Synonyms and antonyms (T)

From Medical Encyclopedia

Synonyms are two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context, opposite of antonym.

Syn.: wasting, consumptive, phthisical, morbid, declining, vitiated, lean, shrivelled.
antonym(s): hearty, robust, sound, vigorous, stout.

Syn.: silent, implied, understood, implicit, unexpressed.
antonym(s): open, avowed, expressed, formal, declared.

Syn.: silent, reserved, inconversible, uncommunicative, close, mute, pauciloquous, reticent.
antonym(s): open, unreserved, conversible, communicative, fluent, chatty, talkative, garrulous, chattering, loquacious, multiloquous, prating, prattling, twaddling, verbose, gabbling, cackling.

Syn.: nicety, perception, address, adroitness, expertness, faculty, knack, dexterity, sensitiveness, skill, taste, discrimination, judgment, critique.
antonym(s): coarseness, insensitiveness, awkwardness, indiscrimination, indiscretion.

Syn.: manoeuvre, policy, strategy, diplomacy, management, temporization.
antonym(s): blunder, impolicy.

Syn.: imbue, impregnate, infect, defile, corrupt, stain, sully, tarnish, contaminate, vitiate, poison, pollute, blot, disgrace, dishonor.
antonym(s): disinfect, purify, cleanse, efface, signalize, credit.

Syn.: seize, grasp, catch, capture, siege, use, obtain, see silence, uploy, follow, assume, procure, captivate, engage, interest, charm, choose, select, admit, accept, receive, conduct, transfer.
antonym(s): drop, reject, abandon, surrender, lose, miss, repel.

Syn.: story, narrative, incident, fiction, fable, romance, legend, recital, anecdote, relation, see piu-ue  .

Syn.: genius, ability, aptitude, cleverness, gift, endowment, faculty, parts, capacity.
antonym(s): inability, stupidity, imbecility, incompetence.

Syn.: high, lofty, towering, elevated.
antonym(s): low.

Syn.: match, suit, accord, correspond, fit, harmonize, agree, coincide, comport.
antonym(s): piffw, disagree, disaccord, miscompose.

Syn.: domesticated, reclaimed, tamed, subjugated, broken, gentle, mild, docile, meek, spiritless, tedious, dull, flat.
antonym(s): undomesticated, unreclaimed, untamed, unbroken, savage, wild, fierce, spirited, animated, ferine, interesting, exciting, stirring, lively.

Syn.: meddle, intermeddle, dabble, intrigue, deal secretly, see interpose.

Syn.: palpable, tactile, substantial, real, substantive, perceptible, corporeal, material, comprehensible.
antonym(s): impalpable, intangible, spiritual, incorporeal, immaterial, incomprehensible.

Syn.: intertwist, interlock, snarl, complicate, insnare, mat.
antonym(s): unravel, disentangle, untwine.

Syn.: disappoint, frustrate, torment, vex, provoke, irritate, tease.
antonym(s): gratify, satisfy.

Syn.: equal, equivalent, equipollent, synonymous.
antonym(s): unequal, unequivalent.

Syn.: slow, sluggish, dilatory, behindhand, backward, reluctant, loitering, late.
antonym(s): quick, rapid, alert, active, prompt, willing, eager, early.

Syn.: bedim, bedarken, dull, stain, see interpose.

Syn.: rest, abide, halt, awnit, flag, lag, continue, remain, sojourn, delay, stop, stay, loiter, linger.
antonym(s): press, push, speed, haste, proceed.

Syn.: sharp, acid, sour, acidulous, keen, pungent, acerbous, severe, acrimonious, biting, bitter, harsh, rude, irascible.
antonym(s): mellow, sweet, luscious, mild, genial, suave, kindly, unctuous, oily, smooth, bland, blandiloquent, courteous, deferential, polite, ceremonious.

Syn.: sourness, sharpness, harshness, bitterness, asperity, acrimony, acerbity.
antonym(s): sweetness, gentleness, kindness.

Syn.: work, function, labor, job, operation, business, undertaking, drudgery, toil, lesson.
antonym(s): relaxation, leisure, amusement, hobby.

Syn.: gustation, savor, flavor, sapidity, relish, perception, judgment, discernment, nicety, critique, sensibility, choice, zest, predilection, delicacy, elegancy, refinement.
antonym(s): non-gustation, ill-savor, insipidity, disrelish, non-preception, indiscrimination, indiscernment, indelicacy, coarseness, inelegancy.

Syn.: sapid, relishing, savory, agreeable, tasty, toothsome, palatable, elegant, refined.
antonym(s): insipid, unrelishing, unsavory, unpalatable, nauseous, inelegant, tasteless, unrefined, vapid.

Syn.: babble, gabble, chatter, gossip, twaddle, see babble.

Syn.: reproach, upbraid, rebuke, censure, jeer, scoff, deride, gibe, sneer, mock, revile, twit.
antonym(s): compliment, congratulate.

Syn.: verbosity, redundancy, needless, repetition, pleonasm, reiteration.
antonym(s): conciseness, brevity, laconism, compression.

Syn.: public house, hotel, inn.

Syn.: showy, flashy, tinsel, gaudy, meretricious.
antonym(s): chaste, rich, elegant, handsome, sumptuous.

Syn.: duty, rate, impost, assessment, toll, tribute, see babble.

Syn.: impart, tell, direct, instruct, inform, counsel, admonish, educate, inculcate, enlighten, advise, indoctrinate, train.
antonym(s): withhold, misteach, misdirect, misinstruct, misinform, misguide, mislead.

Syn.: instructor, schoolmaster, preceptor, tutor, professor, pedagogue, educationist, educator, schoolmistress.
antonym(s): pupil, scholar, disciple, learner.

Syn.: training, education, instruction.
antonym(s): learning, absorbing, receiving, knowledge,.

Syn.: rend, lacerate, shatter, sever, sunder.
antonym(s): mend, unite.

Syn.: vex, harass, annoy, disturb, irritate, plague, torment, tantalize, provoke, worry, badger.
antonym(s): soothe, gratify, please, delight, fascinate, enrapture.

Syn.: wearisome, tiresome, monotonous, dilatory, dreary, sluggish, irksome, dull, flat, prolix.
antonym(s): interesting, exciting, stirring, charming, fascinating, delightful, amusing.

Syn.: present, prolific, fraught, fruitful, productive, overflowing, abundant, swarming, multitudinous, numerous.
antonym(s): barren, scanty, wanting, rare, sparse, few.

Syn.: mention, number, enumerate, count, recount, utter, recite, state, narrate, disclose, publish, betray, divulge, promulgate, acquaint, teach, inform, explain, communicate, report, rehearse, discern, judge, discriminate, ascertain, decide, describe.
antonym(s): repress, suppress, misrecount, misnarrate, miscommunicate, misdeclare, misrecite, misjudge, misdescribe.

Syn.: effective, powerful, pointed.
antonym(s): weak, ineffective, pointless.

Syn.: rashness, audacity, precipitancy, overventuresomeness, foolhardiness.
antonym(s): timidity, caution, circumspection, wariness, calculation.

Syn.: temperament, disposition, constitution, frame, mood, spirit, irritability, heat, humor, passion.

Syn.: modify, accommodate, qualify, soften, assuage, soothe, adapt, restrain, see impost.

Syn.: organization, idiosyncrasy, disposition, constitution, see soften.

Syn.: moderate, abstemious, reasonable, sober, calm, cool, sedate, mild, genial.
antonym(s): immoderate, self-indulgent, intemperate, torrid, frigid, rigorous.

Syn.: blast, storm, gale, hurricane, tornado, squall, excitement, commotion, tumult, see blast.

Syn.: stormy, boisterous, violent, squally, turbulent.
antonym(s): calm, peaceful, quiet, serene, composed.

Syn.: secular, worldly, civil, political, transient, fleeting, laical, terrestrial, sublunary, mundane.
antonym(s): religious, spiritual, ecclesiastical, eternal, sacerdotal.

Syn.: present, immediate, partial, limited, transient, impermanent.
antonym(s): perpetual, lasting, confirmed, complete, nnal, perfect, permanent, entire.

Syn.: play, fence, trim, manoeuvre, procrastinate.
antonym(s): act, decide, determine, conclude.

Syn.: entice, allure, try, seduce, attract, solicit, decoy.
antonym(s): dissuade, deter, warn.

Syn.: maintainable, defensible, justifiable, sound, reasonable, consistent.
antonym(s): untenable, indefensible, unjustifiable, weak, hollow, fallacious, unreasonable, inconsistent, irrational, absurd.

Syn.: retentive, adhesive, obstinate, pertinacious, stubborn, jealous, chary.
antonym(s): irretentive, inadhesive, pliant, tenacious, yielding, liberal, prodigal, bountiful.

Syn.: retentiveness, cohesiveness, stubbornness, fixity, pertinacity, see blast.

Syn.: occupant, lessee, occupier, resident, dweller.
antonym(s): owner, landlord, lessor.

Syn.: nurture, guard, watch, manage, serve, keep, aid, incline, verge, lean, aim, contribute, conduce, attend, see pertinacity.
antonym(s): betray, desert, abandon.

Syn.: vergency, proneness, bias, gravitation, drift, scope, I aim, disposition, predisposition, proclivity, leaning, inclination, attraction, conductiveness, course.
antonym(s): disinclination, aversion, repulsion, contravention, deviation, divergency, tangency, divarication, opposition, renitency, reluctance, prevention, neutralization, termination.

Syn.: offer, proffer, propose, bid, produce, present.
antonym(s): withhold, withdraw, retain, appropriate.

Syn.: delicate, frail, impressible, susceptible, yielding, soft, effeminate, weak, feeble, compassionate, affectionate, careful, jealous, gentle, mild, meek, pitiful, merciful, pathetic.
antonym(s): strong, sturdy, hardy, robust, tough, iron, pitiless, unmerciful, cruel, hard-hearted, careless, liberal, lavish, unchary, ungentle, rough, rude, coarse, unsentimental, unmoving, unfeeling, unimpressive, unimpassioned, unimpressed.

Syn.: delicacy, softness, kindness, sensibility, pity, benevolence, humanity, clemency, benefit.

Syn.: dogma, article, principle, creed, doctrine, opinion, belief, persuasion.
antonym(s): disbelief, renunciation, protest, abjuration.

Syn.: drift, purport, intent, course, character, sense, stamp, meaning, effect, aim, scope, direction.
antonym(s): unmeaningness, purposelessness, irrelevance, discursiveness, incoherence, variance, divergence.

Syn.: stretch, strain, intentness, tightness, stiffness, force, tone, effort.
antonym(s): looseness, relaxation, laxity, atony, slackness.

Syn.: experimental, empirical, speculative.
antonym(s): uniform, certain, sure, mry, unfailing.

Syn.: limit, boundary, condition, time, season, period, expression, designation, word, name, article, proviso, stipulation, see p~.

Syn.: denominate, name, call, style, characterize, designate, entitle, see bobdut.

Syn.: final, ultimate, marginal.
antonym(s): central, primal, preconclusive.

Syn.: limit, end, put an end to, close, finish, complete, stop, conclude, see [[bound, see bound.

Syn.: ending, conclusion, fulfilment, achievement, completion, accomplishment, consummation, limit, extent, bound, end, finality, effect, consequence, result, issue, exit.
antonym(s): beginning, inception, initiation, inchoation, start, origin, rise, source, commencement, cause, operation, process, course, tendency.

Syn.: provisions, conditions, stipulations.

Syn.: earthly, sublunary, worldly, mundane, terrene.
antonym(s): celestial, infernal, aquatic, aqueous.

Syn.: awful, fearful, dreadful, formidable, terrific, frightful, tremendous, horrible, shocking.
antonym(s): in formidable, unastounding, unstartling, unastonishing.

Syn.: frighten, scare, horrify, shock, appal, see terrible.

Syn.: province, region, domain, country.

Syn.: fear, dread, alarm, flight, consternation, horror, dismay.
antonym(s): confidence, fearlessness, boldness, reassurance.

Syn.: neat, smooth, pithy, expressive, forcible, energetic, compact, concise, succinct.
antonym(s): coarse, rough, rude, unpolished, inconcise, unsuccinct, prolix, diffuse.

Syn.: cupel, trial, examination, proof, criterion, standard, experiment, touchstone, experience, ordeal.
antonym(s): misindication, misjudgment, misproof.

Syn.: depose, swear, declare, witness, protest, affirm, verify, attest, confirm, certify, asseverate.
antonym(s): misdeclare, misaffirm, misdepose, mistestify, falsify.

Syn.: credential, recommendation, monument.

Syn.: witness, evidence, attestion, affirmation, corroboration, confirmation, proof.
antonym(s): refutation, contradiction, disproof, confutation, contravention, invalidation.

Syn.: irritable, peevish, fretful, touchy, cross, fractious, captious, petulant, see appal.

Syn.: grateful, indebted, beholden, obliged.
antonym(s): ungrateful, thankless, unthankful.

Syn.: gratitude, gratefulness.
antonym(s): thanklessness, ingratitude.

Syn.: ungracious, unprofitable, unthankful, profitless, unreciprocal.
antonym(s): profitable, reciprocated.

Syn.: dissolve, melt, liquefy.
antonym(s): freeze, congeal, harden.

Syn.: dramatic, ecenic, melodramatic, showy, ceremonious, gesticulatory, pompous, meretricious, tinsel.
antonym(s): chaste, genuine, simple, unaffected, quiet, subdued, mannerless, plain.

Syn.: robbery, thieving, stealing, pilfering, filching, larceny, depredation, see peevish.

Syn.: topic, thesis, disquisition, subject, discourse, essay, see depredation.

Syn.: speculation, assumption, doctrine, scheme, system, supposition, hypothesis, plea.
antonym(s): fact, see vrewj]], ruth.

Syn.: speculative, hypothetical, presumptive.
antonym(s): practical, positive, definite.

Syn.: accordingly, consequently, hence, for this reason, .

Syn.: dense, condensed, inspissated, close, compact, turbid, luteous, coagulated, muddy, dull, misty, vaporous, crowded, numerous, solid, bulky, deep, confused, inarticulate.
antonym(s): rare, fine, thin, sparse, strained, pure, percolated, limpid, crystalline, scanty, incompact, slight, shallow, laminated, clear, articulate, distinct.

Syn.: condense, inspissate, incrassate, compact, solidify, befoul, obscure, bemire, becloud, increase, coagulate, amalgamate, commingle, intermix, crowd, multiply, enlarge, expand, extend, broaden, deepen, obstruct, confuse.
antonym(s): rarify, dissipate, refine, attenuate, clear, purify, strain, percolate, clarify, defecate, depurate, brighten, lighten, open, filtrate, diminish, separate, reduce, narrow, contract, liberate, free, extricate, unravel, disentangle, loosen.

Syn.: copse, grove, wood, jungle, forest.
antonym(s): open place, cleared place, prairie.

Syn.: slim, slender, flimsy, attenuated, diluted, watery, meager, unsubstantial, lean, see consequently.

Syn.: ponder, meditate, consider, reflect, contemplate, conceive, imagine, apprehend, fancy, hold, r^, gard, believe, deem, opine, purpose, judge, reckon, see thick.

Syn.: entire, complete, thoroughgoing, powerful, drastic, perfect, see consider and reflect.

Syn.: reflection, reasoning, cogitation, supposition, view, sentiment, meditation, conception, idea, opinion, judgment, conceit, fancy, design, purpose, intention, cogitation, deliberation, care, provision.
antonym(s): vacuity, incogitation, thoughtlessness, dream, hallucination, aberration, misconception, incogitancy, carelessness, improvidence, unreflectiveness.

Syn.: careful, provident, contemplative, considerate, anxious, pensive, cogitative, reflective, regardful, mindful, heedful, diligent.
antonym(s): careless, improvident, un, thinking, thoughtless, incontemplative, mindless, inconsiderate, regard less, heedless, rash, trifling, wanton, idle, dreamy.

Syn.: spiny, prickly, harassing, troublesome.

Syn.: servitude, vassalage, slavery, bondage, confinement, serfdom.
antonym(s): liberty, freedom, unrestraint, liberation, independence.

Syn.: line, course, tenor, continuity.
antonym(s): deviation, divergence, aberration, solution, intermission, interruption.

Syn.: hackneyed, commonplace, trite, stale, worn out, see thoughtful.

Syn.: menace, browbeating, denunciation, intimidation.
antonym(s): encouragement, allurement, enticement, promise.

Syn.: menacing, intimidating, minatory, comminatory, minacious, foreboding, unpromising, imminent, impending.
antonym(s): encouraging, promising, reassuring, enticing, passed, overpast, withdrawn.

Syn.: frugality, economy, saving, gain, profit.
antonym(s): prodigality, waste, loss, expenditure.

Syn.: prudent, careful, economical saving, frugal, flourishing, provident, sparing.
antonym(s): thriftless, unthrifty, wasteful, prodigal, see scatter.

Syn.: arousing, stirring, exciting, affecting, pleasing.
antonym(s): calming, composing, allaying, offending, paining.

Syn.: prosper, increase, flourish, grow, succeed, fatten, luxuriate.
antonym(s): decay, lade, wane, wither, decline, waste, languish, diminish, droop, pine.

Syn.: fling, cast, hurl, toss, project, propel.
antonym(s): retain, recal, revoke, hold, restrain, draw, haul.

Syn.: push, drive, force, dress, shove, impel, urge.
antonym(s): draw, retract, snatch, extract.

Syn.: oppose, cross, frustrate, oppugn, defeat, see abode and prop.

Syn.: titillate, please, gratify, amuse.
antonym(s): irritate, hurt, annoy, vex.

Syn.: flow, course, current, rush, inundation, influx, stream, movement, flood.
antonym(s): stagnation, arrestation, stoppage, cessation, motionlessness, subsidence.

Syn.: news, announcement, information, rumor, report, intelligence, advice.
antonym(s): suppression, nonannouncement, misreport, misinformation.

Syn.: neat, orderly, spruce, clean, cleanly, tight.
antonym(s): disorderly, untidy, slovenly.

Syn.: band, ligature, ligament, fastening, knot, bond.

Syn.: bind, restrict, restrain, fasten, confine, unite, secure, oblige, join, see bind.

Syn.: firm, compact, fast, close, tidy, neat, smart, natty, tense, stretched.
antonym(s): loose, incompact, open, flowing, loose-fitting, large, untidy, lax, relaxed.

Syn.: plow, prepare, cultivate, dress, tend.
antonym(s): neglect, waste, abandon, fallow.

Syn.: period, duration, season, interval, date, opportunity, age, era, occasion, term, space, span, spell.
antonym(s): neverness, eternity, non-duration, indetermination, indeterminableness.

Syn.: early, seasonable, opportune, prompt, judicious.
antonym(s): late, unseasonable, inopportune, injudicious, ill-timed, untimely.

Syn.: temporizing, versatile, servile, trimming.
antonym(s): independent, high-spirited, on-time-serving.

Syn.: fearful, pusillanimous, shy, diffident, coy, timorous, afraid, cowerly, fainthearted, inadventurous.
antonym(s): bold, confident, venturesome, courageous, overventuresome, ruab, audacious.

Syn.: olor, slight taste, see bind.

Syn.: tinge, color, dye, stain, shade, impregnate, see tinge.

Syn.: tincture, color, tint, dye, stain, shade, flavor.

Syn.: tawdriness, spangle, frippery, glitter.
antonym(s): costliness, richness, chasteness, gorgeousness, sumptuousness, magnificence, splendor.

Syn.: color, hue, tinge, dye, complexion.
antonym(s): achromatism, decoloration, paleness, pallor, bleaching, etiolation, colorlessness, sallowness, wanness, cadaverousness, exsanguineousness.

Syn.: puny, wee, small, little, diminutive, lilliputian, microscopic.
antonym(s): huge, bulky, gigantic, cyclopean, sizable, considerable.

Syn.: point, extremity, end, top, cap, see tinge.

Syn.: drunk, intoxicated, fuddled, inebriated, muzzy.
antonym(s): sober, temperate.

Syn.: exhaust, weary, fatigue, dispirit, jade, harass, bore.
antonym(s): enliven, animate, refresh, amuse, excite.

Syn.: wearied, fatigued, worn-out, jaded.
antonym(s): rested, refreshed, unwearied.

Syn.: unwearied, untiring, indefatigable, see termination.

Syn.: fatiguing, wearisome, exhausting, irksome, tedious, see tedious.

Syn.: inscription, heading, denomination, style, designation, appellation, distinction, address, epithet, name.
antonym(s): non-designation, indistinction, nondescript, namelessness, non-denomination.

Syn.: jot, particle, iota, whit, scintilla, spark, grain, atom, see tedious.

Syn.: unitedly, conjointly, contemporaneously, concertedly, simultaneously, coincidently, concomitantly, concurrently.
antonym(s): separately, disconnectedly, independently, variously, incoincidently, inconcurrently.

Syn.: labor, pain, fatigue, drudgery, work, exertion, task, travail.
antonym(s): ease, relaxation, rest, recreation, amusement, pleasure.

Syn.: labor, work, drudge, strive, see atom and iota.

Syn.: wearisome, tiresome, laborious, fatiguing, hard, difficult, painful, see drudge.

Syn.: evidence, exhibition, demonstration, sample, illustration, memorial, symbol, indication, badge, index, symptom, diagnosis, sign.
antonym(s): misindication, misrepresentation, falsification, misillustration.

Syn.: endurable, bearable, supportable, sufferable, allowable, permissible, sufficient, passable.
antonym(s): unendurable, unbearable, insupportable, insufferable, unallowable, impermissible, insufficient, intolerable.

Syn.: forbearing, indulgent, large-minded.
antonym(s): intolerant, bigoted, extreme.

Syn.: suffer, allow, permit, admit, bear, endure.
antonym(s): repel, disallow, prohibit, repudiate, reject, resist.

Syn.: impost, tax, rate, duty, assessment, contribution, tribute, demand, exaction, see difficult and tiresome.

Syn.: grave, vault, catacomb, sepulcher, crypt, house of death, narrow house, long home.

Syn.: pitch, loudness, mood, intonation, sound, temper, tenor, character, drift, effect.
antonym(s): atony, laxity, tunelessness.

Syn.: discourse, speech, language, dialect, idiom, see impost.

Syn.: utensil, implement, machine, instrument, dupe, cat's-paw, hireling, see language.

Syn.: apex, head, culmination, extreme, summit.
antonym(s): foot, bottom, root, base tail.

Syn.: question, theme, subject, subject-matter, see implement and agent.

Syn.: tease, worry, persecute, rack, plague, tantalize, pain, distress, afflict, torture, harass, importune.
antonym(s): soothe, gratify, please, entertain, delight, amuse.

Syn.: numb, lifeless, senseless, dull, sluggish, inactive, hibernating, insensible, inert.
antonym(s): lively, animated, gay, brisk, nimble, active, restless, energetic, vivacious, sensitive, alive.

Syn.: hot, burning, arid, heated, parching, scorching, sultry.
antonym(s): temperate, fresh, cool, breezy, gelid, frigid, arctic, brumal, wintry.

Syn.: devious, circuitous, anfractuous, ambiguous, complicated, sinuous, deceitful, crooked, twisting, indirect, sinister, indexed.
antonym(s): right, straight, direct, rectilinear, straightforward, undeviating.

Syn.: agony, anguish, racking, torment.
antonym(s): ecstasy, rapture, bliss.

Syn.: pitch, cast, hurl, shake, roll, rock, buffet, see toms.

Syn.: whole, entire, complete, undivided, gross, see cast.

Syn.: aggregate, whole, entirety, sum, completion.
antonym(s): part, item, portion, contribution.

Syn.: entirely, wholly, fully, quite, altogether.
antonym(s): partially, incompletely.

Syn.: stagger, reel, shake, tremble, rock, falter, see whole.

Syn.: nodding, faltering, shaky, vacillating, reeling, ruinous.
antonym(s): firm, unfaltering, steady, solid, immovable.

Syn.: handle, reach, feel, arrive at, affect, impress, move, see tremble, see move and affect.

Syn.: affecting, tender, moving, pathetic, see move and affect.

Syn.: testy, peevish, irritable, see appal.

Syn.: resistent, stubborn, lentous, fibrous, difficult, refractory, hard, unmanageable, tenacious, firm, strong.
antonym(s): yielding, tender, soft, brittle, fragile, frangible, friable.

Syn.: trip, excursion, jaunt, ramble, turn, outing.

Syn.: drag, draw, pull, haul, see peevish.

Syn.: bauble, trifle, bagatelle, gewgaw, plaything.
antonym(s): implement, utensil, weapon.

Syn.: explore, track, follow, derive, deduce, thread, investigate, delineate, pursue.
antonym(s): miss, lose, misinvestigate, misdelineate.

Syn.: mark, footprint, trace, course, trail, way, vestige, see trace.

Syn.: untrodden, unfrequented, pathless, wild.
antonym(s): frequented, trodden, wellmarked.

Syn.: district, quarter, region, piece, patch.

Syn.: docile, manageable, amenable.
antonym(s): unmanageable, unamenable, refractory, intractable.

Syn.: traffic, commerce, dealing, exchange, buying and selling, employment, occupation, see vestige.

Syn.: transmitted, oral, unwritten.
antonym(s): written, documentary.

Syn.: malign, asperse, calumniate, vilify, defame, slander, decry.
antonym(s): praise, commend, eulogize.

Syn.: commerce, exchange, intercourse, see commerce and occupation.

Syn.: disaster, calamity, affliction, adversity, catastrophe, grief.
antonym(s): joy, delight, boon, prosperity, comedy.

Syn.: mournful, fatal, calamitous, sorrowful, shocking, see trade.

Syn.: lead, rear, accustom, habituate, inure, drill, exercise, prose, discipline, instruct, bend, see calamitous.
antonym(s): force, break, trail, disaccustom, dishabituate, miseducate, disqualify.

Syn.: suite, procession, retinue, cortege, course, series, see [[*k> cate]].

Syn.: feature, characteristic, touch, stroke, line, see retinue.

Syn.: rebel, renegade, betrayer, turncoat, see feature.

Syn.: treacherous, false, faithless, perfidious, treasonable, disloyal, see renegade.

Syn.: restraint, shackles, fetters, impediment, clog, hindrance.
antonym(s): liberation, freedom, extrication, unconfinement, unrestraint, play.

Syn.: quiet, peaceful, calm, still, undisturbed, unruffled, composed, unanxious, smooth.
antonym(s): unquiet, agitated, disturbed, anxious, excited, restless, uneasy.

Syn.: calm, quiet, appease, pacify, allay, assuage, soothe, see loyal and perfidious.

Syn.: conduct, perform, treat, complete, carry on, manage, negotiate.
antonym(s): mistransact, misconduct, mismanage, misnegotiate.

Syn.: business, affair, negotiation, occurrence, performance, proceeding, action.
antonym(s): nonperformance, desistance, mistransaction, mismanagement, suspension, postponement, adjournment, non-transaction.

Syn.: surmount, surpass, out-top, outstrip, excel, exceed, eclipse, outvie.
antonym(s): fail, fall, foil.

Syn.: consummate, egregious, superior, unexampled, insurpassable, unattainable, surpassing, supreme, matchless, unrivalled, peerless, incomparable, supereminent.
antonym(s): ordinary, attainable, average, common, unsurprising.

Syn.: copy, transfer.

Syn.: convey, transport, remove, sell, assign, remand, make over, transplant, give, alienate, translate, transmit, forward, exchange.
antonym(s): retain, withhold, fix, appropriate, keep.

Syn.: transfigure, metamorphose, change, transmute.
antonym(s): stabilitate, arrest, perpetuate, conserve.

Syn.: break, violate, pass, disobey, contravene, sin, offend, infringe, trespass.
antonym(s): observe, keep, obey, fulfil, respect.

Syn.: offence, fault, sin, crime, see transform.

Syn.: offender, wrongdoer, sinner, culprit, see offence, see curt.

Syn.: fleeting, fugitive, transitory, temporary, passing, evanescent, ephemeral, momentary, brief.
antonym(s): abiding, permanent, perpetual, persistent, lasting, enduring.

Syn.: construe, render, interpret, transfer, transform, see advantage.

Syn.: pellucid, crystalline, translucent, limpid, diaphanous, obvious, clear, indisputable, self-evident.
antonym(s): thick, turbid, opaque, intransparent, mysterious, dubious, questionable.

Syn.: escape, appear, exude.
antonym(s): lurk, latitat, lie.

Syn.: bear, carry, convey, banish, enrapture, delight, ravish, see enrapture, see enrapture.

Syn.: ecstasy, rapture, enravishment, bliss.
antonym(s): agony, paroxysm, mortification, distress, annoyant, vexauu.

Syn.: change, transmute, interchange, reverse, shift, transfer, displace.
antonym(s): stereotype, stabilitate, fix, retain.

Syn.: athwart, crosswise, across, rectangular.
antonym(s): parallel, rectilinear.

Syn.: snare, ambush, stratagem, noose, pitfall.
antonym(s): warning, beacon, signal-post, lighthouse, premonition.

Syn.: gear, adornments, decorations, ornaments, apparatus, paraphernalia, tackle, harness, housings.
antonym(s): divestment, dismantlement, stripping.

Syn.: nonsense, refuse, vileness, superfluity, offal, worthlessness, dross, trifles, stuff, waste matter, seaweed, sawdust, twaddle.
antonym(s): sense, soundness, usefulness, wisdom, treasure.

Syn.: labor, toil, heaviness, affliction.
antonym(s): ease, rest, lightness, joy.

Syn.: journey, wandering, migration, rustication, pilgrimage, excursion, tramp, expedition, trip, ramble, voyage, tour, peregrination.
antonym(s): best, settlement, domestication.

Syn.: tourist, passenger, voyager, itinerant, wayfarer.

Syn.: cross, thwart, obstruct, survey, explore.
antonym(s): pass, omit, sanction, permit, overlook, disregard, elude, avoid, pretermit.

Syn.: burlesque, parody, disguise, caricature, misrepresentation, misportraiture.
antonym(s): representation, reproduction, portraiture, copy, exhibition, recast.

Syn.: insidiousness, faithlessness, perjury, betrayal, fractiousness, treason.
antonym(s): openness, fidelity, honor, chivalry, generosity, treason, see traitorous.

Syn.: jewel, store, valuable, cash, bullion, accumulation, abundance, stock, wealth, riches, hoard, gem, paragon, model.
antonym(s): trash, offal, refuse, scum, dregs, dirt.

Syn.: hoard, accumulate, save, value, enshrine, idolize.
antonym(s): scatter, squander, dissipate, disregard, disesteem, prostitute, waste, betray.

Syn.: handle, manage, use, bargain, discuss, entertain, discourse, write, speak, negotiate.
antonym(s): drop, waive, abandon, decline, suppress, mismanage, misuse, mistreat, maltreat, misconduct, misconsider, misarrange, trifle.

Syn.: tract, essay, paper, pamphlet, disquisition, brochure, dissertation, tractate, monograph, article.
antonym(s): jottings, notes, adversaria, memoranda, effusion, ephemera.

Syn.: contract, agreement, league, covenant, alliance, negotiation, convention.
antonym(s): neutrality, noninterference, non-alliance, nonagreement, non-convention.

Syn.: sharp, acute, highest.
antonym(s): base, low, deepest.

Syn.: shake, quake, quiver, totter, shiver, shudder, vibrate, jar.
antonym(s): stand, steady, settle, still, calm.

Syn.: terrible, dreadful, awful, fearful, appalling.
antonym(s): unimposing, unappalling, inconsiderable.

Syn.: vibratory, shivering, shaking, trembling, jarring, quivering.
antonym(s): equable, motionless, smooth, invibratory, vibrationless.

Syn.: moat, ditch, drain, fosse.

Syn.: trespass, infringe, encroach, see treachery.

Syn.: sharp, cutting, severe, sarcastic, unsparing, incisive, see infringe.

Syn.: deviate, diverge, tend, bend, curve, incline, bear.
antonym(s): continue, proceed, advance.

Syn.: terror, trembling, excitement, alarm, fright, peturbation, tremor, hurry, emotion, disturbance, agitation, panic, demoralization.
antonym(s): immobility, firmness, bold, ness, steadfastness, courage,   conndence, self-command.

Syn.: infringement, violation, transgression, encroachment, damage, see transgress.

Syn.: test, gauge, experiment, temptation, trouble, affliction, grief, burden, suffering, attempt, endeavor, proof, essay, criterion, ordeal, tribulation, verification.
antonym(s): non-trial, non-probation, mismeasurement, miscalculation, misestimate, trifle, triviality, alleviation, relief, disburdenment, refreshment, non-attempt, pretermission, oversight, disregard, non-verification.

Syn.: trouble, distress, woe, sorrow, persecution, suffering, affliction, anguish.
antonym(s): joy, rejoicing, gladness, rest, deliverance.

Syn.: judgment seat, court of justice, bench, bar, court.

Syn.: subject, subordinate, inferior, dependent, accessory, auxiliary.
antonym(s): independent, unsubdued, unconquered, unreduced.

Syn.: tax, impost, subsidy, duty, charge, customs, offering, contribution, acknowledgment.

Syn.: twinkling, flash, instant.

Syn.: artifice, contrivance, machination, guile, stratagem, wile, fraud, cheat, juggle, antic, vagary, finesse, sleight, deception, imposition, delusion, legerdemain.
antonym(s): blunder, exposure, bungling, mishap, botch, fumbling, inexpertness, maladroitness, genuineness, openhandedness, artlessness.

Syn.: deception, fraud, artifice, chicanery, knavery, see artifice.

Syn.: drip, drop, dribble, ooze, percolate, distil.
antonym(s): flow, rush, stream, pour, gush, burst.

Syn.: bauble, bagatelle, toy, straw, nothing, triviality, levity, joke, cipher, bubble, gewgaw, kickshaw, rush.
antonym(s): treasure, portent, phenomenon, crisis, conjuncture, importance, urgency, weight, necessity, seriousness.

Syn.: toy, play, dally, wanton, quibble, fribble.
antonym(s): treat, cope, tackle, grapple, deal.

Syn.: trivial, slight, petty, frivolous, unimportant, inconsiderable, worthless, see artifice.

Syn.: prepare, order, deck, adjust, clip, embellish, arrange.
antonym(s): disorder, derange, dismantle, denude, divest, disarrange.

Syn.: bound, skip, taunt, fail, stumble, mistake, offend, err, fall.
antonym(s): stand, succeed, speed, prosper.

Syn.: worn, hackneyed, stale, threadbare, commonplace, obvious, familiar, trivial.
antonym(s): original, novel, startling, inventive.

Syn.: victory, success, ovation, achievement, conquest, exultation, trophy.
antonym(s): defeat, discomfiture, failure, unsuccess, abortion, baffling, disappointment.

Syn.: victorious, successful, rejoicing, exultant, elated, boastful.
antonym(s): unvictorious, baffled, humiliated, unsuccessful, discomfited, beaten, worsted.

Syn.: trifling, trite, common, unimportant, useless, nugatory, paltry, inconsiderable.
antonym(s): important, weighty, critical, original, novel.

Syn.: crowd, assemblage, multitude, herd, collection, band, company, gang, horde, throng.
antonym(s): paucity, selection, bevy, elite.

Syn.: war-spoil, acquisition, laurels, palm, bays, wreath, prize, medal, feather.
antonym(s): brand, stigma, tarnish, stain, blot.

Syn.: disturb, vex, agitate, confuse, perplex, distress, annoy, harass, tease, molest, grieve, mortify, oppress.
antonym(s): compose, calm, allay, appease, please, soothe, delight, gratify, recreate, entertain, relieve, refresh.

Syn.: affliction, disturbance, annoyance, perplexity, molestation, vexation, inconvenience, calamity, distress, uneasiness, tribulation, disaster, torment, misfortune, adversity, anxiety, embarrassment, sorrow, misery, grief, depression, difficulty, labor, toil, effort.
antonym(s): alleviation, composure, pleasure, appeasement, delight, assuagement, happiness, gratification, boon, blessing, exultation, joy, gladness, ease, facility, luck, recreation, amusement, carelessness, indifference, indolence, inertia, indulgence.

Syn.: tiresome, irksome, difficult, tedious, arduous, laborious, grievous, importunate, vexatious.
antonym(s): easy, pleasant, amusing, facile, light, unlaborious, untroublesome.

Syn.: afflictive, agitated, tumultuous, trying.
antonym(s): soothing, healing, calming, comforting.

Syn.: vagabond, loitering, idling, shirking, vagrant, loose, apostate, renegade.
antonym(s): sedulous, domestic, industrious, diligent, loyal, adherent, faithful, attached.

Syn.: barter, deal, traffic, exchange, see trivial.

Syn.: cringe, stoop, crouch, bend the knee, yield, submit servilely, see deal.

Syn.: fierce, savage, ruthless, destructive, barbarous, cruel, bloodthirsty.
antonym(s): mild, inoffensive, gentle.

Syn.: veritable, veracious, explicit, precis, accurate, faithful, actual, loyal, genuine, pure, real.
antonym(s): fictitious, unreliable, unhistorical, untrustworthy, inveracious, false, inaccurate, unfaithful, faithless, fickle, treacherous, erroneous, spurious, perfidious, counterfeit, adulterated.

Syn.: commonplace, platitude.
antonym(s): discovery, originality, paradox.

Syn.: really, actually, verily, sincerely, truthfully, surely, in truth, see actually.

Syn.: trash, tinsel, nonsense, tawdriness, trifles, rubbish.
antonym(s): treasure, valuables, sense, wisdom, truth.

Syn.: stem, stock, body, shaft.

Syn.: confide, rely, credit, believe, charge, deposit, entrust, repose, hope.
antonym(s): distrust, suspect, discredit, doubt, disbelieve, resume, withdraw, despair.

Syn.: faith, confidence, reliance, belief, hope, expectation, credit, duty, commission, charge, see actually.

Syn.: faithful, honest, firm, reliable, strong, see confidence.

Syn.: faithful, trusty, honest, strong, firm, reliable, see confidence.

Syn.: veracity, verity, fact, fidelity, faithfulness, exactness, accuracy, precision, see faithful.

Syn.: sincere, veracious, correct, accurate, see veracious.

Syn.: attempt, endeavor, strive, aim, examine, test, sound, gauge, probe, fathom.
antonym(s): ignore, pretermit, reject, abandon, discard, misexamine, misinvestigate.

Syn.: bunch, cluster, knot, plume.

Syn.: pull, drag, haul, draw, see peevish.

Syn.: teaching, training, discipline, schooling, see pull.

Syn.: fall, topple, precipitate, derange, rumple, see discipline.

Syn.: swollen, distended, protuberant, inflated, turgid, bombastic, pompous, high-flown, stilted, grandiloquent.
antonym(s): smooth, flat, level, plane, equable, uninflated, subdued.

Syn.: uproar, ferment, disturbance, turbulence, mutiny, insubordination, excitement, outbreak, fray, bustle, distraction, turmoil, disorder, confusion, noise, bluster, brawl, riot.
antonym(s): peace, pacification, subsidence, quiet, tranquillity, order, orderliness.

Syn.: disorderly, disturbed, confused, turbulent, agitate, seditious, lawless, riotous, unruly, #n/a, #n/a.

Syn.: strain, melody, air.

Syn.: musical, melodious, harmonious, see musical.

Syn.: foul, thick, muddy, impure, unsettled, disordered, roiled.
antonym(s): clear, limpid, crystalline.

Syn.: round, shape, mold, adapt, spin, reverse, deflect, alter, transform, convert, metamorphose, revolve, rotate, hinge, depend, deviate, incline, diverge, decline, change.
antonym(s): misshape, misadapt, perpetuate, stabilitate, stereotype, nx, arrest, continue, proceed.

Syn.: revolution, rotation, recurrence, change, alteration, vicissitude, winding, bend, deflection, curve, alternation, opportunity, occasion, time, deed, office, act, treatment, purpose, requirement, convenience, talent, gift, tendency, character, exigence, crisis, form, cast, shape, manner, mold, fashion, cut.
antonym(s): stability, fixity, immobility, stationariness, unchangeableness, uniformity, rectilinearity, indeflection, continuity, untimeliness, incognizance, oversight, independence, nonrequirement, malformation, shapelessness.

Syn.: trimmer, deserter, renegade, see feature.

Syn.: baseness, vileness, depravity, badness, wickedness, disgracefulness.
antonym(s): goodness, nobility, commendableness, excellence.

Syn.: protection, guardianship, minority, training, pupilage.
antonym(s): majority, non-tutelage, independence, discretion.

Syn.: guardian, governor, instructor, teacher, preceptor, professor, master, savant.
antonym(s): ward, pupil, scholar, student, disciple, learner, tyro.

Syn.: balderdash, tattle, nonsense, rigmarole, see renegade.

Syn.: sprig, spray, shoot, branch.

Syn.: twist, wind, embrace, entwine, wreath, bind, unite, braid, bend, meander.
antonym(s): untwist, unwind, separate, disunite, detach, unwreath, unravel, disentwine, continue, straighten.

Syn.: revolve, whirl, turn round, see lash.

Syn.: contort, convolve, complicate, pervert, distort, wrest, wreath, wind, encircle, form, weave, insinuate, unite, interpenetrate.
antonym(s): straighten, untwist, rectify, verify, represent, reflect, render, preserve, express, substantiate, unwreath, unwind, detach, disengage, separate, disunite, disentangle, disincorporation, unravel,.

Syn.: taunt, gibe, reproach, upbraid, jeer, scoff, see revolve.

Syn.: mark, stamp, emblem, kind, character, sign, symbol, pattern, archetype, form, model, idea, image, likeness, expression, cast, mold, fashion.
antonym(s): non-description, non-classification, inexpression, misrepresentation, misindication, falsification, abnormity, deviation, caricature, monstrosity.

Syn.: prefigure, adumbrate, predelineate, prerepresent, foreshow, predemonstrate, foreshadow.
antonym(s): verify, fulfill, realize.

Syn.: arbitrary, despotic, cruel, severe, high-handed, see jeer.

Syn.: despotism, inclemency, persecution, autocracy.
antonym(s): freedom, independence, humanity, clemency, constitutionalism.

Syn.: despot, persecutor, oppressor, see arbitrary.

Syn.: beginner, novice, neophyte.
antonym(s): professor, adept, expert, master, 'un', reference, may, be, made, be, the, words, [[themselves), as, for.

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD