
From Medical Encyclopedia

It is a flavorful relish or dressing or topping served as an accompaniment to food; verb add zest or flavor to, make more interesting; dress (food) with a relish; behave saucy or impudently towards.

Recipes for sauces[edit | edit source]

¼ cup flour

¼ cup fat

1 teaspoon salt

⅛ teaspoon cayenne

1½ cups milk

Melt fat. Add dry ingredients and a little of the milk. Bring to boiling point. Continue adding milk a little at a time until all is added. Serve with vegetables, fish, eggs, meats.

½ cup cheese (cream or american) added to

1½ cups white sauce

Excellent to serve with macaroni, hominy or vegetables.

½ cup shrimps

¼ teaspoon salt

1 cup white sauce

Serve on toast, or with starchy vegetables.

¼ cup horseradish

1 tablespoon chopped pimento

1 cup white sauce

1 cup white sauce

2 sliced hard-cooked eggs

⅛ teaspoon cayenne

⅛ teaspoon salt

Excellent for spinach and vegetables, or fish.

¼ cup fat

⅓ cup flour

1 teaspoon salt

⅛ teaspoon of cayenne

1½ cups brown stock, or

1½ cups water and 2 bouillon cubes

½ teaspoon worcestershire sauce

Melt fat until brown. Add flour. Heat until brown. Add liquid gradually, letting come to boiling point each time before adding more liquid. When all is added, 1 teaspoon kitchen bouquet may be added if darker color is desired.

1 cup brown sauce

3 tablespoons chopped olives

Make brown sauce as given in foregoing recipe, then while it is hot stir in the chopped olives, and serve.

1 cup brown sauce

¼ cup chopped peanuts

⅛ teaspoon salt

A good sauce to serve with rice, macaroni, hominy or other starchy foods. It supplies almost a meat flavor to these rather insipid foods.

1 cup brown sauce

½ cup chopped mushrooms

Add mushrooms to fat and flour before adding liquid. If fresh mushrooms are used, cook for two or three minutes after adding liquid.

¼ cup fat

¼ cup flour

1 teaspoon salt

⅛ teaspoon cayenne

2 cups vegetable stock,


1 cup vegetable stock

1 cup milk.

Vegetable stock is the water in which any vegetable is cooked. Make as white sauce.

⅓ cup butter substitute

¼ cup flour

½ teaspoon salt

⅛ teaspoon cayenne

1 cup boiling water

2 tablespoons chopped parsley

Make as white sauce, reserving 2 tablespoons of the fat to add just before serving.

¼ cup fat

¼ cup flour

1 teaspoon salt

¼ teaspoon cayenne

1 teaspoon worcestershire

1 teaspoon onion juice

1½ cups tomato

Melt fat; add dry ingredients and gradually the liquid, letting sauce come to boiling point each time before adding more liquid.

¼ cup fat

½ cup milk

½ cup powdered sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla, or

1 tablespoon brandy

1 cup mashed cooked fruit

Mix thoroughly. Let chill and serve with steamed or baked pudding.

½ cup milk

½ cup cocoanut and milk

2 tablespoons corn syrup

2 tablespoons cornstarch

1 teaspoon vanilla

Mix ingredients. Bring to boiling point over direct fire. Cook over hot water 20 minutes. Use with leftover stale cake, baked or steamed puddings. If canned cocoanut containing milk is used, plain milk may be omitted.

1 cup molasses

2 tablespoons fat

1 tablespoon flour, plus

1 tablespoon cold water

1½ tablespoons vinegar

Mix together. Bring to boiling point and serve with any pudding.

1 cup (crystal) corn syrup

⅛ teaspoon salt

1 egg

½ cup water

1 tablespoon cream

1 teaspoon vanilla

Beat egg light. Pour on gradually the hot corn syrup and water, beating egg with eggbeater. Add cream and vanilla. Serve at once.

½ cup corn syrup

1 egg

⅓ cup milk

½ teaspoon cinnamon

½ teaspoon nutmeg

½ teaspoon vanilla

Mix corn syrup and spices. Add beaten yolks and milk. Cook over hot water until thick. Add vanilla and beaten whites. Serve hot or cold.

3 tablespoons fat

⅓ cup maple sugar

2 eggs

½ teaspoon cinnamon

½ teaspoon allspice

½ teaspoon vanilla

⅓ cup milk

Cream fat, sugar and spices. Add beaten yolks and milk. Cook in double boiler until thick. Add vanilla and beaten whites. Serve hot or cold.

1 cup tomato sauce

½ cup grated cheese

Add cheese while sauce is hot and just before serving. Do not boil sauce after adding cheese.

To one cup tomato sauce, add

2 tablespoons chopped green pepper

3 tablespoons chopped celery

3 tablespoons chopped carrot

⅓ cup butter substitute or hydrogenated oil

⅓ cup corn syrup

⅓ cup sugar

1 teaspoon flavoring

Cream all together. This method reduces the necessary sugar two-thirds.

½ cup corn syrup

1 tablespoon fat

¼ cup lemon juice

1 teaspoon lemon rind

2 tablespoons cornstarch

3 tablespoons lemon juice

½ cup orange juice

2 teaspoons orange rind

1 tablespoon flour

1 tablespoon water

Mix ingredients. Bring to boiling point and serve.

1 cup cranberries

1 cup water

1 cup corn syrup

½ cup raisins or nuts

2 tablespoons fat

Cook cranberries in water until they are soft and the water is almost entirely absorbed. Add other ingredients and cook about 20 minutes slowly until thick enough to use as sauce.

The use of gelatine in combining leftovers

2 tablespoons cold water

2 tablespoons gelatine

Let stand until gelatine is soft. Add 1 pint boiling water, or fruit juice from canned fruit.

¼ cup lemon juice

⅔ cup corn syrup, or

½ cup sugar

Stir until gelatine is dissolved. Add 1 cup leftover fruit. Place in mold which has been dipped in cold water. Stir occasionally while hardening so fruit does not settle to the bottom. Or a little gelatine may be poured in mold and allowed to grow almost hard; then some fruit arranged on it and more gelatine poured in. Repeat until mold is filled; then chill, and turn out carefully.

1½ cups boiling tomato juice and pulp

2 tablespoons cold water

2 tablespoons gelatine

1 teaspoon salt

¼ teaspoon paprika

¼ teaspoon worcestershire sauce

2 cups of any one vegetable, or of mixed vegetables

Soften gelatine in the cold water. Add other ingredients and chill. Stir once or twice while chilling so vegetables do not settle to the bottom.

2 tablespoons gelatine

2 tablespoons cold water

1 cup boiling gravy, tomato juice, or 1 cup boiling water into which 1 bouillon cube has been dissolved

1 cup left-over meat or fish chopped fine

1 cup chopped celery or cooked vegetable

1 teaspoon salt

⅛ teaspoon cayenne

Soften gelatine in cold water. Add other ingredients. Stir until gelatine is dissolved. Pour into mold dipped into cold water. Chill. Stir once or twice while hardening so meat does not settle to the bottom. Serve with salad dressing.

1 cup cooked rice

1 cup corn syrup

1 tablespoon gelatine

2 tablespoons water

½ cup cherries or other cooked fruit

½ cup nuts

½ cup juice of fruit

Chill and serve.

1 cup cooked salad dressing

2 tablespoons gelatine

2 cups any left-over fish, meat or vegetables

2 tablespoons cold water

Use any well-seasoned salad dressing. Soften the gelatine in the cold water. Dissolve over boiling water. Add to salad dressing. Add other ingredients well seasoned and chill.

1 pint cottage cheese

½ cup pimento or green pepper

1 cup milk

2 teaspoons salt

¼ teaspoon cayenne

2 tablespoons granulated gelatine

4 tablespoons cold water

Soften gelatine in the cold water. Dissolve over hot water. Add all ingredients. Mix thoroughly and place in mold which has been rinsed with cold water. When firm, serve as salad.

2 tablespoons gelatine softened in

⅓ cup cold water

1 pint clabbered milk, or fruit juice

1 cup sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 cup crushed fruit

2 egg whites

Mix gelatine with milk. Add sugar. When it begins to thicken, beat with rotary beater. Add vanilla and fruit. Fold in egg whites and turn into mold. Apple sauce, strawberries, rhubarb, pineapple or raspberries may be used.

1 tablespoon gelatine

2 cups boiling water

¾ cup sugar

½ cup lemon juice

½ cup grated cocoanut

2 cups apples, chopped

1 cup celery

½ cup chopped nuts

3 pimentoes

1 tablespoon grated onion

⅓ teaspoon salt

Soften gelatine in 2 tablespoons cold water, then dissolve in the boiling water, but do not cook after gelatine is put in. Add all other ingredients. Mold and chill. Serve with cooked or mayonnaise salad dressing, plain or on lettuce leaves.

Salads provide an easy method of using leftovers

1 cup cooked potatoes

1 cup cooked carrots

1 cup cooked peas

1 cup cooked beets

Make a french dressing of

½ cup oil

½ teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons vinegar

⅛ teaspoon cayenne

Mix dressing thoroughly and pour over the vegetables. If vegetables are kept in different bowls instead of mixed together, the flavor of the salad is improved. Any vegetable may be used in this way. Let stand 30 minutes. When ready to serve, place each portion in a nest made of two lettuce leaves or other salad, green. If desired, cooked dressing may be mixed with the vegetable in place of french dressing, or may be served with it.

1 cup left-over baked beans, cooked dried peas, or beans or lentils, or cooked rice, rice.

1 cup chopped celery

3 tablespoons chopped pepper

3 tablespoons chopped pickle

1 cup cooked salad dressing

Mix ingredients thoroughly and let stand 30 minutes to blend flavor thoroughly.

2 cups chopped cabbage

1 cup peanuts

1 cup chopped apples

1 cup salad dressing

Mix ingredients and serve with french dressing. This salad looks very appetizing when served in cups made of hollowed out red apples, the pulp removed being used in the salad.

1 cup american or cream cheese

2 tablespoons vinegar

⅓ cup oil

½ teaspoon salt

⅛ teaspoon cayenne

2 tablespoons chopped olives

3 tablespoons chopped nuts

Blend all ingredients thoroughly. Shape as desired and chill. Serve with french dressing. (if american cheese is used, grate or cut fine.)

Left-over small portions of fruits may be blended in almost any combination to form a salad. Plain french dressing or french dressing made with fruit juice in place of vinegar, or cooked dressing or mayonnaise may be combined with the fruit. Bananas combine well with any other fruit and, being the least expensive fruit, may be used as the basis of fruit salads.

1 cup cooked peas or carrots

1 cup cooked cold rice

Mix with dressing made of

⅓ cup oil

1 tablespoon vinegar

¼ teaspoon salt

⅛ teaspoon cayenne

¼ teaspoon curry powder

Mix all ingredients; serve cold, either plain, on lettuce leaves, or in nests made of cabbage or celery.

2 cups potatoes from fresh-cooked, or left-over baked, boiled or mashed potatoes.

¼ cup chopped parsley

1 teaspoon onion juice

1 cup cooked salad dressing

3 tablespoons chopped green pepper may be added if desired.

If mixed while cooked dressing is hot, then chilled, the flavor is much improved.

Left-over mashed potatoes may be combined with cooked corn and green pepper for a delicious salad.

1 cup left-over meat or fish

3 tablespoons chopped pickle

½ cup chopped celery

1 cup cooked salad dressing

Mix ingredients thoroughly and serve. If one-quarter cup of french dressing is mixed with meat or fish, 30 minutes before adding other ingredients, the flavor is much improved.

1 cup cooked cauliflower

1 cup cooked salad dressing

3 tablespoons chopped pickle

1 tablespoon chopped pimento

1 tablespoon vinegar

Blend ingredients thoroughly and serve. Cauliflower which has been creamed or scalloped may be used, if sauce is carefully rinsed from the vegetable.

Grind raw carrot in food chopper. Make french dressing with chicken fat instead of oil. Mix ingredients and serve.

1 cup raw carrots

½ cup oil (preferably oil from chicken fat)

1 tablespoon vinegar

½ teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon parsley

⅛ teaspoon paprika

2 tablespoons flour

1 teaspoon salt

1 egg

⅛ teaspoon cayenne

2 tablespoons granulated gelatine, plus 2 tablespoons cold water

1 teaspoon mustard

1 teaspoon curry powder

3 tablespoons melted fat

1 cup milk

⅓ cup vinegar

2 cups cooked rice

2 tablespoons chopped olives

Mix dry ingredients, add egg and blend thoroughly. Add melted fat, milk and vinegar. Cook over hot water until thick as custard. Soften gelatine in cold water. Add to the hot dressing. When dissolved add rice and olives, place in mold and chill. Serve plain or with ½ cup french dressing.

The use of stale bread, cake, and leftover cereal

1 cup dried crumbs

1 pint hot milk

Let stand until milk is absorbed, then add

¼ teaspoon salt

½ cup molasses

½ teaspoon cinnamon

1 cup dates, cut small

1 egg

½ teaspoon mixed cloves, nutmeg, allspice, ginger

Mix ingredients. Bake 40 minutes in moderately hot oven. This pudding is so well flavored that it does not really require a sauce, but if one is desired the molasses sauce on page *86, or the hard or lemon sauce on page *87 will be found to suit.

¼ lb suet

½ lb chopped figs

1 cup sour apple (cored, pared and chopped)

1 cup milk

½ cup molasses

½ cup corn syrup

1 cup breadcrumbs

2 eggs

⅓ cup flour

Cream suet; add figs, apple and corn syrup. Pour milk over bread. Add yolks, beaten. Combine. Add flour and egg whites. Steam 4 hours.

¼ cup pearl tapioca

⅓ cup corn syrup, or

¼ cup sugar

⅛ teaspoon salt

1 cup water

1 cup milk

1 cup fruit

Soak tapioca in the water over night. Add the other ingredients except the fruit and cook over hot water until the tapioca is clear. Add fruit and 1 teaspoon vanilla and chill.

⅓ cup rice

1 cup milk

⅓ cup corn syrup

1 teaspoon vanilla

⅛ teaspoon salt

1 egg

1 cup fruit

Cook rice with milk in double boiler 30 minutes. Add other ingredients and cook 10 minutes. Chill and serve.

1 cup stale breadcrumbs

2 cups scalded milk

½ cup corn syrup

½ cup chopped nuts

2 eggs

⅛ teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon vanilla

¾ cup chopped figs, dates or raisins

Pour scalded milk over breadcrumbs. Beat eggs. Add other ingredients. Bake 25 to 35 minutes in moderate oven.

1 cup crumbs

2 cups milk

1 oz. Chocolate

⅓ cup sugar

½ cup corn syrup

2 eggs

⅛ teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon vanilla

Use whites for meringue with 2 tablespoons corn syrup.

1 pint stale cake crumbs

1 cup milk

Soak 1 hour; heat and add

2 yolks of eggs

2 teaspoons vanilla

Chill, shape, roll in eggs and crumbs and brown in frying pan. Serve with hard sauce.

2 cups milk

1 cup any ready-to-eat cereal

1 egg (beaten)

⅓ cup molasses

½ teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon cinnamon

1 cup raisins, dates or prunes

Mix ingredients. Bake 30 to 40 minutes in moderately hot oven.

2 cups crumbs

2 cups fish

2 tablespoons chopped parsley

¼ cup fat

¼ cup flour

⅛ teaspoon pepper

2 teaspoons onion juice

1½ cups milk

1 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons fat

Melt fat, add dry ingredients and gradually the liquid to make a smooth sauce. Add onion juice, lemon juice, parsley and fish. Mix with crumbs 2 tablespoons fat. Place crumbs on top. Bake in greased pan 25 minutes.

2 cups cooked rice

1 quart tomatoes

¼ to 1 lb. Hamburg steak

⅛ teaspoon pepper

3 teaspoons salt

2 tablespoons onions, chopped

⅛ teaspoon cayenne

Add rice to tomatoes. Add seasoning and meat, browned. Bake in casserole about 2 hours.

3 cups stale bread crumbs

2 cups milk

2 teaspoons salt

⅛ teaspoon pepper

¼ teaspoon poultry seasoning

1 tablespoon onion juice and pulp

2 eggs

4 teaspoons baking powder

1½ cups chopped peanuts

Add bread to milk; add seasoning, beaten eggs, baking powder, and peanuts. Pour into greased, lined baking tin. Bake in moderate oven 40 minutes.

1 cup cooked farina or rice

1 cup cheese

1 cup nuts

1 cup milk

⅛ teaspoon cayenne

1 egg

1 teaspoon salt

Mix ingredients thoroughly. Bake in greased dish 30 minutes.

2 cups cold cooked beans

1 egg beaten

1 cup breadcrumbs

⅛ teaspoon pepper

1 tablespoon minced onion

2 tablespoons catsup

¼ teaspoon salt

Shape into loaf. Bake 25 minutes. Serve with tomato sauce.

Use leftover bread as french toast by dipping in mixture of

1 cup milk

1 tablespoon corn syrup

1 egg beaten

Then brown in frying pan in small amount of fat. Spread with marmalade, jelly, cocoanut, or preserves and serve as dessert.

One cup dried apricots, peaches or prunes soaked two hours in two cups of water.

1 cup bread crumbs

⅔ cup corn syrup

1 teaspoon orange or lemon rind

2 eggs

⅛ teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon lemon juice

½ cup chopped nuts

Mix ingredients. Place in greased baking dish and bake 30 minutes in moderately hot oven.

¼ cup fat

1 pint milk

2 qts. Milk

¼ cup flour

¼ teaspoon cayenne

1 cup cheese

Make as white sauce and add cheese. Pour over bread, sliced and toasted. Bake in moderate oven.

3 cups dried breadcrumbs

3 tablespoons maple syrup

½ teaspoon salt

Mix thoroughly and place in moderately hot oven for 20 minutes, stirring frequently. Remove and serve as breakfast food. Very inexpensive and delicious. Graham, corn or oatmeal bread is best for this purpose, but any bread may be used.

1 cup leftover cereal

1 cup chopped peanuts

½ cup dried breadcrumbs

1 beaten egg

Shape as croquettes and bake in oven or pan-broil. Serve with tart jelly.

1 cup stale bread

⅛ teaspoon cayenne

½ cup grated cheese

¼ cup milk

⅔ cup flour

¼ teaspoon salt

Make into dough; roll ¼ inch thick. Cut into strips 6 inches long and ½ inch wide. Place on baking sheet. Bake 20 minutes in moderate oven. Serve with soup, salad, or pastry.

Soups utilize leftovers In nearly every case when meat is purchased, some bone is paid for. Too frequently this is either left at the market or thrown away in the home. Bones, gristle, tough ends, head and feet of chickens, head, fins and bones of fish, etc., should be utilized for making soup.

If a meat or fish chowder with plenty of vegetable accompaniment is served, no other meat is required for the usual home meal.

If a cream of dried or fresh vegetables, or a meat stock soup with plenty of vegetables or cereal content, is served, the amount of meat eaten with the main course of the meal will be materially lessened.

Soups may be a most economical method of using water in which meat, fish or vegetables have been cooked; also of utilizing small portions of leftover meats, fish, vegetables or cereal.

Cream soups are made by cooking vegetables or cereal, then utilizing the water in which they are cooked as part of the liquid for the soup. Outer parts or wilted parts of vegetables may be utilized for soups instead of being discarded. Water in which ham or mutton has been boiled makes an excellent basis for dried or fresh vegetable soups. In fact, soup can be made from all kinds of leftovers—the variety and kind make little difference so long as the mixture is allowed to simmer for several hours and is properly seasoned.

⅓ cup fat

⅓ cup flour

1 teaspoon salt

1 cup cereal or vegetable

¼ teaspoon cayenne

1 pt. Milk

1 pt. Water, in which vegetable or cereal was cooked, or leftover water in which meat was cooked.

Melt fat, add dry ingredients and, gradually, liquid. When at boiling point, add vegetables or cereal and serve.

Leftover bits of meat, bone, or gristle may be used alone or with some fresh meat and bone from shin or neck.

To each 1 lb. Of meat and bone, add 1 qt. Cold water. Let stand 1 hour. Cover and bring slowly to boiling point and simmer 2 to 3 hours. Remove bones and meat. Let stand until cold. Skim off fat. Add vegetables cut in small pieces, season as desired and cook until vegetables are tender. Leftover cereals, as barley, oatmeal, etc., vegetables, macaroni, tapioca, sago, etc., etc., may be added for increased food value.

Bones and gristle from chicken or turkey

2 qts. Cold water

1 cup okra

1 tablespoon chopped pimento

1½ teaspoons salt

½ cup rice

2 tablespoons fat

1½ cups tomatoes

¼ cup chopped parsley

Soak bones and gristle in the cold water 1 hour. Then boil slowly 1 hour, in same water. Strain out the bones and gristle and add other ingredients to the liquor. Boil this mixture slowly ¾ hour and serve.

1 cup dried peas, beans or lentils

3 qts. Cold water

1 tablespoon onion pulp

1 ham bone or ½ pound smoked sausage

1 teaspoon celery salt

2 teaspoons salt

2 tablespoons flour, plus

2 tablespoons cold water

¼ teaspoon pepper

1 cup tomato

Wash and soak dried legume over night. In morning drain, add water, ham bone or sausage and cook very slowly until tender. Add other ingredients, cook ½ hour and serve.

1 qt. Boiling water

½ cup carrots

½ cup cabbage

1 cup potatoes

1 cup tomato juice and pulp

1 tablespoon minced onion

¼ teaspoon pepper

4 tablespoons fat

4 cloves

1 bayleaf

2 teaspoons salt

4 peppercorns

2 tablespoons chopped parsley

Heat onion, pepper, salt, bayleaf and peppercorns with tomatoes for 20 minutes. Strain. To juice and pulp add other ingredients and cook slowly 1 hour. Add parsley just before serving.

2 cups diced carrots

2 cups water

1 cup milk

⅛ teaspoon pepper

2 tablespoons fat

2 tablespoons flour

1 teaspoon salt

Cook the carrots in the water until tender. Melt the fat, add dry ingredients, add gradually the 1 cup water in which the carrots were cooked and the milk. When at boiling point, serve with a little grated raw carrot sprinkled over top of soup. Any vegetable, raw or cooked, may be used in the same way, as cauliflower, cabbage, peas, turnips, etc.

1 cup cooked or canned fish

1 cup cooked potato, diced

1 cup peas

2 tablespoons fat

2 tablespoons flour

1½ teaspoons salt

¼ teaspoon paprika

2 cups milk

1 cup water from boiled potatoes

2 tablespoons chopped parsley

1 teaspoon onion juice

Melt fat, add dry ingredients and gradually the liquid. When at boiling point, add parsley and serve.

1 cup cheese

2 cups milk

2 tablespoons fat

1¼ teaspoons salt

¼ teaspoon cayenne

½ teaspoon celery salt

3 tablespoons flour

Melt fat, add dry ingredients and gradually the liquid. When at boiling point and just ready to serve add cheese. Any kind of cheese may be used for this purpose.

1 cup beans

1 quart water

1 tablespoon onion juice

¼ teaspoon worcestershire sauce

1 cup brown stock

¼ teaspoon celery salt

2 teaspoons salt

¼ teaspoon cayenne

1 hard cooked egg

1 lemon, sliced

¼ teaspoon mustard

2 tablespoons flour, plus 2 tablespoons cold water

Soak beans over night, drain. Place in 1 quart of fresh cold water and cook until very tender. Add other ingredients and bring to boiling point. Slice thin, hard cooked egg and lemon from which seeds have been removed and serve with each portion. Do not remove lemon rind as this gives a piquant flavor.

2 cups cooked diced potatoes

2 cups water in which potatoes were cooked

1 cup milk

2 teaspoons onion juice

2 tablespoons fat

3 tablespoons flour

1½ teaspoons salt

⅛ teaspoon cayenne

2 tablespoons of finely chopped parsley

¼ cup grated cheese

Dice potatoes and cook slowly until very tender. Rub through strainer, using potato and 2 cups of the water. Melt fat, add dry ingredients and gradually the liquids and onion juice. When ready to serve, sprinkle parsley and cheese over top.

All-in-one-dish meals

¾ cup lentils

1 cup rice

1 quart tomatoes

1 teaspoon worcestershire

2 teaspoons salt

¼ teaspoon cayenne

¼ teaspoon bay leaf

¼ teaspoon sage

Soak lentils over night; drain; add one quart fresh water and one teaspoon of salt. Cook slowly until tender. Add other ingredients. Steam or bake for 45 minutes.

½ cup cooked rice

1 pint tomatoes

⅓ cup green pepper chopped

2 cups fresh or left-over cooked meat

2 teaspoons salt

¼ teaspoon cayenne

Mix all ingredients. Bake in greased dish slowly for one hour.

1 cup hominy which has been soaked over night, drained

1 quart fresh water and 1 teaspoon of salt added; cook until tender

2 cups mutton from shoulder

1 teaspoon kitchen bouquet

1 teaspoon curry

2 cups water

1 teaspoon worcestershire sauce

1 tablespoon cornstarch

1 cup diced beets

1 teaspoon salt

⅛ teaspoon cayenne

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Bake in covered casserole slowly for one hour. Mutton should be cut in about one-inch pieces.

4 cups water

1 cup cornmeal

2 teaspoons salt

⅓ cup chopped peppers

2 cups cooked meat

⅛ teaspoon cayenne

To cornmeal add one-half cup of cold water. Boil three cups of water and add cornmeal. Boil five minutes. Add other ingredients. Cook in greased baking dish for one hour.

1 pint soy beans

¼ lb. Salt pork

½ teaspoon soda

⅛ teaspoon cayenne

1 onion

1½ tablespoons salt

¾ cup molasses

¾ tablespoon mustard

Boiling water (about one quart)

1 pint tomatoes

2 cups cooked spinach

Soak beans over night; drain. Cover with fresh water and the soda and boil, until skins break, but do not let beans become broken. Cut rind from salt pork and cut into six or eight pieces. To 1 cup of boiling water add the cayenne, salt, molasses, mustard and tomatoes. In bottom of bean pot place the onion and a piece of salt pork. Add beans. Pour over this the seasonings. Cover the beans with boiling water. Bake three hours covered. Uncover, put spinach to which has been added 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, one-eighth teaspoon of pepper, on top. Bake 30 minutes and serve.

One cup of kidney beans, soak over night; drain. Cover with fresh water. Add 2 teaspoons of salt, cook in small amount of water until tender. Force through colander. Measure 1½ cups and add one-quarter pound salt pork chopped fine, 1 teaspoon worcestershire sauce, 1 cup of water or meat stock or gravy.

Place half of mixture in greased baking dish. Cover with two cups of spinach, to which has been added one-quarter cup of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of fat and one-half teaspoon of salt. Cover with other half of bean mixture. Bake 20 minutes.

1 cup macaroni

1 cup peas

1 pint tomatoes, juice and pulp

1 cup grated cheese

¼ cup fat

¼ cup flour

1 teaspoon salt

⅛ teaspoon cayenne

Cook macaroni until tender in one quart of boiling water and one teaspoon of salt; drain. Melt fat, add flour, salt and cayenne. Gradually add tomatoes and when at boiling point remove from fire, add cheese and peas. Place macaroni in greased baking dish, pour sauce over it and bake 30 minutes.

½ cup rice

1 cup cheese

1 cup corn

1½ cup milk

¼ cup fat

¼ cup flour

1 teaspoon salt

⅛ teaspoon cayenne

Melt fat until brown. Add flour and seasonings. Heat until brown. Add milk gradually. When at boiling point add other ingredients. Place in baking dish and bake 45 minutes.

3 lbs. Fish

2 cups diced potatoes

⅓ cup chopped onion

½ cup chopped salt pork

1 teaspoon salt

⅛ teaspoon cayenne

1 cup peas

2 cups cold water

2 tablespoons fat

2 tablespoons flour

1 cup diced carrots

1 pint scalded milk

Cut fish into small pieces. Cover bones, fins and head with cold water. Simmer 15 minutes; strain. Cook onion and salt pork until brown. In kettle place layers of fish and mixed vegetables. To water in which bones, etc., have been cooked, add the seasonings. Mix all ingredients. Cook forty minutes, slowly, covered.

1 smoked haddock

1 cup samp, which has been soaked over night and cooked until tender

1 quart water and 1 teaspoon of salt

2 teaspoons horseradish (grated)

1 pint tomatoes

1 teaspoon salt

¼ teaspoon cayenne

2 tablespoons cornstarch

Pour 1 cup of boiling water and one-half cup of boiling milk over fish. Let stand one-half hour, pour off liquid. Place fish in baking dish. Place samp on fish. Mix other ingredients and pour on top. Cover and bake three-quarters of an hour.

1 cup cooked spaghetti

2 cups brown stock

2 cups water, or

2 bouillon cubes

2 tablespoons flour

2 teaspoons salt

½ cup chopped peanuts

1 cup diced carrots

3 tablespoons chopped olives

Blend flour with 2 tablespoons cold water. Dissolve bouillon cubes in the boiling water. Mix all ingredients. Place in casserole and bake 45 minutes or until spaghetti is tender.

1 cup cooked lentils

1 cup chopped peanuts

1 cup grated cheese

1 cup bread crumbs

1 tablespoon fat

2 tablespoons lemon juice

½ teaspoon salt

⅛ teaspoon cayenne

1 teaspoon onion juice

Mix all. Place in a greased dish. Bake 30 minutes. Then pour over top a sauce made by melting 2 tablespoons of fat, adding 2 tablespoons flour, one-half teaspoon of salt and one-eighth teaspoon cayenne. Then add 1 cup of milk gradually. When at boiling point add 3 tablespoons of chopped olives. Pour this sauce over the roast and bake 20 minutes. Serve at once.

1 lb. Codfish

⅓ cup pimento

1 cup cornmeal

2 cups tomatoes, juice and pulp

2 teaspoons salt

⅛ teaspoon cayenne

3 cups boiling water

Mix cornmeal with one-half cup of cold water. Add to the boiling water. Boil five minutes. In greased baking dish place fish which has been soaked over night. Place pimento on fish. Place cornmeal on pimento. To tomatoes add seasonings and pour over all. Bake slowly 45 minutes.

One-half cup dried peas, beans or lentils, soaked over night and cooked until tender.

½ cup turnips

½ cup of carrots

1 cup outer parts of celery

½ cup of peas

½ teaspoon celery salt

⅛ teaspoon pepper

3 tablespoons drippings

3 tablespoons whole wheat flour

1 teaspoon curry powder

1 teaspoon salt

½ cup meat stock or water

1 cup tomato juice and pulp

1 teaspoon onion juice

Melt the fat. Add the seasoning; gradually the liquid. Add the vegetables. Cook 20 minutes. Serve very hot. This is an especially good way of adding the necessary flavor to lentils.

Wheatless day menus

Stewed prunes


Corn muffins

Top milk


Cream of spinach soup

All rye rolls

Scalloped potatoes


Pot roast

Buttered beets

Fried egg plant

Southern spoon bread

Maple cornstarch pudding

Dried apricots


Rye and peanut muffins

Top milk


Nut and bean loaf with white sauce

Corn pone

Oatmeal cookies

Currant or plum jelly


Beef casserole

Baked potatoes

Green beans

Barley biscuits

Cranberry tapioca pudding

Baked apple stuffed with nuts

Fried cornmeal mush

Maple syrup


Split pea soup

Rye muffins

Corn oysters

Cranberry jelly

Mutton pie

Glazed sweet potatoes

Pickled beets

Oatmeal bread

Scalloped tomatoes

Brown betty

Dried peaches with jelly garnish

Corn puffs and dates

Top of milk

Rye muffins


Macaroni and cheese

Corn and rice muffins

Canned fruit


Cream of carrot soup

Swiss steak

Stewed tomatoes

Natural rice

Cole slaw

Oatmeal rolls

Brown betty

Baked apples with marmalade center

Cream of grits cereal

Top of milk

Rye finger rolls


Cream of lentil soup

Corn muffins


Hot tea

Casserole of beef and rice

Baked potatoes

Stewed corn

Cabbage salad

Chocolate cornstarch pudding

Meatless day menus

Baked pears with cloves and ginger

Cornmeal and farina cereal



Welsh rarebit

Hot tea

Fruit muffins

Lettuce salad

Cream of corn soup

Baked fish

Macaroni with tomato sauce

Whole wheat bread

Lyonnaise potatoes

Orange sago custard

Dried peaches

Fried hominy




Bean soup

Lettuce salad

Cheese straws


Chicken fricassee


Baked squash


Cranberry jelly

Barley muffins

Mock mince pie


Pearled barley

Top milk

Currant jelly

Rye bread toasted


Mixed vegetable salad

Boston brown bread

Hot tea

Clam chowder

Spinach and cheese loaf


Creamed cauliflower

Oatmeal nut bread

Spice pudding

Hard sauce

Meat substitute dinners Consommé with spaghetti

Cornmeal muffins

Cabbage and cheese

Julienne potatoes


Dressed lettuce

Jellied prunes with nuts

Thin bean soup

Rye rolls

Corn and oyster fritters

Baked potato

Scalloped tomato

Apple and celery salad

Graham pudding with hard sauce

Consommé with tapioca

Brown bread

Salmon loaf or escalloped salmon

Creamed potatoes


Lettuce salad

Gelatine dessert

Thin cream of celery soup

Rye bread

Nut loaf

Brown sauce

Scalloped potatoes


Lettuce salad with tomato jelly

Sago pudding

Scalloped hominy and cheese

Swiss chard or spinach

Whole wheat bread

Stuffed baked potato

Baked pears

Molasses cookies

Escalloped codfish

Baked onions

Corn bread

Apple salad

Fig and date pudding with tart jelly

Cream of barley soup

Turkish pilaf

War muffins

Apple and cabbage salad

Chocolate bread pudding

Cream of rice soup

Rye meal rolls

Kidney bean croquette


Dried apricot butter

Oranges, bananas and dates

Ginger cookies

Bean soup

Welsh rarebit or a cheese dish

Natural rice

Tomato sauce

Corn meal parker house rolls

Dried peach pudding

Vegetable dinners Corn soup

Oatmeal bread

Nut loaf

Tomato sauce

Green beans

Potatoes au gratin

Jellied prunes

Boston roast

Tart jelly

Whole wheat bread

Creamed cauliflower


Cranberry slump

Kidney beans with rice

Fried apples with raisins

Celery in brown sauce

Cornmeal baking powder biscuits

Tapioca cream

Baked beans

Boston brown bread


Apple and pimento salad

Gelatine dessert

Cream of vegetable soup

Lima bean croquets

Creamed potatoes


Pickled beets

Cornmeal and rye muffins

Cottage pudding

Cream of celery soup

Rye bread

Spinach loaf

Cabbage and pepper relish

Brown rice

Marmalade pudding

Cream of tomato soup

Corn sticks

Baked macaroni and cheese

Baked sweet potatoes


Beet and cabbage relish

Whole wheat bread

Apricot shortcake

Hard sauce

Chrisdesign Photorealistic Green Apple.svg

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD