Obesity in Cabo Verde

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

Cabo Verde, also known as Cape Verde, is an island country located in the central Atlantic Ocean. The country is part of the continent of Africa, specifically in the region of West Africa. In 2016, Cabo Verde had an adult obesity rate of 11.8%, ranking it 134th globally.

Obesity in Cabo Verde[edit | edit source]

Obesity is a significant health concern in Cabo Verde, as it is in many countries around the world. The adult obesity rate in the country was 11.8% in 2016. This rate is lower than the global average, but it still represents a significant portion of the population. Obesity can lead to a variety of health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

Healthcare in Cabo Verde[edit | edit source]

Cabo Verde has a number of healthcare facilities that offer services to help individuals lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. These include the Agostinho Neto Hospital in Praia, the country's capital, and the Regional Hospital of Santo Antão. These facilities offer a range of services, from nutritional counseling to physical therapy and exercise programs.

Efforts to Combat Obesity[edit | edit source]

The government of Cabo Verde has implemented several initiatives to combat obesity and promote healthy living. These include public education campaigns about the importance of a balanced diet and regular exercise, as well as programs to improve access to healthy foods in schools and communities.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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