Synonyms and antonyms (S)
Synonyms are two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context, opposite of antonym.
Syn.: priestly, hierarchical, clerical.
antonym(s): laic, congregational.
Syn.: plunder, pillage, ravage, waste, spoil.
antonym(s): spare, indemnify, protect, preserve.
Syn.: holy, divine, hallowed, consecrated, religious, inviolable.
antonym(s): unholy, common, profane, unconsecrated.
Syn.: offer, immolate, destroy, surrender, forego.
antonym(s): reserve, retain, appropriate, withhold.
Syn.: offering, oblation, immolation, surrender, destruction, atonement, propitiation, appeasement, expiation.
antonym(s): reservation, appropriation, retention, salvation, rescue, offence, transgression.
Syn.: heavy, grave, dull, sorrowful, woe-begone, calamitous, dismal, doleful, mournful, gloomy, dejected, depressed, cheerless, serious, downcast, grievous, melancholy, saturnine.
antonym(s): light, light-hearted, cheerful, joyful, joyous, gay, glad, exhilarating, exhilarated, happy, blithe.
Syn.: impose, burden, load, shackle, clog, charge, encumber.
antonym(s): rid, relieve, exonerate, disburden, liberate, disencumber.
Syn.: secure, unendangered, secured, sure, protected, impregnable, trustworthy, certain.
antonym(s): insecure, imperilled, dangerous, hazardous, exposed.
Syn.: security, protection, see sable.
Syn.: intelligent, discriminating, acute, wise, prudent, foreseeing, shrewd, penetrating, sapient.
antonym(s): dull, obtuse, unintelligent, stolid, undiscerning.
Syn.: philosopher, savant, literate.
antonym(s): fool, imbecile, colt, blockhead.
Syn.: seaman, mariner, navigator, seafarer, tar.
antonym(s): landsman.
Syn.: pure, holy, spiritual, heavenly-minded, pious, godly.
antonym(s): impious impure, unholy, unspiritual, ungodly, carnal, foul, worldly, earthly-minded, sinful.
Syn.: account, behalf, purpose, end, regard, reason, cause, see defense.
Syn.: projecting, springing, jutting, abutting, prominent, conspicuous, important, noteworthy.
antonym(s): retreating, retiring, returning, rebated, unimportant, minor, inconsiderable, subordinate.
Syn.: burst, start, issue.
antonym(s): retire, retreat, withdraw.
- Salubrious, see behalf.
- Salubrity
Syn.: healthiness, healthfulness, wholesomeness, salutarines.
antonym(s): unwholesomeness, unhealthily, insalubrity.
- Salutary, see healthy.
- Salutation, see wholesome.
- Salute
Syn.: hall, compliment, accost, welcome, greet.
antonym(s): ignore, insult, pass, disregard, dishonor, scorn, affront.
Syn.: preservation, saving, redemption, rescue, deliverance.
antonym(s): destruction, perdition, damnation.
Syn.: heal, cure, mollify, redress, remedy, mend, relieve.
antonym(s): wound, hurt, irritate, injure, aggravate, scarify.
Syn.: identical, selfsame, similar, corresponding.
antonym(s): other, different.
Syn.: specimen, pattern, illustration, case, exemplification, scantling.
antonym(s): exception, deviation, abnormity, monstrosity, variety, nondescript, hybrid, nonsuch.
Syn.: curative, sanative, remedial, therapeutic, hygienic, sanitary.
antonym(s): morbific, pestilential, noxious, unwholesome, pernicious.
Syn.: justification, absolution, consecration, holiness.
Syn.: consecrate, hallow, celebrate, purify, justify, sanction, ratify.
antonym(s): desecrate, profane, misobserve, pollute, disannul.
Syn.: rectification, authorization, authority, countenance, support, seal, allowance.
antonym(s): nullification, disallowance, discountenance, prohibition.
Syn.: authorize, countenance, confirm, ratify, see sanatory and healthful.
Syn.: holiness, sacredness, godliness, piety, solemnity.
antonym(s): unholiness, profaneness, ungodliness, impiety, secularly.
Syn.: shrine, adytumasy % asyurn, asyurn, refuge, security, protection, inviolability.
antonym(s): pitfall, trap, snare, betrayal, violation, extradition.
Syn.: bloody, truculent, bloodthirsty, murderous.
antonym(s): lenient, moderate, chivalrous, generous, sparing, forbearing.
Syn.: warm, ardent, lively, animated, hopeful, confident, trustful.
antonym(s): cold, frigid, desponding, distrustful, croaking, misgiving, suspicious, cautious, unventuresome, timid, anxious, diffident, solicitous.
Syn.: rationality, soundness, reasonableness, lucidity, wisdom.
antonym(s): insanity, madness, lunacy, derangement, alienation, dementation, hallucination, folly.
Syn.: tasty, relishing, savory, piquant, palatable, toothsome, delicious.
antonym(s): dry, flavorless, distasteful, nauseous.
Syn.: sapidness, savoriness, taste, eavor.
antonym(s): savorless, tasteless, insipid, vapid.
Syn.: sage, sagacious, knowing, wise, discerning.
antonym(s): foolish, undiscerning, blind, stolid.
Syn.: gibe, chaff, irony, jeer, satire, ridicule, taunt, sardonicism.
antonym(s): eulogy, compliment, panegyric, eulogium.
Syn.: satirical, ironical, taunting, severe, see sanatory.
Syn.: fiendish, devilish, infernal.
antonym(s): angelic, seraphic, heavenly.
Syn.: satiate, glut, surfeit.
antonym(s): stint, starve.
Syn.: attendant, follower, subordinate, shadow, associate, hanger-on, second.
antonym(s): leader, principal.
Syn.: gorge, cloy, satisfy fully, see satirical.
Syn.: invective, sarcasm, burlesque, lampoon, pasquinade, irony, ridicule.
antonym(s): eulogy, panegyric, laudation.
Syn.: cutting, poignant sarcastic, bitter, ironical, invective.
antonym(s): complimentary, flattering, laudatory, panegyric, eulogistic.
Syn.: contentment, content, complacency, pleasure, recompense, compensation, amends, remuneration, indemnification, atonement.
antonym(s): discontent, grievance, dissatisfaction, pain, vexation, annoyance, injury, wrong, fraud, robbery, obligation, demand, claim, damnification, transgression, offence.
Syn.: satiate, content, sate, please, fill, gratify, suffice, recompense, compensate, remunerate, indemnify, assure, convince, meet, fulfil.
antonym(s): stint, starve, deprive, dissatisfy, tantalize, half-satisfy, annoy, displease, defraud, deprive, injure, cheat, shake, disown, repudiate, stagger, pore, embarrass, puzzle.
Syn.: soak, impregnate, infuse, steep, sate.
antonym(s): wring, drain, exsiccate, dry, divert, empty, deprive, disimpregnate.
Syn.: dull, heavy, grave, phlegmatic, gloomy, leaden, sombre.
antonym(s): jovial, gay, light-hearted, joyous, bright, merry.
Syn.: pert, forward, flippant, impudent, insolent, disrespectful.
antonym(s): deferential, civil, respectful, fair-spoken, glozing, mealy-mouthed, obsequious, servile, snivelling, slavish.
Syn.: roam, loiter, linger, stroll, wander, lag, dawdle, lounge, linger.
antonym(s): speed, course, press, hasten, drive, push, scramble.
Syn.: ferocious, ferine, wild, uncultivated, untamed, untaught, uncivilized, unpolished, rude, brutish, brutal, heathenish, barbarous, cruel, fierce, inhuman, truculent, pitiless, merciless, murderous, violent, malevolent.
antonym(s): mild, docile, domesticated, tame, tractable, meek, timid, shrinking, cultivated, tamed, taught, civilized, educated, refined, christianized, polished, humane, generous, chivalrous, merciful, clement, forbearing, courtly, subdued, self-controlled.
Syn.: preserve, rescue, secure, reserve, spare, hinder, obviate, prevent, snatch, catch, economize, husband.
antonym(s): lose, betray, abandon, destroy, surrender, iiupo-r, facilitate, promote, induce, occasion, cause, miss, expose, imperil, endanger, risk, waste, lavish, see scatter.
Syn.: redeemer, see frugal, mediator, messiah, the anointed, the word.
- Savory, see jesus christ.
- Say
Syn.: utter, tell, speak, pronounce, declare, assert, allege, affirm, repeat, rehearse, recite, judge.
antonym(s): suppress, secrete, silentiate, repress, misdeclare, misrecite, misdeliver, missay, misjudge, mispronounce.
Syn.: assertion, maxim, saw, dictum, declaration, speech, byword, proverb, aphorism, apothegm.
antonym(s): dissertation, disquisition, essay, ratiocination, rigmarole, yarn, circumlocution.
Syn.: offence, reproach, disgrace, defamation, libel, shame, infamy, detraction, slander, calumny, opprobrium.
antonym(s): eulogy, fame, honor, respect, credit.
Syn.: disgrace, disgust, shock, offend, defame, reproach.
antonym(s): honor, see rapid.
Syn.: short, insufficient, mean, niggardly, stingy, narrow, limited, chary, sparing.
antonym(s): full, ample, liberal, generous, bountiful, unmeasured.
Syn.: cicatrix, blemish, disfigurement, mark, seam, spot, reproach.
antonym(s): obliteration, effacement.
Syn.: rare, infrequent, unabundant, unique, uncommon, unusual, singular, precious, choice, few, wanting, sparse.
antonym(s): common, frequent, abundant, valueless, thick, plentiful.
Syn.: deficiency, lack, infrequency, want, dearth, rarity.
antonym(s): plenty, abundance, frequency.
Syn.: terrify, affright, intimidate, frighten, deter, dismay, daunt.
antonym(s): reassure, encourage, entice, allure.
Syn.: cut, scratch, incise, irritate, torment.
antonym(s): heal, salve, soothe, mollify, assuage.
Syn.: unhurt, unscathed, uninjured, undamaged, whole, sound.
antonym(s): wounded, injured, damaged.
Syn.: strew, sprinkle, disperse, spread, broadcast, dissipate, disseminate, propagate, squander.
antonym(s): collect, accumulate, heap, gather, save, husband.
Syn.: spectacle, show, exhibition, see sample.
Syn.: odor, perfume, tmeu, see paoeakt.
Syn.: doubter, infidel, un believer, deist.
antonym(s): believer.
Syn.: doubt, unbelief, infidelity, incredulity.
antonym(s): faith, belief, credulity.
Syn.: plan, project, design, contrivance, purpose, draft, proposal, device, plot, theory, intrigue, machination.
antonym(s): miscontrivance, bungle, misarrangement, blunder.
Syn.: division, separation, disruption, secession, diversity, sectarianism, breach, dissent, discord.
antonym(s): unity, integrity, catholicity, communion.
Syn.: pupil, learner, disciple, student, schoolman, scientist, savant, gownsman, linguist.
antonym(s): master, teacher, preceptor, professor, ignoramus, dunce.
Syn.: lore, learning, erudition, attainments, culture, see learning.
Syn.: knowledge, information, skill, experience, expertness, comprehension, understanding, investigation, truth.
antonym(s): ignorance, inexperience, unfamiliarity, incomprehension, error, fallacy, empiricism, smattering, sciolism.
Syn.: philosophical, according to general principles, or laws.
antonym(s): unscientific.
Syn.: shallowness, superficialness, smattering, imperfect knowledge.
antonym(s): depth, profundity, profoundness.
Syn.: slip, offshoot, cadet, branch, child.
antonym(s): stem, stock, parent, root.
Syn.: sneer, mock, jibe, jeer, contemn, scout, deride, ridicule.
antonym(s): compliment, salute, respect, honor.
Syn.: chide, rail, reprimand, reprove, brawl, rebuke, abuse.
antonym(s): praise, encourage, compliment, laud, flatter.
Syn.: aim, object, mark, end, design, purpose, intention, drift, room, occasion, opportunity, liberty.
antonym(s): avoidance, nonintention, pretermission, inadvertence, accident, aimlessness, deviation.
Syn.: contemn, despise, slight, disdain, disregard, sibilate, vilipend, spurn, scout.
antonym(s): honor, regard, esteem, venerate, respect, applaud, salute.
Syn.: mockery, disdain, contempt, sneer, slight, opprobrium, see learning.
Syn.: villain, vagabond, knave, swindler, miscreant, reprobate.
antonym(s): man of honor, gentleman.
Syn.: purge, cleanse, rinse, scrub.
antonym(s): soil, begrime, besmear, foul, pollute, aefile, dirt.
Syn.: punishment, bane, curse, undoing, visitation.
antonym(s): blessing, redemption, saving, reward, benefaction.
Syn.: offal, dregs, lees, offscourings, refuse, dross, scum.
antonym(s): cream, elite, pickings, bloom, flower.
Syn.: frown, discountenance, browbeat, lower, glower.
antonym(s): smile, encourage, countenance.
Syn.: jagged, lean, bony, uneven, gaunt, skinny, raw, angular.
antonym(s): plump, fat, round, rounded.
Syn.: struggle, hurry, bustle.
antonym(s): lag, dawdle, loiter, saunter.
Syn.: hurry, bustle, struggle, confusion, turmoil, ferment, commotion, bear-garden, babel, vortex.
antonym(s): order, orderliness, arrangement, leisureliness, method, uniformity.
Syn.: scantling, piece, morsel, fragment, atom, bit, portion.
antonym(s): whole, integrity, mass, lump.
Syn.: grate, abrade, confricate, rasp, scratch, mark, groove.
antonym(s): lubricate, polish, levigate, dig, indent, wound.
Syn.: shelter, protect, defend, hide, palliate, mitigate, curtain, cloak, defend, harbor, fence, ward, shade.
antonym(s): open, expose, surrender, betray, aggravate, exaggerate, prosecute.
Syn.: biblical, orthodox, revealed, inspired.
antonym(s): profane, unrevealed, unorthodox, unbiblical, unscriptural.
Syn.: misgiving, doubt, hesitation, qualm, reluctance, question.
antonym(s): recklessness, unscrupulousness, confidence, assurance, self-satisfaction, self-approval, self-complacency.
- Scruple, see scrape.
- Scrupulous
Syn.: conscientious, dubious, diffident, punctilious, exact, cautious, nice, precise, reluctant.
antonym(s): reckless, unscrupulous, unhesitating, confident, self-satisfied, self-complacent, eager.
Syn.: examine, probe, search into, sift, see examine.
Syn.: search, investigation, sifting, inspection.
antonym(s): oversight, misobservation, disregard, connivance.
Syn.: statuary, carving, plastic work, carved art.
Syn.: opprobrious, foul-mouthed, obscene, offensive, reproachful, see abusive.
Syn.: buffoonery, derision, ecomng, mockery, jeering, abuse.
antonym(s): deference, eulogium, flattery, compliment.
Syn.: ocean, deep, main.
antonym(s): shore, land.
Syn.: close, fasten, confirm, sanction, ratify.
antonym(s): unseal, unclose, open, annul, cancel, abrogate, disratify, disaffirm, contravene.
Syn.: inspect, explore, scrutinize, seek, investigate, inquire.
antonym(s): pretermit, disregard, abandon, misinvestigate.
Syn.: exploration, pursuit, quest, inquiry, see abusive.
Syn.: period, time, conjuncture, while, occasion, opportunity, suitableness, timeliness.
antonym(s): untimeliness, unsuitableness, contretemps, unseasonableness.
Syn.: convenient, fit, grateful, welcome, timely, suitable, periodical, normal, opportune.
antonym(s): ungrateful, unwelcome, untimely, unsuitable, unexpected, abnormal, inopportune, unseasonable.
Syn.: withdraw, retire, recede, separate, dissent, segregate.
antonym(s): adhere, accord, concur, conform, unite, amalgamate.
Syn.: separation, withdrawal.
antonym(s): union, adherence.
Syn.: retired, retreating, hidden, withdrawn, secret, private, sequestered, shaded.
antonym(s): public, exposed, frequented, open.
Syn.: retirement, privacy, retreat, solitude, secrecy, see scrutiny.
Syn.: subordinate, inferior, minor, unimportant, resultant, induced.
antonym(s): primary, leading, important, prominent.
Syn.: hidden, concealed, secluded, retired, unseen, unknown, private, obscure, recondite, latent, covert, clandestine, privy, unrevealed, mysterious, underdosed.
antonym(s): open, public, unconcealed, known, notorious, unreserved, disclosed.
Syn.: hide, conceal.
antonym(s): expose, publish, manifest, exhibit, disclose.
Syn.: party, schismatical, narrow, bigoted, exclusive, denominational, divisional, intolerant.
antonym(s): broad, catholic, comprehensive, tolerant, latitudinarian, indifferent, universal.
Syn.: worldly, profane, civil, unmonastic, temporal, laic.
antonym(s): regular, religious, monastic, spiritual, clerical.
Syn.: safe, easy, fixed, sheltered, fast, sure, certain, confident, unanxious, careless, protected, ensured.
antonym(s): anxious, distrustful, suspicious, careful, unsafe, insecure, precarious, hazardous.
Syn.: fasten, guard, protect, assure, ensure, close, enclose, detain, arrest.
antonym(s): loosen, betray, surrender, expose, imperil, endanger, open, liberate, free.
Syn.: pledge, guarantee, warranty, protection, safeguard, pawn, deposit, bond, defence, guard, shelter, safety, certainty, ease, assurance, carelessness, confidence.
antonym(s): parole, word, understanding, honor, defencelessness, exposure, danger, peril, insecurity, uncertainty, care, anxiety, precariousness.
Syn.: sober, demure, serious, calm, thoughtful, grave, settled, composed, unimpassioned, serene, passive, quiet.
antonym(s): flighty, frolicsome, indiscreet, unsedate, ruffled, agitated, disturbed.
Syn.: allaying, tranquillizing, composing, soothing, demulcent, palliative, assuasive, lenient, anodyne, hypnotic.
antonym(s): disturbing, exciting, irritant.
Syn.: close, assiduous, studious.
antonym(s): active, free, erratic, locomotive.
Syn.: settlement, lees, dregs, grounds, refuse, dross, residuum, precipitate.
antonym(s): elutriation, lixiviation, clarification, colature, edulcoration, nitration.
Syn.: secession, insurrection, rising, outbreak, treason, tumult, riot, rebellion, revolt, mutiny, insubordination.
antonym(s): union, allegiance, fealty, pacification, appeasement, quiet, orderliness, subordination, obedience.
Syn.: insurgent, rebellious, tumultuous, turbulent, factious, mutinous.
antonym(s): loyal, quiet, peaceable.
Syn.: tempt, entice, allure, overpersuade, mislead, inveigle, decoy, corrupt, deprave, lead astray, attract.
antonym(s): force, compel, overpower.
Syn.: alluring, enticing, seductive, attractive.
antonym(s): repellent, repulsive, abhorrent, forbidding.
Syn.: assiduous, diligent, industrious, laborious, painstaking, persevering, close, unremitting, indefatigable, constant.
antonym(s): indiligent, idle, unpersevering, inattentive, distracted, wandering, inconstant.
Syn.: perceive, behold, descry, discern, look, view, conceive, distinguish, understand, comprehend, attend, beware, visit, experience.
antonym(s): miss, overlook, disregard, misconceive, misunderstand, ignore.
Syn.: spring, origin, cause, germ, embryo, root.
antonym(s): issue, result, birth, product, development, offspring, fruit.
Syn.: search, inquire, pursue, solicit, endeavor, attempt, strive, investigate, trace, prosecute, follow, court, affect.
antonym(s): ignore, disregard, avoid, shun, elude, pretermit, discard, abandon, relinquish, drop.
Syn.: look, appear.
antonym(s): belie, misrepresent, differ.
Syn.: becoming, fit, suitable, proper, appropriate, convenient, decent, congruous, meet, decorous.
antonym(s): unbecoming, unfit, unsuitable, improper, inappropriate, inconvenient, indecent, incongruous, unmeet, indecorous.
Syn.: section, part, portion, limb, member.
antonym(s): whole, totality, integrity, compound.
Syn.: separate, select, part, secede, localize, exclude.
antonym(s): unite, confound, fuse, amalgamate, mix, collect, gather, congregate.
Syn.: catch, grasp, clutch, snatch, apprehend, arrest, hold, grip, grapple, hook, take, capture.
antonym(s): loose, dismiss, liberate, abandon, drop, unhand, unhook, unfasten.
Syn.: rarely, infrequently, occasionally, inconstantly, hardly ever.
antonym(s): commonly, frequently, uniformly, systematically, habitually, regularly, often, invariably.
Syn.: cull, pick choose, segregate, elect, prefer.
antonym(s): lump, confound, sweep.
Syn.: choice, picked, fine, prime, chosen, selected, excellent.
antonym(s): haphazard, common, average, unselect, coarse, ordinary.
Syn.: choice, option, election, excerption, gathering, preoption, segregation, adoption, preference.
antonym(s): rejection, repudiation, refusal, exclusion, postponement.
Syn.: self-esteem, egotism, see seclusion.
Syn.: wilful, headstrong, stubborn, see obstinate.
Syn.: egotistical, self-minded, self-indulgent, self-worshipful, worldly, illiberal, ungenerous, narrowminded, mercenary, greedy.
antonym(s): disinterested, generous, unselfish, handsome, liberal, high-minded, self-denying, magnanimous, patriotic, public-spirited, considerate, accommodating.
Syn.: vend, retail, hawk, dispose of.
antonym(s): give, bestow, present.
Syn.: seeming, appearance, form, show, likeness, mien, aspect, bearing, similitude.
antonym(s): unlikeness, disparity, difference, contrariety, dissimilitude.
Syn.: nursery, garden, seed-plot, academy, college, school, propaganda.
antonym(s): waste, wilderness.
Syn.: despatch, transmit, impel, cast, bestow, grant.
antonym(s): detain, withhold, arrest, withdraw, deny, recal.
Syn.: relegate, remand, transfer.
Syn.: aged, imbecile, doting.
antonym(s): juvenile, vigorous, virile, manly.
Syn.: eldership, priority, superiority.
antonym(s): juniority, inferiority, posteriority, subordination.
Syn.: affection, apprehension, sentiment, feeling, perception, surprise, impression.
antonym(s): apathy, insensibility, nonperception, unsurprise.
Syn.: perception, sensation, feeling, apprehension, recognition, understanding, discernment, appreciation, sentiment, view, opinion, judgment, reason, consciousness, notion, meaning, import, signification, purport, significance, soundness, sagacity, wisdom.
antonym(s): non-perception, insensibility, misapprehension, misunderstanding, stolidity, nonappreciation, misconception, unsoundness, folly, nonsense, misinterpretation.
Syn.: nonsensical, unmeaning, stupid, brainless, unconscious, foolish, silly, objectless, absurd.
antonym(s): sensible, significant, wise, practical.
Syn.: susceptibility, delicacy, feeling, refinement, impressibleness, sensitiveness.
antonym(s): insensibility, insusceptibility, coarseness, unimpressibleness.
Syn.: tangible, palpable, perceptible, visible, appreciable, judicious, sound, conscious, aware.
antonym(s): intangible, impalpable, imperceptible, invisible, inappreciable, insensible, unconscious, unaware.
Syn.: sentient, perceptive, impressible, easily affected.
antonym(s): unimpressible, not easily affected.
Syn.: carnal, fleshly, animal, voluptuous, lewd.
antonym(s): spiritual, intellectual, selfdenying, abstinent, abstemious, continent, ethereal, ascetic.
Syn.: material, esthetic, embodied, representative, symbolical.
antonym(s): abstract, conceptional, imageless, contemplative, intellectual, unembodied, unsymbolical, immaterial, pictureless, formless.
Syn.: judgment, decree, decision, doom, phrase, passage, see obstinate.
Syn.: pithy, pregnant, thoughtful, axiomatic, antithetical, pointed, nervous, didactic.
antonym(s): dull, dry, inane, vapid, point, less, jejune, trashy, bald, watery, prosy.
Syn.: feeling, percipient, conscious, intelligent, cognizant.
antonym(s): insentient, insensate, mindless, unconscious, unintelligent, nonpercipient, incognizant.
Syn.: thought, feeling, notion, opinion, maxim, susceptibility, emotion, apprehension, impression, conviction.
antonym(s): vacuity, ignorance, nonsense, crudity, bugbear, conjecture, assumption, impression, hypothesis, preconception, prejudice.
Syn.: didactic, moral, instructive, romantic.
antonym(s): undidactic, unsentimental, matter-of-fact, unpoetical, prosaic.
Syn.: watch, guardian, guard, keeper, warden, sentry, watchman, patrol, vedette, I.
antonym(s): traitor, decoy.
Syn.: dissoluble, removable, movable, distinguishable, accidental, divisible.
antonym(s): indissoluble, irremovable, permanent, immovable, indistinguishable, essential, inseparable, indivisible.
Syn.: part, never, disjoin, disunite, divorce, tear, rend, remove, disintegrate, detach, disconnect, divide, dissipate, scatter, segregate, diverge.
antonym(s): unite, fasten, tie, conjoin, wed, link, amalgamate, consolidate, integrate, incorporate, connect, fuse, confound, mass, herd, congregate, convene, gather, collect, meet, converge.
Syn.: disunited, disjoined, disconnected, unconnected, detached, severed, different.
antonym(s): connected, conjoined, united, alike.
Syn.: disunion, disjunction, disconnection, disengagement, dissociation, see judgment.
Syn.: hollow, deathlike, ghastly, infernal, gloomy.
antonym(s): genial, healthful, cheerful, vital, lively, sunny.
Syn.: burial, interment, humation.
antonym(s): exhumation, disinterment.
Syn.: pliant, ductile, obsequious, traditional, servile, unoriginal, unimaginative.
antonym(s): independent, refractory, selfwilled, self-opinionated, original, originative, imaginative.
Syn.: event, result, consequence, conclusion, see event.
Syn.: following, order, succession, series, consequence, progression, continuity, posteriority.
antonym(s): precedence, anteriority, priority, disorder, disconnection, inconsequence, irregularity, solution, intermission.
Syn.: retired, withdrawn, private, hidden, unfrequented, secluded.
antonym(s): public, exposed, frequented, unsecluded, unsequestered.
Syn.: angelic, heavenly, blissful, pure, rapturous, holy, ethereal.
antonym(s): fiendish, hellish, devilish, demoniacal, infernal.
Syn.: clear, calm, unruffled, undisturbed, halcyonic.
antonym(s): turbid, stormy, agitated, tempestuous, ruffled.
Syn.: slave, servant, villain, laborer.
antonym(s): lord, baron, squire, proprietor, noble, landowner, liege, liegelord.
Syn.: order, course, sequence, succession, train, rotation, see event.
Syn.: grave, thoughtful, careful, earnest, solemn, important, weighty.
antonym(s): volatile, gay, thoughtless, careless, joking, jocose, insignificant, unimportant, trifling, trivial, light.
Syn.: winding, meandering, tortuous, anfractuous, undulating, sinuous, anguilliform, vermicular, coiled.
antonym(s): straight, unbending, unwinding, rectilinear.
Syn.: retainer, domestic, attendant, minister, maid, abigail, handmaid.
antonym(s): lord, master, mistress, employer.
Syn.: obey, minister, subserve, help, work for, forward, attend, suffice for, assist, benefit, answer, promote, tend, accommodate.
antonym(s): command, disobey, thwart, oppose, resist, counteract, contradict, neutralize, baffle, retard, obstruct.
Syn.: labor, employment, advantage, use, utility, benefit, see advantage.
Syn.: useful, benetidal, advantageous, profitable, sound, well-conditioned.
antonym(s): useless, profitless, ill-conditioned, unserviceable, unsound.
Syn.: obsequious, cringing, sequacious, menial, sneaking, low, abject.
antonym(s): independent, fractions, refractory, recalcitrant, dogged, stubborn, defiant, rebellious.
Syn.: slavery, bondage, slavishness, baseness, meanness, fawning, sycophancy, see advantage.
Syn.: service, subordination, obedience, ministry, submission.
antonym(s): mastery, lordship, command, dictation, sway, rule, government.
- [[Set vt
Syn.: seat, place, locate, situate, settle, fix, build, rest, establish, ground, perpetuate, stabilitate, confirm, strengthen, determine, appoint, assign, cast, risk, wager, surround, bedeck, garnish, stud.
antonym(s): remove, disestablish, lift, raise, transfer, uproot, eradicate, unfix, disperse, discard, unsettle, demolish, destroy, weaken, loosen, detach, misarrange, misdetermine, denude, divest.
- [[Set vi
Syn.: sink, settle, subside, decline, compose, consolidate, harden.
antonym(s): rise, ascend, soar, mount, stir, agitate, loosen, run, soften, melt, mollify, fuse, flow.
Syn.: fixed, established, firm, determined, regular, formal, be.
Syn.: fix, establish, regulate, arrange, compose, adjust, determine, decide, adjudicate, quiet, allay, still, milk, fall, subside, lower, calm, acquiesce, abate, agree.
antonym(s): remove, disestablish, misregulate, derange, discompose, aggravate, disorder, disturb, confuse, misdetermine, misarrange, misplace, unsettle, rise, ascend, move, disagree, increase, heighten.
Syn.: subsidence, dregs, residuum, precipitation, colonization, location, colony.
antonym(s): excitement, perturbation, turbidity, fluctuation.
Syn.: separate, divide, disjoin, distinguish, part, discommunicate, sunder, disengage, detach, break, except, disconnect.
antonym(s): unite, conjoin, confound, confuse, amalgamate, associate, include, connect.
Syn.: separate, distinct, diverse, sundry, divers, various, different.
antonym(s): one, same, identical, indistinguishable, inseparable, united, total, integral.
Syn.: serious, austere, stern, grave, strict, harsh, rigid, rigorous, sharp, afflictive, distressing, violent, extreme, exact, critical, censorious, caustic, sarcastic, cutting, keen, bitter, cruel.
antonym(s): gay, smiling, cheerful, relaxed, jocose, jocund, joyous, mild, genial, indulgent, light, trivial, tri-fling, inconsiderable, inexact, loose, uncritical, lenient, inextreme, moderate, kind, considerate, feeling, tender, gentle.
Syn.: ragged, threadbare, contemptible, beggarly, paltry, see firm.
Syn.: fetter, gype, chain, obstruction, embarrassment.
antonym(s): aid, assistance, subsidiary, help.
Syn.: fetter, bind, chain, hamper, harness, impede, see contemptible and paltry.
Syn.: shadow, adumbration, umbrage, darkness, see fetter, obscurity, seclusion, protection, shelter, screen, oscuro, minuteness, touch, degree.
antonym(s): illumination, light, daylight, sunshine, brightness, radiance, glare, chiaro, amount, largeness, considerableness, quantity, publicity, defencelessness, exposure.
Syn.: shelter, screen, obscure, darken, cloud, see gombreuc-^.
antonym(s): illuminate, brighten, make light.
Syn.: umbration, reflection, image, sham, unsubstantiality, immaterial, phantom, attendant.
antonym(s): body, substance, materiality, form, principal.
Syn.: dim, cloudy, obscure, dark, murky, gloomy, mysterious, see just and honest.
Syn.: agitate, weaken, oscillate, totter, convulse, loosen, tremble, jar, quiver, shiver.
antonym(s): secure, fix, fasten, strengthen, stabilitate, confirm, stand.
Syn.: shoal, slight, flimsy, trifling, simple, superficial, unprofound.
antonym(s): deep, profound.
Syn.: phantom, ghost, delusion, illusion, mockery, shadow, pretence, counterfeit, unreality.
antonym(s): substance, reality, verity, substantiality, truth.
Syn.: abashment, humiliation, modesty, shamefacedness, decency, decorum, reproach, dishonor, ignominy, contempt, degradation, discredit, dispraise.
antonym(s): shamelessness, barefacedness, immodesty, impudence, indecency, indecorum, impropriety, honor, glory, exaltation, renown, credit.
Syn.: abash, humiliate, fill with shame, disgrace, see obscure.
Syn.: disgraceful, degrading, scandalous, outrageous, dishonorable, indecent, unbecoming, see abash.
Syn.: vicious, sinful, immodest, indelicate, unblushing, brazen, audacious, bold-faced, impudent, cool, see becoming.
Syn.: form, mould, figure, adapt, delineate, adjust, contrive, create, execute, make.
antonym(s): pervert, distort, misadapt, misdelineate, derange, discompose, misconstrue, misproduce, caricature.
Syn.: figure, form, outline, mould, fashion, pattern, cast, model, see audacious and indelicate.
Syn.: amorphous, unformed, formless, chaotic, shadowy, undefined, monstrous, misshaped, ugly, unsymmetrical, rude, uncouth, grotesque.
antonym(s): comely, shaped, formed, shapely, compact, trim, neat, well-defined, handsome, symmetrical.
- Shapely, see figure and model.
- Share
Syn.: portion, apportionment, lot, division, participation, allowance, quota, contingent, allotment.
antonym(s): whole, mass, aggregate, entirety.
Syn.: divide, distribute, portion out, see divide.
Syn.: thin, fine, keen, shrewd, discerning, clever, sarcastic, acute, pointed, aculeated, penetrating, pungent, acid, shrill, piercing, afflictive, distressing, harsh, severe, cutting, eager, active, ardent, sore, hard, animated, spirited.
antonym(s): thick, blunt, dull, obtuse, knobbed, rounded, bluff, mellow, bass, hollow, deep, light, trifling, trivial, mild, gentle, soft, tender, lenient, sluggish, inactive, indifferent, careless, spiritless, tame.
Syn.: split, dissipate, disrupt, derange, break in pieces, rend, demolish, shiver, dismember, disintegrate.
antonym(s): construct, organize, collocate, fabricate, compose, rear, constitute.
Syn.: emit, diffuse, cast, drop, scatter, spill, pour, throw off.
antonym(s): absorb, collect, assume, retain.
Syn.: pure, mere, unmixed, unqualified, unmitigated, absolute, simple, unadulterated.
antonym(s): mixed, qualified, adulterated, modified, partial.
Syn.: shield, conceal, cover, protect, screen.
antonym(s): expose, surrender, betray, imperil, endanger.
Syn.: refuge, cover, harbor, asylum, retreat, shield, security, sanctuary, see divide.
Syn.: dismiss, discard, swamp, stifle, shift.
antonym(s): start, prosecute, pursue, revive, agitate.
- Shield, see gombreuc-^.
- Shift
Syn.: change, alter, transfer, shelve, displace, remove.
antonym(s): fix, fasten, locate, insert, pitch, plant, place.
Syn.: contrivance, expedient, substitute, pretext, motive, change, evasion, device, artifice, resource, transference.
antonym(s): miscontrivance, fixity, steadiness, retention, location, permanence.
Syn.: thriftless, improvident, imprudent, wasteful, prodigal.
antonym(s): provident, prudent, careful, see shelter.
Syn.: beam, brighten, gleam, give, light, glow, sparkle, glitter, re' ate, glisten, excel.
antonym(s): fade, wane, loom, glimmer, gleam, fail.
Syn.: quake, tremble, vibrate, quiver, shudder.
antonym(s): hang, stand, stiffen, steady, rigidity.
Syn.: surprise, disgust, offend, dismay, astound, appall, horrify, shame.
antonym(s): gratify, please, delight, amuse, entify.
Syn.: sad, horrible, disgraceful, hateful, revolting, abominable, loathsome, foul.
antonym(s): pleasing, honorable, charming, delightful, creditable, exemplary, attractive, alluring, enticing.
Syn.: coast, bench, strand.
antonym(s): ocean, sea, main, deep.
Syn.: brief, limited, scanty, inadequate, insufficient, lacking, deficient, defective, imperfect, incomplete, soon, near, narrow, weak, incomprehensive, inextensive, less, abrupt, blunt, concise, condensed.
antonym(s): lon, see (, protracted, extended, unlimited, plentiful, ample, abundant, adequate, sufficient, exuberant, liberal, large, copious, complete, distant, deferred, wide, strong, comprehensive, extensive, exceeding, bland, courteous, unabrupt, expanded, diffuse.
Syn.: curtail, lessen, abridge, see [[]].
Syn.: exclamation, uproar, clamor, vociferation.
antonym(s): sibilation, hissing, reticence, silence, hush.
Syn.: cry out, exclaim, vociferate, yeh, halloo, hollo, holla.
antonym(s): be silent, speak low, speak in a natural tone.
Syn.: exhibit, present, demonstrate, unfold, reveal, teach, inform, conduct, manifest, evince, evidence, prove, explain.
antonym(s): conceal, suppress, hide, withhold, obscure, mystify, wrap, misdemonstrate, misdeclare, contradict, refute, deny, disprove, misinterpret, falsify, misexplain.
Syn.: appearance, exhibition, demonstration, parade, pomp, semblance, likeness, pretext, profession, pretence, illusion.
antonym(s): nonappearance, disappearance, concealment, suppression, secret, disguise, dissimilarity, unlikeness, genuineness, reality, sincerity, substance.
Syn.: oajv, oajv gaudy, high-colored, gorgeous, flashy, tinsel.
antonym(s): inconspicuous, unnoticeable, quiet, subdued.
Syn.: strip, fragment, ras, tatter, oddment, scrap, paring, chip.
antonym(s): fold, mass, piece, entirety, integrity, whole.
Syn.: vixen, scold, virago, termagant.
antonym(s): angel, dove.
Syn.: sagacious, penetrating, astute, discriminating, intelligent, discerning, acute.
antonym(s): stolid, undiscerning, unsagacious, stupid, dull.
Syn.: sharp, piercing, acute, high pitched.
antonym(s): low, deep, base, hollow, murmuring, rumbling.
Syn.: contract, shrivel, withdraw, retire, recoil, revolt.
antonym(s): stretch, expand, dilate, venture, dare.
Syn.: contract, dry up, wither, wrinkle, corrugate, decrease.
antonym(s): expand, flatten, develop, unfold, spread, dilate.
Syn.: cover, hfhe, veil, obscure, darken, palliate, envelop, shelter.
antonym(s): expose, reveal, nnvefl, elucidate, discover, uncover.
Syn.: confuse, interchange, shift, intershift, intermix, derange, agitate, evade, prevaricate, equivocate, quibble, cavil, sophisticate, mystify, palter, dissemble.
antonym(s): deal, distribute, order, arrange, compose, confess, propound, declare, explain, elucidate, reveal.
Syn.: avoid, escape, discard, eschew, keep clear of, elude.
antonym(s): court, seek, affect.
Syn.: close, contract, confine, preclude, bar, fasten.
antonym(s): open, expand, unclose, unbar, unfasten.
Syn.: timid, reserved, modest, bashful, suspicion, shrinking, chary.
antonym(s): bold, brazen-faced, impudent, audacious, reckless.
Syn.: hissing, outcry, disfavor.
antonym(s): acclamation, cheers, popularity.
Syn.: diseased, ill, disordered, distempered, indisposed, weak, riling, feeble, morbid, nauseated, disgusted, corrupt, impaired, valetudinarian.
antonym(s): whole, well, healthy, sound, robust, strong, well-conditioned, salubrious.
Syn.: weak, diseased, disordered, ailing, feeble, pining, droop, ing, morbid, unhealthy, vitiated, delicate, tainted, valetudinary.
antonym(s): strong, healthy, vigorous, flourishing, salubrious, sound, robust.
Syn.: indisposition, illness, disease.
antonym(s): health, soundness.
Syn.: margin, edge, verge, border, laterality, face, aspect, plane, party, interest, cause, policy, behalf.
antonym(s): centre, body, core, interior, essence, neutrality, disconnection, severance, secession, opposition.
Syn.: astral, heavenly, starry, celestial.
antonym(s): terrestrial, terrene, earthly.
Syn.: screen, analyze, scrutinize, robe, examine critically, investigate, winnow, sort.
antonym(s): confound, fuse, confuse, amalgamate, conglomerate, compound.
Syn.: seeing, perception, view, vision, visibility, spectacle, show, inspection, examination, representation, appearance.
antonym(s): nonperception, invisibility, blindness, obscuration, disappearance, oversight, nonappearance, undiscernment.
Syn.: token, indication, proof, memorial, expression, symbol, emblem, prefiguration, badge, type, premonition, symptom, prognostic, mark, wonder, presage, signal.
antonym(s): misindication, misrepresentation, misleader.
Syn.: eminent, conspicuous, remarkable, extraordinary, notable, memorable, illustrious, important, saline, distinguished.
antonym(s): ordinary, common, unnoticeable, mediocre, unmemorable, unimportant.
Syn.: distinguish, exalt, glorify, dignify, immortalize, celerate.
antonym(s): disgrace, dishonor, discredit.
Syn.: expressive, momentous, suggestive, indicative, forcible, weighty, symbolical, telling, speaking.
antonym(s): inexpressive, meaningless, expressionless, unindicative, mute.
Syn.: portend, purport, prognosticate, mean, represent, indicate, communicate, denote, betoken, declare, utter, forebode, presage.
antonym(s): conceal, suppress, misindicate, misdenote, nullify, refute, neutralize, preclude.
Syn.: taciturnity, stillness, calm, peace, hush, muteness, secrecy, oblivion.
antonym(s): garrulity, loquacity, talkativeness, chatter, noise, brawl, clamor, clatter, din, babel, tumult, agitation, restlessness, storm, unrest, roar, bruit, reverberation, resonance, commotion, cackling, proclamation, publicity, fame, rumor, remembrance, repute, celebrity.
Syn.: still, stifle, hush, allay, quiet, calm, see abridge.
Syn.: still, taciturn, speechless, dormant, quiet, noiseless.
antonym(s): noisy, loquacious, garrulous.
Syn.: simple, foolish, weak, shallow, witless, unwise, indiscreet, imprudent, absurd.
antonym(s): sagacious, intelligent, astute, wise, deep, discreet, prudent, sound, rational.
Syn.: correspondent, resembling, alike, common, homogeneous, concordant, harmonious, congruous.
antonym(s): different, unlike, dissimilar, alien, heterogeneous, discordant, incongruous.
Syn.: likeness, resemblance, comparison, similarity, see likeness.
Syn.: single, incomplex, uncompounded, unblended, isolated, pure, unmixed, mere, absolute, plain, unadorned, unartificial, artless, sincere, undesigning, single-minded, unaffected, sickly, weak, unsophisticated, humble, homely, lowly, elementary, ultimate, primal, rudimentary.
antonym(s): double, complex, compounded, blended, mixed, fused, multiform, multigenerous, various, compound, articulated, subdivided, organized, connected, modified, complicated, elaborate, artificial, artful, designing, insincere, double-minded, affected, self-conscious, sagacious, sophisticated, great, eminent, illustrious, complete, developed, perfect.
Syn.: artlessness, sincerity, plainness, frankness.
antonym(s): artfulness, insincerity, guile, deceit.
Syn.: facilitate, disencumber, elucidate.
antonym(s): embarrass, complicate, encumber, obscure.
Syn.: feign, counterfeit, pretend, impersonate, assume.
antonym(s): disresemble, discard, misrepresent, mis-exhibit, misbeseem.
Syn.: synchronous, concomitant, concurrent.
antonym(s): inconcurrent, separate, apart, intermittent, periodic.
Syn.: transgression, iniquity, unrighteousness, ungodliness, wickedness, evil, impurity, crime, wrongdoing, ungodliness.
antonym(s): sinlessness, obedience, holiness, righteousness, purity, godliness, goodness.
Syn.: pure, unmixed, genuine, unadulterated, hearty, honest, unaffected, unvarnished, candid, cordial, frank, unfeigned, true.
antonym(s): impure, adulterated, dishonest, insincere, hypocritical, feigned, pretended, false.
- Sinful, see exceptional and rare.
- Single
Syn.: one, unique, only, individual, sole, solitary, separate, uncombined, unmarried, uncompounded.
antonym(s): plural, many, collective, united, numerous, frequent, married.
Syn.: single, individual, unique, eminent, extraordinary, conspicuous, consummate, unusual, uncommon, odd, whimsical, quaint, peculiar, unexampled, unprecedented, solitary, sole, eccentric, fantastic, exceptional, particular, remarkable, curious, queer.
antonym(s): common, frequent, numerous, ordinary, usual, unnoticeable, everyday, customary, general, regular.
Syn.: unlucky, inauspicious, ill-omened, portentous, disastrous, unfavorable, wrong, unfair, underhanded, evil, foul, dishonest, dishonorable, forbidding, repulsive, lowering.
antonym(s): lucky, fortunate, propitious, auspicious, favorable, right, fair, open, honest, honorable, attractive, winning, engaging, assuring, frank.
Syn.: fall, descend, drop, subside, penetrate, soak, droop, decline, weary, flag, decay, decrease, diminish, abate, lower, immerse, submerge, depress, degrade, drown, reduce, attenuate, suppress.
antonym(s): rise, ascend, soar, swell, increase, flourish, revive, float, heighten, promote, exalt, enhance, rescue, foster, encourage, perpetuate, promulgate, divulge.
Syn.: coiled, convolute, undulating, curved, serpentine, winding, tortuous, anfractuous, waving, flexuous.
antonym(s): uncoiled, rectilinear, uninflected.
Syn.: locality, position, top, litmjihy, site, seat, post, place, condition, residence, aspect, footing, office, birth, plight, predicament, standing.
antonym(s): non-situation, non-location, absence, nonassignment, unfixedness, displacement, dislodgment.
Syn.: greatness, magnitude, largeness, extent, dimension, bulk, extent, bigness.
antonym(s): smallness, littleness, tenuity, minuteness.
Syn.: outline, draught, skeleton, delineation, see wicked.
Syn.: outline, draw, depict, portray, paint, delineate, see outline.
Syn.: expert, clever, dexterous, apt, well-versed, adroit, see delineate.
Syn.: expertness, aptitude, #n/a.
Syn.: brush, glide, graze, touch.
antonym(s): enter, penetrate.
Syn.: border, trim, confine, bound, surround, encircle.
antonym(s): penetrate, enter, interpenetrate.
Syn.: hide, sneak, cower, lurk, abscond, slink.
antonym(s): appear, issue, parade, show.
Syn.: loose, weak, remiss, backward, indiligent, slow, remiss, tardy, lax.
antonym(s): tight, tense, strong, active, prompt, diligent, alert, quick, eager.
Syn.: loosen, abate, withhold, remit, languish, flag, moderate.
antonym(s): tighten, increase, freshen.
Syn.: asperse, defame, calumniate, vilify, abuse, scandalize, traduce, belittle, blacken.
antonym(s): praise, laud, honor, vindicate, defend, panegyrize, eulogize, shield, commend.
Syn.: bondman, thrall, vassal, drudge, see carnage.
Syn.: servile, drudging, merual, mean, base, abject.
antonym(s): independent, free, voluntary.
Syn.: glossy, velvety, satin, silken, shiny, smooth.
antonym(s): bough, hairy, hirsute, bristly.
Syn.: slumber, doze, drowse, snooze, repose.
antonym(s): be awake.
Syn.: slumberous, somnolent, drowsy, sluggish, lazy.
antonym(s): wakeful, vigilant, alert, awake, active.
Syn.: thin, narrow, slight, slim, small, trivial, spare, inadequate, fragile, feeble, flimsy, meagre, inconsiderable, superficial.
antonym(s): stout, thick, broad, robust, massive, considerable, ample, deep.
Syn.: disregard, disdain, acorn, overlook, disparage.
antonym(s): regard, respect, notice, observe.
Syn.: neglect, contempt, scorn, disregard.
antonym(s): respect, regard, honor, see slender, see 811in.
Syn.: sticky, viscous, viscid, glutinous, see slender.
Syn.: smooth, glassy, lubricated, insecure, perilous, unsafe, unstable, shifty, elusive, shuffling, unprincipled, deceptive, evasive, untrustworthy, uncertain.
antonym(s): rough, firm, unslippery, secure, safe, stable, solid, trustworthy.
Syn.: mire, difficulty, despond.
antonym(s): footing, standpoint.
Syn.: loose, negligent, disorderly, untidy, unclean, sluttish, slatternly.
antonym(s): trim, neat, careful, orderly, tidy, precise.
Syn.: sluggish, inactive, inert, lazy, unready, tardy, late, gradual, tedious, dull, dilatory, lingering, slack.
antonym(s): active, quick, fast, rapid, alert, ready, prompt, early, sudden, immediate.
Syn.: idler, drone, lazybones, laggard, see slunk.
Syn.: slow, inert, indolent, phlegmatic, slothful, iazy.
antonym(s): active, quick, nervous, laborious.
Syn.: cunning, subtle, crafty, artful, wily, underhanded, astute, stealthy.
antonym(s): open, frank, artless, undesigning.
Syn.: little, diminutive, slight, minute, feeble, trivial, insignificant, paltry, narrow, mean, weak, slender, fine, inferior.
antonym(s): great, large, big, considerable, bulky, extensive, ample, spacious, stout, strong, important, broad, liberal.
Syn.: keen, pungent, piercing, quick, vigorous, sharp, severe, active, clever, brilliant, vivacious, witty, ready, spruce, brisk, fresh, dressy, showy.
antonym(s): dull, heavy, aching, slow, inactive, stupid, sluggish, unready, slow-minded, unwitty, dowdy, shabby, clownish.
Syn.: daub, plaster, spatter, tarnish, besmear, coat, begrime, varnish, incrust.
antonym(s): abrade, levigate, polish, scour, scrape.
Syn.: strike, beat, buffet, chastise, blast, afflict, kill, slay, punish, surprise, captivate.
antonym(s): soothe, smooth, caress, relieve, console, repel, alienate.
Syn.: fumigation, fumes, vapor, insubstantiality, nothingness, moonshine, triviality, trifle.
antonym(s): substance, reality, realization, moment, importance.
Syn.: even, plain, level, flat, polished, glossy, sleek, soft, unruffled, unobstructed, bland, oily, suave.
antonym(s): uneven, rough, rugged, abrupt, precipitous, unpolished, harsh, blunt.
Syn.: flatten, level, ease, soften, calm, allay, mitigate, see perfume.
Syn.: reek, simmer, seethe, ferment, work.
antonym(s): burst, blaze.
Syn.: suffocate, stifle, repress, gag, conceal, suppress, choke, strangle, allay, swallow.
antonym(s): fan, ventilate, foster, cherish, nurture, publish, promulgate, divulge, spread, excite, vent.
Syn.: net, trap, gin, noose, device, springe.
Syn.: cross, crabbed, peevish, cynical, snappish, see calm.
Syn.: twitch, pluck, pull, catch, grasp, gripe, clutch.
antonym(s): unclutch, restore, unhand, release.
Syn.: slink, skulk, steal away, lurk, cringe, crouch, truckle, see cross.
Syn.: scoff, gibe, jeer, taunt, disparagement, contempt, scorn, superciliousness, disdain.
antonym(s): compliment, eulogy, commendation, deference.
Syn.: mortify, check, rebuke, reprimand, see cringe and skulk.
Syn.: close, housed, compressed, compact, comfortable, sheltered.
antonym(s): exposed, loose, disordered, incompact, uncomfortable, bare, shivering.
Syn.: wet, steep, drench, macerate, moisten, submerge.
antonym(s): dry, air, wring, exsiccate, aridify, bleach.
Syn.: rise, mount, tower, aspire, ascend, uprise.
antonym(s): drop, sink, descend, alight.
Syn.: temperate, unintoxicated, cool, dispassionate, reasonable, culm, self-possessed, sound, unexcited, serious, grave, sedate, steady, abstemious, moderate.
antonym(s): intemperate, drunk, intoxicated, heated, excited, impassioned, agitated, furious, passionate, extravagant, extreme, exorbitant, immoderate, flighty, erratic, eccentric.
Syn.: soberness, temperance, abstemiousness.
antonym(s): intemperance.
Syn.: companionable, genial, social, convertible, friendly, accessible, gregarious.
antonym(s): unsociable, uncompanionable, unconversable, ungenial, in friendly, inaccessible, re iring, morose, solitary, uncommunicative.
Syn.: collective, political, gregarious, see rebuke and mortify.
antonym(s): individual, solitary, personal.
Syn.: community, pobiy, association, collection, companionship, fellowship, connection, participation, company, sociality, communion, intercourse, sodality.
antonym(s): individuality, personality, segregation, separation, solitariness, missociality, privacy, dissociation, disconnection.
Syn.: yielding, pressible, impressible, smooth, delicate, fine, sleek, glossy, mild, gentle, balmy, kind, feeling, flexible, effeminate, luxurious, unmanly, tender, irresolute, undecided.
antonym(s): hard, tough, stubborn, unyielding, rigid, unimpressible, rough, coarse, harsh, abrupt, ungentle, rigorous, cutting, severe, unkind, unfeeling, sharp, inflexible, stern, austere, ascetic, self-denying, resolute, determined.
Syn.: mollify, palliate, compose, mitigate, assuage, dulcify, lenity, yield, macerate, humanize, abate, moderate.
antonym(s): harden, indurate, aggravate, excite, infuriate, consolidate.
Syn.: stain, tarnish, begrime, befoul, contaminate.
antonym(s): purify, bleach, cleanse, absterge.
Syn.: rest, see sociable, reside, tarry, lodge, halt, stay, quarter.
antonym(s): migrate, move, wonder, depart, travel, journey.
Syn.: consolation, comfort, alleviation, relief, sympathy.
antonym(s): affliction, war, bitterment,.
Syn.: single, solitary, only, individual, exclusive, by one's self, alone, one, singular.
antonym(s): plural, numerous, combined, collective.
Syn.: sacred, formal, devotional, reverential, ritual, ceremonial, impressive, religious, grave, serious.
antonym(s): profane, undevotional, secular, light, gay, trivial, unceremonial, informal, unsolemn.
Syn.: celebration, rite, office, ceremony, function, pomp, parade, seriousness, pomposity, gravity, sacredness, awe, sanctity, impressiveness, imposingness.
antonym(s): noncelebration, secularity, simplicity, triviality, gaiety, profanity, desecration, unimpressiveness, meanness, tawdriness, vulgarity, unimposingness.
Syn.: entreat, beg, urge, pray, ask, crave, implore, importune.
antonym(s): demand, require, exact, claim.
Syn.: desirous, anxious, apprehensive, uneasy, careful, concerned, see [[rb' '<]].
Syn.: anxiety, concern, trouble, carefulness, uneasiness, care.
antonym(s): indifference, unconcern, carelessness, ease.
Syn.: hard, firm, compact, resistant, dense, substantial, weighty, strong, valid, just, sound, impenetrable, stable, cubic.
antonym(s): soft, hollow, yielding, frail, brittle, flimsy, elastic, resilient, malleable, impressible, fluid, liquid, frivolous, light, trifling, weak, invalid, unsound, fallacious, weakly.
Syn.: sole, single, only, lone, lonely, private, remote, retired, sequestered, desolate, uninhabited, desert, see anxious.
Syn.: loneliness, remoteness, seclusion, retirement, isolation, wildness, desertion, barrenness, wilderness, privacy.
antonym(s): publicity, populousness, society, frequentedness, intercourse, resort, meeting, reunion, throng, crowd.
Syn.: separable, discerptible, divisible, dissoluble.
antonym(s): indivisible, inseparable, indiscerptible, insoluble, indissoluble.
Syn.: separation, discerption, disruption, breach, discontinuance, disconnection, disentanglement, elucidation, explanation, key, answer, resolution, disintegration.
antonym(s): union, combination, amalgamation, continuity, connection, con, junction, entanglement, complication, confusion, mystification, obscurity, integration.
Syn.: explain, resolve, unfold, work out, clear up, see explain.
Syn.: dull, grave, gloomy, dark, murky, cloudy, funereal, sable, mournful, dusky, pensive, melancholy.
antonym(s): bright, gay, sunny, joyous.
Syn.: sleepy, drowsy, dozy, dreamy.
antonym(s): wakeful, vigilant, alert.
Syn.: poem, lay, ballad, strain, ditty, carol, anthem, epic, lyric.
Syn.: resonant, louc'audible, louc'audible audible, ringing, clear, trumpetlike, high-sounding.
antonym(s): mute, muffled, dumb, soft weak, inaudible, confused, powerless.
Syn.: shortly, quickly, promptly, before long, early.
antonym(s): late, slowly, tardily.
Syn.: soften, assuage, allay, compose, mollify, tranquillize, pacify, lull, mitigate, flatter, appease, relieve.
antonym(s): rouse, excite, irritate, ruffle, exasperate, exacerbate, agitate, infuriate, aggravate, annoy, dissatisfy.
Syn.: fallacy, quibble, paralogism.
antonym(s): truth, argument, reason, logic, syllogism.
Syn.: artificialize, demoralize, debase, corrupt, vitiate, spoil, pervert.
antonym(s): naturalize, simplify, purify, train, improve, correct, refine, reform.
Syn.: somniferous, narcotic, anodyne, opiate.
antonym(s): antisoporific, antinarcotic.
Syn.: magic, enchantment, witchcraft, divination, glamour, possession.
antonym(s): disenchantment, exorcism, exsufflation, dispossessing.
Syn.: dirty, filthy, foul, gross, vile, base, mean, avaricious, covetous, selfish, venal, niggardly, beggarly, closefisted, hidebound, greedy.
antonym(s): pure, liberal, generous, unselfish, honorable, uncovetous, openhanded, high-minded, profuse, lavish, prodigal, extravagant, overliberal.
Syn.: painful, irritated, susceptible, excoriated, raw, scarified, ulcerous, grievous, afflictive, heavy, burdensome.
antonym(s): painless, sound, whole, healthful, healed, unbroken, unscarified, light, trivial, unburdensome, pleasant, untroublesome, grateful.
Syn.: pustule, abscess, ulcer.
Syn.: affliction, grief, sadness, trouble, regret, distress, mental pain, ruth, mourning.
antonym(s): joy, gladness, rejoicing.
Syn.: grieved, pained, hurt, afflicted, woe-begone, doleful, downhearted, mortified, vexed, dejected, poor, mean, vile, shabby, worthless.
antonym(s): glad, rejoiced, delighted, pleased, gratified, fine, choice, handsome.
Syn.: kind, species, nature, class, order, character, rank, manner, quality, condition, description, designation, genus.
antonym(s): non-description, solitariness, uniqueness, nonclassification, heterogeneity.
Syn.: spirit, vital principle, life, reason, intellect, vitality, fire, leader, inspirer, energy, courage, fervor, affection, feeling, being, person, innu.
antonym(s): soullessness, irrationality, unintellectuality, deadness, unfeelingness, spiritlessness, coldness, mind-issues, nonentity, nullity.
Syn.: resonance, audibility, noise, report.
antonym(s): silence, stillness, muteness, voicelessness, abmutescence.
Syn.: entire, unbroken, whole, perfect, unhurt, well-grounded, uninjured, unimpaired, healthy, firm, strong, vigorous, weighty, solid, irrefragable, irrefutable, thorough, valid, wholesome, correct, substantial.
antonym(s): partial, broken, injured, impaired, unhealthy, unsound, weak, frail, fragile, light, trivial, unfounded, hollow, fallacious, imperfect, unwholesome, incorrect, unsubstantial, invalid,.
Syn.: probe, gauge, investigate.
antonym(s): overlook, disregard, misexamine, misinvestigate.
Syn.: tart, rancid, coagulated, turned, harsh, crabbed, austere, morose, pungent, crusty, acid, churlish, bitter, acetous, acrimonious, peevish.
antonym(s): sweet, wholesome, untainted, mellow, genial, kindly.
Syn.: rise, origin, spring, fount, fountain, cause, commencement, beginning.
antonym(s): mouth, debouchure, termination, end, exit, issue, result, effect.
Syn.: paramount, supreme, primary, chief, certain, efficacious, principal, predominant, superior, imperial, regal.
antonym(s): inferior, ministerial, subservient, subordinate, subject, secondary, weak, uncertain, inefficient, inefficacious.
Syn.: scatter, disseminate, plant, strew, see sophism.
Syn.: extension, room, interval, boundlessness, immeasurableness, illimitableness, distance, measure, quantity, intervenience, interspace.
antonym(s): limitation, inextension, restriction, coarctation, confinement, proximity, scantiness, contiguity, uninterruptedness, continuity.
Syn.: ample, extensive, broad, vast, capacious, large, wide, roomy, expansive.
antonym(s): narrow, restricted, limited, cramped, confined, inextensive.
Syn.: save, afford, grant, reserve, do without, husband, economize, retniji, s o-o, grudge, discard, omit, forbear, withhold, refrain, abstain.
antonym(s): spend, squander, waste, lavish, scatter, expend, pour, indulge, vent.
Syn.: scanty, unplentiful, inabundant, meagre, economical, frugal, stinted, restricted, parsimonious, niggardly, chary, superfluous, disposable, available, lean, thin, ill-conditioned.
antonym(s): ample, plentiful, abundant, profuse, liberal, unrestricted, generous, bountiful, unsparing, unstinted, unbounded, available, well-conditioned.
Syn.: scintillate, flash, glisten, glitter, gleam, shine, bubble, radiate, coruscate, effervesce.
antonym(s): smoulder, wane, stagnate, expire.
Syn.: scattered, sprinkled, few, scanty, thin, meagre, innumerous.
antonym(s): dense, multitudinous, numerous, frequented, thick, crowded, populous.
Syn.: besprinkle, besmear.
Syn.: converse, discourse, talk, utter, pronounce, say, express, accost, address, tell, see frugal.
Syn.: particular, specific, peculiar, appropriate, proper, distinctive, extraordinary, especial, exceptional.
antonym(s): general, universal, common, generic.
Syn.: particularize, individualize, indicate, designate, detail, determine, state, enumerate, mention.
antonym(s): generalize, classify, amalgamate, confound.
Syn.: sample, mode, pattern, model, illustration, instance, type, exemplar.
antonym(s): anomaly, exception, nondescript, monster, freak, misillustration.
Syn.: plausible, showy, ostensible, colorable, fair-spoken.
antonym(s): inadmissible, self-contradictory, absurd, unreasonable.
Syn.: blemish, mite, bit, spot, particle, see sort.
Syn.: sight, exhibition, display, parade, demonstration, picture, scene, representation, gazingstock, show, pageant, flourish.
antonym(s): nondemonstration, noncelebration.
Syn.: observer, witness, beholder, gazer, looker-on, bystander, see blemish and mass.
Syn.: ghostly, ghastly, cadaverous, shadowy, visionary, illusionary.
antonym(s): bodily, substantial, corporal, fleshly, palpable.
Syn.: apparition, ghost, shade, shadow, spirit, larva.
antonym(s): body, substance, flesh, personality.
Syn.: consider, meditate, theorize, cogitate, see cogitate.
Syn.: contemplation, consideration, weighing, thought, theory, scheme, hypothesis, view, conjecture.
antonym(s): realization, proof, fact, verification, certainty.
Syn.: address, oration, harangue, discourse, see cogitate.
Syn.: despatch, expedite, accelerate, urge, hasten, hurry, press.
antonym(s): retard, delay, postpone, obstruct, drag, loiter, dawdle, linger, lag, stay.
Syn.: early, quick, rapid, fast, accelerated, prompt, nimble, swift, fleet.
antonym(s): late, slow, dragging, loitering, lingering, tardy, sluggish.
Syn.: bestow, waste, exhaust, squander, expend, lay out, consume, disburse, lavish.
antonym(s): retain, save, hoard, accumulate, husband, economize.
Syn.: globe, ball, region, realm, circuit, orb, department, vocation, rank, standing, order, see harangue.
Syn.: air, breath, life, soul, vital force, essential quality, essence, immateriality, intelligence, disembodiment, spectre, apparition, ghost, energy, ardor, enthusiasm, activity, earnestness, courage, zeal, disposition, temper, principle, motive, distillation.
antonym(s): substance, body, corporeity, materiality, flesh, organization, frame, embodiment, spiritlessness, listlessness, soullessness, lifelessness, torpor, deadness, timidity, dejection, slowness, sluggishness.
Syn.: animated, lively, vivacious, ardent, buoyant, sprightly, courageous.
antonym(s): dull, dispirited, depressed, cowardly.
Syn.: divine, religions, holy, ghostly, ethical, immaterial, incorporeal, intellectual.
antonym(s): carnal, fleshly, unspiritual, gross, material, sensuous.
Syn.: malice, malevolence, grudge, pique, hatred, ill-will, vindictiveness, rancor, spleen.
antonym(s): good will, benevolence, kindliness.
Syn.: malicious, malevolent, malignant, malign, ill-natured, evilminded.
antonym(s): kind, benevolent, good-natured.
Syn.: anger, see vocation, annoyance, rancor, hypochondria, melancholy, irascibility, gall, vexation, ill-humor.
antonym(s): kindliness, benevolence, gratification, mirth, cheerfulness, geniality, high-spirits, gratulation, pacification.
Syn.: brilliant, showy, magnificent, sumptuous, gorgeous, glorious, pompous, imposing, illustrious, superb, famous, heroic, grand, signal.
antonym(s): dull, obscure, tame, somber, poor, beggardly, unimposing, ordinary, ineffective, inglorious.
Syn.: divide, separate, rive, cleave, crack, splinter, burst, rend, sunder, disagree, secede, disunite.
antonym(s): cohere, unite, amalgamate, coalesce, conform, agree, splice, consolidate, integrate.
Syn.: plunder, strip, rob, devastate, pillage, denude, corrupt, vitiate, mar, deteriorate.
antonym(s): invest, enrich, endow, replenish, renovate, improve, better, ameliorate, rectify, preserve.
Syn.: voluntary, self-generated, self-originated, self-evolved, willing, unbidden, gratuitous.
antonym(s): involuntary, imposed, compulsionary, unwilling, necessitated, coercive.
Syn.: play, frolic, wantonness, joke, diversion, merriment, gaiety, fun, amusement, recreation, game, pastime.
antonym(s): work, seriousness, business, earnestness.
Syn.: stain, blot, blemish, locality, site, place, see ~.
Syn.: extend, stretch, expand, open, unfurl, divulge, propagate, publish, disperse, diffuse, overlay, distribute, scatter, circulate, disseminate, ramify.
antonym(s): contract, furl, gather, fold, close, shut, secrete, suppress, confine, restrict, repress, hush, conceal, recal, collect, stagnate, concentrate, localize.
Syn.: blithe, lively, gay, vivacious, alert, agile, brisk, animated.
antonym(s): sombre, dull, lifeless, sluggish, inanimate, heavy.
Syn.: origin, source, fountain, beginning, rise, see pure.
Syn.: leap, bound, jump, start, emerge, issue, proceed, originate, rise, emanate, germinate, burst, flow.
antonym(s): settle, alight, land, drop, arrive, issue, eventuate, end, terminate, debouch, disembogue.
Syn.: spirit, specter, ghost, shade, fairy, elf, see opinion.
Syn.: bud, germ, shoot, twig, stem, scion, see ghost.
Syn.: shoot, germinate, spring, vegetate, bud.
antonym(s): blight, wither, decay.
Syn.: neat, finical, trim, smug, tidy, smart, foppish, dandified, jaunty.
antonym(s): slovenly, untidy, untrim, disorderly.
Syn.: incite, goad, instigate, impel, urge, stimulate.
antonym(s): rein, inhibit, hold, discourage, deter, dissuade, restrain, temper, moderate.
Syn.: counterfeit, false, not genuine, unauthentic, forged, adulterate, ungenuine, bastard, supposititious, groundless, ascititious.
antonym(s): true, genuine, veritable, unadulterated, legitimate, authentic.
Syn.: #n/a, espy, discern, discover, explore, view, inspect.
antonym(s): miss, overlook, misexplore, misobserve.
Syn.: emissary, detective, scout.
antonym(s): sentinel, watchman, warder, patrol.
Syn.: foul, dirty, untended, filthy, nasty, unclean, mucky, poverty-stricken.
antonym(s): wholesome, cleanly, tended, trim, tidy.
Syn.: waste, dissipate, spend wastefully.
antonym(s): save, conserve, be frugal.
Syn.: pierce, transfix, thrust.
Syn.: firm, established, secure, steady, constant, unwavering, durable, stanch, permanent, firmly fixed, solid, steadfast, steady, lasting, perpetual.
antonym(s): infirm, tottering, weak, insecure, precarious, inconstant, wavering, frail, transient, ephemeral, evanescent, unstable.
Syn.: motionless, currentless, tideless, unflowing, uncirculating, still, dull, torpid, lifeless, quiescent.
antonym(s): brisk, flowing, circulating, rapid, lively, agitated, seething, effervescent, restless.
Syn.: grave, demure, steady, sober, sedate.
antonym(s): unsteady, flighty, indiscreet, wanton, unsedate, erratic, eccentric, agitated, discomposed, ruffled.
Syn.: color, dye, tinge, discoloration, blemish, blot, stigma, slur, shame, taint, see ~.
Syn.: dye, color, tinge, slur, shame, paint, blot, soil, sully, discolor, tarnish, taint, disgrace, dishonor, befoul, blemish, stigmatize.
antonym(s): purify, wash, cleanse, absolve, ornament, decorate, emblazon, signalize, honor.
Syn.: vapid, tasteless, threadbare, commonplace, hackneyed.
antonym(s): fresh, see blemish.
Syn.: stride, promenade, parade, pace, march.
antonym(s): sneak, crawl, grovel, creep.
Syn.: powerful, able-bodied, strong, robust, resolute, brave.
antonym(s): weak, timorous, irresolute.
Syn.: stutter, hesitate, falter.
antonym(s): speak clearly, speak unhesitatingly.
Syn.: genus, kind, description, make, mark, impression, imprint, print, brand, cast, mould, character, type.
antonym(s): heterogeneity, non-description, formlessness.
Syn.: firm, steady, constant, faithful, unswerving, reliable, sincere, trusty, zealous, fast, sound, steadfast.
antonym(s): untrustworthy, vacillating, unsound, unsteady, unreliable, treacherous, precarious.
Syn.: rest, remain, stop, be, exist, keep one's ground, insist, depend, await, consist, hold, continue, endure, pause, halt.
antonym(s): progress, move, proceed, advance, fall, fail, yield, succumb, drop, lie, vanish, fade, run, depart.
Syn.: measure, gauge, criterion, test, rule, exemplar, banner, flag, type, model, scale, plummet, trutination.
antonym(s): mismeasurement, misrule, misadjustment, miscomparison, inconformity, misfit, incommensurateness, non-criterion.
Syn.: status, position, ground, duration, continuance, footing, standpoint, foundation.
antonym(s): baselessness, evanescence, insecurity, precariousness.
Syn.: established, lasting, be.
Syn.: set out, initiate, begin, set on foot, rouse.
antonym(s): carry on, end, complete.
Syn.: lean, thin, meagre, attenuated, famished, hungry, emaciated, ill-fed, ill-conditioned.
antonym(s): fat, plump, well-conditioned, well-fed.
Syn.: position, condition, situation, circumstances, plight, predicament, case, province, see affright.
Syn.: say, declare, propound, aver, set forth, narrate, specify, particularize, avow, recite.
antonym(s): suppress, repress, suppose, imply, deny, contradict, retract.
Syn.: dignified, imposing, lofty, elevated, lordly, proud, majestic, pompous, magnificent, grand.
antonym(s): undignified, unimposing, unstately, commonplace, mean.
Syn.: standing, post, position, office, occupation, business, place, situation, state, rank, location.
antonym(s): dislodgment, displacement, non-position, ejectment, non-location, removal, departure, locomotion.
Syn.: fixed, immovable, motionless, unalterable, quiescent.
antonym(s): movable, unfixed, migratory, removable, changeable, alterable.
Syn.: enactment, law, act, decree, ordinance, legislation, edict.
antonym(s): custom, conventionality, prescription, use, precedent, usage.
Syn.: parry, fend, forefend.
antonym(s): attract, court, draw, invoke, provoke.
Syn.: abode, continuance, sojourn, support, prop, see condition.
Syn.: hold, stop, restrain, withhold, arrest, hinder, delay, obstruct, support, rest, repose, remain, continue, dwell, await, halt, abide, wait, tarry, confide, trust, lean.
antonym(s): loose, liberate, send, expedite, speed, free, accelerate, hasten, oppress, depress, burden, fail, fall, proceed, move, depart, overthrow, mistrust.
Syn.: firm, rooted, grounded, fixed, established, resolved, constant, steady, unswerving, stanch, resolute.
antonym(s): infirm, weak, vacillating, capricious, uncertain, irresolute, wavering, dubious, half-hearted, halfminded.
Syn.: firm, fixed, constant, uniform, consistent, equable, regular, undeviating, well-regulated.
antonym(s): infirm, variable, unsteady, inconstant, changeable, wavering, illregulated.
Syn.: filch, pilfer, purloin, swindle, take by theft, peculate, embezzle, smuggle.
antonym(s): rob, plunder, ravage, maraud, back, pillage.
Syn.: dip, soak, immerse, macerate, submerge, drench, imbue.
antonym(s): air, dry, ventilate, fan, sun, aridity, exsiccate.
Syn.: abrupt, precipitous, elevated, inaccessible, hilly, craggy.
antonym(s): easy, level, undulating, accessible, gradual.
Syn.: oppose, breast, withstand, obstruct, confront, see abode and prop.
Syn.: advance, pace, space, grade, remove, degree, gradation, progression, track, trice, walk, gait, proceeding, action, measure.
antonym(s): retreat, recession, baiting, station, standing, nongraduation, non-progression, standstill, stop, tracklessness, untraceableness, non impression, desinence, desistance, inaction.
Syn.: barren, unfruitful, unproductive, desert, infertile.
antonym(s): fruitful, fertile, productive, luxuriant, exuberant, cultivated.
Syn.: sound, substantial, unalloyed, pure, unadulterated, standard, genuine, essential, solid.
antonym(s): fictitious, ungenuine, ascititious, specious, pretentious, ostensible, plausible.
Syn.: severe, austere, rigid, harsh, strict, rigorous, unrelenting, unyielding, forbidding.
antonym(s): lenient, genial, kindly, easy, flexible, encouraging.
Syn.: hold, adhere, cleave, see annals, see annals.
Syn.: unbending, inflexible, rigid, unyielding, unpliant, stroux, stubborn, obstinate, pertinacious, constrained, affected, starched, formal, ceremonious, difficult.
antonym(s): pliant, flexible, flaccid, yielding, easy, unaffected, genial, affable, unceremonious.
Syn.: choke, suffocate, sniotfapr, throttle, quench, repress, suppress, extinguish, burke.
antonym(s): ventilate, discuss, promulgate, propound.
Syn.: brand, mark, infamy, disgrace, blot, stain.
antonym(s): decoration, feather, laurels, credit, renown.
Syn.: brand, denounce, reprobate, censure.
antonym(s): panegyrize, land, eulogize.
Syn.: quiet, calm, hushed, silent, pacific, serene, stagnant, peaceful, quiescent, tranquil, stationary.
antonym(s): unquiet, disturbed, agitated, moved, noisy, resonant, turbulent, moving, transitional.
Syn.: close, avaricious, mean, niggardly, closefisted, parsimonious, sparing, sordid, penurious.
antonym(s): liberal, generous, large, handsome, lavish, bountiful, unsparing.
Syn.: stench, fetor, bad smell.
antonym(s): sweet odor, fragrance.
Syn.: stop, limit, restrict, bound, dole.
antonym(s): lavish, pour, heap, squander.
- Stipend, see spur and uboe.
- Stipendiary
Syn.: paid, remunerated, compensated, hired.
antonym(s): unpaid, unremunerated, voluntary, gratuitous, honorary.
Syn.: bargain, agree, contract, covenant, engage, condition, provide.
antonym(s): retract, decline, refuse, withdraw, revoke, disagree, deprecate, protest, recant.
Syn.: agitate, incite, instigate, prompt, awaken, stimulate, animate, arouse, budge, excite, provoke, raise, ruffle.
antonym(s): soothe, compose, quiet, allay, pacify, still, repress, deaden, tranquillize.
Syn.: store, hoard, supply, fund, accumulation, see wages.
Syn.: philosophical, indifferent, apathetic, phlegmatic, patient, inexcitable, imperturbable.
antonym(s): sanguine, excitable, sensitive, impatient.
Syn.: stupid, dull, heavy, senseless, mindless, doltish, foolish, obtuse, unintelligent.
antonym(s): acute, sensitive, sagacious, quick, clever, bright.
Syn.: bend, condescend, yield, see accumulation.
Syn.: close, obstruct, plug, cork, bar, seal, arrest, suspend, end, rest, halt, hinder, suppress, delay, cease, terminate.
antonym(s): open, expedite, clear, broach, unseal, promote, advance, farther, continue, proceed, speed, hasten.
Syn.: pause, cessation, intermission, rest, quietus, see bend.
Syn.: treasure, treasury, garner, provision, supply, fund, accumulation, hoard, abundance, shop, place of business, ammunition, stock.
antonym(s): emptiness, lack, misprovision, failure, exhaustion, want, expenditure, disjxjsal, consumption.
- Store, see rest.
- Storehouse
Syn.: warehouse, repository, treasury, depot, magazine.
Syn.: strong, lusty, vigorous, robust, sturdy, brawny, corpulent, resolute, brave, valiant, redoubtable.
antonym(s): weak, debile, frail, attenuated, thin, slender, lean, irresolute, feeble, cowardly, timid.
Syn.: direct, rectilinear, undeviating, unswerving, right, nearest.
antonym(s): indirect, winding, incurved, tortuous, sinuous, serpentine, circuitous, waving, crooked.
Syn.: stretch, tighten, force, exert, filter, filtrate, percolate, depurate, purify, clarify, defecate, lixiviate.
antonym(s): loosen, relax, remit, slacken, thicken, incrassate, inspissate, befoul.
Syn.: close, strict, narrow, see boisterous.
Syn.: foreign, alien, exotic, unfamiliar, unusual, odd, irregular, abnormal, exceptional, surprising, wonderful, marvellous, astonishing, uncommon, peculiar.
antonym(s): home, domestic, familiar, usual, ordinary, common, regular, customary, commonplace, unsurprising, universal, general.
Syn.: foreigner, alien.
antonym(s): countryman, acquaintance, friend.
Syn.: artifice, tactics, trick, contrivance, generalship, manoeuvre, device, machination, plot, plan, deceit, imposition.
antonym(s): blunder, defeat, mismanoeuvre, miscontrivance, mismanagement.
Syn.: wander, deviate, digress, ramble, go astray, err, depart, rove.
antonym(s): adhere, abide, stick.
Syn.: current, course, flow, exit, drift, tide, tendency.
antonym(s): stagnation, desistance, arrestation, station, standstill, stillness, halting, cessation, stopping, interruption.
Syn.: force, vigor, power, security, validity, vehemence, intensity, hardness, soundness, nerve, fibre, sinew.
antonym(s): weakness, imbecility, feebleness, insolidity, insecurity, invalidity, frailty, delicacy, softness, flimsiness, hollowness.
Syn.: confirm, establish, fix, corroborate, secure, invigorate, fortify, incri-hso.
antonym(s): weaken, disestablish, shake, loosen, sap, undermine, debilitate, diminish.
Syn.: strong, resilute, determined, earnest, vigorous, ardent, bold, energetic, vehement.
antonym(s): weak, irresolute, undetermined, unearnest, debile, feeble, emasculate.
Syn.: force, strain, weight, importance, pressure, urgency, emphasis.
antonym(s): alleviation, stillness, lightness, unimportance, casualty, touch, triviality.
Syn.: extend, expand, elongate, draw out, spread, strain, tighten, reach.
antonym(s): contract, fold, curtail, shrink, shorten.
Syn.: close, exact, accurate, rigorous, severe, stringent, nice, precise.
antonym(s): loose, inexact, inaccurate, lenient, mild, indulgent, lax.
Syn.: censure, criticism, animadversion, reprobation, dispraise, blame, reprehension.
antonym(s): praise, commendation, eulogy, compliment.
Syn.: struggle, contention, contest, animosity, quarrel, wrangle, disagreement, discord, bickering, emulation.
antonym(s): good will, peace, amity, friendliness.
Syn.: smite, impel, give a blow to, stamp, impress, penetrate, insert, drive, lower, startle, surprise, collide, touch.
antonym(s): smooth, soothe, caress, pat, stroke, efface, levigate, withdraw, raise, hoist, calm, graze, escape, avoid, pass.
Syn.: impressive, affecting, admirable, wonderful, [[surprising, #n/a, see strength.
Syn.: divest, denude, bare, pull off, despoil, dismantle, disencumber, flay, fleece, rob.
antonym(s): invest, endow, clothe, enrich, compensate.
Syn.: labor, endeavor, aim, contest, toil, try, struggle, contend, vie.
antonym(s): relax, surrender, succumb, submit, yield, withdraw.
Syn.: ramble, wander, rove, roam, see wonderful.
Syn.: powerful, vigorous, solid, secure, fortified, forcible, impetuous, hale, hearty, brawny, sinewy, sound, robust, cogent, influential, zealous, potent, pungent muscular, hardy, stanch, tenacious.
antonym(s): powerless, weak, frail, insecure, defenceless, feeble, mild, calm, gentle, delicate, sickly, inefficacious, unsatisfactory, unconvincing, unimpressive, vapid, impotent, unavailing, lukewarm, debile, flaccid, nerveless, tender, moderate, indifferent.
Syn.: construction, erection, building, constitution, constituency, organization, make, edifice, composition, texture.
antonym(s): destruction, subversion, demolition, disorganization, analysis, decomposition, resolution.
Syn.: contest, violent effort, labor, pains, agony, see strife.
Syn.: tough, unbending, unyielding, hard, obstinate, intractable, obdurate, stiff, harsh, inflexible, headstrong, refractory, heady, contumacious, pig-headed.
antonym(s): docile, tractable, manageable, pliant, pliable, malleable, flexible.
Syn.: premeditated, thought out, elaborate, learned, thoughtful.
antonym(s): unpremeditated, extempore, careless.
Syn.: literary, diligent, desirous, attentive, careful, thoughtful, assiduous, reflective.
antonym(s): co-literary, illiterate, idle, indulgent, careless, regardless, indifferent, inattentive, negligent, thoughtless.
Syn.: application, learning, meditation, diligence, consideration, thought, contemplation, care, endeavor, research, intention, purpose.
antonym(s): indulgence, idleness, illiterateness, thoughtlessness, ease, indifference, carelessness, unstudiousness, negligence.
Syn.: examine, con over, consider, see consider.
Syn.: matter, substance, trash, nonsense, see consider.
Syn.: confound, bewilder, dumbfounder, astonish, stupefy, overwhelm, overpower, electrify.
antonym(s): encourage, animate, inspirit, reassure.
Syn.: amazing, overwhelming, marvellous, wondrous, vast, astounding.
antonym(s): ordinary, unimposing.
Syn.: dull, senseless, stolid, doltish, besotted, insensate, obtuse, prosy, addlepated, dull witted.
antonym(s): quick, sharp, bright, sensible, sagacious, penetrating, clever.
Syn.: well-set, thickset, strong, stout, stubborn, firm, resolute, forcible, hardy, robust.
antonym(s): lank, weak, ill-set, lean, fragile, weakly.
Syn.: phraseology, diction, fashion, mode, name, title, see nonsense.
Syn.: mildness, softness, pleasantness, gentleness, affability, courtesy, conciliatoriness, complaisance, sweetness, urbanity.
antonym(s): roughness, harshness, rudeness, haughtiness, superciliousness, pride, hauteur, moroseness, austerity.
Syn.: conquer, reduce, overpower, break, tame, quell, vanquish, subdue, master, subjugate.
antonym(s): aggrandize, exalt, fortify, strengthen, empower, liberate, enfranchise.
Syn.: subordinate, subservient, exposed, liable, prone, disposed, obnoxious, amenable.
antonym(s): superior, independent, exempt, indisposed, unliable, unamenable.
Syn.: question, matter, material, theme, topic.
Syn.: mental, internal, intellectual.
antonym(s): external, objective.
Syn.: vaporize, refine, heighten, elevate.
antonym(s): solidify, crystallize, indurate, coarsen, worsen, degrade, deprave, lower.
Syn.: raised, exalted, lofty, elevated, eminent, grand, stately, high, noble, majestic, glorious, magnificent.
antonym(s): low, depressed, unexalted, inconspicuous, unimposing, ordinary, mean, ignoble, inglorious, base, ridiculous.
Syn.: drown, plunge, overwhelm, deluge, inundate, fink, steep, immerse.
antonym(s): raise, extricate, educe.
Syn.: yielding, surrender, inferiority, dependence, meekness, resignation, patience, acquiescence.
antonym(s): resistance, insurrender, insubordination, independence, antagonism, self-assertion, impatience.
Syn.: obedient, compliant, yielding, obsequious, humble, docile, modest, passive, acquiescent, subservient.
antonym(s): disobedient, incompliant, unyielding, unobsequious, recalcitrant, refractory, prov, d, resistent, renitent, malcontent, recusant.
Syn.: yield, resign, surrender, comply, refer, propose, suggest, present, acquiesce, succumb.
antonym(s): recalcitrate, oppose, resist, object, withdraw, resume, rescue, recover, vindicate, retain, reserve, hold, keep, contend.
- Subordinate, see subdue.
- Subscribe
Syn.: affirm, maintain, support, endorse, assent.
antonym(s): deny, disavow, repudiate, protest.
Syn.: posterior, later, succeeding, following, after.
antonym(s): prior, former, earlier, precedent anterior.
- Subservient, see subdue.
- Subsidence
Syn.: settlement, sinking, retreat, refluence, ebb, decrease.
antonym(s): rising, affluence, flow, inundation, agitation, swelling, intumescence, increase.
Syn.: assistant, ancillary, helpful, adjuvant, conducive, favourable, promotive, adminicular, corroborative, tending.
antonym(s): opponent, obstructive, preventative, inconducive, unfavorable, retardative, subversive, counteractive.
Syn.: be, live, feed, continue, exist.
antonym(s): fail, starve, decay, die.
Syn.: matter, material, body, pith, gist, import, essential, meaning, be.
Syn.: existing, real, solid, true, corporeal, material, strong, stout, massive, bulky, tangible.
antonym(s): imaginary, unreal, insubstantial, fictitious, supposititious, incorporeal, chimerical, visionary, immaterial, weak, frail, airy, disembodied, spiritual, ghostly.
Syn.: exchange, commute, represent, replace, supply, depute.
antonym(s): retain, fix, continue, perpetuate, stabilitate, establish.
Syn.: shift, evasion, artifice, excuse, pretext, dodge, underhandedness, sophistry.
antonym(s): assertion, promulgation, challenge, exhibition, manifestation, open handedness, frankness, daylight, vindication.
Syn.: fine, thin, rare, refined, volatile, delicate, nice, acute.
antonym(s): coarse, thick, gross, crass, dense.
Syn.: sly, artful, cunning, insinuating, wily, astute, nice, discriminating, crafty, fine, shrewd, sophistical, jesuitical.
antonym(s): open, frank, honest, artless, undiscriminating, rough, blunt, undiscerning, unsophisticated, simple.
Syn.: withdraw, remove, deduct, take.
antonym(s): add, import, adduce, give, bring.
Syn.: precincts, purlieus, outskirts, confines, environs.
antonym(s): centre, heart, citadel, acropolis.
Syn.: overturn, overthrow, destroy.
antonym(s): stabilitate, perpetuate, see pith, serve.
Syn.: follow, supervene, prosper, flourish, ensue, thrive.
antonym(s): proceed, anticipate, fall.
Syn.: achievement, luck, consummation, prosperity, victory, good-fortune.
antonym(s): failure, defeat, disaster, ruin.
Syn.: lucky, fortunate, happy, auspicious, prosperous, see boundless.
Syn.: following, supervention, consecution, sequence, order, series, rotation, continuity, supply, suite.
antonym(s): precedence, anticipation, prevention, antecedence, irregularity, disorder, non-sequence, solution, failure, intermission, break, gap, inconsecutiveness.
Syn.: brief, close, concise, short, summary, terse, compendious, condensed.
antonym(s): prolix, diffuse, discursive, circuitous, circumlocutory.
Syn.: aid, support, console, alleviate, befriend, comfort, help, assist, relieve.
antonym(s): distress, oppress, maltreat, injure, thwart, burden, persecute, hurt.
Syn.: surrender, comply, submit, acquiesce, yield, sink, resign.
antonym(s): resist, rise, contend, battle, fight, surmount.
Syn.: absorb, imbibe.
antonym(s): throw out, eject.
Syn.: unanticipated, hasty, rash, quick, unexpected, abrupt.
antonym(s): gradual, expected, transitional, slow, premonished, anticipated.
Syn.: bear, endure, eunain, undergo, let, permit, allow, admit, tolerate, experience, support.
antonym(s): resist, repel, expel, reject, disallow, repudiate, forbid, ignore.
Syn.: toleration, permission, allowance, endurance, moderation, self-control, long suffering, patience.
antonym(s): prohibition, resistance, nonendurance, impatience, insubmission.
Syn.: satisfy, content, be enough, see affliction.
- Sufficiency, see satisfy.
- Sufficient
Syn.: adequate, equal, competent, satisfactory, tit, qualified, adapted, suited, enough, ample.
antonym(s): inadequate, unequal, incompetent, unqualified, unadapted, insufficient, unsuited, meagre, bare, scanty, short, deficient, suffix, I, see abundance and competence, see m, affix, postfix.
antonym(s): prefix.
Syn.: see smother, o, voice, support.
Syn.: hint, insinuate, propose, allude to, recommend, intimate.
antonym(s): declare, propound, enunciate, insist, demand, dictate.
Syn.: fit, adapt, match, adjust, harmonize, apportion, befit, beseem, tally, correspond, answer, comport, please, serve, agree, become, accord.
antonym(s): misfit, misadapt, mismatch, misapportion, unbeseem, vary, differ, disagree, miscomport.
Syn.: solicitation, petition, request, action at law, wooing, courtship, process, series, see petition.
Syn.: proper, fitting, becoming, seemly, befitting, adequate, eligible, agreeable, appropriate, decent, convenient, accordant, competent, correspondent, harmonious, uniform, homogeneous.
antonym(s): improper, unfitting, unbecoming, indecent, inconvenient, inaccordant, various, heterogeneous, unsuitable, incompetent.
Syn.: sullen, gloomy, splenetic, churlish, ill-tempered, fretful, morose.
antonym(s): genial, kindly.
Syn.: gloomy, heavy, dismal, foreboding, sulky, moody, lowering, cheerless.
antonym(s): bright, light, cheerful, favorable, genial, kindly, glad, gladsome, blithe.
Syn.: soil, efface, dirty, taint, tarnish, spot, stain, spoil, disgrace, dishonor.
antonym(s): purify, cleanse, ennoble, dignify, signalize, glorify, honor.
Syn.: close, oppressive, depressing.
antonym(s): open, fresh, invigorating, bracing, elastic, exhilarating, breezy.
Syn.: aggregate, total, example, problem, whole, amount, quantity, collection, substance, gist, tenor, height, completion, drift, bearing.
antonym(s): part, portion, item, imperfection, incompleteness, miscalculation, misinterpretation.
Syn.: compendious, short, succinct, brief, offhand, decisive, quick, sharp, unceremonious, informal, rapid, concise.
antonym(s): tedious, circuitous, roundabout, protracted, formal, ceremonious, punctilious, slow.
Syn.: analysis, tabulation, abridgment, resume, compendium, digest, epitome, abstract.
antonym(s): dilatation, expansion, dilution.
Syn.: top, height, apex, culmination, zenith.
antonym(s): bottom, depth, base, foot, nadir.
Syn.: call, cite, challenge, convene, convoke, invite, bid.
antonym(s): discharge, remit, relegate, send, disband, prorogue, dissolve, discard, dismiss.
Syn.: costly, gorgeous, superb, splendid, expensive, magnificent, prodigal, princely, lavish, munificent.
antonym(s): poor, mean, inexpensive, sordid, niggardly, economical, illiberal, beggarly, frugal, parsimonious, saving.
Syn.: feasible, possible, manageable, surmountable.
antonym(s): insuperable, indomitable, invincible, unmanageable, impossible, insurmountable.
Syn.: effete, timeworn, decrepit, passe'.
antonym(s): vigorous, energetic, active, efficient.
Syn.: grand, magnificent, elegant, princely, splendid, showy, proud, august, stately, gorgeous.
antonym(s): mean, common, commonplace, unimposing, shabby.
Syn.: haughty, contemptuous, disdainful, arrogant, I solent.
antonym(s): affable, courteous, respectful, modest, bashful.
Syn.: superfluity, excess, superabundance, supervacaneousness, needlessness.
antonym(s): necessity, unprofitableness, duty, shortcoming, deficiency.
Syn.: light, slight, imperfect, showy, external, flimsy, surface, shallow, smattering, skin-deep.
antonym(s): deep, profound, abstruse, recondite, accurate, exact, deep-seated.
- Superfluous, see petition.
- Superfluity
Syn.: redundance, needlessness, supererogation, pleonasm, excess.
antonym(s): necessity, necessary, requirement, shortcoming, deficiency.
Syn.: supernatural, miraculous, divine, hyperphysical, preternatural.
antonym(s): natural, human, physical, unmiraculous.
- Superintend, see redundant.
- Superintendence, see supervise.
- Superintendent
Syn.: inspector, overseer, controller, director, manager, visitor, head, principal, supervisor.
antonym(s): subject, subordinate, servant, employee.
Syn.: higher, upper, better, preferable, surpassing, loftier, excellent, remarkable, eminent, conspicuous.
antonym(s): inferior, lower, worse, subordinate, ordinary, common, unremarkable, average, mean, mediocre.
- Superiority, see oversight.
- Superlative
Syn.: supreme, transcendent, greatest, highest, extreme, surpassing, consummate, extraordinary.
antonym(s): common, ordinary, unremarkable.
Syn.: celestial, heavenly.
antonym(s): terrestrial, earthly, infernal, lower, sublunary.
- Supernatural, see inferiority.
- Supersede
Syn.: remove, displace, obviate, oust, recal, neutralize, overrule, suspend, supplant.
antonym(s): confirm, perpetuate, continue, introduce, supply.
Syn.: bigotry, fanaticism.
antonym(s): infidelity, skepticism, disbelief, rationalism, religion, devotion, worship, reason.
Syn.: happen, accrue, succeed, occur.
antonym(s): pass, depart, disappear, vanish.
Syn.: superintend, control, manage, direct, visit, inspect, overlook.
antonym(s): mismanage, miscontrol, misregulate, misdirect.
Syn.: lazy, indolent, indifferent, listless, inactive, negligent, inattentive, careless, sluggish, otiose, torpid.
antonym(s): active, energetic, laborious, diligent, indefatigable.
Syn.: pliant, bending, yielding, flexible, elastic, servile, fawning, cringing, adulatory, sycophantic, lithe, limber, compliant.
antonym(s): firm, unbending, unyielding, stiff, stubborn, inflexible, inelastic, independent, self-assertive, supercilious.
Syn.: addition, appendix, see superhuman.
Syn.: pray, beg, entreat, beseech, implore, solicit, crave, importune.
antonym(s): order, command, insist, dictate, demand.
Syn.: furnish, afford, provide, accoutre, give, minister, yield, contribute.
antonym(s): expend, use, consume, waste, exhaust, absorb, demand, withhold, withdraw, retain.
Syn.: bear, uphold, sustain, underlie, befriend, assist, second, promote, further, suffer, defend, foster, nurture, nourish, cherish, endorse, maintain, continue, countenance, patronize, subsidize, help, back, stay, favor, prop.
antonym(s): drop, betray, surrender, abandon, discontinue, oppose, discourage, weaken, exhaust, thwart, discountenance, disfavor, subvert, suppress.
Syn.: prop, stay, foundation, buttress, help, aid, assistance, influence, maintenance, living, patronage, subsistence, livelihood, food, see addendum.
Syn.: assume, presume, believe, divine, deem, fancy, think, regard, conceive, imagine, imply, presuppose, conjecture, guess, conclude, judge, consider.
antonym(s): prove, demonstrate, substantiate, realize, disbelieve, negative, deny.
Syn.: conjecture, surmise, assumption, hypothesis, speculation, theory, guess, presumption, see adherent.
Syn.: fictitious, ascititious, adventitious, spurious, counterfeit, fancied, imaginary, sham, false.
antonym(s): true, genuine, authentic, veritable, actual, real.
Syn.: overpower, extinguish, repress, stifle, check, subdue, quell, era h, destroy, restrain, conceal, hu n, stop, smother.
antonym(s): raise, support, fan, excite, strengthen, incite, instigate, increase, aggravate, vent, publish, promulgate, spread, disseminate, intensify.
Syn.: extinguishable, restrainable.
antonym(s): inextinguishable, irrestrainable, irrepressible, indomitable.
Syn.: sovereignty, nonsubjection, lordship, autocracy.
antonym(s): inferiority, subordination, subjection.
Syn.: greatest, highest, first, predominant, paramount, principal, sovereign, see speculation.
Syn.: certain, secure, safe, assured, unmistakable, stable, firm, knowing, believing, confident, trusting, unquestioning, positive, unfailing, strong, permanent, abiding, enduring, infallible, indisputable, fast.
antonym(s): uncertain, ignorant, dubious, doubtful, hesitating, distrustful, questioning, vacillating, weak, untrustworthy, precarious, insecure, impermanent, transient, evanescent, fallible, disputable, loose.
Syn.: certainty, safety, security, guaranty, pledge, boudsumu, bail, hostage, see paramount.
Syn.: superabundance, excess, glut, nimiety, plethora.
antonym(s): scantiness, stint, defect, starvation, inanition, insufficiency.
Syn.: snarling, splenetic, rough, crabbed, gloomy, uncivil, see certainty and hostage.
Syn.: suspect, imagine, conjecture, guess, fancy, presume, suppose, see sulky and sullen, surmount, see suppose and suspect.
Syn.: eclipse, outvie, excel, outstrip, exceed, outdo, outstep, surmount, transcend.
antonym(s): fail, foil, equal.
Syn.: redundancy, remainder, rest, overplus, residue, excess, balance.
antonym(s): deficiency, deficit, shortcoming.
Syn.: startle, astonish, alarm, amaze, confuse.
antonym(s): prepare, premonish, forewarn.
- Surprising, see succumb.
- Surrender
Syn.: yield, submit, cede, relinquish, abandon, resign.
antonym(s): withhold, vindicate, retain, resist, contend, strive.
Syn.: stealthy, furtive, unauthorized, fraudulent, underhanded, clandestine.
antonym(s): open, openhanded, frank, honest, ingenuous.
Syn.: scan, view, inspect, reconnoitre, overlook, scrutinize, examine, superintend, review, contemplate.
antonym(s): ignore, miss, disregard, misobserve, misview, overlook.
Syn.: capable, impressible, tender, sensitive.
antonym(s): incapable, unimpressible, insensitive, insusceptible, impassible.
Syn.: rouse, excite, vitalize, fan, inflame.
antonym(s): soothe, calm, allay, repress, deaden, mesmerize, extinguish, compose, repress, lay.
Syn.: imagine, eurmi, guess, conjecture, augur, doubt, mistrust, distrust.
antonym(s): disbelieve, discredit, trust, confide, credit, accredit.
Syn.: attach, hang, rest, interrupt, delay, intermit, stop, discontinue.
antonym(s): detach, drop, remove, continue, expedite, protract, prolong.
Syn.: protraction, uncertainty, doubt, solicitude, cessation, pause, waiting, intermission, discontinuance, abeyance, stoppage, indetermination, indecision.
antonym(s): determination, settlement, execution, continuance, uninterruption, revival, determination, decision, finality.
Syn.: distrust, misgiving, mistrust, jealousy, see encircle.
- Sustain, see support.
- Sustenance
Syn.: support, food, aliment, living, subsistance, livelihood, alimony, provision, nourishment, nutriment, nurture, sustentation, nutrition, pabulum, maintenance.
antonym(s): starvation, inanition, nonsubsistance, innutrition, exhaustion.
- Sustentatlon, see support.
- Kwaln
Syn.: peasant, rustic, hind, countryman, lover, see sustenance.
Syn.: absorb, gorge, engross, devour, appropriate, exhaust, consume, imbibe, engulf, brook.
antonym(s): vomit, disgorge, eructate, discharge, economize, save, eschew, repudiate.
Syn.: multitude, crowd, throng, cluster, host, mass, press, posse, bevy, flock, troop, drove, herd, horde, crew, gang, shoal, army, host, regiment, myriad, inundation.
antonym(s): paucity, sprinkling, scantling, rarity.
Syn.: wield, influence, rule, authority, government, superiority, bias, dominion, control, preponderance, domination, supremacy, mastery, ascendency, weight, force, power.
antonym(s): weakness, inferiority, subordination, irresistance, obedience, subservience, subjection.
Syn.: influence, govern, rule, bias, wave, swing, [[wiel<]], see marsh.
Syn.: depose, affirm, testify, declare, blaspheme, curse, see [[ooverk] and wield]].
Syn.: perspiration, exudation, sweating, excretion, see affirm and curse.
Syn.: remove, clean, brush, carry off, destroy, see exudation.
Syn.: compass, range, stroke, see clean and destroy.
Syn.: saccharine, luscious, fragrant, dulcet, melodious, harmonious, musical, beautiful, lovely, wholesome, pleasing, pure, mild, winning, agreeable, fresh, gentle, amiable.
antonym(s): sour, bitter, unsweet, fetid, offensive, nauseous, olid, stinking, nasty, inharmonious, discordant, unlovely, repulsive, unwholesome, putrid, tainted, ungentle, unamiable.
Syn.: dilate, extend, enlarges, heighten, heave, enhance, rise, expand, increase, augment, protuberate, aggravate, amplify, distend.
antonym(s): contract, curtail, shrivel, diminish, lessen, retrench, reduce, collapse, fold, narrow, condense, concentrate.
Syn.: deviate, diverge, stray, wander, divaricate, bend, incline, trend.
antonym(s): continue, disincline.
Syn.: rapid, speedy, headlong, quick, accelerated, nimble, expeditious, fleet, fast, ready, quick, eager, alert, prompt.
antonym(s): slow, tardy, lingering, lazy, loitering, unexpeditious, inactive, sluggish, unready.
Syn.: rogue, impostor, sharper, knave, cheat, see cheat.
Syn.: oscillate, dangle, wave, vibrate.
antonym(s): be stationary.
Syn.: parasite, flatterer, toady, lick-spittle, hanger-on, flatterer, see cheat.
- Symbol, see parasite.
- Symmetrical
Syn.: regular, shapely, well proportioned, see harmonious.
Syn.: harmony, proportion, conformity, interrelation, intercoincidence, shapeliness, agreement, form.
antonym(s): disharmony, disproportion, inconformity, shapelessness, disagreement, interdisparity, interrepugnance, inconcinnity.
Syn.: fellow-feeling, congeniality, commiseration, compassion, pity, concert, tenderness, agreement, condolence.
antonym(s): antipathy, antagonism, incongeniality, pitilessness, mercilessness, compassionlessness, unkindness, harshness, unkindliness.
Syn.: concurrent, concomitant, premonition, indication, mark, note, sign, token.
antonym(s): misindication, fiyiiod.
- syn:, conference, convention, conclave, ecclesiastical council.
- [[]] synonymous]]
Syn.: equivalent, tantamount, alike in meaning, identical, interchangeable.
antonym(s): opposed in meaning, not identical.
Syn.: equivalent, equivalent term.
antonym(s): antonym, counter term, opposite term.
Syn.: abstract, epitome, summary, abridgment, see abridgment.
Syn.: method, scheme, order, regularity, classification, arrangement, rule, plan.
antonym(s): disorder, derangement, confusion, fortuity, chance, medley, haphazard, incongruity, non-arrangement, nonclassification.
Syn.: methodize, reduce to a system, arrange, regulate, order, see abridgment.
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD