Medical encyclopedia

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An encyclopedia of medicine. A medical encyclopedia is a comprehensive source of information that covers various medical topics, terminologies, diseases, treatments, and advancements. These encyclopedias serve as invaluable resources for medical professionals, students, researchers, and the general public to better understand health and medicine. Modern iterations of these resources have transitioned from traditional print versions to digital formats, providing ease of access and updated information.

Overview[edit | edit source]

Medical encyclopedias typically encompass:

  • Disease Descriptions: Detailed insights into various illnesses, their symptoms, causes, diagnostic methods, and treatments.
  • Medical Procedures: Explanation of common and complex medical procedures, surgical operations, and their implications.
  • Drugs and Therapies: Information about various drugs, their uses, side effects, and therapeutic interventions.
  • Medical Terminology: Definitions and explanations of common medical terms and jargons.

Importance[edit | edit source]

The significance of a medical encyclopedia lies in:

  • Reliable Information: Offering credible and scientifically-backed information to users.
  • Education: Serving as a tool for medical students and professionals to enhance their knowledge.
  • Awareness: Empowering the general public by providing information about health, wellness, and medical conditions.

Digital Transition[edit | edit source]

With the advent of the internet and digital platforms, medical encyclopedias have evolved into online resources, offering dynamic content updates, multimedia features, and interactive functionalities.[edit | edit source]

One notable example of a comprehensive online medical encyclopedia is This digital platform provides:

  • Extensive Coverage: Spanning a wide array of medical topics, ensuring users have access to in-depth information.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed for ease of navigation, allowing users to quickly find and access the information they seek.
  • Interactive Features: Incorporating images, videos, and interactive diagrams to aid understanding.
  • Regular Updates: Ensuring that the information stays current with the latest medical research and findings.

Considerations[edit | edit source]

While online medical encyclopedias like offer numerous advantages, users should:

  • Verify Information: Ensure that content is backed by credible sources and research.
  • Consult Professionals: Always consult with healthcare professionals before making health-related decisions based on encyclopedia content.
  • Privacy Concerns: Be wary of websites that ask for personal health information or offer medical advice without proper credentials.

Glossary of common medical terms[edit | edit source]

  • abasia - noun inability to walk
  • abdomen - noun the region of the body of a vertebrate between the thorax and the pelvis; the cavity containing the major viscera; in mammals it is separated from the thorax by the diaphragm
  • aberdeen - noun a city in northeastern Scotland on the North Sea; a town in northeastern Maryland; a town in northeastern South Dakota; a town in western Washington
  • abortion - noun termination of pregnancy; failure of a plan
  • abrasion - noun erosion by friction; an abraded area where the skin is torn or worn off; the wearing down of rock particles by friction due to water or wind or ice
  • abstinence - noun act or practice of refraining from indulging an appetite; the trait of abstaining (especially from alcohol)
  • acanthocephala - noun phylum or class of elongated wormlike parasites that live in the intestines of vertebrates: spiny-headed worms
  • acantholysis - noun a breakdown of a cell layer in the epidermis (as in pemphigus)
  • acholia - noun a condition in which little or no bile is secreted or the flow of bile into the digestive tract is obstructed
  • acinus - noun one of the small sacs or saclike dilations in a compound gland; one of the small drupes making up an aggregate or multiple fruit like a blackberry
  • acrophobia - noun a morbid fear of great heights
  • act up - verb make itself felt as a recurring pain; misbehave badly; act in a silly or improper way
  • active placebo - noun a placebo used in experimental tests of a drug that has noticeable side effects
  • acupuncture - noun treatment of pain or disease by inserting the tips of needles at specific points on the skin
  • adenitis - noun inflammation of a gland or lymph node
  • adenosine - noun (biochemistry) a nucleoside that is a structural component of nucleic acids; it is present in all living cells in a combined form as a constituent of DNA and RNA and ADP and ATP and AMP
  • adherence - noun faithful support for a religion or cause or political party; the property of sticking together (as of glue and wood) or the joining of surfaces of different composition
  • adrenalectomy - noun surgical removal of one or both adrenal glands
  • adrenaline - noun a catecholamine secreted by the adrenal medulla in response to stress (trade name Adrenalin); stimulates autonomic nerve action
  • advocate - noun a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea; a lawyer who pleads cases in court; verb speak, plead, or argue in favour of; push for something
  • adynamia - noun lack of strength or vigor (especially from illness)
  • agenesis - noun imperfect development; nondevelopment of a part
  • agent orange - noun a herbicide used in the Vietnam War to defoliate forest areas
  • agnosia - noun inability to recognize objects by use of the senses
  • agoraphobia - noun a morbid fear of open spaces (as fear of being caught alone in some public place)
  • aides - noun (Greek mythology) the god of the underworld in ancient mythology; brother of Zeus and husband of Persephone
  • aids - noun a serious (often fatal) disease of the immune system transmitted through blood products especially by sexual contact or contaminated needles
  • airborne - adj. moved or conveyed by or through air
  • alienist - noun a psychiatrist and specialist in the legal aspects of mental illness
  • allergist - noun a physician skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of allergies
  • allergy - noun hypersensitivity reaction to a particular allergen; symptoms can vary greatly in intensity
  • alternative medicine - noun the practice of medicine without the use of drugs; may involve herbal medicines or self-awareness or biofeedback or acupuncture
  • aluminium oxide - noun any of various forms of aluminum oxide occurring naturally as corundum
  • amaurosis - noun partial or total loss of sight without pathology of the eye; caused by disease of optic nerve or retina or brain
  • amber - adj. of a medium to dark brownish yellow color; noun a deep yellow color; a hard yellowish to brownish translucent fossil resin; used for jewelry
  • ambergris - noun waxy substance secreted by the sperm whale and found floating at sea or washed ashore; used in perfume
  • ambulatory - adj. relating to or adapted for walking; able to walk about; noun a covered walkway (as in a cloister)
  • amiodarone - noun an antiarrhythmic drug (trade name Cordarone) that has potentially fatal side effects and is used to control serious heart rhythm problems only when safer agents have been ineffective
  • amplification - noun (electronics) the act of increasing voltage or power or current; addition of extra material or illustration or clarifying detail; the amount of increase in signal power or voltage or current expressed as the ratio of output to input
  • amygdalin - noun a bitter cyanogenic glucoside extracted from the seeds of apricots and plums and bitter almonds
  • anaesthesia - noun loss of bodily sensation with or without loss of consciousness
  • anasarca - noun generalized edema with accumulation of serum in subcutaneous connective tissue
  • anatomy - noun a detailed analysis; the branch of morphology that deals with the structure of animals; alternative names for the body of a human being
  • animal disease - noun a disease that typically does not affect human beings
  • animal - adj. of the nature of or characteristic of or derived from an animal or animals; marked by the appetites and passions of the body; noun a living organism characterized by voluntary movement
  • annulus - noun (Fungi) remnant of the partial veil that in mature mushrooms surrounds the lower part of the stem; a toroidal shape
  • anodyne - adj. capable of relieving pain; noun a medicine used to relieve pain
  • anorchia - noun absence of one of both testes
  • another - adj. any of various alternatives; some other
  • anthrax - noun a disease of humans that is not communicable; caused by infection with Bacillus anthracis followed by septicemia; a highly infectious animal disease (especially cattle and sheep); it can be transmitted to people
  • antibiotic - adj. of or relating to antibiotic drugs; noun a chemical substance derivable from a mold or bacterium that kills microorganisms and cures infections
  • anticholinergic - adj. inhibiting or blocking the action of acetylcholine at a receptor site; noun a substance that opposes or blocks the action of acetylcholine
  • antidromic - adj. conducting nerve impulses in a direction opposite to normal
  • antifungal - adj. capable of destroying fungi; noun any agent that destroys or prevents the growth of fungi
  • anxiety disorder - noun a cover term for a variety of mental disorders in which severe anxiety is a salient symptom
  • anxiety - noun a vague unpleasant emotion that is experienced in anticipation of some (usually ill-defined) misfortune; a relatively permanent state of anxiety occurring in a variety of mental disorders
  • apgar score - noun an assessment of the physical condition of a newborn infant; involves heart rate and muscle tone and respiratory effort and color and reflex responsiveness
  • aplasia - noun failure of some tissue or organ to develop
  • apnea - noun transient cessation of respiration
  • apomorphine - noun a morphine derivative that is not as strong as morphine; used as an emetic and in small doses as a sedative
  • apoptosis - noun a type of cell death in which the cell uses specialized cellular machinery to kill itself; a cell suicide mechanism that enables metazoans to control cell number and eliminate cells that threaten the animal's survival
  • apothecary - noun a health professional trained in the art of preparing and dispensing drugs
  • appendage - noun a part that is joined to something larger; a natural prolongation or projection from a part of an organism either animal or plant; an external body part that projects from the body
  • armour - noun tough more-or-less rigid protective covering of an animal or plant; protective covering made of metal and used in combat; a military unit consisting of armored fighting vehicles; verb equip with armor
  • arrested development - noun an abnormal state in which development has stopped prematurely
  • arthritis - noun inflammation of a joint or joints
  • arthrocentesis - noun removal of fluid from a joint by centesis
  • arthropathy - noun a pathology or abnormality of a joint
  • arthroscopy - noun a minimally invasive operation to repair a damaged joint; the surgeon examines the joint with an arthroscope while making repairs through a small incision
  • artificial heart - noun a pump that replaces the natural heart
  • ash wednesday - noun the 7th Wednesday before Easter; the first day of Lent; the day following Mardi Gras (`fat Tuesday'); a day of fasting and repentance
  • aspirator - noun a pump that draws air or another gas through a liquid
  • aspirin - noun the acetylated derivative of salicylic acid; used as an analgesic anti-inflammatory drug (trade names Bayer and Empirin) usually taken in tablet form; used as an antipyretic; slows clotting of the blood by poisoning platelets
  • astringent - adj. tending to draw together or constrict soft organic tissue; sour or bitter in taste; noun a drug that causes contraction of body tissues and canals
  • asylum - noun a hospital for mentally incompetent or unbalanced person; a shelter from danger or hardship
  • asymptomatic - adj. having no symptoms of illness or disease
  • asynergy - noun absence of coordination of organs or body parts that usually work together harmoniously
  • asystole - noun absence of systole; failure of the ventricles of the heart to contract (usually caused by ventricular fibrillation) with consequent absence of the heart beat leading to oxygen lack and eventually to death
  • atony - noun lack of normal muscular tension or tonus
  • atresia - noun an abnormal condition in which a normal opening or tube in the body (as the urethra) is closed or absent
  • atropine - noun a poisonous crystalline alkaloid extracted from the nightshade family; used as an antispasmodic and to dilate the eye pupil; also administered in large amounts as an antidote for organophosphate nerve agents or organophosphate insecticides
  • auditory agnosia - noun inability to recognize or understand the meaning of spoken words
  • augusta - noun a city in eastern Georgia north-northwest of Savannah; noted for golf tournaments; the capital of the state of Maine
  • auscultation - noun listening to sounds within the body (usually with a stethoscope)
  • author - noun someone who originates or causes or initiates something; writes (books or stories or articles or the like) professionally (for pay); verb be the author of
  • autoclave - noun a device for heating substances above their boiling point; used to manufacture chemicals or to sterilize surgical instruments; verb subject to the action of an autoclave
  • autoimmune disease - noun any of a large group of diseases characterized by abnormal functioning of the immune system that causes your immune system to produce antibodies against your own tissues
  • autoinjector - noun a hypodermic syringe to use in injecting yourself with a liquid
  • autolysis - noun lysis of plant or animal tissue by an internal process
  • automatism - noun any reaction that occurs automatically without conscious thought or reflection (especially the undirected behavior seen in psychomotor epilepsy)
  • autopsy - noun an examination and dissection of a dead body to determine cause of death or the changes produced by disease; verb perform an autopsy on a dead body; do a post-mortem
  • autotomy - noun spontaneous removal or casting off of a body part (as the tail of a lizard or claw or a lobster) especially when the organism is injured or under attack
  • averroes - noun Arabian philosopher born in Spain; wrote detailed commentaries on Aristotle that were admired by the Schoolmen (1126-1198)
  • avicenna - noun Arabian physician and influential Islamic philosopher; his interpretation of Aristotle influenced St. Thomas Aquinas; writings on medicine were important for almost 500 years (980-1037)
  • axolotl - noun larval salamander of mountain lakes of Mexico that usually lives without metamorphosing
  • ayurveda - noun (Sanskrit) an ancient medical treatise summarizing the Hindu art of healing and prolonging life; sometimes regarded as a 5th Veda
  • azathioprine - noun an immunosuppressive drug (trade name Imuran) used to prevent rejection of a transplanted organ
  • azygos - adj. occurring singly; not one of a pair
  • bachelor of medicine - noun (a British degree) a bachelor's degree in medicine
  • backscratcher - noun a long-handled scratcher for scratching your back; someone who is willing to trade favors or services for mutual advantage
  • baker - noun someone who bakes bread or cake; someone who bakes commercially
  • balanitis - noun inflammation of the head of the penis
  • balm of gilead - noun small evergreen tree of Africa and Asia; leaves have a strong aromatic odor when bruised; a fragrant oleoresin; medium-sized fir of northeastern North America; leaves smell of balsam when crushed; much used for pulpwood and Christmas trees
  • banding - noun an adornment consisting of a strip of a contrasting color or material; a stripe or stripes of contrasting color
  • bart - noun a member of the British order of honor; ranks below a baron but above a knight
  • bed rest - noun confinement to bed continuously (as in the case of some sick or injured persons)
  • bedpan - noun a shallow vessel used by a bedridden patient for defecation and urination
  • belgium - noun a monarchy in northwestern Europe; headquarters for the European Union and for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  • beneficence - noun the quality of being kind or helpful or generous; doing good; feeling beneficent
  • benign tumor - noun a tumor that is not cancerous
  • benignity - noun the quality of being kind and gentle; a kind act
  • benjamin rush - noun physician and American Revolutionary leader; signer of the Declaration of Independence (1745-1813)
  • berk - noun a stupid person who is easy to take advantage of
  • biology - noun the science that studies living organisms; characteristic life processes and phenomena of living organisms; all the plant and animal life of a particular region
  • biomedicine - noun the branch of medical science that studies the ability of organisms to withstand environmental stress (as in space travel); the branch of medical science that applies biological and physiological principles to clinical practice
  • bionics - noun application of biological principals to the study and design of engineering systems (especially electronic systems)
  • bipedalism - noun the bodily attribute of being bipedal; having two feet
  • birth control - noun limiting the number of children born
  • black death - noun the epidemic form of bubonic plague experienced during the Middle Ages when it killed nearly half the people of western Europe
  • bladder stone - noun a calculus formed in the bladder
  • blain - noun an inflammatory swelling or sore
  • blanch - verb cook (vegetables) briefly; turn pale, as if in fear
  • bleb - noun (pathology) an elevation of the skin filled with serous fluid
  • blood pressure - noun the pressure of the circulating blood against the walls of the blood vessels; results from the systole of the left ventricle of the heart; sometimes measured for a quick evaluation of a person's health
  • bloodletting - noun formerly used as a treatment to reduce excess blood (one of the four humors of medieval medicine); indiscriminate slaughter
  • body fluid - noun the liquid parts of the body
  • bogart - noun United States film actor (1899-1957)
  • brain death - noun death when respiration and other reflexes are absent; consciousness is gone; organs can be removed for transplantation before the heartbeat stops
  • breast implant - noun an implant for cosmetic purposes to replace a breast that has been surgically removed
  • bright's disease - noun an inflammation of the kidney
  • brill - noun European food fish
  • browne - noun United States writer of humorous tales of an itinerant showman (1834-1867); English illustrator of several of Dickens' novels (1815-1882)
  • bruise - noun an injury that doesn't break the skin but results in some discoloration; verb damage (plant tissue) by abrasion of pressure; break up into small pieces for food preparation; injure the underlying soft tissue of bone of; hurt the feelings of
  • bruit - verb tell or spread rumors
  • bubonic plague - noun the most common form of the plague in humans; characterized by chills, prostration, delirium and the formation of buboes in the armpits and groin; does not spread from person to person
  • burgh - noun a borough in Scotland
  • butler - noun a manservant (usually the head servant of a household) who has charge of wines and the table; English poet (1612-1680); English novelist who described a fictitious land he called Erewhon (1835-1902)
  • cadaver - noun the dead body of a human being
  • caduceus - noun an insignia used by the medical profession; modeled after the staff of Hermes
  • cambodia - noun a nation in southeastern Asia; was part of Indochina under French rule until 1946
  • cambridge - noun a city in eastern England on the River Cam; site of Cambridge University; a city in Massachusetts just north of Boston; site of Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; a university in England
  • camelpox - noun a viral disease of camels closely related to smallpox
  • cancer cell - noun a cell that is part of a malignant tumor
  • canine distemper - noun a viral disease of young dogs characterized by high fever and respiratory inflammation
  • cannula - noun a small flexible tube inserted into a body cavity for draining off fluid or introducing medication
  • capitation - noun a tax levied on the basis of a fixed amount per person
  • carapace - noun hard outer covering or case of certain organisms such as arthropods and turtles
  • carl jung - noun Swiss psychologist (1875-1961)
  • carminative - adj. relieving gas in the alimentary tract (colic or flatulence or griping); noun medication that prevents the formation of gas in the alimentary tract or eases its passing
  • caspase - noun any of a group of proteases that mediate apoptosis
  • castor oil - noun a purgative extracted from the seed of the castor plant; used in paint and varnish as well as medically
  • catabiosis - noun normal aging of cells
  • catastrophic illness - noun severe illness requiring prolonged hospitalization or recovery; usually involves high costs for hospitals and doctors and medicines
  • catherine - noun empress of Russia who greatly increased the territory of the empire (1729-1796); first wife of Henry VIII; Henry's divorce from her was the initial step of the Reformation in England (1485-1536)
  • catholicon - noun hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; once sought by the alchemists
  • cattle - noun domesticated bovine animals as a group regardless of sex or age
  • cause of death - noun the causal agent resulting in death
  • cauterization - noun the act of coagulating blood and destroying tissue with a hot iron or caustic agent or by freezing
  • caveman - noun someone who lives in a cave
  • cavernous sinus - noun either of a pair of large venous sinuses in the cranial cavity
  • cell death - noun (physiology) the normal degeneration and death of living cells (as in various epithelial cells)
  • centrifuge - noun an apparatus that uses centrifugal force to separate particles from a suspension; verb rotate at very high speed in order to separate the liquids from the solids
  • cephalic - adj. of or relating to the head
  • cephalosporin - noun one of several broad spectrum antibiotic substances obtained from fungi and related to penicillin (trade names Mefoxin); addition of side chains has produced semisynthetic antibiotics with greater antibacterial activity
  • cerate - noun a hard medicated paste made of lard or oil mixed with wax or resin
  • cerebrospinal fluid - noun clear liquid produced in the ventricles of the brain; fills and protects cavities in the brain and spinal cord
  • chaperone - noun one who accompanies and supervises a young woman or gatherings of young people; verb accompany as a chaperone
  • chemistry - noun the science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions; the way two individuals relate to each other
  • chemotherapy - noun the use of chemical agents to treat or control disease (or mental illness)
  • chicken soup - noun soup made from chicken broth
  • chignon - noun a roll of hair worn at the nape of the neck
  • child - noun a young person of either sex; a human offspring (son or daughter) of any age; an immature childish person; a member of a clan or tribe
  • chimera - noun a grotesque product of the imagination; (Greek mythology) fire-breathing female monster with a lion's head and a goat's body and a serpent's tail; daughter of Typhon
  • chiropractic - noun a method of treatment that manipulates body structures (especially the spine) to relieve low back pain or even headache or high blood pressure
  • chloral hydrate - noun a colorless crystalline drug used as a sedative; irritates the stomach and can be addictive
  • chondroma - noun a common benign tumor of cartilage cells
  • chorditis - noun inflammation of the vocal cords; inflammation of the spermatic cord
  • chyloderma - noun swelling of the scrotum resulting from chronic lymphatic obstruction
  • cincinnati - noun a city in southern Ohio on the Ohio river
  • claustrophobia - noun a morbid fear of being closed in a confined space
  • clerkship - noun the job of clerk
  • clinic - noun a healthcare facility for outpatient care; meeting for diagnosis of problems and instruction or remedial work in a particular activity; a medical establishment run by a group of medical specialists
  • clinical trial - noun a rigorously controlled test of a new drug or a new invasive medical device on human subjects; in the United States it is conducted under the direction of the FDA before being made available for general clinical use
  • clinical - adj. scientifically detached; unemotional; relating to a clinic or conducted in or as if in a clinic and depending on direct observation of patients
  • clinician - noun a practitioner (of medicine or psychology) who does clinical work instead of laboratory experiments
  • clipping - noun an excerpt cut from a newspaper or magazine; the act of clipping or snipping; cutting down to the desired size or shape
  • cloaca - noun a waste pipe that carries away sewage or surface water
  • clofibrate - noun a drug (trade name Atromid-S) that reduces lipids in the blood serum; used to treat some cardiovascular diseases
  • clothing - noun a covering designed to be worn on a person's body
  • clotting time - noun the time it takes for a sample of blood to clot; used to diagnose some clotting disorders
  • coccidia - noun an order in the subclass Telosporidia
  • cochlea - noun the snail-shaped tube (in the inner ear coiled around the modiolus) where sound vibrations are converted into nerve impulses by the organ of Corti
  • codeine - noun derivative of opium; used as an antitussive (to relieve coughing) and an analgesic (to relive pain)
  • coding - noun act of writing in code or cipher
  • coelom - noun a cavity in the mesoderm of an embryo that gives rise in humans to the pleural cavity and pericardial cavity and peritoneal cavity
  • coffee break - noun a snack taken during a break in the work day
  • collyrium - noun lotion consisting of a solution used as a cleanser for the eyes
  • colonialism - noun exploitation by a stronger country of weaker one; the use of the weaker country's resources to strengthen and enrich the stronger country
  • color vision - noun the normal ability to see colors
  • comedo - noun a black-tipped plug clogging a pore of the skin
  • commissure - noun a bundle of nerve fibers passing from one side to the other of the brain or spinal cord
  • condom - noun contraceptive device consisting of a sheath of thin rubber or latex that is worn over the penis during intercourse
  • conformation - noun a symmetrical arrangement of the parts of a thing; acting according to certain accepted standards; any spatial attributes (especially as defined by outline)
  • conjoint - adj. consisting of two or more associated entities
  • consent - noun permission to do something; verb give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to
  • contagion - noun the communication of an attitude or emotional state among a number of people; an incident in which an infectious disease is transmitted; any disease easily transmitted by contact
  • continuum - noun a continuous nonspatial whole or extent or succession in which no part or portion is distinct of distinguishable from adjacent parts
  • contraindication - noun (medicine) a reason that makes it inadvisable to prescribe a particular drug or employ a particular procedure or treatment
  • convalescence - noun gradual healing (through rest) after sickness or injury
  • convention - noun the act of convening; something regarded as a normative example; (diplomacy) an international agreement; a large formal assembly; orthodoxy as a consequence of being conventional
  • conversion disorder - noun a mental disorder characterized by the conversion of mental conflict into somatic forms (into paralysis or anesthesia having no apparent cause)
  • conversion factor - noun factor by which a quantity that is expressed in one set of units must be multiplied in order to convert it into another set of units
  • convulsion - noun a physical disturbance such as an earthquake or upheaval; a violent disturbance; violent uncontrollable contractions of muscles; a sudden uncontrollable attack
  • copenhagen - noun the capital and largest city of Denmark; located on the island of Zealand
  • cordial - adj. sincerely or intensely felt; showing warm and heartfelt friendliness; diffusing warmth and friendliness; noun strong highly flavored sweet liquor usually drunk after a meal
  • corixa - noun type genus of the Corixidae: boat bugs
  • corneous - adj. made of horn (or of a substance resembling horn)
  • corpus luteum - noun yellow endocrine tissue that forms in a ruptured Graafian follicle following the release of an ovum
  • cortex - noun the tissue forming the outer layer of an organ or structure in plant or animal; the layer of unmyelinated neurons (the grey matter) forming the cortex of the cerebrum
  • cortisone - noun a corticosteroid hormone (trade name Cortone Acetate) normally produced by the adrenal cortex; is converted to hydrocortisone
  • cotton wool - noun soft silky fibers from cotton plants in their raw state
  • counterstain - noun a stain of contrasting color that is used when the principal stain does not show the structure clearly
  • cowpox - noun a viral disease of cattle causing a mild skin disease affecting the udder; formerly used to inoculate humans against smallpox
  • cracked - adj. informal or slang terms for mentally irregular; of paint or varnish; having the appearance of alligator hide; used of skin roughened as a result of cold or exposure
  • cranial cavity - noun the cavity enclosed by the cranium
  • craving - noun an intense desire for some particular thing
  • crosby - noun United States singer and film actor (1904-1977)
  • crust - noun the trait of being rude and impertinent; inclined to take liberties; the outer layer of the Earth; a hard outer layer that covers something; verb form a crust or form into a crust
  • crutch - noun anything that serves as an expedient; a wooden or metal staff that fits under the armpit and reaches to the ground; used by disabled person while walking
  • cryonics - noun the freezing of a seriously ill or recently deceased person to stop tissues from decomposing; the body is preserved until new medical cures are developed that might bring the person back to life
  • crypt - noun a cellar or vault or underground burial chamber (especially beneath a church)
  • culdoscopy - noun endoscopic examination of a woman's pelvic organs by the insertion of a culdoscope through the vagina
  • cupid's bow - noun a curved bow with reversed curve ends; the double curve of the upper lip when considered to resemble Cupid's bow
  • curandero - noun a Mexican man who practices healing techniques inherited from the Mayans
  • curette - noun a surgical instrument shaped like a scoop to remove tissue from a bodily cavity
  • cuticle - noun the dead skin at the base of a fingernail or toenail; hard outer covering or case of certain organisms such as arthropods and turtles; the outer layer of the skin covering the exterior body surface of vertebrates
  • cutis - noun a natural protective body covering and site of the sense of touch
  • cytochrome c - noun the most abundant and stable cytochrome; involved in energy transfer
  • cytology - noun the branch of biology that studies the structure and function of cells
  • cytopenia - noun a deficiency of some cellular element of the blood
  • debility - noun the state of being weak in health or body (especially from old age)
  • debridement - noun surgical removal of foreign material and dead tissue from a wound in order to prevent infection and promote healing
  • decubitus - noun a reclining position (as in a bed)
  • decussation - noun an intersection or crossing of two tracts in the form of the letter X
  • defibrillation - noun treatment by stopping fibrillation of heart muscles (usually by electric shock delivered by a defibrillator)
  • defibrillator - noun an electronic device that administers an electric shock of preset voltage to the heart through the chest wall in an attempt to restore the normal rhythm of the heart during ventricular fibrillation
  • deficiency - noun lack of an adequate quantity or number; the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable
  • degeneration - noun passing from a more complex to a simpler biological form; the process of declining from a higher to a lower level of effective power or vitality or essential quality; the state of being degenerate in mental or moral qualities
  • delirium tremens - noun acute delirium caused by alcohol poisoning
  • dementia praecox - noun any of several psychotic disorders characterized by distortions of reality and disturbances of thought and language and withdrawal from social contact
  • dental caries - noun soft decayed area in a tooth; progressive decay can lead to the death of a tooth
  • dental - adj. of or relating to the teeth; of or relating to dentistry; noun a consonant articulated with the tip of the tongue near the gum ridge
  • dentist - noun a person qualified to practice dentistry
  • dentition - noun the kind and number and arrangement of teeth (collectively) in a person or animal; the eruption through the gums of baby teeth
  • depigmentation - noun absence or loss of pigmentation (or less than normal pigmentation) in the skin or hair
  • depressive disorder - noun a state of depression and anhedonia so severe as to require clinical intervention
  • dermabrasion - noun removal of scars or tattoos by anesthetizing the skin surface and then sanding or scraping off some of the outer skin layer
  • dermatology - noun the branch of medicine dealing with the skin and its diseases
  • dermatomycosis - noun fungal infection of the skin (especially of moist parts covered by clothing)
  • dermatosis - noun disorder involving lesions or eruptions of the skin (in which there is usually no inflammation)
  • desquamation - noun loss of bits of outer skin by peeling or shedding or coming off in scales
  • dexamethasone - noun a corticosteroid drug (trade names Decadron or Dexamethasone Intensol or Dexone or Hexadrol or Oradexon) used to treat allergies or inflammation
  • diabetes - noun any of several metabolic disorders marked by excessive urination and persistent thirst
  • diagnosis - noun identifying the nature or cause of some phenomenon
  • dialysis - noun separation of substances in solution by means of their unequal diffusion through semipermeable membranes
  • diana - noun (Roman mythology) virgin goddess of the hunt and the moon; counterpart of Greek Artemis; English aristocrat who was the first wife of Prince Charles; her death in an automobile accident in Paris produced intense national mourning (1961-1997)
  • diaphragmatic hernia - noun hernia resulting from the protrusion of part of the stomach through the diaphragm
  • diastasis - noun separation of an epiphysis from the long bone to which it is normally attached without fracture of the bone
  • diathermy - noun a method of physical therapy that involves generating local heat in body tissues by high-frequency electromagnetic currents
  • diathesis - noun constitutional predisposition to a particular disease or abnormality
  • diazepam - noun a tranquilizer (trade name Valium) used to relieve anxiety and relax muscles; acts by enhancing the inhibitory actions of the neurotransmitter GABA; can also be used as an anticonvulsant drug in cases of nerve agent poisoning
  • dielectric heating - noun heating of an insulator by a high-frequency electric field
  • diethylstilbestrol - noun a potent estrogen used in medicine and in feed for livestock and poultry
  • dilator - noun a surgical instrument that is used to dilate or distend an opening or an organ; a drug that causes dilation; a muscle or nerve that dilates or widens a body part
  • diltiazem - noun a calcium blocker (trade name Cardizem) used in treating hypertension or angina or heart failure
  • dipsomania - noun an intense persistent desire to drink alcoholic beverages to excess
  • disability insurance - noun social insurance for the disabled
  • disease - noun an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning
  • dislocation - noun the act of disrupting an established order so it fails to continue; an event that results in a displacement or discontinuity; a displacement of a part (especially a bone) from its normal position (as in the shoulder or the vertebral column)
  • dissection - noun cutting so as to separate into pieces; detailed critical analysis or examination one part at a time (as of a literary work); a minute and critical analysis
  • distress - noun the seizure and holding of property as security for payment of a debt or satisfaction of a claim; psychological suffering; extreme physical pain; a state of adversity (danger or affliction or need); verb cause mental pain to
  • divaricate - verb spread apart; branch off
  • diverticulum - noun a herniation through the muscular wall of a tubular organ (especially the colon)
  • docking - noun the act of securing an arriving vessel with ropes
  • doctor of medicine - noun a doctor's degree in medicine
  • doctor of optometry - noun a doctor's degree in optometry
  • dorothea dix - noun United States social reformer who pioneered in the reform of prisons and in the treatment of the mentally ill; superintended women army nurses during the American Civil War (1802-1887)
  • dosimetry - noun measuring the dose of radiation emitted by a radioactive source
  • dover's powder - noun a medicinal powder made essentially of ipecac and opium; formerly used to relieve pain and induce perspiration
  • dragon's blood - noun a dark red resinous substance derived from various trees and used in photoengraving
  • drug - noun a substance that is used as a medicine or narcotic; verb administer a drug to; use recreational drugs
  • dryness - noun the condition of not containing or being covered by a liquid (especially water); objectivity and detachment; moderation in or abstinence from alcohol or other drugs
  • dublin - noun capital and largest city and major port of the Irish Free State
  • duke - noun a British peer of the highest rank; a nobleman (in various countries) of high rank
  • dyscrasia - noun an abnormal or physiologically unbalanced state of the body
  • dystrophy - noun any degenerative disorder resulting from inadequate or faulty nutrition; any of several hereditary diseases of the muscular system characterized by weakness and wasting of skeletal muscles
  • echoencephalography - noun a noninvasive diagnostic procedure that uses ultrasound to study the anatomy of the brain
  • effacement - noun withdrawing into the background; making yourself inconspicuous; shortening of the uterine cervix and thinning of its walls as it is dilated during labor
  • efficacy - noun capacity or power to produce a desired effect
  • effleurage - noun a rhythmic stroking
  • elastin - noun a fibrous scleroprotein found in elastic tissues such as the walls of arteries
  • elective - adj. subject to popular election; not compulsory; noun a course that the student can select from among alternatives
  • electrocardiography - noun diagnostic procedure consisting of recording the activity of the heart electronically with a cardiograph (and producing a cardiogram)
  • electronic device - noun a device that accomplishes its purpose electronically
  • electrosurgery - noun surgery performed with electrical devices (as in electrocautery)
  • electrotherapy - noun the therapeutic application of electricity to the body (as in the treatment of various forms of paralysis)
  • elixir of life - noun a hypothetical substance believed to maintain life indefinitely; once sought by alchemists
  • ellison - noun United States novelist who wrote about a young Black man and his struggles in American society (1914-1994)
  • embryology - noun the branch of biology that studies the formation and early development of living organisms
  • emergency medicine - noun the branch of medicine concerned with the prompt diagnosis and treatment of injuries or trauma or sudden illness
  • emmenagogue - noun any agent that promotes menstrual discharge
  • empyema - noun a collection of pus in a body cavity (especially in the lung cavity)
  • enalapril - noun an ACE inhibitor (trade name Vasotec) that blocks the formation of angiotensin in the kidney and so results in vasodilation; administered after heart attacks
  • endometritis - noun inflammation of the lining of the uterus (of the endometrium)
  • endoscope - noun a long slender medical instrument for examining the interior of a bodily organ or performing minor surgery
  • endoskeleton - noun the internal skeleton; bony and cartilaginous structure (especially of vertebrates)
  • enema - noun injection of a liquid through the anus to stimulate evacuation; sometimes used for diagnostic purposes
  • engineering - noun a room (as on a ship) in which the engine is located; the discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems; the practical application of science to commerce or industry
  • enteropathy - noun a disease of the intestinal tract
  • enterotoxemia - noun a disease of cattle and sheep that is attributed to toxins absorbed from the intestines
  • enucleation - noun surgical removal of something without cutting into it
  • environment - noun the area in which something exists or lives; the totality of surrounding conditions
  • enzootic - adj. of a disease that is constantly present in an animal community but only occurs in a small number of cases
  • eosinopenia - noun a decrease in the number of eosinophils in the blood
  • eosinophilic - adj. of or relating to eosinophil
  • epicranium - noun the muscle and aponeurosis and skin covering the cranium
  • epidemiology - noun the branch of medical science dealing with the transmission and control of disease
  • epidermis - noun the outer layer of the skin covering the exterior body surface of vertebrates
  • epigastrium - noun the region lying on or over the stomach (just below the sternum)
  • epiphenomenon - noun a secondary phenomenon that is a by-product of another phenomenon
  • episiotomy - noun surgical incision of the perineum to enlarge the vagina and so facilitate delivery during childbirth
  • epithelial - adj. of or belonging to the epithelium
  • epizootic - adj. (of animals) epidemic among animals of a single kind within a particular region
  • erectile tissue - noun vascular tissue capable of filling with blood and becoming rigid
  • erythema nodosum - noun skin condition characterized by tender red nodules on the shins and legs
  • erythema - noun abnormal redness of the skin resulting from dilation of blood vessels (as in sunburn or inflammation)
  • erythroderma - noun any skin disorder involving abnormal redness
  • eschar - noun a dry scab formed on the skin following a burn or cauterization of the skin
  • ethics committee - noun a committee appointed to consider ethical issues
  • ethics - noun the philosophical study of moral values and rules; motivation based on ideas of right and wrong
  • etiology - noun the philosophical study of causation; the cause of a disease
  • evanescent - adj. tending to vanish like vapor
  • evangelist - noun a preacher of the Christian gospel; (when capitalized) any of the spiritual leaders who are assumed to be authors of the Gospels in the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
  • evocative - adj. serving to bring to mind
  • evoked potential - noun the electrical response of the central nervous system produced by an external stimulus
  • exacerbation - noun violent and bitter exasperation; action that makes a problem or a disease (or its symptoms) worse
  • exanthem - noun eruption on the skin occurring as a symptom of a disease
  • excavation - noun the act of digging; a hole in the ground made by excavating; the act of extracting ores or coal etc from the earth; the site of an archeological exploration
  • exoskeleton - noun the exterior protective or supporting structure or shell of many animals (especially invertebrates) including bony or horny parts such as nails or scales or hoofs
  • eye disease - noun any disease of the eye
  • eyepatch - noun a protective cloth covering for an injured eye
  • eyespot - noun an eyelike marking (as on the wings of some butterflies); usually a spot of color inside a ring of another color
  • faceless - adj. without a face or identity
  • faith healing - noun care provided through prayer and faith in God
  • family history - noun part of a patient's medical history in which questions are asked in an attempt to find out whether the patient has hereditary tendencies toward particular diseases
  • fang - noun hollow or grooved tooth of a venomous snake; used to inject its poison; canine tooth of a carnivorous animal; used to seize and tear its prey; a Bantu language spoken in Cameroon
  • fasciola hepatica - noun flatworm parasitic in liver and bile ducts of domestic animals and humans
  • fasciolosis - noun infestation with the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica; liver damage sometimes occurs; related to liver rot
  • fauces - noun the passage between the back of the mouth and the pharynx
  • fee splitting - noun payment (usually by doctors or lawyers) of part of the fee in return for the referral
  • fenestra - noun a small opening covered with membrane (especially one in the bone between the middle and inner ear)
  • fetor - noun a distinctive odor that is offensively unpleasant
  • fetoscopy - noun prenatal diagnosis that allows direct observation of a fetus in the uterus and the withdrawal of fetal blood
  • fiberscope - noun a flexible medical instrument involving fiber optics that is used to examine internal organs
  • fibrosis - noun development of excess fibrous connective tissue in an organ
  • filariasis - noun a disease caused by nematodes in the blood or tissues of the body causing blockage of lymphatic vessels
  • final exam - noun an examination administered at the end of an academic term
  • fistula - noun an abnormal passage leading from a suppurating cavity to the body surface; a chronic inflammation of the withers of a horse
  • flesh - noun the soft tissue of the body of a vertebrate: mainly muscle tissue and fat; alternative names for the body of a human being; a soft moist part of a fruit; verb remove adhering flesh from (hides) when preparing leather manufacture
  • flim-flam - verb deceive somebody
  • flipper - noun the flat broad limb of aquatic animals specialized for swimming; a shoe for swimming; the paddle-like front is an aid in swimming (especially underwater)
  • folding - adj. capable of being folded up and stored; noun the act of folding; a geological process that causes a bend in a stratum of rock; the process whereby a protein molecule assumes its intricate three-dimensional shape
  • fomite - noun any inanimate object (as a towel or money or clothing or dishes or books or toys etc.) that can transmit infectious agents from one person to another
  • food - noun any substance that can be metabolized by an organism to give energy and build tissue; anything that provides mental stimulus for thinking; any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment
  • foramen - noun a natural opening or perforation through a bone or a membranous structure
  • friedman - noun United States economist noted as a proponent of monetarism and for his opposition to government intervention in the economy (born 1912)
  • fryer - noun flesh of a medium-sized young chicken suitable for frying
  • fulminant - adj. sudden and severe
  • functional disorder - noun disorder showing symptoms for which no physiological or anatomical cause can be identified
  • funiculus - noun any of several body structure resembling a cord; the stalk of a plant ovule or seed
  • furosemide - noun commonly used diuretic (trade name Lasix) used to treat hypertension and edema
  • gallbladder - noun a muscular sac attached to the liver that secretes bile and stores it until needed for digestion
  • gangrene - noun necrotic tissue; a mortified or gangrenous part or mass; the localized death of living cells (as from infection or the interruption of blood supply); verb undergo necrosis
  • gastroenterology - noun the branch of medicine that studies the gastrointestinal tract and its diseases
  • gastrostomy - noun surgical creation of an opening through the abdominal wall into the stomach (as for gastrogavage)
  • genetic engineering - noun the technology of preparing recombinant DNA in vitro by cutting up DNA molecules and splicing together fragments from more than one organism
  • genetics - noun the branch of biology that studies heredity and variation in organisms
  • gentamicin - noun an antibiotic (trade name Garamycin) that is derived from an actinomycete; used in treating infections of the urinary tract
  • gerontology - noun the branch of medical science that deals with diseases and problems specific to old people
  • giardiasis - noun infection of the intestines with protozoa found in contaminated food and water; characterized by diarrhea and nausea and flatulence and abdominal discomfort
  • gizzard - noun thick-walled muscular pouch below the crop in many birds and reptiles for grinding food
  • glasgow - noun largest city in Scotland; a port on the Clyde in west central Scotland; one of the great shipbuilding centers of the world
  • glossoptosis - noun abnormal downward or back placement of the tongue
  • glucocorticoid - noun a steroid hormone that is produced by the adrenal cortex of animals; affects functioning of gonads and has anti-inflammatory activity
  • glutethimide - noun sedative (trade name Doriden) used to treat some sleep disorders
  • goggles - noun tight-fitting spectacles worn to protect the eyes
  • gold standard - noun a paragon of excellence; a monetary standard under which the basic unit of currency is defined by a stated quantity of gold
  • gracility - noun elegance and beauty of movement or expression
  • grafting - noun the act of grafting something onto something else
  • grapefruit - noun large yellow fruit with somewhat acid juicy pulp; usual serving consists of a half; citrus tree bearing large round edible fruit having a thick yellow rind and juicy somewhat acid pulp
  • greenstick fracture - noun a partial fracture of a bone (usually in children); the bone is bent but broken on only one side
  • gumma - noun a small rubbery granuloma that is characteristic of an advanced stage of syphilis
  • haloperidol - noun tranquilizer (trade name Haldol) used to treat some psychotic disorders and Tourette's syndrome
  • hangnail - noun a loose narrow strip of skin near the base of a fingernail; tearing it produces a painful sore that is easily infected
  • harley street - noun a street in central London where the consulting rooms of many physicians and surgeons are located
  • hawaii - noun a state in the United States in the central Pacific on the Hawaiian Islands; the largest and southernmost of the Hawaii islands; has several volcanic peaks
  • headache - noun pain in the head caused by dilation of cerebral arteries or muscle contractions or a reaction to drugs; something or someone that causes anxiety; a source of unhappiness
  • healing - adj. tending to cure or restore to health; noun the natural process by which the body repairs itself
  • health care - noun social insurance for the ill and injured; the preservation of mental and physical health by preventing or treating illness through services offered by the health profession
  • health insurance - noun insurance against loss due to ill health
  • health - noun the general condition of body and mind; a healthy state of wellbeing free from disease
  • healthcare - noun the preservation of mental and physical health by preventing or treating illness through services offered by the health profession
  • heart rate - noun the rate at which the heart beats; usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person's health
  • heating pad - noun heater consisting of electrical heating elements contained in a flexible pad
  • helix - noun type genus of the family Helicidae; a curve that lies on the surface of a cylinder or cone and cuts the element at a constant angle; a structure consisting of something wound in a continuous series of loops
  • helper - noun a person who helps people or institutions (especially with financial help); a person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose
  • hematocele - noun swelling caused by blood collecting in a body cavity (especially a swelling of the membrane covering the testis)
  • hematocrit - noun a measuring instrument to determine (usually by centrifugation) the relative amounts of corpuscles and plasma in the blood; the ratio of the volume occupied by packed red blood cells to the volume of the whole blood as measured by a hematocrit
  • hematologist - noun a doctor who specializes in diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs
  • hemoglobinuria - noun presence of hemoglobin in the urine
  • hemostasis - noun surgical procedure of stopping the flow of blood (as with a hemostat)
  • hepatotoxin - noun any toxin that affects the liver
  • herbal medicine - noun the use of medicinal herbs to prevent or treat disease or promote health; a medicine made from plants and used to prevent or treat disease or promote health
  • herbalist - noun a therapist who heals by the use of herbs
  • heroin - noun a narcotic that is considered a hard drug; a highly addictive morphine derivative; intravenous injection provides the fastest and most intense rush
  • herpes - noun any of the animal viruses that cause painful blisters on the skin; viral diseases causing eruptions of the skin or mucous membrane
  • hippocrates - noun medical practitioner who is regarded as the father of medicine; author of the Hippocratic oath (circa 460-377 BC)
  • hippocratic oath - noun an oath taken by physicians to observe medical ethics deriving from Hippocrates
  • hirudo medicinalis - noun large European freshwater leech formerly used for bloodletting
  • histology - noun the branch of biology that studies the microscopic structure of animal or plant tissues
  • holstein - noun a breed of dairy cattle from northern Holland
  • hospital bed - noun a single bed with a frame in three sections so the head or middle or foot can be raised as required
  • hospital train - noun a military train built to transport wounded troops to a hospital
  • hospital - noun a health facility where patients receive treatment; a medical institution where sick or injured people are given medical or surgical care
  • hyaline - adj. resembling glass in transparency or translucency; noun a glassy translucent material that occurs in hyaline cartilage or in certain skin conditions
  • hyaluronic acid - noun a viscous mucopolysaccharide found in the connective tissue space and the synovial fluid of movable joints and the humors of the eye; a cementing and protective substance
  • hydrotherapy - noun the internal and external use of water in the treatment of disease
  • hydrothorax - noun accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity (the space between the lungs and the walls of the chest) often resulting from disease of the heart or kidneys
  • hypercalcaemia - noun the presence of abnormally high levels of calcium in the blood; usually the result of excessive bone resorption in hyperparathyroidism or Paget's disease
  • hypercalciuria - noun the presence of abnormally high levels of calcium in the urine; usually the result of excessive bone resorption in hyperparathyroidism or osteoporosis
  • hyperpigmentation - noun unusual darkening of the skin
  • hypnosis - noun a state that resembles sleep but that is induced by suggestion
  • hypnotherapy - noun the use of hypnosis in psychotherapy
  • hypocalcaemia - noun abnormally low level of calcium in the blood; associated with hypoparathyroidism or kidney malfunction or vitamin D deficiency
  • hypochondriasis - noun chronic and abnormal anxiety about imaginary symptoms and ailments
  • hypoglycemia - noun abnormally low blood sugar usually resulting from excessive insulin or a poor diet
  • hypogonadism - noun incompetence of the gonads (especially in the male with low testosterone); results in deficient development of secondary sex characteristics and (in prepubertal males) a body with long legs and a short trunk
  • hypolipoproteinemia - noun any of various disorders of lipoprotein and cholesterol metabolism that result in low levels of lipoprotein and cholesterol in the circulating blood
  • hypophysectomy - noun surgical removal of the pituitary gland
  • hypopigmentation - noun unusual lack of skin color
  • hypoplasia - noun underdevelopment of an organ because of a decrease in the number of cells
  • hypoproteinemia - noun abnormally low level of protein in the blood; can indicate inadequate diet or intestinal or renal disorders
  • hypospadias - noun an abnormal condition in males in which the urethra opens on the under surface of the penis
  • hypothalamic - adj. of or relating to the hypothalamus
  • hysteria - noun excessive or uncontrollable fear; neurotic disorder characterized by violent emotional outbreaks and disturbances of sensory and motor functions; state of violent mental agitation
  • hysterotomy - noun surgical incision into the uterus (as in cesarean section)
  • ice pack - noun a waterproof bag filled with ice: applied to the body (especially the head) to cool or reduce swelling; a large expanse of floating ice
  • ichthyosis - noun any of several congenital diseases in which the skin is fishlike (dry and scaly)
  • idiopathic disease - noun any disease arising from internal dysfunctions of unknown cause
  • idiosyncrasy - noun a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual
  • idiot - noun a person of subnormal intelligence
  • ileitis - noun inflammation of the ileum
  • illness - noun impairment of normal physiological function affecting part or all of an organism
  • imaging - noun (medicine) obtaining pictures of the interior of the body; the ability to form mental images of things or events
  • imbecile - adj. having a mental age of three to seven years; noun a person of subnormal intelligence
  • immortality - noun the quality or state of being immortal; perpetual life after death
  • immunity - noun the quality of being unaffected by something; (medicine) the condition in which an organism can resist disease; an act exempting someone; the state of not being susceptible
  • immunodeficiency - noun immunological disorder in which some part of the body's immune system is inadequate and resistance to infectious diseases is reduced
  • immunology - noun the branch of medical science that studies the body's immune system
  • immunopathology - noun the branch of immunology that deals with pathologies of the immune system
  • immunotherapy - noun therapy designed to produce immunity to a disease or to enhance resistance by the immune system
  • impedance - noun a material's opposition to the flow of electric current; measured in ohms
  • implant - noun a prosthesis placed permanently in tissue; verb become attached to and embedded in the uterus; fix or set securely or deeply; put firmly in the mind
  • in practice - adv. in practical applications
  • inclusion - noun the act of including; the relation of comprising something; the state of being included; any small intracellular body found within another (characteristic of certain diseases)
  • incorporated - adj. introduced into as a part of the whole; organized and maintained as a legal corporation; formed or united into a whole
  • incubator - noun apparatus consisting of a box designed to maintain a constant temperature by the use of a thermostat; used for chicks or premature infants
  • indeterminacy - noun the quality of being vague and poorly defined
  • indium - noun a rare soft silvery metallic element; occurs in small quantities in sphalerite
  • industry - noun the organized action of making of goods and services for sale; the people or companies engaged in a particular kind of commercial enterprise; persevering determination to perform a task
  • infiltration - noun a process in which individuals (or small groups) penetrate an area (especially the military penetration of enemy positions without detection); the slow passage of a liquid through a filtering medium
  • informant - noun a person who supplies information; someone who sees an event and reports what happened
  • informed consent - noun consent by a patient to undergo a medical or surgical treatment or to participate in an experiment after the patient understands the risks involved
  • inquiry - noun a systematic investigation of a matter of public interest; a search for knowledge; an instance of questioning
  • insufflation - noun an act of blowing or breathing on or into something; (medicine) blowing air or medicated powder into the lungs (or into some other body cavity)
  • insult - noun a deliberately offensive act or something producing the effect of deliberate disrespect; a rude expression intended to offend or hurt; verb treat, mention, or speak to rudely
  • integument - noun an outer protective covering such as the skin of an animal or a cuticle or seed coat or rind or shell
  • internship - noun the position of a medical intern
  • intersex - noun one having both male and female sexual characteristics and organs; at birth an unambiguous assignment of male or female cannot be made
  • intertrigo - noun chafing between two skin surfaces that are in contact (as in the armpit or under the breasts or between the thighs)
  • intravenous - adj. within or by means of a vein
  • introitus - noun entrance or opening to a hollow organ or tube (especially the vaginal opening)
  • intubation - noun the insertion of a cannula or tube into a hollow body organ
  • iontophoresis - noun therapy that uses a local electric current to introduce the ions of a medicine into the tissues
  • islamabad - noun the capital of Pakistan in the north on a plateau; the site was chosen in 1959
  • isomer - noun a compound that exists in forms having different arrangements of atoms but the same molecular weight
  • isoniazid - noun antibacterial drug (trade name Nydrazid) used to treat tuberculosis
  • jean martin charcot - noun French neurologist who tried to use hypnotism to cure hysteria (1825-1893)
  • jean - noun (usually plural) close-fitting pants of heavy denim for manual work or casual wear; a coarse durable twill-weave cotton fabric
  • jejunostomy - noun surgical creation of an opening between the jejunum and the anterior abdominal wall; will allow artificial feeding
  • jonas salk - noun United States virologist who developed the Salk vaccine that is injected against poliomyelitis (born 1914)
  • journalist - noun a writer for newspapers and magazines; someone who keeps a diary or journal
  • justice department - noun the United States federal department responsible for enforcing federal laws (including the enforcement of all civil rights legislation); created in 1870
  • kaliuresis - noun the presence of excess potassium in the urine
  • karen horney - noun United States psychiatrist (1885-1952)
  • karl jaspers - noun German psychiatrist (1883-1969)
  • karl menninger - noun United States psychiatrist and son of Charles Menninger (1893-1990)
  • karyolysis - noun disintegration and dissolution of a cell nucleus when a cell dies
  • keeper - noun someone in charge of other people; one having charge of buildings or grounds or animals
  • kennedy - noun a large airport on Long Island east of New York City; 35th President of the United States; established the Peace Corps; assassinated in Dallas (1917-1963)
  • kentucky - noun a state in east central United States; a border state during the American Civil War; famous for breeding race horses
  • keratoscope - noun medical instrument to examine the cornea in order to detect irregularities in its anterior surface
  • keratosis - noun a skin condition marked by an overgrowth of layers of horny skin
  • klinefelter syndrome - noun syndrome in males that is characterized by small testes and long legs and enlarged breasts and reduced sperm production and mental retardation; a genetic defect in which an extra X chromosome (XXY) is present in the male
  • kraurosis vulvae - noun kraurosis of the vulva; often a precancerous lesion
  • l-dopa - noun the levorotatory form of dopa (trade names Bendopa and Brocadopa and Larodopa); as a drug it is used to treat Parkinson's disease
  • lamella - noun thin plate; a thin membrane that is one of the calcified layers that form bones; any of the radiating leaflike spore-producing structures on the underside of the cap of a mushroom or similar fungus
  • laparoscopy - noun laparotomy performed with a laparoscope that makes a small incision to examine the abdominal cavity (especially the ovaries and Fallopian tubes)
  • large intestine - noun beginning with the cecum and ending with the rectum; includes the cecum and the colon and the rectum; extracts moisture from food residues which are later excreted as feces
  • laudanum - noun narcotic consisting of an alcohol solution of opium or any preparation in which opium is the main ingredient
  • lazaretto - noun hospital for persons with infectious diseases (especially leprosy); a small locker at the stern of a boat or between decks of a ship
  • leflunomide - noun an anti-TNF compound (trade name Arava) that is given orally; can slow the progression of rheumatoid arthritis by slowing the proliferation of white blood cells which reduces inflammation in the synovium
  • lethargy - noun a state of comatose torpor (as found in sleeping sickness); inactivity; showing an unusual lack of energy; weakness characterized by a lack of vitality or energy
  • lidocaine - noun a local anesthetic (trade names Lidocaine and Xylocaine) used topically on the skin and mucous membranes
  • lightwood - noun tall Australian acacia yielding highly valued black timber
  • limen - noun the smallest detectable sensation
  • liquid nitrogen - noun nitrogen in a liquid state
  • lithia water - noun mineral water containing lithium salts
  • livedo - noun skin disorder characterized by patchy bluish discolorations on the skin
  • lobotomy - noun surgical interruption of nerve tracts to and from the frontal lobe of the brain; often results in marked cognitive and personality changes
  • looker - noun a very attractive or seductive looking woman; a close observer; someone who looks at something (such as an exhibition of some kind)
  • lorazepam - noun tranquilizer (trade name Ativan) used to treat anxiety and tension and insomnia
  • lowry - noun English novelist (1909-1957); English painter (1887-1976)
  • lumbar puncture - noun removal by centesis of fluid from the subarachnoid space of the lumbar region of the spinal cord for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes
  • lumbosacral plexus - noun a nerve plexus formed by the ventral divisions of the coccygeal and sacral and lumbar nerves; supplies the lower limbs and perineum and coccygeal area
  • lunacy - noun obsolete terms for legal insanity; foolish or senseless behavior
  • lunatic - adj. insane and believed to be affected by the phases of the moon; noun an insane person; a reckless impetuous irresponsible person
  • lung - noun either of two saclike respiratory organs in the chest of vertebrates; serves to remove carbon dioxide and provide oxygen to the blood
  • lyme disease - noun an acute inflammatory disease characterized by a rash with joint swelling and fever; caused by bacteria carried by the bite of a deer tick
  • lymphatic system - noun the interconnected system of spaces and vessels between body tissues and organs by which lymph circulates throughout the body
  • lymphedema - noun swelling (usually in the legs) caused by lymph accumulating in the tissues
  • lymphoblast - noun an immature lymphocyte
  • lymphokine - noun a cytokine secreted by helper T cells in response to stimulation by antigens and that acts on other cells of the immune system (as by activating macrophages)
  • lymphoma - noun a neoplasm of lymph tissue that is usually malignant; one of the four major types of cancer
  • macrobiotic diet - noun a diet consisting chiefly of beans and whole grains
  • macrocytosis - noun the presence of macrocytes in the blood
  • madhouse - noun pejorative terms for an insane asylum
  • magnesium sulfate - noun a salt of magnesium
  • malacia - noun a state of abnormal softening of tissue
  • malaise - noun physical discomfort (as mild sickness or depression)
  • malignancy - noun (medicine) a malignant state; progressive and resistant to treatment and tending to cause death; quality of being disposed to evil; intense ill will
  • malingering - noun evading duty or work by pretending to be incapacitated
  • malnutrition - noun a state of poor nutrition; can result from insufficient or excessive or unbalanced diet or from inability to absorb foods
  • malpighian layer - noun the innermost layer of the epidermis
  • management - noun the act of managing something; those in charge of running a business
  • manchester - noun a city in northwestern England (30 miles east of Liverpool); heart of the most densely populated area of England; largest city in New Hampshire; located in southeastern New Hampshire on the Merrimack river
  • manhattan - noun a cocktail made with whiskey and sweet vermouth with a dash of bitters; one of the five boroughs of New York City
  • manna - noun hardened sugary exudation of various trees; (Old Testament) food that God gave the Israelites during the Exodus
  • manus - noun the (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb
  • marche - noun a region in central Italy
  • marrubium vulgare - noun European aromatic herb with hairy leaves and numerous white flowers in axillary cymes; leaves yield a bitter extract use medicinally and as flavoring
  • mary baker eddy - noun founder of Christian Science in 1866 (1821-1910)
  • mast - noun a vertical spar for supporting sails; any sturdy upright pole; nuts of forest trees used as feed for swine; nuts of forest trees (as beechnuts and acorns) accumulated on the ground; used especially as food for swine
  • materia medica - noun the science or study of drugs: their preparation and properties and uses and effects
  • means - noun how a result is obtained or an end is achieved; an instrumentality for accomplishing some end; considerable capital (wealth or income)
  • meatus - noun a natural body passageway
  • medical diagnosis - noun identification a disease from its symptoms
  • medical history - noun the case history of a medical patient as recalled by the patient
  • medical instrument - noun instrument used in the practice of medicine
  • medical procedure - noun a procedure employed by medical or dental practitioners
  • medical record - noun the case history of a medical patient as recalled by the patient
  • medical school - noun a graduate school offering study leading to a medical degree
  • medical specialty - noun the branches of medical science that deal with nonsurgical techniques
  • medication - noun the act of treating with medicines or remedies; (medicine) something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease
  • medicine chest - noun cabinet that holds medicines and toiletries
  • medroxyprogesterone - noun a progestin compound (trade name Provera) used to treat menstrual disorders
  • mefloquine - noun an antimalarial drug (trade name Larium and Mephaquine) that is effective in cases that do not respond to chloroquine; said to produce harmful neuropsychiatric effects on some people
  • megavitamin therapy - noun therapy based on a theory that taking very large doses of vitamins will prevent or cure physical or psychological disorders
  • megestrol acetate - noun a synthetic progestational compound used to treat endometrial carcinoma
  • melancholia - noun extreme depression characterized by tearful sadness and irrational fears
  • melanism - noun a condition characterized by abnormal deposits of melanin (especially in the skin)
  • melanoma - noun any of several malignant neoplasms (usually of the skin) consisting of melanocytes
  • melanosis - noun a condition characterized by abnormal deposits of melanin (especially in the skin)
  • mencken - noun United States journalist and literary critic (1880-1956)
  • menopause - noun the time in a woman's life in which the menstrual cycle ends
  • meromelia - noun congenital absence of part of an arm or leg
  • mestranol - noun a synthetic form of estrogen used in combination with a progestin in oral contraceptives
  • metamorphosis - noun a complete change of physical form or substance especially as by magic or witchcraft; the marked and rapid transformation of a larva into an adult that occurs in some animals; a striking change in appearance or character or circumstances
  • methocarbamol - noun muscle relaxant for skeletal muscles (trade name Robaxin) used to treat spasms
  • methyltestosterone - noun an androgenic compound contained in drugs that are used to treat testosterone deficiency and female breast cancer and to stimulate growth and weight gain
  • metoprolol - noun beta blocker (trade name Lopressor) used in treating hypertension and angina and arrhythmia and acute myocardial infarction; has adverse side effects (depression and exacerbation of congestive heart failure etc.)
  • microcyte - noun an abnormally small red blood cell (less than 5 microns in diameter)
  • microcytosis - noun a blood disorder characterized by the presence of microcytes (abnormally small red blood cells) in the blood; often associated with anemia
  • micropenis - noun an abnormally small penis
  • midazolam - noun an injectable form of benzodiazepine (trade name Versed) useful for sedation and for reducing pain during uncomfortable medical procedures
  • midbrain - noun the middle portion of the brain
  • miliary fever - noun epidemic in the 15th and 16th centuries and characterized by profuse sweating and high mortality
  • mimicry - noun the resemblance of an animal species to another species or to natural objects; provides concealment and protection from predators; the act of mimicking; imitative behavior
  • minimisation - noun the act of reducing something to the least possible amount or degree or position
  • miscarriage - noun failure of a plan; a natural loss of the products of conception
  • modiolus - noun the central conical bony pillar of the cochlea
  • molecular - adj. relating to simple or elementary organization; relating to or produced by or consisting of molecules
  • monitoring - noun the act of observing something (and sometimes keeping a record of it)
  • monoblast - noun a large immature monocyte normally found in bone marrow
  • monocytosis - noun increase in the number of monocytes in the blood; symptom of monocytic leukemia
  • monomania - noun a mania restricted to one thing or idea
  • monoplegia - noun paralysis of a single limb
  • morbilliform - adj. of a rash that resembles that of measles
  • morgue - noun a building (or room) where dead bodies are kept before burial or cremation
  • moron - noun a person of subnormal intelligence
  • morphine - noun an alkaloid narcotic drug extracted from opium; a powerful, habit-forming narcotic used to relieve pain
  • mortality rate - noun the ratio of deaths in an area to the population of that area; expressed per 1000 per year
  • multiple myeloma - noun myeloma that develops in several places at the same time
  • mumps - noun an acute contagious viral disease characterized by fever and by swelling of the parotid glands
  • mustard plaster - noun a plaster containing powdered black mustard; applied to the skin as a counterirritant or rubefacient
  • myoma - noun a benign tumor composed of muscle tissue
  • myotomy - noun surgical incision or division of a muscle
  • mysophobia - noun a morbid fear of dirt or contamination
  • myxoma virus - noun a poxvirus closely related to smallpox virus; causes benign gelatinous tumors in humans
  • myxomatosis - noun a viral disease (usually fatal) of rabbits
  • nabumetone - noun a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Relafen)
  • nalorphine - noun a narcotic antagonist (trade name Nalline) that counteracts the effects of narcotics (especially the effects of poisoning by morphine)
  • naloxone - noun a potent narcotic antagonist (trade name Narcan) especially effective with morphine
  • nape - noun the back side of the neck
  • naples - noun a port and tourist center in southwestern Italy; capital of the Campania region
  • nash - noun United States writer noted for his droll epigrams (1902-1971)
  • naturopathy - noun a method of treating disease using food and exercise and heat to assist the natural healing process
  • nebulizer - noun a dispenser that turns a liquid (such as perfume) into a fine mist
  • necrobiosis - noun (physiology) the normal degeneration and death of living cells (as in various epithelial cells)
  • necropsy - noun an examination and dissection of a dead body to determine cause of death or the changes produced by disease
  • necrosis - noun the localized death of living cells (as from infection or the interruption of blood supply)
  • nephrosis - noun a disease affecting the kidneys; a syndrome characterized by edema and large amounts of protein in the urine and usually increased blood cholesterol; usually associated with glomerulonephritis or with a complication of various systemic diseases
  • nephrotomy - noun incision into a kidney (usually to remove a kidney stone)
  • neurasthenia - noun nervous breakdown (not in technical use)
  • neuroanatomy - noun the anatomy of the nervous system
  • neurologist - noun a medical specialist in the nervous system and the disorders affecting it
  • neuron - noun a cell that is specialized to conduct nerve impulses
  • neuropathy - noun any pathology of the peripheral nerves
  • neurophysiology - noun the branch of neuroscience that studies the physiology of the nervous system
  • neuroscience - noun the scientific study of the nervous system
  • neurosis - noun a mental or personality disturbance not attributable to any known neurological or organic dysfunction
  • neurosurgery - noun any surgery that involves the nervous system (brain or spinal cord or peripheral nerves)
  • nevus - noun a blemish on the skin that is formed before birth
  • new zealand - noun North Island and South Island and adjacent small islands in the South Pacific; an independent country within the British Commonwealth; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1907; known for sheep and spectacular scenery
  • nitpicking - adj. quibbling over insignificant details
  • nitroglycerin - noun a heavy yellow poisonous oily explosive liquid obtained by nitrating glycerol; used in making explosives and medically as a vasodilator (trade names Nitrospan and Nitrostat)
  • nodule - noun a small node; (mineralogy) a small rounded lump of mineral substance (usually harder than the surrounding rock or sediment); small rounded wartlike protuberance on a plant
  • nonunion - adj. not belonging to or not allowing affiliation with a trade union
  • norethandrolone - noun a synthetic progestational hormone (trade name Norlutin) used in oral contraceptives and to treat endometriosis
  • nortriptyline - noun a tricyclic antidepressant drug (trade name Pamelor) used along with psychotherapy to treat dysthymic depression; may interact dangerously if taken with other drugs
  • nosology - noun the branch of medical science dealing with the classification of disease
  • novel - adj. pleasantly new or different; original and of a kind not seen before; noun a printed and bound book that is an extended work of fiction; a extended fictional work in prose; usually in the form of a story
  • obsessed - adj. influenced or controlled by a powerful force such as a strong emotion; having or showing excessive or compulsive concern with something
  • obsessive - adj. characterized by or constituting an obsession; noun a person who has obsessions
  • oculist - noun a medical doctor specializing in the treatment of diseases of the eye; a person skilled in testing for defects of vision in order to prescribe corrective glasses
  • odynophagia - noun severe pain on swallowing due to a disorder of the esophagus
  • ohio - noun a midwestern state in north central United States in the Great Lakes region; a river that is formed in western Pennsylvania and flows westward to become a tributary of the Mississippi River
  • old age - noun a late time of life
  • oliver - noun United States jazz musician who influenced the style of Louis Armstrong (1885-1938)
  • oncogene - noun a gene that causes normal cells to change into cancerous tumor cells
  • ontario - noun a prosperous and industrialized province in central Canada; the smallest of the Great Lakes
  • open fracture - noun bone fracture associated with lacerated soft tissue or an open wound
  • operating table - noun table on which the patient lies during a surgical operation
  • operating theater - noun a room in a hospital equipped for the performance of surgical operations
  • operculum - noun a hard flap serving as a cover for (a) the gill slits in fishes or (b) the opening of the shell in certain gastropods when the body is retracted
  • ophthalmology - noun the branch of medicine concerned with the eye and its diseases
  • ophthalmoscopy - noun examination of the interior of an eye using an ophthalmoscope
  • orchid - noun any of numerous plants of the orchid family usually having flowers of unusual shapes and beautiful colors
  • orpheus - noun (Greek mythology) a great musician; when his wife Eurydice died he went to Hades to get her back but failed
  • osteopathy - noun therapy based on the assumption that restoring health is best accomplished by manipulating the skeleton and muscles
  • osteosclerosis - noun abnormal hardening or eburnation of bone
  • otic - adj. of or relating to near the ear
  • otitis - noun inflammation of the ear
  • otoscope - noun medical instrument consisting of a magnifying lens and light; used for examining the external ear (the auditory meatus and especially the tympanic membrane)
  • oval window - noun fenestra that has the base of the stapes attached to it
  • ovotestis - noun hermaphroditic gonad that contains both testicular and ovarian tissue
  • ovulation - noun the expulsion of an ovum from the ovary (usually midway in the menstrual cycle)
  • oxazepam - noun a tranquilizing drug (trade name Serax) used to treat anxiety and insomnia and alcohol withdrawal
  • oxford - noun a low shoe laced over the instep; a city in southern England northwest of London; site of Oxford University; a university town in northern Mississippi; home of William Faulkner; a university in England
  • oxycephaly - noun a congenital abnormality of the skull; the top of the skull assumes a cone shape
  • oxygen - noun a nonmetallic bivalent element that is normally a colorless odorless tasteless nonflammable diatomic gas; constitutes 21 percent of the atmosphere by volume; the most abundant element in the earth's crust
  • pachyderma - noun thickening of the skin (usually unilateral on an extremity) caused by congenital enlargement of lymph vessel and lymph vessel obstruction
  • paediatrics - noun the branch of medicine concerned with the treatment of infants and children
  • painting - noun the occupation of a house painter; the act of applying paint to a surface; creating a picture with paints; graphic art consisting of an artistic composition made by applying paints to a surface
  • palatine raphe - noun the seam at the middle of the hard palate
  • pallor - noun unnatural lack of color in the skin (as from bruising or sickness or emotional distress)
  • palsy - noun a condition marked by uncontrollable tremor; loss of the ability to move a body part; verb affect with palsy
  • panacea - noun hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; once sought by the alchemists; (Greek mythology) the goddess of healing; daughter of Aesculapius and sister of Hygeia
  • pancreatitis - noun inflammation of the pancreas; usually marked by abdominal pain
  • panic disorder - noun an anxiety disorder characterized by unpredictable panic attacks; the attacks are usually severe but brief
  • pap test - noun a method of examining stained cells in a cervical smear for early diagnosis of uterine cancer
  • papillary tumor - noun a benign epithelial tumor forming a rounded mass
  • papule - noun a small inflamed elevation of skin that is nonsuppurative (as in chicken pox)
  • paracentesis - noun centesis of the belly to remove fluid for diagnosis
  • paramedic - noun a person trained to assist medical professionals and to give emergency medical treatment
  • parasitemia - noun a condition in which parasites are present in the blood
  • paresis - noun a slight or partial paralysis
  • pastille - noun a medicated lozenge used to soothe the throat
  • paternity - noun the state of being a father; the act of initiating a new idea or theory or writing; the kinship relation between an offspring and the father
  • path - noun a way especially designed for a particular use; an established line of travel or access; a line or route along which something travels or moves; a course of conduct
  • pathology - noun the branch of medical science that studies the causes and nature and effects of diseases; any deviation from a healthy or normal condition
  • peduncle - noun a bundle of myelinated neurons joining different parts of the brain; stalk bearing an inflorescence or solitary flower; the thin process of tissue that attaches a polyp to the body
  • pegleg - noun a prosthesis that replaces a missing leg
  • penicillamine - noun a drug (trade name Cuprimine) used to treat heavy metal poisoning and Wilson's disease and severe arthritis
  • penile implant - noun an implant that creates an artificial erection
  • penn - noun Englishman and Quaker who founded the colony of Pennsylvania (1644-1718); a university in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • pentobarbital - noun a barbiturate (trade name Nembutal) used as a sedative and hypnotic and antispasmodic
  • pericardium - noun a serous membrane with two layers that surrounds the heart
  • periodic breathing - noun abnormal respiration in which periods of shallow and deep breathing alternate
  • peru - noun a republic in western South America; achieved independence from Spain in 1821; was the heart of the Inca empire from the 12th to 16th centuries
  • pessary - noun a contraceptive device consisting of a flexible dome-shaped cup made of rubber or plastic; it is filled with spermicide and fitted over the uterine cervix
  • petrissage - noun massage of the skin which is gently lifted and squeezed
  • pharmacology - noun the science or study of drugs: their preparation and properties and uses and effects
  • pharmacy - noun the art and science of preparing and dispensing drugs and medicines,; a retail shop where medicine and other articles are sold
  • pharyngeal recess - noun a small recess in the wall of the pharynx
  • pharynx - noun the passage to the stomach and lungs; in the front part of the neck below the chin and above the collarbone
  • phencyclidine - noun a drug used as an anesthetic by veterinarians; illicitly taken (originally in the form of powder or `dust') for its effects as a hallucinogen
  • phenylpropanolamine - noun an adrenergic drug used in many preparations to relieve allergic reactions or respiratory infections
  • phenytoin - noun an anticonvulsant drug (trade name Dilantin) used to treat epilepsy and that is not a sedative
  • philosophy - noun any personal belief about how to live or how to deal with a situation; the rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics; a belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school
  • physician - noun a licensed medical practitioner
  • physics - noun the science of matter and energy and their interactions
  • physiology - noun processes and functions of an organism; the branch of the biological sciences dealing with the functioning of organisms
  • pimple - noun a small inflamed elevation of the skin; a pustule or papule; common symptom in acne
  • pink lady - noun a cocktail made of gin and brandy with lemon juice and grenadine shaken with an egg white and ice
  • pityriasis - noun any of several skin disorders characterized by shedding dry flakes of skin
  • placebo - noun (Roman Catholic Church) vespers of the office for the dead; an innocuous or inert medication; given as a pacifier or to the control group in experiments on the efficacy of a drug
  • plasmapheresis - noun plasma is separated from whole blood and the rest is returned to the donor
  • plastic surgery - noun surgery concerned with therapeutic or cosmetic reformation of tissue
  • pleomorphism - noun (biology) the appearance of two or more distinctly different forms in the life cycle of some organisms; (chemistry) the existence of different kinds of crystal of the same chemical compound
  • plethysmograph - noun a measuring instrument for measuring changes in volume of a part or organ or whole body (usually resulting from fluctuations in the amount of blood it contains)
  • pleximeter - noun a small thin metal plate held against the body and struck with a plexor in percussive examinations
  • pneumonia - noun respiratory disease characterized by inflammation of the lung parenchyma (excluding the bronchi) with congestion caused by viruses or bacteria or irritants
  • police officer - noun a member of a police force
  • polio - noun an acute viral disease marked by inflammation of nerve cells of the brain stem and spinal cord
  • poliosis - noun loss of color from the hair
  • polymerase - noun an enzyme that catalyzes the formation of new DNA and RNA from an existing strand of DNA or RNA
  • population control - noun control over the growth of population; a government program
  • posset - noun sweet spiced hot milk curdled with ale or beer
  • poultice - noun a medical dressing consisting of a soft heated mass of meal or clay that is spread on a cloth and applied to the skin to treat inflamed areas or improve circulation etc.; verb dress by covering with a therapeutic substance
  • poultry - noun flesh of chickens or turkeys or ducks or geese raised for food; a domesticated gallinaceous bird thought to be descended from the red jungle fowl
  • power of attorney - noun a legal instrument authorizing someone to act as the grantor's agent
  • prandial - adj. of or relating to a meal
  • precordium - noun the external surface of the body overlying the heart and stomach
  • prednisolone - noun a glucocorticoid (trade names Pediapred or Prelone) used to treat inflammatory conditions
  • prednisone - noun a dehydrogenated analogue of cortisol (trade names Orasone or Deltasone or Liquid Pred or Meticorten); used as an anti-inflammatory drug in the treatment of arthritis and as an immunosuppressant
  • pregnancy - noun the state of being pregnant; the period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus
  • prescription drug - noun a drug that is available only with written instructions from a doctor or dentist to a pharmacist
  • pressure point - noun any of several points on the body where the pulse can be felt and where pressure on an underlying artery will control bleeding from that artery at a more distal point
  • prevention - noun the act of preventing
  • princess of wales - noun English aristocrat who was the first wife of Prince Charles; her death in an automobile accident in Paris produced intense national mourning (1961-1997)
  • pro re nata - adv. according to need (physicians use PRN in writing prescriptions)
  • proboscis - noun a long flexible snout as of an elephant; the human nose (especially when it is large)
  • prognosis - noun a prediction of the course of a disease; a prediction about how something (as the weather) will develop
  • progressive vaccinia - noun a severe or even fatal form of vaccinia that occurs mainly in persons with an immunological deficiency; characterized by progressive enlargement of the initial lesion
  • prosthesis - noun corrective consisting of a replacement for a part of the body
  • proto - adj. indicating the first or earliest or original
  • prurigo - noun chronic inflammatory disease of the skin characterized by blister capped papules and intense itching
  • psychiatric hospital - noun a hospital for mentally incompetent or unbalanced person
  • psychiatrist - noun a physician who specializes in psychiatry
  • psychiatry - noun the branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders
  • psychoanalyst - noun a licensed practitioner of psychoanalysis
  • psychologist - noun a scientist trained in psychology
  • psychology - noun the science of mental life
  • psychopathy - noun any disease of the mind; the psychological state of someone who has emotional or behavioral problems serious enough to require psychiatric intervention
  • psychosurgery - noun brain surgery on human patients intended to relieve severe and otherwise intractable mental or behavioral problems
  • purpura - noun any of several blood diseases causing subcutaneous bleeding
  • putrefaction - noun a state of decay usually accompanied by an offensive odor; moral perversion; impairment of virtue and moral principles; (biology) the process of decay caused by bacterial or fungal action
  • pyelogram - noun an X ray of the kidneys and ureters
  • pyknosis - noun a degenerative state of the cell nucleus
  • pyocyanase - noun a yellow-green mixture of antibiotics obtained from the bacillus of green pus
  • pyuria - noun presence of white blood cells in the urine; symptom of urinary tract infection
  • quackery - noun medical practice and advice based on observation and experience in ignorance of scientific findings; the dishonesty of a charlatan
  • quaker - noun one who quakes and trembles with (or as with) fear; a member of the Religious Society of Friends founded by George Fox (the Friends have never called themselves Quakers)
  • quality of life - noun your personal satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) with the cultural or intellectual conditions under which you live (as distinct from material comfort)
  • quarantine - noun isolation to prevent the spread of infectious disease; enforced isolation of patients suffering from a contagious disease in order to prevent the spread of disease; verb place into enforced isolation, as for medical reasons
  • rabid - adj. of or infected by rabies; marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea
  • radiation therapy - noun (medicine) the treatment of disease (especially cancer) by exposure to a radioactive substance
  • radiobiology - noun the branch of biology that studies the effects of radiation on living organisms
  • radiology - noun the branch of medical science dealing with the medical use of X-rays or other penetrating radiation; (radiology) examination of the inner structure of opaque objects using X rays or other penetrating radiation
  • radiotherapy - noun (medicine) the treatment of disease (especially cancer) by exposure to a radioactive substance
  • raptorial - adj. relating to or characteristic of birds of prey; living by preying on other animals especially by catching living prey
  • rash - adj. imprudently incurring risk; marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences; noun a series of unexpected and unpleasant occurrences; any red eruption of the skin
  • recrudescence - noun a return of something after a period of abatement
  • redcap - noun a porter who helps passengers with their baggage at a railroad station; a member of the military police in Britain
  • referral - noun the act of referring (as forwarding an applicant for employment or referring a matter to an appropriate agency); a recommendation to consult the (professional) person referred to
  • reformer - noun an apparatus that reforms the molecular structure of hydrocarbons to produce richer fuel; a disputant who advocates reform
  • regimen - noun (medicine) a systematic plan for therapy (often including diet)
  • rejuvenation - noun the act of restoring to a more youthful condition; the phenomenon of vitality and freshness being restored
  • reproductive cloning - noun making a full living copy of an organism; requires a surrogate mother
  • research - noun systematic investigation to establish facts; a search for knowledge; verb inquire into; attempt to find out in a systematically and scientific manner
  • residency - noun the position of physician who is receiving special training in a hospital (usually after completing an internship); the act of dwelling in a place
  • resuscitator - noun a breathing apparatus used for resuscitation by forcing oxygen into the lungs of a person who has undergone asphyxia or arrest of respiration
  • rhabdomyoma - noun benign rumor of striated muscle
  • rheumatology - noun the branch of medicine dealing with the study and treatment of pathologies of the muscles or tendons or joints
  • rhinoscope - noun medical instrument consisting of a mirror mounted at an angle on a rod; used to examine the nasal passages (through the nasopharynx)
  • riga - noun a port city on the Gulf of Riga that is the capital and largest city of Latvia; formerly a member of the Hanseatic League
  • riggs' disease - noun chronic periodontitis; purulent inflammation of the teeth sockets
  • rigor mortis - noun muscular stiffening that begins 2 to 4 hours after death and last for about 4 days; temporary stiffness of joints and muscular rigidity occurring after death
  • rima glottidis - noun the space between the two true vocal folds
  • rima vestibuli - noun the opening between the false vocal folds
  • rinderpest - noun an acute infectious viral disease of cattle (usually fatal); characterized by fever and diarrhea and inflammation of mucous membranes
  • risk of infection - noun the probability of becoming infected given that exposure to an infectious agent has occurred
  • robot - noun a mechanism that can move automatically
  • robustness - noun the characteristic of being strong enough to withstand intellectual challenge; the property of being strong and healthy in constitution
  • rostrum - noun beaklike projection of the anterior part of the head of certain insects such as e.g. weevils; a platform raised above the surrounding level to give prominence to the person on it
  • rubefacient - noun a medicine for external application that produces redness of the skin
  • rubinstein - noun Russian composer and pianist (1829-1894); United States pianist (born in Poland) known for his interpretations of the music of Chopin (1886-1982)
  • sabah - noun a region of Malaysia in northeastern Borneo
  • sadomasochism - noun sadism and masochism combined in one person
  • safe sex - noun sexual activity (especially sexual intercourse) with the use of measures (such as latex condoms) to avoid the transmission of disease (especially AIDS)
  • salp - noun minute floating marine tunicate having a transparent body with an opening at each end
  • salter - noun someone who makes or deals in salt; someone who uses salt to preserve meat or fish or other foods
  • samarium - noun a grey lustrous metallic element of the rare earth group; is used in special alloys; occurs in monazite and bastnasite
  • san pablo - noun a town in western California north of Oakland on an arm of San Francisco Bay
  • sauna - noun a Finnish steam bath; steam is produced by pouring water over heated rocks
  • scalp - noun the skin that covers the top of the head; verb remove the scalp of; sell illegally, as on the black market
  • scalpel - noun a thin straight surgical knife used in dissection and surgery
  • scar - noun a mark left (usually on the skin) by the healing of injured tissue; an indication of damage; verb mark with a scar
  • schiller - noun German romantic writer (1759-1805)
  • science fiction - noun literary fantasy involving the imagined impact of science on society
  • science - noun a particular branch of scientific knowledge; ability to produce solutions in some problem domain
  • scientific - adj. conforming with the principles or methods used in science; of or relating to the practice of science
  • sclerosis - noun any pathological hardening or thickening of tissue
  • scotland - noun one of the four countries that make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; located on the northern part of the island of Great Britain; famous for bagpipes and plaids and kilts
  • screening - noun testing objects or persons in order to identify those with particular characteristics; fabric of metal or plastic mesh; the display of a motion picture; the act of concealing the existence of something by obstructing the view of it
  • scrubs - noun protective garment worn by surgeons during operations
  • scurvy - adj. of the most contemptible kind; noun a condition caused by deficiency of ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
  • scute - noun large bony or horny plate as on an armadillo or turtle or the underside of a snake
  • sea louse - noun marine isopod crustacean
  • seasoning - noun the act of adding a seasoning to food; something added to food primarily for the savor it imparts
  • sequela - noun any abnormality following or resulting from a disease or injury or treatment
  • shaman - noun in societies practicing shamanism: one acting as a medium between the visible and spirit worlds; practices sorcery for healing or divination
  • shangri-la - noun any place of complete bliss and delight and peace
  • sheep - noun woolly usually horned ruminant mammal related to the goat; a docile and vulnerable person who would rather follow than make an independent decision; a timid defenseless simpleton who is readily preyed upon
  • shell shock - noun a mental disorder caused by stress of active warfare
  • shiatsu - noun treatment of symptoms by applying pressure with the fingers to specific pressure points on the body
  • sigmund freud - noun Austrian neurologist who originated psychoanalysis (1856-1939)
  • silk - noun a fabric made from the fine threads produced by certain insect larvae; fibers from silkworm cocoons provide threads for knitting
  • sine qua non - noun a prerequisite
  • singapore - noun an island south of the Malay Peninsula; a country in southeastern Asia on the island of Singapore; achieved independence from Malaysia in 1965; the capital of Singapore; one of the world's biggest ports
  • skeleton - noun the internal supporting structure that gives an artifact its shape; a scandal that is kept secret; something reduced to its minimal form; the hard structure (bones and cartilages) that provides a frame for the body of an animal
  • skin cancer - noun a malignant neoplasm of the skin
  • skin test - noun any test to determine immunity or sensitivity to a disease by introducing small amounts on or into the skin
  • small intestine - noun the longest part of the alimentary canal; where digestion is completed
  • snellen chart - noun display consisting of a printed card with letters and numbers in lines of decreasing size; used to test visual acuity
  • snout - noun a long projecting or anterior elongation of an animal's head; especially the nose; beaklike projection of the anterior part of the head of certain insects such as e.g. weevils; informal terms for the nose
  • social scientist - noun someone expert in the study of human society and its personal relationships
  • socrates - noun ancient Athenian philosopher; teacher of Plato and Xenophon (470-399 BC)
  • sodium bicarbonate - noun a white soluble compound (NaHCO3) used in effervescent drinks and in baking powders and as an antacid
  • software - noun (computer science) written programs or procedures or rules and associated documentation pertaining to the operation of a computer system and that are stored in read/write memory
  • sopor - noun a torpid state resembling deep sleep
  • souffle - noun light fluffy dish of egg yolks and stiffly beaten egg whites mixed with e.g. cheese or fish or fruit
  • south korea - noun a republic in the southern half of the Korean Peninsula; established in 1948
  • species - noun a specific kind of something; (biology) taxonomic group whose members can interbreed
  • speculum - noun a medical instrument for dilating a bodily passage or cavity in order to examine the interior; a mirror (especially one made of polished metal) for use in an optical instrument
  • sphygmomanometer - noun a pressure gauge for measuring blood pressure
  • spillover - noun (economics) any indirect effect of public expenditure
  • spinnbarkeit - noun the capacity of a viscous liquid (especially the cervical mucus) to be drawn out into a strand or blown up into a bubble
  • spironolactone - noun a synthetic corticosteroid (trade name Aldactone) used to treat hypertension
  • spleen - noun a large dark-red oval organ on the left side of the body between the stomach and the diaphragm; produces cells involved in immune responses; a feeling of resentful anger
  • squeamishness - noun the trait of being excessively fastidious and easily shocked; a mild state of nausea
  • stage fright - noun fear that affects a person about to face an audience
  • stainless steel - noun steel containing chromium that makes it resistant to corrosion
  • stenosis - noun abnormal narrowing of a bodily canal or passageway
  • stent - noun a slender tube inserted inside a tubular body part (as a blood vessel) to provide support during and after surgical anastomosis
  • stertor - noun the act of snoring or producing a snoring sound
  • stethoscope - noun a medical instrument for listening to the sounds generated inside the body
  • stigma - noun a skin lesion that is a diagnostic sign of some disease; an external tracheal aperture in a terrestrial arthropod; the apical end of the style where deposited pollen enters the pistil; a symbol of disgrace or infamy
  • stillbirth - noun a natural loss of the products of conception
  • stress fracture - noun fracture resulting from excessive activity rather than a specific injury
  • stroboscope - noun scientific instrument that provides a flashing light synchronized with the periodic movement of an object; can make moving object appear stationary
  • subluxation - noun partial displacement of a joint or organ
  • sulfapyridine - noun sulfa drug derived from pyridine and sulfanilamide
  • sulindac - noun a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Clinoril)
  • surfactant - noun a substance capable of reducing the surface tension of a liquid in which it is dissolved
  • surgeon - noun a physician who specializes in surgery
  • suriname - noun a republic in northeastern South America on the Atlantic; achieved independence from the Netherlands in 1975
  • surveillance - noun close observation of a person or group (usually by the police)
  • suture - noun thread of catgut or silk or wire used by surgeons to stitch tissues together; a seam used in surgery; an immovable joint (especially between the bones of the skull); verb join with a suture
  • sweating sickness - noun epidemic in the 15th and 16th centuries and characterized by profuse sweating and high mortality; a disease of cattle (especially calves)
  • sweden - noun a Scandinavian kingdom in the eastern part of the Scandinavian Peninsula
  • swine influenza - noun an acute and highly contagious respiratory disease of swine caused by the orthomyxovirus thought to be the same virus that caused the 1918 influenza pandemic
  • sydney - noun the largest Australian city located in southeastern Australia on the Tasman Sea; state capital of New South Wales; Australia's chief port
  • symptom - noun anything that accompanies X and is regarded as an indication of X's existence; (medicine) any sensation or change in bodily function that is experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular disease
  • syndrome - noun a complex of concurrent things; a pattern of symptoms indicative of some disease
  • syringe - noun a medical instrument used to inject or withdraw fluids; verb spray or irrigate (a body part) with a syringe
  • tabes dorsalis - noun syphilis of the spinal cord characterized by degeneration of sensory neurons and stabbing pains in the trunk and legs and unsteady gait and incontinence and impotence
  • tacamahac - noun poplar of northeastern North America with broad heart-shaped leaves
  • taiwan - noun an island in southeastern Asia 100 miles off the coast of mainland China in the South China Sea; a government on the island of Taiwan established in 1949 by Chiang Kai-shek after the conquest of mainland China by the communists led by Mao Zedong
  • tamoxifen - noun an antagonist for estrogen that is used in the treatment of breast cancer
  • tamponade - noun blockage or closure (as of a wound or body cavity) by (or as if by) a tampon (especially to stop bleeding)
  • tanner - noun a craftsman who tans skins and hides; a small coin of the United Kingdom worth six pennies; not minted since 1970
  • tantalum - noun a hard grey lustrous metallic element that is highly resistant to corrosion; occurs in niobite and fergusonite and tantalite
  • tapotement - noun massage in which the body is tapped rhythmically with the fingers or with short rapid movements of the sides of the hand; used to loosen mucus on the chest walls of patients with bronchitis
  • tardive - adj. late-occurring (especially with reference to symptoms of a disease)
  • teat - noun the small projection of a mammary gland
  • technetium - noun a crystalline metallic element not found in nature; occurs as one of the fission products of uranium
  • technology - noun the practical application of science to commerce or industry; the discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems
  • tenonitis - noun inflammation of a tendon
  • tentacle - noun any of various elongated tactile or prehensile flexible organs that occur on the head or near the mouth in many animals; used for feeling or grasping or locomotion; something that acts like a tentacle in its ability to grasp and hold
  • terra incognita - noun an unknown and unexplored region
  • terra sigillata - noun earthenware made from the reddish-brown clay found on the Aegean island of Lemnos
  • tetracycline - noun an antibiotic (trade name Achromycin) derived from microorganisms of the genus Streptomyces and used broadly to treat infections
  • thalidomide - noun a sedative and hypnotic drug; withdrawn from sale after discovered to cause severe birth defects because it inhibits angiogenesis
  • thanatology - noun the branch of science that studies death (especially its social and psychological aspects)
  • theca - noun outer sheath of the pupa of certain insects; a case or sheath especially a pollen sac or moss capsule
  • therapeutics - noun branch of medicine concerned with the treatment of disease
  • therapy - noun (medicine) the act of caring for someone (as by medication or remedial training etc.)
  • thioridazine - noun a tranquilizer (trade name Mellaril) used to treat schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
  • thoracentesis - noun removal of fluid from the chest by centesis for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes
  • thorax - noun part of an insect's body that bears the wings and legs; the part of the human torso between the neck and the diaphragm or the corresponding part in other vertebrates; the middle region of the body of an arthropod between the head and the abdomen
  • throat - noun a passage resembling a throat in shape or function; an opening in the vamp of a shoe at the instep; the passage to the stomach and lungs; in the front part of the neck below the chin and above the collarbone
  • thyroid gland - noun located near the base of the neck
  • ticonderoga - noun a pitched battle in which American revolutionary troops captured Fort Ticonderoga from the British in 1775
  • tissue typing - noun a series of diagnostic tests before an organ transplant to determine whether the tissues of a donor and recipient are compatible
  • titanium - noun a light strong grey lustrous corrosion-resistant metallic element used in strong lightweight alloys (as for airplane parts); the main sources are rutile and ilmenite
  • tolazoline - noun vasodilator that is used to treat spasms of peripheral blood vessels (as in acrocyanosis)
  • tomentum - noun a network of tiny blood vessels between the cerebral surface of the pia mater and the cerebral cortex; filamentous hairlike growth on a plant
  • tongue depressor - noun a thin depressor used to press the tongue down during an examination of the mouth and throat
  • tooth enamel - noun hard white substance covering the crown of a tooth
  • tophus - noun a deposit of urates around a joint or in the external ear; diagnostic of advanced or chronic gout; an incrustation that forms on the teeth and gums
  • toronto - noun the provincial capital and largest city in Ontario (and the largest city in Canada)
  • tourniquet - noun bandage that stops the flow of blood from an artery by applying pressure
  • toxicology - noun the branch of pharmacology that deals with the nature and effects and treatments of poisons
  • transdermal - adj. through the unbroken skin; refers to medications applied directly to the skin (creams or ointments) or in time-release forms (skin patches)
  • transgender - adj. involving a partial or full reversal of gender
  • trephine - noun a surgical instrument used to remove sections of bone from the skull; verb operate on with a trephine
  • triage - noun sorting and allocating aid on the basis of need for or likely benefit from medical treatment or food
  • trichinella spiralis - noun parasitic nematode occurring in the intestines of pigs and rats and human beings and producing larvae that form cysts in skeletal muscles
  • trichinosis - noun infestation by trichina larvae that are transmitted by eating inadequately cooked meat (especially pork); larvae migrate from the intestinal tract to the muscles where they become encysted
  • trigeminal nerve - noun the main sensory nerve of the face and motor nerve for the muscles of mastication
  • tubercle - noun a swelling that is the characteristic lesion of tuberculosis; a protuberance on a bone especially for attachment of a muscle or ligament; small rounded wartlike protuberance on a plant
  • tympanites - noun distension of the abdomen that is caused by the accumulation of gas in the intestines or the peritoneal cavity
  • ulcer - noun a circumscribed inflammatory and often suppurating lesion on the skin or an internal mucous surface resulting in necrosis of tissue
  • united kingdom - noun a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles; divided into England and Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland
  • united states army - noun the army of the United States of America; the agency that organizes and trains soldiers for land warfare
  • ureteritis - noun inflammation of the ureter
  • urinal - noun a plumbing fixture (usually attached to the wall) used by men to urinate
  • urinary bladder - noun a membranous sac for temporary retention of urine
  • vaccine - noun immunogen consisting of a suspension of weakened or dead pathogenic cells injected in order to stimulate the production of antibodies
  • vacuolization - noun the state of having become filled with vacuoles
  • validation - noun the act of validating; finding or testing the truth of something; the cognitive process of establishing a valid proof
  • vapours - noun a state of depression
  • variegation - noun variability in coloration; the act of introducing variety (especially in investments or in the variety of goods and services offered)
  • vasomotor - adj. relating to the nerves and muscles that cause the blood vessels to constrict or dilate
  • venography - noun roentgenographic examination of veins
  • vertex - noun the point of intersection of lines or the point opposite the base of a figure; the highest point (of something)
  • vesicle - noun a small anatomically normal sac or bladderlike structure (especially one containing fluid)
  • veterinarian - noun a doctor who practices veterinary medicine
  • veterinary medicine - noun the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of animals (especially domestic animals)
  • victor herbert - noun United States musician and composer and conductor noted for his comic operas (1859-1924)
  • vinegar - noun sour-tasting liquid produced usually by oxidation of the alcohol in wine or cider and used as a condiment or food preservative; dilute acetic acid
  • virginia woolf - noun English author whose work used such techniques as stream of consciousness and the interior monologue; prominent member of the Bloomsbury Group (1882-1941)
  • vital statistics - noun data relating to births and deaths and health and diseases and marriages
  • voyager - noun a traveler to a distant land (especially one who travels by sea)
  • wellness - noun a healthy state of wellbeing free from disease
  • whistleblower - noun an informant who exposes wrongdoing within an organization in the hope of stopping it
  • willem einthoven - noun Dutch physiologist who devised the first electrocardiograph (1860-1927)
  • wingspan - noun linear distance between the extremities of an airfoil
  • witch hazel - noun lotion consisting of an astringent alcoholic solution containing an extract from the witch hazel plant; any of several shrubs or trees of the genus Hamamelis; bark yields an astringent lotion
  • withdrawal - noun the act of withdrawing; the termination of drug taking; the act of taking out money or other capital; a retraction of a previously held position; avoiding emotional involvement; formal separation from an alliance or federation
  • xanthopsia - noun visual defect in which objects appear to have a yellowish hue; sometimes occurs in cases of jaundice
  • xanthosis - noun an abnormal yellow discoloration of the skin
  • xenotransplantation - noun a surgical procedure in which tissue or whole organs are transfered from one species to another species
  • xeroderma - noun a mild form of ichthyosis characterized by abnormal dryness and roughness of the skin
  • xeroradiography - noun radiography using X-rays and xerographic (rather than roentgenographic) techniques
  • xerostomia - noun abnormal dryness of the mouth resulting from decreased secretion of saliva
  • xian - noun a city of central China; capital of ancient Chinese empire 221-206 BC
  • yellow flag - noun common yellow-flowered iris of Europe and North Africa, naturalized in United States and often cultivated
  • zebra - noun any of several fleet black-and-white striped African equines
  • zero hour - noun the time set for the start of an action or operation
  • zirconium dioxide - noun a white crystalline oxide; used in refractories and in insulation and abrasives and enamels and glazes
  • zoologist - noun a specialist in the branch of biology dealing with animals
  • zoology - noun the branch of biology that studies animals; all the animal life in a particular region or period
  • zoonosis - noun an animal disease that can be transmitted to humans
  • zoophobia - noun a morbid fear of animals

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD