Synonyms and antonyms (F)
Synonyms are two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context, opposite of antonym.
Syn.: apologue, fiction, parable, allegory, romance, invention, fabrication, untruth, novel, falsehood.
antonym(s): history, narrative, fact.
Syn.: work, construction, edifice, tissue, structure, web, texture.
antonym(s): destruction, dismantlement, demolition, fragment, wreck, tatters, ruin, rags, shreds.
Syn.: construct, make, form, forge, invent, falsify, manufacture, produce, frame, devise, coin, misrepresent.
antonym(s): demolish, tear, spoil, lacerate, dismember, destroy, narrate, copy, represent, portray, repeat.
Syn.: fictitious, incredible, feigned, imaginary, pretended, false, monstrous.
antonym(s): actual, real, historic, authentic, reasonable, fair, true.
Syn.: witty, funny, humorous, jocular, waggish, playful, droll, jocose.
antonym(s): heavy, matter-of-fact, dull, grave, serious, lugubrious, sombre, saturnine.
Syn.: docile, tractable, manageable, indulgent, weak, irresolute, easy, affable, flexible, characterless, pliable.
antonym(s): sturdy, obstinate, determined, resolute, pig-headed, crusty, inflexible, self-willed, independent, self-reliant.
Syn.: ease, address, readiness, quickness, adroitness, dexterity, pliancy.
antonym(s): labor, effort, awkwardness, difficulty.
- Facinorous, see atrocious.
- Fact
Syn.: truth, deed, occurrence, certainty, circumstance, event, reality.
antonym(s): fiction, supposition, falsehood, unreality, lie, delusion, chimera, invention, romance.
Syn.: oppositions, exceptions, litigious, crusty, malcontent, adversative.
antonym(s): agreeable, genial, complaisant, amenable, loyal, public-spirited, harmonious, co-operative, auxiliary, sympathetic.
Syn.: artificial, affected, euphuistic, conventional, cramped, finical, ascititious, spurious.
antonym(s): natural, unaffected, genial, truthful, genuine, pure.
- Faculty, see capability.
- Facundity, see eloquence.
- Fade
Syn.: fall, fail, decline, sink, droop, dwindle, vanish, change, pale, bleach, set, etiolate.
antonym(s): rise, increase, grow, bloom, flourish, abide, stand, last, endure.
Syn.: work, toil, slave, drudge.
antonym(s): bask, idle, lounge, dawdle, strike.
Syn.: fall, miss, miscarry, fall short, trip, lose.
antonym(s): succeed, exceed, surpass, excel, achieve, abound, yield.
- Pain, [[and adv, see glad and gladly.
- Faint
Syn.: weak, languid, fatigued, unenergetic, timid, irresolute, feeble, exhausted, half-hearted, obscure, dim, pale, faded, inconspicuous.
antonym(s): strong, vigorous, energetic, fresh, daring, resolute, prominent, marked, conspicuous, glaring.
Syn.: open, clear, spotless, unspotted, untarnished, reasonable, unblemished, serene, beautiful, just, honorable, equitable, impartial.
antonym(s): lowering, dull, foul, disfigured, ugly, unfair, dishonorable, fraudulent.
Syn.: true, firm, attached, loyal, accurate, close, consistent, correspondent, exact, equivalent, staunch, incorruptible.
antonym(s): false, fickle, capricious, wavering, inaccurate, untrue, faithless, inexact.
Syn.: drop, descend, droop, decline, gravitate, sink, lapse.
antonym(s): rise, ascend, soar, mount, recover, climb.
Syn.: sophistry, error, blunder, misconception, bugbear, fiction, delusion, chimera.
antonym(s): truth, verity, fact, logic, argument, soundness, proof, postulate, axiom.
Syn.: erring, uncertain, ignorant, weak.
antonym(s): infallible, certain, omniscient, unerring.
Syn.: quiescent, idle, uncultivated, unproductive, untilled.
antonym(s): cultivated, worked, tilled, sown, productive, operative, prolific, fruitful.
Syn.: untrue, erroneous, fallacious, sophistical, spurious, deceptive, fabrication, counterfeit, mendacious, sham, mock, bogus, unfaithful, fib, falsity, fiction, dishonorable, faithless.
antonym(s): true, correct, sound, conclusive, authentic, real, genuine, candid, honorable, faithful.
Syn.: untruth, error, fallacy, sophistry, deception, forgery, lie, cheat.
antonym(s): truth, correctness, verity, fact, authenticity, genuineness, honesty, honor, reality.
Syn.: mistake, misinterpret, misrepresent, belie, betray, garble, cook.
antonym(s): verify, correct, rectify, certify, beck, justify, exhibit, publicate, expose, declare.
Syn.: halt, hesitate, hobble, slip, dubitate, stammer, demur, waver, flinch, vacillate.
antonym(s): proceed, run, speed, flow, discourse, determine, persevere, resolve, career.
Syn.: report, rumor, bruit, news, tidings, renown, glory, honor, laurels, celebrity, reputation, credit.
antonym(s): silence, suppression, hush, disgrace, dishonor, disrepute.
Syn.: household, common, free, frank, affable, everyday, well-acquainted, accustomed, conversant, intimate.
antonym(s): uncommon, rare, strange, extraordinary, unaccustomed, unacquainted, new, inconversant, unfamiliar.
Syn.: renowned, glorious, celebrated, illustrious, far-famed.
antonym(s): unknown, obscure, unsung, inglorious.
Syn.: enthusiast, bigot, visionary, zealot.
antonym(s): skeptic, unbeliever, cynic.
- Fanatical, see fanaticism.
- Fanaticism
Syn.: frenzy, enthusiasm, superstition, bigotry.
antonym(s): indifference, latitudinarianism, disbelief, profanity, disregard, skepticism, coldness, cynicism.
Syn.: grotesque, chimerical, unreal, imaginary, quaint, eccentric, freakish, humorsome, erroneous, capricious, whimsical, erratic, absurd, fitful.
antonym(s): natural, literal, regular, real, sober, ordinary, truthful, accurate, correct, orderly, calculable.
Syn.: thought, belief, idea, supposition, imagination, caprice, notion, conceit, vagary, inclination, whim, humor, predilection, desire.
antonym(s): object, subject, fact, reality, order, law, truth, system, verity, aversion, horror, fantastic, see fanciful.
Syn.: ludicrous, comic, funny, nonsensical, droll, pantomimic.
antonym(s): grave, serious, solemn, dismal, tragical, funereal, ghastly.
Syn.: see do, live, feed, subsist, speed.
antonym(s): toil, fast, fail, droop, sink, drop, faint, halt, falter.
Syn.: provision, passage, money.
antonym(s): starvation, famine, abstinence, pauperism, mendicity.
- Fascinate, see bewitch.
- Fascination, see fascinate.
- Fashion
Syn.: form, shape, guise, style, appearance, character, figure, mould, mode, custom, practice, usage, manner, way, ceremony.
antonym(s): person, work, dress, speech, formlessness, shapelessness, derangement, eccentricity, strangeness, outlandishness.
Syn.: firm, secure, fixed, constant, steadfast, stable, unyielding, unswerving, rapid, accelerated, wild, reckless, dissipated, pay.
antonym(s): loose, insecure, slow, tardy, steady, sober, virtuous.
Syn.: secure, hold, compact, tie, bind, join, unite, affix, annex, grapple, attach, fix.
antonym(s): undo, loose, sever, relax, detach, remove, unfasten.
Syn.: critical, overnice, overrefined, censorious, punctillious, particular, squeamish, dainty.
antonym(s): easy, indulgent, uncritical, coarse, omnivorous.
Syn.: corpulent, fleshy, brawny, pursy, rich, luxuriant, portly, stout, fertile, unctuous, obese, oleaginous.
antonym(s): lean, slender, attenuated, emaciated, barren, poor, scant, narrowless, exsanguineous, anatomical.
Syn.: calamitous, deadly, destructive, mortal, lethal.
antonym(s): beneficial, wholesome, nutritious, vitalizing, salubrious, restorative, slight, superficial, harmless.
Syn.: necessity, destiny, lot, end, fortune, doom.
antonym(s): will, choice, decision, freedom, independence.
Syn.: gauge, pierce, measure, sound, probe.
antonym(s): survey, glance, scan, overlook, miss, graze, skim.
Syn.: bottomless, profound, abysmal.
antonym(s): superficial, shallow, skin-deep.
Syn.: weariness, languor, enervation, exhaustion, lassitude.
antonym(s): freshness, vigor, activity, indefatigability.
Syn.: harass, weary, tire, jade.
antonym(s): inspirit, refresh, animate, enliven.
Syn.: folly, imbecility, idiotcy, infatuation.
antonym(s): wisdom, sense, soundness, discernment, sobriety.
Syn.: defect, error, imperfection, flaw, misdeed, failure, omission, want, drawback.
antonym(s): sufficiency, correctness, completeness, perfection.
Syn.: complete, perfect, correct, accurate, stainless, blameless.
antonym(s): incomplete, imperfect, incorrect, inaccurate, defective, corrupt, erroneous, faulty.
Syn.: permission, grace, concession, predilection, gift, civility, benefit, kindness, good will, regard, condescension, preference, boon, countenance, patronage.
antonym(s): refusal, denial, prohibition, disfavor, withdrawal, withholding, frown, disapproval, injury, discountenance.
Syn.: permissive, indulgent, propitious, concessive, partial, fond, liberal, advantageous, auspicious, friendly.
antonym(s): rei'actant, unpropitious, unfavorable, impartial.
Syn.: partiality, invidiousness.
antonym(s): odium, prejudice, antipathy.
Syn.: flatter, wheedle, cajole, cringe, palaver, slaver.
antonym(s): insult, deride, satirize, censure, rebuke, reprimand, defy, dare.
Syn.: apprehension, solicitude alarm, fright, dread, terror, trepidation, dismay, consternation, misgiving, horror, timidity, awe.
antonym(s): assurance, confidence, courage, fearlessness, trust, boldness.
Syn.: timid, hesitating, terrible, awful, apprehensive, frightful, shocking, terrific, afraid, horrible, dreadful.
antonym(s): bold, venturesome, confident, audacious, consolatory, inspiriting, assuring, alluring, attractive, hopeful, inviting.
- Fearless, see courageous.
- Feasible
Syn.: possible, manageable, contrivable, permissible, practicable.
antonym(s): impossible, unallowable.
- Feat, see achievement.
- Featly, see feat
Syn.: neatly, cleverly, dexterously, adroitly.
antonym(s): clumsily, hardly, bunglingly.
Syn.: component, element, characteristic, indication, portion, mark, lineament, sign.
antonym(s): whole, system, countenance, case, arrangement, (here the antonym is the correlative) misindication, falsification, excrescence, blind, mask, disguise.
- Federation, see confederacy.
- Feeble
Syn.: wretched, weak, poor, frail, debilitated, dull, forceless, puny, nerveless, enfeebled, enervated, faint, infirm, incomplete, vain, fruitless, scanty, pitiable.
antonym(s): strong, robust, active, effective, successful, abundant.
Syn.: touch, sensation, contact, pathos, tenderness, impression, consciousness, sensibility, emotion, sentiment, passion, sensitiveness.
antonym(s): insensibility, callousness, imperturbability, inexcitable ty, coldness, insensateness.
- Feign, see pretend.
- Feint, see feign.
- Felicitate, see congratulate.
- Felicitous
Syn.: happy, timely, successful, opportune, joyous.
antonym(s): unfortunate, unhappy, untimely, unsuccessful, disastrous, inopportune, sad.
- Felicity, see felicitous.
- Fell
Syn.: cruel, barbarous, inhuman, savage, bloody, direful, merciless, pitiless, ruthless, remorseless, relentless, fierce, truculent.
antonym(s): generous, chivalrous, humane, lenient, propitious.
Syn.: cut, level, prostrate, demolish, subvert, waste, bare.
antonym(s): plant, erect, support, propagate, stock, upraise, rear.
Syn.: companion, adherent, equal, compeer, comrade, colleague, member, match, tally, correlative, partner, friend, associate.
antonym(s): foe, opponent, stranger, mismatch, opposite, antagonist.
Syn.: association, membership, company, partnership, sociality, brotherhood, familiarity, intimacy, society, acquaintance.
antonym(s): severance, disconnection, dismemberment, felonious, see criminal.
Syn.: delicate, womanly, tender, modest, soft.
antonym(s): robust, manly, indelicate, rude, rough, unfeminine.
Syn.: circumscribe, enclose, protect, elude, parry, stave.
antonym(s): open, disenclose, catch, receive, suffer.
Syn.: seethe, concoct, brew, warm, chafe, effervesce, rankle, fester.
antonym(s): damp, cool, dissipate, subside, disperse, evaporate, heal.
- Ferocity, see fierceness.
- Fertile
Syn.: rich, luxuriant, teeming, productive, exuberant, causative, conducive, pregnant, fraught, prolific, fecund, fruitful, ingenious, inventive.
antonym(s): poor, sterile, barren, unproductive, ineffective, inconducive, fruitless, inoperative, uninventive, unimaginative.
Syn.: convivial, jovial, gay, merry.
antonym(s): solitary, deserted, ascetic, gloomy.
Syn.: stinking, corrupt, foul.
antonym(s): inodorous, fresh, perfumed, scented, balmy.
Syn.: manacle, hinder, restrain, clog, impede, shackle.
antonym(s): free, liberate, expedite, accelerate.
Syn.: fray, affray, broil, contention, enmity, antipathy, animosity, quarrel, strife, bitterness, dissension, hostility.
antonym(s): friendliness, sympathy, congeniality, clanship, pacification, reconciliation, sociality, neighborliness.
Syn.: heat, ardor, fervor, broil, flush, ferment, passion.
antonym(s): coolness, composure, frigidity, iciness, indifference.
Syn.: scant, rare, lacking.
antonym(s): many, abundant, numerous.
Syn.: strength, sinews, thews, toughness.
antonym(s): laxity, debility, flabbiness.
Syn.: fanciful, fitful, capricious, irresolute, changeable, vacillating, mutable, unreliable, veering, shifting, variable, restless, inconstant, unstable.
antonym(s): sober, orderly, reliable, well-regulated, calculable, trustworthy, steady, uniform.
Syn.: invention, fabrication, creation, figment, fable, falsehood, romance, myth.
antonym(s): fact, truth, verity, reality.
Syn.: unreal, suppositious, spurious, imaginary.
antonym(s): real, true, historical, genuine, authentic, veritable.
Syn.: fealty, attachment, truthfulness, allegiance, accuracy, closeness, exactness, faithfulness, integrity, loyalty, honesty.
antonym(s): treachery, disloyalty, disaffection, untruthfulness, inaccuracy, inexactness, infidelity.
Syn.: ground, scope, province, arena, scene, opportunity, room.
antonym(s): circumscription, constraint, exclusion, debarment, interdiction.
Syn.: wild, savage, violent, raging, fiery, furious, impetuous, ferocious.
antonym(s): mild, tame, docile, harmless, calm, gentle.
- Fierceness, see fierce.
- Fiery
Syn.: hot, vehement, ardent, fervent, fierce, passionate, irascible, choleric, excited, enkindled, glowing, fervid, impassioned, irritable, hotbrained.
antonym(s): cold, icy, indifferent, phlegmatic, passionless, unimpassioned, mild, quenched, extinguished, tame.
Syn.: battle, contention, struggle, conflict, combat, contest, action, engagement, encounter.
antonym(s): pacification, reconciliation.
Syn.: metaphorical, poetical, tropical, rhetorical, symbolical, typical, emblematical.
antonym(s): literal, prosaic, unpoetical, unmetaphorical.
Syn.: aspect, shape, emblem, type, image, condition, appearance, form, symbol, metaphor, likeness, delineation, illustration.
antonym(s): misrepresentation, deformity, disfigurement.
Syn.: rasp, polish, smooth, finish, perfect, improve, refine.
antonym(s): roughen, jag, denticulate, acuminate, barb, cusp, notch.
- Filiation, see affiliation.
- Fill
Syn.: replenish, content, supply, satisfy, gorge, glut, occupy, appoint, stuff, store, rise, swell, grow, expand, increase.
antonym(s): exhaust, deprive, drain, dissatisfy, stint, vacate, misappoint, subside, shrink, ebb, evaporate, diminish.
Syn.: strain, percolate, refine, distil, ooze, exude, leak, depurate, defecate, clarify.
antonym(s): befoul, muddle, disturb, thicken.
Syn.: dirty, nasty, dingy, impure, unclean, squalid, foul.
antonym(s): pure, sweet, clean.
- Filtration, see filter.
- Fimbriated
Syn.: fringed, tasselled, filamentous.
antonym(s): bound, hemmed, unfringed, sel-.
Syn.: terminal, last, latest, conclusive, definite, developed, ultimate, decisive.
antonym(s): initiative, open, unconcluded, progressive, continuous, current, incipient, inaugural, inchoate, rudimental, nascent.
Syn.: meet, confront, ascertain, experience, perceive, discover, furnish, invent.
antonym(s): miss, elude, overlook, lose, withhold, withdraw, misconstrue.
Syn.: thin, minute, slender, delicate, pure, smooth, filmy, gauzy, keen, artistic, choice, finished, high, grand, noble, sensitive, refined, generous, honorable, excellent, superior, pretty, beautiful, showy, elegant, ostentatious, presumptuous, nice, casuistical, subtle.
antonym(s): coarse, large, rough, blunt, rude, unfinished, mean, petty, illiberal, unimposing, paltry, modest, unaffected, affable, categorical, plain-spoken, unanalytical, unreflective, indissective.
Syn.: overornament, tawdriness, tinsel, gewgaw, trinkets, trash, dressiness, bedizenment.
antonym(s): ornament, dress, decoration, adornment, chastity, simplicity, sobriety.
Syn.: affected, over nice, dandyish, dallying, foppish, spruce, factitious, euphuistic.
antonym(s): unaffected, effective, practical, energetic, real, genuine, natural, outspoken, blunt, coarse, rude.
Syn.: complete, perfect, accomplish, conclude, achieve, end, shape, terminate.
antonym(s): begin, commence, start, undertake, fail, miscontrive, mismanage, botch, mar.
Syn.: artistic, perfect, refined, high.
antonym(s): inartistic, incomplete, rude, poor, coarse, unfinished.
Syn.: limited, bounded, terminable, restricted.
antonym(s): unlimited, unbounded, infinite.
Syn.: fast, secure, strong, steadfast, solid, stable, established, rooted, immovable, robust, unshaken, sturdy, resolute, determined, fixed, decided, attached.
antonym(s): loose, insecure, weak, illrooted, tottering, vacillating, irresolute, ductile, exorable, indulgent, disaffected, wavering, unreliable.
Syn.: leading, primary, pristine, original, foremost, primitive, principal, primeval, highest, chief, earliest, onmost.
antonym(s): subsequent, secondary, subordinate, subservient, lowest, unimportant, last, hindmost.
Syn.: decent, befitting, meet, apt, fitting, adapted, seemly, appropriate, becoming, decorous, qualified, congruous, peculiar, particular, suitable, prepared, adequate, calculated, contrived, expedient, proper, ripe.
antonym(s): awkward, ungainly, misfitting, ill-suited, unseemly, inappropriate, unsuitable, unprepared, inadequate, miscalculated, miscontrived, inexpedient, improper, unfit.
Syn.: capricious, fickle, unstable, restless, inconstant, mutable, impulsive, desultory, fanciful, unequal, irregular.
antonym(s): regular, equable, systematic, orderly, calculable.
Syn.: place, settle, fasten, link, locate, attach, consolidate, tie, plant, root, establish, secure, determine, decide.
antonym(s): displace, unsettle, disarrange, remove, uproot, transfer, transplant, disestablish, weaken, shake, reverse, disturb, change, unfix.
Syn.: flabby, limber, lax, tabid.
antonym(s): firm, muscular, braced, plump, chubby, brawny.
Syn.: droop, pine, weary, tire, give in, faint, succumb, languish, decline.
antonym(s): hold, freshen, flourish, persevere, battle, struggle, persist, recruit, recover.
Syn.: facinorous, atrocious, enormous, monstrous, disgraceful, nefarious, scandalous, flagrant, heinous, aggravated.
antonym(s): noble, creditable, honorable, meritorious, distinguished, pardonable, justifiable, excusable, extenuated.
- Flagrant, see flagitious.
- Flaring
Syn.: flaming, glaring, conspicuous, gaudy, bright, over-colored, flaunting, flashy, showy, tawdry, ostentatious.
antonym(s): toned, subdued, harmonized, dull, dim, dowdy, dingy, neutral, colorless.
Syn.: dull, tame, insipid, vapid, spiritless, level, horizontal, absolute, even, downright, mawkish, tasteless, lifeless.
antonym(s): exciting, animated, interesting, thrilling, sensational.
Syn.: boast, vaunt, flout, flutter, flounce, display, flourish, parade, figure.
antonym(s): suppress, conceal, retire, re-cede, skulk, hide, shrivel, collapse, furl.
Syn.: taste, savor, smack, odor, relish, zest.
antonym(s): insipidity, tastelessness, inodorousness, inawkishness, scentlessness.
Syn.: strip, despoil, shear.
antonym(s): invest, endow, endue.
Syn.: pliant, lithe, supple, elastic, easy, indulgent, ductile, flexile, yielding, pliable.
antonym(s): tough, rigid, inelastic, inflexible, hard, inexorable.
Syn.: flutter, quiver, bicker, falter, waver, glimmer, shimmer, scintillate.
antonym(s): stream, blaze, gleam, shine, beam.
Syn.: volitation, departure, escape, evasion, disappearance, flying, stampede, soaring, begin, fleeing, exodus.
antonym(s): recurrence, return, reappearance, perching, alighting, repose.
Syn.: gauzy, poor, thin, transparent, trifling, trivial, puerile, inane, slight, superficial, weak, shallow.
antonym(s): solid, sound, irrefragable, substantial, cogent.
Syn.: blench, swerve, wince, recoil.
antonym(s): dare, face, bear, meet, endure.
Syn.: cast, throw, emit, toss, hurl, ejaculate.
antonym(s): snatch, grasp, hold, keep, retain, arrest.
Syn.: pert, forward, superficial, thoughtless, saucy, malapert.
antonym(s): flattering, servile, obsequious, accurate, considerate, deferential, complimentary, respectful.
Syn.: swim, spread, prevail.
antonym(s): sink, drown, die, founder, vanish.
Syn.: herd, congregate, tli, one, assemble, crowd.
antonym(s): disperse, scatter, separate, segregate.
Syn.: deluge, inundation, abundance.
antonym(s): drought, drain, ebb, scarcity, subsidence.
Syn.: rubicund, flowery, sanguine, ornate, overwrought, meretricious.
antonym(s): pallid, exsanguineous, bare, unadorned, nude, sober, chaste.
Syn.: roll, blunder, bungle, boggle, wallow, tumble.
antonym(s): emerge, flow, course, career, speed, rise, flourish, skim.
Syn.: prosper, thrive, speed, triumph, brandish, wave.
antonym(s): fail, fade, decline, miscarry, founder, arrest, sheath, ground.
Syn.: stream, issue, progress, glide, course, career, run.
antonym(s): halt, stick, stickle, stop, hesitate, fail, stint, beat, recoil, regurgitate, ebb.
Syn.: perfection, blossom, bloom, acme, pride, ornament, gem, cream.
antonym(s): disappointment, deformity, blot, abortion, scum, dregs, blight.
Syn.: copious, abundant, fluent, exuberant, easy, eloquent.
antonym(s): dribbling, dry, strained, meagre, labored, unready, difficult.
Syn.: waver, oscillate, hesitate, vacillate, vary, veer.
antonym(s): persist, abide, stay, stick, adhere.
Syn.: nonsense, trash, emptiness, froth.
antonym(s): sense, nourishment, satisfaction, solidity, reason.
Syn.: agitate, excite, worry, ruffle, fluster.
antonym(s): soothe, compose, quiet, calm, mesmerize.
Syn.: vibrate, quiver, palpitate, flicker, flit.
antonym(s): perch, roost, nestle, settle, subside, collapse, rest, lull, pause, re, pose, sink.
Syn.: flow, motion, progression, change, substitution, transmutation.
antonym(s): stagnation, stillness, invariableness, identity, immutability, crystallization, arrestation.
Syn.: centre, standpoint, rendezvous, convergence, nucleus.
antonym(s): circle, dispersion, dissipation, divergence, foe, see friend.
Syn.: confused, dazed, absent, stupid, hazy, obscure, misty.
antonym(s): clear, alive, alert, awake, luminous, lucid, bright, shrewd, sharp.
Syn.: peccadillo, failing, fault, weakness, infirmity.
antonym(s): crime, atrocity, enormity, sin.
Syn.: set-off, background, contrast, enhancement, setting, elucidation.
antonym(s): eclipse, outshining, extinction, overshadowing.
Syn.: falsify, counterfeit, palm, pass.
antonym(s): expose, detect, verify, authenticate.
Syn.: double, enfold, embrace, envelop, inclose, wrap.
antonym(s): unfold, disengage, expose.
Syn.: pursue, chase, accompany, obey, imitate, succeed, result, ensue, attend, shadow, observe, copy.
antonym(s): avoid, elude, quit, disobey, precede, cause, produce, abandon, shun.
Syn.: partisan, adherent, disciple, henchman, retainer, pursuer, attendant.
antonym(s): leader, teacher, antagonist, opponent, rival.
Syn.: madness, nonsense, misconduct, imprudence, silliness, foolishness, weakness, absurdity, imbecility.
antonym(s): sense, wisdom, sanity, judgment, prudence, sobriety.
Syn.: excite, cherish, fan, propagate, encourage.
antonym(s): allay, extinguish, discourage, extirpate, quench.
Syn.: loving, attached, affectionate, foolish, silly, weak, doting, empty, enamored, devoted.
antonym(s): unloving, averse, unaffectionate, strong-minded, austere, rational, well-grounded, sensible, undemonstrative.
Syn.: dandle, pet, caress.
antonym(s): tease, worry, annoy, chafe, irritate, ruffle.
Syn.: senseless, idiotic, crazed, shallow, weak, silly, injudicious, irrational, absurd, contemptible, objectionable, witless, brainless, imbecile, preposterous, ridiculous, nonsensical, simple.
antonym(s): sensible, sane, deep, clearsighted, sound, sagacious, strongminded, wise, prudent, judicious, calculating, advisable, eligible.
Syn.: standing, status, condition, foundation, foothold.
antonym(s): dislodgment, ousting.
Syn.: finical, coxcombical, dandified, dressy.
antonym(s): modest, unassuming, unaffected, dowdy, slovenly, clownish.
Syn.: raid, sally, inroad, dragonade, escapade.
antonym(s): flight, retreat, recall, decampment, stampede.
Syn.: abstain, refrain, withhold, forego, avoid.
antonym(s): seek, indulge, forbid, see bid.
Syn.: repulsive, deterrent, prohibitory, offensive.
antonym(s): attractive, encouraging, alluring, seductive, permissive.
Syn.: power, strength, agency, instrumentality, compulsion, cogency, vigor, might, dint, vehemence, pressure, host, army, coercion, validity, violence.
antonym(s): feebleness, weakness, counteraction, neutralization, inefficiency, inconclusiveness, debility, pointlessness.
Syn.: waive, drop, abandon, abjure, renounce, give up, relinquish, yield, surrender, resign.
antonym(s): claim, assume, vindicate, seize, grasp, retain.
Syn.: strange, exotic, outlandish, alien, irrelevant, extraneous.
antonym(s): domestic, native, congenial, pertinent, germane.
Syn.: predecessor, precursor, harbinger, herald, omen, avant-courier.
antonym(s): successor, follower.
Syn.: predict, anticipate, foretell, forecast, foreknow, forebode, divine.
antonym(s): reflect, remember, recollect, recurl.
- Forestall, see anticipation.
- Forestallment, see fokbbtaxx.
- Foretell
Syn.: predict, preindicate, prognosticate, forebode, prophesy, presage, augur, foreshow, betoken, portend, forewarn.
antonym(s): recite, narrate, detail.
Syn.: fine, penalty, mulct, amercement, damages, loss.
antonym(s): premium, bribe, douceur, remuneration, compensation, reward, gratuity.
Syn.: stave, obviate, prevent.
antonym(s): rectify, mend, cure, redress, remedy.
Syn.: work, frame, produce, elaborate, fabricate, counterfeit, feign, falsify, form, shape, make falsely.
antonym(s): shatter, batter, shiver, blast, fuse, detect, expose, verify, misconstrue, misfabricate, misshape.
Syn.: falsification, counterfeit.
antonym(s): signature, verification, attestation.
Syn.: lose, pretermit, un, learn, obliviate, overlook.
antonym(s): acquire, learn, remember, recollect, mind, retain, treasure.
Syn.: unremembered, bygone, slighted, overlooked, obsolete, disregarded, neglected.
antonym(s): remembered, present, treasured, guarded, regarded, cherished.
Syn.: abandoned, deserted, forsaken, solitary, destitute, desolate, hapless, luckless, helpless, disconsolate, lone, woe-begone, lonesome, wretched.
antonym(s): supported, attended, cherished, protected, befriended, cheered.
Syn.: shape, mould, fashion, constitute, arrange, frame, construct, contrive, conceive, make, produce, create, devise.
antonym(s): deform, dislocate, distort, dissipate, derange, dismember, disintegrate, analyze, disorganize.
Syn.: regular, complete, shapely, sufficient, correct, stately, dignified, ceremonious, pompous, stiff, precise, explicit, exact, affected, methodical.
antonym(s): irregular, incomplete, informal, inadequate, incorrect, easy, unassuming, unceremonious.
Syn.: rigidity, ceremoniousness, pomposity, externalism, parade, punctilio.
antonym(s): simplicity, unostentatiousness, unaffectedness, unceremoniousness.
Syn.: ceremony, parade, affectation, stateliness, punctiliousness, etiquette.
antonym(s): see formalism.
Syn.: shape, structure, construction.
antonym(s): deformity, malformation, dislocation, distortion.
Syn.: preceding, antecedent, previous, prior, earlier, ancient, bygone, anterior, first-mentioned, foregoing.
antonym(s): succeeding, subsequent, posterior, latter, modern, coming, future.
Syn.: awful, terrible, alarming, terrifying, discouraging, serious, appalling, fearful, dreadful, horrible, shocking.
antonym(s): despicable, weak, contemptible, light, trivial.
Syn.: immediately, instantly, directly, instantaneously.
antonym(s): by-and-by, hereafter, soon, presently.
Syn.: strengthen, confirm, corroborate, garrison, brace, intrench.
antonym(s): weaken, invalidate, dismantle.
Syn.: courage, endurance, braveness, calmness, resignation, hardihood, composure, resolution, stoicism, firmness.
antonym(s): timidity, flinching, impatience, irritation, faintness, delicacy, effeminacy, womanishness, childishness.
Syn.: accidental, undesigned.
antonym(s): designed, purposed.
Syn.: lucky, propitious, happy, felicitous, prosperous, auspicious, providential, successful.
antonym(s): unlucky, unfortunate, unhappy, infelicitous.
Syn.: advanced, ready, eager, anxious, obtrusive, self-assertive, impertinent, progressive, onward, confident, bold, presumptuous.
antonym(s): tardy, backward, reluctant, indifferent, slow, retiring, modest.
Syn.: establish, institute, fix, set, build, set up, base, endow, rest, ground, plant, root.
antonym(s): disestablish, subvert, supplant, uproot.
Syn.: institution, establishment, footing, base, basis, origin, ground, groundwork, rudiments, substratum, underlying principle.
antonym(s): disestablishment, superstructure.
Syn.: author, instituter, establishes originator, planter.
antonym(s): subverter, destroyer.
- Founder, see found and sink.
- Fractious
Syn.: snappish, peevish, cross, pettish, fretful, touchy, petulant, testy.
antonym(s): good-humored, blithesome, genial, agreeable, complaisant.
Syn.: delicate, frail, brittle, weak, slight, frangible.
antonym(s): tough, hardy, stout, strong.
Syn.: piece, bit, chip, morsel, driblet, scrap, remnant.
antonym(s): bulk, body, mass, whole.
Syn.: odorous, scented, perfumed, balmy, sweet-smelling, aromatic, sweet-scented, odoriferous, spicy.
antonym(s): inodorous, scentless, fetid.
Syn.: see fragile, irresolute, erring, mutable.
antonym(s): resolute, virtuous, lasting.
Syn.: freedom, immunity, exemption, right.
antonym(s): obligation, disability, jurisdiction, liability, disqualification.
Syn.: ingenuous, candid, open, unreserved, artless, free, familiar, honest, easy, sincere, outspoken, plain.
antonym(s): disingenuous, close, reserved.
Syn.: mad, raving, furious, distracted, wild, frenzied, maniacal.
antonym(s): sane, sober, calm, collected, cool, unruffled, composed.
- Fraternity, see brotherhood.
- Fraternize
Syn.: sympathize, consort, co-operate, associate with.
antonym(s): renounce, abjure, forswear.
Syn.: loadal, full, pregnant, teeming, abounding, charged.
antonym(s): devoid, divested, exempt, empty, wanting, poor, scant.
Syn.: sportful, frisky, whimsical, fanciful, capricious, erratic.
antonym(s): steady, sober, demure, unwhimsical, unfanciful, reliable, consistent, uniform, equable.
Syn.: detached, playing, operating, open, unoccupied, unobstructed, unimpeded, permitted, unhindered, exempt, gratuitous, unconditional, at liberty, clear, liberal, untrammelled, uncounted, careless, loose, easy, munificent, unreserved, frank, bountiful, generous, bounteous.
antonym(s): subservient, bound, shackled, restricted, clogged, occupied, obstructed, impeded, compulsory, unlawful, biased, subject, liable, amenable, conditional, qualified, niggardly, stingy.
Syn.: fanaticism, madness, raving, fury, fire.
antonym(s): calm, composure, collectedness, coolness, sanity, sobriety, equanimity.
Syn.: many, repeated, numerous, recurrent, general, continual, usual, common.
antonym(s): few, solitary, rare, scanty, casual.
Syn.: new, young, vigorous, cool, recent, renewed, unimpaired, untarnished, unfaded, blooming, ruddy, novel, untried, modern, unskilled.
antonym(s): old, stale, jaded, weary, former, stagnant, ordinary, original, impaired, tarnished, faded, decayed, pallid, sickly, putrid, mouldy, musty, fusty.
Syn.: irritable, fractious, peevish, impatient, petulant, waspish.
antonym(s): patient, forbearing, contented, meek, resigned, unmurmuring.
Syn.: rubbing, grating, attrition, abrasion, contact.
antonym(s): lubrication, detachment, isolation, noncontact.
Syn.: associate, companion, acquaintance, familiar, ally, chum, messmate, coadjutor, confidant, adherent.
antonym(s): opponent, foe, adversary, antagonist, enemy.
Syn.: well-inclined, welldisposed, amicable, kindly, social, neighborly, sociable, affectionate, favorable, cordial.
antonym(s): ill-inclined, ill-disposed, hostile, inimical, adverse, antagonistic.
- Friendship, see friend.
- Fright, see alarm.
- Frightful
Syn.: terrible, horrible, alarming, ugly, hideous, monstrous, dreadful, direful, awful, shocking, horrid, terrific.
antonym(s): pleasing, attractive, beautiful, fair, encouraging, lovely.
Syn.: cold, inanimate, lifeless, passionless, distant, forbidding.
antonym(s): warm, ardent, impassioned.
- Fringed, see fimbriated.
- Frippery
Syn.: trumpery, finery, tawdriness.
antonym(s): apparel, costume, uniform, dress, decoration, ornament.
Syn.: sport, leap, jump, play, dance, wanton.
antonym(s): lie, ruminate, rest, repose, roost, mope, sulk.
Syn.: sportive, playful, wanton.
antonym(s): demure, sedate, meditative, pensive.
Syn.: dribble, waste, idle, dissipate.
antonym(s): economise, husband, cultivate.
Syn.: trifling, silly, trivial, petty, worthless.
antonym(s): serious, earnest, important, grave.
Syn.: play, game, sport, festivity, entertainment, gambol, gayety, lark, spree, merrymaking, prank.
antonym(s): study, undertaking, purpose, engagement, occupation.
Syn.: playful, gamesome, sportive, wanton, festive.
antonym(s): serious, grave, studious, laborious, earnest.
- Front, see face.
- Froth, see balderdash.
- Froward
Syn.: contrary, perverse, untoward, wayward, refractory, fractious, disobedient.
antonym(s): favorable, docile, amenable, ductile, agreeable, obedient, frown, see favor.
Syn.: sparing, economical, parsimonious, abstinent, abstemious, temperate, saving, thrifty, provident.
antonym(s): profuse, luxurious, extravagant, prodigal, self-indulgent, intemperate.
Syn.: production, outcome, outgrowth, result, consequence, produce, reward.
antonym(s): seed, origin, cause, growth, operation.
Syn.: productive, prolific, pregnant, fraught, causative, effectual, useful, successful, fertile, abundant, plenteous, fecund, plentiful.
antonym(s): unproductive, sterile, barren, fruitless, ineffectual, useless, abortive.
Syn.: reaping, attainment, enjoyment, use, possession.
antonym(s): disappointment, loss, nonattainment.
- Frustration, see frustrate and disappointment, fleeting, transient.
antonym(s): persistent, perennial, perpetual, permanent. - Fugitive, see fugacious.
- Fulfil
Syn.: fill, complete, discharge, verify, accomplish, achieve, execute, effect.
antonym(s): neglect, ignore, disappoint, falsify.
Syn.: thunder, clamor, roar, vociferate, denounce.
antonym(s): laud, panegyrize, eulogize.
Syn.: excessive, gross, loathsome, nauseous, sickening, fawning, offensive.
antonym(s): chaste, sober, nice, delicate.
Syn.: vapor, chafe, frown.
antonym(s): acquiesce, smile.
Syn.: office, part, character, capacity, business, administration, discharge, operation, exercise, power, duty, employment.
antonym(s): usurpation, maladministration, misconduct, misdemeanor.
Syn.: official, officer, servant, personage.
antonym(s): see function.
Syn.: stock, capital, investment.
antonym(s): expenditure, outlay, disbursement.
Syn.: primary, important, indispensable, essential.
antonym(s): secondary, unimportant, adventitious, ascititious, nonessential.
Syn.: lugubrious, dismal, woeful, sombre, mournful, plaintive, deathlike, solemn.
antonym(s): joyous, festive, ridiculous, funny, stirring, lively, farcical.
Syn.: sportive, droll, comical, laughable, humorous, jocose, ridiculous, ludicrous, diverting.
antonym(s): dull, tedious, mournful, lugubrious, dismal, grave, serious, sad, lamentable.
Syn.: brighten, polish, burnish.
antonym(s): dull, cloud, tarnish.
Syn.: supply, provide, equip, afford, yield, bestow, purvey, give.
antonym(s): withhold, withdraw, dismantle.
Syn.: stealthy, clandestine, secretive, secret, sly.
antonym(s): open, public, undisguised, unreserved, unconcealed.
Syn.: liquefy, melt, smelt, amalgamate, commingle, consolidate.
antonym(s): disunite, disincorporate, diffuse, disamalgamate, fusion, see fuse and blend.
Syn.: stir, excitement, tumult, worry, ado, bustle, flurry, fidget.
antonym(s): quiet, peace, sedateness, tranquillity, composure, calm.
Syn.: weak, ineffective, useless, nugatory, unavailing, vain, trifling.
antonym(s): powerful, effective, cogent, useful, solid, substantial.
Syn.: forthcoming, coming, advenient.
antonym(s): gone, bygone, past.
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- Classic Thesaurus – Crowdsourced synonym dictionary
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