, neutralize.
antonym(s): send, despatch, forward, depute, commission, delegate, interchange, exchange, neglectful, unmindful,.

Syn.: barter, reciprocation, reciprocity, intercommunication, correspondence, intercourse, mutuality.
antonym(s): see intercept.

Syn.: correspondence, dealing, intercommunication, intimacy, connection, commerce.
antonym(s): reticence, suspension, cessation, disconnection, interception, interpellation.

Syn.: intervention, intrusion, intervenience, interception.
antonym(s): nonintervention, non-interception, unobstructedness.

Syn.: prohibit, restrain, estop, disallow, debar, proscribe, forbid.
antonym(s): concede, indulge, grant, airflow.

Syn.: concern, business advantage, profit, attention, curiosity behalf, cause, share.
antonym(s): unconcern, disconnection, repudiation, disadvantage, loss, inattention, incuriosity, indifference.

Syn.: inside, innei, toward, internal, inland.
antonym(s): exterior, outside.

Syn.: cross, reticulate, intertwine, interweave, intersect.
antonym(s): radiate, diverge, unravel, disconnect.

Syn.: interruption, interpellation.
antonym(s): speech, oration, flow, uninterruptedness.

Syn.: intruder, supernumerary.
antonym(s): member, constituent.

Syn.: intervening, included, interposed, comprised, middle, moderate, interjacent.
antonym(s): circumjacent, surrounding, enclosing, embracing, outside, extreme, excluded, exclusive.

Syn.: unending, endless, everlasting, perpetual, infinite, boundless, illimitable, limitless.
antonym(s): terminable, brief, moderate, curt, short, momentary.

Syn.: cessation, interruption, discontinuance, suspension, recurrence, pause, rest, stop, interval.
antonym(s): continuity, continuance, permanence, perpetuity, constancy, uninterruptedness.

Syn.: suspend, relax, discontinue, break.
antonym(s): continue, prosecute, urge, dispatch.

Syn.: intervariation, questionable, fitful, see attractive and dull, interchange, mutuality.
antonym(s): unity, uniformity, interresistance, interdependence.

Syn.: inner, interior, inside.
antonym(s): outer, exterior, outside.

Syn.: interpolitical, interdiplomatic.
antonym(s): independent, non-interventive, intestine, domestic.

Syn.: exterminating, deadly, irreconcilable, inextinguishable.
antonym(s): desultory, incursive, maraud, ing, buccaneering, freebooting, filibustering, skirmishing, guerilla.

Syn.: interlocution, suspension, interference.
antonym(s): promotion, prosecution, flow, conduct, uninterruptedness.

Syn.: interregression, interdigitation, dovetail, inoculation.
antonym(s): interseparation, interreourren, interreourren e, interdivergence.

Syn.: interlard, interweave, import, garble, gloss, intersperse, furbish, introduce.
antonym(s): expunge, elide, erase, verify, authenticate, expurgate.

Syn.: introduce, insert, intervene, interfere, meddle, intercede, arbitrate, mediate.
antonym(s): withdraw, retract, retire, recede, remove, extract.

Syn.: translate, render, construe, explain, expound, expone, represent, declare, understand, elucidate, decipher, solve.
antonym(s): misinterpret, misunderstand, mistake, misconceive, falsify, distort, misdeclare, misrepresent.

Syn.: version, explanation, rendering, exposition, definition, sense, solution.
antonym(s): misinterpretation, misrendering, problem, difficulty, text.

Syn.: break, disconnect, discontinue, intersect, disturb, stop, hinder.
antonym(s): continue, prosecute, expedite.

Syn.: interlard, powder, scatter.
antonym(s): expunge.

Syn.: chink, interval, interspace, cleft, cranny, fissure, gap, crack.
antonym(s): seam, suture, stop-gap.

Syn.: interim, meantime, period, gap, intermission, interspace, cessation, space between, season.
antonym(s): continuity, simultaneousness, uninterruptedness.

Syn.: intrusion, insinuation, interference, intercession, mediation, agency, interposition.
antonym(s): continuance, nonintervention, uninterruptedness, noninterference.

Syn.: colloquy, confabulation, consultation, conference, meeting.
antonym(s): isolation, independence, exclusion, avoidance.

Syn.: unwilled, undevised, unbequeathed.
antonym(s): willed, bequeathed, devised.

Syn.: interior, domestic, civil.
antonym(s): external, foreign, international.

Syn.: confine, cage, imprison, incarcerate, intomb, enslave.
antonym(s): liberate, release, disengage, free, unfetter.

Syn.: impart, communicate, announce, declare, tell, suggest, hint, insinuate, mention briefly.
antonym(s): reserve, repress, withhold, conceal.

Syn.: close, familiar, exact, nice, near, friendly, conversant.
antonym(s): distant, unfamiliar, superficial.

Syn.: frighten, alarm, threaten, deter, dishearten, scare, appall, browbeat, cow.
antonym(s): encourage, inspirit, animate, reassure.

Syn.: inter, bury, inhume, incarcerate, imprison, immure.
antonym(s): exhume, disinter, disentomb, liberate, release.

Syn.: melody, accentuation, resonance, ring.
antonym(s): jar, jabber, gabble, babel, gibber, rattle.

Syn.: venom, poison, obfuscation, bewilderment, delirium, hallucination, ravishment, ecstasy, inebriation, drunkenness, inebriety.
antonym(s): antidote, clarification, sobriety, sanity, ebriety, melancholy, depression.

Syn.: ditch, dyke, moat, circumvallation, encroachment, infringement, trespass.
antonym(s): wall, rampart, mound, mole, embankment, glacis, bastion, forbearance, deference, respect.

Syn.: fearless, brave, unterrified, courageous, valorous, heroic, chivalrous, doughty, see dauntless.

Syn.: complexity, complication, entanglement, perplexity, confusion.
antonym(s): directness, obviousness, method, disposition, array, system.

Syn.: complicated, involved, mazy, labyrinthine, entangled, tortuous.
antonym(s): simple, uninvolved, plain, direct, obvious.

Syn.: cabal, plot, conspiracy, machination, artifice, design, manoeuvres, cunning, duplicity, trickery, chicanery, love affair, amour, ruse.
antonym(s): insurrection, rebellion, congress, assembly, force, violence, assault, openness, candor, sincerity, honesty, probity, straightforwardness.

Syn.: native, inherent, innate, genuine, immanent, natural, true, real, inward.
antonym(s): extrinsic, acquired, adventitious, borrowed, pretended, ascititious, external, added, assumed.

Syn.: present, usher in, conduct in, make known, bring in, preface, begin.
antonym(s): come after, succeed, follow, end, conclude.

Syn.: induction, importation, leading, taking, presentation, insertion, commencement, preliminary, preface, initiative, portico, vestibule, entrance, gate, preamble, prelude.
antonym(s): eduction, extraction, exportation, elimination, ejection, encircleation, estrangement, conclusion, completion, end, egress.

Syn.: prefatory, initiatory, commendatory, precursory, preliminary, preparatory.
antonym(s): completive, final, conclusive, alienative, supplemental, terminal, valedictory.

Syn.: involve, invert, replicate.
antonym(s): explicate, evolve, encircleate, eliminate.

Syn.: put in trust, consign, commit, see confide.

Syn.: instinct, apprehension, recognition, insight.
antonym(s): information, learning, instruction, elaboration, acquirement, induction, experience.

Syn.: swelling, protuberance, turgescence.
antonym(s): subsidence, evenness, attenuation, concavity.

Syn.: twist, wreath, plait, interlace, braid, bind.
antonym(s): untwist, disengage, untie, unlace, unravel, unbind.

Syn.: overflow, submerge, deluge, flood, overwhelm.
antonym(s): drain, reclaim, dry, desiccate, parch.

Syn.: boorishness, coarseness, rudeness.
antonym(s): urbanity, politeness, refinement.

Syn.: uselessness, inefficacy, futility.
antonym(s): utility, usefulness, efficiency, efficacy.

Syn.: attack, assault, encroach, occupy, assail, violate, encroach upon, intrude upon, infringe upon, trench upon.
antonym(s): vacate, abandon, evacuate, relinquish.

Syn.: infirm, sick, weakly, frail, feeble.
antonym(s): strong, vigorous, healthy, well.

Syn.: annul, overthrow, see annul.

Syn.: inestimable, precious, priceless, see valuable.

Syn.: irruption, encroachment, see incursion.

Syn.: obloquy, denunciation, castigation, vituperation, reprobation, abuse, railing, sarcasm, satire, diatribe, reproach.
antonym(s): commendation, encomium, eulogy, panegyric, laudation.

Syn.: denounce, reprobate, attack, vituperate, abuse.
antonym(s): exculpate, advocate, defend, laud, eulogize, panegyrize.

Syn.: cajole, wheedle, see decoy.

Syn.: discover, contrive, concoct, imagine, elaborate, conceive, design, devise, fabricate, originate, find out, frame, forge, feign.
antonym(s): imitate, copy, execute, reproduce.

Syn.: creator, contriver, originator, author.
antonym(s): destroyer.

Syn.: schedule, register, list, catalogue, see bawl.

Syn.: upset, reverse, overturn, subvert, see overthrow.

Syn.: reversal, deflection, alteration, permutation, violation, transposition.
antonym(s): verticality, erectness, stability, permanence, persistence, conservation, sequence, fixity, state, order.

Syn.: examination, search, scrutiny, research, study, inquiry, exploration, ventilation.
antonym(s): discovery, solution, clue, indication, thread.

Syn.: investment.
antonym(s): divestiture, divestment.

Syn.: confirmed, incarnate, ingrained, deep-rooted, chronic, habitual.
antonym(s): incipient, undeveloped, unformed.

Syn.: unfair, gratuitous, partial, inconsiderate, hateful, envious, offensive.
antonym(s): fair, impartial, due, just, considerate.

Syn.: impregnable, immovable, inexpugnable, unsubduable, irresistible, indomitable, unconquerable, insuperable, insurmountable.
antonym(s): weak, spiritless, powerless, puny, effortless.

Syn.: impregnable, invincible, strict, immovable, unimpeachable, unalterable.
antonym(s): alterable, weak, frail.

Syn.: guarded, treasured, close, virgin, intact, uninjured, sacred, unprofaned.
antonym(s): betrayed, surrendered, divulged, entered into, profaned.

Syn.: ask, summon, call, challenge, attract, allure, tempt, incite, request, solicit.
antonym(s): forbid, exclude, discard, deprecate, repel.

Syn.: attracting, calling, summoning, alluring, tempting.
antonym(s): forbidding, repelling, rejecting.

Syn.: summon, call, imprecate, conjure, invite, challenge, invocate, implore, beseech, appeal to.
antonym(s): deprecate, ignore, warn, inhibit, elude, defy, deter.

Syn.: complication, entanglement, implication, mingling.
antonym(s): evolution, evolvement, separation, extrication, disconnection.

Syn.: implicate, confound, mingle, envelop, compromise, include, complicate, entangle.
antonym(s): separate, extricate, disconnect.

Syn.: implicated, concerned, complicated, confused, compromised.
antonym(s): unconnected, unconcerned, simple, lucid, uncompromised.

Syn.: internal, interior, inner.
antonym(s): external, exterior, outward.

Syn.: jot, particle, tittle, trace, atom.
antonym(s): whole, mass.

Syn.: prismatic, opaline, polychromatous, nacreous.
antonym(s): achromatic, blanched, neutral, dingy, colorless, etiolated, monochromatic.

Syn.: weary, tire, tease, bore, oppress, jade.
antonym(s): interest, rivet, animate, refresh, inspirit, irksome, see tedious.

Syn.: satire, banter, quiz, rally, taunt, sarcasm, raillery, ridicule.
antonym(s): compliment, seriousness.

Syn.: past, hopeless, lost, irredeemable.
antonym(s): hopeful, saved, redeemable.

Syn.: uncongenial, uncommensurable, discordant, unchangeable, out of order.
antonym(s): congenial, commensurable, reducible, concordant, in order.

Syn.: undevout, ungodly, godless, profane, impious.
antonym(s): religious, godly, reverent, reverential, pious, devout.

Syn.: unjustifiable, indefensible, inexpiable, unpardonable.
antonym(s): justifiable, defensible, remissible, pardonable.

Syn.: immovable, fixed, rooted, firm, steadfast, riveted, established.
antonym(s): inconstant, unsteady, unstable, unsettled, unfixed, unfastened.

Syn.: unrepressible, ungovernable, uncontrollable, insuppressible, free, unconfined, excitable.
antonym(s): repressible, governable, controllable, calm, bound down.

Syn.: irreproachable, irreprehensible, unexceptionable, unobjectionable, unimpeachable.
antonym(s): culpable, peccable, reprehensible, uncommendable, blameworthy, impeachable.

Syn.: unbound, unencumbered, unaccountable, not answerable, excusable, lawless, arbitrary, despotic.
antonym(s): responsible, obligatory, binding, imperative, chargeable on, under obligation, lawful, legal, legitimate.

Syn.: water, wet, inundate, submerge.
antonym(s): dry, drain, parch.

Syn.: tease, provoke, annoy, exasperate, worry, incense.
antonym(s): soothe, caress, pacify, tame, mollify.

Syn.: incursion, invasion, inundation, inburst.
antonym(s): eruption, excursion, sally, retreat, outburst.

Syn.: insulate, dissociate, separate.
antonym(s): unite, associate.

Syn.: segregation, detachment, disconnection, insularity, self-containedness.
antonym(s): organization, co-membership, community, connection, concatenation, continuity.

Syn.: effect, outcome, manifestation, end, result, progeny, posterity, conclusion, consequence, upshot, children, offspring.
antonym(s): cause, operation, working, principle, law, system, action, influence, origination, commencement, paternity, ancestry.

Syn.: repetition, reiteration, harping, recurrence, succession.
antonym(s): single statement.

Syn.: wandering, travelling, locomotive, roving, roaming, journeying, nomadic.
antonym(s): stationary, domestic, fixed, settled, allocated, local.

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD