Synonyms and antonyms (E)
Synonyms are two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context, opposite of antonym.
Syn.: soon, betimes, forward, shortly, quickly, ere long, anon, matutinal, beforehand.
antonym(s): late, tardily, backward, vespertinal, belated.
Syn.: merit, acquire, achieve, obtain, win, gain, deserve, realize.
antonym(s): forfeit, forego, waste, lose, spend, squander.
Syn.: eager, serious, intent, determined, strenuous, solemn, grave, warm, fervent, intense, ardent.
antonym(s): indifferent, idle, playful, desultory, irresolute, unearnest, sportive, jesting, flippant.
Syn.: enjoyment, comfort, rest, repose, tranquility, refreshment, relief, quiet, contentment, satisfaction, favx'lity, readiness.
antonym(s): trouble, annoyance, vexation, disquiet, difficulty, awkwardness.
Syn.: quiet, comfortable, manageable, indulgent, facile, lenient, unconstrained, gentle, not difficult, unconcerned, self-possessed.
antonym(s): uneasy, disturbed, uncomfortable, difficult, unmanageable, hard, exacting, anxious, awkward, embarrassed.
Syn.: retire, recede, decrease, sick, decline, decay, wane.
antonym(s): flow, increase, abound, swell.
Syn.: soberness, freshness, temperance.
antonym(s): inebriety, intoxication, crapulence.
Syn.: boiling, effervescence, outburst, paroxysm, eruption.
antonym(s): refrigeration, cooling, subsidence, composure.
Syn.: peculiar, singular, idiosyncratic, flighty, aberrant, anomalous, wayward, strange, irregular, abnormal, odd, whimsical, erratic.
antonym(s): regular, ordinary, customary, normal, common, usual, unnoticeable, unremarkable.
Syn.: reverberation, resonance, repetition, imitation, answer.
antonym(s): sound, voice, original, question, proposition, statement, opinion.
Syn.: exceptive, selective, broad.
antonym(s): narrow, prejudiced, petty, partial, intolerant, biased, warped, dogmatic.
Syn.: failure, obscuration, overshadowing, shading, diminution, outshining, outdoing, outrivalling.
antonym(s): illumination, effulgence, reappearance, brightness, lustre, renown, re-illumination, re-effulgence, foil.
Syn.: obscure, outdo, outshine, overshadow, outvie, outrival, darken, shade, overcast, dim, cloud.
antonym(s): recommend, brighten, illustrate, enhance, heighten.
Syn.: administration, dispensation, management, rule, arrangement, distribution, husbanding.
antonym(s): maladministration, waste, misrule, mismanagement, disorder, prodigality.
Syn.: husband, develop, utilize.
antonym(s): waste, misuse, sacrifice.
Syn.: rapture, inspiration, fervor, frenzy, transport, emotion, joy, delight, enthusiasm, happiness.
antonym(s): indifference, coolness, dulness, weariness, tedium, bore, fidget, misery.
Syn.: universal, catholic.
antonym(s): partial, national, private, local, domestic.
Syn.: esculent, wholesome, culinary, eatable.
antonym(s): noxious, poisonous, uneatable, deleterious.
Syn.: structure, building, tenement, fabric.
antonym(s): ruin, heap, demolition, dismantlement.
Syn.: enlighten, instruct, improve.
antonym(s): misguide, mislead, misinform.
Syn.: instruct, nurture, discipline, train, teach, develop, ground, school, initiate.
antonym(s): miseducate, misinstruct, misnurture.
Syn.: draw, eliminate, produce, elicit.
antonym(s): adduce, apply, insert, deposit, bestow.
Syn.: erase, obliterate, eradicate, destroy, blot out, cancel, expunge.
antonym(s): restore, revive, delineate, imprint, portray.
Syn.: produce, cause, complete, achieve, accomplish, fulfil, realize, execute, consummate.
antonym(s): prevent, obviate, frustrate, mar.
Syn.: result, consequence, issue, pi, goods, chattels, property, movables, commodities.
antonym(s): origin, cause.
Syn.: powerful, conducive, operative, cogent, telling, able, potent, talented, efficacious, efficient, serviceable, effectual.
antonym(s): weak, ineffective, inconducive, inoperative, futile, nugatory.
Syn.: produce, ensure, secure, stabilitate, compass, complete, establish.
antonym(s): prevent, hinder, nullify, defeat, nip, blight, strangle, stifle, abolish.
Syn.: feminine, delicate, womanly, womanish, timorous, feeble, mild mannered, soft, unmanly, weak, enervated, emasculated.
antonym(s): manly, robust, vigorous, virile, hardy.
Syn.: boil, bubble, foam, mantle, froth, ferment, sparkle, explode, bluster.
antonym(s): subside, bear, brook, digest, acquiesce, refrain, flatten.
Syn.: worn, exhausted, barren, decrepit.
antonym(s): productive, vigorous, fertile, prolific, exuberant.
Syn.: efficiency, competency, virtue, agency, capability, usefulness, energy, productiveness, effectiveness.
antonym(s): inefficiency, inutility, ineffectiveness.
- Efficiency, see efficacy.
- Efficient, see effective.
- Effigy
Syn.: statue, figure, representation, image.
antonym(s): caricature, misrepresentation, distortion, daub.
Syn.: budding, luxuriance, outburst, crystallization, granulation.
antonym(s): nudity, bareness, denudation, deflorescence, absorption, desiccation.
Syn.: outpouring, emission, discharge, abundance, overflow.
antonym(s): refluence, infusion, absorbtion, retention, exhaustion.
Syn.: exhalation, emanation, malaria, miasma, stink.
antonym(s): ventilation, scent, disinfectant, zephyr, balm.
Syn.: trial, attempt, endeavor, exertion.
antonym(s): failure, misadventure, unsuccess, frustration, futility, inactivity, ease, facility, spontaneity.
Syn.: barefacedness, impudence, brass.
antonym(s): modesty, timidity, bashfulness, coyness.
Syn.: splendor, lustre, brilliancy, luminosity.
antonym(s): darkness, obscuration, tenebrosity.
Syn.: copious, effluent, abundant.
antonym(s): try, scanty, sparing, jejune.
Syn.: pouring, discharge, emission, effluence, oration, speech, address.
antonym(s): infusion, refluence, absorption, essay, document, instrument, reading.
Syn.: conceit, vanity, selfassertion, self-conceit, self-praise, self-exaltation, conceitedness.
antonym(s): considerateness, deference, self-abnegation.
Syn.: remarkable, peculiar, excellent, consummate.
antonym(s): ordinary, commonplace, every, day, mediocre.
Syn.: exit, departure, sally, outlet.
antonym(s): adit, inlet, approach, avenue, entrance.
Syn.: whichever.
antonym(s): neither ne being the negative prefix.
- Ejaculate, see ejaculation.
- Ejaculation
Syn.: exclamation, utterance, cry.
antonym(s): obmutescence, silence, speechlessness, dumbfoundedness, oration, speech, drawl.
Syn.: cast, throw, discharge, dislodge, emit, thrust out, oust, cast out, expel, extrude, evert.
antonym(s): accept, receive, retain, house, store, lodge, accommodate, admit, welcome, introduce, inject.
Syn.: help, increase, augment, raise.
antonym(s): stop, diminish, stint, withhold, drain, exhaust.
Syn.: execute, forge, prepare, concoct, mature.
antonym(s): misconceive, mismanage, misconstrue, hit, conjecture, guess, extemporize, chance.
Syn.: pass, slip, lapse, glide away, intervene.
antonym(s): wait, abide, hold, continue, halt, endure.
Syn.: ductile, extensile, alterable, resilient, modifiable, flexible, buoyant, springy.
antonym(s): tough, unchangeable, rigid, inflexible, inelastic, crystallized, dull, inert.
Syn.: cheered, joyed, inspirited, overjoyed, proud, inflated.
antonym(s): depressed, dispirited, disappointed, abashed, confounded, humiliated, disconcerted, dejected.
Syn.: senior, father.
antonym(s): junior, son.
Syn.: elite, choice, accepted, chosen.
antonym(s): rejected, reprobate.
Syn.: choice, acceptance, selection, preference.
antonym(s): postponement, rejection, reprobation.
Syn.: astonish, astound, appall, thrill, amaze, dumbfounder.
antonym(s): soothe, compose, cairn, mesmerize.
Syn.: beauty, grace, refinement, symmetry, gracefulness, taste.
antonym(s): deformity, awkwardness, inelegance, disproportion, ungracefulness, coarseness, rudeness.
Syn.: graceful, lovely, well formed, well made, symmetrical, accomplished, polished, refined, handsome.
antonym(s): inelegant, deformed, unsymmetrical, ill-proportioned, ungraceful, coarse, rude.
Syn.: dirge, threnody, lament, jeremiad.
antonym(s): pseannent, jubilee.
Syn.: component, part, atom.
antonym(s): whole, total, mass, aggregate.
Syn.: physical, material, natural, elementary, primary, rudimental, simple, inchoate, compo, constituent, ultimate.
antonym(s): immaterial, incorporeal, inpalpable, compound, collective, aggregate, developed, organized.
Syn.: raise, dignify, ennoble.
antonym(s): lower, degrade, depress, humble, demean, debase.
Syn.: height, rise, raising, altitude, loftiness, tallness, improvement, amelioration, refinement, superiority, eminence.
antonym(s): depth, fall, decline, depression, shortness, stuntedness, deterioration, debasement, degradation, inferiority.
Syn.: draw, evoke, educe, eliminate, enucleate, express, extract, worm, evolve.
antonym(s): insert, implant, introduce, inoculate, insinuate, infuse, instil, incorporate, suggest, extort.
Syn.: capable, suitable, worthy, desirable, preferable, choice, prime.
antonym(s): undesirable, worthless, unprofitable, ordinary, indifferent, ineligible.
Syn.: cast out, exclude, eject, reject, elucidate, explain, enucleate, segregate.
antonym(s): mystify, obscure, involve, smuggle, foit, import, confound.
Syn.: omission, ejection, excerption, abridgment, ellipse.
antonym(s): insertion, introduction, implantation, augmentation, elongation, inoculation.
Syn.: suggestive, latent, pregnant, significant, allusive, subauditive.
antonym(s): categorical, full, expository, explanatory, declaratory, enunciative.
Syn.: oratory, declamation, eloquence.
antonym(s): reading, lection, balbutiation.
Syn.: production, extension.
antonym(s): apocope, curtailment.
Syn.: explain, clear, see 11, lustrate, make plain, expound.
antonym(s): mystify, obscure, confuse.
Syn.: escape, avoid, baffle, shun, eschew, evade, parry, fence, mock, frustrate.
antonym(s): encounter, meet, confront, court, dare, defy.
Syn.: slippery, intangible, indetainable, fugitive, shadowy, unsubstantial.
antonym(s): persistent, stable, solid.
Syn.: leanness, attenuation, wasting.
antonym(s): fatness, obesity, corpulence.
Syn.: originate, flow, spring, rise, proceed, issue.
antonym(s): terminate, culminate, end, evene, issue, arrive, eventuate.
- Emanation, see emanate.
- Emancipate
Syn.: liberate, enfranchise, rescue.
antonym(s): enthrall, subjugate, enslave, bind, disqualify.
Syn.: conserve, preserve, treasure, store, enshrine, consecrate.
antonym(s): expose, desecrate, abandon, vulgarize.
Syn.: restraint, detention, prohibition, stoppage.
antonym(s): permit, permission, discharge, liberation, dismissal, conge.
Syn.: launch, euler, start.
antonym(s): arrive, anchor, land.
Syn.: entangle, misconcert, trouble, perplex, contuse, hamper, clog, distress, puzzle, encumber.
antonym(s): extricate, liberate, expedite, facilitate, accelerate, assist, disencumber.
Syn.: appropriate, confuse, falsify, peculate, misappropriate.
antonym(s): square, balance, clear.
Syn.: aggravate, molest.
antonym(s): alleviate, soothe, sweeten.
Syn.: device, cognizance, sign, token, symbol, representation, type, badge, mark.
antonym(s): disguise, decoy, incognito, domino, blind, ruse.
Syn.: express, methodize, systematize, codify, incorporate, aggregate, integrate, compact, introduce, enlist, combine.
antonym(s): eliminate, segregate, analyze, dissipate, disintegrate, dismember, colliquats, disband, disembody.
Syn.: concealed, enfolded, wrapt, enveloped, surrounded, begirt, encircled.
antonym(s): exposed, unfolded, open, unencircled.
Syn.: clasp, comprehend, include, hug, comprise, contain, close, embody, incorporate.
antonym(s): exclude, reject, except.
Syn.: emboss, enrich, emblazon, embellish.
antonym(s): botch, patch, cobble, darn.
Syn.: implicate, commingle, entangle (in quarrel), disturb, distract, trouble.
antonym(s): extricate, separate, remove, arrange, compose, pacify.
Syn.: germ, nucleus, rudiment, origin.
antonym(s): development, shape, completion, maturity.
Syn.: correction, amendment, rectification, reformation.
antonym(s): error, defect, incorrectness, fault, corruption.
Syn.: escape, issue, evene, appear.
antonym(s): enter, incur, retreat, recede, abscond.
Syn.: crisis, conjunction, ture, pitch, embarrassment, strait, necessity, exigency, casualty, difficulty.
antonym(s): rescue, deliverance, solution, subsidence, provision, anticipation, arrangement.
- Emersion, see immersion.
- Emigration
Syn.: exodus, colonization, flit.
antonym(s): abode, sojourn, settlement, stay, domiciliation, immigration.
Syn.: softening, laxative, balsamic.
antonym(s): astringent, irritant, galling.
Syn.: passion, feeling, excitement, agitation, perturbation, trepidation, tremor.
antonym(s): indifference, insensibility, impassiveness, imperturbability, stoicism.
Syn.: earnest, forcible, strong, energetic, impressive, positive, important, special, egregious, consummate.
antonym(s): mild, unemphatic, cool, unimpassioned, unimportant, ordinary, unnoticeable, commonplace.
Syn.: dominion, sovereignty, rule, sway, kingdom, realm.
antonym(s): independence, insurrection, anarchy.
Syn.: experimental, tentative, quackif-h.
antonym(s): scientific, regular, inductive, uniform, constant.
Syn.: reapply, economize, occupy, engage, engross.
antonym(s): discard, dismiss, misuse, misemploy.
Syn.: enable, commission, encourage, qualify, delegate, warrant, sanction, direct, authorize.
antonym(s): hinder, prevent, discourage, disable, disqualify.
Syn.: vacant, void, clear, unencumbered, unobstructed, unoccupied, waste, uninhabited, unfrequented, devoid, vacuous, destitute, unulled, unfurnished, untenanted, evacuated, deficient, weak, billy, idle, senseless.
antonym(s): full, occupied, encumbered, obstructed, cultivated, colonized, inhabited, informed, well-instructed, experienced, sensible, significant, forcible, important, substantial.
Syn.: rival, vie, compete, aspire.
antonym(s): disaffect, shun, forego, abandon, despise, contemn, waive.
Syn.: empower, strengthen, qualify.
antonym(s): disqualify, hinder, disable.
- Enact, see act and abrogate.
- Enamor
Syn.: captivate, fascinate, enslave, charm, endear, bewitch, enchain.
antonym(s): repel, disgust, estrange, disenchant, horrify.
Syn.: settle, pitch, quarter, bivouac.
antonym(s): march, decamp, retire, retreat.
Syn.: bind, fetter, manacle, enslave.
antonym(s): loose, liberate, extricate, disenthrall, manumit.
Syn.: surround, environ, inti, hem, circumscribe, compass, embrace, gird, engird, hem in, beset, encompass.
antonym(s): disenclose, disencircle, disencompass.
Syn.: shut, encircle, environ, include, circumscribe, envelop, wrap, afforest.
antonym(s): open, disclose, exclude, bare, disencircle, expose, develop, disafforest, disenclose.
Syn.: fence, ring, limit, boundary, park, close, circle, field, precinct.
antonym(s): space, common, waste, wild, desert, wilderness, void.
Syn.: panegyric, laudation, praise, compliment, commendation, eulogy.
antonym(s): vituperation, vilification, obloquy, taunt, invective.
Syn.: meet, confront, face, withstand, attack, assault, combat, engagement.
antonym(s): elude, avoid, escape, miss, boo.
Syn.: embolden, rally, enhearten, cheer, incite, stimulate, foster, cherish, promote, urge, impel, advance, countenance, forward, reassure, animate, inspirit, prompt, abet.
antonym(s): deter, discourage, dissuade, dispirit.
Syn.: invade, trespass, intrude, transgress, infringe.
antonym(s): respect, recognize, observe.
Syn.: coat, line, plaster, face.
antonym(s): expose, abrade, scrape.
Syn.: plaster, coating, lining, integument.
antonym(s): abrasion, exfoliation, peeling.
Syn.: oppress, obstruct, clog, impede.
antonym(s): disencumber, free, disburden.
Syn.: imperil, expose, per il, jeopardize, hazard, risk.
antonym(s): cover, defend, protect, shield, screen.
Syn.: attach, conciliate, gain.
antonym(s): estrange, alienate, embitter.
- Endearment, see blandishment.
- Endeavor, see attempt.
- Endless
Syn.: interminable, illimitable, uueiiui, ug, unceasing, boundless, deathless, imperishable, everlasting, perpetual, eternal, infinite.
antonym(s): terminable, limited, temporary, brief, transient, periodic, ephemeral, fugitive, finite.
Syn.: present, enrich, furnish, qualify, adorn, invest, supply, clothe, endue.
antonym(s): denude, spoliate, strip, disendow, deprive, divest.
Syn.: gift, provision, benefit, benefaction, talent, capacity, attainment, qualification.
antonym(s): impoverishment, spoliation, disendowment, incapacity, poverty, lack.
- Endue, see clothe and endow.
- Endure, see last and tolerate.
- Enemy, see friend.
- Energy, see activity.
- Enervate
Syn.: weaken, enfeeble, unnerve, deteriorate, debilitate, relax, unstring, unhinge.
antonym(s): strengthen, brace, invigorate, harden, nerve.
Syn.: wrap, envelop, enclose, embrace, comprise.
antonym(s): unwrap, develop, disclose.
Syn.: urge, compel, require, exact, exert, strain.
antonym(s): relax, waive, forego, remit, abandon.
Syn.: liberate, qualify, see franchise.
antonym(s): disfranchise, disqualify.
Syn.: promise, undertake, vouch, employ, occupy, hire, gain, attract, enlist, stipulate, pledge, agree, buy, adopt, involve.
antonym(s): decline, refuse, withdraw, dismiss, discard, extricate, disengage.
Syn.: occupied, employed, selected, intent, chosen, affianced, betrothed.
antonym(s): free, unemployed, disengaged, unaffianced.
Syn.: promise, pledge, agreement.
antonym(s): release from engagement, release, liberation.
Syn.: attractive, interesting, winning.
antonym(s): unattractive, uninteresting, repultiive.
Syn.: generate, produce, create, breed, propagate.
antonym(s): stifle, destroy, extinguish, neutralize, blight, prevent.
Syn.: print, imprint, sculpture, stereotype.
antonym(s): obliterate, erase, levigate.
- Engross, see absorb.
- Engulf, see absorb.
- Enhance, see depreciate.
- Enigmatical
Syn.: puzzling, perplexing, obscure, mystic.
antonym(s): lucid, explanatory, plain, selfevident.
Syn.: impress, com, mand, commission, direct, order, ordain, admonish, appoint, oblige, prescribe.
antonym(s): recall, dispense, remit, absolve, release, exonerate, dissuade.
Syn.: like, relish, possess.
antonym(s): dislike, disrelish, suffer, loathe, see xxx, forfeit, lose, tolerate, endure.
Syn.: amplify, expand, augment, broaden, swell, stretch out, extend, stretch, dilate, increase.
antonym(s): narrow, lessen, contract, restrict, diminish, curtail, reduce.
Syn.: illumine, edify, instruct, illuminate, inform, teach.
antonym(s): mislead, darken, confound, obscure, mystify, perplex.
Syn.: enter, register, enroll, incorporate, embody.
antonym(s): withdraw, erase, expunge, dismiss, disband, disembody.
Syn.: wake, cheer, vivify, quicken, invigorate, exhilarate, rouse, inspirit, amuie, excite, animate.
antonym(s): oppress, depress, stupefy, weary, tire, paralyze, deaden.
Syn.: discord, hate, hostility, malevolence, maliciousness, aversion, malignity, ill-feeling, animosity, opposition, bitterness, acrimony, asperity.
antonym(s): friendship, love, affection, esteem, friendliness, cordiality.
Syn.: exalt, dignify, elevate, ameliorate, aggrandize.
antonym(s): debase, degrade, deprave, deteriorate, depress.
Syn.: atrocity, perpetration, abomination, sin.
antonym(s): innocence, guiltlessness, clean hands, clear conscience.
Syn.: huge, immense, gigantic, colossal, elephantine, vast, gross, monstrous, prodigious.
antonym(s): diminutive, insignificant, trivial, venial, average, ordinary, regular.
Syn.: sufficient, ample, plenty, abundance.
antonym(s): bare, scant, insufficient, inadequate, short.
Syn.: provoke, incite, madden, incense, excite, aggravate, irritate, inflame, embitter, infuriate, exasperate.
antonym(s): soothe, conciliate, pacify, tame, mollify, allay, quiet.
Syn.: beatify, entrance, enchant, fascinate, bewitch, captivate, transport, charm, attract, ravish.
antonym(s): disgust, nauseate, torture, horrify, torment.
Syn.: aggrandize, endow, store, augment, fertilize, decorate, enhance.
antonym(s): impoverish, reduce, rob, beggar, fleece, denude, disfigure.
Syn.: drape, invest.
antonym(s): disrobe, divest.
Syn.: consecrate, treasure, embalm, cherish.
antonym(s): expose, desecrate, forget.
Syn.: captivate, charm, subjugate, enthrall.
antonym(s): repel, disgust, alienate, estrange, liberate, manumit, disenthrall.
Syn.: follow, accrue, supervise, befall.
antonym(s): precede, threaten, premonish, forewarn.
Syn.: fix, determine, secure, eeal.
antonym(s): imperil, hazard, jeopardize, forfeit.
Syn.: bequeath, leave, devolve, demise, involve, necessitate, induce.
antonym(s): alienate, supersede, nullify, prevent, obviate.
Syn.: knot, mat, entrap, ensnare, ravel, implicate, involve, perplex, embarrass, inveigle, compromise.
antonym(s): disentangle, unravel, extricate.
Syn.: invade, penetrate.
antonym(s): issue, depart, leave, quit, vacate.
- Enterprise, see adventure.
- Enterprising
Syn.: active, bold, daring, adventurous, speculative, dashing, venturesome.
antonym(s): inactive, timid, inadventurous, cautious.
Syn.: harbor, maintain, conceive, foster, receive, recreate, amuse.
antonym(s): eject, exclude, deny, debar, annoy, weary, bore, tire.
Syn.: crown, install.
antonym(s): depose, dethrone, debase, degrade.
Syn.: excitement, frenzy, sensation, inspiration, transport, rapture, warmth, fervor, fervency, zeal, ardor, vehemence, passion, devotion.
antonym(s): coldness, callousness, indifference, disaffection, repugnance, alienation, contempt.
- Enthusiastic, see enthusiasm.
- Entice
Syn.: allure, seduce, lure, tempt, attract, decoy.
antonym(s): deter, warn, hinder, repel.
Syn.: whole, complete, unimpaired, total, perfect, all, full, solid, integral, undiminished.
antonym(s): partial, broken, impaired, incomplete.
Syn.: qualify, empower, tit, enable, name, style, denominate, designate, characterize.
antonym(s): disqualify, disentitle, disable, not designate, not characterize.
Syn.: existence, being.
antonym(s): nonentity, chimera.
Syn.: bury, inter, inhume.
antonym(s): disinter, exhume.
Syn.: entangle, impede, obstruct, hamper, decoy, entrap.
antonym(s): disentangle, liberate, extricate, expedite, disentrammel, disenthrall.
Syn.: introduction, opening, entry, inlet, porch, admission, penetration, avenue, portal, ingress, adit.
antonym(s): exit, egress, departure, debouchure.
Syn.: implore, obsecrate, beg, beseech, importune, crave, solicit, supplicate, pray, ask, urge, petition.
antonym(s): command, insist, bid, enjoin.
Syn.: entrance, initiation, beginning, record, note, minute, register, memorandum.
antonym(s): conclusion, quittance, disposal, blank, omission, falsification, misentry, misrecord.
Syn.: lace, convolve, interlace, weave.
antonym(s): disentwine, dissever.
Syn.: specify, name, number, recount, detail, reckon, compute, calculate, call over.
antonym(s): confound, miscount, misreckon.
Syn.: state, propound, pronounce, syllable.
antonym(s): mutter, babble, balbutiate, stammer.
Syn.: wrap, enfold, encase, environ, inwrap, enclose, cover.
antonym(s): unwrap, develop, reveal, expose, unfold, extract.
Syn.: surround, hem, in-close, encircle, enfold.
antonym(s): disinclose, disenfold.
Syn.: grudging, jealousy, suspicion.
Syn.: transient, evanescent, fleeting, fugacious, fugitive, momentary.
antonym(s): abiding, persistent, permanent, perpetual, eternal, perennial, immortal.
Syn.: pointed, terse, graphic, concise, laconic.
antonym(s): diffuse, circumlocutory, pointless.
- Epitome, see abbreviation.
- Equable
Syn.: uniform, regular, proportionate, even, smooth, easy.
antonym(s): irregular, desultory, vari able, fitful, disjointed, uneasy.
Syn.: uniform, commensurate, co-ordinate, adequate, alike, equivalent, even, equable, sufficient, impartial, co-extensive, smooth.
antonym(s): see inequal, incommensurate, inco-ordinate, inadequate, disparate, variable.
- Equality, see equal.
- Equanimity
Syn.: calmness, composure, tranquillity, collectedness, even-mindedness.
antonym(s): restlessness, disquiet, perturbation, impatience.
Syn.: accoutre, garnish, invest, prepare, furnish, arrange.
antonym(s): divest, dismantle, denude, despoil, derange.
Syn.: accoutrements, trappings, furniture, habiliments, apparatus, carriage, attendance, retinue.
antonym(s): dismantlement, unstateliness.
- Equipment, see equip.
- Equipoise, see balance.
- Equipollent, see equivalent.
- Equiponderant, see equipoise.
antonym(s): see equivalent. - Equitable
Syn.: fair, just, proportionate, impartial, upright, proper, reasonable, even-handed, honest.
antonym(s): unfair, unjust, disproportionate, partial.
- Equity, see equitable.
- Equivalence, see equivalent.
- Equivalent
Syn.: equiponderant, equipollent.
antonym(s): unequal, unequivalent.
Syn.: dubious, ambiguous, doubtful, double-sided.
antonym(s): univocal, plain, direct, clear.
Syn.: extirpate, abolish, extinguish, exterminate, excise, uproot, destroy, root out.
antonym(s): implant, import, instil, foster, propagate, cherish, encourage.
- Eradication, see eradicate.
- Erase
Syn.: obliterate, efface, expunge, blot, cancel.
antonym(s): mark, write, delineate.
Syn.: elevate, raise, establish, plant, uplift, construct, build, found, institute, set up.
antonym(s): lower, supplant, subvert, der press, remove, destroy, demolish.
Syn.: deviate, wander, mistake, blunder, misjudge, stumble, stray, go astray, misapprehend.
antonym(s): succeed, prosper, correct, rectify.
Syn.: message, commission, mission, delegation, charge.
antonym(s): misdelivery, misannouncement.
Syn.: desultory, aberrant, abnormal, flighty, changeful, capricious.
antonym(s): regular, normal, methodical, calculable, unalterable, steady, undeviate.
Syn.: misguided, misled, sinful, wandering.
antonym(s): virtuous, good, upright.
Syn.: fault, mistake, blunder, falsity, deception, fallacy, untruth, hallucination.
antonym(s): correction, correctness, truth, accuracy, soundness, rectification.
Syn.: learning, lore, letters, scholarship.
antonym(s): illiterateness, duncedom, sciolism.
Syn.: outburst, explosion, discharge, eruptation, exumation.
antonym(s): absorption, engulfing, engrossment, swallowing, irruption, inburst, devourment.
Syn.: elude, decamp, abscond, fly, flee, evade, avoid.
antonym(s): incur, confront, encounter, meet, suffer.
Syn.: private, special, exacter, advanced.
antonym(s): public, popular, rudimentary, exoteric.
- Especial, see special.
- Espousal, see marriage.
- Espy, see spy.
- Essay, see assay.
- Essay, see essay and disquisition.
- Essence
Syn.: being, life, entity, nature, substance.
antonym(s): accident, property, additament, garb, clothing, surroundings.
Syn.: innate, inherent, requisite, necessary, vital, immanent, indispensable, leading, accidental, qualitative, quantitative, promotive, regulative, induced, imported, adventitious, adscititious, redundant, superfluous.
Syn.: plant, fir, settle, found, demonstrate, organize, confirm, institute, prove, substantiate.
antonym(s): suppliant, unsettle, break-up, disestablish, misstate, confute, refute upset, subvert, presume, suppose, guess, conjecture, surmise.
- Established, see establish.
- Estate
Syn.: lands, fortune, property, possessions, demesne, order, rank, condition, freehold, domain.
antonym(s): state, community, country, waste, chattels, goods, effects.
Syn.: price, value, consider, deem, judge, believe, estimate, think, regard, affect, appreciate, revere, honor, respect, admire, venerate, prize, love, like.
antonym(s): disregard, disconsider, disaffect, dislike, undervalue, underrate, decry, depreciate.
Syn.: amiable, delectable, worthy, good, meritorious, deserving, lovable, praiseworthy.
antonym(s): unamiable, iiidelec, iiidelec table, unworthy, bad.
Syn.: infinite, endless, everlasting, deathless, imperishable, never-dying, ceaseless, everliving, perpetual, undying, unceasing.
antonym(s): ephemeral, transient, temporal, fleeting, evanescent, sublunary.
Syn.: manners, breeding, fashion, conventionality.
antonym(s): boorishness, rudeness, misobservance, singularity, nonconformance.
- Eulogy, see praise.
- Euphonious
Syn.: musical, mellifluous, silvery, sweet-toned.
antonym(s): harsh, dissonant, discordant.
Syn.: affectation, pedantry, purism, highflying, finicality, factitiousness.
antonym(s): simplicity, rusticity, bluntness, naturalness, mother tongue, vernacular.
- Euphuistic, see euphuism.
- Evacuate
Syn.: void, abandon, desert.
antonym(s): occupy, seize, fill, hold.
- Evade, see elude.
- Evanescent, see ephemeral.
- Evaporate
Syn.: melt, colliquute, liquefy, vaporize, disappear, dissolve, exhale, distil.
antonym(s): consolidate, compact, solidify, indurate, crystallize.
- Evaporation, see evaporate.
- Evasion
Syn.: prevarication, shuffle, fencing, sheet, subterfuge, quibble, equivocation.
antonym(s): answer, counterargument, grappling.
Syn.: level, smooth, uniform, equable, plain, flush, well-balanced, equal.
antonym(s): inclined, abrupt, rugged, variable, uneven.
Syn.: occurrence, circumstance, episode, adventure, issue, accident, result, fact, incident.
antonym(s): cause, antecedent, operation, inducement, contribution, convergence, predisposition, tendency.
Syn.: remarkable, memorable, signal, important, marked, noted, critical, stirring, notable.
antonym(s): ordinary, unmarked, unimportant, eventless, uninteresting, characterless, trivial.
Syn.: always, continually, forever, eternally, constantly, incessantly.
antonym(s): never.
Syn.: infinite, endless, see eternal.
Syn.: evolution, explication.
antonym(s): inversion, involution, implication.
Syn.: see ail.
antonym(s): none.
Syn.: dispossess, eject.
antonym(s): reinstate, admit, settle, locate, lodge.
Syn.: manifestation, attraction, averment, testimony, deposition, declaration, appearance, sign, token, proof, indication, exemplification, illustration.
antonym(s): surmise, conjecture, counterevidence, disproof, refutation, concealment, suppression, misindication, fallacy.
Syn.: plum, visible, conspicuous, manifest, indisputable, obvious, clear, palpable, incontrovertible.
antonym(s): doubtful, obscure, questionable, uncertain, dubious.
Syn.: see 111, noxious, deleterious, wrong, bad, mischievous, hurtful, sinful, unhappy, adverse, unpropitious, wicked, corrupt, harmful, unfair, notorious, miserable, sorrowful.
antonym(s): wholesome, beneficial, right, virtuous, holy, pure, happy, fortunate, felicitous, joyous, welcome, grateful, good.
Syn.: exhibit, evidence, show, prove, manifest, demonstrate.
antonym(s): suppress, disprove, negative, conceal.
Syn.: disembowel, draw.
antonym(s): stuff, cram, pad.
Syn.: excite, educe, provoke, elicit, produce, eliminate, extract, summon, call out.
antonym(s): allay, stifle, stop, silence, prevent, seal.
- Evolution, see altitude.
- Exacerbate, see exasperate.
- Exact, see accurate.
- Exactly
Syn.: precisely, accurately, correspondently.
antonym(s): loosely, inadequately, incorrectly, differently, otherwise.
Syn.: amplify, enlarge, heighten, magnify, overstate, overdraw, strain, overpaint, overestimate.
antonym(s): disparage, attenuate, palliate, understate, underestimate, lenity, mitigate, soften, qualify, modify.
Syn.: weigh, ponder, investigate, perpend, test, scrutinize, criticize, prove, study, discuss, inquire, search, ovvjrua-il, explore, inspect.
antonym(s): discard, conjecture, gnew, slur, misconsider, misinvestigate.
- Examination, see inquiry.
- Example
Syn.: sample, specimen, pattern, model, copy, illustration, in, stance, issue, development.
antonym(s): stock material, substantial, law, rule, character, principle, system, quality, case.
- Exanimate, see inanimate.
- Exasperate, see aoobav^tx.
- Excavate
Syn.: dig, hollow, trench, discover, deserter.
antonym(s): bury, fill level, conceal, inter, inhume.
- Exceed, see surpass.
- Exceeding, see exceed.
- Exceedingly, see exceed, see surpass.
- Excellence, see excel.
- Except, prep
Syn.: excepting, saving, without, unless, exclusive of.
Syn.: exclude, save, bar, *egre!, ate, negative.
antonym(s): count, include, reckon, state, classify, propound, affirm, admit.
Syn.: qualification, separation, exclusion.
antonym(s): statement, rule, class, proposition.
Syn.: objectionable, undesirable.
antonym(s): unobjectionable, desirable, unexceptionable, exemplary.
Syn.: rare, peculiar, uncommon, irregular, unusual, abnormal.
antonym(s): common, regular, normal, usual, ordinary.
- Exceptions, see contentious.
- Excess
Syn.: advance, increase, abundance, redundancy, superfluity, extravagance, surplus, debauchery, intemperance.
antonym(s): deficiency, failure, shortcoming, insufficiency, temperance, sobriety.
Syn.: enormous, undue, exorbitant, overmuch, superabundant, superfluous, unreasonable, immoderate, inordinate, extravagant.
antonym(s): insufficient, scant, inadequate.
- Exchange, see change.
- Excision, see eradication.
- Excitability
Syn.: sensibility, sensitiveness, irascibility, irritability.
antonym(s): immobility, imperturbability, insensitiveness-composure-hebetude.
- Excitation, see rouse.
- Excite
Syn.: see allay.
- Exclaim, see ejaculate.
- Exclude, see admit.
- Exclusive, see exclude and comprehensive.
- Excogitation, a complete cogitation, (q
Syn.: elaboration, deduction.
antonym(s): guess, surmise.
Syn.: exclude, banish, bar, eject, blackball.
antonym(s): admit, readmit, inaugurate, enroll.
Syn.: superfluity, redundancy, imposthume, tumor.
antonym(s): eradication, extirpation, excision, levigation, exsection.
Syn.: agonize, torture, torment, rack.
antonym(s): soothe, please, tranquilize.
- Excruciating, see excruciate.
- Exculpate
Syn.: defend, vindicate, exonerate, acquit, release.
antonym(s): charge, inculpate, implicate.
Syn.: trip, ramble, tour, journey, jaunt.
- Excursive, see discursive.
- Excusable
Syn.: justifiable, venal, pardonable.
antonym(s): inexcusable, unpardonable.
Syn.: exculpate, absolve, pardon, forgive, overlook, condone, I emit, indulge, justify, vindicate, defend, acquit, mitigate, extenuate, release, exempt, exonerate.
antonym(s): charge, inculpate, condemn, sentence, exact, strain, accuse.
Syn.: detestable, loathsome, accursed, cursed, villainous, diabolical, hateful, abominable, danjiable.
antonym(s): desirable, eligible, respectable, laudable.
- Execrate, see abominate.
- Execration
Syn.: curse, imprecation, denunciation, anathema, detestation, malediction.
antonym(s): see benediction.
- Execute, see consummate.
- Exemplary
Syn.: laudable, praiseworthy, conspicuous, honorable, wary, meritorious, worthy, excellent.
antonym(s): detestable, objectionable, exceptionable.
Syn.: illustrate, manifest, embody, exhibit, represent.
antonym(s): betray, falsify, misrepresent, belie.
Syn.: free, irresponsible, unamenable, clear, liberated, privileged, absolved.
antonym(s): subject, responsible, liable, amenable.
Syn.: freedom, immunity, dispensation, privilege, license.
antonym(s): liability, amenableness, subjection, responsibility.
Syn.: practise, train, cultivate, develop.
antonym(s): rest, ease, disuse, respite, relax, recreate.
Syn.: exertion, use, practice, application, training, employment, drill.
antonym(s): rest, ease, relaxation, recreation.
Syn.: effort, labor, toil.
antonym(s): relaxation, recreation, rest.
Syn.: mist, damp, effluvium.
antonym(s): absorption, exsiccation, inhalation.
Syn.: emit, give out, breathe out, evaporate.
antonym(s): inhale, breathe in, inspire, contain.
Syn.: empty, spend, consume, debilitate, waste, void, drain, weaken, weary.
antonym(s): fill, replenish, augment, invigorate, refresh.
- Exhaustion, see exhaust.
- Exhibit
Syn.: show, manifest, evidence, evince, betray, demonstrate, illustrate.
antonym(s): suppress, conceal, secrete, mask, hide.
Syn.: representation, sight, see pageant.
Syn.: gladden, rejoice, inspirit, elate.
antonym(s): depress, dispirit, unnerve, unhinge.
Syn.: urge, advise, counsel, enjoin, incite, animate.
antonym(s): deprecate, dissuade, warn, remonstrate.
Syn.: urgency, pressure, emergency, conjuncture, crisis.
antonym(s): provision, preparation, supply, rule, course.
Syn.: banish, relegate.
antonym(s): welcome, reinstate, domesticate, domiciliate.
- Exile, see banishment.
- Existence
Syn.: being, entity, creature.
antonym(s): nonentity, non-existence, chimera.
- Exit, see approach and bores.
- Exonerate, see exculpate.
- Exorbitant, see excessive.
- Exoteric, see esoteric.
- Exotic, see foreign.
- Expand
Syn.: swell, dilate, spread, extend, open, diffuse, develop, unfold, enlarge, amplify.
antonym(s): contract, curtail, attenuate, restrict, condense.
Syn.: vast, void, space, breadth.
antonym(s): limit, enclosure, confine, bound.
Syn.: amplify, enlarge, dilate.
antonym(s): contract, condense, epitomize, summarize.
- Expatriate, see banish.
- Expect
Syn.: anticipate, await, forecast, forebode, wait for, rely on, look for, foresee.
antonym(s): welcome, hail, recognize, greet, realize.
Syn.: expectancy, trust, confluence, see hope.
Syn.: utility, advantage, interest.
antonym(s): inexpediency, disadvantage, inutility, detriment.
- Expedient, see expediency.
- Expedite, see accelerate.
- Expedition
Syn.: haste, speed, despatch.
antonym(s): delay, tardiness, procrastination.
Syn.: spend, disburse, lay out, waste, consume, use.
antonym(s): save, husband, economize.
Syn.: price, cost, charge, payment, expenditure, outlay.
antonym(s): income, profit, receipt.
Syn.: costly, valuable, rich, high-priced, dear, extravagant.
antonym(s): cheap, worthless, poor, economical.
Syn.: try, feel, undergo, encounter, endure.
antonym(s): evade, escape, miss, lose.
Syn.: experiment, trial, test, proof, habit, knowledge.
antonym(s): see trial.
Syn.: skilled, practiced, familiar, accustomed, conversant.
antonym(s): inexperienced, strange, unpracticed.
Syn.: trial, illustration, test, exemplification.
antonym(s): conjecture, assumption, hypothesis.
Syn.: expound, teach, illustrate, clear up, interpret, elucidate, decipher.
antonym(s): mystify, obscure, darken, bewilder, misinterpret.
Syn.: exposition, explication, interpretation, sense, description.
antonym(s): mystification, obscuration, confusion, misinterpretation.
- Explanatory, see explain.
- Explication, see explanation.
- Explicit syn:, plain, detailed, inobscure, declaratory, categorical, stated, distinctly stated, express, definite, determinate.
antonym(s): implicit, implied, hinted, suggestive, obscure. - Explode, see burst.
- Exploit, see achievement.
- Explore, see examine.
- Explosion, see explode.
- Exponent
Syn.: interpreter, propounder, advocate, representative.
antonym(s): system, opinion, creed, principle.
Syn.: ship produce.
antonym(s): import, consume, expose, see conceal.
Syn.: unprotected, unguarded, laagered, defenseless.
antonym(s): guarded, defended, protected.
- Exposition, see exponent and explanation.
- Expositor, see exponent.
- Expository, see explanatory.
- Expostulate
Syn.: object, remonstrate.
antonym(s): coincide, abet.
Syn.: see enunciate and state.
Syn.: specific, pointed, direct.
antonym(s): general, vague, leisurely.
Syn.: countenance, look, indication, phrae % term.
antonym(s): face, features, lineament, falsification, misstatement, solecism, enigma, suppression, expulsion, see expel.
Syn.: efface, obliterate, erase, cancel, blot out.
antonym(s): write, delineate, mark, trace.
- Expurgation, see absterge.
- Exquisite
Syn.: choice, rare, refined, delicate, perfect, matchless, intense, consummate, delicious.
antonym(s): common, coarse, ordinary.
- Exquisitely, see exquisite.
- Exsufflation
Syn.: ebullition, eruption, eructation.
antonym(s): absorption, inhalation, disgorgement, deglutition.
Syn.: existent, surviving, current, forthcoming, present.
antonym(s): defunct, lost, obsolete, past.
Syn.: offhand, unpremeditated.
antonym(s): studied, prepared, premeditated.
Syn.: prolong, stretch, expand, enlarge, increase, augment, reach, spread, amplify, avail, apply.
antonym(s): curtail, contract, restrict, narrow, limit, recur, return, miss, fail.
- Extensile, see extend and ductile.
- Extension, see extend and space.
- Extensive, see record.
- Extent
Syn.: degree, distance, quantity, space, size.
antonym(s): diminution, restriction, limitation.
Syn.: mitigate, qualify, palliate.
antonym(s): aggravate, heighten, enhance.
Syn.: outside, surface, face, aspect, phase.
antonym(s): interior, heart, core.
Syn.: outer, outward, external, on the outside, foreign.
antonym(s): inner, inward, internal, domestic.
Syn.: eradication, extirpation, abolition, destruction.
antonym(s): settlement, replenishment, augmentation, colonization, population, propagation, increase.
Syn.: outer, exterior, apparent, manifest, superficial, visible, palpable.
antonym(s): inner, internal, inapparent, hidden, inmost, intestine.
Syn.: destruction, stifling, suffocation, death, cessation, annihilation, obsolescence.
antonym(s): origination, inception, planting, birth, fife, course, operation, action, exercise, prosperity, continuance, survival.
Syn.: abolish, destroy, extirpate, eradicate, kill, quench, annihilate, put out.
antonym(s): implant, replenish, cherish, promote, invigorate, propagate, establish, confirm, secure.
Syn.: wring, despoil, fleece, exact, express, squeeze out, wrench, wrest, extract.
antonym(s): coax, wheedle, cajole, cheat.
Syn.: hard, closefisted, severe, rigorous, exorbitant, preposterous, monstrous, exacting.
antonym(s): liberal, indulgent, bountiful, reasonable, fair, moderate.
Syn.: draw, educe, elicit, cite, excerpt, select, take out, gather, quote, collect, extol.
antonym(s): replace, insert, restore, impose, incorporate, reinsert.
Syn.: extrinsic, external, foreign, outside, alien, unconnected, unrelated, ascititious, adventitious.
antonym(s): intrinsic, internal, vital, connected, essential.
Syn.: unwonted, uncommon, peculiar, unusual, unprecedented, wonderful, marvelous, prodigious, monstrous, remarkable, strange, preposterous.
antonym(s): wonted, common, usual, ordinary, frequent, unremarkable, unimportant.
Syn.: waste, wastefulness, prodigality, profusion.
antonym(s): carefulness, see economy.
Syn.: wild, monstrous, preposterous, absurd, prodigal, wasteful, reckless, excessive, lavish, profuse, abnormal.
antonym(s): sound, sober, consistent, rational, fair, economical, frugal, careful, regular, usual.
Syn.: terminal, final, remote, utmost, farthest, ln*t, extravagant, immoderate, most violent, distant, ultimate.
antonym(s): initial, primal, moderate, judicious.
Syn.: end, termination, close, conclusion.
antonym(s): beginning, commencement, opening, origin, body, centre, bulk.
- Extricate, see involve.
- Intrinsic, see extraneous.
- Extrude
Syn.: thrust out, eject, expel.
antonym(s): intrude, insert, introduce.
Syn.: ooze, drip, percolation.
antonym(s): absorption, aridity, parching.
- Exude, see affirm and curse.
- Exult, see exultant.
- Exultant
Syn.: rejoicing, elated, jubilant, joyous, triumphant.
antonym(s): mournful, depressed, dispirited.
Syn.: transport, delight, triumph, joy, ecstasy.
antonym(s): mourning, depression
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD