Synonyms and antonyms (R)
Synonyms are two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context, opposite of antonym.
Syn.: crowd, mob, scum, dregs, riff-raff, vulgar herd, disorderly crowd, canaille.
antonym(s): elite, aristocracy, galaxy, upper ten.
Syn.: furious, raging, mad, infuriated, maniacal, frantic, raving.
antonym(s): rational, sane, reasonable, sober.
Syn.: course, pursuit, career, family, see lineage.
Syn.: fine-flavored, fresh, rich, pungent, piquant, spirited, smart, lively, vivacious, spicy.
antonym(s): flavorless, dull, stupid.
Syn.: brightness, splendor, lustre, brilliancy, brilliance, effulgence, glare.
antonym(s): dullness, opaque.
Syn.: beaming, lustrous, brilliant, glittering, splendid, shining, sparkling, luminous, glorious, beauteous.
antonym(s): dull, lustreless, nonluminous.
Syn.: shine, sparkle, gleam, emanate, coruscate, shimmer, see shine.
Syn.: original, fundamental, thoroughgoing, unsparing, extreme, entire, innate, natural, essential, immanent, ingrained, underived, deep-seated.
antonym(s): derived, ascititious, adventitious, superficial, extraneous, partial, moderate, conservative, acquired.
Syn.: fury, rabidity, choler, indignation, frenzy, auger, ire, dudgeon, mania, passion, madness, ferocity.
antonym(s): reason, moderation, gentleness, temperateness, calmness, quiescence, mitigation, assuagement, tranquillity, mildness, softness.
Syn.: rave, storm, fume, be furious, be violent.
antonym(s): be calm, be composed, be peaceful.
Syn.: vehement, violent, impetuous, infuriate, furious.
Syn.: censure, scold, bluster, scoff, chide, objurgate, see censure.
Syn.: clothing, vestments, garb, apparel, dress, attire, vesture, garments.
antonym(s): rags, nudity, nakedness.
Syn.: lift, heave, elevate, exalt, advance, promote, heighten, enhance, awaken, rouse, excite, call forth, cultivate, rear, produce, collect, summon, erect, originate, propagate.
antonym(s): lay, cast, depress, degrade, retard, dishonor, lower, depreciate, lull, compose, quiet, calm, blight, destroy, disperse, disband, stifle, hush, silence, neutralize, confute.
Syn.: libertine, roue, debauchee, see xxx.
Syn.: licentious, dissolute, wanton, lewd, loose, see boundless.
- Rally vt. And vi
Syn.: eecal, reunite, inspirit, assemble, congregate, animate, recover, reassure.
antonym(s): demoralize, disperse, disband.
Syn.: banter, satirize, chaff, taunt, mock, deride, ridicule, joke, twit.
antonym(s): compliment, flatter, panegyrize, eulogize.
Syn.: rove, roam, wander, range, stroll, saunter, stray.
antonym(s): course, speed, hasten, drive, run.
Syn.: jaunt, tour, wandering, strolling, excursion.
Syn.: branching, branch, offshoot, division, divergence, subdivision.
antonym(s): line, trunk, stem, bole, course, thread, sequence, continuity, prosecution, rectilinearity, indivergence, indivision, non-ramification.
Syn.: unbridled, uncontrolled, wanton, headstrong, luxuriant, furious, rank, violent, licentious, vehement.
antonym(s): demure, self-restrained, restrained, self-controlled, disciplined, curbed.
Syn.: bulwark, fortification, security, wall, defence, embankment, mound, mole, outwork, breastwork.
antonym(s): nonfortification, defencelessness, exposure, insecurity, vulnerability.
Syn.: sour, tainted, rank, olid, reasty, frowzy, fetid, musty.
antonym(s): sweet, pure, untainted, fresh, fragrant.
Syn.: ill-blood, spite, grudge, animosity, hatred, malice, malignity, enmity, antipathy, vindictiveness, malevolence.
antonym(s): good-feeling, friendliness, kindliness, forgiveness, geniality, sympathy, congeniality, unvindictiveness.
Syn.: haphazard, stray, chance, wild, aimless, purposeless, unpremeditated, casual, vague, accidental.
antonym(s): steady, aimed, intended, regular, controlled, purposed, intentional, deliberate, designed, normal, systematic.
Syn.: rank, dispose, class, place, order, collocate, file, concatenate, ramble, stroll, rove.
antonym(s): disturb, disconnect, disorder, derange, intermit, disconnect, remain, be stationary.
- Range, see order and rank.
- Rank
Syn.: row, line, tier, order, degree, grade, dignity.
antonym(s): disconnection, disorder, incontinuity, solution, intermission, hiatus, plebeianism, meanness, commonalty.
Syn.: luxuriant, exuberant, extreme, excessive, rampant.
Syn.: fester, smoulder, burn, irritate, gall, disquiet.
antonym(s): heal, cool, close, calm, quiet, compose.
Syn.: rummage, rifle, explore, pillage, ravage, overhaul.
antonym(s): skim, survey, reconnoitre.
Syn.: redeem, release, indemnify, emancipate, free, liberate, unfetter, redeem.
antonym(s): prosecute, indict, fine, mulct, forfeit, damnify.
Syn.: bombast, rhodomontade, flummery, declamation, raving, boasting.
antonym(s): reason, argument, eloquence, logic, rhetoric.
Syn.: greedy, ravenous, voracious, predaceous, avaricious, grasping, extortionate.
antonym(s): bountiful, liberal, contented, frugal.
Syn.: quick, swift, speedy, accelerated, flying.
antonym(s): slow, tardy, retarded, cumbrous, lazy.
Syn.: quickness, swiftness, speed, velocity, celerity, dispatch.
antonym(s): slowness, tardiness, cumbrousness, delay.
Syn.: ecstasy, transport, bliss, ravishment, delight.
antonym(s): agony, torture, pain, tedium, ennui, irksomeness.
Syn.: scarce, choice, infrequent, excellent, few, exceptional, sparse, unusual, singular, uncommon, incomparable, extraordinary, unique, dispersed, valuable, precious, thin, volatile.
antonym(s): common, frequent, abundant, numerous, mean, ordinary, usual, regular, crowded, dense, vulgar, worthless, cheap, valueless.
Syn.: expand, lighten, attenuate, sublimate.
antonym(s): solidify, condense, thicken.
Syn.: rogue, scoundrel, vagabond, scamp, villain, knave.
antonym(s): gentleman.
Syn.: headstrong, audacious, hasty, precipitate, reckless, foolhardy, careless, adventurous, thoughtless, indiscreet, venturesome, overventuresome, incautious, unwary, heedless.
antonym(s): wary, cautious, calculating, discreet, unventuresome, dubitating, hesitating, reluctant, timid.
Syn.: hastiness, precipitancy, recklessness, venturesomeness, temerity, precipitation, indiscretion.
antonym(s): slowness, carefulness, cautiousness, discretion.
Syn.: tax, impost, assessment, duty, standard, allowance, ratio, quota, worth, price, value, see price.
Syn.: compute, calculate, estimate, value, scold, abuse, appraise, see appraise, see compute and abuse.
Syn.: sooner than, in preference to.
Syn.: sanction, seal, confirm, endorse, secure, approve, validity, establish, substantiate, settle.
antonym(s): negative, reject, repudiate, disaffirm, invalidate, abrogate, annul, nullify,.
Syn.: confirmation, substantiation, establishment, corroboration.
antonym(s): negation, disaffirmation, abrogation, nullifying.
Syn.: sane, sound, intelligent, reasoning, reasonable, judicious, sober, sensible, probable, equitable, moderate, fair.
antonym(s): insane, unsound, weak, silly, unintelligent, absurd, injudicious, fanciful, extravagant, preposterous, unreasoning, unreasonable, irrational, exorbitant.
Syn.: devastation, desolation, waste, pillage, plunder, sack, ruin, spoil.
antonym(s): sparing, conserving, preserving.
Syn.: spoil, devastate, despoil, destroy, desolate, ransack, waste, ruin, overrun, plunder.
antonym(s): spare, conserve, preserve, indemnify.
Syn.: wander, drivel, rant.
antonym(s): converse, reason, discourse.
Syn.: separate, undo, untwist, unwind, disentangle.
antonym(s): entangle, complicate, conglomerate, contuse.
Syn.: voracious, hungry, gluttonous, rapacious, omnivorous.
antonym(s): listless, inappetent, fastidious, dainty, nice.
Syn.: delirious, furious, violent, mad, distracted, frantic.
antonym(s): calm, collected, reasonable, sensible.
Syn.: entrance, transport, enchant, enrapture, charm, violate, outrage, deflour, debauch, see debauch.
Syn.: uncooked, unprepared, unfinished, unripe, crude, unseasoned, inexperienced, fresh, green, unpractised, untried, bare, bald, exposed, galled, chill, bleak, piercing.
antonym(s): cooked, dressed, prepared, finished, ripe, mature, mellow, seasoned, experienced, expert, adept, habituated, familiar, practised, trained, tried, covered, healed, balmy, genial.
Syn.: demolish, level, prostrate, overthrow, dismantle, subvert, reduce, ruin, destroy, debase.
antonym(s): raise, erect, build, rear, repair, restore.
Syn.: extend, thrust, stretch, obtain, arrive at, attain, gain, grasp, penetrate, strain, aim.
antonym(s): fail, stop, cease, revert, rebate, miss, drop.
Syn.: recoil, result, counteract, rebound.
antonym(s): act, influence, strike, impress.
Syn.: peruse, interpret, decipher, unravel, discover, recognize, learn.
antonym(s): misread, misinterpret, overlook, misobserve.
Syn.: promptness, preparedness, aptness, alacrity, knack, willingness, see alacrity.
Syn.: prompt, alert, expeditions, speedy, unhesitating, dexterous, apt, skilful, handy, expert, facile, easy, opportune, fitted, prepared, disposed, willing, free, cheerful, compliant, responsive, quick.
antonym(s): unready, tardy, slow, hesitating, reluctant, dubitating, awkward, unhandy, clumsy, remote, inaccessible, unavailable, inopportune, ununited, unfitted, unprepared, indisposed, unwilling, constrained, grudging, unaccommodating, incompliant, irresponsive.
Syn.: actual, veritable, existent, authentic, legitimate, true, genuine, developed.
antonym(s): fictitious, imaginary, unreal, nonexistent, untrue, false, artificial, spurious, counterfeit, factitious, adulterated, assumed, pretended, potential, possible.
Syn.: verity, substance, truth, existence, genuineness, substantiality.
antonym(s): fiction, falsehood, untruth, hypothesis, supposition, image, fancy, shadow, figment, fabrication, insubstantiality, emptiness, hollowness, chimera, unreality.
Syn.: substantiate, effectuate, accomplish, exhibit, produce, acquire, gain, reap, make, verify, conceive.
antonym(s): lose, miss, invalidate, dissipate, misrepresent, falsify, neutralize, misconceive.
Syn.: veritably, truly, indeed, unquestionably.
antonym(s): questionably, possibly, perhaps, falsely, untruly, fictitiously.
Syn.: kingdom, province, state, empire, dominion, country, see empire.
Syn.: gather, obtain, receive, get, acquire, realize, derive, gain.
antonym(s): scatter, squander, dissipate, waste, lose.
Syn.: back, end, tail.
antonym(s): van, front, face.
Syn.: raise, elevate, breed, discipline, erect, train, educate, instruct, foster, establish, construct, lift.
antonym(s): stifle, extinguish, kill, depress, subvert, demolish, destroy.
Syn.: ground, account, cause, explanation, motive, proof, apology, understanding, reasoning, rationality, right, propriety, justice, order, object, sake, purpose.
antonym(s): pretext, pretence, misinterpretation, falsification, misconception, disproof, unreasonableness, absurdity, fallacy, irrationality, wrong, unreason, impropriety, unfairness, folly, aimlessness, unaccountableness.
Syn.: debate, discuss, argue, infer, deduce, conclude, see argue.
- Reasonable, see rational.
- Reassure
Syn.: rally, restore, encourage, inspirit, animate, countenance.
antonym(s): discourage, cow, brow-bent, intimidate, discountenance.
Syn.: revolter, insurgent, traitor.
antonym(s): supporter, adherent.
Syn.: reaction, ricochet, reverberation, recoil, resilience.
antonym(s): impression, impact, collision, percussion.
Syn.: recoil, spring back, reverberate, see reverberate.
Syn.: rebuke, repel, repulse, check, snub, oppose, see repel.
Syn.: rebuke, discouragement, repulsion, check.
antonym(s): welcome, acceptance, encouragement.
Syn.: reprove, chide, rebuff, reprimand, censure.
antonym(s): approve, encourage, eulogize, applaud, incite.
Syn.: meet, retort, annul, confute.
antonym(s): accept, sanction, recognize, confirm.
Syn.: restore, reassemble, revoke, supersede, recollect, callback, remember, cancel.
antonym(s): relegate, dismiss, dispense, delegate, appoint, commission, forget.
Syn.: retract, unsay, recal, revoke, abjure, renounce.
antonym(s): propound, profess, assert, declare, enunciate, vindicate, maintain, hold, retain.
Syn.: summarize, rehearse, enumerate, recite, repeat.
antonym(s): state, deliver, propound.
Syn.: retire, withdraw, retreat, retrograde, return, ebb.
antonym(s): approach, advance, flow, proceed.
Syn.: acknowledgment, reception, voucher.
Syn.: take, accept, admit, hold, entertain, assent to.
antonym(s): give, impart, afford, reject, discharge, emit.
Syn.: accepted, current, ordinary, common.
antonym(s): rejected, exceptional, unusual, uncommon.
Syn.: late, new, fresh, novel, modern, new-fangled.
antonym(s): ancient, antiquated, primitive, archaic.
Syn.: repository, lodgment, recipient, magazine, store, case, berth.
antonym(s): carrier, carriage, conveyance, discharger, consigner.
Syn.: admission, admittance, acceptance, acceptation, entertainment.
antonym(s): denial, protest, repudiation, rejection, nonacceptance, dismissal, discardment, renunciation, abjuration.
Syn.: cavity, nook, withdrawal, retirement, retreat, seclusion, privacy, vacation, holiday.
antonym(s): promontory, protrusion, projection, publicity, worktime.
Syn.: alternate, interchanged, mutual, interchangeable, reflexive.
antonym(s): one-sided, unreciprocated, unreturned.
Syn.: interchange, exchange, reciprocity.
antonym(s): non-interchange.
Syn.: recitation, repetition, rehearsal, relation, description, account, statement, narrative, see account.
Syn.: narrate, recapitulate, say by heart, repeat, rehearse, quote, speak, tell, recount, enumerate.
antonym(s): misquote, misdeliver, misrecount, misrenumerate, misrepresent.
Syn.: careless, heedless, incautious, foolhardy, thoughtless, rash, overventuresome, regardless, inconsiderate, improvident.
antonym(s): careful, heedful, cautious, timid, chary, thoughtful, calculating, provident, considerate, wary, circumspect.
Syn.: compute, calculate, count, regard, estimate, value, account, consider, argue, infer, judge.
antonym(s): miscompute, miscalculate, misestimate, misreckon.
Syn.: computation, account, score, bill, charges.
Syn.: reform, recal, recover, regain, rescue, restore, amend, convert, better.
antonym(s): vitiate, corrupt, sterilize, worsen.
Syn.: recoverable, amendable, corrigible, convertible, improvable, cultivable, redeemable.
antonym(s): irrecoverable, incorrigible, unimprovable, reprobate, desperate, hopeless, irredeemable.
Syn.: lean, slope, rest, lie, repose.
antonym(s): erect, raise, rise, stand.
Syn.: shut, sequestered, retired, apart, solitary, conventual, regular, dissocial.
antonym(s): public, exposed, frequented, social, secular, unsequestered, convivial, companionable.
Syn.: recollection, remembrance, memory, confession, avowal, acknowledgment, see memory.
Syn.: identify, acknowledge, concede, know again, avow, own, allow.
antonym(s): ignore, overlook, misobserve, repudiate, disavow, disown, disallow, recoil, see rebound.
Syn.: recover, recal, remember, bethink, bring to mind, call up, think of.
antonym(s): forget, lose.
Syn.: commend, confide, praise, applaud, approve, advise.
antonym(s): discommend, disapprove, warn, dissuade.
Syn.: requite, remunerate, reward, indemnify, satisfy, repay, reimburse, compensate.
antonym(s): damnify, injure, misrequite, dissatisfy.
Syn.: reward, indemnification, satisfaction, remuneration, amends, see satisfaction.
Syn.: congruous, harmonious, compatible, consistent, forgiving.
antonym(s): incongruous, antagonistic, inconsistent, incompatible, irreconcilable, inexcusable, unforgiving.
Syn.: unite, conciliate, propitiate, pacify, harmonize, adjust, adapt, suit, reunite.
antonym(s): separate, sever, dissever, estrange, disharmonize, derange, alienate.
Syn.: deep, hidden, abstruse, profound, concealed, remote.
antonym(s): superficial, obvious, self-evident, patent, familiar, trite.
Syn.: register, enter, note, chronicle.
antonym(s): obliviate, silentiate, suppress.
Syn.: registry, entry, enrolment, list, index, catalogue, register, schedule, roll, scroll, enumeration, inventory, muniment, instrument, archive, memorandum, remembrance.
antonym(s): obliteration, oblivion, nonregistration, desuetude, obsolescence, immemoriality, disremembrance.
Syn.: archives, annals, chronicles, proceedings, see annals.
Syn.: rehearse, recite, narrate, detail, enumerate, specify.
antonym(s): falsify, misrecite, misnarrate, misenumerate, misrehearse.
Syn.: reference, aid, application, betaking, refuge.
antonym(s): avoidance, independence, omission, abstinence, dispensation, disuse.
Syn.: regain, repossess, resume, retrieve, recruit, heal, cure, revive, restore, reanimate, save.
antonym(s): lose, forfeit, miss, sacrifice, deteriorate, impair, decay, decline, relapse.
Syn.: repossession, regaining, reinstatement, vindication, renovation, restitution, re-establishment, retrieval, rectification, replacement, reanimation, resuscitation, revival, redemption.
antonym(s): loss, forfeiture, privation, deprival, sacrifice, abandonment, relapse, retrogression, decay, declension, incurableness, ruin.
Syn.: apostate, traitorous, dastardly, craven, false, cowardly, unfaithful, renegade, base, recusant.
antonym(s): staunch, true, faithful, chivalrous, knightly, gallant, loyal, redoubtable.
Syn.: refreshment, cheer, reanimation, amusement, diversion, revival, holiday, sport, pastime, relaxation.
antonym(s): weariness, toil, lassitude, labor, fatigue, employment, assiduity, work.
Syn.: retort, return an accusation, see retort.
Syn.: retort, counter-imputation, countercharge, counteraccusation.
antonym(s): acquiescence, acceptance, confession, silence, assent, avowal.
Syn.: repair, refresh, renew, restore, recover, recreate, invigorate, revive, reinforce.
antonym(s): waste, lose, impair, relapse, decay, decline, see recover.
Syn.: straighten, correct, a need, better, adjust, emend, reform, redress, regulate, rearrange, remodel.
antonym(s): pervert, corrupt, derange, disorder, distort.
Syn.: straight, undeviating, right-lined, point-blank.
antonym(s): curvilinear, deflexed, winding, tortuous, curved, serpentine.
Syn.: straightforwardness, uprightness, conscientiousness, integrity, right, uprightness, incorruptness.
antonym(s): obliquity, perverseness, crookedness, tortuousness, wrong, underhandedness, iniquity, immorality, impropriety, depravity, corruption.
Syn.: lying, leaning, trailing, reclining, prostrate, reposing, horizontal.
antonym(s): vertical, erect, uninclined, standing.
Syn.: return, come back, be repeated, run in the mind, revert, resort, have recourse, see return.
Syn.: returning, periodic, frequent, repeated, reiterated, intermittent.
antonym(s): momentary, continuous, unbroken, unintermitted, solitary, transitory, evanescent.
Syn.: repurchase, regain, retrieve, make amends for, recompense, ransom, liberate, rescue, recover, satisfy, fulfil, discharge.
antonym(s): pledge, lose, forfeit, abandon, betray, surrender, sacrifice.
Syn.: retrievable, recoverable, reservable.
antonym(s): irretrievable, irrecoverable, irredeemable.
Syn.: repurchase, retrieval, ransom, rescue, recovery, satisfaction, fulfilment, discharge, expiation, compensation, atonement, salvation, indemnification.
antonym(s): forfeiture, abandonment, loss, deprivation, sacrifice, betrayal, damnification.
Syn.: perfume, savor, scent, odor.
antonym(s): fetor, stink, ill-savor.
Syn.: augment, multiply, intensify, reiterate.
antonym(s): diminish, slacken, weaken, reduce, abate.
- Redound (followed by the prepositin 'to') syn:, add, result, issue, tend, accrue, contribute, lead, incline, conduce.
antonym(s): fail, miss, swerve, nullify, defeat, disappoint, frustrate, injure. - Redress
Syn.: right, order, revise, amend, rectify, remedy, repair.
antonym(s): aggravate, impair, wrong, worsen, intensify, establish, confirm, reiterate, sanction, deepen, perpetuate.
Syn.: lessen, diminish, curtail, attenuate, impoverish, narrow, contract, weaken, impair, subdue, subjugate, bring, refer, subject, classify, convert.
antonym(s): enlarge, magnify, increase, augment, produce, extend, amplify, broaden, expand, renovate, invigorate, restore, repair, liberate, free, except, dissociate, transform.
Syn.: diminution, contraction, decrease, abatement, see abridgment.
Syn.: superfluous, excessive, unnecessary, overflowing, luxuriant.
antonym(s): requisite, defective, necessary.
Syn.: resound, reverberate, repeat, see reverberate.
Syn.: totter, stagger, falter.
antonym(s): stand firm, stand steady.
Syn.: reinstate, restore, refix, renew, confirm again, see reinstate.
Syn.: attribute, associate, assign, advert, connect, relate, point, belong, allude, apply, appeal.
antonym(s): disconnect, dissociate, misapply, misappertain, alienate, misbeseem, disresemble.
Syn.: ascribable, attributable, owing, imputable.
antonym(s): not referable, not attributable.
Syn.: umpire, arbitrator.
antonym(s): litigant, opponent, adversary.
Syn.: relation, regard, intimation, allusion, see relation.
Syn.: courtly, polished, accomplished, genteel, see polite.
Syn.: clarification, purification, filtration, sublimation, polish, elegance, cultivation, civilization, subtilty, finesse, sophistry.
antonym(s): turbidity, grossness, foulness, coarseness, impurity, unrefinement, rudeness, inelegance, boorishness, broadness, bluntness, unsophisticatedness.
Syn.: repair, rearrange, readjust, reprovide, reinstate, reorganize.
antonym(s): relegate, disuse, discard, disorganize, dismantle.
Syn.: return, image, mirror, exhibit, consider, think, cogitate, meditate, contemplate, ponder, muse, ruminate, heed, advert, animadvert.
antonym(s): divert, dissipate, idle, dream, wander, rove, stargaze, woolgather, connive, disregard, overlook.
Syn.: reflecting, meditation, thought, cogitation, see thought.
Syn.: return, ebb, redound.
antonym(s): flow, flux, stream.
Syn.: amend, ameliorate, correct, rectify, better, reclaim, regenerate, remodel, reconstitute, reorganize, improve.
antonym(s): corrupt, vitiate, worsen, deteriorate, perpetuate, stabilitate, confirm, impair, deform, stereotype.
Syn.: amendment, reform, improvement, correction, see correction.
Syn.: disradiation, obliquity.
antonym(s): incidence, rectilinearity, nonrefraction.
Syn.: perverse, contumacious, stubborn, unruly, obstinate, unmanageable, mutinous, rebellious, recalcitrant.
antonym(s): obedient, docile, amenable, manageable.
Syn.: refutable, weak, questionable, deniable, fallacious.
antonym(s): irrefragable, sound, indisputable, unquestionable, undeniable.
Syn.: forbear, hold, abstain, keep, restrain, withhold, desist from.
antonym(s): indulge, venture, continue, persist.
Syn.: cool, refrigerate, in, vigorate, revive, reanimate, renovate, recreate, renew, restore, cheer, freshen, brace.
antonym(s): heat, oppress, weary, burden, afflict, annoy, tire, fatigue, exhaust, debilitate, enervate, relax.
Syn.: relief, invigoration, regalement, entertainment, food, nourishment, see relief.
Syn.: protection, shelter, harbor, asylum, retreat, covert, hospitality, sanctuary, hiding-place.
antonym(s): exposure, inhospitableness, peril, pitfall, snare, scylla, charybdis.
Syn.: repay, return, restore, pay back, reimburse.
antonym(s): appropriate, withhold, divert, misapply, embezzle, alienate, misappropriate, expend, misspend.
Syn.: deny, withhold, reject, decline, repudiate.
antonym(s): grant, afford, yield, concede, acquiesce.
Syn.: offal, scum, dregs, sediment, recrement, sweepings, trash, offscourings, debris, remains, dross.
antonym(s): cream, pickings, firstfruits, flower, prime.
Syn.: negative, disprove, neutralize, controvert, repel, confute.
antonym(s): prove, confirm, establish.
- Refutable, see refragable.
- Regain
Syn.: recover, react, reprocure, reobtain, retrieve, repossess.
antonym(s): miss, lose, forfeit.
Syn.: kingly, royal, splendid, imperial, magnificent, princely.
antonym(s): beggarly, miserly, mean, shabby.
Syn.: feast, entertain, gratify, delight, refresh.
antonym(s): starve, stint, tantalize.
Syn.: behold, view, contemplate, esteem, consider, deem, affect, respect, reverence, revere, value, conceive, heed, notice, mind.
antonym(s): miss, overlook, disregard, despise, dislike, contemn, hate, loathe, misconsider, misconceive, misestimate, misjudge.
Syn.: touching, concerning, respecting, with respect to, about, in relation to, in reference to.
antonym(s): barring, disregarding, omitting.
Syn.: heedless, inconsiderate, careless, unmindful, inattentive, unobservant, disregarding, indifferent, despising.
antonym(s): careful, considerate, regardful, attentive, prudent, cautious, circumspect, scrupulous, mindful.
Syn.: compliments, respects, commendations.
Syn.: reproduce, renovate, resuscitate, revive, revivify, restore, reintegrate.
antonym(s): waste, corrupt, vitiate, deteriorate, degenerate.
Syn.: country, clime, territory, district, tract of land, portion, part.
- Register, see bawl.
- Regression
Syn.: retreat, return, retrogradation, retrogression, retirement.
antonym(s): advancement, progression, aggression, procession.
Syn.: grieve, lament, repent, miss, desiderate, deplore.
antonym(s): welcome, hail, approve, abandon, abjure, forget, disregard.
Syn.: sorrow, grief, concern, remorse, lamentation, repentance, see grief.
Syn.: customary, normal, ordinary, orderly, stated, recurrent, periodical, systematic, methodic, established, recognized, formal, symmetrical, certain.
antonym(s): unusual, exceptional, abnormal, capricious, rare, irregular, disordered, fitful, unsymmetrical, variable, eccentric, erratic, uncertain.
Syn.: methodize, organize, rale, govern, see arrange and organize.
Syn.: rule, law, adjustment, disposal, method, government, order, control, arrangement.
antonym(s): misrule, disorder, anarchy, misgovernment, maladministration, disarrangement, nonregulation, caprice, license, insubjection, uncontrol.
Syn.: reinstate, reempower, recapacitate, requalify.
antonym(s): denude, divest, disempower, incapacitate, disqualify, strip, deprive.
Syn.: repetition, recital, narrative, see account, [[~ it.
Syn.: repeat, recite, narrate, recount, relate, tell, recapitulate, recount, detail.
antonym(s): misrepent, misrecite, misrecount, misrelate, misrepresent, misdetail.
Syn.: rule, govern, prevail, command.
antonym(s): obey, submit.
Syn.: refund, repay, indemnify, satisfy.
antonym(s): embezzle, appropriate, misapply, alienate, damnify, defraud.
Syn.: curb, bridle, restrain, moderate, control, govern, check, hold.
antonym(s): indulge, loose, vent, discharge, humor.
Syn.: rehabilitate, restore, reinstil, replace, reinvest.
antonym(s): degrade, remove, relegate, dethrone, banish, deprive, divest.
Syn.: repeat, re-express, re-enunciate, renew, reproduce.
antonym(s): cancel, withdraw, reverse, retract.
Syn.: repel, renounce, throw by, castaway, repudiate, decline, discard, refuse, exclude.
antonym(s): hail, welcome, accept, appropriate, choose, select, admit.
Syn.: delight, glory, exult, joy, triumph, gladden, delight, revel, be glad, cheer, please, enliven, gratify.
antonym(s): mourn, grieve, lament, weep, sorrow, repent, trouble, afflict, oppress, weary, depress, disappoint, burden, darken, distress, pain, sadden, vex, annoy.
Syn.: retort, replication, reply, answer, rebutter, parry.
antonym(s): sally, banter, rallying, sarcasm, attack, hit.
Syn.: reignite, resuscitate, reinspire, fan, refocillate, reinforce.
antonym(s): stifle, extinguish, smother, suppress, damp, quench.
Syn.: retrogress, recede, deteriorate.
antonym(s): recover, amend, progress, advance, improve.
Syn.: falling back, retrogression, returning to a former state (especially a bad state).
antonym(s): recovery, return, improvement.
Syn.: tell, recite, narrate, recount, rehearse, report, detail, describe.
antonym(s): misrecite, misrecount, misrepresent, misreport, falsify, pervert, distort, misrelate.
Syn.: kindred, cognate, akin, allied, connected.
antonym(s): unrelated, unconnected, not allied.
Syn.: reference, aspect, connection, narration, proportion, bearing, affinity, homogeneity, association, relevancy, pertinency, fitness, harmony, ratio, relative, agreement, kinsman, kindred, appurtenancy.
antonym(s): irrelation, disconnection, dissociation, irrelevancy, impertinency, disproportion, disproportion, unfitness, unsuitableness, heterogeneity, disharmony, disagreement, alien.
Syn.: referring to, not absolute.
antonym(s): absolute.
Syn.: relations, kinsfolk, kindred, kinsmen, see kin.
Syn.: slacken, loosen, remit, abate, mitigate, release, unbend, relent, divert, recreate, rest, enervate, unstring.
antonym(s): tighten, increase, intensify, stretch, bend, brace, invigorate, redouble, grow, heighten, strengthen.
- Relaxation, see relax.
- Relay
Syn.: reinforcement, recruitment, refreshment, supply, relief.
antonym(s): exhaustion, consumption.
Syn.: free, loose, liberate, discharge, quit, acquit, exempt, extricate, disengage, indemnify.
antonym(s): bind, constrain, confine, shackle, fetter, yoke.
Syn.: liberation, discharge, freedom, see bondage.
Syn.: remove, transfer, banish, transport, exile, deport, despatch.
antonym(s): recal, locate, reinstate.
Syn.: yield, relax, soften.
antonym(s): persist, harden.
Syn.: cruel, inexorable, unyielding, remorseless, unmerciful, truculent.
antonym(s): yielding, humane, feeling, clement, merciful, compassionate.
Syn.: appropriate, pertinent, apt, applicable, bearing.
antonym(s): inappropriate, impertinent, irrelevant.
Syn.: confidence, trust, dependence, assurance.
antonym(s): distrust, misgiving, suspicion, diffidence.
Syn.: succor, support, release, extrication, alleviation, mitigation, aid, holp, assistance, remedy, redress, exemption, deliverance, refreshment, comfort.
antonym(s): oppression, aggravation, intensification, burdensomeness, trouble, exhaustion, weariness, discomfort.
Syn.: help, succor, see alleviate.
Syn.: faith, creed, theology, belief, profession, piety, sanctity, godliness, holiness.
antonym(s): unbelief, irreligion, godlessness, atheism, impiety, sacrilege, scoffing, blasphemy, scepticism, profanity, hypocrisy, sanctimoniousness, pharisaism, formalism, reprobation.
Syn.: pious, godly, devout, devotional, divine, holy, sacred.
antonym(s): impious, ungodly, undevout, sacrilegious, blasphemous, sceptical, profane.
Syn.: resign, leave, quit, forsake, abandon, desert, renounce, give up, lay aside, cede, forego, repudiate, surrender, discontinue.
antonym(s): frieze, retain, assume, enforce, vindicate, assert, maintain, prosecute, defend, continue.
Syn.: like, approve, enjoy, appreciate.
antonym(s): repudiate, nauseate, reject, abominate, loathe.
Syn.: zest, recommendation, enhancement, flavor, savor, gusto, taste, appetite, piquancy, sapidity.
antonym(s): drawback, disfavor, disrecommendation, nauseousness, disrelish, insipidity, unsavoriness.
Syn.: bright, shining, gleaming, glittering, flashing, lum nous, radiant, crystalline, pellucid, effulgent.
antonym(s): dull, opaque, rayless, leaden, dark.
Syn.: aversion, repugnance, unwillingness, dislike, regret, misgiving.
antonym(s): desire, readiness, willingness, promptitude, alacrity, welcome, forwardness, eagerness.
Syn.: averse, unwilling, disinclined, loth, backward.
antonym(s): willing, inclined, eager, forward.
Syn.: stay, continue, wait, stop, tarry, halt, sojourn, rest, dwell, abide, last, endure, accrue, survive.
antonym(s): fly, vanish, remove, depart, speed, hasten, press, flit, disappear, pass.
Syn.: rest, residue, remnant, balance, surplus, leavings, relics, difference.
antonym(s): expenditure, loss, outgoings, issue, waste.
Syn.: observe, note, heed, comment, assert, say, notice.
antonym(s): misobserve, disregard, overlook, miss.
Syn.: observable, noticeable, extraordinary, unusual, rare, striking, noteworthy, notable, distinguished, famous, peculiar, prominent, singular.
antonym(s): unremarkable, unnoticeable, ordinary, mean, commonplace, everyday, undistinguished.
Syn.: curable, rectifiable, removable.
antonym(s): incurable, irremediable, remediless, desperate, hopeless, unalterable.
Syn.: sanatory, sanative, alterative, ameliorative, mitigating, corrective, curative, healing, restorative, salubrious.
antonym(s): noxious, hurtful, exaggerative, confirmative, morbific, deleterious, inducive, provocative.
Syn.: cure, restorative, counteraction, reparation, redress, relief, help, specific.
antonym(s): evil, disease, hurt, infection, plague, ill, impairment, deterioration, aggravation, provocation.
Syn.: recollect, recall, retain, bear in mind, mind.
antonym(s): forget, obliviate, disregard, overlook.
Syn.: recollection, memory, memorial, token, souvenir, memento, reminiscence.
antonym(s): forgetfulness, oblivion.
Syn.: remnant, relic, trace, savor, leavings.
antonym(s): prognostic, indication, suggestion, warning, announcement, reministration.
Syn.: slack, careless, negligent, I attentive, wanting, flow, slothful, idle, lax, dilatory, tardy, remissful.
antonym(s): energetic, careful, attentive, active, assiduous, alert, painstaking, diligent, strict.
Syn.: relax, pardon, absolve, forego, discontinue, surrender, forgive, resign.
antonym(s): increase, intensity, enforce, exact.
Syn.: periodic, recurrent.
antonym(s): chronic, continuous, constant.
- Remnant, see remainder.
- Remonstrate
Syn.: expostulate, rebel, protest, recalcitrate, object, admonish.
antonym(s): acquiesce, submit, coincide,.
Syn.: compunction, anguish, self-condemnation, penitence, sting of conscience.
antonym(s): complacency, self-approval, self-congratulation.
Syn.: cruel, truculent, inexorable, ruthless, pitiless, unrelenting, merciless, implacable.
antonym(s): mild, humane, gentle, feeling, compunctious, lenient, remorseful, self-condemning, regretful, compassionate.
Syn.: distant, indirect, unconnected, unrelated, foreign, alien, heterogeneous, separate, contingent.
antonym(s): near, close, direct, connected, related, homogeneous, immediate, proximate, essential, present, pressing, urgent, actual.
Syn.: displace, separate, abstract, transport, carry, transfer, eject, oust, dislodge, suppress, migrate, depart.
antonym(s): restore, conserve, stabilitate, perpetuate, establish, reinstate, reinstall, instal, fix, fasten, stay, remain, dwell, abide, stand.
Syn.: reward, recompense, satisfy, compensate, repay, requite, reimburse.
antonym(s): defraud, misrequite, misrepay, dissatisfy, damnify.
Syn.: payment, compensation, recompense, reward, see satisfaction.
Syn.: tear, lacerate, divide, separate, split, disintegrate, disunite, rive, tear asunder.
antonym(s): repair, place, patch, conserve, unite, perpetuate, continuate.
Syn.: give, present, return, restore, give up apportion, assign, surrender, pay, requite, deliver.
antonym(s): keep, retain, withhold, appropriate, alienate, misapportion, misappropriate, misrequite.
Syn.: apostate, traitor, deserter, heretic, betrayer, backslider, vagabond, turncoat, recreant.
antonym(s): supporter, adherent, defender, bigot, zealot, dogmatist, fanatic.
Syn.: recreate, restore, refresh, renovate, rejuvenate, furbish, recommence, repeat, reiterate, reissue, regenerate, reform, transform.
antonym(s): impair, wear, deteriorate, vitiate, exhaust, discontinue, corrupt, weaken, defile, deprave.
Syn.: resistent, elastic, resilient, reluctant, stubborn, tough, counteractive.
antonym(s): yielding, lentous, flexible, docile, pliant.
Syn.: reject, abjure, disclaim, disown, forego, disavow, deny, quit, resign, abandon, recant, relinquish, repudiate.
antonym(s): acknowledge, recognize, claim, maintain, assert, propound, own, vindicate, avow, profess, hold, retain, defend.
Syn.: fame, distinction, note, notability, eminence, celebrity, glory, reputation, lustre, honor.
antonym(s): disgrace, meanness, ignobleness, degradation, taint, stain, brand, discredit, dishonor, disrepute.
Syn.: famous, celebrated, wonderful, illustrious, see famous.
Syn.: laceration, rupture, fissure, divulsion, schism, solution.
antonym(s): suture, junction, union, continuity, integrity, reparation, redintegration, reunion, consolidation.
Syn.: rejection, repudiation, abjuration, abnegation, abandonment, cession, surrender, see cession.
Syn.: rearrange, reconstitute, reassemble.
antonym(s): dissolve, disband, dissipate, disperse, derange, dismember, disintegrate.
Syn.: restore, recover, mend, retrieve, relit.
antonym(s): impair, waste, wear, deteriorate, injure.
Syn.: recoverable, curable, retrievable.
antonym(s): irreparable, incurable, irretrievable.
Syn.: restoration, repair, restitution, compensation, satisfaction, amends, indemnification, atonement.
antonym(s): injury, impairment, deterioration, waste, wear, defective, damnification.
Syn.: remunerate, reimburse, recompense, reward, retaliate, requite, r, fund.
antonym(s): defraud, misappropriate, embezzle, waste, alienate, extort, confiscate, exact.
- Repeal, reappellare, turn back.) syn:]], abolish, revoke, rescind, cancel, annul, recal, abrogate, reverse, discontinue, rescind, make void.
antonym(s): continue, establish, pass, institute, sanction, enact, perpetuate, confirm. - Repeal
Syn.: abrogation, rescission, revocation, annulment.
antonym(s): continuance, establishment, perpetuation.
Syn.: reiterate, iterate, renew, cite, quote, relate, rehearse, recapitulate, reproduce.
antonym(s): discontinues, drop, discard, abandon, ignore, suppress, misrepeat, misquote, misrecite, misrepresent, misinterpret, misconvey.
Syn.: frequently again and again, often.
antonym(s): seldom, rarely.
Syn.: repulse, reject, refuse, deter, resist, check.
antonym(s): promote, propel, welcome, advance, accept, encourage, further.
Syn.: grieve, regret, sorrow, rue, repine, deplore, lament.
antonym(s): rejoice, persist.
Syn.: penitence, contrition, compunction, regret, remorse, borrow, self-reproach, selfcondemnation.
antonym(s): impenitence, obduracy, recusancy, hardness, reparation, selfapproval.
Syn.: recoil, reverberation, ricochet, rebound.
antonym(s): impact, stroke, shock, collision, contact.
Syn.: iteration, reiteration, dwelling upon, diffuseness, verbosity, relation, see relation.
Syn.: murmur, grumble, complain.
antonym(s): acquiesce, submit, smile, rejoice.
Syn.: restore, supply, substitute, reinstate, rearrange, re-establish.
antonym(s): move, abstract, withdraw, remove, damage, deprive.
Syn.: fill, refill, resupply, stock, satisfy, furnish, enrich.
antonym(s): waste, empty, exhaust, reduce, drain, impoverish.
Syn.: fulness, abundance, amplitude, superabundance, overfulness.
antonym(s): exhaustion, emptiness, want, inanition.
Syn.: replicate, answer, respond, rejoin.
antonym(s): ignore, drop, pretermit, pass, disregard.
Syn.: answer, rejoinder, response, replication.
antonym(s): pass by, ignoring.
Syn.: announce, relate, tell, circulate, notify, narrate, recite, describe, detail, communicate, declare.
antonym(s): silence, hush, suppress, misreport, misrepresent, miarelate, falsify.
Syn.: tidings, announce, ment, relation, narration, recital, description, communication, declaration, news, rumor, fame, repute, noise, reverberation.
antonym(s): silence, suppression, misannouncement, fabrication, noiselessness.
Syn.: lie, recline, couch rest, settle, abide, stay, acquiesce, lodge, lace, deposit.
antonym(s): rise, stand, vo, wander, flit, flutter, remove, transfer.
Syn.: lest, quiet, stillness, reclination, tranquillity, calmness, peaceful, ess, ea , see [[ ]], eace, quiescence.
antonym(s): movement, disquiet, unrest, agitation, restlessness, disturbance, commotion, tumult, distraction, uneasiness.
Syn.: blame chide, reprove, censure, reprimand.
antonym(s): praise, laud, eulogize, sanction, approve.
Syn.: blamable, blame, culpable, censurable, reproachable, reprovable, objectionable.
antonym(s): laudable, praiseworthy, irreproachach, it, irreprovable, unexceptionable, innocent, unobjectionable.
Syn.: portray, delineate, reproduce exhibit, personate, state, indicate, embody, enact, illustrate, denote, play, dramatize, resemble.
antonym(s): misportray, misdelineate, distort, falsify, caricature, misrepresent.
Syn.: likeness, personation, semblance, exhibition, see likeness.
Syn.: agent, commissioner, proxy, deputy, substitute, embodiment, personation, delegate, vicar, vicegerent, principal, sovereign, constituency.
antonym(s): autocrat, dictator.
Syn.: figurative, symbolical, delegated to others, see figurative and represent.
Syn.: crush, quell, subdue, check, restrain, curb, overpower, mitigate, damp, calm, control.
antonym(s): raise, rouse, excite, agitate, aggravate, foment, intensify, foster, encourage, stimulate, incite, fan.
Syn.: respite, acquittal, suspension, delay, interval, pardon, amnesty, intermission.
antonym(s): condemnation, conviction, reprisal, retribution.
Syn.: retaliation, retribution, self-compensation, self-indemnification.
antonym(s): condonation, grace, remission, reprieve.
Syn.: blame, censure, taunt, rebuke, upbraid, reprobate, reprove.
antonym(s): laud, praise, approve, commend.
- Reproach, see approbation.
- Reprobate
Syn.: condemn, denounce.
antonym(s): sanction, commend, approve.
Syn.: abandoned, castaway, irredeemable, lost.
antonym(s): hopeful, redeemable, salvable, recoverable.
Syn.: castaway, villain, ruffian, miscreant, scapegrace, scalawag.
antonym(s): example, pattern, mirror, model, paragon.
Syn.: generate, propagate, imitate, exhibit, represent, copy.
antonym(s): stifle, extinguish, exterminate, misrepresent, misportray.
- Reproduction, see reproduce.
- Reprovable
Syn.: censurable, reprehensible, see culpable.
Syn.: disavow, disown, discard, castoff, abjure, renounce, disclaim, divorce.
antonym(s): avow, own, vindicate, assert, retain, vaunt, claim, profess, recognize, acknowledge, accept.
Syn.: hostile, antagonistic, averse, reluctant, unwilling, irreconcilable, incompatible, inimical, adverse, contradictory, loath, heterogeneous.
antonym(s): friendly, coincident, harmonious, compatible, willing, consistent, homogeneous, congruous.
Syn.: forbidding, deterrent, ungenial, odious, ugly, unattractive, disagreeable, revolting.
antonym(s): charming, agreeable, attract, ive, winning, captivating, fascinating, alluring, seductive, pleasant.
Syn.: respectable, creditable, honorable, estimable.
antonym(s): unrespectable, discreditable, dishonorable, disgraceful, disreputable.
- Request, [[t>]]
Syn.: ask, desire, beg, entreat, beseech, petition, supplicate, solicit, demand.
antonym(s): command, order, insist, direct, dictate, enjoin, require, demand, exact.
Syn.: demand, claim, exact, insist upon, see request, see [[ant.
- Requital, see satisfaction.
- Requite
Syn.: repay, reward, compensate, recompense, remunerate, satisfy, retaliate, punish, avenge, revenge.
antonym(s): misrequite, defraud, condone, absolve, pardon.
Syn.: revoke, repeal, annul, cancel, recal, reverse, abrogate.
antonym(s): perpetuate, enforce, maintain, re-enact.
Syn.: retake, recover, recapture, liberate, extricate, save, deliver, preserve.
antonym(s): endanger, imperil, betray, surrender, abandon, expose.
Syn.: investigation, inquiry, scrutiny, examination, exploration, learning, lore, discovery, elaboration, elimination.
antonym(s): ignorance, superficiality, sciolism, misinvestigation, shallowness, oversight, inobservance.
Syn.: likeness, similarity, similitude, semblance, representation, portrait, reflection, image.
antonym(s): unlikeness, dissimilarity, disresemblance, difference, contrariety.
Syn.: repel, resist, rebel, recalcitrate, take ill.
antonym(s): acquiesce, submit, condone, pardon, overlook.
Syn.: choleric, malicious, vindictive, intolerant, insubmissive.
antonym(s): meek, mild, placable, tolerant, forgiving, submissive.
Syn.: anger, ire, indignation, animosity.
antonym(s): calmness, acquiescence, toleration, mildness, endurance, forgiveness.
Syn.: reservation, retention, limitation, withholding, appropriation, coyness, shyness, backwardness, secretiveness, taciturnity, modesty, restraint, constraint.
antonym(s): abandonment, nonreservation, surrender, absoluteness, openness, frankness, forwardness, pertness, unrestraint, undisguise, transparency, shamelessness indiscretion.
Syn.: backwardness, cold, silent, cautious, unsociable, sly, bashful, see frigid and sly.
Syn.: stay, sojourn, occupation, abode, pernoctation, dwelling, location.
antonym(s): migration, travel, locomotion, absenteeism, nonresidence, alibi.
Syn.: abiding, dwelling, residing, inhabiting.
antonym(s): migrating, moving.
Syn.: occupant, dweller, tenant, sojourner, inhabitant.
antonym(s): stranger, foreigner, visitor.
Syn.: surrender, abandon, return, withdraw, abdicate, submit, leave, relinquish, forego, renounce.
antonym(s): retain, claim, appropriate, vindicate, grasp.
Syn.: surrender, relinquishment, forsaking, abandonment, abdication, renunciation, submission, acquiescence, patience, endurance.
antonym(s): retention, claim, appropriation, vindication, grasp, resistance, rebellion, murmur, dissatisfaction, discontent, contumacy, contention, protestation, remonstrance.
Syn.: withstand, oppose, hinder, check, thwart, rebuff, stem, combat.
antonym(s): encourage, promote, aid, advance, help, succor, acquiesce, submit, suffer, allow, tolerate, permit.
Syn.: opposition, hindrance, see check.
Syn.: weak, refutable, nugatory, trifling, childish, worthless.
antonym(s): overpowering, irresistible, irrefragable, resistless, overwhelming, conclusive.
Syn.: determined, decided, steadfast, fixed, steady, constant, persevering, stout, pertinacious, energetic, dogged, stout-hearted, inflexible, undaunted, undeviating, unflinching.
antonym(s): unenergetic, fitful, vacillating, irresolute, dubious, shillyshally, capricious, variable, ductile, undetermined, undecided, weak.
Syn.: separation, decomposition, analysis, unravelling, disentanglement, disintegration, conversion, firmness, &c, see as under resolute.
antonym(s): aggregation, composition, union, amalgamation, integrity, totality, incorporation, synthesis, collocation, conservation, entanglement, confusion, conglomeration.
Syn.: resounding, sonorous, musical, metallic, vibratory, acoustic, shrill, loud, sharp, vocal, ringing.
antonym(s): mute, silent, dead, dumb, muffled, wooden, voiceless, stifled, nonresonant.
Syn.: repair, fly, retire, retreat.
antonym(s): shun, ignore, avoid, discard.
Syn.: assembly, betaking, repairing, haunt, frequentation, employment, recourse.
antonym(s): shunning, avoidance, forsaking, abandonment, desertion.
Syn.: ring, reverberate, echo, re-echo, respond.
antonym(s): whisper, murmur, breathe, mutter, hum.
Syn.: material, means, productions, supplies, expedients, contrivance, wealth, riches, device.
antonym(s): destitution, barrenness, inanition, exhaustion, lack, drain, nonplus, poverty, sterility.
Syn.: notice, regard, honor, prefer, venerate, esteem.
antonym(s): overlook, disregard, dishonor, despise, contemn.
Syn.: reference, I elation, regard, honor, deference.
antonym(s): irrelativeness, disregard, contempt, dishonor, insult, contumely, disrespect.
Syn.: worthy, good, considerable, laudable.
antonym(s): unworthy, bad, unrespectable, mean, inconsiderable.
Syn.: relative, appertaining.
antonym(s): absolute, irrespective.
- Respite, see reprieve.
- Resplendent
Syn.: brilliant, gorgeous, luminous, glittering, flashing, burnished.
antonym(s): dead, dull, lustreless, sombre.
Syn.: answer, reply, rejoin, correspond, tally, accord, meet, suit.
antonym(s): propound, disagree, disaccord, jar, differ.
- Response, see answer.
- Responsible, see accountable.
- Responsive
Syn.: answering, correspondent, echoing, sympathetic, obedient.
antonym(s): alien, unsympathetic, strange, irresponsive.
Syn.: quiet, repose, cessation, tranquillity, peace, security, pause, interval, intermission.
antonym(s): tumult, commotion, agitation, disquiet, unrest, insecurity, continuity, uninterruptedness, progression, restlessness.
Syn.: restoration, return, indemnification, reparation, compensation, amends.
antonym(s): fraud, deprivation, wrong, robbery, abstraction, injury.
Syn.: stubborn, obstinate, uneasy, balky, recalcitrant.
antonym(s): docile, manageable, tractable.
Syn.: unquiet, uneasy, disturbed, sleepless, agitated, roving, incessant, tossing.
antonym(s): calm, quiet, reposing, still, motionless.
Syn.: recovery, replacement, renewal, renovation, redintegration, re-establishment, return, revival, restitution, reparation, compensation, amends.
antonym(s): loss, lapse, forfeiture, displacement, deterioration, impairment, deprivation, abandonment, departure, injury, waste, abstraction, seizure, wrong.
Syn.: compensatory, remedial, reparatory, invigorating.
antonym(s): exhaustive, debilitating, wasting, consumptive.
Syn.: return, replace, refund, repay, reinstate, re-establish, renew, repair, recover, heal, cure, refresh.
antonym(s): abstract, remove, displace, appropriate, alienate, deprive, impair, wound, injure, dilapidate, shatter.
Syn.: check, repress, hinder, limit, confine, restrict, withhold, curb, coerce, prohibit, narrow, circumscribe, reduce.
antonym(s): promote, advance, urge, incite, aid, liberate, indulge, loose, vent, amplify, enlarge, expand, extend.
Syn.: terminate, end, ensue, eventuate.
antonym(s): originate, arise, precede, spring, commence, start, begin.
Syn.: termination, end, issue, effect, consequence, product, fruit, outcome, upshot, development, conclusion, remainder.
antonym(s): beginning, commencement, initiative, cause, rise, spring, origin, operation, causation, tendency, production, antecedent, premonition, prognostic, indication.
Syn.: recommence, renew, return, begin again.
antonym(s): drop, discontinue, intermit, interrupt.
- Resumption, see resume.
- Resurrection
Syn.: rising, renovation, resuscitation, regeneration.
antonym(s): death, burial, interment, ex, tinction.
Syn.: revive, re-excite, reanimate, reinvigorate, revivify.
antonym(s): extinguish, lay, prostrate, quench.
Syn.: keep, hold, restrain.
antonym(s): abandon, forfeit, surrender.
Syn.: avenge, retort, repay, requite.
antonym(s): pardon, condone, forgive.
Syn.: revenge, repayment, retribution, requital, reprisals, reciprocation.
antonym(s): pardon, condonation, forgiveness, r mission.
Syn.: clog, hinder, obstruct, impede, defer.
antonym(s): accelerate, expedite, promote.
Syn.: preservative, close, tenacious, mindful.
antonym(s): loose, leaky, oblivious.
Syn.: reserve, silentness, refrain, repressiveness.
antonym(s): unreserve, abandon, garrulity, freedom.
Syn.: silent, taciturn, voiceless, still, re-.
Syn.: retainers, attendant, suite, pomp, followers, tail, satellites, escort, cortege.
antonym(s): nonattendance, unstateliness, solitariness.
Syn.: withdraw, retreat, depart, secede, shrink, repair.
antonym(s): approach, advance.
Syn.: solitude, privacy, departure, seclusion, recess, concavity, retreat.
antonym(s): publicity, approach, advance, prominence, protrusion, convexity.
Syn.: rejoinder, replicable, repartee, reciprocation, retaliation, reply, answer.
antonym(s): concession, confession, acquiescence, acceptance.
Syn.: withdraw, recal, revoke, unsay, disavow, recant, abjure, renounce.
antonym(s): reiterate, repeat.
Syn.: retirement, departure, withdrawal, seclusion, solitude, privacy, asylum, shelter, refuge, recess, see retire.
Syn.: reduce, abbreviate, diminish, limit, contract, curtail, lessen, economize.
antonym(s): enlarge, increase, extend, expand, multiply, amplify, augment.
Syn.: curtailment, diminution, reduction.
antonym(s): enlargement, expansion, extension.
Syn.: penalty, repayment, reward, compensation, punishment, visitation.
antonym(s): condonation, remission, pardon, reprieve, non-retribution, sparing.
Syn.: recoverable, redeemable, hopeful, salvable, reformable, amendable.
antonym(s): hopeless, desperate, irredeemable, irrecoverable, reprobate, lost, irreformable, unamendable.
Syn.: recover, regain, rescue, repair, restore.
antonym(s): lose, forfeit, abandon, betray, surrender, impair, deteriorate.
Syn.: retreat, retirement, decline, relapse.
antonym(s): advance, progress, improvement, amelioration.
Syn.: review, survey, recollection, reminiscence, reconsideration.
antonym(s): prognostication, anticipation, speculation, forecasting, prophecy, prospect.
Syn.: recur, revert, reappear, come back, repay, requite, recompense, retaliate, render, restore, yield, produce, give back, repay.
antonym(s): depart, remove, vanish, disappear, retain, appropriate, misappropriate, alienate, withhold.
Syn.: unveil, disclose, show, communicate, divulge, discover, expose, unearth, make known.
antonym(s): hide, obscure, conceal, suppress, cover, cloak.
Syn.: carouse, feast, banquet, luxuriate, wallow.
antonym(s): fast, abstain, nauseate.
Syn.: discovery, disclosure, divine communication, apocalypse.
antonym(s): concealing, veiling, shrouding, keeping back.
Syn.: carousal, noisy, festivity, feast, orgies, wassail.
antonym(s): fast, abstinence.
Syn.: retaliation, vengeance, retribution, requital.
antonym(s): condonation, pardon, compassion, remission.
- Revenge, see retirement.
- Revengeful
Syn.: vindictive, unforgiving, uncompassionate, spiteful, resentful.
antonym(s): unvindictive, forgiving, compassionate, unresentful, generous, chivalrous.
Syn.: income, produce, return, proceeds, fruits, wealth, enrichment.
antonym(s): outgoings, expenditure, waste, deductions, exhaustion, expense, impoverishment.
Syn.: echo, recoil, reflect, revert, resound.
antonym(s): strike, impinge, beat.
- Reverberation, see [[avknoe] and retaliate]].
- Reverence
Syn.: honor, awe, veneration, adoration, deference, devotion, respect, worship, homage.
antonym(s): dishonor, contempt, slight, irreverent, contumely, contumacy.
Syn.: dream, daydream, trance, vision, phantasy, ideality, woolgathering, wandering, musing.
antonym(s): study, attention, diligence, application.
Syn.: invert, derange, upset, overturn, subvert, annul, counterchange.
antonym(s): order, arrange, place, collocate, range.
Syn.: inversion, derangement, counterchange, counterposition, opposition, contrariety, contradiction, alteration, change, mutation, rear, back, evolution, counterexhibition.
antonym(s): version, arrangement, sequence, order, collocation, position, perpetuation, continuance, stability, identity, uniformity, regularity, obverse, front.
Syn.: changeable, exchangeable, counterchangeable, alterable, mutable, revocable, discretional.
antonym(s): perpetual, unalterable, unchangeable, irreversible, absolute, undiscretional.
Syn.: return, refer, accrue, reaccrue, recur.
antonym(s): depart, escheat, ignore, drop, dismiss, discard.
Syn.: reconsider, revise, examine, survey, inspect.
antonym(s): discard, dismiss, overlook, skim, disregard, misexamine.
Syn.: resurvey, retrospect, reconsideration, revisal, re-examination, critique, criticism.
Syn.: reproach, asperse, upbraid, malign, slander, calumniate, vilify, abuse, blaspheme.
antonym(s): flatter, compliment, eulogize, panegyrize, laud, extol.
Syn.: alter, amend, re-examine, see echo.
Syn.: reanimate, revivify, resucitate, refresh, reassure, recover, awake, live.
antonym(s): extinguish, kill, depress, exhaust, discourage, droop, fade, wither, decline, die.
Syn.: recal, withdraw, cancel, annul, rescind, repeal, declare void.
antonym(s): sanction, enact, perpetuate, enforce, reiterate, renew.
Syn.: rebel, struggle, kick, resist, rise, recalcitrate.
antonym(s): acquiesce, obey, submit.
Syn.: insurrection, sedition, rebellion, mutiny.
antonym(s): submission, acquiescence, loyalty.
Syn.: shocking, repulsive, disgusting, offensive, horrible, hideous, abhorrent.
antonym(s): attractive, genial, pleasing, charming, captivating.
Syn.: rotation, periodicity, return, change, alteration, revulsion, revolt, reconstitution, emeute.
antonym(s): fixity, permanence, stability, conservation, allegiance, stabilisation, perpetuation, suppression.
Syn.: contemplate, turn, consider, weigh, ponder, examine, wheel, rotate, circulate.
antonym(s): discard, disregard, dismiss, misconsider.
Syn.: revolution, abhorrence, estrangement, antagonism.
antonym(s): coincidence, harmony, acquiescence, sympathy, reconcilement, familiarity, reciprocity.
Syn.: compensate, honor, decorate, remunerate, pay, recompense.
antonym(s): punish, misrequite.
Syn.: declamatory, persuasive, oratorical, lively, animated, spirited.
antonym(s): logical, calm, cool, deliberate.
Syn.: wealthy, opulent, affluent, abundant, generous, productive, copious, fertile, fruitful, valuable, costly, high-flavored, luscious, oleaginous, vivid, deep, bright, superb, gorgeous.
antonym(s): poor, impoverished, impecunious, needy, indigent, reduced, exhausted, unproductive, scanty, niggardly, barren, sterile, unfruitful, valueless, tasteless, watery, pale, beggarly, nude, bald, cold.
Syn.: wealth, opulence, affluence, wealthiness, richness, plenty, abundance, treasure, possessions.
antonym(s): poverty, pauperism, impecuniosity, neediness, indigence, destitution, necessity, lack, privation, beggary, insolvency.
Syn.: quittance, dispensation, liberation, escape.
antonym(s): entanglement, burden, nuisance, annoyance.
Syn.: puzzle, enigma, ambiguity, problem, paradox.
antonym(s): solution, explanation, statement, proposition, axiom.
Syn.: derision, banter, raillery, burlesque, caricature, mockery, irony, satire, sarcasm, jeer, sneer, cachinnation, disrespect.
antonym(s): veneration, respect, deference, salutation, honor, homage.
Syn.: lampoon, deride, mock at, laugh at, jeer, see revoke and reversible.
Syn.: laughable, ludicrous, droll, contemptible, preposterous, absurd, grotesque, trifling, trivial.
antonym(s): serious, grave, important, weighty, considerable, venerable, imposing, majestic.
Syn.: rectitude, correctness, straightness, integrity, justice, truth, propriety, fitness, suitableness, claim, power, privilege.
antonym(s): wrong, incorrectness, perverseness, crookedness, disintegrity, injustice, falsehood, impropriety, unfitness, usurpation, encroachment, force, violence.
Syn.: straight, upright, direct, lawful, correct, exact, just, fair, fit, proper, suitable, equitable.
antonym(s): crooked, indirect, wrong, unlawful, inexact, unjust, unfair, unfit, improper, unsuitable.
Syn.: upright, just, godly, virtuous, uncorrupt, rightful, equitable, truthful, conscientious.
antonym(s): unrighteous, perverse, evil, unjust, ungodly, vicious, corrupt, wrongful, false, unconscientious, unprincipled, unjustifiable, abandoned, profligate, dishonorable, unfair.
- Righteousness, see ransack, see vrewj]].
- Rigid
Syn.: stiff, unpliant, unflexible, stubborn, tough, stark, staunch, unswerving, exact, unbending, undeviating, austere.
antonym(s): pliant, docile, flexible, variable, mild, lenient, inexact, yielding, inconstant, inconsistent.
Syn.: streamlet, brook, brooklet, creek, rivulet.
antonym(s): river, large stream.
Syn.: skin, peel, bark, husk.
antonym(s): kernel, meat, wood, pulp, fruit.
Syn.: noise, uproar, tumult, fray, outbreak, mutiny, row, revel, disturbance, turbulence.
antonym(s): peace, pacification, sobriety, quiescence, orderliness.
Syn.: perfect, developed, full, matured, seasoned, ready, prepared, mellow, mature, advanced, consummate.
antonym(s): raw, crude, immature, imperfect, undeveloped, blighted, unseasoned, sour, unready, unfit, unprepared, unmellowed, green, withered.
Syn.: ascend, mount, float, soar, grow, arise, tower, slope, appear, emerge, spring, originate, extend, expand, swell, increase, excel, prosper, climb.
antonym(s): descend, decline, sink, drop, diminish, fall, subside, crouch, nestle, dip, set, wane, vanish, disappear, terminate, end, debouch, contract, decrease, fail.
Syn.: spring, fountain head, source, see rigid and asperity.
Syn.: laughable, ludicrous, see ridiculous.
Syn.: hazard, danger, peril, exposure, jeopardy.
antonym(s): safety, security, insurance, protection, prophylactic.
Syn.: hazard, peril, jeopard, venture, stake, see hazard.
Syn.: form, custom, ceremony, observance, usage, celebration.
antonym(s): inobservance, disuse, obsoleteness, nonobservance, noncelebration, desuetude.
Syn.: antagonist, competitor, cosuitor.
antonym(s): adherent, supporter, comrade, coadjutor, neutral.
- Rival, [[t>]]
Syn.: emulate, challenge, equal, contend, strive, compete.
antonym(s): succumb, surrender, yield, promote, reverence, retire, defer.
Syn.: public way, highway, route, thoroughfare, course, pathway, path.
Syn.: wander, rove, range, stroll, ramble, stray, saunter.
antonym(s): hurry, speed, fly, hasten, press.
Syn.: howl, vociferate, peal, yell, boom, resound, see bawl.
Syn.: plunder, deprive, denude, strip, pillage, defraud, cheat, impoverish.
antonym(s): compensate, endow, enrich, invest, indemnify.
Syn.: thief, depredator, plunderer, freebooter, brigand, pirate, highwayman, footpad.
antonym(s): guard, escort, protector.
Syn.: theft, larceny, pillage, plundering, depredation, spoliation.
antonym(s): guarding, protecting, indemnifying, compensating, enriching.
Syn.: invest, clothe, deck, drape, array.
antonym(s): divest, disrobe, unclothe, denude, strip.
Syn.: strong, lusty, brawny, able-bodied, sturdy, sinewy, muscular, hale, hearty, vigorous, sound, iron.
antonym(s): weak, frail, puny, fragile, weakly, delicate, sickly.
Syn.: vagabond, scamp, rascal, villain, cheat, swindler, sharper.
antonym(s): true-penny, gentleman.
Syn.: trickery, cheating, chicanery, swindling, vagabondism, mischief, fraud, knavery.
antonym(s): honesty, integrity, honor, uprightness, conscientiousness.
Syn.: revolve, wheel, rotate, turn over and over, rock, trundle wallow.
- Roll, see bawl.
- Rollicking
Syn.: roystering, frolicsome, hoydenish, blustering.
antonym(s): staid, sedate, demure.
Syn.: fable, fiction, novel, marvel, rhapsody, rodomontade, gasconade, balderdash.
antonym(s): history, narrative, truth, fact.
Syn.: fabulous, rhapsodical, wild, extravagant, fanciful, fictitious, sentimental.
antonym(s): historical, literal, truthful, unromantic, unvarnished, unadorned.
Syn.: space, ground, compass, extent, locality, opportunity, capability, (xicasion, margin, capacity, admission.
antonym(s): restriction, limitation, confinement, incapability, exclusion, neutralization.
Syn.: radix, radicle, stem, origin, source, spring, rise, commencement, parent.
antonym(s): branch, ramification, outcome, product, issue, progeny.
Syn.: fixed, established, grounded, based, inveterate, domiciled, naturalized, installed.
antonym(s): unestablished, insecure, uncertain, wavering, unsettled, oscillating, dubious, precarious, superficial, specious, propped, bolstered, shored.
Syn.: putrefaction, corruption, putrescence, mouldiness, mildew, decay.
antonym(s): integrity, wholesomeness, soundness, vigor, preservation, purity, healthiness, sweetness.
Syn.: turn, series, order, succession, revolution, course, reversion, recurrence.
antonym(s): simultaneity, perpetuity, constancy, non-intermittence, contemporaneousness.
Syn.: roundness, convexity, circularity, sphericity, globosity, prominence, protuberance, intumescence.
antonym(s): concavity, flatness, angularity.
Syn.: uneven, harsh, bristly, scabrous, rugged, knotty, unpolished, boisterous, tempestuous, stormy, coarse, craggy, gruff, crude, severe, shaggy, disordered, unrefined, uncourteous, rude, unshaped, churlish, blunt.
antonym(s): even, smooth, level, polished, glabrous, glossy, glassy, silky, sleek, velvety, calm, tranquil, refined, courteous, courtly, shapely, shaped, finished, oily, specious.
Syn.: circular, globular, spherical, entire, complete, rotund, smooth, plump.
antonym(s): flat, angular, concave.
- Roundabout, see putrid.
- Rouse
Syn.: wake, excite, agitate, startle, surprise.
antonym(s): compose, allay, calm, soothe, quiet, repress, rout, see circuitous.
Syn.: way, course, passage, march, path, track, direction.
Syn.: round, course, succession, order, rule, custom, system, sequence, gradation, rotation, stereotype, prescription, tenor, uniformity, method, settlement, regulation.
antonym(s): casualty, chance, lottery, fortune, impulse, interest, individuality, merit, spontaneity, alterableness, margin, deviation, modification.
Syn.: series, order, rank, sequence, continuation, continuity, file, string, concatenation, thread.
antonym(s): dissociation, disconnection, rupture, intermission, hiatus, solution, failure, gap, discontinuance, dissolution, inconsequence, derangement, deviation, flexion, deflexion, irregularity, sinuosity, flexuosity.
Syn.: debris, waste matter, fragments, litter, dross, refuse, lion sense, trash.
antonym(s): see regal.
Syn.: ruddy, flushed, red, sanguine, blushing.
antonym(s): pale, see cream and nonsense, pallid, exsanguineous.
Syn.: impertinent, rough, unereu, shapeless, unfashioned, artless, unpolished, uncouth, inelegant, rustic, coarse, vulgar, clownish, raw, unskilful, untaught, illiterate, ignorant, uncivil, saucy, impolite, impudent, insolent, surly, currifb, churlish, brutal, uncivilized, barbarous, savage, violent, tumultuous, turbulent, impetuous, boisterous, harsh, inclement, severe, insulting, grotesque, barbaric, archaic.
antonym(s): modest, bashful, civil, courteous, ceremonious, deferential, smooth, even, artistic, polished, fashioned, courtly, elegant, high-wrought, polite, accommodating, considerate, refined, gentle, peaceful, culm, genial, balmy, halcyonic, serene, placid, modern, modish, fashionable.
Syn.: principle, begin, ning, germ, seed, embryo, element, nucleus, initiation, commencement.
antonym(s): perfection, completion, development, expansion, organization, fruit, maturity, consummation, product, issue.
- Rudimental, see rubicund, rue, see elementary.
- Ruffle
Syn.: wrinkle, roughen, dis, compose, disturb, agitate, disorder, derange, disarrange, confute, excite.
antonym(s): smooth, allay, equalize, compose, quiet, arrange, see repent, conciliate.
Syn.: villain, cutthroat, brutal fellow, bully.
Syn.: uneven, bristly, shaggy, rough, wrinkled, rude, harsh, hard, crabbed, severe, austere, surly, turbulent, inclement, bluff, blunt, untutored, churlish, unpolished, difficult.
antonym(s): even, smooth, polished, glabrous, silky, glassy, refined, fine, finished, soft, mild, courtly, courteous, see caitubtroka %.
Syn.: fall, destruction, defeat, overthrow, lapse, collapse, desolation, downfall, perdition, subversion, decay, decadence, prostration, dilapidation, disorganization.
antonym(s): rise, success, prosperity, salvation, rescue, recovery, stabilisation, conservation, regeneration, revivification, reparation, renascence, organization, construction.
- Riiinotim, see pernicious.
- Rule
Syn.: regulation, law, precept, principle, maxim, practice, guide, canon, order, method, direction, authority, control, mastery, government, decision, determination, habit.
antonym(s): irregularity, nonconformity, exception, deviation, eccentricity.
Syn.: govern, manage, control, direct, command, dominate, see pernicious.
Syn.: governing, reigning, controlling, masterful, predominant, regulating, prevalent.
antonym(s): obeying, yielding, subservient.
Syn.: muse, meditate, ponder, think, reflect, cogitate, brood.
antonym(s): unbend, relax, idle, gape, woolgather.
Syn.: report, repute, hearsay, publication, bruit.
antonym(s): authentication, verification, proof, evidence, notoriety.
Syn.: ruffle, wrinkle, crease, crumple, pucker, corrugate, derange, roughen.
antonym(s): smooth, flatten, arrange.
Syn.: course, see control and govern, speed, hasten, hurry, fly, rush, escape, retreat, pass, proceed, flow, ooze, leak, melt, fuse, confuse, blend, extend, reach, work, operate, traverse, tend, incline.
antonym(s): walk, saunter, lounge, drag, stay, stop, halt, hobble, resist, hold, stanch, stand, fail, drop, expire, disincline, hesitate.
Syn.: breaking, bursting, tearing, laceration, partition, disruption, breach, dissolution, fracture, break, severance, disseverance, discerption, disorganization, separation, dilaceration, dismemberment.
antonym(s): union, uniting, healing, fusion, amalgamation, coalition, suture, junction, reunion.
Syn.: countrified, rustic, agricultural, bucolic, verdant, sylvan, grassy, arcadian, pastoral.
antonym(s): urban, oppidan, civic.
Syn.: speed, course, dash, sweep, hurry, stream, roll, charge, drive, fly, burst.
antonym(s): march, saunter, lag, retreat, bait, hesitate.
Syn.: corrosion, crust, dross, indolence, inactivity, decay, canker, inaction.
antonym(s): polish, attrition, use, action, operation, activity, exercise, industry.
Syn.: clown, boor, clod, go, leuc, booby.
antonym(s): beau, savant, dandy, man of, the wond.
Syn.: rural, agricultural, bucolic, nomadic, sylvan, verdant, pastoral, rude, awkward, unpolished, clownish, clumsy, rough, coarse, plain, unsophisticated, simple, artless, primitive.
antonym(s): urban, oppidan, civic, fashionable, modish, elegant, sophisticated, refined, courtly, polished.
Syn.: rudeness, clownishness, boorishness, coarseness, simplicity, artlessness.
antonym(s): courtliness, refinement, polish, gentility, urbanity.
Syn.: quiver, whisper, susurration, murmur, sighing.
antonym(s): hubbub, blast, din, racket, crashing.
Syn.: unpitying, unrelenting, truculent, unsparing.
antonym(s): tender, regretful, lenient, compassionate, forbearing, long-suffering.
Syn.: igneous, flammiferous, flaming, blazing, coruscant, meteoric, flashing, scintillant.
antonym(s): glowing, incandescent, gleaming.
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- FindMeWords Synonyms – Online Synonym Dictionary with definitions
- Classic Thesaurus – Crowdsourced synonym dictionary
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD