Synonyms and antonyms (L)
Synonyms are two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context, opposite of antonym.
Syn.: work, toil, burn, drudgery, exertion, effort, industry, task, duties.
antonym(s): indolence, ease, inactivity, facility, skill, recreation, rest, refreshment.
Syn.: elaborate, studied, carefully wrought.
antonym(s): not elaborate, unstudied, easy, off hard.
Syn.: workman, workingman, employe, operative, breadwinner, hand.
antonym(s): employer.
Syn.: assiduous, diligent, painstaking, indefatigable, arduous, burdensome, toilsome, wearisome, industrious, hard-working, active, difficult, tedious.
antonym(s): idle, indiligent, lazy, indolent, easy, facile, light, feasible, simple.
Syn.: maze, complexity, bewilderment, involution, perplexity, inexplicable, difficulty.
antonym(s): clue, explication, elimination, enucleation.
Syn.: failure, scarcity, deficiency, want, need, demand, insufficiency.
antonym(s): fulness, abundance, sufficiency, satisfaction, supply, competence.
Syn.: want, require, need, be destitute of.
antonym(s): supply, have abundance of.
Syn.: terse, curt, epigrammatic.
antonym(s): prolix, wordy, tedious, prosy, garrulous, circumlocutory, loquacious.
Syn.: loiter, linger, saunter, dally, tarry, idle.
antonym(s): press, hasten, speedup, hurry, stir.
Syn.: loiterer, saunterer, dawdler, slow goer, sluggard.
antonym(s): one moving quickly.
Syn.: secular, non-libel, civil, temporal.
antonym(s): clerical, legal, ministerial, ecclesiastical, sacerdotal, priestly, canonical, spiritual, [[lull, #n/a, see clergyman.
Syn.: weak, faltering, hobbling, hesitating, ineffective, impotent, crippled, halt, defective, imperfect.
antonym(s): robust, agile, potent, efficient, satisfactory, cogent, convincing, tolling, effective.
Syn.: deplore, mourn, bewail, regret, grieve for, bemoan, wail for.
antonym(s): welcome, hall.
Syn.: plant, place, fix.
antonym(s): extricate, rt-iiiovu, disestablish, upset.
Syn.: speech, talk, conversation, dialect, discourse, tongue, diction, phraseology, articulation, accents, vernacular, expression.
antonym(s): jargon, jabber, gibberish, babel, gabble, cry, whine, bark, howl, roar, obmutescence, dumbness, muteness, inarticulateness, speechless ness.
Syn.: faint, weary, feeble, unnerved, unbraced, pining, drooping, enervated, exhausted, flagging, spiritless.
antonym(s): strong, healthy, robust, rigorous, active, braced.
Syn.: pine, droop, sink, faint, wither, sigh, decline.
antonym(s): flourish, luxuriate, bloom, prosper, thrive.
Syn.: lassitude, weariness, weakness.
antonym(s): strength, vigor, freshness, energy, lithesomeness.
Syn.: lean, loose, slender, slim, long, lax, rawboned.
antonym(s): plump, short, full, rounded, crisp, curled.
Syn.: gliding, falling, flow, onflow, flux, progress, escheatment, devolution, reversion, elapsing.
antonym(s): stability, uprightness, stationariness, fixture, arrestation, stoppage, retention, inheritance, possession.
Syn.: big, bulky, extensive, abundant, capacious, ample, liberal, comprehensive, enlightened, catholic, great, vast, wide.
antonym(s): small, mean, narrow, circumscribed, contracted, scanty, illiberal, niggardly, bigoted, petty, sordid.
Syn.: lustful, libidinous, lewd, lecherous, wanton.
antonym(s): pure, chaste, continent.
Syn.: censure, castigate, satirize, beat, tie, fasten, bind, flog, strike, whip, scourge.
antonym(s): extol, compliment, eulogize.
Syn.: continue, remain, hold, endure, abide, live.
antonym(s): cease, fail, fade, fly, wane, depart, disappear, terminate.
Syn.: latest, ending, final, concluding, hindmost, past, extreme, lowe t, remotest, ultimate.
antonym(s): first, introductory, initiatory, opening, foremost, ensuing, highest, minor, next, nearest.
Syn.: enduring, abiding, permanent, perpetual, durable, see attractive and dull.
Syn.: slow, tardy, delayed, advanced, deceased, past, recent.
antonym(s): early, present, existing, forthcoming, coming, future.
Syn.: recently, of late.
antonym(s): formerly, remotely.
Syn.: invisible, inapparent, unobserved, hidden, concealed, undeveloped, implicit, potential, inherent, secret, occult.
antonym(s): visible, apparent, manifest, conspicuous, exposed, unconcealed, attentive, developed, explicit.
Syn.: indirect, oblique, secondary, resultant, collateral, deviative, additive, parallel, adjunctive, incidental.
antonym(s): lineal, direct, primary, immediate.
- Latter, see last, laud, see praise.
- Laudable, see praiseworthy.
- Laudation, see panegyric.
- Laughable, see ridiculous.
- Laugh at
Syn.: mock at, ridicule, deride, see mock.
Syn.: merriment, glee, derision, ridicule, cachinnation, contempt.
antonym(s): weeping, tears, mourning, sorrow, admiration, veneration, respect, whimper, whine.
Syn.: propel, hurl, embark, expatiate, enlarge.
antonym(s): repress, recall, ignore, avoid.
Syn.: profuse, unsparing, extravagant, bountiful, wasteful, prodigal.
antonym(s): chary, sparing, niggardly, economical, dainty, close, retentive.
Syn.: pour, heap, squander, waste.
antonym(s): husband, store, keep, retain, accumulate, hoard, treasure, spare.
Syn.: rule, edict, regulation, decree, command, order, statute, enactment, mode, method, sequence, principle, code, legislation, adjudication, jurisdiction, jurisprudence.
antonym(s): misrule, disorder, anarchy, rebellion, insubordination, hazard, chance, irregularity, caprice, casualty, accident.
Syn.: legal, permissible, orderly, right, allowable, fair, constitutional, rightful, legitimate.
antonym(s): illegal, impermissible, unlawful, wrong, lawless, unfair.
Syn.: wild, rebellious, disorderly, savage, marauding, violent.
antonym(s): peaceful, loyal, orderly, civilized, honest, tractable, well-disposed.
Syn.: counsellor, attorney, counsel, advocate.
antonym(s): client.
Syn.: loose, vague, incoherent, dissolute, licentious, unprincipled, remiss, flabby, slack.
antonym(s): concise, coherent, compact, strict, rigid, severe, principled, conscientious, attentive.
Syn.: place, establish, deposit, allay, prostrate, arrange, dispose, put, spread, set down.
antonym(s): erect, raise, lift, excite, disarrange, disorder, scrape, abrade.
Syn.: conduct, guide, precede, induce, spend, pass, commence, inaugurate, convoy, persuade, direct, influence.
antonym(s): misconduct, mislead, follow, dissuade, abandon, leave, misguide.
Syn.: priority, pre-eminence, initiative, guidance, control.
antonym(s): subordination, inferiority, submission.
Syn.: chief, director, guide, pioneer, head.
antonym(s): follower.
Syn.: bond, combination, alliance, compact, confederacy, union, coalition, confederation.
antonym(s): dissolution, disconnection, neutrality, secession, disunion, disruption, alienation, divorce.
Syn.: incline, rest, support, tend, bend, depend, hang, repose, confide, slope.
antonym(s): stabilitate, erect, re-erect, raise, rise, straighten.
Syn.: meagre, lank, tabid, emaciated, shrivelled, bony, thin, scraggy, skinny, slender, scanty.
antonym(s): fat, brawny, plump, well-conditioned.
Syn.: tendency, inclination, proclivity, propensity, partiality, bias, liking.
antonym(s): avoidance, aversion, repugnance, loathing.
Syn.: jump, bound, bounce, spring, vault, hop.
antonym(s): plunge, dip, dive, duck, walk.
Syn.: acquire, attain, imbibe, collect, glean, understand, gather.
antonym(s): lose, forget, teach, instruct.
Syn.: conversant, erudite, read, skilled, scholarly, literary, knowing, well-informed, versed.
antonym(s): inconversant, illiterate, ignorant, unlearned, unscholarly.
Syn.: tyro, novice, pupil, student, beginner, scholar, disciple, catechumen.
antonym(s): teacher, master, professor, adept, authority.
Syn.: knowledge, erudition, literature, lore, letters, acquirements, attainments, scholarship, education, tuition, culture.
antonym(s): ignorance, boorishness, it, literiteness, emptiness, sciolism, intuition, revelation, inspiration.
Syn.: smallest, lowest, meanest, last.
antonym(s): greatest, highest, first, nuiin, principal.
- Leave, see abandon and bequeath.
- Leave
Syn.: liberty, permission, license, concession.
antonym(s): restriction, prohibition, prevention, inhibition, refusal.
Syn.: legitimate, lawful, allowable, juridical, constitutional.
antonym(s): illegal, illegitimate, unlawful, unallowable, lay, unconstitutional.
Syn.: myth, fable, marvellous story, fiction.
antonym(s): history, fact, actual occurrence.
Syn.: plain, decipherable, well-written, calligraphic.
antonym(s): obscure, undecipherable, illwritten, illegible, cabalistic, cryptographic.
Syn.: allowable, normal, fair, licit, real, genuine, fairly deduced, lawfully begotten.
antonym(s): illegitimate, unallowable, unfair, illicit.
Syn.: freedom, vacation, opportunity, convenience, ease, quiet, retirement, spare time, unoccupied time.
antonym(s): constraint, employment, occupation, distraction, labor, bustle, toil, business, absorption, engagement.
Syn.: easy, deliberate, sauntering.
antonym(s): eager, hurried, precipitate, rapid, expeditious.
Syn.: advance, loan, grant, afford, present.
antonym(s): resume, retract, appropriate, retain, withhold, refuse.
Syn.: elongate, stretch out, prolong, see extend.
Syn.: diffuse, prolix, tedious, long-drawn, verbose.
antonym(s): concise, compendious, curt, short, brief, laconic, compact, condensed, succinct.
- Lenient, see mild and kind.
- Lenitive
Syn.: palliative, initiative, soothing.
antonym(s): inflammatory, exaggerative, provocative, aggravating, irritant, exasperating.
Syn.: precept, warning, instruction, lecture, homily, information.
antonym(s): misinstruction, misguidance, misinformation.
Syn.: permit, allow, suffer.
antonym(s): prevent, hinder.
- Lethal, deadly, mortal, fatal, poisonous, venomous.
antonym(s): invigorative, remedial, sanative, wholesome, restorative, vivifying, vital, genial. - Lethargy
Syn.: drowsiness, torpor, oblivion, stupor, swoon, trance.
antonym(s): vigilance, alertness, liveness, mindfulness, wakefulness, alacrity, activity, life.
Syn.: epistle, note, communication, message, missive.
Syn.: plane, surface, floor, equality, aim, platform, ground, coordinateness, horizontally.
antonym(s): unevenness, acclivity, declivity, inequality, inco-ordinateness, verticality.
Syn.: plane, smooth, roll, flatten, equalize, raze.
antonym(s): roughen, furrow, disequalize, graduate.
Syn.: comminute, triturate, pulverize, smooth, polish, plane.
antonym(s): compound, amalgamate, indent, roughen, batter.
Syn.: lightness, frivolity, inconstancy, flightiness, vanity, thoughtlessness.
antonym(s): earnestness, gravity, seriousness.
Syn.: raise, impose, muster, exact.
antonym(s): forego, surrender, reimburse, repay, liquidate.
Syn.: defamation, detraction, traducement, calumny, slander, defamatory publication, lampoon.
antonym(s): retraction, vindication, apology, eulogy, panegyric, puff, advocacy, encomium.
Syn.: defamatory, calumnious.
antonym(s): laudatory, eulogistic.
Syn.: free, gentle, refined, polished, generous, bountiful, catholic, enlarged, copious, ample, profuse, large, handsome, munificent, abundant, noble-minded, bounteous, tolerant, plentiful.
antonym(s): churlish, low, mean, boorish, ungenerous, illiberal, grasping, niggardly, avaricious, greedy, gainful, narrow-minded, bigoted, prejudiced, contracted, scanty, inadequate.
Syn.: rake, debauchee.
antonym(s): ascetic, anchorite, recluse, hermit, puritan, saint.
Syn.: freedom, leave, independence, permission, privilege, license, franchise, immunity, insult, impropriety, volition, voluntariness, exemption.
antonym(s): slavery, servitude, restraint, constraint, submission, dependence, obligation, compulsion, deference, respect, considerateness, necessity, fatality, predestination.
Syn.: permit, allow, indulge.
antonym(s): restraint, disallow, withhold, forbid, prohibit.
Syn.: voluptuous, dissolute, rakish, debauched, self-indulgent, lax, profligate, loose, unbridled.
antonym(s): temperate, strict, sober, self-controlled, ascetic, self-denying, rigid.
Syn.: lawful, legal, allowable, equitable.
antonym(s): illegal, illicit, unfair.
Syn.: falsehood, untruth, fabrication, subterfuge, evasion, fib, fiction, falsity.
antonym(s): truth, fact, veracity.
Syn.: rest, repose, be, remain.
antonym(s): rise, move, stir.
Syn.: gladly, willingly, readily.
antonym(s): slowly, unwillingly, reluctantly, sloth.
Syn.: vitality, duration, existence, condition, conduct, animation, vivacity, personality, estate, society, morals, spirit, activity, history, career.
antonym(s): mortality, decease, death, non-existence, dullness, torpor, portraiture, lethargy, lifelessness.
- Lifeless, see life and dead.
- Lift
Syn.: raise, elevate, upraise, upheave, exalt, hoist, elate, erect.
antonym(s): lower, sink, depress, crush, overwhelm, degrade, dash, cast, hurl.
Syn.: bond, band, bandage, ligature, brace, strap, girth.
antonym(s): divulsion, discerption, disconnection, fracture, dislocation, severance, laceration, splinter, breach, disbandment, shield, fender, disconnector.
Syn.: luminosity, radiance, beam, gleam, phosphorescence, scintillation, see [[coru[-cation] ]], flash, brightness, brilliancy, effulgence, splendor, blaze, candle, lamp, lantern, explanation, instruction, illumination, understanding, interpretation, day, life.
antonym(s): darkness, dimness, obscurity, shade, duskiness, gloom, extinction, misinterpretation, ignorance, misunderstanding, night, death, confusion, mystification, tenebrosity.
Syn.: imponderous, portable, unweighty, buoyant, volatile, easy, digestible, scanty, active, unencumbered, empty, slight, gentle, unsteady, capricious, vain, frivolous, characterless, thoughtless, unthoughtful, unconsidered, inadequate, incompact, unsubstantial, inconsiderable, not difficult, bright, whitish, trifling.
antonym(s): heavy, ponderous, weighty, immovable, leaden, solid, hard, indigestible, full, lazy, encumbered, burdened, oppressed, weighed, loaded, laden, ballasted, grave, serious, important, violent, steady, firm, principled, cautious, reflective, reliable, liable, sensible, earnest, thoughtful, well-considered, well-weighed, adequate, stiff, compact, dark, dark-colored.
Syn.: equal, correspondent, similar, resembling.
antonym(s): unequal, different, dissimilar.
Syn.: love, approve, enjoy, relish, affect.
antonym(s): hate, dislike, loathe, mislike, detest, abhor, abominate.
- Likely, see probable.
- Likelihood, see probability.
- Likeness
Syn.: similarity, resemblance, correspondence, similitude, parity, copy, imitation, portrait, representation, image, effigy, carte de visite, picture.
antonym(s): dissimilarity, dissimilitude, disparity, inequality, unlikeness, original.
Syn.: so, also, too, as well, to boot, besides.
antonym(s): not, otherwise.
Syn.: love, approval, relish, infection, taste, inclination, partiality, fondness.
antonym(s): hatred, dislike, disrelish, aversion, repugnance, loathing, disinclination, abhorrence.
Syn.: transparent, translucent, crystalline, pure, lucid, clear.
antonym(s): opaque, turbid, luteous, foul, muddy.
Syn.: cord, thread, length, outline, row, direction, verse, course, method, succession, sequence, continuity.
antonym(s): breadth, contents, space, divergency, deviation, fluctuation, variation, interruption, discontinuance, solution.
Syn.: descent, house, family, race, ancestry, progeny, breed, descendants.
antonym(s): ancestor, founder, source, origin.
Syn.: line, mark, feature, form, profile.
antonym(s): face, countenance, visage, aspect.
Syn.: direct, straight, rectilinear.
antonym(s): incurved, divergent, collateral, lateral, curvilinear, zigzag.
Syn.: tarry, loiter, saunter, lag, hesitate, wait.
antonym(s): haste, speed, press, push.
- Link, see connection.
- Liquefaction, see melt.
- Liquescence, see melt.
- Liquid
Syn.: fluid, liquescent, melting, running, watery, fluent, soft, mellifluous, limpid, flowing, clear, smooth.
antonym(s): solid, solidified, concrete, congealed, hard, dry, indissolvable, insoluble, harsh, discordant.
Syn.: catalogue, roll, register, inventory, schedule, see kecosd.
Syn.: hear, attend, hearken, incline, give ear, heed.
antonym(s): disregard, ignore, refuse, repudiate.
Syn.: indifferent, careless, uninterested, vacant, languid, indolent, supine, lackadaisical, torpid, heedless.
antonym(s): eager, interested, curious, ardent, attentive, absorbed, active, engaged, earnest.
Syn.: exact, grammatical, verbal, close, real, positive, actual, plain.
antonym(s): general, substantial, metaphorical, free, spiritual.
Syn.: erudite, scholarly, studious.
antonym(s): illiterate, unscholarly, unstudious.
Syn.: lore, erudition, reading, study, learning, attainment, scholarship, literary works.
antonym(s): genius, intuition, inspiration.
Syn.: pliant, flexible, limber, supple, elastic, agile, pliable.
antonym(s): tough, inflexible, inelastic, stiff.
Syn.: quarrelsome, disputatious, contentious.
antonym(s): complacent, contented, acquiescent, genial, facile.
Syn.: scatter, mislay, discompose, disorder, derange.
antonym(s): clear, clean, order, lay, methodize, arrange.
Syn.: small, tiny, pigmy, diminutive, short, brief, scanty, unimportant, insignificant, slight, weak, inconsiderable, trivial, illiberal, mean, petty, paltry, dirty, shabby, dwarf.
antonym(s): big, bulky, large, enormous, huge, monstrous, full-sized, long, full, developed, much, important, grave, serious, momentous, liberal, generous, noble, high-minded, handsome.
Syn.: vegetate, grow, survive, continue, abide, dwell, last, subsist, behave, act, breathe, exist.
antonym(s): die, perish, wither, demise, migrate, vanish, fade, fail, languish, depart, drop, decease.
Syn.: animate.
antonym(s): inanimate, defunct.
Syn.: maintenance, support, living, substance, sustenance.
antonym(s): privation, starvation, want, inanition, beggary.
Syn.: brisk, animated, keen, eager, blithe, alert, vivid, vivacious, quick, spirited, vigorous, sprightly, active.
antonym(s): lifeless, torpid, dull, inanimate, indifferent, listless, insensate.
Syn.: uniform, garb, badge, dependence, servitude, retainership, retinue, subservience.
antonym(s): freedom, immunity, insubservience.
- Living, see live.
- Living, see livelihood.
- Load
Syn.: weight, lading, cargo, oppression, incubus, drag, burden.
antonym(s): refreshment, support, solace, alleviation, emptiness, lightness.
Syn.: burden, charge, lade, cargo, cumber, oppress.
antonym(s): disburden, unload, disencumber, lighten, alleviate, believe.
Syn.: advance, mortgage, hypothecation.
antonym(s): recall, resumption, foreclosure.
Syn.: place, establish, settle, fix, dispose, lodge.
antonym(s): displace, disestablish, dislodge, remove.
- Location, see locality.
- Locomotion
Syn.: movement, migration, travel, passage.
antonym(s): stationariness, stoppage, rest, abode, remanence, fixture.
Syn.: migratory.
antonym(s): stationary.
Syn.: elevated, towering, high, dignified, eminent, stately, haughty, majestic, airy, tall.
antonym(s): depressed, low, stunted, undignified, ordinary, unstately, mean, unimposing, unassuming, affable.
Syn.: close, argumentative, ound.
antonym(s): inconclusive, illogical, fallacious.
Syn.: wrangle, strife, tontenrion, debate.
antonym(s): chat, colloquy, conrfcrsatioo, confabulation.
Syn.: lounge, recline.
antonym(s): rise, stir.
Syn.: forlorn, dreary, forsaken, wild, solitary, desolate, lonely.
antonym(s): cheerful, befriended, festive, frequented, populous, gay, animated, bustling.
Syn.: protracted, produced, dilatory, lengthy, tedious, prolix, extensive, diffuse, far-reaching.
antonym(s): short, curt, curtailed, brief, speedy, quick, concise, condensed.
Syn.: eagerness, desire, aspiration, craving, yearning, wishing.
antonym(s): indifference, repugnance, aversion.
Syn.: see ~, behold, contemplate, observe, seem, appear, face.
antonym(s): overlook, miss, misobserve, misbeseem, lurk, smoulder.
Syn.: see ~, view, eye, gaze at, behold, witness, inspect.
antonym(s): see look.
Syn.: glimmer, lower, gloam.
antonym(s): dwindle, pale, recede, fade, vanish, disappear.
Syn.: untie, unfasten, let.
antonym(s): tie, fasten, hold, retain.
Syn.: unbound, detached, flowing, scattered, sparse, incompact, vague, inexact, rambling, dissolute, licentious.
antonym(s): bound, tied, fastened, tight, moored, lashed, secured, thick, close, dense, compact, pointed, accurate, exact, consecutive, strict, logical, scientific, conscientious.
Syn.: prune, curtail, shorten, retrench, amputate, truncate.
antonym(s): grow, trail, train, elongate, lead.
Syn.: talkativeness.
antonym(s): taciturnity.
Syn.: lofty, magnificent, majestic, noble, proud, imperious.
antonym(s): mean, beggarly, ignoble, unimposing, humble, servile, lowly.
Syn.: rule, dominion, jurisdiction.
antonym(s): homage, subjection, subservience.
Syn.: hiss, drop, mislay, forfeit.
antonym(s): keep, retain, find, recover, locate, earn, guard, treasure, economize, utilize, preserve, abandon, discard, reject.
Syn.: mislaying, dropping, forfeiture, missing, privation, waste, detriment, damage.
antonym(s): preservation, recovery, earning, satisfaction, restoration, economy, augmentation, advantage, gain.
Syn.: chance, fortune, fate, hazard, ballot, doom.
antonym(s): law, provision, arrangement, disposal, design, purpose, plan, portion, allotment.
Syn.: reluctant, unwilling.
antonym(s): ready, willing, lief.
Syn.: sounding, sonorous, resonant, noisy, audible, vociferous, clamorous, obstreperous.
antonym(s): soft, gentle, subdued, whispering, rustling, murmuring, babbling, pattering, tinkling, dulcet, inaudible, quiet.
- Lounge, see loll and loiter.
- Lout
Syn.: clown, looby, clodhopper, clod.
antonym(s): dandy, fop, cockney, prig.
Syn.: affection, attachment, passion, devotion, benevolence, charity, kindness.
antonym(s): hatred, dislike, disaffection, alienation, estrangement, bitterness, coldness, indifference, repugnance, infidelity, desertion, unkindness, malice, uncharitableness.
Syn.: suitor, wooer, sweetheart, swain, beau.
antonym(s): husband, wife, mate.
Syn.: amiable, lovable, enchanting, beautiful, pleasing, delightful, charming.
antonym(s): unamiable, unlovable, hateful, hideous, plain, homely, unattractive, unlovely.
Syn.: abated, sunk, depressed, stunted, declining, deep, subsided, inaudible, cheap, gentle, dejected, degraded, mean, abject, base, unworthy, lowly, feeble, moderate, frugal, reprieved, subdued, reduced, poor, kwnue.
antonym(s): elevated, lofty, tall, amending, rising, high, exorbitant, violent, loud, excited, elated, eminent, considerable, influential, high-minded, honorable, proud, strong, aggravated, intensified, raised, wealthy, rich.
Syn.: depress, decrease, reduce, bate, abate, drop, humiliate, sink, debase, humble, diminish.
antonym(s): hoist, raise, heighten, exalt, increase, aggrandize, elevate.
Syn.: inferior.
antonym(s): higher, superior.
Syn.: dark, threatening, gloomy, murky, lurid, overcast.
antonym(s): see muggy.
Syn.: mean, low, common, humble, meek.
antonym(s): lofty, elevated, eminent, [[li>nlly]], proud.
Syn.: submissive, obedient, faithful, allegiant, true, constant.
antonym(s): insubmissive, insurgent, mal, content, rebellious, disobedient, unfaithful, unallegiant, untrue, inconstant, disaffected.
Syn.: fidelity, fealty, allegiance, faithfulness.
antonym(s): disloyalty, unfaithfulness, treason.
Syn.: oil, ease, grease, levigate, gloze, glaze.
antonym(s): rust, clog, indent, roughen, corrugate.
- Lucent, see limpid and lucid.
- Lucid
Syn.: shining, bright, resplendent, incident, luminous, clear, trans parent, crystalline, pellucid, distinct, intelligible, rational, perspicuous, orderly, limpid, lucent, easily under, stood.
antonym(s): dark, unlustrous, opaque, turbid, muddy, obscure, unintelligible, confused, unsolved, insane, mystified.
- Luck, see chance.
- Luckiest, see chance and lucky.
- Lucky
Syn.: fortunate, auspicious, prosperous, successful, favorable.
antonym(s): unlucky, unfortunate, inauspicious, unprosperous, adverse, illfated, disastrous, luckless.
- Lucrative, see profitable.
- Lucre
Syn.: gain, profit, greed, mmm, mon, wealth, money.
antonym(s): loss, poverty, failure, privation, see tom, refuse.
Syn.: study, meditation, work, cogitation.
antonym(s): idleness, vacuity, incogitancy, torpor.
Syn.: ridiculous, farcical, laughable, comic, droll, funny, comical.
antonym(s): serious, momentous, grave, ead, sorrowful, mournful, tragic, lugubrious, melancholy, sombre, doleful.
- Lugubrious, see ludicrous.
- Lull
Syn.: calm, quiet, hush, still, tranquilize, see assuage.
Syn.: quiet, assuagement, cessation, quiescence, subsidence.
antonym(s): tumult, excitement, storm, tempest.
Syn.: trash, rubbish, refuse.
antonym(s): valuables, commodities, stock.
Syn.: choke, crowd, obstruct, encumber.
antonym(s): clear, disencumber, utilize, economize.
Syn.: sage, savant, celebrity, light, genius.
antonym(s): fool, ignoramus, dunce, lout, blockhead.
Syn.: mass, hunk, hunch, slice.
Syn.: heavy, cloddish, sluggish, clumsy.
antonym(s): light, airy, agile, sylph-like, nimble, active.
Syn.: madness, insanity, derangement, craziness, mania, aberration, hallucination.
antonym(s): sanity, reason, intellect, intelligence, rationality, lucidity.
Syn.: madman, maniac, monomaniac.
antonym(s): solon, philosopher, luminary, genius.
Syn.: allurement, see attraction.
Syn.: murky, lowering, wan, dismal, gloomy.
antonym(s): bright, luminous.
Syn.: hide, lie, skulk, abscond, lie hid, lie in wait.
antonym(s): rise, spring, show, emerge, flash.
Syn.: sweet, delicious, sugary, honied, delightful, toothsome, delightsome.
antonym(s): sour, sharp, tart, bitter.
Syn.: purification, expurgation, expiation.
antonym(s): desecration, defilement, contamination.
Syn.: brightness, splendor, brilliancy, effulgence, glory, renown, see effulgence.
Syn.: robust, vigorous, strong, stout, able-bodied, burly, brawny, muscular, healthy, corpulent.
antonym(s): infirm, weak, disabled, ailing, effete, listless.
Syn.: voluptuous, selfindulgent, pleasurable, sensual, pampered.
antonym(s): hard, painful, self-denying, ascetic, hardy.
Syn.: effeminacy, epicurism, voluptuousness, wantonness, selfindulgence, softness, animalism, delicacy, dainty, profuseness.
antonym(s): hardness, asceticism, stoicism, self-denial, hardship.
Syn.: mendacious, false, untrue, untruthful.
antonym(s): true, veracious.
External links[edit | edit source]
- – Online reference resource that provides instant synonyms and antonyms definitions including visualizations, voice pronunciations and translations
Synonyms finder tools
- Synonym Finder – Synonym finder including hypernyms in search result
- Thesaurus – Online synonyms in English, Italian, French and German
- Woxikon Synonyms – Over 1 million synonyms – English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish and Dutch
- FindMeWords Synonyms – Online Synonym Dictionary with definitions
- Classic Thesaurus – Crowdsourced synonym dictionary
- Power Thesaurus – Synonym dictionary with definitions and examples and other references
- Past Tenses Synonyms – Online synonym finding website
- Synonym Database – Open synonym database with related synonyms
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD