Synonyms and antonyms (W)

From Medical Encyclopedia

Synonyms are two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context, opposite of antonym.

Syn.: joker, jester, droll fellow, humorist.
antonym(s): sober fellow, serious fellow.

Syn.: carry on, make, undertake (as war), bet, stake, pledge.

Syn.: remuneration, hire, compensation, stipend, salary, allowance.
antonym(s): gratuity, douceur, premium, bonus, grace.

Syn.: stay, tarry, rest, stop, bide, expect.
antonym(s): speed, hasten, press.

Syn.: forego, abandon, re, mit, cancel, drop, relinquish, castoff.
antonym(s): press, urge, enforce, assert, claim, vindicate.

Syn.: rouse, suscitate, excite, reanimate, revive, awake, watch, revel, evoke, summon, provoke, call.
antonym(s): soothe, allay, appease, lay, hush, lullaby, mesmerize, tranquilize, quiet.

Syn.: watchful, sleepless, see triumphant.

Syn.: step, stride, march, stalk, plod, tread, tramp, trudge.
antonym(s): halt, stop, stand still, ride.

Syn.: pale, livid, lurid, dusky, bloodless, haggard.
antonym(s): fresh-colored, lively, bright, incarnadine, sanguine, chubby.

Syn.: ramble, range, stroll, rove, expatiate, roam, deviate, stray, depart, err, swerve, straggle, saunter, navigate, circumnavigate, travel.
antonym(s): rest, stop, perch, bivouac, halt, lie, anchor, alight, settle, moor, pause, repose.

Syn.: roving, vagrant, rambling, strolling, discursive, see watchful.

Syn.: fade, pale, decrease, diminish, decline, fail, sink, ebb, deteriorate, recede, pine, droop, attenuate, contract.
antonym(s): brighten, increase, improve, mend, advance, rally, develop, recover, expand.

Syn.: deficiency, lack, failure, insufficiency, scantiness, shortness, omission, neglect, nonproduction, absence.
antonym(s): supply, sufficiency, provision, abundance, production, allowance, supplement, adequacy.

Syn.: wandering, roving, sportive, playful, frolicsome, loose, unbridled, uncurbed, reckless, unrestrained, irregular, licentious, dissolute, inconsiderate, heedless, gratuitous.
antonym(s): stationary, unrovlng, unsportive, unplayful, unfrolicsome, joyless, thoughtful, demure, sedate, discreet, staid, self-controlled, well-regulated, formal, austere, purposed, deliberate, cold-blooded, determined.

Syn.: watch, avert, defend, parry, guard, fend, repel.
antonym(s): betray, surrender, admit.

Syn.: war, hostilities, antagonism, campaign, engagement, belligerence.
antonym(s): peace, truce, pacification, accommodation, reconciliation, armistice, neutrality, friendliness.

Syn.: military, martial, soldierly, hostile, bellicose, soldierlike, belligerent.
antonym(s): peaceful, civil, unwarlike, pacific, unmilitary.

Syn.: blood-warm, thermal, genial, irascible, hot, ardent, affectionate, fervid, fervent, fiery, glowing, enthusiastic, zealous, eager, excited, interested, animated.
antonym(s): frigid, cold, tepid, starved, indifferent, cool, unexcited, passionless.

Syn.: ardor, glow, fervor, zeal, heat, excitement, intensity, earnestness, cordiality, animation, eagerness, vehemence, geniality, sincerity, passion, irascibility, emotion, life.
antonym(s): frigidity, frost, congelation, iciness, coldness, calmness, coolness, indifference, torpidity, insensitiveness, apathy, slowness, ungeniality, insincerity, passionlessness, hypocrisy, good-temper, death.

Syn.: premonish, monish, admonish, notify, dissuade, deter, alarm.
antonym(s): encourage, incite, instigate, induce.

Syn.: caution, premonition, notice, admonition, see notice.

Syn.: turn, twist, shrink, give, contort, bias, unhinge, distort, prejudice, corrupt, narrow, pervert.
antonym(s): stand, hold, direct, guide, control, correct, regulate, train, conduct, rectify, expand.

Syn.: secure, undertake, authorize, empower, engage, support, justify, assure.
antonym(s): imperil, endanger, repudiate, nullify, invalidate.

Syn.: suspicious, cautious, watchful, guarded, circumspect, prudent, vigilant.
antonym(s): unwary, unsuspecting, incautious, invigilant, unwatchful, unguarded, uncircumspect, heedless.

Syn.: lave, cleanse, bathe, rinse, absterge.
antonym(s): soil, foul, contaminate.

Syn.: weak, vapid, diluted, spiritless, pointless.
antonym(s): vigorous, nervous, forcible, pregnant, trenchant, pungent.

Syn.: ruin, destroy, devastate, impair, consume, squander, dissipate, throw away, diminish, impair, lavish, desolate, pine, decay, attenuate, dwindle, shrivel, wither, wane.
antonym(s): restore, repair, conserve, preserve, perpetuate, protect, husband, economize, utilize, hoard, treasure, accumulate, enrich, flourish, luxuriate, multiply, augment, develop.

Syn.: wait, wake, contemplate, observe, note, tend, guard.
antonym(s): disregard, overlook, misobserve.

Syn.: vigilant, expectant, wakeful, heedful, careful, observant, attentive, circumspect, wary, cautious.
antonym(s): unwatchful, invigilant, unwakeful, slumbrous, drowsy, heedless, careless, inobservant, inattentive, uncircumspect, unwary, incautious, distracted.

Syn.: hesitate, dubitate, halt, fluctuate, vacillate, alternate, scruple, be undetermined, totter.
antonym(s): determine, decide, rest, repose, settle.

Syn.: form, fashion, practice, habit, method, see steady.

Syn.: willful, froward, perverse, refractory, disobedient, obstinate, stubborn.
antonym(s): docile, manageable, amenable.

Syn.: feeble, infirm, enfeebled, powerless, debile, fragile, incompact, inadhesive, pliant, frail, oft, tender, milk and water, flabby, flimsy, wishy washy, destructible, watery, diluted, imbecile, inefficient, spiritless, foolish, injudicious, unsound, undecided, unconfirmed, irrepressible, wavering, ductile, easy, malleable, unconvincing, inconclusive, vapid, pointless.
antonym(s): strong, vigorous, robust, muscular, nervous, powerful, tough, stout, lusty, sturdy, compact, adhesive, resistant, fibrous, hard, indistructible, potent, intoxicating, efficient, spirited, animated, wise, sound, judicious, cogent, valid, decided, determined, unwavering, stubborn, unyielding, inexorable, conclusive, irresistible, forcible, telling.

Syn.: debilitate, enfeeble, enervate, dilute, impair, paralyze, attenuate, sap.
antonym(s): strengthen, invigorate, empower, corroborate, confirm.

Syn.: debility, feebleness, enervation, dilution, impairment, languor, imbecility, infirmity, decrepitude, frailty, faintness, inconclusiveness, worthlessness, want.
antonym(s): strength, power, nerve, spirit, renovation, vigor, lustiness, tone, cogency, activity, conclusiveness, efficiency, value, abundance.

Syn.: welfare, prosperity, happiness, advantage, see road and course.

Syn.: influence, riches, mammon, lucre, plenty, affluence, abundance, opulence.
antonym(s): indigence, poverty, scarcity, impecuniosity.

Syn.: disaccustom, dishabituate, detach, alienate, withdraw, ablactate.
antonym(s): accustom, habituate, inure, reconcile, attach, associate, conciliate, enlist, draw, attract.

Syn.: instrument, implement, utensil, arm.
antonym(s): shift, makeshift, contrivance.

Syn.: carry, bear, exhibit, sport, consume, dou, waste, impair, rub, channel, groove, excavate, hollow, diminish.
antonym(s): doff, abandon, repair, renovate, renew, increase, swell, augment.

Syn.: tedious, tiresome, fatiguing, toilsome, laborious, annoying, see wean.

Syn.: fatigued, tired, exhausted, worn, jaded, debilitated, pent, toil-worn, faint.
antonym(s): fresh, rigorous, recruited, renovated, hearty.

Syn.: tire, fatigue, fag, jade, harass, exhaust, see laborious and tedious.

Syn.: interlace, brukl, intertwine, intermix, plait, complicate, intersect.
antonym(s): unravel, untwist, disunite, disentangle, extricate, simplify, enucleate, dissect.

Syn.: wizened, withered, dried up.
antonym(s): fresh, plump, fair, rounded out, full.

Syn.: link, marry, espouse.
antonym(s): separate, divorce.

Syn.: espousals, marriage, nuptials, see marriage.

Syn.: marriage, matrimony, espousals, nuptials, coverture, match.
antonym(s): celibacy, singleness, misogamy, divorce.

Syn.: cry, sob, bewail, lament, see marriage, bemoan, deplore.
antonym(s): laugh, see xxx.

Syn.: gravity, ponderosity, heaviness, pressure, burden, importance, power, influence, efficacy, consequence, moment, impressiveness.
antonym(s): lightness, levity, portableness, alleviation, unimportance, insignificance, weakness, inefficacy, unimpressiveness, triviality, worthlessness.

Syn.: reception, salutation.
antonym(s): repudiation, repulsion.

Syn.: grateful, acceptable, pleasant, agreeable, gratifying, pleasing.
antonym(s): unwelcome, ungrateful, unacceptable, distasteful, unpleasant, disagreeable.

Syn.: well-being, weal, success, good fortune, prosperity, happiness, luck, thrift.
antonym(s): adversity, reverse, unsuccess, unprosperousness, unhappiness, illluck, harm, hurt.

Syn.: rightly, thoroughly, properly.
antonym(s): wrongly, imperfectly, improperly.

Syn.: hale, healthy, hearty, sound, see behalf.

Syn.: well-behaved, well-mannered, courteous, polite, see clownish.

Syn.: moist, damp, humid, see clownish.

Syn.: coax, cajole, decoy, flatter, entice, inveigle.
antonym(s): deter, chide, scare, undeceive, disabuse.

Syn.: since, seeing, forasmuch as, inasmuch as, when in fact.

Syn.: sharpen, incite, stimulate, excite, provoke.
antonym(s): blunt, pall, deaden, satiate, nauseate, whim, see dry.

Syn.: freakish, capricious, fanciful, fantastic, quaint, crotchety, droll, farcical.
antonym(s): staid, serious, sober, orderly, demure, sedate.

Syn.: scourge, flagellate, see vagary.

Syn.: twirl, spin round, gyrate, see lash.

Syn.: colorless, pure, snowy, unblemished, unspotted, stainless, innocent, clear.
antonym(s): black, impure, see blameless.

Syn.: total, entire, all, well, complete, sound, healthy, perfect, unimpaired, undiminished, integral, undivided, gross.
antonym(s): partial, imperfect, incomplete, unsound, sick, impaired, diminished, fractional, divided, sectional.

Syn.: healthful, salubrious, salutary, salutiferous, beneficial, nutritious, healing.
antonym(s): unhealthy, unhealthful, insalubrious, insanitary, prejudicial, unwholesome, deleterious, detrimental, morbific.

Syn.: entirely, completely, totally, altogether, quite, utterly, fully, see [[]].

Syn.: harlot, prostitute, courtesan, cyprian, drab, nightwalker, street-walker, wench, strumpet, woman of ill fame, magdalen, bawd, punk, demirep, woman of the town, huzzy, of the demi monde, fille de joie'.
antonym(s): virgin, pure woman.

Syn.: evil, bad, godless, sinful, immoral, iniquitous, criminal, unjust, unrighteous, irreligious, profane, ungodly, vicious, atrocious, black, dark, foul, unhallowed, nefarious, naughty, heinous, flagitious, abandoned, corrupt.
antonym(s): good, virtuous, just, godly, moral, religious, upright, honest, pure, honorable, incorrupt, sinless, spotless, immaculate, stainless.

Syn.: vice, evil, inturpitude, immorality, offence, vileness, villainy, badness, corruption, see altogether and completely.

Syn.: broad, ample, expanded, large, extensive, spacious, distant, remote, see vice.

Syn.: manage, handle, employ, sway, brandish.
antonym(s): mismanage, misemploy, discard, resign, depose, surrender, deposit, abdicate.

Syn.: consort, spouse, helpmeet, helpmate.
antonym(s): mistress, husband.

Syn.: untamed, undomesticated, uncultivated, uninhabited, desert, savage, uncivilized, unrefined, rude, ferocious, untrained, violent, ferine, loose, disorderly, turbulent, ungoverned, inordinate, disorderly, chimerical, visionary, incoherent, raving, distracted, haggard.
antonym(s): tame, domesticated, cultivated, inhabited, frequented, populous, civilized, polite, refined, reclaimed, gentle, mild, subdued, regulated, orderly, rational, collected, coherent, sane, sober, sensible, calm, trim.

Syn.: guile, craft, cunning, artifice, art, device, machination, plot, design, stratagem.
antonym(s): openness, candor, ingenuousness, friendliness, frankness, artlessness.

Syn.: devise, direct, bequeath.
antonym(s): to die without will.

Syn.: purposed, deliberate, designed, intentional, prepense, premeditated, preconcerted, wayward, refractory, stubborn, self-willed, headstrong.
antonym(s): undesigned, accidental, unintentional, unpremeditated, docile, obedient, amenable, manageable, deferential, considerate, thoughtful.

Syn.: ready, voluntary, disposed, desirous, inclined.
antonym(s): unwilling, disinclined, see ample and broad.

Syn.: voluntarily, spontaneously, gratuitously, freely.
antonym(s): unwillingly.

Syn.: artful, crafty, cunning, subtle, sly, see artful.

Syn.: allure, procure, gain, obtain, conciliate, earn, succeed, get, achieve, accomplish, conquer.
antonym(s): repel, forfeit, miss, alienate, fail.

Syn.: coil, twine, wreath, turn, bend, curve, twist, wriggle, see angry.

Syn.: alluring, engaging, attractive, seductive.
antonym(s): repulsive, unpleasing, unattractive, unwinning.

Syn.: sift, simplify, eliminate, disencumber, sort.
antonym(s): confuse, amalgamate, confound, intermix.

Syn.: knowledge, erudition, learning, enlightenment, attainment, information, discernment, judgment, sagacity, prudence, light.
antonym(s): ignorance, illiterateness, sciolism, indiscernment, injudiciousness, folly, imprudence, darkness, empiricism, smattering, inacquaintance.

Syn.: intelligent, learned, skilled, judicious, rational, discreet, prudent, see learned and rational.

Syn.: desire, long for, yearn, hanker, covet, crave, see covet.

Syn.: mind, intellect, sense, reason, understanding, humor, ingenuity, imagination.
antonym(s): mindlessness, senselessness, irrationality, dulness, stolidity, stupidity, inanity, doltishness, wash, vapidity, platitude, commonplace.

Syn.: enchantment, magic, necromancy, sorcery.

Syn.: enchantment, fas, fascination, glamour.
antonym(s): discouragement, damper, sad reality.

Syn.: retract, recal, revoke, wrest, retreat, retire, recede, take back.
antonym(s): offer, proffer, propound, produce, afford, confirm, reiterate, repeat.

Syn.: shrivel, dry, collapse, shrink, blast, blight.
antonym(s): swell, grow, freshen, luxuriate, wanton, refresh, expand, develop.

Syn.: retain, keep, inhibit, cohibit, stay, restrain, refuse, stint, forbear, detain.
antonym(s): grant, afford, furnish, provide, allow, permit, encourage, incite, concede, lavish.

Syn.: oppose, resist, confront, thwart, face.
antonym(s): yield, surrender, submit, acquiesce, countenance, support, encourage, aid, abet, back.

Syn.: attestation, testimony, evidence, corroboration, cognizance, corroborator, eyewitness, spectator, auditor, testifier, voucher, earwitness.
antonym(s): invalidation, incognizance, refutation, ignorance, alien, ignoramus, stranger.

Syn.: jocose, humorous, facetious, acute.
antonym(s): stupid, sober, dull, stolid.

Syn.: juggler, magician, conjuror, necromancer, sorcerer.

Syn.: grief, sorrow, misery, calamity, affliction, distress, disaster, trouble, malediction, curse.
antonym(s): joy, gladness, comfort, boon, happiness, prosperity, weal, benediction, blessing.

Syn.: doleful, sorrowful, rueful, wretched, piteous, see covet.

Syn.: feminine, effeminate, weak, tender.
antonym(s): masculine, strong, vigorous, rough.

Syn.: amazement, astonishment, surprise, admiration, phenomenon, prodigy, portent, miracle, sign, marvel.
antonym(s): astonishment, indifference, apathy, unamazement, anticipation, expectation, familiarity, triviality.

Syn.: amazing, astonishing, wondrous, admirable, strange, striking, surprising, awful, prodigious, portentous, marvelous, miraculous, supernatural, unprecedented, startling.
antonym(s): non-amazing, unastonishing, unsurprising, common, everyday, regular, normal, customary, usual, expected, anticipated, calculated, current, natural, unwonderful, unmarvelous.

Syn.: extraordinary, miraculous, see succumb.

Syn.: rule, custom, use, habit.
antonym(s): exception, deviation, disuse, desuetude.

Syn.: thicket, grove, forest, cope.
antonym(s): open place.

Syn.: term, expression, message, account, tidings, order, vocable, signal, engagement, promise.
antonym(s): idea, conception.

Syn.: exertion, effort, toil, labor, employment, performance, production, product, effect, result, composition, achievement, operation, is sue, fruit.
antonym(s): effortlessness, inertia, rest, inoperativeness, non-employment, nonperformance, non-production, abortion, miscarriage, frustration, neutralization, fruitlessness.

Syn.: artisan, mechanic, craftsman, artificer, baud, journeyman, operative, toiler, laborer, see wonderful.

Syn.: handiwork, handicraft, manipulation.

Syn.: globe, earth, universe, cosmos people.

Syn.: terrestrial, mundane, temporal, secular, earthly, carnal.
antonym(s): heavenly, spiritual.

Syn.: harass, irritate, tantalize, importune, vex, molest, annoy, tease, torment, disquiet, plague, fret.
antonym(s): soothe, calm, gratify, please, amuse, quiet.

Syn.: adore, reverence, revere, deify, idolize, honor, exalt.
antonym(s): abominate, loathe, contemn.

Syn.: value, rate, estimate, see laborer, price, merit, desert, excellence, rate.
antonym(s): inappreciableness, cheapness, worthlessness, demerit.

Syn.: cheap, vile, valueless, useless, base, contemptible, despicable, reprobate, vicious.
antonym(s): costly, rich, rare, valuable, worthy, useful, honorable, estimable, excellent, noble, precious, admirable, virtuous.

Syn.: rend, cut, hurt, injure, harm, damage, pain, mortify, annoy, gall, irritate, lacerate.
antonym(s): heal, soothe, allay, repair, mollify, soften, gratify, please.

Syn.: altercate, bicker, brawl, jangle, contend.
antonym(s): converse, confabulate, harmonize, accord.

Syn.: wind, fold, muffle, cover, involve, infold, envelop, encumber.
antonym(s): unwind, unfold, develop, unwrap, eliminate.

Syn.: ire, passion, rage, fury, anger, exasperation, indignation, resentment.
antonym(s): gratification, approval, delight, appeasement, pacification, reconciliation, compassion, leniency, mercy.

Syn.: angry, ireful, enraged, infuriated, raging, exasperated, see worthless.

Syn.: chaplet, garland, crown, diadem.

Syn.: turn, twist, interweave, enfold, see angry.

Syn.: debris, ruins, havoc, rubbish, remains, destruction, see twist.

Syn.: wrest, twist, distort, strain, extort, wring, see havoc.

Syn.: wrench, twist, distort, writhe, pervert, see twist and pervert.

Syn.: miserable, debased, humiliated, fallen, ruined, pitiable, mean, paltry, worthless, vile, despicable, contemptible, sorrowful, afflicted, melancholy, dejected.
antonym(s): flourishing, prosperous, happy, unfallen, adujirawe, noble, honorable, worthy, valuable, enviable, joyous, felicitous, elated.

Syn.: unfit, unsuitable, improper, mistaken, incorrect, erroneous, unjust, illegal, inequitable, immoral, injurious, awry.
antonym(s): fit, suitable, proper, correct, accurate, right, just, legal, equitable, fair, moral, beneficial, straight.

Syn.: delinquent, sinner, culprit, offender, evil-doer, malefactor, see culprit.

Syn.: evil-doing, wickedness, injustice, crime, see culprit.

Syn.: unfair, unjust, dishonest, wrong, iniquitous, see common.

Syn.: performed, effected, executed, done, produced, manufactured.
antonym(s): begun, initiated, attempted.

Syn.: atwist, askew, contorted, distorted, deformed, deranged.
antonym(s): straight, right, just, fit, proper, shapely, comely.

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD