Keto Afghan foods

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Afghan Kebab.jpg

Keto-Friendly Afghan Foods[edit | edit source]

Afghan Cuisine
Azur Afghan (Lyon) - Siné Morgh.jpg
Afghan Qurmaa.JPG

Afghan cuisine offers a variety of flavorful dishes that can be adapted to fit a keto or low-carb diet. While many traditional Afghan foods are rich in rice, bread, and legumes, there are still plenty of options that emphasize meats, vegetables, and healthy fats. Here are some keto-friendly Afghan foods to enjoy:

1. Kabuli Pulao[edit | edit source]

Kabuli Pulao is a popular Afghan rice dish, but for a keto version, you can skip the rice and focus on the flavorful meat and vegetable components. It typically includes lamb or beef, carrots, raisins, and a blend of aromatic spices.

2. Mantu (Dumplings)[edit | edit source]

Mantu are Afghan dumplings filled with seasoned ground beef or lamb. For a keto twist, you can enjoy the savory meat filling without the dumpling wrapper and pair it with a yogurt-based sauce.

3. Kebabs[edit | edit source]

Afghan kebabs are a keto-friendly delight. Skewers of marinated, grilled meats, such as lamb, chicken, or beef, are often served with fresh salads and yogurt-based sauces.

4. Salata (Afghan Salad)[edit | edit source]

Salata is a refreshing Afghan salad made with cucumbers, tomatoes, red onions, and cilantro. It's typically dressed with olive oil and lemon juice, making it a keto-approved side dish.

5. Mashawa (Lamb Soup)[edit | edit source]

Mashawa is a lamb soup traditionally made with lentils, but for a keto version, you can omit the lentils and focus on the delicious lamb broth and tender pieces of meat.

6. Bolani (Stuffed Flatbread)[edit | edit source]

While traditional Bolani is made with flatbread, you can enjoy the flavorful vegetable filling on its own. The filling typically includes spinach, leeks, or potatoes.

7. Kadoo (Pan-Fried Pumpkin)[edit | edit source]

Kadoo is pan-fried pumpkin often seasoned with garlic and turmeric. It's a keto-friendly side dish that pairs well with grilled meats.

8. Chapli Kebab (Ground Meat Patties)[edit | edit source]

Chapli Kebabs are spiced ground meat patties that can be grilled or fried. They're typically made with ground beef or lamb and flavored with herbs and spices.

9. Yogurt-based Dishes[edit | edit source]

Afghan cuisine incorporates yogurt into many dishes. You can enjoy yogurt-based sauces like Mast-o-Khiar (cucumber yogurt) or Mastawa (yogurt soup) while following a keto diet.

10. Sambosa (Stuffed Pastries)[edit | edit source]

Sambosas are stuffed pastries traditionally filled with spiced ground meat or lentils. You can enjoy the flavorful filling while skipping the pastry shell for a keto-friendly option.

Remember that portion control and ingredient choices are essential when following a keto diet. While Afghan cuisine offers keto-friendly options, it's important to be mindful of carbohydrate intake and choose dishes that align with your dietary goals.

List of keto friendly Afghan foods[edit | edit source]

Name Food group Keto friendliness Calories Fat Protein Carbohydrate Fiber Net carbohydrates Sugars Saturated fats Serving weight Country
2 karamell-schokoladen-cheesecakes im glas Milk and dairy products, Dairy desserts High carb 403 23.6 3.7 44.7 1.6 43.1 13 183 g (2x 91.5 g) e Dessert au caramel Afghanistan
4 knacki fumée Fish‚ Meat‚ Eggs, Processed meat Keto friendly 267 23 12.5 2 1.2 0.8 9 140 g Saucisses de Strasbourg avec protéines de lait Afghanistan
A table ! Composite foods, Pizza pies and quiches High carb 260 8.9 11 22 66 44 3 Afghanistan
Actimel fraise offre anniversaire Beverages, Sweetened beverages Medium carb 76 1.5 2.799999952 12 0 12 11.9 1 Afghanistan
Actimel gout fraise Beverages, Sweetened beverages Medium carb 76 1.5 2.8 12 0.3 11.7 11.9 1 100g Afghanistan
Actimel goût fraise Milk and dairy products, Milk and yogurt Medium carb 76 1.5 2.8 12 12 11.9 1 100 g Afghanistan
Artichaut grillé Keto friendly 53 3 1.5 2.700000048 2.700000048 0.400000006 Afghanistan
Bahier saucisse cocktail Keto friendly 289 27 11 0.5 0.5 0.5 9.9 Afghanistan
Beurre d'isigny aop de baratte - doux Fats and sauces, Fats Keto friendly 743 82 0.7 0.5 0.5 0 0.5 59 250g Beurre d'Isigny AOP doux pasteurisé de baratte - 82% de matière grasse minimum. Afghanistan
Bœuf charolais séché Fish‚ Meat‚ Eggs, Meat, Meat other than poultry Keto friendly 187 3.6 36 2.7 2.7 2.7 1.2 0,060 kg Préparation de bœuf charolais finement découpé, assaisonné et séché Afghanistan
Boissons pétillante concombres citron 45cl Beverages, Sweetened beverages Keto friendly 15 0 0 3.6 3.6 0 Afghanistan
Bouchées de poulet tandoori Low carb 223 14 14 7.7 7.7 5.3 3.2 Afghanistan
Carotte orange keto friendly 153.75 13.4375 3.125 4.375 4.375 2.1875 6.875 Afghanistan
Céleri frais remoulade a la moutarde de dijon Composite foods, One-dish meals Keto friendly 0 0 Afghanistan
Cocoyourt passion Sugary snacks, Sweets Medium carb 136 8 1.1 14 14 7.1 Afghanistan
Coleslaw à la moutarde à l'ancienne Composite foods, One-dish meals keto friendly 125 10 1 6.5 2.5 4 5.5 0.8 125 g Afghanistan
Concombre menthe bio Keto friendly 78 7.1 0.9 2 2 0.8 Afghanistan
Crème brûlée aux oeufs frais Milk and dairy products, Dairy desserts High carb 237 15 4.5 21 0 21 8.5 2*100 g - 200 g Afghanistan
Crème brûlée aux œufs frais Milk and dairy products, Dairy desserts High carb 237 15 4.5 21 0 21 8.5 200 g (2 pots de 96 g + 2 sachets de caramel de 4 g) Crème Brûlée aux Œufs Frais Afghanistan
Croques de fèves Medium carb 276 16 11 20 3.9 16.1 1.7 180g Croques de fèves au fromage. Préparation à base de fèves réhydratées, garnie de préparation fromagère à l'Emmental, panée et cuite Afghanistan
Croquetas cheddar bacon High carb 294 13.9 10.6 30.5 30.5 5.2 120g Afghanistan
Crumble pomme poire chocolat Sugary snacks, Biscuits and cakes High carb 139 3.3 1 25 25 1.4 Afghanistan
Duo carotte et céleri Keto friendly 109 8.9 0.9 5.1 2.5 2.6 0.9 250 gr Finement râpés à la ciboulette Afghanistan
Extra chicken burger sauce barbecue x1 Composite foods, Sandwiches High carb 168 1.9 13 24 1.6 22.4 0.5 215 g Afghanistan
Filets de cabillaud facon fish and chips Fish‚ Meat‚ Eggs, Fish and seafood, Lean fish Medium carb 200 10.8 12.4 12.8 0.75 12.05 1.04 220 g Filets de Cabillaud Façon Fish & Chips Afghanistan
Friand gourmand à la viande Composite foods, One-dish meals High carb 282 17 10 23 23 8.9 Afghanistan
From.Pâte filée lt past.Bufflonne mozzarella Milk and dairy products, Cheese Keto friendly 285 25 14 1 0 1 16 bil.120 g Afghanistan
Fromage blanc nature au lait demi-écrémé 2,8% Milk and dairy products, Dairy desserts Low carb 71 2.8 6.4 5.1 5.1 1.9 250 g Fromage blanc nature à 2.8% de matière grasse Afghanistan
Fromage blanc palais du monde poivrons doux Keto friendly 125 7.8 9 4.4 4.4 0.35 Afghanistan
Fromage de chèvre frais (12% mg) Milk and dairy products, Cheese Keto friendly 160 12 10 3 3 8 200 g Fromage frais au lait de chèvre pasteurisé Afghanistan
Galette lardons fumes et fromage a raclette Medium carb 162 7.1 6.7 16 16 5.5 Afghanistan
Garofalo mozzarella Cereals and potatoes, Cereals High carb 308 15 11 31 2.5 28.5 6.9 7 250 g Pâtes fraîches à la farine de blé tendre et à la semoule de blé dur aux oeufs farcies à ricotta, mozzarella au lait de bufflonne et lait de vache, tomates séchées et au basilic. Afghanistan
Gésiers de canard emincés confits Fish‚ Meat‚ Eggs, Offals keto friendly 164 3.5 33 0 0 0 0 1.4 Afghanistan
Girasoli potimarron champignons Cereals and potatoes, Cereals High carb 238 8.4 7.4 32 2.5 29.5 6.5 2.9 250 g Pâtes fraîches aux œufs farcies au potimarron et champignons Afghanistan
Grignottes de poulet rôti nature Fish‚ Meat‚ Eggs, Meat, Poultry Keto friendly 177 9.3 21 2 2 2.5 250 g Manchons de poulet marinés, cuits. Afghanistan
Guacamole premium Fats and sauces, Dressings and sauces Keto friendly 209 21 1.7 1.6 1.6 4.1 180 g Afghanistan
Herta bacon fumé Fish‚ Meat‚ Eggs, Processed meat Keto friendly 111 2.6 21 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.8 1 150 g e Filet de bacon fumé Afghanistan
Herta bio lardons allumettes fumés Fish‚ Meat‚ Eggs, Processed meat Keto friendly 268 22 17 0.5 0.5 8.6 120g (2 x 60 g) Afghanistan
Jambon à griller 2 tranches Fish‚ Meat‚ Eggs, Processed meat Keto friendly 151 7.8 19.2 1 1 3.1 160 g Jambon cuit de qualité choix avec couenne Afghanistan
Knacki au jambon Fish‚ Meat‚ Eggs, Processed meat Keto friendly 203 15 14 2 2.1 0.1 2 5.8 210 g Saucisse de Strasbourg Afghanistan
Kvarg perzik passievrucht keto friendly 59 0.2 11 3.4 3.4 3.1 0 59g Afghanistan
L'incroyable baba au rhum et aux agrumes 320g Sugary snacks, Biscuits and cakes High carb 204 1.6 1.6 46 46 0.9 320 g Babas au rhum, sirop aux agrumes Afghanistan
L'incroyable infusion d'hibiscus 33cl Keto friendly 12 0 0 3 3 0 33cl Afghanistan
L'incroyable mousse au chocolat noir, 2x120ml High carb 358 25 7.1 24 0 24 15.5 140g (2x70g) Afghanistan
La belle henriette vendeenne aux choux Keto friendly 139 12 4.5 2.5 0 2.5 2.1 Afghanistan
La tartine fromagère Medium carb 262 14 13 20 20 1.1 6.9 200 g Afghanistan
La tartine High carb 189 7.1 7.7 21 21 1.9 1.9 Afghanistan
Langoustines 200 g Fish‚ Meat‚ Eggs, Fish and seafood Keto friendly 76 0.5 18.6 0.3 0.3 0 200 g Langoustines entières cuites réfrigérées Afghanistan
Le préfou chorizo et piperade Salty snacks, Appetizers High carb 317 13.9 7.6 38.9 38.9 6.28 300g Afghanistan
Le tourteau Sugary snacks, Biscuits and cakes High carb 273 7.4 9 42 1.8 40.2 4 250 g Gâteau au fromage frais Afghanistan
Les délices à tartiner thon Keto friendly 223 17.6 12.5 2.9 2.9 1.6 Afghanistan
Les ficelles picardes Composite foods, One-dish meals Medium carb 157 4.9 7.5 20 0 20 3 2 x 140 g Afghanistan
Lorina mojito ciron vert Low carb 27 0.5 0.5 6.7 6.7 0 Afghanistan
Magret de canard cuit aux 4 épices Fish‚ Meat‚ Eggs, Meat, Poultry keto friendly 325 27 19 1.6 1.6 0.7 10 Afghanistan
Mini gnocchi a poeler 300g Cereals and potatoes, Potatoes High carb 190 2.7 5 35 2.6 32.4 1.5 0.3 300 g Gnocchi Afghanistan
Moelleux au chocolat 450g, Sugary snacks, Biscuits and cakes High carb 427 26 5.8 41 41 4.9 450 g Moelleux au Chocolat Afghanistan
Mon cervelas façon rémoulade Composite foods, One-dish meals Keto friendly 265 26 6.7 0.7 0.9 0.2 6 300 g Afghanistan
Mon œuf au lait vanille naturelle Milk and dairy products, Dairy desserts Medium carb 128 5.3 5.1 15 0 15 2.6 400 g (4 * 100 g) Afghanistan
Mon riz au lait caramel Milk and dairy products, Dairy desserts High carb 159 4.8 3 26 26 3.1 Afghanistan
Natuaral popcorn High carb 484.8484848 24.24242424 9.090909091 57.57575758 9.090909091 48.48484848 0 4.545454545 Afghanistan
Oikos myrtille exquise Milk and dairy products, Milk and yogurt Medium carb 156 8.4 2.8 17.2 17.2 16.5 5.2 115g Afghanistan
Oikos plaisir méditerranéen Milk and dairy products, Milk and yogurt Medium carb 160 8.4 2.9 18.2 18.2 17.3 5.3 Afghanistan
Pate de campagne qté sup Fish‚ Meat‚ Eggs, Processed meat Keto friendly 289 24 15 3.3 3.3 1.4 9 Afghanistan
Paysan breton - petits beurres demi-sel Fats and sauces, Fats Keto friendly 726 80 0.8 0.6 0 0.6 57 20 x 10 g Beurre demi-sel Afghanistan
Perles du japon coco mangue passion 2x90g Milk and dairy products, Milk and yogurt Medium carb 151 10 1.3 14.1 14.1 9.32 180 g Afghanistan
Perles japon coco mangue passion 90g Sugary snacks, Sweets Medium carb 151 10 1.299999952 14 14 9 Afghanistan
Pesto di nonno mimmo Fats and sauces, Dressings and sauces Keto friendly 482 46 4.7 9.8 5 4.8 5.5 5.3 170 g it:Volano Afghanistan
Pois chiches avocat Medium carb 194 12 4.699999809 15 15 1.299999952 Afghanistan
Poitrine fumée (8 tranches fines) Fish‚ Meat‚ Eggs, Processed meat Keto friendly 285 24 17 1 0 1 9 160 g Poitrine fumée de porc, tranches fines Afghanistan
Pommes de terre en lamelles à rissoler Cereals and potatoes, Potatoes Medium carb 132 7.1 1.9 16 16 0.5 1 400 g Pommes de terre lamelles à rissoler cuites sous-vide à la vapeur Afghanistan
Queues de crevettes à la provençale - à poêler Fish‚ Meat‚ Eggs, Fish and seafood Keto friendly 94 1.3 20 0.9 0.9 0.3 200 Queues de crevettes cuites réfrigérées, préparation provençale Afghanistan
Rians la crème au caramel et sa crêpe High carb 299 21 4.2 23 23 18 14 Afghanistan
Riz au lait vanille de madagascar 400g Milk and dairy products, Dairy desserts Medium carb 172 8.5 3 21 3 18 5.5 400 g Riz au lait Afghanistan
Salade de céleri bio Keto friendly 16 12 1 1.8 1.8 1.51 250 g Afghanistan
Salade traiteur coleslaw Composite foods, One-dish meals Keto friendly 113 9.9 0.7 3.8 2.9 0.9 1 Afghanistan
Saumon fumé de noël Fish‚ Meat‚ Eggs, Fish and seafood keto friendly 198 12 22 0.6 0.6 0.6 2.5 Afghanistan
Sensation fondante mousse châtaigne High carb 236 11 1.8 32 1.1 30.9 6.9 90g Afghanistan
Tartelette au caramel beurre salé Composite foods, Pizza pies and quiches High carb 384 19 5.6 47 1 46 9.8 160 g (2 x 80 g) Dessert pâtissier au caramel au beurre demi-sel. Afghanistan
Tartelette noix de coco chocolat noir Composite foods, Pizza pies and quiches High carb 403 23 6.5 41 3.2 37.8 14.3 Afghanistan
Terrine de jambon keto friendly 290 25 16 0.6 0 0.6 0.4 9 Afghanistan
Teurgoule à la cannelle Milk and dairy products, Dairy desserts Medium carb 130 3.2 3.7 21.4 5 16.4 2.1 750 g Riz au lait de Normandie à la Cannelle Afghanistan
Tortellini bacon fumé chèvre Cereals and potatoes, Cereals High carb 277 8.1 11 39 2.2 36.8 7.4 3.6 250 g Pâte fraîche farcie à la ricotta, bacon cuit goût fumé et fromage de chèvre. Afghanistan
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD